::~=, - ~; ~ t .. ~: ;,. , ter _,~~~ ~s~:; BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL O. WINGARD, r‘IF ATTORNEY AT 16Aletit . . PErStriula, ACEir Orn.ez, Fro fl daANT etvezz BOaIL strest nd Diaracrad siloy. npf3 TAMES A. LOWRiL, Attorney at Law, La office rosr:la botliwa Smithfield and Cherry aller. . detallay 6urg,con Dentist, sucet-E;?or to Q. _D.. W. Bicldlc, N 0.144 Smithfield tezezt. Aar- (nco boors from 5 to 1 o'clock., and from 2 to 6 o'clock. fablaay F SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors wet of L'larke:. .oRr Crlm honr from 2 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. LI. der..207 TOSEPH FLEMING, successor to L. Wil tO cor. a Co., eroer of Pilf,rkot stroot and the Diamond, keep& constantly on hand a fall assortment of DRUGS, MED. ETINES, MFMOLNE CHEEPS, PERFUMERY, and all arti cles pertaining to hi 4 trlr Physic',ans' Prescriptions mrefully compounded at all conra. learY Worrx.s. P. =AP-Satin.' - Carat{ L. auGal..s • P, 51A.RSIIALL & Co., Importars and , .ai;2 in Fr._. - ;rand .1m , •ri..an PAPER F.i krill i.'i'S, ,•• -, ,--. ...., V.; _ • ... .tr•c•et, Pittyburgh. • 4 :••-.4"'":30' ,- •• :. , 42 , 41:a I.:: - Di..l::: - . rta c.. , , r....:0.-..-. - - - e Eau, J. A NDLISOA 1 1 4 . Elf AYER ANDERSON, (successors to -EL) ithr,l2.3 t Cc,..) whole..lc in FOREIGN N EPIC!' o)ti PECTIONAF.V., SUGARS, 115 etrc,t, oppot.q. , tti. St. Crhsri•-1 11,3131, Pitts• burgh. tip? J. M. EZTTP'.F,, !MERCHANT TAILOR • NO. 84 ST. M.. 4112 STREET, (Dr. Irises Nos, w. .ERR, A_RCITITECT, REMOVED from co;ner of Filth and 81 ' Wood t$ .R.E.ET, In conilding—continr.c.: to prepare Plans end ::pe , :lf,..uonv of, and a Superintend the, Llrectior_ of every de,:criptlc.= of Ituildioa.3. del:kayo A LT FUON, BELL AND BRASS AISIL9 FOUNDER No. 70 SECOND Etraet, Pitubargb, is prepared to fatufab to order ETTIAMIROAT, FACTOP.Y AND °TREE. BE LE, Or vll siz.e_s, Mom 10 to 10,000 lba. Ciiri Bri.T.q made to order. ST-OP and GAUGE COCKS of all sizea, far Steaulbdata. MINERAL WATER PUITPS, COUNTER. RAILINtIS, and Every variety of Bra° Ca.." - tinga ilnishc.l i 0 tlo manner. BABBIT'S AN7I , AVERITION METAL; FULTO:VS P' PaCITLNU, for Stom Err;Mel. OLICITIRIDCZE If A X . WELL, EANTYP Ain rre: Cr G &.2.:.•Q - 5.3 , ram cs, anti dud .I.3ol+lflrL El.+lloo Furnishing Goodg, to,. C. C. tto. Wood otroot. above Fifth, Fenno - w/o, Pe. Siazi2“l.l ole.de to order. Imh3ly.l EDUCATIONAL Fraw.la Academy for BOyb, UNDER .I!tu-1 CLARE OP THE FBAIiCLSCAN BROTIEER2 LoretC'7l., Gantt/rill County, Pa. fp g H. I S TITSTITUTION, NATURA.T,LY sitnatcsi the Educational parpose-D afford. all the lo dneements that can be de.iirad for a Catholic Lmvirallon. It is loratz-d in the moe healthy and picturesque portion of 'he AileZhcalEs, edr..tant fan: mile. from Creawn Station, the mall route hatirt-zin Philmielphia and l'iueburp,ll. The schoir.qiic yaar ciamneacia4 the fire , . Monday la liapc.mnar, vlll clam the iJth of July follo:7ing. The Term 3 tor Baara, iuriadME Saki, .ras. - Illn per annum. Li , :rd:::11 Len tizl.Zibi cc extra e.hargo of $lO per annul.. "itisiEhiag and cee of Be.l.ding for further apply 1 the ani....rlor at the 6.---11 Qin EL L.:. tie......3n0s Vigiceurn Ct - I,llege 8 d b'eminary, ofatr.r. Tax C! LE OF TILE 13ENEDICTOE VAT:BEES, near Wasinorzland couxity, Pa. TN TEE COLLEGE ARE TAIIA_III'r TILE usual br:awhes flnizash Education. La the sEmiziAai, the etwsim, Aintbem,ttee, history, Rhetoric!, ?htloeJphy. etc., and the difforoLt braichee cf nigher ernditioll noct.,:iary or to thr:lo topirirAg Fri c!..th or-1 Tito terms lor Beard mud Tuition alb ;p:+o i.r year, to be gtrictly in ielvanc, - etiraiAii Laid iothu lan.rziazaa - , Paiat- Laz and !i15`..C,1 , 3F-11 /C. tra ohergeft, Lame t&telit f.ir tr.," use of inntrii.teent.g. 2.l2thiciao, (.1 - in r,irA charges. 'Fur 414.iy Cu ,1,3 Direr.rara: the College,. !filo Collegiate yo..‘r cea the lot of Septez. , ibec, sod ez,t on the Jai; folio: Ting. o'ATHIP.II, G. H J IIMM, at the DRY GOODS. Retrench: Etetreilch:i iv OTHER CRASH—INTRICES !—Ba „ca. Lug deterrair.:,,l to d3ll uur aZoek, thouzi, Tio:t.. Tigh:,” we have zia:.ie n geueral sweep— ILEDUCED TTI is E.NTIRE STOCK To nal lower prim. ..&3- Now is th. time to buy rhea the ass,rtmout. ),,t. unbroken, and thu Prices Pat Duwa I Down!! ocCd) JO I. 1101 INT::, 77 Ala.rkot 5tr,..31 rrillE LAST CHANGE IN FIGURES.- :_,.' Bonnet Ribboaa, worth 75 cents, at .52% per yard_ do do do 132!., at-,50 do do do do 50 at re74A do do do do 574 at 25 do JOSEPH. HORNE, 77 Market atra:t. R iell ETi LVET, TIM.MINGS, AT REDUCKD PESCI:22- A choice af,--Drtmcat au hand and for aale at 2.0712. DOI:NEE% 77 Market eraat. ENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS_ or Wool, SIN Merino and Llaary Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers —3 frtvb oupply rwelved F 4.5 11011NE'S, del9 77 iarket 'strata. VIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in the Price of BRADLEY'S YARNS.—Wholeashylliikeri and Peddlars trill be famished with BRADLEY'S TIIREE-FLY KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Cents per pound,. by the bundle, niter this date, For Cash, and Cash only. JCS. HOME, 77 Market street, Agent for the Manufacturer EREOLDERIES.—Our oxoellent stook of French Eulbroldorims, and the low prices at which they are marked, offera rare Inducements to lodiec wishing to parch-Ice the latest ctytc. JOSEPH HOENE. 77 Market art.S.t. MONEy 1 N MONEY 11I—PRICES MARK: ED DOW I reduction in the price of Embroideries. We have gone carefully over our handsome sto,n of I FRENCH-WORKED COLLARS, ENDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc, etc. And fi.v...47 the prices to snit the "Hard Times." The 'Mies may rely on getting bargains at HORNES, 7i Men k.tt etrroL IATE WILL SELL from the preBeat time an commonly chop FOIL CASH. Yl,aao call and enain lus on: stock. C. HANSON LOVE, oca3 Formerly Love Bros., No. 74 Market at, - 011):RINTED FRENCH mERINor,s, for 62 and 75 c,,,ntn, warth $1 and $25, tha beat amartment LEcom _BONNET VELVET.—Evory variety of Bon net mf,terial, Eilka, Vavet - ,a and Nanny, for cab at nori3 ROHN BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.-- A full Eorar=ent, c sry chuz.p. C. iIiNEON LOVE, formzrly Love Brettlas, 11. t... 78 ..../2.71:6i atIlL•4 EVERY Ecoaomieal Purchaser of Dress Goods, Shawi , , Unntlea, itc.; also DoLnestic and Sta ple Goods, will dud 1> to their advantage to call and eaarrii our New Block rf Fall end Winthr Dry Goad: before purchas tag eta:where. D. RANSON LOVE, gal.+ No. 73 Yart - .E.z st, QELAW LS SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, Brocto, Wag and square, th... Very b Lzt in the City, and at Nary 1. - ,w tra. C. -SON UiVE, I..ainorty No. 74 Market btreet. 1 1 1.1r*-6EILLES, Fleeeed, for )rtm,nt 01 - 20. i 3 WIIITZ. 4 th. 113 TO P.RlN'rEtlS.—The subscriber Las now on innJ, had itl dzay rfm2.lvin7, from th maaufac turori, 5 largo - mmt of Print. r's Stoct. Potter's from N 1 7, actin Chian Porc.z . ...9da &r.. 1 Carl B:411 , 7:1, in bh,eti , bicaeery's C'tlebrn•z•si c 01.1,1 ILEL ; Lap 6, tin 33. " Perish and Si C.:dared Printing Papera Pamphlet CL:iier Papers ; GlaldnA and Piaci Popes, red, green and Steel Blue I:zed Paper:., and a large aa4ortmaLt plain /iota ) Softer, o.tp, and Yollo tine and white. J. B. Wood street, near rourtt, IiOULD you ask me, should you woudor, Where to buy your Shoea and GsHers Gerans for our Met in springtime, 80013 with h 6019, and pretty 8U5E:1.73. tho Summer, Patent Leather, Clore aid Mon:sins: Where to buy chase cheap and good tou ; I should answer, I would tell you Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STOB.E. To the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store To tho Store of lilt PEN No. 17 Fifth street, LW BLIA:011,1) Si ISRM CIANDLES.L: q 2.0 boxer amerbad and 6's, Sperm Candice antand and and br a=la by ;all OAP 1& Gozc.2 ROZIa EU9p, in r u , 2 J. an d 3b. bare. bOO " No. 1 Pain Soap; in IL., 2D. nod 3 lb. tura. 60.3 " enemicul Olivn ek.ap, D. Itun ""d " Oleino 2,5•0 " Gerauna Odd " Castile 60 " Pare , falin OD hand and fc-: salz% by B. 0. a J. Ei. EularirEP , b ! ( JAI, BUFFALO, CALL' A N D CLO—fli OVERSHOEF, aZored low, at "'ll,, Noplaa' Shoe Owre,"No.l7 fifth atzt , at, r.ear Market. fen DIFFENTACIIEP. 8 Oil. ONLYS7SO FOR A TWO &JURY Dwel- Env House, of fors rooms, with lot Li ground 20 feet trout on 51outcrey street, Allegheny city, 1 110 deep to an alley. Terms, ;',10.0 in hand, balance at one, two and three yea, S. OU'iIELBIIIIT t EON, 2092 A 51 Market street. BUFFALO SHOES.—A splendid drtiele of Gents' and Ladies Buffalo Over Shoos. Also, Gents" Calf Over Shoes, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Filth sttreet, nmoMarket. nov2l TIN 81. OARB. SODA.-100 kegs, just j 1.2 reedved arid for tale by PAS a QQ. .~ ~ ~~ ~. :~:.~~, "MLA O. HANSON LOTS, ((urr_ - "miy Lo72Brethel), liO !v Alsr.kei ctmot. B. C. 6 J. H. fIAWYEIL " L 18.1.,,,.. " in ik. “ . DI2 ENBACTHER OWMS. wa. H. ..aos. B. n-urraat. WM. H. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, uS Second & 141 First sty., V4v7i? - AitI:_FPI , tTt , Yt:ILEJ Wla- Mr" "P o ...... W. 11laKano3, Plash% MILLER & RICRETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND LUPORTERE OP BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS. Nos. 221 and 223, Oorner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, AND SOLE AGENTS FOR Swearer's City Glass, PITTSBURGH, PA. NAIL% C.lrruN YARNS, ao, Az, CONSTANTLY L.', Mt-ND iii DAVID ..... 00/1 Di)CANTEWILLESS, MEANS & CO., I etleassaau SV wtcx I:.. 4 aitaLL=9 , ,1 WHOLESALE GROCERS, MIMICS IN IRON, NnTT 8, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AHD PITTSBURGH HATIUSAOT URES GRIIPRATTY Corner of Wood and Wetter street-a, foledy PITTSBURGH, Pe_ FoRIVA.B.DING AND COMMISSION JAISES COLLIBIS Forwarding and Commission Merchants, 1 , 1:0P 85 01 CoMae Pittsburgh, Mandrills tr. Eris CANAL LINES. Nus. 114 LAD 115 Werner STREST, 1 ) 171431111GGH. P. RHODES, HAGEN & CO., FuF.WARDINCI AND COMMISSION LIMIC H ANTS, Ni.‘ 30 SYCAMORE NT., CINCINNATI, 0.11y26 J. D. li_OUSEMAN, (LATI OF HOUSRMAN k SMITH,) COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, N0.9.N. Second Street, apS:am ST. LOUIS, MISSOURL OEM& HIPAPMLITY, t 7. J. HOD N. AN, JOHN WEIGHT Humphreys, flotilla i & Wright, FLOUR FA TORS, PRODUCE AND GF.,NERAIL coramissioN MERCHANTS, 75 NORTH WEARY E 3 AND 155 NORTH WATER Si, ACcru cno Sire,->t, R R Conrad, Thompa,.da & Co., YtAladolpLia riluanpon, Clark. a Yeaug, Suer, Arica &CO, Caleb Cope c Co„ Barcroll, Bo:-Ter & Canby, Neville E. Id. L-ewis, Caablor P. and U. Rant, Jos. G. SI 3 mt.' ; " Morris L. Liaßowell &Co., k a John Li. Kennedy a C., , Ealguel & Co., Pic mat e y Wale= kW, .idayavillo, Ky. Shre'Obbd'y Price, lnd W. ll—Langley k dons, Gallipo ha, Chi.,. LAWN -Dee & klathba, Lonisrillo, A. L. Rai.look & Go., Cinclanatt, Ohio. Llab:nea& i'dtaburgb, l'a. Eagaloy, Couravo k Co., A. L. WEBB & 13R0 (Saczaasora CO ELDZII WV3IO OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AGENTS Ji3R THE S TP , 01? DUPONT'S POWDER AND SAFETY FUSE, Corner Pratt. and Commerco strests, BALTIMORE, OLI C,:,nalgamont all Nude of Wesk.ra ProduLo, told natao advanced thereon_ 111ZPERENCH L10..5. W. Emlth k Co., W. IL smith .t V.'. Q. Glarrard, Millar 8 lilckadon nor.L.3t-a-w.6a ENRY id. COLLINS, Forwarding and II Commission Merchant, and wholesale dealer is FLUII, 011ISESE, BUTTER, SEEDS and PRODUCE generally, No. 95 Woad street, Pittsburgh. ward GLASSWARE. airaiwn. Manta .11071 GAN I.OBXELISON. ILDWA.P..D DITLISJDGII EMMY L. BINGWLLT. CNURLiG, ROBERTSON & CO. Mann factarerii of Cnt, Premed and Plain Flint GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 17 Wood street, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. G ee- All other kinds of Glaaoware and Window (Rasa, at low Marizet prices. apllxlly IAIEG3 E. LEDISH JOSUE J. ULAZIS. EDLIE & IILA:41, Successors to Mulvany & Ic3lie, manufactar.ra of Ott, Moulded and Plain Flint Euld Fancy Colored GLASSWARE:, and dealers to all Linda of Window Glass, Fla9kn, Viala and Bottles.. Ware tionsocrrner of ...kot and Water streeta, Plttabligh. WINES AND LIQUORS. 3OEN BRIAR 45c. 00., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No, 155 Liberty Stre•t, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Monongahela and Beclified W'hissies---also, Blackberry, Wild Cherry, Raspbe ry, and Glnzer Brandies. tapl2.ily Al. DEVLIN Al. KENNEDY. DEVLLN & K PNNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Dlerchants and It4a:tit,y - ing Distillers, No. 63 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa. aplly LAKE FISH-200 packages arriving and for sale by (jy22) HE BY H. COLLINS. 132 A.C.RES of Land for $450, half in hand and the balance in one year, situate in Islk county, Pa.,near Centreville; 25 acres cleared. The soil is good, and [lnbar of beat quality, for sale by jy2u 5. coraaexT & 80N, 61 Market et. 11110 APER WAREHOUSE.-JNO. M. PER KINB & 00, No. 123 Wood street, have the largest as summon t of all kinds of Pa fore ever in this market, anch as .130 . ...,k and Printing Papers; Rag and Straw Wrapping: Letter;Manilla Paper of all sizes; . Cap; Book and Box Boards; Note; Envelopes; Tissue; Bonnet Boards; and Glazed Papers; Hardware Paper,&c. Which we will sell at manufacturers prices. i y2l INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso, a large assortment of Dreeslug Tuck and Long Combs, just received at the India Rubber Dopot of J. & H. PHILLIPS, ell 20 sod Y 8 EE. alai! gust. ARPER'S MAGAZINE, FUR AUGUST. Just received and tor Ealn, at .711 RY APPLES.-60 bble. bright Dry Ap rec--ired and for sale, by ayg FESIZEY Et. COLLII4B f ARN APPLES.-15 bbls. choice Apple I,,e•ciTed and for sal. by HENRY H. OOLLINS. Ifit EANS.-20 bble. small White Beans, just received ar.l for sub) by FEENEY a OOLLINS. TIMOTHY SEED.-10 bags reo'd and for ..11. halo by (a;•3) HENILY H. COLLINS. INIEW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.—StiII 11 tb.ty come. WP. 151.2LESIIALL .1 CO., . . B 7 Wood street. N 1 , 41 GOO'Dn 'OR SPRING SALES.— We are daily 1 . 00 - dying from our own and Eastern factories, addition.; to our stool:, which consists In part of Floor Oil Cloths, kn.. - 11 -- o Oil Cloths, IZILLi e Oil Cloths, Table 011 Cloths, Crash Oil Cloths, T.ro asi:r.rent Oil Cloths, Transparent Window Shades., Buff liollands, and Shade Trimmings Merchants, Housekeepera, and others, requiring any goods In our line, bra invited to call and essellne the stock, and Judge for themselves in regard to the quality and prices. J. & H. PaILLIps, mr2d Foe... 20 and IS Bt. Clair street. bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shed,just ji„.7 received and for sale by McCANDLESS, IHEANS CO., Je22 Cattier Wcod and Water streets. lE ERRING-10 bbls. No. 1 Potomac Her ring, just received and for sale by McCANDLESS, MEANS & ja= Corner Wood and Water streets. DRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice Dry Apples, rocetved and for We, by JA& A. FETZER, apd Corner Market and First etreets. DINE APIPLES.-500 received this : y and for tral 5 by REYALEB & ANDERSON, No. 89 Woad skeet, my 2: OPPAdto Bt. Marko Rotel. CASKET 'BOARDS—For Packing Joints, gold by WM G. JOHNSTON & 00., turf Parer Deal/1m 67 Wood Moat. VISH.-150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal . mon, etc. ospn HENRY H. COLLINS. Ih, - -100 barrels fresh Lime just reel by t au s) EMMY H. OCILITIMB. CounN - 4. --- ar - 1, rOPS of various patterns, for rala by [mr29] El. 11. OOLLIMI. TOBACCO AI ND CIGARS.—A large assort, g moat of favorl to brands, on hand and for sale by WSL H. smug a co., nulti .- - US Sec -- ond, and 1117 - __________.______ First streets. ArAcKELE,Ey bbls. and half bbla Noj ju, a page, far Ball bY W 2 2.1 HENRY FL COLLINS., PIIILALDELPHLA. GIAREII P. Wg.88...1 Leoolll.S', Feet Building BANKS. COOLILAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 .berth Street, mr.ooLg BOOM, JONEB'Ellir BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'olook; also, on 'Wednesday and B.aturday evenings, from May list to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'cloca; and from November Ist to May let, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all !no= not less than Osra DOLLS, and a dividend of the prof i ts declared twice a year, in Jane and December. Interest wee declared at the rate of six per cont. per annum, on the first of December, 18.56; also in June and December, 1850, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, to placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pees book. At this rate, money will double in lees than twelve years, making in the aggregate RIGHT AND 0bta411.1.1 PER CENT. A TZAR. Books containing the Cfhsxter, By-Laws, Rules and Hegrb latious, furnished gratis, on application at the office. president --GIEOUGH ILL BESSE., mei PaIISDHCSra. Hopewell Hepburn, John H. Shoonberfrer, James Biddle ' N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D. Kelly, William 8. Lovely, James Eleriiman, llill Bnrgwin, John 8. Cosgrove, vuutrars. William J. Anderson. James W. John lt. Dackofen, °banes Albert Culhornicen, Y. A. M.li•tr.t, John B. Canfield, John LI. Mellor, .1. Gardiner Code, Welter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D. Charles A. Colton, Fleur:, L. Itingwalt. Willi Ans Douglass, John M. Bowyer, Francis Felix, George 11. Belden, George F. Gilimore, Alexander Tindle. James 8. Hoon, lheoLald Umbstaetter, William S. Raven, George R. White, Eiwretaryar.d Tredzurcr—CHAS. A. COLTON. [633 BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS 4 CO., COLLECTIONS MAE D and prompLv mitted. LANDS seler,tud mud CUpuelizts vrish.ing to make it/vestment:l iu the Wear, , ou d this house. Corro.F - pondeuco sUiLltnd. my'zi Andny iemEn !LIDA. D. 100/1/D. A USTIN LOOMIS (0., I.):.Merb in Prof:unwary Noteesßonde, Mortgagee, and all for Money. Money Loaned on CLe,..164 at dLoat di.:oe, with ce:dlatuttki !tic:tufty. NOTTS AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND &n.ro.). Portions desiring Latins can be accommodated on bin terms, anti capitalists can be funnelled with g, cecut ties et reancuts.r.stive prices.. Also, attend to the Salo, Renting and .)! Estate. Office, No. i. 12 PORRTH street, lan/7v Wvod. es.. AUSTIN JANAIIF, Notary Public. trawl t w irc" HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex- II 0 change Brokers, and Dealers In Notzn, Drafts, accept. =ass, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Rot ern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Cdileetions made in all the cities throughout the ildlti.l States. Depoita received in per funds or carront poi r, N, 67 Market etre:lt. Ig..twoen nor.l Rod Fourth etc. 1 . 1.1..:0:ly THOMAS WOODS, Uolumeroial Broker, arid Dealer In Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Ebtate, %c., No. 76 oarth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Juo.s BY AUTHORITY. ~. ~ - =~.^ Steam Machinery for S.crew Pro peller Sloops-of-War at the U. S. Navy littrdu of Portsmouth, Boson, New Tork, Phil- Gospoi t, and Pensa cola. NAV 1." July Teti. SEALED PRUPU'ALS, endorsed " 1 - I . vpu• saLs for ...I'tea Machi n ery for Proptlie , of- War," will be received t trite dcpartmait until o'clock P. IL, of it.lo 6th of Se,,teinbr,r next, fur the complete con struction of the a cam machinery and appeudagos, and I,:a -cing the same on bearu, for each of the sere a sleeps of-war building at the U. E. navy-yards at L'ortsmooth, N. fi , New York, l'hiludelphia, and tiosport In accordance with iris toi towing condltons: The offers most bo fur a specific sum for putting tar whole iu successful operation, must Include all patent tees, and the department will require a release from the proprietors .1 any patented article or arrangements used i i or stout ti.e machinery, and must Prato the time in w hich the work will bo completed, and must he accompanied by the usual guar antee required by law. The name of the establishment in whi, h the work le be executed mu tbo stated. The details ut the design and ar rangement of the machinery Hill b. ,eft with the party whore proposition may be exmpted as combining the great est number of advantage., keeping in view coat, rimplic ty of construction, readiness i f aece,s for adjustment wueu iu operation, and not being subject to derangement la the Um - king parts; It being the ol ject of the r epartraent to pro cure machinery which can develop great power whoa re quirvd so as to insure high speed fur as many days as pu,si ble, while at the same time they will be able to propel the vessel et a moderate spend with great exit:tot:lu of fuel, • u that long voyages may be perfurmed with one sup,ly coal. With this view, the department will expect the bidders to guaranty the rasulta proptieed to be accompl,shed by their plans, and to apoulfy these results uLder the followle beads: let. The amount of horse power which the engines and boilers will be able t.. develop for fi e days conseentively when driven up to their highest capacity, to be measured on board the vessel by the indicator, it the rate of 33100 peon ds lifted one foot high inn minute End to be not loss then woo horse power, and at least En revolutions per minute. The consumption of coals per horns power per hour ran t be stated. The pressure in pounds per pone re inch on the piston neoetsary to work the engines at the above velocity, the screw being disconnected and the engines without a load, except the line of shafting, must not emceed 2% pounds per square inch of piston by indicator diagram. 2d. The quantity of c.al which can to stowed in the ship withettt exceeding the total weight of 406 tons for machin ery, appendages, boilers and water in them, bunkers, tools, square pieces, and coal within the length occupied by the enemas and boilers. The boilers to be of iron of the tault. , .. tubular kind, with brass tubes and with telescopic smoke pipe. and, as it is intended to use fresh water in the I.KPerr, a surface condenser of the 11103 t approved kind will Le re quired. The propeller with the connexions f r hoisting it will be of composition, to be properly proportioned tor at least Si revolutions per minute and for the immersed analdship sec tion of the vessel. The pumps, apparatus for ventilating, and appurhsnanc et all kinds necessary for the perfect werking of the whole to be of the most approved kinds. The coal bunkers, shaft passage, two atwartshlp iron bulk heads, a distilling apparatus for fresh water, from which can be made not less than 500 gallons per day, and the tools and duplicate pieces necessary and satisfactory for an efficient cruising steam eloop•of-war, must be included In the proposition, and a ILt of them will be furnished. The wood and carpenter work, except the boring out the deadwood for the shaft necessary to adapt the vessel for the reception of the machinery, boilers and appendage will be provided at the expense of the Navy Department, and it will permit the use of such facilities as it may have for hoisting the henry machinery en board. Far the accommodation at the entire steam machinery and fuel there will be allowed In the body of the ship, tl.o entire apace under the spar deck commencing at 15 feet abaft the main mast, and thence extending forward a distance of 50 feet. Within this space It is expected to carry coal t.r five day& steaming at the maximum speed. In the Specifications the dolly consumption of fuel will be stated; also the weight of the machinery, coal, boilers, water in them, shaft, propellor and appendagre, with t0.,1s and spare work, all of which must not exceed 406 tons of 2,2a0 pounds. The distance from the after side of the mainmast to the after side of the forward stern poet will be about 8U feet, and the distance between the forward and the after stern posts will be seven feet. The depth from the load water tine to tho top of the keel under the propeller will be 12 feet 1 Inch. The proposal must be accompanied by full specifications and general drawings, having the poultiuu of the centre of gravity of the machinery, boilers, &c., marked on them, giving also the capacity of the steam cylinders, pressure of steam area of foot and delivery valves, and of air pump and outboard delivery valves, space for steam above the water line of the boilers, the fire and grate furnace, also the diam eter, pitch, surface, and kind of propeller and other prin cipal pints, that comparisons can readily be made. The terms of payment will be that, when one-half of the materials and labor provided for In the contract shall have been completed tb the satisfaction of the department, there will be made a payment of part of the whole amount of the contract. When the whole shall have been completed and ready for erection in the ship a further payment of will be made; and when a satisfactory trial of seven con secntive days shall have been made, then a further payment of ; and when the shipshall have performedsatistactorily at sea for a period of three months, the remaining sum shall be paid. The repairs neees2ary during this period from de fective workmanship or materials will be at the expense of the contractor. It in to be understood that if the weight and other condi tions specified in the contract bo not complied with, the de partment to to be at libetty to reJect the whole machinery, the contractor to ba at the expense of taking it out of the ship and refund whatever amount of the contract price noisy have boon paid. PROPOSALS will also be received at the same time and place for the steam machinery and appendages, and placing the same on board each of the screw sloops-of-war hui,ding at the navy yards at Boston, Philadelphia, and Penseco:a under the six-clfications and conditions above stated, with variations in the following particulars, viz : Lt. lone power 750 at, at least, 80 revolutious per minute. 2d. The total weight fur machinery, appendages, I oilers and water in them, bankers tools, spare pieces, and coal must not exceed 310 tons of 2 240 pounds each. The length occupied by the engines and hollers will commence 14 feet abaft the mainmast, and thence extend forward a distance of 40 feet. - - The distance from the after-aide of the mainmast to the after-elde of the forward stern poet will be about 79 feet. The depth from the load crater line to the top of the keel under the propellor will be 9 feet 2 inches. Steam engine manufacturers who desire to bid, can obtain g copy of the section of any ono of the cessele upon making application to the department. ISAAC TOUCEI, - jy3htseS Secretary of the Navy. SI BLIPS.— 200 dos. Lemon Syrup ; 10 " Strawberry Syrup; " Pine Apple " 5 " Raspberry " Jurt received and for sale b 111.1'111RR & ANDRIISON, No. a Wood Went, /e 0 Opposite the St Charles 'Hotel STONE W ATETJP E. 600 yards t 3 luck; 600 " 4 GOO " 8 400 Received and for node by fje3] HENRY EL COLLINS NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! l- ALary Derwent, by Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens ; The Jealous Wife, by Miss Pardon. For essle by B. A.. LOOMIS, Publishers' Agent, le B Poet lElnildings, 41171fth street. NITRAPPING PAPERS.-1000 reams as sorted Ekes, straw and rag wrapping, for sage by WM. 0. JOHNSTON dr 00, jeci Paper Dealers, fa Wood street. COPYING PRESSES, Copying Books, Brasher', Oil Pam for sale b 7 W. S. HAVEN, mr24 Corner Market and Second eta. VINE FLOUR.-20 bble. Fine Flour in AL' stare, and for sale by broOmiDl,llBB, firEANIEI a 00, Corner of Wood and Water street*. 800751,5,-400 doz. Extra Carpet Corn rnoina oa hand and far 'tale by le7 B. C. J. f3AWYE,B,. r~ ~ r~ ~ _ r . .....~,~.._.. w.~~.~.._._. _.:.. _.._.~._._..,:::, RAILROADS. RAILROAD NOTICE. The Pitts!) 9 h, Ft. Wayne & Chicago RAILROAD cOMPANY, WITH ITS AMPLE 'ROLLING STOOK and equipment, and Its through conneetions,le pre pared to transport Passengers and Freight from PHILA DELPHIA and PITTSBURGH to CHICAGO, ST. Lau, IN DIANAPOLIS., CINCINNATI, and all ple.ces Won and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The fact that this itoad terms a direct and consolidated line between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a sufficient gnat , antee that its Trains will male good time, and cennectietes with Trains on other Road. ON AND AIiTIM 2.IONDAY MAY 1011, 1858, the Trains on this road will loavo the UNION DEPOT, Pittsburgh, daily, (Sundays excepted, as follows: PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE Pittsburgh. Crestline. Pt. Wayne. U. S. Mail, 7:30 tt. M. 7:07 P.M First Expre55,......._.2:40 A. M. 10:00 P.M 5:00 P. M. Second uli P. M. 10.5.3 P.M I 4:50 A. M. REACH 01110AGG—First Express, at 7:00 A. M 4 Second Express at 1:2,0 P. H. ItEACI7I CINCINNATI—First Express 5:29 P. 11.; Second Express 7:25 A. E. REAC , I ST. LOUlS—First Exprei-:e 6:00 A. H.; SOCOMI Es. press 4:53 P. n. AU Trains make clods coluiectiuma at Creetli cc for Col - e.:m. I.ra, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Lonis; also at P.:+rt Wayne with Trains on Wabash .and Western Itaload for Lafayette, Central Illinois and St Louis; also, at Forest wtl.l] Trams on the M. R. 5 L. E. It. R., and Lima a ith Trains on Dayton and Michikan Railroad. RETURNING. Prom Chicago. I Ft. Wayne. Urettline. Arr.Pti-1, 1 0: U. S. Mail, P. 51. 5:30 A. Si. 12;40 P.M. 8.52 P. let Exprem, c,3OA. SI. 2:00.P. 31. 9:12 P. M. 6:10 Ati 2el •• I 5425 A.M 1115 P These Trains make c ose connections with Trains for f alt adelphia, Baltimore New York cud Boston. Trains from St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Colcas. bus make close connections at Creecine with all returnlc-,?, Train& At Fort Wayne, Trains from St. Louis, Central FLts. nois, Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above 'Prains. At Forest ' connections roe made with Trains to end from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. The U. S. hl:t: fron Pittsburgh to Creatline, being a train for local boa:. ne.e, In overtaken by the Sorond Expre.N. ACCO3iIiODATION TRAINS—Loma New Brighton for Pittsburgh, at 6;30 A. 31.. Lind I.=fi F. Id. Leave Pittt• burgh for Now Brighton at 0:80 A. H. and 6:00 P. it. BAGI.}A.GE CHECKED THRtUtla, and no charge for handling. Travelers or persons intending to purchase tickets in Pitts bingo tlie Weal, will bear in mind that the only Agent authorized by Lose P., W. &C. It. it. C. &P. R. R., and Steubenville and indhiiiit Railroad Companies, is GEORGE PARKIN, at the Utile') :'.coot (Mika, with the P.L.u'a R. R. P..uteng,r C, - .,rncr L 11,41; r.. 1.1,1 strcas. BAIRI AL i6 j„0 fur PWeVild puichazing tick.ta at nay other placu iu Ltd: TO COMMENCE ON MONDAY, 'ALI tnrtber notice,. HOUSTON, Oun. i 't. Aet. D. V. Agent, Chic.4gu. my 11 Alt ..!!. . 51 0 01 M, - - _ IEW ViESTREIS Tv CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and Sr. LOUIS VIA PlTtlii; UE:I3 Li, 1 1- 1. WAYNE aal (211 ICAO' ~~ „~~Ir1: AN L) eiNCIN NATI, ELAIIILTON A DAY'ruN RA lI.IIOA VIA. DELA WAILE c4_ , l F 3-2:4 macs p-ida • C,f,it-tatl rfiLILS LINE is composed of ft,hiis of tiic, A First and is located throill a t. •antiln I cultivated portion cf tho State. DLitt cionnecton in made at Cincinnati uiiL the 'Alio and siinair.s.ippillei.erna2, (rho cracks tbe OH.AO. Et 0 M.. Itoads, being c.irins - ,ted, Evansville, Memhis, icbabnri„ Natchnn, l'annection rnsde ni bi Leuis e'a•zflez 6,14 Itesnuri }Myer PacLab, for itA.lZi359 AND Ne..Bii.A6liA, Wear. Also with rt r.taCa, omtrai R. R., lor Lsminglou, at..: all potata in Ocntral Ecr.tucty. T:t.lai kayo N, as ,•Erset StatßA, • I Jugt, to Hitt, o:3k ; Lk.a. r;vl. - ng . ; k.tpreiA Afts,ur 1 4. - D p : I citing In ••“' A. BAGGAO6 011ECLUcb TuuouGa. Fara an Law as any tither Fur all ii,furiaz.tioa, Through apply at the Ti. 'net Oytu, corp.Pr Siku.ongahc‘la Peru itik• Station. .46jr Pa.r.,oi.gbta deQlre.r.a of gulr...; this Ticket 4 via liclawarti Cut-01.1. J IL r. H. ir. m LI. t , Gpt. C H. aL. it it. The Cieveltsiva, Iflgishai•ght Wheeling Haiire.azi, LNll Pitiburgb, Columbus At Clue!ulna 6-7 M. wkt., RAILROAD LINE. Change of Ttnte. ()IN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10 1 LI, 1858, Trains will lever, Lh, Central Railroad ~ 1 3 fo!low.i 6:45 A.M. GLEViLiND, W.lteA_L.). P, CHICAGO £ND TEI6 W. WHAZLIN6 AND ZANXBV/LIS. Yor CLEVELAND, Totino, Drritutt, 2:36 P. M . ULAN:AGO AND TEJO WEST. tts Ttint train conneett at Clovelaud, %kiln Detroit lino of n4,,,(118113. 4:09 1"0 51.} 44 ' WAY STATIONd ON T 11.6 ltivtat Pazsengera deArlag to go to Chicago, Lovond Chicago, via Cleveland, twist ask' fur ticlieLi via Cluvc lat' PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI (v. 4 S MURRY - I;7GL II,) RAILROAD CHANGE OF TIMG.—On and after MONDAY. 11, loth, of May, 1858, Trains will leave the Dep.t of the Fi;Lasy Iva- Isla Cv•ntral Railroad, as follows : For Brsuistumu..T..., CoLU MINK DA I' TON, 3:4)0 A. Ma iNDIANAPOLLN, I.OOIAV/LIA, C3lllO, .I.ltAi, PIUS AND NEW OILLLANit. IFr.u. CINCINNATI AND ST. 1, - ...m a, and ALL POINTS SOOTII AND WEST. 2:35 Pe Mi Through to Cincinnati without change of cars. Passengers dedriug t:) go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any points beyond Co:umbue via Btsubonville, suet ask for tickets via bteubenville. J MIES FARMER, Buperintondent C. P. a W. R. R. W. W. BAGLEY, my 12 1 Baperintandent P.. G' A C. R. B. PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD. A N and after Monday, the 10th inst. Pa6B - Trains will be run daily, tezeopt nundaya) trout the Pennaylvania Railroad Passenger Doput, as follows : Mail Train leaves Pit tabar,h Itoo A. M. Expresa Train luai.es Pitt burgh .-3:33 A. a. RETI3I3 NIN CI: Mail Tra a leaves Counellsville ° 00 a 11. Express 6:00 A m. Arriving at Pittsburgh 8:45 a. a. Tickets to be had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket (Ace. Mail Train cot:netts et Connellsville with Dilating Coaches for Uniontown, Sroctburg, Cumberland, etc., and at West Newton with Coaches for Mt. Pleasant, &merest, Berlin; etc. Freights to and from Pittsburgh and Stathus oli Nita burgh and Connellavillo Railroad, will be rec,oived and do livered in Pittsburgh. at the " Baldwin Depot," opposite "Duquesne Depot." Excepting each as Pie Iron, Lumber, Stoney etc, which will be loaded or no o.adtd at Voter De pot, or at the canal Depot, as may be arranged a ith Freight -Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh. H. BLAOKBTONE, &Wt. Transportation Department P. A 0 R. It., Col:wallas:Ma, May 6th, 1868. f myB New Route via River and Railroad, Indleatapolis ot Cincinnati Railroad OONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with Ad Terre Matte, and Terre Dante and Altpn Railroads, to Lards and Lafayette and Indianapoib, 'New Albany and Salem, and Michigan Central Roads for CHIO I6O, ROOS ISLAND, BIIRLINGTO3, and all intermediate points. Through Freight Train to INDILNA.PuLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in lees time than any other route by bourn, and at as low rates. The only road by which shipments can be made from CM. cinnatl to the West, without breaking bulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at °incite nail; or, W. B. CUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, (11141 no charge for commission ; no Margo fur drayage or carciatiesica at Lawrenceburg. For further information, apply to THOMAS SATTIG AN, (No. 1.15 Water strect,) Agent of the Coropauy, who lit pre. pared to give ewaouea RECEIPTS Ul lndiauepoLs, Tenn Hats, Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, Greencastle, Crawf or d,. silks, Charleston, Paris, and Mattoon. H. 0. LOAD, Prtmi JNO. V. OTIEREE, Gen'l Freight Agent. trar FURNITURE A MILLIKEN & 00. have on hand, at xi.. their extenalvo OAT:DIET and (main NIANII2AC. TORY, No. 84, Smithfield ntrest, a largo anaortment of Fancy and Plain Futaltnre, which they will ;oil 15 per cent. lower than cnntomary rafcs. Tartan, cash only. WOODWELL'S FURNITURE AND 0/IAIRS, Wholesale and Retail, embracing every style of Furniture, In Rosewood, Hiatogany and Waln u t, ealtable for Parlors, Chambers and Lining Rooms, t, G mum, equal any In New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prieee. Every article made by hand, and warranted. Catlu t-rankera Hap. plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CRABS, on reasonable terms. notate and attanabeata fornlshed at the 'Morten notice. Warseivrma, Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD Etreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. oclu. QTARCII.-250 bits Rochester Pearl Starch, robe:trod and fai , sala by FIE.YRY H. OOLLISS. BANANAS.—First of the season just re- ceived by express and for sale by REYMER a ANDERSON, No. 8 Wood street. ap24 Opposite St. Clbarlea hotel. ROLL BUTTER-2 bbls. Fresh 801 l Butter received and for sale by JAS. A. RETZEIt, milt Omer Market and Viral sts, MOUNTING executed in the highest style of art, and at reasonable pricer, by 3. B. WBBIDN, Bookseller and Stationer, myll3 63 Wcod street, near Fourth. 'MEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— ,AA 20 boxes assorted sires, Ca, Ws and O's,SpermOanclles on band and far sale by B. o.lr J. H. HAWITHU. 1 - .) IMF'S BOOK- s 'EPING, Band Dralcan's system of PeranaashiP, for sale t:y 8. IJAVEN, rar24 • r •» - anti • ...ad • A WNING RODS-1 eat Awning Rob, for !ado by Ue2s) EMU U. °OWNS. RAILROADS. 118313. fittnisinetr A:l4aggentont... s 5 Et, . ON AND Ann MONDAY, JULY 6. . PENNSYLVANIA: CENTRAL RAILROAD EIGHT .DA-ILIAr . .P o,ht. ease clo . cz ngs p ii tta St b a u tlo g n h e s Ve t a , m arr o nli rn ivin ini AlAil in (ex phi ce lad p Mel t e fi l tm phia N da l y a e , t a ) v .th at ei o ' fa th O e p o THE PAST LINE Daily, except Sunday, atl:26 P, sx., ar riving in Philadelphia at 6 o'clock A: or., and stopping only, at principal stations. THE RIMLESS TRAIN lasima the Station every evening at 9:50 o'clock. Stopping only at Greonshnrg, Latrobe, Johns. town, Willmons, Gallitzin, Altoona, Ac., connecting at Her - rielaarg with tho Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving In Philadelphia or Baltimore at ,800 o'clock, P. M. ACCOMMODATION • TRAINS : ' TELE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven daily (except Sunda,y,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. Stopping at all stations, andrnnaing as far as Conemangh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge loaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. • SECOND AOCOSIMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Staiday,) at 4.20 P. TITTBD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Tattle Creek, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 6:20, P. M. BLITURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh as follows:- . - Exprass, 1:46, P. 11.; Diall„3:10 A. IL; Past LI tie '&25 A. Is.; Johns. town Accommodation, 11:00 a. M.; First Turtle Creek Accom modation, 1x60; A. at; Second Accommodation, 1540, P. 314 Third Aretrearnodation, 6clo, P. M. • Tr ins for Elairaville and Indiana, connect at Blairaville Intersection with mail train East, Exprna train West, and the Johnstown actioracslation train East and West. pITTSBUitilli AND OONNELLSIFILLE 'TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Cannella villa Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: MAIL TRAIN 7:00 A. u, I EXPRESS TRAIN-3:30 P. a- BSTUItN2NG MAINS from Pittsburgh and Comaeliscille Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:45 A. at and 6:10 P. N. The traveling public will find it greatly to their In tercat, in going East or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, GB the accommodations now offered cannot be Bur passed on any cthor mato. As the Road 13 ballasted with stone, and Is entirely freo from dint, we can promise safety, .peed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their patronage. -=• FARR : To Now York $13,00 I To Baltimore $ 9,60 " Philadelphia 10,00 I " Lancaster 8,60 To HarrbibUrg, 17.4.5. Baggage checked to all Stations ou the Pennsylvania Rail road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Now• York. Passengers purchasing tickets in cars, will be charged ten Gauls in addiZon to (he Station rates, except from Stations where the Company 1.110 no iigroD;. NOTICE.—In owe of lean, the Company will hold them selves responsiblo for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. N. U.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to convoy Passengars and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 25 cents for each passenger and bag gage. For ticiteta apply to J. STEWAP.T, Agent, Al the P. ii. R. Pasee....,_ , am Station, Jig • on Liberty•and Grant streets. IqIE PENNSYLVANIA ILULROAIL lagow t uq3:+? PAT CE ROUT £y Ro, connecting he A thinlin Cities with Waitarr., li4rtb-western and South-western States bye contitinonc Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittebnigh with Dail- cot Stoaraers to all porta on the Wes' 9r. , ana at Cleve tams acs Ot.;.;itisky with eteamers to all porta on the North- Feat era litilic‘.., tri.k - trig 41.5 4;02; DLoWT ? OZZAPEBT and anusats tams by which l'allfaliT can be torwarcai to end from the G133A4 WHST, Philr-dolp3hin Ptttaburgh, FIRST CLASS.— booth, 2 - 0064, C.ete and C' a, Rooks, Dry G coda, (in boted, bales and trunks,) Drugs, (in boxe4and bales) PEathorz, Fnya, Jco. SMONDULABB—bomestio Shirt ing and Ticking (in original bales), Drugs (la eitaks), Hardware. Loather (in roils or bens), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, liAzturard, 4.0., 4c. aim 1) OUSS.-4n3114., Btaal, qldt (ll4' cabk-e), Blomp, Bacon and Po;k, Sapid (10030 or In eacka), Tobacco, ruanufac. trued, (ercopt Claws or cut,) 4tc. INJURTII CLASS---Coffee, Pleb, Bacon, Boa and Pork, (In casks of bosee Eastward,) Lard and Lard otl,N ells, Soda Ash, Ger 'nun Clay, Tar, Pick, Rosin, ...to., &o. YLGPR—Tfc. bbL until Duler notice. GRAIN in car 10r.d3, be ote. jT NO lbs. until further notice. ooTroN—s2 V Lobe, not ezceodig ft 3.10 OD. weight, until Carttc- , r rt3ttliv. ,1,7", shippiLg tikx. , ,ie from any point. Rant of Philadel phia, ho particular tJ mark pachagea "Ma Fenncylvania Railroad.." All G00(14 ewleigned to the Agents of thla Road at Philaatiphia or Pitt.,bnrsrb, will be forwarded without detehtk-u. Auid7.3-11arris, Wormley & Co., Memphis, Tenn.; R. F. Sa&s A St. Louis; G. O'filley A Co., Evansville, Ind.; Unmeant', Bell & Cu., emu C.;6..:.0: Jewett, Louisville, Ay.; R. C. Me'drum, Sladisou, Ind ; W. Brown A co., and Iry in A Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanesville, Leech Co., No. 54 Kilby street, Boston; Leech A Co., No.r New York; No.l William street, and No. B Battery Place, Now Yea E. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw A Bones Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. HOUSTON, General 11'reight Agent. H. J. LOMB-I;MT, 6.,.p.zNatendant, Altoona, Pa-. .CiIiOCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS Thu baga tiioCoffao; 100 chasm 81a..-11. and Grozn Teas ; crn,hod Hagar; iL Coln " New York Syrup: Kew Orl. an; Moiasa,..,; o 'f,crzoa Now Bias ; 1() 111.5.E43 W. W. H. Grant's Tc.bam.o ; 1,0 " M. B. and Layer ard,dm:; kega Prauch Ylama; i'undi,una Jamaica ROW; •_&.an[4oruts Rum; Hin; A1e..., , ~, Brandy; POrt, BMirry, aml Charm paana Wla. PUCE` Oil Bye add It.”mdtlf•d"Wtilalcy, iu atom 4341,1 fo: ocalo low, Ly 11A WoLLTH A BIi...)WNLEN, Haworth, Bro. & Btu vinloe, tA.r. v Rho Di2.Luunnl au] IMimoud mrzJ Pitt-burg b. 13aUNI4IIES.-- kY 16 bbls. Eastwit.L', Ey. ; 25 " Now York 15 " 13altinwre " dl blids. New Orloana Sjigar ; 10 Lnlf clesti Young Upon Tea; Black Tea, for axle by J,30 W. H. SMITH AI CO. MANILLA PAPER.—A large lot various .tee, fur sale by WM. G. JOHNSTON Et CO., Peter P(.B l F:a. 1.7 Wrl,ll ULANTATIOL•I SUQ4R & MOLASSES— no Ude. fully fair and primp N. 0. Sugar; GOO bble., oak cooperage prima N. 0. MU:wilco; 60 J ames id, 0 Molasses, now landing and fur tale, 1 y MILLER .4 iIIOKETSON, 1-r25 Nam. 221 and 229 Liberty etieoL "BILL PAPER—Of best quality—for sale by WM G. JOtiNSTON ic CO , je2.B Stationers, 57 Wood street. VNVELOPES.—Buff, Straw, Amber and A 2,4 White, of ail a:Fez, acid wholeaale or retail, by Wit G. JOHNSTON iny7 Stuti,wers and Paper I elders. 57 19,30 d it. SODA ASll.—iOO casks Soda Ash, now Lauding and for sale by STILLER h RIOKETSUN. EGOS, -10 barrels fresh Eggs, just receiv ed and for sale by JAWED A. FIVIZEB, Jet' Caner Market and Vint, atzsetz. COD FISH.- 8 drums extra large Cud Bie6 ; largo " " Just received and fur cult), by MILLER. dc ItICHIETSON, mr:l6 Nos. 22! and 223 Liberty street. FO R SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder 15 inches In di• meter, 454 feet stroke, with 2 Cylinder Boilers 32 Inches In diameter, 30 feet in length, with the front; Bly Wheel 10 feet in diameter. For prieu and terms, inquire of B. C. A J. IL SAWYER, je3o No. 47 Wood street. LADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT BE:6', with and without hoele, at the P exple'a Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street. DIPPENBACLIEEL A: CO. CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, at the People's shoe Store, No. 17 Flrth street. IHAVE constantly on hand a large supply of Pure Wince and Liquors for medicinal purposes. non wlshicg anything in this line, can rely upon getting a pure article at JOSEPH PLEILENG'F, iYI 2 (',.roar Thamond and market Itr&eL $ 600 WILL buy a Dwelling House of 6 rooms and bath room, good cellar, and other conveniences, situate on Franklin street s'oo In hand balance at one and two years. 8. CUTHBERT .4 SON. Jyls 61 Market street. TYPE METAL, just received and for Pale, by W. S. RAVEN, Stationer and Printer, le2d Corner Market and Second etreeta. QOAPS.—A large supply of Low's we known Brown Windsor Soap, Jad received Ale Honey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and otbet fancy Soaps con stuntly on hand at JOS. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market street. CIOLTON'S WEST TOURIST & GUIDE IL/ For sale by (J 619) J. It. WELDIN. DELIVERED EVERY MORN Ye Forney's Prose, Public Ledger, N. Y. Times, [(maid and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your address at RUNT & MINER, Jel2 Masonic Hail. G ENT'S WEAR.- • 011FAP. Gent'a Patent Leather Gaiters; ra :-.. Gent'a Patent Loather Oxfords ; 4 14 N tiout'a Calf Boots; denee Fine Slippers. te- CEIKAP. ea AT THH PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jul: No. 17 Fifth street, DIFFENBACELEB. .h CO. ITAR CANDLES.-7b boxes extra Ada mantine Star Candles, warranted superior to any In the market, on hand and for sale by B. C. & IT. SAWYII.II . .Q,PONGES—A large supply of coarse and to One Spongea, of a very superior quallty,,lnet received by JOB. BLE.IIINGI. iy 12 Corner Diamond and Market etreet. LTATIONERY FOR OFFICE USE-A largo supply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of. aces, banks, etc.,for sale by (jsl9) J. 11. WELDIN. URESII TEA, MORE NEW TEA— The Jl2 finest Tea of every name, grade and color. The sub scriber has in store and arriving, a most extensive and complete assortment of lea in cheats, half chests and fami ly boxes, all of which it offered at greatly reduced prices. J e 32 AJAYNES, 38 Fifth str et. AHOME IN THE COUNTRY. new Cottage Rouse of 6 MOMS, good cellar, and every convenience to make a comfortable and pleasant residence; stable, carriage bowie, spring house, 280 peach tracer, also, choice apples and other fruit, 12 acres pf land, good quality for gardening Purposes, situate at 3 miles from the city, near the Washington Turnpike. Terms easy, and immedi ate possession. For 151310 by. 8. OUTHBEItT 80N, 39 22 61 Dlarket etre cot.. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE . A Dwelling Rouse and two largo lots, with good provemeats, immediate possession. Price, SRCO. A Farm 01'003 acres, 40 improrod, all prime lard ono mile from Fayette Springs. Price, $d per acre. A valuable property at Lawrenceville, in complete order, good location, immediate possession—s.3soo. A section of choice . land in Franklin county, lowa, In good location—s2,so per acre. S. 01PFKBEItT A SON, je29 51 Market street. CLARK STREET. A Brick Dwelling not= on Clark street, near Carpenter's alley, at the low price of $llOO. Also, three other Dwelling Ei0112013 near the above. Price, $l2OO, each. Terms 'easy. 31 1 5 8. 011n11i811T - It 80N. 61 Ilarketst. ERRING.-50 bbla Herrin't for eel° by: jai) 001x1=1 =TOliWlS,_:7f '..i,%l;.'-',-.7:''''.:-1 ', - .:': , Y . 'i , i,. , .t - ; , : - .: . .,.A : .,. • , ;. • . i..k . ,.,.:,. k . 1:;: ; t.A.',:. , !::: ;; •*.:•' , '::' . , : i . ,5iF.;,..' ,7 A , ',%.'.': . i . i . Ci -,.,,, ... '-':•,'-tFe,-,.:,•.::,!.',''-:l'4.'&-i,,',',.;;:t.,;2,;.-.:•-.t:.',':fi•g:t.:.!:.,. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. "Dr HMO - VAL.—J. & H. PHILLTPS have AA; removed to their new building, Noe. 23 and 28 S. CLAM etreot, west aide,between Penn area and the Brides. . „ a: d; 11. PHILLIPS ITANDBAOTiDIEDB OF =OR, IDENTINDID,OARRIAGD, • •.'TABLE];' AND TRANSPARIM 4 OPAQUEs :8 D' cLOTEIS! Also, DEALERS IN OIL , CLOTHE:I.& WINDOW SHADES, Of every description. Dealers in MLA RIIBBER.GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent;- Agents of the Boston and Now York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, ROSE:and PAOIUNG. LEATIEUt BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior Anality; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OMO ELRE-PROOP Eackipft. AT, PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Potty. ROUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, done in tbo beat and shortest time. ido2o:ly I J. t H . PHILLIPS, Stem NeS.26 and 2 St. Glair street; Diannfactory at Phil. Lipsville, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. Fouvtra Sitteet Carpet store. `-1 y' D. & H,.. III'CALLIIM respectfully invite the attention of their former easterners and the public; generally to their present stock, jut selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Homo Manufacture, eonaisting in part of Velvets and Brassels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Bromele, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair ()ARMS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 24 FRET WI % Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets; Vanittan Blinds; Painted, Bail and Green Eichand Shades. It will glvo na pleasuro to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. W. D. EL H. AITALLVII. _ _ ®IL CLOTH CLOTHING—Of all kinds, I,p , black and yellow, 1.).r sale at tho India Rabber Depot and 28 St Clair street. [dc2J J. Is 11. PHILLIPS. (ILL CLOTHS FOR TILE FALL TRADE. 1,..av We have on hand, and aro daily receiving additions thereto from our own and other manufactories, a large stock of Floor linrnitlare, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, Traw• parent, Goon and Buff and all kinds of Oil Cloth, need for Honsefurr..ishing and oMer purooves. Also, Transpa!ent Window 2hadea, of dry and ail naish—gold bordered and other stylos, and Window Ehade Trimmings. Merchants and others will and ;t w their advantage to ox amine one stock and price.: is:fore malting thoir purohavis elmaahere. J. selo snd 23 St. CLUr etreet. 700. 100 to tioo. fil 100 Rm. 10J La 4 , 0 e. 11 IGO iNJ DIFBENBACHEII k CO Of dirOrtnAt ()okra. CADETS, OIL CLOTHE, MAT:CMG, &e., AT THE OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS—Of our owon and otter inatiufazturerd, for sale wholeoule and retail, by J. a H. PHILLIPS, 11 1 7 2d o.r.d 28 St. Clair street. TRANSPARENT OREEN OIL OLO 7 I'iIJL 30180 yarda of a anparior juat reCCiVf d from Um factory, and for auk; by J. & ri PHILLIPS. jyl7 28 and 28 St. Clair strr-at. fIA_RRIAGE OIL CLOTLLS.—Enatnelled 1 / 4 ,,/ with plain or figured backa—ou muslin, Twilled and Duck Goode, for gale by J. ir U. PHILLIPii, /3 17 '.03 and 2S Pt. Clair area. ____ _ PAP OIL CLOTHS—A few pieces on runs- Iv/ lin', sllk, and imitseiou of silk, f, r kale at .'zi; arid `.:B Et. Ulair street. (1y17) J. 6. 11. PHILLIPS. FIOSPITAL SHEWTiNG—Of all widths and of the best quality, for gale at the India Rubber Input 26 and 1:8 St. Chstr dtruat. 3. lc IL PIIILLIPS. INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—Tho beet cuticle in [Be, fur &lie .t the India Rubber Depot ; of I'LOOR OILCLOTHS,- Of car °cm an 1 enstoru irauardazture--nll width; and cut to Batt any dud of Pi0:11.1 !La Oil Clain Waro room, Die , . 2d and 7.3 kit. Clair stre€4. occ4B J. A U. PIIILLIPd. ,C-reat Chalice lo MtAke Pflioril. THE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPEC ll .g LATION 01? TIII Tlti 5---01 CL '1 0 NII ns...D DoLLAR PER SHARE.—Forty tho,leand dollars c 4 ,;:: worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, (4-171,i, delver and Silver Plated Ware, w:tt., a gre.tt variety -..' of Policy and 13taple Goods; to he disposed of in forty then sand 811111'433, at one dollar per share, es foil ,. Wu :--0 von the payment of one dollar, 1 will crate the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will en till:. him to one share in the ahoie undi vided property. When the ahs.r‘,.a clout have beer. , :raid, the Bharehalderualkill to nattOed of the tact, 14 mail, ur through the nowepapers, cud a mt-: , ting of the onarelluldcra shell then he hold in the city of Pruirdelpnia, and the whole of the property diPpCJA Cq or distributed e411Ce.1:7 them • in such c , ay b.. 9 Ibtlt4di be tleternsm,l upon by them; Loch bhtrehold er shall be eutilled to roe rote, a Coen:eines to be selected by the Share! oldore at , aid meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of trio propel ty, according to thu dire°. dons of the t , har:tholders, and I e, ill thou deli, et the pro perty to each ,person or Fontana as the lillarotelders may appoint to receive the came. Thu Real Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at 04,2500, end two three story brick dwelling housea and lots valued et 2700 each, In the city or P11,1 , ..de1pti1 , ,, clear of all mourn trance; and title italisptiht,ble; Coe etha property consietu of the whole stott's: and 11A:taros of ot.e :1 the 1ar,,,..•et V/ atch and Jewelry Storm in the city of l'hil.,:e:pls,J, now, and for a long time past kept by the suk.-;r11,:r. The atcck comist leg lit very fine Gold rit,d ntly,...- 1111,!7:P.II C 3-3 ., Lev,: Watch oi, very tau told and b:P. el P..: L.: ~...v,,, la pine "cci other Si :Achea, Geld (1114;ns, ker , .1 , .....,...., Lwritetu, Ear Itinga, brut...hod, liracelsts, 1'i5.r..:,,,d tin , t .thor Itiugs and Pius, Studs, Sleeve 6uttora, .R.r„ ao., II )14, nicer and Ste,: Spec bides, Gold and Oliver 1 hinible.i, redv^r and Biher Fluted ar ,,, codejnting of 'lira :iota, C.,4totti. finite linattuti, Cope, Spoon, kiniitr..i, b'urlin. ix., Ac. Lltr., French Clop, lti,,,,is buses, Act_Ordeting, tutu 'a ,p,-,...t v arery cr .o-,-.11 - , - ,,7 g'0, 1 ,1,„ The stove ii not one cif t1i0.,0 s .I,qt:l 4 ...nicht Ar., iluiiroil to en trap the unwary, but is eau 'Nth Utt zt . i..tir SA' of the entire property belonging to I: t o rtit..tot I Lior; ;....t ttolut nru positivoly fissured the etfick bin nut 1,.:n parch:lL:A for the purpose of deception, and to palm oil C.Jram,: - ,a alit ::nd Plet,Ji Jewelry, for lists Gold, none such will 1., ,, 1: - -tr11.1. - .ted, to , mmt rospeoti able persons are turn ;1.4 rutorrn..o.t,: if_l_,,, , ttdp Ali,..d to par chase shares. Al ordera by llati en, ...elm; the money will be promptly atteaded to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dreaa of the eundt.r, by mt. - ins n 4•11. Any 1 . - .oree:l neading ton dollars at OLIO ',Lillie, 6 ball recuiveoloven nc,n.r..,t e teeeipte,, in at many accurate uames if dosiro,'. r - 2_,:5,„ In writing for shares, ploabe writo the name of the Post Office, to whiph you the 11:1L'ner 411.•Ct.9. I'We is the greatest einanOe of go;ting a large uuloitut of ianiablo property, for a stnall sine, ad hua bc-ea c&rod to the pablie. Send on your orders:, ehuree ore se! ;lug rapid ly, and It Is confidently e:.:peci,-1 the will s,ou be Artiales allotted to perFtli - , di,tailt , , l're Ere: to them at their cmpettze. IX . A.,Agonta wantetl in t..n.vn awl village. AU com nianicationa trot ba addreczed to IL. BROOMALL, No. €0 Soul!, E*con,l. (Moshe:, Jy23:ly COPYING PRESSES, with Screw and Lcver, for P.a.10 Ly W. S. EIAVFN, 441 , 41 P9per Dealer, J) Corner Market and Se( ~:id at rent 4. RUMMER EXCURGIONISTS.— Ladies wLo design taking a `• irneuro provido then:lst:4l'oa with tho NEW LIKEN TRAVELING HURT! The above article can be precured at JJS. 110UNPS. 77 Yarket street. PURE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, by the bottle or gallon, at IRWOBTII C DP.OWNLEE'S, fe6 in the Diamond. 1 0 SACKS FEATHERS, for sale by BAGALEY, COSORAVR 09., stur--21 Nuf IS and Wao.l street. rt -fE.;-125 bush Rye for sale by JAS. A FETZER, 192 Ceruer Market and Firat streets. TIMOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy Food for ;Lilo by JAM. A. FETZER, RYE FLOUR.-15 Ws. just received and for bale by fmr3 J HE:cIY . 2I. COLLINS. EGGS. --10 bbls. fresh Eggs just 'waived nod for Gala by tmr.col DENBY IL COLLINS. EXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and' atl the other celobratod Skirte, for fate by ap2B JOS. HORNE', 77 Market street. BiLACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock of excellent style; with and without angers, very cheep at (ap2e) JOH. HOItNE'S, 77 Market street. COTTON I.IOSIERY.—Every variety of IL! Cotton Stockings and Half Elorm at the lowest prices wholesale or retail, at JOS. HORNE'S, ap26 77 Market street. QYRUP.-10 bbls. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on consignment, by (.-b7) HENRY H. COLLINS . DICE,—Six tierces prime Rice, just receiv ed and for ario by MILLER .4 MOKETSON, rretl2 Nat. 221 and 3 Ltbswtv arrant lAKE FISH-15 whole bbls. Lake Supe -4 nor White Fish jrist received and for sale by JAS. A. FI.TZt.R, jyB Corner Market and Pint streets. 1 . 0 BAGS Dried Apples, far sale by BAGALEY, COSOP.AVE a CO., mr24 No-e.. 19 and Wood atrebt„ TRY APPLES-100 hush., for sala by j b3O HENRY IL COLLINS JSt received another assortment of IItOOT3 and SHOES, cm:Muth:lg of Ladle? Heel Boots and 311p pens, Gent's, Boya's Youth's, and a largo variety of Olin. dren's Fancy Shoes, Please give 113 a call, at the Chimp Caeh Store bf JCJSEPEI H. D'JIt.L.INTD, Jel9 ? 93 Market street, second door from Fifth. itTOOL WANTED— ic:o,OOO IN. Wool Wanted at high&dt cash prices, by lIITCIICCCY,, N'ellt.EZltY .4 CO., _je2l:lmdaw 122 Second etroot, and 151 3 rout. TTAIR DYES—Batchelor's, Christadora's, Alexander's, Shaion% and Wator'a Liqcid 'lair Dyee—a large supply conu3tantly on blind, at JOSE2II FLEMING'S, I yl2 Corner Diamond and Alarllet greet. aLOVERSEED.-25 sucks just received, and for sale by 11e111 1111;1111 Y 11. 00L1J:43 500 GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS. Just rt-ceived ani col Gale by 47.u.Avt..-.N, Corner Market and rinc ad Ertreei2. 1.0 "ums " B I 2G.A. F L I V,SO I :ZE I A I LtYco., Nom. 19 and?) Wood strezt.. WOOl LF.Y'S SALVE for eale wholoslao and retail at the Drug More of JOHN Min, 33, dell] Corner f Wood and Sizth OA, Pittdbargh two story $6OO FOR a a nd groundl -1. 0 afojnosebydl7.oe dwelling v pleaE nt,ly situated on Ait. Washington. Tema eta y. fee E. CUTHBERT E EON. 61 'dirket t. MRS. ALLEN'S Hair Restorative, Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger, Preston Merrilla Cooking Extracts, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Thompson's Washing Compound, vyson's Indelible Ink, McClung A Campbell's Starch, Borax, Ealtpotre, Lemon S yrup, For sale by B. L. MALINEBTOCK a CO, 1y23 No. IA corner of Wood and Fourth eta 6)A,111700.K.U5S IN 1 iORATOR. 10 . gross t.;" 5.1113 by B.' et. EeLINESTOON CO, hATAB Ocraes Wcodficui Mrs* atifra3l t Ill t eWAYT4eO 'l%l ;Olt 41-:allVe 21 tV _ J. A 11. PHILLIkS, ard ZS Nt. Clot/ atr of MEDICAL R. M ' LANE ' S CELEBRATED, VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PILL W E beg leave to call the attem tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most -popu lar remedies now before the public:.: We refer to Dr. Chas. Mane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, We do not recommend them a universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFTJGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Liv ER COMPLAINT% all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tione4 diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail .when ad ministered in accordance ) With the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years„,.and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purist material, and com pound them in, the most thorough manner. Addrcss , all orders to FLEMING MS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. S. Dealers and Phgsicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and take none but Dr. DPLanes, prepared by Fleming Bros. Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing .to give them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pills fore twelve three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Vermiftige for fourteen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must be accompanied by twenty cents extra. Tvi'LANE,"S VERMIFUGE AND LIIVB .I„‘U. PILLS.,—TS rOOO on hand and for aalA by, B. L. FAHNESTOOII. 00. Corner Wood and Fourth atraots.‘. NEW 7112AMIENT. Private and Confidential Medical Addeo Iz. AT THE BUFFALO P4IVATE 110SPI TAL—Eatabliehed fpr the cure of SrAtale r , Bernina Wtglallofß and the Secret Lafirmitin of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS a SON, Duffel?, N. Y. Office corner of Male cad Quay etrcete, (up stain.) A MOST SOMNIT6IO INVMTION. An inetrrunont for the cure of Genital Debility, or Noetm , nal Emisaiona, more properly known as Seminal Weahneaa, ae. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to twenty days, by the nso of Ulla instrument, when need conjointly with medicince. •~~ a .~ .. y~DI .: ~~}Y q~ _ . Dr. AMOS a SON take pleaanta/n announcing that they have invented a most important( nstr cement for the cure of the above disease!. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only useful instrument over yet Invented, for the clue of Seminal Weakness,or any dite.ave of the genital organs, canted by the escret habita of yonca. • Dr. AMOS It EON, in crder to satisfy tha moat skepacal 83 to the merits of their instxtur.ont, pledge themselves that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the in. strument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying diroctione, securely packed and sent by oxprean, is ten dollars. NEW EimEDI.EB AND QUICK CURES. Dr. AMOS .5 SON may be consulted from eight o'clock in the morning until nine at night, in every stage and symp• tom of the Venereal DiSeIISO, Gonorrhma, Glottal, secondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and St do tures of he Urethra, etc., with Inviolable seereeiy. The treatment 3hey adopt is the result of upward of thirty years' extensive and successful prataco In London. The most inveterate saes of Venereal Dfs6a..Va :eradltsted In eight or nine days, nd cocoa of a alight nature in two or three days, nt a mod. orate expense. The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from business; also, nodes and pains in the berm and limbs, effeotnally eradicated. A CUBE WARRANTED. Dr. AldoB k SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar &toot maladies, and the relief they have consequently bean enabled to render to their felloworeatur e a fully testified and greatfully acknowledged by convalea centpatients and:othera daily arriving in town from all parts of the country, for the =preen pnrpoes only of consultations while their exertions have been crowned with the moat sig nel advantages; yet from what they have experienced iI. inquiring into the causal of these infections complaint (from their most simple condition to that of the most dan gerona and invetersted) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the most horrible and mangnant forms of disease could almost always bo traced to one of the fol lowing canna :—lgnorance, neglect, or the 11l effects of un skilful, and improper treatment; thi3refore, Dr. ABIOS it. SON have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal characior, as well as those whew:, premature or injudicious application, might be productivz of bad consequences in the hands of private individuals. In short the laudible end of their re medies is the lessening o f a great maza of human misery by the atieniation, relief and prevention of 'three grievous af tlictions that are in reality the secret foe of 14 and which, while they so extremely surround zs ; (41 aloud for our skill and interference for their extermination: • 00111112ThY '' , Y•rna. Persona in any part of Om world may tra irac4o:66.tiy treated by forwarding a correct detail of ILeir , 'case, with ti remittance for medicines, kre. Addrees Dr. AMOS 8 SON, corner Main and Quay Street/4 it S o. N. Y. Ja23:4lAcrly DRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. BiloWN'S IifEDIOAL and sonaloAL Oißees, No.; 50 BILITB_HELD Street, Pitts- deqc burgh, Pa. -4" f f'4 Die. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts. • • - A-- burgh, and has been in practice for the List (wady-five years. Die badness has been confined mostly to Private and Bur gin.' Diseases. • , • VITIZEINS AND STRANGYEa 4 In !wed of friend, should not ';'± 4 ,,•„&or • tail to Cad out the aura place of relief.. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and Tg; l. hie experier.ce in the treatment of a certain class of disease* to a sure go arantee to the sufferers of obtaintng permanent relief, by tho use of his remedies and following 13is advice. DR. DROMPS REMEDIES never fall to care the worst form of Venereal Messes-- Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all arising from a hereditary taint, whichmanifesie itaelf in the form of a totter, peorinals, and a groat many forme of eldn diaesees, the origin of which the pedant fa entirely ignorant To persona eo afflicted, Dr. D. offers hopes of a Me ta3sl speedy recovery. ErfAMNIAL WZAKISTZ23. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification wbkh the young and weak-mu:tad often give way to, (to their own dentructlon,) era the only reliable remedies known in this conntry—thay are safe, and make a speedy restoration to health. BEBITAIAMStf. Dr. Brown's remedies cover fall to cure this painful dis• ease in a jc:a days—ho will warrant a taro. Ha also Wall Piles, Glee, Gonorrtuse, tricture, Urethral Dischamia, fel male Weeimms, idontbly tippremlons, Diseases of the Joints. Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain In thoßack and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all dizoases of an impure origin. l e tter describing the symptoms, eon Wiring a lA, a meted to DB. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, pa, will be immediately answered. Lifedkine sent to any addres3, safely packed and ,scare from observation. 00ce and Pnvate Booms, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pitta.' burgh, Pa ap9 iN©T JJER supply of Low & Son's superior London Totiet boapa received to.doy, by_ JOB. kLEMUTG, folB Corner Diamond and Market Wog. JOB PRINTING.- Oards, °ironlam, Price Lida, Bill Lading, Letter Heads, Plow Ws, L a b e lNto Printed is superior style at short notice, by Wit. Ci. JOIIIiBTON At CO, _ Printers, 2Bank Book 6dannfacturers and Stationers, myl 67 Wood streak, LAOS CRAPE COLLARS.--Boantifd eislea for rale, at JogspH 110MrS, hy* strett a.ro CT -pr _E MON S-5 0 boxes Palermo, in No. 1 or-. clar, tut rezaived and for ego by REYMNR A ANPN24-ON, No, 89 Wood tared, Opposite the Bt. Chetles Hotel. BE 15 PRINTING INK6=-2014 siva] J. a. it'aimis LAT