VOLUME XVI NOIINANG POST. Pr! Ifd C=Cor..7tt t'S.l. , :t L.'S P. BARR, WO in CID .1'11.22 STFltgra, IS 177 r ilLaar3 i yua.r 7 ly In cdvL.,,a;,, xvith.tu the yest. 'f'7;z cut In • .% I y 1:.51 1 :13 O' ADVERTI6ING • ' '1'•4•1. ' i,-"e-',14 MEM I b 3 - I al Ou I 1 7:. 1 a oc, d CA ..... ..... Ozdzi mouth.. ..... 00L.' L‘, r , :70 Tneath3.— 1 00 e,LI 1"1 - ..roe ..... 0 001 0 50 i'acz ..... 10 1,01 6 651 500 17.17 e month , .... 11 00' 7 1:51 F.rmrnolathi. ..... 1?. CO 300 60D `Att. 13 CO 10 Zl.t i S CAP ..... , n 00 13 861 10 6 , l4d•r_y C 110 E. . pE.r ranee. ESTEEM Dz - - n.ar.,lezc MarrLa,-0 ri3 Cua PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A ALLIEIIOI` 1 2 WEEKLY', 05U ONE pouin PER EAR, CLUII.B O TEN. Subz,aript toms, - - - t 2 par annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS cl 2 . ran DAY, Politic:l, Literary, AV :cultural, Caramel. Tk,l47ephia tm.d Miacallaneona. 1.11.9 Payer of the ;aim, and neatly prtate an ye whlta 1 - 11 - zn, bear type, will he fond by the £.71111Z7:'7,57 t7iVe batter satisfaction than any ps.p...n. rtnlLlhed in '2llMl.u..rgh. qthosaT. -- .;An tott ;Z:"..7-7 from Plttzb - azt.., will find S he SATURDA7 POET naf , .) r:n.t pr 3 ,.. table in7 t3 tm e nt Add.ret..;, val L s P. BARR Y Mitor end Pro-rieter. L. P. BARD:, c.D. A. LiTEED B fa. Et Et &MYERS' BOOKAND JOB OFFICE, Ve.aST MT.7IT-MLINTGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH THE untictigned having made ertensive I addition; of thu LATE3T AND E.A.N . DSOSIEST STYLE TYPE!, and Improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST +1;:'1; OEFICE, zavite t" ',.teritiuit of Rail Road Oscar buainta!> f..nd the vino gcnerally, to their uPericrr arc,,...th.c., with reaz. , _qml.l6 arm% all kind? E A I! iOA EL'. E G , AND EvirißY OTLTER DESCRIPTION OF PLATN & FANCY PRINTING 4=43 - Our matenlittiTlC nvarly all uevv, ca cs.t, give of r_ud E^iicit crdera BOOKS, PALTULFT,I, rsAu.., ROAD LILLS AND BA NZ'r:CF_F.r, ELAN It Ncfp . E,l., LT - rl -- ;!: BELL 4, LADING, CIRCI:L.LIt:', f.:FINE..3 C2IIID, FAPFiI. I , I2LEDF, 7.IO2iI`JACIEE, BOND, fJ Parikula,.. will oleo bo pshi to the printing Dt Poetere, Pregr,...unwe, &c. for Conoerts, Exhibiti.: , na and 1", krirt a MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. 1 - eepie'N :,;22.t32 Store. D. S. DIEPFENBAUi-TER, & CO., Cltc-af Cash - 11;....:1-7.-;; in v.ll Pashicaabl6 89. OT6, SIIOES AND GAITERS, ±..;,,r Childrea, So. IT F.lfth Street, near flay:kat, ocS P1'EESB1111:111, PA INESEISI PERRIII,I JOTINSON, Prep:ietors c f Childs F.: Co.'l li.lis.attc Piro Itlnd I.l r etor Vroef CementitoorlniT,. 133 THIRD STREET. 1 - IRDEItS for ROOFING promptly anti faith folly t.%iocr..•.etl, J!1.11 warr3ntod. ICr Sag triat:rial Laud, a:: fur rmitona fur sou. 2'. ziAratt.rrox a co" Efi-lIVEEPS; A7gii3 cind Llbsi-ty street?, QUPE3:IOI3. STEAM ENGINES for Grist tj and Saw Mills, Brewur:tt, Printing L'iltaL•ii - illirneutA, lianufactdrio, 410., idr.l3 to order. continua tho tnauctxtrtra of 'their Celabratird acch ut T - aratrit: Lathes, Iron Plane ra, Boring and trilling Machina; , Vironzia Iron ,Shaitit.i, with Palle) 5, liabgers, &c. JOIE; THOMPSON .5.; CO., yrOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND e.L GE.ST_SER.S, No. t. ItiN, PAIN . - i,berectitoci with neatneas and Paiute, Ct::-I:TraTentino, Varnish, andEL:gil:lll Patent Dry. er=. Ville linntaigne Z:nclt, a very Fapertor article; Phiia d_!.,hia and Pittsburgh White Lead 'Away .4 on hand and fur We are prepared to grind colors ter Peintera, Dror,. gigs or othere, at the shorte2t notice, al we hare a Mill w grinds by etearn t Pr 9 will Ear , 3 money by get ii- 4. their colore ground v. - . th GOLD AND SILVER SPI-CTACLES, AT ar!-A UPAC -PURER'S PRIOLC.S. HYDROMETERS aireighluK tiffs qn - icie,l ev er trr.tht to th:, city. TELEIII;O:LETF.T2 Af.D carying to price from t;f, I.Q P) POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, lw.4a Gr. Land c: G SHAVr'.9, Praztical Optician, ny TVA SZree epr.„,cYite BalL B. C. .4.; .11. AW iILiNtrYA MT-ERE C 4 LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALL!, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 44 Wood otroot, Pittzbiargh, JOHN FIBER & CO., FANCY DYERS AND SCOURERS, Dr°. a ..1.-Iss.-C713. fali"ezzocre, zryarg wooD STISS7.I3, PITTSBURCH, PA. All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and every description of .S'2k and Wcclen Coeds executed al abort notice, and on reasonable terms. lep2SoSm Ice of Sealer of Weights and Measures. TUE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, -A. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND HUED'S Es; 514 be found hencoiat tb., in Cherry alley, fixity. e..,n Third aid Fourth etreeta, sh::re orders may be left. nn-L'Af ORABLE3 BARNETT. S. LIAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just T o receivkA, and for aa at the Stationery Store, 33 No.— 31, 33 and as Market street. FRAIgIiLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —Tins well-kaown and papular annual, formerly pub t:cl by Job astou /t. Stox.kton, after a lapse of years,xill sts.orlly be issued. The cironlation , as formerly will Le mede by t .e skillful mathematician, Bamford 0. Rill, Esq., who will also prepare fir its pages such reading mat. to es will make it an entertaining and instruct:fro maga r.;ne. Boildes the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingenious tablo of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian haft, aid other matters of permanent value will Le added. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are solicited in cdvanco of publication, as bat ono edition will be printed, Lna orders ell be iLled according to priority. WM. O. JOHNSTON CO, PrbliThers, Printrre, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, 67 Wood street, Pittqburgh ('IHEESE.-300 boxes goad cutting Cheese v../ received and for'-itale by 3) 26 QTARCH.-250 boxes Pearl Starch in store and for sale by .15-26 ARD OIL.—We have ourunoaco4 manu factoring Lard Oil, and will be plowed to receive or dere for it. We will warrant It equal to any Oil in the mar We will all barres returned when &aired.; B. a et J. H. SAWYER, trY ft igood atza,t O NI.( OI )N,,—Ui bbd. OniMreclt)Ais, :..~~~. 3 C 4 ~, f• 'IZeP As p+ ut. ..4" A pt 4.; 4.• • • A:: 1, 0 al k. I I irap-er el 1 f‘'..) d 00 75 1 1 co 1 6 3 33 2 50 300 300 6 33' 4 50 t's.! 5 50 U,! (3 50 j P t 4-, i 23 00 .....10 %it) MEE MEMESEI HENRY H. COLLINS ILENRY E. COLLINS. -s ... PUBLISHED pAiLy BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE « POST BUILDINGS," 0011-P 2 - 1 1 OY WOOD r. TD 'FIFTH STREETH: AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUR; INSURANCE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATHENS, BRADFORD cotiTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, as yretf9nt.33 . to Lha Stockholders., and rondo cat In compllince With the State Ls:7n of Ne,.. York., Ohio. Incllana,lllizoi_9,4o. - • - - The name of the Company in the FARADMS' UNION IN SURANOr; COSI2ANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13,1b!,3, by the LegLitatui eof Pennaylvania. Charter Perpetual. Oaah Capital, %Wan La ail paid up = ,000 oo reSpll3l ..idltion rbereto 63,485 61 A9.3Z13. Fifiy-four Beds and Mortgages, at six and eeren 1# cent. interest, ,:meuntlng In the aggregate t0...116'2,815 co Which caort e regse are or valua ble and pro+l7.ctive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first Bens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort• I; • ;4.41 for in each care, and in no r,so leas than fifty 11 cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and FO certified by the Recorders, whet a recorded, to the and tors of the States of Ohio and Nineteen air it cent. Bonds amply &scared. 47,686 91 Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Coeb In hands of Agents, and in course of transmissior, secured L 7 buds with sureties 18,761 el Dm, cn horses re-Insured, & - c 7,836 51 Bills receivz.ble, via: promissory r otea payable at bank and to the 8.246 82 Inter . - t accrued, (pa:K.4Ellly dun January 1,1568,) 1 16 46 Sara and office Fixtures and Fund tUre 5(iU G 1 I, 263,486 61 INCoME PO Tua TEAR 1857 Amontit of Preatierm3 rocetved daring the yeF- $ tr 0,231. 33 Arzt't tote: e=t received daring the year... 11,442 05 Arn't received tnim et other aoarces 2,480 00 Exp:usee for the year, including coromiwilas, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertislag, t.dts. and all other expellees -$ 19,19 P 64 Dividends paid during ths year 17,1.1e0 ou Deuce pat, * which occurred prior to Denemher 31, 1355 7,674 61 Loael psi_ which occurred dartLg the ear 46,551 54 I.I.A.EiLITUEL Lodes ad•;aated and not duo (sinco paid) $ 12,500 E , O Lore® Incurred and iu proses of adjaztment 9,..V7 CO Loga , o; reported,on which no salon has been taken Loaaos restated, on groand of insnr enc.: after lire, property transfer red before lose, prr•oerty ler. not cos - ..reAl by the Pe $ 39,40 99 Wank. ninon •t of risks taken during the year-4,419,882 00 Whtlo amount of risk at date. 1,831,440 00 rSTATI OF PENNSTIVINIA, COIMTT OP BOADFOars SF. C. 11. tilprnaia, -11 , 6 -. 6ident, and J. E. Cantleld, Secretary of the Fa.-mere , Juion Insurance Company, being severally du , y sworn, depose and say. and each for bin - self says, that foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the of said corporator, and that they are the above de o'.'bera thereof 0. N. President. J.l.* C_s.NFILIID, Secretary. Sat geribed.a.c.:l ewera ma, this 25th day of Janu ar.. ?S; B, B. O. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. HUNTER, Agent, No. PO Water etroet, Pittsburgh. fill RE INSURANCE, BY Tfl Matual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BUILD:EQ.9, LIMITED 02 PERPETUAL, MEROMAN DILiF., FURNITURE, .10., IN TOWN OP. COUNTRY. Oatoe, Ho. 203 'Walnut street.. CAPITAL, 01.119,26 .....43...41375 7 53534133 09. Inveta,d at follow; viz : First alortg.aize on Iraproyed City Property, worrh d..at‘le t. a amotuat $120,2210 00 Pauntylvania'lath ond Co.'s 6 per cent. 51.)r tgeg. I:Jen, $311,C00 cost 25,500 00 Gllegheoy County 6 per cent- Pon n'a IL. IL Lean. 10.000 00 Peonsylva;ta aM/1C.34.1 Co.'s 8 .......... . 4,000 00 • of Lilo it Ilance Istztte.ai Ir.gra.acc C) 15,150 00 BLoc . r. of Connty Niro laotirance 1,050 00 &rip of e,on.iry Inaarance 475 00 • aeceiva le,baniue€a paper 52,711 SO • Accontite, .e.t.crned Intoron, etc 3,330 10 Ca3l. on hen(' and in .C.G.:31: 16,043 20 tf.L2,46.5 Si; OLEM TLNGL.TY, Prbaident. DL=.-7:01113. Claw Tingly, Banainel Bin,hmi, William It. zhoull.,;Qn, Itobtrt Moen, S Villlimna Messer, SteTensr.D, Iterkyunin W. Tingioy, John R. Worrell, ..lar3.hall LI. L. Carlon, 'L. LA.throp, 8.01.. , .rt Toland, Charka Lk-land, MOCCIS Johr.&..n, Jacob T. Bowing, Char La. tj.r.11 , ..113CG0L1, JaUl,B ward, ti'•n. er. Bawyle, Pittet/g. rni - 3 It. M. IlLNea`tkN, kectotary. J. CI etlFl7lll, r ; corner Th!rd 40,1 tVoo,l atr.R-14. iiiiiiiMATS' INSIAANCE .'O: PAN c: - ;1' P'tzli.E.deipftp.,a, V. 1.*.71 . 11', ......... J. 3...3.vant Ca , , , it.nl puld in Slid UJ S.. ?Ina 63,428 2.5 $,2 eZ,4::13 zs nr,,r Cargo il.llll-• on o Oinc. e.n In, - Ire by Pll3, I et tht, 6.1 ,•1. , ! Tran,9s -ta:lun DI a 5.07 OR C.: J. C. Li9utsome:y, J.l.Ln E. C. Wit - ter, C. 3 ,':t, J. Elwcod T. Put:cy. C: C. LIA NI v. PE.,fii Pr e slj . Kit, 1"Ict. D. J. sic -ANN, St:Tea Li 27. .L.l4ifip.'.. : Seig Lar.ab c Go., I st:ic Jutitiz,e Co., Truitt.. Bro. a Co., I lit Stidfole, A. T. Lane i Pa.:troy, Cat,2 wi4 . 11 Fc Co. 21.TTS.BU1lriLi OFFICE, NO. F. 7 W.iTiiP. STIIEET. Bl.g ;4. W. P.)7.N::14 Agent. WEST B AIN' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAN V, LOCK H. 4 F. CLLIC2'ON COLTIT.Y. Cri.kETBRI:D by 171 , 8 L5315L.1711a2 01 , Pc:lsB YLVISIA Cttpth.. - 1 $0 , :A),004 I i'refat!im N0ttz...t13•2,343. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Herchandlse, Furniture, kb., In town or :outitry DIRBOTOSB rt.j no. J. I Eon. G. 0. Ilaricy,!Ctlarles A. Mayor, .loLn B. Lan, 101mr!e4 CrLs:„!Pee,: Dicklaaou, 1 :Lb:a ID K. J az4a—ka, 1 1 ,7. White, Thor a 3 LION. G. C. Li_A_P.VEY, Pre4dont T T Ala -L.:?. Vice Prealdo 501. PiITOBZII, h-cretary. LEPEL:NeI-3: ?atv - _ , ^l 71. W. Itaynard,lA. tiplegraff, A. S.Lar_ge.r,Thcr, L. A. Mackey, ll.ca. ti o.m.ron, James Armstrong, .i... Whit., BorneAn D.D, William Poaroa, 1.0.6 Q+!l le, Win. Vanderbilt, Ilon Win. Bigler, G 5 Fara STaßka, PITTSBURGH. e.e.2l.:tf J. A. LIPPEaT, Agent. TIDE PR.AIIK.,I , FIRE INSUEANk)E CJIITANY, DisscrcES---Chasito W. Duicl..br, c;il..guer, Erawael Grant, Jacob K. satith, Geo.lY. Mordecai D. LoFLs, Adolph: E. Force, David S. Brown, Mon. :13 Pc.t.ibmar.. CJAO. N. ii.airk=Jl,,- Proddeut. G. BANcr..:-.1 , „ Ouz:tiaao to inak.o talsm - r.r.cc, I.e.:pet:7ml or limited, on every leozription of property, in town And country, at reel as /OW 'IA are corAEL - teut with vecutity. The Company have reeorved a Inge Contiagent Fund, livich, with their capital and preminmc, cafely turd ample protocton to the The Antes cf the Com7any ca .17annary let, 1851, as pato. iitheu Egret-ably to en Act of .ay, wore as follovra, viz: 'ziortgaip i 918,1.12 68 Red listatt 81,377 78 Tcro..rr.ry Loans- 83,903 17 gtoctE 61,989 01 (..3ten, 64,846 81 ~2:12,708 4&J incorporation a ',ICI' of Mem - pone yeaxa, to y havo pail upward of dub Fcrar Hundred Thon. =nd Dollarnlcnnes by 9re, thereby affording evidence of tha advantages of iztearance,na wail as the ability and disposition C4J meet with promptitc-os all liabilities. J. GARDINER OOPTIN, Agent, non ritlica, north-east oor. Wood and Third eC WESTERN INSURA.NCL, COMPANY Or PITTSBURG 11. 0P.0.110 - 2 1 , rezident; Gonnen, Secretary. Onto lie. 92 Water meet, (Spans &, Ode Warehosse,) nF stairs, Pittsburgh. Will luaus against all kinds an, ELY-IN . :31118KB. A H.otne Institution, 113Utzbiged by Di -eat c, who are well known in the oommunity, and who are determined, by Choyand liberality, to maintain the .•.bararter which they have DAinrlted, as offering the best protn,cvou to tlva.s who desire to be inanred. sErs, OCTOBER 8i8t,1857. Stock Ace0nnte............. ..... ...... $121,500 00 2,160 00 4,161 69 OPic.) 240 00 Oven ..... -....-....- ..... ....... 9,478 04 Cash,. 14,841 46 Premium • ............ 40,246 69 Bills Di2COULI . =PS 79 DrsaCTOM • George Darsie, D.. Hiller, Jr., J. v, . :-.: tier, George %Y. Jackson, ' amts r , l , Azduy, Ales. Elpoer, Andrew Ackley, Wun Knight, Nathaniel .lielmm, Alezander Nimlck, D. M. Long, Wm. IL Smith, 0. W.. lUalcetacQ, P. g. GORDON. MVO . EtroCITY; F L IV N --3000 lbs Ootawkiryba'igluotle LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COHPANY, NO. 96 IVATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PG. ROBERT GALWAY, President. la= BRADLZY, Vice Presidert t P. A. RMIKAZT, Secretary. Rap-TlLia Company makes exeryfinmra=ca apperVilrdng 'or connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against lUJIL AND OAR AO RIBXB on the and Aliasinainvi Rivera and tribntartee, end SIARINF RISE'S gonerally. And against Lan and 'Damage by Fire, and .:gainer "recite of the Elea and Inland Navccratton rind Tfanby $2;.'. ; 155 V Pollrief, !3,3•2ei ;t the IGwast raw; r ,- . - zi:itent with eat'e:i tJ all Eureka insurance . Company of Pennsylvania. OFFICE, NO. 99 WATER sr., PITTBRULLOH Biock, Duo Bills—payable on demand and aeoured by Pi+. approved names i 70,c99 t.OO Cash in Pittsburgh Trust Company 62,i..110 37 Prmninm Notes . 132 993 80 Bad Receivable-- 15,980 01 i.. 2 mares Exchango Bank Stock—ooar 9,950 00 99 do hiechn^ Lea' Bank Stock —,T A yst 6,490 98 200 do Iron City Bank Stock —amount paid. 7,500 09 299 do Altegheuy Bank Stock-- do do 6,0(0 (K) Bcak Accounts ..... .. . 13,251 33 i'99,153 3.1 J. H. HOENBERCIER, Prende 11011 r. FTNNET,Secret.s.ry. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPA'r,;.if WILLIA3I BAG ALEY, AMITEL L. MAIISECLILL, Bc.c . n:tary. OFTICE: 98 raVtr rtrat, betutm Marko (arid to- c.c.:4 $9(l, P, Insures =1 AND OAIII3O RIBILS, on tho WWI and Miasisalppl Rivera and tributaries. Insures agalttst Loan or pEunaga by IFTRI. Also, against the Perils of the daa mad Inland Navigation and Transportation. 12,10) CO pHTTADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 119 Chesnut Street, Opposite tho Custom Henna. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual er Limited, cn every description of Property or Merchandise, rc,r-aortable rates of premium. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS Corner Irwin Street. and Duquesne Way, PITTBBURGH, PA. B. D. M A85..E8., - (Formerly of the "Marlcor 111.,irsville, Yd.) TH E SCOTT HOUSF IS NOW CO)I - PL2,TED AND OPEN FOlt O'fli,ST3. It i 6 situated Ina central part of the city, being COI , Yenlent to cll Railroad IbTom and Steamboat Landinga. Tae umiak, was built iu 19bd, with all modern Improve rn:•nts, and fitted up in splendid style—the elate_ Fur ulture being now—and will in ovary reepect be a first clean Hotel. sc:o STABLES are attached t, the prenaieed. jolky COEVITUCOPILM BY ELI YOUNG, Firma STREET. ,:celiti t ts;:, The attention of Merchants and others Is throated to thin' I: a cetabilihment; which hag boon recently fitted op for the parpoee 01 aßording a i..UBSTAN TIAL EATING ROUSE IN A CENTRAL LOC,ATION;, Cuantry folks attending market are particularly invited io caU. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will alwaye be found, of the freshest the market afforde. ap2P:lydkw A. LOWRY, Proprietor, arner Main street and Youghiogheny River, F/lIIE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. PIAtTE order for the reception of risttere. It to tv-,au t•ful:o tviated on the bauks of the Youghiogheny river, and can he reached every day from the city by the C.onnelhtvlllo Railroad. Tho rooms are largo, airy and well furntshed,aud the codd be no pleamatter piano kr a few weeks summer residenco in th , country. A few 'amities can be accommo dated. Ter= moderato. Addreas A. LOWRY, ray2fgtf Wet Newton, Pa. TOE NATIONAL SILOON, Under Poster'a New National Theatre, rrrrsitunou, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre store in tna ODD FELLOWS HALL. Flab street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND PALOON. Having had many years' experience in the puniness, he ti prepared tontPply the beet the market affords. Ills Bar wilt be farnishoO at all tlrrees with the beet WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The at, Irene to the Saloon, is. In tee centre of the Hall, and re frestpzents will be furnished at all times, ItaY en! toHT ttlut.days excepted.) aplidy WASHINGTOA HOUSE, CDR. OENN'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., A. F. BEVERIDGE U. S. HOTEL, jDr. J B. Crawford, Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, H-5.11.111881111G, PA. [Jel5 WASHINGTON HOTEL, FORNLIZRLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGII, PA . 1A2038 WaalNOW, Proprietor, TIIIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, betwr.o the ORIITILAI, AND ?MOURN RAILROAD DRPOTS, cod haa undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled rail forniahed with new furniture, cud is now the most cues Went Hotel In Pittabargh, for Travelers by Railroad, Ea-t or West. my&ly MANSION HOUSE, OEOEGE AURENTZ PROPHI2TOIt ..No. 844 Liberty street, Just beside the Paasenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient house in the city for pee Congers arri ving by that road. Who proprietor having, at considerable arpease, fitted up, exmilent style, the MARhIO N 1101:18, would respa-t -telly solicit ehare of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. Elie Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market Can afford. told:7 - 7- zs Excelsior Reataarant, _ rZ. NO • 1 11 FiVOD :Arad, rTrilzußLlE, PL., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LASE AND ELSTEILN SIBH. The undersigned has,just received frcm the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, ELADDOOR, FRESH COD FD3H, EASTERN SEN, FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, NOW York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Eigg Harbor, Shell Oyatore. The ilneat ever brought to this city. Every delicacy or the 11M01:1 served tip at the EXAMILSIUR ELEBTAURANT. aptlyd 2.. SMENRUCK. QT. CLAIR UOTEL, corner Penn and 'A. Oh& streets, Pittabargh, hi..—The undersigned, forma , ly of " Brown ' s Hotel," !laving taken this large and comma. one ROTEL, and haring refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the business, An.,5 61 u giVe entire SallSfactlon, and his chergea moderate. bb= - WIL 0. 001iNELLY. $817,841 78 - - lAppineott, Shorten & Pdarson, NO. 1O WOOD MEET, DEAR MTH. KANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va time, Sat and Bonnet Bozo, Ladlea Traveling darPetDV , ae.; keep conetantly ill hand a large clock, We am women - to cm a wholesale trade, and iltiT• inirtiedithi-49'itIPL • OUCIFK 4 litc 4 k it lettuce -1 00u" We 'road invite tha di Xi 66 . oall and examine ourgoods bo. fsespordadag *IL 7:;3'.!f",, , ;,-,...;•...;,:vtg.M.,4,1i.:;!,i'e;4_,::'=',.. 110 INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH DITIZCIMR.B. Hobert Galway, Samuel ht'Clrako o , Joseph P. (}a :en, M. D , John Scott, James Hardball, David Ilichey, James W. Ilallmen, Charles Arbothnot, Alexander Bradl.i, Joseph B. Lcoch, Joan Fullerton, N. P. HLrt., David H. Chaull,:rs, ,obort Pt. Hartley, William Carr, Jno. Mortill. Assets—Play 1, 1838 Lp/REJTOP.4. J. U. Bhopnbarger, I 0 W. C 4 4 6) W. K. Nintick, Isaic M. Pennock, i ~Ipa A. 0-Atigb:ay,W. W. Martin, I C W. Batchelor, lt. T. ',etch, Jr., E. D. Cochran, David McCandleg.? .1 rililE+6 J. Bennett, George r.i.. 3eld.:n Win. J. Anderson, OF PITTSBURGH DiIUCT o Bazaley, Samuel Rea, Jame M. Cooper, Janice Park, Jr., I3aac M. Pennock. Springer ELarbaugh, Capt. Samuel C. Young, John Caldwell. ROBERT P. RING. President. NI W. BALDWIN, Vtce President DIRECTOM.S. Charke Hayes, E. 8.. C.pa, E. B- English, George W. Brown, P. B. Pavery, Joae:.l.l C. Sherman, John Clayton, g. J. Magargee, N. 1. BLIOLBUMUI, PF.crotary. J. G. COFFIN, CornEr Third and Wood gtrerts SCOTT HOUSE, EXCHANGE, HOTEL, .V:ar tae Rat7..t.:44 Debut WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. WASiIIhIGTON, D. 0 H. W. KANAGA (~ X ~. ~S ` y H . ,lt. ~i. PITTSBURGH, FR_ AITGINT !2() 8 BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBERT A. LOWITS, (Succ66.itor to .E T. t.) i3TAT1041 , ..11. .A 111.) DEALER. IN 80 , i • . t A_! . ; El N 111;I', 41 rah ?L - Vet. Pitt6bra f:n • P_. `.15:1; f.256,3t1 1•s °apt. Mark Starltair„ Bnainal John S. Dilworth, Brancia Soll.)ra, William D. Hays. John Shipton, Walbr Bryant, „Ica! CiiAi LE L VI:: c . ,TABLE S. l 1 1 / 4 ) The untlar.lgn..l ha, i,c.• , :7ht :) or the Hbtr,• u.P.rnoci :c • gether Xten• afro ertockvi ( 'at (Et° the property Jame, TtfAthewe, tha Htec k ntioned, i:e hoe added .111 , ),u 1 ,1 o; it advantaged over so,p, • • .e. t.. ut.e, one pound being NILO ‘.l c •Ltelurt lialf Lire Cluto u4,ld ouiv IJ • , ; ;; ; ,.;;;1,1.:14 le ;,4,.11,11 . 4 v. hen this mod In 1.1r.c0(,:..her wrldlitng Can Lio nearly darpeLsoo citgla,c will redo:the little LIL;11 ,:ur wash-board. cifen,,;; WY. - ., VILE neap 13 tl=ed, acid 6.. i .;;' •,; . 1...r nleelly as Well tie eon. l;,•nt,c, acid others, and it tar nuperior. 7...t0ti.d ,peed:i t' re -124:11,9 grease, tar, paint. punters' ink aua dirt rro“, hand,, leaving the Ala dolt, aud be 11 1 ,4 tee lebuf oi red..:Aug Id:: clothe,. t.t.o U,a at Waih-L0.T.7, Inn 1• , 1:ow,ra: ,11r•u - 12 ialU:Wed PROVRIETOrt, It . ..tr the washing et eight er trL. ul LI hrdly, toLe title 1....at.4 of twat', cut It 1.1 - .4 t, gallon of hot watt r; ynt Or, clottot. tattoo t ten gallou3 cormwt.t. , ;car I i the tlemtditud Soap, and stir thoroughly. Lot • w eI. t.o,ht , to thirty tulilotea, wring set, and tit:, to voter onto, cold wtator twice. A vet y ditty iet ott. ti, or return, or greaoe may reqhlre ti alight r.illtuti t z, thu clut'ut,3 will Come out death nod iv! • u.th...0; 1 , (flitting or Cotii rotor ntoy Lutul lit lutt, mall inn doublo time to tic:al:lc:3 O:A.Tv, , our !min') La: .r For 61.1 e ,, to any qsintity, ht W.ll 1..,,u,30, 1...;;.4.':up:.• .1:1 1 tor •r t i, I,f :tit:: No, Altl).—A prim_! • 'so. Le.r,i, 1.4 61r. Aln and r• 1a:23 C•irr.or of I" L.tl•l V•fl.;k r trrt - Tv"; E\V tk RR? sL0:0(1:_s anal.) ):1.1 l'sptc tier J,,hoing .. :17.) 1 101,1 ift g ,- ost ty; Paper., ,!s wad as e•.:..11111.e they : 7:1 h off, r r) ry —VI bitt) - 73riti vd . rt :Itil tradt. (1) . ."1" El. ORA'SGES.--3,10 bits. k.vvnt., jucr, rc.,eaived .nd (Or uale by 1:EY.11 SO.:ia Htrv,t, of t) ; ROOMS.-100 doz., hand and tor salu Ly LI v: PHOPRIETEL6. 817 $9OO FORSALE,---A two story briok e icHe, of Fix Teoae., arri.nged, pe.re.l yard, with bydrant, bake °Vela. 13TOt &C. The hor.,i u repair. pa ctri : plperecl. '6ltimate on Bait L^e., City. Tern. iaa,v. E. CUTIICEUT SON, 61 Market street. ,ilikilygrE, ,14 1 ;21E,IVft - Itt, 1 -5- 6 0 w f:74 6 ' - ' ' = = - • '='"-.4.4 4,-74 TCo-Paraners2alp. HE undereigned have CTl.Dtpr.k - i Co- PartnerAlip, critiNr tho styin of Wri C J.4 11 ,0,R Co 6.4hITJEI, P...'J , )IiNSTON, JP... W 11..11.1'1 & .301...:18.T1 :1J er 6,19 b!. =MEM 111111=1E1 W 23. O. JO S 4%, C 111,11 1 .: 1 1 . are: !0rr.,1,1 1013 PI.I f.F.RS ' . v Pv , _.r: b.. !' TOBACCO AND ...1111;GA vv . ti D. RlM.ii alj ; : A, : . ~I. ;: 1 IJA.I:;'. i) A Safety and L.:c-inGnar W lIY AND FLU t . ~ r • tr.r. iight ?..re ':.t. , la, ttf., Arld a, a t.,`; L.; t -, ubLlc rlr;,;:er r ; z , = Nn T.,1t, , .1 ; Lirap,3•,lll,= - ,-, • • , Btlvs.r. i e.' Glalmt, , (l•4. , tiL a :ICI:" COOKING- BY CI AS. A wort,L) TO Till', LADIV,'-:. Tin] ITEAIEi) TEi-01 *A ITIWACti ING, awl flit that COOKING, lIIONL'.:G, F;TC„ Cut Lo dine vr.t4 t soot, aid err, d. t.i, n Tler , t--41 1193t1g - lw 11 hiuegcn:•c'a Gc3 uuoLliati T star t. .!= r iaC3 . r K C 1 C T T N I 4 N F 1 N ,L U C N E C r ; :_t Tho mo=t pltuadat, Prepared and ,old, r,v11, , 4e , ..1(‘ [IA b - '. Cr.v I.'ocd at dad cold br 'LIE .11.0118:;6, .12.5(.3G1EJ A -,': o OARILIAC..I , ::;, yi4.lc.t were former!} ... , r,1.)1r...7.. , .1 :4: '.:i I..lvory St.:.i.r, 1 :1. 'Muni, below IVo NI Etp, t. Ai lit, ,z,i'.. '--3 lii. 1,-1 - 23011ai 1..1 ' ,11 tiOb tO t.h3 bi,rdui.d.‘, , c , . , :1tir.tiqu0 , ... , Tn, 1,,,,t - rcial,i.,. , '.._i bu has till - I,a r.o i,),:..1 WA: J '.%-..;:t. i.01....ic 14 not:CI tf.,l COL' N. I:3.—A FLY.AIibF, nud aby Fie_mt,r Gl (.I.A be D:rxr.-ree. for riIEIE CHEMICAL OLIVE EILAS IV !-• SOAP, notuanctoeml by B. .t J. . ''a ro,eicen the preference over 11: kind,' over .. ' truaily tme. F i ) I;C:ENVIIEAT .1114 sod L c.~ !'itrhj i`, tni:d ; 100 U,510 Popper, 1:1Pt r ai •ut, MEM -DUSTER 'FRIAIMINtiS—Drab and Gray Duster 4indlug Ju?t ,pruell nt J 77 Market str,..t NEW STEEL bPRI.;.‘;(.4 SK.litT•S—uf mw; graceral shapes, on II .11(1 nt l 0 RN d'3, L .3 77 141:tritet E E T POT .1, 'CO —420 burro:. sFu. p,:tur,o=, cA for z.. 14) by ;.Ft F,rst b'uLs. Cucumber Pick!au, re ev,,ed and :or Bab , by .lA+.aB A. RE la:30 ;steer Maritet tad P.rt I,trcatB. • E R F I'd _ I,•szln, , A 'Wright's, tiii•nn'6 a. - ad hiturik,ri.nis4 cunstsutly un h:-n 1 .133. Corner cod Mtirket nt L) ICE,' AND BICE FLOI;ii.; 2.Zzo Corn Starch; tiirerlos: Starch : I.l.ck,r'a Farin•,; Daßreq • Freth She ll Receme,sl Fttcl or rhie JAYNEE' TLA ELLU y 1 OOP ICING iiOOKS.-Ihat 4 B NVICJI poileas grist :alca,tage.a ar , :r ethos; tht paper being thick and etro :g a 1 not Lar whoa trot. It take.) a moa: pet fect impr i.io. c)-I'l C'3:l7 TI , e1:1 refer to. When once in WIC thoir uni),:lorgy i 9 apparev., tholg by W. 13. JOkiticT . ..)'; 4.3 Je. tationerr., t 7 ~ PAY STATE APPLE PARING MA 0111 Na—A VERY US .F _ND AR TICLE—By five turnl nr the apple lu PARED, CORED and S! ICED. r 11th, 18513, and February 17th., 1857, 12 r , a:7O2'J For sale In any quantity, at No. 74 Wind et_ uei, Pltte burgh. Please cltll and esaA.ne for yourselves. V 429 SAMUEL FAII.SES.:(4OK. I — AK FISII.—A large supply of White .V,,g• 'bent, salmon, Herring, .Sc.,received and for sale by .Ir 2B kENEY WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SM,H.—An undivided third part of that valuable property,. situate at the corner of Sixth and Wood streets, hsaing 180 feet front on Wood by eo deep on dlxth street. One-third of the above will bo sold for gs,ooo. One-half In hand—balance at one, two and throe years. d. 00TliBERT & EON, jyl 61 Market Area. HY RAULIC PRESSED CANDLES.— 600 boto Hydraulic Panned Mould Candleir,lmado expraaly for Bummer nu, on hand and for ante by #.'r f U. C. b J. U. ail, 11. h. CnEESE-300 Us. this day arriving,__and kir ads by (ad) AWAY U. MAXI& MEE= ~ ,_. ... ,~r.~ the mark.•:, 1.1r1 , 1, tluL[ It . ' lIECEI at No. 7, t..151'2..0-L1 C , F , •:tubrr , 47 n .!,) Back- .1..: ii)•C .IC ill'!ltiJltl , g , t. •r . 3 P. : T•aS . I:xtra Corn 13rootaa li. ,wy~a REAL ESTATE AGENTS. - - Q OUTIIBERT Sc soN'b OFFICE, NO. Marhot air; ot, rot the_ valo and of Real Estate, renting hut/668, attend; zig to a:au - 114 , 7e and 1'A;41117., obtaining loan,' on bonds, cnorts>•goa, Ei.;; routing convey ance*, kc; writing lottore and corroxponding with parties abroad, Ste. 068 4ELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. :rrnzrfr..2.—Mezara. Hannn, (?arratm,a Edia. J yllti 17.ESTE1111 AnDS ILEXANDER GARRET t, I'ATE .AG ENT, NO. 11 ATE.II2. OLE V "MANI.), C. if i n , r tail, Lauda iu Illinota, .nd iuwa. Fla e•chuuze Lacdfn Ir:ii,.c.onain, A'.. G,r Pitnilinrgh naanninctureo, anti ale° for city prope.iy. 13A-Loir9 r'7 ME, a? `ItY,Yi PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT: is GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and all the machinery c.qa;lete, corn and cos cracker, all 13 e , i.)•/ • r•J''r, hones, stable an 3 •• • la at • 4 -at% l'ltt , thargh, and will to • 1121 t Irru4 GG PHB t3l C zON, X:arkei •iLreet.. . •Et.").\ WANT A :4D, -!...br2u,7!ur an L. 7,,• STEAM ILL ruialing „Ca d. wt•i, try, L'_l` NU; gu.A.l kiraadit.y, f.,;! ‘ti Aoll4.lige for 3ibtb , c / ~; L I AMILY RE6iDENCE FOR SALE-A valuable proporty ,if 1.00 fnot front ou Oovtagtou , 1 ,Trericeville, by WO deep on Washington ezreet to Cherry o j. Brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms arrangad,bato r porch, , i7(111 cd teat•,: and pomp, stable and coat hone„ ' range, etc rho rooms ore eaw,y pointed and pa• blia.ie and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of ... 7 . re, etc.; good p llnv fence. The ,tiers e gocel .Lenity to buy a mplete and rleo.sant lOW, tali Ler Lrod Ira (11IIICidatiDi. 'IIILIBEIta A t , ON, lidml .Edtsta dud Geoeral A gouts, SI Matt dtrwL 31 LIE SIZE of tho oheap Building I,frts I. for eale by S. CUP.III36ItT t SUN is 81 by 10U fps 7. i.,:ation—Near the rallroal etitlon, FIR9t Liberty. i't.co—From 1 :27.5 to $4OO each. I four th iu r,ruaiu.ier at Aix year crodtt. 'IL l'lcn can be ec,u ut the Heal E,tate Oftlce, 51 Market tr, t. 70E.1.R IN MIND, that th© East Lib er.y Luta aru cffr,red al ditch pricm3, and art Knelt ea ay ad to make a hump raufly to be obtained. MAI - It in mind, that tiol front on widu ktriman, ara of tur WC-so by rullr,./M, and !Jo ci.ry uuniratde Im:ationa for to Hy rctiktelled9 itt‘sr it in mind, that ti, plat, of the lots is to lie seen at J-13 F.. 1 I , IA Elila L -1 PI SALE.- SEVENI'Y TIJOUSAND ACRD ina cf chol e Pralri,3 ?Millar Lend, situated :rinere a and 6onthern Illt:Duesota etubraoing the 11.1(23' lot uf tanning lauds a'o In thin market, 0.5 Are located conveniently t Towns and lines of Itatiroad. l'amphlatet conte.nlng in',.rtustiou of value to outtL,rants and cLttalog - qc3 gie,ng description and pace of the lard,with a hot inscriptton of the counties .n ,onob they are lo , ated, can to hid a 1 pllcation at Our and thy ctid be soot irco by roatl to persona sezming their addrt 39. WI LLIAM. z HAZIER aty.t.::tf Jones' Ifttildi7'2. No. 67 Eourth str, t. _ FEIEN DOLLARS i iIANI), will sect; hi. Building Lot of 26x100 fi,t on lit. Wahldligt..a rico, 11C0--$l.O is haatl, remaludor to ouit purciiti.sor. a Lot of 50(100 foot ?dr - Ad—S*4l; in hand, t , a1..••• purchaai,r. ti. CU rta'aUltrr & ttt):•., Markot htr.ot-C. ACILES of Laud and a oomfiJrtal le uuti.ie eenr the !V Uinrt ,, n Ttir!lpitre, ut ~ o ut 3 %Me, from Jobe& terry. "sill Le noid on eaty terms ! l!al.,llate peaece eion. N. CU'rUBEItT & SON, J.' 2 61 Market !Arcot- i .t+ . LOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near RAII.-. 1 .1 jit Ily ; rite , . will 1•0,u1.1 for 2, ittle-futtrtli to liana , reateluder st RiX years' credit. r. et:TH. •21.11' & SON. Gl Markst street. LE.MEN'6 DRESS GOODS. A. la 'PAELLA-ND. MERCHANT TAILOR, ettruez.• of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, E3•PECTF[iLLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received hie Epring Amon meht of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS (400DS, uCIWCIst styles, beat qualit7 tiLd wast (.I,!,:cdp t.,:i,m, which no ia prepares w matuitacturd to uolu[ LATEST FASHION:3, uith such t. charocier of work ruftuJhip, aH cava.)E ; att.! p hgtsl3 II! meat fitfaidlollll w} I'd U 1 ? t kN w o O p t I F ! 1 ‘ 4 '.l.`N • The Ric o: • JPAIU /AA ; i,it t. ru t'w Lb., ihte Lim, will by li 3 It t 44' fIAWORTII, In wit),..nicallig fro , e the al,ev: :hanks ht . tor.h,t 1.t14 patrui,9 tni. Intu firm, tii !tie VW) LID. nil t utrua.:go ht hit re aau would re •oinn...nii them to lilt as :Loy are determine:it, BCE' low lignreu, a vary larga asaortanent of 0111Q.i' (siti.i•JEILLM3, WirvEzi and L.:Ql7O:iB on hand. DAVID liA11%).111 - ft .IAIIV.S P.R.YIVALLF, !:37E , thl day miocr,tcw togeth,r. r.1.<1 wiJ cs , utinnt, r,tl thr 072-due.94 at, In« , ri.D nTAND, cor,nT Gf Dim - nand ,nd 11161,3 alley, Ith.lor the style ut lIA WO.B.PtI f 13.1i , JV•1N , ...EK., they tnnt It Lund g'. - vc the old firm, to. tt. , 37 are d..t.rzaino.l to eeII ()HEAL- Eli. ~ t ny titOf 1:1 L:4-• c4ri. E FABRICS I.N Uft S 4 GOODS.- / .k. A - c.., , P.; rF.I. :-.,.: U• 1' PUT:). COE - 3.-15 lor oqlo Cboo: to cl,,ar. y JA::. A IP ETZISIt, G.A.:ter Ar.11,(.41- 4 -10 :Y 1 POUNII SYRUPS GP PIIOSPLIATES, CI-11.1M ICAL Jed rtil . einedy, but In respectfully ant:nat..: • • the 3ledical Facuity Ks a nut, itNe suited 1.. ap , ly vl • ..ein , a - ary tnai.tor Jurlag the pr,gre+a pirtisialarly in D7spepois and Coriar.n.p• This preparation le piealll'.l t ) the (,ye., agreeable to ..he ari.l great.l:ll thu nt,runaS, and doi , s not litilittl• eta by pn.d:r..CLA C 4.40. Lixid whuieoa a and fetal! by FLEMING., ei.,rwsr Di:inland and Market street. ,CIOUNTRY 1 - 3ACON.--1000 lbs. Country recticad Ina tut 101.. , JAALES cay 4 Ck,ruor Martet azd gt..,-.1.4 ROOM .--3 tone tint quality ra-d tra. eAle I r IMTE iiINRY fi 0:1,A2/ZIS. PANCY FIZENCII BASK »ico . _ al , 6ol'=itu of y vi,;(,-tcd c , .r . ;ale 14 W.. 4.1. IL 31IITE1 110 &cowl, ,LL-1 147 Itiret etreet..a. _ WIIt7DSOR SHADES.—GoId b3rdorad, plena land fancy. Alao, Trirami4g; V V lway, o¢ 11:11,11 at and for sale cbes, a p by if PI 213 and et. Clair etr t. it,LiBisERII.OE.- - trora inch to A. 1.) In h .111:mk,tor. trge Fem. , ly part irc,tveAl lioLa ltabt.oi Depot of J. .1.. It. 1•11ILLIP2 1 , in./21 o aw 4 28 Bs. Olair etrc. t. t t u • ic r e rd U. tillW fur s-ae radneo.l pricas, r. 7.711 N't NO L,ISII ULASS INKSTANDS-Cut and prets - si, with (alma :.nd firolvhe Toga. J .14 W. S. HAVEN, Stationer. OF THE DIFFERENT STATES lowa, Oio, Penneyvan* Nebraska and If . IL:zonri, Kentucky and Tennesee, Virg nia, etc, for bele 1.3 J B WELD.DI, Bookseller and E.tationer, I+lo No. 82 Wood Q tree.. near Fctirth. P Yr, bbis. fresh ground Rye 'Jour, tecelced and for ealo by JAM.I33 A. FETZMI, J 731 Corner Market and First atreetz - I BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale by B. L. FAIINESMai 1 CO., Jen No. 60 cur. Wood and Porath DRIED PEACHES-12 saoksehoice bright dry Peaches received and for gala by JAS. A. nuipp, jaD Corner Market and lint ati. fIHEESE.-200 boxes W. R.; ' 4 l 22& " English Dairy Chem\ f.r sale by fieni PENRY H. CeLLIN2. DRY- APPLES.-50 bags; MULL Dry Apple's, for wiz by je.22 Hig.NRY H. OOLLLNS. BEEN APPLES.-20 bbla. for sale by !Ili se HENRY EL OOLLT kAtiId.LAN TOOTH PASTE,, prepared B¢rzatta, Utz impantriou of Dr, JO f10W..261rE EEMO pon Ihnt ofkhb, & -itUW, '.l . r%rt JPIRLI LL k WORTH =NE ] ?i[AAWL+ PIANOS AND muslc. THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK - OP - PIANO FORTES, FROM TUE MANCTAOTORY CHICKERING & SON'S, BtDtTON,; (2,-41:ding Lf STIVAIEN of their now de Octavo and add a .I.'d* Oct Iva Pianos; haoojuit bean received, and n.n.v ready for examination at the waierooma of the rob- N0t143.45 a , OKERDi ;31 ,§. SONS' PIANO FORTES Eati not furnished t Lids , othor house In this city, and all orders must t. iiraatd to the subscriber. J01:14 H. MEL - :T.., No. 81 V. cod street, Sole .Agent for ebickering & Sons' Planos, I Pitts:Jur:Ai eud Western Ponnsylcaoia PIANOS! PULL RAND PIANOS PARLOR GRAND PLINOSIr ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, Ilanufactrry of CHlClliillll4i.} a 20:43', s, Juet rucrii :1 Irvin iva loan anictory of Ohloitering - - ', 1011(41:leg 41o4ruitto and elegant etuck o • . q.ll novca • - .l;t2ki (]Waal to, with 5C.1444ib1y c , i3o. L x ice , nevo=l ozlevo tirand Piano Forte, nibgant $lOO "i. 77 i Grc...w.lqecati • - ,..c.,inve Piano, nearly to a fail ()rand, and oocupying only tha , 121 of an ordinary aquara Piano. Pricu $OOO _ . SQUARE PIANOS it ll carvud 110•60 wood, Louts SlVth, eaves.). octaves, : • u carved Deal and Foot work. :-..) Rosewood si , Vele octave—Gifford style. • •,.) ito3ewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. 1., .r Rosewuod., plain round cornea, seven octave; 'l . l-e,l Walnut, plata round front ci.,ruers t seven octaves. ',our CI i• ...1 CS li 61. Mt ..',lr E.O3eWOCA " A il if li . By a ~ All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with fall i r^ , n rraini.b, and their now Patent Action. illti:TiltliOrlCS have keen finished specially for the , giber, and will be warranted to pnrchwora. For ealo E rekillCOtt prlaa. J 0111..? E. 11.13.LIATR, No. J. Wood str36i, Solo Agunt for Chlckertng & Sons' ALDERMEN. CHARLES %V. LEWIS / /LDERMAii, And LrAfficio Suatioe of the Peace, 'OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND PIPTIL iiTREET6. AU bntdneas eennested with this oLice will be utt.,r.d.d c.:tb promptu.es. OJIIVO ) lances of all kinds done with legaL e:;,:rec}•=aN, as Leeds, Mortgegi - s, louda, Powers of 'I2,:J.Ls to IL"! :Litatu stemmed. :he inereb,..is of the ho tenders his services As Co 1,0 nor to take Depositiono to ho readia tho ooveral Coo, to tLis State, and oisewhore. His office in ono of the main s &atom; of tho city, and consequently his Wilkins in e iting busintHe of that kind aro vory desirable. i 11,10:1y Ald'erinutaxes Office. AMES S. lIOON, ALDERMAN, EX orFicio JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE *c.l:3TEAl.::—Oftiza, No. 69 Grant strew', nearly oppo- A.. Olurt Pittsburgh, Pa. Doposttiona, and Promtes ta66u; tho Recordd examined, :"Torexageo, Willa, Laao Artlelos . , I'arznor.thip , f cif, 0•,.. a up at F,nort notice; ilarriazra Solownizt,ii, and all io tha iiu, of his clDcial dtitica, prua,,,t;s nttendeJ ; 7 : 2 Otnce bona, from 7% 4.. X. to 1 Y. LI, and from 2 • -1 1 . )ERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to pnrchage good farming landp, are informed that wo nor sate 6.32 acres of lend in Boone county, lowa. Also 0;0 acres of land in Franklin county, will he sold on easy liy S. OUTLZBEItT & ;SON, 0.) lb 51 Maricat stro6t. - i , ..)1:K8 FOR PRESERVE JARS—An hit t, l 1W21320 stock on hand, at the only CORK M (in the city—So. 76 Smithfield street. I, OVERI.NUTON. SIY. DWELLING HOUSE on Third strieTt (or rout. S. CUTHBERT & SON, J• 23 Si Market area. A CKEREL.- 25 barrels No. 8 Largo Mackerel ; 86" reo'd and for er , ;• , 'LEERY H. COLLINS. • d'ILARET WINE.— e L ) 2 , ) ewes N. Johnston & Boas -Ueda) Claret Wine; lu •• a •• Bt. Julien Claret Wine Ile •• 0. C. Bt. Jaen Claret Wine, In store and for affair by 3 11 7.1L1ZR & iIIOKETBON :11;181 Nc-s. Zr. 2 end 223 Liberty street. kIEM IC AL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boies alemipal Oliva Elmira soap on bond rnd for said by . fi. O. tc J. 11. SAWTH.B.. ACON.-1() casks Country Bacon Shoul ..--; dor9, 1,3.4 and klarno,Just received and for sala by JAE". A. BETZMII, C...lznor Tdortot end Plrut etmota. N 0.-2 oases Manilla Indigo, just ro• ceivA and fbr sale by roylS MILLER k RIOKETSON. E ES. —5 1.1 bush. Bright Dried _Appl64, jug. rec-.1v,A1 an , l for rale by J FETZER, o.?riler .gadiet end Eccor.al a!t. FitESII NUTS.- 10 talcs Bordeaux Almonda; 2 " Paper Shell SO bag.* Pilborta ; SO " Cream NEM] ; " Pncsn boa. Liroand " S , ;00 Cocos " Jast received and for REYMER et ANDERSON, No. 80 Wood et.-oet, Oppoalt; oho St. (Marie:4 hotel iiLUV thit,it,t , f_r appruactiu;:h,,: n .71it , . H. E. , 11 . k t•trfr.‘t. A 1 LA 3,x10, ( dx12.E1(1 F• V IL L.`U j.. , 8 Pit.liv. TING.-- k.',Ar.:... iridglit BM; Circult.n, liray Itecelphi, Bill Heade, Labels, Raliroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With eve:y other description of Job Printing, executed Iv ih promptness and et Lir prices. J. IL WELDIN, Printer and Bind,r, ii in Wood street, near Fourth. 1.0 ACRES of choice land, with good im ± Atop 7: Nement.i, at,,,,r the city, tn sale on easy term/ by d. OCITHIIgIa Zt SON, j,lO Ai matter Ftrc•et 3064 ACitS of Farming Land, near Ufflon , own, Pa, for salo at $8 per acra. 1731 S. CIITHBNILT & SON, 61 Markat at. ALLS ! BALLS! BALLS I—A large as ,.ortr,_,nt of and But Bath, Jcolt recalvo3 aud fur an.l rot:114 ac the India itubt - ar 20 and 28 Et. Clair street pay 2g 3. 6; H. PlEill,Llll3. g.. 4 ." AIN SI FAN l I—balm Fans by the case, doso%, or 5;u .. 41.3. at Exlttru prioes,with other varieties fut wit at TIOUNCS, 77 Market street. TION S.-100 boxes Patera.° Lemons„ :12:1 :I,r Bale by R.EilliEE A ANDERSON, No. 8l Wood street, 1,47 Opposite Et. Charles Hotel. r i Ali.l) OIL.- Lc - reW 1i"..7..tra No. 1 Lard an; 25 No. 2 Lard OIL on hand and for lido, by [nlyl.2] B. C. & J. H. SAWYER. . . AVA (OFF EE.--Just received a lot of i,L-1,-.:t!y pare Old Covatnmoat Java Colfe.a. Ala°, La ;:ef,".: dad 1 - 41,, Cculeb, vt J AY:.? ES' TEA. MBA Fifth street. 1 - )ultrA .I ( .3KBEgRI: Ain CLIERRY purpue.t, HAWORTH & 1311GIVNLEKTS, jet) Li tho nhumiond. 1,..001C RESTS—Made of Mahogany and a.ieho.d, for sale b-i W. S. LEAVEN, • Statior.er. BILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large easortment alwas 5 on hand or mule to order. S. HAVEN, Jelit Corner Market and Second streets. LAWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various alike and colors always on hand, at IV. 8. HAVE jel.4 Corner :locket and Sere, nd otd. AFARM of 238 acres, near Economy, for tale by 9. CUTHBERT a SON,, )yl7 61 Market etreet.! ]'RENCH LEMONS, 20 just received and for eale by RATIMItt a ANDERSON, Jy2B No. 89 Wood ithvet. GERMAN DRAWING PAPER—In rolls for Engravers, for e3b3 by .7.1 WEILDIN, !Uri :1 rII4 weod "treat. 11,9 T Bourns. fIUM BANDS, Port. Folios, Desk Pads, Bankers (Wes, Port Moludas, and Pocket teaks, for ~ale by W, S. HAVEN'S,. apl9 Corner Market and Second streets. CAUNNY SACK —300: large three bushels any Esc, new and In'good ardor, fannile by. ..31411 IL M2EI3, rnyr4 Omer PIM and Mazirnt fdraastr. riAESTNIITB.-5 • barrels Ita li a% received t‘ o t this day; and for sato by .- „ , ftWillEß dc ANDIlitSOg, No. Si , ~ ' my% Offastto Elt:M Dods . NUTS ER 266 MISCELL' NEOUS tci Dn. 1 4 1. CARD FR6II D. JAMES M. JAR RETT, OF THE NiLW YORE LUNG ThIPIILM. :- Alry,—My connection for tiff past _fight years with the shove Institution. ea Chief fillyelcum, and a twelve years' ourne of steady devotion tolloo titre of Pulmonary Con samption and its kindrai diseases, together with my nn rivalled oppor tn pitied and advantage of petholagical research —aided not a little by a perfe t system of Itsclical rithata ticm--has enabled me to aarire o: a decisive, direct Gad eino• cr aqui sense of treatment for ,its positive and radical wire of all diseases of the Throat, Lhngs, and ..dir-Patrager. By Inhalation, the vapor and ourritive properties of medicines are directly adreeaod to the ciliassed organs and the integu ment Ido not advise the uee_ef Medical Inhalation of an kind, to the eaolusion of gentra2 treatment; and aithottith I cahelder it a useful adjuvant li4 the proper man.a": patent of those fearful and often fatal dieel:. ',yet I donna it very no etosary th. Lit each patient ette4l lave the benefit of both ger eial and loco: truatment. he succoLa of my treatment 1, ti :. alio i., clissues, and the high chazhoder or the Institu t. n vt r tem It 1 have co leap ued the honor to prtaido,are t a m•e'l liamvu to stood ,toy e4icary or Gera:l:eat from me. At the eolicaation of many prir„,ato eau; profeia.ioael friends, tormigh whose philaa:tirotho ail the above charity bee been I Tug and Liberally eappertoi, AO afts-r due conzll' eration, r t.,,, conch:idea to make eucit jacrrmgemants no will bring :te I . ncilts of my exp:r menti and treatment within the 1, ace of all. and cot coo tine wo-a , -11", as heratofo. to those rely who entered the Infirmar or woo were aNe to visit ce me :t my °di ii , p og tbr tore that the arrangement will 41ve entire eatiitictine, b to my pro:cesier,altroth le run I,nd h the pnbac, i w_aLd rrepectfaily announoe In coa -1 art ii, teat I con :.ere be. c -.^_riiited pertrmaity or by fstter,on e 1 a e3eases as iii..ve, e nd tleai the medicines, the same so rceei in the ref:Metier., pre;:ared to tilt_ each individual 'cast. hthating Vapors, Ateot:t4i Inhalers, :fn., dn., will bo lorw3rded by eXpteAi to e.a, part of the United attics or: the f'anadee. leans—My tartar cf treatment by letter-are as fu'rlows, viz: $l2 par month tor each . patfrant whiCh will: ioeirale medicine imfdatent for one mouth's on; alio; 111 , halibg Vapor, and an •rittalingiAppdraftvi.. , Payment 45 fa 1.... lots , : $0 to be paid to ilizpreastgent op receipt of the hoz id icedicire. end the bale:ace it,6-at Vie expitationaf t tlie month, if the pall at be enred'ibr it entirely ardislied With the r±satment. Patients, by giving:a full historysil their C . .. 40, and their eymptems in fall, can Le treated es well by I: etc. as by p.ratmal examluatton. Patients availing them ro:v: i of Dr. Jerre V.: treatmeut may rely upon Immediate , a . 1 srmenent relief: T. 3 he anthem ?las to tresta case over t let i doye LaLturs fen edvl,,o prompUy answer:At For I.rti er particulars, address 1 • • . . .• . JAMEY M. JAD.Px.ETT, M.D.. No. 82: Broadway, ear. Twelfth ilt., Di Y. P.: l .—Physiciane and others' visiting the city are re- vasotiully invited to e3ll at thb 'imalrmary, where many I :te*eatiug cease cRII be witndssed, end where our ink proved apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor can t e seen and iuspectech I jyl,O:BM mIL ITARY E;NCAMPHIENT 'STATE OF ..74WSYLVA',.V1.4. • , .LVX. i=ECIITITTE 05-1.118313, Mirrisburg, Juno 9,1868. It is hereby ordered, that 5 "Camp of Instruction ',', be held at Williamsport, Lycomi4g county, Pennsylvania,: the pour at year, and the Adjutint General of the Columns uiril di is directed to Ile tho thou thereof—to take °barite of the arrangemeute—to attend o pariiion, and to fame:. the hese nary orders to the (metal staff, and other Mllipay edicts-is of the Gstantonweahhila relation to lie enure. NY CommanderZatizif. 1. DJ II .a. -- da& - C3 Rearlaburg, Jane 8,1808. j In obedience to the above brdor from lietd•Quartere, a Camp of Ihatruction" will !be held at Williamepart, Ly coming,ounty, Per cor.amem:lug at 12 tt., on Tuesday, thin 7th of Sciltemlnber, 1858, To continue until SAT_ U&DAY., the 11th day of said mouth, at 12 to , of said day, to be called Camp .Busquelianna." i. 'Zbia Encampment is intended to include the uniform ed ccmpanios throughout the? Ste ac, who are ear neatly quested to be in prompt attendance. it. The Major Generals, llagadier Generals, and Brigade 1.....,pct0rs of the several eivislere and brigades, are required to report to my otnee us soon as poseible, what companies and Vela calcerd will be in attendance from their respective connuands—with the flambe - 4 of mar. in each company, the names of the Calif:tan; and their Poet Office addreol. 111. The Aldsqle-liamp und!all other , lacers of the Grand Stall of the Commander-in Chhlf are ord?roci to to in at• tendance, armed and equipped inn frill p , .l..ttide dross. IV. All compudiee iu 117. , 31idiL1)...10 are required to bring w - .A: them all tautt and camp t-qr.:;2.ig.l they may have. V. Thu of erir hricado, wilt coport at once to my ell:a„je, whet L-qui; ugh I , 3lcmilna• to the nista the Limits of Iheir commend . The Major aenerai cf oic iarsv e L J.:l7fzicm, Go P. fr. iezitruau, tho soator