••• . VOLUME XVI, erlivsßuntai MORNING POST. I, r".*:a F erery nsornirip ( Sniudelyr m*Cgie.7) Y Ji,;,:5r,5 P. BAUR, T;Tr. osatrzu 03 'FWD STD ZIFTS SMITS, t, ;oar, payable strictly in advanceo .1. r 3 r• - ...pare.l if not paid within the year. Crs7 - 3---for sale at the counter in tl , o _New= boy, ?.....T'LL OF AnvnerisiNa. , JT.krizti .71410,1 o.^..ce. a , In Fiq.:l,ll ' - '" 3 weeki a t0f....411 teak. I paper. D nyrt'ani *********6o 751 75 imcrtlc4...E.„... 104 i ***** . 100 .... 1 75 ..... 50 ro ...... 300 1. P.• l 1 fin 100 '75 400 0. 200 1 100 500 3 • 60 1(4 1 5 - .0 m0uth,...........7 00 41 I 50 235 250 ....... .1 900 6 ,i 7.1 450 300 sOO !•.3m• mont!, 10 00 0 C. 5 600 356 460 ........ 11 GO 725 560 3 a 660 to..llth'; 12 00 800 eOO 400 060 .00 mentn'a 16 00 10 35 800 5 4 HOO Fe 00 1330 10 LeJ 6 a 13 00 and •:. Can% eiP HuL. , J 10 00 taaams 41? PLassa•ll.3: 4-7.•• ,; a momm, k r.zeittalvo ol the paper,) II 00 r.sge tislcont.3; Death nc•Uces, 25 cents. - 1-111 -1 1.. 1J BTU 1101-1 SATURDAY POST A M.,:_kiIAMOITI VV. EIEULV,. ONE , 'f;LE,I;4I ?ER YEAR, cLui.:6 ash; Etil3r-ertptiozza, - 43 par annum.. uol,\" lAI NS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS 72.711: 'dietary, Agrloulteiral, Commer Lnae..l, TelegrapLic and Miscellanuorm. .1.1.1 Poi .•r of the L12.67r1. , .? E, and neatly prints to wmte paper, In large, clear type, will be found by to give better eiatisfsetiou than any paper Pat burgh. ;07;3, 7,1.0 V..lAb to ti2le a paper from F teburgh, will Und SAPORDAV 003:2a eafo and peostable InvestmouL J.11.11./LS P. HARR, Editor and Pro'.rlator. 0. :0. a. sauna aa VI c & E S BOOK AI-ID JOB OFFICE , r.TJ:LIT,3DizTa.s. Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. r.nLIE un3.6:-.7.igned having made extensive or we LATEST AND ILANDSOIIEST STYLE e TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNLNG POST ÜBFIC incite tt ttentioa of Rail Road Officer bmirtes3 l 3 o,, and the public gouerally, to their Lei; in..-a for exe:utimr with diNsatch, on remeonable coma, all of T U.. , AND IYVViIIY MILER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING Et... - 4 - -Our material being nearly all now, we can hive may ef the racist us-dap:eta E r ftti,f,tC.;:ioll, and solicit erder! r PAMPULETS, ROAD BILLS AND C kP.DS, EA . NR: ;HECK'S, IlinINK NOTES, LITER BILL lIRADS, • BILLS LADING, orneutap.s, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER ROOKS, DEEDS, 510:tTGACillS, BONDS, .t" - Z -- Part:cola: nit,: 1, will also be paid to the printing If Posters, Progrn - anues, Ac. fur Concerts, Fvbibitions and 11, BARB, A 24Y3l:LS. BUSINESS CARDS. The PoopP.e'N State b'tore. D. S. DIFSFENBACHER & CO ', Cheap Cash Dealers in all kinds of Fashionable BOOTS, SllOllB AND GALITEItS, Far Gentlemen, Ladies, Youths and Children, no. 17 Fifth. Street, near Itiarket, ccB PITTSBURGH, PA. ;,.:.:hers WZI.10.01:03. • 9. b J0.01760N PERRIN JOHNSON, Proprietors of Chlde C Co.'s Paten: E..laetle. Fire and Water Proof Cement Recife :T. 133 TBIP.D STREET. n,RDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith- 1 Nt_f folly executed, and oil our work worranted. Itooling material always on hand, and for sale, with di ter:dons for me. sep2Gy JOS. F. 11AR:11.120N dr. Co., ENGII.NE .tri; 1.11,1 C IX AST'S ctracy of Pets) Liberty street!, PLlthurift, Pa. UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Saw Breweries. Printing Estabilsbutimtei tistinfactortes,.A.e., roads to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebrated .Muchintitie Tools, each as Turning Lathes, Iron Plisners, Boring and Drilling Machines, J;c. Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, hangers, Ac. La. Ja&lyd 101 l TEOY.P&X..I. 200Bla."T TUO=140:1. ..11. 0. .LO Pd THOMPSON & CO., 0 USE FAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND ORAINERS, No. 135 Third street. SIGN PAINT ING executed with neatness and de,patch. Mixed Paints, Oils Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Ville Montaigne Ziuck, a very superior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for Ba l e . We . are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the slant'st notice, as we have a Mill which grind.; by steam Pala ter! will e.ATO money by get ting their ecion ijeoural trarsily k7t7L - 7 =' - - GOLD AND SILVEII. SP MTACLES, T 21ANUFACTUttER 9 S PRICES. HYDROMETERS spiritA, tho cheapt suit pact articles Over ronzl,t to tine city. TiIERMONIETRRS A.ND BAT-METERS, varying in price from to VI) each. POCKET lIRVEYOR' tiua Laud ct S COMPASSES, U. I. RUN% 'B, Praztical Opticizn, 5 Frith &rut. Asiouic B. C. .51. J. EL SAWYER, i...2._..N - UrfACTL'III:II9 CT LARD OIL, CA NDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND 110 SIN SOAPS iil o. 47 Wootl atreet, Ittabargh, Pa. JOll FANCY DYERS AND SCOURERS, MY . s Ed imitla. fektre.42,t, Lrwr.zri Woo &ND STR.P.STS, All kinds of ShawLi, Dresses, Ribbons, and cc,.- j - &vim iption of Silk and Woolen (bode executed at notice, and on reasonable terms. [ap2B:Bm ofilee of Sealer of Weights and Measures. rriHE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, ,VALER OF FEIGH7',3 AND MEASURES, Y:117 to found henceforth, in Cherry alley, botuuun Third ra,d Fcarth etrt - ,t3, (There order] may be left tartattf flff TIT,FB BARN / . TS. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just e r..c. , 3iv,d, and for sale at the Stationery Store, Nog. 31, 33 and 35 Market street. TILE FRNNKIAN ALMANAC FOR 1859. !.!. —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pub. I by Johnston & ilto_cltton, after a lapse of years, will shortly be issued. The clrenlation4 as formerly will I, made by c to skillful mathematician, Sanford O. Hill, Esq., who will also prepare for its -pages such reading mat ter as ilI mate it en entertaining and instructive maga eaC. Bc.ddes the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingf.ta..,us table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lincs, and other matters of permanent value wilt be added. Orders of book-sellers and other dealers are solicitod La advance of publication, as. bnt ono edition will be printed, and orders will be filled according to priority. W3L G. JOHNSTON & AJO., t'abli4tere ' Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, Wood 57 strevt, Pittsburgh. je22 CriFIESE.-300 boxes good cutting Cheese received and for sale by :1728 HENRY H. COLLINS. QTARCH.-250 boxes Pearl Starch in store P 6,31 and for age by jy2G J ARD OIL.—We have - commenced mann factoring Lard Oil, and wall be pleased to receive or dere for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar ket. We will MI burrols returned when desired. a C. At bla , 43 Wood strwt. 0 -7 1 1 1NS - :- - 10 bbls. Onions for4salgtaist- COMPASSES, AND ER & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. HENRY IL COMM . 7 ` . , PUBLISHED DAILY BY JANES P. BARR, AT THE , g POST BUILDINGS," GORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM INSURANCE. REPORT OF PRE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE, COMPANY, At AVIRNS, BRADFORD COUNTY, FA., Jan. 1, 1858, ea presented to the Stockholders, and made out in compliance with the State Laws or Now York, Ohio, Indiana, Minas, an. BTATENC.Tr. The name of the Oompany le the FAILIIIEELS' UNION ni- SURANOE 0051PANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13, 1853, by the Legislature of Ponnsylyanla. Charter Perpetual. (lash Capital, which Is all paid up 3 200,000 00 Surplus in addition thereto 63,486 81 AtifiLTS. Filly-four Bonds and Mortgagee, at eix and Bever' It cent. interest, amounting In the aggregate t0...5152,315 Which mortgages , are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for In each cam, and in no case less than fifty 11 cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and ao certified by the Recorders, whele recorded. to the and tors 01 the States of Ohio and Illinois. ltin , :teen six ti cent. Bonds amply secured. 47,685 00 Oash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Oceh in bands of Agents, and In course of transmialor, secured by bonds with sureties 18,761 nj Duo on lasses re-insured, ac 7,838 51 Bills receivable, via: promisamy otes payable at bank and to the 8,240 5'2 Interest accrued, (principally due January 1,1858,) 1 10 40 Safe and office Fixtures and Furni ture 600 00 •$ 253,485 51 Amount of Premiums rezeivcd during the 115(101= FOR !RR YEAR 1857 year Am't interest riNtived daring the year Am't received front all other eources.... Expenses for the year, Including commissi4ne, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,199 66 Dividends paid during the year 17,000 0n Loesee paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1866 . 7,674 65 Losses pain which occurred daring tho year 4 , 3,661 64 LOS3c9 adjusted and not due (since $ 12,500 99 Lessee incurred and In process of adjustment 9,307 00 Losses reported, on which uo action has been taken 6,500 00 Losscn resisted, on ground ot Insur ance after fire, property transfer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, atc.. 12,100 00 39,407 99 Whole amen :1 of risks taken during the year...ss s ,4'29,862 00 Whole amount of risk at date 4,861,440 00 :TAWS OP PL.INSYLVAIIIA, COUNTY OP BRAIIIIMD, St. C. N. Shipman, President, and J. E. Canfield Secretary of the Farmers , :nlon Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the forOgoiag is a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de scribed 00;cers thereof C. N. STI.LP.S.IAN, President. J. E. CANFIELD, Secretary. Sul.q.-ribed and sucrn before me, this 25th day of Jana. ary, 11. C. BAIRD, Jugtica of the Peace. T. J. RUNT.E.t, Agent, apl7:l y No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. il ttE INSURANCE, BY TUB Etel:ac..ce 161SIL'rELLIC0 Co. OF PHILADELPHIA -011 EDILDINGS, LIMITED OE PERPETUAL, MEROBA.2I DISC, FURNITURE, &0., IN TOWN CR COUNTRY. ©face, Rio. 303 Walnut atreet, CAPITAL, 0177,920 ASSETS, 33051,433 510. I nvosted as follows, viz : First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double , the amount $120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 por cont. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 cost .• 26,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn'a It. R. Loaa. 10,000 00 Ponnsylvaula Railroad Co.'s Steel.: 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual lost:wane,' Co 10,150 00 Stack of County Fire Insurance Co 1,0.50 00 Scrip of Sundry Inzurance Companies 476 00 Rills ReceivaMe,ltufinrcs p0pe^52,711 60 hook Accounts, accrued interest, etc. - 3,836 10 Cinin cal baud and In Bank , 18,048 'At $252,466 SO OLEM TINGLEY, President. DIALOTORS. Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, David S. Brown, Coynelina Stovannon, John R. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Rnbert Tole.nd, Moses Johnson, Charles S. Wood, Jarrita S. Woodward, B. J. GAR uir3 North-oast cor. ERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Phi.le..delphis., WM. V. PETTIT, Presidcra J. lITANN, Secretary. ulann t or Capital Stock paid In avd invostad...s2oo,ooo 00 Lt4rple.3 63,42 S V. 63,428 8L Int'irns Oargo 111,.. 1 :s on the Ohio and !..flasinaippi Rivera and tribn tariee. lusurf,a against Iccs or damage by Fire, Also, aE , ,ainEt the Perils of the Sea and Inland Nhvigatlon and Traneportation. nlnmoroas: Wm. V. Petlit , J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pnmroy, D. J. 11,C au E. P. Witmer, Reno °anion, V. L. Woolst,n, John A. Marknali, elms. B. Wright, Jolla J. Patterson, Elwood T. Pnsey. OPPIONF.7: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, E. F. WITMER, Vic...! Pre.xide-:f. D. J. McCANN, Sc rd ry. it.S7BRANCI9: Fhito-d. 7 phia': in Parakielphia: Geiger, Lamb A C.D., Etehantitz, Jnatic.3A-Co„ Truitt, Bro.& Co., Buck, Morgan Stldfale, A. T. Lane A Co, Puiroy, Caldwell &Co. PITTSBUIIOII. OFFICE!, NO. 97 WATER BTIIEET. apt) IL P/. POINDEXTER, Agent. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HA YEA CLINTOIV COUNTY: CUART2RF-D Cr TES LEGISLATURE OF PERHSYLVARLA o.i.sh .....$300,000 I Premium N0ta...5182,343. rEILIIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, dm., in town or D1t..1104 ORS lion. J ne.J.Pcarce,ltion. G. C. liarvey,.lCharies A. Mayer, JJl:m G. Hall, jCharles CTlBt.Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrame, ID K. Jackman, IW. White, Thomas Kitchen. I.ION. G. C. HARVEY, President. T. T. Ar- 4Nfq Vice President. lilTOWiti, secretary. ar.ridlisNozl3: Samuel IL Lloyd, Dr. J. B. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. S Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James 1./niggle Wm. Vanderbelt, Hoa. Wm. Bigler, OFFICE-Iqt). 65 FIFTH STREET, Pyrrannann. de21:11 J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE A CGAITA.NY, OF PEDLLADELPELLL Dimivrosa—Charies W. Bancter, Thomne ant, Tobias Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob 8.. Smith, Geo. W. fticharchl, Mordecei D. Lewis, Adolphi E. Soria, David B. Browny Mora :is Patterson. MIAS. N. BA5101:131, Pr°lidera. Cass. G. BdsCs.C.,Oretary. Continue to make msaranoe, perpetual or limited, on every description of proporty,in. town and country, et ratew as low. as are consistent with security. The Company hare reserved a largo Contingent Fund, with their captml and premiums, safely Invested, af ford ample protection to the ensured. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1851, ea put:l- V:Led agreeably to au Act of acsembly, were as follows, viz: idortrage vas,rzs 88 Fie lc 84,877 78 Temporary Leans-.... 83,988 11 Stocks 431,1389 OJ Cash, 6: 84,848 81 Since their incorporation a period of twanty-ono years - , they have paid upward of line Million L'onr Hundred Then. rand Dollar-B,i oeaea by tire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of inenrance, ao wall ca the ability and diapobition ro mcet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COPAN, Agent, Once, north-coot cor. Wood and Third sta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURG H. GROB° E P.l liztlE, I re:Wont; Y. IL Clennese r /Secretary. 077101 No. In Water strczt, (apang g Co's Warehonse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will Ware against all kinds of - anu .11ARINBSIBKH. A Home Inatltatkm, managed by Diremr:, who are well knotty in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assamed r as offering the bast protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 81. st, 1857 Block Accounts, ...... age treble, ..... Office Furniture,. Open ........ Cady—. Premium Bills Disoonnted, ...... 8,478 04 ........... 14,611 46 40,746 59 125,003 78 Ir.s George Dareie, J. 5%. •Jameo McAuley, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Nolnues, D.M. Lang, O. W. Iticketson, ucnri4 lickAl:loW-3006 lha Ocrus , afar jip a mum 4 1341 $::.3,435 61 .4 65,23133 1/,412 05 2,480 00 $99,153 35 $90,435 S 6 Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Minter, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall 11111, Z Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowan, Wm. M. Semple. Pitteb'g . HINCLIMAN, Uocretary. lahNEt, COFFIN ; Agoat, or Third end Wood streets. $4212,708 444 $121,600 00 2,160 00 .. 4,161 61 240 00 $317,841 78 E. Miller Gem* W. Jr., Lokson, Men. g3peer.- Wm. ht, _ Alexander Nindok, Win: „EL Y.. M. GORDON". =IM3 INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. NO. 96 WATER STREET, PPETSBUIELGIPi t PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. Atitz. BB.ADLIIY, Vice President. V.A. Raman!, Secretary. 1 4417 This Company makes exery insurance appertaining to or oonnectedivith urn RISKS. 1190 against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Poll idea issued at the lowest rates cot e with safDty to all parties. DIRZOTOUS. Ebert Galway, Bamnel M'Olarken, Joseph P. Gazram, M. D., John Scott, Jataea Harahan, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David 11. Chataborm, Robert 11. Hartley, William Carr, Juo. Merlin. Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. OFFICE, NO. 99 WATER ST., PITTSBURGH. Assets.-Dlay 1, 1858. Stock, Due Bills—payable on demand and secured by two approved names $ 713,890 00 Oasis in Pittsburgh Trust Company 02,230 87 Premium Notes, 62 993 80 Bale fiewlvable.--.... 10,908 01 122 sharer.' Exchange Bank Stock—cost 6,950 00 99 do ?Socha , lcs' Bank Stock—cost ...... . .... 6,490 63 300 do Iron City Bank Stock—amount paid. 7,500 00 °J3O do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 5,000 00 Book Accounts 13,263 34 DIRUCTO RS. J. IL Shoenberger,G. W. Cass, W. K. ?.41caLA, I Isaac Al. Pennock, John A. Oanghey, W. W. Martin, C. W. Batchelor, B. T. Leech, Jr., IL D. Oochran, David McOandlesa James J. Bennett, George S. Belden. Wm. J. Anderson, J. 11. 110ENBERGER, President. BOST. PINNEY, Secretary. my6:lm CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTEfIIIIRGFI. WILLIAM BAOALMY, Prosildent. SAMUEL L. IHARBHum., Bccretory. 0177 CE: 94 Water ttreet,betwem Market and Weed streets iler flumes HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and Illimissippi Rivera and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by MEL Also, against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIBMOTOCO William Bagaley, Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Rea, Samuel M. Bier, James M. Cooper, John 8. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., Francis Sellers, Isaac M. Pennock, William B. Rays. Springer liarbangh, John Shipton, Capt. Saninel 0. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. 1a22 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chosnut Street, Opppaite the Custom Ilona°. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU BANOE, either Perpetual ,r Limited, on ovory descripton of Property or .11erchand.r°, at reasonable rates of premium. ROBERT P. RID::; ' President. M. W. BAIDWIIN , Vice President. DIRBOTORB. Charles Hayes, E. it. ('ope, English, Georg • W. Brown, P. B. ?Livery, Jcs:ph S. Paul, C. Shor2sain, John Clayton, 8. J. Alagargft, E. Wliz.r. B. BLACKBIIII.NE, Secretary. J. (1. 00171 N, Agent, Corner Third and Wood streets. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, PITTSIIIIROLI, PA B. D. MARKER, - (Formerly of the "Marker Ilotme," klaireeille, Pa.) rII E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLLIT.D AND OPEN FOIL GUESTS. It la situated in n central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The hone was built in 18.5 d, v,i..11 all modern improve ments, and fitted up in splendid styli—the entire Furniture lung new—and will in every reepret be a first clays Hotel. trine STABLES are attached to the promises. 1 JerZy CORNUCOPHE RESTAURANT. By ELI YOUNG, FIFTII STREET. . Tho attention of Merchants . c- , 7311.1 . 2344 - liE and others is directed to thisgi establishment, width has been recently fitted x r np for the purpose of affording n SUBSTAN. TLiL EATING 1101188 IN A CENTRAL LOCATION? Country folks attending market are particularly invited to till, Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will oiways bo found, of the freshest th 3 market affords. cp2Sclydaw EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWRY, Proprietor, Corner Main giftet and Youghiogheny River, Sear the Raaroad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. • THE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. PLETE order for the reception of visitors. It is bean tifullo located on the banks of the Youghiogheny river, and can be reached every day from the city by the Oonnellsvlllo lt.tilroad. The rooms are large, airy and well furntshed,and thecemid be no pleasanfor place for a few weeks summer residence in the country. A few laminae can be accommo dated. Terms moderate. Address A. LOWRY, my26.-tr West Newton Pa. THE Minn SALOON , Under Foster , a New National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, ITAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre store in the ODD FELLOWHHALL. Filth sn'eet, to a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND aALOON. Having had many years' exp. rience In the btutineasy he la prepared to supply the best the market affords. Ls Bar will be furbishedat all times with the beet WINES, 'LIQUORS AND ALES. The en trance to the Saloon, to in the centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Stuidays arcs .ted. aplskly WISHINGTOII HOUSE, COR. PENP/'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D.C. A. F. BEVERIDGE PROPILIETRE B. H. W. KANAGA. . So HOTEL 9 Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. [J.315 WASHINGTON HOTEL, voRmERLY 0. S. HOTEL, PITTSBUIIGH, PA. JA2128 BRANNON, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the GENTRAI, AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and hasoandergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most wave nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, Bent or West. nayS:ly .XANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ pacaltam No. 344 Liberty street, Just beside the ger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient house in the city for passengers cirri p 1,314 that road. proprietor hating, at considerable emproure, fitted up, excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully &Akita share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid ST.ABLB and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will bo furnished with the test the market can afford. febLy Excelsior Restaurant, 1 4 10 N. 111 VP DOD Street, Pans - maw El, PA, WHOLEBALE AND arren DEALER IN LANE AND ESETERN FISH The undersigned has just roceired from the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOOR„ FRESH OOD FISH, EASTERN SUN FISH, SRVERAL VARIETIES OF LAHR FISH, New York Prlausets•flay, Egg Inland, Egg Harbor, Shell Oysters. The fittest OTat brought to this city. kvery delicacy of the season served up at the mammon RESTAURANT. spzlyd S. STIONIMOII. QT. CLAIR HOT.M., corner Penn and St. 114,, Olalr streeta, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The rusdarzigned, former , ly of BroWn'a Hotel," having taken this large and oommo ons HOZEL,and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. _ Assured, with the convenience of the ..usemid his long experience in the business, & n ets n give lintireaathihelon, and his charges moderate. - VIM 0. lUppintott, Shiorten & Ptarson, NO. BA WOOD =BEET, NUB 115TH. . _ KANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Vae noes, Oat and Bonn& Boxes, Ladles Traveling ..c*rPot Bags , *e l ks-eV constantly te hand a lam stock— w . m-aro-Plyilatoll to 40 whol.- - e tads, and hay. Oft " ,- .114040.30 41121 t out: good stock at xattloa prlpes, we itucattolltrilut tilde to call ea examine our good.be. 01 1 1MPIIONNSit .1114 PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1858 t 258,341 15 To which we respectfully invite your attoothiirt, at No. 76 SwitLdeld stroa. S . A. JOHNSON a BRO. tta.. County and City Rights for awls. apl29ea AllatES' WORM CONFECTION', NFECTION,CION FECTIONCONV NOTION CONVE O PION OONFEU TION,C ONPECT I ON,OO NYBUT ON,CONFEOTIO ~ ..„N,CONFECT lON CONIiPECTIoN The mast pleasant, cafe and effectusi WJitito Ramedy now in use. Prepared and Bold, wholesale and tomil, by ANGELL Cor. Wood and 81.1. th sts., Pittabori,h, Pa , And sold by Dromritate tr,tiieroilc. • 6,21 CHARLES LIVERY STABLES. A. The undersigned has bought Coo Jens° , of the above named Stn%ilas, to. gather with a portion of the sive stock of Gorses and late the property of James Mathews, dtc..tased. In additi o n to the stock. before-mentioned, he has also added a r,malair • BINS HORSES, BUCU A.N4 CARLIACILS, which wore formerly emplo)ird at Livery Ntabl•e i^ Third, below Wo,istr,sit. As he gives lain personal att. lion to the hi:mines., a coatinuance of the patroung, which he has hitherto rectilvi fruit, public is eolicited. JACOB Bt. E!mrlos Livery - Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE and any um:Libor of CARRIAGES can eslirays Lu procart,l for Vunerals. do *1 THE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by 13. U..t J. L. Sawyer, re recelvee the preference over all other kinds ever offered f family nee. Its advantages over other Soaps sr.):—lst. It IS ci,p er to use, one pound being equal to threo rosi n Soap. 2d. Half the time used only be occupied in washing when this Soap is need in place of other Soap. lid. Labor in washing am be nearly dispons, , d with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Boiling the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap to Used, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. Oth. Printers, Machinists, Painters undothers, find it far emn3rior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin sett, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, tabs one pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into 14 tab containing about tea gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Lot them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease spots, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. Jaria- Observe our name on each bar. PROPRIETOR, Nor sale, in any quantity, at our warohoruie, No. 47 Wood stroet, and at our works, oppoaito tha Round Houso, Penn sylvania avonno. B. C. J H. SAWYER, ap2l No. 47 Wood stroet. UCKIVIIEAT FLOW:.-20 saoks Bunk- Ile wheat Hour, EO b eackd, just received and for ease by 3100ANDLESS, MEANS CO., (411 Coma' kVood and Water carpets. FLOUIL-25 bbl e. SuNrllao.Fiour received and for sale by MeCANDLESS, MEANS Es CO., fe2o Cornor Wood and Water streets. .LIMIGRANT ItIFLES.—A moat desirable 3:41 and cheap woapoa, at IJOWN TATLEY'S, et 14 Ma 130 Wwal LARD. -A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, just received and for all,: by MotaNDLitBS, MEANS a 00., ia23 Center of Wood and Water streets. SI PICES.- ZS baga Pimento; 100 " Grain Pepper, Ala reeeted aad for eats by NIILLIIII dt RTOISETSON. mr.l6 v , r •,;11 eD.4 20 I.lb, , rgy streAt --- - NEW ARRIVALS.—We aro taking into store, (129 Wood street) an isarnensa stock of Rua Paper for Jobbing pupates; also Letter, Cep and Not^ ; Envelopes in great variety; Manilla Papers, of every else, and as Obeap as they can be bought in the East, where we offer wholesale or retail, very low for Oath. apt PIO. M. PERKINS CO ifAKE FlSll.—Whito Fish, Trout, Salmon, and Pickerel constantly on hand, a fall stock to supply the weolesale trade, br lIENRY COLLINS. ORANGES. -300 bas. sweet, just received and for wile by REYMER 8 ANDERSON, No. al Wood str,,et, myl7 Opposite the St. Charles Hotel, BROOMS. -1.00 doz. Extra Corn Brooms on hand and for sale by alp 2 R. C. L• J. H. SAWYER. _DUSTER TRIMMINUS-' --Drab and Gray Rueter Binding and Tassels, Just opened at are 2 JOB. uoium.,l3, 77 Market street. NEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the moat graceful shapes, on has9:l at BORNE'S, ruy 8 77 Market street, Q., -- EED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels IV Seed SwK.t Potatoes, received and far sale by JAMEn A. FETZER, rIV Claraccr Haricot and Era: streets pICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re calved end for sale by JAMEd A. FETZER, feZ) Ooraer Market and First streets. DERFUMERY.—Lubin's, Bazin's, Wright's, Glenn's and Harrison's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at JOB. FLEMDIG'B, Oarner,Diamond and Market at. RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; kilter Gloac Starch ; Heoker's Farina; Baker's Oocoa and Broma; Fresh Cocoa Shell Received and for Halo at ELL U M COPYING BOOKS.—These WAS possess great advantages, over any others; the paper being thick and etroug will not tear when wet. It take. a most perfect impreadon and is convenient to refer to. When once in use their snpaziority is apparent. Bold by W. O. JOHNSTON G O)., Jc3 Stationers, 67 Wood sf. $9OO FOR SALE—A two story brick hence, of six moms, well arranged, pared Yard, with hydrant, bake oven, smoke hone, The hone, h good repair. painted and papered. tiltuate on East Lane„ Allegheny City. Terms easy. S. CUTHBERT & SON, /Y 27 61 Market street. RAY STATE APP PARING MA AS OKINR.—A VERY USEFUL AND SUPERIOR AR TICLE—By five turns of the crank, the apple is PARED. CORED and SLICED. Patented, November 11th, 1858, and FebrnarY 17th, 1857, in Europe. For sale In any quantity, at No. 74 Wood strati., Pitts burgh. ;Please call and examine for yourselves. .132 SAMUEL FAIMSTOOK„ LAKE PIS 11.—A large supply of White Trout, Salmon, Herring, &c., neared and for sale by J 92 6 HENRY H COLLINS. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR BALE.—An undivided third part of that valuable Property, situate at the corner of Sixth and Wood streets, nsalng 100 feet front on Wood by 00 deep on Sixth Street. One-third of the above will bo sold for $9,000. Oae-half in hand—balance at one, two and three years. , 8. 01:7711BERT & SON, Jyl I 61 Market street. HIWAULIO PREBEND CANDLES.- 500 boxes Hydraullo Premed Mould Oandlee, made evenly few Bummer use, on band and for sale by BCL J. 11., SAW7IIII. BE--300 ra. this day arriving, and tank by (au2) ,MUlt 00.124DM BOOKS AND STATIONERY _ R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Succonsor to B. T. O. Mornn n,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOORS, ' PERIODIOALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Pifth stroot, Pittabuigh, Pa. n026:1y Co-Partnership. pIIE undersigned have entered into Co- Partnership, under the style of Wm. 0. Johnston & Co. SAMUEL H. JOHNSTON, Jlt., WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON. Pittsburgh, Soptombor 5, 1867. IL JOUNEITON, JR WM. O. I ouNsTom. WTI. G. JOHNSTON ar. CO., QTATIONERS, Blank Book !Manufacturers, IJ an JOB PELENTERB, Nu. 57 Wod dtr(.t:L., Lrci and Fourth, Pittsburgh, P. rAO TOBACCO AND SEGARS, W & D. RINEHART, Ell=l TOBACCO, SNUTF AND CIGARS Safety and 11 cone/ y lln Light. WIIY WILL YOU BURN CAIiIPIIENE AND FLUID, when you ce g•c a cheiper and tad ter light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made kr,.,ni the Fay (40mm°' Coal, produces the cheap Lat, mpst brilihut, steady, pleasant and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no danger of ezpleslan; more brilliant Chau gas; and quite as cheep; Lampe of the most simple and easily managed coo. atructlon. hot sale by T. D. Jr. O. lIODRINSUN, No. 7) Smithfield etroot, .. Beware of a coauter`ell alrewlv la the market, made from Camphene, with a little Coal al to BGif t lt. ife27:ly COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO TIII IA A.l) 1 S . THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, nad we call the attentloo of the Ladies to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Gan be done with economy, without upovessi - Fe heat, with oat soot, and with despatch—the tire ining always rewlyfn a moment—by using hlusgrave , s Gas Goal:sing St4ve, JAYNES' TEA STORE, SS Fifth strut IN dLL C1117.43 0T No. 1:19 WOOL) 1; TREire ALOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad station 30 by 100 foot will be sold for V. 2,75, one-fourth in hand, remainder at six years' credit. S. CUTHBERT SON. my2o 61 Market street. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. Ie"PAILLELTTD, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT ho has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, best quality and most elegant demerit). dons, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And pith such a character of workmanship, as cannot fall to satlafy and please the most fastidiona tastes, Linyl9 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.-- The fLrm of HAWORTH BRO. hi BROWNLEE wee, on the 3d of May, 18b8, dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of JEHU HAWORTH from the above arm. The accounts of the late arm will be Bottled by HAWORTH .1; BROWNLEE. Apar JEW:, IIAWORTU, In withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons o, the late firm, fur the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and Would kindly recommend them to his successors, LIAWORTH BROWNLEE, as they are determined to sell at low figures, baring a very large assortment of CHEAP GROCERIES, WINES and LIQUORS on hand. ifs` DAVID lIANWORTII and. JABIRS BROWNLEE have this day associated together, and will continue on the ousiness at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamond and Dia mond alley, under the style of HAWORTH A BROWNLEE, whore they hope to receive that patronage ao liberal! given to the old firm, as they are determined to sell CHEAPER than any other Store in the city. myl3 NEW FABRICS IN - DRESS GOODS.-- A. A. MASON CO., Agra., NO. 25 Fifth Street, Are now opening rich Dress Silks, Beragea Ord; Parid Athl a aploudid aoloctloa of S P - LUNG SHAWLS. (apl QEED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to close consign went by JAS. A. FETZER, ap23 Corner Market and First streets. CIOMPOUND S YRUPS OF PIiOSPnATES, OR OHEMIOAT, FOOD—Thls preparation 18 not in tended as a popular ernedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply the waste of elementary matter during the progress 9f chronic cases, particularly in Dsspeplia and Consump. idol'. Pith preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greatful to the stomach, and does not none. eate by protracted use. Sold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH FLEMING; Je22 Corner Diamond and Market street. CIOIINTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Bacon,juat received and for sale by JAMES A. PETZEIe,' ray 4. Corner Market and That streets fitl ROOM CORN.-41 tons first quality reo'd tl and far sale I mrt I 1114NRY bl J'ANCY FRENCH BASKETS.—A nice assortment JR.'S opened, 110/INS'A ' tayS 77 Market street. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Ulazr, sasorted sizes, for sale by WIL H. SMITH & CO., mr.:B 118 Second, and 147 First straw. WINDSOR SIIADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Mao, shade Trimmings, &c., always on hand at and for sale cheap by poi - A RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to A. 10 inches in diameter. A largo supply Just received at the India Rubber Depot of J. H. PHILLIPS, my 2 9 26 end 28 tit. Olair street. W4LL. PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all tEMIde for sale at reduced prices, by IONGLISII GLASS INKSTANDS—Cat Li and pre!!ed, with Glass Laid Bronze Tops jel4 W. S. HAVEN, Stationer. APS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES-. lowa, Ohio, Paansylvania, Nebraska and Kamm, i+itssouri, Henturk - y and Tennesee, Virg - rds, etc, for salo by J. It WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, fold No. 82 Wond grreet, near fourth. RYE FLOUR-25 bbls. fresh ground Rye Flour, i oreived and for sale by 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale b 7 B. L. HAHNEBTOOK & CO., Jel2 No. 60 cor. Wood and Fourth amen?. DRIED PRAOILES--12 saoksohoice bright dry Peaches received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER., JeZ Corner Market and First sta. CHEESE. -200 boxes W. B.; 225 " En glieli Dairy Mom, tor sale by (.1 8 _ 2 21 intlsrilY EL COLLTIVEL APPLES.-50 bags; 160 kbW a t r ites eic r sale a by JeZl er ß a l l EN APPLESV-20 blAsifioigaz rsw TOOTH PASTA nada:the suparytdon of Da HonraWai Den brash by JO& GI REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CLITISIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market stroot, for the sale and purcbasa of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, .c,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, &c.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, ac, oclB ---____ BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. BAPEBISC7O.—Messra. Hanna, Garretson & Co., Rob, Pork, Esq. Jyllry WESTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STRE2:T, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Iles for mile Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, fur Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. Ali letters of inoujry answered gratis, by addressing me as abare. Wallay PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and Ance, all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, Ace., all In good order, with a dwelling boast stable and two lots of groand, situate in douth Pittsburgh, and will be sold on very easy terms by 5, OUTHBELIIT & BON, I oil 61 Market street. LAW RENCI COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, in exchange for land. ap22 8. OUTTLBERT & SON, 51 Market Et. A STE ,AM MILL in complete running or _ dcr, with dwulling home, etc., near the city, fir daft] by S. CUTHBERT Br. SON, up'24 61 Market street. - - VfiESTERN LANDS of good quality, dale or exchange for Real Estate In the city S. CIITHSEAT & SON, 51 blarke I el FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE--A valuable property of 150 feet front on Covington et, Ltwrenceville, by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, Brich Dwelling !louse of 7 rooms well arranged,bath room, porch, yell of water arid pump, stable and'coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor;•great variety of dowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a o mplete and plessaot re idena. Price low, and terms accommodating. _ . . 8. "UTHBEET & 80. N, Real Estate and General agents, G elb 61 Market street. r#lllE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for sale by S. CUTHBERT & SON is 3U by 105 feet. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $275 to $4OO each. Terms—One fourth in hand; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Office, 51 Market street. IQEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at such prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front on wide streets, are of easy access by railroad, and ure very desirable locations for family residences Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lota is to be seen at jel2 61 MARKET STREET. , OR SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of chore Prairie and Timber Land, situated in N •rthern lo= a and .onthern Minnesota, embracing the finest lot f farming Lands ever offered in this market, as they are located conveniently to Mills. Towns and lines of Itallroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to emigrants and catalogum giving locution, description and price of the land, with a bred desertpttOn of the counties :n which they are lorated, can be hod oa application at our race, and they will be cent free by wad to persona sending 1111 their address. WILLIAM FRAZIER & CO., niy:G:tf Joned Building, No. G 7 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN lIAND,•wiII secare a. a. Building Lot of 25x100 feet on Mt. 'Washington.— Price, sloo—slo in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Al so„ a Lot of 50x100 feet for $250—525 in Band, balance in payments to snit purchaser. S. CUTEIBSIIT & SON, Je23 61 Market elreet- ACRES of Land and a comfortal.le Ilonse, sitnate near the 'Washington Turnpike, at abont 3 miles from Jones' Ferry, will be sold on easy terms. liarnetliata possession. P. CUTHBNRT & SON, Je23 51 Market street. J. k H. PHILLIPS, 26 and 23 Et_ Clair street. W. P. MARSHALL A CO., Wood ,fleet JAIfCB A. ITEM.% Corner Market and Pint areas ...f 7 ' '74 ..'; .-:.' ;'' . .: , . ,, ': ', •;: i, :g7. ' ''..'' ' ';'' ' ' '''''T7 ...i';' .:,, .. -:: •: i t 7. ? ' " ' ; 'fr : . ' ''i ' .:. g.4'::':15q:]7;.0: C,onciating of SIXTEEN of their ❑ew Bevon Ottave and Six and a lialf Octavo Pianos; haveJnat been received, and now ready for examination at the warerooras of the sub- CIIIORERING & SONS' PIANO ITORTES are not furnished by them to any other honsoin this city, and all orders must be directed to the subscriber. FUNDS= prtr ri t FULL GJL&ND PIANOS! n-rit AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, foom the ManufacbTy of OHICKERING 1t SONS', IiNTON, just received from tho manufactory of Ghickering & Sone' Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES : One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price $BOO One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price .$7OO One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, Heart v equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price $BOO WARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Gifford style. Two Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Throe Walnut, plain round front corners, Govan octaves. Four as 4* a n If 61 u Four Rosewood " 6 All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOHN 11. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street., dol7 Solo Agent for Ohickering do done'. CHARLES LEIVIS, ALDERMAN , And Lx-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH STREETS. All business connected with this office will be attanded to with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy--suca as Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, Ac. Miss to Beal thitate examined. To the members of the Bar he tenders his services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be read in the several Courts of this state, and elsewhere. Ilia office is one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently Ills facilities in executinz business of that kind are very desirable. I e10:1y TAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE 51 AGISTRATE--Office No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court House, Attsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Proeates taken; the Records examin ed, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Wills, Leases, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all I._aduess in the line of hie official duties, promptly attended to. ra. Office hours, from 7% &. It. to 1 P. nt., and from 2 to 6 P. m. apStly pERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to purchase good farming lands, are informed that we have for sale 682 acres of land in Boone county, lowa. Also 641 acres of land4ri Franklin cotuaty, will be sold on easy terms by ~ B. CUTHBERT at SON, my.ls 51 Market street. (IORKS FOR PRESERVE JARS—An im moose stock on hande.ilit the only CORK 314,11171 AC TOBY in tho city—No. 76 B"mitb6eld street. Jyls 11. OVERINGTON. ADWELLING HOUSE on Third street for rout. S. CUTHBERT & SON, )023 61 Market street. MACKEREL.- • 26 barrels No. El Largo Mackerel; 36 I A cc cc c " reed and for a do by - 1/Y 2B ) H. COLLINS. ..._ . CILARET WINE.— IL/ 20 cases N. Johnston A Sons Medoo Claret Wine; 10 " " " St. Julien Claret Wine 00 " 0.0. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for male by lIIILLMI Ac RIOKETSON, mylB Nos. 222 and 223 Liberty atreot. 013E.M.ICA_L OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes t../ Chemical Olive Hrasive Soap, on hand and for sale by _,.i dr B. O. A J. H. SAWYER. J , ACON.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoal . dors, Stdo3 and Hanle, plat received and for sale by JAB. A. YETZEIR, uly26 Corner rJarizet and BIM streets. IrNDIUO.-2 oases Manilla Indigo, just re ceived and for sale by mylB MILLER 1c RICKETBON. TIMED APPLES.-50 briah.Bright Dried jur Apples just received and for sale by FRESII NUTS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell " 60 bags Filberts; 30 Cream Nuts; 30 " Pecan " 2000 bns. Ground " 6000 Cocoa " Just received and for sale by RHYMER A ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, Jet) ' Opposite she St. Charles HoteL JEffII EULVVORTII caTOCKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC. Suitable for the approaching, hot 01%8011,011 hand by jeB JOB. HORNE, 77 Market street. gri LASS.-500 boxes 8810, 9x12 and 10x12, I , o, 7 1 - 07 Rah) by (eat HENRY FL COLLINS. e i - OB PRINTING. __ _____ Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Label Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. 1,2 ACRES of choice land, with good im provotuerAts, near the city, for sale on easy terms by 8. CRITIEBERT t 80N, Jelo Lt market street. 303 AORF4S of Farming Land, near Uniontown, Pa., for Bale at $8 per acre. 8. OUMBERT & 801N.1, 51 Market et. - CALLS I BALLS! BALLS I—A large as sortment of Foot, Solid and Bat Balls, Just received and for ealo, wholesale and retail, at the India Rubber Depot 28 and 29 St. Clair street, my 29 J. g u. PIIILLIPS. F'S!PANS 11—Palm Fans by the caso, or dozen, single. at Eastern pricea,with other varieties cf Fancy Fano, for sale at norms's, jet 77 Market street,. EMONS.-100 boxes Palermo Lemon; Just received and for Bale by RHYMER ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, myl7 Opposite St. Charlm Rotel. LARD OIL. --. 60 barrels Extra No. 1 Lard Oil; 25 " No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by (mylB E. 0. .4 J. IL SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of u strictly pure Old Government Java Coffee. Also, La gnyra and Rio Coffee, at JAYNRS' TEA STORE, 88 Fifth street. [IRE BLACKB.ERR AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal pnrpoeee, at HAWORTH & BROWNLEE'S, .1 8 5 in the Diamond. BOOK RESTS—Made of Mahogany and well flulibeil, for alga by W. IfILVEN, Stationer. 41 ILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large assortment always on hand or made to order. w. 8. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second streets. y AWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various 1 4 1 Elm and colors always on hand, at AFARM of 238 acres, near Economy, for sale by S. CIIIIIBBILT di 50x .1517 61 Market diva. L'RENOH LEMONS.-20 just received an for sale by AND'S:I3BON, No. 89 Wood fared. CIERMAN DRAWING PAPER --Lln . rolls Ur for Engravers, for ode by J. B. IMAM, tutu vimiofl *treat ses7 Worth., ciym BANDS, Port" Folios,Desk Pads, Bankers Cam, Part Blonal9r, an Pocket Books, for sale by _ ,W. B . HAVEN'S,apIV Corner Market sad _Bac . streets:l o_IINNY SACKS.---300 kirge.three bushe, NJ, Granny Backs, new and In &dater, for gala by PintAß Teets °arm' and'itsaket streets. it*ua, re - 41774d N./ WI deg, and for - sale by RHYMER ANDIO,BON, No. 80 Wood And, : m 7 24 Owens ft. %aria Hotel. - ....:.,,•: - ;:..- - ;::;:i:::-- , •::,4F: , 1- . J _g.'zil::.?;;pl:.-.:7=tg;F',E',7 X +?~ ~r PIANOS AND MUSIC. THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK -011- PIANO FORTES, FROM TUB MA.NIIFAOTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, BO 'TON, Notice. JOLLY If. REVLON, • No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chichering h Sons' Pianos, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 1 I ALDERMEN Alderman's Oillee. Jet& A. FETZER., Corner Market and Second ats4 J.lt WELDIN, Printer and DimLr, Wood street, near Fourth VV. S. HAVEN'S, Corner Market and Second eta. • • • 4;;;;A",`, 4.4 , w. 1 AcARD Rom DR. JAMES c JAR: ... RETT, OF THE NEW YORK LUNG INFIEUsi ( ARY.—My connection for the past eight pasta with the above Inatitation,Fas Chief Physician , and a twelve years' coarse of steady devotion to the Unroof Palincinary Oen. samption and its 'kindred diseases, together with,,my ult. rivalled opportunities and advantageefpathological research —aided not a littlo by a perfect system' ef..Me.didadlnhaitt. tiers--has enabled me to =rive at a decisive, direct and aim. ceesfol course of treatment fiii the posit:iv* and Yadical cure of all diseases of the,Thrtiat, Laws, and Airstlisevas. , By Inhalation, the vapor and .carative properties of Median= are directly adressedlia the'diseased =gang and the past's., snout . I do net adviie the me of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exchision of general trealmen4' and althaugh I consider It a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deep:fit - very no. ceasary that each patient should have the benefit' of , both general and local treatment, The success of my treatment in the above diseases; and the high character.ofthcillatitte. Lien ovror whi-h I have so long had the honer, to presichwe too'ivell knearn to abed any 'eulogy Orconiteent froth me. At the wilt:Ration of many private and professlonalfdends, through whose philanthropic aid the abotracharitylaibeen long and liberally enpported, end after due bensideratien, X have concluded to make such arrangements =mill bring the benefits of my • experiments and "treatment milthirt the reach of all, and not confine myeelf, as heretofore, to those only who entered ttie Infirmary, or who were able to visit me at my office. hoping therefore that the arsangement will give entire satiefaction, both to my professional-broth. ran and the publicif would - respectfully announce, in eon elusion, that Icon now be consultedpersousaly or by nuer,e's all dis(weei as above, and that the medicines, the dame as used in the Institution ' prepared to suit each individual case.; Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, d3c.,4&., will be forwarded by express to any part of the United litotes or the Oanadas. ~L'E,E2IS-11.1y terms of treatment by letter ate' as follows, viz: $1.2 per month for each patient Which , will include medicine sisfficient for one; month's use Lana In. haling Vapor, and do tahalitig • ApparattiS,'" , PAYinalttlisfon , lows: $6 to be paid to Express Agent on Twig Of the box, of Alediclue, and the balance' $0 "atdie 'diplration'etthec month, if tho pod .:It be cured or ,is tutirely aaddied with the treatment. Pa 'nuts, by giving a full • history of their case, and their eymptdms in full, can be treate(i; arwell by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing them selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely iifioil Immediate' an i permanent relief, as he seldom has to treat a case.over (dirty days. finlike for advice promptly answered." For' further particulars, address JAMES M. JARTIETZ M.D., No. 8j) Broadway, icor, Twolith St., H. V. , ' P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the City are re. epectfully invited ti:( call nt the Infirmary, where many interesting cases can be witnessed, and where our rira proved apparatus ter the inhalation of medicated vapor; can be seen and inspected. - Jy3o:6m 114 - 11,ITAIRY ENCAkIi'M E'N'T dR STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. Iluountz, 011AMIIIII, Harrisburg, JULIO a, 1868. J It is hereby orJured, that's "Camp . of Instruction" be bald at Williamspdrt, Lycorning county, Pennsylvania, the present year, and! the Adjutant General of the Common wealth is directed to fix the time thereofto takerchargo of. the arrangements.ko attend In person, and to limo the necessary orders to the ileneralStaff and other Military officers of the Oolmonwealth in relation to the same. M. F. PAOlilflt, Commander-in•Ohlef. ADJUVANT GINE:66IM OPlaan, Harrisburg, June 8; 1858. In obedience td the above order from lieed4aarters, a " Camp of Inatraotion " will be bold at Wilthumtport, Ly coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 IL, on rrateadiay, alto 2t,h clay of Sept.enaineit7,.l 858 To continue untiIiSATURDIY, the 11th day of said month, at 12 x., of said day, to be called Camp " Bn.squehanna." 1. This Eucampment is intended to include tho uniforin ed companies throughout the State, who ore earnestly re quested to be in prompt attaudumo. 11. The Major Hanerals; Brigadier Generals; and Brigade Inspectors of the several uivistona and brigade's, arereq:dred to report to my office as soon as. possible, what companies and Mid officers Fcill be in attendance from' their lespective commands—with r ithe number of men in each company, the names of the Captains, and their Post Office address.' HI. The Aids ...le-Camp and all other Dicers of the Grand Staff of the Commander-in Chief are ordered to be in at. tandems, armed''nd equipped in fall parade dress- EV. All companies in attendance are required totring with them all tolitt and camp equipage they may have." V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every brigade, will report at once to my office, what equipage belonging to the State is In the limits of their command VL The Majer!General of the Eleventh Division, Gem D. K. Jackman, shall be the senior officer oil duty, and ha is hereby charged With the immediate arrangements for said Encampment, atel is o4lerel teifeport to this offieh ter fur , they instructions:, By Cyder of the Commanderin•OhieL EDWIN o.' WILSON, jelo Adjutant General Of,Penzu3ylvania. MILITARY GOODS. • - - THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT LY on haxid a complete stock or MILITARY GOODS SIVORDs, aASHES; Vc?unteer Companies rtrEmunco MTH HULL EQUENKENTB AT egou maid. Alia AND BUNTING FIAO3 MADE TO 'OitDEIL Jr4o. 2. HPFADDEN •Xt; 'SOD/. , 95 MARKET. STRUM.' SAM. FANNESTOCE, No. 14 Wood street, Pittiesliurgith, W AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM Li! ENGLAND-- WALDRON & GRIFFIN'S` ciEurunrm CORN AND. GRAIN SUICITIE, Com HOES •;' PATENT AED 00h1MONAN1711,8; STEEL traps, very oupetior , Drawer Locks, very allperlor Gnu, Locke, Tinned and Ennemelledliatem"Panarßastizik SPOOnly Braes Ca.ndle,stelm, Timm C0c10,13 ram Stair:gods, Dramas and. Measuring Tapas, Superior Waiter; Curry Combs Teacee, CoiJi Fifth; Ton gnu, Strotchand Breaet , a variety of other tde, all of which . will be eald at mod. orate term.' apla JAMES MILLINGAR,*MONONGAHELA PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform .thApnbila that he has rebuilt dine the are, and having enlarged hie establiahment, and filled it: with the newest and , moat up-. proved machinery, now prepared to furnish flooring anti planed ficiarde,rowliirawring and renviing, debra, ta - ell and ihnttere, kiln dried, framee, moulding!, box making, tie. qmith ?MAl:ugh, iloptember 7,1357. Kelp GENTS' SHOES AND OAI'rERS a PEOPLI2B 1 A SIE/E. A 81%./El2, Gi I No. 17 FMB ST. I . . a. • _ "INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMES.—The beet article in ate. ) Put received at the India Rubber Depot, 2a and 28 St. Clair street. my 22 i tri, CLOTH CitASll-1.500 yards of vari ky ons patterna and ividthz, Just received from the fan toFy, for sale wholesale tar retail, by J. lc IL PMICLUPO r 26 and 24 St. Clair *tarot LASS.-300 tt1:309 EiWk3wWilizes Wind ow ' Gleam, good country brand, fir Bale bS my 6 I.IO.NRY 11. COLLINS. _ ROOMS.-50 rea'd and-for sale :by: nnal ru.,,.'N.RY a COLLINS, RISH.-500 Daclie.,, ,, es White Fish, Salmon, and Trout, for sato! by (my 27) IL B. COLLINS., TNO,-D, WORE/01 `1 1 8 COLD PRINTING IN' E—Eold by 1 - rur2ll .i. "OLDIN. CIORN.-10 bags shelled Corn received and ‘,./ for sale by (Jed l ELENRY IL COLLINS. CIOIINTRY BAOON.-1000 lbs. euxultry %,/ Bacon, Hama, Shodiders and Bldes t reoeived and for tee by JAB. A. FETUS, yl2 ; ccrnor Market and Viral sir CECK BOOKS,----On all the Banks an, Broken, ea IV. 2. HAVEN, mr24 Prluta m.(lBtationer. aALAI) 01. L.-1 baskets pure,just,reeld and for axle by REYMBIL ANDRMON, giy4. No. kilo Woodb treat. 01IN THO,IIPR)N & juit ty• rocelved and for sale, a larwe lot of Engthsh Venltian Red, • Rochelle Ochie (- Vermont Ochre, Frond:lElm 1 1 ,.raerican dine, WidtAiLead and I 6 Tbird VL01:113,L,50 bble.l. Superfine' Flout :just re a: calved and for sato 15's • ' 'JAB. TA. 'Piazza, j;8. corner Market and 'tint street& ARD OIL.—ND. Isnd L 2Lard oi, i a constatitlyron band' and for &do by "' O. & .7. EL _SAWYER. WINES, by the bottle or ge 310 14 ak__ IL&WOUTHI aolr A. (n.tbe Mum& 13IIRE J:AMAIOA: RUM AND ricg.4l4,ND • Mkt, by the bottle ot'gallott; at /: RA1901411 & 131tOTRILlirin 'to the Meted* DPEACHES:-20 Busheit(i ishoice;. Bright, Dry Peaches just received-aria for sale by : JAB. -A. PETZBE, comer hlsrkat exidFirit streets. OFFEE.:;--200 1430 Rib.:o6ffebabr,'We' by linfdltisarnatvoo, - 118:Remutontl_147 Wert etceAst. .14EAD20Q 145( Jyl6 • -r:r " .-4. P; NUMBER 264, MISCELLANEOUS. CONRIBTING 117 PA11,2 OP PLUME., 11 PAIJL=E9,_ ,_ ItTiT'l 7 oliS, TASSELS, P. NI A fi a 0 OLVEAP OHIORENB'BIWE3 .7. 4 2: PHILLIPS No. 1" qui; for sal blip. ' rcEnY NRINGES, ETO, ETC.