BUS-sli 1 A vim VatiVitiVV, AlvrearM-f: r.1,17-7t z . "'" ;"7- Onrci, Yo. 4a;?...±21i1 , rid Diamond at. 7 TARES A.1401v.Y.1L1, Ak-onley E t L aw oSx Foxrth irtrecrr, Pingbitrgb,bers:‘ , .;att 2 S: lo... y AILL, ,Sar t ;coa t3dl:• • • w. No. 14-I Smithfield ettf.,s. jar Coc. , goats from 8 to 1 o'clock, and frit--1 =sty?' mr.rk , A. Ofize 'bawl fr.sza TOSEPII FLE'. I IING, Eue•coo9or to L. tv cox a Co., corner of Market etreet and the Diamond, keeps cor-stantly on baud a full of WPDICLNE rzaertrtont F.:mum - P - 11i, and ell artl• den pertaining to Ws bne.aess- Physicl.e Pre.,:ariptleez Ltal,t-an.le.l a: all wwm. P.16-L8.5EL41.1.. ..',o , ifini f..... ..,...:: WP. MARSHALL & Co., 1 nir t -o rter3 and 0 d6olers in Preach and .11E.E-7.1,:, - , - .1 P 3, r r.P. 1 . 1 3:.:= Pia, .:o. 87 Woad ftreet, Piriflrssh. tar2, -0 2 ab-,zatlf::: 01,3 a.:lebrated rianni ii Diaio , l7f , ai., rte. EOM'EO'..:::~ANI,IEZ,tm 11,115 1 EY \TER ez ANDERSON. (tiv..x:ei , ..orti to 1.16 Juib US Bode S c 0..) ir. P.a=s 2 NUTS., SPICX3, No. S 9 'wc..^d Ems', opmsit9 tho Et. %. harie.a J. Ir3. LITTLE, INTERCHANT TAILOR ST. CLAIR STRE.;". Now 331Lii-ZA3-1 1,:b1 Giy 1 W. KERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED ft•ow. coo ,r cl kifth and Wood to BTRE:CP, Lo Phi3.llpa' or e» Dodiding—coatimea to I..apar..) Nan; aud leorians of, and to Soptal7l..C.Od Ftv,C tier_ of dWriptiG:. of Buildiagg. A T=U.LTON, 1 - I.E LI. AND Fs 1y A 3 .44-L e FOUNDER, No- 70 a;;;ND Pitt•tit - gh, PT, is prepared to tarnish to ordt: 1311011 3, £0.11...A350AT, FACIZORY a. 11,70 BE 7 .2 1 , of all sis..l4, from 10 to 10,000 IL,. CUM EELL3 tafido to orri,r. STOP and G.ALICIE 9.1.1 sizes. ir d twsm 11114 ER AT, WM' Lit PEr,7l2s, 00:7?:raTs: and eery Prtis (NlLion 1i h d t) manna:. BABBETS AliT/Arntl7l-0::: FULTI77;'5 1 P TENT I'INTALLIC PACE 11 . ,...,, far Sto,ra 6ocjr.b3. eF L oIMHEIDGE MAXWELL 1 , -ANZIAGTri , S3.9 (i 7 'Looking-Glamszt,l=l tni3 e Frairn“. arctek_s. And Dealers it , . Clookr,ll - faes &e. No. 125 WOCIII etre : et, c.bo7a P 117257311, ent ta.Machine Itratit6o4.id to order. . EDUCATIONAL gt. Framnas 'Leader:ay for n135, , ,e.., 91IDEll TEE 0/.1.E op, TEE FiLazmaylN .31-te•ruz.,FL.S -ircatitte*, Can/133112; Coiamiy, Pa, I S EiSTIT iIT lON, NATE RA eituatod fr Slocatleaci puring,,t, arc,r,.J •• , -1 duee.atent; Mat cr,a be de•ilre.l for a CattioL.: I tar It ie located in a:4) Most heelt - hyand r.L:turt••••lce ::-Jruc•-• • `Le Alleghettlel, elitant tee: miles t1.,- .Krect mail rc,uta t - !atvreau PldL^..delpUa ;aid I , ltc,burpv , . scholastic it ca er.ciag the ftrat 73. e. will ci:•ce the ISM ef July foLlowM7. The Terms for tucludiuF, title Calm. ' :_•rs. $10 , 3 I F ,r oroar.a,. Tho Clio :111:.•ior Le.: - .4741:e.,t...i ..IJI e z , of taOper fmnrur.. rfoohirg and c..+3 of E,Lijog, gl3. 'for furxhar 1,E71 - ictaLru ;ply tt,3 neferenal 100 rinde Dt. BrkirlydaW Vincent's Conege UNDER TEE, C33L CP TB. BENT.DICTIS-,11 Naar Latrobe, Wesmoreiantel county:, Po . TN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE ustml braneles or l_mtmaton.. In the sr.m.C.i.i.ltY, the C.7lqcsio.-.., ;:lathcmst..-‘, Rlietorlmt, Philolochs, ern., chd the dirPn.ent higher eradiation a,- - ..a-eesery or oiefol as-, , h,x,r, to Priesthood. The terms for Board and Talil n paid semi-annually, strictly In can°es. German and French and other langns..„,--cs,Drn - - - .az. :- lag and Sluaic,formll9 eitrs charguE , ,emr*ptlng .1. )71, peczation fcr the cco of ir.e.tram , 2nt.n. Medicine, coning, , I 2 rin oharg r. For particulars .pply to Coe BLI - O.Cor of t:Ya The Collegiate co Odds an the of Jaly • I.)gl r 4,i00.06 R.etrencia : fleereaclA: I AOItASEE—IN PktiC determined to E.. 11 cur cock, those': V- Nin? T de 7i ter eav Tight," we have rrta,l.3 a gz.r.arcl gi,•,tl,- 11EIMOILD TILE I.l:4Tfr-i; To still lower prlecx. -Now i the 1.6 . ; ahr-n the ase,,rt,o,t,i az:broken, and tllO VriC*3 DOWLI! )own: I oct.T Jt'S. illOittiE, 77 Mie.rl , .et stro. TILE LAST CLIANUE IN FIGUEE.•: , ..-- Bonnet B.lbbous, worth 75 ot3nt; at 63?4 ir - q. ~,,..::. do do do 62. i at 50 do do do do 60 61 C . ; Y. do do do do 07% at 24; do 7 binztet F.t.re-..t. ica VELVET, TREIIIIIINiaS, E.E.D1301-2 , i A (balm. ala.-zidneat ea hand and far talc at 10111 NORNE:2,I7 1112._;:zt.t. CIENTLEMEN'S UNDER. GARME Wool, Ed a, and ,ed vy Cotton Cader FLh to and Drawer -a 'trash cr-ppiy rowivad Es . . HORN Irci, aal.9 17 Market .s.vrt. JIL:•VIVE Cents per Pound Ft>sdnedon in the Price of BRADLLiTS YARNS.—Whole!Lia Buyers and Peridars , will be furnished with SIADLEY'S 7111..'2.4-i•LY ENTITING YARNS at a reduction of Five Coral per pout. by the bundle, after this data, or Cush, and Gash only. • JOn. BORN_, 77 Ifilrke.t cireet, dad Agent for the 141-maiactu VALBROIDERIM.—Oar excellent stock ur Prejuch ExibrciLterim, and tha low prie,a whiel: they are marked, dram rare ina'aCealenta4)l..^4l to purchwa the latest styles, MONEY 1 MONEY 11-PRICES MARR ED DOWN. W Great reduction is the price efErnbreideri.e. We have gone carefully over our hatul=nl.• FRENc Cilia . . 4.P 9, UNDER. BL&liri SS, MUSLIN BANDS, eta, Andflz the prime to WI. the "Hard Thnee." The Ladies may rely oa getting bargains at ccdS .110.11.N.E.'5, 77 .11.F-rtet WILL SELL from the present tin o commordy eLeap FOl.l Eft"6l.l. Ina oar etcck. oct2o romerly Love Bros., N. 1.74 51,171,..1 DEINTED KKENCI - 1 MERINULS, for 62 IL and 76 mat; worth gt Eitid in the city. C. /1.1... N e 4.):: LOVE, (f..:rmerly Lcre Brothers), No 74 Ei..rket ONNET V E VET.—Every variety of Bon jj net material, Sillta, Vol v•t ,- , amd ctinF, wr E. 1.3 .t zwvl3 BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.- A full ItASOrtrintlt, Very C. al-N . 3ON fol - ta.kris Br, tL, - rc:rra V ea RY. . VE Ecoaomic-,Ju.r Pohaser. of pret3B (loads, Shawls, ilar.ll,l, Ix.; allso Domenic and 1'..1.:_- p lloodn, will End It to their ddrantsEs to call and OZEtitil unr New Stock rf Yell and ITlnt,,r Dry Opals beforeptir, , nr.r lug ehawhere. 0. nANSON LOVE', esls Porma - .17 lArer,Dme., tic:, :4 !tlni - t...4 et._ SH 1 SLI AW LS 1-1V;) , )1, mocha, sad ogr.ar. , ,, i> z very boat in tt. City, road at rtr; for C. 1.1-i.:3...50N No.ll Mr.rlzr: iIdIVIE and MARSEILLES, Elected, making . 2 4 lar z , ca r at r.: d=x-3 nuo. ci W 1117,3 P.: fro PRlNTERS.—Thesubscriber has 1.1()Ve On hind, slid .I.itly front t. 1.13 tutera, n Large itAcorttr,tat of Priatsr',l , Stodt.. R. Vi Priat. ,, rNi Cara, from No. i t.. China, Porcelain Soda .trd Card Bards, in ; - 21.1cCreery's Ce!ehrel. , l s; Lay ?Jo!. Vaznieh aid Si2.o; Colured PrietlL..! Paulptdet P,pe Glea . —^d and Pls.ted rapers, red, gr.esa4euad ; &eel B!no Glyzed raperE, z . ad a large rzr rue er_ Note, iitettf.r, F.Lie Paat . , 'blue J. R. mvll 63 Weed r es 4 e For.rt , . _ HOULD you ask me, ehoui you v - ,ur:t.er 10 Where to bay your Bhors sad Gaiters r GL11.M.5 for year :set lu spriegti.2.e, hoor3 with boels, and pretty BL=Se. Nice Austin iiLIPPEF.3 for the sunnier, Patent Leather, '.'lose`- id Where to buy the,?. cher.p aui I WO; should aro 7rer, I would tell you. unto the PEOPI.Fe - E7r_Tro the Pcoptes' Cheap &hoe Stora, To ton Store of 1712'1 , 1i;?.a.C.HErt, apt No. 17 Filth street fiEW BEDEURD SYkailit CANDLES.— = bozos a:sorwl ead e'ri, Sperm em•llec ea band and and for r.le by 101 l & C. dt J. B.Aw-rro. 10APS.- .7 1000 Ixrzea iic Ecap, hi b., 2D. awl a Lsta. 1 , 00 " Nc. l Palm Seari3, is y , 2 '24 sad Sb. bar . Loo a Cha,i,l Olive icap, in iD. I=pa. 2-)0 " °lei= Oxide 2.63 Genxula " Cae Ole 65 " Oa ham?' alzd .or We by jail 'E 10 AL‘_,, CALF AND CLOT.II avEr„EroEs, offLrt.-.1 "Me t•&..Dle , ? E•hr, , rstore,"-Y0.17 ue.r 31a*teL 1813 ()"15750 FOR A T \V() StO - 1 4 :1`. DA : 6I: ling House, of four r00..4, with lot of ground 0 f,iet front on Monterey stroot, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an iermd, SitY.) in ha , AL:,lance at one, two and thrw years, B. CUTIIIttII.T a EON B UPI+ SHOES.—A sploadid article, of Gents' and 1 , -,lka Buffalo OM: Shoes. Alec, Dente' Qat Over sti„?.?:storc, r: Fifth lams:, near Market. nov2l LlFFriiS3Aca2 et (3=?. Ne. 81. CARE. S /A.-100 kegs, just icadvad and !by sale by sayll L. FAIEGMCK A 00. E. E_kilTll.- ..... HUNT-Eit Mi. IL S1 1 41T.Ti W IT Z 1 , 13 Second t - , 141,7 r -,71g-tit 1 . 1.011 WHOLESALE GROC ER ;-; t--: $, 0'cl• - •:1 • 1,1 a &lAA Clzsrntr Ltb.ll y r.nd r , ti . et , ear e ' e It. 21 g s PlTTSaki2rl9, PA. J , t-T,0,:7.310L'S IHOLE6ALE GROCERS, INNEI Ml - 1,.'. G. 13 1..7%17,[ tilt: . Cc: JO PH " t't Pr„l-4,3-4 " In 1 .1: J.ll. 61 :rr:e: stre:• ci j_:!: 0 1 y.ii,s 1 -4 A. Iliii.LEE4. t 4,. ri.ti:i2E...: 0ra0.7.j, ~Ii 17ti t'Ort'i-E'r: BRAIs:DIES, WINES AND SI:.:(1•ARS drortra Streats, AN 1) P ) LE a F. =ME flw I D 'VI • ..... . e_. M'CANDLEFS, 1:1 1 1EANP. te, I:LILLIS I:1 la 0 , NAILS, GLASS, COTTON F:. P.I.:!;:1, 6. 1) ?111613133.GE. MAIM FACITIII I 4311Ve.ILA.I.Lt 00rr., , r Wxi Wore: C , rW rJi g and .. .~:`?~^_s' i'e ___'S~r;T~, i:~a~:ici!it L:, alirt~•. CANAL LINES 11 '; es,) I If• NV ATE•fi €TICiaIT, P:?l',;2, E :1:i t - E, P ILEAGEN .(4 '''OtiIWA_Ii.DINO AND COMMISSION a. r A T 3, v. 0 `lk Y .VM ;.3.F. ST., J. HOUSEMAN, LATE OF SAUT2,) COMMISSION AND FORIVAitDING itimitcoaxTs, o. 9 It , . Streot, cpS•Srp.. ST. LOUIS, IqISS 11.;111. ;i C. J. 1.1,” A.!•2, J IV Enzapha - eyg, Hoft'u:l t L 1 1 4 1) ) 'kJ .P• Cr A 1: - 1 1. 00 tr.-1 i't,l MS IC.' , rr! i - A ia H C4-t A t-Yr., ißi'•l c tub Vitt it Ilatqape - Gla a CAA-, Olmrtz. 6 scear.. C. 4 t 2„, .• P.,:crc , it. 2,2 a ver lA, th..1.31.1:UT t ris C, EIE!11Z=Il , ar,w.,aat 3 - . • 1".":, - r1 CP 4 7.1.1 tin E.- ") I , 7 7 V A. Le WEBil lIEMMEIM2III syza,. ) Saa COITIESS lON OR ILAN Ei ..`:P Li-. !.. NT - , E,;li. I: }.1. - ; .t. AL F . . t_.:: LLPON'Y' POWDE'r_i • _AND t , „‘VETY 1 , Li.: C..• 0: 3^-C Form:- t. t:. C .a.kurz •n; n!I IMEIEI=itIIIII3I ki 1, i• iJ }i . N EGB= 74 E. t_ ;5 ii,,c,! c,irt,L. l'tv ••;J:1:7. a LASS WAII;_t; LI-17;r1 1 - C.01.;17.Ji4,1750N IS: 01J., •o' •.3 of ''^* 1 r.Zrnt, r Front, l'ltt.bbtligll. cth.7 ;. GIZSZ, ei ri MSI-krt 1.1.D1.1.1 .... ..... . j. ULU!. EPLIE ULAM, ;n:1C,J*.z.'....1...1278 to :lalvany ul Gat, and Plain fun:alld Fancy nnd deal.r , Ir a!1 ' , rinds of Whitlow UIEL..a, 1.4,1 tr., ials and i,ottl=. Wdt,,- iv)lls.3cornar Wu.: tn. %VISES A.... 0 iiii,ii_tS ZORN 138.YL.a a. co., W1101.6 4 2'.1: r;LtISCI.,4 WINES AND LIQ,UOits, AND P.EC IP PING II3fILLEAS, o. 155 Liberly Stroet, eittzbargia, .t.dwiya on aand, Branclin, GinB, rf), Cherry, itn±..r.1...) ry I Gur.:s: Eirandied. e. ly 1 :-Iy MEE • - - - riEVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale.. Wine _tU v and aqcor Lqatillert, No. Smitrinqld t'itt...ir ; !),, Vr_ t.) . 1,K.1 l 7 LAKE FISH-20U packages arriving mid t.,: sal, by (J 52-: ) IL:. Y 1.1. CiIL,.I":S. 1t), b . ) JI.O I - Z. E S oi. Lard fur S4SU, half in 4 . ? ban i and the tal,nce in on year, ,L•uate in itik :,, P...., 1303: Centr,ville; t;',s F , Ciefl CiOart,l. Thu a.ii 13 L ;Ca"., ani Litnt,r ;A' L,- ;t qn.tlity,l , r sal, by Jy 10 ~ LT:t WI :ACT 3 z-ioN, It Markat At. pAPEit: AREII.O U U. M. PtE.- r. 1:: '3 s CO., No. I'_3 ,o 8 W,..1 stroot, lai.vc therlurgezt as 4 tof ail kinds of Pai.er4 ever 0:14 z.not , a.3d rriating Fag and Straw Wrapping; of all unto; W.; Br, . . tz - ,1.-va..t , L e a.;i g_NoiA 13.688 ER, CURRY CoNl.lls—Ais,„ ,t lank ha L. t.g t1tt,!...1,11,. r J. EL li. —Lt t rt'• • 'La RPER' . A Z.! S [sad tt :1: =. RI: APPLE:z 4 .-0 tisir:. bri:4bt Dry. p -4 - 7 - --- ?._.fi 1.1,-,.1 , ,, , iv,d (-.,:i. `-: ie, , , , . t.v ripo a. _ ,-- _ rl.l-0; . _ . __. . tibk. oliui, A p r .l e r A4,lc - 1%7 H. , LP _ 4 1;-111‘: F r i I Y.I.JT kf -- 10 rea'd and fir t y PENUIi MEW 1•VA1...[, ,3) CHEAP.—StiII P NIAT.SHAT. , L t CO, S 7 Wood .str; \ (-)! .W 6 11•01-i. B.l;ii.lN 0 ;SAL We a-e c.,,i71.az trum crr own and 11.q..stern ariincn, 10 c qr .!crY. C'errf:.sa Oil 1 cr,h2, ckth, ru,tu: rr ):,1 : , »),,I.):);,),1 V, Ind.,. t•La. • • and I - -mtnlL)g.!.. Lou r.ny uur Ite t , . • - ti••• inrit-23 , tr).) ei Cl, ail() .).qu . .lity and pr!c.,s. J. a. ti. 0'.111...L1 P. 71, mr.:o N al:. 1.3 t.:lalr etrai-t -/ Baltimore Shad.ia.tt rez.-..31 red n.a.! fur e 1. ; ,) A: CO., j ;l 2'2 Corner Vic,:a and Water atreats. --0 -7 T4 7 .r0 - 1 0 bblQ No. Putoma.a !IP rind just received aud for !.3.13L. - , - CS CO., ie22 Corner Wc.. and W. , 4137 a:recta. - - ) APPLEB.-150 cheiee P-; !:n a ry' re=ircZ cz3 JAS. A. PETZ:2.„ C3r. ner !arse: and Fire orr..:z APPLES.-500 received this d6.) - .1 ., , tzi Jit ells by REIMIL & AN - DEMON, No. 29 Wood t:.rua r • CtrPorlto st. al rrlc^ liotf ASKEE BOARDS—For Packing Joint 4, ‘t,...7 gold r.-. 1 W.ll. G. JOEENETON a 00, Pa r er rmorrir. 57 Vics4 ortc: tial is H.— _lsoa White Fah, Trout, mom, cti r 73 MESHY 11. COURIEi. I ME.- —10) barrels fresh Lime ,just fmra) UENILY H. CksLYMIS. C H -143 'EY E(4l3atte for p_ rn Eak• C y LonMi TOI — Ta )00 A N 1) meld of faTorito brar.33, co hand and - for sato by WM. 11. mini a Gil, MI Second, coad 267 Pirst EtTeebs. MAO :BRILL 7-100 bbla. and half bbla. No AM 819 ge, for Eat!)hY Dy22l 111L'illY p OOLIM. O. W. IZICE.r?..t;;P:. tirßßljitt3Fl,: E.AD IM:IMII MEM= •, 11 , (Ai cttue, v. . . _cl~[.~ i. :. 'C.._:cn_:crm:rc._ , _.rwva •L: A- L., d - Li, r , n 111=f319 and 11.)n DAL y. tIL3.,AR t3AVENEiie..e.an.u4.., go ;I.::: Fa:rr3 .Str:sl-... P.00:1!, 30:119‘ )3V17y112.10. g PEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'ol6ik'; T.Veclne.M.rc ena Elf3tur:lP.y overdngi ' tirZ,mn3y ;•,..•40comber from 7 to II o'clocK; mad hhornNovembtr let t) 121., f-tm 13 Col. - , L. 1).-;,e , me ,d 1 R 11171.: t or:t 1) ,. + 1 4.01 3ml x 6i7ide:...3 01 tto.. t CV a Jun, Ta•if; I at the :••;..t, ; per I.•tr azianio. tilt , • : ti. 15.1 in Joeze I , ;ah, 1:3 Jot.-hit 1 '&57. latoitii•-. uct, tha cre pt r.i tao !ter and ter' th....trna I:J4n:SA from tho ‘.t cianixiandinii; tvile, tilt) ufl Al t t chit, 11.4ibin In ICY 3 ttaas: t - relvp rno.kif.... , w, Itt CI:, EIG:I7 AND CiITrIIILLY E 1 ~ .VIT. A IF.ArI. ountstrAng RaLea and 11.qp. At:onl, fun: Etrplicath,L. at Shy ()Moo. Prcate.ent—CiE,OP,GE AlLat t ;ire Ptorznrarm Hop...welt ltb)t , o_r, Jarcl.3 Alantnrier y \V; it i L'rzrycla, L:v.t.7l-3 A i , ,rt 1' it t..;:int`..l:, ;111 H. J. Cum . , ". ter P. =MID £h,i Vii. I. t.lUarl,nHoary L. Itin.rpult - - , Vi ; lititt.at 1.).tt.g1",,, .t ,t ~.., ..il. t.t,tatty. , r, f-rr.r...04 i•ttitt, ~. ri - ,a N. BoMau, , i&Ofg:!.. F. ti11ta,..,,., A.1e...„0ne...r Tir 11, JaiLice. B. 1.10-34. rlie-ewal.l Ilmbr.r.,x-tt ,,, Wiiliam r , . H.% , a, 0,..-.2.:4e H. Whit.", S.-- - 7.•e.. - iryar4 .1,--:-..,?v--CilAtk, A. UOLT - 31.i 163 A .1 1 i 1 O i 11.) WA. Y. J. STEYE 3 z CO., oxthliorNEs, .iiA Di; mill prompu L.A.NDs. an.l o,pattiLlta wtit,:t...; to ao,k, it.-.:3;.r...ent6 in ‘7,61, tiJuggia thl.9 cC 171 N . . . LuO/LIIi. I: S INCO.,Dea.it:r in _1(11LX. : ! tf..,rtßav, ,, e, 3-wnrluv3. r k4t ettX ;—!lr.!ot ircority. Crf L'..A.:C,717. 1`1;1 SOLD. P,•{74./a. !,'111,14 ol reason:, "..ertLs, br.? wct, c: I. t 173 rf•lnzmarztiro tCorZtr: L.; 1?-st,t, Oi'Key i'vt3llT 4yaU .sTai L.A.. , uiLl N,.lr-ry Lp)s.;:: fAT lIOLMES & SONS, litlnkers tuid p t t -, ALE;' , ; '4. • , k , r - i , and 1 , :\,lei,,Liriltia, ectr.r.ri, :lu.! N,it-A. uta the Eru and Vie9tOrll bah,. OCti , XtiCn , 3 rates. or cut re lit paper, :;.o. •t, Fourth y 4 7-7 110 M S Wi2/O.OS, (;,:irreilf:r.:'.7l ,l r•Aer, aid Dt-1-I'r r: 1,,a! Estntc, :11. 75 ,_r jan6 BY AUTHORITY. ~; i ~~ u w~ `~ • ~~s~ '' f-d' :7!ct evr pl.O - ..L.109p: , 4-41f-War nt *h E. Porttitatokath, H., litowioul, Ntittv Work ; Phil atleihttla, Goqtot Pensa cola.. YAVY July 26, 1834. i', A I: ALE- _ _ll4ol'6od " I'/'01)4 , 4 4 ue , y rt Ir, --t Lt,ln depArtut-ut n 1.64.113 ht the `,(ti 4 1~:...:b.r Lost, !Jr at, complete COIL t .11 01 t.L.. 5 Lt:. -r. uppi.hdagua, wad p't,- axe IT eech SCIOW eloopeof-u4er u. 41,41100 et the hari -ya-Cd . 1 Llll...iii.Lb, New I la nc-or.lence with t 4., tot. u.:10,t cor. ~,11.4!. muet r o tpcciiic,,um fur putting th, whole 40 IL. tot u .. , , eration. noh,t In,lrce all patent tree, end tho ..,epar:tutc. 4 will requite a r,..e.:!te , from the proprtetora 01 4-raLgerr..ents need ih or Ett. , ,rit the h.achluery, mod: qt.h , . , !ht. lime In which the work will h• con mug . ho u ccourphried by the 0011e1 guar „.nte, The 1.1..010 of the estah.lielithent lL - .:hich wcrk la ho ion-t be di.sto.l.. 01 the design and nr mt.:gement cf the machinery whit b 4.4 left with the party 4 , h 0.4. y t 2 exceptral ct.l7.l'...inirtg the groa , - :an' 4g • , k,uplo Ia 04,4 w c airuplic q . , 'or eljustrneht when In LOl , lere.nt.;‘,l7al..al 111 tar king i..ur le; It 1. 1..., Co: it, tL ..hre•ep great Wile:: 00:11.i. . . . . . - . ~ V. , 1,i12 at Ltat: taii.ii• LILL, th:•:, v,.:1 1. , r....,:0 i,l, prop,l tz.,c .--,..t ...t a . ..i. , 3.1e:,r, , ti...,r; ...... t ,..t..t. ox•florny ...t laol, :0 .:.: lug,VQ:.f.,; , i m 3) bo 1 rc: rIaL 1 alt!I 03, hulyly of 'With this tiop,rzia. ut wW ezvzt the L'Li Ibrs go.a.a.nu co be nceornpliehud by 1:11t r 4 inu,, ttu.l tyv ice cuiwwlutr h,nds: Or, and p ti ,e cvioaucutl , I ;It r I, measured oh I y ,al.ot Ir4,,G011,111:11..% 111 .sac I i ioaa tti,u .0.10 tior,ll.l.lfer, and at 1-011 iv:1; per ILL cola Fir horse pea er per Muir Tho pr. seal, iu pounds per equ ro inch oc tlra ppton t.eik tau the ab‘ri CtiCoity, the ,crew being d'EcAille - ted and e_io eagi - ,ea without--d - load, except the -moot amitting,mura cot exceed .244 pauirla p_a* square inch of phi', n by diagram. .f ..1 .414.1,L1, - m be stowed tLe ship _ ho , total weight of 41,13 tone for machiti ' cry, arr,leneag,e, I...,iiere and water in them, hankers, [oohs, 13411,Eird pluc-s, and cool vollun the length ,cenpl.o by the cu,,inea elect 1 , -.tiers. 4 1 ,e holic-r, to be of iron of the mull tubular kl,td, with bra:; am! with teloEcup.c smoke ply, it el intend." to coo u-tab water in tab lad err, atirfa:u cataltaaa: C7I. 010 approved kind will be re quired. The pro-,eller with the connealena f r hoLating it will be t ronivo:li_n, to he pi:Testy proportion,' for at least SO par mho/ te act for the lminersed atuldship sec. non ut the veiniel. The pumps, apparatus for ventilating, and appcirteasno s f ail 1,..m1s noce3sary for the perfect working of the whole le be of the most upproved hie rn. The CQ/i I bunkers, ahuit paezage, Lou atwartship iron bulk hea.l4, a dEstilLog appar,Ans for fresh w4ter, troca which can i,a made nut lee than bat) galit.cts per day, and 'lee tools end do;Licute pieced tioce,...,!.ry au: fi4tlifectcry Jro ail ettcutit cruising steam sloop-of-war, must be inclukhd In the p , opusition, and a :1 t at them will be furnished. The woad and carpe,uter wort, except the boring out the deadwood for the shaft neoessaty t, adept the venue' for the lec2pratu of Olt machinery, 1.4,1e1d and appenda4e will be provided at the ~xpenße of the ti ay Department, and it will permit the nze of each facilities as it way have tor hoisting the hen y m ,chincry en Wald. rcr tt,e noconireuiltion of the entire steam machinery ' and foci tr.ere will be allowed in the body of the slay, the entire apace under the spar deck. commencing at lb foot Ittp+ft the main matt, and thence extending tomcat d a distance 1,1 frO fe4. - - Nt'itiiin this space it is expected to carry coal f.,rtive days' steaming at the maximum speed. In the epecidcatices the daily cauearuption of fuel will be ,d.ated; also the weight of [tie mu I/wary, cued, boilers, w thr in than, elicit, pt •p , ±llor and upponciages ' with to Ii and spare work, all ut which runt; uut exceed 403 tone of pountit. The da , tanCu from a.: after aid:. of the maintualt to the Mu: rid,- of the torWaid stern post will be about BO feet, and the distance b,tweee the ferware and the alter stern p,ts will he aeveu feet. The depth from the load water h , the top of the keel under the propeller will he lY fact 1 !nch. .1.11-,llll' lA, vl:i !, The propo.e.tl intot a...comparatail by fall specification:l and general drawing., having the position of the centre of gravity Lf the maiddnery, hollers, marked on them, giving al e o tun cep.r.d.y of the steam pressure of eteatm aria of foot and delivery valves, end of air runup and ..I...i.vers valves, apace for steam above the water ii•.e of t.; tamers, the fire Bud grate furnace, also We didni• see kite of propeller and other prtie points, that comparisons can readily be made. 'fle to: me ; 1 pa:, meat alit be that, v. bun one-half of the materials r.nd labor provided for in the contract shall have L.eefl completed to the ic.itistractiiiia of t.ie department, there will be made n ps)tuent. of pi.r, of the whole amount of 11.0 v.hote EMIL/ have linen completed end for ereeti3a la the ship a further payment of 3< . ..0111 ii made; end when a eatrelac.ury trial of seven been mode, then a further payment ; and ivnen the ;dups.:llll line performed entialacturily tor a perro. l of throe moutdri, the remaining scum shall be paid. the repatic hoc:err:gay during this period from de. teeti.e riorlimar.el.,,, or materials will be at the expense of ttL`nin.en r it le to be tinders:o t%tat If the Neagh!, and other °omit 11, itiract 1.. r not Compiled with, the de pa; t 0 it t.• ty to t maohlhery, toe ce..n•ra.^rer no I t o tali...hg it tint of the f..na ;rclup price may odre ; ueit PitOP c' L, also be rer...T...1 et the and Mr the steam n....e.tourn,.{ appl placing the .2111. On [Kra,' building at the navy) aro!, at fin.ilion, and Pensacola under the a;ecillcatmns and ;amain...as a ti o v e al ti t t d, with v.:rift:lone in the rullow log partlmbre, yin. 1 t. fierce poivrr at, nt inlet, So revolctroae per infante. 2d. The total weight I,r tuncninery, ap i rendage; t oilers atzd water In [hem, bLukon, tools, sparo pieces, and coil must not ezcac-d ale tons of '2 '2,-;0 poutule each. The length occupied by the t.egine, nud bodes Aria commence 14 tees graft tau inair...r.1.1..1, bild thence ex.tend forward a distauce of 4.i feet. The distance from the after-31de of the matemast to the att. r-aide of the forwa.ni bt,ru fret will be about 76 feet. The depth frog a ;Le loea.w,ter line to the top 01 the keel ,:nice the prol..llllr will be 9 bet ILIC/I.:S_ et-rum entrjue nmuellt:terer I desire to Lid, can obtain a copy of ttstctiau 011,07 el the ceak.l, upon tuakim; epplasatie.: to the depart L.._nt. 13.1.0 j)3l:tseS :.'::relay of We :Cm y. Rt . PS.- " Pine Apple " " Lizapberry " and fur Elie Pe 1180 t'd Wood etz:NA. ,A) Oppr , Fite the St. in:erica Uoi.d. g TONE WATER bth) y . :,rds t tart roe - 4 t.0 , ..1 ,• 1.7.) " 2 - 11,-,,,tvee...L1 fer. sale by j,43) iLY 11. COLLIN:F. - NTEW BOOK `1 I NEW BOOKS 11- Doi - a - ,zo, by Mps. Azu tl. "ztoplwild ; T 1.3 ai.±:.ll.!_rclo.-_ , Y - ,..csai by a. A. LCA3II 4 , I'abli3hene AgtaLt, je9 Ilaildingn, 41 Fifth street IaPPING - PAPERS.-1000 rums as -8 ,artod attaw and rag wrapping, for sato by ZFOILNBTON a Co, eff Paper .1...1er5, 57 Wood great. COPYING PRESSES, Copying Books, Er=lie; oil Faro; for Salo by H. S. HAVEN, mr24 Corner Market. and Second F INE FLOUR.-20 bbls. Fine Flour in store, and for sale by McCANDLES3, 1. 1 PA.N.3 Si 00., Ocrner of Wood and Water eiroeta. 101 . R 0024 " —lOO doz. Extra Carpet CO LPBrooras oiahauti *ad* sate bz Jul B. O.# J. U. &Win. 4 , 0 ff -,17f „ ; • • • --. • , F"173.:7 - • : - e.Ch: -- - AIIII3O,AD N e/Fff . 1.4., S. battiest, e Arras: 4;6=4 is t . . ---- ON AND ASTER MONDAY, JULY 5 9 * The Pittsb 9 h Ft - 'vVai - rie tit Cilleil;go , _ .. 4... ~.. ... •• ''' i'-' \Tc.i.. Y T V ASIA OErNTRAL RAILROAD -- ---."- •...,:l s -- entir-- ,,, .•-.. S:.:lS,.„___."-v-',l-.._=st:-.L. , r" --- • ...'?."ligki.l• l „ l 4Vit - it - 7 * RAILROAD COMPANY, "I':: At@ t&• 'l l DAILIAT TRAINS. "L'l' II ITS AMPLE .ROLLING STOCK Z iv ia ni ii i„.. .l ( ll e lL . ' p r c aAL'i; ax, a l y eir a e t il a awl egnipalord, Anti it , t•lroctih coonectioiti..l. ',•.r(.... arriving in Philadelphia at 11:00 P. U. ro !: aa ').:.:cc c( g , e P r ito s t. l -7, °n it e t s tf, 1 , , :..-•t .-..,,,, riiii._,•• pared CO trar...3pLort Pt... , t LIL.-... , • ,, L. , .. 1 -•, - ;. 1 . -•-• - • -- • THE FAST LINE Daily, except Sunday, at 1:25 P. et., vir. D:61.0 LI IA anti l' ITTSBU till Lto CrileAt.tti, id'. Lt'lJ IS, 1:i. riving in Philadelphia at 5 dclocs A. at., and stopping only ' ELANAP , Ititi, CIA!' NNATI, and ell 1,!:...t .',',.e,it and South at principal stations. West, viii, a Kroot degree of regularity and expedition. ill ii LY.I'ILESi TRAIN leaves the Station every evening The fact that tl,ir Road term; a liner and coasoltday.,.l nt 14:f..0 o'clock. l'r, , pping enly at GTOGlLabtirg, Latrober,,JobW& Una betwe e n iittaburgh and Eth,a.go, la a eniticient guar. t.::wn, Willmore, (lallitnia Altoona, Ao., connectin g ,ti . t. By' antes that Ita Lainc 5..r,"1 trX,. - ' t;t'al um", ~,-" I c s' n "" tiGr A" i L.barg ,i. , ltti ti„ Train direct for Raltlrliqro,litd arr ktring 111 svlth Tr,tl.4 ct ..o, r P_ , ..i. pai le1,1p1: in or Baltimore at POO o'clock, P. M. - - iiii AND a ',Till'. : , 10. , '1..i , i'l MAY loth. lii , ti, tee Trains ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: on tills tool will leave the UN1 , .,,, ill, u., .. it.elair,,ll, i , far; JOLINeToii, N ACIAMAIODATION TRAIN !Wain daily, (Eurit"syn excepted, as follows: i dolly (except Sunday,) at 3:20 o'clock, P. M. Stopping at -1--1.,551.1N0 Ell T IIAIIS. 3 LEA: ri, till E.:Luang, and running ail far 05 COlLL:Matigh.. , ' Pittstrurgli. I Or:ititne. iit Wayn.a. FIRST A.OO)=.4ODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek U. S. Mail, 7:30 A.. I• 1. 1 7u7 P.M 0 Bride leaves daily, (axcopt Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. i. unit Exprcf.ss, "140 A. 11.1 P):l.' 0 P.M Iil:i - i 0 P. M SECOND Acounktuvivriox 9 , 11 ATN for Turtle Creek, Second . 2 ,..1-, P. M. I 10 , 23 P.M 4:Z , 0 A.M. 1.4%1Y05 daily, (except Sand.v,) at 4.20 P. n. MAUR CHTUAGO--Firlt li..: , teri, at 1:011 A. 114 Stand THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Express at ii.'-M P. M. lenves tinily, (except Sunday,) at eat, P. Z. REACH ci l , s ciNNATl—Fir at EXprn o 6. • .10 9. it : N0. , ..1 , 1 , i I',. TURNING 'MAINS arrive in Pittsburg:a as tollows:.— lliprms Tab A. H. Fz..prees,l:4L, P. +M4 Mai l , 3: lo A. Past Line 2r2,5 A. i t.; John& REACti ST. LOII,I-- irt.....,( tf i pre.s Etc . )... .• n C••.' „ b. , L. ri .. • to-on 6.:coreProdation,ll:oo A. it-; First Turtle Creek Accoup i 1',31 41.3 r n. laudation, lair, Lt., Second Aootaausalation, 12,40, P. IL; A lt 1,..,, :.. ,, ~,,....,....._, , „,,,, . (4,,,A .t : n i ~ f -'.. - i'Citt- . Z . Third Accommodation, 810, P. Z. p . Lea, I;ia..iv.w - ,:!, 1 , , ...t.:R.; ...:4 -ad St n0n...; a 1.:"... et Part 14-line fur iihriraville and Indians, conute.d at Blairsville Way 7.*, Watt ".1 , 1t:t• •,....-. V) r.L.I, 1 alla Wast. 4 a itailt...ol i.)P 1.:t0m:41,n with man train k.last.,, Exprean :rata West, and Ledayetz.,, Central 11(locis and St. Louie ; n.,...0, at i•nr...it t7it...ti I tie Jolla:Aosta me-compilation train EBBS and West. Train_a ou the SI. 1t...4 L. E. it. It., sad Lima will, Time: ea ..; .. ..'.LPFI`Ti.i.BEIROIi AND CONNELLSVILLE TRAINS, itayton and M.i.ll l ,iin Railrcrat. stopping at all Station! on the Pittsburgh and Connell& IlZfli ENING. A 011 , )tool, laity:. daily, (Sundsy excepted,) a.; follows: rQ Pol Chh.a.-.... I Ft.Vi r an .l . I , ji="' i llii' I i• T. ,, :t ,- ; - _ idAll. TRAIN 7•W A. u. i EXPILESSTRAIN..3:3O P.M- C. ii Mail, .twin P.h.l. Loll A.M. I=lo t'. i.i. , a.e?. p.. . itETIIIiNLNICI TRAINS from Pittsburgh andConnellaville iet Etpreet, I.,:nA.M ll:00 1' M. I 9:12 P .d. I tllu A '-- , 1t......,1, are ive at Pittsburgh, 8:45 a . M. and 6:10 P. IL lid .• t:'ls AM lit.c. P". •"itt.y. The trarcling public will find it greatly to their to These Trains P.lrt-2 coat' connections with Traina tor 1.; ,, ..1 tire:4, in going East or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania udelphia, Baltimore plow York cal Boston. liAhroad, ad the accommodations now offered cannot be stir- Trains trout St. Londe, Indianapolis, eith.torn.ti and Colte - 02- paned on any ether route. As the Road La ballasted with Las mate clone connectitine at Crestline with all returnlcV, I Mono, and le entirely fret" from dust, we can . proinise-safety, trains- At Sort Wayne, Traing from St. Louis, Central Illi- opal and comfort to all who May favor this Road with their Itot3, Lafayetto, and intermediate plaLod connect with alcv,-0 pAcTrnag.. EMIL', : l'raias. At Poroot. connections ere intuit with Train, to anti - 1 - 0 zi t r t v f o lk, $lB,OO ITo Baltimore from CinAnnati, Spriii:ctielti Inv! Dayton. The U. 8. Meg " Miludelptha 10,00 1 " Lancasim. from Pittsburgh to Uri:Aline, being a ttaitt for lo , al boa 'Po Harrisburg, $7.45. owe., 1.1 orertatee It 7 the Se .„.tel lir:prate, i ii4g, , ,-., chalet to all Stations on the PontiBsl.79.r.da Rail. AiiiiirdMoD.A.TlON T ital N s-3,e.-..v. New 1i,,,, , ht.. , n car r ,„,,,i, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Pittsburgh, at cubit rl. id , and L:1:5 I'. M. 1, - , vvt , Pitts- Pa:me t :era parches - tog tickets in cars, will be cluargedten ['ugh tar New Brighton at Pao A. M..ind air,' i'. Ni. cant> in addition to the Station taloa, except from Stations BAGOAGU, 011ECiibd Tillivit,itl.t, and Litt ,itargo for whale the Company Lae no Agent. Li ndling. - NCrrlOEL—in coos of ic..l, trio Company will hold them- Trarelerd et poraetis Intending taper , leaeo tickets In iattls• ~.:lves rottp-ousltne for pecrlnal baigoge only, and for an burgh for the Wit, will bear in mini Lii-ot Vie may ,ices.' amount not exceeding $lOO. • anti:v.4,lA by the P., F. W. AC. It. 11l C. &P. it. If., and l'l. E.—The Excelsior ihnnikini Line Imo been employed to Stonbenvilla end Indiana Railroad COllijlEillieti, 1 ,, o)nvel. ra•33(T.L;tslii and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a GEORilt; PARIS IN, at the Linton T eke% utilcr, t ilarge cot to axe , 04 25 cents fur each paawnger and bag. Connected tilth the Pt•LIII'LI R. It Pateen.ter Depot, I cage. 1'....: tickets up ply to .1. STEV7AB.T, Agent, C. rn-r Liberty end it. at. 1 ,.. etteet.3. At the P. It. 8.. PasEenger Station, BAGIIAGE will not be checked tor ptreUrlrl 1..0Ch.7-3//,',.. _Jo_ on Liberty and lirant streets. ;.ielieta ut any other !deo, la tale c,:7. TO COMMEN(..*: tiN 0 , `'DAY, May 10th, all ~ o utlane until further notice. .1 .1. 1101.73 TUN, C , c7l. Vaser . ..tad Itr't.. Ag' C D. ..3'. lokS, Pats'r. agent, Clairag(i. ..70S. It ItuvlLh. il ina,r. a tr. oder,,.. John 1.1. Shosnlyerftt, (Irattan Dinrcog, 1.6 . 3.,c 51. Pennock, jaaifil D. Kelly, Jew Elerdnut.u, S Coop -10,, Pa-'IROA.ir - ; NEW WESTEN.N ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISITILLR and ST. Lol' VIA PITTSBURGH, ri. WAYNE lend CIECAGO, AND OINCINN ATI, HAM 11,T3N & DAYTON IRAI LItO t.DA, VIA_ hi:LAVA:Ai' eJtiT-OYi' L;f1;!y cv.chirhitt LE.,a; Roat.l6 of the loi_ritc, ttroni.th LA ' Ltghly ctiltirutiA portion of .ti. liked connootion In moil , at Uhlo and 114.11ruxl, (Lt. of Vrt• 6 licraAlti, corm-t•t-.1, I Lort.ts;lll;, 11vanifv1:1-A, Natattkv., Cotnection ui&d nt d '{ and ttils,ocrt Itivor Peck.oti, :or BANS. AND .NEIBItASKA, And all p,lntg Al;o cenuocts at U..clnr.L.L4 liontucky Coat IL K. t.r Litt Ekei.o.,, Dim yin-, nod r.ll,..i.Ants In Central IcaT, I*. nii Ptrvvt fun,. • h k O AI ? . eHingo ~t can, f •- - riviLg vt. L1,Z,7 'Ere ,ar rirtr.N it. C. ttll:Ae , at lrl`:i f A. $:00 )I. '2:15 P. 1:11.11: 0 -1111. - S -a Faro acLow rs ntty For ell laf,rrnation, and Tick.nt Oricv, ,k,rnt-r r.t. a stre Etation. .oge• l'As-engori r L,• o. 1: Tick.td vi. 1.)-1.awar, J. 11. .apt.. P. . , 2 !•:-; • ,2 'The ("evelaud, fil'iltsbaairgil and Wheeling litailwoati. N rittsbuiegb ) Coidittbm fi Cindiafizi A I OADL RD LIN E Change or Tante. ~...: ( t):`,l A.N 1) .t.t.PTi:l; :AIL ..1:A . ,,t,.'. ~, i'...1 A Y 10T ii, 1 , 4,8 Treiui will le..*:, LI, 1. , * f C.,•• ' cill,iyir..:.,a Contici 1,..),:c,,,L1. ,, i fo• , 1 i .. ' t . ...r t.:!1.1:177. 7 ....i'in, 11 , 7 - 2.. ,,. , Of;T:l._ t r , 6:45 14. E. i:Lii_.A.o) L.N: 71(13 Wht.l. `,. 41 - ,w,js.:. .4,t) ZANZF.VILLZ. For et.ZTELAND, ToLk.Do. DETitthi, 35 aD.y., TL!!: : 4 ; FAT'. TLtin "ItIo:::.1 eioVu!ttUti, wlO2 Dci.tuit lino or moo p e } Ail. WAY 1.11 , ):, :EA Paaaanguz3 dattring, to C 111,14.!,. :; , k, Lt , 5:.+11 Chicago, VL Ciavotanii, 1111111 t riTTSBITIZGLI, (AIL Lit BT:a CZ \i i S 2 Eat:I:NV ILL k.;l RA/1.1?0.42... CHANGE O TIIIE.-011 nod • i V C.l, luth, of Nifty, 1.864, Trolne will I.2,tive tho J% ults Control Railroad, e 6 ) 'or ST SUBENYV LC, C.,1,1; 70N, 3:00 1 331 , rate Ann ( ELLIN& F,'R CING.JNI7.I and ALL 2:35 P.M. SOUTH ANSI Viso:. ThE o Cincinuutl witiwut change 0: era a. Pas..9eng , ra do; ringto go to Coinfaigvi, otc., ur nay pciate buyr,ul f,,r u, kohl JA '.7115 FASIEIS, Su;,rlot,tvlovt ,P.&W. K. IS. W. W. BA:1 LEY, til•orhAtathn...r. P., C 1 (I. K. PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILLE ' • • RAILROAD. ,CoN and after Monday, the nth fast. Paes enger Trains will be : na 3un.l.ys,)lroin the Pennsylvania ktailro,d Passenger Lrput, a f01 , ,,,w8 Mail Train leave/ Pittabur_ h 7:0 A. a. lii.press Train luaNea Pitt.bur,ch 5 . 30 a. :4. E.2.:V4111N3: Mail Train leave/ 4. L. }l:sprees f.Yrit A Arriving at Pittsburgh 8:41, e. n. Tic .ete to he land at PentisylTania itallr.. , a,l Ticket Bath Trait n connect at Counelleiville with Diluting di Hall's Coaches tur Lni,ntowu, Cuiribe:lan i, cow . (.11•. at Weet Newton with Coacher kr lit. rieabant, Somerset, Berlin; etc. Fraighta to awl trove l'ltstaburgli ay.; Btatima on Pittt burgh Anti Gounellaville will be recetve..l 5/td ,IL— liirored in Pitrahurgh, at the " Ealthvin Depot," opposite " Dnqueene Depot." El.:opting Pig [roe, IMM , O:, Stotm, eU., v,hich will b.. I) ~ r tst cb.rmr De pot, or at the canal .I.h - pot, 119 may tysarrauga.l Agent, Pennsylvania Pitteburgli Sop's. 'Cranatxlrtation run !A I' 3 C It. it, I Conn:Ala , eta" oth, lied. New Route vis. , River and Railroad. Aka • - =-1/g indießapolis Cineinaat,P, ito_iiread CONNECTING Al' INDIANAPOLIS with 'fon° ti.latefiLd i\rro ,nd Alton Ilia to et. Louts Llifavetio rtrid ludilnspoli , .,, Now and l'ilichip;Au Central 110 , 111 Sur ClllO RUCK ISLAND, l'.111:1.1.NOT.)., ~61 It imsreftt-lima poin ts. Through Freight Train to IND! - HAUTE, LASAY.EtiIV, and VEhil carried from IiIE iozx It Cr LArri ar'td.nrp is loea auto than other ruato by and at M 1 bnr rm.... 3. The oaly rcrit by which slyprooot. , Lqn irs mad, t: um ~,Inc inGsti to thu Went, w ihcat bri...‘tOng Conalirtaneul made to J. E. 01.1;,..Q4, Attu! at Chc , ..t.- natd; ot, W. It Agent nt I,...wrcnoeburg, ,rlll rensdve prompt atteutl 01, end no charge for coniznlcAon ; coo dizrunfor cimegge Lertrx.--hurg. For further lutortnat:on, !lop!". to THUM th It ATTIGAN, (No. 116 et , ir areet,) Agent o. thu Coa-puny , who to pre i=zed to gt.%. Ta2Q7'ZH ELIW:II . I9to Irlthati4;oll.s, qua Lafliyotte, 61.1”, Criwit I on J. 0 . ING. F. CLILLIC, Gou'l rreitl , t Agent 14 1 U Rtif IT U RE. A I— LI ri U . o taLl. CAltltii r f and 1,1L 4 •roi, , r_di...1,9.,10. ntr,t , ..., a Fal.ry and Peedn thil - will 'mil LE: c.a.. 14,w, then ,i...11:4 - daary ricd - nos.t.P.:3llLdd.7. I ducl.."7:y WII)ODWELL 'III FURNITURE AND C'?~IRP, viboktitie and R u , d i nlbrang style of Ynnalture, in Itlal,oga!ty and V. eln..? suitable ter Parlars, Chambors and Dining lizon.-1, uqual ti any inll'era YorL or Pittaiphl.2., r.n d at lo , cor prlees. art to wade by bend, and warr..lnzoi_ ablnt-nts_knr, dinn plied with any plant:Ay EtfaIiSTURE and 011 Alltld, on re=2n.able terms. Eolole st.d hisatzt-xsto forailhed th. „ shorter entice. Yiereroone - f, N. i i e.n.l 79 Yalu) Eittsbargis, Pa. QTAROLL-250 Roohenter Pearl Staia,h, rowt-,,d crd n P. COI _BAN ANAS.—Fint of t_Lo seaPonjuat r e ,.. r‘dv.l l, y e.rprurri and for rain by 7.4&a z_iDZlO No. VI ‘vootl ttrebt. 804 Oppeeito St. Cr,-Larim "LOLL BUTTER-2 bblB. Fresh Roll Butter received and (,r is by JAR. A. liStiatt, myl.2 Ccraz: Markot awl Vtrs st.#. jRINTING exooutod in the highest style of nrt, and at reasovabla pr!cw, by J. It. WELDIN, Bookuller and Stationer, m 31.3 03 Wcod atm; noar Yoartb. IVEVE BEDFORD SPRRhi CANDLES. - _2O NY= asmartod size o, We anti 6's, Sperm Clazdlea an b=r.d and for gala by .. B. a. 3. i. . SAWYRD, " BOOK-KEEPINtI, ..Wanks, and ,:rrtca itekeyist f m of Yonw.anthip, for met. , by H. Oca - ner Barket alyl E.s=vl it.tratb.: A WNING RODS-1 sot Awning Rode, for jak, Ike. by LjEdo bir: COLLIN% THE PENNSVLVANIA RAILROAD. , THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE,oonneeting Atlantic Cities with Western, North-western uud Noutli-weatern States bye continuous Railway direct. This Read alto connects at Pittsburgh with Dsti tot aleameri t., ati rte on the Wes' sea at Clove. laud and Sandusky vitt, steamers to all porta on the North ,3l,l u Lakes; making the most DIRZOT, OiILAPS3T and SLIA uouTs by which r REIG UT ran be forwarded to and fr,m tae G atiar V 7 gat. ILitteabst. , :.:ects Plailarielphis..Z. Pittsburgh CLAiitz. Boole ' tiLoos, Hats irud - Ceps, itk,‘...ks, Dry Gloodl, (in boxes, bales and trunks,) Drngs,(in bozegand Naas) inathere., Fors U. SEGO C L Akia--Boraea tic Sheeting, tug and Ticking (in original balsa), Druiv casks), Hardware, Leather (in t0'.1.3 or 1.=.3.:cc), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, I:Asti:mt. - A, AC., .be. THIRD CLA6B.—Arivil3, Steel, Chains (in casks), Hemp, l:acon and Pork, Salted (lca,se or in sacks), Tobacco, manurial. tarrd, (o.ccebt Cigars or cut,) Iko., Ac. N ...,LAI3B---(k , ffe.e, Fish, Bacon, Beef and Fork, (ln casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil,Nalla, Soda Ash, Ger man Olay, Mr, Pitch, Rosin, &.^-, tc.keburg, tyrl,ln.l. bbl. until further antic°. 01::+11`.4 is car hada, 35 eta. 100 lbs. until further notice OOTTON rp bale, nut exceeding 500 the. weight, tinti Parther V•selitc. 4j- In shipping Goods from any point fiat of Philadel p:lla, portHilor to murk pedrugys "m 4 Fonnotoan4 liofiroad." All Goods con.,r,r.ed to the Agents of this 'toad Plolor,:giptiLa or PittsharEti, will he forwarded without tl3'-outka. Ff.5.112.M. Asit.Ni•--1.12... - ri.s..l.Voriziloy A 00., Memphis, Ton a . r,art LAnia ;r. 0. VE.Sloy it Co., EVtalswill ad.; s I, Bull C Co., and Carter & Jewett., Louisville, ; IL. C. Lio(drum, lids u , lud H. W. Brown & Co., and o & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co. ' Zaneeville, L.,ch A Co., No. f.. 1 Kitby street, Boston; Leach & On., N 0..: newt Hoaee, Sew Vora ; No. 1 William street,and No. a itattrrc Place, New York; 37. J. Sueedor, Philadelphia; Koons. n.titiewrs; 1 , . A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. HOUSTON, General Frelttht Agent. H. J. LOgEABItT, E Cei 82.-yeriatendont, Altoona, Pa. t rl RocERIES WINES AND LIQUORS q.. 3( i 5) Invga Coffee; 100 chests i312*...k Etnd Green Testa •Li Bugar ; • " Cork.d o " Now York ityrnp ; • " etc Orl. auo Mulnsraa ; Lu bax , .s W. W. H. iirant'a TuLacco ; IL and lace: • Frouch Plrans; • l'unchecnaJauutica Rum: 6nuta Cras num; pip— Liol.land Wu; ";r,udi Br .I[l4 ; Port, Shan - y, Malaga and Chula. ague Win : Var. )td aye and Rectited tun:ore to: ya., 19-4., by 11AW.10.1.11 k 1 Brownl99, Co. , ut the Din: howl and t in:uuud Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 . .41 Li 1)11ES.- b 1 •.:;) " :New " " Baltimore " 4 Ithdg. 'Now Uric:tn.! If-ugar ; el.e9t4 Young I1)6on " ith.ck Tea, for Bain by jute %V. 11. SMITII illotT ANIMA PAPEIi.—A largo lot various 1.11. by %VW. G. JOHNer...q It CO., Part•l l'eaterr, IT IV••ed 1 1,A.NT ATION UUUAR MOLASSES:: fully irir and prime N. 0. 6ugar. • Goo prime N. 0. Mnialaes; Iu •• 61..latat-s d. H Xfolnawa, •now landing and iur ...le, by MILLI:Iit d. lIIOICIUSON, Unr2r , :In and ID LIN rty etreet. it ILL A P best quality—for gale by vim. 0. JOIINSTuN & 00 , jey.B Stuclo➢ers, 67 Wood street. VELOPES.—ButY, Straw, Amber and IA 4 White, of all eizee, eold wholesale or retail, by WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO., in;Y Stationer.; laid Paper f:ealors, 67 Wood IE. 101 ASLI.--100 oaoks Soda Ash, now L. 7 landing and for eltklu by OS, —lO barrela fresh Egge, just receiv jA l ed nud for Bale by JA.J.1123 A. FETZER, tri OD FISH.- 3 drums extra largo Cud Fish ; 3 " largo " " Just received and MILLER RIORETSON, Isics. 121 and 223 Liberty street. ul tale, by ror..ts FOl-1 SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder 16 !Lichee iu di meter, 44 feet otroke, with 2 Cylinder Boilers 32 ilichea in diameter,Bo feet in length, with lire fronb, Wheel If feot iu d iameter. For price and term, inquire of B. 0. to J. IL 136WYElt, JeZd No. 47 Wood etreet. If A DIES' Kill GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT- With and without hada, at the People's Shoo Store, No. 17 Fifth street. DIFFENBACHEIL & CO. G" ''S CONGRESS GAITERS.CHEAP, La the People's Shoe Store, Y 0.17 Fifth street. DIFFENI3ACHEI3 & CO. THAVE constantly on hand a large supply 11, of Pure Wino and Liquors for medicinal purposes. Th sa wishing anything in this lino, can rely upon getting apuro article at 3063fiPli FLEMINGI, JY I9 Mrroir I:terra:lnd and Market street. 81 60i WILL buy a Dwelling House of .1 8 rooms and bath room, good cellar, and other conveniences, situate on Franklin street ".O0 in hand Wan°a at a and two years. S. CUTHBERT ec BON, i,91 5 6.1 Market street. rirlY PEMi f AL, j net reoerced and for Pale, A by W. S. lIAV Stationer and I-tinter, Je2d Cerner Market end Second atreeta. ‘IOA.P;3.—A large supply . of Low's . we k 7 liuowu Brevrb 'Windsor Swap, just received Ala Vevey, Lettuce, Nymph and other fancy doaps cob 3 tautly on band et JOB. PI:PMING'S, earner Diamond and Market street. CIOLTUN'S WEST - WWRIST & GUIDE— A..) Per aide by (je10) J. R. WELDIN. ELIVERED EVERY 141ORNIN11.- Forney's Press, Public Lodger, N. Y. Timus, herald and Tribune, end tho Cincinnati Commercial, are deliver-3d in every parted the city. Trade supplied by leaving your address et HUNT & MINER, Masonic Ilan. G E N 'l2 ' ir - VrE A R.— oaKAP. Cent's ratent Leather Gaiters; n.:. Colic's Patent Leather Oxfurdn ; GI ..: al ~.. , C 1 cnt • a Calf Boots; tr. n.. 4 Gent's Fine Elippera. (..; CHEAP. . AT Tll.l PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jel2 No. IT Flit. street, DIFFENBACHEIt & CO QTAR C ANDLES. —75 boxes extra Ada k.), mai:dine Btu Candice, warranted superior to any In the market, on band and for side by myl3 E. O. J. 11. SAVYTEit Q, PONCI ES —A large supply of coarse and dad flux BpcAsg,v, of u Ivry Eoperior quality,„inet received JOS. FLEMING Corner Diamond and MarkotatreoL Q,TATIONERY FOR OFFICE USE,--A tarp eupply of atuplo and. Fancy Stationeryifor of ," 'a ea]y 0819) J. R. WELDIN. VRESH TEA, I MORE NEW TEA- The finest TM of every name, grade and color. The sub calber tuts la store and arriving, a moat extenalve and complete emortfnent °flea in cheats, half chaats and fatal• ly borma, all of which Li offered at greatly reduced priced. J 0:2 h. J.1.Y111.8, 38 Fifth street. AHOME IN THE COUNTRY.=-A new Cottage House of 6 rooms, good cellar, and every ecaTenlenoe to make u comfortable and - pleasant realdonc , ; stable, carringn honse, spring home, 2450 peach tree!; oleo, choice apples and other fruit, 12 acres ellazd, good quality for gardening purposes, eltuato at 3 miles from tho city near tho Washingion Turnpike. Terms coy, and iminee ate ponsessiou. for sale by. 8. CUTHBERT & EON, /Y 22 61 Market etre c 0,.. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- A Dwelling 'louse and two largo lots, with good ka provements. imn sdiato peaseadon. Price, SIBCO. A Farm of 303 acres, 40 improved, all prima land oue mile. from Fayette Springs. Price, $0 per acre. A ralcable property at Learreneeville In complete' order, go:a - lodation, immediate possevion—sZsoo. A section of cholas land in Franklin county, lowa, in good location--$2,60 per acre. S. OUTEIRKIIT A SON, je29 51 Market street LARK STREET. A Brick Dwelling / Home on Clszkr street, near Carpenter's alley, ar th. lora price of $llOO. Aho, three other Dwelling 1100208 near the ttbovo. Price, sl2oo,leach. Terms easy. 415 CUTULIERT B EON. 61 Marketit• HERRING. -=50 bbls Herring. for sale by ,JUL Pau 14.11. OULLINES RAILROADS. MILLER & RICIIETBON Ckstner 2lerket and Utrat atreata CARPETS AND OIL CLOVIS. & H. PHILLIPS ha7e XIS,J removed to their 21EAV building, Noe. I'd and T. oi—ith sheet, wed aide, between Penn 'street and the Bridge. PHILLIPS, SIANIIPAOTDEEBBOR VL - CX)R, YUBNITIM2,OAP.RI.,&GA TABLE, AND TRANdPAIMINT A - °PAWL DOW 8114,1112 OBL CR.4711 . Of different Colose. Also, DI ALEKB DI OIL CLOTHS A VIDIDOVi . Of every description. Dealers In INDIA RUDDER GOODS, of all kinds, made ender Goodyeses Patent; Agents of the Boston and Now York Belting Companies, for the rale of their INDIA r.O 8 88 BELTING, Ink isLand PACKING. LEATHER.D.B.LT. ENG of Eastern manufacture, a enperior.quality; alma, Lace heather and Itivots. Agents for the ODIC FIRE—PROOF halißitAL PAINT. Dry and Miked Palate, Varnish, lifer Turpentine, Brushes, Gloss and Putty. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, Di all its branchea, done in the heevand shortest time. (uettlyJ J. & 11. PHILLIPS, E - 470,rd N0n.2 , 3 and 2 Bt. Clair strut; Ilaardeztory et PIAI- Hpsvillo, en th 6 Ohio river, threw ndiee lalow l'ittgburu,h. OLIPIriI, OIL CLOTE3, MATTING, tho., AT THE Not/3PM Stmet Czurroet sto ro. W. D. 8 H. M'CALLUM reAspeca ll i. .y e invite ,the attention of their former cactom.ii and the Ohne generally to their present tiock, juat for Spring vales, embracing the very latest eta lee of Ewa. t and Home Manufacture' eunaleting in part et elvozn Brnseeis, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: ciao, rani,„ Datilftek, TWiti,i and Vain Etair CAII2IIT6. OIL CLOTHS FRO`? 2 TO 24 EMU WILL, Soap, Hata, Stair Dodo, Canton and COODa ; Yarn and Bag Carpet: ; Vent:lan Blizab ; Painted, Buff Green Holland Shades. It will give no pleamre to show gookis to all who LIU:) , dean:it:L.3 cat looking or par:hoeing, :cad we are determined to oder inaccementa to any who may favor o: wan a cell it the old stand, No. 6T .F 0 :flail Street, near trood. W. I). E: 11. OlU3LLli_.! itiL °Lulu ULU fiilNU—Of ail kin..). I." black and yellow, fir sale at the India Itabbr and tcli St Clair street. tdo)i J. E if. I lilil Il b. IL 4JLOTHS FOR TU FALL TRAti %.,P We hare on hand, and are daily footle:rig itioreto from our own end other manniactories, Invgo s_ .• s of moot iturnifrire, Clarria+r,o Trimming, Table Corer, parent, Green and Buff, and nll kinds of Oil Cloth_ . gonanfacalatting Lad other purposes. Also, Tromso— fr. Window Sim.kr., y end oil bordored oLher etyes, and Window bhado Trizaminge. Olerchhaks had Ulm= will find it to thlvanthg., amino cue stuck owl beffor• tiir:3llq; oisewher, s(310 LL I'ABLE UUVlit‘S—Uf . our °wan and other taanufActurra fur gam ratan, bj J. g 11. PIIILLII'S, 17 26 and LS Et. Clair stre.t. ritANSPAKENT UILM N OIL CLolli 8000 yards of a superior qugolty, toc,ived tae factory, and fur sal= oy J. a Li. 17 30 ana 28 Clair CARRIAGE OIL Ul.U'llio.—Enamtale.l with plain or figured backs—on mad ha, iwillud Duet Goods, for sato by J. 4:U. eaiLues, 17 2 and 28 St. Clair stre.,.t. - _ CAP OIL CLOTHS —A few pieces on mu-- un, silk, and imitation of eiik, f. r edit.) at lin min _8 Et. Oink street. 0)17) J. & t. 700. ii 100 Ma. 110SPLEAL Sti.EFAING—UI all %gniLai and of the twat quality, :,:r ...tale at the lodia itaidHr yuc, 2 and a Si:. Clair street, jell. 6043. ;P 1043 An INDIA it LIBBER, DOOR MATS—The b ut ust E.-L...1.J w u6e, fur 5.,1,5 tilt 1.11,1 ticubcr thiput, J. AA Li. 1 - 111.1..L.11'zi, Ell oc.l 24 et Cloir elre!,t. 50c. R 4 100 Mt FLOOR OIL OLOTIIS,- g . Of cur owrA a 0 16SACIII MAIIUIVAAUit)—Ait to anti %Ell of ro::z3 or Lthal.r---t tato Val Cora‘ Wor mama, Diu. Z 4 Estid :it; Bt. WWl' etroot, wrr.l3 400. 109 Eta Gre,ttt Citance, to Miah.e rrnE BEST AND MOST CER'f4.LN LATIUN Tlll2 7121E8---ONLI ()NIL Laii.LAtt YS& 511 A. RE.—Forty tho,aaind dollars 3‘, worth of valuableWatclaa, 6tivil and bilver Plated Ware, with a great vartoty E '4' 111 Cy and btaplo Goode; to be dispoeod of in Gory shores, at ono dollar per as foilowe:—Likm :an payment of one dollar, I will acrid :lie , oi• a numbered r. - colpt, which will entitle him to one _noes in too atoro ,lded property. When the .har).l elicit shareholders shall be notified of tile :act, by mad, or through the r.otrapapers, and a meeting of the u,odi then be held in Gm city of l'udrdelplua, end fife winl,l,- the property dispoeed el or theteibutetl voleng them; to ahen way ne Ethan be aeteruuned npozi by therm ; essh 61:sr.:hold er shall be entitled to one vets, Li.f.nlnlttoe to be colect , l by too Shardholdere at told meeting, to i.oudrizt or sr:eel in tend the disposition 01 the property., according to the chi . . hone of the Shareholders, and 1 will then deliver the pro perty to such person or perizne. u. the clureheidere may appoint to reoAve the canto. The Heel 1:11:itte: cOnoti.ni of one three cie:7 nrick dweljing house end tot, v;:tned el and two throe etory brtelt iete :I at 2100 em.ch, in the dry e 1 I . Mhide,pbb.i, clear of I- Lranee, cot [die indispula_.ble; the of the wnola atJet: and nxteree of ono of (. of..f rok) . 4..(rir3 ,J4)l ill 016 ktqa by tb.• 31 ... I ug u 1 vary L.v.e Ocbl &Lid . us, very caa U.li 1-opiuv Uold I.:rouchea, Brac...6leLl, Slee7e Lqty-ir . . [3,Cietl, (101 d ;CU, c ... ‘ con6tatth,; oi Tea ne):t.., r:e, Crhach ta A.x.ordeouß, h L,70H., V t•! id not oue of thou , . z 4 the unwary, but iy and u. 1..1A I)roperty belougini, to tho eut.iutibur, .Ist.,urc , l I o gtock htyi not lu:ou parcht.o,l t.,r nar?t,,,6 docoption, and io pant off Czr.umon Ci;it „L.! , Una none icli distvic.....ed. +_toat ' able persons arc given as references, ' obese nhares. All orders by Llad utt.u.ny k7l,i be promptly al.t.t.r.ticd to, said to Ilia Lc iresa the sunder, by return n.,11. ton dollarsat ono tfnle, shall roceiv,el. ven la no many separate IREI,EiIe3 if desirott. .1u •.Yt•iting for ehareo, please tati.o the Li:tray of ton Por. us.l_ , co, to whlcti you v.dsh the aus•,:oc _hooted. the g - roate2t (Abaco or getting a large am. - ,ant of property, for a small c - am, au has over before boon oh red to the public. Scud on your orders, as chore> crc calling and It la confidently expo.. ted the diotrir., , it!ou a, ill loon ho made. Articloa unfilled to persem: at a dlstano:, ~list theist at their expo - mt.,. m.Agenta Wtlllted in every town and cilt...ze. munlcutloos malt L, adthoi,:eo L. R. BROOMALL, No. E.O South 3 , cond atteet, above COPYINU PRESSES, with Screw and Lover, ter ,ale by W. S. HAN' 'ztationer t'aper 1920 Becond_6treet,. f g aUltlillEit EXCURSION itSIS.— Nj Ladies who design taking a '• - rleataro Trip,",:heeld provide themselves with the NEW LINEN TIIAVELIN'O SHIRT! The above article can be precnrectrat JOS. 110 , INE'3. Jylo " . .T7.arket street. DURE FRENCH BRANPY, for medicinal purposes, by the bottle or galia , „ at IIAWORTIr Jel BROWNLEE'S, Unniond. TIERS, for ea le by 10 SACKS EE iIAA r iALEY, rina ;t.r,vt - RYE. -125 both Rye for sale by JA3. A FETZER, iY2 Corner Market and Virat street TLNIOTILY. SEED-10 gush. Good Timothy Seed tur 611 u by JAS. A. RYE FLOtTit.-115 bbLi. just received an.; for ealo by [rnr:ll 11b..NICY 11. COLLIN& EGGS. -1.0 bids. &cab. Egae )11st received and for sale by X E P n A th NS V e t,. NSKll?:ar. SteolSpring, and 7 for ruleY d 01)20 J08.11.01:NI . , 77 Merret etr,:at. 112 LACK LACE KITTS.—A largo titook of 11, excellent etylei, with end without flu rte. very cheap (ap23) JOB. gi 77 hillernei et.re t. COTTON 110SIERY.—Every vOiety of Caton Ebxkingt and Ralf licr.o at the lovfeet pricer wholesale or retail, at JOE. (1...T.NE t.;, ap•LIS 77 Marta stree.t. Q., Y./COP.-10 bbls. N. O. syrup foe sale, on ,„„7 coonignment, by (epi) 11E4ILY U. COLLANO . Ric. ,, E.—Six tierces prime Rice, just roceiv od and for Eel(' 1,1 , MILLr R k litui.c.ETtloN, nori.3 ouri lAort f ARE i ISII-15 whole bbls. Lak© 6upe ILA tior White rt.:cc:3l'A Ein.t fur 8,,1e by J s. A. :fk.TZI:II. iYB GonerMarket and NliHt etr,rta. 1 0 I; A (,d at) vri i o Ay L pi y e,s, o l ) ur ci rani •aer , awa, ,t-, nick APPLii;SIOt) bush., for sal. , a J.:30 -- EiENhY 11. COLLI:rS. JUST received another aceortnient of BOOTS and SLIOF3, connisting of Ladles' Heel 8.,0ts and pora,Ciont's, Boya's Youth u, and a lsrge •,•:,rl,ry of Cu ll dron Fancy Shoes. Pieria give 113 II call, at the Chwil. Cash Stkou of JvSEPH 11. BORLINI), jel9 hi Market Eitt ,- -4, Eec,Aid door (r o w Fitts. VV . U 0 I. WAi•l: ED ico,uou fbi. Wool Wanb,l at blqb•E,t cash prices, by ILITCLICOCE., JUL' , .:I;EY Is CO., Jelll:lradaw 12 8, ‘::,:,n4:1 htroa., and 141 ru¢9• ii- Ai R DYEd—Batchelor'B, Christad. - Ta's, Alosandil , el, Fld,n'.l, .n.l V; a.m.! 's Llini,i trair by• —42, largo unpply csmasmnly on !mud, at JOSE:iII ILIZJINO'ii, 1 ) 1y Curlier Diam •nd and Market et.:,,,t. __. C~LJLO V E IiSEE D.-3°, sacks just rec:cived, and for &Ito by tie)/1 II :•2ti P. r li. 0 0 i.: L 1 N 6 500 GROSS lintyG. IN Ur. hPi Just t.Y.,..ited cud 1,4 mr24 2.4.11rt?'; 10 DRUMS CO u p laA Fl , B_ll l.o ii o o r i E:!© icy c tt,z24 N,c. Fl :;0 Warr! strr,: WOOLLEI'3 SALVE for alba N^hOlef.;ine and retail ex the Drug Store of JOHN MUTT rep., Jp pinfal Corner f Wool and SeEth att., Pit:-ttuT;t ll . $6OO FOR a a n4 t l f t o of gr ittr u. y d ratty eitnated on Mt- Vingtou. Telires ednyl CU..lllfikiiri. A kuS. t, MRS. ALLEN'S Hair Itestorativo, Inown's Ess.slainaiea Ginger, Preston 8 cooking Extracts, Mtdinal Dnsmvery, Thulnp3ol2.o Washing Compound, Pysou's Indcilbla :McClung b. Campbell's Etuch, Saltpetre, Lemon Syrup. ror sale by D. L. FABNEST.OOK ZS CO., No. 80 t oorner of Wood and Fourth eta _ . bfaiNi e RIPS li• ORATOR.-10 • gross for gait/ by D. Q. PALLIWTOOTS. 00Tatr Wzoti kir.; Jo:roam. LANE'S. DR. INT I LANE S CELEBRATEi) VER4IFUGE WE beg leave to call the atter,: tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two f the most popu lar remedies now efore the publi: We refer to Dr. Chas. na o's Celebrated Vermiluge a d Liver Pills:: We do not re_ ommend them a universal Cure-al s, but simply for what their name ipurports, viz.: ' THE VE*YIIFTIGE, For expelling Norms from the human system. !It has also been • administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Wornis. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of J. a 6r,a dt- J. a H. PHILLIPS YIIILLT.PS t.,1 an:. c:• , 71, - ,d V) i'2, - rir. "2. CI: 1,2,‘ cr:.11:., MEDICAL LIVE PILD- FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Q u i:, nine, they almot invxiably make: a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivale& and never knoWn to fail when ad, ministered in aFcordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced thej proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS 3 PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been succeSs 7 fully engaged for the last Twenty i l . Years, and they will now give their undivided tim and attention io their manufact , re. .And being de termined that pr. M'Lane's Cele brated VermifiLge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they nbw hold. among the tjeat remedieS of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in: procuring the Best and Purest Material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Ad , ..ress all orders to .. REMY: IBM. Pittsburgh, Po. ..F Ilialn , s a.: I I'lia-gician..3 orderino; from others 1 .. than rhal, Bros.. w if do well to writo their orders ,i.-itintalv. wad td.L , n 07,. ifid Dr.ArLanc'm prTared 17 !T.:111.1,.;, , 27 - 0!. PinL,lnergt. Pa. To those wishing to give thorn a trial. we will forward per mail, past paid, to any r .:t of the United SL tee, ono box of Pills for twelve . ..r- ', MeL.ll,ly Suppre,7cilona, Mocazea the Eiitfli3 N'0110715 Aftactian2,Psl3 in Ind tm rack Eidcce.r, Irr-AattYa of Cho Dlad2ur, topther with all V . tcyjapioD2,,4 ra j ds, ntrot, Eit.Mbarght ,1„, t) Bleftldra ecßt 0 way pe,^t - .11 vaid. rit - trat , :t - om cbrervition. - Off!cc r.,d .vtta Zit:. fini!thfied sttat, Pitts. utra:77 ap9 N T it 1 llpply r, lOW & SozsYa ezponor LuLtdc. 'l6l I Soa:m rc.teivc4l to-day, b 7 JOS. H ftlo Owner Dia:Nora and M. ket !strut. Py ca CcaaOmis, l Dzu lag,r ri Ltter , Ehow Labtl l , 42 q Print -1 Sn nip,,ricr at shore notlce, by JnYINk,"IOI , 7 t CO. ca Maltltt7tt:ren and BtattonorZ, • 07 itrocd atruot. Prltitera. Blank r Illy 1 TILA4.III 0.1. APE CO,LLARS. -- Beantiiii. .4.140 ~ty!ir , Jer.riPa aolllCrat„ • E SONS-50 box,,eL . , , °' 1 131. ' ,13 (13',„fnatmcef ved na:"-VIIRIC ANlbro..,*°oN,\ 4 No, 81 Wood street, vpposiSe'theSt..Charien HoteL LAS' .13.111 41 1 :Itilip.NG INK al (~~~~~~~~~ ~ .ma y . ~: ~+3~~ ~~ ~~~ {~ƒ~~ ~~~ ;_ 1 (3 , 11 AND LiVEJI and a.td for sal» by FIiENEBTOOF. t 00. Wood told Fol,rth ntroets. s,,TasßzTr .dal Eretiical PEIVATE HGSPI euro or syphjiim, Seminal of Youth azi Maturity, F. o.ffico oornsr of Main o I2'Y:v SIG "17;1,c5.1,7=-13. • for eleming livable, brought babitr.311.3 . 1.91 pat; deatlen tehlth utz•clef,eagive way to, (to their awie I r•3ll.lble r.sathdiea Itnovni in eh rz;jia a ar,e..?d2 zed-Gra:on