LOCAL AFFAIRS. - The Weather.—The following to the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shan-, optician, Fifth streets ‘4llllBl EITIB. ... In Ban. In shsda. 9 A. hi 94° 80° 12 M 122° 90° 8 P. M 81° Barometer 29 4.20. Stone, the Murderer, Recaptured. In our issue of Wednesday, we noticed the fact that Stone, the murderer of a Pittsburgher named M'lntyre, on board the steamer Vicksburg, near Baton Rouge, Le_uisiana, on the 31st cf May, had escaped from the custody of the authorities at Louis ville, by a legal technicality. • The murder was a brutal ono, the victim having been literally butch ered, and some twenty or thirty stubs inflicted on his body. The citizens of Louisville were indignant at tae proceeding by which he regained his liberty, and a strong feeling against the offidhrs at that city was also prevalent here. We are now gratified to learn that Stone has bean recaptured by J. D. Lewis, Esq., Marshal of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in Indiana, one or two counties back from Jeffersonville i on the river. -,Ho will be taken back to Baton Bongo and held for trial. Several reports . have reached us concerni g the circumstances of his release, and the author ties at Louisville should make a clear statement f the affair, and show whether they acted correctly in giv ing him his liberty, knowing that a requisition was in the hands of Mr. Lewis. And now that the murderer is safe, we hope he may have justice meted. out to him, and that he may not again fall into the power of the Know. Nothing jail clique at Louisville, who seem to sot all law and order at defiance. Tile Progress of Iniquity. A man, who calls himself T. T. King, was arrested some time sines in Cleveland, Ohio, by the pollee of that city, charged with being a maker and utterer of spurious money, botb in coin and paper. lie wag compelled, like all arrested persons, to submit to a search, when from letters taken from his person, it became manifest that he was operating in connection with a man named Kripps, in Philadelphia. Such being the case, a correspondence was entered into with . Recerder Enen, and after considerable manes. caring, Kripps was arrested at the post effeee, where he went to inquire for letters. A letter to grippe was also Eecared at the same time. This letter eon. taiced a remittance ?rem Bradford county, Pennsyl vania, accompanying an order for a quantity tit' counterfeit money. This letter is couched In terms which leave no doubt of the character of the writer. This writer says thet he has a number of first class reliable men engaged, in circulating the spurious motley, and reprehends the course of some operators who dispose of it to boys and careless persons. His agents, says the writer, are postmasters; store keepers and lawyers, men of character and influence, who can urn the money in their lonsinees without causing suspicion. The officer who made the arrest is named Carlin, a special officer attached to the person of Recorder Emu. Ho has intercepted some twenty or more let ters to Kripps—or Dutch Jake, as he is called—but refuses to give them up to Mayor Henry's officers. The letters above referred to, are said to contain very important information relative to the enormous busi ness in counterfeit money that is transacted in this State. Smell Potatoes.—A farmer named James M'Cain made laic:nation yesterday morning before Mayo.'. Weaver against a huckster named Thomas Milligan, for attempted fraud. It seems that 03 Thursday, the Sd of Ang,nst, M'Ceiu sold Milligan tweuty.six bushels of potatces at eighty cents per bushel. to be paid for on M'Cain'a-nest visit to the city. Milligan sold some of the potatoes, and on being called on for the money, refused to pay for them, stating that they wore not marketable. Potatoes had fallen in the meantime ten cents per bushel. At five o'clock in tho afternoon, the parties and the remaining potatoes were before the Mayor, the potatoes being rather small, but of good quality. Several witnesses were examined, and from the evidence the Mayor decided that the•potatoes were marketable, and that the seller was entitled to their full price, the fact that Milligan had sold a pertion of them being evidence of his understmding the contract es made. After the de , tho parties compromised the matter, by Mil ligan taking the potatoes at sixty cents per bushel, and paying the costs. Disorderly House Case.—Oa Wednesday night the attention of the police Was attracted by a noise and sculas in the bar room of a house called the " Tail leries," situated on Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield streets. They entered the house and found a men named Walker engaged in a quarrel with some ether persons, Walker was arrested and taken to the Mayor's clifiee, where he made an infer , "ration against Charles Brightmcre and Isaac Frank for keeping a-disorderly house. On Thursday morn ing these parties were arrested and held to bail, the former in $2OO and the latter in $5OO, to answer the chargo at the next tefrn of Court. Mayor Weaver has been observing - ibis place for some time, and in• tends to supprors all disorderly houses which may - come under his notice. The Leer at Fault.—Notwithstanding all the pre dictions and remonstrances of the " Great American Astrologer," Mademe Harper, she has been obliged -- te liquidate the c'.aim against her for baarding, by Mrs. Thompson. Fair wards and promises would not do, and when, before Mayor Weaver yesterday, ehe found that ebo must pay cr become acquainted with the inside of prison walls, she wisely took the first horn of the dilemma, and paid the demand against - her, some fifteen dollars, when the prosecu tion for false pretences was withdrawn, and she w as allowed to depart. License Revoked.—The St. Louis Board of Steam boat Inspectors have reported in regard to the soei dent of the ill fated Pennsylvanian. They say they gave gathered the evidence and examined carefully all the facto they could obtain connected with tho disaster, and fool it to be their duty " to withdraw Francis Doris from the profc:sion of an engineer, and ha can no longer be permitted to assume the duties of that responsible calling." We are sorry for Mr. Doris, who is a resident of Allegheny city, as he had sustained the reputation of a good, careful engineer. Camp Sleeting at Eaon.—The Methodist Camp Meeting, for the Allegheny District, wil bo held at Vir l a\t, Eoen Valley, commencing on next ednes a the 18th inst., and continuing one week. Extra CM will be run by the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne El d Chicago Railroad Company to and from the place, and tickets for the trip will be issued at $1 37. Am ple accommodations will be made for teats, baggage, &c. City Mortality.—The Physician to the Board of Health; Dr. Murdoch, reports for the week ending August 11, 44 deaths, 22 males and 22 females, 42 white and 2 colored. Of these, 84 were children under 10 years of age, and 23 died of cholera in. fantual, which is pro railing in this city to a great extent. Pittsburgh Cannon.—Two gone for the 'United States Government were cast at the Fort Pitt Works on Wednesday. One of them was on the old prin• ciple, cast solid and bored out; the other was east hollow, a constant stream of water being kept run ning through the core, requiring great skill and care. Both nests were good, and the guns will stand any test. Severed Pic Nies came off yesterday—one at Mans field, ono at New Linden Grove, Ooakland, and one at the "Shades of Florenzo," on the Steubenville Pike, and several others. The participants at each cacao home well pleased with their day's sport. Niagara Fire Company.—Professor Love, the yen tilogaest and magician, gives an entertainment at the National Theatre this evening for the benefit of the Niagara Fire Company, for defraying the ex • peasei cf their appearance et the annual parade, and repairing their engine house. .arclant.—linnkor, on Wood street, continues to keep choice water melons and citrons. Wo have tried them and can testify to their merits. As sale of the valuable horses, carriages, .t 0., of Cant. Schenley, will take place tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, at Davis' Auction Rooms, No. 5k Fifth street. Soo advertisement. a Betr. A. W. Mack, of Sewickley, has boon select ed to deliver tho address at the Columbiana County (0.) Agricultural Fair, to be held at New Lisbon in S:• telpher. . .Wo Licerare.—William Walker, a liquor seller of the Sixth Ward, was sant to jail on a process from Court, for soiling liquor without limn. [From the New York News.] Mat has Changed You Bo.—We have all wit tnosed with astoniehms'nt the extraordinary and im proved change in many gentleman and lady, who had become prematurely gray, but who, by some mans, had barn miraculously rejuvenated. There is a time in .s life when gray hairs seem to harmonise with the furrowed brow and the wrinkled features, bat Unfortunately, from some cause or other, thous , ands of young man and women not only witness the gradual change of their locks to a "mottled and speckled gray," but are mortified by the danger of positive balditess from the actual loss of their hair. All this demands a remedy, and a safe one. We nat urally Icok about, and ask, in this age of scientific invention, who stands highest as the proprietor and manufacturer of a real hair restorer—a restorer of color as well as health, a beautifier as well as a hair tonlo. We find at head of all the claimants, in this long line, a single individual. Any of the splendid heads of hair along Broadway, once falling out, dry and gray, when asked, "What has changed yen so ?". will reply, PROFESSOR WOOD'S ELM RESSORLTIVII. CLITTIOIL—Beware of worthless imitations ' as sev eral are already in the market, called by different names. Use none unless the words, Professor Wood's Hair ,Hestorktive, Depot St. Louis, Mo., and New York, are blown in the botte. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine dealers, also by all Fancy and Toilet Goods dealers in the United States and ganada. • - - Ice attention of cash buyers is directed to the fact that Carnaghan, Allegheny City, is now offering an• -aual induceLieuts in his nook of well made clothing, furnishing goods, &et., for men and boys. Examine Otis stook, awl prices. • fibs Amnia= B o ard of Conindsaloners for IN:maga Missions. The local Committee of Arrangements for the ap proaching meeting of this Board In Detroit have ad dressed letters to the various railroads of the comp try, requesting OM to make some doductlons from the usual faro on the 0CC191012. - The follbwing roads have signified their willingness to return delegatoi free who shall go over their;roads. Members at- , tending the meeting will payfall fare going, but, upon producing a cortilioate of attendance from the secretaries, will be reamed free . over the following roae Ads: Chicago, St. Paul and Pond do. Lac. Detroit and Milwaukee. Great l .Western, Canada. Pennsylvania Central. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago. Sandusky, Dayton and Cincinnati. Chicago, Burlington and Quinoy. Illinois Central. Chicago and Milwaukee. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. Watertown and Rome. St. Louie, Alton and Chicago. Geena and Chicago Union. Chicago and Rook Island. Michigan Central. Michigan Southern. Detroit, Monroe and Toledo. The New York and Erie agrees to pass members from New York to Buffalo for $4, or to Dunkirk for $4,55. - Crops in Greene County.—Of the crops in that vicinity, the Waynesburg Messenger says:—" The corn and potato crops are suffering very much is this county from want of rain. In this Immediate neigh• borhood, unless we have rain very soon, the corn crops will prove almost a total failure. Other por. Lions of our county have not suffered so muoh, and in some localities the crops may be tolerable." Cold Month.—The meteorological writer of the Boston Traveler states that the month of July was the coldest for fourteen years, or since 1844; and dar ing the last thirty-four years there have been but four cold July. The first half of the last month was of very nearly the average temperature; the second was about three degrees below it. To the ateliers of Fast Horses.—The Sandusky Register informs the owners of fast horses that they had better attend the State Fair at that city, next month, and bring their animals with them and dill. play them on the new track being constructed near the Fair Grounds. Some of the beat blooded horses in the country will be there. Bal/ou'e Monthly.—Ballon's Dollar Monthly is one' of the best and cheapest magazines now published. It contains nearly as large a quantity of reading meter as the three dollar magazines, and the wood cats are as numerous and as flno. For sale by J. B. D. Clark, No. 4 Girard House, at one dollar a year or ten cents a number. The Washington Examiner eels there were 105 paupers in the Washington County Poor House on the 111 st ult. One death occurred during the month of July. There aro to be at least four agricultural ezhibi. tions in Washington county daring tho coming fall. That b almost too much of a good thing. Gaye Bail.—Robort M'Cready, confined in jail on a charge of riot, has been released in giving bail in five hundred for hie appearance at Court. Oie CINCINNATI, STATE OF OHIO, Hamilton conn ty.—Before me, the subscriber, Justice of the Peace, in and for said county, personally came John Lee, who, be ing drily sworn, deposeth and said that he had bean suffer ing with Chronic Diarhma for the past twenty-two years and had consulted and received prescriptions for his case of from all the principal physicians in Philadelphia and Cin cinnati, but all to no effect, as he received no relief. At last he was reduced to a mere skeletor, without even the hope of ever finding relief, bat by the advice of a friend,was induced to try HOSTETI'ER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, and, to his atter surprise, found relief from the first trial, and In less than two months found himself per fectly cured of his complaint, and is daily recovering his strength of body, and increasing in fl3sh; and cheerfully gives this certificate, in the hope that others afflicted like himself may be benefitted.. JOHN LEE. Sworn and subscribed before me, August 21st, ISM C. P. HANSELMANN, Justice of the Peace, No. 41. Western street, Cincinnati, O. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere, and by =STETTER & Manufacturers and Proprietors, an 7 68 Water and 68 Front streets, OD J. M. OLIN'S CELRBRATBD STOMACH BIT TERS—Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they are all they are recommended to be. The proprietor does not pretend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to test their own merits, and the constartly increasing demand for them ie umfficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far en. paler to any preparation of the kind n::w in the market. Their nsa ie always attended with the most beneficial re state in cases of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a healthy tone to the whole system. Be cue and call ford. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomac`a Bitters, and see that the article pur chased bears the name of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. Tor sale by J. DL OLIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer, No. 287 Penn street, Plltabargh, Pa, and by druggists and dealers generally. ./Yi9 JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF awl & Plain Furniture & Chairs Warerooms, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, Zr In addition to the Yarnlturo bnainesa, I also devoto attention to UNDECRTARLNG. Hearses and Carriages tanashed. NO. 65 FIFTH STREET.- ROOFING CHEAP, AND DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for H. M. Warren & Co., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN WARREN'S FELT, OEHENT, A D GRAVEL ROOFS, AND ELASTIC CEMENT, AND SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, era ROOFING MATERIALS. la-OPTIMA, No. 85 FIFTH STREET, opposite Odd Fel lows Hall. Pittsburgh, Pa. 199 DINE APPLES.-500 for preserving just recolred and for sale by BEY k ANDERSON, No. 29 Wood street ; Ontxmite St. Charles Hotel. $l6OO The owner is going went and will cll his brick dwelling house on Webster street, near Townsend, for the abovo price, and on easy toms. The hone Se now arr.nged for two families, but can be easily altered to snit but one 'family. Contains el: rooms and finished attic. Lot 24 feet front by 109 d.ep to en alley. In a good neighborhood. 8. CUTHBERT A BON, aulo 51 Market street. a E ]1 0 V A L. THE subscriber hu removed the balance of his stock of FURNITURE To the ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, No. et Fifth street, where ho offers every article at the reduced prices. Every article is marked in plain figures, and those in want of rdillittlie t are respectfully invited to call and examine the Goode and Prices, before puechuing elsewhere. 7y21:1m H. H. RYAN. MAFFITT GAS FITTERS, BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS, Not. 127 and 129 Fsi•st Strret, and Federal .S reed, Allegheny Gas Pipes put up, and Fixtures of the latest styles and patterns. We have a very largo stock of Gas Fixtures on hand, to which we call particular attention. Jy2Oltm kIAFIITT k OLD. BOOTS, SHOES AN D GAITERS.— Cloatng out gale of Spring and Sommer BOOTS AND SHOES. At greatly reduced prices for Oath, to make room for fall stock. C. 411 soon and secure a bargain. at the Cheap Cash Store cf JOSEPH H BORLAND anT 98 Market street, tiro doors from Fifth. T 0 SPORTSME_.N. On hand the very bast assortment of Needles, Blab Hooks, and Fishing Tackle. Has constantly on hand a large as. ssortment of Fishing Rods, Reels; Effk, Linen and Cotton Llnes, Chinese Oran Line. and EU Worm Out, Bamboo and Bead Poles. Qr. Serpentine Spinners. To be had at BOWN k TETLEY'S, No. 186 Wcod street. pITTSBURGIE TRUSS MANUFACTORY, OARTWRIGHT YOUNG, _ma No. 116 Wood street. $9OO will puronase an island situated in the Allegheny rim, opipilte attaspabasil, contesting about tan acres. Apply to JAMBE; C. BMW, Alga Regulate awl 2311. Wilm s 04 NM it. The receipts during the week were large, but the cattle are rather inferior; the demand is entirely local and the prices are declining: No. offered. Offered by No. sold. Price. 41 Putnam &Co 41 3 1 4@.3% 85...... H. A. Montgomery......---- -35 3 @3%, 22...... W. Holmes...-. 22 2 (43 20 0. Pfeffer 20 $2O 0 head. 22......0. Norton 22 2X@3 , 4 21...... N. Kerr ...... ..--.- 21 2%@)3 18 C. Kent nor.- 16 V 6,56? head 76 J. Hinson e'-nt emt 15 J. Voetter.. 15 2 @)3 .1 „,; .. 36.... W. Hazlowood 36 2 1 ,4013 1 / 35 W. Clark 35 21. 4 ,-to 4 co 19 T. Mulhollan . 19 3 1 %@53,40 20 J. 0. Watson 20 3 @3}{, 18 J. Milibben 18 2 02% 61 W. Th0mp50n....,.... left over. 19 T Bnrbick. 19 $23 Vi heal 14 Valentine Stark 14 23@3 16 J. Humphrey 16 2 @3 20...... J. Fleming 2) 2 03, , ,'". 88 J. Seeley, by Huff, 36 2(a)3 1 4 15 J. Myers £ Brother 75 2%@33.4 34 J. Morgan 84 2 4gi 8 % 115 Merrick, Anil & Williamson. 115 2 @3 .. 18 H. H. Coe-- ............... -.. 18 2 @WA 24....-Pazton "i'Wlialn sent east. 15 T. B Norris.- 15 2 @3l 42...... J. Cook A 0.)...._ sent east. 18...... J. McCurdy 18 $26 sti head. 11....-A.Ecott 11 2 92 1 /,' 16 W. Marion 16 2 (aB FITTSBUROHI, PA!, 0 L D, COMMERCIAL. IMPTSBURGEL BOARD old' TRAM& AZID DIERCUANTSI ITZ.OI;I4II3GE. EV w. EL WIGWAM& .11:Tianfz- P. 1t.11111121V2, Ist, rrcararer. N. HOLMES, Ja. Eupffirgezdent. JOSEPH SNOWDEN Orrunate of Arbitration for Atioust. ISAIAS DICKEY, V. P., C. H. PAULSON, JANIS GARDINER, DAVID CAMPBELL, AUSTIN L 00219. Otago of Water. Two feet seven Inches water in the channel ALLEGHENY OATTLZ HAMLET. ALizaacts errs, August 12, 1858. ~.,, 920 offerai. 193 left over end sent east. KUM AND LAUDS. About 1310 head of Sheep were offered ; 1110 sold at prices ranging from $2 to $5 19 head; balance gent east. 860 Lambs offered and sold at $1,25@52 Vi head. HOGS. 183 head offered; 100 sold at 4@ r i% gross; balance sent east About 200 head sold at the yardi and railroad platform at $.26216,00 Tit head. 110ILSE3. cen head were sent east from the Wm. Penn Yaide. PITTSBURGH MARKET Reported Expressly for the Dally Morning Post. PI BITEtOH, Acigilst 12 185' PIM:TR.—Sales to-day reach 475 bbls. with an upwara ten dency. rum first fiends, 1(0 bbis. to arrive, brought $5,38 for extra family. From store, 375 bbls. sold at $4,75 for superfine, $5,12®5,25 for extra snprrfine, and $5,88©5,60 for extra family. HAY... 16 !oasis from scales at $9 to $lO. SUGAR...B hbds. from store at 9:i4A099,i. MOLASSES...IB bbis New Orleans from stare at 45@460. SALT...No. 1 in lots, sells at $l. GRAM...But little doing, Oats 9t - ady at 45c. ORERSE...BS boxes W. It. at 74(M0. VINEGAR.—Has declined to t.c.ls gallon, by the single barrel. COFFEE—SaIes of Rio in lots. at 1 2 ® 12 - WHIBRY....EitiII maintains its price; rectified is sold at 27c. in lots, and 28c by single bbl. Philadelphia 4larket. PLUELADELPIILL August 12.—The Flour market continues quite firm, and stock still with further reduced sates for shipment at $4,37% for old stock superfine, $5,25 for fresh ground new wheat, and $5,50 fir recently ground extra: sales to the trade are to a fair extent at $4,50 to $6,50 for common snper6ne and fancy. Eye Flour and Corn Meal unchanged, with u fair demand for Wheat, and pikes well maintained; sales 2500 bus new Southern and Ponn'a red at $1,25; some Tenn. white not prima, at $l,OB, and inferior red $1,15. Rye scarce and commends Mc for old, and 650700 for new. Corn is coming forward more freely, and the de mand being limited, prices have fallen off 2 and 3c sales 4500 bus at 04c, and in store at 90©92c, closing at the latter figures. Oats unchanged; 1000 bas new sold at 34c. Whin ky scarce; sales in bb's at 29529 c. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, August 12 —Flour active; 15@250 higher; sales of 8000 bbls. at $5,75@55 fcr fair to good superfine, and $5,25 for extra Whisky has declined to with sales of 1600 bbls. Provisions firm; generally higher. Moss Pork hold firmly at $l7, and Bacon at 7@9c. Oats higher, sales 400 bush at 55c. Cern unchanged ; rather doll. n heat buoyant'at 900gi51,05 for prime red and white. New York Dlorket. Nrw YOlOl, August 12.—Cotton: 600 bales sold. Emir firm; sales 135,000 bbl. Wheat firm; sales 53,000 bushels.— Corn decliced; sales 41,000 bus. Pork heavy; mess $17050@ 17,60. Bacon firm• bides 33ic. Sugar firm at 7@ c_ Lin- seed Oil dull Lard 011 dull at 85@95c. Lice quiet. Grain freights to Liverpool 3@4. New York Stock Illarket. Naw Youx, August 12.—Stacks lower. Chicago and Rock Island 78%; 111. Central 74; Lacrosse and Milwaukee 4 , 1 3 N. Y. Central 76%; Reading 46%; Milwaukee and Missiodppi 15 , 4; Michigan Central 594; firte 15%; Lacrosse land grants 22%. Op GENERAL ILL HEALTH —Those persona who are sensible that they aro not well, yet aro not al. dieted by any well defined disease will find immediate and perfect relief from their disagreeable symptoms, by making use of WILSON'S PILLS prepared and sold by B. L FA B NE. STOCK .Sc 00., Wholesale Druggist—and proprietors of B. L. FAHNESTOOK'S`VERAILITUGE, No. 60 corner of Woo end Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. See advertisement on third psgo of this day's paper. [aulB B. T. KENNEDY. PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNEDY & BRO. WHEAT, RYE, AND CORN PURCHASED FLOUR., CORN MEAL, AND HOMINY, MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED EN PITTELKIRGiI AND ALLEGEENY ati7:lydsw] CANDIDATES. EirEditor qf the Morning That :—Yon will very much subserve the interests of the Democratic cause and party by announcing the name of Col. JOSEPH E. M'CABE, of South Fayette, as a candidate for the State Legislature. The Colonel is eminently qualified and competent; a Demo. crat of the old Jeffersonian stamp, and sound on all the isms of the present contest, and the very kind of a man orpe times. Awes? 9th, 1858 CORONER.—JOHN M. McCUESNEY, of the bor ough of Manchester, wiliDo supported as a candidate for the office of Coroner, subject to the dociaion of the Demo cratic County Convention. /Y 29 Op SERI:I.IE74—Mo undersigned offers himself to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratio Convert. Lion. BARNES FORD, pritdaw Upper St Clair. SHERIFF.—The undersigned offers himself a can• didate to the Democracy of Allegheny county for the °Moe Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Demo eratic Convention. MATTHEW HARDISON, jy27:dawtic Robinson township. PROTEIONOTABL—The undersigned offers him• self to the Democracy of Allegheny County, as a candidate for Prothonotary—subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention jy3lldawto OCODr TY COMMISSINER—The friends of CHAS. BRYSON, of West Deer township,srill urge his nomi nation for the (taco of County Commissioner, before the next Democratic Convention; subject to the usages of tho Party. jyl.4:fiewtc WCORONEIL—The underaigned offers himself as a candidate before the next Democratic Convention for the office of Coroner, and asks the support of the De mocracy pall LENOX RDA. WEAR NEW SHOES, when you can buy them so chesp at the "People's Shoo Store," No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. SUMMER SHOE% of overy description, can now he bought at exceedingly low price°. LADIES' SOILED SEWN and GAITERS sold at a grea reduction. HISSES' GAITERS, cheaper than ever—for 87340 to $1 BOYS' and YOUTH'S CAVE., for 62% cents. A good assortment of °ABUT BAGS on hand. jy3.l D111T08A013.13111 da CO. A. DWELLING HOUSE cn Third etre() for rent. B. OUTHBERT 44 SON, J 0.23 61 Market street. ACKEREL.- 25barrel's 14" lair‘g. Mackerel;e R reed and for EP " " 34 • 13 28 ) HENRY IL COLLINS. MOUNT WASHINGTON.—For Sale—A oomfortable two story frame dwelling house of four room; with a large lot of ground, fruit and shade trees, flowers, &c., a good cistern, with pump, in the kitchen, , palling fence, situate on Sycamore street, Mount Washing. ton. 8. =HURT & SON, 61 Market street. SYRUPS.— 60 bias. choice Golden Syr up; 20 a Zastnick's First Quality Syrup ; IF " Bt. James' Sugar Some Holmes. In store and for Bale by MILLER & itIOBETBON, ant Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty s w eet 14130-200 bbls. - Louisville Lime, for sale by (1.9161 UMW H. OOLLEtia. 1 1 tE, Ject 7:ATAU DICKEY, M. 737 sold. W. 11. KENNEDY TERMS CASH ON DELIVERY ANTI TAX MANY DEMOCRATS ALEX. BLACK. .-430 tons, for e_r4 UMW FL =AM& SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYING 'WELT( THE URGENT REQUEST OP SUN. DEEDS OB THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. a IL 17TCH AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may be txnasultod at their aim, No. 191 POD.= street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR 1107.2 L, Daily, except Sundays, for poNsuaerioN, ASTHMA, BRONOBTITS and ALL C TILES LHnONIO 0011PLAN'TS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Live r , Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, (te ilt9 /MR & SYKES wouli state that their treatment of Cent nmption is based upon the fact that the disease arias in Os blood and system at large, both before and during US development in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the l systorm With these, they use 111EDIOAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Maid fixes, (having no Curative effects when used alone,) and Inva lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment hazed upon the planet ble, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached in a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the seat of the dictate is in the blood and its effects only in the lungs. No charge for coloultatim. A list of qaeations will bo gent LC , tilo.lo v.:lilting to consult as by lottcr. roy29:dbw OFFICE 0 F TEE ll PITTSBURGH, FT. NVAYSE avn eIIICAGO 11. R. CO., Angclat 14, 185 S. 11 111 Oa THE BE3II-ANNUAL 111,TING of the fit4ck holden' in the Pitaiburgh, Port Wa)na and Chi. cago Railroad Company," will be hell at Lilo floc,ma of the BOARD O' TRADE, in the city of Plttaktrgh, Pa, on WRD.73ESDAY, the let day of September next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. At which meeting, the Reports t f the Offieorn and Direct ors, rf the operations of the nand for six menthe, ending July Ist ultimo, will be presented. By order of t>te President. AUGUSTUS BRADLEY, 2eeretury. a:Zps NOTIOE—TIE INTEREST COUPONS of the Bon le or Lawrence County, ieaned to the PITTS BURGH AND RP.113 RAILROAD COMPANY, due July. 1858 will be paid at She office of W. H. WILLIAMS A, CO , Pittsburgh, Pa The change in plane of payment is toad, to cdneequence of the failure of th. Ohio Life 'nears:we and Trust Ocrapimy, New Y,.11:, where the 0 ffipone or, payable By order ct .1)2 T Old COIISIISSIOYEIIS. PROPLt'S AN r/-TAx. UONVENTION.—The Tax llCy Payers of Alkgrieny c•me ty. without distinction of party, who are op?osed to Pollroad Taxation, the repeal of the Tonnage Tax, undue Railroad influence, the bribery and corrupt patty ma .age root, and iu favor of inaugura ting a thorough Legislative re.f.xci. and securing an honest and economical sc.:ministration o the affiire of this county and the two cities, are requested to meet in Conventirm at the Court Ilouse, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Wednesday, the 25th day of Augost, at ll o'clock. A. M., fir the purpose of deliberation upon the present crisis in our affeirn, of not nog for mntusl protection and defer.os ' and of nomi,ating MOLT )03, TAB PEOPLE to be supporte d by them at the ap• proaching election. The primary meetings for the election of delegates to be held at the usual place, between the hours of land 7 o'clock, P. ELL, on Saturday, the 21st day of A1181:1St next. outlier ILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Exectintrx Cn.+amcu, Harrisburg, Jane a, 1858. It is hereby ordered, that a "Camp of Instruction" be held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, tbo present year, and the Adjutint General of the Common. wealth is directed to fix the time thereof—to take charge of the arrangements—to attend In person, end to inane the necessary orders to the , 4isneral Staff, and other Military (actin of the Commonwealih is relation to . ho some. WSL F. PACERIt, Ocmmander•in•Chlef. ADO:RANT GENP:AAV9 0271C.1, Harrisburg, June 3, 1338. j In obedience to the above order from Head-Quarters, a "Camp of Inatrr,otion " will be bald et Williamsport, Ly coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 tt., on Tuesday, the 7th day of September, 1858 To centime) until SATURDAY, the 11th day of said month, at 12 si ,of said day, to be called .'amp Supqnehanna." I. This Encampment is intended to include the uniform• ed companies throughqut the State, whe are earnestly re quested to be in prompt atteud-inca. 11. The Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several Livisieus and brigades, are req iced to report to my office as soon as possible, whet companies and field officers will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the number of men in each company, the names of the Captains, and their Post Office address. 111. The Aids-de-Camp and ail other dicers of the Grand Staff of the Commander-in Chief are ordered to be in at tendance, armed and equipped In fall parade drew. IV. All companies In atrendarce are required to bring with them all tentt and camp equipage they may have V. The Brigade Inspecnora, of every brigade, will report at once to my office, what vintpage belonging to the State is in the limits of their command. VI. The Major General of the Eleventh Division, Gen. D. K. Jackman, shall bo the senior officer on duty, and he is hereby charged with the immediate arrangements for said Encampment, and is ordered to report to this office for fur ther Mar/actions. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. EDWIN 0 WILSON, jell) Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. PIANOS PIANOS ! ! ry r 4- 4 An additional stock of Piano Fortoa from t S.. the celebrated Pacterics of 4THINWAY S EONS, NEW YORK; ALI3O, NIINNS k CLARK, NEIW YORK Ilan just been received, and the attention of purchasers di rooted thereto. 11. KLEBER BRO., Solo Agents for the above colobrutsd Pianos, • 025 No. 53 Fifth street. Summer Lager Bees. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform Ida friends and the publio ha general, that ha is in the daily receipt of this delicious Bear, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub. Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be the beet that was manufactured here for many years, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and FUR.C. Give me a call and try it. JOHN ROTEL, ap2.ldf At his old stand, l:ca 28 Diamond. OR RENT—A three story Dwelling House on Third etreet-1260 per year. 8. CUTHBERT SON, 1929 Baal Itstate Aeon ta. 61 Minket qt. JJUST PUBLlSlTED.—Brightly's Pardon's Annual Digest of ths Lew; of Pennsylvania, for each of the years 1853, 1854, 1655, 1858, 1857 and 1853, namely, from the 28 h of May, 1653, to 26th of May, 1858. The whole completing Stroud and Brightly's Pardon's Digest to the present date, by Frederick. Q. Brightly. INg., for sole by J. Be WEI DIN, No. 83 Wood street, near Fourth. 50 ACRES of very desirable land, at a short distance from the city, baying some beautiful sites for country residences-47 acres contain coal of the very beat quality. For rale by an 7 S. CUTHBERT & BON, 61 Market et JAMES C. RICHEY, REAL ESTATE A OtilliT and BILL BROKER, No. 65 Fifth street. LAND FOR SALE-115 acres of Land, eltuate in Nerd; Fayette township; improvements good, ninety acres clear ed, balance line Timber, Coal and Limestone in great aband• once, well watered, twelve miles from Pittsburgh and nes: Nobleetown, will be sold at a groat bargain. Apply to JAMES 0. RICHEY, nab No. 65 Fifth street. COPYING PRESS ES- Bcrew Coping Presses; Can ant Lever Copying Praises; Lever Bcrow, and Spring Copying Presses Sold by WM. O. JOHNSTON & CO., sn7 67 Wood street. MANILLA PAPERS, All sizes and qualitlea, for Bale by WM. G. JO&NST ^ N & 00., Paper Dealers and Ptationere, 67 Wcod etrent. TOBACCO. -75 boxes, assorted brands, s's B',, and 10'a Tobacco, now landing, and for sale by 1111LER k RICH ETdON, 13136 Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. T EAD-200 Pigs No. 1 bead, for sale by jUI jyle HICNRY H. COLI INS pRODUCE.— lo b la. White Beaaa ; 9 " Mesa Pork, for fate by N. ii 6IIITTII & CO A EUSINESSSAN WANTED—To pur chase a Steam Mill, near the city, in complete order and hot small capital required. EESAT 8. CUTNRERT 80N, 51 Market street. REFLNEO SUGARS.- BO bbls Lasting's Crushed, Fine and Coarse Pulver izod finger; 21) bble Lovering% "A" Coffee Crushed Sugar • 25 ' I I 10 " " C " Yellow—in store and for sale by MILLER k RICKETSON, and Nos. 221 end 223 Liberty street. CLOCKS! CLOCKS 11 CLOCKS 111— We are offerinr our entire stock of Eight r a y an d One Day, Mantle, Offlm and Church Clocks, at a very small advance on cost, to make room for our fall stock. & NIEYItAN, N . 4 o 2 Fifth street, ant, Agents fer the celebrated Am rican Watcher. A VALUABLE LOT on Penn street, for sale by B. CUTHBERT & S )N, A-11 " 61 MaT kat Gtreet. IME-150 bbls. fresh, and for sale by au2 HENRY 11. COLLINS TWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, by S. OUTHI36IIIT it SON, 61 Market street B uy YOUR GOODS, LARGE REDUCTIONS IN PRICES, Rare been made through our entire stock, In order to OLOSE OUT, before raceiving our PALL SUPPLEEB. au2 HORNTE'S./77 Market street. DRIED PEACHES.-20 Bushels choice, Bright, Dry Peaches Just receivod and for sale by JAS. A. FETZ corner Market and First streets. COFFEE, -200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by WM.H.BMLTIIk OO . 118 Fecesd. crd 117 111rvt rtreete. GO TO THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, and buy your Shoes at reduced prices. A few more SOILED SHOES and GAITERS selling CHEAP. GENT'S GAITERS and SHOES, selling low. Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters for :2. Now is the time for bargains. Go and pro cure a pair. Gent's Calf Oxfords and Ties, Buck and Calf Gaiters, cheap. Boy's and Youth's Summer Shoes selling at low rates. Call soon. DIFFENBAOHER .* CO. .19/7 No. 17 Fifth street, near Market, GUM DROPS-2000 lbs. Lemon, Orange, vanilla, Rose, Strawberry, Pine Apple and Banana Mayan, far tale by BEY MER & ANDERSON, ten SO Wood 'treat EMONS-25 bas just received and for sale .8.4 by SEMEN ANDERPON, No. 89 Wood street. LACK CRAPE YELLS—Of extra size bed quality—yeti atop, at HORNE% D ead 4 Marko% street. J. & T GROUTT 2 TUPCMI323 151' BRANDIES. GINS; WINES. ETC., DEALERS IN LINE OLD MONONGAHELA BYE WHISKY, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front if tzeeta t spl4 PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE , HANDIAOTUBBB.B OP PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL BINDS CB WRAPPING 9 Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ta..Rags bought at market price.. myB aIEMOVAIL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 74 Water street, below Market JOHN 10110013.1/31EAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOR 11/3 MB 07 PIG METAL MID BLOOMS. NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. L3AAO JONES JNO. L. BOYD Y. 11,1. McOULLODGII JONES, BOYD & CO. tntfIiTYACITIBRELS Of CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Roes and !Meat Streete, 19 25 PITTSBURGH, PA. MOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURES OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, Roe Rooting, Guttering, Opouting, &o. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Vilarehouse, No. no First Bisect, mr26:ly- le . PITTSBURGH, PA. ItIAO JOMI D. U. 5405231 D. 111. ROGERS LL CO.l, 11.615ruBs.ovuorate oa ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORNER ROSS AIM FLE.ST STREMTS, PPSTSPIIIIOII. PA WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLBAALE AND RETAIL EAQ,ITOR MERCHANTS, NO. 87 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, PITTSBURGH, 2.1. tgir Al ways 03 hand, 'Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac tinandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, of the robrs:101;(7. dollydelr. WILLIAM BACIALEY, WHOLESALE GROCER, Nos. 18 and 20 Wood Street, jy23: tf PITTSBURGH. Forwarding and Commission Merchant, 708 THE SALE OW lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Product) generally, Corner of narket and First stractal. PITTBBP P A. Rms. To—Pranois G. 8a11,3y, D 8.., Willis rn Dilworth, Sr., . Cuthbert A; Son,Pittsburgh Boyd Ss Ott, Heiskell wearingon, B. Bray, Cool.o M. % M. Bank, List .4 Dowell, Danale a Co., George W. Anderson, Donlo Paxton .4 Co. rossFesott HARDWARE. LAMITEL FAUNESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, has on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, hl ch he will sell very low for CASH. In addition to his Locks, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spawn, and a large assortment of Carpenter's Tools, he lies received a large sup ply of &image Cutters and Stuffers • Shovels, Tongues and iokers; Sleigh Bolls, and Enameled • cUO Preserving Kettles. L. C. EMPBURN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONVEYA.NOzd. arm= Wail 11. =moral. NI, an Utru-rth 'taunt- W M. W. KNIGHT, WHOLUALD AND DETAIL FIRST PREMIUM READY MADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK .MANUFACTORY, NO. 808 ARCH STREET, PHIA,ADEIL PICEA. Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, era vats, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &e., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Drees Stoke made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satittaction. jelayd E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALERS IN FINE OLD WHISKYS, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, Jelayd PHILADELPHIA. GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STB., PITTSBURGH. :rpHOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR .11. House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the beat mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention la given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warrantad. No. 72 THIRD Street. Pittaburgb. {my&lyle DAVID H. WTT.T.TA TAS, (IIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR 4„„,,1 FOB. THE ERECTION OP OAS WORKS, for from five garners end upwards, eud for Heating Buildings, public or private by Stoam, Hot Water or Parnaoes. PITTSBURGH. PA. ANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Snrific land an 1 Den tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 80 Wood street. They give special attention the manumemr ug of Trtmsel, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and iteimiring itu panctaitlity and despatch. -turf AT REDUOE FIGUELES. .BANES A. FETZER, CARTWRIGUT 81, YOUNG, (successors to John Octrewright,) HITCHCOCK, M'CRIEERV & CO. (Stooassoas TO HIIFFISieN. APOILLEIIT .t. C 0.,) VORW ARDING AND COMMISSION ILIFIWEIANTS, Wholesale Peelers in Produce, norm and Wool, No. 114 Second street. Pittsburgh, Ps. narnasa e: vringer Harhangh, Joeirpt, E. Elder, St. Loth; PitMbrugh ; Fenton Bros., EL Childs & Co., " Cornell G Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Coegrave & Co., " Garret. liartin,Philadelphis; McCandless, Means & Co., " James, Kent, Santee & Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co, " Weaver & Graham, Geo. M. kL. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling & Co., " A. B. Fenton & Bros., " Yard, Gilmore & Co., " myBintf W. 11. ItioGEE • .G. DOSCH. McGE E & CO. lIEROHANT TAILORS, Dealers in Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Burnish Ina hoods, corner of Federal atr:,-et and Market Square Ale gheny Citv, Fa. Jel2:ly OfNT BOX FACTORY.- BUSH& B. 431113TENDOREP ntern.ettere to order, BOXES eraitable for Boap and Candleo, Hardware and Variety dords, eto., etc. +,fly Orden , orrniptly ROBIP- 1)+ 127 i - JAM IS L. laildlMTG 1,3 OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Groeers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 Libortr areas. Pittsburgh. Pa. FURNITURE FOR CASH. -- A fall assortment o pat e msrals BUREAITX, mannfactured 11111111=1113, embracing BOOK CAU/38, WARD ROBES, And every article needed - In a well fumbled dwelling, as well as a spledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which bushel= is done at this establishment is for CASH. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything In the above line, would be advantaged by calling at 11.0/3EINDB, st IRWIWL No. 103 isoitbliold street, ham MIL J. D. 2,l=l r _ JOIN 1111131 - Zglair DR. R. AWILSOIiPS Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic PILLS, PBBPABBD AND BOLD BY B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Streetr, prrTiiittauls, .44LS AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient tonic, cathartic and antldyspeptic medicine, those Pills are recommended to the public by the former propri etor,(Dß.. WILSON,) with a confidence such as a long con• tinned and careful trial of them in an ample practice war. rants. In their operation as a cathartic, they Influence more the motory and less ihe secerning power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They agree with the most delicate atom. ach, removing nausea pain, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AB AN ANYI-DYBPEPTIG--They neutralise and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action which should never exist in the human stomach. From these peculiarities in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a free, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nausea, local or general debility, or that dis gusting sickness or costiveness—the usual effects which at tend or follow the use of other purges. ERTIFICATES Eztract of a lett er ,ront H. N. Runtworte& 03., Druggists, Thuressee, January 7,1858. Mesons. B. L. FAIMESSOCE a CO.—We.were the first to in croduce Dr. B. Adams Wilson's Tills here many years ago. They were the beet Pill ever in this market. We nce no other in our own families,.and secured for thema high character by our recommendations. Yours, truly, HF. FARNEBWORTH CO. Extract qf a usherfrom a .firaslon;eri Teanessee, February la: 1858: - - tlvscPS. B. L. FemszaToca a CO—Dear Sir: I have soon Dr. R. A. Wilson's Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have used theta myself, and believe them to t 33 the best Pill in use. I have no doubt they will cure many °O'er complaints when properly used, anti I cheerailly recommend them to the publio. Respectfully, yours, G. W. IRWIN. Prom aloud Wm. Hoplcinsr, /ale Oznal Qum:a:rimer. WA&RINGTON, Pa. January 8, 1858.—Dear 'Doctor : I have been using your " Anti.Dyspeptio" Pills, when occasioned required, for many years, and can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition they found it. I man confi dently recommend your Pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. . Very respectfully, etc., DR. R. ADAMS WILsON. WM. HOPKINS. Prom Thos. laackmore, Esq., 23w:it:rex qf Allegheny Ct., Pa To in R. A. Wustar.—Dear Sir: I have been using your Pills sines 1840, andido decidedly say they are the best Pill in use, or that I have any knowledge of. I first need them for "s l ick headaehe," with which I suffered beyond descrip tion ; I am happy to say, that they entirely cured me. Sioce thou I nal them as a titraily medicine : if I am bilious, or anything ails me, and I require medic ne, I take a Pill,alid it cures me; they aro my only medicine, end have been for the last seventeen years. THOS. BLACK3IOII2. January 8,1858. Hear Dr. Keyser. Mrsatot. D. L. rentir.svocx a Co—l have had considerable experience in the use of the extraordinary Pill compounded by Dr. It. Adams Wilson, of which you are now the propri etore, and have often felt their benign influence in my own case for "nervous headache," art+ing from a disordered con. dition of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them for others, in cases of " hemicranis " and other f .rme of head. eche depending on a deranged and Irritable condition of the stomach and digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar ly adapted, being entirely free rom any griping tendency. I regard them as a very valuable Pill, and one that purges without at all cebilit.ring. Yours truly, OltO. H. KEY8E11,"1.10 Wood street. Pittsburgh, March 5, 1858 j yl:lydaw TllE GREATEST ikkA: DISCOT ; OF ME AGE. R. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has disco err,: i n 3110 of oar common poatare weeds a remedy that cum.. Every kind of Humor, FROM TIM WORST ECIRORMA DOWN TO A COMMON He has tried it In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over one hundred certificates of it• value, all within twenty miles of Beaton. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will onre the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the month or stomach.. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of Erysipelas. 0 to two bottles aro warranted to core all humor inlike eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Pour to six bottles aro warranted to core corrupt end running ulcers. One bottle will core scaly eruption of the akin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the mod del perate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure salt-Hheum. live to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the abovequantity Is taken 11.01111lTRY, MASS Dun Msout,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery in curing all kind of humors, in so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say anything on the subjont, as the most skilful phyai• clans and the most careful Druggists in tho country are un• animons in its praise. In presenting the Medical 'Discovery to your notice, I do it with a fall knowledge of the curative power. in rellevbiy all, and caring most of those diseases in which you are no fortunately so liable. That most excruciating disease to ar affectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, to eared as if by a miracio; your own temper to restored te its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fret 'al naps to calm and sweet slumbers ; and the Medical Disooye ry boOomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and household. In the more advanced stages of CANKER it extends to the stomach, canning DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing but canker of the stem h ; then to the Intestines and creating a grating, _gone feeling, and en indifference even to the CMS of your famlly Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distrernes you, and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the notutshment it contains as the scrimonous fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be• comes sallow or greenish, and your beet day is gone. Per want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby. and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarl adapted to Palpitation of the Mart, pain in the side, weakneag of the 'spine and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, irregnlarity of the bowels, and alto, that moat agora elating of digester, the PILES How many thousando of poor women aro caficring from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the came. T wish to impress oe your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of proven• Lion is better than a pound of cure.' In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, Tinder any circumstaneea du you any injury. Na change of dist ever necessary—eat the beet yon can go and enough of it. Dona:tom, roe oss—Adults one table spoonful per day Children over ten yews dessert spoonful—Children from fiv. (~o eight years, tea spoonful. An no directions can be eppli =bits to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on th , bowels twice a day. Yonre truly WALD KENNEDY. Price $l,OO per bottle. For 'sale by Dr. (110. S. &1 Y 8 No 140 Wood gcrect, Pittsburgh, Pa. eep4:daw A BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that is gray would not have it restored to its former color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, cr troubled with dandruff and Itching bat would have It removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other enaptioos, but would be cured, or with. eck headache, (neuralgia,) but would be cared. It will also remove all pimples from the face end skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Resto rative will do all this, it,ecircular and n, tho followin: Aim Ano November 5 1818. Prop. 0. J. Wood—Dear Sir :—I have heard mush said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, dcc., I was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and cud - loudly tram peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some months since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en tirely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot tles, her hair was restoredmearly to its original beautiful brown color, and bad thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, - and entirely over the head; she continues to use it, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but because of its healthful influence upon the head and mind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative, with the happiest effects herefore, my skepticism and doubts in rWrence to its character and value are entirely removed; I can and do and mast cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from whit® or gray (by rea. am of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty end by all young persons woo would have their hair beautiful and glossy. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. my22:Tv Parma goon: It was a long time after / !saw you at Blissaeld before I got the bottle.of Restorative for which you gave gee an order upon your agent in Detroit, cud when . I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of its power. It has done all that you maned me it would do ; and others of - my family and friends. having witnessed its effects, arenow using and recommend lug Ramie to others as entitled to the highest consideration . . you claim for it Again, very rerpeCtfally and truly years, _ 13014510 N MANN. - OtELTLI, 111., June 28,:1852 I have used Prof. Q.J. Woods Hair Restorative, end have admired its wonderful effects. My halr_was becoming, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the nso of his Restore. eve it has resumed its original oolor, and, I have no doubt, permanently so. B. BRWBBB. ea-Senator, ti. 8. 0. J. WOOD *CO Proprietors, 812 Broadway, N. Y., (lo the great N. Y:Wire ~ Ratiing Estabitairmant) and 114 Market street, lit Laais, Mrs. • • • • 1301d1iy GIO. H. MOM, Mo. - 140 Wood Its' dsamdirw toz4 rokl by 41 goo 4 Thrtegbts, M!7M KIDNEYS, CURE; CARGO & CO., Photographers:and Ambrotyplsts, NEW YORK GALLERY No. 21 Filth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, S.W. cor. of filarket street "and DE:aloud, Pitimbitigfa. PRIOP.2 TO SUIT ALL. my19.04p ROGERS' NEW DAGITERREAN AND AIkIBROTYPN 5.117 AND ME-ZIGHT - GALLERYI mars STREW, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST-OMM PIC.M.Ed taken In all the various stylet, tn ani weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates.' Sick or d.,ceased persons taken at their resldenoa: ap2ailydsw-is A MBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PIOTUBB WARRANTED, CAN EE RAD AS LOW AB AT ANY FISST CLASS ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT fel2 WALL'S, Beurth street S: AL M BROT YP E Shese beautiful and durable pictures on glass; in all their perfection and loveliness, singly or in groups, may be obtained at WALL'S, Jones' Building, Fourth street. [an7:lw Removed to 21 Fllfth Street. OARGIO & CO.'S PIiOTOGRAPH.I.O AND Ira AMBROTSTE iIALLERY has been removed from 76 Fourth street. to No. .?.3. Fifth otreet,,near Market. Theso rooms built especislly ibr the purism, with three larg , ilt,hr , are not surpassed in the city for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. ZEir Onr old friends and patrons, and those wishing an perior likenesses, are invited to call.. • Reception Room and Specimens on She ground floor. AUCTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT NO. ,(i4 FIFTH ST., At the new Commercial Sales "'nom!, No. 64, Fifth street, every week day, are held publi. ;ales of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that meat be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. 111., Dry goods and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladles ware, &c. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and , kitchen tarbitare, now and second-band; beds end bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone Chita ware; stoves; cooking Utensils; groceries,AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. 3L, Fancy articles; watches; cloths; jewelry; musical rostra. ments;-guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes, book stadonery, An. IseSl P. 51. DAVIS, Auct.s QT. CLAIR HOTEL-GREATAt CTION SALE OF FURNITURE, Ac.—On WEDNESDAY stoRNI.gG, August 15th, at 10 o'clock, will be commenced the solo of the entire Furniture, Bidding, ha., of that ex tensive and well known first doer hotel, situated on the corner of Penn and St. Clair strerts, Pittsburgh, as the pito prietor is determined to close out, preparatory to removing from the city. The articles are all of the best quality, and in excellent condition; among whfcs4, in part, may be men tioned mahogany hair sect sofas, divans, chairs and rocks ere, elegant large size French plate mirrors, marble top can ire and P.er tablet, lace and li ocatolle window curtaies, Venitian blinds, superior Brussele, inerain and imported carpets, hall and et it carpet and oil cloths, rugs and mats, walnut, chary and plain wardrobes, high poet, cottage and French scroll be: weed , enciosed and plain wash stands and chamber ware, 100 hair mattresses and feather beds of choice quality, 100 co ton and husk mattresses, a very oz , tensive assortment of linen and cotton sheets and pillow slips, blankets, c mforts, counteipsnee, minus, towels, etc, dining room tables, chairs, plate warmer, Ac., gull set of best nnglisti g dishes, sliver plated forks' end table and tea spoons, ivory bandied knives, Iron stave and Chins ware, d-ssert knivoi and forks, castors, 6 o , sufficient to ac commodate 250 guests; superior large tooting stove, with complete equipments, entire assortment of kitchen ware, fail supply of mcngtes, stoves, tubs, &o, for laundry and sr) ing rooms; also, sucerior baggage wagon, neany new, horse and harness, office fa, niture, two superior pianos, ono of Which is B. W. I add F. Co.'s manufacture, Boston, in use about three months, origirally cost $450; and, in short, everytning appert ini»w to such an extece ice establishment. The above will all bo Bold peremptorily, without postpone. meat, and can be emcmined previous to sale This popular hotel will be leased on reasonable terms, and any wishing to engage in the bunneis shout.] attend the sale. WE. 0. 03 .fitILLY. Proprietor. P. 11 DAVIS, Auctioneer. QUPEEIOR VELIECLES, ITORSES .AND U MULES, AT AUCTION—' n SATURDAY MORNING, Angnst 14th, at 11 o'clock, w ill be sold, in ,front of tho nes , Commercial Sales Rooms, No i 4 Pitfh street, by crdet or R. Echenly, his superior family vehicles, horses, eta., comprising:- 2 Family Carriagen ; 1 Baggy; 4 Carriage Ho, ces ; 2 Mules. 1 Riding Pony, Carriego and Bokrpy narness, Robes, Homo Uovtrs, Ac., Ac. Terms at sale. aull I'. si. DVVIB. Anctioneer: - .ALSSIGNEE'G S LE OF LEASE OF BTOIs.P. Hoosi AND OBILLAR —On MONDAY AP- TaItNOON, Angnet lett), at 2 o'cloca. on the premißus, by order of W. P. Baum, assignee of Win. S. Earth, rill be Bold the unexplied term ki.13 , 711DZ four years to ran from the let of April last.) of the lease of the store room and cellar, lately occupied by Wm S. Harris &Ali) on thecorn or of Market and fifth Etrcets, of which immediate pos session will be given. Also, counter, desk and ciltie furni ture. [anl.ll P. M. DAVIS . , Auct'r. STEAMBOAT6'. CINCINN A.TII. For Clnciranatt. The elegant aids scuba!, passenger packet 1 > SUPERIOR—Uapt. Rumen. J. Cinacts—will 'cave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, .. THIS DAY, the 9th inst., at 12 o'clock, M. For freight or passage apply n board, or to FLACK, BAItNI36 h CO., Agents., Through to St Louis five day This bus" connects with the mail line, and will go through in the time spegi• fled. She will !cave on Saturday. an 22 ZADIESIVILILIE. For Marlette and Zaneavllle. The eteamer GItAUAM, Capt. Mon. ROS AYRES, will leave for the above and all "° 7- r - intermediate porta on every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. /or froißbt Cr ',spume apply on ho:y.rd CARR,IA.GE3 Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, BOP. BAIN, AT WHITE'S REPOSITORY, Tl 4 O MILE RUN, NEAR IAWEENCEVILLE.. THE SUBKIRIBErt OFFERS FOR SALE IL or exchange,Cri the tur..‘tt reasonable terms, s t • a fine assortment of Barouches and secondhand Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some but littlo used. Also, twenty-one new Buggies, made in my own shop, from the very beet material purchased in Eastern market. A. flue lot of Trotting Wagons, new arrl second-hand. Also, slot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linde, Germantown Wagons, Jersey Wagons and llockavritys, two fine Phintons, seats for four persons, ono of them Wateon's make, and the other New York make. 7.w0 fine Sulkies. ono made by Mr. D. Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Common Botgies, suitable for light marketing. The subscriber flatters hinn.e. lf,tbat lie can make It to the interest of persons wishing to, ptw• chase, to give him a call: The establishment is convenient to :Ito city, the Excelsior Omnibus Line of Coaches passim; the coo , every tcninlnutea. ,tnr23:lvd&c, JO2KPII WITTY& C. WEST 61, =s*. CARRIAGES, 110011.AWAY4 )7.7(iGLE.3, SUL‘` LES AND SLRIGna. N 0.157 Penn street, YIiISBUIIcII,.PA Zlir All work warrant:3,i to be of the beet materials and workmanship myltlydia JOHN W. Iti'CARTHY 9 FILL POSTER! T ILL ATTEND 10 THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTIN ul all kiudn of BELLS ELM CONOEBT? ~..I:7IT7IES, EXHIBITIONS, 4c. Ell codiranntentio - at- either by telegraph, or other• wino—direntod to the office, of the lloriang Peet, will recall e prompt attention, STONE eo GLASS PATENTED PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all !oxide of t'ru;h Fruits, Vagetanies, Mlnoe Meets, Oysters, and all each peril hab:a articles manutra. tared and for rate by DU It did, a 0. , / Nos. /09 E WATR. and 140 nTlttViTri, Pittsburgh, Pa. ors , - The main secret of oreserving f nit in a fresh condi tion, consists in having It th rougnty betted whe. up, and in expelling all the air in..y may be, in the vessel, eo that when the trust c.yls, form a YacaUe. The undersigned having procured the right to mmtifito. tare these Jare, .esp.otfully call the r.ttestion of dealetti and others to them. The Brea' superiority of GtAe9 over any other substance ter the pres3rvatim or fruit 4, etc., etc. is en well known. that any comments up. ,n it aro entirely unnecessary, and the proprietors fool cmtlit^nt that any one, after having once seen these Jan, will never bo:mlucel to tree any other. Tor sale wholesale and retail by CIININCiUA.YB k CO., re. dos Water street. THE SYMPOSIEM WILLIAM O. GALLAGHER,- PEOPRIETOE, Arils Sired, Ned. Door go the FY11111100; 27t5gre. The house is new, built especially for the purposes of is, First Class Restaurant and Saleo a, and the proprietor ha,. hag had many years expsrience in tho busiaoss will keep constantly on hand the be that the marloti offord. His Wines, Liquors and Ales, ara of the cest quality. lie wants all his old friends and the public, generally to . give him a call at the Bympositur. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LADIES' REITAIIBANT ) NO. 27i FI - RTH STREET. The Embscriber has nosed, rind fitted up several comma& out roams, nearly opposite tho Ixobange Bank, on Fifth street, which are now opea for the Summer season. 101 l dm andgen M tlemen van always find en abundant 211r:plY of FItESIT CONFEIONARY, EBB TS, ICE C.E.EAM. WATER. ICES, and all the refrestunantsof the season--- ere respectfully requested to visit the ms. GIN d IN tes themselves. (Jett)) G LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER , MILL AND SMELTING WORIC.S. PARK Id'CURDY r CO 7 •7 MANUFApTURERS OF . SHE ATIIING, Brazions"and Bolt Copper, Preeled Coppor Poto?rne, Raised Still Bottoms, POelter bolder, nwpoiters and dealers in Meta% VII Plate, P. bee t Iron, WI r, Constantly on hand, Tinmen'e blacbluet and Tools- Warehouse, N 0.149 Wit, and 120 f3eoond street; Pittsburgh, Ea. Special orders d Copper ous to Goy derirril pattern. suiZ4Wl'sr