• • • - • ; • • 7n+ T UTIF XVI, ‘.." 111011IiING POST. t1)7:13! sotroloin2 (Sotrb l4 l 7 czc-tllt.td) J/151.0.S P. 1a.A.R.11, LI yrs a ' i , T.'37 ocatst -- - 1 or WOOD RID Vain arrant% ,l3cllr.ra a soar, payable strictly In advance tr.:1,116y recirlihd if not paid within the year. ccplas ' TWO Cenee.—for sale at the!oonnter ln t ";,..7.ce mod by the News Boys. RATES OF ADVERTISING. T2 rn. ID „i:, j. 1 .3 .170ri..e . ' a ngles) 0:Le; al irkly Io Palle% cme insortion--..... 60 .....•••••1•••• inscrtioes.-., -.... 76 insertions...-. 100 100 tode ..:. 176 'l' 60 -.- .. 00 200 150 lOu 76 :ores weeks ....... 4 J 2G5 200 1 .2t. 100 1 6 ono month .5..... 560 335 250 ISr P.,ro =maths ..... ...,.... 7OD - 4 65 360 235 2 60' Throe montitt. 900 600 4a• 3 00 300 l'eur months ..... ..,... 10 00 6OA 600 326 450 1 lea mouths . 11 00 726 560 a 55 660 Sit MOTitil!! ri CO 800 600 40) 6 60 tlir.e months-. ...... .16OD10 20 800 53i 000 yte - 123 GO la 3d 10 op 6t5 12 00 linescr lo.s, per annum ...... ... 10 OD emutom,(cmoinsiva of the pap r o Eerriage notiscs. 60 cents ;Death nottc*. 25 cents. _PITTSBURGH SATURDU POST VIEEaLV. (_'Nt:S ONE DOLLiIL PER TEAR, LS CLUBS OF TEN. stameriptiatio, - Gin per Ism..num. ;201.'TTAINS ALL TIzE CITRRENT NEWS THE DAY, Yolitical, Literary, Agricultural, Commor Local, Telegreplolc.and Miscellaneous. This raise:being of the u.naota? sus, and. neatly prints ca C..a N.:Lite paw:, in large, clear type, will be found by th.e to give better eatisleztion than any papa Pittsburgh. : - hose r. 30 wish to tam a paper from Pittsburgh, will find 1 O.:. SATURDAY POST a safe end prodtable investment. Adti:o7, JAME'S P. BARB, sepl7 Editor and Prorvieter. .s. r. ce= zn. e. arts iftAlau. & IVAYERS' BOOK AND JO OFFICE, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. f flab- undetsigt..ed having made extensive 3 adaztions of CaC3 LATEST ANI2O HAIIDSONMST STYLE IIYPE4 riot'. imp:eyed Muhinery, to the MORNING POST 3.2.11 OFFICE, invite thll) a ttontion of Rail Road OHcer tlerahanto, br.ainer.oxVil, and the public generally, to their r:irarior ellitlea fur executing with dispatch, on rea.lonable CI ME, Ell Lionie at Ait , Ft OA. D , ETERC_ANTILE, LEGAL, DL'SO3.7.PTION OF E 2 :LAIN FANCY PRINTING, .G Gar mate rf4l being nearly all new, AT3 can give emu lace of the roost zomplete satisfaction, and solicit orders or 800E.3, Palwa PAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BAHR '.M.C.E.S, BLANK NOTES, LI - 1".Z11 ITTIAT/S, BILL FT! \DS, DILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, FAIT.B. BOOKS, DEMOS, Y.OITGAGEOS, BONDS, Ito, Particular c-itienflen will also Lo paid to the printing t'l Pastors, rr-oL , Tr- - irmEG, to, for Concern, Er.hibitions and lire acs. Emutz.ArrEss. BUSINESS CARDS. .1711 e People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACH.ER &CO., Cheap Cash Btalcre in all hinds of Fashionable E;(0 11 1Pil 1 39 SHOES AND GIITEILS, For Gentlemen, Ladiet, Youths and Children, f - -do.. 17Fift..n Street, near Market, c•-• 3 PITTSBURGH, PA. a a. urnart; :oirsaou 9. G. 30330505 PERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprietore of Childs & Co.'s Er.t,gnt. Etantle Fire and Water Proof Cement Roofing. 133 THIRD STREET. CIT.iDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith- TLY fully exect.tcd, and all our work warranted. I,ocfig material always en hand, and far code, with di. re-:tient JOS. IS. 11.A.P.111..'P0N do CO., ESGEN or,,Ets AND HACEARLIVISTS, Garner cf Font and Lae-fry sireett, B-Usk:7 g.N., Pa. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist t and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing intabitshments, lianufacteriee, hr., made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their C,lebrattd MacMillan' Tools, such as Turning Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring and Machines, Also, Wrought Iran Shafting, with Pulleys, hangers. fa:lyd boa!: T.uottreoi.t... .Ronr.r.?. TEOMEroon.... ..... C. JOTELIV THOD/PSGN .S; CO., 7, -- T OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND DRAINERS, f:0.13.5 Third street. aSION PAINT rail executed with neatness and deqimen. Mixed Paints, into Trapentine, 'varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ' hri, Ville Montaigne noels, a very superior article; PhDs t'.-;phis and Pitt...:PuPgh vi bite Load always on band and for rs;e. 1i e are Ireparod to grind colors fur Painters, Drug- Ei.:o. or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a 5.1i1.1 salt grinds by steam Peiuters will save raoney by get ting tnelr colors ground with no. iturfely GOLD AND SILVER SP3OTAOLES, BIALTUFfiCTITELE‘IVS PI7..ICES. HYDROMETEP.S weighluz. t.piritz, the cheapest and beat articles ever i•raayht.. to this city. .A.ND 1311t0: , 411T.F.118, ing is price frcm Vt.) $3O oath. POCKET COMPASSES, AND 7, URV EIYOR'S - COMPASSES, G. E. SELA.A'S, Praeical Optic....c.r., 59 Fifth Erect. r.e opps.slte I.lasi4aic lIAIL O. C. & E. S._&VITYER, ittLll7,l=mll?s L, l RD OIL, CANDLES, PALvI, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS zio. 47 Wood etrcet, Pittsburgh, Pse. JOHN EIBER & CO., FAMA DIERS IND SCOURERS, INZ a. .11._=.t3a. Streaat, ntr.Z.N WOOD 40:1) iilltran SMELTS, PITTSBURGH, PA All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and e7,,r; description of SU. and Woolen Goode executed at notice, tied on rensotable turns. lap2B:Bm Office of Sealer of Weights and Measures. n r fillE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, A SPACER OF TITBIG.ETTS AND tr 7 AP/MSS, Mloy be fonnd henceforth, in Cherry alley, betstten Third nod l' ,. !orth stre.ete, where order nay be left. ol3:tf CIWILES BARNE'rr. u- AIT S. lIAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens jt jj a reccired, at:d tbr elle at the Stationer,' tore, Nos. SI. 33 and 35 Market street, FpriE FRA.NRLI.N ALAIANAC FOR 1859. —Thls well-known and popular annual, formerly pub- I ii.h.3d siq Johnston i~ Stockton, after a lapse of years, will shurily be issued. The circulations as formerly will I e mad 3 by t .e skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, Eaq, wl-o will also prepare for its pages such reading mat tar as wfli make it an entertaining and' instructive maga sine. Pe4des the reliable astronomical calculations, a new end inget.icr_ss t ,ble of time, en accurate method of drawing :meridian tines, and oiler matters of permanent value will. be added. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are solicited in advance of publication, as but one edition will bo printed, and orders will be filed acxrding to priority. WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO., Publie , hers, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh ja22 CIFIEESE.-1300 boxes good cutting cheese A.l received and for sale by HENRY If. COLLINS if 28 STARCH. -250 boxes Pearl Starch in stop and for palo by jy2l3 LARD have commenced Mans lactating Lard Oil, and will be pleased to receive or der,. for !t. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in tho mar Mt. We will MI barrels returned when desired. E. O. 5t.. , ; _ _ zr0.41 igoodatroat. S.--10 bbli3. • • - one fOro. •• • mazy' a. .• ••• 111.0 N • . • . . '• - - • • . ~ .... . . . *. . ; b - -. e ' • r • 3 . •,',, , . d .. , „.„, ~,„ . ~.. „: •- Al - x. -.• 4 ... -1..., . - 4....- r a'• g' . . • •:"',. ID'. , ''.. .1 .. . . .." 1 l'•' • . .re.-.. '• I , 'l.. ... - ~ ...1, . .. •,- 10 ......1 ... • REPORT OF TUE CONDITION OF THE .FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COIEPANY, At ATHENS, BRADFORD CONTE, PA..; J,an.1i..1358, as presented to the Stockholders, and • maderOutitit.-canipliance • with the State Laws of Now York.o)26, ' T.. 6 4 l 4Vag ritiL 7o tc-i wrath: mu. _ 7 The name of the Company LB the SI:TRANCE COMPANY, located at Athena; Pie Chartered, April 13, 1853, by the Legielature of Pennsylvania. Charter. Perpetual. Caoh Capital, which Is all paid up. Surplus in addition thereto.... AMISS'S. Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgage% at six and seven t cent: interest, amounting in the aggregate t 0.—5152,315 00 Which mortgagee are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort• gaged for in each' hare, and in no case less than fifty cent. MOTO exclusive of farm buildings, and BO certified by. the Recorders, whet e recorded. to the and tors of the States of Ohio and Illinois `Nineteen six rit cent. Bonds amply secured 47,1385 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmission,secured by bonds with Ernretiss.—..---. Dne on tosses re-insured, &c Bills receivable,. promissory totes payable at bank and to the 8.246 82 Company interest accrued (principally due January 1 , 1855,).. Safe and office Fixtures and Furni ture moo= Fort ni ma 1857. Amount of Premiums received during theyear y 85,231 3Q dual intereit received daring the year-- 11,442 05 Ara't ret%•e ',ad from all other eonrcee 2, 480 00 _ xrvxmorruaxa. ...peruses for the year, including commlssi , sns, salaries, rents, rein- Bounce, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,109 Oa Dividends paid during the year 17,060 63 L0V.3.38 paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1856..._....... .. Dosses pale which occurred during the year 46,661 64 LIAI3III=3. Loma adjaated'and not duo (duce $ 12,600 90 "pawl incurred and in process of adjustment. Losses reported,on which no action has been taken.. Losses restated, on ground of insur ance after tire, property transfer red before lose, property boat not covered by the Policy, &c...... . .. 12,100 00 ---$ 39,407 99 Whole amen :tof risks taken daring the year.. 55,429,862 00 Whole amount of risk at data- --.. 4,861,410 00 OP BANNECILVANIA, COUNTY OF BRADFORD, V. 0. N. Shipman, President, and J.B. Can Geld, Secretary of the Farmers' union Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for hiscell says, that the foregoing is a true, fall and correct statement of ttio affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de scribed officers thereof. 0. N. SBIPM kN, President.. -J. E. Cs.NFLELD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 2.5 th day of Jana. ary, IESB, IL C. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. .7. .HUNTER, A gent, No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. FI RE INSURANCE, Re lance Mutual Insurance Co. OP PHILADELPHIA. ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PEMPETUAL, MEACHAM oar., ruitsrrunz, IC., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. Oftlee, No. 308 Walnut street.. CAPITAL, 6177,820 N'grS, * 20 % 465 8 9. Invested as follows, viz : First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double the am0unt............ .$ 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage Loan, ,f,,30.000 cost 25,500 00 Allegheny County tl per cont. Peon's lt. It. Loan. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock.. 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Co 19,150 0 Stock of County Fire Insurance Co 1,050 0 0 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies.-- ..... 475 00 Tills Recoiva)le, business papers2,7ll 60 Eook Accounts, accrued interest, etc. 3,.V6 19 Cash on hand and in Bank 16,043 Z) Clam Tingley, William EL Thompson, David 8. Brown, ' Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Robert Poland, Moses Johnson, Charles 8. Wood, James S. Woodward, mr3 R. G.J. mr3 North-esst Co MERCUANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia. WM.. V. PETTIT, Prezident ...D. J. IifiCANN, Secrday. Amount of Capital Stock. paid in and invostod....Voo,ooo 00 u; e... 3, Surplt42,4 24 $263,49.8 V. Ina irc.3 Cargo Wets on the Ohio and litiesiestppi Rivas and tributaries. Iniaree against loge or Ilumnp by Fire, • Alai, against the Perils of the ...1311 and [Mend • Navigation and 'Traneportntlon. D 12.30 TO B 8 Wee. V. Pettit, J. 0. Montgomery, John M. Primroy, D. J. McOatin, E. P. Witmez, Ilene tinillou, B. L. Wooleton, John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Piney. - - - 017 Fl (Imps: WILLIAM V. PRTTIT, President. El. F. WITMER, Vice President. D. J. MCCANN, Sec:retc.ry. /127ZECINC A 3: In Philadelphia': In P:qiin.lelphia: Belgor, Lamb A Co., Stefan:des, Justice A C 0.,, Truitt, Bro. A Co., Buck, Morgan A Stidfoleo A. T. Lane 0., Puuiroy, Caldwell A Co. PITTSBItliell OFFICE, N. 97 WATEIL;I3TP.IoRT. ap9 E.. W. POINDEXTED, Agent. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CHARTERED HY UM LEEIBLANURE 03 PETIISYLVANIA Ole* ......4300,000 I Premium N0ta...5132,843. lIIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandino, Furniture, &c., in town or country. DIESLOSEORS: I Hon. Jr.°. J. Pearce 0. Harvey, !Charles A. Mayor, John B. Hall, ' Hon. G. Charles Crist, (Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abraa,ta DK. Jackman, W. Whim, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. O. HARVEY, President. T. T. Antis, Vice President. T/303. Krrams, Secretary. ELITILINCES Samuel H. Lloyd, IDr. J. B. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, lion. B Cameron, - James Armstrong, A. White, Thas. Bowman .D, William Fearon, Jamea Quiggle Wm. Vanderbelt, HOB. Wm. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. 85 FIFTH STREET, PirTEMMOII. da2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. Tu., FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. =sariMa—Charles W. &maker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob IL tmith , Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adalphi E. Rorie, David, 8. Browne, Mop. ris Patterson. GIIAB. N. lianonsr, President Cssa. G. Banc Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town cud country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have marred a large Contingent Fund, hhich, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af• ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1851, as pale. Relied agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were us follows, viz: blortgage $918,128 68 Real Estate 81,37718 Tempore.ry Loans 83,966. 11 8400 b... Claisb, 64,844 81 61,889 03 Total 44212;108 44 Since their incorporation, a perhxl of twenty-one yesra, they have paid upward of Ore Million sour Honcired.Thcra• sand Dollars,' oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meat with promptness all liabilities. J. GAII.DINEII. 4:10771N, Agent, Office. north-east car. Wood and 'MM. eta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. GEORGE BARMY., eresident; F. IL GORDON, Secretary. Oil= No. 92 Water at'eet, (Spang. Co's Warehoused up Stairs, 'Pittsburgh. Will insure agaimd all kinds of E IRE and Ai Anna HESKI3. A Home Institution, managed by Divecturl who ate well known in the community, and who are detorteined,by promptness and liberality , to maintain the character which they have essumed4 SS offering the hest protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETt3, OIMBILEt 81#, 1867. $1.21,500 00 Stock 2,160 00 Di BOBnltur 4,181 67 240 00 Open .. . ... ...... ...... 0,478, 04 mium N.otear. .......... 40,248 69' Pre Bills Diseounted, Moo& 70 George Dersie) 3. W. Butler, James McAuley, Andrew Adair!, Natheuidlieluter, D.ST:Leng, 0. IP; Mace#o.3.l4 lIMiltY IL COLLINS 112.8.00N.,4009.1ba 43ountryllsooxi,for JR kit NO NK WIA liCh INSURANCE. 4 2'30,000 00 53,485 61' 18,761 80 7,V,:ti 51 - 1 19 46 $40,135 86 - 6,600 09 BY MB Vb 2,485 89 CLEM TINGLEY, President. nm 1020103. Samnerßispham, Robert Steen, William Mrusedr, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Elill, Z. Lotbrop, Charles Leland, Jaceb.T. Smith:Bonmn, Wm. M. Semple, Pittsb'g. HINCIDIAN, Secretary. DLNEit COFFIN, Agent, Ler Third and Wood streets. Dra:croaa Ilearge-W;Jackec:, Alex. fr gii, Ahuander 103321*, Wm. 11. -4 Andth, W. IL G0111615r.-_i ,sicroatii LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, . PITTOBIIIIREL, PA. • . 'ROBE& GALWAY, President. Atr.X. BBilnra, Vice President. Y. A. Fatalism., Secretary. -12forhis Company makes exeryinsurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS generally. -And zgainst Loes and Damage by Fire, and raga] nr.t the Perils Of the Sea and Inland Navigator. and Transportation. Policioe issued at the-UW(lst rates consistent with safety to ell parties. $2,53,495 61 Virmaroaa. Robert Galway, Samuel M'Clartan, Joseph P. GaZZBM, M. D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, Jarnesi W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph B. Leech, John .Fiallerton, N. F. Hart, Dalt:TH. Chamt,ers, 'Robert H. Hartley, Willittin . Carr, Jno. Mellll. Enrekainsurance Company of Pennsylvania. 09FIOE, NO. 99 WATE3 ST., PITTSBIMOII. Stock, Due Bills—payablo on demand and secured by two approved names $ 74,890 00 Cant In Pittsburgh Trent Company 62,260 3T Pretolum Notes 62 993 60 ElLi Receivable 15,90 01 122 shares Raabe:ago Dank Stock—ooet 6,950 te) 99 do Itlecharics' Rank lltock--cuet 6,490 63 Boo' do Iron City Sauk Stock—funonut paid. 7,600 uu 200 do Allegheny Bank Stock— do ,do 6,0(0 00 Book Accounts 13,25) 34 $ 253,485 5 J. H.. Shosnbrger, W. IL Malick, John A. Canghoy, C. W. Batcholor, E. D. Onchre.u, James J. Bennett, Wra..J. Anderson, ;99,163.35 J. H. fi BAIT. FINNEY, Bacretary. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY - - - OF PITTSBURG/I. WILLL&M BAG ALL"Y, Pr .311 e t. BANIIRL L. MARSARLL, Secntary. OF.F7CM 94 Water erect, bet.wez.n .liar ?u2 aria ighla Sir Insures HULL AND CARGO ILLSR.S, on the Ohio and Xisidssippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against L 033 or Damage by 17 MIL Also, against the Perils of the Boa and Inland Navigation and Transportation. William Bagaloy, Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Ban Samuel M. Kier, Jsztesa M. Cooper, John. B. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., rraticla Sellers, inane M. Pennock, , William B. Hays. Springer liarbangh, John Shipton, Capt. Samuel O. Young, Vial tor Bryant, John Caldwell..in' PHILADELPHIA FIFE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 149 Chesnut Street, Opp:isitc the Custom 110112 e. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetr,pl (.17 Limited, on ersu - y description of Property or Sforch,r, at reasonable rates of premium, Charles II ayes, L R. cop), E. a English, Georges W. strowu, P. B. Pavery, j.iso.t.i, 8. Paul, O. Sherman, John Clayton, B. J. hiagargee, E. `ii . il.:r Y. BLIOIEBITIMS, ..Socretary , UOTELS &. RESTAU iIANTS. - SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street cutil Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, PI. B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker Rouse," Blairsville, Pa.) H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated I b cer_tral part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. Tho Home MU built in 1S: 1, with all modern improve merits, and fated up in splendid sty k—the entire Furniture being now—and will In every roopect be a Emit class Howl. Pine STABLES are attached to the premises. Ljelihy COEtriIIECOPILE EtIESTAITIULNT. By ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. rs ten g oi a l ir o e f ,:t id e sr to cha t nt _fm P4:r:lr' and o e t eetablibhmant, which has boon rozpntly kttotl op for the pose 01 agOrdillg a 60i3STAN TIx T. EATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION} Country folks attending market are particularly Invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be found, of the frerhest the market affordc. ap29:lydAw EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOVVIITI, Proprietor, Ciarsur Main sired and Youghioghmy Near the Rai/rcad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. ;PRE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM• FLia.o order fur the reception of vieltera. It is bean tifulle located on the haute of the Youghiogheny river, end oan be reached every day from the city by the DonneWyllie Railroad. The rooms are large, airy and well furnished,and the Wald be no pleasanter place for a few weeks anmmer residence in the country. A few itallait3i can be accommo dated. Terms moderate. Addresa A. LOWRY, nly2s:tf West h.rwien, Pa. NiTiONAL MOON, Under lecattee New Nationel Theatre, EITTSBURGIL PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, 11AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and ceruforishle style, t a large centre stereo hi the ODD FELLOWS HALL. Filth d rent, as a FIRST CLASS ILE,STAHB.ANT AND SALOON. Having had =any yearn' expirienca ha the business, he is prepared to cepply the best the market affords. Hia Bar will be faraisluie at all times with the beet WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. Tho en trance to the Saloon, is in the centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished stall amen, DAY and NIGHT (Snadays excepted.) WASHINGTOh HOUSE, COR. PENNA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA. U. S. HOTEL, Opposite the Penna. gailiorcd Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. [jel6 WASHINGTON HOTEL, YOBArgaLY U. f 3. HUT::::, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMS BRANNON, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON VIP, corner of I' I.NN and WASHINGTON streets, botwaou the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEVOTE, and has undergone a thorough Improvement, remodelod and furnished with now furnitumand now the most cony°. Went Haar in Pittsburgh, for Traveiers by Railroad, East or West. roybily MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ. .0)1„. PROM:Ma 34.1 Liberty street, Jnst beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, , which mates It the most convenient honso in the city for passengers arri ving by that road. gime proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully-solicit a share of public patronage. There IA attached a splendid STABLE and crtensive WAGON YARD, afford. lug ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Der will be farnished.with the best the market can afford. fabl:y t .,„, Excelsior Restaurant, ‘' • No 111 WOOD Street, ", ' - ' 4- ; - .7 4 PITTSBUBOU, Pa., -4 WHOLT.SALE AND SIXPAIT. DEALER. IN TARE AND The tuideraigned has Just received from the Emitaru mar ket, selected with groat care, EMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD FISH, EASTERN BUN FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, New York Prim:loPo Bay* Egg Island, Egg Harbor, Shell Oysterg. , rho firmut ever brought to. this city. Every delicacy of the season served up at the langsmon RESTAURANT. grayd B. ETEDIROOR. QT. aara HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Malt Streets, Pittsburgh, pa.-The undersigned, former ly of "Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and comma dkins 11.0TP.L,' and having refitted it in magnificent style, Aiwa respecthilly Write his friends and the traveling public t 0 giVO wean:. - Assured, -with the convenience of am home end his long experience in the business, A : 41,6a n give entire cattsfacton, and his charges moderate. • fab2 • MIL 0. 00ITIOLLY. 017,841 73 Lippbleott, Shorten Pae% N9.10t WOOD Mint iiD stim AR MTH. KANUFACIIIRERS .0E TRAMKS, Va . Mat cad &dna Taos, Ladios TravoUric CarpatjSit oopstantly kind a largo Wo ara. totdo Fimplagalo tracle;tuid hay.;• • lag its Intda -°ll LVT "l i edx4l'll) . w, wri g ransii t en. ow= wrons ate. ITTSBURGH. WEDNES DAY, AUGUST IL 1955, INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH Assets...play 1, 185th DIRDC TORS Q. W. Comes, I Isaac M. I?eunock, W. W. Martin, R. T. Lc.cch,Jf, David I.lcOatirtlegA, George B. SeMtn. SOENBEROFIR, mys:lxn DlEtZle'tOUZ ROBERT P. KING, President. Lt. W. BALDWIN, Vice President DP1301740. 0. COFFIN, Agout, Con..?? Third kuri Wood atr,f.te WASHINGTON, D. C. RasTv - RN MIL BOOKS AND STATIONERY R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Successor to B. T. C. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS &NI) NEWSPAPERS, No. 4I Fifth street, Pittsbrugh, Pa. Co-Partnerglai p. THE undersigned have entered into Co- Partnership, under the style of Win. 0. Johnston & Co. slanria, IL JOHNSTON, JR.., vlLtda64 G. JOENSTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857. E. R. JOEIII92OEI JR WV-O. JOIINSTOIL 'WM. O. JOHNSTON dr. CO., QTATIONERS, Blank Book. Manufacturers, I. Bud JOB PRINTERS, Va. 57 Wood etret,t, l•etvlcen Third and Fourth, Pittabnrgh, Pa. 840 TOBACCO AND SEGARS. & D. RINEHART, 11" TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS Safety and gconomy is .agiii. WILL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE v v AND FLUID, when you can t a the ,per and bet ter light. Pare Kero6ano Oil s t.u.ide ft ~n the glis of Cannel Coal, producer tho eboape,t, mlst brilliant, steady, pleoeaut and a,so p,rt.sbi, light s Vor ifferod to the public, and j danger of ozpledon ; more briliiaut than gao; oral quite. as eta,* • Lit., 2,11,t. ..0a °daily vorsonved - [IUDIiJN UN, et =CM:M. ear tale by T. 9. Ss G. No. 79 Smltht'ell etrect eS,•_ Beware of n counter'-i' rslra , idc in the market. I from Cumoheue, w.tii FI lit 0,11 Ia t.e e.cent it. 'Wei:ly COOKING BY GAS. V266,a41 15 AWORD TO THE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, and wc call [no a:tendon W . tho le.di. s to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Oan be done with ecouu nr, without ei,,,resaire heat. With out coot, and with deepetch—the tiro ba!ng always realy to a moment—by using Ittusgrsive , s Gets ()oohing Stuve, To which we rmn;:ectfully Invite yorn attenti,n ' at No, 75 Smithfield street. S. A. .301.1tdSON BItO. lkflt— County and Ca' Bights fnr aalo. apl2:9ca.. AvEtts , wosam CONPECTIOII", ONFBOTION, 00 NPEOTION,OON • EOTION,OONI I ELITIO:1,00111;11 • T 1 '0 N , 0 0 N N T I ON,UONPEOT I ON,OO N F NOT ON,OONPEOTIO N,CONPSO . 2ION 00N1PN0110N The moat pleasant, safe and effectual Worm Itomedy now in t 1114.1. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by ANGIILL k RANT, Oor. Wood and Sixth eta., Nttabargh, Pa , And Bahl by Drusr,rian latll QT. CIIA__RLP,S LIVERY STABLES.- The undersigned has bought the lease of the above named Ctal , les, to. gather with a portion of tho sive stock of Nommen.] Carriages,. late the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, he has also added a number of PINE 110ItS.ES, BUGGIES Al , ll CARRIAGES, which wore formerly empleyed at hie Livery Stablea to Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal atten tion to the business, a continuance of the patronage which ho has hitherto received from public is solicited. J ACO33 a A RDN ER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. IL—el HEARSE and any unmbar of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. cle2s THE CI3E hi ICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by B. C. & J. H. Sawyer, re receives toe preference over all other kinds ever offered for family use. Its advantages over ether Soaps are:--let. It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. 2d. Half the time need only be bccanied in "washing' when this Soap Is used In place of other Soap. 3d. Labor in washing can bo nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the washboard. 4th. Coiling ilia clothes is unnecessary when this Soap is mod, and hard or !tali water answers equally as well as soft. 11th. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, Lind it far suporior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the washboard, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cat It into ehaviega, and dissolve in one gallon of hot rater; put the clothes into a tab containing about tan gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in w 6.11.11 water once, cold water twice. A very dirty virist.band, or seam or grease spy ts, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out deco and white, ISTUIOni, rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. kW' Observe our name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at oar warehouse, No. 47 Wood street, and at our works, opposite the Bound House, Penn. ells:mils avenue. iii. 0. A J H. SAWYER, ap2.l No. 47 Wood street. 13UCKWHEAT FLOUIL-20 sacks Buck- wheat Flour, 50 b sacka inat received al,d for lstile 511 NB 00., CorDer Wood and Water street FLOUR. -25 bbls. Superfine Flour received and for sale by McONNIOf,ZiI3, NIEANS & fa 0 Corner WOOl. and Waikr otroett. EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable and cheap anapoo, at DOWN & TItTLE,I7.3, r. .t 1 fla. 130 Ww4 LARD. -A prinio artiola of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and Erege,jnet received and for aide by acoANDuas, MEANS .1. CO., 162.3 Cerner of Wood and Water ctreote. PIC F. 6 .- d 21; bags l'imontn; 1(70 Gran Pepper, Just received and for Eade 3111.1.dat 4 aIOti..NTSON. 1.11 and :{2B Llt:•rty erni.t - JEW ARRIVALS.—We are taking, into store, (12 Wood street,) an Instnens3 stock of fine Paper fur jobbing por t a:l3es ; ais ), Lotter, and Not:. ; Env, loped in gre a t variety; Manilla Papers, of every :nee, and as cheap as they can ba bought la tho Eart, where we offer wholeaido or retail, very lo a tor Cash. apt JNO. Si. PERaUiS 4 CO T AKE FlSll.—White Fish, Trout, Salmon, ..a..41 and Pickerel constantly on hand. a full [Work to supply the wholesale trade. be frny6 l ILENIIY U. COLLINS. ®RANGES. -300 bzs. sweet, just received and for sale by REY.IIKR & A_NDESSON, No. S 9 Wood street, myl7 Opp Ate the St. Charles Elate'. I ROOMS.-100 doz. Extra Cara Brooms on hand and for sale by alp 2 B_o. 8 J SANS' 16 1 1. - PROPRIETRESS DIIS]'EB, 'ISIMMINAkS — Drab and Gray Duster Binding and Taseole, Jae; opened a; Jod. 110BNE'd, 77 Market etrret. NEW STEEL SPRINki SKIRTS—Of the most graceful shapes, on hand at HORDE'S, myB 77 Market street, Q,EED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrel' 1,7 Seed Swett Votatoes, received and for 8010 by JAILKS A. FE.T747.11, Ganfir Motet and Vlrst Itmetis. PICKLES. -6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re ceivod and for ,ale by JAMES /L. FETZER, fe2o Cot aer Market and First streets. DERFUMBRY. Bazin's, Wright's, Glenn's and Ilarrlson's Extracts for the handkoruhief, consLiatly on hand at IIOE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch ; LiborGioia Starch ; linker's Farina; Baker'a Uocca and Brnina; Freah Cocoa Shell Received and 'ler sale at JAYNES' TEA s S F To ifti ß}, Fifth street 7 ELLUM COPYING BOOKS.—These books posses great advantages over any others; the paper being thick and strong will not tear when wet. It takes a most pet fact imprenion and is convenient touter to. When once in use their superiority is apparent. Bold W. G. JOIINSTO 4I 6r. CO., j es Stationers, 57 Wood st. $9OO FOR SALE—A two story brick hmite, of six rooms, well arranged, pared yard, with hydrant, bake oven, smote house, &c. The holm is in good repair. painted and papered. Situate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. S. CUTHBERT & SON, - 51 Market street:- pAY STATE APPLE PARING .TM A OHINE.—A VERY USEFUL AND SUPERIOR. AR. TIOLE—By live turns of the crank, the apple is PARED, CORED and 6 ADED. Fatal:LW, November 11th, 1856, nnd February 17th, 1857,in Europe. For sale In any quantity, at No: 74 Wood street., Pitts. burgh. Please call and examine for yourselvis. iV2B SAMUEL FAUNESTOOII. if _AKE FISH. —A large supply of White jaj Trout, Salmon, Herring, .Ic. ' received and for eale by ...Jy2o . HENRY H. COLLINS. VITOOD- - STREET PROPERTY FOR TT. SALE.--An undivided. third. part of that valuable property, situate aF the corner of Sixth and Wood atreets, haag . 1.30 feet front on Wood by 60 deep on Sixth street. Ono-third of the above will be sold -for $3,(0). Ope-half in hand—balanoa at one, two and three Sears. S. CUTILBEIII` di SON, 61 Haricot street. • t I C 'RESEW]) CANDLES,-- P - 11 600 boxes IlydranD3 Piened Atonid ()Audios, modo oxprly for &minor ve, on hand and forjra b?orrym fThirts; JOG Us. : and Wigs by (au2) ,1131iNg Hi 00L NB. ttsr,^re:~eecxL~~ aa~ DIALEas IN ALL KIVDS 02 riv. 1 - s9 WOOD STREET JOS. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market at. Etst). - -31 CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 to o Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting housea, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, hc,; making convey. ances, deeds, bonds, &c.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, &c. 0018 BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. PaTlEW:N=3.—Mesars. Hanna, Garratson It Co., Robert ParUs, Esq. . .13117 TARIDL LA ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has for sale Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me as authly PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. 4 GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, &a, tkc., all in good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lots of groand, eitue.te in South Pittsburgh,and will be sold on very easy term.) by 8, OIITHBNIVe & 801 , T, I ell 61 Market street. y AWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT AA ED ; iu exchango for land. ap22 S. 00111111.-:ttT n SON, 51 Market et. ASTEAM MILL in e,oinplate running or der, with tiwchicig twub..3, notirthe city, for IVESTERN LANDS of good quality, fzv bale or exchange for Real Estate In the city S. CUTHBERT l SON, Gl Sar.totst. VAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE—A valnable property of 150 feet front on Covington at, I.qatrenceville. by 100 deep ou Washington street to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling 'louse of 7 rooms well arranged,bath room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and coal house, kitclacri range, etc. The rooms aro newly painted and pa pared, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a o mplete and pleasant residence. Price low, and terms accommodating. 8. "UriIBERT k SON, Real Estate and General A g ents, 51 Market street. rptiE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots j. for sale by S. CUTHBERT & 80N is 30 by 100 feet. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $275 to $4OO each. Terms—One fourth in hand; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Office, 51 Market street. DEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at such prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Boar tt in mind, that they front on wide streets, are of easy access by railroad, and are very desirable locations for family residences Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lota is to be seen at Jel2 61 AdAREET BrIONT. FOR SALE.- SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of chore Prairie and Timber Land, situated in Northern lon a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the finest lot of farming lands ever offered in this market, as they tern located conveniently to Mills, Towns and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to em!grants and catalogues giving location, description and price of the land, with a brie: description of the counties .in which they are located, can be hid on application - at our cliice, and they will be so , t free by mail to persons sending ta their address. WiLLI/Lll FILAZIER it CO., nty:6:tf Jones' building, No. 67 Fourth stret. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will Noun . a Building Lot of 25x100 feet on Mt. Washington.— Price, sloo—slo in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Al. so, a Lot of 60.1100 feet for $250—525 in hand, balance in pa) men ta to suit purchaser. S. CUT HBflt.T k SON, je23 51 Market street. iL 2 ACRES of Land and a oomfortal , lo Boys:, situate near the Washington Turnpike, at about 9 miles from Jones' Ferry, will be eold on easy terms. Immediate possession. 8. CUTHBERT .k 80N, Je23 51 Market street. ALOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad station 30 by 100 feet will be sold for s'2lo, one-fourth in band, remainder at six years' credit. 8. CIII:HoEr.T & SON. my 29 61 Market street. _ . GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. PE 'F.'ARLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR , • (Dorner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TUAT he has received his Spring Ateortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, beet quality and most elegant descrip• tione, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to satisfy and please the moat fastidious taste's, Imyl9 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The firm of gAWORTLI BRO. .5: BROWNLEE was, on the 3d of May, 1.K.8, disiolved by mutnat co sent, by the withdrawal of JBHII HA otarril from the above 1 m. The accounts of tlas.late firm will be settled by IleiefußTEl BILoWN LEE. .fiTa- JEUII HAWOItTH, in withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also the patrons a, the into firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them to his successors, HAWORTH & BROWNLEE, as they are determined to sell at low figures, having a very large assortment of CHEAP (IROOEIILES, WINES and LIQUORS on hand. JEHII HAWORTH. - 1 2 - DAVID HAWORTH and JAMES BROWNLEE have this day associated together, and will continue on the business at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamand and Dia mond alley, under the style of HAWORTH & BROWNLRE, where they hope torecinve that patronage so liberall given to the old firm, as they are determined to sell CHEArER, than any other Store in the city. rayla SYRUPS. - 100 barrels " Choirs" Ouldon Syrup; 15 do *Fauna." First Quality syrup; Jnat recaived and fur sale by MILLER o 12.10KETSON. j.l Nos. '221. and 223 Liberty street NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS,- A. A MMON a CO., ,! , GTO., NO. 25 Fifth Street, aro now opening rich Drec. Foram Paris Brilliants, lanlid sole:ItIon of SPRING SHAWLS. (apl SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels 1 / 4 ,)! Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to close consign meat JAB. A. FETZER, ap23 Corner Market and First streets. COMPOUND SYRUPS OF PHOSTAATES, .4.J OR CHEMICAL FOOD—This preparation is not in tended as c popular cmody, but is reapectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nntrttive tonic, well stilted to supply the waste of elementary matter daring the progresa d - chronic cases, particularly in Dyepopela and Consump tion. This preparation la pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greatrul to the stomach, and does not nano• eate by protracted me. gold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH FLEbiING, Corner Diamond and Market streut. fIOUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country v 4/ Bacon, just received and for sale b; JAMES A. FETZER, m 4 Corner Market and Virg gtreota BROUS' CORN.-3 tons first quality roo'd and fnr raze f y fmrf 1 ifENRY 11. COL.LINH. 'ANCY FRENCH BASKETS.—A thee assortment Just opened, 11011NRS, m • 8 77 Mertet ctrert. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment O Country Glass, assorted idles, for sale by W3l. II SMITH 118 Second, and 147 First streets. INDSOR SIIADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shada Trimmings, ac. always on hand at and for tale cheap by J. 11. PHILLIPS, a • 26 and 25 St. Clair street. INDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to 10 inchee Ia dhunoter. A large etrpply Just received at the facthe Rubber Depot of J. tH. PHILLIPS, my 29 28 and 23 St. Clair street. NV- LLPAPERS.—Waii Papers of all Wads for sale at redac ed prices, by W. P. IsIARBECAIL & CO., 9 1 Wood street. 1 4 1 NGLISH GLASS INKSTANDS--Cat and proased, with Glass and Bronae Tops. Jel4 W. 8. HAVEN. Stationer. - - 2,iIIPS OF THE DIFFERENT STAUB— tu. lowa, Ode, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Kansas, MisDauri, Kentucky and Tenuesee, Virg nia, etc, for Bala y J It. WELDIN Booksaller and Stationer, No. ea wood Wee.. rear Fourth. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale by B. L. FAHNEBTOOR fi CO., Jel2 . No. b 0 cor. Wood and Youth atraetu. DRIED PEACHES-12 sacks choice bright jij dry Peaches received ar.d for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, Corner -Market and lamb sta. eIHERSE.-400 boxes W. R.;. - 225 - ,6 English Dairy Cheese, tar. fj0221 , FIEERY B. COLLINS. - DRY -APPLES.-50 bags; _ 160 bble. Dry Apples, for Baby by H. COLLINS. _REEN APPLES,---20 bbls. for sale by te 113Nttlf B. COUINS • ; ARIL - TOOTH PASTE; preweil under the ouperenion oi Dr. atautte s t a szeou Don Ms tem& b3r - 4CO. Go' B. CIITIIBENT h. SON, El Markot street. PIANOS. AND MUSIC THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK! - OF - PIANO FORTES, FROM THE MANUPACYTORY OF CHICKERING -Sc SON'S, BOSTON. Con sating of SLXTEPS of their new Seven Octave and Six and a Half Octave Pianos; have just been received, and new ready for examination at the vimreroonaa of the sub- fi otice. OHIOILERITia 4 BONS' PIANO FORTES aro not furnished by them to any other house in this city, and all orders must be directed to the subscriber. JOHN H. AIELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chickering is Sons' Pianos , jcS >for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. PIANOS3 r i! , V V 9 KILL GRAND PIANOS! PARLOR GRAND PIANOS-1I .A.ND NEW STYLE SQIIARE PIANOS, loom the Mannfactrry of OGICKERING Ss SONS', 8 , 19.1".0N, just received from the manufactory of Chiokering & Sons', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock.° their PIANO FORTES One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price 4800 One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant i 1.030. wood vase. Price 41 00 One Now Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price 4600 SQUARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Lords SlTth, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave--Clifford style.. Two Rosewood. carved monidings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. u Four u u 44 Is 6 Four Rosewood " 44 10 u 41 u 6 a u All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOHN H. fdELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, • Sole Agent for °bickering A Some. ALDERMEN. CHARLES WI LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And roDailicio Justice of the Peace,. OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH STREETS. All business connected with this Oise will be attended to with promptuhas. Conveyances of all kind done with legal accuracy—such as Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, dm. Titles to Real Estate examined. To the members of the liar he tenders his services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be read in the several Courts of this State, and elsewhere. His office is one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in executing. business of that kind are very desirable. I felO:ly Alderman's Office. JAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEALS, AND*POLIOE MAGISTRATE—OffIeo, No. G 9 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Probates taken; the Records examined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Wills. Leases, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn op at short notice; Marriages Solemnised, and all business In the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. ilia-. Office hours, from 7A t. at. to 1 P. at, and from 2 to 6 P u. apB:ly DERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to porcba3o good farming lands, are informed that we have for imlo 632 acres of land in Boone county, lowa. Also 640 acres of laud in 17`rank.lin county. will be sobi on easy terms by 8. CUTHBERT & 80N, myl6 51 Market street. (lIGARS 1 CIGARS I—l have received this 4,,/ day a large lot of genrdnelmportedDayana cigars, of the old and well known Seneca " brand. Thom wishinga box of good cigars ehouldcall and examitiemystock bsiore purchasing elsewhere. JOB. FLEMING, jet Corner Diamond and Market st. CILARET WINE.- 21 cases N. Johnston' Sons Medoo Claret Wine; ' 10 " ' 6 St. Julien Claret Wine 60 " 0. 0. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for sale by MILLER k EtIOKETSON, mylB 1 , 161. 222 and 223 Liberty treat gII.IIEMIOAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes IL) Chemical Olive &wive Soap, on hand , nd for sale by Jul 13.0.&J ii.oAWYRR BACON. -10 casks Country Bacon Shoul ders, Sidca and Hama, just received and for snip by JAB A. FETZER, my 26 earner Maikot and Pint streets. ' INDIO 0.-2 eases Manilla Indigo, just l.re ceived and for salo by mylB MILLER & RICHEITON. DRIED APPLES.-50 bush. Bright Dried Apples Just received and for sale by ' JAS. A- YETZER, nor 24 Corner lfa•t:st and Second sta.. QPONGES.—I have just received a large bit Superior Batting Sponges, of every size and price. Those wishing a good article in this line, Ethordd call and examine ..y stock before purchasing elsewheri. JOS. FLEmrsa, my2O °anew Diamend end Market Weft: FRESH NUTS.- - 10 beige Bordeaux Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell " 60 bags Filberts; BO " Cream huts; 80 " Pecan 200 u bus. Ground " 0000 Cocoa " Just received and for We by REIM& & ANDERSON, , No. 39 Wood street, Jo 9 °mesa , - she St. Charles Hotel; :Q.I:Gt.:KINGS, GLOVES, • MITTS, ETC.--; LI Suitable fur the apprcaching hat prasoa.on hand bg job JOS. fl )11,NE. 77 Market *treat. LASS.-5 1 0 boxes 8110, 9x12 and - 10x12, T for altl4 , by (nt 141 , 711 Y EL COLLINS. 408 PRINTING.- Carda, Freight Bills, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J. B. , er BLDLN, Printer and 81nd...r, my3l Wood street, near Fourth. 1 2 ACRES of choice land, with good im provemouta, near the city, CUTEIBIsaa BON, for sale on easy toms by bl market street. 303 ACR7.S of Farming Land, near Uniontown. Pa., for este at $6 p r acre. •31 8. CUTHBERT 6c EON, 61. Market st.. 10ItALLS I BALLS! BALLS 1.--A large as, sortment of Foot, Solid and Bat Balls, Just leoeixed, and for sale, wholesale an retail, at tho India D.nbber Depot. 26 and 23 Bt. Clair street, my 29 J. Lt H. PIIILLIPS. 'VANS! FANS! I—Palm Fans by the ease' dozen, or single. at Eastern prices,witlr other varlsticl of Fancy Fans, for sale at EittlINES, • job 77 Market street. T EMONS.-100 boxes, Palermo Lemons, .li6 just received and for sale by MYRNA & ANDERSON, No. Mt Wood street, mvl7 Opposite St. Charles HoteL L ARD 01.1,- 60 barrels .Extra No. 1 Lard OR ; 25 " No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by [m 13] ' B. O. &J: H. SAWYER. TAVA COFFEE.—Jugt received a lot o strictly pure Old Government Java Coffee. Also, La gnyra and Rio Coffee, at JAYNES' TEA STORE, Jo!' 38 Fifth street. - DUBE BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH & BROWNLEE'S, e 5 in the Diamond: OOK RE TS—Made of Mahogany any well finished, for sale by W. B. HAVEN,' Stationer: DILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A largo assortment always on hand, or made to order. W. 8. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second streets; 'LAWYER'S SEAL PAPERS - - Various size 3 and colors alwaya on hand, at W. S. am?" Corner Llarket and Second eta. A FARM of 238 acre 3, near Economy, for Jac sale . by B. CITITIBERI` * BOY 17 61 Market eireet, ARENCH LEMONS.-20 just received an for sale by RHYAMI. /k ANDRIAON, Pro 89 Wood stroxe% n.ERMAN DRAWING PAPER.Ii-folla N,JI forlingrwrincior isaloby D& 18 , .tmet xmas mfirrit, fIUM. BANDS, Port Folios, Desk._ Pads,' Backers Casee,Port Monaca, and Pocket Boob, for sale by ' W. 8. HAVE., 7 8, agis) . • Con4idarkettindlecond Afteets. SACKB.-300 large_threatinshe4 ur thaw 133014 new and in girsdlflgie by tad. Marl/ t4~ vAESTNVTS.--5 Ita'lark, received this; day, and toii`eare'by - • • • REIYMITS 3t ANIM I 3-50 1 q1 . ‘ No. Wit Wood lime% my 26 oppoliso Ow)* Hotel. Ooruar. NUMBER 25% MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT LY on hand a complete stock 01 MILITARY GOODS CONSISTM IN PART OF PEITAES., BWO=3, 8A21035, TASSELS, Volunteer I) oniguaules 111311173111 D wire YU6L 3411111G2Tr8 AT- Etna= NOM= SILK iaND BUNTING FLAGS MADE TO ORDER. SldO. la. IL ' FADDi7 S l 5 SVE3I, - .' 95 Br ARTZVIt EinilP* sAn. F,TNESTOCI No. '24 Wood areet, Pittsbairgik, TI,AS JUST RECEIVED , DIRECT FROM =GLAND-. WALDRON Sr, GRIFFINiff GElimEr. COM -GRAIN- - SCYTHE .• 9' CORN nbEs; PATENT AND CIaidAtONANTICS; WIEFIL Trapo, very superior Drawer Lesko, very ouperior Our. Locks, Tinned and llnnatnelleAl Sauce Paro,-BaaMip Spoeba );teas Candlesticks, Brass Cocas, Brass Stair Rods, Draw:turd Site, !Fsleasuring Tapes, Superior Walton, - CurrY Combs, Teacea, Coil, Fifth, Tonguei, SU•atch and Bremtebaina„witla a variety of other good; all of which will bo eold at mod' orate terms. MILS MILLINGAR, MONONGAHELA ej, PLANING GALL, would respectfully inform tho public ttult he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his utabilshment, and filled it with the newest and.niostap.. proved machinery, ha now prepared to fartdsh flooring and planed boards, ecrowl sawing and resavring, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box malting, South Pittsburgh, SOPtember 7, 1557. • ' ' ,fsblo, GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS. C A H I D E OHEAP G PEOPLES SHOE STORE, A. No. 17 FIFTH BT. CUILDRENEP SHOES . • ',jelj INDOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 to 6 inch inch diameter, for sal° by mr29 A. H. MUMS. IEANS.-25 bbls. white,Beans for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, Corner First and Market ea. TAR LA RUE NOTE PAPER- AND' El V Elf OF3R-.Sali by my 2,1 1. J. R. VrinPrti, LANDS IN VIRGINIA, lowa and. Texas, for pale by 4L CUTHBERT & 80, m 712 - : ' fit Matte,: itreet. itNDLA. RUBBER CURRY. COMBS.-` _ll. beet article in 1:199, Just received at the India Rubber Depot, 26 and 28 St. Clair street. DRIN TED BILL BOOKS—Assorted sizes at Vt. S. ItLITEN'S 111Y24 Stationary Warohotuie. rgIEXAS, TEXAS.--540 acmes of good - farm - • ing land In Hayeeourity, near Austin, Tepia. Prairie and timber land, $3 per acre, for sale by myll S. CUTHBERT & BON, 61 likliet et. OIL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yards of vari ous oattarns and widEis, jest received from the lac. tory, for ado wholesale or retail, by H. PATT,T,TVO, 28 end 2A B! flair 'at...4 TUST RECEIVED A SUPERIOR LOI tp of Double and Single Barreled Guns, for Sale loW by CARTWRIGHT a YOUNG, No. 86 Wood street. my27:me OIL SALB.—One-third of a valuable pro ports, having a from: of 130 f-et on Wood attect by 60 deep on math etreet. S. OUTHBIIII32 & SON,, my2l Si Market itreet. QEVAN ACRES.—A Lot of. Ground of 7 1.7 acne!, Collins township, (morning side,) suitable for a cormtry railence. For sale by my2l B. CUTHBERT b SON, 51 Market it. C ILASS.--300 boxes assorted sizes Window Glass, good conotry brand, fir Edo by m qgld„,7NßY U. COLLINS. ROO .-50 doz. reel and for sae_ by, mai UZNIT a.CQLLuvd. finSEL-500 packages White Fish, Salmon, and Trout, for rale by (my 27) IL IL COLLINS. TNO. D. WOREXAV'SC(itiD PRINTING u IN - by fmr:l4] J. B. WELDIN. CO.R.N.-1.0 bags shelled Corn received an for sale by rle3l HENRY. EL COLLINS. fIOUNTBY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Bacon, Hams, Shotßdefe and Bides, reeeived and for sale by JAS. A. PETV4II, ru , reer rgari:et wed Virvestr GLIElll( BOOKS—On all the Banks and Brokera at W. B. HAVEN, mr2.4 Printer aid Stationer. .ALAD OIL.- - lia baskets puro, juo . .reo' find for silo by ANDEUSON, my 4 • No. ;.9 Waal street. y AWRENCE, COIIEN & CO.'S DOUBLE IL- . .ENAKEMED VISITING OAB.G.S.—SoId by J. R. ISTIILDIN. IORN.-200 bush. prime -white Corn, for Bale to , tarn tizzies H. COLLINS. T° —A corsimoilious threp gtory,Fvune Bongo, with Brick Basement--fdtaated on Bedford etseet—'-to rent, by ligt,LEß - BIBS irTBON, , mr2s . Non. 221 and 223 Liberty street. UTTER.-3 bble. fresh roll, for sale by moo umunr A °mare. °HEAP 'WALL PAPER.—A nei;r - stipply ft i f of new pattarno for redo by ' IV. P. maitsurAir; 87: Wood otroet. - fIitTARCII-100 bice. McClung & Campbell's E=tna Starch, fur sac by Jan W. It MINE +t CO.' $750. •• A roo tlr m: ) story ait,t..i framo lidase Y of four t 2 is south- Pittsburgh, near the Bridge. Large lot of ground, fruit trees ' , Pay. wont& easy. For flab) at the Estate:Office of • s. ouTSSIMT &SON ) ? Ell Market !street. 01IN THOALPSON & CO. —Have- jut received and for ewe, ti.large lot of English Venittan Rod, Rochelle Ochre ' VermontOchro, French Zinc American Zinc, White Lead, and Whithig, at 9! 0 tf , e ?bled vtro MOITR-50 bblg. Superfine Flour just ro il.: calved and for sale by JAS. A. FETZgIi, jyB Corner Malket rind First at-reeta. TAR CANDLES.-1000 lboxes -Extra kJ Quality Adamantine StarSaudien, on hand and for sale by Jell R. 0 & J SAwirlift. ART) 111.L.N0. - I. and No. .2 Lard Oil constantly on hand and for tale 1150 Js7 DIM ' E MADEIRA AND CLARET WINES, by the bottle or gallon, at, IL&WOUTII & BROWNLEE'S, ei i n the Disroevd. uIL DING LOTS-L-12 Lots, each '3O feet w front bj'loo deep, situate 4n East Libertyi 121211 X tho Railooad Depot. Prices from VT6 to VW—terms, onetointh in hand; - bahracelit, 6 yam credit Call and see tile plan. my2(l • . • B. CUTHBERT & FON, 61 ißarket'at., ESTERS.--Borders :and .ciroles_ tor -T*3B - gale by rmy:111 W 'MARSHAL:L& CO. t_TO3IINY.-6 bblo. Flint ollomin'y fore JLN by • JAS. A. lISSZEB,! Corner Market anartritt sta. rPORPEDOES.-500,000 No. I, just reed and' for solo TIMILES ANDERSON, e 8 , , No. 39 Wood street. E WORK FOR, FU I .RTII OF JULY. r ire Works and Fite flelloone mianfactnrod by EL P. Mehl, Pyrotechnist, for tale by , ANDEIt3ON, " UAYETTE .00IINTY. FARM FOR SALE. ,-302 sires in Wharton township, %ft tuirrer fence adth. - log touseietc., good spiinis, coal Wag limestone ;'ol l c'bilf the farm is fine timbar land, and about 100 doses In • - readosr. The soil is good,'woll,adapted for a 'stock or g,rain farm sit. nate at 1% mites from Fayette Springs, 9 miles frontfini e,o.a• town; and 15 fromfromConnelbsvllle, will bo Sold at a lolowpric oreachttiageii for approved Western lands. . :' • • .105' . CUTHBERT - A 80 51_31Srks; sta, IDITRE JAMAICA - RUM AND'S() - •' GIN, by the bottle or gallon, at EfAVFORTII nuOini I in the Diamond. SUE lIMBRELLAS.--Silk and Qinghain Sun 'Umbrellas, traperior to Fans:Piz , for t 0) ale at tun' 77 w rate!, at VirE4l Market street. TV' Jk.rGNS.—ro:tzoin 0a1r.2_31. n ard e D a edo kat dvteh fur dasigns Pannelips_ piaraked by oval W. P. tiii.RSILL CO. aERMON land; or taade to or. .7 , der:, by . PAP ER • Wit ii. JOHNSTON .A -133.07 . .....,,, Frardonens, 67 Wood area. (V — r' -141/IdBCaPCS an fl N-A r- WWI In all colors, fur Fire Boards talthiA W. 1 1 . 1tigt2141414 EPAULETTES, BtaVONI3, VRINGES, ETO, ENO P. A I E 0 13 J. & IL PEILLIPB No. 29.WoOttotrost, , Oppoffita ths St. Charles Hotel.