ffEMBIZZ LOCAL AFFAIRS. The IVeather.—Tho following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shaw, optioian, Fifth street, on Monday : THERMOMETER. In Sun. • 76° SS° 9 A. M. cloudy 12 M 6 P. M littrometat 2 . 9 11.20 latereiting Ceremony.-Laying tl.e Cor ner Stone of n Church Acco,-..*2.ing to announcement in our issue of yes terday, the Corner steno of the new Second Pre-try. terlan Church now in course of erection at the tier of Penn and Irwin street..., was 1,,d at or o'clock yesterday afternoon. Quite a largo concourse of people were preset, wino manifested a deep intzrest in the impressive and in teresting ceremonies. The exercises were commenced by the Pastor, Rer. W. D. Howard, who gave out the 137th Psalm, -which was sung by the assembled congregation. A prayer was then offered up by Rev. Dr. Camp. bell, followed by the reading of a portion of Serip turo by Rev. Dr. McKinney. Rev. Dr. Howard then laid the corner stone of the depositing in it a copper box containing the following articles 1. A copy cf the Fib! , . A history cf the Priebytexian Ohrtrch of Pittt. hurch, compri2.l in two MI :115,Cnipt sermon 9 by Rev. W. D lie ward, Pastor. 3. The Master's Intcri. , .at in Domestic Missions. A preach. d before the General Assembly of the Pre,byt, rise Church, at . I..t.ltngLn, Ey , In May, 1855, by W. D. D. P. . . 4. ChriAtien Ref:ea:once— eerreon in behalf of the ..t.u.cricm Tract Society; deli , red by Rev. W. M. Paxton, Pastor of the Fiat PrcabytErh, Unroll of Pittabnrg . h. 5. Disccheprs at the luani,:nr..tion of Rev. J. S. Wilson, A. M...:8 Prcie;For of Eci,'t.eignical IliE•tory and GAPposi don and Rekvery of Sermon , , is the western Theolegiall Seminary. 13. Tricardal Catatone of the Weetern TbcoUgical FPnita szy, 7. Anntp.lCptelegue Pittet:nrahlA - etc:pry :or !Er,' t. history of P;t=tar:th—Crag. rittz.-tr.:r'gh I irert..rY for 1553. 1. Ord!uznc s of retort and Catncaon Ct-..ur. ,- .16* of Pat MMM 211111 , 11i.V.:1 1.858. 13. Pittoburr...h as it 14. Second tic -1.1.1.,3z.e.r.1 ot tl.o Allegheny Cemetery-1857. 15. A piece of the Aiia..tic Telagrapb Cable, i romentel br Col. Joseph Fricker, of Pitt,bargib. id. Copier of the following • Sic.; buil: Herald. Angust 21st, IIBSS, contifeing the Quoen's and Pleaidont's tho L,:tgin and a description of the hying of the C2ble ; Some and Foreign Record. for Anzust lvti , ; Presbyterian Banner sod F_drocate. August 21,11 , 58: Presbyterian (Philadelphia) do.; cep ica ci Pittsburgh daily piii,ord for August '23. 1808. 17. An account of tho great fire of April 10th, 1845, with diagram of the burnt district; presented by Edward tiregg, Esq. 13. A list of thejlarzw of theolll:era, building committee, rwohltocts and Cottroctcr6 of the tiezond Presbyterian Church. 19. Couramian Faith, rald Coaslintioo of tha Practy tr dun Church. fo i , Rev. Dr. Jaabbg.i then addre , ,sed the audience in a few apt and tloquent remzirka, and was followed by the venerable Dr. Plaiatr in a similar strain. The audience now joined in prayer with Rev. Dr. Elliott, and the:exercises cloeed with the 84th Psalm, read by Rev. S Fulton, and sung by the aseenably, concluding with a benediction by Rev. W. D. Ilow arid. This church when completed, will be a fine placo cf worship. It is contemplated to have it under roof by the latter part of November, and ready for uaa daring the fall of 1359. It will have a front of 70 (set on Penn street, and extend along Irwin =tract 106 feet, with a spire on Penn street 160 fest in I , tight. The front is to be covered with Roman coinc.r.t, giving it the appear ance of atone. The estimated oust of the structure ir. $30,000. It will comfortably seat, when finished, ei.,g:ogsation cf 1,10t3. The architect is Mr. L. W. Kerr, this laity, and the contractor, Mr. Andrew . aizton, of Sharpsburg. Turner's Furey Biiders.—An invaluable tonic under tho above name, used for all tho purpwe 3 where an invigorating tonic medicine is needed, for sale at tan drug store of Dr. Goo. H. Keyser, No. 140 Wood sleet. lt is made of pure liquor, and contain= valuable msdiolnal routs and harts which impart to it a healthful and invigorating property. No medicine can be made that hes the same care bestowed en it as Turner's Forest Wino Bitters, which is sold in large bottles, and at a price tsithin the reach of all. At thi• , -ssma rf tt , :. year. when the system degs o'sdor the opprereiva boats of fam ines, and the stomach is disturbed by crude and in- , digestable food talreu into the stomach, a bottle or two of this valuable bitters will impart tono to the stomach and enable the system to throw the in. dizestablo material which often produces irreparable mischief to health. Violent Aagattlt.—Justice Lipp, of East Birmirg ham, on Sunday committed a man named Elias Laughlin to jail for assault and battery with intent to kill. It is allegod that on Saturday night at ill'Alcose's store, above Birmingham, be committed a brutal assac'.t. on Andrew Jackson Hollis, knocking him down, boating him unmercifully and stamping in his face, leaving the marks of hie boots cn his face. Laughlin was arrested on Sunday at a camp meeting /Mar M'Keespert, and fully committed by the magistrate, to answer the charge at the term of Court, Stockholders' ileeting.—The semi-annual meeting of the stockholders in the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, will be held to-mor row at the Board of Trade Rooms, Fourth street, at two o'clock. The officers and directors of the road will present their report of operations for the six months ending July Ist. As no new officers will Le elected, the attendance is not expected to be as large as at the annual meetings. Remoyed.—The Chronicle of ye.ltarday elates that .. Dickey and Andrew Watson, the local steam boat inspectera at this port, have boon removed, owing to a complaint made to the pr-per officer that the machinery of the Fanny Fen, a boat unlit and inspected here, was defective, and that the defect was the cause of her exploding her boilers, and the less of so many ilve3 sumo months einco. A Mao T, op.—We are requested to call the at tention of the authorities to a vault grating on I.arket streot,Lctwnen Fif•h and Liberty, which be ing set In a !lag stone partially broken, is a very dangerous place. A gentleman of our acquaintance was. injured by stepping through it. The owner might save an expensive lawsuit by having it imme cl:ately repaired, daiomittc,i for Larcze.fj.—Tho acting Mayer cf Ai.egiteny, Sam.ul Long, yesterday cJamitted a fa mnle, named Sarth7l), to yid oe a charge of 1...r-ceny, preferred by Mary Bork, who ellarged her etealieg come articles of trifling value. A/moat a l'ire.—The chimney of Major Siming ton's residence, near the Al!cgheny Arsenal, took fire )(:.terday morning, but was soon extinguished. fit.asiderable excitcup2at pi - smile 3, owing to a high *lnd which was blowing at the time, threatening to cc.asume the entire building• Alderman Rogers on Sunday sent tho well-known Jane Davis to jail for thirty dap. She was Lund on Wylie street, brandishing a huge knife, and eat ing very disorderly. Peruvian Symp.—lt is with a degree of confidenoo in the euperiority of the ertiT'e that we eil attention to the ad:ert., , n,eat. iO,r.ooier part of tl• a Eae, ci the" Peruvian syrup, or Protected So t:on of Protoxide of Iron Combined." This value t- medic:no has beta silently working itl way into favor, by the numerous remarkable curea it has ;It rformsdratra winning day by day fhe confidence the most intelligent cla..s of people, wherever it hr s been introduced. The yaicia.as, here and else- I.ere, at first cat.t2,om.ly administered it to their pa tients sofferieg from various diseases, have been die ..; Led, by its encccve and good effects, of all fears as to its ingredients, and no longer entertain any pro fe,s:onal hostility on th.: ground of it being a secret ect.Tounci. Dr. Hayes, Assayer -Le --&:* State, now publicly declares the principal ingredient to be Protoxide of Iron." This will satisfy all those who tuivo heretofore been timid ia administering the Syrup, cc, the peculiar virtues of such a combination are well known to every intelligent physician. The Treat number of certificates in possession of the proprietor, from persona of undoubted reliability, detailing per mane,' t cores of the most extraordinary nature, rifer .:Nund....nt proof of the great geed it has already 0.-• c,a,plishod. Such a multiplicity of evidence ougl.t re he sufficient to induce every one who may be ~ tlioted with any of the complaints for which it is r et - emended, tf. , give it an immediate trial.—Br,4• Bee, id by Dr. Gen. H. Keyser, No. 40, Wood s4_•,,t Megara Silver Plated Ware.—A eery ester e variety of silvvrplatad ware, comprising every artio.e r.4 , laufactured for family use, is to be eold this morn• ir.g at 10 o'clock by Mr. Davis, on the second floor (,i his eucti rooms, Fifth street. The patterns are i.t the latest and most elegant designs, tla:shad with cfquisite workmanship. All honeekcepere know the I,..auty and durabil ty of a silver-plated set, and the i. - .frequency of such goods at auction should secure a large attendance to the present sale, which is to be pStsitive. The artio'cs are now arranged for =mi. nation: • "Trtauh 4.t: Supporters.—These instruments for the cure of Hernia or Rupture and weak conditions of r LittUlan hody, are kept and applied in every vari •