=;~:. VOLUME XVI, PITTSBURGH iioiNl POST. -Pii•a", and pablisit. enr7 mortlfsll,_( E~AldclYs m'cePttd) ZARIES P. Eft.tit.R, Z107.713-W.7.3T (*FMB 07 WOOD LED rlPza MEM% re; a year, payable strictly in advance refired if not paid within tho yeax. Crava—ftir aala at the conntet in 4cws Bap:. Tgr+ 1' , 15..—;11 - 2 , r?. invarLlbly Lio 1:4 r)17.1c..) or.d 1.37 the ADVERTISING. Tr.vizti Once a la welds total vegc. L - 71L3. inaercloa—.—..— rgroimerticnE...,— Throo to Petk. ...... .... 1 00 1 75 00 4 00 5000 7 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 16 00 (.0 ex or le ..... Cu;n m0at.......... tioatbs Tacr..the-•.. ...... . raciacrs Ume yea ezr.ding Yr, per aunum, (eze not!ces, EO can PITTS_BURGH SATURDAY POST A reaAliLlZOTtil WEEEELL ONLY ONE BOMAR PER YEAR, 117 CLUBS OF Tl 7. =glsPtialus, - -03 per aitzrittrti. "CONTAINS ALL TILE CURRENT NEWS C F Tlw DAY, Pnilticsl, Literary, Agricultural, Commer Telegraphic and mi.rpliancom rida Faller being of the Leir.enrl sLu., end neatly prir.te vibittopi.pg- , r, in large, clear type, Rill be found by l sr.bace.l. - ,:z to giva better eatiafaction than any paper :pn . l ollibed in Ditt3balzh. t:izzo n.w ntrh to fr.ko a paper from Pittsburgh, will find lit; . a-1.71:7101Y POST a !ale. and profitable invcatnent. 11.1rei-A, J.l.ltir,S P. BARR, acpl7 Editor and Proprietor. ENME33 .EA Et ittc, MYERS, BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POS'.7 131:711,1,12q 4 a5, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE undersigned having made extensive addiUous of the LATEST .ND H.O.IDEOMEST STILE I? TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST .1,)ll OFEICM, invite thou ttention of Rail Road Offfcer kf:rehante, basiaes men, and the public generally, to their uparicr fullitiesfor el. - enting with diEpatch, on remonable erMS . , alt k...Lu.d.1 of RAIL Ate, MERCANTILE, E.EGAL, AND EV3RY MHO. DESORLMON OF PLAIN B=, FANCY PRINTING matetli7.l baths nearly all caw, WO can giro asan sacs of tilo MCAT; complain satisfaction, and solicit orders BOOKS, PAIIPRIETS, BAIL BOAT) BELLS AND cAnDs, BANK ',MEM% BLANK NOES, Li7El7. HEADS, BILL HEADS., SILLS LADING, CERCELAB.S, EITSETESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, &a. fa' Particular ratention sill also be paid to the printing Cr Boaters, Progrnmes, A.c. for Concerts, Exhibitions and BARB B IrITERB. BUSINESS CARDS Tile People's Shoe Store. a S. DIEFFENBACHER & CO., Clic p Ceah ileclar3 In all hinds of Fashionable 80 - OTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, PC , : Gentlemen, Ladiai, 'loathe end Children, 110. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, PITTSBITIO3II, PA. I. 0. PZE2.I TO=150" , B. A. Joanna • PERRIN :•;.i JOHNSON, Preprietors of Childs E Co.'s Patelat. Elastic Fro and Water Proof cement itooang. 133 TI MM STILt.'"ET. fRDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully cleated, and all oar work warranted. Beuang material always on hand, and for soda, with di• milans nra. &o gyp jog. F. 13.A.N.11.T0N A.NE) rt.Ll-1-4)OIfMSTS, Horner e 1 Fire and Lib tTr7 drettls : Palau, ph, F. SITPERI.OR SYR A M ENGINES for Grist and Saw 3lilis, Breiverios, Printing Establi.hrients, ItLar.ufactorie , ;, mado to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Golebratod Machiniits' Tools, such es Turning Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring and Drilling iiischine.s, dc. Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with. Pulloys, Hangers. rra &c jagilyd .11.C8Er.7 TIIOIIUIIO3I JOHN THOMPSON .Vf.. CO., -ROUSE - PAINTERS, G LAZIERS AND GRAIN - rats, -to. 130 Thi-d atrart. SIGN PAINT ING executed with neatness and deqiatch. Paints, this. Turpentine, Varnish Japan and English. Patent Dry ers, Ville Montaigne Eincit, a very superior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for lisle. We are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug giite, or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill Which grinds by steam Painters will save 'money by get ting, their colors ground with es. tinrikly I,:___,E.E:ft=t=77:iri --:- -s- - --r t : ----- . . . 1 I I GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, £T maNUF ( ACTUREEVS PRICES. lIYDE,OMETERS cf - weighing spirits, the cheapest and hest articles ever brcught to this city. THEII.MO=I3IIS Al\ - 13 BAROI..MTERS, caring in price from S.'S to $3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND S COMPASSES,' ti. E. SEWN'S, Pradioal OpSdar Fifth &rest. oprZilto Masonic Hall. SURVEYOR' lwaya en hand at B. c. J. 111. SAWYER., _ ivallorearraas 0? LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHN EIBER & CO., FANCY DYERS AND SCOURERS, I\ics. s 3 ssl=lllla. tatz-saat, rrwzcs WO3D 2-11) Luirerr 87311.13, All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and sTcry description of Silk and Vioalon Goods executed at short notice, and on ronsonable terms. latalm omce of Sealer of Tilrelgitts and Itlegsures. ITS OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OF TraGHT , ~A.Z77) KEAEaniIES, May be found henceforth, In Cherry alley, between 'Third end Fourth ertreea, there orders may be left. rarilatf CHARLES BARNETT. Ni I S. HAVEN'S Elastio Steel Pens just o received, and for sale at the Stationery Store, Noe. 31.33 and 35 Market street. rpliE FRA.NKLIN ALMANAC F0R1.859. —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pub. __lished by Johnston .4 Stockton, after a lapse of - years, will again 'Manly he leaned. The circulations as formerly will be made by t .Le skillful mathematician, Sanford O. Hill, Esq.; who will also prepare for its pages each reading mat ter as will make it an entertaining and instrnctive maga. !due. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a now end ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing userklisu lime, and other matters of permanent value will be added. - Orders of book.sellers and other dealers are solicited In advance of publicadon, as but one echtion will be printed, and orders will be tided according to priority. WU. G. JOHNSTON k CO., Publishers, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Hakers, f. 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh je22 PHEESE.-300 boxes good cutting Cheese received and for safe by Y 26 ; EfENRY Ef. COLLINS. QTARCEE.-250 boxes Pearl Starph in store and for tale by ARD 0111.--We have oommenaed mane factnring Lard 011, and will be pleased ,to receive or .ors for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar ILA:. We will fill barrels returned when desired. 11. O. 7. ILBAWYBR, . • -116:Sfiroottinnwt. N ONS.-1O bbls. Onionifor mr'S MU EL , . .. . * . r •1 .-..., r I , 1, _ . t r ~ .... r.- . • -... _ • .... ..,,,... .... .1 . • ~,,, J t • . ^ i 'SO In PaPer. 1 00 1 6 2 60 800 4 60 5 60 0 60 9 00 12 00 10 00 4 eo C CO U 7 CZ 8 00 1005 13 80 ",P.r 4 50 5 00 5 50 0 00 8 00 10 00 : tron• I the =EI PITTSBURGH, PA. HENRY IL CALLING. MMEMIEMMEMS PUBLISHED. DAILY BY JAMES P• BARR, AT THE ti POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND NTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM; INSUR®NCE• REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATHENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., Jan.l, 1858, as presented Solite EtocAholders, and made out in compliance with the Stet* Laws of New Itork,Obfo, Indiana,llllnois,c. summon% The name of the Company is the FARMERS' TINTON IN SURANCE compAnY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered Apri113,1855, by the Legislature of Parolnivallia.. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is all paid np. Surplus in addition thereto Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgagee, at six and seven Vi cant. interest, amounting is the aggregate t0...5152,315 ou Which mortgages are or valua. ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recctrded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for in each case, and in no case less than fifty cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and so certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and,lllinois. Nineteen six VI cent. Bonds amply secured-..... ....... ......... 47,883 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6 449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transudes:km, secured by bonds withsureties —... 18,781 84 Due cm lamas re-Insured, dm 7,838 81 Bills receivable, Till: promissory votes payable at bank and to the Company— —.- Interest accrued, (principally ane January 1,1858,).. 1 19 48 Safe and office Fixtures and Furni -4 258,485 51 mous Me tax taxa 1857. Amount of Prozniume received during tha $ 85,231 33 % Am intereit received during the year 11,442 05 dm% received from all other scurcea 2,480 00 ELPYRDITCRIEL Expenses for the year, including commisaisus, salaries, rests, rein• emrance, printing, advertlidng, taxes, and all other expenses....—s 19,199 08 Dividends paid during the year 17,0e0 00 Loasee pal 4, which occurred prior to Decenkber 31,180 L 038249 paid which occurred during the year 4061 fri Losses adjusted and not doe (since paid)...—..— $ 12,500 99 Losses incurred and in process of adjustment. Losses reported, on which no action haaleen taken......... 5,500 00 Lthl33llregisted, on ground of insur ance after fire, property transfer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, Atc—. 12,100 00 --.----$ 39,407 90 Whole anion of risks taken during the year-$.6,4.29,862 00 Whole amount of risk at date. 4,861,440 00 ii4A'B OP PPItIf9PLPLNIA, Cousrrr OP BILADPOZO, St. C. N. Shipman, President, and .7.11. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Onion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for 'himself says, that the foregoing is a true, fall and correct statement of tho firairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de- scribed offters thereof. O. N. inIPSLiN, President. J. R. O.ANFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 25th day of Jean ary,lBsS, H. 0. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. HUNTER, Agent, No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. FILtE INSURANCE, BY 'MB no/lance mutual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OH BDTLDINGSOAMITED 011 PRICPIIT.IIAL, LIBROUAIi- DIRE, WirECNITTLE, L - 0., IN TOWN 08. 001:15TILY Of ice, N0..308 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 6177,928 4,qqgy3, agassl i uss go. Invested es follow, viz : First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double tea amount $120,200 CO Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cont. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 coed-- ....... 26,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn's IL R. Loan. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad C.o.'s Stock 4,000 00 Stock of tho Reliance Mutual Insuranca 19,160 00 Stock of County Fire Insurance Co..— 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance 476 00 BlUa Receiva3le,buatuess ......... 62,711 60 Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc. 3,330 19 Cash on hand and in Bank 10,013 20 $252,465 89 =ld TINGLEY, President. Drusutoss. Clem Tingley, Samuel Bispham, William R. Thompson, Robert Steen, David S. Brown, WWI= Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, Marshall Hill, H. L. Carson,Z. Lothrop, lizbert Tolurd, Charles Leland, Moses Johnson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, Win- M. Semple, Pittsb'g. mr3 B. BINEEDIAN, riecretary. J. GARDDIE e COFFIN, Agent, mr3 North-east corner Third and Wood streets. IiERCRINTS' INSURANCE COIIPANY, Of Philadelphi. WM. V. PETTIT, Pruident D. J. M'CANN, Sxretary. Amount of Capital Stock - paid in end lr.vczted...s2oo,oo3 00 Sart)lna 53,42 S 35 $ - .163,A SS ss Insures Cargo Elsai on the Ohio and Mississippi - Rivers and tributaries. Instres against loss or damage by Fire, Also, agairistthe Perils of the Sea and inland Navigation. and Transportation. Win. V. Pettit, 3. C. liontgomary, John bS. Pomroy, D. J. McCann, E—R. Witmer, Italie Galileo, B. L. Wooleton, John A. Manmall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Ellwood T. Posey. OPTIOZB3: WILISAM Y. RETTIT, E. F. 'WITMER, rice Presidcnt. D. J. I.4cOANN, &cretary. ar.iss2-4018: In P1a7442. paid: Flautidelphia: Be4isGra/.0114b & Co., EtelamitE, Justice Truitt, Rm. & 00., Enc, Morgan it Ettifolo, A. T. Lane & Co., Yaztray,C4,ld.vroll , f; Co. PITTBBIIROH OFFICE, NO. 97 WATER ETHER' T. ap9 R. W. POINIP , IxwER, Agent. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURAIWE COMPANY, i00:11 HA - VEX CLINT-li] COU:STr. CHA.IITERBD BY TIM LECIISLATUELB Or PEBSBYLVABIA. alth Capi1d.........5ap0,000 1 Premiums N0te5...51 82 , 341 THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildinge, Merchandise, Purnitare, AO., In town or country. ntitiottoss: 1 lion.Jno.J.Pearoe, Hon. G. O. Harvey,]Charles A. Mayer, John D. Hall, ()kirlea Crist, 'Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, D. H. Jackman, W. White, Thalia, Kitchen. - HON. G. C. HAMMY, President. T. T. An" •uP ViCO President. Taos. KricZnyEnirretary. }11373/41.510/i8: 9 arancl EL Lloyd, ;Dr. J. B. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. B Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Vanderbelt, Hon. Win. Bigler, OFFICE-10. 65 FIFTH FFRXET, PITTSBURGH. dentf J. A. LIPPED:I; Agent. 9111 E FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. mamas—Charles W. Banker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob B. Smith, Goo. WA:Gel:duds, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph' E. Borie, David S. Browns* More rts Patterson. Ones. N. B/Norie., Preddent. Ones. Q. Batts xi Secretary. Continuo to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, intowll and country, at rata as low ae are consistent with Security. The Company have reserved a largo Contingent Fund, Ihich,with their capital and premiums, safely Invested, of ford ample protection to. he ensued. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1861, as patoo lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, Were as follows, viz: Mortgage 3918428 - 83 -- Hest Estate- 84,377 78 Temporary .31 83,5838,31' • Stocks. 7 - 84889 03 Clash, .............. ........ 61,348 81 Total V 44708 udi • Eines their incorporation, a period of twenteooo they have paid upward of One Million Pour )112114PdA1..m. mad Dollara,l =as by fire, thereby affciding,evidenos of MP advantages of inaarance, as wellaa the ability and digpn to moot with promptneaa all liabiitttw 3. GAUDIER COME, Agent, non Office, north.etott cx)r.ltood and Third eta. WESTERN • INSURANCE COMPANY plrrast,nunt. • GEORGE CARUS, ['resident; B. M. GORDO!, Secretary. °smt No. 92 Water street, (Speng & Co's Wareliouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh_ Will insure against ail 'rinds or t IRE and ALARINIIRLSIIB. A Home Institution, managed by Director, who are well known in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the charmer which they bare assumed, as offering the best protection. to - thale who delMw tO ltre fnotrod. !MEM OCTOBER 815 t, 1857. oone-Fainitare,. .......... .... . . :to 00 Open Atootunn, ..... 9,478 04 14,841 46 Premium 402#6-69 • Dutzarosa • _ a. Mier, George W. Jackson, Ales. -W Almada l'ilmwt; Wm. H. iimith, P. Zb GORDON, , George Dania, J. Iv. Butler, James itably, Andrea Ackleyy liathanieLffolitaisp D. 31f. Lope O. W. NPUtIOII • pirritt, V i tr o IR- . 41.1111 e alp: PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTEIBURDII, PA. • ROBERT GALWAY, Presidon t. Brarazy, Vice Preaiden t. F. R MEWL?, Secretary. IMPIAtia Company makes exery insurance appertaining to of doartectoti with LIFE RIMS. Also,ragabast HULL AND CARGO M .8 on the Ohio and Aiissisdppi Divers and tributaries, and MARINE RISE:I3 generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against thn Ferns of the Pea and Inland NaTIVItOU and Transpar t ti 4 230,000 00 . 63,4E5 &I $153,435 bl Policies iaauaii at the toweet rates consistent with to all partfee. Eureka Insurance COmpany of Pennsylvania. MICK NO. 99 WATER ST, PITTSBURGH Stock, Dne Pdllii—pnyablo on demand and secured by twJ approvod namea.. Cash In Pittsburgh Trust Company Premium Notes Bala . Receivable— 10,1P30 01 122 shares Exchange Bank Stock—cost 0,050 00 09 do 11.echwica' Bank Stock—coat 6,400 63 200 do Iron City Bank' Stock—amount paid. 7,600 00 200 do', Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 6,040 Book Accounts 11,25131 DIIIEOTo RB. J. EL Bhoenborger, G. W. C...iLa, W. R. Ni nick, 71F9',C M. Pennock, Sohn A. Oanghey, W. W. Martin, 0. W. Batchelor, R. T. Beech, Jr., A. D. Cochran, David McCandless. James J. Mnritzt, George 8. Belden Wm. J. Anderson, J. IL 8 HOST. FINNEY, Secretary. $89153 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANV OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM BAGALI37, Prssidznt. SAMUEL L. MARSHILL, Sccrata, — , OFFICE: 44 Water drat, beat:tea gar ket arpri Fred: air Insures MILL AND CARGO MBES, on the Ohio and l'Alasiaaippi Rivera and tributarice. Imams stoma Loss or Damage by FIRE. Also, against the Peril, f the aea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. $90,435 86 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opposite the Custom Lima°. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU HANOI; either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or LierchandLae, at reasonable rates of premium. HOTELS & RESTA U RAN TS. SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street sand Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, PA. B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Narker Huai f.," Blairsville, ,?a.) H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOWA-COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It . dEetnated In a central part of the city, being convenient to an Railroad Depots and Stet:unbent Landings. The House wan built in 1858, wi , h all modern improve ments, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being now—and will in every reep.... - 1 be n firm clatu HoteL Fine STABLES are attached to the promisee. L jelay COELNUCOPLN. RESTAURANT. By ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. The attention of Merchants • ' 7 4‘ , - and others is directed to thistU 4tVel eetablishment, which has been recently fitted N for the purpose of affording a SILUST.AN- — ZtV TLLI, EATING HOUSE! IN - A CENTRAL LO'JATION! Country folks attending market are particularly invited to all. Erorything pertaining to au EATING SALOON will shays bo found, of the freshest the market affords. ap2falydkw EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWRI, Proprietor, Cbrner Main erect and Youghiogheny Riot?, /Tear the Railroad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. ryinE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. PLETE order for the'recepfinu of visitors. It is ban:L LD:LP° located on the biota of the Youghiogheny river, and can be reached every day frcnn tho city by the Connelleville Railroad. Therooms are large airy and well furnishcd,and the could be no plea : water pities for a few week, summer residence La th.: country. A few .amilies can be accommo dated. lerma r - Ao4er4to. Address A. Lowy.y, my2falf • West Nceivion -Pa. THE NATIONAL S4LOON, Under Foster's New riatloura Tnentr, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, OD4AS FITTED UP LN 4-TASTEFUL - And exititiorttble style, frelar t 7,6ce,r.tre store la the ist,Lowli liAitk_vlith s tett, as'ft.P.T.RSl` ObASS RESTEMaT,4I4D-t!ALOON. , Haying had raa;lY Vare silk ;twice iallt6 enstriera,.bals prepared tompply tbe beet the market affords.- ais•Dar wilt be feraiathed at all time with 'the best WINES; LIQUORS AND ALES. The en trance to thaSaloon,is in tee i:entre of 4he Hall, and re freslminitiiiill be Nrcdshed at alliimeg, DAY : and NIGHT (Snedays eatepted.,l lipltly• WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENAVA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. O. A. F. BEVERIDGE . .. . . hormunEss. H. W. KANAGA. T. So HOTEL, WASISINEWEON EDDTEL, FORDTPTIty U . g . nozu , PITTSBURGH, Pd. JANES BRANNON, Proprietor. TINHIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON TH E corner of P.NN and WASHINGTON Streets, bets - eon the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and h oe undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, end ie now the moat conve nient notel in Pittabargh, for Trovelere by Railroad, Rest Or_West. - - rayl3,:ly MAN -- SIGN HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ , g8.0414=02, 844 Liberty street, just hoside the rassongeilrepot ef the Pennsylvania Railroad; whidanalres it tha rartabouvrinient house In the city for paseengera arri. PrOVriator having, et considerable expenEe, fitted np, 7 'exmlient atyle, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect te Share of public patrona. There is attached a eplendid MULE, and aztenaire WAGON YARD, afford ing amplel:artodelkoa to ftsvelers and teamsters. Me Larder and Bar will be firmashed with the best the market ran afford. fairy g4fielgior Restaurant, j • - • - 111 Troop &reef, Pm - m=ou, Pk., 4 'c ° WHOTIOR . Atiti AND krFATV, linaLPTI, IN LAMS AND OALTIIILN FT_BIL The undersigned hlB just received from the Eastern mar ket, selected with greatcere, , EIIELTE HALIBUT,. HADDOOIC, FRESH OOD TIBH, EABUBN SUN BM!, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE; FISH, New York Palliest:Ts Hay, Egg Island, Egg Harbor, Shall Oystors. The finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the seasouserved rip - at the EXCELSIOR RESTAURANT. entlyd B. BTEHOWOR. QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Oldistreets, Pittsburgh, Pr--The undersigned, former ly-of maroon:et-Hotel; timing - taken this large and coo dials liill=and having refitted it in magnifiwnt style, IvOrdd res ecifa dly invite his friends and the traveling pahlio to Mtn -Assured, with_the convenience of the hease and his long experience in the Madness, ac-.a a give (satire satisfaction, and his ch - arges rsoderaU.. 153b52 -, 1 • WM. 0. CONNELLY. EMI! 110. 104 WOOD BURET, NEAR_ EITIL • _ KANUFACTURERS OF -TRUNKS, 'Vs,- we, Eat and- Bonnet Bolas, Ladles Traveling Clarptit Bihp, 40., keep cmstantly te• hand a large atock:::- Void* gepa. to do - awholmle trade, and bay. tog farllitlaiPlto ;torn out sgood stock at reduced prices, wa ironld tho toads to call and examine onr goods bor 11173Maddida titeoB44% INSURANCE. DIIIECTOIIB Samuel M'Clurkhn. John Scott, David Richey, Charles Artmthn3t., Joef,ph 8. N. Y. Hurt, l.ubort H. Hartley, Jno. Robert Galway, Joseph P.Gazzam, LI. D., James Marshall, James 'W. Hallman, Alexander Bradley, John Fullerton, David H. Chamheri, William Carr. ilsaarts--51ay 1, 18513. 110ENB ERO ER, Presidont my 5:1 m Draro - 7.0 P.O William Ragaley, Samuel Rea, James AL Cooper, James Park, Jr, lame hL Pennock, Springer Earbanah, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, John Caldwell. ROBERT P. RING, President. RAIDIVIN, Vice President DIETOTOBB. (garlea Hayes, S. P.. Guile, E. B. Ert,glLh, CeorgE , W. Brown P. B. Facery, Jeteph S. Para, 0. Sherman, John Clayton, B. J. Magtageo, B. W II :r. Y. Biraintrarci, Bo‘;:etary. _ T. CL COFFIN, Agoht, Corner Third and Wood stre-ng PENSIIIIRGLi, PA., Opposite the Peri a, Railroad Depot, rtkreyeTSßUßG, PA. [jals Lippincott, Shorten • Si. Pcarson, PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13. MS, ROBERT A. LOOMIS, . - (Succoaaor to B. T. 0. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODIOALI3 AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth etrezt, Pittatzigh, Pa. Co-Partnership. 'IIE undersig,n.ed hp.vo entered into Co- Partuerahip, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM O. JOENSTON. PRtsbnrgh, September 6, 1557. . C. JOUMTOZI, JH GM. O. fir MNFITOW. WM.. G. JOILNSTOLI CO., TATIONERS, Blank Ilcrik Manufacturers, JOB PRINTERS, 7 Wood et.n.stt, Th,r,i and Ponrth, Pittubr,rgh, Pa. „jr Safety and Ecottot:pay in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPLIENE AND FLIED, when y.; . 11 cltal g t o ehoq.,er and bet• toy light. 1 ,- “re lieroser.,b GA, :nude fr m the gas o; C..`ancel C-cl, produces the chertv,est, I.loiLl.rillmut, steady, plea!lant cud safe portc.b!e light o'er off,re4 tg the public, and no daLger of explosi ; moro fii.Nut tt la gas; and quite s.e. dleoP; L,inLf th- - 3ro of ,nd oNsily inunagzA Coo etrutlka. I.y (1.110DEIN?oN, r.o. 7i Smithfield stres.t. $ 7.3,M10 00 62,2-0 37 6” 993 Su Bewaroof a counter al: t..1 - I.ln tho market, rustle from Camvhone, wih a little t:t..ent it. 11-117:1y COOKING BY GAS. MIMI 'A WORD 'l'o THE' LADIES. TILE 11E..-ITED TERM IS' APPROACH MG, and we call the attkntton of the Ladit a to the 1 fact that COOKING, IRONING, ore., Oan be done with econorr.., withora: opxs7...tiVb beet, n•lt °Tit soot, and with de,pit:r,—.hu Er L.Aag a 1 Faye roar y to a mornont—':y tieing flusgrave 9 a Gas tiurastlig v To which we re.ipt.ctfally Ihvita yaw attfrati-o, at No. TS Smithfield street. a. A ,iOLIN3OIi Mork Bledlog, Boavael M. Kier, John B. Dilworth, Srauci3 BeHera, William B. liar,. John Shipton, Waiter Bryant, Ja22 BOOKS AND STATIONERY TOBA.CCO AND SEGARS. & D. RINE.ELIRT, . 11111 TOBACCO, .9 - NITI , P AND CIGAII.S . County and City ilighta Val; 0.7,1 AIiEWSI Alta CONFECTION", U C 0 NFECTION,4OO:4 • COTION, EJ Q N NCTIL,N, 4.3ONE'IL • TION, C0N2,12 T IuN,C ONFSCT I 0 N , 430 I/ FE 43T l• • N,CONY 11:051.10 N,CONYNOTIIO N C 0 G - N . The moat plea.wtrit, safe and effectadi-W9raniteraiQy Low In nse. Prepared and acid s whok.z.ale and rAll, by ANGELL Car. Weed anti -6.1.5,1 h sta., Pittsburgh, Pu , wit.' by Drnr•Orta cP:r; et , r f ii 1. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- The undersigned hug bought the Ingo of the above uanieti Cl .. ;:ik4 galley with a portion ofthe sive otock of Ilorsea and Carl iagea,... late tho property of James t4thowe, deeetued. la additiou to the stock before-mentioned,le hit 3 alto added a number of FINE GORSES, BUGGIES CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at life Livery Stablee IL! Tldrd, below Wood c trc ho giros hie porsonal trtten tion to the buolnece, a contmase.er of the patronage which ha had hitherto received frcm public is solicited. JACOB G.ARDNEIL, St.Ctutrloa Livery Stables. N. B.—A RFARSE and ally tiar.uber of CARRIAGES cnn alwaya bo orocnre.l for Eur.orals. de2o PHE CHEMICAL OLIVE EVASIVE SOAP, manufactured by B. 0. a .1. 11. Sawyer, re receivea the preference over all other kinds over offered fur family we. Its advantages over other Soaps are:—let. It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Seep. 2d. Ralf the time need only be occupied in - washing when this Soap is used 10 place of other Soap. Bd. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with; ea thsi clothes will require little if any rr.bhing, thug afoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. coiling [be clothes is unnecessary when this Boap is used, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as colt fith. „Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find it far superior io other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, prifitere ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin wit, and free from chapping. To avoiA the labor 01 rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the followindirections should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take ens pound of Soap, oat it into shavicgs, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put tne clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water ; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them eoek twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in wen[ water cram, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease aryls, may require a Blida rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out cleem and white, without rubbing or boiling. hold water may be need to place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. dam' Observe oar name on each bar. For aalo, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Wood street, and at our work 2, oppoelte the Round Rouse, Penn. sy Ivania avenue. P. C. A J IL SAWYER, ap2l No. 41' Wood street. --- UCKWEIEAT FLOUR.-20 eaoka Buck wheat Flour, W E> such:, rec6iTed and for salt, by 110CANDLESS, AItiA:;B CO te.2o Cwaer Wood enJ Wator ztri,ts. bbla. Slip OTSIIB Flotai•recoived and for sale by 2.'icCANDUS, !,ILIANtII a CO, 1,40 Corner Wood And Water streata. Ella RANT hIFLES.—A moat desirable and ch,ap ;reaped, at GOWN 4TETLE V' 6, rc yl Mme. 1R WeN^tl rlerze, 11RD.-A prime artielo of No. 1 Lard, in barrel 2 and ti.eo,,lnat received end for tai., by AIc.3ANDC.F.B3, MEANS & CO., i 52.3 Gurer of and Water ht.rret.a. 25 bap Pimento; IGO ' Grzin reppor f init retched and for fm.lo by F111,1,3?11 RICK ETF . i).!?. verO6 2.21 vi, , f 221 LOwtv qtro.t. 'MEW ARRIVALS.—Wo rsre taking into 4.1 atom, (121 Wood street,) an la. - menu stock of fine Vapor for Joboing pnrooses; Oil, Lotter, Cap and Note; Unvrlopea in great varlets.; Manilla Paporo, of es..ry nine and ea cheap an they can be bought in the Fart, 'abort:, we offer wholesale Gr retail, very low for Ca.tb. apt M. PErtg.Mß & CU LAKE FlSH..—White Fish, Trout, Salmon, -241 - and Pickerol constan ly on band,a fall stock 'a supply the wholosalo trade, br imyB , aRNI.IN a COLT, .NB. ORANGES. -300 bxs. aw_e,_et, just received and fur male by REYrdEP. & ANDBREON, No. 3 Wood kroet, myl7 Opp - sito the St.-Charlee Uotel. IROOMS.-100 doz. Extr3 Corn Brooms on bEuad and for sale by alp 3 B. C. & J. H. SAWYER. lISTER TRIMINIINtiS—Drab and Gray Dilater Binding and Taaanis, psi opened at apZi JOS. 11011.N.E'S, 77 Market strret. .NEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the moat graceful stragea, on hand at HORN E'S, myB 77 Market street, SEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Laud Sweet Potathea, rot...dyed and for gale by JAMES A. FETZER., I. '7 Can CZ Markst and First atrmt,a. .PICKLES.-6 bbls, Cucumber Pickles, re calved and for sale by JAMES A. 'FETZER, fe2o Career Market and Pint etreete. I,E F 1.1 MER Y. —Lubin's, Bazin's, Wright's, Glenn's and Harrison's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at JOS. FLEMING'S, Jet Corner Diamond and Market at. M ICE AND RICE FLOUR; ecru Starch; hilver (lira Starch ; Etecker'a Farina; • ikoker's oocca and Broma; Fresh Coons Shell Received and for sale at JAVIES' TEA STORE, crt BA Fifth street. ELLIIM COPYING BOOKS.—These V books possess great, e.dvantagea over tiny -others; the paper being thick and strong veil not tear when wet. It takes a mo.St perfect impression and is convenient to refer to. When once in use their superiority is apparent. Sold by W. G. JOHNBTiPi JeS Stationers, 67 Wood et. OOFOR SALE —Atwo story brick . of B 1 1 . 031113, wrll arrmiged, pared yard, with .hydrant, bake oven, smoke bone, &c. The hems is in good repair, painted and papered. Sitnate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. S. CUTHBERT & SON, 1.1 , 27 51 narket street. IAY STATE APPLE PARINU MA CHENS.—A VERY USEFUL AND SUPERIOR AR. TICLE--By five trims of the crank, the apple is PARED, CORED and B , IOED. ,Patented, November 11th, 1858, and February 17th, 1867, In Europe. For Rah in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood sheet, Pitts burgh. Please call and examine for yoursolvea. jy29 SAMUEL. FAIINESTOOK. if _AKE FISIL—A large supply of White .11141 Trout, Salmon, Herring, .Ic., received and for oak, by .19 2 8 HEMS H CuLLINEL WOOD STREET. PROPERTY FOR BALE.—An undivided third part of that valuable Msituate at -the corner of sixth and Wood streets, g g t ll3o feet front on Wood by 60 deep on Pixth street. One-third of the above will be sold. for $3,000. One-half In hand—balance at one, two - and three years. ' • • 8. OIPIIMERT A SON, _ .13 , / 61 Market street. Y AIILIC 'RE zi: r. CANDLES.- 600 boxes Hydrazine Pressed Zdoidd Candles, made exprassly for Rammer use, on hand and for sale by le7 . • aJi3. U. SAWYER. M RVOObB. this 4 . and (4dLello 121 Woul) .f;7.I:EICT A Fourth of July Visit ter Bostuul By an Unprotected .finale I bleeve I haint told ye nothin about go ing down below, tew independence, a num ber o' year ago. Let's me see, it hed been —wal, I aint obliged to bell, ekzackly, how many yearoit, hed ben, sence I'd been out o' sight uv, of the smoke o' my own chimblys and I took, it inter my head ter see a leetle bit of the world, and so my nabour Snackerib Fantodd driv me over ter the Tree-Toad holler station-us, in his ole hoss and shay, an I took the cars for Bostun. Now the fact is, I've allers hearn tell as the gentlemen in Bostun was master civil and perlite tew all womin•folks, but I mum, I never was so put upon, never, as I was in that are rackity city. Tho' I must say that the fust few men I met arter comin out o' the depo, was miracklously perlite, and ran ily urged me ter take a ride in a hack,or a— I forget what they call them other two wheelled sort o' go carts; I tole em I was grately obleeged tew 'em, but I'd jest ek zackly as lives walk, I'd ben settin so long— At that one on em looked at tethers, and put his thumb on the eend uv 'is noze, and made believe play on a jew-sarp, with his fingers. Poor feller, I spose he was deef an dumb, an couldn't ony talk by writin words with 'is fingers, on air. I've hem uv such things afore. Wal, purty soon, I met a boy, an says I— 'Can you tell me, my lad, which would be my nighest road to the Bostun tavern?' 'Sarting,' says he, 'take the fust street ter the right, then turn down the second left hand corner, right on thro' a court, up an alley-way, under_ an arch, an you wil come tew a tiptop tyin-up place, with the tallest kind uv feed.' I want no wisern I was afore, for I want used to following sech kind nv directions as that, so I traipsed on a spell longer, and then I asked another youngster ter pint me out the way. 'Any grass growin in your shoes,' says he, as pert as you please. 'What's that ter yon?' says I, 'answer a civil question, can't ye?' Whereupon he cut stick, a tollerin out— 'l say, granny,'(a party name ter call an' unserfisticated damsel, like me, want it now?) 'bring us a few nutcakes next time yer cum down will ye?' What sarcy little sarpents them Bostun boys be, ter be sure. The next person I asked the way of was a man. 'Faith an be jabers,' says he, 'an is it me solf, an me a sthranger in the coontry'd be after showing other folks the way, whin a divil a fat ov it I can lay eyes on meself an trath?' I began to be afeared I should be kept a strompin about town all day long, but bym by I cum up with a ruther shabby looking feller, that said he could show me jest the place for me to put up at, an insisted on carrying my portmantoe. Arter valkiti on a spell we cunt.tew a grate brick buildin, with more signs an you could shake a stick at, all over the front on't (he said that was the fashion for city tav erns) that proved ter lie the very place he was looking for. He said this was such a cutydanglously well-kept tavern, that 'twas overrun with customers, an it was dretful hard work for strangers to git in at all; but he happened to be acquainted with the landlord, an if I'd jest run down a flight o' steps he pinted out tew me a leadin down ter the kitchen, he'd go up an speak ter the landlord, an git me in, by hook or by crook, if 'twas a pos sible thing. I was dretful sort o' confused by the racket in the street, and I wastglad enough ter git out on't; so down stairs I went intew a grate big room-0, my Keyes, how hot 'twas—sot round with forty 'leven tables, some on em covered with nasty plates an heaps uv fish-bones au potater sldns 'beside uv em, an several men, with whitish aprons on, a clearin off the dirty dishes, an puttin on clean ones. Then there was some more men a cookin all sorts uv things, at a queer kind of stove stretehin way along on one side o' the room. Gentlemen kept a com ing down the steps, an Satin down ter the tables as 'ough they felt perfeckly ter hum; an callin for'this and that, and tother thing; and eatin 'ough ev'ry mother's son on 'em hed made a bet 'at he could swaller his vit les quicker than ary other man of 'em. At last I got raul sick o' waitin; for 'twas past one o'clock, an I was gettin. , hungry myself; tho' I didn't ekzaekly like ter take some o' the cookies out uv my baskit, an go ter eatin on em, with so many men folks about, an ey'ry one on em a staring away at me as 'ough I hedn't no bizness ter be there at all. So up I goes to one of the men 'at was a cookin, an made him a kerchy, an says I—'Sarvent, sir.' 'What'll ye hey?' says he, a whopping a monstrous grate slice uv beef-stake off uv a gridiron on tew a platter, an a hackin a grate gash intew it, ter see if 'twas done. 'Be ye very full, jes' now?' says I. 'Not quite so full as we was,' says he, a lookin at the empty tables. dont mean down here,' says I, but up overhead.' 'Dunno nothing about 'up overhead," said he. 'Wal, can you tell me,' says I, 'where I can find the tavern keeper?' 'What tavern-keeper?' says he, a starin at me with mite and main. 'Why, the landlord uv the tarvern, up over this ere kitchen,' says I party sharp, for I begun ter think he was a reglar stoo• pid, and didn't know B from broomstick. 'This is an eatin sullar,' says he, short as piecrust, 'an there aint nothin but a toe doctor's office, and a, pot'ecary's shop, and a bedbug and cockroach sterminator's baz aar, and a rat trap emporium, on the fast floor above. 'Goodness sakes alive,' says I, 'you don't say so; then where hez that pesky boy gone tew, with my portemantoe?' 'We don't keep no boy,' says he; 'an if you've got one, you'd better keep an eye on 'im, that's all I've got ter say.' An at that, he turned roundtew a feller that 'was a fryin tripe, an said sunthin teW im' about some woman or other that seem ed of, be a goia ,crazy; I should ha' liked ter hey asked who she was, an all about it, but I was so tooken up with my own odor tTait sareumances, that r couldn't think nv other folksea consarns. Twan't my boy,'.says I, ron'y one-I-cum across in the foad; an -he offered ter show me the nighest road 'ter the tavern, a.n said this was one, and now what dew you ifpose tohe'es- gone and -done with my portman ?' 'Hooked it, most-likely,' says he. 4 Q mossy on us; as►ya I s , tin, my tothor gownd an all my go-ter meetin fixins in it what shall I dew?' 'Speak ter the polease,' says he. 'Where is it?' says I. '0 you git out,' says he, can't waste my time no longer a botherin with the likes nv you. This aint no place for wimin, nut ther.' I thongt that was a party strong hint for me ter be a goin, an go I did; an I haint sot eyes on my portmantoe from that day ter this. Vial, a man with a frock on, a drivin a load o' hay did make out, at last, ter show me the way ter the tavern; an a mighty sty lish looking place 'twas, tew. I went up the steps, an rapped. Nobody cum ter the door, or even bid me; 'Walk;' so I made' bold ter go right straight in. A man in the entry shows me up tew abomi nations long flight o' stairs intew a nice, large bed-room, with a harnsome woolen carpet on the floor. Bym-by, a grate big bell:went a tarin ab out the house, , up stairs, an down stairs, a ringin, 0, my?—was an',little Bughorn's did, that time the poor creature got afoul' uv a hornits' nest. ArterAhat racket stop ped somebody rapped at my chamber door, an said dinner was ready. Party time for dinner, thinks I ter myself, but howsever I follered a hull parsle uv folks down stairs intew a big room, an sot down tew a grate long table. Purty quick, one e' the men that was a loafin around the room, eum an sot a plate uv—diShwater, as nigh as I could make out, right afore my face an ,eyes and then sloped. I made out ter worry down a few spoonfuls on't, becos edry body else did. Then a man from behind reached over and grabbed it away agin, an aksed what I'd hey. don't see'no grate shakes nv vittles ter chuse from,' says I a lookin up an down the table, 'nothin but salt an potaters, an greens.' 'l'll bring you whatever you may C 2 11 for,' says he; 'jest look your Bill o'fair.' 'Where is it ?, says I. He reached over an pushed a little printed paper right afore me. 'Land sake,' says 1, 'l'm so awful nigh sighted, that I couldn't make, out .a word uv that fine print, if 'twas ter save my bacon Wont you be so good mow read it out loud tew me, if there's enyfiurry about my know in its contents.' . . He took up the paper an went ter readin, but somehow or nuther I couldn't under signd hardly a - word he said; and I e'en most made up my mind 'twas writ in some forrin langwidge. Besides, the folks on 'tother side o' the table was a hevin sech a good time, a laughin an titterin that I was half crazy ter find oat what 'twas 'at tickled em so. So when he cum to sunthin 'at sounded like 'Patty foes grass,' I got out uv all manner uv patience, an says I—Won't hey over eny more uv that outlandish gib berish, but jest tell me if you happen ter hey eny biled vittles in the house.' 'You can hey a biled dish if you desire it, marm ' says he, as stiff as 'ough he'd swallereda rainrod, 'A biled dish!' says I, 'no, I'm obleeged ter ye; but if you'll hey the goodness ter bring me a good sized chunk uv corn beef, with a little cabbidge and parsnup, an a raw onion, sliced up in good sharp vinegar, jest for a relish, I'll thank ye kindly: I must say, Bostun folks is grate on sta• rin; ev'ry body at table seemed ter be a try, in ter get good look at your humble servent: Wal, wal, I've always hearn tell 'at geniuses must ekspect ter be gawped at by the vul gar herd; that kind uv passyfied me, an so I made out a very tolrubble meal, afore I got through with it. Arter supper, which want nothin very alarmin on'y bread an butter an preserves, sot right on to the bare table (tho, I must say ev'rybady hed a littleteenty toitty table cloth on 'is onw hook, an wopsed-it 'all intew a string); I thought I should like ter hey a light, ter look over the noosepaper a boy gin me in the street,—teazed tew_cents out uv me tho' arterwards, so I didn't make much by his present. So down stairs I went, .an arter huntin round a spell, made out, ter find the kitchen, an aksed on o' the help for a candle. She kind o' laughed, an says she— 'lf you want enything herearter, jest ring your bell, an some on us will bring it taw ye.' 'Much obleeged tew ye,' says I, 'but I don't see how I could dew that, when the on'y bell I've got is round poor little ling horn's neck, way off in the hill pastur, ter hum.' Then another gal snickered right ont, whatever was the matter on her, an says she— 'We mean the bell up in your room, an when you go back there, you'll find it jest as light as day.' An' sure enough, so I did, tho I couldn't find a sign of the bell she spoke on, high nor low. ' But uv all the cur'ous consarns I ever sot eyes on, that lamp was the beat 'em—a grate glass ball, as big as yer head, drily up agin the plaster&.—Then the blaze was inside c' the lamp 'an where, they put the ilein, I couldn't begin ter guess.' W al, ev'ryilvtig was so desperit comfort able, that I sot up purty late, an' feelin' kind uv elevated in spirit I took it inter my head ter sing that solemn tune, beginnin'— . .oklGriMoB is dead, that good ole man we shan't neter see more, Ito need ter wear a long blue coat, All buttoned up afore." I hadn't more'n got the words out uv my mouth when there cum a pound at my door, that soar't me out ,uv a week's growth, an' a voice yelled out crosser'n Bedlam— 'Stop that howlin' in there i sick woman next room:' Talk ter me of the shivulery of Boston gentlemen, arter this! Ter think, a when a young woman- was singin' her ye"- ry purtiest, uv calliri- it howlin ! that beats out all the manners - ever I cum acrost, fae toruml I concluded ter giv up the singin'- as a bad job, an' betake myself ter repose; but the bother on't was, I didn't ,ekzackly _know how ter put out:that fandangled, sort uv a lamp, up agin the plasterin.' I clomb up intew a on*, ,tho, an' blowedn' blew ed intew a little hole I found in thQtop o' the lamp, till my head was all of a whizz. I did make out ter git the tarnal thing out, at last;lut - when I went ter peek:aver-in ter see if &ablate had clean - gin out, 0, my stars ! such an awful fugo as oum a steamin"..up my nose I.—'twas-enough:ter.ehoke -a ;dog. `Whe-ew,' says 'you're e:epukrt un; at, burning,' but I bleeve stick at taller candles arter all- they don't -cat seoh shindies as that in the sinellie line enj'. how.' . • _ I thought ter gdodii6ss 'liver should ha' got -ter aleep that night,' thiin . was', _ seoli hootin' an' hollerin' baya;ail'teoh:a pops pin uv fire cracker, an' secla a oontinoous NUMBER 260,,, cateryawlin, genraly, 'at I should about as lives try ter sleep in Bedlam as in' BoStun the night afore Independence. t waked up a little arter day-brake, an uv all the rackets I ever heard, that capped the apex. Ev'ry bell in town was a ringin', an' ev'ry boy a yellin' judgin' from the rackit they made. But gracious goodness, the air uv my room was what took my eye:—'twas enough ter pizen ye. I thought I should ha - sgl thereated, afore r got my winder riz, an my head poked out on't. , 'The top o' the marnin' tew ye, gran'. ruarm Grizzletow,' bawled out sumbody, from down in the street; 'how's yer ant Peg? Give us lock uv yer hair, ter pizen rats with, can't ye?' Don't you think 'twas that very rapscal lion uv a boy, that hooked my portmautoo - I squalled out with all my might fur slim. body ter stop thief; but there was sech a clatter that nobody seemed ter hear me, a& the boy cleared like a rigger. A bunch uv fire-crackrs was hove up, an' went off under my ooze, an I thought best ter draw in my hed, an' say no more