VOLUME XVI. PITTR-FIIIGH MORNING POST. cv try mortiku (sx.ridays cr.:ep!cd JAIIII.ES P. BASE, r-7 - 5":2 coaluß OP WOOD LSD ITS= unix2l4 Cs.:.._ D,?;7.arz parablo !trio:ly In advance SE,: :n..7,11A13 - rel . niudy not paid Aritlain tb.o Var. Cruz—for 8513 at the counter in t.7.= th 3 NE1773 Boa. RA•TEB OF One rizrec ...... ...... 60 75 1 00 1 75 9 00 .L`Lrca 4 00 Jae a:cloth, ...... E. 00, 'O3 Thraz 9 00 cozT month; 10 00 CO ::n:cintlis • 12 00 lane n 00 01:9 7E-1 • 20 00 Ca 1, ziz :Inv; or lon n,(excl 00 cent pf:r=r.] rria.7.o r, PITISBURGH SATURDAY POST wriATEtimoTYl WEEKILV. E .4I OLLIR PER YEAR , CLUES Or - TEN. Ent gle Brthzoriptiorla, VZ per etnamara. CONTAINS ALL THE CIIRRErNT NEWS cr; Tail DAY, Lltarary, Agricultural, Commer Lo: - ..a.1,.Teiegraphic and Aliacallaneous. This Pat.rt bEing a the maw: Etta, and neatly printo ca Rue r - :-.1.11tc r•sper, fa larga, clear type, will be found by the razcrit:•2r t giro:tatter satisfaction then any paper r,Laished in Pietb=gh. Theis :, - ho Uilro a paper from Pidatrargh, will find i '"nc SATURDAY POS'_ a safe and proZtablo investment. Addrc.r..6 JAMBE, P. BARB, Editor and Prorrieter. & MYERS) Boor: AND JO OFFICE, -Po. 3317=i - DINGIB, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. ITIFP u^des;gned having made extensive uthlitiona of the LATEST AND RANDSOUEST STYLE .? TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST 708 03. 7 F1CE, invite 0 10 a ttention of Rail Road (Meer hiorchant3, Imaineee moll, and the public generally, to their uperior Cullities for executing with dispatch, on reasonable unto, all hilitl3 of Ll'. ANL ROAD, pff-7 Ft 4.3 A TnH.E, ILEGAL, AND EV;lr.fri WEER DfSCILIFFIOST OF PA' (1-4 FABicV PRINTING . Our nater;2l being nearly Anew, we can give em anee Crtne raezi f.*mplete eatiaf4tion, and solicit crdere : • BOOKS, • RAIL ROAD TITT , LS AN CA-103, 15.:UqRI, ByANK NOTES, 111:ADS, BII4ECEADS, Bras LADING, dactrians, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPM. BOORS, DRFDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, &e. Particular attention will also be paid to tho printing Gf Pmters, Progrtames, do. for Concert; Exhibitions and Cfrorzcs. BARR, a MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS Tfae Peqpiels g,teos Sfßrp. D. S. DIEFFENBAGELER & CO., Cam:. Cazn Desiors in ail kinds or T4341=4 , 10 --BOOTS, 13210 ES OD GAITOIS, For GerAlemea, idle., Youths cnu Children, !fn. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, PITTSBURGH, PA I. 0. FM3M W L lOLT7-6011 8. G. J03.ti803 ,PERRIN s: JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs t Co.'s P:-..tor.t. :Elastic Fire and Water Proof at:•_.l.ent !tooling. CIO - ERZ fel . ROOFING' promptly and fdith fully ezac.r. :ill ; and all or,r itosfri:t_.r. r_-tet-isd always. on hano, s_rh i for cab, wires aptly JOS. F. I.III.EIILT CIO., V.SGR aS AN RahLOLI/LNISTS, Griritcr o lera a;-.4 aberty erezt2 . , QUPEI3JOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Sae, Breweries Printing Establishments, Edanuactorle.s, 131a410 to order. They also continue the ti.anufacturo cf their Colebrated 3.l4.ehinits' Tools, such r.a kerning, Latti, Iron Planers, Boring and Drilling .Inehinea, be. Alto - , Virou7,ht Iron Shafting - with Palleye, Ron ere. -110131.11' T TE.013.1190ti Joni: T14.431111P50N .4 co., p - ou - sE PAiNTEES, GLAZLERS AND GRAINERS, N 0.185 Third street. SIGN PAINT ING executed with r.eatates Li2d deliized Points, Turpentino, Varilieh. Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Yale 31ontiligrie linet, a very snperior article; Phila.- det'inia and i'itt,lnarzh Wit it, Load always on hand and for et - z: preparod to grind c.,:dors tar Painters, Drr,g ci,te. cr others, at the eliorte,t notice, as we have a Mill grind: by etcam l'Oaters wilt bLiTii money by get tnc:r colors ivvund wilt: ur. [Torbay .c i to:p AND SILV.EI3. SPECIE-O.UB, idADJUITA.CTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS c: watghin7., ep rit9, rho cheape=r and best articles ever trozgu: to 0115 city. Tia.11:1.0:-LET 1 2.11.9 AND BA.BOILEFT:fiIi, varying in prita from St . 6) Vat =h. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, lwnit on Imnd at G. 1 , . BIIAWB, Opti.c.a..-n, 5S Rfa greet. oppce.ite Masonic Elsa_ - - FL C. SAWYER - , i. , ,,i2..;a1 - 7:.:7rv — irai3 07 LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS Zoo. 4-7 Wood street, Plitnbiargh, Pa. JOHN FIBER & CO., F:I7':CY DYERS AND SCOURERS, .7 , -,Tc). 0 ,ei..=tlce. ISpretitat, Zit N WO= AND Ps vINE ESDEDF2, PITTSBURGH, PA. All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and fiery deirnc - riptier. of Silk and Woolen Geode execnted at sh cr . !: notw, and on reasonable term. ap2&Bro O -ace of Sealer off Weights and lareasures. THE OFFICE OP THE UNDERSIGNED, Lt. --a- BE LE? OF WEIGHTS AND MEAVIRES bo fond heLceforth, hi Cherry alloy, betwuoa laird nad Fourth etreete, where orders may be left. 13-1 - EABLES BA:RN-KIT. s. lIAVEN'S Elastio Steel Pens just .4 • re.coiv,d, and for rase tho Stationery Store, Noe. 31. 33 and 35 Market street. FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This , s wal-1-11GV:11 and popular annual, formerly pub. lieLc3 - C Stock - ton, after a lapse of years, will [.gain akur ly Le issued. Tho circulation; as formerly will L a ma d., by c.,e skillful mathematician, Sanford O. Esq., win sill also prepare for its pages such reading mat. i t -..r.ac will malte sn onto: mining sad WM:rue:rye Maga tune. Beildca the rciiable astronomical calculations, o now and lodeui , iii z.Mle of time, an accurate method of drawing laealian lines, end other matters of permanent value will be edded. Orders of Lack.eollers and other dealers are solicited in advance of pnb!icatia:l, as but one edition will be printed, and orders will he filed according to priority. WM. O. JOHNSTON & 00., i'abli4hers, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, r,7 Wood street, Pittsburgh Je22 fiIIEESE.-30 0 bores good cutting Oheese rockivcd aad for sale by HENRY IL COLLINS TARCH.-2 50 bores Pearl Starch in store NY aid' for sale by 13'1;3 - ARD OIL.—We have commenced masa if A fartrsing Lard Oil, and will bo pleased to receive or deri, fer it. We will arerremt it equal to any Oil in the mar bet. We will 011 barrels retararA when detdred. B. O. !a H. SAWYIIII, - bict. 41 VTarel street. bble. Onions for mt . & giMir H. DVE'ItTIS In 11 0 ;./y I Paper. Tarr& a toed; I a souk 1 00 1 6 2 60 8 00 4 50 6 60 d 50 0 00 12 00 10 00 C CO 6 65 7 25 8 GO 10 25 13 , per 42' lb 00 25 cants. !!M=l =~= ==-== -~J~ -^t • ==- - - -_ -_ ~ . lIENEY H. COLLINS ' .• _ i , • ' • . .--, - . - ~ , • . - _ . . . , . . . - . .. ~. ... 4 ... , d . .: : , - ,„.. - : ... .. . _ • ,: , . . i .„ . ~,,,-• . . ,_. . .. ,_ , ~, ,„, ~_ ~.. 4 , t,, ..,..•• , d „: 4: •: k ~.., - 2 I k ...„.... z . t IL : .. . - 3 ::: i i 1- -1 '' •• - I . l'i .',. ;iF -' ; ''• t r .' i • ' ff. -:- - - t - S- '; - t • . - . . ' 1 . . . • -*; ,- ~ ~, . - 4 • - .. .. , . - • - . .. . •, _ . , ~, , ... t_ .I . q in ' f - if ;., ,i-, --. g...... ti 1 - :- , 1 T .. - A• - -,-."- .. .., • . . . ~_ , .., 7„..- 4,,,,,.$ • ~ , . , „.. , F 1 ~....,,,... ~...... ~..„ ~.,..,, . .....d 4 . . -,. •.: _.• . 1 PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMS P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT BUTE DOLLARS PER ANNUM; INSURANCE. R EPORT OF'THE CONDITION OF THE FAR , t Ws UNION INSUBANCH - COMPANY, At ATUM/Ey 11P.A.DBO1tD COUNTY" Jan: 1, 1858, as presented to thel3teekhedderii, and made ont in Compliance with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Indlana,lllinels,A,e. erarmterr. The name of the Company is the PAP.1511:118' UNTON IW SIIRANCE OOSLPANY, located at Athens, Pa, Charteied April 13.1853, by the of Penneyltanti. Chatter PerpettiaL Caabt Capital, 'which is all paid np...-- 2i)0,000 OD Surplus in addition thereto ...... 63,435 61 ASSESS. Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgages, at six and seven .11 cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate to.-$152,815 00 Which mortgages are or value. We and productive real estate, principally fame, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mon. gaged for in each case, and In no ewe less than fifty 113 cent more, exclusive of farm buddings, and so certified by' the' Recorders, where recorded, to theand tors of tto States of Ohio and.Plinois. Nineteen six l cent. ilondri amply secured. 47,685 00 Cash on hand and in Bank-- ...... . 6,449 12 Cash fa hands' of •Agents, and in • course of tmusmiesion, secured by bonds with sureties... .... .. 18,761 61 Duo on loves re-Insured, ac - 7,838 51 Bills receivable, "is: promissory notes payable at bank and to the Oompany„..... 8,246 82 Interest accrued, (principally due January 1 4 859 ,)••• .... --, -• 119 48 Safe and office Fixtures . and Furn iture 500 00 $ 258,485 51 isms roll Tax ULP. 1857 Aamunt of Premiums received daring tho year...... $ 85,281 33 Am't interul received daring the year 11,44$ 05 Am't received froni all other sources 2,480 00 LEMIDITMLES. Expenses for the year, including commiasions, salaries, rents; rein surance, printing,. advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,100 66 Dividends paid during the year 17,000 00 Dosses paid, which occurred prior to December 0:1;, 7,674 ea Lomas pai.i which occurred during the year 48,661 frt Losses adjasted and not dae (since paid) •-•••••• $ 12,500 09 Losses incurred and in process of --. adjustment-. 9,107 00 .Lasses reported, on which no action lia‘been taken.. ..... . 15,500 00 LOS3OB resisted, on ground ofinsur ance after fire, property transfer red before loss, property lost not • covered by the Policy, to. 12,100 00 $. 39,407 99 Whole amon itof risks taken during the year.. 55,429,862 00 Whole amount of risk. at 4,861,440 00 ETATS Or PP-TASPLVAIrd, COVVY OP EtILLDPORD, SS. C. N. Shipman, Preeldeht, and J. E. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Union Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself siva, that the foregoing is a true, fall and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de. scribed officers thereof. 0. N. S'3lP.noi President. J. B. CANFTEI,C; Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 35th day. of Janu ary, Issll, 11. C. BAIRD, Justice of the Pescis. T. 3. HUNTER; Agent, apliay No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. FrilE INSURANCE, BY THE Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BLITLDINGS, LIMITED OR tiCRPETIIAL, =RONAN MSS VIIRSTIVRIC, &O, IN TOWN OR 00IINTRY. 00.ce g No. 308 Walnut :street. CAPITAL, 8/77,9213.-....ASSETB, 0232,406 89. Invested as follow', viz:- First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth doubla tae amotmt- - - - .....- 4120,200 00 Peruagylvanla Cper cent. Mortgage Loan, pl,OOO coat 25,500 00 Allegheny County 0 par cent. Penn'a R. IL Loan: 10,000 00 Pennsylvania' Railroad Co.'s Stock:.:-... 4,000' oo Stock of the'ltellance - Mutual Iniureaco Co 16,450 CO 8144 of County File Itaittrance Co- ......... 1,050! 00 ECrip of Sgndry Insurance COMpantes -... 475 00 Bills Receivaoleibtee3 paper 4 .2 .4 n 6,0 Look Accounts, accrged int3rea l tato a,33.t.10 ceih on 4.tOuland in P.s.p.k 16,041 CO Clem Tingley, Will m R. Thompson, David 8. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Robert Toland, hiosee Jolintoa, o:i.arleo S. Wood, James 8: Woodward, =l3 B. J. G'4 mr3 hiovila.eatt &a , :171111ln ITTD 111. ER CITE COMPAiIi &LEWD/tit ku Of Philadelpiztes. V. PETTIT, Pre.r.,,t D.:;. 11'041iti, Amount of Capital Stock psid four ir.iwaed...l2o,Coo 00 e 3,12.3 2.5 • 5:63,428 85 la.r.tres Cargo Pail on the Ohio and I.llsatialopi Itiv‘rs and tribr.tcrb. , a. Insures against loaa or dart ..11;e by Fize, agnindt the Ps li3 bitta.:leb - lt•:4ltland klavipation. and "A•atispoftation. DIBBOTO,Efl: Wm. V. Pettit, J. 0. I.4outgonaory, John M. Pun:troy, D. J. i•ScQsau, E. P. Witmer, B.ene B. L. Woolaton, John A. narehall, Ohne. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Pusey. 07/14JEBB: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Prasititut. E. Y. WIT% Viz P're:-:ent. D. J. Af.zol,..tai. Mir 2112:i028: la k Philadelpliia: Geiger, Lamb & Co., Jrustice & Co., Truitt, Bro. a. Co., Buck, Morgan &, Btidfole, A. T. Lane A Co., Pnmroy, Caldwell A Co. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, O. 97 WATEICBTILBET. ap9 B. W. POINDEXTER, &gout. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INS UWCE COIYiPAN V, LOCK LUPE-% CLINTON COUNTY. MIAMI:MP BY YEla Li!ouu!saur.s or rgs4Bp,v4lLL Cads Capitaa....—.4.SQo,ooQ I Premium 21q4;413:44443. rPHIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON T Buildings, Merchandise, Forniture, 4c., in town or country. Diazovoha: 1 Hon. Jac). J . Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, I Charles A. ?layer, John R. Hall, Charles Criat, I Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, D K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. -9..0. 'HARVEY, President. T. T. AnnAnS, Vitla PrESILIC4 TEO& 4ricusr, gecraiiry. g.r.rir.zsoils: Samuel IL Lloyd, Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. A. Winogardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. hinek.ey, proa.B Cameron, James Arnastrong, A. Whip, Thoa. BoyFian D.D,William Boaron, James Quiggle,_ Win. V4riactinit, Hon. 'WM. Sigler, OFF I CE—NO. 85 PUTH STREET, Yrrisautioa. delllitt J. A. 1 4 IPPERT, Agent. rSUE 'FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Dmserons—Charles W. rancher, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner,Simnel Grant, Jacob It. Smith , Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai D: Lewis, Adolplai E. Boris, David S. Browns, ?dor. ris Patterson. Cass. N. Beacursa, President Cass. O. Ilatersorm, Secretary. Continue to make insaranos;perpotao or linlited, on every description of property, in town and- country, at rates as low as are consistent with sa,•rxity. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund. ch, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, at ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, oa Tea - miry IGO, as pab• lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as followe, , vit: Mortgage SW 78 63 Real =tato. 7 TemporaryBloBB 17 - iatoi • - 1;882 Ol Cash, 61,816 81 ToW $ 1 ; 219 ;708 44 i 3 Since thahr LLCarpiirgUon a naiad of twonty-one years, they have paid upward of Cina gifflon FotiiTinoo - d Thcia• sand Dollars,l cares by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as tamability and disposition to most with promptnees ail liablatiak. J. GLIIDINIDI COFFIN, Agent ruin Mao. north-east cor. Wood and Third eta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OP PEETSBITEGH. OROMIL rreeldent; P. it. Gospels, &cram". mum No. 02 Water street, (Span 4.0cAl Warehouse ) up stairs, Pittiblanh- Will insure :manta all Made cf !RE and MARINN =KB. A ne=o Lunt:at:lon, managed by Direct -r1 who are a ell known in the emnssuntty, and who ore determined, by promptrims and Liberality, to =herein the character Which they hale assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. .. - AssErs, OCITORT€B. Mat, 1857. . Stock ...... ...... $1.2150Q Cr) Me .. . .... 4,161 67 Open Premium ........ • 40,246 be EMI Discounted, 124003 78 trargriO2.a 1 - George Dania, It. Zaller,_Jr., J. IV. Butler, George -W.Tackson, . Tames kftAnley, Mos. 1=. 2 Andrew Art iiy, , Wm. •t; . liatli.aniefErolmea, o. D.lL w. .l.ozub sickl2oni - r - ----- - Al W eilin ta-4 ; lt e ltr :Euld o llim tN_ __ tipuji. ocriff , :i f . , 2ael"_*V.2_, lbs Uoaratry $253,48.6 61 $99,153 35 $90,435 86 $462,465 69 M TINCILItY, President. Samuel Bb3pham, Robert Btoon, William Masser, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. Loihrop, Cherie?. Lelmaii, 81.rdria Borzon, WM. Li. Semple, . lI.TNCIDIAN, tiocrotary. Agvg, 0. .Vnird and Wood stroats $3:17M1 78 INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH ROBERT A. LOOMIS, LIFE. FIRE - AND MARINE ( cceasor to B. T. C. Morgan,)) INSURANCE COMPANY, STATIC= V) NEW DE SPAPERS ALER IN BOOK, RIODIOALS , NO. 96 WATER STREET, ' No. 41 fifth shoot, Pittsburgh, Pa. PITTGBIIII.GIi, PA. • ROBERT GALWAY, Prosident. ALIELBREDIMY, oico Proticlont. P. A. &MAR; Secretary, .41111• This Company makes oxeryinouranoe appertaining to or Fent:Looted with LIFE 'RISKS, Also; against- HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE RIBER gisnerally. -And against Loan and Damns by Piro, and egLinat tho Portia of tho Rea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policia!' issued at the lowest rates oonsiatent with safety to all parties. DIUMOTORa. Robert Galway, Samuel WOlneasn, Joseph P. Gc-mars, AL. D, John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alimandee Ilradloy, Joseph R. Leoch, John Pullerton, N. F. [tart, David H.'Ohambers, Robert EC Hartley, William Carr. Jno. Magill. Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. ovnoE, NO. 90 WATER ST, PITTSBURGH. Assota--May 1, 19513. Stock, Due Bills—payable on demand and secured by tyro approved names $ 76,890 00 Caih-in 'Pittsburgh Trnst Company 02,280 37 Premium. Notes.. 62893 80 13.1/I.llloceivable.L.:. 15,986 01 122 shares Exchange Bank Stook—cost 0,960 00 99 do "Idecha"ics' Bank Stock—cost 6,400 63 000 do - Iron City Bank Stack—amount paid. 7,500 00 200 do Allegheny Bank Steck— do do 5,0i.0 00 Book Amounts 13,25) 84 DIRDOTOYII3. J. H. Shoenberger, G. W. Casa, W. K. Nimick, leacc M. Pennock, John A. ()enemy, W. W. Martin, 0. W. Batchelor, B. T. Leech, Jr., B. D: Cochran, Dacid McCancllesa, James J. Bennett, George 8. Selden. Wm.'.l". Anderson, J. EL 8 ROBT..;.IIWEY, Secretary. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. BAGALEY, Proalau.t. &MUM L. MARS - atiLT,, Scoretary. 0174r7E: 94 Water rtreddietivem ffarkel and. Wood studs .Ir6-.l.nrares HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and ldie.sissippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIEIR. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation end Transportation. William Bagaley, Capt. Mark 8 tsrling, Samuel B.ea, Bamnel M. Kier,. James M. Cooper, John S. Dilwortn, James Park, jr., - Francis Sellers, leaao M. Pennock, William B. Hays. Springer Harbaugh, John Shipton, Capt. Samnel 0. Young, Waltot Bryant, John Caldwell. ja2.2 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, rip. 149 Chesnut Street, Opp.r.iite the Custom Rouse. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of preraimn. BOBIIIIT P. BING, Praddent M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President DMECIOB9. Charles Hayes, E. R. Cope, E. B English, George W. Brown, P. Pavery, Joseph 9. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. Magargee, E. Wilor. P. BrAOLlmrtsx, Secretary. J. (1. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wend streets HOTELS 6 RESTAURANTS. SCOTTousg Ti • . 2 1.34 - 4:1 Siveist. and Duquesne Way, prrrssup.aii, PA B. D. MARKER, - - - Pnorauiroa, (Boroaerly of no ilartar llor,ae," Blairsville, Pe.) SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW 0031- luau) A.N.p ozm POI; GUESTS. It is situated In c, central part of dos city, being convenient to all Railroad Depute and btatunboat Landings. The ROUSB was built in 1850, wlih all modern Improve toents, and fitted up In splendid utylo--the entire Furniture being new—and will in every respect be a first clan HoteL tine STABLES are attached to the premises. I jel2:y CORNIIJCOPIi.Av. RESTALFUR.AILLNT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET.. • The attention of Idel . chants arl others fa directed tolificitbA 4 erazi 'lOl-nint, h hes , been recently' fitted t up for the parpot 'al affording a MAL RATING 110US13 IS A CENTRAL LOOATTOM Country fake attending market are purl :Inlarlp Invited to esp. XVlilrirth.g r iertairan g to an RATING SALOON will rilways be found; of the fr0,....h0et the market affords. ap29:l.ydAw EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWEr.W, Proprietor, Corner Fain Ltr.t..d and Youghiogheny !Tear the Railroad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. HE ABOVE HOTEL I 3 NOW 111 00* ELLIII order fur the r.',ctiptlun of visitant. It is beart t Obi located on the banks of the Youghiogheny river, and can be reached every day from the city by the tlennellsville Railroad. Thli rooms are large, airy and well furnishol,and the could be no pleasanter place fir a few weeks summer reitiidence In Or- country. A few tamiliea can be accommo dated. 'Perms moderate. Address A. LOWRY, my2sutf West Nev. ton, Fa. THE DIATAKaL &416 - ON 2 ptafil,?r New National Wltoatrei P/TTSBURfiII, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, jorAs FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL ILL,- and comfortable style, t.,e largo centre store in the ODD FELLOWS HALL. Fifth creet, an a FIRST CLAES RESTAURANT AliD eiLLOON. Linving racay yeare arpirleace in btntinein, bele ziropared to upply the best the mutat it,.‘'brde." Ills _Bar 'be famished at-all Lines with:lb° beet WINES,: L!QUORS AND ALES. The en trance to the Saloom, in in the centre of the Liall, nr,t2 rr, freshments will be furniehod at all Ht.:es; DA) - and NIGHT (Sncds=a exec-t 00%) npltly •WASHINGTON 11011SN 1 COR. PENNA. AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. O. A. F. BEVERIDGE PROPRIETRESS. H. W. ICANA.GA. ILTo So H 41 , T E L 9 Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, Ij4-I?!BigiV;ta. L 4. iJcl6 WASHINGTON HOTEL, POIINIMLY b. S. PITTSBURGH, PA. LUDO SHANNON, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE g corner of PENN and WA SAINOTON Stroots, betwoou tho VENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DFVe:;,S, 6.1.4 tusa undergone a thorough uhwavorat,ot, reroOdeled and fnru:shQd with now furniture, and is now thu mot move nietitilotel In Pittsbargh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or Wert. _ ciyt:ly 111A.NSIQN HOUSE, GEORGE AURENT7.I antcpatErm ..No. 844 ut. 7 ..ty b7ezt, jest beside the' Panzer I:l;.i.ct if the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it thtfmcatconvenient house in the city for passengers arri. Ling by that road. rffille'preptietor having, at considerable expense, fitted op, excellent atyle, the-21,0 MR HOB BS, wonid respect ttail e soUvariluaretd public it.itroruage. Vied iS attached a g nad jr. , AR 1 and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ingathide eectitnznodation to travelers and teamsters. Ma Larder and Bar will be furnished with the beet mati.et can aforl. faits fo t Excelsior Restaurant, tor* Na. Jai WOOD Mrett, •• - -*Sr Preismracm, Pb Vi r HOLlaR AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND PASTERN FISH. The undersigned has just received from the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, MELT, HALIBUT, HADTWE, .ffftß,pl pop FISH, ILOTIIBN sus lass, agvPRAT, VAILLBTryq OR LAHEI FISH, New York Franc:loz 114,y1 Egg Wand, Ulla gusher. Shell Oyators. The finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season served np at the EXCELSIOR RESTAIMANT. sp:lyd B. S'ITETITRUCK. QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, P&—The underezned, former ly of a Brown's Hotel," having' taken this large and cornmo &ma HMI., and having refitted it in magnificent style t would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public 'La givetim — a - ice' Assared, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the business, !ta n s a n give entire autisfaction, and his charges moderate. feb39 _ WM. O. CIONHEILLY. Lipiiineott, -Shorten ts. Peargon, _IIO.IIIIVOCID ditgar, lan MANUFACTURERS Or TRUNKS, Va --ma% Eat .and- Baunet-Boxee,--r.. 4 ri—TraveliAg Tranka r earral Bags, to n ' keep-constantly Via limas tugs stook. We are lade s steles:#.l6 trade, and tun , tug -feclLWAlftitto good ,stock at reduced rests, we sivald blvite the trade to call and stumble %is' goods be. 41bMboh PITTSBURG_Ei., TH URS DAY, $258,341 16 HOENBERGER, Fula'dont .ray6:lm : . 17',kr], - 5t;1,.; , ':;.-61, - i':', BOOKS AND . STATIONERY Co-PartnergLdp. THE tuidersigned have entered into Co- Partnership, ender the style of Wm. 0. Johnston dt Co. SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, JR , WILLIAM G. JOH:7STON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1851. E. EL JOHNETON, JR WM. 0.10a17970EL Win. O. JOHNSTON 44r. CO., TATIONERS, Blank Book I t ila.nufacturore, gild JOB PRINTERS, No. 59 Wood street, tetwc•,u Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ern TOBACCO'AND SEGARS. vv. & D. RINEHART, RAN Vl' 1010 aFIS nID TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS. Safely and Economy in Light. THY WILL YOU BURN OAIIPIIENE AND FLUID, when yon cau tf3t a chelper: and bet. ter light. Paso Keroaene Oil, suds fr, , m the gad in' Cant el Coal, product:a the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleasant and a .io portahla light orer offered to tha pablie, uud h 0 danger of emplc,,bm ; more brilliant than gas; and quite as chcap ; Lamps (4 the neat nitopio and easily rnaipaged ccn "lt, action. Put dnie by T. 0..1 li.IIODitINSON, No. 79 Smithfield street 'Bewared a ooanter:eit alrnd , in the marhet, Lando from Comehene. w;th a little Cl ,- ,al • .11 t acont It. COOKING BY GAS.' A WORD TO THE LADIES. PILE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH. INO, and W 3 can the attention cf the Ls(Ho to the fact that COOKING IRONING, ETC„ Can be done with economy, without hest, wi Ch oat soot, and with deapatch—the fin being alwaya revy in a moment—by using Etilungravela Gee 4.)uoLang Stove, To which wo respectfully Invits you: attention, at No. 76 Smithfield street. b. A. TOEINSON a BRO. tai. County and City Bights fur gala- apl2:9m AMRlra' ` ®Rri3 CONFECTION', C (INFECTION, CO NFEOTION, VON F NOTION,CONF NOTION, CONFE O TION GONER 0 T lON,C ON.VEOT ON,CO NFECT I ONONFkI C T 1 0 N,CONFEOT lON. CONFECTION . Tho most pleasant, ego and effectual Worm Remedy a oa In Em. Prepared and sold, wholesala and retail, by ANGEL.. lIAFT, Cox. Wood and Sixth ate., Pliitsbargh, Pa , And sold by Ditigwista crProoldb , . Ja2l CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- kJ The undersigned has bought the loam of the above named Stables., .to. gether with a portion of the exten- AR& sive stock of Homes anti Carriagee rev' late the property of James ItlatNwe, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, he las'also added a number of 'FOE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGE;, which wore former! . - ,employed at his Livery Stab;. - ,4 in Third, below Wood sfroot. Ae he gives his personal atten tion to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received from public is solioital. 32.008 GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stablea. N. 8.--A LLEARSE and any number of 01111,:iLVERB can alaraya be procmred for Faunal& EfiIIOAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, usmufactured by B. O.A. J. - H. 'Sawyer, re. reeeives the preference over ail other hinds ever offered for family we. its advantages over other Soaps aro:—.lst. it is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. 2d. Half the time need only be occupied in washing when this Soap is used in place of other Soap. W. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus, avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Boiling the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap is used, cud hard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. 6th. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find lifer aup.mior to other Soaps. It s ip.md.ily re- moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt .from the bands, leaving the skin soft, and free eons chapping. -- To avoid the labor et rubbir-stioctotised,:arai-tho UEO of the washboard, the following directions should be :allowed : For the washing of eight or ten or a ik - olfy, take one pound of Soap , cat it into chatings, and dissolve in one gallon of bet cater; put the clothes into a tub containing eheni ten gallbne of warm water; pour in the dissolved &cm, and atir thoroughly. Lot them cock twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrlst-band, or eptaa, or' grease spots, may require a slight ruhliing, but otherwise the deride will come out cles,h and whim, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring &Mut double time in Soaking. ..Wr Observe, our name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Wood street, and at our works, opposite the itonnti Irani.% avenue. U. P J. IL GAWYER, np2l " No. 4? Wood stroot. BUCKWIIEAT FLOUi-L-20 Backs Buck wheat Flour, 60 11) dark., jurt received r,u(l for by Md.)-bliab"24 MEANS 4 CO., fir2o Capaz Word L - 44 Wat..l:r ntrarta. 9L ii.-2S bbls. Suporlato Flour rsoeiz , , , ,d s and for &ale by hick;ANDVISOS 7 110 ANS 43 00., Gusts Woc4 and Water stret,w. pMIC&I.NT RIFLES.—A moot dosirable ..„La and cheap weapon, at SOWN k TETLICZ'S, tr. yi Na 'B.? l""). -A prime article of No. 3 atd, in burets and kege,inat att4 fur Eale by iIoOaNDLV39; M.C.A.Ng 4 Cu. Ga rne r of 1.7v0i a;sd i.troots. SPICHS.— 115 bap'Pimento; It* " Grain Popper, ' , Fit rc , cdv,,d fin d for fate by P.III,LYAS - LIJOKLTLION. r,3r55 14 , 3. 431 urd Z.t.l 1.1h0,t, qt,o,t, NEW ARRIVALS.—too aro taking into store, (29 Wood street,) an immens) stock of (Ina F.4dr fur jobbing pur k iceas ; 0.1133. Letter, sad Nob.; Edvidopea In great variety; Manilla Papers, ei:ry size, and ac camp at they &In be bonFilit in the Esst, ivhcze we offer wholesale or retAil, very low For Gob. apt J.N . O. CO TAKE FlSH.—White •Fiska, Trout, Salmon, and Pickerel 0000to i nilAr on b.an4:4 toll etoot to.upply tbe's7bol. Rio tya4o, by [UUCP HENRY H. CaLLLNS. ORANGES. -300 has. Bwoet, ,just recoived and for sale by RHYMER ANDESSON, No. 30 Wood atreot, myl7 Oppisito the St. Charlea Hotel. DROOMS.-100 dos. E;.tra, Gorti Brooms on hand and ccx gale by 100 ' B. 0. i .1. H. SAWYER., FIUSTEII, TIIIMMINUS--Drab and Gray Dilater Binding and Tassels, ;mit opened at arr 2 I JOB. BO.BNE'S, 77 Market street. liELSTEE ta L swI SPR , IN . (2 . B d ! i i.RT H S O — RN OL , the - tap; 77 Market street, EI) SWEET PO TATOE S.-20 barrels ` Beadl Sweet Potatoes, received rind for eade by .1(04F4 A. VETailli, er2o Corner Market end P.:gtalyeeko. I)ICKLES.-6 bbls. Cuevher Pickles, r© . p calved and to; 51410 by JAMES A. FETZER., fef'.3 earner Mark.ot and First atreota. DERFIIMERY. —Lubi.n's, ...L. Wright's, Glenn's mad Harrison's E.:tract-A to th e handkerchief, constantly on hand at JOB. FLEXING'S, /e 2 °enter Diamond and Market st. RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; hirer°lova F 3 ~.tqch; Reeker'a Farina; Baker's Cocoa and Broma; Fresh Cocoa Shell Received and for cede at V — E LLII Al COPYING BOOKS.—These books posseas great advantages over any others; the paper being thick and strong will not tear when wet. It takes a most pet feat impression and 13 convenient to refer to. When once in non their superiority 6 apparent. Bead by W. 0. JOHNIiTO.4 & 00., JeZ Btationera, 67 Wood et_ $9OO FOR SALE—A tyro story brick hone°, of Ed: 1780n/4 %YOH arranged, pared YAM, with hydrant, bake oven, smoke house, Am. The hdaee iii in good repair. painted and papered. Situate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. S. CIITHIMIT & SON, iY27 51 Market street. lAY STATE APPLE PARING MA- Canal—A VERY USEFOL AND SUPERIOR Ali, TIOLE—By five turns of the crank, the apple 13 PARED, CORED and SLICED. Patented, November 11th, 1810, and February 17th, 1817, in Europe. For eale In any quantity, at No. 74 Wood etzeet, Pitts. burgh. Pleaso call and examine for yonreolves. Jr 4 SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK. LAKE FISH.—A large supply of White Trout, Salmon, Herring, &c., received and for sale by jy2B HENRY H. COLLINS. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR RAIL—An undivided third part of that valuable property, situate ut the corner of Sixth and Wood atreete, bAsing 130 feet front on Wood by . 6o deep on ixt.b . etreet. One-third of the abovo will be sold for $3,000. One-half in band—balance at one, two and throe yore. 8. CUTHBERT & BON, - .IY/ '5l Market street. • YDI{AULIO FRESSIND CANDLES.— ,f 1 ef. 6OO boxes Hydraulle Tressed Mould esthdles, made expreay.f.g. Bumme r . nie, on liand and for sale. by , fdl - CI It If. -SAWYER tiaß:4l:lo bxs. this day arriving, and ‘ O l esis (au2) ~!UNEIf H. 001.1=1.- AUGUST 12. 1858 DESEIRS IN ALL HUN D 3 02 No. 129 WOOD STREET JAYNEB' TEA STORE,. 3R Flftb gtmot )44 REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CIITHI3ERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market street, for the sale and pnrchasa of Real Estate, renting house; attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &o,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, ka4 writing totters and corresponding with parties abroad, .tc. oda BELDEN SEYNOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Earmaticas.—Messra. Hens, Garretson a Co., Robert Parka Esq. .1Y11:3' WM.STE.IEIN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER ST.REET, CLEVELAND, OEIO, Ifas for sal, Linde In Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will exchange Lands is Wisconsin, for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratii, by addressing me as abOvc. !allay PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A. GRIST MlLL—Threo run of otones and till the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, Etc., all In good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lots of ground, situate in South Pittsburgh, and will be sold on very easy terms by 8, CUTHBERT SON, I ell 61 Llarket street. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT- V.D, in oxchango for land. air= S. GOTRBP,RT a SON, a Market. et. ASTEAM MILL in complete running or der, with dwelling hones, eta., near the city, for dale by fi. CUTHBERT SON, ap 4 f 1 MArket etrwt. `WESTERN LANDS of good quality, fa v V sale or exchango for Real Estate In the city a. 22 S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market et. 1 4 +AMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-TA valuable property of 160 feet front on Covington et , Lawrenceville. by 100 deep on Washington easel to Marry alley, Brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms well arranged,bStn room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and coal house, kitchen rouge, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of dowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a c mpleto and pleasant realdenoe. Price low, and terms accommodating. 8. r'IYiEBERT et EON, Real Estate and General Agents, 451 Market street. SIZE of the cheap Building Lots a for sale by S. CUTHBERT E SON is 80 by 100 feet. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $275 to $4OO each. Torms—Onefourth in hand; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Office, 51 Market street. UOl2. DEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at such prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear It in mind, that they front on wide strosts, are of easy access by railroad, and are very desirable locations for family residences Boar it in mind, that the plan of the lots is to be seen at jel2 61 MARKET STBITET. FOR SALE.— SEVENTY TIIOUSAND ACRES of choice Prairie and Timber Laud, situated in Northern 10. a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the finest lot GI farming Lands ever offered in this market, as they are located conveniently to Mills. Towns and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to emigrants and catalogues giving location, description and price of the land, with a brief description of the counties in which they are Aoratod, can be had on application at our office, and they will be sect free by mail to persons sending us their address. WILLIAM FRAZIER. do CO., inyffatf Jones' Building, No. 67 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a Building Lot of 25x100 feet on Mt. Washington.— Price, s2oo—slo in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Al en, a Lot of 60x100 feet for s2so—s'ls in hand, balance in payments to suit purchaser. B. CUTHBERT & SON, je23 61 Market street. 1.2 ACRES of Land and a comfortal , le House, situate near the Washington Turnpike, at about 9 miles from Jones' Ferry, will be sold on easy terms. Immediate possession. S. CUTHBERT & SON, J 02 3 51 Market street. ALOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad station 30 by 100 feet will be sold for $2.75, one-fourth in hand, remainder at six years' credit. B. CUTHBERT .4 BON. my 29 61 Market street. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. rit'EaIiELLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR , corner of Fourth and Sixth.ltnold Streeta, R ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest Myles, best quality and most elegant deecrip• bone, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fall to satisfy and please the most fastidious tastes, [mylo DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.-- The final of HAWORTH LAO. do fiIi.OWNLEE was, 00 the 2“1 of May, 1858, dissolved by mutual coNsent, by the withdrawal of JEHU HA WORTH from the above firm. The accounts of the late firm will be settled by HAWORTH t BROWNLEE. J&1111 11A.WORTH, In withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons o, the Into firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to his successors, HAWOETII A 11P.O.A , NIZE, es they are determined to sell ut, low figcres, s:-sing a very large assortment of OHEAP GEOCEMES, WINES and idQuous on hand. JPIHII PLIWORTEL. DAVID .11AWORTN and JAMES BROWNLEE have this day aa.mciated together, and will continue on the business at the OLD STAND, corner of. Diamand and Dia mond alley, under the atylo of HAWORTH C BROWNL.E.E, where they hope to re;alve that patronage ao Metall given to the old flrzy as they are determined to sell ODLEAYER than any other Store in the city. my 1.13 SYRUPS. - 100 barrola "Choice" Golden Syrup; 15 do " Penna." Firat Quality Byrup; Just received and for sale by hiuddia ILICHETSON. lc' Naa . 021 and 223 Liberty- stret4 NEW FABRICS IN- DRESS GOODS.- A. A. MASON .2 CO., ta2s, NO. 25 Fifth Street, Ara new opening rloh Dress Silks, Beragaa, Otg and.tes, Paula Ann a apteatial seloation of SPRING SHAWLS. (api REED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Secd Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to dote' , consign meat tq JAB. A. FETZER, ap% Corner Market and Firat streets. COMPOUND SYRUPS OF PHOSPuATES, Oil CHEMICAL FOOD—This preparation is not in. tended as a popular remedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty us a nutritive tonic, wall suited to supply the waste, of elementary matter during the progress of chronic cases, particularly in Dyspepsia and Consamp• tion. This preparation is pleasant to tho eye, agreeable to the taste, and greattal to the &tonuch, and does not natts• sate by protracted cue. Sold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH FLEMING, 'em Corner Diamond and Market greet. (10IINTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country jnat remived chtd ;or sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Corner Martot and First streete BROOM CORY-3 tone first quality reo'd Ind for 'e f airGl IIRNRY 3L 00,,LINS. VANCY FRENCH BASKETS.—A nice azaortment past opened, HORNE'g. myB 77 Market street. WINDOW GLASS.— An as of Country Glass, assorted sizes, for sale by WM. IL SMITH & CO., tar2d 118 Second, end 147 First streets. - 10 INDSOR. SECADES.—GoId bordered, • plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings, So., always on hand at and for scat) cheap by I. 6 H. PHILLIPS, rarig 28 and 28 St. Clair street,. "[INDIA RUBBERIIOSE.—Ierom inch to IL 10 inches to diameter. A large supply fast received at the India Rubber Depot of J. H. PHILLIPS, my'4 c 28 sod 28 St. Matt street. W.ALL PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all In for rale at roducod prima, by IV. P. MARSHALL Is CO., tarn Fr Woad stmt. VNGLLSH GLASS INKSTANDS—Cut ,a and pressed, with Glass and Bronze Tops. Jel4 W. B. HAVEN, Stationer. il.l. itPS OF TIIE DIFFERENT STATES ALE lows, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebranka and Kansas, AtLeouri, Kentucky and Tennesee, Virienia, etc, for tale by J. K. WELVIM, Bookseller and Stationer, 1019 No. 83 Wood sheet, near fourth. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for Bale by B. L. EARNIIBTOCK it CO., Jel2 No. 60 con Wood and Fourth atroota. DRIED PEACHES-12 sacks choice bright dry Peaches received and for sale by JAB. A. IrETZlill, je22 Coma 31arket and First eta. CHEESE. -200 boxes W. R.; 225 a.English Dairy Cheese, for sale by [1e221 PENRY Ff. COMM. DRY APPLES.-50 bags; 150 bbls. Dry Apples for sale by e 22 HENRY IL dorm Na. CIREED .APPLES.-20 bbl& for' sale jv it. A • s , ISLIN; TOMS--; PASTE, : prepared n the won of Dr. Burgeon Den L AR obby AI& MEMO, PIANOS AND MUSIC. TIIE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK - OP - PIANO FORTES, FROM TILE ILAITIN/LOTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, BOSTON. Connoting of SIXTEEN of their new Seven Octave and Sit and a Half Octave Pianos; havejnot been received, and new ready for examination at the wareroonis of the sub. Bather. Notice. CEIORERING & SONS' PIANO FORTES are not furnished by them to any other house in this city, and all orders mast be directed to the subscriber. JOHN H. MELT OR, No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chickering & Sons' Pianos, jeS for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. P IV 0 S gt Rum, GRAND PIANOSI s i ' PARLOR GRAND PIANOS I I AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, loom the Manufaetrry of OHIGILERING A SONS', BOHTON, just received from the manufactory of Oldchering & Sons', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES :-- One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price "goo Oue Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case.' 'Price .4700 One Now Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly °quail . in power to a fall Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Plano: Price $6OO SQUARE PIANOS! Two fall carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, seven octaves, with carved Beak and Feet work. TwO Rosewood Elilvela octave—Clifford style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four it 64 1.6 ( 1 : ( 11 14 Four Rosewood " " " All of the above are of their NEW SOME, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent A.ction, These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOHN H. MELLOR, No. 81: Wood street, : del7 Bole Agent for Ohickering A Sons'. ALDERMEN. CHARLES We LEWIS, ALDER it And rareOffleio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH STRUTS. All business connected with this dike will be attended ha with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accnracy--auch as Leeds, Mortgages, .Bonds, Powers of At torney, &c. Titles to Real Estate examined. To the members of the Bar he tenders his services as Com. raissionor to talie Depositions to be read in the several Cotirte et this State, and. elsewhere. His oftleslo.one of the main Police Stations of the city, and copegusaitly his facilities in execntinz btuiinesbof that kind are very' ftesirabLa. 1 fe10:ly Alderman's ®Bice. TAMES ,S. NOON, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE P.EACE„ . AND POLICE MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 89 Orant street, nearly oppo site the Court Home, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Primates taken; the 'Records examined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgagee, Wills, Leases, Articles .of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc. etc., drawn up at Short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all business in the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. 202,- Office hours, from 734 t. If. to 1 P. Id, and from 2 to P. R.. apB:ly DERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to parchase good farming lands,' . are informed that we have for sa!e 632 aeres of land In Boono county, lowa. Mao 640 acres of land In Franklin county. will , bo sold on easy tame by B. CrOTIIBERT .t BON, m • 15 61 Market street. fIIGARS I CIGARS have received this NIL/ day a largo lot of genuine imported HaTana cigars,: of the old and well known ...Seneca " brand. , Those wishing a box of good cigars should call and examlnomy Stook before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. FLEMING, k 2 ' Corner Diamond awl Market at. fLARET WINE. -- 20 easea.N. Johnston & Sons Maas Olivet 10 " " St. Julien Claret Wine 60 " C. CL St. Julien-Claret. Wine i in store and for sale by MILLH.II. & =HUTSON, mylB Nos. ZI2 and 2Zi 'Liberty -troet. PHEMIOAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 bOkes ~1 Obengoal 011vo Eickeive Soap, on hand rnii for sale by le7 B. O. lej. RAWYER. 9 , ACON.-10 casks Country Bacoh derv, Bides and Hams, Just received end for eabs by JAB A. BETZ".4, my2B Corner Mated and Wind street& TNDIAIO.-2 oases Manilla Indigo, just re l. calved and for sale by mylB MIELE& Ac 11:10110130N. DRIED APPLES.-50 bueli.'Bright Dried Apples Just raceived and for We by JAS. A. FETZER, Mr% Corner sfdrbetorid Fpcond Atm. 6yOIIIGES.—I have just received a large lot Snperior Batting Sponges., of every size and price. Those wishing a good article In this line, itotild call and examine ~y stock hefaie purchasing elsewherm. JOB. FLEMING, Owner Disrinnid end Aferkat see.ot FRESH NIIICS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell " 60 bags Filberts ; 30 " Cream • nta 30 " pecan " 2000 bus. Ground, " 600 Cocoa " Just received and for sale by REIMUMto .NDGB.BON, No. 30 Wood'etreet, je9 , Cmposit.: she ht. Charles TJotel TO CKINGS, GLOVN,S, .I'IIITM% ET-0.- kj Suitable fur the approaching .hot season ou,ttaud by _Je3 ' JOS. 11 41 11NR,11 Marker .treet. LA6S:--500 boxes 811.0; 9x12 and 102r12, T for ra , n by (=I t HICNIVir EL COLLINS TUB PRINTING.- Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars, . Bray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J. B. WELDIIf, Printer and Bind.. r myBl. Wood street, near Fourth. 1 ‘) ACRES of choice land, with good lin or.# provemonts, near the city, for sal° on easy terms by 8. CRITHBIIIIT S SON, job 6l raartrrt ittreet 303 ACRES of Farming Land, near Uniontown, Pa., for sale at $8 per etre. 10 1 B. CUTHBERT & BUN, 61 Market st. DALLS 1 BALLS! BALLS!—A: huge as sortment of soot, Solid and Bat Balls, just, received and for sale, wholesale and retail, nt the India Rubber Depot. 28 and 28 St. Clair street, my 29 J. & IL PHILLIPS. VANS 1 FANS 11—Palm Fans • byrthe - case, dozen, or Dingle, at Eastern prlcies,with other varieties of Pancy Fans, for sale at 110ILNE'E r ieB 77 Market street. EMONS.-100 boxes Palermo Lemons, ju Just received and for sale by BEIVAIM & ANDERSON, Na at) Wood street, m 717 Oppostle Bt. Eliatles HoteL LARD OIL.-- • 60 barrels Extra No.) Lard 26 '• No. 2 Lard OR, 011 band and for sale, by [myll3j B. 0. A J. H. SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.—Just received a. lot of 0 , strictly pure Old Government Java Coffee. Alio, La gum and Rio Coffee, at 4AYNI3B' TEA: ROO,' J 06 38 ,iflrth street. rag BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH & BROWN. LEVIS, in tho Diamond. - 1400 RESTS—Made of Mahogany and j) well finished, for sale by W. B. HAVEN, Jel4 Staticmor. -§ ILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS--A $ large aasortment alvrap on hand, or made to order. W. HAVEN, Jel4 Corner Marketand Second streets. _AWYERIS SEAL PAPERS .--Varions A. ease and colors alwayaon hand, at - B. HAVEN'S, Jolt Cornet Market _and Soccnul sta. - A. FARM of 238 acres, near Economy, for este by . EL CIITEII3/1711‘ a /30 N i ,IylT 6l Market street. I'RENCH LEMONS.-20 jnO received and for Eale by ItIMIEB. ANDRani, ! - .42 8 . No. 80 Wood streati GERMAN DRAWlNG 'fiiißrigraven, for 031014 J.- R I - NULDT% ato3 a t Wend utteat.-vrer fiIIM BANDS, Fort Folloo,l. Desk RadO, NS Bankers Casco, Port gourd* and Peciat Books, for gale by - B. FIA.VMVS, • apl9 Corner Market and Second streOte. Cl SACKS?-304 lateihree bui3hels Gamy Sada, rawiind in goal ordckfor, eala by . Cone? lingfand Idarlrat atreetcl riSST, 1317,5.-5 barpgs •AtaTkan. ) pi)* 4 .1 alb day, tu: 0, for sale by 8EM1Xi 7 A141001 , 901 5 4 -- Namur ood atwt„ _ cal*: OFROstie Made" 11041. NUMBER 259; MISCELLANEOUS: MILITAaY GOODS.:. THE SIIBSCRIBERSIIAVE CONSTANT. LY on hand a complete stock'oi MILITARY GOODS 00IMISTING IN PAST OP' PLUMES, WORDS, SASHES, TABR T-S, Voluutear Campanile's amuguam wria ran rQUIPMAII4,d-ai /11104 2AOZIOi BILK ,END BUNTING BEAUS MADE 'ORDRB. Jrzo. Li. nyvaroDE2Pav - sON. 95, lIMOLUB MIME •filL, Ur NgSTOEI4 No. 24 WOE .street, Pittsburgh, AS JUST. RECEIVED DI OT FROM. 11: _ENGLAND— WALDIZON & GRIFFIN'S . • C HUE INA • CORN ' :SCYIII 4 ., 0031,17 HOES ; RATENT AND COMMON ANYT.ES;• STEM Traps, very superior " Drawer Locks, very superior Gun Locks, Vaned and Elimulielled Sauce l'alia„ Bilating - Spoorm, Duo Candlestick°, Bras° Cocks, Brass Stair Hoch, Bracer] and Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior 'Waiters Garry- Combs, C'h. Teacso, Coil; Fifth, Tongues StretchandßrOast e.laaa r with a variety of 'other goods , ail of which will bo sold ht mod erato terms. ' : : • 003 AMES. MILLINGAR, MONON(WIELA PLAITLSIE/ MILL, would respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt since ,the firo; and having enlarged hla establishment, and filled it with the newest and, most sp• proved machinery, is now prepared to furnish - flooring and planed boards, scrowl sawing and rep.wing,,doors, sash and i.hntters, kiln dried, frames, moiddings, box Malting, South Pittsburgh, September 7,1857: , - GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS. a a E A P CHEAP 9 PEOPLE'S SHOD 5'201114 - No. 17 MTH T. : ODILDRENS' . BIrOII3 WINDOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 • to 6 inch inch diameter; for rale by EANS.-25 bbls. white Beans,for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, Corner Brat and Market sta. 1, 4 9. RIE NOT, 'AP •.:A 1. VELOP • ; TANDS IN VIRGINIA, lowa and Texas, for sale by otarapanz'a. sox myl.3 61 plarkot trot. INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS.— .e best article in use, Jru3t received at the 'lndia litibber Depot, 26 and 29 Bt. Clair Street. my 22 J. 14 IL PHItLIPS. RINTED BILL BOOKS—Assorted sizes nt W. S HAVEN'S my 24 Stationau Warobotwo. 9 - 11EXAS, TEXAS.---540 acres of good farina ,g. lug land in Hays county, nearAnatin, Texem.' Pinkie and timber land, $3 per acre, for sale by myll S. 013T5BERT .1i SON, 61kot st. ( I LL CLOTH . CRASH-1500 yards of vari- . ons patterns and widths, Jazt reeecred from the fao• tory, for sale wholesale or retail, by TUST RECEIVED A SUPERIOR LOT wiu of Double and Single Barreled Gnrld, fer side low by CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, NO. 86 Wood street. my27:me lvon SALE.—One-third of a *valuable ' iro ~i Dey, having a front of 130 Vet on. Wood street by CO deep on With stmt. 8. COTH.BERT /lc BON,, my2l , • • ' • bl hisiket ifreot. 6r EVEN -AORES.---A Lot of. Grotuid of 7 acm ) in, Gollina township , (morning aide) guitablo for o country!' rtfililenco: For sale by - myll B. OIITHIMIT 130 N- 61. Market GLASS. -300 bodes asserted sizes Whdow Glass, good country brand, fnr erdo by myo ' - • ' HENRY EL OOLLENEI. 11)LOROODIS.-50 doz. rec'd and for sale by JLP mi2a HENRY H. CaLll,4B. F"'-500 packages White Fish, Salmon, and 'Trout, for sale by (my 27) '11:.11. COLLINS. - ENO. D. lir ditEAR Y'S 001 ID PRINTING IN B—Sold by f mr24] J. 8.. CV-SWIM gnORN.-10 bags shelled Corn, received and 14„„,/ for gale by — heal ETENR I I' H. (mums. ( 'b UN TRY BACON.-1000 COuntry Bacdn, llama, Bbouldura and aides, received and for tilde by JAS. A. PBTZSB, rnyl2 Cl , - , mor Market and'Firat ' 'OK .130fJKS—On all the Batiks -,and Brokers at W. S. HAVEN, mr24 Printer a Ki Stationer. QALAD OIL. 1O baskets pure, juSt, ree'd end for sale by B,EXALER a. ANDERSON, , /51y4 No. v 9 Wool street. I AWRENCE, COHEN & CO.'S DOUBLE AA ES A 111E1'41D VIB.I.IIAG CLILDS.—SoId by; • my 'l4 J. 4..W.KLD111. 1011 N.-200 bush. Finn white Corn, for adla by (ap27) LIMOS EL COLLINS. 1 1 0 LET.—A commodious three story Frame Boum+, with Brick. Baßement—altnated on. Bedford otreet—to rant, by Mt ÜBE' t a mouvrsoN, mr2s No& =.l and 223 hibertratreet bblo. freeh roll, for ealo by rarl9 ITHNIt V TT COLLINS. trIIIEAP ' WALL PAPER.--A new 'supply ‘.4.11 - / of new patterns for 'golly W. P. 11.513.51 7 AL1. & CO., 87 Wood street. g,„TARCI:I-100 bx 9. McClung & Campbell's .1131t111 StarBb,, for Bala by 1830 W. H. s,irrH gCO. $7 50. A roo tw i3 o ,, s it to: ;? ! , i f n ra s m on e th h e ou ftts se b , a ( rg f t4 ric fou i r r the Bridge. Lugo lot of ground, fruit trees,. 4c. ray menta easy. For gale at the Boil Estate Office of S. CUTEISBar SON/ 61 Market atreot. raomPsoN & co. —Have j us t vi received rind for gale, a largo lot of • English Venitiria Red, • Rochelle • Ochre,' Vermont Ochre, . French Zinc, American Zino, White Lead, and Whiting, at -; • s Tfi•ird.stro bble. Superfine Flour just calved and for rale by JAB. A. FtSTZHiI, is 8 Corner Market and First atreeta. QTAR CANDLES.-1000 boxes Extra Quality Adamantine Star.. Candles; on hand and for Baia by - • P. CdrJ. Et SAW-VEIL T ARD OIL.-N 0... 1 and No. Lard Oil _La constantly on hand and for solo by Ja7 • B.C. d , J. H. SAW Ital. DURE MADEIRA AND CLARET WINES, by the bottle or gallon, at, - HAWOfilli BROWYLEVS, • .35 I n the Dianimd. I.IIIIfELDING LOTS-42 Lots; each 30 feet -KA front by 100 deep, citrate In East Liberty, : hoarthe Halleoad Depot. Prices from $215 to VOLl—terma P onetonrth in hand; balacce at years credit. Call and see the plan. my`lB 8. CIITD is}lltT .1 -PON, 51. afar tret.wt. TITESTERS.—Borders and. circles :tor , . Tee .a, torff. for 05!..1 by rmrSl l W P. ISIATIFUML 8i CO. HOMINY. -6 bble. Flint Hominy fin . sale by JAS. A. FETZER,. mvl.2 Carnet Market and. that sta. TORPEDOES. -500,000 NV. I,Annt'ieed . and for lade =MIR 6 ANDERSCIN t ! ieB__ No. 89 Wood street. "VIRE WORKS FOE{ VOURTII OF autif: .i: —lire Worts and Fire galloons icznatifactrired bY 4. P. Diehl, Pyrotechnist, for sale by - .. . . REIVUEE. a ANDERSON, No. 89Mood attest, jet . Opposito the St. Charles Hotel • 'LIAYETTE COUNTY - FARM. FOR SALE. —402 acres in Wharton township; 410 nm l er fonoe inth log house:6oe goed.ePrings,' coal ,'and linteittone er>billf the farm is fine timber land, and about 100 acres in nneadowr The 101 l is goad, adapted for a stock or grain farm, nate at 134 miles from Fayette Spring; fl milers from ilmiom town, and•ls Oonnellavillei will be sold at a 144 pricer or exchanged for approved Western. lands. • 108 ' • E.'OI:ITEIBEAT aSO '4, 51 liarkot st. VIDURE JAMAICA RUM !AI % by the bottle or gallon, a IiAIVOUTS BROlgarZi. UMBRELLAS--silk and Gin * gbiza - Burt Itrabrallas, operior to partiote, for uon Gin at 3149 rEk tea; W • ;Pa. , • • . . 17 M: • . Army e I and; Deaarati_ Oo ve for dadias pannallng Oalc,,Marbla and fradoM prepared•by_ _ Lmyfd] P L•AiItSLIALIA PAPER on hand, of tag G. JaIIKSTON Cat' , Btlitionecro , 67 Woodig_tro,. dec bY myW PALrantEls:;-Laiidscaget, Lo ws quoAsucolorho.orow4s.—.B4o eti , BELTS, EPAULETTES, BIIZ°PONI3, MILE a, WO, ETO P. hi .21., I E 8 0 IL 11. OOLT.J.NB J. Er H. PHILLIPS, 28 and ,2R,St CIAfF at,' f 4 D HDJ