, , VOLUME XVI.. FITTSBERGII MORNING POST. Fri ;Vs' cud, pc.,l,Ciet , 3 every snorrisn,g,Sten. days ercepfef) LIT JAl7,..ss P. Blllin t lo to: Y..r..T.Z•775..."2 COM172:11 cr WOOD LITD rant EITAMS, T6'1113 —"'lve, Dollars a year, payabteet_ictly in advance Il t In -- ..r1-.14 :4(1 - n1.NQ if not paid the year. ei r '17".%) CriNiz—for gate et tho counter in au.' by the Ni.wo P. _.y v • F. A. I' 0 r ADVEP.TISING. Or. c P"';.'•• 0:1'y.11',.%, r `l • • • ft-. 141 paper. Doe . .... I 60 7-7, - o Mee:IAMB—, '7s' 75 tr_si.rtvons, 1 001 1 ICO one wen 175 60 'F cc, 300 '2 Cl 160 I tree 400 a 6: 2CO 12. 100 Ooe month 00 3 a.; 60 11% 1 5 No m0uth5.........7 08 el: 66 2 250 Tl , ree ..... 000 C•i. 3 460 :3 00 fotir month. ..... 10 00 6of 5 3 85 1 460 Pico meLille.— 11 00 7 2.5 660 0 (51 660 St' mouth., 12 (0 800 O Ott 4 I ' l '.I 6 G ig Nine month., 16 E.O 10 35 800 5 ezi C r ' CL_e yoa- 23 00 13 35 10 Oh 6co 12 00 Cara, sit 11:103 c. - lens, per annum 10 00 ; - .32.11LL3 A 4 YIYASCI.E: Ono ecin per nun L.., er.clnalve ci the paper,)....... VOO .I.larrt4o r.ottca, 60 ccate ;Death notices, 25 cents PITTSBURGH POST A rtIAI6AI OTE-11 s WEE,PaLV. ONLY ONE DOLLiq fEAR, Cf"..,11E3 OS Ti:.i tat _EI a Srattscriptioria, - - per annum. CONTAINS LLIL CURRENT NEWS 05" SUE DAY. Id Crary, Commer c, 1, Local, T,..lezruphic and IVEcellanto - _•h. mis Paper:zing cf the 1-4.1 and neatly print() on Sne crlute paper, In large, clear typo, will be found by the sat-F.:Tiber to Oct, better eetisfaction then any paper pnclivhed in Pittzhargh. Thr:Fe who wish to take a pacer from Pittabareli, will find i he SAL tO,DLY POST a cafe and pro%talile ir.vostroant. Addr--=, JA.M. r .t:S P. X 1.1.11-11, E*l7 Editor and Pr. rioter. 1.3. E. DATA& SD. A. A 111.1119 13,433,E1 ,Sz MYERS , BOOK MI) JOB OFPICE 9 POST BUTT Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBIJR GII. THE n_r_dersigned having made eitonsivo additions of tho 'LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE TYPE, and improved bduchiucr3 - , to the MORNING POST JOB OPPIOE, invite tho n ttentica of Rail Road Officer Elzret.ant2, br.J.ll , 18:8 men, and the phhlitc ganeri. l ls, to thoir up , rior facilities for executing witn dispatch, on re-gra:table erme, ell hinds cf EL A I L 0 , DfEEICAATTELE, L filit AL , AND 0 - 11113 DESCRIPTION UP PLAIN ,81; FANCY PRINTING mater - il being nearly all Lew, we can give ea:T.:- Once of the mos'. roimpl , ' . .3 elt - n4.l.ction, cad eoLci: ender or BOOKS, PAM/ . IU, RAIL ROAD DILLS AND CARDS, BANK 1.1E2E9, Li TER IC.,A_DS, BILL 1111_51)S, BILLS LADING, CIRCULAI.?, PLIVECEI"S CARDS, PAPER BO E.F, DaDDS, hItiIITGAGES, BONDF, Zir• Particular attention will also b - '.aid to the prim:ine, of Posters, Prazuraurice, Lc. for Concerto, Ezhililtnas and Clocase... BARR A LITERS. BUSINESS CARDS. _ Tile F.. etspf.e s D. S. DIEFFENBACHER 6z; CO., Cheap Ca-oh Doalc .n al: PaAdonable BOOT , SH.O re ES GAITERS, For Gentl.r..on, La Ilea, Youths and Children, Pie. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, ocß G. P.133.L4- ....... 300000" 9 JOir2l3o:l PERRIN JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs 00.'9 Patont Elastic Fire nazi Water Proof Consent Root:l=g. 133 iffraii STREET. (RDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith [any CXDCLIC.I. and all our work werr-rt- 1. Roofing mator.aiLlways on hand, uad for eels, with di rection-, for hoe, JOS. V. 13..t.m.razn0.t.: et., ENGINEEFIS IvLICBANISTS, Orr of P.r:t Lderly Vreele, ITEM oit STEAM ENGINES for Grist 0 and linty Brevories, Printinz tlatabliollnients, Illttnufactorioa, c., n- de to order. Th-y continue the tnnfacture of-their Celobrattd Tools, 311011 ea ning Lathes, Iron Planc•re, Boring and Drilling Machines, kr. Afro, Wronght.lran Ehafting, with Palleys, Hat:.l go yd re, le:8 J...!i '. E6G - .M..."07.i... .. T1107.03,M... it C. LILLI.I.P' ~ jOilli Ti2OII,EPSOST & CO., V - YOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND Y..._ 41.. GRAINEES,,No. 133 a'bd - d etre ot. SIGN P ALNT IIaI ,zetuted with neatness and d0.41.3 , c3. 111 ir..rti Painta, Oils , Turpentine, Vandal, Japsr, and English Patent Dry- Cr , l, 1 dle Ilontalgnellincit, a very tuperior article; Phila de'lida and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for rd - . We aro prspared to grini colors fur Painters, Drug po , or others, at rim shortest ovtico, an We Lore a UM 5...- , . o grinds by eteom Pail, - ; rA wid sari money by get t aotr; colors mCLI Orld a :t.' ..,,,. Intr3:ly - - _ - I ---- 717 2---- - --. 77-._ ' ' -4rl - ' GOLD AND SILVER, SPECTACLES, FT AnUF ACTURE S PEACES. HYDROMETERS or weighing Bpirita, t I .ID al:i 1 , ,t. arti ever as-bt to this city . _ _ THERKO:ilt.i.k.i‘S AND BARAYLIIITERS, t‘t..!l lug _in price from ;8 to S3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, on hared nt G. E. BRAVOS, Pra,:ticad Optician, 53 Fit &rec.!. opposite Mawc.io Sall B. C. & J. I. SAVPWEEZ, ~~OYi~di.~ i,c L'.111) OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILE I', AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 47 Wood street* Pittsburgh* Pa. JOHN EIBER & CO., Friri DYERS IND SCOURERS) IcTo. r:v.r.x..x WOOD exi) Lil ESEES-Td, PiTTSBURGH, All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and ecny des...—ription of Bilk. and Woolen Goods executed a: st. - rt. notice, and ou relsocablo terms. lap2a2m Office of Sealer of Weights an Flea.sures. m'ELE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, I.= OF WEIGHTS 41W NELWRES, be forma henceforth, in Cherry alley, bets,ton Third ar:.l Fourth et.reots, where orders may be lef 3 t CLIAR.LR BARNETT. 6 7 - S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens jUst I • and for gale at the Stationery Store, j. 43 Nos. 21, 33 and 35 afar .8t Went. - - - - rpLIR F.RiNKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —Tlwe ll kn awn and popular annual, formerly pub .by Johnston it Stockton, after a lapse of years, will ,'n-shortly to issued. The circulations as formerly will t, attdo skillful mathematician., Sanford 0. Hlll, L,q., alio will also prepare for Its pages such reading mat, ter as will mike it an entertaining and instructive resides the reliable astronomical cslculati.ns, a new and itigeniz , us tilde of =au, an accurate method of draiving n_eridian lined, and other matters of permanent value will La added. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are cc:licit-xi in advance of publication, es but one edition will be printed, orders will be ;lied according, to priority. JaEIaYSTON k CO.. Pilt,ii - -bors, Printers, finstioricts, and Blank Book 3lakere, Li Word Ittrect, Pittsburgh • jeTI fI . IIEESE.--x"0 0 boxes good cutting Cheese ‘..-/ received and for sale by JI 26 lIENIIT EL COLLINS. TARCH.-25 0 bores Pearl Starch in store ),1 cud for rzlo by Jl-26 LARD OIL.-We ILhave commenced menu tacturin,F, lard 011, and will be pleased to recetvo or arts for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar W. We will fill barrels returned when-deal:ed. , E. O. k 3. H.-SAWYER, - • - . _ - No, 47 %nod Nali....—t. iANO.N 1 S - T--fiibbiz long for-r ale in VI mOl 74, OW.'tt 3 .. _ . f= 1 - • , ~, ,if. __ , , it.,-.:..; gip. - 0 / , I 11 .!: i , - - i'' ! ‘ / 4 , ...... .„ , „ ....„ ...,. ~ ; : , 0. _ - -i. ;:-,. lOr . t .... 4 •...... • . = ,1 1 .. , ' ~J) = )T e t .,4„. ; 4 ..- _ ....: % .7 5. ,1, ~_ IN. Il ksiv 10,0. ' . It e c..: -a - - g , ' . •1S . 'l / 4 .6 , I' A V I` - # ' - ' r r , . .r ., i , I' , 1 k . . ......ig .... r.l .^4 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATEENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA-, Jan. 1, 1.358, its presented to the Stockholders, and made out in compliance with the State Lawn of New York, Ohio, Indlana,lllincds, Lo. STATENC.7 7 .. 'The name of the Company is the PARAIRRS' UNION IN SURANCI COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13,1853, by the Legisfature of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, a hich lq all paid up $ 2GOJX)O 00 Enrplas in addition thereto ................ 63,485 51, A 331711 Fifty four Beads and Mortgages, at six and seven 'fi cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate t0...5152,316 Which mortgages are or value hie and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and Bret liens, worth generally doable the amount and more than mort• F-.ged for in each case, and in no case less than fifty 'f cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and so certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tore of the staid of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six "ii cent. Bonds amply secured ....... 417,885 00 Cash on hand and in Bank. 6,449 12 Cash in bands of Agents, and in, C 01.117,45 of VrkrismiAilor, secured to bonds with snretioa.- Bno cn lexica re-inenred, tc.c Bilis recsivsble, promissory otee payable at bank and to the Company Interest ac , ...reed, (principally due January 1, 185.8,) tote had :Moe Fixtures and Fuini tar,-.. ....... . ................ ........ f.OO CK.I 2.53,480 moo= eon vas If g_4ll. 1857. Amount et Premiums reoeived during the year $ 85,231 33 Anit hature-t re:elved during the year . 11,442 05 Ain't received from ell other sonroos . 2,480 00 IZPINDITUE-13. Expens , for the year, including commissions, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes n'ad all other expenaes......s 19,199 6,; Dividends paid during the year 17,090 90 Lisa paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1366 Lossea pair which occurred during the year 16,661 91 TIIM TUE& LOS.K.4 adjusted and not dne (sinco paid) 12,600 99 Logra.z incurred end in proms of adjußtinent lons reported,ou which no ection - has bean taken Loss- restated, on ground of insur• anus altar fire, property transfer red before loss, property lost not voiered by the Policy, c: 12,100 00 ---$ 30,407 09 Whole amou tof risks taken during the year 45,129,863 00 Whole amount of risk at date. 4,861,410 00 tsis..s PiNNSILVANIA, COUNTY OF BILLDPORD, 32. C. N. Stip:flan, Prez:dont, and J. E. Canneld, Secretary of the Farmerd Juion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for bin F.elf tap, that the foregoing is a true, full end correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de scribed mt.cers thereof. C. N. S - 11PIIAN, President. J. CA N?IET.D, Secretary. Sot e,r. - :bed 1.:Al sworn befre me, this 25th day of Jana. ary, IL C. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. 111:INTitlt, Agnnt, No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh._ RE INSURANCE, F,elf =treca litatual EliSUrearee CO. Dl* I LDING 8 , LIMITED OR PERPETUAL,. MERU - DISE, P'JRNITURE, &Z., IN TOWN OR. CIOUNTII Y. Eo. 300 Waluzit street. CAPITAL, W. 77,528 ..... ...ASSE7S, 62521,4813 08. Invusi fl 3 follows, viz:— Pint 51.ettroge on Improved City Property, worth der.bla tue suaoruit $120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage i. 30,030 cent 25,600 00 A Count; 6 per cent. Pen n'a It. IL Loo 10.000 00 r.3yJva:.ia dsilrood Co.'s Stock.-- .......... 4,000 00 I-tee% of the :..telia•ace Mutual illall'aP.oo Ce 19,150 00 ;.,71.. of County Fire Insurance Co . 1,0,60 00 Sett:, of Sundry Inintranr>3 Companie3 47 6 00 ITeccita ole s iracinass intper 62,711 50 POG> Aceodrits, monied ir.tereet, ete 3,335 19 en , h. on head and in Ba&r 10,043 20 Glom Tingley, William R. Thompoon, David B. P.rown, tii•rn llt Stevondon, John IL Worrell, H. L. Cordon, Rob. , ,rt Poland, P~ooce Johnson. Charles S. Wood, AGICA S. tor B. 1 , .! d. GAL' mr3 North-oagt. . M - Eil - Cll4l - CTS' USURENCE COHPANYS Of Philadelphia.. rErTIT, Prczident D. J. 3:TANN, Seerqary. u: Capital et.3ck paid in and Lawstud...s2iti,ooo rinrylat 6.1,428 2e3,V2.3 a 5 neirr3 Cargo on tin Ohio and Itic,1311)1.1 Riven ex.ii tritra Insrarog 7 f l lnst logi c Cwnage by Piro, apinet iho I'Oril.7 of fha 8::a r.nd Inland is; aTtgaty•ii Tranipc.ctatioa. . . . - . wm. v. Pcetit, J. C. 11. - ritgamery, Juha M. Pncaroy, D. J. Mce.:lsa. E. 7,." Witnrar, P.,,,ne tiruilon, L. Woolstan, Juhu A. MtrEtil.ll, Chttf...B. Wright., Johh J. Patterson, ihweed T. L'azry. OP PI CURB: WILLIAM V. BRD.EI r, L'. ir. wITM fl, rt:c Pre:itimt. D. J. 11.1,A7ANN, 11.31•113D1TC 2 6: rl:ilzd.-214.1::1; Phi: , Mph : Bolger, Lomb .4C0., I Btaltolltz, Justice A. Co., Trußz Bro. Beck, Morgan Stidfole, A. T. I.ane Pur.amy,Caliw y ell & Or. P.ITTSBURGII OFFICE, B 7 WATER BTRLET. at. 9 It. W. POIND'EXTICE., Agent. *NEST EtRANCII MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, eITAILTE.RRO LAY THID Lnell3L.l.lliRE OP PENPAYLVISLA C 0.27, ..... V:100,000 Premium N0tee.4132,812. friin COMPANY WILL INSURE ON F IYlercliandiso, Furniture, /cc., 1n town or .J. Pierce, Hon. G. 0. Ilarvey, I Charles A. Mayer, 11 Charles Grist, rotor Dickinson, A. bra ms, i l) H. Jackman, IW. White, Thomas Ritchon. HON. G. C. HARVEY, President. Vico President. sc.s. Minim; Sat:rotary. Samuel 11. Lloyd, I Dr. J. B. Crawford, A. A. Winogarduer, I John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. S. Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. C FlFTHprrrsßneu. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. _ rwillE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PIELLADELFI II A. brallcsoua--Obarles W. Banker, Thomas Hark Tablas \Cagan Samuel Grant, Jacob 8.. Smith, Geo. W. Rl.-her ds, hiordel D. Lewis, Adolph! E. Berle, David 8. BroWnsi Mot , ris Pu.t.mmen. Ortas. N. Barccuza, President. Cam. O. Baticltzt, Bocretary. etual or limited Continuo to make isimaranco, perp, on every icsalption of property, In town and country, at rates as tow as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Ynnd, `t, (oh, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, of. ft'rd ample protection to the esanled. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1851, as pcb• fished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, via: ..rtoragt• i 1.8,128 BS r-eal F.ststo . 84,377 78 Temporary loans 33,988 l Stoo 61.489 Cash, J;:.-• ....... ..... ....... „ .... ..... 84,846 81 Total 11-,VWO3 44 J dice their incorporation, a period cl twenty-ono ran, they havo r.aid upward of Ono niiilion soar hundred Thou. sand Dollans3 oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of Lhe advantages of ins - or:ince, as well as the ability and dispoedon to lime. with promptness all liabuites. 3. GAILDDIER COFFIN, Agent, i nerth-esst cor. 'Wood and Third sta. ---- - WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY Or PITTSBURGH. • rvoder.t; GEOF.GF P. H. Gosport, Secretary. Orif No. tiff Water street, (Speng A Oo'e Warehouse,) ap stairs, Pittsburgh. F: iil ir-sare against all Linda of - ! ZILE:INR 1114.8. A Homo InaUtiation, LL' an by Di. 1, who are a ell or, in the community, and who are def.-mined, by prOmptrielii and liberality, to maintain the haracter which they have &Sallied, as offering the host prat - ,-t, thp.c who desire AESEL3, ocTorzil gist, 1557. Stock. Accounts, ale Once Fun'tura, Open Aczcllnta, Premium Notes„.... Bilis Dlszcuated, 1:1-aseTons (1. - ierge Dante, .D.. ~.illlcr, Jr., J. W. Mater, °tarp W. Jackson, Jatues '..lc. Auley, Ales.= Andrew Ackley, Win. Nathaniel HQlmas, Allneuuler .Niraltir, D.M. Long,, Wm. 11.,ernith, 0. W. ittege .. goi, • - ' 11.1 C GORDON :nevli _ c. ,„ 0 ,.... e ...----- -------- - - ---'''-- B - . 4. kr. IE4 14 eaiiiiiiiß f acon, a or sale— bl N 4214 WIL 4 &UM 00! lIENRY IL COLLINS PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT Thu gi POST BUILDINGS," 001114. R O? WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE. 18,7tTi 111 7,336 31 1 19 4V $ 913 , 4 ''' BY TIER OF PHILADELPHIA , 52,45 s 89 CLEM TINGLRY, 17esid.ut. DaICSOHLL Samuel Eisphatn, Robert Steen, Will !itr.Eser. &Aliolin W. Tingley, Morahan EIIII, Z. Lothrop, eharle3 Leland, .18,z ob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Win. Y. Scruple, Pltteb'g 1. LUNCH NIAN, Secretary. DINE COFFIN, Agent, . or Third and Wood streeta. CIITEECED LOCK HAVEN; CLINTO:V COUNTY. DIE3OIOIIB INSURA.NCE. P TSB ILB; LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, IRecid.i. AIAL BRADLEY, Vico kresidatil B. A. RINZELLILT Secretary. This Company makes !nary M.-crane° appet mining to cr connected with ÜBE RISKS. . • Also, against HULL AND CARO° RISKS on the Ohl. and Mississippi Divers and trihntart3A, and b..fAILINE Milli 6 generally. And agaluot Loos and Damage by giro, and agalet,t Potts of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Tra1.61—rt ,. ,1 , .. , .. Policies issa , ,l et the lowest ratee crnxleteat e.lth hint . ill parlios Robert aalway, Joseph P. Gauram, M. 1) , James Marshall, 31.1909 W. Hailmas, Alexander Bradley, John Fullerton, David H. Chomllers, William Carr, Eureka lusuranee Company of Penusy OFFICE, NO. 99 WATER ST., PITTSBURGH Aaacts..rla,y 1, 1858 stock, Duo Bills—payable on demand and secured by two approved names $ 76,590 00 Cash In Pittsburgh Trust Company 62,280 37 Premium Notes 02 993 00 Hills lteoalvablo.., 16,936 01 123 shares Exchange Bank. Stock--c05t..... ....... 6,950 00 blt do Ilechaelcs' Bank Stout—cost 5,490 63 300 do Iron City Book St6ok—amount paid. 7.600 00 200 do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 6,000 Otl Book Ai-COI:11AB 13,25) 34 DIREOTOIIB. J. 11. Elioembe , rger, G W. Cass, W. K. Nle, lsa 4e. NI. Pennock, J elan A. Canghey, W. W. lilartin, C. W. Batchelor, 11. 'S. Leech, Jr., K. D. Cbchran, David 'l/cCamiless, James J. Bennett, George S. Belden Wm. J. Anderson, ,J. 81 ROUT. IfINNEY, Secretary, t.99,1D3 3 CITIZENS' INSURANCE 4JOMPANV OF PITTBBVROII. WLLLL&M BAGALEY, Pr.vlderz BAISITEL L. MARBMILL, Sceretary. 017103: 94 Water ereef,boltosen Market and Wood itree,s Insures EIILL AND °ARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. inenree against Lose or Damage by MIRK Also, against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. William Bags.lay, Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Rea, Samuel M. Kier, Tames M. Cooper, John 8. Dilworth, Jamea Park, jr. granci a Senors, Isaac IL Pennock, William B. Capt. Springer Ilarbaugh, John Shipton, Capt. Samuel C. Young, Welter Bryant, John Caldwell. 1a.22 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND IIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opp.)site the 01:113t0121 }loose. TILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, oo trery description of .Property or Marchand at rcasonablc robs of premium Charles !Jaya, E. IL Cspe, E. B English, George. W. Brawn, P. B. Favors, Ja:s.pb S. Paul, C. Sharman, John C',^.yton, it. J. Ilagargas, E. Mix:. F. BLecasus.rm, Secretary. J. 0. COFFIN, Agent. d and Wood trot HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. SCOTT HOUSE, Cora•r Irwin Street wail Dtt.WAG:M.O Way, B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker H0u3,," 111>1revUlq fa ) THE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR OCg3T3. It eittist,a in a - central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The House ices built in 185 d, ah all modern iroprc,e meats, and fitted up in eplendid Eityl , --the entire Furniture being new—and will to every reapect be a Orel claca IloteL Iflne IiTA.P.LES are attached tlie promisee. Jerdly COIINUJCOFL RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. oNa glo ii, The attention of Merchants and others fa directed to this establishment, which has !Jaen recently lltted• up for the porpoae of affording a 2IIIISTAN TLAL EATMO HOUSE IN A OtiNTII.A.L LOCATION? Country Iblks`attsudlng market err particularly invitod to Eicorythiag portainir.g, to an EATING SALOON will ciwnys he found, of the frbahan the market affords. ap29:lydAw EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. 11.0 WRY, Proprietor, C•rrier -Pain street and Youghiogheny Sire?, Near the Railroad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. THE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. PLItTE order for the reception of vtaiters. It is beau- MVP.° located on the banks of the Youghiogheny river, and can be reached every day from the city by the Oonnellaville Railroad. The rooms are large, airy and well furntabedouul the could &Ole pleasanter place for a few, weeks summer reuideuce la3h country. 'A. few families can be accommo dated. Terma moderate. Address A. LOWRY, ray2ietf West Newton, Pa. THE NATIONAL SALOON, Under P'oster's New National Theatre, PITTBEUEGE, PA, D, BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, - AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the Imp centre store In the ODD YELLOWS HALL. Firth street, as is FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND FALCON. Having bad many years' esre TiZEICE4 in the business, he L 3 prepared to supply the best the market alfords. His Bar will be ftrulshed at all times with the best WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The en trance to the Saloon, is in the centre of the Run, end re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT Sundays carepted.) WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENYA AVENUE 4. THIRD ST., WASIIINGTON, D. C. A. F. BEVERIDGE PUOPILIETH.I3 SS. H. W. KANAGA. U. S. HOTEL, Opposite the Pewee. Railroad Depot, ILMLIBBITRG, PA. Uels WASHINGTON HOTEL, YORKERLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES 13HAWNON, Proprietor. PHIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CIENTE/Lb AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and hue - undergone a thorough impi-ovemont, remodeled and furnished with now furniture, and to now the moat conve nient Hotel in Pitteburgh, for Trovelore by P , Firoad, Sant or West. - nadtly IaANSIQN HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ: PLOPHtiTOR No. 344 Liberty street, just beside the enssonger Depot of the Pennsylvania Rediroad, which makes it the most convenient house in the city for passengers cirri• Thvinby that road. e proprietor having, at oonsidarable expense, fated up, in excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect thlly solicit a share of public) patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE, and extensive WA4ON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teal:tartan. His Larder and Bar will be famished with the test the market can afford. febl:y Excelsior Restaurant, • - .R - ~ -, - -f, : . Na 111 WOOD &mei, Pirrxrcraaa, Pa •: 4...-: ~ WHOTmsokra AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAHR AND The undersigned has just received from the Eastern mar bet, selected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, ELLDDOOK, FRESH 00D PIM, EASTERN SUN HIGH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OH LABS FISH, New York Prince's Bay, IGgg Island, Egg Harbor, Shell Oysters. The Attest ever brought to this city. Every detirazy of the sezzon served, up at the EXCELSIOR RESTAURANT. $1 ,600 00 :160 00 Zl6l 67 240 00 P,478 04 QT. CLAIR HOTEL, eorner Penn and St. 1,3 Clair stmts. - Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, former ly of "Brown's 'fetal," 'laving taken this large and commo• thous lIOTEL, and having .refitted it in magnificent style, would resPoothilY invite his frieads and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convurdeneo of the house and.hialong experience in the business, ke.,e a n give entire satsfaction, and his charges moderate. feb22 Vild. O. OONITELLY. 14,84.1 46 .. 40,248 59 123,003 48 $317,641 73 uppliza;iott, Shorten Poarsont IsIO. 104 WOR tyPILKET, REAR 111 1 TH. - . IVirANUFAOTURERB OF TRUNKS, Va- Mogi fiat- and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles - 'r aveling Trunha, rpet Bage,•ho., keep constantly on large stock. We ' are prepared to do a wholesale trade,'and hay bg facilltinsticant out 4ocid stock atrednoed prices, we =odd (Huila the Reds to call and examine our goods be. tagapiatittlahaditagrha. Otrth ~s = ~:~: I I lEir) itGll-* WEDP. ES A .2 I 'GE - 91 05 earned. hillitertiaa, John dcott, David Richey, Ohariev Arbuthnot, Joceph S. Leech, N. 2. Hari, Robi, - rt Hartley, Jan. It' liOENBEEG ER, Preshleut my s:ltu D1112040E5 P.OBTIRT P. RING, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. DIEZAITOZ.3. PEMSBUIIGH, r BASTRI3II FISH 8. STKENIIIIOII.. -'"*,,"•••;':.., 7; • •-"•71,, • "*:-^'; ' * * * Z * L 4 , '` 0 1 `4•65 , ftg - ' *** V , l . ';k4A ***:l 7% - eat ~,A v itiim• • • • - 1 _ - • BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBERT LOOMIS. (nricceaaar to .i.:. T. C BTATIOI.UIIt AND DEALEIt IN ISD.DO+, PERU:K.)I6AL', A ICD !, HVY trN t. rittitnzt gh, ' . lEM=III3 Co-PartnersfeEp THE undersigned have faiter.A tho style of Wilt. C. jolitot.,, SAMUEL It. .101INSTO .4 , WILLI t~.L~I~II rt.h, :.rpt." 2.. 3,..LNYNtig, Wi3a. 14. jol4::PS'E'l):t 64. , ' 1311:111/ - 1: • ManuFt, '[•} k 3 And J.Jii .. I =I: l'oni TOBACCO AND 1). RINEIIAP." 'I:V 3AC+_ Sal'ety a:;d Ei..r.tnouaty@lH Ltzia•i. WIIYI.E, YUil B t? I.L; ANI Pt! .feliD FLUID, v,,,,en 30,11.rr art.l tt-e - 11,,:ht. Pure H.-.,rogeLe ,_ es , I Coal, preAtects the rho poet, e..efe port.sl,le - otton ,- 1 to i I,r m11;11.7, lere,'. el9.lller ~e expin-lou; 1:1.,e • 1-ylt e.u•l qu:te , a Lamps, of tlt, (6 tt .1 t: etruato2. r G , iD nmithnei., 67._ . : 4 y. lit/War:7 f co:/11t...”: ac rom UituCheuo, it tt: a littlo 1. - .1 gut •1 COOKING BY GAS. A WORD 'l'.) "1:1[ 1.AD1.1:: , . fri.HE HEATED 'fERM APPROAtAi aaI rvr cell ..sttozo:.3.l 11,• s to tho feet thlt COOKING, ETU, ewio be lone with ee,nout •, without. op .rtetslie hoot.: ;' b - ot. kirld with fl , Ept.,l-- * he al 0 1 , 10: y )11. rnumcht---s.using Itausgrave , 3 Gab tai)OkSLlg Slave, v.1..!c1t Ivo r c .efu.cdfnlly Ir.vitn )4..1l uttouL..ll, at No. I's 1 4 rait'utehl otE , t. ei ..4011 -, ‘ , 30N 6 bito, t.t".4. 0,11 / 1 7 .3 4 au4101:7 ki,ihtq for upl2:ld At RES' WO 4., N e N C 1 N, C u N. N 1 4.; N Li EC Pt ,tl 0 .N • 11 T 1 0 N, 0 N HId;TION,Cf./NI'L C"IION,C O '...ENC 'I`IONON I• CC'A' N , C ."‘ N C '4' O N, C N N N C UN t? U I (1 ••CONENCI. I, •: , .. rho tuo3t eat - 2 ;Ind eiTs.c.td.i. VV..4rtu. tu.v. to ns, .Prcpa4. , ,d and gold, wholezada 4,4,11, I.y AINUICLL Cur. W.:AA '.41.1;th ‘. l'.t.t..filurg".l., And sold lw Drnn471 , 4.4! or?, - ,:!: )42! 41T. CIiAILLES LIVERI STABLES.- - The under.igaed has LougLit ',ado • y of the ithet , relined Eal. tu gether with a Portion of the • xtote ,give stock of ithrses and Cur: late the property of .lases Miltilolt :1;10.1 LO the stunk ntioaed, he 11:, ..:so added o AJNI liOllSl5, BIJOGIES Clitttl_AGEs, h were formerly empleyit: nc t.ig I,ivtrfy EttsLie Third, below Wo-yi Ctr,rt. es hie persons; .1 , 1, lion to the brsine=d, s ct atit uste - e I.f the ',trona, ntb he h , Ls hitherto TeCf•i - ic-41 is enlicttezd ti_tliddlNCtr;, Cd. glee LiVOTry*:::, , L3blt,. Eitll.lllr. ' kil C kRhiA(.; FY, etti KAL.BI. L.. L.l ittt . SHE CIiEMICAL OLIVE ERA SI V E maatifliclanad a J. t:'..S.Yer. e . ever all oth. r klnds ovor onor,i fittnny use. Its advantage° et . a to t.ac Iwuud het 114 cl - 111,1to •.•IJ. lia:f the tin,: need h, a, this to used !at pids.i v tier fu W3O/111g Can nearly' d Hoene.., wit, as t hill r`lilite little .0 Lay rulathm:, thus avoichi,r tle. C,air en the wasletxxird the clot ti's ii Lane,e,dry alien this Sots,, is need, and hard or :,at: water answers e iti,ly as well as sun. Painters and others, tied it far sup-rinr S. eta. r Soap]. it ever.i.dy re -111,1-05.3 grease, tar. pc.int, printer:' 11(151 dirt flolik ILJ Lands, leaving the akin colt, and fr.. from To avoid the littwr ruLbilig IL, clothes, and it, ot the yiasteb,,.rd, the following directi•ns should be followed: For the washinig of eight or ton of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut it into uhav,,,,o+, and diewlve iu one gallon of hot water; put the clot'h's into a tub containing about ten gallons of 'Karin Nyatcr ; pour to the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them sons tS; Oil Yto thirty minutes, wring out. and rinse In warm water one°, cold water twice. A set): dirty wile:Air:ad., or scan, or grease sp-tie, reap require n alight t obiaag, hot elherwite the stothil will cirue out mean and white, vritt , 'sit rubbing ur boiliae. Oohs water utay he used it, plain ut n. ,t, requiring about double time in soaking. Observe our uamo 011 each bar. !rut sale, In any qaautity, at oar wareliouse, N. 47 Wool steer t, and at our wortn, opposice tae itound United, i'elia• 143.1Y0 . 1114 avenue. It. C. J tl. sin No. 47 t.:.1 QUUIiViIIEAT FLOUI.-20 aitoks Betok .,Y,fi u.h-at Ploar, f...) tt, stick,, ~,,t 1.,:d fo.t ...,1 ior r 2.1, l'y IIe)?...!rDLL.SS, Mli: , : 3 a Cu, fe.in eoroor S' , nd and l': nkr .LIL - . 4.., Li; LOOR.-25 bbl 6. Su , pa-ii.:lo ISloar rouelved 11,1 for auto by 31 , .-43AN lliff..Z3S, ~d gA NS A , G.)„ fon Cordon Wood a...1d '.4",5:..r 2tr....tp. ExicdiANT mostdeeir4ble and cheap wadp, e.t. l )WN 1 ETLP; 1 _ l A ARD.—A prime article 01 No. 1 in k , barrels and gs, jut rvceiod and for atile by fcOd Ykq!>, :1111.‘ IN , biz.; evrnar of Wand ' and Water S Pie -- bziim Pi1r,3112;•; l h) " Qn%ln Pirper. !)Jii! A. RIC!: F:"7 NEW Al-Citi IV° aro taliirig into ntufo, (luV ud e tr•_ , ef,) ~n fano I'dp