BUSINESS CARDS: e:. - A 7:.743E.Y4'17- ace LAW, =". a. fl GRANT: et-m, ik,t-Amm rez. -- th atzt, - : adlriamona airy. A. LOIYELLI, Attorney at Law, e"ce Fcr.rth street ; Pittabargh, betwecza timithg.eld. and Mem" decll:l7 - • . Surgeon Dentist, suoccEnor If. Biddle. No. 11! Sall:hi:ad ttroct. Ctracz hours 'from 8 to I. o'clock, and from 4 to 6 o'clock fonifcly f SOOT";Dentist, Fourth street, five door wmt of Afm-Imt. AQr Woo hours from 9 o'clock A. IL to b dolool: P. IL docZty 11 - OSEPH FLEMING, successor to L. Wil- U cox a Co, corner of Market Moot and tho Dianiond, keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, MED 'Gums, mxnICILICE CELESIB, PLIIIIMETtY, and all arts. oleo pertaining to his business.. e Physicians' P.roarriptions mref ally compounded ct all norms. WAL:Pa P. VircIZIALL .J0873:1 P. MUMPS wP. mAitsll.A LT4 & Co., Importers and e dcalern in French and American PiPEB, RANG. MIS:, :No. S 7 Wood _tree; Pittsburgh. ...."7K,•,1: 0 agnir. for the celebrated manni,..t..tur.t..3 of Lleeso. Delhvnst :e. Co., Parid. Stig7 rante'r.Krum..— .... ......... J. 1.12 - Ziaa , 2l AND SON, , (suc c essors to AAA Joshua 'Rhodes I: Co.) wholesale dealers in FOREUGN rituas, N tris, saxEs, oONFECTIONABY, 81.10A.8.5, No. Wand st - ect, opposite the St. Charles lasi, Pitts burgh. . spa J. M. ILVETILE, MERCHANT TAILOR E 4 ST. rT. 477? STREET, (Dr. Irish's Nor it . cilaing v=t'SDURGE. fdel2ly W. KERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED • . from grater of-Fifth and Wood to STREET, In Phillips' nsu building—continues to prepare Plans and Specifications of, and to Superintend the IhectioL of every description of Buildings. &Wily* A FULTON, BELL AND BRASS laLk e .6`01:1N. DEB, N 0.70 SECOND street, Pittsburgh, Pa:, is prepared to furnish toorder CHURCH, STEAMPOAT, FACTORY AND OTHER BELLS, Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. CfEEMBFT.Ls made to order. STOP and GAUGE COORS grail tsizea, for Steamboats. MINERAL WATER- PUMPS, COUNTER RAILINGS, and every variety ci' Brass Castings .lied 10 the neatast manner.. RABBITS ANTI•ATTRITION METAL; FULTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PACKING, for Stesm Engines. [ap23:lj L OUGHRIDGE & MAXWELL, 11.4.51 - EICITILIRS or Looking-Glasses, Frames, and Brush% s And Dealers in Clocks, Muse Furnishing Goods, tc. tc. no. 126 Wood stroot ) above Fifth, PrriSBITBGH, fralaaayl iZt..llaeblne Brushes made to order EDUCATIONAL. St. Fransls Academy for Boys, EMI= .TITZ GABE OV THE FRANCESCO' BROM:MB • - Loretto, Caustbrla Corsua LIT, Pa, PHIS INSTITUTION, NLTURALL't situated for Educational purposes, affords all the ire ducements that can he - desired for a Catholic "melba:ion. It is located in. the moat healthy and picturesque pdrtion of 'lie Alleghenies, distant four miles from Cresson Station, the direct mail route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. 'fhb scholastic year commencing the first Monday in September, will close the lfith of July following. The Terms for - Board, including a thorough English E clea tile Coarse, are $lOO per annum. The CinZic and. Modern Latiguogee form an extra charge of $lO par annum. IN • .bing and use of Bedding $lO. Far furrier pv..- - culars apply to the superior of the Refererzeo can tro mt 2.4.10 to the Rt. Roy. Tr.. 0 'COMM apliOdydaw Vincent's College and Seminary, trICDMI 'Zia 'CAME 07 VIE BE--TEDICTINE, FAXECEREI, Near Latrobe, Westmoreland county, Pa, IN THE COJ , LEGE ARE TAUGHT THE usual branches of English Education. In the F.V.MfARY, the Classics, Mathematics, Maury, Met:lrks, Philosophy, etc, and the different brancheo of higher erndition neocesary or nooful to Chez° aspiring to Priesthood. The terms for Board and Tuition are $64) per year, to Lo p3' id strictly in advance. Gecunm and French and other languages, Drawing, ing and alusic,form nu ex:x:4 charg,e,excaptillz come recora pensatou far the L6..3 of tustrtunente. W.3-51.1ag, Broke, Stationery, eic„ form extra charges. For parti...mlare Lpply to the Direct 4: of the Oollego. TheaDollegiate year b , gihr, on the let of S..i.tembei, and ends on the 3d of July following. FATEFILt G. B arc:Aar of the Collet;, DRY GOODS. 'Retrench! Retrench!! A MOTHER CRASH-IN PRIGS !-Bo- Lug determined t, tell our fitocir ; thongl. " the Tile are Tight,", we harc a general aweep— REDUCII9 TEE ENTIRE STOCR: To erill lower prices. Now is the time to boy whea the al-ortmeat le yt,t unbroken : and the Pric,a Put Dow ti I Dewy!! ii.t.MNE, 77 Market strest. rfflll.El LAST CIiANQE IN FIGURES.— A Bonnet Ribbons, worth 75 cents, at 6*6 por yard. do . do do al% at faft do do '.; dodo 52 at 87% do do do - do 87% at 25 do JOIOPh' aoRNI:. 77. 'Market street. R ICH VELVET„TP.IMMIN US, Al .1 - ;;01.1011D A chain-) amar=aant ca band and for mia az mall .}IOF.NES', T Usrlzet GENTLEUEN'S UNDER GARIVIENTS— Wool, silk, Merino and cieavy Cotton Under Shirtt and Drawers—a freth acipply received a: 110 in del.9 7 itacket greet. - WYE Cont 3 per Pound Redaction in the 11: Price of BitADLL'Y'S YARNS.—Wholesalo Buyers and Peddlars will be famished with BRADLEY'S TEIREE.PLY KNITTING YARNS at a redaction of Five Goats par pound, by the bundle, after this data, For esah, and Cash only. JOS. HORNE, 77 Market ttroet, !gear for the Manufacturer VAIBROIDERTES.—Our excellent stock of Alf French Entbroldizries, and the low prlcca at which they a.-e 'narked, offers ra-e inducementa to ladies erishio.g to pnrcht.we the lata—t MONEY 1 MONEY 11-PRICES MARK ED DOWN. .45ar Great redaction In the price of Embroideries. We hays gone carefully oyez our handsome stock of • FRENCH-WORKED COLLAB.I3, UNDER' SLEEVES, MUSLL'i BiNDS, etc., etc. And 'Baud the prices to snit the "Hard Timec." The Ladies may rely on getting bargaina at ocV7 HOILNE'S, 77 Market street. E WILL SELL from the present time nu , oommoaly cheap 3'oB, ()Ali a. Please call and exam ins'otcr stock. 0. HANSON LOVE, oct2o rormerly Lova Bros., No. 74 Market cl. DEtIiSTED EI:LENGE' MERINOES, for 62 .11. and lb cents, worth $i and $1,1... the best assortment in the city. O. HANSON LOVE, (formerly Love ftrothers), dea Y.o 74 Mickel street. 120NNET ITELVET.—Every variety of Bon net material, ;Inks, Velvets and eating, for eels at zoil3 FIOI3N trB. BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.- A fall amortment, vary champ. O. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers, No. 76 fiarket. street EVERY Economical Purchaser of Drina Goods, Shawls, ;dantles, Sta.; also Domestic and Sth pie Goods, will and it to their advantage to call and exam! our New Stock e Pall and Winter Dry Goods before parches lug elsewhere. G. .11S-NSON LOVE, salt 'Formerly Love Bros., No, T 4 7slszket et. ).„3HAW.LS I SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, Brocha, Co., both long and square, the very beet In the city, and at very low prime for cub. 0. - ILLNSON LOVE, formerly Love Brea, No. 74 31arket street. PIQUE and lAA.RSEILLES, Fleeced, for =king ItaAjaea. A largu anortatent at dad; TO PRINTERS.—The subscribar has now on h and, and is daily receiving, from tho manufac turers, a large assortment of Printer's Stock. B. W Potter's Printer's Canis, from Nu. I to 7, Satin China, Porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. Card B:ards, in sheets ; MoCreory.'s Cclobrated colored Inks; " Card Lay 4 - Er'on. " News Varnish and. SIZ.;;; Colored Printing Papers ; Pamphlet Cover Papers : ' Glazed and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow ; Steel Blue Gl.zed Papers, and a largo aosortment plain Nov; Getter, Cap, and iro,io Post, blue sad white. J. It. WELDLN, G 3 Wood erect, nor Fourth. s'JOULE) you ask me, should you wonder, Where to buy your Shoes and Gaiters? °LIMO for your met in springtime, Bocrrs with heeli, and pretty Bum's. Nice Fr.r.scd SurreßS for the =tamer, Patent Lou this, Glove-Sid Mocasins i Where to hey :ilea, cheap and pod too; I should answer, I would tall you, Go auto the P.F.JPLES' SHOE SIGS& F. 7 To the Peoplas' Cheap Shoe Store, To the Store of DI. , v.%N.9.i.CELES, ap 2 iNo. 17 Fifth street. ENv BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— = hoses !visor:We'd:ea, 4'r, G's and as, Sperm Candlas on hand =I and fo, rg.le O n OAPS. L 7 10.70 boxes B.c.sia Soap, is b., 2Ex and 3 rt., biro. 500 " 110.1 Pnim &sp.; in D. lb. and 8 lb. bars. " Chemlnal Olivo Soap, la lb. lumps. Oleitte 0;14. 2,50 " German .200 " Osstile .53 “ 'Pure ?alm On hand and fcr Bee by jOl.l cm", B u c A il . ovvitsl. l :ol - ....% offered low, at "71, 'p eop i ee Bhoo Store," No. 17 Vifth scree!, near tittrb - ..t, fat - ' Dbits.Nß. Cala .!.- Co. ONLY $750 FOR A' WO SiottY ling, House, cf four roou, with lot of 7r0., und 20 fri feont on Monterey etwet, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an Tetrad, $4OO in hand, balance at one, two anti three yeszn, 9. CUT ET EON, Boni 5l Market street. BUFFALO SHOES.—A. splendid article of Gents' and Ladica Rxgfalo Orer Shorn. o, ante Oaf Over Ehoft at the k.,V7?ple's Shoe Stare, N0,' , 17.11(th Street, noarltaxiot. N.___DMENBACHEIt co. WWI XI. GARB. SODA.---100 - kess, just I roelyed and for gale by Kl2l FAILIMMEA 00. WM. H. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE . GROCERS, 11S Second & 141 First sts.., SYit MILLEIL, Phila Bauranon Pk'tab'h C. W. . rainu.r.B. & RICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND 1.11201171. 4 113 OF BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS. Noe. 221 and =3, Corner of. Liberty and Irorin Streets, JOEEPEL HOLN'A. • 77 IlTrzkastreet., 8.0. J. 'IL EAWPFuI. " isBZ.trn. ia 1 S. C. k J. a sAwym GROCERS. iiaL H. 15Mri-Ei: mr26 i:T==ea, AND SOLD AGENTS FOR Swearer's City Mass PITTSBUSWI4, PA. IROL, NAILS, OOTEIN YARN'S, &a, C../NSTANTL:7 ON HAND DA.TID LeCINDLLS6 WILLIAM 2133.115. 00777. IiVCANDLESS, ItIFALIWS . Li; CO., •sr TAIWICL L beavatzca,) IVEOLE.S.AL:E.. GROCERS • • taw= rzi BON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AHD PITi3BURGH SIABIIYACTUa OBBERALLY, Corner of Wood and Wator otreeta, faletly PITTSBURGH, Pa. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. JA'S COY.s.iffeiS Forwarding and Commission Merchants; Fr-asioor.a Conine' Pittsburgh., Meadville Es Erie CANAL LINES Ncs. /14 AITD lib WATZR BTRZEW, PITTBBI32OI, PA. LITZODES, HAGEN a. CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION ItLZRC II A Pi T S, No. 30 SYCIAZOBI O. [ji29 J. D. liOUSEMAN9 (LATE OF HOUSEMAN A. SMITH ' ) COMMISSION AND FORWAADING DIERCEIANTS, Ho. 9 EL Second Street, apB:3m - ST. LOUIS, 31/SSOUBL Ones. liuncenasys, 0. J. Ho; en, Jogs WRIGHT 0 i3ttalphreys, Hanna 4t, Wright , FLOUR FA 01R89 PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 75 N 0.3.711 WHARVES AND las NORTH WATER fiT., Above VIDO Street, • REFER TO Conrad., Thompaion A Co., Kills&lptda. Thompson, Clark A Young, Biter, Pries - Co., - Caleb Cope & Co., Barcfpft, Rev.vier. &Co', u Canby, N6-9lle A Hughez, .E. ll:Lewin C£l.3 Id tr. 2 . au tl !if. Bank, Jca.ll..M.ite.bell, i:ier lA-roll's Bank:. " Morrii.L: murowelf t CO. - , l'ilderitchOon A'Collina, John !l. Kennedy A Co., " Ralgoel A Co, Ilekett, U . r.the",l7, 4 C.), Mayavillo, Ky. Bhreimbrit7 & Price, Madkon, Ind W. fi. - Langleyet Song, Oalllpolls, Ohio. Lawrenca a lidatWaa, Lordk - villo, Ohio.! A. D.. Bullock'. Oindinnati, Ohio. W. LlOlmes k Co, Pitteburgh, Pa. Bagaley, ooegraro A. Co., noel day* mars..? L. WZOB 9LORT.r. P. WEBB._ A. L. WEBB & BRO. (ducx.ara to klora is Wznn,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AGENTS _FOR TIIE SALE OF DUPONT'S POWDER AND SAFETY FUSE, C0V11 . 27. Pratt evad Commerce a trees. e, UAL - M*l7loRa', 'docelve 'on Coasignruunt all kinds of Western Produce, and make advanow thereon. R r. PERRIACM H.Smitht. co., W. d L,,i a t r ha. IticketaGli. inril:St.,a-w.em CULLIN S, Forwarding and COTIII3II4EiUII :Serchant, and wholesale dealer in FISH, C1LE.1261:, Burria, 81Eans and 1"1.10Dig.:3; generally, Ne. g Wend, Pittßiargh. morb GLASS WARE. &L7Z 071'..,=G XOECIZLIC r.o=ser, IariLLED ..... ....... U.=1117 L. BIN PURLING, ROBERTSON & CO., Altuu ‘,./ forturers cf Cut, Premed and Flolu Flint GLUSWAItIi, warehoasa Yo. 17 Wood st-.cot, coruer of Front, Pittsburgh. I'Z'• All other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, at low Martot prices. unllidly y ULAM, Successors to Mulvany Ledlie, manufacturore cf Cut,Moulded and 1-Alain Eliut and Fancy Colored GLABBW,LIE, and &Glen in all kinds of Vriadow Glass, F ackc, Wale and Dotilea. Woo tioulo conic: of Mr—tket and IY2.ter eireete, PittataEli. WINES AND LIQU)RS JOHN 3117.401 t & G®., GraOLIZIALE, WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, rio. 1.58 Liberty Street, Pittebttrgb, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, tiononganela and Rectified Whist ies—aleo, Blackberry, Wild Cherry, P.aspbe ry. lnd Ginger Brandiai. kapl2:l7 M. Drmazt lL .11TTZDT. DEVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchants and Rectifying Distillers, No. 6 tincithficid street, Pitteburgb, Pa. spa:ly LAKE FISH-200 packages arriving and for sale by (jy22) lIE9IUY H. COLLINS. -1 32 AOB,ES of Land for 450, half in hand and the balance in one year situate in Elk county, Pa., neat Centreville; '26 acres cleared. The soil is good, and timber of best quality, far sale by 1Y 4 20 S. CI:I2III3StRT t SON, 61 Market at. PAPER. WAREHOUSE.-JNO. M. PER HMS & 00., No. 128 Wood street, have the largest as mermen t of all kinds of Papers over In this market, suoh as Book and Printing Papers; Bag and Straw Wrapping; Latter; Manilla Paper of all sizes; Cap; Book and Box Boards; Note; Envelopes; Tisane; Bonnet Boards; and Glazed Papers; Hardware Paperoic. Which we will sell at manufacturers prices. .; y2l jNDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS 2 —AIso, a largo assortment of Dressing inc:: SLIM Long Combs, just received at the India Rubber Depot of J. PIEILLIP„ oil 213 sled 23 bt. CLair atr HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Juat reesivoil sail for sale, e; rhRY APPLES.-50 bbls. bright Dry Ap pies, rocoiced and for tuilo, by cy.3 UI}NRY IL COLLINS ®RN APPLES.-15 bbls. choice Apple IL" received and for sale by al 6 HENRY 11. COLLINS. "LbEANS.-20 bbls. small White Beans, just 11 =aired and for tare by lIIINFY H. COLLINS. rIMCYraY SRED.- - TO bags reo'd and for sale by ("Iy 3 ) H.E.NR.Y H. COLLINS. NEW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.—StiII they come. W. P. MARSHALL t 00, apg 87 Wood street. NEW GOODS FOR SPR NG SALES.— . We are daily receiving from our own. and Eastern ii - -:ctories, additions to oar stock - , which consists in part of Floor Oil Cloths, Carrimm Oil Cloths, nrnitare 011 Cloths, Tab:. Oil Clothe, Crash oil Cloths, Transparent Cil Cli.ths, 7:ar spas -r Vv'indely Shales, Lturr Efohanda, and Shade Trimmings Idurchauts, lionkokez , p ,-, rs, and ether, requiring any goods in our lino, are invitud to call and emanalne the stock, and Jukiga for th2inselre, in regard to the qa.allty and pricos. J. k H. PHILLIPS, mr2.5 Neu. 25 and 23 St Glair atnet. QUAD-10 bblz. No. 1 Baltimore Shadjust receirod and for sale by AIcCANDLESS ' MEANS k C')., je'22 o , rner Wood and Water straws. lIERHING-10 lob's. No. 1 Potomac Her ring, just received and for sale by LicCANDLESB, MEANS a 00., Ja22 Corner Wool and Water etreeta. DRIL4I) APPLES.-150 bum choico Dry Apples, received and for sale, by JAB. A. FETZER, spB Corner 'Market and rizat exesta. DINE APPLES.-500 received this day and for sal° by REYMEII /I; ANDERSON, No. SO Wood atreet my= Optmdto St Char Hotel. 14, AS •i BOARDS—For Packing Joints, , sold by WS!. G. JOHNSTON s CO., roll] Parer Pr4lme. 67 Vircol 11 rept. FISH, -150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal mon. etc. Lapn •: Y CO I : 141UE' —lOO barrels fresh Limo just reed _ _ I=3l HENRY- H. OOLTUS. TOPS of various patterns, for. 1,.) Ws by [meal H. H. COLLINS. trOBACCO A. IsIIS— CIGAB,S.—A largo assort : vent of feTarlte brands, on hand and for sale by WM. H. SHIM( & CHI, mr2d : 118 Second, and 147 First streets. ,MACK.FiREL---400 bbla.. and half bbls., No, 8 large} for age by Uy22.1 HENRY H. HOLLINS. 0 IL it.C.4 B A N No. 65 Tourat Mrest, LfiDDLTI ROOM, JONT_Is' NNW DIITLDLIIO. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'olorom ok ; Ma algo, on Wednesday, and Saturday evenings, fy let to November Ist, from 7 to 0 o'cloca: and from November Ist to Itlay lst, from 6 to 9 o'clock. Dapoalti re:civet:l of all mime rot less than O 1 DOLLAR, ands dividend of the prod to declared twice a year, in June andrDecomber. Interest was declared at the rt,•: , of six per cent. per annum, cm the (wet of Deremb , .r, 155; also In June and Docamber,l6s6, and in June and Docomber, 1957. Interest; it not drawn out, is plate I to tho credit of the depositor ca principal, and bear: the same hiferest from the first days of Juno and December, compounding twice ayes: without troubling the depoeltor to call or oven to present his pa book. At this rate, money will double, In las than twelve yeema, =raring in the aggregate RUMP AND GRI-1111P PAR A rx_ k m, Boots containing the Charter, By-Laws, R.nles and !teat,. furaiim*.ed gratin, on application at the °Mee. Prcaltient--GICOILGE AL BIBIZEI. Tau PRIMERS. Hopewell Hepburn, John IL Shoenberger, James Bhfdle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Leone 11. Pennock, Robert Ilobb, James I) Kelly, William B. Lovely, James ilordman, Hill Burgavln, John B Oostjave, H. HUNTER FOR AUGUST L 00.4.115", kust Building BANKS. MEM! 77;11:I.a J. Anderzor.. Jciin U. liackoimi, Cheers El nip, Albert Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John h. LEM...or, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D. Charles A. Colton, Henry L. Bing - wait, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, Ucorge S. Selden, George P. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Hoon, Thookeld Umbstaetter, William S. Haven, George IL White, Staxt.ardu.-4 Treasurer—Cal& A. COLTON. I tea BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS CO., DE'SMOIN.I:2, 11- 41 cA. fIOLLECTIONS MADE and prompt. Aj initted. LANDS selected and . iocstea. Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can du so through this house. Correspowieuee solicited. my 2.i.dui Lt TM LOOSE'S £11,.i. D. LOOMIS. A USTIN LOOMIS CO., Dealer 6 in Promissory Nutes,;llonds, Mortgnsas, nod all Samirities for Money. 9 Money Loaned on Chula at short dt.tee, with collators' Itecarity._ NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT :,ND .DLD Persons desiring Lonna can be accommodated on reasona blo terms, and capitalists can be fritnishod with guod becu t ties at remunerative prices- Aloe, attend to the &ale, Renting and Leasing of Itea &tate. Office, No. 92 FOllitTlEt street, above Wood. AUSTIN LOO:dit, Notary Public. ml,:a•t NT lIOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Es -6 change Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ances, Gold, aver and Bank Nova. ........achange on the Babb. ern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the Citif , 3 Lbrougin,,,t the United Btatea. Deposits re..x-lsred lei par fonds or current pep,r, No. 67 Market strut, between Third end ja3U:ly %THOMAS WOODS, Com.meroial Broker, and Z. Dealer in Nowa, 80nd.% Estutu, .tc., No. n fourth 131. , 36t, Pittst , argb, i u. Jens BY AUTHORITY. ~~~, Steam Screcti Pro peller Sloops-of-War tit the U. s. I , ..'avy lards of Portsinonth, N. HI., Bosion, New Work, thmport, and Pensa cola. NAVY DEPARTIIIiNT, July 28, MS cJE ALE)) PROPu . i.,4, LS, endorsed Propo salz,jor Steam y far S6rew Prarelle , War,'' will be received •t this . department until 3 O'clock: P. as.. of the Sth of ee;dernber next, for the complete con struction of the s eam machinery and appendages, and pia , iag the same on bear, for each of the screw 5100p5.4.4-war building at the navy-yaxca at fortsmoutti, N. id., Now Yon., Phil.delphia, and tiosport in accordance with tae fol lowing condii.....n]: Tll9 Offers must be for a specific sum for putting the whole in successful operation, must include all patent tees, and the department will require a release from the proprietors of any patented article or arrangements need 1:1 or atout the machinery, and must Frate the time in which the work will completed, and must be a.-compaaied by the usual guar antee required by inn. Tho name of the ectablicltaezt La which the work Is be exocotmi omit be stated. The details of the deuigh and ar range:l.-rut cf the machinery will La loft with the party whoa proposition may l except dR3 combining the great est number of adva.ntugo-, keeping ia view cost, simplicity et construction, readiness ef acce_is fur adjustment wnen in operation, and not being subject to derangement in the toerkiug parts; it 1 ding the object of the cepartmont to pro cure machinery which can devo'up great power whoa quiriid so ca to Insure high speed for us many days 'lc pu , si. tile, while at :ha came time they will be able to propel the vuscel ct a moderato spend with great emnotuy of tuel, ro that long voyages may be perfernitiO with one supely of With this view, the dopartiremt will expect the t...hlors to guaranty the rosults proposed to be accomplished by their plans, and to specify those rauilts under the following heads: let. The amount of horee power the unglues and boilers will be able t: develop for five days consecutively when driven up to their highest capacity ; -to be meatured on board the vessel by ;he indicator, at the sale 0f33,000 pourids lifted cue foot high In a minute and to be not less Chau .000 horse power, and at least Si) revolutions per minute. The consumption of conic per horsepower per hour must be state d. The pressure in pounds per sq tt, re inch ni the piston necessary to work the en:eines at the above vLocity, the ecrea being dreconneatud and the engines without a loud, encept the sine of cheating, UlliSr cot exceed 234 pounds per square inch or piston by indicator diagram. 2d. The quantity of c al which can ho stowed hi the ship without exceeding the total weight of 406 tons for machin. cry, appendages, balers and water in them, bankers, tools, square pieces, and coal within the length occuplrd by the engines and boilers. The boilers to be of iron of the multl• tubular lund, with brass tribes and with telescopic smoke pipe. and, as it is intended to use fresh water in tae bet ere, a surface condenser of the meat approved kind will be re- The propeller with the connezioui f,r hoisting it will be of composition, to ho properly proportioued tor at least 80 revolatlens per minute and for the immersed amicLthm sec tion of the vessel. The pumps, apparatus for ventilating, and appurteaanc 6 of all kinds necessary for the perfect workbag of the whole to be of the moat approved kinds. The coal bunkers, shaft passage, two atwartehip iron bulk heads, a distilling apparatus for fresh water, irons which can be made not hiss than 600 gallons per day, and t he tools and duplicate pieces necessary and eatisfactory for an efficient crui_•ing steam eloopobwar, must be incluthd In the proposition, and a list of them will lie furnished, The wood and carpenter work, except the boring out the deadwood for the shaft necessary to adapt the vessel for the reception of the machinery, boilers and appendage will be provided 'at the expense of the Navy Department, and it will permit the use of each facilities as it may have for hoisting the hsa y machinery an board. For the accommodation of the entire steam machinery and fool teem will be allowed in the body of the ship, the entire space under the spar dock commencing at 15 feet abaft the main mast, and thence extending iorwaril a distance of 60 feet. Within this space it is expected to carry coal far five days' stonnaing at the maximum speed. In the specifications the daily consumption of fuel will be Ftated; also the weight of the inadtinery, coal, boilers, water in them, shaft, propellor and appendages ' with tools ehd spare work, all of which must not exceed 406 Was of 2,2.0 pounds. Thu distance from the after side of the mainmast to the after side of the forward stern post will be about 80 feet, and the distance between the forward and the after stern poste will bo seven feet. The depth from the load water tine to the top of the heel under tho propeller will be 12 feet 1 inch. The proposal must be accompanied by full specifications and general drawings, having the position of the centre of gravity of the machinery, boilers, &c., marked on them, giving also the capacity of the steam cylinders, pressure of steam, arra of foot laid delivery valves, and of air pump and outboard delivery valves, space for steam above the water line of the boilers, the fire and grate furnace, also the diam eter, pitch, surface, and kind of propeller and other prin cipal points, that comparisons can readily be made. Tao terms of payment will be that, when one-half of the materials and labor provided for in the contract shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the department, there will be made a payment of ;/ 3 " part of the whole amount of the contract. When the whole shall have been completed and ready for erection in the ship a further payment of , 1 4, will be made; and when a satistactory trial of seven con secutive days shall have bean made, then a further payment of ; and when the ship shall have performed satisfactorily at sea for a period of three months, the remaining anm shall be paid. The repairs necessary during this period from de fective workmanship or materials will be at the expense of the contractor It is to be understood that if the weight and other condi tions specified in the contract be not compiled with, the do partmeut is to be at liberty to reject the whole machinery, the contractor to be at toe expense of Caking ft ant of the ship and refund whatever amount of theconuact price may have rem paid. PROPU:SALS will also be received at the same time and place for the steam machinery and appendage!, and placing the same on board each of the screw sloops-of-war bui.dlng at the navy yards at Boston, Philadelphia, and Pensacola under the specifications and conditions above stated, with variations in the following particulars, viz: it. Iroise power 750 at, at least, 80 revolutions per mlnutN 2d. The total weight for machinery, appendages, I oilers and water in them, bunkers, tools, tpare places, and coil Wind not exceed 310 tons of 2:10 pounds each. The length occupied by the engines and boilers will commence 14 feet abaft the malema,t, and thouee extend forward a distance of 46 feet. The distance from the after-side of the mainma3t to the aft- r-side of the forward stern limit will be about 7fi feet. The depth from the load-water line to the top of the keel under the propellor will be V feet 2 inches. Ream engine manufacturers who desire to bid, can obtain a copy of the section of any one of the vessels upon making application to the department. ISAAC TOUCEY, jy3l:tenB Secretary of the Navy. SYRUPS.- 200 dos. Lemon Syrup: 10 " Strawberry syrup; 6 " Pine Apple " 6 " Raspberry Joel, rocx,iv,d and for oda by P.—Fr-IER & ANDERSON, No. LS Wood street, Oponsita the St. Charlaa llotal TONE WATER PIPE.- 600 yards 6 inch; 800 u 4 " f 0, 30 3 400 Itwahrod and for rale by rje3] IL COLLINS NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! 1— liary Dar:vent, by Alm Ann S. Stephens ; Tho Jealous Wife, by NI N 9 Pantos. For gala by R. A. LOOMIS, Publishers' Agent, . leg Post Building-3,41 Fifth street. WRAPPING PAPERS.--1.000 reams as sorted eines, arraw and rag wrapping, for by G. JOHNSTON & COi jc9 - Paper Dealtra, 67 Wood street CIOPYING PRESSES, Copying Books, Bruthes, 011 Paper, for sale by ' W. S. AVE,HN' Corner Market and Recond eta. - PLNE FLOUR.-20 bble." Fine Flour in .IL' stare, and for sale by • - • ticeillIILFSE , DITANS a Co., fake • e arner of Wood and,Water streets. 1 ROOMS.-100 doz. Extra Carpet Corn 11, Brooms on hand and for arde by le7 B. O. A J. B. BAWYEa. BAILROATi) NOTICE. The Pitisb'h, Ft. Wayne & Chicago _ R D', -1 0.0.1),IP AN y NVIT— . ITS "AMPLE LING STOCK and eiirdprdent, and its through connectione,le pre pared to transport Paseeugers and .Freight from PHILA. Dlft2.lll.A. and PETSBURGH to CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, IN DIA.NAPOLLS, CINCINNATI, and all places West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The tact that this Road tame a direct and oonsolidattad line between Pittairargb and Chicago, is. a eteMelent guar ante° that.its Trains will make good time, and connections with 'Prainsbn ether Ihhid. ON AND e tiTER MONDAY MAY 10th, 1858, the Trains en this toed will reave the UNION DEPOT, Pittsburgh, daily, (Sundays excepted, as follows: ,PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE Pittsburgh. Crestlino. fFL Wayne. U.S. Mail , 7:30 A. 11. 7:07 P.M First Ilrprese s 2:40 A. M. 10:00 P.M 1 5:00 P. M. Second " 2:15 P. M. I 10:23 P.M i 4:50 A. M. BEACH CHICAGO—Sint Express, at 7:00 A. ILL; Second Express at 1:30 P. M. REAM CINCLNNATI—First Express 5a3 p. res Second Express 7:25 s. P.CAC .1 ea. LOUlS—First Express 5:00 L. itt.l, Second Ex. press 4:61 Trains make close connections at Crestline for Colum bps, Cincinnati, Indianan:ilia and St. Louis; ale° at Port Wayne with Trains on Wabash and Western Railroad feu Lafayette, Central Illinois and St-Louis: also, at Forest With Trains on the M. R. A L. E. R. R., and Lima with Trains se. Dayton and Michican Railroad. RETURNING. From Chicago. FeWayne. erc.stllne. Arr.Ptediet U. S. Mail, .10,e0 P.M. 5:30 A.M. 12:40 P.M.. 8.52 P. Ea. let Kt - press 6 3.0A..M. 2:00 P. M. 9:12 P. M. 0:10 A L 2d 5:25 A.ll 1.i5 P These Trains make close connections with Trains for 1851 adelphiu, Baltimore New York and Boston. Trains from St, Louie, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Colter:- boa make close connections at Cr:saline with all retort:dor, Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from St. Lath...Central:lF, nolo, Lafayette, and intermediate plaoes, connect with aerie Trains. At Forest, connections are made with Trains to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. The U. S. ilhirsi from Pittsburgh to Creetline, being a train for local bare nom, it °variation by the Second Express. ACCOMMODATION TitArei2.--Lteve New Brighton for Pittsburgh, at 0:30 A. M.. and 1235 P. 51. Leave Pitts burgh for New Brighton at 9:30 A. 31. and 5:03 P. M. BAGGAGE ORECKED TIIRCE.2O2, and no charge for handling. Travelers or persona intending ts purchase tickets In Pitts burgh for the West, will bear in mind that the only Agent authorized by the P., F. W. It (.). R. IL: 0. A P. R. R., and Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Companies, is GEORGE; PARKIN, at the Union Ticket Office, Connected with the Penn's It. F. Passenger Depot, Corner Liberty and Grant streets. BAGGAGE will not be checked fer perLarea purchasing tickets at uny other place in this city. t) COMMES! ;051 ON MONDAY, May 10th, and continue anti: farther notice. ,:bao..3W. Urtihrt, NEW WESTERN ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH, LT. WAYNE and CHICAGO, AND CINCINNATI, HAMILTON % DAYTON RAILROADS, 829 miles from Pittsburg' to Ciacinnutt rffiLitS LINE is composed of RoadB of the first Close., and hi located through a bf antlful and highly cultic:awl portion of the State. Direct connection to made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and :41witslippi Bali/pad, (the tracka of the C. 11. & D. h 0.. Road:, being connected, for I.,3niaviii St. Louie, Klanernio, (Sire, . BlierenhiH, NstoScz, Now Orlar.m. Connection made at St. Louie with the Pantile itsitroed and hileacrari hirer Pai:kets, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all polnt West. Alao coiaccta at Clnoinn,ti with Kentucky Central R. R., for Lexington, Danville, FrankSf. , rt Lsad all point.' in Central Kentucky. Trains Bare Penn street Station B 4 follows: ) td with 3.31) M o but olio change of care, lir - riving ar. • Pu= c e tiro Trula, * I 0 is A.. e cr riving in Ccentiine at 10:05 11., Cia. 8:00 P. M. rkg_ BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. - %t Fare as Low (1.4 any other aotite. For all information, and Through Ticketa, apply a the Ticket 0111 c,, corner 11.)n)ogahela Ilotire, or at NMI stroet Station. deeir..av of going thLi mote will evil for vta Delaware Cut-011. J. 11. 310.cf11.,` Supt. Pt. C. it. It, L' IYL is Ltd: , 51.1 A. C. it. 6D. It. It. nov-21 Pitthburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati . R AILROAD LINE. Change of Ti/2121. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10ru, 18a 'Trains will leave tho Depot of tbo Pennsylvania Central Ran:m.l • a ll):lowa : For CLEVELAND, 812171'3,1.0. DEraorT, 6:45 I. iE. CISIOAGO AND Tilt WEST. WEIL:LING AND ZA.NESTLLIZ. For CL6V:LAND, TOLEDO,. DETROIT, 2:35 P. M. ,--- TI C uT C t . c . t?l ° u &. co " n o l eo ti l' a a' t C l iavolan Li, } wltn .1),,b:olt line of otoaltora. 4:00 P. di :— .}.la F NE o . r ALL WAY STATIONS ON TILE IlivEn Passenger' doAring to go to Chicago, nr points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must eqk fur tickets via Cleveland EULUTN, Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TFJIRS LAFAYETTE, and PER. Freight carried from Cincinnati U or Lawrenceburg in loss tirtio than any other route by howl:, and at as low rates. Tiltonly road by which shipments can he made from CM chthati to the West, without breaking bulk. Consighmento made to J. B. GIBBONS, Agent at Cincin nati; or, W. B. cIITPLNG, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commission ; no cArirgsfirr drayage or Gan=itlioo at Lawrenceburg. For further informari , n, apply to THOMAS ItATTIGAN, (NZ 115 Water street,) Agent of the Company, who is pro pslti to give TEMOVGII 2.CCUL ,6 13 to Irottalutpolls Torro ktitito, Lafayette, Chicago, Porn, Grocr.mstio, Craw - fordo. Ma, Charleston, Paris, and Mattoon. IL C. LORD, PrcsidaßL J-NO. Gen'l Freight Agcy.= OODWELL' 8 FURNITURE AND OH Wholesale and Retail, embracing ovary style of Funiture, In Rosewood, Mahogany and . Walnut, imitable for Parlors, Chambma and Dining Rooms, equal to any In New York or Philadelptda, and at lower prises, Every article made by hand, and warrantOd. Cablnt - makers Imp. plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and ORAIRD, on reasonable term. Hotels Ind Steamboats furnlshed'at the shortest notice. Wareroome, 77 end 70 TRIM" Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. actl R tiILROADS. J. J. HOUSTON, Gem. Priever. Nr,d Fr't. Ag't D. W. BOSS, Agent, Chicago. tnyll JOS. H. MOORE. Snaerintentiont. ~.:~:~~ "yam= VIA. D.EL.V7A.R.IL CUT-OPP The Cleveland, Pittsburgh aud Wheeling Railroad, A D PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI (~fa TEUBENV7LLE,) RAILROAD CHANGE OF TIME.- I .in and after MONDAY, the 10th, of Nay, 1808. Triune will leave the Depot of the Pennulva. nia Central Railroad, NS followa : For STDODENVILLE, COLtJeLBUO, DAYTON, 3:0 F OA. M.. INDIANAPOLIS, LOINHVILLII, CAIRO, MEAP PHIS AND lEW OELESN.i. Pan CINCINNATI AND ST. LOMB, and Ati. 2:35 P. ea,. 13 ll Ota AND WEST. fil. Through to Cincinnati without change of care. Passengera de.dring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any pDinhi beyond Co:imbue via Steubeacillia, most auk for tickets via Steubenville. JAIIEd FARMER., Superintendent C., P. a W. R. R. W. W. BAGLEY, myl '2l Superintendent P., C a C. R. R. PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILLE RAEILRO AD. (I N and after Monday, the 10th inst. Pass enger,e„, Trains will be rau daily, (except Pandays,) from the Pennsylvania Kai'road Passenger Depot, as follows : /tell Train leaves Pittsburgh itoo A. M. Express Train leaves Pittsburgh...._ 3:33 A: M. ASTIIIININ Mail Tra ra leaves Conuebsville 2:00 A. n. Exprbss 6:00 A la. Arriving at Pittsburgh 8:45 A. IL Tickets to'be had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket wflce. Mail Train connects at Connolhorille with Dun ting A Hall's OXlChea for Uniontown. Frostburg, (timberland, etc., and at West Newton with Coaches fur Mt. Pleasant, Somerset, Bailin; etc. Freights to and from Pittsburgh and Stations on Pitts burgh and Conanllsville Railroad, will be received and de livered In Pittsburgh, at the " Baldwin Depot," opposite " Duquesne Depot." Excepting such GI Pig Iron, Lumbsr, Stone, eta., which will ha loaded or nn ended at Outer Do. pot, or at the canal Depot, as may be arranged with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh. 11. BLACKSTONE, Supt. Transportation Department P. e. 0. R. IL, Connellaville, May Bth, 1858. 5 myB New Route via River and Rai/loud. Indleaapolis 61, Cincinnati Railroad fIONNEOTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with `4„/ Terre Haute, and Terre Haute and Alton Railroads, to St. Leath and Lafayette and Indianapolis, New Albany and talent, and Michigan Central Reads for CHIC WO, 11.001 i WAND, BURLINGTp.S, and all intermediate points. FURNIT URE. A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at tho ciltankivo CABINHT and CIIALR, ANUFAC TORY, No. 4 -znithflohl eireet, a Large ale ,- Jr_oent. of Fancy end Atha Pm ulturs, which they will 64311 15 rer cent. lower than customary rates. Torras, caah only• [decky Q TARCH.-250 bxs Rochester Pearl Starch, rsr.dvod and for rade by ii.KNUIT IL COLLMS. B" 'AS.—First .of tho season just re ceind by express and for sale by ILEym Pa tr. AIsIDEREOII, No. 39 Wood street. c.V.M Cpl to Et:M=lw Hotel. D OLL BUTTER-2 bbls. Fresh Roll Butter r=ived and for sale by JAB. A. MUD, myl.3 Gaper Market and kllesi ta, RENTING exeoatod in the highest style of art, anclat raasorable prices, by J. IL WELDM, Bookseller and Stationer, myis . - . Wood - street, near Fonrih. ITEW BEDFORD SPERM .OANDLEs, 20 boxes aciarted &co, Ca, Ws andlrs, Spornic l an z li w on hand sad tor solo by B. O.'& J. -IL SAWV - Rl7. 1 - IUFFS BOOK-REEPING,, Blanks, and Dun l ms'a orstota afPennsausbip,fas.aalo by r 7, _ • • - r• • • ;1 0 7. HAVM mr24l - ' Cornea:Market:and &band nteuto. AWNING RODS-1 sat Awnink - Re t a, for . gala by ,002.5) Mina' OtiLLINO. RAILROADS. Hummer Arrangement. 188 U.' ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JULY 6. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD EIGHT DAILY TRALINS. . THE 51'n,' a TRAIN leaves tho Passenger Station ovary morning, (except Sanday,) at 6:00 o'clock, Pittsburgh time, arrivingin Philadelphia at 11:00 P. It THE FAST LINE Daily, except Sunday, at 1.15 P. it., an!, riving in Philadelphia'at 5 o'clOca. A. at., and stoppittg only at principal stations. THE EXPRESS TRAM loaves the Station every °Venial; at 9:50 o'clock.. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, Johns, town, Willmore,Gallitzia, Altoona, An. -connecting at Ear. risburg with the Train direct for Baltiloreornlanitilifi in Philadelphia or Baltimore at L-00 o'clock„‘P. AOMMOATION. TRAINS ' • THE JOHNSTO OC WN AC D COMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at MSO o'clock, P. M. Stopping at all statiom3,andrunning as fax as Conemaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODA.UoN, TEAM .for .Turas Creek Bridge leaves daily, (eieePt Sundiy,Yat A-1L - SECOND A O O O ,4SIODATION TRAIN•for- Turtle Crock, Loaves daily, (except Sanday,Yat 4.20 P. /le. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (exce_pt. tinaday,) at 6:20, P. at " RETURNING TEAMS arrivein Pittsburgh as follows:--' Expross,l:4s, P. 214 Milil,3:lo A. at:, Fast Line '2as A. x.; Johns town Accommodation, U:00 A. 2.14 %et Turtle Creek Acoara mcdation,Mso; is.; Secohd Accommodation, 1240, P. bt.; Third .AoCommodatlnn, MlO, P. at. - , Trains for Rtainiville 'and Intliand, connect at Rhainurille e Intersection'ailA mall train Etoit, Eanneus train West, Ind the Johnstown amomodntion train . East and Weal. . _ eitM PITTSBURGH :AND CONNELLSVILIA' TRAINS, Mopping at all Stations on the Pittsbiargh. and Connell*. villa Road, leave daily, (Sandi%) :tented ' ) as follows: t. TRAIN 7:00 A. EXPIIESST RA 7 N..11:30 at- RETURNING TRAINS from ttsbprgh and Connellaville Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:46 a. g atiand.o:lo p. sr. t a,. The traveling public will find it rs catly to their in. Wrest, in going East or West, to tnavel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot be snr• paesed on any other route. As the Road is ballasted with atone, and is entirely free from dru3t,'-wo can promise midi, apeod and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their pstrommo. —PARE:— To New York VAC:* skr Baltimore.. $ 9,60 " Philadelphia. 10,00 ," Lancaster.— ...... 8,60 To Harris arg, o VT:4S. Baggage'checked to all Stations n the Pennsylvania Rail road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore mid New York. . . Passengers purchasing tickets in cat* will be charged tetli cents in addition to the Station' rates, except Brom Stations where the CoMpany has ne ,Agent. NOTICE`—In caw of loss, the Company will , hold them selves, responsible for personal baggage only, and for au anamint not exceeding $lOO. N. p.—The Rxcelsior Omnibus Lino has been employed to convey Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 25 cents for each passenger and bag gage. For tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. IL IL Paseemger Station, Jy9 • on Liberty and Grant streets. TILE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THEEmEATOENTRALD.OIut q connoctIu g , the Atlantic Cities with Western, North-western and South-western States by a continuous Railway direct. This Road also conneetaat Pittsburgh with - Melt eat Steamers to all ports on the Wes' ana at Cleve land and Sandusky'with steamers to all porta on the North western Lakes; making the most mum, CHLSIZEIT and EILILIII2 nom by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the GIILLT WEST. ~~ ~~ Rates between, Philadelphia& Pittsburgh. KEST CLASS. Boots, Shoes, Hata and' Cops, Books, Dry Goods (in boxes, bales and trunkA)P4l2s , 3,oll boXesland bales) Prather's, Para, ,to. SROONDCLASS—Domestio Sheeting, Shirt ing and Ticking (in original bales), Drags (in casks), Hardware. Leather(in rolls or boxed), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &c., Lam. - THIRD CLASS.—,Anvils, Steel, Chains (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Baited (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, mantifac. turod, (except Cigars or ado &o. FOURTH OLASS—Coffoe, Fish, Beep, llaei and Perk, (in casks or boxes Paidward,) Lard and Lard 011; Nails, Soda Ash, Gm , man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, &c., &o. FLOUR-76c. bbL until farther 4900 , , GRAIN in' oaf 14:413, tri eta. %i 100 lbs. until farther notice. -30%011-41211 Ws; not eXCeedirig 600 lbs. weight, until farthor ag'4l4). 41.- In shipping Gorda from any point East of Philadel• phia, be partictdar to mark packages a tria Annry/vania Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Bold at Philatrslphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Flamm dozers—Harris, Wonnley 4 Co, m0w1410, , 4". , 0un4 It. F. Bamq Co, Et. bonio; P. Q. Oliiiky C 0,.; Ind.; Solt 4 Co., and CartOr rowett, LonOville, Ni'.; R. C. Meldrnm, 1114dison, Ind ; H. W. Brown 4 Co., and, Irwin Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graho t tn 4 C€l, l. Ohio; Loath Co., No. 44 Kra* ; Leech 4 Co., N 0.2 Astor Hone, Now Mork; No.l Willi= street, and No. G Battery Place, New York; N. J. Sneoder, Philadelphia; Magraw A Koons.Belnmore; D.A. /Rowan, Pittsburgh. EL H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBABEIT, 441 Bnperintendent, Altoona, Pa. G ROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS 150 bags Rio °any); 105 chasts itla . ek and Gruen Teas 25 Crushed Sugar ; 55 " Coffee 44 20 " New York ayrup ; 20 '• New Orleans 1i0110.401; Tierces New Itire ; 10 boxes W. W. H. Grant's Tobacco; 100 " M. R. and Layer Raisins; 20 kegs French Plums; 2 Puncheons Jamaica Rum; 2 " Santa Crt.. limn; 2 Pipes Holland Gin; Also, French Brandy; Pdrt, &lefty, Malaga and °ham. pagna Wince; Pare 011 Rye and Reetitlad Whisity, in etoro and for sale low, by HAWORTH 0110WNLEB, SUCCOASOIS to 1111V70/1.11, Urn. A Iltoi 7 / 1 100, Our. of the Diamond and Diamond alley, my2o Pittsburgh, Pa. lIIVDHLES. 15 bbis. Taetwick's Syrup ; " New York " 25 " Baltimore " 01 hhds. New Dries - as sugar ; 110 half chests Young Hyson Tea; 50 " Black Tea, for sale by le2o W. H. SMITH ,k CO. TVIANILLA PAPER.—A large lot various Blzes, for Ealo by W5l. G. JOIINSTON & CO., 114 Far PT Neter,. 67 Wpm, et. 1 LANTATION SUGAR ft MOLASSES -100 lihde. fnlly fair and prima N. 0. Sugar; 600 tibia., oak cooperage, prime N. 0. Molasses; E 0 " St. James S. LI Molassen, now landing and for sale, I,y bILLLER. r 26 Nos. 2:11 and 222 Liberty street - 141 ILL PAPER—Of best quality—for EalO ja) by W. G. JWIRISTON is CO, 1023 Stationers, 57 WoodstreoL JNVELOPES.—Buff, Straw, Amber and White, of all sizes, sold wholesale or retail, by WBI. JOONSTO?.7 CO., my 7 Stationers and Paper Cealers. 67 Wood it.. QUDA ASH.-100 casks Soda Ash, now landing and for sale by raylB RIOEETEON. I'GGS.-10 barrels fresh Eggs, just receiv ed and for sale by JANIS A. FETZER, je22, Cernar Market and Flint 'treats. /SOD FISH.— vo l 3 drama extra large Cod Fist' ; 3 " largo " " Just received and for cal°, by MILL.= L ItIORETBON, eur2fo Nos. 221 and 223 liberty street. Xl3 SALE--One Steam Engine, Cylinder 15 inches in di• meter, 43 feat stroke, with 2 Cylinder Boilers 82 Inches in diameter, 80 feet in length, with fire front; Illy Wheel 10 feet in diameter. For price and terms, inquire , of B. 0. dt J. H. 136.WYZ8, j eBO No. 47 Wood street. LADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT ERS, with end without heels, et the People's. Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street. DIFFENBACHEB. h CO. CtENV'S CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, A.. 10 et the Peeple'e Shoe store, N 0.17 Rifth street. jel9 DIBRENI3AOI333B At CO. IHAVE constantly on hand a large supply A of Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes. Those wishing anything in this line, can rely upon getting a pure article at Joirsit FLgIIINGT, 15'12 Corner Diamond and Market etraeL $l. 600 B WlLL rooms b a ath D i me . lll , Dwelling House cellar, other conveniencea, situate on Franklin street $OO in hand balance at one and two years. 8. CUTHBERT a SON. jyl6 61 Market street. rrypE METAL, just received and for sale, by W. 9 MAVEN, Stationer and Printer, Je2B Corner Market and Second streets. LI OAPS.—A large supply of Low's known Brown Windsor Soap, just received Ale Honey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and other fancy Soapa con atantly on hand at JOS. FLEMING'S, .1)1 Corner Diamond and Market street. OOLTON'S WEST TOURIST & GUIDE- Vor sale by (jell)) J. U. WELDIN. DELIVERED EVERY MORNING.- Forney's Press, Public Lodger, N. Y. Timoi,.Elet aid and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of tho city. Trado supplied by leaving your addrcsa at HUNT 6: MINES, jal2 Masonic Hall. G ENT'S WEAR.— olive.P. Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters; aGent's Patent Leather Oxfords; In Gent's Calf Boots ; 0 LI id Gent's Fine Slippers. ea c.) GGXAP. r 4 AT TEE " PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jel2 N 0.17 Pifth etreet?DIPPBNBAOBEB tr.. 00. QTAR OANDLES.-75 boxes extra:. Ada k) mantine Btar Candlea, warranted euperlor to any in the market, 012 hand and for Bale by mylB B. a O . J. IL SAWYER. !PONGES—A large supply of 'mars!) and fine Sponges, of a vary superior quality just received by JOB. YLMIING. /2 Corner Diamond and kfarketatreet. QTA TIONERY FOR OFFICE BE---A large supply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of fices, banks, etc.,for sale by (jel9) J. R. WELDIN. VRESII TEA, MORE NEW TEA-'The finest Tea of every name, grtdo and-color. The sub. scriber has in store and arriving, a most extensive and complete-assortment of Ica in chests, half chests and fami ly boxes, all of which is offered at areatlyxedriced prices. J 032 & JAYNES, 38 Fifth 'street. AHONE IN THE COUNTRY.—A new Cottage Hones ofd rooms, goOd Cellar, and every convenience to make a comfortable and pleasanCresidenc4 stable, earriagehonae, spring house, 250. peactatee% also, choice apples and other trait, 12 acres of landizood quality for gardening purposes,' situate' at 3 miles from Ithe city, near the Washington Turnpike. Term& - eiely; and immetd ate possession. For sale by. 8. 00T1IBERT a 80N, irn " • -b1 'Market stre ritESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR • SALE- A Vs'elllng llonseand two large lots, with good im provements, immediatess2Jillmasion. Price, $1800.::::: A Farm of 903 acres, 40 improved, artl,prhoo,:iand one mile from Fayette Springs. Price, $6 per acts: . • A valuable propertifithawrenbeville; in complete order, good location, immediate posevition43soo. A'section or choioo. laild in Franklin county, lowa, in good location-42,60 por acre, 6. CUTHDERW &SON, . `jo29 . , . • : 61 Blarket street. C . . . . LARK STREET. - = A Brick Dwelling Time on Clark street, near Carpenter's allek, at the low prJee of $llOO. Also, three oth or Dwelling Howes near the above. price, $l2OO Terms =is, • yJlt ' - S. CIITHBEIRT A .001tir t iS1 Ilaiketzt. lierrlng pinsy, peo IL-L CARPET'S .3 D''OIL CLOTHS. Vm,OVAL.—J. H. :PHILLIPS have .12.164- removed to their now building, Nos. 23 and 20, BT. GLAIR arca; west side, between Penn street and the Bridge, Pij" J'.' ... Or. EldlqUpiCTitnEisOFFLooB,PMlNnintr,°Altlll49l4 TAB,LI2, mnAlslgpi L gENT a OPAQUE . 74 C A P PPW-511.0,DE : , OtrE4' OgA Ol / I W S Of different Colors. , DJ:IAMBS IN OIL-CaroryLOTllik It 'WINDOW SEELCES, - •,‘ • Of description. Dealers in INDIA. 13.0)310311 GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Mang Companies, for the sale of their EMU RIID , BUR BIIVIIING, 8088 i and PAORDIG. rt A.TgEB. BELT ING of llastern manufacture, a superior:quality; _Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIOPERE-PitOOF IAINBRA.L PAM'. Dry and Mizell Paints, Varnishes, Mrs, Turpentine, Brnhhes, Glass wad Patty . PLOtißE AND SIGN WONTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, dims in this best and shortest time. i'de2o:lyl _ J. A PITTT,T,TPS fro N0i.26 and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at I.hil tipsville, on, the Ohio river, three miles below Pittshorgh. ..CLEPETB,•O;L CLOTHE, MATTING, tko., r• - • AT- THE Follett' Stree Carpet Store. • & respectfully vy 0 Invite tho attention of their former customers and tho publO, generally to their present stock, just selected Spring for salSv, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and limns Meinufactriro - eonalsting in - 'part of Velvets - and Brussels,. Tapestry. raid_ Common' Ingrain: also, Druids, Damask, Twilled and Plain stair CARPET& OIL ,01,4.)THE1 BROM a 10. 24 BEET WIDE, Bugs, Mato, Stair. Hods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Bag.. Carpets ; Venitian Blinds; raintdd, Buff and Green Holland Shades. • . • • • It wlll give Inipleasur. a to show goods to all who may be desirons of looking or purcluising, and we are determined to offer inducemenU. tautly whcr may favor tts!with a call, at the old stand, Ho. ST FOURTH Etreet, near Wood. myl9:ly W. D. lr H. M'OALLITM. (IL OLOTII-OLOTHIN,GBf'aII Ldads, It, black and yiallow, Bala at the•Endia Babber'Dopot and 28 St Ciair.tnanet: [da9) IL PallaaPS. gr - IIL CLOTHS FOR-THE. FALL TRADE. We have on hand,: and. are daily receiving additions thereto from our own-end othernianufactories, a largo stock of-Sloor Varnituro, Carriage Trimming, Table Clover, Trans. permit, Qreen and Buff, and all kinds of 011-Clloth, used tor lionsefuraiablng and other purposes. .Also, Transpaient Window ethades, of dry and oil rfnish—gold bordered and other styles, and Window Blade Trimmings. Merchants and others will find it totheir advantage to Oz• amine our stook and prises before snaking their purchases elsewhere, _ J. & H. prurtiral% sole 24 and.22.6t. Clair Street. OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS--Of our owon and other manufacturers, for gale wholesale awi retell, by J. dt H. PHILLIPS, kr/ 28 and 28 St. Clair street. TRANSPARENT GREEN OLL CLOTH -300 yards of a auperior quality, just received from tile factory, and for cola by J. .t It. PHILLIPS. iY I7 26 and 28 St. Clair atreot. fIARRIAGE OIL CLOTllS.—Eaturiellect N.,/ with plain or figured backs—on Muslin, Twilled and Luck Goods, for Dale by J. .t EL PHILLIPS, ,JY/7 26 and 26 St. Clair street. CI AP OIL CLOTHS —A few pieces - On mus lin, Bilk, and imitation of Bilk, t.r eala at 25 and 28 et. Clair Street. (i9/ 7 ) J; & H. PIIILLIPS. 700. p 100 IN I:IOSPITAL SLIBbITING—Of all widths and of the beat quality, for gale at the India Rubber trepot, 26 and 28 St. Clair street. Jon. J. H. PRIMPS. 600. sp 100 IDs. INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The beet =tido in we, for sale at the India Rubber Depot, of d. /A IL PHILLIPS, 25 anti 2S Eft. Clair street. 60c. 81 100 DM I'LOOR OIL CLOTHS,- Of our own and eaatera I.4ehufaotriro--all widths, and cut to mit nay else of roonia or hallo--at the Oil Cloth Ware rooms, Pio. 96and 29 St. Mar street. on= J. a EL PIIILLIPS. 400. 11 100 ms Great Chance to Make Money. THE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECII LATION OF THE TIMES—ONLY ONE . buLLAR PER SHARE.—Ferq qichiaand dollars worth of YfllnahlO Aegl Estate, Watches * Jewelry, Silver and Sayer:Phi:to& Ware, witla a groat variety - of Pin* and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou-i sand shares, at one del l = per share, as follows ;---Upon the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to One Elora in the above undi vided-property. Whenrthe shares shell have boon sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a • meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held In the city of Philrdelphla, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the dispositiou of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shoreheldera; and I will then deliver the pro perty to each phroon or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one three glory brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $2500, arid two three story brick dwelling houses and lota valued at 2100 each, in the citrof thlladelphtli, clear of all incron trance, and title indtsuutable; the ether property contrists of the whole stock and of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of rhiludelpliia, now ' and for a long time past kept by the saner - then The Mack consist ing of Tel" 1 1^,a Ctofd and Silver Bunting Coss, Lever Watch es, vary She Gold and Ililver Patent Lever, Lopbio and other Watches, Gold Chains;'Peneffs, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brraiches, Bracelets, Diaternad and other Rings and Pins, Studs, SIP* lint One, 4C,, Gold, Silver amid Steal Spec- Wien, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Sillier and Silver Plated Ware,' conelitlpg of Tea Sole, Castors, Cake Baakets, Cops, Spoogim, Knives, Forks, to. Also, French Clocks, Manic Boxes, Accordeons, and a great variety of other -cods. The above Is not ono of those schema which are devised to en trap tho unwary, but is and will be o , fair sato of the entire property belonging, to the'subscriber, persons are positively assured the stock bra not boon purahnsed for the purpose of deception, road to palm. off COMMOU Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for tine e.iold, none such will be distributed, the moat respect able persona are given os references, to those disposed to pur chase aharesL All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts reminded to the ad dremcd the sender, by return mail, Any', person sending ten dollars at one time, shall receive eleven a operate receipts, In as many separate names If desired. writing for shares;plesso writs the name of tho Post ()Mee, to which you wish the answer directed. Thia ie the greatestelaanco of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a small sum, as has eve: before been offered to the public. Bend on your orders, as oh/Innen.) selling rapid -landmade. it is conlidently expected the distribution will soon Articles allotted to persons at a distance, will bo sent to them at their expense. *a.Agents waated in every town and village. All COM MTULICaIiOnS must he addressed to L. E. BROODTAT No. GO Eolith Bocond street, above Chesnut, iy 2 s l y Fhiladolplda. - - - - _ COPYING PRESSES,' with Sorew and Lever ; for nolo by W. S. 11.111I:N, Stationer and Paper Beater ' Jy2o Corner Market and Second stets. UMMER EXCURSIONISTS. -- Ladies who design taking p Eitasure Trip,",shonld provide themselves with the NEW LINEN =AVELINO SKIRT! The above article can be precnrckl at JOS. HOUNT23. jylo 77 Market street. - DUBE ,FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposig, by the bottle or gallon, at 1U" SAOKS FEAVIRRS, for eale by BAGALEY, BOMBAVI A 00., Vital Ens 19 arrl 10 Vir , ,cl titres* R YE. -125 bush Rye for sale by JAB. A. 'MISER, J 92 Corner Market and First et roots TIMOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy flood for eats by JAS. A. FETZER, ItIE FLOUR,-15 bbls. just received and for bale by [ror3] 11.11NRY H. COLLINS. EGGS. -10 bbls. fresh Eggs just received and for sale by fnar2ol IT_RNFI YIL COLLIN& VXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and all the other celebrated Blcirte, for Fedeby *2B JOSAIORMA 77 Market street. • LACK LACE MITTS.—A largo stock of - IP excellent styles, wfth and without fingers, very cheap at (ap2f3) JOS. 'LORNE'S, 77 garket street. • CiOTTON HOSIERI.—Every variety of `4,/ Cotton Stockings anti Half Hon at the lowest picas wholesale or retail, at. JOB. MAINE'S, opal • Markat street bbls. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on conaignment, by (sp7) HENRY IL COLLINS. ICE,—Sis tierces prime Rice, just receiv ed and for sale by MILLER RICKETSON, novl2 Naa. Oland 223 Liberty street "LAKE FISH-15 whole bbls. Lake Supe- ILA rlor White Fish Just received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, j Y 8 reenter Market and First streets. 1 0 BAGS Brie llAG APo Pct b s r er. B'l AN ° El CO., mr"..l N0e.13. wad IA Wcxxl atrect. ThRY APPIAS-100 boob., for sale by ILI Jo2o HENRY IL COLLINS. -JUST received another assortment of BOOTS and BUTIBS, consisting of Ladies' fled llooti and Slip. peas, Gone% Boys's Youth's. and. a large variety of - 0511. dren's Fancy Shoes. Please give ns a rail, at tho Cheap Cad' Store of JOSEF'S 11. BORLAND, jel9 93 Market street, str,nd doei from nab. • . IN OOL. WAN TED— V V 160,000 ibs. Wool Waotad at bigherit cub price 3, by 1.11701100015., .I,l'CitgEllY 4 CO., jo2.larad4w 34. Second tAreat, and 151. Front. R DYES---Batehelor's, Christadora's, Alekander'a, Shalotes, and 'Waimea Liquid Mai' Dyea ! —a largo supply cone tantly j mtu p la i d, E at Na,s, 1112 - Corner Diamond and Market etrect. fILOVERSEED.-=-25 Backs; :just xectived, and for eato by fralll ooLuwa tiAgin 94oss HAVEN B . No. ONE pENt.i. lei . V„ ved and tai eal.3 by W. 8. mr24 Corn etliarketand derrar.d etreets. FISH.; far sale by 1 0 DRUMS' tarja - Naa 18 and 20 Wood erect OOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslao _awl retail at the Drag Storeor voittr, narr, JR., dem 433111tYt f WOO 4 and giathsta. Pittsburgh • R6OO FOB_ -a two story frame dwelling, slinited.olf ;it ° . Vilt st o orgro gton . V D3rma c o sa t byloo ! .pleaa• ntly _fea FL CUTHBERT BON. 1611tha t. • NIES: ALLEN'S Hair Reitorative, BrOVIIVEI Jamaica Ginger, Pr , sston 4 lierrilts.Cooking Extracts, . Konnedy'alitedical D154011317,;` TholllpßOU'a Washing Compound, Pysou's Indelible Ink, 31cClang &Campbell's Starch, Saltpetro, Lemon Syrup. For sale by B. L. 22.11NR,STOC1 & CO., 13+23 • No. 80, corner of Wood and Fatuth eta. Q I II4IOIIIYS IN y LaAmoa.—lo gross jj 1 1 / 4 .7•1f0rpt10N..; 11 B;S:294aucapxnE i mtcl imr24 JS P RINTING INKS—SoId serer WciodAnO loistotreets - . J. li. =WM HAWOitTLI in the Diamond MEDICAL. DR. M'LAN.E 9 S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PIL WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and. more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies, now. before the publi:. We refer to - - Dr. . Chas. Id 'Lane' s Celebrated Verrnifuge and Liver Pills, We do not recommend them a universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.:- THE VERMIFUGE, - - For expelling Worms from the hUman system. 0 It has also been adininistered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. • THE - LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK. HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of • FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine; they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known .to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Driig business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention. to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold. among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough. manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. S. Dealers ;aid Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to , write their orders distinctly, and take none but Dr. .3Plane's, prepared by Fleming Bros. Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any part of the United States, ono box of Pills fur twelve three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Terrnifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must be accompanied by twenty cents extra. Thi'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVER EiLLP.-75ereas on hand and for gala by B. L. FAHNESTOOK t CO. Corner Wood and Fourth strocia. IT.UEU° 9.IIkW.M7ENT, Private and Confidential Medical Advice! AT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE HOSPI -111,-Established for the cure of Syphilis, Seminal Weakners and the Secret Inflrmitioe of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS it SON, Buffalo, N. Y. 09Ice corner of Main end Quay etreete, (up Wain.) A MOST SOIBIkZeieIO TNITXNTION. An Instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Nadu. nal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness., Ice. Can be permanently cared in from fifteen to twenty days, by the use of thin Instrument, when need conjointly with medicines. Dr. AMOS & SON take pleasure d , n announcing that they have invented a most importantt a3tr meant for the care of the above diseases. It hes beau =blotted to a test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Virealmess,or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. AMOS & SON, In order to satisfy the most akey Neal an to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where they may prove unsati.factory after fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the in. strument in good order. Persona wishing the above useful Instrument will observe that the price; with the accompanying directions, securely packed end sent by orprcu, i 3 ten dollars. NEW IuniEDLES AND QUICK canvi. Dr. AMOS A SON may be consulted from eight o'clock in the morning until nine at night, in every stag© as 0 map. tom of the Venereal Dlaease, Gonorrhm; Gleetc, moondary Symptoms,Seminal I.V=lmess, Impotence and St tures of the. Urethra, etc., with Inviolable emresy. The treatment they adopt is the result of upward of thirty years' extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate asee of Venereal Diseases foradlate,d in eight or nine days, nd cases of a slight nature in two or three day:, at a mod- erato expense. The care effected without confinement or hindrance from businem; also, nodes and pains in the bones and limbs, effectual) „eradicated. A etinkl WAIIRANTLD. Dr. AMOS it SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar clais of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellow ''Creature a fully testified and grentfully acknowledged by convulse centpatlente and others daily sallying in town from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of consultations while their exertions have been crowned with the Most sig Dal advantages; yet from what they have experienced - inquiring into the causal of the infections complaint (from their moot simple condition to that of the moat don gen= and inveterated) they hero always entertained tho possibility of thoir prevention and removal, and likecrfsein variably found that tho most horrible and manguent forma of disease could almost aleinys ho traced to ono of the fol lowing carizes:—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of an skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AliloB SON have succeeded in discovering, in the 'selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cantle= course; omitting all combination of reinedice which bear an equivocal character, Q, well ea those whose premature or injudicious application, might be productiva of bad consequences in the hands or private individuals. In short the lar.dibie end of their re mollies In the le=ning of a great masa of human misery by the Weak:don, relief and prevention of those grievous af. Metier:a' that, are in reality the socret fee of life, and which, while they so er.treraely surround us, call aloud for odr ablll and interference for their extermination. COUNLI-1,1" Persona In any part of the wor3d may to enozessfally mated by forwarding . a correct detail of their o e, with a remittance for medicines, Az. Addreee Dr. AMOS EON, coma and E:cay stroota, Zaffalo. N. Y. LRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. litsuWN'o. lEEDICIA_L and BUROIOAL Oacoa, No., 50 81.1.rwinELD arcs; Ma. burgh, Pa. DR. BROWN la an old citizen of PitU. burgh, and has been in Riuctice for. tho tact twenty-five years. Lis business has gimiDisetoe been confined racctly to Private. and e=l;-:,./.34:-.,, , 17,; ,.. .t0 o. UIh.IZEISI3 AND STRAITGR.R3 t..Z 4 104;4 '4.4 la need of a medical friend, esould noti tall to dud out tho aura place of relief. ' The Doctor is a ragulor cud Cif 1 his experisnoo in the treatment of a certain ciao af.dismes la a sure gourstateo to the sufferers of oh:3l=g permanent relia4 by the non of 13.1.3 remedies and following b.= sulvice. Illt. BROWSIt.ii:VvrtU„.B never fail to CrITO the worst farm of Venereal Digest:es— Impurities and 2crafelena Affections. Alen, ATI di:Aosta arising from a hereditary taint, which:mulct:eta ittelf in the form of a totter, pemissiA t and a great many fermi of akin ditonee?„ the origin of whugs the patient is on - tirely iptorant To wrsors an etilcted, D. D. offers hopes of a sure end opmdy aflAnlifilLifiZAralESS. Dr. Drown's remedica for Ws alarming trouble, brought on often by that Ittilltary habit of semuelgratiflcation which the yonng and weak-minded often give way to, (to their own do2truction,)•ara the only reliable remedies known in this country—they are rare, and mtko a speedy restoration to health, niumulrsl . s. Dr. Broyles raciedica never 'fail t ewe this painful dia. anal in aim days—ho will warrant a cure. lie eao treats "Nes, Gleet, Gonorrhrea, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, re. mal e wmiceess, monthly Suppremions, Diseases of tea Jciuts, Vistula in duo, Nemec AfiVrtions, Pain in the Bee. and Rldneys; irritation of the Bladder, tai91.11.21' with sil diseases of an impure origin. A letter deccribing the syraptom2, containing a i 232 rectod to DB. BROWN, Na. CO Smithaeld ctrect, Pittsburgh, Pa., will pmnediately answered. Mediclao sent to any adtirzra, safely pached.and secure from. obv.Tvation. °Mee and Private Rooms, 110. 50 En:al:field rt - set, ruts; burgh, Pa. " ' el* A, NOT IiER eupply 4F Low Se San's supol* London'Toilot rock:dyed today, by ' - • .TOS. , • felit Corner Diamond end Make: Bung. os PRINTING.— Card% • Circulars., Price Lists Bill Ladit:7, -Letter heads, hhour Bills, Labelo,ka Printed in superior style at short notice, by WM Printers, Blank Boot lilann?s . jill . ... 1 ci l r,r ° ers cl n.stt?tl C sk O' cer4 , mYi - t 7 Wood street. 10CLACK CRAPE COLLARS.—Beautair staien far tale, at JOUNI MUNE% ••• V•rk•Af Orate! L "ONS-50 boxes Palermo, in No. lop.- der, ink received 'and for sato by RHYMER .t No, o^9 Wood street, opposite the St. Charles Hotel.