BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL 0, V7ll4(fAlik , ATcgoaztv,7 sa.4l-17!„/, Mu, No. 71 strozi, FMth- atroal ad Diamond alley. A. LOSR /Actoracy . -Law, offioo Fourth street, fitral'e--7 E22:ktylonlitand .AIIL; Surgood Den , 1311Cettl-501' 1.13 G. W. Biddle, lio,l4TEMltlilleld etreeL , ilz• Mos hours front 8 tot eeloot, - , and from 2 to b o'clock. 11)bliklY SCOTentist, Fourth street, five door tysoot of ill , * Moo boors from 9 eclook 11. to 6 o'clock P. Lt. . , TOSEDI FLEMING,- sumessor to L. Wil y 00x - k Co., corner of ltarkat shboet and tho Din:mond, t aatatantiy on hand a fall , rortml u ent 0fy3.231, 0 1. 1 a r ; des pertaining to his Wanes sa- Physicians' Prescriptions emfally comrounded at all swum lefty Warn P. ILLUEALL. JPSEPLI S. EIDOEII3 IVP. 2dARSEf.ALL .er, Co., Importers and • dealers In French and American PAPER iLitil3. INGE, No. S 7 Wood etreet, - Pittahnrgh. ArSole.agantts for the celebrated mannfaJtarEa of itecsrs. Dellooart a °o n - Paris. flag - PECLIP =MIL .2.cuircr J. ANDIBEO3. EYMER & ANDERSON, (successors to ALAI Joshua Modes G C 0.,) wholesale dealers iu FOREIGN PILLIIT24_NIFTB, SPICES, CONFECTIIONILEY, SUGARS, Lc., No. 89 Wood street, opposite the St. (Marks ilotsl, PitLs• blargh. J. M. 'LITTLE, !MERCHANT TAILOR NO. tin NT. CLATI? BTF: EE (Dr. Lrinh's New E.•' 3 3 1- W. KLrRR, ARCHITECT, ItbibVET) Irons oot;ger a fifth and Wood to STREBT, In Phillirre' new hallding—contiones to prepsro Plane and Bpsciffeations of, and to Suprzlotend the EtnetioL of ordzy dencriptlon of Buildings. A FULTON, BELL AND BRASS ,Aoki.„, FOUNDER., N 0.70 SEOOND street, Pittsburgh, Ps., Is prepared tO furnish to order WITJEOH, STRAVRO&T, YAOTORY AND unarm BELLE, Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. OHM HEMS made to order. STOP and 0 AIME cocas of all sizes, for Steamboats. .MINERAL WATER PIMPS, COUNTER RArLINOS, and every variety of Erase Or:tang-a finialiad 10 the nentaat =finer.. EA.IBIT't ANTI•ATTRITION METAL; I'm TON'S PA TRW METALLIC PACKING, Mr Steam Engines. [ LOUGH - RIDGE 1 WELL ELtriII7ACTUILiIIS or Looking-Glasses, PL_ , Aire Es ram ez, asad Bratchte And Dealers in Cloaks, litortoo Furnishing Goods, d'O. &C. Sa. Mo. USG Wood strezt, above I.lLfth, Pl7.1911: 1 11111 PA I 31 gg h , manhirg Brashes much to order EDUCATIONAL. St. Frsunts Academy for Boys, Loratt4, Cambrii . -Vounty, Pew THIS INSTITUTION, NATURALLY situated for Educational purposes, affords all the in ducements that am be desired fora Catholic Ins , itution. It is lo.mted in tits most healthy and picturesque p.,rtion of She Alleglieni, distant 115nr miles from Crea.on Station, the direct mailrome between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The scholastic year commencing the first Monday in September, will close the 15tlit of July following. The Terms for Board, including a thorough E gl6it Sete. Ufa Course, are $lOO per annum. The Claude and Modern Languages fovea an ultra charge of flOper annum. - Washing mid use of Bedding $lO. /or further - pertUrmittra apply to the supei tor of the dos? demy. _ . .. ~ ~... apSerlyd,t - w Vincent's College and Seminary, 'CINDER THE CARE OB TIIT BENEDICMgE PA.THEIIS, Near Latrobe, Wesmorolund county, Pa. TN Try, - COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE rsiaal branches of English Education. In the SEMINARY, the -Classics, Mathematics, History, Rhetoric.:, Phiimophy, etc., and the different branches of higher erudition necessary or useful to th..-.6e aspiring to Priesthood. The terms for Board awl Tuition art $BO per year, to be paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. German and French and other hingnages, Drawing, Paint lug lind Music:Anna no oatra charges, croup:in. g oo we rue.) al• pensation for the nee of instruments. Medicine, Wail:ling, Books, Stationery, etc., form nth-a charges. For particulars apply to the Director of the Collage. Tho Collegiate year I.Bginu cu tho lst of September, and ends on the Sd of Juiy following. kAtU.Y.B. G. B CHM. Director of the 0)16„;u. DRY GOODS. Retrench! ftetrench!! A NOTEER CRASEE-IN PRICES log determined to sell oar etatiz, though " the Times are Tight," we here made a general sweep,— REDUCED TILE ENTIRE 9TOCX To still loWar prices. Nciw is ibolims to bay when the assortment yci unbroken, and the Price-4 Pat Downs Down I I 0ct.29 JOS. 110.311. E, 77 .21.s.rketsU,3,t. 'l"L's 'T CHANGE IN FIGURES- Donnet Ribbon:, worth 75 conta, at 62% per yard. t.) do do 64 . at 50 do do do do 50 at 87% do do ,— do do 873 at 25 do J 081.211 HORNS, 77 Market street. R ic Li VELVE4TRIMMINGS, A ItIIDUCED PIIIOE3. A choice assortment n load tma L.lrzala of 2=ll ELOBSES',7I-I,larket tENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMFINTS • Wool, Silk, Morino end Heavy Cotion Under Shirts end Itrawers fresh supply received aS HORNE'S, del9 VT Murkeilezeet. VINT Cents per _Pound Reduction in the a: Prize of BIIADLIti'S YAMIS.--Wholesale Buyers and Feddlars' will be furnished with BRADLEY'S _ll=-PLT R.N13./ING TARNS eta redaction of Five Cents par pound, by the bnedle, after this date, For Cash, and Cash oaty. JOs. LIORNE,I7 Market grow, d a d Agent for theMatrafacturzr 10MBROLDEB.IES.—Our excellent stock of .12 French Fanbroldiea, and- the low priam at which they are marked, offer' rare inducements to Ladies withMg to purchate the latest styles. MONEY I MONEY !I —PRI ED DOWN. iffr• Great redtr-tien in the price of Embrejleri,m, We bare gone earefttity over our handsomo stool: of FRENCH-WORKED COLLARS, UNDER SLESTRe", 'USLIN BANDS, eta., etc. And flit 4 the prises to snit the ulLard Times." Toe °az rl 'nuke: 'street. E WILL SELL from the present time un commonly cheap For. GASH. plea e c3ll and exam I ue onratu::k. 0. ILOW.O:i LOVE, ionmerly Love Brod., N 0.74 Alsrk.dt d:. PRIN'rED FRENCHMRRINOES, for 62 mid coma, worth $1 albl $425, the best assortment In the city. 0. HASSON LOVE, (formerly line Itrothere), del No. 74 Markel street 1 ONNET ELVET.--Evary variety of Bon -1- Sas, Velv&ta and .Satias, for sale at norl3 Fitllo BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS. A full amert:nent, very cheap. 0. u....0e0N LOVE, totmer/y Lora Brotl,ore, 0d.21 No. l'4l lidar.ket ;area! VVRIIS Economiesl Purohaser of Dies® JUI Goods, .tc.; also Dontattle and BVe ple Gonda, will find it to their advantage tonsil and exarai Our New ttoct rt Reiland Winter Dry Ciaods before , pezdlins lug elsewhere, O. lIANEON LOVE, salt• Leorcoerly Lave Dreg., No, 74 El-arket QIIAWLS 1 SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, rito; 2 ls, Loth long and aquarE , , ON, vary bast in thy city, and at vary low prlcaa for rash. C. RANSON LOVE, fonsuly Love Bros., VIIIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for mogmaking Badqui2s. larga aarartai.u.t CIEO. IL WILITID C.).6 TO PRINTERS.—ThO subscriber s now os_hAnd, and la daily reczdving, from tn. manufac turer", a loge-exterraerit of Print.r'a Stuct. IL W. Patter's Pr("Aged Uarda, from N. I eJ 7, Bann (Rana, PorccLain Satin 1 - famglla-1, Card lhan r is, - Ia sheets ; McCreery'a Webrated calmed luL " Card Lay ta. " New,. " Varnish and Size; Colored Pt itding Payer. ; DempWO. COINH Pe-Teru ; (]lazed and Plated Papera, rod, green and yellow; Steel Blne Glrted Papere, and a large aesortnieut plain ICU/ Patter, Cap, and Polio Pad, blue and white. J. P.. WELDIN, mpll G 3 Wood street, near Fourth. _ a I lILD yon'ask me, should you wonder, "b Where to buy your Shoe s and Galtera 7 Geri= for sow it.t la spring ti. - . - ...e", Boozy with heels, and pretty BtrartTs. Moe fassaa BLIPPLES for the summer, Patelat Leather, G . /ave./Sid Moosslna ; Where to buy thane cheep and good too ; I should answer, I would toll you, Go 'auto the I . I:OPLES' Stioll MAK. tatra the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store, To the Store er DLETENFACITIER., Ifkinrat No. 17 Yitila street E Y OR -13— SPItRiti CANDLES.- 20 box-el assortataltaa, re tee and &a. Sparta Goudlea Oh hand and cad pr axle 1 1 ' ' - _ Jall OAP . 1000 txrsca Poala in M. anl bars. goo c , No. / Palm Bane, la IJ, M. andq tb. a,r04211 Oliva &sap tu V 93 " Oxide , D. lamb 2.0 "- Garman , 200 ISO (& Para Palm (fig heard end for sale by E. O. it J. H. F.SW IL I , C k AND LCYkI! TOVERSIIOKS, offered low, at "Tho Ytrplud 66w atia")lo./7 Fift4.strett, near Market. - DIFITENBICELER 750 01 A 1190 STORY D we i: Li ez -Hoce!e,l of four . rooms, with lot of grortud 20 fret front on gonterey attoot, Allegheny city, by /la deep to as alley. Terms, $4OO In hand, balanco thereono, two and thr. Tars, ' CIIPIIBEff.T a SON, soft! 61 Market street. UFF - : tO tiFFA, SHOES.—A. splendid article of j - fikeztts' end Ladles BiulZo Over Shoes. Also, Gents' Setf Our Ettoea, et tUe People's Shoe Store, N0„27 Filth titt4o, - nearlderket. re2l_ c .0 = 'B.BI I A.--100 kegs, just sixth:44Bnd for sae by PlatB. L , WINUTOVEC Ock WM- EL WM. H. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, %Va. Itruxu, Elila__ C. W. ItacimoN, pict.ta , MIHALER L. KRCKETSOiii, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND 141P0RTE3.6 OF BRANDIES, WINES AND SEOAFS. Nos. Mit and 2:33. Corner of Liberty and Swearer's City agass PaTBBURCII4, PA. NAILS, currox YAIL,N3, 031ISTANTLY ON LUND DI,III ......... T , A. 4 1 ....... -11 A. Corro IMICANDLIESS, ramois a. CO., cca ti is oz te4aspr.s3;.,l VirIiOLESALE GROCERS, ICON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, &ND PII 76'131713.611 NARL79.OTI.OIE 2 Corubr of Wood rs.d T.Vat.'r utrzeta, fol..edy FORWIRDING. AND COMMISSION Forn.rding and Commission Merchants, moratoom OF TM Celt Pittobargb.,lll64advllio e. Ezto OANAL LINES. NOB. 1.14 1.09 D 115 WATBB BTRZBT, PITTBBI7II9iI, PA. tatiODES, HAGEN & CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION J. D. HOUSEMAN, ( LATH OF ILOUSEALAN & SMtTII, ) COMMISSION AND FORWARDING ISIERCiIL&NTS, la N. Second Street. apS:Bm ST. LOUIS, IaBSOURI. Oats ! Hirwensts, 0. J. Hos an, JOEIB WitiOES ilmiliphreys, &au i Wright, FLOUR FA SIORS 9 PB.ODUCE AND GENERAL CONMISSION MERCHANTS, 76 NORTH WHARVES AND 155 NORTH WATER ST., (Socosors to Etna B Wsaa,) GENE3AI COMIISSION MEE.O.IIANTS Corner Pratt B.II,IICOMEMOTCC streets, BALTIMORE. gezzivo on Consignment ail kinds of Western Produce, emd make advances thereon. RErZEBACIE GC4J. W. Smith 8 Co, W. IL Smith k Co., W. IL Garrard, Miller C Bdetetsou. LEIENRY IL COLLINS, Forwarding and a Comaniaaion Merchant, and whole-nil° dealer in lISM, CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS and PRODUCE generally, No. Ti eod street, Plttainn - gh. mar° I Ltar....m B. CUP-1.13a . . .. - 3 r.r..I7LED Dint Awl— HOMAY L. P.Litawat.T. I i OURLINO, ROBERTSON & CO., Maim '4.„.dt facturors of Cat, Pressed and Plain Flint GLAI33WARE, warelicarthe No. 17 Wood street, corner of Front, P. ittsinirgh. Var. All other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, at low bisrliet prices. npll:dly JAMBS .11. t mi to .J05M , 11 J. LULAM, Successors to litulvany & Leafs, atannfacturars of Oat, Moulded and Plain Flint and Fancy Colored GL A SSWARE, and dealers in all kinds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bailor- Ware,. house corner ofMz.,-Itet and Water !streets, ?Rte.:ugh. WINES AND LIQUORS WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No. L Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOSEPH HORN E. 77 Harket st-tvt, Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Monongahela and Rectified Whistles—also, Blackberry, WIId Cherry, Raaphe -ry. lad Ginger Brandies. [apl2:ly - - - m. DiVI.III U. DEVLIN KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchants and Rectifying Distillers, No. 03 Smithfield stroc i t, Pittsburgh, Pa. LAKE FISH-200 packages arriving and for sale by (jy22) IIE YH. COL,INB. I 32 ACRES or Land for "450, half in hand and the balance in one year, situate in Elk county, Pa., neat Centreville; 2.5 acres cleared. The soil is good, and timber of best quality, for sale by Jy2o S. CUTIIBEITT k EON, bl Market at. 13APER WAREIIOUSE.-JNO. M. PER KINS & CO., No. 128 Wood street, have the largest as sortment of all kinds of Papers ever In this market, such as Book and Printing Paper; Rag and Straw Wrapping; Lotter; Manilla Paper of all E1i20 , 3; Cap; Book and Box Board.; E Note; Envolopos; Tisane; Bonnet Boards; t and ()lazed Papers - , Hardware Paperotc. t Which wo will sell at manufacturers prices. iY2I INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso, Lt large assortment of Dressing Tuck and Lang Combs, Just received at the India Rubber Dopot of J. tt a PHILLIPS, ell 2rlatni 28 Et. Clair etreet. 'HARPER'S MAGAZINE, No. 74 itarkot street. •Fl: BANS.--20 bb • small White • aans, jut rizaved and far mile by MUM IL COLLINS. riIIMOYHYSItEM.-40 bags reed_ and fur Bah, by (10) ur.quit IL COLLINS. B. C. a3.E. ai. " LIU . 1., " En 1 “ - biI'7ENI3ATAEII A CO GROCEEtS. us Second a 147 First sits., :Ews , mtation. Irwin Streets, AND BOLE AGENTS FOP. JAM 111 S COLLE.I3IS' BEItiti.CIIANTI3, No. 30 BYOAESZEZ Si., CINOINNATI, 0.11,-19 Above Vine Street, Et li it Eil T J Conrad, Thompson a Cu, Philadelphia. Timuipaon, Clark a Young, • Biber, Price a Co., • Caleb Cope & Co., Barcroft, Beaver a Co', Canby, Neville a Hughes, " Id. M. Lewis, Cashier Ir. and M. Bank, ~ Jos. Ili. blltchsll,Caahlar Morc b'a Bank. Morris L. Hallowell at Co., Meth: McMinn a Collins, John M. Kennedy a Co., atatguel E. Co., ‘.., Pickett, Mathews a Co , Maysville, Ky. iihrnwahury a Price, hi:Miami; Intl W. EL Langley a Sons, tiallipo Its, Ohio. Lawrence.. Meade., Lo dal' ille, OW. A. 1). Bullock I - Co., Cincinnati, chi W. Holmes a Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ile,,mloy, C.agrave a Co., novlS:ly• M!=i111!!! A. L. WEBB & BRO AND AGENTB .FOR TEL' SALE 01! ifiYONT'S POWDER Mill SUETY FUSE, GLASSWARE. 30295 N .13112'.623 &. Co" Just recoived and for sale, et DRY APPLES.-50 bbls. bright Dry A Ides, received and for sale, by aria EMU' XS H.COLMNS 'I.IIN APPLES.-15 bb. 1 44_,F racelved and for sale by any HENRY IL COLLINS TIVW WALL PAPERS CIIEAP.— they totuo. W. P. MAILWALL Si 00, 87 Wood area. t1tY31.6 FOR SPRING SALES.— We are daily receiving from our own and Eastern factories, nadltiuris to our noel, which consists In part of Floor Cii Cbtha, Carriage Oil Moths, Verultura 011 Cloths, Toblo Oil (Motto, Clads Oil Cloths, Trsnzparent Oil Cloths, TrauctitWindart Ehatlas, Buff Hamad a, and Shade Trimmings !dt.tcliar.te, itouse-paraj, and others, requiring any gaud in our 4na, are to &Ll' and eLrutne the judge for thtutsalvas In regard to the quality and prltx,s. J. B H. PLIILLIPB, N'oet 25 and SS St. Clair area.. 11AD-10 bbla. No. 1 Baltimore Slutdjust rectived nod for sale by IiteCIANDLESS, MEANS G 01, Corner Wood aud Water streets. bbls. No. 1 Potomac or ring, Jima received and for aide by IdeOANDLEdd, 1:01.E.A11,9 el 00., j e2.2 Corner Woud and Water etreeta. D BIED APPLES.---1.50 bus. choice Dry Apples, reached 6.D.1 Cur sale, JA bp B. A. FETZESt, Ckumer Ltexkot end Slim sheets. THE APP ..-500 received this dn. tud for sale by BiYMER h LICDERSON, Na a Wood street, a ye Osito SG Charles Hatel. GASKB*II,I3OARD F o r:Packing ainta, 141 d by W. 51. U. 201INSTV a 00., laiY/7 Paves Deaden. 67 Weed idreet. pkgs. White Fish; Trout, Sal reP7l ifENHY H. COLLINS. dL =on, etc. barrels Line just roo'd A by imral IrlattltY LT. OOLIINS. NEY _COPS of trarioth patterns, for J. sale by [tax'aj HAL COLLINS. reIOBACCO CIGILBS.—A largo assort -IL pent of favorite) brands ; on hand and fat aalaby WIL H..8% 7171 1 4, 118 Second, and 147 First ands: . MACKEREL— 100 bhls. and half bbls. No large, for see iIY (1722] =MI 11. MILLI:NO. DOLfLAR SAVINCIS aAr Jos. R. HUNTER EirnDL3 'ROOM, 301i113' DIJILDTIM. OPEN 'DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'olock ; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from filly let to November ldt, frcm 7 to 9 o'cloca; and from November Ist to May let, trout 6 to S Deposit rtaC.iVbil of all pans not lore than 0;:z DoLiArt, end a dividend of the profits declared twice a year. in Jaw , and Itectnnber. interval was declared at tho rzr cent. per annum, on the fire: De , tuber, l bur oleo le June and Decerrale - T, end in Jane and , 7. letorczt, If not Urat n out, in placed L, the credit of the ilepi.entor ea principal. and bears the sataa it:Wrest Irian lint drat daya t f J coo sad Dec . comp. - dire - 11 , w twice a year tedLout trvubtlatr the de;amirer to etli or even to prevent hin p.taa beet:. at .rile rote. Leone) trill o.,alde lu lent that: t we lve 3 ,ti,, tools: r„ in tLa rnrgr. sr:tr. ZIG ZIT Lit 011.:-L111.." c• T. A 1 - ;:tr. Boons centainine tine Char tor, Itoleti and Lan. lattuna, furntabed gratis, on appividi..n at the office. Preeltleitit--GgOaGIE Viol Pf.latlD=ZlS. LT.opowell 'Hepburn, John H. flhoonborger, James Shldlo N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Brndley, Dam M. Pennock', Robert Robb, Janice D. Kelly, Filliam S. J mien 'Rudman, Dill Isurg - ,elm John 9 Coagrnvc, p I-1 I 1.. ADEL PH 1 A uaosas t. UCIO&N 80D.T.5-7,17 FOR AUGUST LOOMIS', Pt.!. 13u.11.11413. BANKS.. GL".. Ilnath REM i1:111 , 1.13 Ni', 11.,1.11a.,At , a ip, I'. A. t1,.1. it t, J 0111.1 1%1.•: Is 7 ; Vial.•:•.>: 1.1,“*J M. h•,:vg - 5.,, , r, (2 c.orgo c' itt.' , 7 Tin(%) Urnbata,;: , .r .:C.7" , P.. William J. Audur:Lia. John O. llacholc7., jOil CaLth.l.l, J. lia..lllni.r AlorrAo A. Carrlar, David Campbell. Oharlea A. Colton, llougl Prancis Felir, Oaorge F. GI J (Mita E. nOvil, William B. MIN.,. Secrezaryctm.l BANV. . tiTEVEN: 7 1 CO., COLLEC'ffoN,S :iI,ADL ur 1 prompu j mitred. LANDS withlug w L 111,11.0 41. Lida house. LL'IISDL LOOlllll.. ....... „AG., USTIN LOO MIS & CO., Dealers in Promtsa,iry i4ati ail t 4 ,i•curitteit for Motley. Money Locumd uu t with security. NIYI.S AND DRAFTS 1 OUJIIT AN o SOLD. _ . Persona desiring LOLIII3 aiu be" un rtaaoui hie terms, and capitaliata can be furniattcd with goad Btlt,Cl r tie 3 at reninusraiive prices. Also, atteud to the Side, Renting and Loaning of En:.l Ditato. _ Office, No. b 2 FOURTH area., Wusd. AUSTIN 1,003d16, Notary NIIOIgMES & SONS, Bankers and iLi e chaugo liroters, bud Dealers 1n Notes, Drafts. Ar.toi,,i alleCa; Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. tachantle C•Ci ale I.l•st ern owl Western Oitios constantly for sale. Oollecthaia wade in all the citiod tliroagto.,A , States. Deposits rocoived in par funds. or Cti ruu t paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth rir I IIOMAS WOODS, Oomaiereilll Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Ebtato, dc., No. TE, youth street, Pittsbingli, jar.s BY AUTHORITY. Steam Illachigers , for Screw Pro peller Sloops-of-Way la t the 11J. S. Navy 'Wards Portsinoe,ath, N. HE., Boston, New Torii, Gospoit, and Pensa cola. NAVY DEPART 'iIENT, July 26,18,58. SE A LED PROPOSALS, ethlorsed " ',vu sets fur Steam .31.2citagry fie Screw Propeller Sloops, rf- War," will be received ct this department until 3 o'clock P. H., of the Bth of Sc; tealber unit, tor the catupleto con struction of the seam machinery raid appendages, and pla cing the same on boar.. for each 41 the SC/ ew alcupauf-war building at the U. E. navy-yards s, rurtsinouth, N. li., New York, Philadelphia, and th_rspurt In accordance with tee fol lowing conditiuns: The offers must be for a specific, sum for putting the whole In cumessful optirallcu, must in, ludo all patent tees, and the department will require a release from the proprietors of any patented article ur aciangemode used ur about the machinery, and must atite the time In which the work will be completed, and must be acionlymltal by the usual guar antee required by law. The name of the ,tstablistirsont in which the we: 1i is be executed mutt be stated. Thu details of the tit itign and ar rangement ct the machinery will be It-ft with the party whose prepaintion may ho excepted as combining the great est number of ad vd.onci. , ,,, keeping is view mac, simplicity of construction, readiness cif acoeee tor adjustment anon iu operation, and net being subject to derangement la the working partir, it icing Lim cifjoet of the cepartment to pro , which can cicveiop greet power wben au st to insure higii speed for as many days ae pu'ti Lite, while at the tame time tie a I: he able to propel the vessiA at a ELioanrate npood with great economy ei taut, ru that long Voylige.3 may to terfcrawd with 0111) supyly of coal. With thiu view, the deparzinent will expect the, Licidet, to guaranty the rettultl propmed to by atcuinplialitil their plans and to spec.fy those re-,aitt under the hezdid. lst. The amount' cf horao power which the :::,.tiann bollato wlfl Le able t , develop for live day,' coesccut,-.., ly when rivet' up to their highest capacity ; to be mensiircd board the veacol by the indicator, at the rate4‘f lifted one foot high iu u minute and to be not lees :him horse power, and at least 80 revolutions per minute. Thu consumption of cools per horse power per hour unr.t bs Ertut.d. 1.110 pressure in pounds per Lqu,re inch 4. , •• the piston nrczcaary to work the ougiuni ut the above Velocity, the screw being disc ~ .wit, : ted and the engines without is load, eXcepLthe tine of shafting, must not exceed 2 1 / 2 pounds '• • ' piston by indicator diagram. Ino qu...•-•, , of c - al which can i.e stowed in the ship without exceeding, the total welzht of 400 tons for cry, appendages. boilers and water in them, bunkers, tools, piece, and coal within the length eccuplod by the engines and bailers. The boilers to be of trot. of the unlit., tubular 'rind, with brass tubed s.utl with telescopic smoke pipe. and, us it is intended to use fresh wetur in tho a surface condenser of the must approved kind will ie quireil. The propcller with the COUllatiOU.l f , r hoisting it will be of composition, to be properly proportioned for at least 30 revolutions per minute and for the immersed amidship sec. Lion of the vessel. The pumps, epparatus for ventilating, and appartenanc a of all kinds necessary for the perfect working of tho whole to be of the most approved kinds. The coal bunkers, shaft passage, two atwartship iron bulk heads, a distilling apparatus for fresh water, Irma which can be made not less than 500 gallons per day, arid the tools and duplicate pieces necessary and satisfactory for an efficient cruising steam eloop-of-war, must be included ie the proposition, and a list of them will be furnished. The wood and carpenter work, except the boring out the deadwood for the shaft necessary to adapt the vessel for the reception of the machinery, boilers and appendage will be provided at the expense of the Navy Department, and it will permit the use of such facilities as it may hays fur hoisting the hex y zu.chinery en board. For the accommodation of the entire steam machinery and fuel tzar° will be allowed in the body of the ship, the entire apace under the spar deck commencing at 16 feet abaft the main mast, and thence extending forward a distance or 60 feet. Within this space it is expected to carry coal for five days' steaming at the maximum speed. In the specifications the daily cane.amption of fuel will be stated; also the weight of the machinery, coal, boilers, water in them, shaft, propellor and appendages, with tools and spare work, all of which must not exceed 400 tons of 2,240 pounds. The distance from the after aide of the mainmast to the after side of the forward stern post will be about 80 feet, and the distance between the forward and the after stew posts will he seven feet. Thu depth from the load water line to the top of the keel under the propeller will be 12 feet 1 Inch. • . The proposal must be accompanied by full specifications and general drawings, having the position of the centre of gravity of the machinery, boilers, ac, marked on them, giving also the capacity of the steam cylinders, pressure of steam, area of foot and delivery valves, and of air pump and outboard delivery valves, space for steam above the water line of tha boilers, the lire and grate furnace, also the diam eter, pitch, surface, and kind of propeller and other prin cipal points, that comparisons can readily be made. Thu terms of payment will be that, when one-half of the materials and labor provided for in the contract shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the department, there will be made a payment of 3/, part of the whole amount of the contract. When the whole shall have been completed and ready for erection in the ship a further payment of 3/ 6 will be made; and when a satisfactory trial of seven con secutive days shall have been made, then a further payment of ; and when the ship alien have performed satisfactorily at sea for a period of three months, the remaining sum shall be paid. The repairs necessary during this period from de fective workmanship or materials will be at the expense of the contractor. It is to be understood that if the w,ight and other condi tions specified in the contract be not complied with, the de partment is to be at liberty to reject the whole machinery, the contractor to be at the expense of taking it oat of the ship and refund whatever amount of the contract price may have teen paid. PROPOSALS will also be reveived at the earns time and place fur the steam machinery and appendages, and placing the same on board each et the screw sloops-of war building at the navy yards at Boston, Philadelphia, and Pensacola under the apceilicationt and conditions above stated, with variuttons in the fellowlag, particulars, viz I,t. noires power 7ao at, at least, so revolutions per minute. - 2.1. The total weight for niachluery, appendages, i. oilers and water in them, bunkers, tools, spare pieces, and coal must not exceed 310 tons of :3;240 pounds each. The length occupied by the engines and boilers will commence 14 feet abaft the mainmast, and thence extend forward a distance cf 46 foot. The distance from the afterelde of the mainmast to the afterable of the forward stern post will be about 79 feet. The depth from the load-Water lino to the top of the keel under the propellor will be 9 feet '2 inches. Steam engine manufacturers who desire to bid, Call obtain a copy of the section of any one of the vessels upon making application to the department. 'SAM) TOUURY , jyalfintsa secretary of the Navy. SY R UPS.— 2Cil dos. Lemon Syray ; It) Strawberry B.yeap; 5 " Pino Apple " 5 " Raspberry " J wit racalved and (or sale by 13,LrYME.B. a ANDERSON. No. 89 Wood street, Je9 Opposite the St. Chitries UcteL STONE WATER PIPE.- 600 yards 6inch ; f.OO " 4 " wu " 3 460 " 2 " Received a nd tor a&b., by f ju3 . l HENRI H. OOLLINB • NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS Il— Derwent, by Mrs. Ann b. Stephona The Jealous by Miss Pardo, Per sale by It LoosllB, Publishers' Agent, JeB Peat Luildlngs, 4.1 Eittb ctroct. Ny i r sorted shwa, straw and mg wrapping, for Salo by WM. o. JOI.INsToN a CO, 1. 9 Paper Dealer:467 Wood street COPYING PRESSES, Copying ßA Books, Brushes, Oil Paper, for sale by W. S. VEN, Tnr24 Corner Market and Second ids. VINE FLOIJR.-20 bbla. Fine Flour ;>i stare, and for axle by . - • EtcCANDLEBB, bliaNs C Co, fa) Wen= of Wood and Water career:a. BROOMS. -100 dos. Extra Carpet C orn Brooms ea hand and for nip by /07 B. O. & J. H. g&WyBR. RAILROAD NOTITCI2. 'A +3 s. manner Arrangemont. ON AND ANTES MONDAY, JULY b. The Pittsb 9 h, Via. Wavle 6, Ching:) PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD RAILROAD COMPANY, ;BIG'S T DAILII TRAIN/S.. WITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK mu T r Hp hull. g, TRAIN Sunda l y, e 3 v a e t e t. l-11 2 1 ;1 3 ) r el i l l oc se lt g l ir itts S tra ti g en h e = 1 1 sf 1.1.11 ~ ulpillent.,a” -: i , ' Ilu‘'" ; 1' '3l"r ' c ' z' ' 'l'''''' ' '4 Pre " turivingin Philadelphia at11:00 P. M. -,,,,,1 td traiksp...rt Pese:in...: V 3 1.. , )..11 1. Veil4lt. from PHILA. TILE, FAST LINE Deily, except Sunday, at 1:25 P. st.. ar rldiliNlA Fun PfTTSIIIIRti II to OLIICA:10, .',.T. LOUIS, IN. lying in Philadolr dais at 5 o'clock A. lit, and stopping only :AA NAl. ), .:Lizi, CI NCI N N Aiiii, and ail pla.ox '.Vest and ',South r at ininaipat stato.. oiaid, with a great de4ree of reguhuit,y and expealition. TUE E.KPRESS TRAIN leaved 1110 Station every . evening ilia finnt Unit 15.1.3 11....)11.1 ) , .f!dh aan lint. and connolidatisi.l . . , at a anu o , citing. Stopping only at area' nabarg, Latrabo; - .1 - ohns• Ilan between Pitt3tinrcli owl ClocP----i-ii h 5 ' nfllch-lit . 70 1.%/' town, Willmoro, Gallitzin, Altoona, Lra.,tonnecatig at Har antee :tint Its liralaii 'i .0 miii'i ;•'•v'l u- "'`' , '"i l t ' n ' - ' 2 ‘' ti ' ''r '' debar,: with the Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in with Trstni, o , undir R. iid. philadelphia or Baltimore at LeSO o'clock, P.M. UN AND A I - Tbil MO.: , DA •- F 1 AY loth, 18ES, tl.O Milne i ; ! , ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: - . i.:l, this coati wdi leave the UNION DSPOT, Pitteburt.„-,1,„ THE JOIINSTOWN AccoMMODATION MAIN loaves daily, (dim:Says excepted, as foiIOWJ : daily (except Sunday) at 3:30 o'clock, P.M. Stopping at ,PASSENGER TRAINS .1.11AWl; all stations, and running as far as Conemanglt. Plttabargb. Or.i.stline. Pt.Wdyne.. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for .Turtle Creek U. S. Mall, 7: 1 10 A. M. 7:07 P.m Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10k40, A. M. First Is.i.tpress, 11:40 A. 11. 10:00 P.M 5:00 P. IL SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAM for 'Turtle Creek, Second - 2.1 ,p , 5 . 1. I 1ie...'3 P.M -t:5O A. M. Leaves daily, (except Sunday ) , at 4.21) P. M. RIKAA,III OIIICAOO—First Express, at 7:00 A. M. Second THIRD ACCUMMODA'I'ION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, ILspresi at 1:20 P. M. leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 6:20, P. kt. ItiIAIMI CENCI N NATl—Pirat Exrito.s ti) . ...1) P. wo; Second itr7PERNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh as follows: Rxpress 7:21 A. lA. I Emp rens, 1:45, P. L blail,3;lo A.m.; Fast Lino '2:25 A. a.; Johns- ItEACLI Sl'. L , ;i: :,.. .1 ;: - t 1 . 11, ;0 e• i - iiiio , Li ; iiiicnnij i•." - - - town AcoommodAtion, 11:09 A. :44 First Turtle Creak Amara. ii roes lit,: e. If modatiou, 0:50; A. En, Second ACCOMI3IO.3tIIIII, 12:40, P. 614 All TlNotia inili ii .... -e euaia i.tiue aat Co. odine b.r 0..41:1111- Third Acconanodation, Silo, P. W. be,. Gincien_.-ti, !Il '“..,ii , , , :ii 1,u,1 :•t. 1..., i....i; a 1,,, .11 Tort Trains for Blairsville and Indisna, connect at Blairsville tion with mail train .F i .tot, Falrceas (rain West, and ',Va . } rewith Tl :ill) ~I. Pi o.l , a.iti and W....,.4.,., n 1'Ai1r,,,,,1 for Interwar. Latayett:, Contrid Illiniiiii and St. 1.0,11,1; 111.0. tit Forest wits the Johnstown accomodation train East and West. Trains ole the M. It. " L. K. it. R., 110.1 Idima filth Traiaa ws Eden; PIrESBITIUG II AND coNtiktitsviLLo TRAINS, liajtou tool .11 II iasit P.szirc.:.. l . :stopping at all Stations on the , Pittsburgh and Connella. 11115 URNING. 0 .ilie !toad, leave daily, (Sunday excepted) as follows: 1. .1).1).11 r.,!1ic,),,, i I , C4'.” ~.,, 1 , ( . 4., .. ti 11..• 1 E.ll.l:li.driS MAIL'fiIAIN MK:A.M. I 11XPRESS TR A IN -342.0 P. ia il. :I Mail, :Old !'.4i.i i.i...:10 A. !A. 1.II:10 P.M. I I ted l'i. o . .t:.%II.IIt.NING vtAngs from Pittsburgh and Gonnellsrville t •tt six j,r.•..31. t .3....., )1 ::.(. 1 .1 'l' Nt. to:12 1... :d. 1 510 .t. ii_ 11...i..1, arrive at Pittsbur, 8:45 L. m. and 6:10 P. at. , ',ld '• 6:'D A.ll j 1:15 P a_ ,.- 4 The traveling public will find it greatly to their in 'Cheat Vial:, ;ea . ,: clog e,,,..nt...;;,,ns with Tt cite f.,r l' '...q.>.. nest, in going East or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania ,leipliia, Indiono.., ...,r. - Yolk end Boston. Railroad, as the accommodations now offered'cannot be snr- Trains from St. Louie, Indianapolis, Cint in nati and Culaga- passed uu any other route. As the Road Is ballasted with bus mole close /-.l.nocejorl)l at 1:101 102 - 11 '. with all rettirldtliS I atone, and 12 entirely free from due; wo can promise safety, Tr Ah 1.1.. At Fort SVayno, TT.).111.1 froni St. Lucia. Central lit- o:poed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their 11010, Lafayette, and intermediate place., COP.IItICI. with Elto l l l4 pr_t_i'cur.-ii. —FARE:— Train. At forret, co m i eundia are made a ith T ming to and To New York SIII,OO I To Baltimore. trom Cincinnati, Spring-Rohl and Daytea. The U. 8. Mail a ki1,1i ii , ( 1,4p,,,, ii , 10,00 " Lancaster. from Pittsburgh to Crestiiiiii, beim; a true fur local boa; To Garrisburg, .0.45. noes, to overtakes t., tho Ire;.0:)l h.:sprees. I Baggage checked to all Stations on the Pennsylvania Rail. A (..'ilt/M NI, ',) A'r 1 t )". • r 1:. AIN S laiXiiti N. , ri 0 ri,„ I, to 3 f, , ... - i r( :al, ar.d to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Pittsburgh, at thou ..A. M., and 1125 P. M. Loa vt , Pitts- Pasaengera purchasing tickets in care, will be charged ton burgh for New Ltrighten t.: P. 30 A. M. and 1.00 I'. iii. cents in addition to the Station rates, except from Stations 11;443 AUll ClUn3litio l'illti - :C•37:1, and 110 ailiarse for where the Company has no Agent. 1...u.:1110g. Ni ;TB:a—ln case of loss, the Company will hold them- Travelers or nersone intendiag tiiiiisjitii- , LisLoi. ill d'il:ds: calves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an burgh for the West, will hear in mind :La/ the only 1.i.a1 i amount not exceeding $lOO. anther:nod by the P., F. W. .k C. It. R.; C. aP. IL IL., and I N. ll.—The Excelsior Ounalbna Line has been employed to Steubenvitia and Indiana Railroad Companies, ...I C01111 , 13' Paseengent and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a 0 La: nu F. 1 - Aii.E.ll , :, at the Union T.oket i ;fee, charge net to exceed 25 cents for each passenger and bag. Concoct-,1 with the Pennia A. It I'a:is-oder Depot, i gage. For tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent, C.ani.:r Liberty and (Inset Etc ee.4. At the P. R. It. Pacaar,ger Station, BAGUAUE will net lin chocked for 1.01 - FOll,l purchesdag jya an Liberty and Grant streets. tickets at any other place in this city. TO COMMENCE UN 2dUNDAY, May 10:n, and continue until further uutire. J. J. 110U8TON, Gen. Pener. and Fr't. Ag't 1.,. W. 9ift:2'2. 1',.-..ra'r. Agent, Chicago ii. Mtioltil. Superintendent. nt_-w:xr. ~- BEIM RAILROALIE. .;MMS NEW WEST - Fatal Etteeis, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE and CHICAGO, AND crIPIOINN =TI, HAMILTON A DAYTON RAILROADS 1.);141,it.14A1 E utiT-136k' Dufartoe v:4 329 nilieJ frc,t Pitleburtih. la C'inciriliats ralf.llS LINN 4,umpoed of Roads of the birat Clase, an._ — located through a beautiful and nigirly enitivaLApoction of the Staid. Direct cm election is mode at. Linctrianti 4llµ tlo Ohl~ end Misalvelpiii Railroad, (the track 3 of the C. 11. t D. St 4)...k..t. Road!, being' connected, for Louisville, Natch.e.. Connection made at St. io , nia c ltb tee Poeine i.oiiri .1 and klespari ILi cr Punkets, fur IL'AtWAS AND NE.BRASE:A ; :cud all Win. Al_ee conuccal al Cincinnati who Rent - ticks Central R. it., f.,z Lasing-ton, Ifrauklort and all pseirria in Central ii....;ntncl:y. Trains lenie Penn Etl,bliit.inian F,9 fOtiOWS : ) Through te Cir.. iunati but change of care, at' ( 1 in ct . riving x 3 Ci s P. ro: P,:tenvr cr Creatllnd et 10:05 o n. M li:Co P. M. y~yi3AGGat;it P.. 1.; TUE. lt.lo it. 1;_)3 kosire as g.....)t5r ae .emy For all lufr.rrardio . e, and Throneli Tlckete, apply at the Ticket °dice, corner slonooKihela ilocte, or at Penn street Station. P,t,ongera L2:1;1',V.9 t.f F.A11,4 ?Llo rUI:CC Tic_et.B via brisvifir. Ct Ftl; L. LI. I:. I Irke, rititsteugla and VCiheeling Pittsburgh, Coiuminis & Cincinnati RAILROAD LINE Cltzatz;:"e, . - 5C Time 6'lN -`,..ND AFTER IVEONi;AY, Y 10Tu, ":;_ o w t 4, 6:45 4, r BL,IFILo, CaICAGO L.ZI7 EI:S2JVILLZ. 1 .. I, , trr CLEVELAND, T , ) LEDO, DSTllvie, 2:55 pp g o ___.H.„:_..c.L, Ni A ILi H Vr . l-17. . 41-, , ; - : ,I,lltaill ,01111,Cts C.:.; CloVo.lllld, i 1, iI:J.. Dui, L:it. ilDt. of et..•. - roi 3. 4;0 L„, ui Sit - WAY Tali in-VCR Paoaaagerd or points beyond Ohimgo, vii lAevolaud, must 111 , 3 ior tickets via OtO/ChtUd PETTBBUT: Gl2, COLL . (LS AND CINCIIYIVA Ti (via SI'E.UII.IO 7 I7L LEO R.:IL L t),11) CRANiili DP TIM .—vu and alter MU:. DAY, the 10th, of May, 1t3f.,3, Tro.iii4 wilt 1, , :,.ve the Depot of the Pedu.rylva uia Giotral Railroad, co. followa : 1 1 For ii 1.: ÜBE:. 71L Ll', C,1.. I.;ILL US, DAYTON, 3:00 A., Me 12 , :biA:lp.rous, 1. - xwo.u.t, C,12._), v,!i3A.ND :Lew 0G.1.J: A riri. IF.. CINCINN.ITI AND i!..1. LAI.3, ear..l ALL 2 :35 Fe. . m i _ . - ..!!. ,, T8 BODI N AND WEir : 'lThrOUgh to Clucinnt.ti without uhaugo of CILF.I. Pd.-fteugeln irilig Co.turlLua, eiticir.nati, etc., or may taubus for tickots via 2teubeociUo. JA Ni Bb FAIUIE,a, flltilw - ilikiadeut. 0., P. 4. W. It. R. W. W. BAGLEY, riaperintendwit P., C 4 (J. R. R. PITTSBURGH & C\MINELLSVILLE A II ft 0 A D. (IN and after Monday, the 10th in6t. Pass vij oar Traitth will b run d wily, (exc,,pt Euridays,)frum filo Ponnaylvania Railroad l'Aiseug.,, Depot, as follows: Mail Train leaves Pittebuz.. h 7:90 a. 11. Exprees Train lea“).3 PittNbargli 3:30 a. m. HET 0 U NINU; Mail Tra:n leaves ...... 6. hi. Express ...............5:00 a. at. Arriving at Pittsburgh 8:45 a. It. Ticket,' to be lind at Peuusylvauia Railroad Ticket tithe.. Both Trains connect at ConnoDawdle with Denting t Eal.'s Coat;lira for Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberlaud, etc., anti at West Newton with Coaches for Mt. Pleasant, eonusraet, Berlin: etc. *eights to and from Pitbiburgli and. Stations on Pitts burgh and Counellaville itailread, will be received and de livered In Pittsburgh, at the "Baldwin Depot.," opposite " Dnqueerte Depot. - KrceptMg such cu Pig Iron, Lumber, Stone, etc., which will bu touted or uu Galled at Outer Do pot, or at the canal Depot, al may be arranged with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh. 11. BLACKSTONE, Sep't. Transportation Department P. A 0. It. It., 1 Counellaville, May 6th, 1958. f Lupe. New .Re_ ute via River aad Railroad. 1;•0 findinapolis 4t5 Radii - pad CONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Flame, aed Terre Haute and Alton itallrouda, to SL Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis, New Albany and Salem, and Michigan Central Bowls tar CHIC dQO, MAYA !BLAND, BURLINGTON, mil all intermediate points. Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERSE HAUTE, 4.I.ItAYETTE x and Weight carried Dem Cincinnati or lewreueeberg In lean time than say other rcuto by If hone, end et as low rates. The only rood by which shipniont3 can ha froLa Cin cinnati to the Went, uithout breaking bulk. C'br'igMELltit o made to.). E. 01.11bUNS, Agent a: iiinein -034: ot, %Y. EL.:TT - alit:4 Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention. and no charge for C.0111.11114E1J11 ; 110 atmgcfife dra2ta ; ce or io;.maiu,-infa el ....anire.ricebterg„ Per !nether luica - z.aatl , ,a, apply to THOMAS It. ATTICA.N, (No. 115 Wider street,) Agent or the Compauy, who ie rde peted to give 000011011 Etatl2l3 to ledianapoils, Terre Isifayetto, Chicago, Porn, Green tie, Crawler:Ls. vino, Churleat..a, P.O Ca , and Mattoon. 11. 0. LORD, 220 . l'reight Agont. FURNITURE A AIILLIFLEN is; CO. have on hand, at .fsae their cxtenf.i OT and C LLAJ. 1 0 .A.Cf. Na. di otrF-3t a large dx:cirtmorit of Fancy PLie rw Inre, aht• - b flail Will seti to For coot lower than rufitufafay rate,. Tort:..-.. FUltliil'l7lJRE AND W CHAIRS, Vrooleoale and Eto , tall, ov o ry style of trurnitare, tt Lri,wrvakl, kinturgraiY Waluet, imitable for Parlors, Chanalapre anti - Vining Rooms, equal to any in Now Yorlter Philadelphia, end et lower pri,e. Every article male by hand, and warznatod. Cabint-naikers sup. p 1144 with any rlttatalty cr PliliNiTUltt - and °RAMA on ma:actable llotels and Ettambtoata furnlahiNl at the shoitert notice. lrirarer.Nymo, Isreq. 77 and 70 TI1111.1) areal; PlttSbnrgh, Pm. 0c2.1 bas Rochester Pearl Starch, rcrAir , A no.] for rale by lIILT-TRIT H. COLIJNS. B ANANAS.—PiisCof tho .season just re ed Ly expr,i3,l and f,r Halo by R.EY:Mt a ANDRILSON, No. Z 9 Woo,d Strout. arat. Opf,oritu Et..Charlai Hotel R. 01,14 RUTTER-2 bbis. Fresh Roll Butter rwAdved end for onto byYEITZKR, "%"4";12 Career Market and Firm eta. RINTING executed. in the highest style of tat, and rmsozablo prima, by J . It. WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, m 313 03 :Wood area, near Fourth. AIEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— ..LI 20 bozakataorted - almnl, ea, Wa and (e Sperm Candlea on hand and fends br o. t. J. IL .Awy... D UFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Binnkg, and Duncan's Bram of Penmanship, for sale , by HAVNN, mrZi : Writer. Market and Second arena& AWNING RODS-1 oet Mating Rodsjoi gale ,U 025) /LEtin.: S, COLLINO! ~= ;° Loam, Cairo, V Icktburg, Pest ,Jrio,n; RAILROADS. THE PENNSYLVANIA THE GREAT CENTRAL ROI he Atlantic Cities with Weaten and South-western States by :n continuous RC This Road also connects at Pittsburgh wi t,)Vel:d oa 143 WV/ . I.,ud and Sandusky witzs steamers to all port western La.V.3; making the most nineo R.CII.IBLG ROUTE by which 11[1E1011T can be k from the GnaA2 Wass. gates hotersers Philadelphia aff ifiR.ST CLASS.— Doors, Shoes, lists and' Cap, Books., Dry 0 oods, (in boxes, balsa and trunks,) Druja, (In bozos find boles) 12,..5c.10r5, Pan, dd. GAGOND CLA.BB--tcomestic Sheeting, Shirt,l ins. nod Ticking (in original halos), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. Leather (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, etc., a. TILLED OLAEB.—Auvils, Steel, Chains (Jai casks), Romp, Pc -on and Pork, Salted (loose or in tacks), Tobacco, =untie taz.'l, (except Oiors or 440, ao. FOURTH OLABB--Colree, Fish, Bacon, Boer and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, Ger. India Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, ac., CW.J 110IIR---76c. bbL until further notice. GRAIN in rar loads, fib cts. Tvioo lbs. until further notice. C;CrT•..eOE-2,1i iii b4lo; not exN2eding COO tbs Weliht; until further notice. - ID shipping Goode from any point Zest of Philadel ohia. be iparticular to mark packages "yid reanty/vartia 611 hoods consigned to tiro Agents of this Bead Philahlphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Paztaul Aams--Uarris, Wormley tc Co, Memphis, Tenn.; 11. F. Sri A Co. , St. Louis; I'. G. O'lliley & Co., Evansville, Ind.; InucleeniLßell & Co. and Carter Jewett, Louisville, ily.; It. C. Meldrtim, Madison, Ind ; 11. W. Brown A Co. and irwia A Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham lc Co. ' ZanecAlile, 0h,.,; Leach Co., No. 63. Kilby strQ . ut, liouteu ; Leech Sc 2 Astor House Now York; No.l William street, and No. S Battery Place, Now York; E. J. Sneedor, Philadelphia; Mag,raw A Koons. Baltimore; 1.). A. Stowell, Pittsburgh. it. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. IL J. LOMBAEBT,: ap3 Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. G ituCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS 150 bags Els Coilho ; 100 chests Ilia4:h and Ilroon TOI.VI ; 25 [obis. Crushed Sagan; Celfoo " New York Syrup; " Now Orleans Molasses; 0 Tierces New Rice ; 10 boxes W. W. 11. Grunt's Tobsoce; 100 " M.ll- and Layer Raisina ; o koga Preach Nano; 2 Princhoonn Jamaica Ram;- Santa Cruz Emu; 2 Pipe'sEh:Aland Gin; Also, * rionch Brandy; poet, Sherry, ]llalag,a and Cham pagne Wines; Pure Old Rye and Romillod Whisky, in storo s::!,.• low, by 11AW01.1TLI A Et4ovvraigg, tittrc , viors to Haworth, Dro.A. Brownlee, Car. of the Diamond and Diamond alloy, Pittsburgh, Pa. UNDRIES. 15 bbl a. Beetwick'e Syrup; *AS " New York 26 " Baltimore " 04 1,1,16. New Orloani sugar ; luo half cheats Young Upon Ten; Bluelr Tea, ter Dale by je3u W. 11. 8511T11 k. CO MA N I LLA PAPER.—A largo lot various fer ”ab, by WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO., e) Peter realero. e 7 Nlinod et. PLANTATION SUGAR & MOLASSES -100 blids. fully fair and prime N. 0. Sugar; 630 bbls., oak cooperage ' prime N. 0. Molasees; 60 " St. Jamea S. 11 Molagees, now laudiug and fur eale, by 11TLLE11 HICKETSON, Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty etreat. 1 11 ILL PAPER-01 best quality—for she .t.t . o by WU. G. JOHNSTON dCO , j,'22 Stationers, 67 Wood street. N VELOPES.—Buff, Straw, Amber and 'A White, of all ~Izes, sold wholesale or retail, by WM. O. JOHNSTON t CO., ru) 7 Stationers and Paper realers. 67 wood qt. rt„(;101)A ASII.-100 casks Soda Ash, now landiag arai for sale by 511LTiRR do BIOKETSON. EUOS,— 10 barrels fresh Eggs, just reeeiv oa cl for sale by JAMS A. FETZIat, jw4:2 Caner Llarket and First streets. 001) 1151.1.- %4 3 drums extra large Cod Fish; " largo " " Just received and KELLER & ILICECHTSON, Yon. 221 and 223 Liberty atreet. for oale, by ors FOR SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder 16 Inches iu di. meter, 43y feet stroke, with 2 Qylinder Boilers 32 inches in diameter, 30 feet in length, with fire front; lily Wheel 1.1.1 feet in diameter. For price and terms, inquire of B. C. G J. H. SAWYER, J 0.30 No. 47 Wood street. -LADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GA-T -EAS, with and without heels, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street. DrFFENBACELER .4 CO. GEN C'S CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, et the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street. jel9 DLFFENSACIIER At CO. IiAVE constantly, on hand a large supply of Pure Wines and Liquors for medioinal purposes. These wishing anything in this line, can rely upon getting a pure article at JOSEPII PLEMENC.fB, jyl'A acrucr Diamond and Market street. 90 _ 6on WILL buy a Dwelling House of lJ 8 rooms rind bath room, good collar, and other coo i e nienca3, situate on Franklin street sees in hand balsam at one and two years. 8. OUTHBERT A SON, )3 , 15 Ed Market street. ..... TYPE METAL, just received and for Pale, by W. S HAVEN, Stationer and Printer, Je2.d Corner Market and Second streets. - QOAPS.—A large [supply of Low's we kJ known Brown Windsor Soap, Just received Ala Honey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and other fanoy Soaps con smutty on hand at JOS. FLEMING'S, j 77 Corner, Diamond and Market street. CIOLTON'S WEST TOURIST & GUIDE VW' Late by (jo19) J. R. WELDEN. _DELIVERED EVERY MOR Forney's Press, Pubilo Ledger, N. Y. Thom, Beraid and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your aldrtas at JAUNT do MINFdt, GENT'W WEAR.— onue.p. tient's Patent Leather Gaiters; ci F" Gent's Patent Leather Oxfords ; PI ,I.i. Gent's Calf Boots; M = Gent's Fine Slippers. :.• L.) Ca AP. AT TRH PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jel2 We. 17 Fifth street, DUPP.I7I3ACHER, A CO g - TAR CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada mantlno Star Gadlea, warranted tropetior to any in the market, on hand and tor anhe by tayl3 B. G tr J.ll. SAWYER PONGES—A large supply of coarse and flponvs, of avert' superiorliialityijiatre'deived Joe. F/AEMENci. C0n4.1- Diamond'auctElarketatreet. QTATIONERY FOR OFFICE USE-A Nj largo supply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of fices, banks, eto.,for solo by (le19) J. R. WELDIN. ]' RESU TEA, MORE NEW TEA— The finest Tea of every uame, grade and color. The anb scriber has in store and arriving, a moat extensive and complete assortment of lea ha cheats, half cheats and fami ly boxes, all of which is offered at greatly rednced prices. J 032 8. JAYNES.•_3B Fifth street, • HOME IN THE COUNTRY.—A new Cottage !louse of ,6 rooms, good cellar, and every convenience to make a comfortable and pleasant residence; viable, carriage house, spring house, 2450 poach trees; also, choice apples and other fruit, 12 acres of land, good quality for gardening Purposes, situate at 3 miles from the city, near the Wtythingtou Turnpike. ; Terms: essnand immedi ate posseitifori. - For Bale by. 3'OILITHEIKEtT - 4'13014 ' 19 22 51 Market stre es, D BLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- A Dwelling Howe and two large lota, with good im provements, immediate pessesaion. Price, $lBOO. A Farm of 30a_acreo, 40Limproved, all prime land one mile from Fayette Springs: Price, $6 per acre. - A - valimble : property et Lawrenceville, in complete order, good locatichr, harrielii=o4loiresiSdoti-13600. A section of choice land in Franklin county, lowa, in good location—s2,so per acre. 8. 01:1TRBERT EON, je2s 61 Market street. °LARK ' STREET. A Brick 'Dwelling ‘_)' House 011 Clark street, near Carpantaelf alit% et the low price of WOO. Also t three other DwolUng Homes near the'above. Price, s lBoo '' each ' Terms easy. ' - - • yjla & CUTHBERT .1t" BON,III. Markets:: ERRING: 50 I bble Herring for eakrb: JUL ieao U. a. OOLLIN,9 CADETS OIL CLOTHS. p H a PLIILLIPS have removed .to their,new Nathan& Nos. 28 and 28 F3T. n """' - u 6 atroet, west adde,batween Penn street and tbe Bridge. & VigiaLIPSI MA NATEIOTTIUMIO.IIIIO4"NuaraneuRE,OARELWA TABLE, AND 'IIII,ANSPAIIENT a op4QuE WINIDOW•fikAIENk ClisOTlElb ! .tho, mums MOM - CLOW 5 1 .9;VirINDO MADE% Of every dede4tion. Dealers in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston - and NOW York BeltingOtanpesies, for the Bale of their INDIA DUB' 888. BELTING ROBB:and peoymga. LEATUBU BELT ING of Bashnn naunaleture,n superior ;quality ; also, Lacs Leather and -- Itivetz; Agents for the OHIO PROOP MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, 'Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND OIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branchca, doze in the beet and shortest time. Ready] J. h 11. MITT .B, ,U,ra Nee 26 and 2 ' Bt. Glair street; Manufactory at Phil. aipsville,'on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CARP TS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, ac., AT Tun Wourth Street • Carpet store. D. &' U. M'OALLITAI respectfully vY -Invite the attention of their former customers and the Valle genbrally to their present stock, pet selected for SPring tales,embracing.the very latest styles of Foreign and lbws tdaifactare, eonsisting In part of Velvets and Erneseli, - Tlifiestry and Common Ingrain: also, ilrtmiela, Damask . , Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2TO 23 FE= WIDE, Grigg, !ants, Stair Rode, Canton and Cocoa Matting; ',hit Yarn and Bag Carpets; Vonitian Blinda; Fainted, Buil an Green Rolland Shades. It will give us pleasure to ahoy/ goods to all who may bo dealrone of looking or purchasing, and we are dotermined to oiler inducements to any who may favor ne with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 NOURTJEC Street, near Wood. myl9ly W. D. & a M'OALLUSI. CLOTH. OLOTLIINti—Of all kinds, bleak and yellow, br sale at the India Rubber Depot and 28 Eit Clair street. [dee] J. et U. PHILLIPS. ®IL CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRADE. We havo on hand, and ara daily receiving additions thereto learn nor own end other mmanfactoriosot largo otock of Moor Vurnitnro, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, pps~ttc~n~t, Green and Buff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, ;used lox liousefurnishing and other purposes. Also, Trs.nspax ont Window hhades, of dry and oil tinish—gold bordered and other Mpg, and Window Shade. Trimmings. hinrclumts and others will find it to their advantage to ex, amine our stock and prices before making their pLohases elsewhere. Jyjlt Li. PHIL' LI solo 28 aQ 23 St. Otair str,et. oiL cuyrii TABLE COVERS—Of our owon and other manufacturers for ealo wholesale and retail, by J. 4 R. PHILLIPS, jyl7 28 and 28 St. Clair stree TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLOTII -3000 yards of a superior qua Sty, lust received from the factory, and for 81113 by J. 4 ti. PIIILLIP3. .Iyll 28 and 28 St. Glair scree!. ROAD. MTH, connecting n,North-western taflarny direct. itb Dail cot ano at Maze on the North , CHEAP= and orwarded to and eIARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS.—Enamelled Ala with plain or figured backs—on muslin, Twilled and Duck Goods, for sale by J. Jr 11. PIEALIPB, Jyl7 26 and 28 St. Clair street. ittebur,gh. CIAP OIL CLOTHS—A few pieces on mas- Ha, silk, and imitation of cilt, Er sale at 28 and 28 St. pair qtroo. (10.7) J. 14 H. PHILLIPS. 700. VI 100 iba HOSPITAL SEIEEITING—Of all widths and of the beet quality, for sale at the Judie Rubber 243 and 28 St. Clair Weet. Jell J. St H. PHILLIPS. 130 r. la NO Dm. INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The best article iu t,ao far cafe o 0 the India "tubber Depot, of 60c. V 1 100 174 VLOOR OIL CLOTHS,- Of our own and eastern manufacture—all widths, and cu. to Butt any also of rooms or halla—at tho Oil Crioth Ware rooms, No. 26 and 0 Bt. Olair octal J. is IL EITTLI.TPS. 400. gi 100 tbs. Great Chance to Make Money. THE BEST sin) MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OF THE TIDIES--ONLY' ONE " e a. leal:f.eß PER SHARE.—Forty thousand donate] ;f • worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou sand filittree, at one dollar per share, as follow :—Upon the paytaont of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle hlm to one share in the above undi vided. property. When the share; shall have been cold, the shareholders shall be notified of tho fact, by mail, or thrungh the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders Lilian then be held in the city of Phlirdelphia, and the whole of the property disposed ut or distributed among them; hi inch way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the dispositiou of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persona as the 'Shareholders may appoint to receive the a - Arde. T'do Rota Estate consists of one tle — ..oa stay Linea dwelling home and lot, valneal at $2500, and two throe stury brick dwelling houses and iota valued at 2700 each, in the city of ,eitiladelphia, clear of all incum- brance, and title indisputable; the ether property comnao of the whole stock and tixteues of oue of the Lergeat Wateh and Jewelry Steros in the city of Philedelpilia, now, and for ; a long time peat tept haathe latheerfleae The steel: coneier Ma g Bus atold and haver nuating Ciao Lover Watch es, very tine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepiec and otter :Vachon, Gold Chai', Pencils, Seale, Loclzets, Ear hinge, Breeichee, Dracelete, Dienimid and other Ranee and Pins, Studs, Sleeve ituttwie, aee., ace, Gold, Silver nod Steel Spec tacles, Geld and Silver Thlaelea, Slivt-r and Silver Plated Ware, conaUting of Tea 1343, Ca-903114 Cakt , iLalket3, Cope, Spooas, liniver; Boris, &c. Aloe, Trench' Clocks, lilnsie Boxes, Accordoons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not ono of throe Fictional which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair cafe of the entire property belonging to the eubseriber, persons are'pesltively assured the stud line not been pi:mete...eel for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for tine Gold, none ouch will be dietributed, the moot respect. able peixons are given aa refereecee, to these disposed to par. chg.% shares. All orders by Rail taCiOSiLtg, the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress of the sender, by return Iterli- Any pereun ten dollars at ono tinieechall receive eleven separate receipt', in as teeny separate uamee if desired. xln writing for Shla-C3, ;Aeon write the name of the Pont Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greateat chance of getting a huge amount of valuable property, for a suaall sum, as hoe ever before been offered to the public. Send on year orders, a 3 shares are selling rapid ly, and it la confidently expected the distribution will coon be made. Articloa allotto4 toparsona at a illstaaco, will bo tout to than at tilt& siipotrdo. ti.S.Agenta vventel In every town and village. All nom manic:allow must Do uthirersad to ifIOPYING PRESSES, with Sorew and v„,./ Lever, for elilo by Vi. S. CAVEN, Stationer and raper Dealer, Corner Market and Second streets. UMAIER EXCURSIONISTS.— L 7 Ladies who design taking a " Pleasure Trip,",should provide themselves with the NEW LINEN TRAVELING BEIM! The above . nrticle can be precnred at 1111111OURE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, by the bottle or gallon, at HAWORTH BROWNLEE'S, fit in the Diamond. 10 SACKS FEATHERS, for Cal° by BACIALEY, COSUB.AVE ht 00., . _ R Y E —125 bush Rye for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, jyl Corner .11arket and First streets rtrimoTily SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy Beod fur ealu by JAS. A. FEWER, YL FLOUR.-15 bble. just received and for sale by [mr3) HENRY IL COLLINS. EGGS: -10 bbls. fresh Egga just received and for salo by f mezdi illy' SIC EL COLLINS. EXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and all the other celebrated Skirls, for E aktby ap26 JOB. Roam; 77 Market street. - 11 t LACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock of -2,U1 excellent styles, with and without Angers, very cheap at (ap2B) JO& 110111 , 111'8, 77 Market street. CIOTTON HOSIERY .—Every variety of IL,/ Cotton Stockings and Half Hose at the lowest prices wholesale or retail, at JOS. IIoRNE - 8, sp26 7: Market street. yßup. —lO bble. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on conalgnmant, by (ap7) HENS 11. COLLINS. ICE.—Six tierces prime Rice, just reoeiv- AA; ed and for sale by MILLER ItIGKETBON, norl2 Nee. 221 and 223 Liberty street. TAKE FISH-15 whole bbls. Lake Supe rior White Fish just...received and for sale by JAS. A. F.EitZfilir, 1913 . Corner Marker and First etreas. 10 BAGS Dried Apples, for sale by BAG444iir, COSGILAVE et 00., car 26 Nom 19 and 20 Wood street Masonic HAIL ai - APPLES-100 bush., for sale by Th jeao IIHNItY 11. COLLINS TUST received another assortment of Boors and SHOES, consisting ofLadiee /reel Boot 3 and Slip pers, Gent's, Boye's Youth's, and a large variety of Chß dren'e Fancy Shoos. Please give us a call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH IL BORLAND, jel9 93 Market street, socund door 'from Fifth. WOOL WANTED -10000,0 mo. Wool Wanted at hthast cash 1/1201103011, iII'OREaILY a CO., 42 Second street, and 161 ;trout. prices, by JeThlmam AI AIR DYEB--13atchelor's, Chriat.a.dora's, .1; Alexander's, She,lon'a, and Wateea Liquid Hair Dyes—a large supply cuutattly on hand, at J081;211. ELEITDIG'2, Co#er Diamond and MatteLarreet. CILOVERSEED.--25 -Backs just; reeCived, and far ualo by MU/ lIIINItsr- H. COLLINS 5430•-11'rsl 4 e, PENS ' ILAVIIN. • Corn& .11ark0, and Becoud streeta. 10 DRUMS 0? 3 12. a 10 . f z o a r n ial vt c, ty co., Kolas and. 20 Wood stmt. WOOL - 'S SALVE - fottale wholesl4o and retail at the Drag Store JOHN SLUT, JIL, Carnet t Wood and Bath ttiv Eitt3bUrg" $6OO Fh lling _ C :n! int a ct lot o of irotl6o foet e by d :O e s pie n. ntly situated on hit WasisingtOn.. Terms els:: tea • • 01)T1.11:1ERT: BON;61 market t. 1U RS. ALLEN'S Hair Restorative, JAR, Drown'a,Ess. Jamaica Ginger, , Preston AgMerrills Cooking Extracts, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Thompson's Washing Compound, yson'slnd g elir sik, ueoan Campbell's starch, Borax, Ealtpetro 'Lomon Syrup. For °al° by B. L. FALINESTOOK a' CO., sy23 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth eta. IANItALLVS INJIGI 0 • ATOR.-1.0 grIIS kJ,soio bY A. FARM:STOW CO, LAM Caro w Wood caut nu antis! o !itirtir,tztaitiCN:,,lora J. tr. U. PHILLII'd, 26 und 28 13t.Cbir etroot L. R. BROOTEIALL, No. 69 South Sz-cond street, nbovo Chesnut, Plailadalphia JOS. HORNE'S. 77 Market street Noe it scsd 0 Wuxi a.,7e€l. MEDICAL: DR. MIANE 9 S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PILL WE beg leave to call the atter, tion of the! Trade, and more. especially the Physicians of the country, to two Of the most popu lar remedies now before the pubh We refer to Dr. Chas. Dlltine's Celebrated V ermifuge and Liver Pilla. We do not recommend them at universal Cure-ails, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. it has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to WorMs. THE LIVER, PILLS, For the cure of LIVER CON? PLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK. HEAD-ACHE, Sdc. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking qui nine, they almo# invariabi make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the{ proprietors, FLEMINGi BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they'will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that 'Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they ndw hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to REHM BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. S. Deal. rs aml I'h)4deians ordering fiiitn otherg than Fleming Pr 0., will i di. well to write their °H, rn distinctly. and take none but DrArianes, prepared by Fleming BroL To those wishing to giro them a trial, we will tor Ward per mail. post paid, to tiny part rsf time United State;,, one box of Pilla for twelv e ihree rent postage atumpi or smite fiat of Yertnifuge liar fourteen three-cent starnpaf. All orders from Canada must be accompanied by twenty centg extra. TVR 'LANE'S VERMIUGE AND LIVER groos on band and for aal. by 1 1 .4. L. FAHNESTOOdo CO. Coiner Wood. and Fourth ate' TR I IIATIMEN T E, Private and Confidential Medical Advice! AT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE llOSPl- TAL—Eatablirled tho cure of Syphilis, Seminal Wealances and tbo ilexmot ln rmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS SON, Sulfate, N. Y. Office oornor of Main and Qnay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SOIENTISIO INVENTION. _ _ An instrnmont for tho cure of Genital Debility, or Noctux , nal Emission; more properly known no Baminal Weakness, Ac. Can bo permanently c'irriti in from fifteen to twenty dap), by the 11G0 of ibis instrument, when toed conjointly with naelicinec. 1 YOUNG 3 - MN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICEL • Dr. AMOS 4 SON take pltssurein announcing that they have invented a most important a itr ument for the care of the above di:Razes. It hasi boon subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians hiLontlen. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been dodlared the only inetrumeM over yet invented, for the dare of Seminal Weakiiese,or any dleerao of the genitti cirvfne, cancel by the secret habits of youth. Dr. AMOS SO l 2, in order to satisfy the moot skeptical as to time merlin of their 124 trartizat, pledge then/Delves that In any instance whore they may grove tineatiefacitory after fair trial, the money willibe refunded by retnrntng the in• strument in good artier. ;- Portions Wishing the aboke sandal Inst - amont will observe that the price, with the ateempanying directions, securely packed and sent by ex - pre*, is ten dollars. NEW REMEIMIAS AND QUICK CUBES. Dr. AMOS a SON may lie consulted from eight o'clock the morning until nine at' night, in every stage o d ayrnp tom of the Venereal DireMb, Gonorrhcea, abets, :e °cindery Symptom; SorainallVeaktmes, Impotence and St , c turas of the Urethra, etc., with inviolable etcreey. Tho treatment they adopt in the result of Upward of thirty years' extensive and successful prudes - in London. The most inveterate ate, of Venereal Diseases ; eradiated in eight or nine days, nd cases of a elikht nature in two or three days, at a mod erate expenne. The curd effected without confinement or hindrance from basinem; nano, nodes and pains in the bone! and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURL) 'WARRANTED. Dr. ABIOS .t SON have devoted theirattention exclusive ly to this peculiar alms maladies, and the relief they have consequently been ertablisl to render' to their fellow-ere-stare a fully testified and greetfully acknowledged by convales centpatients and others daily arriving in town from all parts of the country, for the expreas purpose only of consultations while their exertions have been crowned with the most Big nal advantages; yet frora what they have experienced i• inquiring into the 2,xamies of these Infectious complaint (from their inert simple condition to that of the most den germ: and inveterwtea) they have always entertained the peeaibility of their provtintion and removal, and likewbe in variably found that the Most horriblo and mangnant forms of disease could almost always be traced to one of the fol lowing causes .I—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of un skilful and. improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AMOS .Ec SON have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautions coarst ; omitting all combination of remedies' which bear an equivocal character, as well as those whose premature or injudicious application, might be proauctivs of ;bad consequences ln the hands of private individuals. In Short tho !audible end of their re medies is the lamming lf a great mass of human. misery by the calculation, relief a d prevention of three grievous diction that are in reality the wont foe of life, and which, while they so extronielY surround us, call aloud for our skill and interference for their extermination. COIlliBlY INVALIDS. Persons in any-part of the world may be succwaftilly treated by forwardin; a comet detill of their with a remittance for inedicinra, &o. Addrees Dr. AllOB &SON, coroor Main and Quay strccts, Parini°. N. V. Ja2B:ditary IbRIVATE DISEASES.-DR. BtioWN'S IitLEDICUL and fiItItCIICIA_L Ofiless, ~, No. 60 SIiIITILYIELD Etreet, Pitts- - .....7...7 - -' Nk burgh, Pa. i ..:, 1 , 5 . 4 ;6-- Dlt. BROWN ia an old citizen of Pifta- Zi.. - -Z: '4 4; 0, " .:.....5 , !•:1.7.4 burg!), and has been in practice for Ilie tt AN„.... r .• ~.. last taitnty-fire years. Ills Dub:teas llas A, ± - pi . been confined mostly tolerivato and Stier ',.-"' fy* - '-de' k glcal Diseases. I• , ~,,, CT/TIMIS AND eiMANCII/113 i -t!...... "= - 4e-54 . ..,- , -t! ' . - In need of a medical friend, should :not: 6 ;2 ' tail to Ltd out the ante placa of reiloE The Doctor is a regular graduate, and • U. his experience in the tkatment era curtain alas of &Aso Is a mire gosnantee to the sufferers of obtainMg permanent relief, by the .so of hit( romedien and following his advice. DD. 1140W1111 ILT.IDDIE3 never fall to cure the tiorst form of Venereal Dismsea— Impurities and 2crof4lons Affections. Also, all dEseeure2 arising from a herodit.yy taint, vthith munlf.Yits itself in the form of a totter, pserlis, and a great many forma of akin diseases, the origin of tvhich tha patient la entirely ignorant To persons an ablitte?, Dr. B. oars hakes of a Euro and speedy recovery. - WEAF.102.9. Dr. trovrea remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on often by thatsolltery habit of sensual gratification which the young and weak•Mindeqoften give way to,(to thedroam destruction) are the only reliable remedies kumvn In thin country—they are solo, and make 6 speed; restcratiOn to health. Dr. Brown's r0me... 4 .1L9 115rf_Ir call to CEra thin pathl db. ease in a few days—he will warrant a cure. flu else treats Piles, Gleet, Gonorrhcra, 13icrar-^„, Urethral Discharges, re malo Weakness, Monthly er4ppre.- 4 1ens, Diseasce of. the Joints, Fistula In Ann, Nervous Affections, Pain in thelluk and Kidneys, Irritation of [ht.. Bladder, togither %Atli all Z tomics of an impare origin. A letter describing the Bp:dote:es, centainlog a no, di* rested to DR. BROWN, No. 50 Brnittodeld suet, Pittsbargbs Pa. wM'bo immediately answered., Bledlcine emit to any address, safely packed and r.43Caro from ol.7.n . rvation. Office and Pinnte Room., No. 60 timithiicld street, pulp • burgh, Pa. AN°T 11 E 1 rAiliply of Low 4; Sores superior London Toil& sus nor-Iced today, by JCS. • MR , ITNG, fold i Cornor Diontond and Market eared. OB R cards, .NT.D.IG.— Circular's, Price Lir,tejPali Lading, Lotter Ueads, show Bills, Laball j eto Printed in superior tt.yle at short notice, by WEL G. .1033.145T0N St CO, Printera, B Ask Boob Manufzetaran and Stational myl I - 67 Wood streak 111ILACK CIiAPE COLLARS.—Besot' iityka for ralt., at .103 Tall HORNET, 900 '7 nsrkott rtnret _EMONS-50 boxes Palermo, in No. 1 or• dor, just reelired and for solo by REsaunt ANDERSON, No, 89 Wood street, Oppodto the St. Charles - Hotel. A & BRO.'S PRINTING INKS-g,614 kat 9mr2ij J. V. NOMA