Ett Vorning :-.1305t JAMES P. BABB, Editor and Proprietor PITTSBUPC I4 FRIDAY 111ORNING DnICC.&9.TIC STATE TiOIIiIIATION3 You STYPREME. JUDGE, WILLIAM A. PORTER., PETLA.I)ELPIIIA tea CABAL CO Mil sawirgit, WESTI,,F,Y FROST, OF FAVET - TE COUNTY THE WEEKLY POST : - For this week will be found at our counter to -day. It contains one of Sut L)vengood's rich stories, and a variety of Editorial and Local sews, Frith the Latest N , ‘‘s by tele graph up to the hour of its issue, Weekly h view of the Pittsburgh Mark, is and other late Commercial News. Price tivo cents, with or without wrappers. All Honor to Cyrus W. Field ! The Mantic Teleg,raph Cable Laid COMPLETE SUCCESS OF SCIENCE AND PERSEVERENCE About one o'clock yesterday, a brief mes sago was sounded over the telegraph wires, annotlneing that- the great project of laying a telegraph cable across the Atlantic t), had at last terminated in a triumphant -uc cess. The following was the first ineq.a;,,,, received TRINITT BAY, August s.—Ttp:s l'itagars ;,;ts arrived lizro, having slice-e5...41111y - the l'Oe graph Cable. the chore end will be Ichd‘ .1 to- morrow. The signals are perfect and the s.ue cesa of the great andertsklug is now eonsii,4ed perfect In less, than an hour after, the fL.11,..\ ing message was received from Cyrus IV. Field, Esq., the leading spirit of this great ehtcr. prise, and the man of all others to whose persevering enterprise under great and appa rently insurmountable difficulties, the n ork has been successt ully accomplished It will be observed that while there k question that the Niagara has d,oe, ar,tl well dc,ne, her part of the work, no trienti,.n made of the Agamemnon. The t:=l . r ; .,rraptii,! ,ig nals between the ships are kept up, hut no mention is made that the Erigli , h vessel Las reached her destined port. If she he:, not done so, there can now be little doubt that she will do so The first message between the two worlds will be from the Queen of England to the President of the United States, and the second, the Presidents Mply. We learn that Mr. Buchanan was telegraphed yesterday at Bedford Spring ,, , of the fact of the arrival of Niagara, and tu•day the head of f ivi r _e British Empire, and the Chief Magistrate s (1 the Lmerican Republic will probably exchange the greeting of. the Nations. Air. Field may well feel proud of his achei v_ went. It will hereafter lie looked upon as the great event of the present generation He announces his success in modest terms to his rejoicing fellcv - ,countrymen. The fallow ing is his dispatch TRINITY Bta, August 6.—The Atlantic Tzle- graph Fleet, sailed from Qeenetown on Satar -day, Jalyl7th and met in raid-ocean on the 2stli. The cable was spliced at one o'clock, P. M on Saturday, the 29th, and the vessels then sebara- ted, the . Aeamenanon and the Valorous, bound to Valentia, Ireland, and the Niazara and Gar- don for this place, where tho latter, arrived yes- terdr.y, and this morning the end of the et.ble will be landed. It is 1698 nautical, ur 19Es/ statute miles from the telegraph house at the head of Valencia harbor, and ,the telegraph house, Bay of Bull's Arm, Trinity Bay, and for more thwa two-thirds of the distance, the 15' ter it °vit./Niro =diet in depth. The cable has been paid out from the Agamemnon, at about the same speed u from the Niagara. The elec- tries' eignals are sent and received through the whole cable perfect. The machinery for pay ing cut the cable work,l meet eatiefactorily and it was nzit stopped 1.. r a sins:le moment Capt. Hudson, of th) Niagara, Me.ssrs. ett and Woodhouse, die engineers, elaztriciqa9 wand officers of the ship, and, in fact, every roman on beard the telegraphic fleet exerted himself to the utmost to make the expedition successful, and by the blessing of Divine Providence sue., seeded. After the end of the oebto he. 3 been landed and Connected with the land tine of_tole- graph, and the Niagara has discharge(' some of the cargo belonging to the Telegraph Company, she wi11• go to St. Johns for coals, and then proceed at once to New York. CYRUS W. FIELD The Twenty.accond The Butler Democratic Herald expresses surprise that wo should have mentioned the name of Jacob Zeigler, Esq., as a suitable candidate for Congress in the twenty-second district. It says that it is conceded in Butler county, that John Graham, &q., is entitled to the nomination. All right. We thought — the Butler papers were a little slow in their movements, and hence our suggestion. We distinctly conceded to Butler county the right to select the nominee. We have no wish to dictate, but certainly have the right to gest. S i 121012 Points up. . The Pittsburgh Gazette is in favor of Simon Cameron for the Presidency in 1860. Is he the favorite eon of the Know Nothing Repub lican Old Line Whig party in Perinsylvanik? We are inclined to the beliet that if this wily politician insists upon the nomination for thi: Presidency, he will succeed. Mr.. Vernon Record This periodical is devoted to the purchase of the home and grave of Washington. It could have no higher or worthier object.— Why is it that in Pennsylvania, the birth place of Independence, so little interest is manifest ed in this important and patriotic subject.— Will not western Pennsylvania move in the matter? Why not Pittsburgh establish a Braddock's FieFields`'.Association,and contribute towards the purchase and payment of the brave of Washington. ME work of construction of the unfinished part of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago road, west of Plymouth, is in rapid progress, and .the grading and track laying so far advanced as to insure the opening of the road to Chicago, by the Ist of November nat. 41M . St, -0:.:..,.-- - ..-:44 -4-.'!-'._;;;;.:::,.,:.7-2. ,:......V774-0.414,.,.,5.311 ~..,,,,„ ~, . ... ...,..., :<,-: LETTER. FROM STEPII. D. DILLAYE. By the eastern mail we received the follow ing letter from Stephen D. Dillaye, the dis charged Appraiger General of the port of New York, whom Mr. Hart chastised: 1. Resolved, That the Demoorats of Barks _ county have unabated and undiminished confi- NEW Y)ax, August 3,185 s. deuce in James Buchanan. A statesman of ea dats,E P. Barr, Esq , Editor Pet(sburqh Pout •—• larged experienco—a patriot of unsullied purity Dear Sir :—On the first of July, under the beading —the exponent of true Democracy, re will of "The `Fables Turned," yon pribliehed an articleyield in future as In the past, cordial, active nod ()barging me with " defrauding the government," ettici , ent support. . Resolved, That every measure of his adfuln• with "dishonesty in making appreisements," with. ,si tration has been based on sound oonstitutional mutilating records," with "extortion," itc., and Democratic principles. In Utah, suppress "i.,c , /...e. Prceurnizg that you could have had no intcn” ing rebellion and treason—upon the ocean vin• tion to do me injUatiCO, grave as the charges were, cleating the integrity and glory of our flag—pro and that oon will be a 9 ready to exculpate me as tenting our weaker neighbors from the attacks you were to nrenouzes me guilty, I send you to•day of seditious malcontents from within our bor ders—and lastly, but chiefly, the settlement of my reel;, containing the refutation of the charges the ER.13`35.9 question upon thei.just principles of alluded t , ,. You pill also Zee by the 11,rald of this popular sovereignity, subject, however, to the dote the esti:not , in which my reply is ',Ell I constitution and laws. These are acts which I won a, (all and as Nil- a antics of my reply as add true glory and renown to as as a nation, and yeti g'iv! to I.'na acotiftti' , llE , t , I Mr. (luthric. This I I endear the administration of James Buchanan to hob- , ~ht b, erl..cct, end ,l, exit". every,. law-loving, law abiding and patriotic A ~,• . I ,t, of yi - t: paptlr, C,rl.elnll , j, -1::h ~ - ..i:`P) 1 clto`n AUGUSC 6. 1858 We pr 'less to edit an independent Demo oratie journal Ad write and publish oLat ' seeineth to us good," whether it is - entirely eatiefactory " to Mr. Stephen D. ltilltive or not. We received his tetimplilet Before we did his letter, and unbiased by the t.,110 in which he addressr.;s us, gare, in yesterday's P,s/, what we deemed a " full and Eir notice of his reply." We are rot Reensti.ined to have disgraced New Yerk n office boilers liseharg.i•d r t, us about r; , tits " and K bat srtld C,.r•V of ;air upini.,n c.l r, which Wt 2 tray “ptios to such a degree iy '• see himself as others see him Th.:: following precious production wa,h picked up somewhere, and was doubtless intended for the editor of the- 7rue Press, although not directed to that impersonable person. Inasmuch, however, as we do not know this, and as it is a curious "piece of ritin'." we will give it publicity, supposing that the a.2compliehed author, .}fr. Lazarus, will be gratified to get defore the public, this once. We do not understand the paper fully, but coppice that our sagacious and syrupa thiring readers can make something out of it k ~e: ~':.' ' ! .f~~ . lA.), ..)!? vcry , SILIPHEN D. DILLAVi 'iTEREISTING LLTA.EIt Jlr. —I would rcapec'ittily ask tor a atnall .pace in your valuable aad widely circulated news papar f tto purpuae replyin to euce of the vile slindera ihnt have been started about EllO in o..nuea tin with the late app•Antment of the United States odicerz in this county. Licin' retired F.:3 I de, and girin' my whelp stten- Lien to tuy daily Gccupashuu, the sound of the dis pctcs orueng the ulb , erable rabble of piotOssional Felitic'eca and cth.'o hunters, Hardly ever reaches my can. But I was met tho other day by a mutual friend of "Old Buck " and myself, and ho astonished me by tellin me what the lyin slanderers have been siyin about 11E—ard I thought it my duty to the President and other fiends, to addroes a few lines to come ed itor, t. put matters right befero the public, though I never have appeared before. the people in that way. Shortly after the inauguration, when Col. Samuel Siamboodlo, Major Brawler and myself called on Buel4,"—for I hr,ppennd to laa in Wa,bing•on then, much to the it jwy of my businees s —he asked me what be ought to do about the GI:TIZSE, here. I told him candidly. as an old friend would tell another, that I would have nothing to d..) with the matter, as I lid not want to ell any and tha he know 'd the men that ought to be appointed in Pennnylvania just as well a.s any Luau in the State. . 4 I thy eppeintmeLte awe not made ter Acme thee, Set. trot periciee ware to ms about them, kLawin' I waft a eenfidential friend of " O.d DUOS,' and or.e feller, who wanted the Allegheny Post Office, I. believe., had the impudence teweite me that my "efferts in his favor weal& be suitably requited." I feat hurt and angry at the beau insinuation that money would buy my influence. Lam a poor man, it is true, and have nothing but what I make by my daily labor and my little business to depend on, but the idea of buying me to advise an old friend to put any chap into office was au infamous offer, which I could not be blamed fur resietin' and resentin'. I have his letter yet makin' the disgraceful proposition. Well, as lives detained in Washington longer than I expected,—greatly injurp' my business,—l got some other letters about OJECES. Another chap in Allegheny thought I was to be secared in another way, and so he hod we nominated for a paltry little office that I didn't wart, and then hinted that I asked him to have it done. Any Ono that knows me knows that it weu:d be a loss to ins and destruction to my business to take any such office, even if there had been no bribe intended. So I was glad to find that the man vela) made the base attempt was not ra-iippinted by the President. Of course that fuller is now one of my bitterest slanderers. When the name of my young friend, John C. Dutio, won mentioned no Pll , O , star to Meet Anderson in the Post Office, I wite at home hard at work, as I usually am, and a friend called to get me to go to Ww.hiegten about it. 1 wld him it would be impos e:6.c to arad that though I was well ac ,Aus:ntr.t with Dann, who was a worthy young Dem ocrat, I Coalti LA get away to help him. However, I was finally induced to go and stay a few months, and talk to the President on the matter. I told "Old Back" that he was a talented young feller, who had once been an editor, and worked hard for him, and that be was the author of all the resole. Hens that had been passel in the county cmventions for several years—some of which I shelved him. It is not for sae to say that I had any influence in pro curia' the appointment tar my young friend, for the President generally attends to his own affeirs—but I must say that I was delighted with his selection— for Mr. Dunn is a young man of fine talents and manners and habits, well known to the people, a good Leconapton man, and recommended strongly by both Col. Stambomile and Major Brawler. I hardly know whether it is worth while to allude to the monstrous charge that I am to receive a per oentage from the incumbents in Pittsburgh and Allegheny °faces. The charge Is so absurd and outrages that I had concluded to pass it by. It I teas not known as a hard workin' man, attentive to my business, never mixin' in politics, never intrignin' for anybody—if I was not always to be found et my home, not knowin', nor earth', who was layin' round Washington, borin' for offices—these base and cow ardly slanderers might have some color or foundation for their contemptible lies. But when it is known that I never meddle in such matters, havin' no taste for trickery of any kind—and when it is Gown that I have not been at Washington pore than twelve of the seventeen months that Old Buck has been Presi dent, this base slander must recoil on its inventors. I beg, Mr. Editor, you will give a plain Democrat a hearin' in your exeollebt noospaper. This writin' is a new thing to me, for I want to live quiet and retired. Soule other time, perhaps, if the vitooper ators do not cease, I may publish some letters In my poseesbi.n showin' how tar these fellers have gone and exposin' these schemes to injure me and the President. Respectfully yours, DRED LAZAEI 8. IMPORTANT T 3 us —The election of J. Edgar Thomson, President of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, to be the President of the Pittsburgh Fart Waylie, and Chicago Railroad Company, is a circumstance of no small im portance to the business interests of this city. There is every hope that the latter road will be completed early in autumn. There will then bo a through line to Chicago straighter and shorter than that which -leads from New York. The former management of the Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne road sympathised with the Pennsylvania, of which it was indeed a most valuable adjunct, and is destined to become still more valuable upon the completion of the work. If both are under one direction the policy of each will assimulate in harmony, so that both may be man aged with the supervisory wisdom which will best accord with the prosperity of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Chicago.—Phila Sunday Dis,v. —Said A romou to an old maid, my husband Li not BD good a husband 1143 ho should be, but he is a powerful eight hotter than none. . - • Berke Oonnty Resolutions The following resolutions were passed at the annual county meeting on Thursday, Au gust :id, rtt the Court House, Reading: ;. .I.:csclved, That in hie Cabinet, the i'lelidcut of the United States bas the advice and ct , uusel (..f 'mi . ! statesmen, ddv3ted to the bast intereAs of the several departments committed to their charge, and that, as Pennsylvania Democrats, we point with pride to Jereraich S. Black, the At y Oeneral as one in all respects the equal of the great lawyers who have been his predeces sors _ - 4 Resolved, That the thanks of the Detnocra ay are due to those Democrats in the last session Cmgress, who grappled with and settled the Kansas question under the Just terms and con ditlons of the English bill, which should be re ceived and acquiesced in by every true Democrat as afi settlement of the slavery question in the halls cf Congress and elsewhere. 5 Resolved, That we cordially endorse end ap prove of the course of our Representative in C6rogress, the Mi . ,' J 13boacyJonee. Firm :mil decided, truly Dernovatic and unawed by the abuse of faction, he has stood in the floors of Congress the able exponent of the views of his own constituency and of the National Adminis tration. His able discharge of the responsibili itic3 of his position 08 thO,Chairlllen of tho Coui mittec of Ways and Means, and his truly - ination• al course 01 al subjects, have endeari4 him to the true Demnraoy of the Union, anewc, his immediate constituents, owe him, therotere our, hearty continued support. Rssolved, That in the election of William F. Packer, as Governor of Ponnirilvank, the peo ple secured the services of cue well yunliticd, by experience and ability, to admiuister the affairs of State. By a strict sillierenoe to a truly Den, ocratic policy, State and National, he will centre upon him Cue respect and cordial support of the Democracy of Berks county. 7 Resolved, That the appointment of our fel low citizen, the lion. William M Heister, to the °time of Secretary of State, was a merited compliment to his fitness, integrity and fibiLty, and is received by the Diimocrats of Berke as an evidence that their services wore duly tippro• Mated That W:111.1m A Porter, ror can didate for the Supreme Bench, aril iajestley Frost, cur candidate for Canal Commissioner, possess all the requisite qualifications to perform the duties of the offices for which they are can -I:dates, and as the Representatives of the prin ciples of the Convention which nominated them are entitled to our active and united support. 9. ReBul red, That revenue, is the only legiti mate object for which duties can be imposed by Congress on imports ; but with that object in view it is the duty of llovernment to so discrim inate in favor of our own manufactures, as to so• cure to them the greatest possible benefit; and the present tariff being entirely inadequate to meet the demands of the Treasury and to liqui date the public debt, we recommend such imine• diate modification as will secure these objects. 19. Resolved, That while we approve of the general policy, uhicill soggested the expediency of a sale of the Slate Works, yet teat approval was based upon the principles embodied in the following resolution, adopted by the County Nleetiug iu August, 1557, to which we still ad-. here and which we heoeby ratify, viz: " That the prcceeds of the sale of the Main Lille (State Works) should be appropriated to the ttly legitimate purpose, the payuiegt of the Stets debt. Any project which would divert them. ;miler whatever pretext, from this end, should be oppose:: ahil denounced by every true Democrat." 11. Resolved, That the recent disclourcs of the fraudulent means by which a number of B Mkavvero - organised under chadors grauted - hT the Legislature of this State, demonstrate the soundness of the Democratic doctrine in regard to corporations. We, therefore, reassert our !In alterable attachment to the wise and prudent p'ol icy on this subject, laid down and adhered to by that true Democrat and sagacious governor; the lamented Shunk. Resolved, That the proceedings of this mooting be published in the Democratic papers cf this county, Washington Union, Harrisburg Patriot and Union, Pennsylvanian and Argus, Philadel phia and Pittsburgh Post Our information from the Washington, Fayette, and Greene Congressional District, eolifirms the belief that Hon. William Mont gomery will be elected by a large majority. Llo walks over the course like a-giant. Two years ago, at the election for Congress men in Missouri, the vote in the St. Louis district, which . is composed of St. Louis city and county, was as follows : Reynolds, (Democrat) Kenneth, (K. N.) . Blair, (Preis Soil,) Blair's majority over Kenneth, •188 At the election on Monday the candidates were Barrett, (hem.,) Blair, (Rep.,) and Breckenridge, (K. N.) The Democratic can didate has been elected by a handsome ma jority. Mr. Barrett is a democrat of the very first order. His election is a glorious triumph for the Democracy. Ile was most bitterly opposed by the combined elements of Know Nuthingism and Black Republican ism, and his triumph may be looked upon as the prestige of success which must continue to attend the principles of the National De mocracy. —The yellow fever is on the increase in New Orleano —lt is an admitted feet that the Circuses and other travelling shows which have been peram bulating in the Western country this season, have all lost money. The panic of last year has induced the people to save their quaiters, to the grcat'inoanvenienoo of Mr. Morrpmen and his motley crow. —A fellow who got ((Milk on oleetion day, said it was owing to his great effort' to put down " party spirit." —The man who was "moved to tears" com plains of the dampness of the premises and wishes to move bank again• —Lord )(lobar(' Grosvenor, Lord Henry Cav endish, and the Hon. Mr. Ashley, left St. An thony, Minnesota, on a buffalo haul in the wilds of Dacotab. They will be absent in the wilder- ness some six. months. —There are upon the law and equity oalendere in. New York City nine thousand case, involving property to the value of $50,000,000. —Hun. Rufus Choate's phisieians insists on temporary abstenenoe from'all labor, as eseetial to his restoration to health. —The number of bales of cotton shipped from Memphis from July let 1857, to June 30, 1858, was 238,081, at an estimoted value of 11,654, 050, —George Brown Esq., the editor of, the Toron to Globe, has accepted the position o Vrenner in the new ministry just appointed in Canada. —ln the last volume of his history, recently published, Bancroft pronounces what we cannot help but think is a hard judgment on' Spinel Johnson. He accuses the groat lexicographer with being the hireling of the British Ministry; denies him to genuis , blames him for his physi cal dread of death, and sneers at what he cane " the ostensatious pomp of his morality." As Johnson has always been considered pre,eminent among the men of his day, not only for intellect but fo r sturdy honesty, this sweeping condom_ nation deserves, and wiil receive, very general attention. Congrises. The St. Louts Election. VARIOUS TIIIEtiOS :,.4,,;!.,..;7' , .A,.t_ . ',;.;Vhi,K. - .?4o.q:W,.i'ik;; ,. 'g-'-';;'77.." - . -4**,..;::i."*.a..1t,*.kt TM LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. The Laying of the Telegraph °able... How the News was Received. Boob:mutt, August 5 publication of the despatch from Trinity Bay that an electric current had been established across the Atlantic struck. the people like a clap of thender out of a clear eky. In view of the previous experi ments they had consigned the Attautio Telegraph to the category of impossibilities. They were first astounded and incredulous, but recovering from their suprise admitted the fact and eulogis tically speculated on the benefioient conse quences of the enterprise. PFULADELPIIIA, August s.—The laying of the telegraph cable caused a great excitement and rejoicing here, though some still doubt the sue ' cess of the enterprise. At Harrisburg, the obi State house bell, all the church, depot and factory bells were rung in rejoicing. CINCINNATI, August 5 --ThETe was great re exeih meta (.11 itl i.t.eipt of the news of the kfA larding cf the 'ol_tle telegraph. Toe telegraph .ATior.B were brilliantly illuminate.' at, Dayton and Wheeling. I.)sTimir, Aagmit 5 —Great rejoicing was caused by the sueccsrful recut. of the Atlantic telograph. enterprise. The telegraph office war brilliantly illuminated. Cuicatio, August 5 —Oaa hundred guns are now being, fired in honor of the successful laying of tho telegraph by the Atlantic telegraph fleet. BA.r.rDIORIt, August 5 —Thu naves of the lay ing of the cable pr diced intense interest here. There is great anxiety to hear further from it. NEW Vora, August 5 —An unexampled sen sation was created by the news of the successful laving of tiro Atlantic telegraph cable. The tel egraph office will he illuminated to-morrow night. The intelliget_ee gives universal satisfaction. At Qaebec, :%I , •ntreal, and throughout the pro%inces generdlly, the news of the union with the mother c has been receive .1 with en thusiasm. . - . Iti'ußt.W.ll.7R, \IA , Auguet —Tho news of the auccesj tit' the Atlautio te'egraph was re cheer,,. A salute of ono huudred gene will be fired to-morrow. Hie'lour!! Er.lection. Sr. Louis, August 5 —Montour county gives Reid, for Conuess, from 40 to 60 ,majority. Saline county Fiver Woodson 1:30 majority and Pettis county 200 majority. Four townships in Liuocln cuunty give Anderson 127 majority over Henderson Second Congre , sional Distr:ot, St. Charles county, gtv..t, Aroirison 2c7 majority ; Andrian e..)Linty I-7 taij)rity ; Montgomery county 92 majority ; Boone county, it is reported, give- , maj,nty f r Reid ; LZ;i3 cite, iris repotted, gives 642 majority for Woodson. Sixth District: Osscory;.de county, gives Richardson 29 1 ; majority over Phelps. First Congressional District: Calloway county gives Anderson-1329 majority ; Pike county 97; 13Jone county .t,:f3 Fifth Congressional Dis trict : Morgan county giros Woodson 83 major ity ; Cooper county 126 majority ; Saline county 163 : Pettis county 113; Lafayette county, re ported, 642. Seventh District : Madison county 400 majotity for Woodson ; Washington county 429 ; Nr. Frarmis county 244 Sixth District: in Osage county Phelps has a large majority ; in St. Clair county Phelps has a largo majority , iireen county gives fl.ioardsen 200 runjot ity From Wa.uhington WASHjS TON CITY, August s.—The Nets , Or isons papers resolved by mail furnish tho fol. lowing : The Waco Southerner rays that sewn bands of Camauche Indians combid f the purpose of waging a war upon the whites, who are rally ing to repel them. The Gelvest.:m Civilian says that from present indinatioee toe cotton piceing will be general throughout Texas by the let of August. Unless en extraordmary calamity interferes the crop will be by far the largest ever produced in Texas. The estimates for the next year's re ceipts at this port alone will be 20,000 bales. The Victoria Advocate says that the weather is favorable for the crops and splendid for the cotton ern. The corn yield will be more than an ave,rage. Tampico advices to the 19th had been received at New tirleane. The governate„t trooi.3 under Gen. Nuramen had triumphed over the insurrec tionary forces at goeratero. but wevpsubr:e ,27ttentty defeated Gen. Pueblita, the constitu :Hennlist, while retreating from Guanajuato, was attacked by Gen. Lobos Zelog.guis.ta, from Ce lap His forces were routed, and many others wore takEil priJOZ3LS. T."(7,eblita V 63 subse quently and sumniar'ly exeauted There has been an outbreak in the district of Sierra Huns leoa in favor of the constitutionalist:l, and U n. Merino, of Tampico, had left that city 17ith six hundred meu to endesvor to suppress it. Pre vio-its to starting be issued a proclamation effer lug an amnesty on ooncitOon of the surrender et' their arms. l'he steamer of war Guerro was at To.mpioo ae a means of defense for the harbor. (den. Vidauri intended to send from San La's Potobi two thousand men against Guanajuato, and four thousand more were to leave San Luis on the 12th of July for the Capitol. Gen. Cara vajal was on the road between Tampico and Tas• easeque, cutting eff the communioation with the interior. ST. Louis, August 5.—A despatch from St. Joseph, dated the 21, says that the Salt Lake mail has arrived, but it brings no news of im portance. Order and quiet had been restored throughout Utah, and the Mormons had ex pressed themselves highly pleased with the Ter ritorial affairs. Upon Gen. Jwhnson's entrance into the city the few remaining Mormons lied. Commissioners Po well and M'Culloeh assigned them freo passes at Fort Laramie en route for home. Johnson has issued a proclamation pro - - hibiting soldiers and citizens from disturbing the Mormons or their cattle, nor were any troops al lowed to enter the city under any pretext. The rivers on the route are all high. The Indians are quiet. Nomination of S. S. Cox Cocon.4.rr, August b.—The Demooratie Con gressional Convention at Columbus to-day nomi nated-S, S. Cox for Congress, by acclamation. Meeting of Railroad Ticket Agents. CLEVELAND, August 5.—A meetleg of general ticket agents was hold to-day. Most of the western roads refused to acquiesce in the ar rangements of the last Cleveland convention. a- The Zleetlon In Kansas. ST. Louis, Ang. s.—Dates from Leavenworth of the sd, per 11. S. Express to Boonsville on the 4th, state that the whole vote in this city, on :the proposition for the admission of Kansas as a I State, was 1749, of which 139 were for proposi tion accepted, and 1600 for proposition rejected. This is the largest vote ever polled in this city. The election, with the eseeptioll of a alight disturbance in the Second ward, passed off with the utmost propriety, and without a notible in cident. At Kickapoo precinct there were ninety votes oast for the proposition, and fifty-three against it. Gen. Barney returned to the Fort to-day. Barry's battery will reach the Fort to morrow. itcoriaasee slotiesid Bitters. Tho press of the country has been particularly loud in the praise of the Bitters. Among the many no tic-es, we offer the following to an impartial public : " It is a well ttewn foot that we do not puff po tent medicines, and that we but seldom advertise them, but Bcerheave's Holland Bitters (woes to us endorsed in such a manner, as a specifie for the dis eases it professes to cure, that wo not only advertise it, but give it this favorable notice unasked by the proprieter....Handle Zeitung. N. Y. The Philadelphia Argue, in speaking of the let exhibition hold in that city by the Franklin insti tute, says " In noticing medicines, we are alwaye extremely cautious, unless satisfied of the merits of the article. Among thoso exhibited is the celebrated Holland Bit ters.- This medicine has bean extensively introduced into every State in the Union, and into the Canadian Provinces, principally within the last two gears. Tho exhibition shows:testimonials in every language known in America, string which we, notice one from the late Hon. John M. Clayton,.of Delaware." "Bmrhave's Holland Bitters are an invaluable remedy in all cases of dyspepsia. They impart a strong healthy WOO to the stomach, and are the best renovators :of the system generally.—Chi. Bulletin. Dyspepsia, Headache and Indigestion, by which all persons are more or less affected, can 'smelly b e cured by taking moderate exercise, wholesome food, and a dose of Bcerhaves Holland Bitters one hour befortt caolptrieal,"-:-Ba/CA'un. "Ikerhav's Hollsid Bitters for Dyspepsia. Head ache, Loss of Appetite;Nervons Debility, and cdl di e . eases consequent upon a disoidered stomach and liv er. This article is very favorably known threiugh. out the West, and is regularly . pFescribed by some of the most distinguished phystmans."-=-Phi7. Led. "There can be so better remedy for Indigestion, Heartburn end Loss of Appetite, than iwrhave's Hellandcliitters."- -- Niehiga n Aegueci'• Caution !—Be careful to ask Ealave's Holland Bitter,. Bold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for 14, by the sole Proprietors, Benjamin Page, Jr:, do Co., N 0.27 Wood street, between Firsct4lSecond streets, and Druggists generally. - from Utah. ...' . ..;'-',F.::':fz::';;.' :. ': . ' , ':: ,1,. ' ..t....!'"...'",'-',-',.."•'.."' ODTAPE worm CURED BY DR. M'LANE'S 081.- EBRATBD VERMIFIIGE. A certain lady in this city testifies that, after using Dr. APLane's Vermifage, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pitts burgh, she passed a tape worm ten inches long; and has no hesitation In recomniending it to every person afflicted with worms; as, in her opinion, it far excels every other remedy now in use T.he name of the lady, and further particulars, can ba learne3 by calling on Mrs. gtedie,Alardui.* or E. L. Theall, Diuggist, corner of llntger and Monroe eta' 4+17 - Purchasers willibe,carefnl to ask for nrusas, CELEBRATED VERMIFOVE., manufactured by FLEMING Bit Uri. of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifages in com parison are worthless. Dr. Maine's genuine Vermlfage also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all re• spectable drag stores. Nersgeresintitrilltat the sfpaatxrs (if 481 ans - Iwdew FLEMIN. BROB. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VINEGAR! VINEGAR!! We would respectfully announce to the public that, hay log recent improvements and enlarg,taenta, we are now prepared to sell pure Vinegar as low as our neighbors, and our Vinegar has never had eeen the came e l being drugged, like some others in the market, we venni respectfully in. vile dealera to give oa a call, and try our Vinegar. S. B. BARNES & CO., No. 189 First at., Between Smithfield and Grant. T il RE SHIN() MACIIINES.— FAR NIERS Wishing Threshing Machines, Lag 15VITED TO EXAMLNE OUR OELEBRATED IMPROVED RkILWAY HORSE POWER THRESHER AND SEPARATOR, Which with two horses and four hands will thresh from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and twenty-five bushels of Wheat or Rye, and doable the amount of Oats, Barley or Buckwheat per day. Price, complete, $l6O. Per further information or circulars, address WARDROP, sTour tz WILLIAMS, !Manufacturers, Pittsburgh, Pa. atie:ltdaw4t mOitTGAUE CONSTRUCTION • BOND, AT AUCTION—On TUESDAY EVENING, August Will, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street, will be sold: one Coupon 7 IA cent. Mortgage Construction Bond, convertible for $lOOO, issued by the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, latereet payable July and January, in New York, and re deemable, January let, 1887 au6 VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION.- Ou TUESDAY EVENINti, Ar.guat 10th, 1868, u• 8 o'ckelt, at the Commercial Salc.ii Rooms, No. 64 Fifth street, will be Shared M. it M. Bank of Pittnburgh. du do Pitts., Ft. Wayne and Ohlcag.) 11. R. Co. 20 do Monongahela Insurance Company. P. M. DAVIS( Auctioneer QIXTLI WARD PROPERTY, AT AUD 1,...) TION—On TUESDAY EVENING, August 10th, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 64 Fifth street, will be sold : those two valuable lots of ground, situate near the corner of Clarke and Crawford streets, each having a front of 22 !oat 2 iechee ou Clarke street, and extending back 72 feet. Title indisputable. Tome cash. anti P, M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Itt A NOES —5O t (Ass Messina Oranges kir joat r‘oelved nod fur Iltdo by RHYMER A ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood etteet, 611. .ot.posite the St. Obarloa Hotel boxes Sicily Lemons, jus ILA rec,lved and for sale by RV/ HER & AFIARSON, No. 89 Wood street ; auB °wake SL Charles HoteL DICTOILIAI, WINDOW SCREENS.--A IL now, bosatifill and cheap article, designed for the ex cluding of insects, of all kinds, from passing through win down when the sash le raised, and at the acme time admit , ting a free current of air. They are got up in a. variety of beautiful scenes, au+ are ornamental ae well as useful—fir sale wholesale and retail, at 20 and 28 St. Clair strott, by J. 8 If. PHILLIPS, rice Sole Agent for klanufacturere in Pittsburgh. QYRiI PS.- 60 bble choke ficlien Syrup; Itaatuick'sFirst quality PyrnP: 75 " Jamey' Sugar HOUSE) Cdolatiie.. IL storo eud for sale by MILLER 2/ ILICRETSON, anti Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty a real EFINED SUOARS.- AN 30 bbla Loverlng'a Crushcd, Fine and Coarse Pulver 11641 Sugar; 20 bids Lovertog's "A" Coffee Crushed Sugar ; 36 " aw, Id " "C" Yellow—lu stcro and for sale by MILLEIR 1310KETSON, and Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. I'IUES.- iGosgs ti rain Popper " Al!spire —in store Rut for sale by MILLER & ItIPKETBON, end Nos. 221 and 223 I iberty street. rrioßicco.-r75 boxes, assorted brands, s's, ja. B's, aid 1O Tobacco, uow landlug, and for sale by MILLER k RIC.Kr2BOB.I, and Nos. t odd :.23 Liberty strOet. (3AR} ETP6 Scotch Snu! Euhcr's hod Liver Oil, She. Liquorice, Oa kb Liqnorice, Turrienti na, eeru Starch. Fur '4ala B. L. FAHNESTOCH CO, nue No. 60 corner Wood and Fourth streets. JUST OPENED—llandsoir.a Dark Prints, Lancaster tlinahanno, Ticking!, Clients, Unbleached Muslin, Shirting Muslin, Utah Linen, etc. O. LIANEON OVE. (Foinierly Love Brothers,) and 76 Illeilret street. ; 9 liron City Couattieretial College, 11.rizoa.:gh, Pa.— Chartered, 1855. 300 STUDINTS AITSSIDING, JANUARY ; 1858. Now the largest and moat thorough Commercial School of the United Statts. Young Men Prepared for Actual Duties of the (bunting Rmm. J 0. BMITIL A. Id, Prufetne): of Boa-Keeping and Science of Accounts. A. T. DOUTEIETE, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. J. A. IIEYDRICK. and T. C. JENKI NS Teachers of Book. Keeping. ALEX COWLEY, and W. A. MILLER, Professors of Pen• mauship. Single and Diablo Entry Bouk-Keeplug, es need In every department of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Business Writing, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, aro taught, and all other subjects necessary for the success and thorough educ Won of a practical business man. TWELVE PREMIUMS, Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for beet Writing, .far Ann NOT FOB ENGRAVND WORK, 1;1 IMPORTANT INFORM ATION. Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure—Graduates assisted in obtaining sib uatione—Tultion for Full Commercial Connie, s3ls—Averttge time 8 to 12 works—Board, 82,00 per week—ntationery, $0 —Entire cost, $BO to $7O. Lee Ministers' eons received at half price. For Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Orna mental Writing—lnclo I) two stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, aub Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. TAMES C. RICHEY, REAL ESTATE AGENT and BILL BROKER, No. a Fifth siren. LAND FOR BALE--115 acres of Land, situate in North Fayette township; improvements good, ninety acres clear ed, balance fine Timber, Coal and Limestone in great abund ance, well watered, twelve miles from Pittsburgh and near Nobleatown, will bo sold at a great bargain. Apply to JAMIE O. RICILEY, any No. 65 Fifth street. --- OUT OF THE ClTY.—,Persons desirous of residing out of the city, can purchase two frame dwelling houses pleasantly situated on Chaanntestreet,Law renceville, each house contains 6 rooms and cellar, a garden of fruits, Bowers and shrubbery. All In complete order. Will be sold together, or separately to snit purchasers. Apply to S. CUTHBERT & SON, aus 61 Marked street. TO LET live Dwelling Houses. S. CIITIMERT A SON, Eta, 61 Market street 11 1=1, 1 THE BEST AND - tg.",747A; CHEAPEST 1 1 1 NEG Blt fa sell 01757"4.,1 fr lug at the most extensive YIN ikrtM ff ' 4 7- MAR WAREHOUSE in the . EzS=rt .timmon West. This house now sap- =mum plies, and has for the last tengemititlps • ,„ • years, more than oneohalf of „„'. :10 ' ROL, the Pittsburgh grocers, and *alaratt -- 4 .05L , .5- ,. ...,-- 4- every other clty in which It has been introduced. A. BALLOU, 148 Water street, ans:lydkw COMMERCIAL PRINTING, OP lIVEHY DUCHIPTION CARD?, HANDBILLS, _ BILLEIBADEI, POSTERS, LEGAL BLANKS COLOILED _ BILLS, PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS, PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed In Ito neatest mannor, promptly and at CHEAP RATES, by BABJ & MYERS, LOCKS 1 CLOCKS 11 CLOCKS I- We are offertn4 our entire stock of Eight Day and One Day, Mantle, Office and Church Clocks, at a very small advance on coot, to make room for our fall Mock. REISZMAN k td*IYBAN, No. 42 Fifth street, ani Agents far tbo celebrated Ame.ricen Watcheq. A MERIPAN WATCHES=2-Juar 'reeeived Alpe, ono dOzen of Moe() very degtrabla Wapchee, at from $35 to $55, iu heavy silver hunting cases. Every Watch given on trial for one year. About 100 different patterns of (lock!! timing out, at mall advance on coat. HEINEMAN i• EtnnAlq, - No 42 Sifth ancet, an 4 Agentrfor the Bosto - a Watch Factor Factor CIGARS--Ailother genuine Ba yana Capp, raceind thta day by 409. VLEMING, ans Comer Diamond awl Market isb, T 00K AT THE - - 110IISES.---Nii:: 17 Eidott .1.4 street., house of 7ivoree. Price,- $ 1 . 800 ,. • o. No. 66 Marion street, bows or 7 roovitior taiA„„ N 31 Olatk atroot, near Carpenter's alley , i a l ' V''''''' For sale by; 13. OUTELBSIIT &JON, an 3 1 SA Milkdittrint. „~.~;. Nzw Yous, Auguat 2, 1852. VIN EGARIII P. M. DAvi9 , Auctioneor between t'mi!Wield and MORNING POST JOB oFFion, &NEB OP WO:D AND PIPTII fA •,:‘,•••. • ' •.• ;4? ST5* , • )r, ::Tja 4:4 A CARD FROM DR. JAMES M. eTii It- Atty.—my ItXTT, OP THE NEW TORS LUNG INFIRM above Inetitntion, as Chief Physician, and a twilit) years' connection" for the past eight years - with the ; course of }steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Con eupaption and its kindred diseasiel, together with my nu. rivalled °ppm tunitiea and advantage of pathological research :—aided not a little by a perfect system of Medfca/ inhoic lionahas enabled me to waive ate decisive, direct and suc easeful course of treatment.for the positive and radical cure of all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, and Air-Pas:ages. By Inhalatien;lho vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly adresaed to the aiseaaed organs and the integu• kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; ment Ido not adviao the wept Medical Inhalation of any and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful and often fatal disease's, yej deem it very no. cossary that each patient should havesethe benefit of both gereral and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the above diseases, and the high character of the Inetitn• Lion oVer - which I have SG long had - the honor to preaide,aro too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the 'solicitation of many private and professional friend., through whose philanthropic old the above charity has been long g concluded toliberally supported, and after duo consideration, I havee make such arrangements as will bring ' the benefits of my experiments and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who wore able to visit will ineat e v m e Y eirer office.iropingtherefore that the arrangement satisfaction, both to my professional breth ren and the public, I would respectfully announce in con clusion, that I con now be onsulterlpersona2ty or by - lelter,on all diseases as above, and that the medicines, the tame an need in the Institution, prepared to suit each individual case. inhaling Vapors, Mailcal Inhalers, do., dc., will be forwarded by express to any part of the United States or the Canadas. 'rants—My terms of treatment by letter are as follows, viz: $l2 per month for each patient which will include medicine sufficient for one month's use; also, In. haling Vapor and an inhaling Apparatus. payment as fel. lowa : $6 to bei paid to Express Agent on recehit of the box of Medicine, and the balance $6 at the expiration of the month, if the pad. nt be cured or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patience, by giving a full history of their cane, and their symptoms in full, can be treated se well by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing them selves of Dr. Jarrers treatment may rely upon immediate an I permanent relief, es he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters for advice promptly answered. For further particulars, address JAMES M. JARBETT,II. D., No. 823 Broadway, cor. Twelfth St., N. Y. P. S.—Physician's and others visiting the city are re• spectfully invited to call at the Infirmary, where many interestiag cases can be witnessed, and where our int proved apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected. jy3o:6m F IRST INTROi UOED JULY, 1849. A. L. ARCHAMBAULT'S Portable Steam Hoisting and Pumping Engine, Oa Whatla, from 3to SO horse power. Also, Farm En• &nu, and Saw Mill Drivera, 3to SO horse. Engines alwaya on hand. Manufactory, 111th El. Ilazillton Street. Jy3o:3mtlaw A. H. C. BROCKEN, No. 22 Cliff Street, Ede York, MANUFACTURER OF GLASS SYRINGES, HONREOPATHIC VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. Oliva Ware for Chemists, Druggists, Perfumers, Photo gt sphere, etc. Orten Glass Ware by the package. A 'ibex.. al discount made to the trade. Ordsrs from Country Drug gists and Deniers solicited. Price Lists aant on applica tion. jy3o:Btu OTICE.—The Co-Partnership of BACA . LEY, COSGRAVE tic CO. expired by limitation, on the first instant. The bugaboo/ will be. CI ntiuued by W. BAGALEY, at 18 and 20 Woud street, who will settle up the business of the late firm. W. BAGALISY, JOHN 8. COSURAVE. Pittsburgh, July 22d, 1858.—Jy23df WILLIAM BAGALEL ! K OLESALE GROCER No. IS and 20 Wood Street, jy23: tf LAND WARRANTS. WE WILL LOCATE LAND WARRANTS ON MINERAL IN MISSOURI, Lai JIOU SELECTION° WILLIAM F11.§.E..E1l & CO., Jones' Building, Jy26:lotdlw 67 Fourth Ateet MANSFIELD 'PROPERTY AT AUC .AMA. TlON.—Tiunsubscriber will offer at Pithtic Sale, on Lae premises, in the village of Manifle:d, in Upper St. Clair township, on atoNimV, August 2d, 1115 S, at 2 o'clock, P. ISL, Ten Lots of Ground, being Nos. 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19 and 20, la Mary Sheridan's Plan of Lots, recorded in the Recorder's Office, of Allegheny County, in Plan Book, Vol. 2, Page 69. The thriving village of Mansfield is beautifully situated on Chartiere Crook, In the midst cf a t ich fanning country, about 6 miles from Pittsonrgh, by the Notdoetown Mph Road. A plan of the Lots may be seen at th rift .3e of Miteltel Palmer, Attorneys at Law, No. bi Fifth strect, Pittsburgh. Terms at sale. GEOPAL IL DODGE, SEWING THE $2O AND $4O DOUBLE LOOK STITCH SEWING 'MACH' NES Are now on Exhibition, at the HOSIERY STORE OF MR. DALY, NO. 20 rEE'TH STRIdET, These Machines are admitted to be the best in market for family use, making an elastic double thread stitch, ahich will not rip t van if every fonrth stitch ha cut. It is the only low priced double thread Machine in market. Orders will be received and promptly filled by M. DALY, Agent, No. 20 Fifth street, on the corner of Market alley, Pittacturgh, Pa. Aar' NOTION—M. DALY, on the corner of Fifth street and Market alley, is the only one of the name in business on this street. jylb:ly Summer Lager Beer. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends and the public in general, that he Is in the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, It having been pronounced to be the best that was manufactured here for many years, CLEAR, TASTE.PUL and PUltil. (Bye me a call and try it. JOHN ROTH, ap24.11 At his old stand, he. 2ti Diamond: piANos I PIANOS ! '4 6 Au additional stook of Piano Fortes from, T ho colobrat..xl Factoriea of lIMMMM NUNNS & CLARK, NEW YORK Liao just Leon receNed, and the at:within of pnreaxibro di rooted' thereto. ii. BEW, Sole Agents for the shove culabrateJ Piaooo, No. 53 Fifth street. B OYS' SUMMER SUITS, AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT 011 ESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, jy 31 Corner Wood erect and Diamorlall.y AT A BARGAIN—Two large Lots of ground in South • Pittsburgh. each foot front on Carson (street, by 100 deep to Chesnut street, with two Mime dwelling houses, each containing fear ro:me. Serials easy. Also—A valuable building lot, 20 feet front, on Comm street, near the Public School mouse, by 100 feet deep to Chesnut street. The purchases to have tho use, in build ing, of the gable and of the house adjoining. Price, $6OO. Terms easy. S. CUTEIBIMP t SON, jylo 61' Market utreet. ..QOAP POWDER.-50 boxes Soap Powder f,J of our own manufacture, warranted superior to any offered fur rale in thin market, on hand and for rale by r, B. C. .t J.. H. SAWYER. TWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, by S. CUTHBERT it SON, • 51 Market street. A'LADY residing near the city, wishes to procure a GIRL of 8 or 10 yeare, to lice with her till of age. For further pattleu'are, coil at our omco, 61 ,lXar• ket street. S. CUTHBERT EON, jylb General Agents. MAOKEREL-25 bbls. No. 3, Large ; 10 half bbl!. No. 8, Largo. For sale by (7r12) W. 11. 8511TH & Qp TOPS--100 various patterns IL/ for sale, by peal) HENRY ii. CuLLINB. fa,ENT'S GAITERS for $2, ca the " Peo LA pied Shoe Store," No 17 Fifth area. /7 3 / DIFFENBACHRB & CO. pxontßlE. Jo Vls. White Beane; U bc Poik, fur tale by je3o , TV. EL 8311TH4 00 AMMUNITION of all kinds on hand, and for sale at BOIVN & TETLEY'S, .1,31 No. 138 WoodAtreet. TaißEsn FlGs—ficio drums just received and IV for Bale by RETAME Qc AND4I22ON, ell 99 WO etreet. .11°R Rh NT--A largo Dwelling 13-men and Store, on Grant etroot. S. =MBE= t soN, my 26 SI Market stmt. lIPEIIIO.It ;BLANK BOOKSLeggers, Journals, Cash Boots, and • Day - la rge sup . plyontand, made in tile most superior manner of the fineat quality of paper, espectelty for city orders. Blank Bookii made to order, ruled to any gitieri Pattern. 1028 wk. 0. JOEfNBTQN tr OG., BY Wood at. CIA.REL4.GES , AND .CAS's, ; ruit va Nrivitz OR QMENBWARE wanted in mahaarifor two Building Lota, each 114 by 11:4 foot, situate in Um Beiretitb Ward. 8. OUTHBEaT 808. 10 81 et met OF PHILADELPHIA. Obnee in Company's Building, Ho. 403 Walnut, Corner of Fourth .Street. AUTIEWELZPD CAPITAL Q 600,000 Capital paid 5222,300-00 Surplus, Jannty let, 16.58 66,277 o PITTSBITRO EL I `_ FARMING LANDS AND INSURE Augusta, Georgia, M A C II I N E S. FARMERS' AND DIECHX.NICS' Tth::.....:f.rov,is il lto r twit l iß i notg A.:: ::llt D dtovi l ‘; L: ilic: lt l7 L ,r. : 44 l: s3oo, lN H4Bt lllßANCß COMPAN N. W. Cournia OP 81100 ND AND WALNUT Brarmrs, t I'i oe 18a 'PRILADAPHIC . ;J ui . lT : un ll z it i U ni N t 7;l4: 333l : o lP= s24s : Liorbert tioodal CAA 00 Wm. ...... too 00 Prank Wulff .400 N. I Inas bit to W. W. 5r13reg0r.... 8 Ou John Heath... It? J. J. House A CO-- 330 07 Newmyor 4 Grua— 1,981 721 John Thompson 200 00 heJnry 81. u John Watson as ry H Fesidbnsch... 102 00 103 0000 Phelps, Carr C 0.... 4,600 00 J. L House C 0...— 61 00 JaB, Woods, Esq.... -29 00 Wm. 11PCully C 0... 2,470 17 James Mellinger.....l,ooo 43i) W. A.l'Colly Et C 0..... 760, 00 Total STATE, or, PENNSYLVANIA, City of l'ittabergb, es.} Before me, on Alderman in and for said city, personal/ came Thomea J. limiter, Agent of the. Farmers and Me. chunks' lustin.ace Company, nho being duly sworn, Re. cording to low, doth dopor,3 and say that the foregolt% statement is true. THOS. J. HUNTER, Agent. Sworn and bubs , .ribod before me, April 7, 1851. ap23 LEONARD S. JGRNS, DE_LAW.EIRL rtIII3ITIAL SAFETIi INSURANCE COMPANY - 1 INCORPOSATED BY ME LEGISLATURE OP PEN SYLVANIA, 18:35. OFFICE, S. E. CORNER 7211 RD AND WALIV7)T ILADE,LP ELIA. MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELS. CARGO, To la►l parts of tho world. FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES On Goode, by River, Canals, Late; and Land Carriages to all parts of the Union. FLUE. INSURANCI On Merchandise generally. On Storc.e, Dwelling Howes, ac. ASSETS OF TH.'S COMPANY November i 3, 1851, . Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Rniate ti 101.350 r? il Philadelphia City, and other kalln 1,17,01.1 23 stock in Banks, Railroade and 11/durance} 1%508 00. Companies Bills Receivable ' Z 20091 95 -- - 0.9.9 h on hand 38;1392 - ee Milano° hi hands of Agents, Pram Wins oil Mari/10PoBahia reciontly List!ed,iiii 92,730 SI . other debts due the Claupany .I Snbscription Stot'n 100,000 0 Wtlliam Martin., Joseph H. Edmund A. Bonder, John C. DA4lk3., John IL Ponrozo, Geurgo C. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Limma, Willißtn C. Ludwig, Hugh Crr.ig, dpouccr Marla H. Jones Braoa Jacob P. Joneti, VIGO. 0. LIA/5.), 'Vine Prc4l. LII-602 1 1, kle-uretary VIP lIE GREAT WESTERN Vire and Dlartne Insuranoc 0011 $217,574 FIRE INSURANCO—Lindred or Papa - cal. MARLNE UNSURANCE, on Veasole, Cargo and Freights, INLLND Lbil-CLANCEI by Rivera, Canals, Lakee end Land Corriageri DIER010II.B: • Charlea C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut street. W Miami llarling,lslo Pine street. alexancer Whillden, Merchant, 13 North Front. Lseao liazielarrst, Attorney and Counsellor. John 0. Hunter, firm of 'Wright, Hunter tt Co. E. Tracy, firm of Tracy & Co., Goldsmith's Hall. John it. McCurdy, Arm of Tono9, 'White it McCurdy - Thomas L. Gillespie, film of Gillespie h Zeller. • Jfirllo., B. Smith, firm of James B. Smitlrrh Co. Hon. Ilem . y . M. Fuller, odic° 227 Booth Third strect.• John C. Yogdes, ance corner 01 Seventh and Sangare, James Weight, late Cashier Bank of Tioga. Allied Talor odice Cairo City Property. Jona J. Slocum, alike U 6 Booth Third street. 0. C. LATH - PLOP, President. W. DARLING, Vico President 1:13918 GREGORY, Secoud Pres't, } Branch °Mrs, 8 Wall fit Li Si.' • J A:UM WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. H. K. itIOLIA111)8014, A-Fatah:int Fecretary. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. , 97 Viator street, Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania Intmranee Coinpany l OF PITTSBURGH.' • Bio. G 3 2 , 73aarith meardsot. DLEZCTOIX.St.. • Jacob Painter, J. P., 090. W. Smith, Cody Pattereee, 0. A. Coltua. A. J. Jones, W. B. Mcßride, Jae. IL Ito - glue, Wade Hampton; L 0r1(7 Spror.t, A. A. earner, Robtrt Patriot', A. 0. Sampboa, J.ll. Joteb, Jolla Taggart,, 'Leary Sr.ronl, .I,;ch'e Voeghtly, Chsurtored Caplt , :zi 1 1300,000 Vitt AND l'ILIUNI: ii.i..;L: 6 TABIN, Wail desortptiont .. orric.r.r.a: . 1- • Preeideut—A. A. CAftRILIt. Vice President-1101)Y PAT - 1:U ;Z:_;:;. . . • r.e3o Secretary and Troollttror—L '..-41:.:1.;i: .9.PIIOUL. MONOEGALIIELA INSURANCE COMPANY, • PITTSBURG_B - . • - jAwrps NUTC/11....v.r.1, Fical&Lt.; BEINILY M. ATWOOD, Secretary. ' 0FF1.01.1. --IVO. GS Water Syq WILL I:481710i AGAINST ALL .lIIND,t I . a'DM 11 ALAIIINE ASSETS—MAY 20nr, 1968. ` : Stock s Due Bills, payable on demand, secured by two approved names. V 40,000 00 - Premium Notee 47,003 29 !Jabs Receivable 0,966 a • ': 115 Oates Mechanics' Bank stock, coat 0,165 CO 50 do Eldnk or Pittsburgh do do 2,150 OD i. 40 do Exchange Bank do do 2,050 00 : 190 do Citizens' Bank do do •—• •• 5,175 00 Balance of Book Account . .. , 8,050 SD ' f , Office Furniture (390 88 ~ Oash. 15,853 78 ;:,. Jamen A. Hutchton. iicarge A. Berry, Nil W. B. Holmez, r.obert Efillzell, William Rea, ' Thomas ti. Clarke,_ 'Mick:a 'sTill.,r, John XeDevlti, my:l2 ' Win. A. Caldwell. A. A. CARRIER & BRO.. PITTSBURGH_ GENERAL. INSURANCE AGENCY . . Capital 11.zpreaented, C3 ) 000,000. 0,./MPANIRM OF NIGIENST STANDING, Ohni4lrad by Fennaylvania and othor Staten, FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE RISES TAEEN, OF ALL DESCIIPTION:I Zo. 03 FOUILTEI 3TiiSn.IET A. 6. annum, FiX7ABOW.4 I . GAP.IIMS. ITHE OLDEST AND LARGEST LITHOGRAPIIIO ESTABLIBIIKRNT IN TEE CITY WM. SCHTUCEIM AN, PRACTICA LITROGRAPHER, Corner Third and Market Streets, DUFFS COLLEGE BUILDING% jy . 2l:ly-2p SA.MVEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER & DEALER IN rOREIGN AND ; HARDWAftE 1 1 10. 743 Wood otroot, bat:tracts IDisraohil alloy and Fourth strati, • PITTBBUROII, 1" A. Ze• . Turnt6criber is now opeldug a well 60,,,,t0d sump tuent of fOreign and domesticJl.:.e.rd ware, ell new,end win ha *old on nagood terms as buy other honsoin thl.7 city. lis will elwaye keep on hand a general a:....:• , ortinunt cz ILIEDWARI, OtTaial,Y, CARPENT.E.II,S I ii.',. which ho rezpectftillyinvites the attentio n o f Ir, chasm mb RABIUgt. PEUELLIPS, fiIIUNT & CO., Commission and .Fbrwarding Merchants WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS of Illinois centra l itmtrand, Cairo, IWnois, Mark Gooils in all asae, to OUT care. lei:sratka TERRA. GOTTA . OR STONE WATER PIPESi Fiordlivo to six inch .:31ibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Conto per Foot, ,0--ROPEESTEII. PEARL Wholesale STAg For Salo at fdanuf tuiera Price% by IMMIX COLIZAA FORWARDEM AND C 0 M. 1511 I S 8.1 ota MERCHANT; vaarsamsTom ni - Cl/LEER:3T, EUTVER., 41e, TICE ,GEMALLY. No. 25,Vrcioi) Emma; Prrr2B - a3.0.11. [Jaffa DAMES ' MANtryiartmEA ALCO OL C o l og ne Spirits 2d oft, Nos. 167 and 170 Spoond Street. apicasab? 13. Bill 00.-- $ 166 Roder Manuf. 63 00 Vim. Me.gce , t 75 00 J. Ihwat .4 C0......2,600 00 Vi. DP wo* th, 1,126 -.)() J. XI, lrata , EN 650 00 Edw. zipenea, 64 00 0.11. Pattlien .... ... 850 JO English a It.ehar% 103 00 111tw0 , ,11314 CO. 040 11. Hill a C 0......... 451 52 Wm. M'Eleeictry ...... 91 ..,33 11. bill.: 00_ 1:3 40 Eparl.r ACu 33 0 i..a170,..,0 on steamer .Ascola 71 11 Adams SAPClintock 49 00 D.Tharuurd 64 $20,107 80 708,7136 al, • James 0. tiorni, Theuphilus Paulding, James 'rraquair, Willi= Lyre, Jr., J. P. Poniston, Joshua P. Eyre, Samuel litohor, Henry Sloan, James B. ticirariand, Thomas 0. Robert Barton, Jr., John B. Semple, Pittsburgh 11. T. di, gar:, J. T. Logan, . WM. LA Peosidont. dont. P. A. MADr I I. 4 , Agen2, 9,5 Water street, EqttJl-sugh $24,714 DIS D1E20702.9 PITTSBURGH, PENN'AL