BUINES smRJEL 0. f 7419..07-,16.11, iti.2. diIANT ad Diamond alley, A. LOW RIE, Att; - ,r, - ,•33 - at Law, u of.ce Fcarth trrzt, betwc-m Cherry alley. d•v.11:17 Surgeoa Dentiat, GUCCf..S,72: 4111.1 .6 , W. Biddle, N 0.144 Sala:Bold ctre , :t.. jar Office laorma from 6 to.i o'cloct, and from a to 5 orci=k febifdy _ _ SCOTT, Deutitat. Itp • 'Rost of nuke.. ijar =co hours from 9 o'clock A too o'clock. F. in docaky TOSEPH sumassor to L. Wil e, cox a Co., corner of Market stroet and tnt , Diamond. keeps constantly on hand a foil ossorttaent of MICGS, 7SRD MINES, lEEDICMiII ClLtarp3, PERFUMEPS, and an a: i• 01C3 pea-taini”it to lais-huaLnesn .4a"Phys.:cians' Prescriptions =artily comp.:omit:l at all sows. !MtnP. Drntrm*Tl.. '' , =Pl.l r.. EMIL= IN, P. MARSIT ALL & Co., Importers and 0 dealer! in French and Aracrictr. '_ , PEP.. N ANc— INCIB, No. 87 Wood r.troot, Pittrbargt. Ze - Sole agrata for the celetrre-ed marraf,—..... ,, •Ji :-.,..:-._ Delloonzt , 00 4 Past_.. ati,-.7 -- fanzi. ral-XitS...— ..r.or.r. - . 7 .1. dirD 10.:: REIMER & ANDERSON, (sdecessors to Jcislina Rhode: & C 0..) wtroleFale deafe'. in P0RP21411 . .: ?RUM, N Errs, SPICES, CONTECTIONARY, SIicIAP.S, L.; _ Na. a wood A.m.:4 oppcsito the EL. Charles lelorel, Pit-L -ap'_i -- .7. 51. LITTLE, , IiVIERCI - lANT TAILOR N . D. c - 1 ST. CLAIR. BTR 2:1 (Dr. lash's Nvo - • e j W. KERR, ARCHIIECr, REMOVED C.,Ujor of Fifth Awl Vf'o,sl to Ai Ii ET Lt to now building—coat:Luc:3 to Plia.l3 15t... - iteatj)us of, ohd to 84 - -.3riute:ud ttm 41.EN:riptiuo. of ltuildlup.-. A lILT ON , BELL AN D B - ItASS _Me POUND., Nu. 70 Ek:C.ONI.) atraet, :JO!, 6 prart:4l W furalah to ardar OHIJRCE, HTEAMI3OAT, 1% 4 .0 3Y AND 0'11111:: r 01' all ;Lag, from 10 to 10,0....0 OHD-rb BELLS made to ordur. Srt)? 5:..: ',3AUGII Of an tizw, fcr Stearut,..^a:a. .41.110ERAT WATER 21TEPS. C3GNTE.I-. std every variety of Bras Cu'ti.sn; BABBIT'ST r 111L.T02.'c TENT IL:TALMO PACKING, for :-;tozini OUGIIRIDGE NI x WELL, ,4,1 X.INVT-ter. oe Loorrarag-Claimea, Brz c. ; Atd Daederil is Clocke ! EGW6o Furnishing Goode, /cc.. Be. 1115 Wood r;trart, above Fifth, Prr:Stit,iloE. 1.• t I fa. lisedne Bruhet; uaL,li, to Order E DUO AT 10 2.4 A St. FranQls Af-atlenty for UNDEB THE CP...E.E O.V* Lortab, Can:Carl= Covlaty, S. a. IV HIS INSTITUTION, _a. Eitzattd EducLtion4l al. • dueem.ent.o th.a fuz It ie. lacated • ••he 41.1cglioakt, dist.tinliuur • 2'rect mailroctel'eet: - , - uou AD; schoi43t.lc year ct3n.tmor.,otag, the 11:6 , .3.,st:u rdy The or--'4`or L:,„„ tido Caui - , aro Tr:. 'rhea:ado, aztd of VD par aann.L.T.. 'Washing and tr e of Bed:lin,:z rear tarth6; pa:Sl. - .01a.r6 a; ply 7, z;.- m.vl ap:it.):l7daw Vit'aCedlrn ?...-0.( , !.:i... ...._eaC: ,:...;,,i,.,,,:.,...;:-:, ~..tan or; Tail BaNNDICTIT.T. FEEEMiNI Re Mr Taz COLLEGE ARE TAt.T.G.IIT E.ll.lcBtiaa CLizslc, alietOri, GLCS /tic diqt7LZlt hig4ertraditl-Jr.: ....,..239ary r,_.-••=fal , Erioet L The terra G--errufm.l u 3 L'ruch - tug /lad for the cturgo.. Fur. ric ial2.:ppiy The Collegiate &It the I,:t ends .:4L the TH?..11 Cr. P. thf, DR I' G 001) litetreDe, I iletrenclz : 2 ANOTHER CASH—INPRICiIs !--- 11 7 , determined to di oar at,elt., taoug4 azo Tight," we have made a general @weep— P....gDUCED Tat; TE.:STIIII.I ETti-OE. To Mill lower price 3. Nov - . Is the eae to Ler. .rt - Len the zzsz.rt:2...z.". nut - Token, and the Prie.3 1.), - )wn! Lawn!! oct29jog. gLIENE. Ti Mark , t TaF, LASTCHANGE IN I:I.UL r Bonnet Bibt.oat, wroth 75 ~ .'eu:s, a; L: . , A, r do do do 69. , , , a" at ..'5 aq do do do 50 at 37h" do do do do ET% at 25 do JOSEPH HOBNr 77 !deice?: Ctr-L Hied VELVET • TRIMMINGS, AT B.r.:DIXTED A choice amortlnent cn hsnd and for Imo ri 20TU 13 Calit.LS'. 77 Nis ENTLEMEN'S UNDER GAR2,ll , ,: si or Wool, &Ilk, Merino aud Cotton Coo:: 6, and Draivere—a fresh supply received al lEfOitNE'Li del9 Starke/ sl.-4.0t Cents - per Pound Reduction in the ,j Primo: BRADLEY'S YAENS.—Wholessle Buyers and Peddlers will be furnished with BRADLEY'S 'MR Ell -PLY KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Flee Cents per pound, by the bundle, after this date, For Cash, and elan otiy. JOB. HORN;., 77 'Market street, Agent for the Ninuaincsun VBIBROIDERIES.--thar ezaellent stock of jia _French Emprolderiee, and the low pricea at wlncl, they are racked, otTers rare indnminenta to dies wi hi to ptircheae the latest styles. ONEY AIO'NEY 1: ED DOWN. Al- Greet reduction to the pro of Embroideri,:r We bZ- a ie gone carefully over our handrom, er.oc FRMica-vieliKED COLL.A.Rti, UNDER fiLa.- - r.'VES MtraLlN WNDS, e tc. And the prices to suit' he " llsrd Timms The Ladles may rely on getta:g bargaiva at oat= IF.LORNE'S, WE WILL SELL from the present time, ma i, commouly cheap _'OH OASIL !nu oar stock. C. ELIN z.)N LlYjr. ocr.o Formerly Love Urea.. :40. 74 Mu_.. 't 5: DRINTED MERINOES, for 6:2 end 75 worth $1 11 ti.e t in the city. 0. 11A-Nr.S.ON LJV (formerly Let a • No 7,', 11,'-rtiel BONNET VEL`TET.-I.;:very variety of 8.,:u -:et for e. 9,10 aorta _ _ BLACK AND FANCY IMtE sfLiX s.— A full ussortnignt, very clleßp. O. uAL.N . fr.x.; Irla. i illse=2:e. EVERY EC:oll3Midal Pro uloLsor of I) re,sm Goode. Shawls, .7. 4 .1auti..5, z..; also Domestic tilid = te pie Goods,will and it to their a:lvo:as-se 4414 oud our New SitoOk.rf ell and Winter Dry tloc..l.,L , ofOre pure 44 Lag sloßwh..-m Gi.N.I.LN 601.5 .7orrot.fty 74 QIIAWLS SIiAW LS !—Wool, Chenillo. ky Bro. ohs, both 1:..7g And square, 61%5 , , end at very 1.1 . C. H. 7% LOVI2, ;;J!ta. , , 23,-*r piQUE and MA.RSEIL L '2l;:oced, ga3v.:::: al:a. 4 TO PRINTERS.—The CD ti Lad, a:,l isL,tl. • tureri, large ez.), .a i tat: r IL iff Poto.ea Chias r•ert-..elMa .11 Card ELN/rOl, is lticereary'd C.O Lay Eroa. Vara!Jl, St?, Cori Priutar.,i Pniu.n3 , i'mt.3plll , : l'apere, -7e , iow Natty ~you ask me r 40 a 2.1 1i .7lta yo . a..- 527. - inp.rtm..,. 134:07.3 vitzu t CUMETt, ?steal L.€•str,ci , .114.- - asLarf• er, 1 wunl , l t.r.i I yv.l, (iv unto To the To the ~;L•l+p>:_f-4A,`•lr. N EW BE I .) . f: tmad wad tyt t, pall. SA P 106.) a , , Co.) " t r (.03 " Chem - 7 • Lt - 41) •• 250 tierm,al 200 " Ce-Etlie 60 " Fore Feko ou Mad az.llr mio 811 B. 40. U.• 1,. Gat, BIJFPALO, CALF ~,, AND eL - 01 , 11 ovE mao.Es, on - ,,tluw, “m. See, - "Ii0.17 fifth arett., uear garket. feta riliii=l3A,.Caila A CO ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Divel liza Roue, o f f o ur roorE3, with lot of grcuad front on Monterey eacet. Allegheny city, by 110 deep to au &lisp. Torras, 1.400 in hand, balance at one, two aad three T ears, E. CUTHBERT A Ealti, say 26 MPr I -ct meet - - • - - BEAOb• OES.—A splendid article of Gents' and Ladien Bur i° °VET Ehoos. Also, Gent.' Call Over -Shoes, at the Peoplee Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth streeticear Market, ttero.,l s • 01.1.-100 kegs, jas a-64nd and for tale by la= 8, L. FAILNESTOON a CO. .i . : .- .' • : - :' ,37 .'' , : . :; ;T '';".5';',,'-i5i..;';.-- - - '..,,i.':'.',:::::',.'':','-VT:-';. IT:va~== ~ -.~.. cu. Ph,tu WHOLESALEfr-ROCERS , I"iNDIES IT,' , IN: - ; A'.'“) SECTXR.3 Non. 53'.:.1 and 2533, Corner ;If Ltberty and te a r C g $4 . PiTTSBUrifII - 1, ("I'l' N : .\❑ TAN T V =ME ta'Ci.!:l..L.:= ..... !.. Gun/ 7';l3C,lll.kieZ,Vil(4S, MEANS G AIL (F...)1‘1, NAIT,S, GL - ::.2, COTTON Y..‘.±L:,:.,:' ?,..117J i' ITTS:II.7 aGE: Y.....11T1FAC c 01-4•- C, .... LIP. ;LI. i , ''1 7 ',. 1 .V-,, , ' . AP. D ii- - ;.: ,_l`z .1) L' - ',i ai.lis i:...:•1. 'fit 'i'ro \- , . 7,i - dtlig ;Lihi i',“;ii2.l&,!-7;jull ,;;-, •!1•,•,,!j:,.,, ...I 11.c' Prtt.g.:117E,27.-i:, r,rtr A. IN _4. i_. LINE . PI77SBr I'ORIVAitDiNG 21N1: , '..="OMMIS:-310S LATE Or COMM SS iON AND FOR A ,Z.D .NG CL.. Et ". E'''t• S' ilr.l 77. ti LI i - zi it •'...L. 11;01:1 if.l§sloli :,iEr,,on /I - r4T s JerB E.PIE n:h:L. btarket -PRICES MAgli.- MBE IIIIIM!!!!!!!Mlil 11. Le:l_ liiMff!lM DEFF3.h6IT - 1111 c,") • RP, iiVAl.ilim;PwwwwwwwNwm •'_~ ~ _.~. S i . x r ~ ~ i - , - 7]' ,l- Tiii 64 CO ii„ 11-;.`g LA. i'i!tsb . ll 1 till I!.:. i't„.y....: Strectd, AND SOLE AGENTS POP. BEMIS C.1r7.1“: - of 1 - .71 : ' r. f;. T::•;i : f zi. 43 ffiff=fliM z.la4.ze.c 1,1:_!...n ') - .1 - 01.-1.107.'..T: , ST., Cii i“.11:i.:7 A_T I 1.1.:F i'.?- , ;al .a Irk: -5 ' 7. 4 _,..~~ s_r:.ti =ME 1.1 , 1 9 ! Clerk r, Y neu C'.):l, ..J' t •i'i',.Vl" i'ij',',l 4jorti©r Prai. F." al2: E Li. = ~ .',r.: I=MIMIII2 tr.,l CT id? , Sb Vti A KE Z.17i1111.3 "1 L. 11.1!: tiT 4' -‘.;_.; RA-11 , 4G, wrE;;. - i , lterF, 17 V:04,1 Ln,t, t•: . .1:11.111 e: 4VII - ,:lew `• 1,1;1,11, U I:::'Cieu.::".3 1.3 . .lil.ll 7 iany : , 111 e eut. Hould, , xl ane, Far,cy Cf.,lart,tl t;1,,A5., , z.V4 ARE, WA a:: 'cn (I 198 5 1 . ./St.'•;"_S,V.l.s . LOT War-_- hourt con,: cf lerzket and IVLI::31. 30Z,11 may.a:,a a co., W HOLE-ALL' 1..e!1.Z.E6 r kill AND LIW,U()RS, AND It iECT IF ENG Dizi 1 IL.I.;;R8 Lib:: - :y Street, i'itt:tiurgit, dway3 on %Vincrth, and....,:daded 7:: .la -IF . Li. E..1.;c2 , E. I , . EV Li 2.-i ‘ l .; - , Y, Wlt:icsalc L,171, - ..: an.l y - - TFISII-20u panka;f,'e and _LA °al- 11 yH. N Laud fir `..5 Liu, halt in Irl Z.& 1 ‘-) ? ,:,12tr.), I'3-, t:tqa.r-Viih:3;er SJ.n_ q,".l*. kl,,ty, 15'," elil.LirShlif a :11a.r:tat ri • • pApE.R. . PLR , 12S Wood str, ,, , Iv, vi enpi:rd ever iLL LI/is ?::poi 126:1d Straw Virappiail; Lt•tt,t-r. ,f .111 Gar; ' Bunt :La a t'ui,rt Nt 1A RU CURRY C0.1.8S —Also. ..11 ~ ,t uraciest DrC - 14:17.g 'fiwk jU.L thr. l't It. r J. r: _IT PER'S MAki ........ 0-72 BEEM/11111.11 j , i,. ct L- , ,1.12 !!. c , ~ etar\li,l ` itaite u * , - 11 : 31) " reed c.rid i t'at2 \VAL:, PE 2.S W P. IMMI2I t:: u!:Tl.'o iJI~ L~'.::L. Crazli C.ll =NM - ":.. 1111111111131 r"t }.73 -10 Ltl. 1-ialtir.2..)r.t, :Or R7ll ty is , -- rwr tlrld W At,rr birt,t_a No. I end tor -.ale 1.7 113F—' , 1.,53 cJ., , Vt . r , l end rI7 bas. o Pr: - reatar....l nna 1.7 , 7 : : y _ . . 4- li'FiC•:, ilczbbr 11.1r1:rt cnri 1 rTt PIAVE 131 ) PLE . 8.--500 received thid day IC :::u1 1.. r kby E.EIMEit , tI ANDE _ I :.:A.S - ItET BOARDS—For Pitekinl ; sc:ki by G. .a0EN571.%.::`i y nrnWe d .11.-nee VISII.-150 aP 7 ' I 14' (5 --- tra - eIS fresh Lime ju et rez'd ty - 5..r31 .I.IiET ii Chi U Lns CHINE Y .1701)s of -various patte ras, fur 6. 1 .1 by [..airZ), El 'FT. 00: T.. 1.: N 2. T OBACCO AND 1' '1 ir,rga cs..L•ort me= of fz.7z: - Lt , bread,, on baud emd for ea 16 by _., W!1. U. E.YLITII & o©., Jib Beoryad., and 147 Pirst, etre:As. 'MACKEREL-10 ibis. and. half binds. NO .I.U. 8 Lusa, far salo by Etr22.l UELTRY LL CODLUIS. ti r i It !,;\ 91, s'cslook ; also, k e W evottligs, from 'sLnp let q. —I: to q r. , 'cloctr and from Novemlwr t..; a ,! —: . fiatih , !ncre(l twie, a year, in .Inn cdp! o11 : 11,7. !ter,at V::.,tilt.cim per •-!!!tr.rlut. c.t , !he ;: (13.20 in nn, an'?'' _ ,aad mcd beeetrthar t lfni. t t5-a, 14 the credit of the Inttroe from the twice , ayear .rvb , .) , om .; t c•.ti or toTort to pr=ent: tt.ie ;at,. ao.d.ey double In less tau iu aptregote EIUZI S.ND 093-991.8 _ . Italea and acgt+. ci1..1, - ,,plicativi. at the office. i'tealciettt--Gi&OU.GI AL BREIT" ;1,3 :4 - ',li:9 111.• 121- MEMO . n , .L 1 ; =II Ll..ti•r,. :Iry P,p,r,::•. are_ prir:.ll I • ••• r MIME sir,' Ap E 47 \-7,•?•1 A I, s' ='i=; 212.0 s i) .2. Lk, q,1,1.a4 J. .5. U. Zft Woo; Etr,.4..t. Et. C1:131t act. :,;. .:',,,:::, -..A.• A.N 4,1 s NT E. MIMES Shid;C, ..110'1%1EIVI Itotwrt 3. La MEM a I 1•12.1 CF W. .101,1 IlDap, ... _ . J..:1 , ..., I.:. Cantol.l, john 11. aie11...3 - , J. (inrdinor Coif . .., , -, , ..1tt,.r P. I.l.arakia.ll, A1or;4) L C.ll - rif., - . W11..... ,, 0n )filler. L - avid C.,.:i..pbt'd. .'.. If. ralluct.., Ai. D. C1u1r1,23 ;.Colts_, ?lour/ L 11.Ingwalt, V. , 11..1.1ra 1.).)...1gi,-....N, ~.,... a M. tiwifyer, 'r,ici.4 Felix. k......,rt , ,a B. Sultlezi, ,i..,: i .:. , .. F. ~ .iili:..- , ....i... .11...1..,:,e...r Tindle. .1.11., ... ri4,...,1,. l' - ' 0 , 0'...i1d Urnbirt.seLt..r, -.4-11............—,. ... , ,orkin R. Mao, ',.. ...-....: : , .: 1.-e..-‘,_,-.-7 •-.C:' A.E.. A. COLII.MJN. I ft-,.3 a 4) b' d 0 A . ; . I' VENS ci CO., Si . j ,l l . NES, lOU , cr . I_ M.'. E w 3 prompui . • • t, ,an do av LiLcOllgh luyll.llal I=M:MME .-. 0.1 - • 1.•-• ..1•111.1 . . ...... Mot. D. 1,1)...41.5. _s• Dealdrii is 11_ Y., - .. - taw, and all Eic-curttien ncnej dataa, %cull oullataral ll;', ,'-'::D i).2..i1.: , 10i3liaT AND BOLD . _ , :ek)untaodlift ,- 1 on re.oliona - LL- - ,min. and caint.olites C3ll be furtilahod NOtlt go aocurf tl., Cc !II Rcuung and LoMll.lg L:cal 'LI, • , _l(ne.r3,F , ~Uß"iiiV/ 41.JSTIN s: kik.)Ll44 SON 6, 13.aukeri; arid Es e tlg • nr, 1.. a 1, ,lere. L's or.l Ulu =MEE C..:.-,LI Gaited .- • •.•-• • k • .., 1.1.;•dP , r. 1 `;•-•• •-• •••• • •• , A jusi.l), C0Lnmi , r?.....a1.. Broker, two . -? , 76 1.33 IMMM=2I Y . Al 5 T fIORITY. 1 - .3r lick pro Fat thetr - "15 ) I tilt - 41, ot. POrtrAtia)ttii9 t, rettsai .k I.SSS. 1.. • 4 . .. 1.. ~-. . . Si . . . ..Proptiler L. . • tit:TM I'. o'cl..,ck. r -•• •.• : • f.,...onipleta con . .. C Pl.. r.ppeLdn:;,, , z, and VII • : -t •'. . • r • . 11. , 1. _ : in v:111 t.:. • fel- _ • ••!Li:potting tie; J., . I piibiLt low, and the .• p • , ; • • i.; the • ...,>, 1. tikh too wort( will ;.; • . ' 1,1 by aid t L• inn la the and ar : .0:: the party • .. , ~ aumt,ining thug:oat , ; 1,74. - ty • . , f :or at.:ill.allttarit VitiOrl In • . : In the A .-, • Lj Ca, - tc, pro- T.. . .. 7, ri.uct, i tl.L•ra:a;. great pumtr who:, •: • for ae Ltlally days as pt, , 1...•• • I ilLv ,111 be aole to propel the , -•• . great e,anotny of Wel t to ,„ We, t.ltu ouu st.pply of ,LI. tt•e+. tt.e tio r .r;n, et w,ll expect the bid.lere •4 Cc- 0p.., to eccenighelitict by •.- • t., foliowtug ho.tAis 13.• of 110 r, I.oli er FI:ICh the engines and , a.u.ecutivuly mr...dired on .. _ •• ~--, , 1.) . Ike 1,...".2 It r. IS; t :.1. h, it,..f 5.9.0,00 ponds . ~ . •..e... oLle 1.4 t .1..,‘.1 la , LL.h.2.tc ...th. to ,JIJ not 1.,, than . 0 00 ta..:...e;..... it, i Kati a::-0i ,, . in., rc ,, ,,i1uti,.., per minute. 1 .. ~ c...-• MI , h•EI of tois , pc. horse power per hour must be -t,,.. 0 It, i r o,th• la pseuds per t.au re inch on the f ree:: El•l.• e d :lt ..} 1.• tooth tin- eu,t..ws at tine above velozity, the er,t, tit. fg da.ctrant....l.-1 and 010 engines without a ~fo .-r.f, p. ne lee o. ollat..tng, must nut exceed 244 pounds ~: •• , t-e it, '. n: - ; ,:tr nby indicator diagram. qo of , -fl wawa con he ilti)Wea in the chip wi........f ..5.,--.......ttf Ino total weight. of 4011 tons for maohin toy, Lti_Lh,..:ttgth. th..1.011e and water in them, bunkers, tools, ,i_hrt pacers, end CUht Ifittlln Ulu length occupied by the e1r,.1.1,:.: on: it. it-era- the boner, to be of iron or the mult. Illt.ll - ...-: Lad, w,th breet of., Cl,') with telescopic smoke pipe ear. an i. Is tntended to use trtah water in the bot'er., 3 saria:e condenser ul the most approved kind will be re quired. the pr..:,-, - ,eller with the connexions f r hoisting it will be el cutokositifai, to be pr.,peily proportioned for at least 88 rev..,:utlms per minute and for the immersed amidship sec. riots ut the vessel. The pumps, apparatus for ventilating, and appurtenanc s 'I all bolds necessary for the perfect working of the whole to he ut tae must approved kind's. The coal franker; shaft pasmge, two atwartaldpirou bulk heaos, a distilling apparitus fur fresh water, from which torn be made not leoe than t.Ull gallons per day, and the tools rind dmtlicate pieces necessary and satisfactory for an titTlCiiint c..r.isfisg steam sloop•of-sar, must be included in to, pt, position, and a lot or them will be furnished. in t: wood and carpenter work, except the boring mat the elftniwood f..r the shaft neceetstaiy to adapt the vessel fur the pftun of the machinery, boilers and appendage will be i.ruf .d.-ti ot the expense of the T.: fvy Department, and it wio permit the use of seen factlities as it may have fur noisttng the Ma y to ehinery 'in board. ror the ..commodation of the entire steam machinery and Liel ti.ore win tee allowed In the body of the ship, the enure space nr...ter the epar deck commencing at 15 feet abaft the main mast, tel thence extending forward a distance o; 30 toe!. IN ithiu tuts space it is expected to carry coal for flve days' tinseling at the maximum speed. la Lise spectficatiffie the daily conammption of fuel will be ,t tted ; also the wen,lit of the machinery, coal, boilers, water in them, shalt. tilt tind appendages, with tools and near., work, all tic mini:ll must nut exceed 400 WWI of '..t,ftiO poon•is. The ti.hialiCe from tire after side of the mainmast to the sttor side of the forward st e rn post will 1.. about 80 feet, al4 the d.etance between the forward and the after stern ..oti •....h be at.Ven feet. Too depth from the load water .i. s o to t.h... top ut an , toot under the propeller will be 12 sort I }nen. I ilo proposal nicet be accompanied by full epeelficalloms afai general drawings, 'myna , the position of the centre of 4railty if the machinery, boilers, Ste-, marked on them, giving alga.) the capacity of the steam cylinders, pressure of cream, arse t t finit earl delivery valves, and of n:r pump and trtit.oard delivery valves, space for steam above the water ime ~..i. t ..., !toilet - 6 the lire and grate farina), also the diam eter. pitcli,eurf.ic,, end kind ol propeller and other prin ;•,l p..itita, t.:.11L i.-..,:.upacintins call readily toe made. ;e1m...! pay immt will be that, when one-half of the met , rial, and labor provided fur in the contract shall have t“ .:: c--ploteo to the cAtts:actlun ut Lne department, there •t• il: he made a paym.nt of 2 /,' part of the whole amount of -1., Lunt:it:l. When the whole snail have been completed and leads/ for et ection in the ship a further payment of x, trill I, made; and v, Iron 13, t.atisfactory trial of seven con -. etite .says shall have Loon made, then a further payment .., ';., , .md when the slop ahall hate performed satisfactorily ~f , t i ,r h pt.rlth.lhf thfcentont.ll3„ the remaining cam shall L,: 1,.1. 11., 1.1......“1 ne.....-arary during this period from der scents h. of - LW:V-sh. oi met, hinds will be at the expense of "t,/. Lula:eh - J.:Jr it to to be taider7tofd that ,t chi' weight and other cundb 1 to,i., ape: hied in tb• , ..torso no nut complied With, the da partme,st la to be at 4 r••••• ty to reject the whole machinery, tt.e c...ratra. t. I 1., to, :.... t.,.• r fpeos- of taking It oat of the „I_, 002 ,--t !!, i 1- Itr , -vrr a ,h.ilh I .. Ltle , Lai :fa. t price way , r.. at ttl. ”aun data and ,r ti., et-nu, ru ,tltrit•rr net appendLtA , ,d, mud placing (Lie nova building ..i.y ,rds nt 803 t,", ithillidOiphla., and Pruermo,a ,:ouditiona aratzd, with 111 IL., i..,r11211131'8, Cl 2: !vast, bi reroluticns per ^. g r maeld II y, ttp.,eudagee, I oilers [vole, spare pieces, and opal of 2:2.40 pounds each. The leugth ,:zapl - d by ['no t.nzinee end bniiern conitutace 14 feet tne in.thatn: t, and thenea ertond forwardadistance of iLe . from the aftut-al,le of the xnaiumest t 6 the of thwtoriiahl at.arn post trill Go about 76 feat. ti - i - th fto..". the I,ad wata.r lino to the top of the heel thz pr,pvl:2r = I.- tt-et ILS!le.i. -,al.,r.ta: - t.r , t , who destre to bid, can o!•tain. 74,p2.7 th -eccion of any t.,E, of the vesseln upon mPhieE 1116 thparipwnt. ISAAC) TQUOEY, 153:t8t5 bc- - Taa - 27 the _ - LCllet.,ll , `' 6:7a: - .Gerry :syrup: A.T•ph, " " liaq , berrs " t,) :LEYSII:I ANLZ.IIB , IN, No. 89 Wood Street, Opidoit, the Kt Cio.rlee Elotol TUNE 1 ,5: :‘ It. • = Oil yards ti ut:t l ; " 4 " Er P. , reirod afJ,l fur A. 11,3 by j J•;.1) ILENRY IL. COLLINS VyAv iloOK.:1! NEW BOOKSII— Mrs. Ann 8. ntophoas ; lea Jet - 11,a:: Wifo, i+y Pdrdoe r E. 4 1, t It A. L 005.118, Publishorte Agent, jalti PC/Ert 1.3 - allitign Ilift.h.trtreet. RAPPING PAPERS.-101'0 reams as eorted eiteti, csraw end rag wrapping, for oalo by J. 1.. G. 410111 BTON a CO, jcfl Paver Deafen, b 7 Wood street, 6ciPYI (} PRES..ES, Copying Books, Brasheu, Oil Pape., fur fate by W S. HAVEN, tar 24 Corner Market and second R. 40. FLOUR.-20 bbla. Fine Flour in acre, glad for 6alo by lica. , ll:DlXB3, MR AbIS 6 CO, Occner of Ward and Water rtroot.. I:eft. 01118.-100 doz. Extra Carpet Corn Afil3roorns on band clad far wile by 11. 10. Jt J. H. raswrza. RAILROAD 111011 ICE. The Pittsb'h, Ft. Wayne & Chicago wr-40=4; V k ' RAILROAD OOMPANY, 11 UT-Ll,l WrITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and equipment. and It, through connectlonsds pre pared transport Passengcrt, and Freight from PHILA. DELPIIIA and PITTSBURGH' to 01110.Au0, ST. LOUIS, I N• DIANAPOLIS, CII'CINNAT.I.r.nd all places West and South wcat, with a great degree of reircility and expedition. The fact that this Read Mrnis a direct and Ptusclidated line bet - wash Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a sufficient guar- Pintas, that its Trains will mato Food time, and connections with Trains on other ON AND A , T.F.,l(i MONDAY MAY 10th, 19i8, ire Trains on this roc will leave the DEPOT, Pittsburgh, daily, (Sundays excepted, as follow': PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE Pittsburgh. Crastline. I Ft. Wayne. U. B. Zisil, 7:50 A. id. 7:07 P.. 11 irirst f‘,4o A. m„ 10:00 P.M 6:00 P. M. Second P. 10'23 P.M 450 A. M. REACH CRICAGO--First lia - prets, at 7:00 A. M 4 Second Ezpreas at 1:30 P. M. REAMI CLkCINNA7.I—First Exprcas 6220 P. E.; Second kx.proca 7:21 A. BRAGG ST. LOUIS —First Et press S:OD a. 34 Second EA preen 4:60 r. All Trains mate clUNai connections at CreWciiiie for Colums ;bus, Ct.cinnati, lndianapolis and St. LOVid ; 111E0 at Fort Wayne with Trains on 'Wabash and Western Railroad for Lafayette, Central Illinois and St.Donis; also, at Forest tie'. Train' on the :d. IL A L. E. E. R., and lima with Trains ea Dayton and Nichi,iiin Railroad. REITURNING. From Chicago. I FLWayno. I Um:Glue. lArr-PecCA, U. S. Malt .10,00 P.M. 5:30 A. 61. 12:40 P. M. 8.62 . Ist E.xpreas, 0,30.1. M. 2:00 P. M. 9:12 P. 6L 0:10 A - 6:25 A. 1.1 1:15P These Trains make close connections with Trains for 11 ndelptiiii, Baltimore Now York and Boston. Trains. from St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and C01r..5.- bus mate close connections at Creatline with all returnla.,,• :rains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from St. Loubs, Central 1111. ' note, Lafayette, and Intermediate places, connect with ale t! Crain. At Forest, connections are made with Trains to and !VOW. Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. The U. S.Mad Iron, Pittsburgh to Crealine, being a train for local bunt floss, is overtaken by the Second Express. ACCOII6IODATION TRAWLS--Leave New II Cigh coit for Pittsburgh, at th.st A. IL. and Idelfi P. 51. L;eare Plite burgh for hew Brighton at 9:30 A. M. and 6.00 P. 11. BAGGAGE CHECK RD THROUGH, and no charge for handling. Travo/cirs or persona intending to poncho tickets. la Pitt* burgh for the West, will bear in mind that tAs.. only Aytnl antJaormed by the P., F. W. A C. R. R.; U. a P. R. R s acid Stoubenville and Indiana Railroad Companies, is GEORGE PARKIN, at the Union Tcket Connected with the Penn's R. It Passenger D-pot, Corner Liberty and Grant streets. BAGGAGE will not be checked for pal isms pun-basing tickets at say other pl;,:o in this city. TO COMMENCE ON 11,'IsDAY, Slay 10th, and coalition until further notice. J. J. HOUSTON, Gan. Pre.c'r. and Fr'L Ag't. D. W. CUSS, Pester. Agent, Chicago. 308. 11. MOORE. Superintmideut. D IJA.2. John fi.Elioentrorgee, Grattan l'alerpt - 4, Lae: M. Penned:, ,3e.reee P Kelly, 2 MINA LT erdman, John 6 Coegrave, viLich wo:k In by ~ : ,'".'"•er.".:'::,..7 . ?::.'.;.=J::!'i1g31 ..Z . i ?.?.7 , .'....•tiA1t.?'4 5 f':'.;1 . ', ' '.':- . ';:'.'- ' ,:- . .cA"'- i '....'. .: ::'.: *P,....'..............:; , ... ; :... -,. .. - .......::.. - ..... , : .:: , ..i;...i . .. - ....... - , - : .. .,: . ... ..' - ' , c,'.A - E.-F,..:: . : . A1-.1 - ::j.'-; . ...1:'i,.: .. ......i . •:•:,...f.:',.:,..":=; -- ... ,, , .:.,.. - ,'::.......ii-:';,,, , ....'.•.:::::-.:. , ::;, ~ ::.:-.:::.....: ;- RAILROADS NEW WESTERN ROLTTE, i(; CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE aid ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSI3UaI T. WAYNE and CHICAGO, AND OINCINN ATI, lIAITILTON A DAYTON RAILROADS VIA. D.ELAWAII.I3 Distance ore.iy 8 . 11) 771.1 L-A frav: PM:burgh to Cirecist.nct: 'fllllS LINE is composed of Roads of the 4ps-t ols.ss, and La lotted through a beautiful and highly raitirated portion of the Sate. Direct connention la wade at Cincinnati wiih the Ohio and Itailroad, (tha tr-,:ita of ow 0. It. &D. L tN. ittr6ds, Lang counen.t,d, for Rvanaville, diem hta, Natchez, 00,1111•=1:1011 lllalie W tho Pacido gaiiroud =‘.l 3.ll3souri River l'a.cke , z, I )r KANSAS ANI) I•IIII3ItA.SKA, And ali paint' , View. Ala, eennecti• at Cincinnati with Kentucky Crintrs.l IL It . Ear i...r...rigton, Dansdle, a;,l dl poluta in C-,Larel Kout - ncly. Tra,us leave Station az tallow:t . tf • 3:•,1 N 4 0 011 - Trfan, e It.) rlog Creeuise ea, 1.5:{..4 • w 8:90 P. M. DA6GA.O.YI CHECKBD TM.i.01731L tz' era CO 140 any othar E.outa. Bur all Iliformatba, and Through Tickets, apply at the c,,rne? fionse, or ut apply ctroct Eutiou. - . iker Pna.eatteri going thin roat , ..) will ass for Tictet.o via 1. , Pia.101: !..ut-crty. .1 H. Mouiti.:, Bapt. F Ft. W. .3' C. it. It, "'I, 3.1c.1A .tEN, C. 11. k .7: P. The CieweialAW, Pittsbargia and Wikeeliag, iTttaiiroad, Pittsurgh, Columbus it Cattoluuati Mei RAILROAD LINE Change of Time. (i)N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY IUTH, 18:n8 Trains will iesvo the Depot of the enneylvania Central itallroad ~ e follows: Fur ilLsvaLexu, BIIMLLO DA:aorr, 6:45 A. ill. CLIICAGO AND Tar. Wie,Y. WELIELIAG AND ZANSTVELLE. I For al/VI:LAND, ToLeno, DETROIT, 2:35 P. M. TI: C AL H A W ITri ''. 7o ' 2- cO "4-D lin7:LS W a E :C i leveland, with Detroit line of steamers. 4°oo P. M.}, For i.z ALL WAY STATIONS ON TEL Emu 4 Passengers desiring to go to Chimgo or prints beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask fur tickets via Cleveland PITTSBURGH, COL UdIBUS AND CECCINNATI (via STEUSENT7LLE,) RAILROAD CHANGE OP TIME.—On and niter MONDAY, the 10th, of May, 1855. Trains will leay., the Dopot of the Pennsylva nia Central Railroad, as fullowa:— For STEDDENVILLE, Ck,l.Uld/W, DAYTON. 3:00 A. M.l INDLLNAPOLIE, L 0019•11,11, CA7- . 9, Misi- Pals AND iliW OELEANE. }FOE OINCINNATI AND S.T. LOUIS, and ALL 2:35 P_ ill YIN 800TEI AND WEST. • ° Through to Cincinnati without change of care. Pwaettgels desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, eto., or any points beyond Columbus ri.i Steubenville, mast ask for tickets via Steubenville. JAMES FA_POLPIE., Superintendent C., P. & W. I. R. W. W. BAGLEY, myl.lll Superintendent P., C & C. it. IL PITTSBURGH & CONN ELLSVILLE H 3 AILROAD, (N and after Monday, the 10th inst. Page anger Trains will bo run daily, (except Sundays,) from the Pennsylvania Railroad Pee Auger Depot, as follows Train lassos Pittsburgh 7.00 a. n. Express Train leaves Pittsburgh 3:30 a. U. RETURNING: Mall Tra a leaves .............200 A. et. Express :400 A. a. Arriving at Pittsburgh .13:44 TiCketA to be had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Offics. Roth Trains connect at Connellsvllle with Dilating et Liab'S Coaches tar uloutOWll, Frostburg, Cumberland, etc., an. at West Newton with Coaches tor Mt. Pleasant, Somerset, 1143,1 in, etc. Freig itn L and from Pittsburgh and Stations on Pitta bargla and Connellsville Railread, will be received and de livered in Pittsburgh, at the "Baldwin Depot," opposite .Thaquc.ene Depot." Excepting such as Pig Iron, Lumber, Stone, etc., which will be loaded ur uwoaded at Outer De. pot, or at the canal Depot, ea may be arranged with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh. IL iILACKS'PONE, Tratuiportatiou Department P. A 0. R. R., 1 Connelleville, May sth, 1858. j myB New Route via River and Railroad Indinapolis it Cincinnati Railroad (IONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Hants, and Terre Haute and Alton Railroads, 14 St. Louis and Lafayet.to and Indianapolis, Now Albany and Palate, and Michigan Central Roads for CHIC 1.30, 130Jii, ISLAND, BURLINGTON, and all intermediate points. Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE neun„ LasAYETTE, and PERU. Preight carnal iroui Cincinnati or Lawrezulcburg In less lime than any other - route by :A hoard, tl/3,1 at ai low rates. road by which sli,pluehts can ha nude from 01u. ,inuati to the West, without breaking bulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Cando. nail; W. EL PUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg:, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commission; an ahrirgsfor dragairs or ooalatow at La= ~r7terbairg. For farther info: natton apply to THOMAS RATTIGAN, (No. 116 Water etruet,) A;sent. of the Company, who is pre. paced to gx7e raaocau rusarails to Indianapolis, Turn Matey LsAyep,e,_. Obleazo, Peru, Greencastle, Orawfordir rine, OharicetWParls, and 3.ledioott. IL 0. LORD, Proeldezt. JNO. D. Gen'l Freight Agent. FURNITURE. MI.LLIKEN 00. L'.l`,'_ on hand, at 17 6 6 1.14: , 41 taaacilif-T and 01.14,id. tii'ALl• TOM", 54. =nalthfirldarert, c, na g e asaort.oaccut of Panoy and Pith Fat dlrrire, teey e_ll 15 per (*tit. lower 51:nc, customary" cusb only. [decl.'l:y W 0 0 DWELL' S FURNITURE AND eruutu, [nolesalv and RAMA embracing eve: mylo of Fermin:ma, to Esaumri. , ...xl., lelabor e ny and Walnut, imitable for Parlo Chow-bon] and Dining Romney equal to any In Nevi Yorker fl and at lower priors. Every mild° made by band. and vi=vatitet. I. eablnt-makem auk , plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIR on rcw-vonabie twos.. Lintota and Steamb=ta fara3hed at. the thortost nattr-a. lgar-e.r.mum, Era. ;7 and 79 THIRD Street, PlttE.hurgh, I' o. Ilea 9„TAROIL-250 bxe Rochester Pearl Staub, reerlnol and fr, rain C -t HENRY H. DIR. lot ANAN AS.—First of the season just re- Ved by ospreys and fur sale by I.ll;nlsit t ANDRELSON, No. 89 Wood utroot. Opposite 13t.13harloa Bowl. "LOLL BUTTE It.-2 bble. Fresh. Hell Butte received mad for sale by JAB. A_ FE? mvl2 .CEPUS Market mini Firs eta, DIUNTING exesnted in the highest 'style o .11. art, and at reaporable prim, by J. It. WELDLN SB , Bookseller and Stationer, 'Mod aVeet, neer Fourth. rgEVti BEDFORD SPERM OAINDLES.- AA WY bozos =oriel stun, Ses, We and Wo,l3porrovu 163 bard and for oak by PO. lIT 8.4 Wv TI EIFF'S BOOKAIEBPS4. Blanka, A- , Duncmm'a *lam of Ponzaanship iss BASitN cblto by , Corner aarket alad 80: and straota. A WRI ib) by NG RODS l —1 sot IN RY 11. Awning ch R nutio.ode, for atitt EIT a5B• Slimmer Arrangement. uN AND ASTER MONDAY, JULY 5. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD - - EIGHT DAILY TRAINS. THE! MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger Station every morning, (except Sunday,) at 6:00 o'clock, Pittabtagh time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11:00 P. M. THE FAfir' LINE Daily, ..xcept Sunday, at 1:25 P. Si.. ar• riving in Philadelphia at 6 o'clooe A. IA" and stopping only at principal stations. PHE EX.PREiIki TRAIN lcavea the Station every evening at 0:60 o'clock. Stopping only atereansbUrg,lntrobe,John t town, Willmar°, Gallitzin, Altoona, so., connecting at Har risburg with the Train direct for Baltimore, and, arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. IL ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNSToWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaver , daily (except Sundns,) at 3:ZO o'clock, P. M. Stopping at all stations, and running as far Et 9 Conemaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,,)) at 10:40, A. M. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAM for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday, )) at 4.20 P. M. THIRD ACOOMMODAUON TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except Sunday) at 0:20, P. w. Pa:TURNING TRAINS arrivein Pittsburgh as follows Dal:ma, 1:45, P. AL; 0L11143:10 A.M.; Fast Line 'L•2S A. 3114 JOllll9- CLAIM ACCOMMOdr.t1011.11:0 0 A. It.; First Tiwtle Creek Aocom• modation, d:5O-, A, za , Second Accommodation, 12:40, p. n.; Third Accommodation, tklo, P. EL Trains for Blairsville and Indiana, connect at Blairsville' Intersection with mall train East, Express train West, and the Johnstown eccomodation train Vast and West. , 0 3", n PITTSBURGH AND CONNELL/MILE TRAMS, a topping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Connelly villa Road, leave daily,(Sund excepted,) as follows: MAIL TRAIN T:6O A. ay EXPRESS TRAIN-8:20 P. Ai- RETURNING TR A TN3 from Pittsburgh and u'onnellinUo Rand, arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:46 A. ii. and 6:10 P. ice. The traveling public will rind it greatly to their in west, in going East or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania %alined, as the accommodations now offered'Cannot be itur , panned on any other route. As the Road is ballasted with stone, and in entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their petit:lege. —?AXE:— To New York 413,001T0 Baltimore " Philadelphia . 10,00 " Lancaster.. To Harris arg, g 7.45. Baggage checked to sit Stations on the Pennsylvania Ball read, and to Philedelphia. Baltimore and Now York. Peasengura purchasing tickets In cats, will be charged ten canto In addition to the Station rates, except from Stations where the Company Las uo Agent. NOTICE.—In cr4u of lour, the Company will hold them selves responsible for personal be - age only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. N. 13.—The Exeeletor Omnibtui Line Lea beers employed to convey Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to steered 25 cents for each pasaenger and bag gsge. For tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. B. R. Passenger Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. TILE PENNSYLVANIA RA ELROAD. Ti r. 7.4-:iF* 7 - t1 THE GREAT CENTRAL HO 11a, oonnecting the Atha; tic Cities with Western, North-western and South-western Statee by;a continnows Railway direct. This Road also connecte at Pirlelottrgb with Dail eof Steamers to all ports on the Wes* Ar., sun at Cleve. land and Sandusky with uteamere to all porta on the North wostorn Lakes; making the most DIRECT, OBEAPIZIT and DISLIERIS ROUTE by which VREIGLIT can be forwarded to and from the GREET WEST. Sc. Louts, °airs ; Vicksburg, Ns= Orleans. with 1,3 o 4" c 6.,:,. or earn, .r elvlug ; , :44; I'. 4„-0,„ `=": • . r• • - • - . - 74; , 4 , 5),!->ceo 7 - 4". • - , RAILROADS, kiat.es between PAlladelpixict Cc IFIEST °LAS°, ihx,ts Shoes Hate end', Cape, Books, Dry Go ode, (in I>oxes, bales and trunks,) Drugs, (in boxe4and bales) heathers, Etre, le. SECOND CLABB—Domestic Sheeting, Shirt lug and Ticking (in original balsa), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. Leather(ln rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, tr.o., ko. THIRD CLAR.B.—Anvils, Steel, Chains (in' casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, nut/sails°. tared, (except Cigars or cut,) ho., Ac. FOURTH CLASS—Coffee, Pith, Bacon, Beef' and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard 011,Nails,8pdaAsh, Ger , man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, io. , t,43. FLOUR-76c. bbL until further notice. Gii.All , l in CU iostb, 86 cts. 100 the, until further notice. COTTON-0 tyt bale, not exceeding 630 Ito. might, until further 'settee. ABr le shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to mark packages "via Permoivania ...ctlrcad." All Goods consigne d - to the Agents of this Road st Phila.:!!lphi% or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without Ao.7=—Barrld, Wormley 6 Co., Memphis, Tenn.; R. F. Sai6 A Co., St. Lania ; P. O. O'Riley lc Co., Evansville, I ; DnueanLL,llnll . 1.;0... aud Carter &Jewett, Lonisvillo, 1.;:y , (J. Melds-am, Madis . oti, lad ; El. W. Brown A Co., and r , cin L Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham A Co. ' 'Zanesville, ; 1 , 4 O. o-: K:1114 atmt Bunton; Leech & Co., No. 1 Arlinr Lomas New York; No.l William street, and No. 6 Battery Place, New Fork; 101. J. Bneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw 6 Kona. Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittabargh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMILLERT, op:6 tinperintinident, Altoona, Pa. G I2,OOEIifES WINES AND LIQUORS 160 bap Rio tioffeo; 100 chests Black and Groan Teas ; 26 bbls. Crashed Sugar; 15 Coffee ` Now York Syrup; 20 " New ()sham Molasses ; Tiaras; New Mee; 10 boxes W. W. 11. Grant's Tobacco ; 100 M. R. and Layer Raisins; 21) kegs French Plums; Puncheons Jamaica Rum; Santa Om Rum; Pipoi Rolland Gin; Also, 2 reich Brandy; Port, Sherry, Malaga and Cham pagne Winos; Pure 01,1 Rye and :Warned Whisky, in a toro and fo; rale low, by ILAGYWiTH @ 811.015 7 NLE11, .6ticcalsora to Ifaworfla, i3ro. Brownlee, Cor. of the Diamond and Diamond alley, itty:s) Pittsburgh, Pa SUNILRIES.- bbla....Castwick's Syrup ; 25 " New York 25 " Baltioacia t 3.1 hhds New Urbana Sugar ; It,o half chests Young Hyson Tea; 50 " Black Tea, for sato by 020 W. H. SMITH & CO .M.ANILLA PAPER—A large lot various aims., for Bale by IV G. JOHNBTON & CO., ei Per. rimier.. 67 Wqr.tl it. 111111 - LAREATION SUGAR it MOLASSES 100E. hhda folly fair and prime N. 0. lingar 840 bbl&, oak cooperage, prime N.V. Moho:es; 00 " St. James S. H tdolassec, now landing and for tale, by MILLER, t ItIORETSON, mrla NOL 221 and 2.27 E T.lbt•rty street. pl 4 ILL PAPER—Of best quality—:-for &1e by WM. G. JD.H.1461%N co, 1628 Stationers, tir Wsiad street. ENVELOPES.—Buff, Straw, Amber and Whita, of all sizes, sold wholesale or retail, by WAS. G. JOHNSTON h CO., rny7 Stationers and Paper realm, 57 Wood it. Q,UDA ASII.-100 casks Soda Ash, now t 1 bluding and for sale by raylB MILLER RIOKETSON MIGS,-10 barrels fresh Eggs, just reoeiv ju ed and for ealo by JAMB A. iETZEB, ,32.2 earner Market and first atreetes. fIOD FISH.- 16„. 4 1 3 drum. extra largo Cod Flab ; a"large "• Just received and for axle, by MILL •R & RIOHETSON, 26 Noe. 21 and 223 Liberty street. iOR SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder .j 111 inches in di•meter, 4% feet stroke, with 2 Cylinder Boilers 82 inches in diameter, 20 feet in length, with fire front; Fly Wheel 10 foot in diameter. For price and terms, Inquire of B. C. tr J. IL BAWYBII, je3o No. 47 Wood street. LADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT- Etul, with and without heels, at tho People's Shoe Store. N 0.17 Fifth street. DIFFENBACHES. It CO. G EN U'S CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, at the Pooptde Shoe Store, N0..17 Firth street. el 9 DIFBENI3ACHBR * CO. -Tr HAVE constantly on hand a large supply of Pure Wines and kdquors for medicinal purposes. These wishing anything in this line, can rely n on getting o pure article at • JoBlll'll FL& 41ING'B, jyl2 Corner Diamond and Market greet. _ . _ 1 600 W lLL Brorooms2 and bath hDwe room , l 1 g H ce o ll u ar s e a n o d f other conveniences, situate on Franklin street. $lOO in hand balance at ono and two years. B. CUTHI3ERT L SON. ' Jyls . 51 Market street. 'TYPE METAL, just received and for sale, 11. by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and Printer, e2B Corner Market and-Second:streeta. QOAPS.—A larAp supply of Low's we known Brovat Windsor Spetp, Met topeived Ale Honey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and other fancy Boapa coa l stoutly on hand at JOB. FLEMING'B, Corner Dlamdnd bad hferket street. COLTON'S .O§T , TO I 13,Wr & GIUIDE for; sale (Jel9) - - - J. R. WELDIN. DELIVERED :.EVERY --MOB P 10... Forney's Press, fublio Ledger, ICY. Timit'ar, Harald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trade aupplied by leaving your addresa at HUNT A: MENU, Jolia ltle.aonic Hall. W E A R.- OHFAP. Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters; 0 1 n; Gent's Patent Leather Oxfords; ttl , S Gent's Oalf Boots ; rt 1 ' - .4 (hut's Fine Slip era. ta. o • otiwAP .'i ' AT Tail PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jel2 No. 11 Fifth street, DIPFBNBAOHP.B. at, CO. G ENT' QM TARCANDLES.-7. eons extra Ada mantine Star °audios, warranted superior to any lb the market, on band and for sale by myl3 ; g, a. s,tr. SAWYER Q.PONOES—A large supply of coarao and flue Bponges, of a very auperior pardity t jnat receivid by JOB. YLEMING %LI Ckamer Diamond and Market atria.' QTA'rIONERY FOR OFFICE 11E—A - euppiy PC. Staple,. and Fancy Eitationerry, for of fices, Unto; eto,for ate by Clel9l J. B. VirRLDIN.' 1 REST I TEA, MORE NEW , ,TEA— The finest Tea of every name, grade and color. The eto - store. *A ,a,trdelns, a most. extensive and complete a.iteortmer:t or Tea in Ehesti, half 'chaste and fami ly boxes, ell of which Li offered at greatly reduced 'prices. Jen B. JAYNES, ZS Fiftb elxeet, AHON TIIE 0113 T Y.- , ~A new CotrageTiotiso of 6 rooms, good collar, and every convenience to make a comfortable and pleasant residents. stable, carriage house, spring 1iqu5e,.2.4.0 peach trees also, choice (Tyke and other trait, 12 acres sf land, good quality for gardening nurposes situate at 8 miles from the city, near the Washington Trinspike. Terms easy, and Immedi ate po&iestioir.: For sale by. S. OLITTLBERT IS BON, JY`a - 61 klarketstre I ESIRABLE P ROPERTY FOR , SA i A Dwelling Bowe and two largo iota, with good Iru• proreMesta, immedilte'pteaeardon. Price, ',le.°. A Farm of 803 acre 40 improved, all prime lard one mile. Irian Fayettn,Spr -Price,' $6 per acre. valnabo prt:orty at Lawrenceville, In complete order, good location, , immedLato poeseation—s36oo. A oectloo of choice land In Franklin county, lowa, to good location--$2,60 per acre. 8, 01171/BM Biaz IT at BON, 1.91 , • 61 ket /drool,. CLARK STREET. A Brick Dwelling noose on, Clark jetreA near carpenter's alley, at the low price, of gllef.t i ' Also, three other Dwellttig /losses aver the above. Pries; 21200, each. Tarns elan __ • " 4i/ 5 - 13; OVVIBEST 80ZI, 61. Dasr-Kati4. NG.-50 st.t.laiaby Jeao CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Ell/017A_L.—J. & H. PHILLIPS have _AN - timoved to their new building; Noe. 28 and 28 ST. OLdlit stroot, west aido,botween Penn otreot and the Bridge. 3. & U. PIIII•LIPSI ktAIMPUMMIEBOPEDIXIB,YURIMURE,OARBIAGE, TABar, AND TRANBPARENT A OPAQUE SIZADE OIL GLOTEIit, Of differept Oolong. Also, DDILLEDN' La OIL OLOT.DB WINDOW SHADES, 'Of evory deScription. Dealers t in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made order Goodyear's Patent; Agentiot the Boston and New York:Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA BUL KIER BELTING, ROSE And PACKING. LEATIIEI3. BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality ; also, Lace ..sather, and Rivets. Agents for the 01110 PIRE-PROOF HINERAI: 'PALM ' Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. ROUSE AN) PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branchet, who in the beat sad shortest time. cd.e2oGyl J. It IL PEILLIPS, .acre N...t5.'26 and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory ut dpaville. 'on the Ohio river, three miles below. Pittsburgh. (Meal% OIL CLOTHE, MATTING, dlo., AT THE dounth Street carpet Store. VET D. & 11. &OA:W.4IIAI respectfully Vy o invite the attention of their former easterners and the iniblio generally to their present etock,Just sole,-,tea fur Spring Wes, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Nosy Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets an,i Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingram: aLlo, Brmunts, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair OARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 24 PPM Wwli, klids, Stair Rods, o=l/OD. and Cocoa }lasting; :turn and Rag Ourpets; Vexation :Muds; Painted, buff cud Lireen Rolland absdet. It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may oe desirous uE looking or riusiiinalug, and we aro determined to oder MM.:Dements to any who may favor US with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 21.)U11,TR Street, near Wood. myl9:ly W. D. d, IL M'CALLUM._ CIIL CLOTH CLOTHINO-01 all kindd, NI,Jv black end yellow, fir sale et the Ludic, Rubber Depot and 2S b: Crla etrees. Oa] J. aU. PILILLIr6. IL CLOTHS FOR TUI FALL Tit Mir,. IL" We have on hand, and are daily receiving addle). thereto turn our own and other naantliar.torfeu, a large. b. J of Beer Unruh:we, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, Tr, ,• parent, (+leen and Buff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, =el tiousercutulahlug and other purpoeee. Also, Transpe...-A Window Blinded, of dry and oil linish—gold bordered .to , . other Mare, and Window Ni.do Trizetainoi. Merchants and other.' sill fund it to their advantage oi amine ins stook and prloss before making their poroenora ellewherr. .1.. t IL PIIELLIV-, sole 2.13 and 28 St. Clair rime:. OIL CLOTH TABLE (JOVEktb' S—Uf our owou and other nianufacturera, for cola whoLuiule and rated, by J. & 1.1. PHILLIPS, 'l7 %I and 23 St. Clair street. TRANSPARENT UREEN OIL CLUTH- A 3000 yards of a suporior qtraity, just received f: um trio factory, and for sale by J. 41 PHILLIPS. 23 and 23 St. Clan. streo:. CA.RMAGE OIL OLOTB.S.—Enamelleu with plain or figured backs—on muslin, Twilled aud Durk (lauds, for sato by J. a EL fIi.T.LLIPS, and 28 St. Clair street. CAP OIL CLOTHS—A few pieces on mus lin, silk, and imitation of silk, f r sale at 211 and v.B t. Glair street. (1y17) J. B IL PHILLIt'S. Ittsburgh 70e. "ti 109 DA. 11 - OSPITAL S EiEgf INti —Of all widths and of the beet quality, fur sale at the Lade Rubber /Apo', 20 and 28 Bt. Clair street. Ma. il 100 U. AIIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The beet AL artiotu iu we, fur sale rt to ludia Rubber Depot, or J. ds U. PEC1141.11•6, ell 26 anti 26 St. Clair ettoeL 60c. 311 100 lbe L'LOOR OIL CLOTHS,- Of cur own and eaatorn manufacture—all widths, and ma to sui% any atte of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Ware roams, No. 26 and 28 Bt. OM& street, &Gra 400. $4lOO Ibe ,Great Chanceto Make Money THE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OP TELE" IlliES--ONLY ONE DoIJAR PER SELIRE.—Forty thew-mud dollars worth of 'valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, te e t. silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety of Fancy and Staple Goode; to bo disposed el In forty mon -mad shame, at one dollar For chars, to follows:—Upon the payment of one dollar, I will the payer a numbered r..- ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the obarkis shall have boon sold, the shareholders shall be nethled of the I , lZt, by mail, or through the Onspapers, and a maths;; of the Shareholders shall then to held In the city f; Ytrirdelphin, and the whole of the property disposed m...triontod among them; in n,:ch way as shall be determ.s...: 1.11 - 1)1! 1.3 teem ; each Sharehold er shall be entitled : niiiictua to be selected by the Shareholde:e at said v1.11.1g, 10 conduct or :superin tend the disposition of pro v es ty, accormug to the direc tions of the Bharehuldera. 1•:“. I. will than deliver the pro perty to such por.iou or i.,rBollti as the Shareholders may appoint to rotary:, rim Ettne. 'rho heal Estate consists of uni) three story br.cs ii.olldB and lot, valued at $4OO, and two titre., story uttehing hicates and lota valued at 2710 each, In the ult.., clear of all incum bra=e, and title itidisprit,le;ti , t• property eon Hata of the whole etoch and liattaea 1)1 0/40 01 the largest notch end Jewelry Stores ui the c , ,y of Philudesplcia, now, one for a lung time past kept by the stab:ler:Ler. The stocit Col.l2.l.lt hug or very bus Bold and Silver anuting Case Lever Watch cc, very hoe Bold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine and other I•iatehes, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, iLir Rings, Bro.,rhes, Bracelets, Diamond end other !tinge and t Ludo, sleeve Battens, dr...., Gold, Silver and .!eel tacks, Gold and t..lt - rr 'l.:titifoles, Silver and Silver Plated Were, cc - us:astir:4 01 Tee dere, Casters, Ceka Baskets, Ceps, Sp one, ii.uives, f !fork .&c., Also,frencia Clocks, Music Ilonca,.stecertleons, and a great variety of other goods. The C.oU'itr me ,tot one thus bchotaez whiczt are tier...cod to ru t! ap the unwary, hut is -cad trill be a t s eir nelo ei the call J property eeionging co Lao subscriber, persons are positively ~seared the stock tuts not noon purchwed for the purpose of ...caption, and to pain, oft Lodi:Lica tilt and Plated Jeweir.,, for flee told, Ittpite 6IICII %ill bedistrlbuLtel, the iiit.st respect able persona are gr.en role: once;,, to three tits, , ,msr4 to par chaae sim.rto. 411u:14:e Ly etioMaimg the money will be promptly atteaded to, etai ter,elpte forwarded to the ad dress Jf the emitter, by return mini. Any parson sending ten dollars at one time, shail receive eleteu separate receipts, In sa many separate names it de.‘itrul. in wilting for aliarea, picas: Write the name of the Pest Llama, to =ilea yon wish tar answer directed. Title it the greatest chance ui getting a large sauount of valtiakda property, [or a email sum, as has ever before been tottered to the public. Bend on your orders, aa shares are ceiling rapid ly, mad it is confidently expected the distribution will coon be made. Articles allotted to persons et a distance, will be Bent to them at thrift. einunas. Cll,..aget-ta wanted in every Lau std village. All com munications moat be acidic:sod to L. L. 111100.1MALJ., No. 60 South Secaud street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia. . . . . COPYING PRESSES, with Surew and Lover, for sale by IV a :'At Stationer and Paper Dealer, /Y2O Gonaer Nltuket and Secoud ntread. WummEE, EXCURSIONibTS. — Ladles who design taking a "Pleasure Trip,".,alienid provide themselves with the NEW LINEN TRAVELING The above article can be precured at JOS. jylU 77 zr,arket etreet. DERE FRENCII BRANDY, for medicinal purposcfs, by the bottle ur gallo, , at HAWORTH t fttIOWNLEE'S, in the Diamor.d. 111 SAOTS FEATILERS, for alio by -- JACIALES, oostir.viL a; co, Not la 4,1 ar g'zzli R YE. -125 bush Rye for sale by JAG. A FETZER, .2 Corner Market and First streets IgOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy Seed for sale by JAS. A. FETZLE, RYE FLOUR.-15 bbis. just received am. for salo by [rar3) IIISN WY U. COLLIS:I. EGGS. -1.0 bbl®. fresh Eggs just reeeiveg a nd for silo by I ine..4.) FA tot IL COLLLNS. EXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and all the other celebrated Slzirt3, for halo by a. 26 JOS. HORNE, 77 Mark Letreat. gIipLACK LACE mins.—A largo stock of Jill excellent styles, with and without fingera, yerynheap at (ap2.o) JOB:IIDENE'S; TT MarketeXceet. COTTON HOSIERI.—Every variety—df la Cotton Stockings and 1L if Mae at the lowest pricoe wholesale or retail, at JOB. H 4tNE 8, 77 Haricot street. QTYRUP.-10 bbls. N. 0. Syrup for saln . on I,,jr COnalgument., by (sp7) 112N.H.1r U. COLLINS . tierce-s prime Rice, just receiv- At; and for sale by MILL I 4II. 11101{ETSON, PoYI2 Nos. 221 and =Liberty street. AKE FISH-15 whole bbls. Lake Supe- Igor White Eisll Just received a4g for'sale, by JAB. A. FETZER, 8 Cornerldarket and First utreiLts. 10 BAGS Driat uAG .A . M3s, c or: , l , by 4.0 CO., Naa. la and l 0 Wood street . Ja3o JUST received another assortment of Boos and SEIOga, col:Acing of Ladles' Heel reJotd and Slip pers, Gent's, floya's Ironthn, and a large variety of Chil dren'e Fancy Shoca. Piaui:type no o call, at the Cheap Cash Sto:e of JOSEPH. H. BORL &ND, Jen 93 ',lariat street, mound door from Filth. WOOL WAliThll -109,030 IDs. Wool Wanted at highest ea.ll HIT.OIICOCX, bI'OBILERY 4 CO., t Second. trout, and 141. L'rent• price by J&Z:1111114gw j_j AIR DYES—Batchelor's, Christadc,ra,'s, Alez,ancler'6, Shalea'a, and Water'd Liquid Hair Lye2.—a large supply taLatantly on hand, at JOSEYEL FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market street. CLOVERSEED.---25 . sacks just raGaiVod and far gala by Mlll ILLINILY 11. COLLINS 501 - I GROSS kIAVEN'S No. OM b :PEN . Jtut reudyed and foi Gale by C. 11AVILN. Cornet Matkat east: deo..lsd, atrew. 1 DRUMS COD FISH, for Elia by ILi BAGALEY, 00S'3ii.AVE a CO UT I L.LEY'S BALVE for eats wholesla, ill and retail at the Drug nor° of JOHN HAM Jr— Comer 1. Wood and'alti• 813., rittaliargh $0 (1 FOR a two story !rams dwelling 01., hot= and lot of ground GO foe; by 100, ?Lena ntiy'situated on M. Vi7n.ililngton. Terms easy. fa g01.11111:WI' T a Mid. Gi bizzbet MRS. ALLEN'S Hair Restorative, Eronn's Fua. Janiaioa Ginger, Prio enn Es Merrill & Cooking Extraats, Knedy's 2eledical Witzmery, Thompson's Washing compound ' 111=1'5 Lndellbis its thimpbeirs Stsrch, McClung Gum; ealtpoto, Lemon eirruP- Fos. Bale by B. L. FAUNEBTOCE ic CO, 2 No. Do, cdrner of Wood and Fourth eta fi 8 I ••.• - fgx . iato 6.440 J. Ir. H. PHILLIPS J. & E. 111311.1 PS L S —lOO bush., for sale by HENRY IL COLLINS 'IGiORATOR.-10 gross .y. f. g xr rAlizii:t:Toc.3 l 4 C 9., Wad and Mist Mwt.2. -- 7 MEDIaAL. DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE A. ND LIVER PILL WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most pop lar remedies now before the publi:• We'-refer to Dr. Chas. DI In l ets Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pith We do not recommend them at universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VE - ttMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. ' It has also been administered with the most satis factory results tO various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK. HEAD-ACHE, &C. in cases of FEVER AND AGUE; preparatory to ar after taking Qui nine, they almoSt invariably make a speedy and pe r rmanent cure. As specifics for the above men-. tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never knoWn to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors,, FLEMINO BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged:for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided tithe and attention' to their manufacture. And being de termined that! Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and 'Liver .Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the reat remedies of the clay, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough - manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. S. Dealers and Physicinne ordering from ethers titan Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders rii4inctly. and take 'none but Dr. Miens's, prepared by nencing Bras. Pittsburgh. Pa. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any of the United ;States, one box of Pills for twelve three-cent poetage stamps, or ono Niel of Vermifuge for beirteen three-cent stamp 3. All orders from Canada must be accompanied by twenty cents extra. VtictALLFUUE AND LIVER groan on hand and for saki by E. L. tetsHICESTOOK lc CO. t Corner Wood zr.d Fourth etreete. mtate....r.ramarr. Private and Conilder.tial Medical &Meal T THE BUFFALO PRIVATE HOSPI iI T&I.---Establiahed for the care of Byphilb; Seminal Wotikno,..;s sad the &Mut Inarnaltiea of Youth And Maturity, by Dr. AMOS. A EON, buffalo, N. Y. °atoe corner of Main and Quay trtreete, (up italrs.) A 510:31! SoiILNTL3IO I.I.TVIWTION. An instrument for the core of Genital Debility, Or MOULIN eel Itcaiaalonc, more properly known an Beminnl Weaknete, to. Can be permanently mired in from fifteen to twenty Cape, by the coo of this instrument, when teed conjointly with medicines. YOUNG LIEN TAKE ph...up:lmam Haman. Dr. AMOS dC ON take pleasure; n announcing that they have invented a mast important( int nmont for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians In London. Faris, Philadelphia and New York; it has bon declared the only moral instrument over yet invented, for the care of Seminal Weakmeee,or any dileSie of the genital organs, caused by the secret bebite yentb. Dr. AMOS Is 8023,i1n order to eatiafy , the most ekeptiml as to the morito of their instrument, pledge themselves that to any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after Ws trial, the money will be refunded by returning the In. etriament in good order. Percoue wishing the above useful instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying idrectiouz, securely nached and eent by eiiprace, Ia tell dollars. NEW &ND QUICK CUE Dr. Alilo3 k. SUN may he ceuralted from eight o'olook In the morning until nine at tight. in every stages d gyp' tom of the Venereal Dirs.-sc.., tie.iriorrbossi, (Heels, , oondary Symptoms, Serra:n.l Wee:wens, 'repo:knee andSt tares of tile. Urethra, etc., wiih inviolable secrecy The treatment they adopt is the result, or upward of thirty years' extensive and anew:wild practice in Lon.l,u Vas most inveterate &eye of Venereal Diskases eradiated in eight or nine digt,, ad cams of a alight tiatare in two or three days, at a mod -date exptuiw- Th.: Cure etlected without confinement or dludrance front bovine.% aLto, waded and pains in the bones and limbs, effentaallyi eradicated, A C II WILTIRANTED. Dr. .e.kiCYB I.` BON aye devoted their atentlon exclosive ty to this peculiar 0 sof malailliz, and the relief they have xineequently been e„ r eit to render to their fellow -creature . fully testifted and reatfully acknowledged by convales :eutpatienta and oth. .. daily Carving in town from all parte ..f the country, for tb express scrpoce only of consultations while their exertions eve been crowned with the most erg lal advanrag..,e: y..,t iron: what they have experienced I. .oeiniring into the cruse of these infectionecomplaint from their most simple condition to that of the moat dap . 4erotits and invelaretso) they have always entertained t 43 possibility of their preivention and removal, and likewise 14. variably found that the most horrible and mangtrtant forms ,f 1p50... could almott always be traced to one of the fol. kowieg canes_ :—.lgnopuace, neglect, or the ill effects of un ;lielful and improp , ,ritrentssent; therefore, Dr. Aldol3 at i 0.4 have sucka.. led in discovering, in the selection of their remedies., a safe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting all :otabluntion of remedies which bear an equivocalcharacter, re well aa those whosot,iirentuature or injudicious apt an lication a might be prcductivs of bad oonsequences in thehands of orivate individuals. In short the lludible end of their no. medics is the lessening of a great rfS'". of human baize* by .he atleniation, relief land prevention of those grievous af. . dictions that are in rti:4lty the secret foe of life, and which, while, they se extremely surround no, call aloud for our s= and interference for their extermination. COZW.ERY liiVALIDS. -- - - Persons in any part of the world roily bo fracceezfully treated by forwardingi a corset detail of their case, with e ramittanoo for roedicit.es, Address Dr. AMOSI4 BON, corner ril n and Quay atrcetst, tlnftslo„ N. Y. 1 j DRIVATE DgASES.—DR. isisuWN'S BIEDIOAL and MAL Otiose ' , ... vie. 50 SMITSVIY.LD Street, Pitts. '':--::. 't I eargh, Pa. -:-.1,:‘,",...,.-..„._ ...... D8,..13,110WN is an OA calker. of Pitte• , .6.,,,).#Y.. - : . • oar b, and hea been pa practice for the fiej,,P.?„, n?.?' last t-i,enty-fitg veara.l We business hast/C ,i , ..,, etArc.,..s ' been cordir.ed meetly to rrivata and Sur , .: * aloof Diseases. ' - 4 , ',. 1 ' e'Ne' Cifi3 AND 1 EMANG -- .V.118 . ;.." .!-:....i in need of a medical friend, ehould, Ad_ ~ 0 - , 4 8t e2:_%1 ,ri re tail to find oat the place of relief: 4.4... - .;:i.7 , ; - Ile Doctor is a re,,, "r graduate, and t..e.*2:Pr' 3 '. hla olerler.ce in t'ao trestmentof /Icarian clams of diaeaces i.l a sure gaarentee to the sufferers of obtaintng perms. —out relief, by the tiro of lila remedies and following his advice. DD. BROWN'S Mai:DM r.ovor fail to care thel worst form of Venereal Dileateas— , Impurities and gercifnlons Affections. Alio, all diseases arising from a her&iitary taint, which manifeata itself in the form of e. tester, - par,42.513, and a groat many forms of skin die.l.--...3:., :he origin of cch'.6l the patient 1.3 ar.tirdy ignorant Co ,pore.ons. Do ancta, Dr. D. cffera tom if a =re aid :pcoily cc-corer;. , - 2DIENAF: FiFIAJUTEES. Dr. :411."...::: t.. MILL eilke4 fir tide alarming flyable, brov4 , t on orlon by that colit t ary habit of sensual gratification w..h the young and w.alc,anr.ded often give tray to,(to their avra ,lc tract era the only reliable remedies known to thli cvantrr---tner ere oaf?, tad alatl a z - pezty mexathra -- health. F RE303117.1:3A. disc Di. Browr:a realejka ne7ol- fail onto this p"Wal Cal a fete dc: . os—be cral warrant a care. He ALSO true altot, GonorYll.4.-a, Strict - aro, Urethral Dizahterm re kidathly Ellapratt-calons, Di=see of the Joints, Pictuln in Act , , Nervous Afecttons, Pain In the Beck and itlidneze, Irriv4on of the Dladdo; toss:her with ail dia.:0,103 a an liapara A jotter deacriblng the byinWore...4 con:a:dila; s rzs, rooted to DL' L1EUV. , . , 1, No. GO iacaittalleld r.trest, rittsbursk Ell., will ba Iretnedi4oly yaken - cred. Medial:a Der.t to en, address, safely packed and =case frota obscr:ation. Gact , wad 'et iyato tooma, No. GO a trit:hfield irseet, Fitta• barges, sp9 ANOT pply iArg & Son'a superior Lunde. 'boiler. t3or- k ne rtceivod todny, by JO& MAMA 8 ! Cornor Dimond and Make. atrset. I OB PBSINTING. --- tY Cards, Cram/Lars, , Price Lists, ; 811 l Lading, Letter lidads, Show Bills, LabelßA° Printed in suisarior syle at:s G. JOIINBhort noUce, by 1 WM Toll * CO, Printer - 8 Blank Buisk Ilanufm4, - tzrare and Stationers, 67 Wood street, m4l LACK CRiiPE COLLAlcS.—Beautifid styies ter ante. et 11011N.M, in No. 1 or. IeONS--50 boasbyPalermo, dar,just roceied LIID.EIRBOI4. No, 8.9 Wood street, _ _ Oppoato the Bt. Marko Hotel. 9"31: iiiKb—So ' " Wa::ITILD.I3S4