LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weather.--Tha following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth street : TIIERNOMETRIL In Eun. In shade 9 A. 711 106° 85° 12 hi 120°— 94° 6 P. hi 89° Barometer 29 1.10. Sin Old EEeeung of the Common Council. - A.apeeial meeting of the Common Council was held last evening for the purpose of considering the application of the Connelleville Railroad Company for the right of way across Second, Ross and Try streets, and the ordinance changing the grade. of Libery stmt. President M'lleliat in the Chair. The President stated that the object of the meeting was to receive the report of the Street Committee on the Councils villa Railroad. n Mr. Sergeant wished to know if this was the proper Council for that Oodimittee to report in. The President said it was. - Sergeant—Alike the Chair eo decide. Pzesident—lt dais. Mr. Sergeant—Then I appeal from the decision of the Chair. The vote was taken on the appeal, and the Presi dent was sustained by a vote of 15 to 2. Mr.-Darlington offered an ordinance without any report from the Stfeet Committee, stating that the Ce=itteh had met in conjunction with the Oily So licitor and City Regulator, and had agreed upon the ordinance presented. The ordinance provides that the railroad shall pass under Second, Rose and Try streets; and that the Councils shall prescribe the motive power and fuel to be used mettle road, and also to make any necessary laws and regulations for the protection of this'll:es and property cf the citizens. After some few amendments, the ordinance passed to a third reading and final passage, when Mr. Ser geant objected. A suspension of the rules was called for and lest, and the ordinance was laid over under the rules. The ordinance authorizing the construction of a sewer in Union alley, from Select Council, which hal been read three times and passed, was brought up, and the action of the latter concurred in. A petltio. , from citizens of the First Ward, asking far a repeal of the ordinance relative to the Alle gheny wharf was offered, read and referred to Alle gheny Wharf Committee. Errett moved that the City Solicitor be re quested to delay action against petitioners until the committco had acted on the petition, %Thigh motion was adopted. Mr. Thompson effered a remonstrance from citizens of the Fifth Ward against the changing of the grade of Liberty street, and praying fur the removal of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Quarry street... The rice monstrance was filed. The ordinance for changing the grade of Liberty street ;eas then read by the President. It provides far the grading of the street upon the Pennsylvania Railroad Company paying all damages arising from the change, and the filling up of the canal. Mr. M'Candless offered a petition from residents on Libor y street for the change of grade from Wayne to O'Hara streets, numerously signed by merchants doing business on Liberty street. After a great many remarks by members of Council, the petition was f The onlinanee, which was laid over on third read ing at the fart meeting was then passed by the fol lowing :ate: Ayes—Mup.sre. Caldwell, Darlington, Dickson, Dig. nam, Flovd, Daini!tion, Hunter, Layton, M'Candless, M'Geary, Norris, Rced, Roes, Sergeant, M'Kelvy, Pros't—is. Nays—MeEsrc. Bailey, Gildea, Hutchison, Thomp son-4. A petition for the extension o; gay ruains on Web ;Anat.: from Fulton to Arthure, was referred to Committee. The Council then adjourned. State L',tizk of Indiana Notcs.—James M. Ray ; Cashier eI the State Bank of Indiana, given notice through the Indianapolis papers that oh the first day i January next, the charter powers of the State Bank o f Indiana cease, and no provision for the re. demption cf the notes of the Bank, which may be left outstanding, has been made. All persons are warned of such an expiration of the charter of the Bank, and to present all the ontstandin; glret,,la tion to the proper Lranchoz, without delay, for 're - (lcmption. A A'ew Way to Pay Old Delde.—A man named Michael Kline was .e.:(1 to bail yesterday by Mayor Welvor for assault and battery on oneZavier White hair. It would seem from the evideate that Kline we - at into the- bar..rooi of Mr. Gottemann, in:. the .oiamond, when Mrs. G. told him he owed one dollar and . sixty cents ; -- ho denied'the debt, and became boisterous, when Whitetair asked him to be quiet or leave the house, whereupon he struck the latter on the, side of the face. Whitehair feeling aggrieved, made an inf.rmation against him, and had him as roiled and dealt with as above. .4 — Ca(e.-4 lady cotrceponc;ent of a cogntry e. 7.- chingo write= that the simplest way of getting rid of those intolorahle vermin, rats, is to dissolve copperas in cold water (make it strong) and sprinkle the solu.. tlon in the most frennent places of resort. This wlll ineka them leave thb preMises. The writer tried it EccpsEfally, end has never been troubled since. The unpiewant method of poisbning, and the troublesome way of trapping., may now very well be dispensed with. Professor Huey.—This gentleman, very favorably known as a teacher of vocal music hero, has opened a singing school in Greensburg. The Demeeras says: Mr. Huey's abilities as a teacher of vocal music are tatonsi.ely appreciated, and the readiness with Mich Scholars were obtained givbs the ttiost'relittble tivide nee that his labors hero on tormar occasions, in this department, had given complete Eat is fao tion. We understand that the number of scholars Is but ii?tle, ii any, ir.S3 than a hun4reci. Charge of LibeL—Viro learn that a snit for libel against Charles Arlinigtit, Esq , editor 3f the.,meoni• de, was commeneedo bolero Aldefman Lewis ofthe Third Ward, yesterday. The prosecutor is a German named Henry Stiofel, who is the proprietor of a sa. loon in Lawrenceville. The allege libel consisted in the publication of a statement in that paper that the prosecutor kept a disorderly house. Thu alder man has taken no action as yet in the matter. t'atal Railroad Acchtetit.—A watchman on the Pennsylvania Railroad was killed on Sunday evening near the Blairsville intersection. He was sitting on the track when tbo night express going east came upon and ran over him, mangling his body terribly end causing his death instantly. It was thought ha was £ nleop, bet this faot has not Peen se.tis fasforily ascertained. We did not learn Ms mime, Madame Harper.—Notwithstanding her power of looling into the future and seeing " which seeds will zran , and widell rill not." and her predietion that k.he Napo; would dischu'rg,o he:, this astrological iaande vas yesterday held to hail for hir appearance [tit Court to answer a oharge of false pretences, the ciroarnstancos of which we noted last wees. .77.,s barn of Mr. James-Crawford, near Courtney's station on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Itailrosil,containing a large quantity of grain, took f;ro accidentally on last Saturday night and was to tie grounA.. C.'M loss is two thousand .}feeling of Presbytery.—The Westmoreland Pres bytery of the United Presbyterian Church will meet in Elizabeth, Allegheny county, on Wednesday, the 17th inst. Rev. James 11. Fife will preach the open• iug sermon on the nature of a general revival of t Pgion iii/e3heng i alley liaarcaa,—We call attention to tho advertisement of the Allegheny Valley Railroad in another column, referring to the extra trains con • templa.ted to be run on that road to the camp meet. ing.at Tenn tuna. tiodey.—We have received Oodey's Lady's Book for September from the publishers here. It is a very spirited number, end is richly embellished with gue P teal engravings and fastion plates. It is decidedly one of the moat popular magazines in the country. Hail Storm—A heavy storm of hail, wind and rein passed over the eastern part of Knox county lit,t Sunday, completely destroying entire fields of grain. The less was quite serious. 1611 ✓mat i 2 agsio ,zonitned in the Waahingtou cLunty jail, having volcotatily eurrep.deted to the Sheriff, Ming lean al that tho eitiaens would try lynela law on him. iron City College is now the largest Commercial School in Cie United States. Pittsburgh Daily Dia )atch. • • Mr. D Tasvy, , n well Itnown °Risen of Allegheny, died at Memphis, Tennessee, on Monday. Tt.e attention of cash - buyers is directed to the fact that Carnaghan, Allegheny City, is now offering an umal ir.ducebients in his stock of well made clothing, furnishing goods, lc., for men and boys. Examine hiP stock and prices. • jJr CINCINNAT.I, STATE OF OHIO, Hamilton coon ty.-12efore me, the subscriber, Justice of the Peace, in and f - r sell county, personally came John Lee, who, be lug duly s , ,orn, deposeth and said that he had been suffer. icg with Chronic Diarh(os fur the past twontptwo years and Ilea c.:aialled and received prescriptions for his case of from sll the principal physicians in Philadelphia and CM- Manse., but all to no effect, as he received no relict At last he w 0, ,, reduci , d to a mere ekeleton, without area the hope of ever finding relief, but by the advice of a frbind,wis induce - I to try HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH Bri!TEE.S, and, to his niter surprise, found relief from the first trial, and in less than two months found himself per fectly cured of his complaint, an 1 is daily recovering his strength of body, and increasing in fizsh; and cheerfully gives this certificate, In the hope that others afflicted like himself may be beneflttod. JOHN LEE. Sworn and subscribed before me,_August 21st, 1856. 0. F. HASSELMANN, Justice of tho Peace, No. 44 Western street, Cincinnati, 0. Vor ei,le by druggists and dealers generally, everywhire, and by - - ITOSIBM:HR if SMITH, ?: itfanufactarers and Progiotcas,•-: 68 Water and 68 Awl street"' Another Suicide. Another ease of suicide occurred in the Third Ward yesterday morning• George Silverman, a man about forty-five years of age, proprietor of a m e n manufactory on the Kiskeminetas river, living in a house on Federal street, near Wylie, in the Third Ward, has for some two weeks been laboring ender a fit of melancholy, imagining that be was about to lose all his property. Nis bodily health was also poor, and Dr. hi'Cook was attending him. Yesterday morning he retired to his room, and directed his family to admit no one except the- Doctor. About half-past ten Dr. M'Cook called, and finding the room locked, knocked at the door repeatedly. No answer being - retarned, the door was burst open, and Silverman was found lying on the floor, quite dead, two terrible gashes in his throat, ono on each side, severing all the main arteries, and nearly separating the heal from the body. A largo pool of blood was near him, and an open razor with which the deed had been committed lay wa the bed, where he had evi dently consummated the aet, and then fell on the floor. Quite an excitement was occasioned in the vicinity when the faot became known, and the house was be sieged by the curious. An inquest was held by Al. derman Rogers, in the absence of the Coroner, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts. The deceased leaves a large family. Sale of Stocks, Etc.—The following Stocks and Real Estate wore sold on Tuesday evening by P. Davis, Auctioneer, at the Commercial Sales Rooms No. 54 Fifth street: 0 shares Monongahela Insurance Co . $l6 5 E 0 Mar. and Man. Bank 64 00 1000 P., Pt. W. a 0 B. B. Co. mortgage bonds, sevens ~..—... -—6 O VI cent. Two 10 . 13 22a12 on Clark street, Sixth Ward, at, for each .......... Three story brin and Glreck dweng and lota, corner Carso li ate, Birralngh'm..6ooo 00 Loyalhamus Souse.—We commend the attention of our readers to the Loyalhanna. House at Latrobe, which is to'be opened to-morrow, by Mr. S. Elliot, recently a conductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad, the prince of good fellows, univapally known and as generally liked. The localitfis a delightful one, convenient to the city, and we know of no more agreeable place of retirement from the cares of city life. A great variety of amusement may be found there, and under the care of Mr. Elliot we aro cer tain that all bodily comforts will bo amply provided for. County Fain—The Westmoreland County Agri cultural Society have agreed to hold their fifth annual Fair on Wednesday nd Thursday, September 15th and nth, Glad News ! Full of Hope to the Afflicted and Suffering.—Many of the thousand portals of Death may be closed, and life made happier and more corn. fortable to thousands who are now in danger. Doubt less this world contains many a balm: to soothe its physical woes and cant' its diseases. Among those, in prominent rank, stands Bowman's Vegetable pound, a safe and speedy care for Consumption. • • 1:c= 1, J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACH ZEDS—Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they are all they are recomffiegtfled to be. The proprietor does not pretend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to teat their own merits, and the constantly increasing demand for them is sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far au. perior to any preparation of the kind n - .,v7 in the market. Their use is always attended with the most beneficial re• sults in casne of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a he4lthy tone to the whole system. Ba sure and call or j. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitten, and sea that the article pm , chased boars the name a J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. For gale by .1. SL OLIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer, No. 267 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and by druggists and dealers generally. .1.9C1; JOSEPH IVIEYER, .IiANIITACTUB.fia OF Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL A4r In addition to the Yarn!biro business, 1 also devote attention to UNDER.T/LEING. Hearses and Q,ATinges fcrniialaxi. ALLECiIIENY COUNTY, ss : The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sher {am 1 UT of said county, Greeting: -ay- , The petition of Henry Campbell, of Allegheny City, and County of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, was presented to the Honorable Judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas of said county, which petition sets forth as fol lows, to wit :—That Agnes Knox, late of Brad county, died on or about the Bth day of July, A. D., 1854, at said county, - being unmarried and without issue; and that, gt the time of her death, the said Agnes Knox was seized in lee of the following described Beal Estate situate in the rite of Pitts buitb, in said &runty, tb wit :* Ali that certain lot or piece OF grom4d, beginning at the southeast corner of Market gad Fifth streets, 101 - feet 6% inches to Market alley; thence eon! hwardly along Bad alley 39 feet; thence westwardly parallel with Fifth street, 101 feet 5% inches to Market strret; thence along Market Street 33 feet to the place of beginningon which is erected four frame tenements, said described piece of ground being part of lot No. 391, in Col. Woods' plan of Pittsburgh. Arao—All that certain other lot or piece of ground, begin ning at the south-eastcorner of Market alley and Fifth street, extendir g eastwardly along Fifth street 2/ feet 6 inches; thence sonthwardly, parallel with Market alley, 30 feet; thence westwardly lelo feet 6 inches to Market alley ; thence northwardly along said alley 80 feet, to the place of begin. ning—on which is erected a three storied brick building, and being part of lot No. 891, in Col. Woods' plan oir Pitta burgh. Ana that, cad Agnes Luba laid 'lniee bothers, vers . : William gmmallugh - Knoe, 'arid George Knorr, all of whom said Agneasurvived, and' two* sisters, viz : Hannah, intermarried with George Holdsbip, and Jane, intermarried with Robeirt Carapbellaboth of whom are now doceased,vald Hannah having died before said Apes; sad acid Jane since, let. Wm Knox who died before the raid Agnes ,, leaving the folloWing children, biz: dares Knox; late of Britler county, Ohio, now deemed, who lett heirs, R hone names and places of resid once arennknosin to your orator,and Geo Knox late of Allegheny county, deceased, who left John Knox his heir, residing in Allegheny county. Hugh Knox, who died before said Agnes, leaving the following hare, viz: George Knox, now deceased, leaving heirs in Arkansas Jane, intermarried with one McAllister, deceased, leaving one child, supposed to reside in New Or leans; Ann, intermarried with 1-Frabingtokn Duvall, sup posed to reside in Arkansas; Farah, intermarried with E. C. Denny, who lately resided in the State of Virginia; James Knox, residing M the State of Kentucky; Martha Knox, residing in the State of Arkansas-; William Knox re, EIEIMg 114 the States of l'exas:; George Knox, di- d before the sold Agnes, leaving ohildren, whose names and places of residence are unknown to petitioner; Hannah Knox, Intermarried with George Holdship, deceased, leaving the following belie, via; Jane Holdship, residing in Allegheny county, Ann Holdship residing in Peaver county, Agues Holdship residing in Beaver count;, ail of whom aro of full age. Jane Knox, intermarried with Robert Campbell, d. - ceased, said Jane being now deceased, leaving the following heirs, viz: Henry Capplaill, peattioaer, et:aiding in Alle gheny county; Neligan bampbeil, reacting' in Allegheny empty; Jane Campbell residing in Allegheny county; Han nah, intermarried with S. S. Shields, of Columbiana county, Ohio; Emily, intermarried with Thomas J. Pearson, said Emily having died, leaving James 0. Pearson and Emily C. Pearson, her heirs, said James C. Pearson being of tall age, and tho said Emily 0. Pearson being a minor, both Of whom reside - in Allegheny City; Hobart - Ai - Campbell, who died 'be fore the said Agues, leaving Henry, Edward, and'Holaon his Minor heir& reading in Allegheny City; and that no parti tion pr valuation of the said Estate has ever been made,aud that petitioner is entitled as one of the heirs of said Agnes Knox, deceased, to one undivided sixth part of an undivided ono-filth part of said Beal Estate, and that he is a tenant in common with the other parties, hereinbefore named, and farther praying the Court to award an Inquest to make par tition of the Real Estate to and among the heirs interested, in such manner and infmch proportion as can be made with out prejudice to or Spoiling the whole, but if such partition cannot be made, then to value and appraise the same, and then to ME ho return of their proceedings according to law, on the first Monday of October, a D-. 1858. And on the 3d day of July, 1858, the Court, on motion of O. Staler & Co., ordered a writ of Bubposna or citation to issue, returnable the first Monday of October next, against the parties therein named, residing in Allegheny county, to be served person ally, and as to all other parties named in Bald petition, the Sheriff of Allegheny county, shall give notice by publica tion In the Pittsburgh Nornirtg Post, a daily newspaper, pub.; aaed in Pi ttalaargia, one day in each areek, for aim weeas consecutively. which Said notice shell contain the castanet+ and prayer of said petition. And it is farther ordered that the said petition - shall be for hearing on the said FIRST MONDAY OF OCTOBER, 1858. . Witness the Hon. W. B McCLITRE, President of said Court, at Pittsburgh, the 14th day of Ray, A. n, 1868. JOHN BIRMINGH.A.M, prothonotary. at 4 of P6•G UST PUBLlSTlED.—Brightly's Pardon's Annual Digest. of the LIMP of Perinsylyania, for each ct the yeara 1853,1854, 1855, 1888, 1857 and 1859, namely, from the 2811 of Allay, 1853, to 49th of May, 1858. The whole completing Stroud and Brightly's Pnrdon'e Digest to tho present date, by Frederick 0. Brightly, Esq., for Bale by J. R. WEIDIN, No. 83 Wood street , near Fourth. 50 ACRES of very desirable land, at a short distance from the city, havingsome beautiful sites for country residences-47 ac: es contain coal of tho very best qtality: firor Tale 1:ly an 7 8. CUTHBERT a BON, 6.1 Market et. TAMES 0, RICHEY, REAL ESTATE AGENT and DILL tiItOXER, No. (1 Fifth. street. LAND FOB HALE-115 acres of Land, Elitists in North Fayette township; improvements good, ninety acres clear ed, balanoe fine Timber, Opal and Limestone in great aband• ana, well watered, twelve miles from Pittsburgh and near Nobleitown, will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to JAMES O. RICHEY, any No. 85 Fifth street. COPYINQ PRESSES screw Coping Presses; Cana and Lever Copying Presaes; Lever Screw, and Spring Copying Preuea. Whi. G. JOHNSTON' & 00.. 67 Wood Street. MANILLA PAPERS. All sizes and qualities, for sale by Hai. G. JOHNSTON & Paper Dealers and Stationers, 67 Wood street. • . fiIOBACCO.-75 boxes, assorted brands, s's, A, We, and We Tobacco, now landing, and for sale by MLLES. k ItICIEETSON, . . ; Nos. 221 and VA Liberty street. 1 - 4 JAB Piga No. 1 Lead, for eolo by -1-4 JAB Keatax H. ObLiiNs fIPHRESHING Jt FARMERS Wishing Threshing Machines, ABT LIPVITSD TO ZMAKCIE OVA CELEBRATED lALPROVED RAILWAY HORBE POWE4I. THRESHER AND SEPARATOR, Which with two horses and farmhands will thresh from one hundred and fifty to two hundredtwentydre bushels of Wheat or Bye, and doable the amouht of Oats, Barley or Buckwheat per day. Price, complete, $lBO. Par farther informatima or circulars, addreSs WARDB.OP,STOUT & WELLIAMS, Zrisamdlicimml, Pittsburgh, Pa. szaltdawit PITTSBURG.% PA mr22.•dly—lo COMMERCIAL• PIINT,BBIYROR BOARD OP TRADE ADD IXERCHANTSP- ECXCRABGM. Pre.4dera. • R. 11. NVILILMO. rias rraido - dti F. R.,BRIINGT, lut, IsAlAii DRIMEY, 2d. 1; rather. N. HOUSES, JE. Euperinterad.mt. JOSEPH SNOWDEN. assmittee Qf Arbitration for August. ISAIAII DICKEY, V. P., ' 0. U. PAULSON, JAIME GARDINER, DAVID CABIPIIELL, AUSTIN LOOillei. Stage of Water. Three feet water in the channeL PITTSBURGH HAMLET. Reported Expressly for the Duly Morning Post PErrsztraan, August 10, 185? PLOUB...Tbe sales today are limited, reaching about 400 bbls. from store at $4,82 for superfine, $5@5,12 for extra do., $5,25©5,37 for extra family, aid $5,50 for extra white wheat. No sales from first hands. OATB...Bales 200 bush. from store at 450. HAY... 15 load* froth scales at $7 to $ll. SUGAR...I2 hhds. at £4 l / 2 @0%. 01L...30 bids. Lard No. 1 sold at 85c. CLIMESE...4O boxes W. B. at to. COFFER-10 sacks Rio at 12. VINEGAR...SaIes from first hands at +s%c. • WIIISRY.-Seles 25 bble. in lots at 27 to 28c. for rectified. Philadelphia Dlarket. Prmointasmi, August 10.—The demand for Flour con tinues limited both for export and home consumption, but for the better grades of retailing brands we advance our quotations 12%c bbl; salsa 1200 bbla at $6 for old btock western extra, and $5,25 for fresh ground from new wheat; sales to home consumers at $4,37%@4,75 for old stock and recently ground superfine; $4,871®5,25 for fresh ground from new wheat, $5@6,25 for extra and fancy lota. Rye Flour and Corn Meal scarce and held firmly. The receipts of wheat continue moderate with a fair inquiry; sales 1000 bush Pennsylvania, and southern red at $1,20(1,26; white ranges from $1,35©1,43. Ryo has advanced and 13 wanted; sales of old stock have been made at 80c. The demand for Corn has fallen off, and 2500 bosh of yellow were sold at 95©980, which is a decline. eats Is in good demand at 42c for old and 39c for new. Whisky scarce and advancing; sales by the bbls at 2834029 c. Now York Market. Nzw Yoax, August 10.—Cotton dull; 400 boleti sold. Flour advanced; 16,000 bbls sold. Wheat better; 50,000 bush sold; western red $1,08@1,14. Con, dull; 49,000 bush bush sold; mixed 70@853; white 89%(4)00: yellow 05 @ 9 7. Whisky dull at 2834@i27. Sugar quiet., holders are pressing on the market; prices have declined 1 , males of Muscovado at Ti/ g g , 7%. Rice quiet Tallow Wm. Freights chilli Flour to Liverpool ls@ls 3d. New York stock Illarket. NEW YORE, Angttat ]O.—Stocks; Chicago and ]Cock Island 764; Mich. Southern 22.4",; N. Y. Central 78Y0 Itearth,g 47%; Canton 19 1 %; ilassouri 135 , %; Galena and Chicago Mich Central ESN; Rrio 17; Cleveland nnd Tod 84%; La Crosse land grants 22%; Tennessee 6's 7'2.'7; 1860, 100; Louisville 6'a 92. Cincinnati Market. Overman, August 10.—Flour is firm; 1400 lib's sold at $4,50g1.60 for superfine. Whisky is steady, 1203 sold at 26? gallon. Mess Pork sold at $10,60. 141C011 13 . ,W 8 and 10c with a moderate demand Wheat 2gi3c higher; tiiiire is a good demand. Oata are buoyant. Rye 62c and In good demand. Money is easy. Exchange dna. Busi ness is active. Os A FOUL STO3LiCH la frequently indicated by a bad taste In the mouth, particularly in the morning. The tongue Is furred and generally there Is a lack of appo the accompanied with nausea and headache. All these die• agreeable symptoms may be relieved by using WILSON'S HEADACHE PILLS, prepared and aold by B. L. FA HEE &root( a CO., Wholesale Druggist—and proprietors of B. L. PAHNESTOOK'S VBRAIIVIIGE, No. 60 corner of Woo and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. an 6 1%. KENNEDY W. 8. KENNEDY. PEARL STEAM MILL, ALLEGHENY CITY, E. T. KENNEDY Si, BRO. WHEAT, RYE, AND CORN PURCHASED. FLOUR, DAN MEAL, An HOMINY, MAN U.PA.OrUP.ED AND DELI VERVD IN PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY. ani:lplAw] TERMS OABH ON DELIVERY. N°- 65 FIFTH STREET.- ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMV►ZAN, (Recently Agent for H. M. Warren & C 0.,) MANUPA"TURER AND DEALER WARREN'S FELT, GE4iiNT, GRAVEL ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, ROOFING MATERIALS Iak_OPPICE, No. 65 FX,FTH SMELT, oppoalto Odd Fal lowa Hall. Pittaburgh, Pa. Jy9 REMQYA.L. THE subscriber has removed the balance of his stock of FURNITURE To the ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, No. 64 Fifth street, where he offers every article at the reduced prices. Every article is marhod is plain figures, and those in want of Furniture, are respectfully invited to call and examine the Goods and Prices, b,foro pnachaalug elsewhere. jy2l:lru ii. D. RYAN. MWITT & GAS FITTERS, BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS, Nos. 124' and 122 Slreel, ang Federal Sired, Allegheny G 3.8 Pi as put op, and Fitures of the latest styles and patterns. we have a very largi stock of Gas Fixtures on hand, to which we call psrticnier attention. jy2o:l3m MAFFITT & OLD. rOARRIAGES, HATS AND CAPS, FUR NITURE OR QUERNSWARE wanted in exchange for two litalldin a Lots, each 24 by 104 feet, situate In the Seventh Ward. 8. OUTIJIIERT & EON, 10 61 Market erred. WEAR NEW SHOES, when you can buy them en cheip at the "People's.Bhoe Store," No. 17 Fifth street, near Market, SUII3iER Sti()E'. 4 , 'Ol every description, cuu uow be bought at exwbdingly low pticee. LADIES' BOILED SHOES and GAITERS sold at a grey reduction. MISSES' GAITERS, cheaper than ever—for 87%c: to $l. BOY,' and YOUTH'S OaPS, for 62% cents. A good assortment of CARPET BAGS on hand. 1731 DIFEENBSCHER A CO. ADWELLING IIOtTSE. Cu Third stree for rout, 6. 0477'HIIERT & SON, fr`• 6% Market street. MAOKKREL.- 2.5 !Arras No. 3 Large M ackerel ; 26 " " rdt'd and for sale by (Jy2B) HENRY IL C)L.LINS MOUNT IVALIINIiTON.—For Sale—A comfortable twoatory frame dwellidg house of four rooms, with a large lot Of ground, fruit and shade trees, Rowers, 4a, a good cistern, with pump, In the kitchen, tc , patting fence, gittiste or Sycamore street, Mouut Washing• tO4. 5. CUTITiftERT & SON, 168 51 Market street. FIRE CRACKERS-300 loses No. 1 UOid Chop, just received and for pale by REIALEII. ANDERSONI, Je23 89 Wood tree!, DAINTING AND PLASTERING, wanted In exchange for two lota of ground. auS S. CUTHBERT k PON, LI Market at. WAT.ER PIPES--1.000 ya.tdo - S ovte Wa. Or Pipes, from 2 to 0 inches diameter, for Bate by aa2 HENRY H. HOLLINS. LIRE -200 bbls. Louisville Lime, for sale by Ijyl6l HENRY H. COLLINS. bbls. ohoice superfine for sale A: by JAB. A. PETZSIt, tea Corner Market and Ftrat ste. DRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap plea,Part received and for sale by hioQAND7.EI4 I . &Ilan po., Corner Woixrand Water streets. B ACON -2000 lbe. Bacon Shoulders,Blight ly damaged—fig Ric cheep, to clam courignment,b7 44.5. 4. IMMO, iY3I 00111437 Maxkot and First streets. SYRUPS.- .. 60 bbla choice Golden Syrup; 20 " Regraick's First. Quality Syrup ; 76 " St. James' Sugar House tiolasses. In store and for sale by MILLER & RICKETBON, an 6 Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street D EtINED SUGARS.- R 30 bbls Lovering's Crashed, Fine and Coarse Palver bed Sugar; 20 bbls Lovering's "A" Coffee Omitted sugar ; 66 .4.tyf LI 16 ai 10 " 'V' Yellow—in store and for sale by HILLER * 11101LET4014, an 6 Dios. 221 and 143 Liberty street. IP CES.- 76 b ags Grain Pepper; " 10" Allspice—in store and for sale b MILLL'It & BIONNISON, egg Nos. 221. and 223 Liberty street. NBEAT SUOCESS.—The Atlantic Teti, graph, and the American Watches, seem to attract everybody's attention Just now. A fresh lot of these excel. lent 'rime Keepers just received. Every Watch given on trial for one Var. Call and see them. . • BEINEMAN & 11T.111.AN, - - - No. 42 Fifth street, 41117 ' • - Agents foi the Boston Watch Factory. COMPLYING WITH TEM URGENT REQUEST OP IIIIN• DEEDS OP THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. X FMB AND J. W. SYKES And may be consulted at their office, No. 191 P. ;argot, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL OTHEE I..LIEONIC COMPLANTB, complicated with, or causing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, 4.c. STS'ES would state that their treatment of Ceniumption is based upon the fact that the di. , easelt! in tlet blood and system at large, both before and daring its development in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the bloodand strengthen the system. With those, they use MEDICAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Pinks ltres, (haring no Curaiiee ejects when wed alone,) and rave lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment booed Upon the plural ble, but false Ides that the "cent of the diabase can be reached In a direct manner by Inhalation," fee, as before stated, the seat of the diwase is in the blood and its effects only in the .a.Z"- No charge for coartiltation. A Hat of questions will be gout to thole wishing to cOLIFItit us by latter. my2guiew OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGII, IT. WAYNE A. SD CHICAGO IL It. CO, Pittsburgh, August 14, 185 H. TUE SI'I:III4NITJA.I.. 7111ZSTING of tha holdua ia Pittsburgh, Fort IS'ayno cago Railroad t'ompany, - W.ll by hell at Ito lio ,, tris of tho BOARD Ole TRADE, in thz, c , ty cf Piitahargh, Pa, ou VEDNLSDAY, the let day of Sectenat,er next, at 2 o'clock, P. At which meeting, the Reports of tha Ofnem.> and Direct ore, r f the operations of the Head fur six months, ending July Ist ultimo, will bo presented. 13 . 5 order of the rresidLn t. AUGUSTUS BRADLEY', Secretary. 1:1> NOTICE—TILE INTERE.kT COUPONS of the Bon Is of Lawrence County, islned to the PITTS. BUR01:1 AND KRIF it Al LROA CONIPANY, due July, 1868. will be paid at the office of W. H WILLIAMS & 0.), Pittsburgh, Pa The change in place of payment is made in consequence of the failure of th.. Ohio Life Insurance and Trust OLcupany, raw Yurk, where the O upona pro, payable only - . of iY2 RATIC time approaches for roxtins the notalua:iona for the fall election, the Dertu,trat3 ore loohtug about fur uuitut,la candidates t,) , 11)c) apart th.ar ti, net Allow rue to euggeet the follow nr, n iniC3 for their cmmW• emtlo.). Tabro is nut a t,,,ntl.aatn namod, ulto is not a thorough national Dentoci : CORONER.—JOH N Di. 11c01.1ESNEY, of tho bor. (nigh of Manchester, will he bupix)rted a 9 a candidate for the Wilco of Coroner, subject to the decision of the Demo• cratie County Convention. 100 undernigned offers himself to the Democracy 01 Allegheny' county, us a candidate fur Sheriff subject to the decision of the Democratic Conven• Lion. BARNES FORD, Upper St Clair. dldato to the Democracy of Allegheny county for the office o Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic Convention. I:IATTECEWE HARBISON, Jy27:dawtc Robinson township. PROTHONOTAIIT.—The underrigned offers him. self to the Democracy of Allogneny County, as a candidate for Frothonotary—antject to the decision of the Democratic Convention, js3o:dsmta 0 3 . COUNTY COMMISSIN Nit—The friends of CHAS. BRYSON, of West Deer township, will urge his nomi nation for the Once of County Commimiuner, before the next Democratic Convention; aulject to the usages of the party.lst:then-lc {{7COR.ONER.—The undersigned offers himself es a candidate before the next Democratic Convention for the office of Coroner, and asks the support of the De- MOMIIO7 [Jell LENOX HEA. ROOF`S, The elegant aide wheel, passenger packot SUP.E.lll.oll,—Llapt. RaDMOND J. Cinian—will wave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, THIS DAY, the 4th inst., at 12 o'clock, at. For freight or nasaaga apply rn board, or to FLACK, DARNI.S is CO., 4,gez.ts. Through to St Louis in five days. This boat connects with the mall line, and will tkrough in the time speci fied. She will kayo ou Se:aria:v. For Marlette and Zanesville. The eteamer EM MA GRAHAM, Capt. Moro ;n o te s r A ni r e m e w p il o i rt i. 9 :rasi o e n fo e r ve t t h y e T a i be i r s e p, e i e s. . , l s a l! 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight cr persege apply board. TB F. SY?iEPOSRUH. WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR, The house is nevi, built especially for the purposes of a First Class Restaurant and Saloon, and the proprietor hav• lug bad many years exporience in the business will keep constantly on hand the best that the markets offord. His Wines, Liquors and Ales, are of the best quality. He wants all his old trienda and the public generally to give him e call at the Bympoeium. tjer.tly NEW ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LADIES' RESTAIIP.A.NT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. The subscriber bas Dared, and fitted up several commodi ous rooms, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Filth street, which am now open for the Summer Season. La dies and gentle Men can always find an abundant supply of FRESH CONFECTION A RY, FRU •TS, ICE CREAM, WATER ICES, and all the relf,abraerite of the season. All are respectfully requested to visit the rooms, and test for themselves. (Jehl) 3L McUIN LEY. DRIED PEACHES. —2O Bushels choice, Bright, Dry Peaches fast received and for sale by JAR, A. FETZER, .1926 corner Market and First streets. COFFEE. -200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by NCI. II- SMITH & CO, q 0 TO THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, and buy your Sheee at reduced prices. A few more gol.,Eld SBOE3 and GAITERS Bolling CHEAP. GENT'S GAITERS and SHOES, selling low. Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters fur $2. Now is the time for bargains. Go and pro cure a pair. Gent's Calf Oxfords and Iles, Buck and Calf G.dteri, cheap. Boy's and Youth's Summer Shoes selling at low rates. Call soon. DIFFENBACIIRB A Co. .1517 No. 17 Fifth street, near Market, LOOK AT NO. 56, and you will see a two story brick Dwelling House, of 007013 rooms in good order; large portico in front; fine shade trees, a lot nf ground 24 feet front on Marion atroot, by 104 deep. Price-1,1700. Tenn easy. For dale by S. CUTHBERT .fr2o 51 Market etrect. SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, CANDIDATES. CONGUE.I. ItUN. C11.1.Y.LF.:3 C4y LOS. WILUAM WI LEI JiiN M. IRW IN, City, TLIU3I AS S UAI r, I , -o!,,ina, HUG II LA FFERT 7, Baldwin, FY ILLIAM McIAN North Fayette bLIERIic : PJRI), low 1 . thair JOHN IiIItIIIINJHAM, Ohio co LIN ry COMMIS9IONER : THOMAS FARGEY, All”gb-Nly Clcy eanirro : JOh R V, PAttAburgh cortoNrn: WILLIAM ALEXANDER., City I=l CITY WEST 0? THE ALLEGHENY 3 EASTERN NECK 2 S.OIITEI OF THE MONONGAIIELA. 4 SHERIFF.—The undersigned offers himself a can STEAMBOATS For Cincinnati. ZANES ViLLE. FVII4 Street, Nit Door to the Fitielturgh 7h,u,:rc 118 7r mad. and 147 FU I sin'', ta RAPPING PA PER-3000 reams ass't situ Rag Wrapping, a superior article, for Bale by Jelie .1. IL WELDiN. GREASE—For Wagons, Drays, Carts, and C4c daps, received ana for gale by .1,251 HENRY 11. COLLINS. RYE FLOUR-25 bbls. fresh ground Rye Flour, !coerced and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, jya Corner Market and First streets. CM DROPS--`403,0 lbe. Lemon, Orange, Flqllf.; Sou°, StraVnerry, Pine Apple and Banana a urn, far sale by anygna a ANDERSON, lOU Sie Weed +treat EMONS-25 bza just received and for sale .1.4 by RRYMER a ANDERSON, No. SD Wood stmot. 14LACK CRAPE VEILS—Of extra size and quality—very cheap, at HORACE'S lira° r Market street. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling House of four rooms, a large Lot of ground, fruit trees, otc., pleas• antly situated in South Pittsburgh, on the point of Mount Washington, immodiatly opposite Smithfield street, will bas sold on easy terms, by S. OUTHBERT & BON, iYI2 51 Market street, C S" • 1' —•t 1m memo stock on hand, at the only COB. MATJF4O TORY in the city—No. 76 Smithfield etr3et iY/5 UY YOU: GOODS LARGE REDUCTIONS IN PRICES H4T O been WAG through our entire kook, in order to CLOSE OUT, before receiving our PALL SUPPLIES. en 2 _ HORNE'S, 77 Market street. ALA.pY residing near the city, - wishes to proctro a GUM of 8 or 10 years, to lic6 with tier till of age For ftirthor particulars, call at our office, 51 Mar. kot street. I - • - & COTIEBBES A BON, .1315 Oeueral Apusts. T:t7s 00.11XIISSIONETIS . _ .—.}fr. Editor A 8 the ANY DZMOCILATS ALEX. BLACK AT REDUCED FIGURES BUSINESS CARDS. J. &T. GROUTT WORMS OP BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN Eth OLD MONONGAHELA RIM WHISKY, PEACH - AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Streete, apl4] PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANITYAOTITEERS OB PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL RINDS OF WRAPPING i n) .11. Z la° M DEL Warehouse, No. 2 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Bags bought at market prices. myB REMOVAL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 71 Water street, below Market JOHN 111001tHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, sob 71121 BLLB OP PIG METAL AND BLOOMS. WO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, PITTSBURGII, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL 'WORKS. ISAAC 10NE5......JN0. L. BOYD WIT McarLLol.loll JONES, BOYD & CO kIifiIYACTITSM3 OP CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRLNGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross and First Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. MOORE - 1E1 43, D & CO., kI&NUFSCTUFtIiIt OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, &o. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 138 First street, mr26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA. I MAO JON 3• . D. B. ROGER D. B. ROGERS Si. CO., IaIiTTPAOTURER3 OP ROHM' IMPROVED PATENT NTEE IA CULTIVATOR TE , :h;T if , CORNSII ROSS AND FIRST STREIBTS, PITYSWORGII. PA WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 11ANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Always on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whist of of the ve, but (meaty. did dyad] JAMES A. Ir , 'ETZElll, Forvarding and Commission Merchant, TOR TIM CE.1.13 OP lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of Market and First latres ta. PITTSBD KGIL PA. REM to—Francis G. Bail William Dilworth, Sr., . Cuthbert & Son, Patel, argli; Boyd & Ott, Ileiskell & wearingen, S. Brady, Ceti , . ki. A AL Bank. List & Rowell, Mangle & Co., George W Anderson, Donlo Paxton Is Co. Wheeling. rayTt2Dtf HA R.I3WA RE. LAMIIEL FAIINESTOOK, No. 74 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, has on hand a largo STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which ha will sell very low for CASK. In addition to hie Locks, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large amortment of Carpenter's Tools, he has received a large sup ply of Sausage Cutters and Stnffors ; Shovels, Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh Bells, and Enameled ct 29 Preserving Kettles. L. 0. HEPBURN, A.TTOILNEY AT LAW AND CONTEYANCIED 0131121 WIEI3 H. EIEMIIIII3. WM. W. KNIGHT, WIIOLLSALS AND RETAIL FIRST PREMIUM READY MADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, PHII.L.ADELPHIA. Silk, Morino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs. Gloves,Handkerchiefs, to., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stwks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Joll.lyd E. P. MIDDLETON & vRo , IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DE 4 LPItS IN FINE OLD WHISKYS, NO. 6, NORTH FRONT STREET, jeldyd PHIL ADEL PIIIA. GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Mind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND DIARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. 'THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR A House with VENETIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Illy work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention in given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. No. 72 TIMID Street, Pittsburgh. (myiklyis - „ DAVID H. WILLIAMS, kJIVIL ENGINEER , AND CONTRACTOR FOR TUE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from live garner; awl upwards, and for floating Buildings, public or private, by Steam, Rot Water or Furnaces. awaypro:nu - am PA CARTWRIGHT 81. YOUNG, (Successors to John alriwrighl,) r t fANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS yA. of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Burgiod and an I Den• tal instruments, Guns, Pist3l3, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. se Wood street. They glee special attention the inanulactnr• ng of Trusses, Supporters, eto. Jobbing and Itepairing its punctuality and despatch. apl.7 HITCHCOCK, M I CREIERT & CO. (BUOURB9OII9 TO H1J71 , 23517, WeI:EERY Ar. C 0.,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION 31PROUANTE3, Wholesale Dealers in Prodnco, Blow and Wool, No. 114 Bacon(' stroet, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1227118EN0519 dpringor Harbough, Pittsburg"; Fenton Bros.; EL Childs & Co., " (Cornell it Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Cosgrove & Co., " 'Garret IkMartin,Philadelphia; HcCandleirs, Means & Co., " James, Kent,'Santee A Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver & Graham, Geo. M. & L. Hord, Cincinnati Krone, Starling A Co., A. 13. Fenton & Brota., " Yard, Gilmore A Co., " eiyal!tr W. H. IIeGEE Wt McGEE UM:CHANT TAILORS, Daniels In Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish leg Goods, corner of Fedora' street and Market Square Alle gheny City, Pa. Jel2.ly T . \VO :I_,'.• _ i V - f: 4 4 :f.1--- t.4 , 7. - N.43- , i,z, ; , ___„l, 41F-ANA 7 ., 1,1 .:-.-w.. lVe4:.-: : :. 'fir, - -) y! . L ~. - 7 ,,, id , • .1;-;_--0 , M . AMBLE! MARBLE!! ...V . 0 lAr A Ali 9C d 1 li" 61 - IL m A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF MONUMENTS GRAVE STONES 9 9 11vilosures, Pooto 9 Ew., 40. The 4.:i3 are rstrpectfully invited to ozamine car atcmk. Etiorrir t and work erarratg,+:l l„, t Tv 41177 sril, vv.?. OINT BOX FACTORY.— BIISHA ,Z.. GUT= IV 008.8. anufacture to order, BOXES suitable for Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Garth, eta., etc. tYi!l_, Order. promptly tiled. rav2/1v 11011Z11.2 rt AXES Z. 131111ADESO IA,iOBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 Liberty Orem. PitifttroTeh, re, no Slay. WURNITURE FOR oA t ss._, A fedi assortment of pittsburgh manufactured YORNITURB, embracing — BUREAUX, BOOK C6liisB,° WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, as wall as a spledid assortment of OFFIOE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which Mildness is done atthiscatablishment is thr CARL Prima are made accordingly. Persons in Want of Anything in the above woqld be Advantaged by calling at Y&O.UNER• & No. 103 Smithfield street, helow J. D. noitnisi, Jams H. Diwiv. • mel2:lv UOUNDRY IR. . :C", tons, for sale b - I! Jean HENRY IL CO 8 VOR RENT—A three story Dwelling House .2: on Third street—s2oo per year. 4. mamas a SON, Baal Mato Agerla, 61141orket it. Voz:th Joseph H. pdo, St. LOllid G. M. DOSCH. & C 0 RED ICAL DR ;R. A. WILSON'S Tonic, Cathaitio, and. Anti.-Dyspeptio PILLS, PREPARED AND. BOLD BY B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Street., PITTUITBOII, PENN'A. A! AN EFFICMNT, safe and convenient tonic, catnartio and anti dyspeptic medicine, these Pals are recommended -to the public by the former propri etor, (DK. WILSON,) with a confidence such as a long con• tinned and careful trial of them in an ample practice war rants. In their operation as a cathartic, they influence more the motory and less ihesecerning power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They agree with the most delicate stom ach, removing nausea. pain, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AS AN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC—They neutralize and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action which should never exist in the human stomach. From these peculiarities in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a free, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nausea, local or general debility, or that dia. gusting sickness or costiveness—the usual effects which at tend or follow the use of other purges. CERTIFICATES. Extract of a letter from H. F. IlzressiomUi d cb., Druggists, Memphis, 21ennessee.,Jamsary 7, 1858. MEBSREL B. L. FaatutsTocx a Co.—We were the first to In croduce Dr. R. Adams Wilson's Pals here many years ago. They were the best Fill ever in this market. We use no other in our own families, and secured for them a hick tharacter by our recommendations. Yours, truly, H. F. FARNESWORTH a CO. Extract of a letter from G. W. Irwin, Nashoak, Tennessee, February lb. 1858. AlrßSts. B. L. FAHMISTOOi. b Co.—Dear Sir: Ihave Been Dr. R. A. Wilson's Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have used theta myself, and believe them to be the best Pill in use I have no doubt they will cure many ot'ir complaints when properly used, and I cheer ailly recommend theta to the public. Respectfully, yoms, G. W. TRWIN From Colonel Wm. Hopkiru, late °anal COmmissiimer. Wasmasstost, Pa. January B,lB6B—Dear Doctor : I have been using your "Anti-Dyspeptic" Pills, when occasioned required, for many years, and can =thirdly say that I have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve me from headache, end have always left my system in better condition they found it. I must confi dently recommend your Pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. Very respectfully, etc., Da. It. Alums Wasou. VIM HOPKINS. Prom Thos. Blaclrmore, Esq,, Treasurer of ..4Ue.gheny fib., Pa To l a R. A. Wrteou.—Dear Sir: I have been using your Pills since 1840, and do decidedly say they aro the best Pill in use, or that I have any knowledge of. I first used them for "sick headache," with which I suffered beyond descrip tion; I am happy to say, that they entirely cured me. Since the" I us+ them as a family medicine : if I am bilious, or anything ails me, and I require. medians, I take a Pill,aud it cures me ; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years. THOS. DLACKSIORE. January 8, 1968. _ Hear Dr. Keyaer., blicsgas. B. L. FAIINZSTOCE. & Co—l hive had considerable experience in the use of the extraordinary Pill compounded by Dr. It. Adams Wilson, of which you are now the propri etors, and have often felt their benign influence in my own case for "nervous headache," arising from a disordered con• ditiou of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them for others, in cases of hemicrania" and other' forms of head ache depending on a deranged and. irritable conditioner the stomach and digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar. ly adapted, being entirely free , rom any griping tendency. I regard them as a very valuable Pill, and one that purges without at all cebilitsring. Yours truly, GEO. 11. KEYSER, 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh, March 5, 1868. Jyl:lyd&u, A THE GREATEST ii\,.IIIIIIICAL DISCOVERY OF-THE AGE. .MREs nd . n E.N rie NE of KEN onr NEDY, of R on oxbury e , w h eo a i t a di remedy. sW r. that coral Every kind of U - anaor, PROM TRH WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A COMMON ~~,~• Fie has tried It in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except In two cases, (both thunder humor.) He her now in hid possession over one hundred cortillcates of Br value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles aro warranted to cure a nursing sore month. One to three bottles will cure tho worst kind of Pimple: oa the face. Two or throe bottles will clear the system of bilea. Two bottles are warranted to cure the wont canker in the month or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the wont kind of Erysipelas. 0,..e to two bottles are warranted to core all humor blithe oyes. Two bottles are warranted to care running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running Moors. One bottle will cure scaly ernption of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure ealtßheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit in always experienced from tho first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken ROXBURY, MASS Dun fdsuad,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery in curing all kind of humors, Is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say anything on the subject., as the most skilful clans and the most. careful Druggists in the country aro an animons in its praise In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I dc it with a full knowledge of the curative power. in rellevirq all, and curing moat of those diseases in which you aro nu fortunatoly BO liable. That most excruciating disease to ar affectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, Xe cured Be if by a miracle; your own temper is restored to Its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful nape to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical DiscoTe heoomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and household. In the more advanced stages of CANKER extends to the stomach, canning DYBPEPBIA, which la nothing but canker of the atom h ; then to the intoctinea and KIDNEYS, creating a linking, gone fooling, and an indifference even to tht carea of your family. Your stomach le RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses you, and yon can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contains as the scrimonons fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be. comes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follows train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to _ _ _ • OUR 1; Palpitation of the heart, pain In tho side, 'weakness of the spine and small of the back, pain cf the hip Joint wherison retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most clan. elating of diseases, the PILES. How many thousands of poor women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the muse. I wish to impress co your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of preven• lion is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and tho cure, with this goat and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances, do y,..0 any Injury. he change of diet ever necenary—eat the beat you can get and enough of it. Doszernows Yon oak—Adults one table spoonful per day— Children over ten yeaea dessert spoonful--Children from five to eight years, toe spoonful. An no directions can be appll• cablei.qu all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the Ln-ONCII twice a day. Yours trtdy, DONALD KENNEDY. Price $3,00 per baths. For sale by Dr. GEO. 11. N..EYBER, Devi:claw No 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that is gray would not have it restored to Its former color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other eruptions, but would be cured, or with sick headache, (neuralgia,) but would be cured. It will also remove all pimples from the face and akin. Prof. Wood's Hair Resto rative will do all this, a :o circular and the following: ANN Almon, November 5, 1856. Poor. 0. J. Wood—Dear Sir :—I have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but having Nen so often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, Ac., I was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and one londly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some month, since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en tirely white, and before exhausting one of your large hot. ties, her hair was restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and enttrel4over the head; she continues to use it, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but because of its healthful influence upon the head and mind. Others of my Wally' andtrionds are wing your Restorative, wit i lt the happiest effects ' herefore, my skepticism. and doubts in referewie to its character and value era entirety retrieved; I can and do and most cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by 'all who Would have their hair restored from wblse or gray (by rest. son of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty, end by all young persons who.wcrtild have their hair beautiful and glory. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. FUND WOOD: It was a long time after I !saw you at Blies&id before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit, snd when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's, hair, as the surest teat of its power. It has done aU that you assured me it would do; anti others of my family and friends, having wituenod its effects, are now using and recommend. irig its nee to others as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very reepectfully and truly, yours, SOLOMON MANN. Osamar, 111, June 28,,1882. I have need Prof. O.J. Wood's Hair Restorative, and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, As, I thoughtfprematurely gray, but by therAe of bin Uestora• tiro Whoa resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently so. - 8,1183 8 / 1 . ex•Senaton U. 8. 0. J. WOOO. A 00., Proprietori, 312 Brcadway, N. Y, (In 4.0 great N. F. Wire Balling Establishment) end 114 Market street, St. Leahy Mo. Bold by DIL GEO. IL EBTSEB, No. 140 Wood it., elltradim &11 cold lw all gool.. >Orn IL M. - CARGO ST, CO., Photographers and Ambrotspists, NEW YORK GALLERY, . • No. 21 Fifth 'aired, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, i. B. W. car. of Market street and Diamond, Pittrgrargn. TO BUTT ALL. m 9/ • • ELOGEB.V' NEW DAGITERREAN AND AM13.120 1 ±19 :9 4 ,Ylrir A/VD EIDE-MGM' G A L. -IL E inrra STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE; THE i'6ET-03/110. PICTURES taken in all the various styles, in in; weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. : xa. Sick or deceased persons taken at their realdenCes • ap2flydew-is AMBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PIOTURE WARRANTED, CAN RR HAD AS LOW AB AT ANY FIRST CLASS EBT.ABLIBEIDIMT IN THE COUNTRY, AT WALL'S, Beurth street AM B R 0 T YP E S.—These beautiful and durable pictures on glass; in all their perfection and loveliness, singly or in groups, may be obtained at WALL'S, Jones' Building, Fourth street. au7:lw Removed to 21 Fllth Street. CIARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIGAND AMBROTYPE GALLERY has been removed from 13 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. These rooms having been built especially for the purpose, with three larg4 lights, are not surpassed in th.a. city for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangementi,. `.. Our old friends and patrons, and those wishing an• parlor likono3con, are Invited to call. ta„, Reception Room and Specimens on the ground floor. ap7 AUCTION SALES. - :IIALLY SALES AT N 0.54 FIFTH ST. At the new Commercial Sales 7001/19; No. 64, Pia street, every week day, are held pub& Dales of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and commoners, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign. meats, that must bo closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. IL, Dry floods and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family nag table Out. lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladies ware, tc. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, etc. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. 61., gancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical rostra. meats; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, &c. (sell P. M. DAVIS. Anoka V4X CUT`OR'S SALE OF A COUNTRY STORE—On WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 11th, as .1.0 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms,, No. 64 Fifth Street, will be sold by order of Executors P an assorted stock of goods, from a Country store, Including,Satinetts, Tweeds, Cassimerea, Bleached Alnalins, Blue Beirtings, Pants, Cot. tonadea sospaiders, Hosiery, etc—sale peremptory. an 7 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. UP _ ERIOR VEHICLES, HORSES AND MULES, AT AUCTION—On FRIDAY MORNING, August 13th, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, in front of the new Commercial Sales Rooms, No 54 Fitfh street, by order of IL W. II Schenly, his superior family vehicles, hones, etc., comprising:- 2 Family Carriages ; 1 Buggy; 4 Carriage Horses; 2 Mules. au7 Y. H. DAVIS. Auctioneer, CARRIAGES. Seventy-Five Now and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, DOE Far! AT VILITE'S REPOSITORY. T 1, 70 MILE RUN, NEAR LAWRENCEVILLE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or exchange,qin the most reasonable terms, fine assortment of Sarouchee and eecond•hand A. II I--er Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some but little need. Also, twentpone new Buzgies,mado in my own shop, from the very best material purchased in Eastern market. A One lot of Trotting Wagons, new and second-hand. Also, a lot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linde, Germantown . Wagons, Jersey Wagons and Rockaways, two One Phretorus, seats for four persona, one of them Watson's make, and the other New York make. Two fine Sulkies, one made by Mr. D. Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Common Buggies, suitable for light marketing. The subscriber flatters himself, that he can make it to the interest of persons vr.!'lltig to pur chase, to give him a call. The establishment is convenient to the city, the Excelaior i)mnibus Line of C=A• inhes passing the door every ton minutes. m vd re. urrrrm. .ifflaa- C. IVEST & COO, idaik, ELANIIPACTUREIIB OP CARRIAGES, ROOKAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS. No. 197 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA, XS- AU work warranted to bo of the best materials and workmanship. myltlydis JOHN W. IV.VCARTEIV, ;::ILL PIS T E WILL ATTEND 10 THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTINI of all kinds of 808 CONCEIIII7B Ia:OTURES, EXHIBITIONO, All communlcatione—either by mail, telegraph, or other wii3e—directod to the office of the Morning Post, will receive prompt attention rill 7 A. ST ONE & ,00. GLASS PATENTED PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all kinds of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Mince Meats, Oysters, and i ll such perishable articles manatee. trued and for sale by ouNINGuAms Is 00,' Nos. 109 WATER and 140 FIRST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. giy- The main secret of presorviug fruit in a fresh condi. lion,coasistsin having it thoroughly n hosted when sealed up, and in ekpelling all the alr there may may he in the vessel, so that when the fruit cools, It will form a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right to manatee. tore these Jars; respectfully cell the attention of dealers and others to them. The great superiority of (rues over any other substance for the preservation of fruits, etc., etc. is so well known . , that any comments upon it are entirely unnecessary, and the proprietors feel confident that any ono, after having! once seen these Jan, will never be induced to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY 4r CO MANUFACTURERS OF SITEATKINO, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, liaised Still Bottoms, Spelter Solder, c, also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plats, Sheet Iron,-Wire, de. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, N 0.119 First, and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. my29ll.yilow. MILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OF PENNSTIVANIA. EXECUTIVE OIIAMBEIr, Harrisburg, June 8, 1858. , It is hereby ordered, that a "Camp of Inetruction" be hold at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, and the Adjutant General of the Common wealth is directed to fix the tints thereof—to take charge of the arrangements—to attend in parson, and to Juno the necessary orders to the General Staff, and other Military officers of the Comrconwealth in rotation to the same. ' W.ll. P. PACKYR,Commanclor-In•Chict ADJUTANT Grit lAL 7 B OTTRID, , ilarriaburg, June 2,1858. In obedience to the above order from Head-Quarters, a "Camp of Inetruction " will be held at Williamsport, Ly. coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 U., on Tuesday, tile 7tit day of September, 18$8 1 To continue until SATURDAY, the Uth day of said =nib, at 1.2 If of said day, to be called Camp "Susquehanna.' I. This Encampment is intended to include the uniforth ed companies throughout the State, who are earnestly re quested to be in prompt attendance. IL The Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several oivisions and brigaps, are required to report to my office as soon as possible, hat companies and field officers will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the numb,: of men in ea ;h company, the names of the Captains, and their Post Office address. Ilf. The Aide-do•Canip and all other Moors of the Grand Staff of the Commander-tmChief aro ordere d , to bo in at. tendance, armed and equipped in full parade dress. IV. All companies in attendance are re quired! to bring ' with them all tentt and camp equipage they may have. V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every brig j,, will report at once to my office, what equlpage belonging to the State Is in the limits of their command. VL The Major General of the Eleventh Division, Gen. D. K. Jackman, Alan be the senior officer on duty, and he is hereby charged with the immediate arrangements for said Encampment, and is ordered to report to this office for fur ther instructions. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. EDWIN 0. WILSON, Adjutant Gen6ral of Pennsylvania. IMPORTANT TO BUYERS.—We have now placed upon 'he counter a lot of SOILED GAIT hiiS and SHOES, which wo offer CHEAT. Call and exam• ins them. All kinds of summer wear Bolling at the most reasonable prices. Hisses' Gaiters, Hack and colored, with and without heels, low. Children's Fancy. Shoes, of the newest styles. Wu hare still a few Men's Patent Leather Gaiters left, now Belling at greatly redtGed prices, DIITENBACHEE; & CO., No. 17 . Wirth street, near Market; T'EE BILL of Aldermen, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, n. dor the Act of 'April 180, 1857, printed and for sale by Si'. S. ILAITEN, Printers and Stationers, Nos. 31, 33. and 35 Market stree t. jOR RENT—A two story frame Dwelling House, of 5 roams, eitr..ate oh ;Fourth street, near Mr ket. Rent $l5O per year, wad tenant pay water rent. j 531 B. OUTIIBIA'ni SUN, 51 Market et. 0 LET five Dwelling Houses. S. CUTHBERT A SON, 5 51 Market street. TWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, by `S• CUTHBERT SON, lY 51 .11arkot street. AVALUABLN LOT' on, Penn street, for sale , by S. OIITSBEST k SON, an 3 51 Market Wed. LINSEED OIL-6 bbls. for sale by: ant lIENILY comiNs. MACKEREL -25 bble. No. 3, Large; ; le heir Ws. Na 3, Largo. • . 4 4. 11 . (. JO2) NII.B MITBgCa For sale by CHIMNEY TOPS-100 variona patterlN£4.s for rale, by [jao________l_HiLL CI ENT'S GAITER ' or $2, at the "re°. ple's Shoe tgore," No 7 Ffth greet. jy3l DiFinerenscifint & C.O. LIME -450 bbls. fros,h, and for sale by__ ana MENU ,MLW4I4, OITNINGHAMEi 4 00., No. 109 Water street.