• •-• ..•-•,,'..,:'''."...w--4.,n1.:,.'.;-...4 -•..-.. :,-•-=;-'!"..,.:1...'-i-.4- _.„-,..:',,,t,,,.,-- - -_-..: --.-. . • 4 ,., ~ " , - *•, -, , ,- .., ` 4, ,-. :1`4.2., ,W .H 4: _. - :- . ..7= - ; -1 ;-. - •. - •. . -•.-- ~ •..--'-'.,-, •? 7 ' 'lt-7.7.,g-,„1e , 1ia.5. , ... , est e.'. •- ",•• : i ... ;• • ..., ..- •. , .7" . :": , . -44 - ::' - r'. il-g.-..,-•Iz-,I,,,;,l',4't'tN"'••,:;"•:'--, ',:fL ,, . , iv.•; , : - . - ..;t:..: ....,g. , - ---- . • ,-. ... --... . . . _ _... • . • • -' (1 . , , 4 . . . .. • 43 .--.7 (. . . . • - ~ •• _ . . . . . . ''. C. 4j.- 0 1.4. IT WR i' . • ii. A I _5..3L..i XVI • ------------- E_ . ;:EZ3 - 1 7 Ktlii MORNIIiti POST. r! :: _.. ~. n_i I-Nl...fig:2 ri-u-p morning ; (Ewa:lays c.v.:sp.:ea) EL - .7.112.11 S P. /32`....R.P.., i ,. .; "..*;..7. N,,:;.7.1'-'.'1..Z., C 0. 1 417.7. OF WOOD AVM !Urn 51'119.173, , ;--_-, - . - olillii.r. a year, , sayablastrictly in advance ...Vora 1...... - arl,bly rwlairod if not paid within the year. nido eop.leei, Two Cat?—for sale at the counter in .‘.- '.:: . -:.:i.lie ;cad by the Neu's Poss. DATNS OF ADVERTISING. _ . sun' Mt -, ' I DC3211 i 1.7 "'"1 2-I t*ei r '"''''''' Lli t irl Trll l . - ' 6 ' . i ..1 tlg.f.k a Weal tOCC;.:. I paper. insortien—....-- I 60 1 60 -f- 70 i nsertion it ..... -. 75 .____ ........,„,. _ 75 : 'arse ir.seridems:,... 100 100 ~a o weeh........... ..... 176 60 a 0 WO.III-7. .-... 300 2 0 - 0' 150 1 0.1 76 : : ,r 06 w6e.: - .! .... ..... .... 4Do 2 iis 200 1 2rl 00 _ .::.13 month— ...... ...- 600 335 250 Ib. 1 6 1' ;:o roontLe. . ---.... 700 -..1 . &6 350 235 2 50 - i•erce. mouths.«-..... 11/ 00 6c04 50 3 001 OO . air months: .... ... e ... 10 00 6! 65 6CO 1 t 6 isi 46 0 6 60 !., i';o Mon:ha..... ...... . it 00 7;35 660 3 5 !r. in.stith: - .- - 12 06 SO3 600 4 IXII 660 e; • e menthe lO 00 10' 35 800 5 ::;', 11 00 ::-,.. yea- '00001335 10 00 605 1 2 00 .;;,:liog Card, aft lined or loss, per annum............ 10 00 -' • . .1......i!..!..11 AT r....riatia;T: ,'.., ..1.,.r.., ••,-..': anu.ll.ln, (C.:CICSIT 3 of the papsr,) ....... gs co te.l , riaga notdros, 50 erne ;Death lootime, 25 con4z , DirISBURGI - 1 SATURDAY POST • ~ ....mei.. ITEEELLV. CiriLi ONfE DOLIfA.II E'ER liElit, 1 - 11 cLuDs OP TEN. I- inglie Eutsnariptione, - .. - GR, per ar m t ur... (;ONTA.E.CS L.LL TILE CUB.F.tENT NEWS 1 , :.;' Tall DAY, Pulidead, Litorary, Agricultural, Commor c..ii, Local, Telegraphic and Miscollaucona. :Ilia Paper tains of the tiVii.n..T. E.l"=, and neatly print° ri hue allitepaptr., iu Is.7ge, clear type, will be found by th , subsehll-r to Elie better satisfaction than any papery ..- ..uiislaed in l'ittelorTgli. 'ihcac win wL•er. to [eke a paper from Pittsburgh, willfind ',..) SATIJ 5.1";:lY PUS' a safe and prolltable Lays.stment. laid , ~,, .3 A.D.115.2:3 P. 13 A.R.E., eepl7 editor and Pio; rieior. L 5 P-Flit & iIIICERS) . --, ,, N.0-.- , 1 - - , ...- 7 o !.„„..,,,,I, kAp . . ' r , '"3 ''. ' .- JOB OFFICE , ..T. cr ST MI - 0 - 1.7-.MIZT/a.S, over of Fifth and. Wood Streets, PITTSBURG 11. . • —.,,_____ ri,-11.1.1. 4 tuidc7J - 44. , ,,ned having made extensive 1 additions of Coo L :TEST AND 11A.7.:DSONIRST STYLE TYPE, and d .......... Machinery, to the SIORND:6I POST : - '.. -, E OEFICE, invite tIl. •'• tmntion of Rail Road Officer tierelants, imainesab , a, and the public gonomlly, to their ' r". ,- . - 107 fle illie- f; , : E li.-Cl" ' Ig, with diapatch, on rzasonalle turas, all 1::, - . __r :-- Et A 1 4, F . ' , .13 A iro , lif ;E F.::. C A ri T ILL L - k.' 4 A 1., ANTI 1:1V!llEY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF I I :LAIN ar, .:•E'AITCY PRINTING ~., r........-",-.0.. rnaiciiilboing nearly all now, we can give man-, • • auco of the meta 44..r.plete avjefaction, and solicit orders' cr . GII - ?..E.5. PALIP3ILETS, h.iiL P.O..k'J EUeLS, AND CARDS, B! - . - IF; -7111. - ECES, BLANK. NOTES, Li7r - iut lIEADS, DILL 1.1 - E3DS, eras LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS C.r..3115., PAPER BOORS, DEEDS, .e MORTGAGES, BONDS, an. k...71 - ParCemlar i - ider.tion will s.'tso be paid to the printing tf Potters, Prods since, Ac. for Gonoorts, Esffiibitions and Circuses. EA 11 A MYERS. !assace..- - .- - - -- - - s-- BUSINESS CARDS. Pile eeoples Shoe Store. D. S. Di - EFFENBAcHER &c 0.., Cheat: Cash Dtalora in all kinds of Fashionable g0.V.C65 SHOES I..NI)GLIITiiIIt.S9 for Ceutlemon, Ladle:, Youths and Childron, • Mo. 11' Ptlft.b. Strout, near Market, ce-S o ' PITT.SBURGU, PA. _ ci. PEPSIN wt!. J0ia011...... ......... .9. a. J0112..e.0rl ,PERRIN & JOIINSON, - Proprietors of Childs .k. Co.'s '.. Pate-tit Ellatatlo .F.llro and - I.:Tate r Proof Cement 111.0 , 3ang. 133 7 .11111.11) STREET. RDERS for ROOFING promptly Sid faith - - folly execi.tel, and all our wort: warranted. - - :tr.:t - 1g material :t.lways on - hand, and for solo, with di re.:Gons 1.. , 7 MV.:•.. se.plidy JOB. F. 111.1811.1.T0 11 .Bt. co., ENGE.N.III.O,Ii.S . Ail d/19 fIAC - 11.1.NISTS, as-rair of ./Per. - it and Liberty ttrect , , PLlt..w.eurgh, n. 6.,;, 1 ..11PER10R STEAM EtiGIIcIES for Grist ;',.,3 and Saw .51111 s, Breweries, Printing Establishments, tqoar.fatterios, eto., made to order. They aloe continue the s r,anufactnro of their Celebrated Machinists"Eacis, such as ~ Ttroing Lthes, lron Planer Daring and Drillimt Machnies, , :'c.*C. Also, a Tiroc.iht Iron Shafting, v.ith Fallep;, Hangers .fse. de. .6..8:1yd 11.101.... - Paoll . 0051. S? TaDlip&cy..... JOll7. -.1q TEI.O3ILPSON I. f OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZ, 1_ wl .. .sisEdtht, No. 135 'l'6l - 3 etreit. ezeznied with natters and .ie+pa.tell. .a Trirpoutine, Varnish, Japan and Englis. 3, Vide Montaigne Finch, a very superior a :',...tis and Pittsburgh Whitt; Lead always ou . ale. - We are proparee ' ,rind colors for Fat . i.; .3, or of era, t... dortoat nctice, as we 1 e . .. 1. II .nisei - - .1. r.1. 5 .M. , 7.7.4 will tiara MO. Va.: tb• - dud with 1.11. ------__.--------- .."--:-- . BOEsr.'"A? ..... C. JOll7. -.1q TsT/-03111PSON 67., CO., -- 1 - OUSE PAINT:72.S, GLAlth'il,S AND _ GILAINEES, No. 135 d.hi - d etre,t. ;FICIN PAINT. ezezia:cd with I.l.catacss and de , patcu. Nixed Pointy, Tnrpeutine, Varnish, Japau and English Patent 'Dry :rule dlontaiv,nn Einek, a very sop: vier article; Phi's ih,:rdals. and Pil.:sburgh White Lead always ou hand nod for arc prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill s STiricl.l by stzam. ;laze money 11 set . r. their colors zround with us. itnrs:ly GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, - •117 ItiANUFACT Unit:WS PRICES. LIYD.ROMETERS tho cheep tt mud treo: arttelea ever t r. n r ]lit to tiiin city. THERMUIIETERS EAr.‘-)nrrzil.sl, r,.., ) !.;ip. from to V..) each. POCKET COMPASSES, - AND f , II P. EY OR' k.; 0 PIPASSES, 1,. -is to G 811AIV'E Practicat Fifth gri,;..t. •".1 oppoi•11-o B. C. 61. J. 11. SAWYER, imLnue.t., - rr - cess. cl 1. XRD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILE P, AN!) E.OSIN SOAPS No. 47 Wood strect, Pittsburgh, Pr. JOHN EIBER & CO., i'iNCY DYERS OD SCOURERS 'VP, S r=3l-S.tlt t3'OOt, 131::‘ EXC WOOD .LND DULIITY STEXLTS, PITTSBURGH, PA ti_ll kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and ai Silt and Woaka Goods executed at notks, and on reasonable term= inP2B:3Ol - - CL,..ee of Sealer of Weights and Pleas , ures. lIE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, • SEALER OF WEIGHTS AID MEASURE.% f 1. 3, be found henceforth, in 1:111orry alloy, betwem Third :.:I Fourtn etreete, where priers may bo loft. 7orla:rf CHARLES BAR - l yr S. LIAVEN'S Elastio Steel Pens just I 0 received, and for sale at the Stationery Store, Nes. 31,33 and 35 Slarket street. _ - FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-known and popular'annisal, formerly p; ri b i .- 11.. LA by Johnston Stockton, after a lapse of pus, l ghortly ho iasued. The circulations as formerly will egain Le :nada by t.:o skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, wko will also prepare fsr its pages such reading mat ter as will rusks it an eaterteittio ,, and instructive maga- Ills reliable cstrenotnical calculations., a taw itud ingenioni table othero, an accurate method of drawing ineridian lines, and matters of permanent value will b., added. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are solicited in advance of pnblia.tion, as bat ono edition will be printed, and orders will be filled accordin J to iority. IVId. G. JOHNSTON A 00., II eubli;hors, Printßs, Stationers, and Blank Book Makbrs, VA Wood street, Pittsburgh. je2l fIIIEEISE.-300 boxes good cutting Cheese 4../ rccelved and for sale by HENRY H /3 . COLLIN y 26. TARCEL-25 0 tomes Pearl Starch in stop and for eale jy2G ARll OIL—We - have comm.ence3 mOu 44 lecturing Lard Oil, and will be pleased to receive or caw for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in tho inar t et. We will All barrels returned when &mired. I B. 0. AJ. H. SAWYER,: • I No. 49' Void idielo. NIONS.---10 bbl& Onions far eaLs__Lta_ . ... , . . ..., .. ; a C . . :‘• ._ ._ V ~..=• pi A •' •. • .# = t 4 . i! :I - A -•' : 'I ~ 1 ti ~, ice .... -'1 4 ., , . - I _ -- - . ,-i , ~ .7; ti- . '4r c• 11 i i ip . — ..ii 4 -rit '—'- - N , .. 1; ..,e i tA; .s: ... :4 i : _ ~.._ REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATHENS, BRADFORD COUNTY. V 6,41112.1, 1868, as presented to the Stackholdarsy and nuadriont in compliance Ac. with the State Laws of New Tork,OhlO,ln.diana,lllinois, 809ENT. The name of the Company is the PAIthIERS' UNION IN SURANCE COMPANY, located at Athena, Pa. Chartered Charter April 13, 1863, by that ,rjaistare of Pennsylvania , Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is all paid up ..... Surplus in addition thereto..•• Aca Pifty-fonr Bonds and Mortgages, at six and seven 'is cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate t 0.4162,315 00 Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and More than mart• gaged for in oath case, and in no cam less than fifty 51 cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and so certified by the Recorders, whet° monied, to the and Lora of the States of Ohio and Nimmen six VS cent. Bonds amply secured .4 47,685 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmission, Bemired by bonds with sureties.. Duo on losses re-insured, &c Blue receivable, via: promiseoty rota payable at bank and to the Company..... Interestaccrued, (principally due January 1,1858,)... 1 19 46 Safe and otfice Fixtures and littml turn IrtcoNa Yon Tax TEAR. 1857. Amount of Premiums received during the $ 85,231 33 year Am't luterwt re:eived during the year 11,442 05 Am't received from all other sources 2,480 (Si SP10.1)111;111.9. Expenses for the year, including commiesians, salaries, Teats, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,199 66 Dividends paid during the year 17,060 00 Lasses paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1856 Loetee paid which occurred during 46,561 54 the year LIABILMVS. 1...0.30 adjusted and not the (since paid) $ 12,600 99 Lushes incurred and in process of atlingtment. Losaen reported, on which uo action has been taken Lomas restated, on ground of insur ance after fire, property transfar red before loos, property lost not covered by the Policy, Lc- 12,100 00 39,404 99 Whole =on - dot' risk.s taken during the year. 45,429,962. 00 Wilela amount of risk at date. 4,601,440 00 ::TATZ or PILNIN3I7.4.LNIA., Couyrr or BRADYOHD, C. N. Shipman, President, and J. IL Candeld, Secretary of the Farmers' Onion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the foregoing iS a true, fall and correct statement of the affairs of raid corporation, and that they are the above de scribed officers thereof. 0. N. SSIPSIA.N, President. CANFLELD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 29th day of Jam!. ary, 1858, if. 0. BAIRD, JBUN T ustice of Agent, the Peace. T. J. !5.% No. 90 Water street. Pittsburgh. H. RE INSURANCE, Reliance Mutual Ingursuice Co ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PBRPRTUAL, MERORAN DISE, YURNITTIRE, &0., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. No. 300 Walnut street. ;CAPITAL, $117,9213 .ASSETS, 0995),405 89. Inteated as follows, via:— First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth Idouble the amount 2120,200 GO Pennsylvania Railroad Oo.'e d por cent. lIN - tgage Loan, $30,000 coat 25,500 00 Allegheny County ti per cent. Penu'a lt. R. Loan. 10,000 00 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock 4,0 00 Snick: Gitlin Reliance Mutual Insurance Ce 19,150 00 Stock or County Fire Instrauce Co . 1,050 00 &nip of Sundry Insurance Companies 475 00 lla Ropeivaele, business paper 62,711 60 Book. Accounts, acornod_interelt, etc 8,330 19 Coal, on band and in Beuk 16,015 .V) $252,465 89 CLEM TINGLEY, Proildent. DtRIOTOILS. Samna' Biapham, Enbtrt Steen, ssussiz, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. - Lothrop, Charing Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Win. M. Semple, Pittab'g RINOIDIAN, secretary. DINES COFFIN, Agaet, ,or Third and Wood streets. Ohara William R. Thompson, David S. Brown, Cornelius Btevoruson, John R. Worrell, H. L. Carsisn, • Robert Tolima, l•los - as Johnson Chsrles B. Woo:I, James S. Woodward, mr3 B. J. GAR mr3 North-east cor , . MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COI Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PEWIT, F.eri4 — ..t D. J. SVCANN, Secretary. Alw.yant of Capital Stoct paid iu s o '4 traoatad...Voo,ooo 00 Ezu-plan E3:4.28 v2,33,42s panT,,, Cargo 11.1.1.:s Oa a) Ohio aud :Orel mad tributaria. Itthuresagainet lose or siaw,o,go by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea cud Inland Navigation and Transportallun. ninscront.: Win. V, Pettit, J. C. Montgomery , John IL Pomrey D. J. Mt. C a -a LI, E. F. Witmer, B. i,,Woolston, John A. Marshall, Ch.+. B. W right, Joh - 611. Patterson, Eltrood T. Pusey. 02Y10xRb: WILLIAM V. PBTUT, Precedent. E. F. WITHER, Viet Pr tridc,:t. aJ. hinCANN, cretary. , L , 7iIEZIGCES: In Philadelphia': :5 Aaadelphia: Seigel . , Lamb rt . Co., ka i uwit..,.1 , .4t1ce A Co., Truitt, 8r0..t Co., Dna, Morpn A Stici;ole A. T. Lane A C 0.,, Pnalroy,Caldwoll k Co. PITTSBURGII OFFICE, O. V 7 werEa E.TILF.ET. " ! R. W. POIN DEXTER, Agunt --- -...13 MEN WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CHAIITERSD DY Tan I Q 1 LA UGP OF Pe.'.II9BYLVANIA. auh ...... $300,000 Premium Netts...sll:24 - 0. TIES COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, ic., in town or country. DOV t.B: lion. Jno. J. Pearce,' Hon. G. 0. liar , vey , I Charier, 4. Maser. John B. Hall, Charles Orbit, 'Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, D. &. Jackman, IW. White, Thomaa 110 N. G. 0.11.12VEY, Preatclon• T. T. Anaams, Vice President. KITCLIY.:I, secretary. REPLIIIiNCES Samuel H. Lloyd, IDr. J. 8. Crawford, A. A. Wmagardr.er, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. 8 Cameron, Samoa Armatrong, A. White,. Thos. Bowman D.D, Foaron, James Qa,lggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Wm. Bleu, OFFWE--NO. 55 FIFTH STREET, Prrrsztiman. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPEUT, Agent. WEE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE A 0011PANY, OF PHILADDLFHIA. DrUCTOES—Criacios W. Blacker, 'Mimosa Hart, Tobiss Wagner Samuel Grant, Jac;..l) IL Smith, (lee. W. Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphi s, Bori D.;yld S. Browne, More rLt Patterson. Cuss. N. Bzun Preddent. Cass. G. Ilsuczas, Secretary. Continue to make insuranCe, PerPelnal or limited, on ovary description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, Ihich,with their capital and premiums, safely invested, at. Cord ample protection to the assured. The Meets of tho Company, on January lat, 1851, as pub e sh e d agreeably to an Act of Assembly, Were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 119 Heal 'F -state 84,377 78 Temporary Loana.. 83,988 17 Stooks 131,84 1 03 Cash, to. 84,348 81 Total $1,212,708 44'ga Since their Lucorporatlon, a period of twenty-one years ) they have paid upward of Ono Million your Hundred Thou. sand Dollars,i oases by tire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of iromrance, as well as the ability and dispoaltion to meet with proreplawas an liabilities. J. CAUDINEI3. 001 7 11 IN, Agent, Ofnce. north-oast cor. Weed. and Third sta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. GEORGE DIESIE, Vreiident; P. M GORDO; SeCretary. OM= No. 92 Water Street, (Bpang & Go'a Warehousa,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all of h 11:E AIL d 11ARMIZILIESE. A Home Institution, managed by leL•ector3 who ard well known in the community, and who are determined; by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the boat protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 81st, ISS7. Stock Acanatitsr--• Bilis Receivable, Office Furniture,— ..... Open Accounts, ...... —...- Ossb,—. ............ Preintom 13m Discounted, ...... HENRY H. COLLINS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND _Firm STREETS ; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: 1.11•111•1111MIMMIIIIMIMINNIMMI INSURANCE• 18,761 6) 7,838 61 $90,433 8 BY TELE OF PHILADELPHIA $121,600 00 2,160 00 4,161 67 40,919 - 59 .............. 195,C0S DIZIOTOES Jr., George W.Jackeop, Max.Swr, Wm. Smight;_ • Alexander Nimmx, Wm. H. Smith, F. AL GORDON George Derek', J. \V. Butler, Jeane 3 McAuly, Andrew Ackley, Nsthiniel D.M. Lam - • 0. W. atcketivry - - 11)1ACON. lbo Oonarygaoon, for eat WX! at NM ti 00f ~_-'+~`. PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA.. BOBERT GALWAY, President. .Ai.IL BRADLEY, Vico President. lirunlar, Secretary. 4 , ZrThis Company makes exery insurance appertaining to Cr connected with LIPS BIERS. Also, against HULL AND CARGO 1318103 on the Ohio and Misalssippl Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE ItiBllB generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and agelast the Perna of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DIIISOTORB. Robert Calmly, Samuel M'Clurkan, Joseph P. Gizzam, M. D 1 John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James Vir, Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chambers, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr, J no. Malin. so'2s 3 200,000 00 .. 52,485:61 $103,455 51 Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania,. OIFIOE, NO. 99 NVATEa Sl, I'ITTBEUROU stock, Due Bills—payable on demand and cecurel by two approved names $ 700 , 90 00 Cash In Pittsburgh Trust Company 62,230 37 Premium Notes 69 003 00 Bills Receivable.-- 16,956 01 122 shares Exchange Bank Stock—cost 0,050 00 tl9 do Itlecha^ ice Bauk Stock—coat 5,4)10 03 800 do Iron City Bank Stork—amount paid. 7,600 01) 700 do Allegheny Bank Stock— do de 6,050 00 Book Accounts 13,251 31 $ '263,485 61 J. H. filtuenberger, W. K. klleolck, Jeha -- .A. Cm:p:key, C. W.ltatchett:r, It. D. Cochran, Jdtne4 J. Bennett, Win. J. Anderson, J. IL gHOENBEiGER, Fresid ut ROBT. ITNNEX, B.cretery. tuys:ltu V 9,163 86 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANV OF PITTBIIIIIIOII. WILLIAM 11A0 LET, SAMUEL L. MARSH:ELL, Seczetaiy. OFFIUZ: 9i Water drat, Wiesen A'art.t/ arka .treat .017 i Insures EMU. AND CARGO k)bio and Mississippi Elvers and trlbutaz los. Insures against Loss or Damage by /LEA Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. William Bagaley, Capt. Marh Starling, Samuel sea, Samuel H. liter, James Si. Cooper, John 8. Dilworth, James Park, Jr Francis Sellers, Isaac H. Pennock, William B. Hays. Springer Harbaugh, John Shipton, Capt. Samuel C. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. J Ea.! PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opposite the Custom Boum NV - ILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF IlcOt.T RANCE, either Petpetuul or Liruttod, ou every description of Property or Alerchamil4a, at reauutxubla rota of premium ROBERT P. KINI, President.,,, 111. W. BALDWIN, Vice Pros Mont:. DICZCITOR.B. Charles Hayes, E. R. C , pe, E. B. English, Georg,: W. Brown, , . P. B. Ravery, Joseph S. Paul, ...:. C. Sharman, John Clayton, S. J. Aittgarges, E. Wllor. i F. BLAoißtfttill, Socretary. J. O. COFFIN, Agent, Jy4:iy Ooruor Thlld uud Wood ,stroi.da. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. SCOTT HOUSE, coriaar Irwin .F.ttf:c.t. Qua Dutlueen• Way, PITTSBURGH, B. D. MARKER, - - - PROYttIETOR, (Formerly of the "Ilarker Louse," Blairsville, ) THE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM- Pim= AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated In a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depota and Steamboat Landings. The Donee was built in 16bd, with all modern improve menta, and fitted up in aplondid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every reopcs:t be a tint class lieteL tine STABLES are attached to the premises. I jurlty CORNIICOPLE itESTAURAPdT. Bv ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. ption The atteutica ci Merchants <— and others Is directed to this t k. witablLaiment, which has Wen recently fitted up for the parpose of affording a SUBSTAN TSAL EA.TING ROUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION! Counh - yifolke attending market are particularly invited to Gall. Rterything pertaining to uu EATING SALOON will alwayo be fonna, of tt,o freshest the market affords. apßidydarw EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LO`iiVRY, Proprietor, Corner Main street and Youghiogheny River, Year the Railroad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. lIE ABOVE lIOTEL IS NOW IN COM. PLETE order for the r;-.,teption of ViaTirEi. It td bow:i t:Nilo located on ilia Linke of the Youghiogheny river, and eau be reacbect every day from the city by the CongoDevine Railroad. The roome are large, airy and well furnlahul,and the could be no pleasanter place fora few weeks summer residence in th, country. A few tamlllej can be accomma• dated. Terms moderate. Address Et. LOWRY, Lay2.6of SYtut Newton, Pa. THE NATiONAL SALOON, Under Foster's New National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA., D. BARNAItD, - - - PROPRIETOR, ur AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL trod 'comfortable style, Cie large centre store in the OLD FELLOWS HALL. Vlith s.reet, as a FIRST OLAS IIYSTAURANT AND t.ALOON. Having had many yeasS e exprlence In the tutness, Mali prepared to enpply the beat the market affords. ills liar will be furnished at all times with the best WLNES, LIQUORS AND ALES. Tho en trance to the Saloon, is in the centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at All tithes, DAY and NIGHT (Similays excepted., apltly ' 'WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENN'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., A. F. BEVERIDGE IL W. KANAGA. U U. S. ill o_l l E Opposite ilia Penna. Railroad Depot, LIARRISBURG, PA. [J.IS 'WASHINGTON HOTEL, IrOBALERLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. MIES BALANNOR, Proprietor. rpms HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DRPOTS., has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with now furniture, and is now the moot couva• Wont 4401 in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Itallicad, Eszt ANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ. PitOPRIETO7I „„No. 344 Liberty street, Jag boside the Paittengar .Depot it the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri vlng by that road. laThe proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, in excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teafegter4. Hie Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market Can afford. febl:y . 4 .p tip Excelsior Restaurant, - ?•4 -- No. 111 WOOD &rat, PITTEBINVIII, PA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND The undersigned hasp:tat received from the Eastern mar ket, selected with groat care, ME M, N4IIBUT, HADDOCK, /TREBEL COD KM, EASTERN BUN FIB SEVERAL VABIETIEB OF LAKE FISH, • - The finest over brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season served up at the EXCELSIOR nYsITAIIRAN T. sPaYd B. szEnrsucx. T. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. 10 Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—Tho undersigned,former ly of "Brown's Hotel," having, taken this large and commo dious HUM, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the horse and his long experience in the business, 4U-A a n give entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. telal , ma. a OONNZLLY. $317,641 Ltppineott, Shorten Si. Poorson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR MM. KANVFAOTUMRS TRVNICS, 'Par ...11c0 0 ,.Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling oirpes gags, do., k constantly un hand.a.large stook. We are prepared to a wholesale trade, and hay tug facllittes to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would Write the trade to call and examine our goods te. toreplelmildn, sat& =MI iSIMIMUM PITTSMIRGE. SATURDAY„AMGUST 7, ,F)8 INSURANCE. Assets--May 1, 1858. DIRECTORS I G. W. C 133, Davao M. Pennock, W. W. Martin, IL T. Leech, Jr., David McCaudiees, Iloorge 33. Seidel'. DIIiZOTOUS WASHINGTON, D.O ELABTIO.N FISH Hew York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Egg Harbor, Shell Oysters. ::...:x._.. BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBERT A. LOOMIS, - - (Successor to 13. T. C. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth stroot, Pittatrugh, Pa. co-partner..p. THEundersigned hare entered into Co- Partnership, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston & Co. SAMUEL IL JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM O. JOE:1870N, Pittsburgh, September 5,1857. G. G.. JOilli&lON, JIL WM. G. JOUNBrOW. Wrd. a. JOIINSTON 4% CO., QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTSII.B, No. 57 Wood etre( t, Third and Fourth, Pittshargh, P. TOBACCO AND SEGAKS. D. RINEHART, VII 0 TOBACCO, 6NUFF AND CIGARS Safely and gconettly an 5..1g,4ai. WHY WILL YOU I31J1:-N CAIIPIIENE AND FLUID, 'alien ydn co, t ell, ,poi Had ter light. i'pre Itorocene Ud, o' :di tr. in the gad of Cancel Coal, prodnc,t the chetipt:st. brill:Ant, steatly, p!easant and sdfo trt ildtt iiht i cee.r oner,t td tho public, and uo danger dt r 1. • ,, 1)1111141AI IL:. i ga3; rind 4111[0 no cheap; Lamp.: o: ttt firrtle +.a.! n-icily ntana;.t.od con tstructton. trot rule Ly T. td. Ito. 7J . S.lnithfo. strr,t Itt,vdarr of a cJunter i , it the worket, uhul, from Caml,hoho. watt a liti. l 4 (Jai t gt" , n t it. 11,13.7:1y $266,341 15 COOKING BY GAS. A WORDTOT I:: LA I> 1 Frill E HEATED IS APPROACH ING, di/c1 we t:".latlx:ation of ttw to th. tact that COOKING, lIIONING, ETC., Can be done economi, with,mt, on, r 05473 heat. a I t ou t Hoot, and with deavddi—t he fir) being alwasa raw' y iu e metunut-I , y aping Mnagravz'a Gets UooE:zing stove, T.l which we yoild atteoti...o, at No. 76 titrt,t. S. A. 1011Veri & BRO. Conuty arid City 111,7 7 1;tA fr;i- t y,d Al 2( EI.ES' WORM CON ' YECTION , C ONFECTION7 C NFROTION,OUN • ECTION,CONF E C 1 0 !i, t.) N N C TION, CONVE T I oN,C ON 10N,CON F 15 0 T 1 O N,CON if BC 'P 1 0 N 7 C 0 N C 1 At N C U N F iW U 'P 1 U N . Tho most pleasant, Gafe and offootoal Worm P. , medy now to aso. Prepared and sold, wholesale and ratan, by ANGELL & IIAFF, Our. Wood and Elath es., Pittsburgh, , And sold by Drua,dona omerallv. I r.D. QT. CIIARLES LIVERY STABLES.- LI The undersigned has bou,ght the lease miltt of the above nam ed Rabies, to gather with a portion of the oleo stock of D.orses and Carriagos,ate.L...... late the property of James Mudlnn!, deceased. In addition to the stock befuremoutioneri, he heno also added n number et BINS HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGL6, which were former!) ee_lph.yed Stebie., Third, below Wood street. As be gives big pereonol eiten• tion to the haelneos, a COLUDI:I3I2CO of tho putronnge tie has hitherto received from public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stabic4. N. D.—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. de2rt rrHE CHEMICAL OLIVE El LtAS SOAP, manufactured by D. C. k J. IL Sawyer, re. receives the preference over all other kinds over offered for faintly use. Its advantages over other Soaps are:-Ist. it is to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin 2d. Half the time need only be occupied in washing wbau this Soap is used in piece of other heap. lid. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with ? as the clothes will require little if- any robbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Eollittg.the clothes is unnecessary when this Seep 13 used, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. sth. Printers, Machini,ts, Painters and others, find it far superior to other Soap*. It speedily ry moves grease, tar, paint., printers' ink and dirt train the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the nee ut the wwsleboard, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, talus one pound of Soap, cut It into shavings, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into .a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let tLum sea's twenty to thirty minntei, wring out, and rinse in warm water once, :Cold water twice. A very dirty wrist.b.tml, or seam, or grease spots, may require a slight rubhing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and s. td . o, without rubbing ur Lolling. Cold water may be used le place requhing about double time in soaking. iftir Observe our name on eFe:h far. • ;kir elide, in any quantity, a; oar warithour.o, No. 4T wood street, awl at our works, opposite the llonud House, Penn. sylvanta avenue. B. C. Si .1 IL SAIVY.E.P., a. 21 No. 47 Wood street. - BUCKWIIEAT FLOULL.-20 sacks Blick wheat Flour, 00 lb sack. , +, just roceivod and foe sae by McOANDLESS, MEANS a, fe2o Curuor Wood amid Water atreeta- FLOUR. --'2.5 bblo. Supertine Flour roo.ive. , l tied for :late by I'4o - 1%1%1 - D1..1.15, MEANS 4 Cu., f'a'd ..... Corner Wood and Watcf: atrt , ota. riIMIGRANT ItiPLES.-A most desirable ji:j aad cheap vre.apou, at BOWS k TR'I'LNY'S, tsivl Na. ln. Wri'd 4tr..lt. LARD.—A prime article of No. 1' Lard, in barrble antik.ezjast recei vitt! and for exile by McCANDLEBtt, MEANS. ot CO., laM Corner a Wood and Wat..3r scrt-ois. Si Pie Fs. 26 bap Pimento; 100 " ()lain Poppor, jn,t rcceivwl and f.r ;ale by 311! LER k RfC!i.iLTSON. mr9d 7rl I,lb.rPtv .]runt . NEW ARRIVALS.—Wo aro taking into 6 tore, (t 2 street.) an immens • stock J Cu.:, Vapor for Jobbing pureoses • alai, bittnr, Cz.p Sand Not • ; Euv-lopoa in groit varlJty ; Vapor:, 'ev-ry site, and as Oman as they caii Lo boight tho wile; o we otter wholosale or retail, vary 10 , v for Oash. a 2 M. PE“IiiNA E 1 c;u p AID FlSll.—Wkito Fish, Trout, balmon, and Pickerel con2tanily on band, a Ind stack lo su; , ply holes:de trado, by jmyill LIEN la IL CoLlll\ ORANGES. -300 bxe. sweet, just received and for sale by REY3IER No. 311 Wood atroot, myl7 Opprlnte the St. eh:Arlen Hotel., --- WOO/MS.-100 doz. Extra Corn liroom3 1.39 on hand and G.ir gale by 0.0 D. C. J. 11. SAWYER. PROPRIETRE BD DUSTER TRIIIMINUS — Drab and Gray Duster Binding and Tug°ls, Junt opened at ap4l3 JOS. .11011.S1 4'S. 77 Mortlct strket. NTEW STEEL SPRING Slilltr s—Of the most graceful shapes, ou hand at 77 M arket On street, m}'B QEED SWEET POTATOES.-2O bmrelt3 Sood swobt. rot-awes, received and for e:Alo by J OM; A. FETEER, Corms Maitet and viral atrot, ta. DICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber A. Pickles, re etived end for sale by JAMES FETZER, fe2o Corner 'Market and First streets. —A DERF MER Y. —Lubin's, Bazin'3, it. Wright's, Glenn's and Liarrlson's Extracts fur the handkerchief, constantly on band at RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn starch; kficer aloes Starch ; linker's Farina; Bakeed CON re M h and Bruma Fs Cocoa Shell Reccivad and !or sale at JAYNES' TEA STORE, S 3 1 1 lith etrcct VII LLCM COPYING BOOKS.—Thoso bookii possess great advantage: over any others; the paper being thick and strong tai not tear when wet. It takes a most perfect imprestion and in convenient to refer to. When once in use their superiority is apparent. Sold by W. G. .101INSTOal Stationers, 67 Wood at. $9OO FOR SAL two story brick smoke Ton house , &c. te e house, of six mono, well arranged, pared yard, with hydrant, feinted, house is in good repair, p and papered. Situa East Lane, Miegheny City. Terms easy. B. CUTHBERT & BON, 51 Market street. RAY STATE APPLE PARING MA AS OffiNE.—A VERY USEFUL AND SUPERR AR. TIOLE—By Sire tarns of the crank, the aIO pple is PARED, CORED and SLICED. Patented, November Ilth, 1856, and February 17 th,1857, in Europe. For sale in any. quantity, at No. 74 Wood stied, Pitts. burgh. Please call and examine fo Vlr yourselves. L FAIINESTOOK. I Y 2 9 SA AKE FISH:A large' eupply of IV hi. 41.10 Trout, Salmon, Herring, &c.,iv rece_ed and for sale by iY2t3 Erg. ILY U. COLLINS. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—An undivided third part of that valuable h y 3l , of ua t t e(frontthe W corner yof 6Soxehe p a ndn W S o ix o t d h r ee. One-third of the above will be sold for si,ooo. One-half In hand—balance at onb, two and three years. B. OUVIIIEBT d SON, 61 Market street. ~~' eIHRESE;--30111arriving, and 1,1 for sale by (ma) =NU H. 000.08. ~ 7 :•:".‘;''..•;::', -4 '?1 . .;'. .: •.-?..:. ,7,' :', ' ..t1'.-. :• -. r 7 .:,.:.b'!i'i'S : ! . !. '.'?: ` ! ' 'l .- .. : : • Ct.;‘i. -. .1 .: 1 - ... 1 1f . ...:'.. , .- 1. ! . ::::: ;: .01'.::.'; 17 :-F: : :.,.':1:. ::. '','• :-! •: i.,... z . T.T:' , ..5:!::.';.! .:. ': ...' r.::e;.,7-.1i.4g,','=Zk,..:: AVD M=l No. 1.21; WO OD SI le F. P.; JOS. FLEMING'S., Corner Diamond and Market et. .. • • 'Y I lILIC •PRESSED 13: s 1500"lsores•-31ydraidio Pressed Mould Candles, made far Summer use, on hand and for sale by B. o.k J. IL SA R. fi t ~ • --;•••-, - ,=•i•• REAL ESTATE AGENTS CUTIIBERT SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 kJ. Market stret,t, for the E ale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; making con vey• ancea, deeds, bonds, &c.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, ac. ocla BELDEN SEYMOUR., Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. R.z7z.a.eness.—Mosers. Hanna, eurretson h (Jo., :tobert Parka, ESQ. 51.1::; '47 'n r 2 E BT 13' ANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, ti.LAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER Siti.l-.T CLEVELAND, OHIO, am for sato Lands in Illinois, Wisconßin, Nlinnesotd, Michigan and lowa. Ile will ernhange Lands in Wiscondu, ac., for Pittsburgh mannfactures,and also for city property. letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing ma LIB sbitiet. au.11:13. PROPERTY FOR SAE OR RENT, 1 1, G KIST MlLL—Thrce run of stones and .11 the machinery complete, corn and cab cracker, Ac., all iu goad •rdur, sv:tli A klwelnag home, ntuill3 bud two IQta at gr,Alud, sitAAtr tu [Much Pittmburgh, and will be sold on r,ry cony tenni by 8. CUTHBERT & 80N, 101 l t,l Market street. y AWRENOE COUNTY BONDS WANT ti .4 ED, iu ox.change for land. S. OU'PLIBERT :11 - 1%, tit Mat sei N. ASTEAM MILL in maiplete mining or der, with diviihiag ticiciaa, etc., near the tot aide by N. CUnIBERT ep'2l t WESTERN LANDS of good,quality, f.:t sale or exchange for Real notate in the city ap22 S. CUTEIBCRT & SON, 51 Pear's;.t: FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE—.L valuable property of 150 feet front on Covington et , Lawrenceville. by 100 dnop on Washington street to Cherry alley, thick Dwelling Liouse of 7 rooms well arr...nged,bata room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and real hum", litchi.o range, etc. The rooms are tiewiy painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of iloweia, etc.; goad p find fence. The ribeve offers a g,,0,i upportuuity to buy n c mplete and pleasant reeidenost. Price low, and terms accommodating. S. '.'CTIIBERT a. 5O x, Real Estate and General Agents, Jels 61 Market street. THE SILL; of the oheap Building Lots for sale by S. CUTHBERT & SON is 30 by 100 feet, Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $216 to $4OO each. Terms—One fourth in nand ; remainder at six years credit The lieu can be seen at the Beal B.ttate ORlee, It Market street. 0,1;1 14EAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots aro diered at such prices, and on Such terms, ai to !mike a home cooly to be obtained. hear it in mind, that they front un wide streets, the ,•I easy scenes by railroad, and ore very desirable h.cattous trr family residences Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lute is to be seen at jeri. 51 NIA Itlibl! StltEitr. FOR SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choim Prairie and Timber Land, situated iu ~.rthern Io a a and Soatliona Mie amnia, embracing the iluest lut Lf farming lands ev, r uiPred to thin mark - et, IL. they are 12cated conveniently L.,la, Towns 1111 d tines of Railroad. Pamphlets conta wing iu:ormation Bf value to emigrants and c.italoguta gitmg hamtion, description e. , :d price of the land, with a brief description of the cuantiei tc hiel they aro 10. tiled, c...; F. tFitilt on application at our autl they will be Bert tree t.y uLttl to persons solding• tladr addresa. WILLIAM. Lt. Cu, rui:6:Lf June,' EenMina, of FunrTh.Rtr , WIEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will eec,ire tt Building Lot of 2.sxldd fei t Priory $lOO--,f,10 in hand, rot - naiad-E . to mit parch:. r. 01 go, a Lot of 60x100 feet for $25O—V5 in heed, 1,61E11,C0 iu pa) meut6 to suit purchaser. ti, Cu I'll je23 51 31.r1cet 12 ACRES of Land and a conifortah le situate near the Witiihington Turnpike, st mil:l3 from Jones' Ferry, will be solder' calay term,. larmedlnte n oeortslon . tl:l•l'srmiLiura j,20" 61 Market Ptrcot. ALOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, hear the P.:lnroad station CO by luo feet will be r.old fur V:t7b, °tie-fourth in hand, remainder nt Him yrnre credit. cuTtianitT s: SON. a Mai k.t street. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. ' PARLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, corner of Fonirth and Smithfield Streets, p ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT -EA' he law roceivtd hts Sgrin,; of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS 0001)S, (Atha newest styles, best quality aad meet elegant ilescsip tonF, which too is prepared to manufacture to orth r id the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, ac canict fail to satisfy and please the most fastitliont taetoo, [my-19 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.-.- The firm of HAWORTH . LRO. SI BROWNLEE we 4., on the ad of May, 1855, digsolved by mutual co wont, by tho withdrawal of JEHIJ IiA=VORT3 from the above firm. The accounts of the lute dim will be eettled by .11..e.WORT/3 BROWNLEE. JERU HAWORTH, in withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks hia former 1.,,tr0n , and akto the patroao L, the late firm, for the very liberal patronage ho has re ceirod, and would kindly recommend them to his eacceseem, HAWORTH A BROW NLIIO, an they are determined to sell at low flgurea, having a vary la. go assortment - of CH &AP URGORILIES, WOES and LIQUORS on hand. JEHU HAWORTH. ta-,DA YID HANVORTLI and JAMES BROWNLEE have tliP3 day asgocteted together, and will continua on the business at the OLD STAND, corner of Diaraau,l f..nd Dia timed alley, under the style of IIAWOIIIII /4 BituViN Lig where they hope to receive that patronage so Ilberall given to Om old firm, as they are determined to sell EA i'Eti than any other Store in the city. Q -- • _ YRUPS.- 100 barrels "Choice" Golden S,ycup; 15 do "'Deno." iirei Quality thyrup; Jll4t reetived and fai aol 1y 31iLLEIR .1 Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty qtreet NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- A. A MABO6 , NO. 25 Pi th Srm, Aro row ov , alag itch Dref:A Mks. Berage9, Paris Brill li.nts, Aud a splowli.l ioleAioa of SPiilvk] SIT AVi (,p1 caEED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to close consign merit by JAS. A. FETZER., a 23 Corner Market and First streets. 001APOUND SYRUPS OF PHOS Rd ATE'S, OR CHEM.IOAI FOOD—This preparation is not in tended as a popular i emedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply the waste of elementary matter dariug the pregreis of chronic cases, particularly in Dyspepsia and Coast:Liao tion. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable i,, the taste, and greatial to the stomach, and does not u • ns• eats by protracted nee. hold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH PLEMINO, e 22 Corner Diamond and litlarket strug.t. fIOUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Bacon, Just recAved end for Rile b 7 JAMES A. 1 , ETZEB., at • Corner Market and fret Atroota. ROOM CORN. —3 tons first quality roe' and In, tart TI &NILS IL Crh LI NS. FANCY FRENCH. BASIiETS.—A nice mburtmeat jn3t opened, 11.0.atib"". 77 Mork , t 6trnvt. TINDOW GLASS.—An assortment 0 G,'Airkt.ry El.mortod air.os, fur eale by WM. IL SMITE( .t CO., 113 Rocond. and 147 First Atreot.i. WINDSOR SHADES.—hoId bordered plain and fancy. Also, is hada Trinmings, gc always on band at and fur gale cheap by J. H. PHILLIPS, myt3 'A and *.n St. eMir street. INDIA ROBBER. HOSE.—From I inch to A. 10 Inches in diameter. A large supply Jaat received at the India Rubber Depot of J. 4:: 11. PHILLIPS, my 29 2(3 And 23 St. Clair street. WALL PAPERS.— l iti r allPapers of all nude for sale at reduced pricea, by W. P. MARSHALL ,t CO., ippaListi GLASS INKSTANDS-0 .02.4 and prised, with Glass and Bronze Tops. W. S. HAVEN, Stationer _ - 14.4 PS OF 'ILIE DIFFERENT STATES- Iova, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Karßan, kth.eouri, Kentucky and Tenaeleo,etc, for `ale y J. K. EVE :DIN, Bookadier and Stationer, No. 63 Wood Woe, near Fourth. • • 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for et Uy IL L. FAIDTESTOCE E CO., Jel2 No. 60 cor. Wood and Fourth strgotu. DRIED PEACHES-12 sackschoice bright dry reaches received and for Bole by JAB. A. FETZER, Garner Market and First eta. eIHEESE.-200 boxes W. R.,- " English Dairy Cheese, for lien] PESKY H. 001,0148. DRY APPLES.--50 bags; 150 bblsDry Apples, for mats by je22 . HENRY IL COLLINS'. REEN APPLES-2 0 bbla. for sale by T Igo HENRY H. HOTATNE AMIAN TOOTH PASTE, prepared taw the supartsion of Dr. HaWhen Burgeon Den Ice Woe kV .103. nienaG, I:=AT:\Wi.;IM , 7! ;...:•!.:.:.... - :•. , -.A•ir4-: ••.• ..... ,•:.•:: ......, ....-, ...... ~......„.....,•, • THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK PIANO FORTES, Condoling of SIXTEEN of their new Seven Octave and Six and a Half Octave Pianos; have just bean received, and now ready for examination at the warerooms of the sub- CU I C FRING SONS' PIANO FORTES are not furnished by t`tom any other house in this city, and all orders must be (iirt , red to the subscriber.' LANDS! r . f . '", 2 FULL GRAND PIANOS! 3 litND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS 1 - 0 , 61 !Iv° , Menufactrry of CIIIOEERINO & SONS', ff:-.470N, just reC,l.7.ii from the manufactory of ()bickering el Boni', Boston, the fel lowing , I:4,zirable and elegant stock o G, PIANO FORTES : (me Fall seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly -arvell ease. Price $BOO uno Full seven octave Grand_ Piano Forte, elegant Roue- -41..1 core. Price .$7OO One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal , in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the nom of an ordinary square Piano. Price $BOO SQUARE PIANOS I Two fail carved Rosewood, Lords X.:Vtli, seven iictlives, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave---Clifford style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Throe Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four • .: ,f ,6 CI . 61/ . lit Four Rosewood " 4, ilit " 61/i . All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. The::. I., , Lrulviebt. have been finished specially for the Rcb,cribur. and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale Si their r,dra - .:,.: prit:re. JOHN U. MELLOR, No. 91 Wood street, .1.17 Sole Agent for (Dickering & Sons'. CHIN LES W. LEWIS, ILDEILEINt 0 : FFICE ON TILE CORNER OF WYLIE AND UIIII. STREETS. All cennoctra - vith thi.l office will' be attended to with pte....A.Le,A. Conveyances of all kiwis done with legal !, Lebs, 'kiertgagA3, Bends, Powers of Ed to,ney, t. Real .I`state Te the m:::. tree of tie: ilia Ito ..tn.:era hid set vices ac Com mllll°ll,3l. to take Depasittens to be read in the Revoral Cour ti of this titate, and chit:whore. Ilia office it one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consnrnmntly hi; facilities in omit:au: l uaiuoeoo: that kind ore };era desiraule. I felO:ly iiielerinraii's Office. TAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE, AND POLICE.' N. 69 Grant street, nearly eppo siL, th , Court louse, Pitt,burgh, Pa. DepoEitiona, Ack.r_ow lelgmento and Prounte3 taken: the Record 4 examined, mmt,.ges, xvitl4. Loren, Articles of Agree- Inunt, and of l'nrtur.runlp , Li,ttore of Attorney, etc., etc., op ahort not:co; liturtages Solemnized, and all le I of as otticiP.l dutiea, promptly attended to. Li:L.4, uni,t• hoar,, 71.4 to t P. n., and from 2 t 6 P u. apSay 143,enootio orcruATU VTEST, * - Fto desire to :E. pare:lngo good fanning lands, aro infOrmed that we have for sa!e 632 acres of I 4nd in Boone county, lowa. Also 11-, acres of 1:.1.1 in frunklin county. will bo sold on easy toms by B. CUTHBERT & SON, 15 . 51 'Market street. 4"NIGARS O!tIARS!—I have received this ‘..." day 4 14r7.4 lot. of genuine imported Morena cigars, of the old r.:11 known -SenecA" brand. Those wishing 4 Lot of good chore ahonldcall and examine my stock before purchasing elsestere. JOS. FLMMING, .112 Corner Diamond and Market at. C L ARE T WINE.— ) owes N. Johnston a Sons nadoc Claret Wine; " ‘. St. Julien Claret Wine 00 C. C. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for .1a1.5 by MILLER & Lay - ift Non. T.t.% and 323 Liberty .treet. riIIIS.IICALOLIVE SOAP.--1000 boxes J Gnomical Olive E 2 asive SD5p, on hand cnd for sale by j ( .7 13.0. A J.. EL t3hYVY CON.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoul ders, sidcs and Hams, ;tut received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, Oorner hfaiket and Vint atraeta. _ g_ Dl(3o.-2 oases Manilla Indigo, just re ceived and for 881 e by mylB MILLER E RICK_ETSON. DRIED APPLES.-50 bush. Bright Dried ,Applea just received And for aalo by JAS. A. FETZER, rl4 Corner Merkel, end Emend Of R. PONGES. -I have just received a largo lot finagier Batting Sponges, of every sin° and price. Mow wishing a R.:aid article In this line, ahould call and on:amine y btock before purchasing elaewhorc. JOB. FLEMING, Turin Cornar Diamond and Market straat. TeRFIBII NUTS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds; " Paper Shell " 10 bap Filberts ; 30 " Cream Nuts; 30 " Pecan " 300) bus. Ground " 1,300 Cr , coa " Just received and for ealo by P.BY2IER Er ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, ten Opposite she St. Charles Betel. V:• .iii PIANOS AND MUSIC -01- FROM THE MANUFACTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, BOSTON. Lt otlce. • JOAN 11. MELT OR, No. 81 Wood etreot, Solo Agent for Chickering & Bone' Pianos,. for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylyantu PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 ALDERMEN. And iLx-Officio Jnetlce of the Peace, QTOUKINUS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC. Suitable i r the approaching hot season on hand by jegt JOS. IioRNA', 77 Market street. PT 1, i'...35,---:500 boxes Bxl.o, 9x12 and 10x12, EL t,.,- ~,,,, 1.--i (..y, , iiinitY 1.1.. 001,1.120 i. . eIOB PRINTI.N(.4.— Car•la, Freight Bills, Circulars, bray Receipts, Bill Reads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with pr'naptne.as and a: fair prices. .i. E. wELDIN, Printer and Bind..r, mylit Woad street, near Fourth, A.Cfi.E,S of choice land, with good 1 preveta mite, Bear the city, for sale oa easy terms by E. CITIIIBEIRT ic EON, . . . _ jolt) 51 mailt.t erect:. t;.l ACRES of Earmink, Laud, near tJ•k_- rJ Uniontown. for sale at $6 Fr acre. 1 4 . CUMBERT do SON, 51 Market at. LI.S 1 BALLS' BAJI,LSI—A largo no td Yo,t, Solid and Bat Balla, Just received an whol,a:e an I re tail, atSt. the In rtrectdia linblier 2,sand 28 Clair ~ mr.:9 J. t H. PHILLIPS, A c•i S I FANS 1 I—Palm Fans by the case, dozon, or single at Et torn prieeajcith other-varieties cf Fancy F:111P, fur solo at HOMES, jeS 77 Market street. Emoss.-100 boxes Palermo Lemdne _LA JEN:. and for Bala by HEWER A ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, ....Ito St. Charles EloteL LAIt I) 01L . - 6 , 0 tar rids Extra No. 1 Lard Oil ; " No. 2 Lord Oil, on hand and for eale t by IlaylB] B. C. 4k. J. H. SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.—JuBt received a lot o PJ strictly pare Old Clover runmt Java Coffee. Also, La guy - ra. and Rio CoMir:, at JAY I.'l E S"2 TL + A STORE, 38 Fifth street. - DUKE BLAUKBEItitY AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal purpoeee, at HAWORTH it BROWNLEE'S, e 5 in the Diamond. 1..)00.K. RESTS—Made of Mahogany and well Snit hod. for sale by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer. ILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS -A large emortment alwa; a on hand, or made to order. W. E. HAVEN, el 4 Corner Market and Hotond streets. _.,WYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various FiZN and colors always on hand, at Vic S. HAVEN'S, Corner Ma:hot and &Gond sta. AL FARM of 238 acres---near Economy, fo Ba k, b y B. acres, near 116 SON 51 Market, areet. - WENCH LEMONS. -20 just received an. • for kale by KREMER It SON,AND ir2S No. 39 GERMAN DRAWING} PAPER---In rill fcr Ibigrr.sera, far !ale by J. x. WELDIN, ettyl3 F2 Wi.OFI s traat. tagT,Yrortb, fIIIIII. BANDS, Port Folios, Desk Pads; ‘JI Bankers Casei, Part Atoutde3; and Pocket Books, fn j. by 'W.' S. RAVEN'S; i Corner Market and Second atreobi.- UN.N Y SACKS.-300 large three bushelei lA , Gunny Baas, new and An good cfrder;for, sale by JAB. A. FEMUR, Owner - Ifirstend !dulcet strode. AAESTNITTS.-5 'barrels Ita li an, received this day, and for sale by ItBYKRP. .4t ANDZIMON, No. 89 Wood street, Opposite tit. Charles Hotel. NUMBER 255: EOM MISCELLANEOUS. MILITARY. GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS TEA VE CONSTANT -a- LY on hand a complete stock ot • MILITARY GOODS 001010VILIO I i PART OP pLPALES, , SWORDS, SASHES, T AqP,ELS. Volunteer, Companies: 1 Irtll.39lllCD WI FULL 'AT 811011 T :INTROS. SILK AND BUNTING FLAGS MADE— TO ORDER. JNO. B. M. I PADDErsi 95 MARKET STREET. WAHL FiIiNESTOCI4 't No. 14 Wood, street, Pittsburgh, 'ETAS-JUST REOLIVED DIRECT:FROM ENGLANT,-- „ „ , AI,DRON , GRIFOINT 6H-is:mice ._ . . ,Cigifil' Aiiiii . 'GUN' SCIITIt: , 9 I doiu ROES; PATENT AND commorrnlivruli FFEar. • Traps , I 'very- superior 'Diawer Locks,' forhaoi3riur Gii Locks, Tinned dud Ea n mailed, Rance Pans, Alazting.gPoon 6 2 Braas Cs'adloitleks, Bros:lt:licks, Broad Stair Rods; Braces a= Bits, Measuring Tapes; Superior. Waiter; . Carryiebmbs, Teaccs, Coil, Fifth, Pooples, Stretch and Bresst Ohoins ; with n roricty of other gc.ed - 4,, oil of frtti:h tart tio 614 at mod oroL) ton ao. .a. 0,3 A MES MILLE 0 AR, IvIONONGAIIELA 0 1) PLd'NING nILL, would re'spectfally inferin s the'inblia that he has rebuilt Wilco the tire, and .4avitig Palaripd his omtablisliniont, and filled it with the newost and moat op proved machinery, ti now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boards, co rowl*i7tillf_r and rem:wing, doors, sash and >butters, kiln dried, frames, niouldingsi bon cl*ki;g, Eolith Pittsburgh. September 7, 1857. LelB.lo GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS., L A' EI I A C H 11 . A P. a PEOPLE'S SHOE STOIiE, No. 17 IroTn . ST. CHI GbRENS' SHOES jell WINDOW GLASS.-SPOO yards from 2 to 6 Inch inch diabAter, fbe ado by B EANS. -25 bblo. whit© Beane . , for; salo by JAB. A. FRTZRII, 4.27 Gatuor and t Mniket sts. LA RUE ,N vurignm—gfati IfANDS IN VIRGINIA, lowa dna:Texas, for =le by .c.t. cIIITMIRRT • il; SUM myl3 , 61 hiurket tract. INDIA RUBBER CARRY C0M8..--, The beet article in nee, ;net rocelvd at the India Rubber Depot, 26 and 28 tit. Clair etrett. . my 22 . J. & 11. PIEMLIP.S. pRINTED BILL BOOIC-S—AssortedEliZes NV. S. HAVEN'S ra,y24 Stationary . . Warehouse. IEXAS, TEXAS.-540 acres of goodfaxra ing land in Haya county, near Amain; TOXLM' and timber land, Su pur acre, far bale by 3. WTI:WERT S SON, 61 Market at. OIL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yards of vari ous patterns and widths, Just" received, from the fan jj4g,crirnotar,alo or retail, by J. a 11."1.1111LIPS, 26 and 28.91 Clair at:cc* _T UST RECEIVED A SUPERIOR :LOT ty of Double and Single Barreled Onus, for sale low by DARTWILIGHT .t.,YOUNO 9 . No. SO TrocA street. my 27:me tFOR SALE.—tine-third of a valuable 'pro petty, having a front 61130 fret - on Wood street by 60 deep on Cirth streAA. S. CUTHBERT It BON, mrda 51 Market street. QEVEN ACRES.—A Lot of Ground of 7 f.. 7 norm, In Collins townolan, (morning oiciojernltnpla for a countrr rem:Wenn. Per sale by my2l a CUTIIBEIVP EON, 51 minims st. GLASS. -300 boxes assorted. sizes Window Glass, good country brand, fir sale by Grainy iL _counts. ROCAIS.-50 doz. reo'd.and forisle by ILENIti IL COLLENS. - 1,' 1 .1511.-500 packages White Fish, Salmon, _„L' and Trout, for' ealo by (my7.l) IL-11. COLLINS. NO. D. WOREAR Y'S COL'D• PRINTING IN S—Sold by - N s.l - 2.11 J. R. WELDIN. lORN.-10 bags shelled Corn receiv©d and for sale by (Jai 1113-tillY IS COLLINS. fI . OIINTRY - BACON.-1000 lbfi, Oduntry Bacon, Hama, Shouldion and Sides, received and. for sale by JAS. A. FETZER; rovl2 Corner Monet and Vtrst sta. `HECK. BOOKS—On all the Banks and _l'Brokers at W. 9. HAVEN, mr24 , Printer and Stationer. O.ALAD OEL.-1.0 baskets pure, just reo' and for sal ' ' by ItilYardi. ANDEB.SON, 4 No. i 9 Wood street. LAWRENCE, CO.'S DOUBL .E.NAWKLED VISITING CARDS.—SoId by J. IL WELDIST IORN.-200 bush. prime white Corry for Bala 14 (ar97) tt.ENRY 11. COLLINS. rfrO commodious three etory.Frarne norm, with Brick Easement—eitnated on Bedford coreetm—to rent, by and RICRIVISON," Ecr2s • Ilea. at and 223 Liberty street. 1111111UTTER.-3 bbls. fresh roll, for Salo by mrl6 ' nr,lgitY FL OOLLTDB —as (IB.EAP WALL PAPER.—A new supply of new portents for E ;I v ? tv MAIIS : OALL - a c 0.., Si Wood Btreot glutton -100 bx 6. McClung & Caxapte I.l.T.tra Starch, for nal() by 1e2.0 11. Slllll3F.t CO. $l5O A two story frame house, o our LOOMIS, bituato In .3cath Flttabutgla, near too Bridgo. Largo lot cf ground, fruit freed, Ice. Tap 111(:01. easy. For dale at the ttcal Estate Office of oUTEEBEBT dr. SON, 51 'Market street. OHN THOMPSON & CO. - jug ej received and for eala, a large lot of Englift Wel:titian Red, Rochelle Ochre ' _ • Vermont Ochre, French Zinc, American Zinc, • White Lead ? and S9hitAug, at 116-ir hitt! ItiP V , LOUR-50 bbl 3. Superfine Flour just re ceived and for sale-by JAS. A. - FETZER, Corner Matttot and First streets. TAB CANDLES.-1000 boxes - _Extra IC Quality Adamantin.e Star Candles, on hand aid for Bate by Lieu , B. 0. is J. IL SAWYAB. ARD UlL.—No. 1 and No. 2 Lard:Oil _L. A - -constantly on hand and for Bale by 137 13. C. &J. H. SAWYER. • VIIRE MADEIRA AND CLARET WINES, by the bottle or gallon, at, ILIWOILTII .5c BR %OWLEE Ii a tho Diaronad. BIILLDING LOTS--12 Lots, each 30 feet front by 100 deep, 75 efts iniEnst Liberty,--near crarth the lledleoad Depot. Prices from $2 t0.5406--tercas,onet in hand, balance at 6 years credit. Call and Bee the plan. my 26 CUTIIPERT EON, 51 Market et. /PESTERS.—Borders and circles .lor Tes- A. tors. for silo Ey rov3ll dr. 11.0311NY.-6 bbls. Flint Hominy for sale cyl2 by FIXZEIt, . . Corner Market an - dititlitittit. an d for ode ItEVEC ti.pD i aB B o l7 N oo , t. friORPEDOES.-500,000 No. 1, just ree'd No. FOli, FOURTH. OF • . jv —tire Werke and. Fire Balloons manufactured by H. r.. Diehl, Pyrotochniat, for sale by ANDERSON,' No. 39 Wood street, Opposite •the St. Chutes Markt I'AYETTE COUNTY FA_Ra . FOR SAILE. —BO2 acres in Wharton township, 4.0 muter fence with log house, etc, good springs; coal and limestone; oneebalf the farm is line timber land, and abort 100 acres in meadow. The soil is good, well adapted for a stock or grain firm, sit. nate at 1% mites from Fayette, Sp; lugs, 9 mites from Union town, and 15 from Oonaellsvillo, will be sold at a low prim, or exchanged for approved Western leads.' - Jog , _ OITTUBEIIT urt 51 Market it. . IDIOVRE JAMAICA RUM I) ILO • jk GIN, by the bottle or gallon, at HAWORTH BROWNLaa.cly 12 the Dian:Lona WIN_ lIMIRELLA.S.:—SiIk - aiid .Ginglistm 1..7 Bon' Umbrellas, suporior to 'ParnsoLq, for aale atirnry w rotes, at . J3OIINE',I, .. inS • ' - Ti Ili:lift g#ect: TV' IGNS—Aiv i•t eseitir t 'to 'Dectiraiiire ; for ddsigns panneling in Oa; Marble ,and. , ftesciA Prepared__l)ytizAßEtliALL - .ti CO. QERrioinad -or ", do, by. Jorouroar-4 cai Stationers, 61 Wood s myl7 veo • udge and J 3 O lL quota, t 6 all colors, for Fire Boords f %V. P. 3100110 MX: • kriuLEttEs, BUTTONS, VerENVS, . LI J .EITO, ; ETU P.. hI ,; , • ' ' I E 8 H • 0 , G. PAPER - AND. E . J. U. Vra. DIN