VOLUME XVI FIT. TS3UREiII MORNING POST. trey rnt , rnfr,7 a - 111,4 7z ="certei) J fa ES P. HARR, In 7;p: C.C11.57:3 c' WOOD AltD TIFT3 11111.1117,79, 7,:11,, a year, ' i-nyable strictly in advar.ca re aired if net paid within the year. Tee Cs:Li - era—for sale at the counter in • ~'pi 5y the rieirYS RATES OF ADVERTISING. 7.7 Tt,ri ,l orwe a' /ri Ti"k4 s: L 7. c i Daf:7l'. la a wire - 4 sue:. I pcpc. Le ..... 60 75 1 I ias.rtionr..„.....' 100 1 I . 1 00 • le :176.2t - 7510 • ..... 3CO 2 501 150 1 0.1 76 •c:;:'.:::.-.......... I .....j4OO 2 Cs: ! 200 1:2 100 ••- rod ttli 500 3OA 50 105 1 6 racrairs I 7 00 4 50 2 3.5 '1 50 900 6 4 50. 300'3 00 10 00 665 600 335 450 months—. 11 00 725 650 363 550 nacntho 12 GO 800 G tio 400 6 6 '. ) raorttli.s 16 GO 10 a - , 800 635 0 (X) 20 OOS 13 35 10 00 605 12 ce. - .) c.f.i. Doan or par annual 10 00 or.AYaalsta er`rtz.tsoas: a!ILUE.I,(e.ICISSIVe of the paper,) SI 00 • ncr.±.N.a..socents ;Death notices, 25 cants. Dv - ill - in - fin / 1H sii i i i ilßDAT POST A DI a 1.1'2401111 WEEILLV. QTLY' ONE DOLLAR PER TEAR, IN CLUES OF TEN. to Subzcl-iptlons, - - - 6;4 per asstaturst. (..ONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS r liil DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Oommer c;•,l,l_,,al,Tc.lsgtaptlt; and Miscellanenr.s. Paper bring of the LinciSr! s=, and neatly printe oa floe white paper, in large, char type, will bo found by • to give better satisfaction than any paper raall.s,hoid in Pittsburgh. :lose :'ho wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find SATURDAY POET a safe and pro:itable investment. A ddrcc2, fJAPILIS BARR, Editor and Proprietor. C2P.11. :D. a. arfiaa _EI Et Si; E S R 0r...a. AND JOB OFFICE, .-c,Trzi:awcas, Corner of Fifth - and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. riqiE un'aczsigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AN") HANDSOMEST STYLE TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST O.I.T:ICE, in iio tteation of Rail Road Officer Eln..iltoutz, business 1116 n, and the public generally, to their uperior faciiit.ee for emecuting with dispatch, on reasonable arms, ail kinds of it A 11, El 0 AD, LEGAL, AND EVrItY OTHER DESCRIPTION OP PLAIN FANO Y. PRINTING Our reatet;al being nearly all new, we can give MSC ., of the 111C•2: contplete satisfaction, and solicit ord,-re or OIIS, PAMPHLETS, iIAqL TOAD BLLLS AND CARDS, BA - CF." T.ILECES . , EL NE :TOTES, LE'iTER BILL [LEADS, RILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, 13USLYESS CARDS, pApral LOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES., BONDS, • at:, lion will also La paid to the printing Of Poetore, Pro , ,,rn22.lnes, itc. for Concerts, Rihibitlons and Circ . :4,3er% BARR .1 MYERS!. BUSINESS CARDS. Me People's Siet Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER & CO-, Med? Cosh Dealera ill all kiuda of Faahionabla .130011; 5 SHOES AND GIJTERS, For Conticmar., Latllds, Youtha and Childran, moo. 37 Fifth Street, near Merl:coi l cc.S PI'.72SBURGII., PA. 7 'll P 2-13 z PERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs B Co.'s Yoteut Elastic 'Fire and Water Proof Cement Roofing. 133 THIRD STF , RPT. RDEB. s for ROOFING promptly and faith fully atecated, and all our work warranted. Roofing material always on hand, and fir sale, with di recrionri for noo. sep/ly Jos. FIADIIIATON u 00” ga:C.-ENIIERS AND DIACELINTESTS, rzn,.: Liberty ttreet, it, Pa. UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist kj and ,Sa - , :•lilL3, Breweries, Printing Establishments, [natio to order. '2h-,y tlso continue tho roanuactare of their CelebratAl 'foots, such 8.1 `.:_ s urting Loth-s, Iron Planers, Baring and Drilling Machines, ix,. Lieu, Wron4h.: Iron ,511aftIng, with Pulleys, Mongers, tt.z.. Etc. Ja&lyd El= sacs r6'TUOISSIPSON Sr. CO., TIOUSE PAIN'rERS, GLA.ZIERS AND ‘. GRAINER?, N 0.125 Thirri stroet. SIGN PAINT. G executed with neatnets and de patch. Mixed Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry- E'l .lanntaigne Muck - , a very superior article; Phila- L. phis and Pittsburgh Vi'hiteLead always on hand and for Vie aro privared to grind colors fur Paintera, Drug. E.,t3, or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill o'cli grinds by steam Painters will save money by get t awl" colors ground with 113. (-: GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, .tar' IfifiNIIFA.CTURER Y S PRICES. HYDROMETERS cr cb.eßpest rind best article° ever Lrz,a,-, 1 2.t thi3 city. TEERY.O).II. , T ANN 0 BAB.O.I.MTERS, :Laying is pric,e , from sti to $.34:1 each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, 1 , .7,7e. 012 nand et G. R. SHAW'S, Optician, 59 lifth Erect. app.-mite laconic B. C. & J. EL SAWYER, Iht6NUFACTT'.....Es.'S or T,ARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS If 0. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'JOHN EIBER it Co., FANCY DYERS BD SCOURERS, r.a7c). E 3 ES3-75.t.12. Inc I:EN LLBERTI STILEITS, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ail kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and -1340 , y deacription of `Wilk and Woolen ,130;:de executed at end on reasonable terms. LapMl3m 0-saace of Sealer of Weights and _lllegtsureo. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, 2.1- SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASDRE'S, Mr.: be for.r.d lienei , forth, in Cherry alloy, bettan Third and Fourth st - ee. M, where ordors may be loft. rarr:tf •caear.as BARNETT. e rccolvtdS HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just . and fpr salt) tho Stationery Store, I-- V • Nos. 31, 33 and 35 Market stroet. MIIE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. ihiai --11 , 5 wriLknawn and popular annual, formerly pub by Johnston it Stockton, after a lapse of years, will u. a shortly Le issued. The circulations as formerly will la; made by t a skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, Esq., who will also prepare for its pages such reeding mat ter us. will make it an entertaining and instructive maga- Eine. Baolles the reliable astronomical calculations, a new itnd ir.genions tsible of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lintit and other matters of permanent value will be added. Orders of book-sellers and other dealers are solicited in udrance of publication, as but one edition will be printed, cod orders will be tiled according to priority. WM. ft. JOHNSTON & 00., I:nl4k-hors, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, - 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh. 'Jett OFIEESE.-300 boxes good cutting Cheese ‘J 'received and for sa3e by J 9 g HENRY H. COLLINS. TARCII.-250 boxes Pearl Starch in store 12> end for sale by ARD 9IL.—We have commenced mann factoring Lard Oil, and will be pleased to receive or dc , rs for it. We will warrant it equal to any OIL in the mar "e -t. Vic trill HII barrels returned when desired. D, C. t J. II SAWYER, Woodgireet. tf ANlulq 8.-10 bblo. Onions for age by ‘,l Et. • :.,,,. 9.. i, • * - .`:' 'a ~*:. 4 : , 1 . .4 - ... 4 a- 1 i . . ...i .. .g. _ - 1 I I I l A r , b.': . lir , , ~,-,. h - ::'::_ .... i,. ..-..' '7 ,, . ..-. . , , o .' . r -..• . • 7..: A t . " l a : i',.. ' 7 .-- , .f: :k.: .'. .. . 7:. .., ..,.: : .., .. la , ..4. , 1 1 : ''''.: 11.'" - .. % :.f. , - / , l i , -i , 7r '1;?, I '''..• 3 - ii ''''• a :.;.' .., , ,i,... • .. ,:..,.. -, ....., '-•:, - . .. '"7 r., 1 111 -: ;.2t ". r - - - T r , . t " 440 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATHENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, MS, all preeented to the Stockholders, and made no in compliance with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Indiana,Minots, ac. SWITSRITT. The name of the Company is the FAIMIKRS' UNION IN SURANCE COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13, 1959, by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which La all paid up 260,000 00 Surplus in addition thereto 63,485 61 ASSITO. Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgagee, at six and seven 'id cont. interest, amounting in the aggregate t0...5162,315 00 Which mortgagee are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for in each case, and in no case less than fifty Ili cent. more, exclusive of flora buildings, and so certified by the Recorders, wheze recorded, to the and tom of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six t;i cent. Bonds amply secured. 47,685 00 Claeh on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmission, secured by bonds with sureties 18,761 63 Due on losses re-Insured, As 7,836 61 , Bills receivable, Iris: promissory cotes payable at bank and to the Company.-- 8.246 82 Interest accrued, (principally due January 1,1858,) 1 19 46 Safe and office Fixtures and Furni ture 600 00 Amount of Premiums received during the year $ 85,231 30 Am't interest received during the year 11,442 05 Am't received from all other sources 2,480 00 EXPISDITLIM. Expensee for the year, including commissisas t salaries, rents, rein eurance, printing, advertising, t3X1311 and all other expenses $ 19,199 6d Dividends paid during the year 17,000 00 Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 31,1856 7.674 63 Losses paid which occurred daring ' the year 16,561 54 LULL. Lomoa adjusted and not das (since paid) $ 12,500 4 Losses incurred and in process of adjustment 9,307 00 Locsea reported, on which no action has been taken 6,E.00 00 Losses resisted, on ground of insur ance after fire, property transfer red before loss, property last not covered by the Policy, Ac 12,100 00 t 39,407 89 Whole anion ,tof risks taken during the year-$5,429,862 00 Whole amount of risk at date 4,861,440 00 STATE 07 PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY QP BP.ADPOILD, C. N. Shipman, President, and J. B. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Union Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn,. depose and say, and each for himself says, that the foregoing is a trne, full an 9 correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de. scribed racers thereof. 0. N. BOIPMAN, President. J. E. CANFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed anti sworn before me, this 25th day of Jruan ery, 1858, H. 0. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. HUNTER, Agent, apl7:l y No. 80 Water street, Pittsburgh. Reliance 'lanai Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OD PERPETUAL, MERCIHAN- DIRE, FURNITURE, 60., 11l TOWN OR COUNTRY. Office, Ho. 309 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 0177,926 AR , NTS, 4252,403 SO. Invested as follows, viz:— Post Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double the amount .$120,300 00 Ponnisylvania Railroad Co.'s 8 per cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 cost 25,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Peun'a R. R. Loss. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance 19,150 00 Stock of County Piro Insarsuce ......... 1,050 00 Scrip of Sund.ty Insurance Ourapanies....—....—... 476 00 Bills Receivaele,busLuists paper__ 62,711 50 Bout Accotir.ts, storms] Interest, etc. 3,338 19 Cash ou hand and In Bank 16,043 20 Clem Tingley, William A. Thompson, David B. Brown, Cornelius Bayamon, John B. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Robert Toland, limos Johnson, Charles B. Wood, James S. Woodward, mr3 B. J. : mr3 North-east cor MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Plalladel . ol2lm.. Wit. V. PETTIT, .........D. J...NDCANN, Secretary. AniJunt of Copital Stock paid in and Inveated...sloo,ooo 00 Survina 63,42 S 33 32f..3,4td Insares Cargo Risks on tho Ohio and nlisilssippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Bea and inland Navigation and Transportation. Wm. 17. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, Juhn M. Paturoy, D. J. licCattu, N. V. Witmer, It.aao G union, B. L. Woolnton, John A. Mkrahall, Chas. h. Wright, John J. Pattorson, Elwood T. Posey. la Philadelphia': Ir. .I'7r3dde/phia: Bolger, Lamb & Co., Steinmits, Justice A Co., Truitt, Bro. h . Co., Buck, Morgan it St'Hole, A. T. Lane it Co., Puniroy, Caldwell it Co. PITTSBURGH OFYICE, SO. 97 WATER STittiPT. spit 8.. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, CHARTERED HY TEE Litamarcras Olf PENNSYLVANIA Cash capita_ 4300,000 I Premium Nstat—Sl 32 , 343 - Tins COMPANY WILL INSURE ON N IL Buildings, Merchandise, Parnittire, kc., in town or -JLEMOTO/it Hon.Jno.J. Pearce, Hon. G. 0. Hart ey,l Charles A. Mayer, John B. Hall, Charles Crist,Peter Dickinson, I T. T. Abrams, D. K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. 0. C. HARVEY, President. T. T. Ann.v.:— . ., Vice. President. Tune. grroazet, Secretary. REVERZNO;I3: &mdel IL Lloyd, IDr. J. B. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updogran, L. A. Mackey, Hon. B. Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thoe. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Yandorbelt, HOB. Wm. Bigler, OFFIC.&—NO. 85 FIFTH 13THEBT, Prrrsaustaa. de2l:ff J. A. LIPPF,IIT, Agent. roTTE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE IL COMPANY, OF PHlLADELPHlA inneo7ohaelos W. Bancker,Thomas hart, Tobias Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob IL ith, Geo. W. Richards, rlordec.ri D. Lewis, Adolphi E. Eerie, David 8. Brown, Mop! rip Patterson- Caen. N. illieozia, President. Caen. G. Hinman Secretary. Continua to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every do.seription of property, in town.and.ounntry, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a -large Contingent Fund, Ihich, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, of. ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1851, as pub. lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 68 Real Estate- 84,877 78 Temporary Lanus 88,9158 17 Eit.ocks 01880 Cksh, —... 64,846 81 Total- $ 1 , 91 %7 03 443 Pine their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they hare paid upward of One Milli on Boor Hundred Thou. sand Doilars,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insuran ON ea well as the ability and disposition to moot with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDENER CKWFlNedgent, °ince, north-cart chr. Wood and Third eta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH. G DOECIE r,A.Rsra, i - resident; E M. iikonDo3, Secretary. °Mal No. 42 Water street, (Spank & Oo'e Warehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure agatust all kinds of r l RE and MARINE RISKS. A Home 'lnstitution, managed by Directors who are a-ell knolvn in the community, and who are determined, be promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assnineed, so offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER Slat, 1857. Stock „ • .... $121,500 00 Mortgagor-- ............ 2,180 00 L721.a Receivable, 4,161 et 161 00 Moe Parnitunv„...— -- Open ...... 9,478 04 Oaah,— --....- ...... 14,841 45 Premium Notoe,-...., • ....... -......--. 40,246 59 Ms Discounted, 125,003 78 $817,641 78 =Mum Gang° Dares, N. Miller, Jr., J. W. Butler, George W. Jackmn, -James McAuley, Andrew Ackley, Wm. =At, Nathaniel Holmes, Alexander Nimlck, - D. M. Lang, Wm. IL Smith; O. W. Kick. ' .F. ia. Gams. R.-gary: HENRY H. OOT 1158. IDAVON;;-3000 lbo (krantry Bawl, for ado norse Vt. N, WM a CO, PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE «POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUAL INSURANCE. --$ 253,485 51 monis ran Tel me 1857. FIRE INSURANCE, BY THE X 2,463 89 CUM TINOLEY, Yrusideat. WILIOTOB3. Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith EOWCII, Wm. M. Semple, Pittsb'g . HINCHMAN, Secretary. 111.NELI COFFIN, Agent, er Third and Wood atreets. OMR= O..TPICIRS: WILLIAM. V. PEI ilT, Prutdca E. F. WITZIER., nce President. D. J. hIcOANN, SeereAry. 11,17BBINC39: WEST BRANCH LOOK HAV=V' j CLINTON COUNTY. DiaIOTOB.-8 LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. BOBKEiT GALWAY, President. Aunt. BRADLEY, Vice Praia'dent. P. A. &Nur/a!, Socrelary. 4111KILis Company makes exeryinimrance appertaining to or connected with LIFE EL311.13. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and itiatissippi Rivera and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS generally. And against Lose and Damage by Fire, and against the Perila of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies leaned at the lowest rata consistent with safety to all parties. $..30,85 61 Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. OFFIOE, NO. 99 WATER ET, PITTSBUROII. Stock, Cue Billa—payable on demand and secured by two approved names $ 76,890 00 Cash En Pittsburgh Trust Company 62,'280 37 Premium Notes. 82 993 80 Bills Recelvable..-- —.... 15,986 01 122 aharea Exchange Bank Stock—cost 6,950 00 99 do Mechanics' Bank Stock—cost 6,490 03 WO do Iron City Bank Stock—amouni, paid. 7,500 00 200 do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 6,000 00 Book Accounts 13,250 2.1 $99,153 35 J. H. ROST. FINNEY, Secretary-. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPAN V OF FITTSBURGII. WELLLtiId BAGALBY, President. SAMUEL L. IiAItBIIFIL.L, Bccretary. OFFICE: 94 Water street, betwan Afarkzt and strati Insures MILL AND 01,240 ILIBIfy , on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tribtaarica. Insures against Loss or Damage by ARIL Also, against the Perlis of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. $90,435 So PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 119 Chesnut Street, Oppalte the Onatom House. WLLL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable razes of premium. ROBERT P. ram, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. DIRXOIOBI3. Charles B.ayes, E. P.. Cope, E. B. English, Uoorge W. Brown, P. B. Savory, Joseph S. Paul, C. Sherman, • John Clayton, S. J. Magargee, E Wilot . Y. IlLecautraNr., Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Jy4:ly Corner Third and Wood streets HOTELS & RESTAURANTS Corner Irvylia Stre•t and Daqueena Way, PTIT3BUIWU, P.A. 1. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the ••ELuker i/ Blulreville, Pa.) E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW. COM PLXTED AND OPEN FOIL GUESTS. It is situated in a oentral part of tho city, being cot •ieulout td all P.ailroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The Homo was built in ISt 1, with all modern Imprevo metits, and fated up in splendid style—the entire Furniture helms new—and will in every respect be a first class HoteL Flue STABLES are attached to the premises. [JeLI7 CORNIJCOPI2E RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. bearita The attention of Merchants and others is directed to this establishment, which has been recently fitted - *"s" up for the purpose of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING HOUSE IN A CiI.N'TILAL LOCATION'? Country folks attending market are particularly invited to call. liverything pertaining to an HAZING SALOON will always be found, of the freahest the market affords. cip29:lydAw EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWRY, Proprietor, Corner Main dreel and Yunghiagheny River, Near theßaitroad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM PLETE order for the reception of visitors. It is beau tifnllo located on the banks of the Youghiogheny river, and can be reached every day from the city by the Comteßavine Railroad. The rooms are large, airy and well furniahed,and the could be no pleasanter place fr a few weeks summer residence in the country. A few families can be accommo dated. Terms moderate. Address A. LOWRY, my2s:tf West Newton, Pa. Under Foistgire New National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, AS FITTED, UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the largo centre store in the ODD,YELLOWS HALL. Fifth street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND SALOON. Having had many years' erpirience in the business, hole prepared to supply the best the market affords. His Bar will be furnished at all times with the best WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The on , trance to the Saloon, is in the centre of the Hall, and re. .froshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Sundays exce.tetl4 apl4:ly WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENIV'A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. G. A. F. BEVERIDGE PELOPHIETHEII3B. H. W. KANAGA. S 0 - I! °TEL, Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, Y-1 A RRTFIBMIG, PA. [jel6 WASHINGTON HOTEL, YortmEß-rY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAILS SEANNOPT, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough Improvement, remodeled and famished with new furniture, and le now the most conve nient Hotel In Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. myS:l5, MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, num= No. 844 Liberty Street, Just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri pby that road. e proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, excellent style, the MANSION HOME, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford. lug ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the host the market can afford. febl:y Excelsior Restaurant No. 11)11 WOOD Street, ' Prrrsutrim, PL.,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DPkr , FR IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISH. The undersigned basing received from the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOOK, - FRESH OOD FISH, EASTERN BUN FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, Now York Prince , ' Bay, Egg Wand, Egg Harbor, Shell °intern. The finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season served up at the EXCELSIOR RESTAURANT. aplyd 8. BTRINRUCIE. QT. GLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The underalgued, former ly of "Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and con:ono diens HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectftilly invite his friends and the traveling public, to give him a call. Manfred, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the business, &c.,e a n give entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. feb22 WM. O. CONNELLY. Lippincott, Shorten & Pearson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR EII;TH. MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va, um, Eat and Bonnet Bosse, Ladles Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac, - keep conStantly on hand a ledge stock. - We arel.. prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, wo told invite the• trials to call and examine our goods be• tatiparobidas ti A> INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH DITIEO'2OEa. Robert Galway, Samuel Itralnikan, Joseph P. Gezzam, M. D., John Boott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph B. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David IL Ohamberv, Itobert H. Hartley, William Carr, Jno. Wall'. selA Assets..Alay 1, 1858. DIRECTORS. J. 11: Bhoenberger, G. W. Cass, W. It. Nhnick, Isaac M. Pennock, John A. Caughoy, W. W. Martin, C. W. Batchelor, it. T. Leech, Jr., It. I). Cochran, Darld McCandless, James J. Bennett, George B. Belden. Wm. J. Anderson, LIOENBERGER, Prealden t mys:lm Dtr.2ose or.s Willi . in Bagaley, Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Kea, Samuel M. flier, James M. Cooper, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., Francis Sailors, Isaac 31. Pennock, William B. Hays. Springer Harbarigh, John Shipton, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. jag: SCOTT HOUSE, THE NATIONAL SALOON, PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1858 - - ROBERT A. LOOMS, (Soccestior to B.T. C. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER 111 BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 FifthEttroot, Pittsbnigb, Pa. n025:1y Co-Partnertailp. mIIE - undersigned have ontued into Co- Partnership, tinder the stylnef Wm. C. Johnston & Co. SAMUEL IL. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM O. JOH.ISTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857. 8. R. JOHNSTON, /FL WM. O. JuRNBTOM. G. JOHNSTON CO.. QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, aud JOB PRINTERS, No. 5'7! Wood ctrisq, butsve.m Third aud Fourth, Pittabrtrgh, Pa. et:ZU WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE AND FLUID, when you can. t a cheaper and bet ter light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made front the gas of Cannel Coal, produces the cheapest, must brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas; and quite as cheap; Lampe of the most simple and easily managed con otruction. Fur sale by T. 1). A 13.HODMINSON, So. 49 Smithfield street. t&-Bawaraor a I \ Inntoreit alroa.i • zu the market ' mail. 3 from Catanheue, with a little Gal )11 t.) ucent Its Ife27:ly t2b8,341 lb COOKING BY. GAS. A WORD TO TIIE LADIES. fIIIE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, find we call the attentlau cf tho Lsdiea to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., • Can be done with economy, without opproisivo heat, wlth• oat soot, and with despatch—;he aro being always rwy in a tuutueut--by using I7fltiagyffliVe.o GELS Cooking Stove, To which we respectfully triVitA3 your atteutlen, et No. 75 draith.neld street. 9 A. JOUNAUN fs BRU. ttM. County and City Blights for ctio. apl2:llna AYRES' TFOR.BI CONFECTION', lINFEOTION, Co NFEOTION,OON P ECTION,COtLIF NOTION, CONFE OTIONCONFEC T lON,C ONFECT I ON,CO N.FEOT t ON l CONFECTIO N,CONFEOT CO NFECTI ON . The most plaesan:, safe and effectual Worza Remedy now lu nen. Prepared and eold,iwholesate and retail, by A.Neßldi 4: RAPT, '- Cor. Wood and dixth rti., Pittsburgh, Pa „:.,L And eald by Draratlai onceralv. ;031' Q T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- The undenigned:has bought the lease . c of the above named Stables, to-r. ---^a=.•eir gether with n portion of the ezten- • - .C 1 elve stock uf, Horses and Carriages ' late the property of James Mathews, lecoaned. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, ho has also added a number of FINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at hie Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal atton• don to the hnsiners, a ~ .entinuance et the patronage which he Mae hitherto reoei Ted frtll: public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stablca. N. B.—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES ran elwayn be procured for Punerple. de29 THE 011 E MICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by B. C. A J. U. Sawyer, re receives the preference over all other kinds ever offered for family nee. Its advantages over other Soaps ere:—let. It 13 cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Seep. 2d. Half the time need only b, occupied in washing o Len this Soap is used In place of other Soup. ad. Labor in washing can be nearly dispel:a:rod with, rut the clothes will require little it any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board, 4th. Poiling the clothes ie unnecessary when this Soap Is cued, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. [AIL Printers, Mechinists, Painters and others, find It far superior to ether Soaps. It speedily re moved grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt (torn the hands, leaving the skin soil, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take ono pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissoive in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; Mu in the diesolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse In warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease spots, may require a slight rubbing, bat otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time In soaking. Observe our name on each bar. For male, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 ,Wood street, and at our works, oppoaite tie Round Howe, Yana. sylvania avenue. B. C. & J, 3. SAWYER, ap2l No. 47 Wood street. IBUCKWHEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buck wheat Iflour, MI lb sacks, just received and for sale by IIicOANDLESS, MEANS & tao Corner Wood and Water struts. FLOUR.. -25 bble. Superfine Flour received and for sale byMcOANDLEBS, /101AN8 ek 00, fo2o Corner Wood and Water streets. EMIGRANT RIFLES.--A most dosiillble and cheap weapon, at BOWS a TETLEY'S, nt7l tie. 150 Wand ettar4, LARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels said keg; Just receivod and for gale by hicOANDLEBB, ALEANS dt Co., Ja23 Corner of Wood and Water strebtn. SPICES.- .4 Lags Pimento; 100 43 min Pepper, Jnat roce . . ived and 1. r ealo L y MILLKIL k BIORIMOII. ....!;:•A. 221 And 2233 Liberty @treAt. NEW ARRIVALS.—We are taking into store, (123 Wood otreet,) an immeass stock of flno Paper for Jobbing purposes ; alga, Letter, i.lap and Note ; linvelopes in great variety; Manilla Papers, of every else, and as cheap as they can be bought in the East, whore we offer wholesale or retail, very low for Cash. apt JNO. M PERELNI3 St 00. 4.K d E FlSl.l.—White Fish, Trout, Salmon, I_l'Yvf l if)tes P a i i c e k t e X l io c° , 1 1 2 :71m l Ui n band ' aufl4llll.b3celocilliWsPlY ORANGES. -300 bx.s. sweet, just received and for sale by REYMER Ac ANDERSON, No. SD Wood street, myl7 Oppraite the Bt. Charlea Hotel. 11IaROOMS.-100 dos. Extra Corn Brooms on hand and for icalo by alp 2 B. 0. d o J. H. SAIVIREt. DUSTER TRIMMINUS—Drab and Gray Duster Binding and Tassels, Jast opened at ap23 JOB. HOELNE'2I, 72 Market street. NEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the most graceful shapes, on hand at HORNE'S, myB 77 Market Street, _ QEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Bead Sweat Potatoes, received and for sale b JAM 8 A. PETgIiEB, or") Corder Marta: and ilrat street s. DICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re , _IL ceiTed and for sale by JAALESBETZEit, te2.o Corner Market aid first streets. PERFUMERY. Bazin's, Wright's, Glenn's and Harrison's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at RICE AND RICE FLOUR ; Cons Starch; (}lima Starch ; Hecker's Farina; Baker's Ooooa and Broma; Fresh Ccicna Shell Received and :or nate at ELLUM COPYINU BOOKS.—These books possess great advantages over any otbers; the paper being thick and strong will not tear when wet. It takes a most perfect impreszion and is convenient to refer to. When once in as their superiority is apparent. Sold by W. O. JOHNSTON k CO., Je3 Stationers, 57 Wood st. $9OO FOR SALE—A two story brick hone,to°, of six rooms, well arranged, pared yard, with hydrant,. bake oven, smoke house, &c. The house in good repair, painted and papered. Situate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. S. CIITIIBERT . & SON, .427 61 Market. street. 1 AY STATE APP E PARING MA CHLNE—A VERY USEFUL AND SUPERIOR AR TICLE—By five turns of the crank, the apple is PARED, CORED and 6410 ED. Patented, November 11th, 1856, and February 17th, 1857, in Europe. For sale in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood street, Pitta• burgh. Please call and examine for yourselves. 11 -2 : 0 SAMUEL EADNEBTOCK. 'LAKE FISH.—A large supply of White Treat, Salmon, herring, &c., received and for sale by iY26 HENRY IL COLLINS. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—an undivided third part of that valuable =, situate at the corner of Sixth and Wood streets, 30 feet front on Wood by 60 deep on Eixth street. One-third of the above will be sold for $B,OOO. One-half in hand—balance at one, two and three years. S. OfiTHREILT do SON, i 7/ 61 Itarket street. YDRADLIO PRESSED CANDLES.-- 500 boxes Ifyinusllo Pressed Mould Candles, made ° y for Sommer use, on band and for sale by V ag - B. (1.. ANL E SAVIVIIIL CHEESE -300 bag. this day arriving, and for sale (ant) t`ir K. 0011=8. BOOKS AND STATIONERY TOBACCO AND SEGA4k;. VAT &D. RINEHART, V V . Ail TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS Safety and F.cononty In Light. JOB. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market et JAYNES' TEA STOIIII, 88 Fifth erect DtiALtat6 IN ALL 07 9. lig WOOD STREL'i REAL ESTATE AGENTS. OCUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 . Market street, fur the ealo and purchase of Real &tate, renting liuuses, attending to Insurance and repairs ; obtaining loans on bonds, mortgagee ' 21c4 making convey ances, deeds, bonds, &e; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. BarillEN(ll3.—Meurs. Halms, Garretson & Co. Robert Parke, Req. WESTERN' LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, RI:A L ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREWI', CLEVELAND, 01310, ilas for sale Lauds in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will exchange Lands In Wisconsin, Ac., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of Inquiry answered gratis, by addrecsdng me as a b cws. anthly PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A GRIST MILL--Three run of stones and all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, all la good order, with a dwelling hone, stable and two iota of ground, situate in South Pittsburgh, and will be told on very may I err sl Market street. torin 3 by 5, OUTILBRIIT & SON, LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, in exchango for land. ap22 S. CUTHBERT k SON, GI. Itettket. et_ ASTEAM MILL in oomplate running or der, with dwelling house, etc., near the city, for sale by 8. CUTHBERT et SON, ap24 61 Market street. WESTERN LANDS of good quality, far sale or exchange for Real Rotate in the city. ap2:l S. OUTHRERT & SON, 51 Markotet. 1 - 4 1 AMI.LY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A valuable property of 110 feet front on Covington et., Lawrenceville, by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms well arranged,bath room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of dowers, etc.; good p .ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a c mplete and pleasant residence. Price low, and terms accommodating. 8. (IIITHBERT ik BON, Real Estate and General Agents, M Market street. ►HE SIZE of the oheap Building Lots A for sale by S. CUTHBERT & SON is 80 by 100 feet. Location—Near the railroad statiqp, East Liberty. Price—From $276 to $4OO each. Terms—One.fourth in band; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Baal Estate Office, 61 Market street. Uel2. IEA_R IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at such prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear It in mind, that they front on wide streets, are of easy access by railroad, and are very desirable locations for family residences. Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lots is to be seen at )ell M MARKET STREET. FOR SALE.--SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choice Prairie and Timber Land, situated in Northern loa a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the &met lot of farming lands ever offered In this market, as they are located conveniently to Mills, Towns and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to °migrants and cataloguos giving location, description and price of the land, with a brief description of the counties in which they are located, can be hed on application at oar i , dice, and they will be sect free by mail to persons sending ua their addrees. WILLIAM( FRAZLER ,t; CO., iny:o:tf Jones' Building, No. 07 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a A, Building Lot of 25x100 feet on ML Washington.— Price, sloo—slo in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Al• so, a Lot of 50x100 feet for $350-.425 in hand, balance in payments to suit purchaser. B. OUT/IEIEIIT & SON, 51 Market street -12 ACRES of Land and a oomfortallo House, situate near the Washington Turnpike, at about 9 miles from Jones' Ferry, will bo sold on easy terms. immediate 1/03308510U. S. CUTHBERT it SON, 1e23 M. Market street. LOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad station 30 by 100 feat will bo sold for $2lO, one-fourth in hand, renniluder at six yoare' credit. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. XIS 'PAMLAITD, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth amid Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received hie Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, beat quality and most elegant descrip- Colo, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to estiefy and please the moat fastidious tastes, ltuyl9 IFIISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The firm of HAWORTH BRO. do BROWNLEE was, on the 3d of May, 1358, dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of JERI/ HAWORTH fripu the above firm. Tho accounts of the late firm will be settled by HAWORTH BILOWNIME. Air JERI! HAWORTH, In withdrawing from the above arm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons o, the late firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to his successors, HAWORTH A BROWNLEE', as they are determined to sell et low figures, hosing a very large assortment of °HEAP (IROCERf ES, WINES and LIQUORS on hand. rar DAVID HAWORTH and JAMES BROWNLEE have this day associated together, and will continue on the onsineas at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamand and Dia mond alley, under the style of HAWORTH & BROWNLEE, where they hone-to receive that patronage so liberal' ' , given to the old firm, as they are determined to sell CHEAPER than any other Store in the city. myl3 NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- ..4.N A. A. MASON a 00, TS., NO. 25 Fifth Street, Are now opening rich Dra Rerages, Ostondles, Pule firilliente, And n splendid selection of SPRING SHAWLS. (epl REED SWEET POTATOES.-15barrels LY Seed Sweet Potatoes for sato cheap to close consign ment by JAS. A. YETIOII, ap.W Corner Market and First streets. COMPOUND SYRUPS OF PHOSPti.ATES, OR CHEMICAL GOOD—This preparation Is not in tended as a popular comedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply the waste of elementary matter during the progress of chronic oases, particularly in Dyspepsia and Oonarimp. Von. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and grsatfni to the stomach, and does not nans. rate by protracted nee. Sold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH FLEMING, Js22 Corner Diamond and Market street. OOUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country , 4,„,/ Bacon, Jost relved and for sale b 7 JAMES A. YETZEIt; Corner Market and First etreeta DROOIII CORN.-3 tons first quality reo'd and for sale by Imrlsl HENRY !L COLLINS. 'ANCY FRENCH BASKETS-A nice; sao . ortinent hat opened, HORNE'S, roy3 77 Market otrae4. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Oonntry Glass, assorted sizes, for sale by WM. H. SMITH it CO., 118 Second, and 147 Pint streets WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Alno, shads Trimming, /1 . c., always on hand at and for sale cheap by INDIA RUBBER lIOSE.—From inch to 10 inches in diameter. A large simply lust received at the India Rubber Depot of J. A 11. PIIILLII..t, my 29 2d and i 8 St. Clair street. WAI I, PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all F- 4, 4,1 for 4.110 at seduced prices, by W. P. I•RAHALL A CU., my2l 9 s Waal street. `ENGLISH GLASS INKSTANDS-Cut - ,A2 and pressed, with Glaaa and Bronze Tops. jel4 W. B. HAVEN, Stationer. IVE.APS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES low Ohi Pennsylvania, ,N ebraska and Kansas, Missouri, Ke a, ntuck o, y and Tennesee,J. B. WIILDIIK etc, for sale by Bookseller and Btatloner lelflNo. 63 Wood tree. near Fnort ifh. RYE FLOUR-25 bbls. fresh ground Rye Flour, received and for sale by JA3EEB A. FETZER, Corner Market and First streets. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for Fiala by B. L. FAHNESTOOK k CO., J. 312 No. 90 cor. Wood end fourth straete. DR PEACHES-12 sacks choice bright dry Peaches received and for vale by JAB. A. YETZER, je22 Corner Market and Hirst chi. CHEESE.-200 boxes W. R.; 225 " EngDA. Dairy r sale by fie22l DENBY B. COL LI NS. DRY APPLES.--50 bags; 150 MU. Dry Appla, for 'ale by HENRY H. OOLLDIS. (I BEEN APPLES.-20 bbls. for sale by aDT MU= oorma "DAR SIAN TOOTH PAST prepared =ler ttte apervislan of Dr. HaDajlin, _ I" Smoot Den WON rrikb ttf JOS. EM S. CIITHEEIt.T G.. SON. 61 Market street JERU 11AWORTH J. ..4g H. PHILLIPS, 28 and 28 St. CU& street. PIANOS AND MUSIC THE BALANCE OF MY SPBBIG STOCK - OP - PIANOFORTES, FllO3l THE ItANUFAOTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, BOSTON. ()omitting of SIXTEEN of their new Seven Octave and Six and n Half Octave Pianos; have just been recehad, and now ready for examination at the warerocia of the sub scriber. Notice. 01310KERINO it SONS' PIANO FORTES are not furnished by them to any other house in this city, and all orders must be directed to the subscriber. JOHN H. MEMOS, No. 81 Wood street, Bole Agent for Oldckering & Bons' Pianos, JeB for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania PIANOS! - g V PULL GRAND PIANOS . PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 1 / A ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, es' foom tho Mminfactrry of CHIMP:RING & SONS' 13oaxorr, just received from the manufactory of Chiokering Sons', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES One Fall Bevan octavo Grand Piano Forte, with eaperbly carved case. Price $BOO One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood awe. Price .4700 One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal In power to a fall Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price $ 6OO SQUARE PIANOS I Two fall carved Rosewood, Louis %nth, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven dtavo—Clifford style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, coven octaves. F our a a a if “ 61 2 4 Four Rosewood " " " " 6 1 A All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the enbecriber, and will be warranted to purchasers: For sale at•their reduced prices. JOHN H. MELLOR, No. 81' Woodstreet, dell -Pilule Agent for Chickering ALDERMEN. CHARLES W. LEWIS; ALDERMAN, And Lx-Officio justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND If lIPII STREETS. All business connected with this office will be atttuded to with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—each as Leeds, 'Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, itc. Titles to Real Ilbtato examined. To the members of the liar he tenders his services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be reed in the several Courts of this State, and elsewhere. His office is one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in execntliur business of that kind are very desirable. I felOily Aiderrnam's ®Lee. JAMES S. HOOKY, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF MD PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE--OLflce, No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court lionss, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Procates taken; the Flocords examined, Deeds, flouts , Mortgages, Wills, ~eases, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., np at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all bnniness in the lino of his official duties, promptly attended t,,. °Rice hours, from 7% s. u. to 1 1 , ..141. 5 and from 2 to 6 P. et. BO:1y JERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to purchase good farming lands, are informed that we have fur sale 692 acres of land in Boone county . , lowa. Also 610 acres of land in Franklin county, will be sold on easy terms by • S. OUTEREUT It SON, myls , Si Market street. °ORES FOR PRESERVE JARS—An ILI MOM° stock on hand, at the only CORE ILINUFAC TORY in the city—No. 76 Smithfield street. Jyls H. OVERI NI/TON. DWELLING 110 USE on Third street .0 for rent. S. CUTHBERT & SON, .1,23 bl Market street. ACKEE.E.L.- .LVA 25 barrels No. 8 Large Mackerel ; t, I A ad ad reo'd and for sale by — 09 28 ) ILENItY H. COLLINS. (ILARET WINE.- 20cases N. Johnston . Sone Medoo Olaret.Witte; 10 " " St...Tanen Claret Wine 0. 0. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for sale by MILLER & DICKETSON, mylB Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. fIHEMIOAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes Chemical Olive Erosive Soap, on hand a nd for Bale by Je7 a o.& J. H. SAWYER. BACON. -10 casks Country Bacon Shoul ders, Bides and Hams, „fast received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZEB, Corner liffsrkat and Mint dreet El. TNDIGO.-2 oases Manilla Indigo, just re oeived and for Bale by mylB MILLER, & RIGHETBON. fIRIED APPLES.-50 bush. Bright Dried Apples Just received tied for eels by JAS. A. FETZER, Owner Market and Second eta _FRESH NUTS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell " 50 bags Filberts; 80 " Cream Nuts 80 " Pecan " 2000 bus. Ground " 6000 Coooa " Just received and for sale by REYMER k ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, je9 Opposite she St. Charles HoteL STOCKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC.- Suitable fur the approaching hot season on hand by jeB JOB. /lOWA 77 Market street. GLABS.-500 boxes Bxlo, 9x12 and 10112, for sale by omo, HENRY IL COLLINS. JOB PRINTING.- Cards, Preiglit Bills, - Circulars, , -bray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad ReCelpts, .Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J. R. WIiLDIN, • Printer and etreet, nea Binthx, iny3l Woocir icrarth. .. 12 ACRES of choice land, with good im provements, provements, near the city, for sale on easy terms by CUTSBEEEiT ts SON, Jel.o fil market street 30q ACRES of Farming Land, near t , Uniontown, Pa., for sale at $6 per acre. Jykl S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market et. DALLS 1 BALLS! BALLS I—A large aa-' soil:moue of Foot, Solid and Bat Balls, just received and for sale, wholesale and retail, at theLidts .Rubber Depot. 28 and 28 Bt. Olatratteet, my 29 J. a H. PHILLIPS. IVANS! FANS 11—Palm Fans by the ease, A.' dozen, or single, at Eastern prices,wlth other varieties of Fancy Fans, for sale at jab T EitIONS.-100 boxes Palermo Lemons, AA just received and for sale by REIMER & A.NDEIBSON, N 0.89 Wood street, myl7 Elt. Charles Hot& LARD OIL.— 60 barrels Mara No.l Lsxd 25 " No. 2 Lard 011, 1 on hand and for Bale, by • [mylB) B. 0.1 lc J. IL SAWYER. _TAVA COFFEE.—Jug Teooived a lot of Eitrictly pm) Old Ourornnwat Java Coffee.. Also, ha guyra and Brio Coffer, as JAYNES' TEA STORE, t. 5 88 Filth street. DIIRE BLACKBERRY AN I CHERRY A BRANDY, for medicinal narposea, at HAWORTH .4 BROWNLRE74 Jes fa the Diamond. ROOK R - TS—Made of Mahogany and well finished, for sale by W. S. HAVEN, Jett Stationer. DILL AND COLLECTION - BOOKS-A large amortment alwaps on hand o made to order. HAVEN, - jell, Corner Market and Second greeta. AWYER'S SEAL PAPERS - Wii" : 7lB 8 EiZCS and colors always on hand, at W. S. HAVEN'S, jel4 Corner Market and Second eta. AFARM of 238 acres, near Economy, for Bee by S. CIITIO3ERT k BOIT, jyl7 51 Market street. 13RENOH LEMONS.-20 juEt received and for sale by ANDSMSON, .19 2 No. 88 Wood street. GERMAN DRAWING PAPER—In rolls for ISngrovens, for ludo by .7. B. WEILDIN, ea Wood street. sew Prierlb. (MUM BANDS, Port Folios, Desk Pada, kj Banker"; Oases, Part Monist, and Pocket Books, for tale by W. B. HAVEN'S, apl9 ri.IINNY SAO S.-301 large three buB' els vi Glum Backs, new and In good ardor, far Ede by JAB. A. PETZIIII, mr2o 00nwr Bind mu! Wakot atreeta. fIAESTN I TS.-5 barrela Italian, recei 1,,,/ this day, and for sato by ammo, a Ammar, No. 89 Wood street, Opposite fn. Quits Noble it(A CARD FROM DR. JAMES M. . JAR- S HE ETT, OP TI NEW Y 0313. LUNG INFIRM ABM—My connection for the past eight yeara with the above itUititilthlll, as Chief Physician, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion; to the Unroof PuLna, l - o on . sampan:l and ite kindred diseases, together with ray rivalled opportunities and adbantage of pathological re:wench —aided dot a little by a pe . rfect system of Anfical /Make. tien—has enabled me to aan,ve at a decisive, direct and sue. oeesful course of treatment tor the positive and radical cure of all diseasea of the Throat] Lungs, and Air;Pastages. By Inhalation, the vapor and carative properties of medicines' are directly adressod to the diseased organs and the bursa. meat. Ido not advise the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment and although i consider it a useful adjuvanti in the proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very ne cessary that each patient should, have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success ,of my treatment in the [there diseases, and the high character of the Institu. lion over' which I have so loag had the honor to prealda,are too well known_to need any, ',enlitgy, or comment from me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whew philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported, rand afterttue consideration, I have concluded to "m.Ae such arrangements to will bring the benefits of my experiments and treatment within the reach of ail, and not confine myaelf, as heretofore, to those only wha entered the Iniirmary, or who were able to visit me at my office. Hoping therefore that the arrangement will give entire satisfaction, hoth to my proational broth. ren and the public, I would respectfully announce in eon elusion, that lean stow be ConagUalsersonally or by fetter on all diseases as (Moil:, and that the medicines, the same es' used in the Institution, preaared to stilt each individtud case. Inhaling Tapers, IfectiCal Inhalers, elm, ce., will be forwarded by express to any taut of the llrdted IStatea or the Danadas Tanns—My terms of treatment by letter are as follows, viz: $l2 per montli 'for each patient. hich will inolude Medicine Jail:Eldon t fo one month's use; also, In haling Vapor, arid an li:than Apparatus. Pay - ent as fol. lows: $0 to be paid to Eipres Agent on receipt of the box of Medicine, land the balauce a l $8 at the _ expiration of the month, if the pathat be car or is entirely . satisfietiwith . ' the treatment.. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms in frll, can be treated as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing them selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate • and permanent relief. HE ho seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters for :Wylie promptly Answered. For further particulars, address JfittEd M. JARRETT, M.D.. ' No. 821 Broadwa , cor. Twelfth Bt., N. Y. P. B.—Physicians and other* visiting the city are re.. [Tactfully invited to call at the Infirmary, where many Interesting cases can be witnetsed, and where our int : proved apparatus for the inhalation of medicated Ta . . can be 8 ,, n and inspected. I jy2lo:6m MILITARY ENCAMPME.NT STATE OF .PEZik MY - AMA. imams trimente, Haniabarg, June 8,1888. f It is hereby ordered, that a Camp of Instruction''. be held at Williamsport, Lyooming. county, Pennsyliania, the present year, and the Adjutant General of the Common wealth is directed to fix the time thereof—to take charge of the arrangements—to attend in -person, and to lame the necessary orders to the General Staff, and other Military officers of the Commonwealth in relation to the same. WM. F. PAORItit, Commender-imehisf. • ADJO3ANT ;Gtrorakes Orritta, 1 Harrisburg, June 1868. In obedience to the above order front Ilead.Quarters, a " Camp of Instruction " will be held at Williamsport, Ly coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 114, on Tuesday, the 7th day of September, 1868, To continue until SATURDAY, the 11th dal of said month, at 12 a , of raid day, to be celled Camp " Susquehanna." I. This Encampment is intended to include the uniform. ed companies throughout the State, who are earnestly re. quested to be to prompt attendance. - • 11. The Major Generale, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several G ivialon a r and brigades, are requirad to report to my office as soon as 4 poaeible, what companies and field officers will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the number of men in each company, the names of the Captains and their Post Office address. lIL The Aids•de-Camp and all Ether officers of the Grand Staff of the Commander-in• Chief *8 ordered to be in at. tendance, armed and equipped irqfull parade dress. IV. All companies in attendance are required to bring with them all tsntt and camp eqffipage they may have. V. The Brigade Inspectors, of ' , every brigade ' will report at once to my office, what equipage belongingto the State to in the limits of their command VL The Major General of the Eleventh Million, Gen. D. K. Jackman, shall be the senior officer on duty, and he Is hereby charged with the immediate arrangements for said Encampment, and is ordered to report to this Mile° for fur ther instructions. By orderof the Oommunder-inOblef. EDWIN 0. WILSON, into Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. MILITARY GOODS. THE SUIWOREBERS HAVE CONSTANT -AL LY on hand a complete stock of MILITARY GOODS BWOBLS, YUIfEbECOD WP PULL TQWIIIBII7B AR SUMP rt SILK AND BUNTING FLAGS MADB TO ORDER. JNO. B. 1114 1 ADDEN,414 SW/. 9$ M 4RICZT STREET. UHL F : Cift No. 74 Wood street,' Pittsburgh, AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM 111. ENGLAND— WALDRON at GRIFFIN'S emu* CORN no GRAIN SCYTHE, 0011b1 HOES ; PATENT .6 - Dcbaurio N ANVILS; STEEL Traps, very superior Drawer Looks, very superior Grua Locks, Tinned and Ennamelled Sauce Pans, Basting Spoons, Brans Oandleaticks, B o Gooks, Bass Stair Dods, Braces and Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Oombs, Teaces, COG, Fifth, Tongues, Stretchaud Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at mod erate terms. aplB TAMES IvirLIANGAR, MONONGAHELA PLANINGBIILL, would reapActitilly inform the publis that he has rebuilt since the flri , and having enlarged his e.gtabliahment, and filled it with the newest and moat ap• proved machinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring - aud planed boards, scrowl sawing and wing, doors, sash and shutters; kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, to. South Pittsburgh, September 7 1 1857. eel° G ENTS' SHOES AND ;GAITERS. _ _ TN P IA RUBBER CU RY' COIsIBS:-= he beet article in use, past.ro..lved at the . Indialtubber Depot, 26 and 26 St, Clair street. . • . nil, CLOTH OttASIL— 1:600 yards of van. outs natterrus and widths, just received; from the fac tory, ter sate wholesale or retail, by 1. J. es 11.:THELLEPS ) . 28 and 28 Eit4Caall street.._ LASS.-300 boxes assorted sizes. Window tnadt, good country brand, far saleby . my 6 t: • : a•a r.: • DROONS.--50 dos. recd and for sale by nuel. lIIMIEVI EL COLLIN& HORN 'S, 77 Market street. packages White Kish; Signion,. and Trout, for sale by (427) EL EL COLLINS. NO. D. BPOREARY'S:COL'D PRINTING IliKls-4301d by rmr24l I J. B. WELDL.^I. CORN. -10 bags 'ldled Corn received and for sale by fjeSl XIESBY H. COLLINS. rIOUNTRY BACON.-41000 lbs. Country vV Bacon, Hama, Shoulders and Sidea, rcaelved and for tale by JAS. A. 1111fina, - cavl2 Corner Market and Vint atr • C• OK . OOKS—O : : • A t tu: I Brokers at W. a. HAVEN, mr24 Printer lead Stationer. Q.,ALAD OIL.-10 baskbta Fare, just reed 14,7 and for 'ink by REYMEER at ANDERSON, my 4 , • No. ao Wood Street • JOHN THOMPSON CO. —Have jut rev:dyed and for vale, a largo lot of . knglish Venitlan Rod, • - - • Roehelle Ochre, Vermont, Ochre, French Zinc, American Ziuc, White ,m,d, and Whidrzg, at Th 133 ird ere pLOUR--50 bble. Sapierfine Flour just re ceirel and far sale by . I JAB. A. FETZER, .ISB Corner gatket and Vint atraots. Allp -0114—No. 1 and No. 2 Lard Oil constantly on hand and foil* sale by - J 67 I ,11. 0. &J. H. SAWYER. 1311RV.1 MADEIR 4. AND. CLARE. WINES, by the- ottle or gallon, at, HAWORTH Zt BROWNLEE'S; dd -1 n the manor d. DUI E JAMAICA RIM AND HOLLAND GM, by the bottle or gallbn, at - • 11.A.W0lITE BILOWI4I,IIM , .1 65 1 ." in the Itiamond. • T RIED PEACHES. 20 Bushels Choice, Effight, Dry Peaches just, received and for seta by - JAS. li. PETZBII, • Sy2o - corner, 'Market (sad-First streets. fIOFpEE.-200 bags Rio _Coffee, for sale by - :Mfr. IL PhtITH 00,— uit2.s 218 iscrisd.ard , l4l AM stmts. " -- 200 Pigs No. 1 Lead, for sale by jyle EMMY H. OOLLINEt NUMBER 265,, MISCELiANEOtTS. 0024818171NG JOY PAST OP PL141338, r A B Ms ' : BTTES, BUTTONS, WEB, , TASSELS, , 5A810.9, Poltuateer Olimpanama 0 U E A P a OBBAP. PBOPLES 81108 STORE, 6 No 17 FUTH BT. ' CIIIILDBENIi' MOM (jai] J. a iv PIEIII,I*B YRDTGES, EDS, ETC. P. Si A. I