LOCAL AFFAIRS. The IVeather.—Tho following is tho range of the thermometer end barometer, as kopt by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth street . VIEILMOMETER. In sun. In shade. 9 A.ll 102° 77° 12 M ....ICS° 850 6P. M ' 82° Buometer 29 1.10 Charge of Anion Three boys from fifteen to eighteen years of age, named Phillip Hanel, John Ochse and John Hill, were arrested by the Mayor's police on Tuesday morning on a charge of arson, preferred by ALusus- Vas Senigo, proprietor of a confectionery on Fifth street. Ha alleges that these three boys, and an other who has not been arrested, became incensed at him on Monday evening, from some trivial cause, and left his shop with some menacing expressions. About nine o'eiook he saw smoke issuing from an adjoining house, one room in which he occupied as a sleeping apartment for himself and family. He also saw a light, and on entering the room ho found a pile of sticks, under which was a piece of paper, and rear them a candle. The paper was burning. He trampled the fire out with his feat. Four boys were in the room, and the three arrested were recog nixed by him as being of the party. Ho swore out a warrant and had them arrested. They bad an ex aminat'en before the Mayor in the afternoon, and were hold to bail in $lOOO each for their appearance at Court. The 1243 sey they had been in the Cab t of meet ing in this room, which was unoccupied, and one cr two other boys testified to having been there that evening. The boys who were arrested allege that they were telling each ether'., fortunes. They also state that Senigo wished to revenge himself on them for transferring their cniaarri to a rival establishment, End took this method of doing it. If they can prove this they may escape punishment, but we fear the finding of the burnt paper, sticks and candle, with the menaces, will ha stronF, evidence again thorn. Arilothar Outrageous Proceudlng It seeps as though the spirit of rowdyism to which we alla,..ed at some length a short time since, has tahon a fresh start in our city, from the occurrences of the past few days. On Monday evening, a man named John Fowler was arrested, charg,cd with riot ous and disorderly conduet. Another man, named John Hall, was in company with Fowler, but he was not identified with the transaction detailed below. It seerus that c•n Friday evening as an omnibus laden with passengers returning from the emancipa tion celebration at Glenwood was passing down Seo end street, the driver was accosted by Fowler and. another man, who wished to gat in. tio told them there was no room. Fowler then pulled the door c;en, gat into the omnibus, and sat down in the lap of a female v,ith her child in her aems. She to'd him not to abuse the child; he threatened to beat her, when she had the vehicle stopped and got out, leaving some articles of clothing behind. The driver asked Fowler's name, a lady inside told him, when Fowler struck her a blow across the mooth. He then seized her fan. whichlae would not give up until she paid him a " quarter." He took some articles Wronging to the lady who had left the 'bus, and finding her outside made her pay fifty centt for them. After hearinz the evidence, the Mayor imposed a fine of twenty five dollars on Fowler, which he was unab'e to pay, and was committed in defaalt. It did not appear that Hell had taken e.ny pare in the affair, and ho was allowed to depart on paying a fine of five dollars and costs. There were no male pas. eengers in the oniniims at the time, or Fowler would doubtless have received the chastisement which his cowardly conduct so -richly deserved, Shooting In iNtlktnta Township. Oa lest Sunday morning, two boys, or young men rather, one of them nomad John Stewart, went into the blaoliberry patch of Leonard Yoble, in Wi'hins township, on his farm about eight miles from the oily, near Ireland station, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, for the purpose of gathering borries. Mrs. Yoble saw them and ordered them to leave, but they paid no attention to her. She then went into the house and sent her husband out, who took his pistol with him, and ordered them off the premises. Stew. art and the other turned to g•o, but being a little dila tory in their movements, Yoble fired his pistol at them, striking Stewart on the hack of the head, three shags entering his skull. A gentleman from the vicini ty informs us that Stewart was seriously injured, and doubts were entertained of his recovery. An infor mation waS made against Yoble for assault and bat• tery with intent to kill. Ile was arrested yesterday morning by oZieer Reed, and has been held to bail the sum of $l,OOO far his appearance at Court to Answer the (317ar0. Yoblo has r.lso m.atle an affidavit against Stewart Bad his companion, charging them with assault and battery on the came day, in throwing stones at him• zolf and wife then, and ale on previous occasions - Me also alleges that they struck him with clubs, it,. Taylt?r, the Faro Dcwlc-, Up Aycien.—Wm. a Taylor, whom we noticed a few days since as having been arrested with the party at tho faro bank, on Saturday last, was again taken before the Mayor, yesterday, by officer Moon. Oo his first arrest, he was lot off on payment of a fine of $3, though he had boon dealing at the time the descent was made, It. being cuppor,od that Evans was the proprietor of the concern. Evans having denied this, it was be lieved that Taylor owned the apparatus, and a war rant issued for his arrest.. din _gave bail for his ap pearance in the sum of $lOOO. It is doubful whether the police have the right man this time, as ye crtder.stand that a third party Lays claim to the ff utensils." We imagine it will be very difficult to find the real owners of the trsppings, so long as. their possession is likely to got them into serious difficulties. Sale& of Stocks.—The following sales of stocks were made last craning at the l'iler.2'aants' Exchanger by Messrs. Austin Loomis k Co.: 500 sham; Allegheny Bridge stoe 240 " do do 80 •• do 4.78 do 200 ' 400 150 b share Three hundred and ninety-four shares were ad.. journed to be sold rn Thursday e7ming., AuguAt sth, at the Merchants' Exchange. Unfounded.—George Hatfield, one of the night watch, made an information against several parties for rescuing a man' named William Adams. It ap pears that a tailor oa Liberty street informed Hat field on last Saturday evening that Adams had stolen a coat from him, and requested him to arre , q. him. Later in tho evening Hatfield encountered Adams in company with others, but he escaped. On the ex amination it transpired that the enarge of larceny was unfounded, and that Hatfield had no warrant for the arrest. Adams and the others were accordingly discharged. Resisting an Queer.—Alterman M'Master com mitted a man named William Bracken to jail on Monday.evening, on a charge of assault and battery. The information was made by John A. Martin, Con , . stable of the Third Ward, who alleges that Bracken resisted him in the discharge of his official duty, while he was attempting to arrest him on Monday evening. He was subsequently arrested on the charge of s.ssatilt by officer Patrick Clark, of the Fifth Ward. Barn Struck by Liyhtn;ng.—During the heavy rain of Monday evening, about eight o'clock, a barn situated on Saw Mill run, on Coal Hill, owned by a man named Snyder, wasstrut's, by lightning, and taking fire immediately, crag bzle.l to the ground. It contained iomo hay and grain vhiA was a total loss. The banking firm of Arthurs, Rodgers fr. C corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, suspended payment and closed their doors yesterday morning. The house has been doing only a limited.business, and their indebtedness is not supposed to be large. We sincerely hope that no one may suffer seriously from this suspension. Blackberric.6 are quite plenty in our market, but they are sold at a high figure, twenty-five cents a hoz being asked for - a choice article. Our country e:changes state that they are selling at fivo and six cents a quart in their vicinity. Some enterprising Pitt: burgher might make a handsome speculation by buying up a ear load. me canines seem to be penocutud to the bitter end just at present. One was beaten to death by some boys with clubs on the bank of the Allegheny river on Monday evening, being 9.nspected of hydrophobia, and another was shot in the Fifth Ward yesterday afternoon, having shown symptoms of toe same disease. Alleged Larceny.—Sarah Clark was committed to jail yesterday by Alderman Rogers on a charge of the larceny cf a shawl and other female wearing apparel, preferred by Ann Jones, in default of bail in the sum of Iwo hundred dollars. Col. nornaa A. Rowley was elected Captain of the Washington Infantry at a meeting held on Monday evening. He takes the place of Capt. Theodore Wright, who is about leaving the city far a country retirement. 4.n unknown man committed suicide by jumping tram a packet on the Beaver and Erie, Canal; on last Satordey: noar Rochester. The passengers on the bust werd unable to render him any assistance, and he was drowned. The next s ession of the Pittsburgh Female College, under the diroction of Professor Barrows, a gentle man eminently fitted for his position, will commence on Wednesday, the Ist of September. In Again,—Mayor _Weaver committed the famous Anti-Renter, M'Elro - y, yesterday for twenty-four hours for drunkenness. Glad ..Vesca ! Full of Hope to the Afflicted and Sufferiny.--Many of the thousand portals of Death may be closed, and life made happier and more com fortable to thousand-3 who are now in danger. Doubt less this world contains many a balm to soothe Its physical woes and care its diseases. Among those, b prominent rank, stands Bowman's Vegetable pool / tioafa and speedy curator Oonsuaption. • --,i - J. M. OLIN'S CFLEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS—Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they are all they are recommended to bo. The proprietor does not pretend to ray that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to test their own merits, and the constantly increasing demand for them is sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far sn periar to any preparation of the kind n:w in the market. Their use is always attended with the most beneficial rfe sulfa in cases of Pyrpepsia, Icy of appellee, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomech, a:ji3a digestion, and Imparts a healthy tone to the whole system. Be sure and call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see, that the article par chased bears the name of J. 'M... Olin, as manufacturer. For sale by J. M.OIiIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer, No. =7 Penn street,•Pittaburgh, Pa,, and by druggists and ifri9 ;•25 OO 23 Gu :la 00 2,, 10 2a klu 23 CO . 25 UJ a Os du tlk. , dad., . • • - K a, • •••- , - pm.H ii. - %;*.sy4 • • r- ' r Another L P. in Jail.—Yesterdny,morning Alder man Lewie committed Hugh M'Geo to jail for five days, on a charge of drmitenness. He belongs to the Independent Police, having bean doing business for Alderman Parkinson, - of the Fifth Wird. He was formerly a member of the night watch. There seems to be a ead want of principle and solf-respoot among our police officers, judging from the con spicuous place they have occupied in the police re ports recently. It is very evident that the best men aro not selected to guard the city and maintain peace and order. Charge of Perjury.—Patrick Silver, of West Pitts burgh, made information yesterday before Alderman Lewis against James A. Whiteside for perjury, in making oath before Mayor Weaver on the 7th of Jane that he had sold liquor to minors. Whiteside was held to bail to answer the charge. We were informed at a late hour last night that a man had fallen out of a wagon in Birmingham yes. torday morning, producing death from a fractured skull. Wo were unable to ascertain his name or further particulars. Dead.—The Evening Reporter has expired; vide card of former proprieter In our advertising columns. 770 attention of cash buyers is directed to the fact that Carnaghan, Allegheny City, is now offering un usual induceolonts in his stock of well made clothing, furnishing goods, &c., for men and boys. Examine his stock and prices. • U. WE ARE ALWAYS PLEASED to rooord a de crea , In the afflictions to which humu.ity is heir. And co do so now, in bearing testimony to the wormier working powers of DR. J. HOST.ETTER'S EEL ERLIATISD BITTERS for disesms of the head and atom 3 Ch. a spo dile, it is perhaps without a rival, and the people whom it has bonefitted, even withina limited period, are to bo count ed by thousands. The Bitters bases its reputation more on what it has itself norm, than on what it gets convenient friends to say for it. For Dyspepsia, Flataleu - v Constipa tion, etc , eta, it cannot be surpassed, in speediness of care. Try thorn, and our word for it, they will give satisfaction. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere, and by NOSTETTER A SMITH, Eilannfacturers and Proprietors, 69 Water and 68 Front strenta. deafen gocritaly JOSEPH MEYER, iiANIIFACTUREII Or Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Penn street, ABOVE TILE CANAL BRIDGE, PITTSBUIiGe, PA'. .••• Iu &J,iltion b., the Furu.ture business, I also devote attention to UNDERTAKING. Hearses and Carriages farni,hrd. v ,so IT BA Nio- 4 , No. 6 6 0 4 "%,, 4 " ) FOURTH STREET. Third Door West of tho Baok of Pittsburgh. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS This Institution wail organized in 1834, and still continual under the same careful and prudent man agement, which has so long afforded satisfaction and se• curity to its depositors and customers. Its stockholders aro all individually liable for any moneys &posited, and besides the money and property of the Bank itself, the cm. dersigned are individually responsible to deposltc.n3 to the whole extent of their private means James Marshall, John Sc , tt, John Floyd, Win. ?Vanier, Henry 31'Ocary, Samuel George, Thomas Hellen, Robert Bell, John M'Devitt, Richard Floyd, Robert Galway, ap.l7:lyw JOHN S. SHAFFER'S_ DAMAGE & HARNESS REPOSITORY, Mao 7 .19.22.4:1. corner Diamond Alley 44. Decatur Street, Between the Diamond and Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Carriagesstured, sold, and bought on coin- rals=imi. Repairing thyme promptly. Purchases from the c...uatry will find a large aesortmeut or CARBILIAGES, BUGGIES AND HARNESB, Which will please them, both as to quality and price. my8:1.) w Executors' Sale. rfiTIE EXECUTORS OF TUE LATE J. WILLIAM MARKS, Esq, will vli r for enle the farm known as the GENERAL MARES FARE. This farm is situated in ltobinsou township, Allegheny c.muty, on the Pittsburgh and Eitenbenvids Turnpike, six milts from the city, and containing ahrut ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRIirS, About one htmdred acres under cultivation, the balance In exe,ll.zmt thaber—the whole containing abundance of Goal and Lunost.ne, and is well watered-by never failing springs. There are two Orchards on the fa. m-0110 of them Eldli•Ct fruit, The buildings are a large dwelling house, frame barn and stable, and other outbuildings, with a well of excellent water at the door. This farm is situated In a thriving and healthy neighborhood, and convenient to mills, schools and churches. The turnpike and the Ph tsburgh and Frankfort grade passes through it. This would be a valuable Invest. meat, and will be sold on reasonable terms. Also a lot, adjoining the above, containing four ncres, with a two story frame house containing six rooms end kitchen, and frame stable, with other necessary outbuildings, all . in good condition. The lot Is covered with fruit treea'and Shrubbery, and a well of excellent water at the door. This is a very desirable situation for a residence, as it fronts on the turnpike, and the situation is beautiful. All the above property will be sold on reasonable terms, on application to either of the subscribers. • • • mytkvem MANNY'S PATENT COMBINED MOW ER AND REAPER., Manufactured by A. PATCLIEN, WESTFIELD, N. Y The wonderful success of the MANN' Machine, both in this country and in Europe, is well known. The best recom• mends from thousands of farmers who have used it, shows that its popularity is deserved and permanent. For the harvest cf 18.58, I have made such improvements in the machine as to adapt it more parlectly to the wants of the farmers of Western Pennsylvania. These improvements were thoroughly tested by sample machines used during the last harvest. None bat the beat selected materials has been used in the construction of the machines for the com ing harvest, and every care has been taken to render the workmanship superior, making this the most. nuaszta AND was EXPLIBITs MACHENT. TO HELP TN aLl'ila t as well as the most p•rfect for either Mowing or Reaping, now in use. Machines and a full supply of citrus, will be kept at 97 First street, Pittsburgh. A. PATCHEN. JOHN HART, GENERAL AGENT, Office and Ware Boom, 97 leirst street, Pittsburgh. LOCAL AGENTS: C. G. Tamer, Uniontown, Fayette county, Pa., James E Stickel, Perryopolis, Fayette county, Pa , Aaron Branson, Brownsville, Linac Franks, New Geneva, Aaron Brawdy, Dunaingsville, Washington county, Pa„ William McCabe, Paris, James Cotton, Washington, Jordan I Brothers, Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland Co, Pa., A. W. & A. J. Tarney, Greensburg, J. F. Etcher, Carmichael, Greene county, Pa. W. H. Simpson, Crass Cut, Lawrence county, Pa., Joseph Brittsin, New Brighton, Beaver county, Pa., J. M. Uolderbanm, Somerset, Somerset county, Pa. myB:3mw B OOTS AND SHOES SELLING AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES 1O CASH. Also, some Children's Shoes and San Hata, which we are selling at leas than they can be bought for in the city. Call soon and get • bargain, at the THE CHEAP CASH STORE or JOSEPH H. BORLAND, J y3l as Markot street, two doors from Fifth G ENTLEMEN who would preserve their ehonld at ones have them provided with a an peiior Wire Baeket Muzzle. To ba bad only at BOWN & TETLEY'S, No. 138 Wrod street. ENGLISH, GERMAN AND AMERICAN C U T L E R Y. Both for Table, Toilet, Pocket, or professional use The very best assortment, is at CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG'S, Jr 24 No. SO Wood street.. WEAR NEW SHOES, when you can buy them so cheap at the "People's Shoe Store," No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. suw.titil, SHOES, of every description, can now he bought at excdedingly low prim. LADIES' SOILED SHOES and GAITERS sold at a gres reduction. BUSSES' GAITERS, cheaper than over—for 87y 2 0 to $l BOYS' and YOUTH'S OAPS, for 62% cents. A good amortment of CARPET BAGS on hang. .13 ,3 1 DIFFE—NBAOH3II3. & CO. 0 RANGES-50 boxes received this day, in prime order, and for Bale by REUTER a A.NDSBBON. No. 89 Wood grlet, _ °matte On? PITTIBBVROR BOARD OF TRADE ADD MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. FLOUR...ltemaina stationary, with Galas of about 300 Ms, from store at $4,50 for superfine, $4,76 for extra do. and $5,25 for extra family, in lots. GRAIN-300 bnah. Oats from store et 37.. ; 400 bush Irmo canal at 33c. loads from scales at $0 to $lO 4 ton. SUGAlt—Sales 8 Ude. from store at 9 1 ,4 for fra: N COFFEI4...SaIes 6sacks at 12(i41`2.3.", for 111 01L...10 Ws. Lard No.l at 85c. MOLASSES—SaIes 12 We N. 0. at 4.*14.4tic SALT...SaIes 140 bbls. No.l at $1®1,15, In smoll BACON...BaIea 10,000 lbs. Shoulders at 7c. WHISKY...4S bbla. sold from store at 25©26e. PHILADELPHIA, August 3 —The receipts and st.clia of Flour are very small and prices are firm, bat there is no export demand and very little home consumption; sales at $4,56455 fur recently and fresh ground, the latter from new wheat, $1,7545,75 for extra and extra family. Byei4.ll3l* and Corn Meal unchanged. Primo Wheat scarce and in demand at $1,20 for new red and $1,2841,60 for white. Rye 19 steady at 73c for old and 65c for new. Tho market is nearly bare of Corn and it is wanted at further advance; sales of yellow at 90c and white at the same figure. 'lets are in fair request; 2000 bush new Delaware sold at 37 ass. Whisky firm at 26c for western bbid and 25424,4 for Penn sylvania. NEw YOTLE, August 3.—Cotton heavy; 8000 hales Bold; prices easier, but unchanged. Flour nusettled; salei 9500 bble. Wheat unsettled; 50,000 bush sold; western red $1 07 41,10; western white $1,1241,16; Milwaukee club 004$1, Corn heavy; 30,000 hush white sold at 95451 and yellow at $141,05. Bacon quiet at B) , ,'(eskij.i, ter Sides and ti;;, for Shoulders. Pork firm; Mee $17,40417,60; price° $1.1.204 11,50. Butter steady at 12418. Linseed Oil dull. Lard Oil 87. Tallow firmer at 93449%. Sugar firm; Muscovado 7 1 44 99. Freights on Flour to Liverpool 1s 6d. New Yens, August 3.—Stocks dull. Chicago 11111.1 Ito. k Inland 76%; Mich. Southern 2.3 , -).gi; N. Y. Crnt•al li.ad lug 503/: Milwaukee end Mississippi lb 4; Virginia r'.l Missouri 6's 86%; Mich. Central 61; Oieveland and TL.led., 36;%;; Tennessee 6's 92%. Curntxtikri. August 3.—Floor unchanged. The &mend for the latter is quite limited. Whishy 0:09 have ed. vanced to 52 , , with a continued speccOative C. , ru is ecarcA and la wanted at GOc. Mohey mat' bre or changed. Oto NERVOUS HEADACHE —Rev. W 0. Howard, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, at Chicago, Illi oats, who has been a great sufferer from nervous heals, he, but who has experienced entire relief from it, by the use of WILBON'3 PILLS, In a letter, dated June 18th, 1858, ad dreautd to Messrs Fahoesto.th it Davis, of Chicago, Illinois says:—"During the Fast twenty year, I have made use of a groat variety of med!clue3 prescribed by Alloptith'c and Homeopathic physician.% but all have filled; and I had re , linqulshed all hope of relief, uhtil I was induced to resort to WILSON'd PILLS. Those h..va effectually relieved me in repeated iustanoes of late, and I can cheerfully and coo scientiou.sly recommend thorn to o•hors who are similarly affected." This Bovereig.l remedy is sold by D.l.Fahne stock k Co., earner of Woad and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, to whom orders for supplies Ids u'd a.tdrc-s - seal. ( jyl:l:.c n,r2,2:(11 N 0 . 65 FIFTH ST REE T.- DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER P1),()OF JOSEPH HARTMAN, iflooently Agent 11. M. Wurrun Cu.,) flay Welker, Wm. loung, Jl,cob Paintor, Jo .36p11 Long, James A. Knox. Robo , t Thonru3 Scott, D. A Stewart, Jovopli Love, J. E Brown. of Katan fling G It A \ 1 E L IS...OFFICE, No. 65 FIFTH STREET, 01.r.,ogit, 0.1.1 lows Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa. ISO BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful FLIMSIER RESORT will be opened for the recoption of Visitors on the,l6th of June, and kept open until the Ist of October. - The new and spacious buiidMgs erected last year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment has leen furn ished in superior style, and the accommodations will be of a character not excelled In any part of the United States: The Hotel will be under the management of Mr, A. G. ALLEN, whoa& experience, carat...oils manners, and atten tion to his guests give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of aeceig, It hi deemed pro- per to stilt • that paseeugers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambersbnrg. The Company have made extensive arraneements to sup ply rinalore end imlividualstvith kiItDFORD WATER" by lie barrel, cm boy, or in bottles, at the following prices, at .he tAiwit,gs, : For a bmvel, (Mulberry,) i 4 00 " (Oak') II On - (2 „ ,i (mulberry ' ) 3 00 - (0.k,) 200 Carboy„ 10 gallon, 2 25 Bottled, 1.3, pint, q 1 dozen 1 00 Tha barrels are carefully prepared, so that purchasers may depend upon receiving the Wadi fresh and sweet. All communications should be add:eased to Tl.lll BEDFOKII lIINIIItAL 8 l'll!NOS 00, 1 e3Celm Bedford county. I's. REMOVAL. THE subscriber has removed the balance of Lie stock of UHNI'I'UP.E To lhe ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, No 64 Fifth etre-et, where be offers every article at the reduced priced. Every article is marked in plain figui es, end those in want of Furniture, are respectfully invited to call and examine the Goods and Prices, b dor° pnechulng elsewhere. jy2l:,m Li. U. RYAN. NIT A & 0 L D, GAS FIVFERS, , BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS, Not. 127 and 129 First Street, and Federal Rreet, Allegheny Gas Pipes put up, and Fixtures of the latest styles and patterns. We have a very large stock of Gas Fixtures on hand, to which we call particular attention. jy2o.Bm 11.I.AFFITT & OLD. JAMES J. MARKS, JOHN WOLUSKEY, Executors. COMMERCIAL. del. it. H. WILLMIS Vise .Praidents. P. R. BRUNOT, Ist, DICITLEY, 2d frerzeffo. N. HOLECO, Ts Superintendent. JOSEPH SNOWDEN. arotmittee'of Arbaration for August. ISAIAH DICKEY, V. P., C. H. PAULSON, JAMES GARDIV,It, DAVID CAMPBELL, AUSTIN Lukthl6. Stage of Water Four feet three Inches water in the chatintal PITTSBURGH BARRET Reported Expretsly for the Daily Morning Post PrrrEsßoLon, Augtuit 3 1859 Philadelphia Market New York Market. flew York Stock Market Cincinnati Itiaritst. ROOFING cHEAP, MANUYA'TUREII A':D DEALER WARREN'S FELT, CEM,RtiI ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATED CAN VAS ROOFING, ROOFING MATERIALS FLOUR. -40 bbls. choice superfine for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, lea Corner Market and First ■to. ELLUM COPYING BOOKS.—Theso books possess great advantages over any others; the paper being thick and strong will not tear when wet. It takea a most pet fect irnpreadon and ii convenient to refer to. When once in use their superiority is apparent. Sold by W. O. JOI3NSTO•4 & 00., jcz stationers, 67 Wood at. $2OO FOR SALE—A two story brick horse, of ate r,,otn4, well arranged, pared yEu- , with hydrant, 3ake oven, sa.ote hewn, &c. The house is in good repair, painted and papered. Situate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Tor ma easy. S. CUTHBERT & SON, 1,27 51 Nlarket street. Up . AY STATE APPLE PARING MA CHINE.—A VERY USEFUL AND SUPERIOR AR. TIC[E—By five Darns of the crank, the apple is PARED, CORED and SLICED. Patentod,Noyember 11th, 1856, and February 17th, 1857, in Europe. For sale in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood street, Pitts burgh. Please call and examine for yourselves. jr29 SAMUEL FAHNESTOCIi. LAKE FISH.—A large supply of White Trout, Salmon, Herring, .tc., received and for sale by jy2l3 HENRY 11 COLLINS. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—An undivided third part of that valuable property, situate at the corner of Sixth and Wood streets, hieing 130 feet front on Wucd by 60 deep on Sixth street. One-third of the above will be sold fur $9,000. One-half In hand—balance at one, two and three years. S. OUTIIBERT & SON, Jyl 61 liarket street. DRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap- Plea, Just received aad for sale by McCANDLF,ES, iIRANS a CO., JE22 Corner Wood and Water streets. IACON-2000 lbs. Bacon Shoulders,slight 1p daniaged—rur sale cheap, to close consignment,by JAB. A. FETZEB, Corner Market and Flint streets. BLACK CRAPE VEILS—Of extra size and quality—very cheap, at HORNE'S opal 77 Market street. FIRE ARMS, of all descriptions, HIRED by the day, week, or month. .1) 31 BOWN & TETLEY, No. 136 Wood et. FOR RENT—A two story frame Dwelling Mouse, of 5 rooms, situate on Yonrth street, near Mar ket. neat $l5O per year, end tenant pay water rent. jy3l 8. 013TH13EB.T & SON, 51 Market et. ANY PERSON having a comfortable two story Dwelling House, of 6 or 8 rooms, sitaate In a good neighborhood in the city. Price;from $lOOO to $2OOO, oan hear of a customer, by applying at our cam, 61 Market brat S O talliONtT it BON, brat - Real Reta)e Aguas. • COMPLYING WITH THB URGENT REQUEST OF HUN. DEEDS OF THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. FITCH AND J. W. SYKES PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may bo consultod at their Mike, No. 191 Penn street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for CONSIIMPTiON, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL (THllit COMPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary diaaasa, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, ttc. WILY /ITCH 6 EE would state that ',belt temitment of Ca ntnaiption a 'mad upon OW in tt q blood and ry:t...aa at oeit a?, dean, doottarnaent in tint inngs, and they therefore emphiy Ica!, Hygienic and Medical reatedica to purify the blood and strengthen the system. Mat thezr, they use MIMICAL IN. EA LAThiN 8, tt . hieb they value highly, but only as 1-allpl tmes, (having Tt n ('erdlie. rile.* when used aLone,) and I nva haa are earnatddy cautioned against wasting the precious time ct carahility ea any tread cdeid bay3l upon the plansi• ble, but folic idea that the "sistt f the lieeade can be reaett d hi n direct manner by Itittaletten," ler. to betere stated, the slat of the disrazz is in the bloat snd it: effects only la the gip- No charge. f,,r coh.ult,tik.n A 1: win '.., It I t 'rut :':OII•ANNUAL :111 4 :N171Ni./ Ll' he t .1. hol :ere it the " PD•sluleji, Fart ieVa) mar Oil- Banrwrd Cowpany," viii be held at the Ita,tua W tan BOARD C TRADE, ill Ow Pittatuigh, Pa, op WhtLn•FSDAY, the lot day of ',.‘:_ ! tearlwr next, at 2 o'clo.:1:, P. u. At which meeting, tha Reports rf tha Ofilcere and Direct- Ora, r I tho t , pent', .1.4 of the H ond ftr SY. lli tlO, ending July Ist ultiino, will be presented. Ity urdur of the President. AtR3USTU3 BRADLEY, ElecrtstAry. NOTICE—TfaI INTFIRE.IT COUPONS of the Bou et Layrrynco County, ieeued to the PITTS BURGH AND BRIEI RAILROAD OUMPANY, due July, 1853. will bo paid at the office of W. Il WILLIAMS A. 00., Pittsburgh, Pa The change la plums of payment to made iu COISNUaLIeO of the failure of th i Ohio Lite..lnFnraucr non Trust o:,nipany, ^ t•NV Yc•rk, where the C3;upotia are payable By order 01 RATIC Mr. Elil.•-. As the time tiliiiivachaa for making the ft,r the fall elactivu, the Dermeriita aro leekiug at ut f r suitible cari,:lidate,e to ; lact upon theft ti,h et. Allow me to suggest the following namrs tor their ..oneki oration. There le n,,t a gentleni.: , n nave I. who is nut a h..rc.tigh uotioua DeLllOCl4t CUROXER.—JOKY M. hi cOII ESN EY, of the bor ough of Mancheeter, will bo tripported as a candidat, for the office of Coroner, sutject to the decleion of the Demo ratic County o,rivantiou .1)29 Ve" , undvrigued offere himself to tLe Democracy of Allegheny County, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to tun decision of Lie Democratic Conven- BAttNE FORD, Upper St Clair. {. titthitli , F —The underbigred offers himsE•lf a can• didata t., tho Doraocra4 of Allughuuy county for the offica o Sheriff, subJect to tho decision of the Demo. orntic CJavoraiou =, 1' ROT Li u NoT A ItY.-Iho nallersignod °lion! him `+vtft'a to th, Durnoalas:y of All€4hany County, as a calandate for Prothouotury—ihbj,ct to Cho dacialoa of tha ROOFS, Dein o^ratic Cou ventio a CUILONEAL—The under-,..:u0d onora himself as a candidate bufcro the a xt Dein,crazic OJnvention for the attics a Coroner, and asaa the anpport of the De mocracy jol LENoi flrdA. Um , COUNTY COM Nu - Rs - Du:lL—The friends of CUAS. BHA 60N, of West Der t walh i p, will urge il{A nomi nation for the utlice of County Commissioner, Wm,' the next Democratic Convention; euljset to the nsagea of the patty. jyl4:dawto The elegant side wheel, passenger packet Ligt;Mil SUPERIOR—Capt. itsomoND J. Cia leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, THIS DAY, the 4th inst., at 12 o'clock, nt. For freight or letssago apply en board, or to FLACK, BARN kri B CO, Ageilte. Through to tit Louis in five dap. Tilly Imet connects vitt' the mull line, and will go through in the time She will hale on Salurday. For Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer E.M..`,19. U1tA11.21.51, Capt. Marc OE Am E 9, will loave for the It Luve and all intermediate porta on every TUE. DAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. fur (might cr pamoage apply on t.oard. 135 WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR, The hernia iv uew, built eipeclally fur the purpories of a First Claes Itestaurant and Saloon, and the proprietor hay• ing tad many years experience in the bueieess will keep constantly on hand the best that the markets offord. Ilie Wines, Liquors and Ales, ar.! of the best quality. flu wants all his old irienda and the puldid generally to give him a call at the Sympeeium• NEW ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, NO. 27 FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has Rased, and fitted up several commodi ous rooms, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth street, which are now open for the Bummer Season. La • dies and gentlemen can always find an abundant supply of FRES!" CONFECTIONARY, FRUITS, ICE CREAM, WATER ICES, and all the refreshrumtsof the season. All are respectfully requested to visit the rooms, and test for themselves, (j,40) DI. Mc.3INLEY. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling house of four rooms, a largo Lot of ground, fruit trees, etc., pleas antly situated In South Pittsburgh, on the point of Mount Washington, Immediatly opposite Smithfield street, will be sold on easy terms, by S. CUTIII3ERT BON, yl3 51 Market street. VARIETY I—A Farm of 40 acres; one of 12 azreke, ono of 302 acres, Buildieg Lots, price $lOO, pay able in emus of $2 a week. D selling Houses in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, and Miura Washington; a pleasant tosidonce in Powickly; 3 Lots In Baden, for sale by jyl3 S. CUTHBERT tt SON, 51 Market St. , • -- 4 "--,*7P - ' , 7 w, 4. -4w , , 771-- 4), SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. Have concluded to remain P 7'llE TTSBUIttill, T. V A VNM7 AVi , 1: R. Cu, Pitt,l , ll- -t: A , :gno4 1 t, j CANDIDATES MEM= lIOV. CUARLt?S SLIALr'G, ~i.; FEN AT C. HON. WILLIAM WILE AsszmllLk : J. , LIN M. City, THUMAS S. LtAar, JOEL KETCHUM, Kli.clb.4ll, LAFPEETY, Raldscia, WLLl,l.ka McLA,NE, konyetto SHERIF? DARNI.:•-; F.M.O, I uw.l Uluir. PiWTII Alti JOHN DIRIMIN6 LLA:SI, IN/UNTYIIfI . 3.OOVEN : THOMASFALILhI", AlLLhony AuDirito: '' IY, Pit tH'uu,,b CORONER: WILLIA\I ALLXINDE;:, cay I={l CITY 3 WEST O THE ALLEO ENT 3 EASTERN NECK, SOUTH OF THE MONONGAHgLA., 4 MA I% HEW HARBISON, Robinson township 27:d•wtc y 30.d.twtc STEAM BOATS CINCINNATI. For Cincinnati THE SYMIPOSIII.TIII. Fifth .Street, Next Door to 'he Pittth7tr:ilf 771 , a re ADWELLING HOUSE cn Third street for rent- S. CUTHBERT At SON, j.. 21 GI. Market street. $5OO For a cottage house of three rooms and kitchen, on Gray's Road, south Mtg. burgh. Terms emy. B. OUTEIBE CT SON, 1y27 51 Market 'Area. QTEAM MILL, STEAM MILL—For Sale, LI A Grist Mill all complete in good run lug order, 3 run ardour+, smut machine, a corn a , 41 cob cracker, etc. Also ; a dwelling house ofd rooms, a large stable and 2 lots of ground, Situate in Eouth Pirtsburkb, will be sold at a bargain. B. CUTHBERT it NON, myls 5l Market street. nRIED PEACITES.-20 Bushels choice Bright, Dry Peaches just received and for Bale by JAS. A. FETZER, Jy26 corner i'rlarket and First streets. COFFEE. -200 bop Rio Coffee, for sale by U. SMITH it CO, 114 Forma. and li7 Fitt etrP,te. fIARRIAGES, HATS AND CAPS, FIIR- NITURE OR QUERNSWARE wanted in exchange for ta.o Building Lcit.s, each 24 by 104 feet, Eitunte la the Seventh Ward. S. CUTIII3BRT & SON, el) El Marker .TOPt. SUNDRIES. - 6000 The. Donntry Bacien ; 12 kegs Parted Butter ; 76 brisheLa Brisstit Dried Applea; 2 ,5 " " Peaches ; 100 brieheis Rod Potatoes; 200 " Mixed " Just received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, m 81 Corner Market apd Second sta. WRAPPING PAPpR--3000 reams ase't 61Zei Bag Wrapping, a superior J article, for ro LDIN.de by . . ft- WE MACKEREL.- 25 barrela No. 3 Largo Mackerel ; " rec'd and for 35 )4 " 0923) HENRY IL COLLINS. GREASE—For Wagons, Drays, Carts, an' caninee, received and for sale by 1128 HENRY H. COLLLNS. GUM DROPS-200 0 lbs. Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Rose, Strawberry, Pine Apple and Banana Raven, far sale by BREMER f ANDERSON, 89 Woad 'treat. DEMONS-25las just recel i ed and for sat No. SR Wood skeet wi th Il.¢ C,,r,tl TIIL' COM )11:3: , ION Is'll3 lAN Y DEAIOOREAS ALEX. BLACK BUSINESS CARDS. & T. GROUTT, IMPORT= oP BRANDIES GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD BIONONGA URFA RYE WHISKY, PEAOH AND APPLE BRANDY. AL,_.4O, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Streeto, apli] PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANOTAOTtIitERS OP PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS OP WRAPPING Wareltouise, No. 21 Wood. Stret, PITTSBURGH, PA. tet.,.Ra.sa bought at market prices. REMOVAL.. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 7 4 Water strta , t, below Market SOHN MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, EZEIZEI:111 PIC FeIETAL AND BLOOMS, LW 7 WATER 9TREEr, 111:10W MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH. PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORRS. EBAAC 401.11.18 SNO. L. Buff) JONES, BOYD & CO. 31.A.MTL0TZE.3.1313 OP CAST STIEFAL. A 1,20, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Rosa anti First Strests, jy2s PITTSBURGH, PA m 0 0 R 1-1 E I) CO. , MANUFACTURER OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON,- For Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, &o AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IROFL Werehotace, No. 136 leAret street, rnr26:ly-is 111E=11 D. B. ROGERS &. CO MANUFACTURERS OP ROURRIP IMPROVED PATENT STEVL CULTIVATOR COM:RR ROSS AND FIRST 8111,RRTS, WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLMALE AND RETAIL EACUTOR MERCHANTS, NO. TM DIAMOND ALLEV, str act, PI 'I'I',YEU.P.ULT. PA. A n.s. Biuckbi•rry, etwrry, had C, , gtifte Jrawl',3. 'lnnnu . .Est!iokt aud Whiilty, of Lle bo+l deltir,l,4l JLMES Q. rETzEs., Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Ina Till fALI o➢ lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corocr of fclorket and Firat streets. PITTBBI , KQii, PA. it_nran To—Pram-La 0. Bar. 'William Dilworth, Sr., . Cuthbert .t Son, Pitts'ourgb; Boyd & Ott, HeLskell wearingen, S. Brady, DIM . a - Si. Bank. List k Sfangle Go., George W. Anderson, Donis , Paxton & Co. Whwolina. rar.ll,3r.tf HA Tp I) WA A • LAMITEL FAIINESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, has on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which ho will sell very low for CASH. In addition to hie Leek% Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large assortment of :":arpenter's Tools, he Las received a Large sup ply of Sausage Cutters and Staffers ; Shovels, Tongue 3 and Peke:E., Sleigh Bells, and Plnarneled (IN prwerving Kettles. L. C. Eumpnui-zoni, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONVitYANOER 077101 WITU n. 1,,':T1=3111, W M. W. KNIGIBIT, WIIOI,ESALE AND RETAIL FIRST PREMILII READY 11ADE LREN AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY; NO. 606 ARCH STREET, 1 3 ,111.4..A.D/FAL PRIA. Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &a., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Sto_ ks made to order by ine.ss motpeat, and warranted to give satisfaction. jell yd E. P. MIDDLETON Si, Duo., IMPORTEIB OP WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALERS IN FINE OLD WIIISKYS, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, Jelllyd PHILADELPHIA. GO SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. ror 0S E WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most 131.qui• site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. N 0.72 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. finyfillyis DAVID H. WILLI& IS, VIVID ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOlt THE ERECTION OF GAS WORK/3, for from five qurners nod upwards, mud for Heating Buildings, public or private, by Steam, Rot Water or Furnaces. m1e9:1713 PITTSBURGH, PA. CARTWRIGIEIIT /I YOUNG, (Successors to John Cartwrigla,) IMANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Surgic laud aul Den tal Instruments Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., N0..t0 Wood street. They give special attention the manufactur• ng of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and 1144.411 ring ith punctuality and despatch. apl.7 HITCHCOCK, PiI'CREERIC & CO. (8170CIE88ORS TO 1113/711AN, 151.'CsaanY do C 0.,) L'ORWARDING ND COMMISSION FRCHANTII, Wholesale Dealers In. Produce, Plour and Wool, No. 114 Second !street, Pittsburgh, Pa. anixammozo:i Springer Harbaugh, Joseph E. Elder, St. Louie; Pittsburgh; Penton Bros., 0 H. Childs & Co., " Cornell & Dorsey, Baltimore; Hagaley, Cosgrave & Co., " Garret &Ma' rtln,Philadelphia; McCandless, Means . Cu., " James. Hent,Santee & Cu. " G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver A Graham, la Goo. M. & L. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling & Co., ,!... B. Penton & Bros., " Yard, Gilmore & Co., my3Lif I,_ W. H. 11.63iilii. a. DOSCH. McGE E S. CO. i'd_RROHANT TAILORS, Dsalern in Ready ado Clothing and Gentlemen's Fu:nish log Goods, corner of Federal strmt and 'Market Square Alto gheny City, Pa. jel2:ly ttRBLE! MARBLE! JORIA caPCIZRGO LEAH A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OP MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosure 3, Posts, Sw., &e. The public are respectfully invitod to examine our stock Prices low, and work erarrsuted. 7 . J • 47,S Lll3'ditrir IIOINT BOX FACTORY.- BUSLIA GIITENDORP Manufacture to order, BOXES suitable [Or soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Gircds, etc., etc. 'WA,. Orders promptly filled. ROBES? Dcr JAMES a. B- 7 ,1_1' DINO OBERT DA_LZELL & CO., Wholesale it, Grocers, Cominlasion and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Mannfacturel, No. 261 ',Mort: or nut, t.l - mrrb. Po. ncV2.6fv. FURNITUREFOR CASH. full assortment of Pittsburgh manufactured PUILNIITItE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CAtS2.S, WARD ROBES, and every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, as well as a apledid assortment of OFFIOE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done at this establishment is for 0A 811. Price! are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at PACKINEII. .t No. 103 Smithfield street, holow Stith. 3. D. PAolnani, Jemi M. Toni!. r0v1134. VOUNDRY IRON.-8C tons, for sale by Je3o HENRY H. COLLINS FOR RENT—A three stqry Dwelling House on Third street—t2oo per year S. ouireem SON, Beal - Olga egeate, f 4 Market a. • riffe" • M,CULLOGJYI PITTSBURGH, PA PPPT,iII CIRO PA PP ityarib stx4rt mv22lv REEDICAL, DR. It. A. WILSON'S Toni% Cattuatio, - Etnd Anti-Dyspeptic PILLS, PREPARED AND SOLD BY B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. A.S AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient tonic, citte.artic and anti•dyspeptio medicine, those Pills are recommended to the public by the former propri etor, (D IL WILSON,) with a confidence such as a long con• tinned and careful trial of them in an ample practlie war , rants. In their operation as a cathartic, they influence more the motory and loss ihosecerning power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They agree with the most delicate !tom. ach, removing nausea. pair(c - and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AS AN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC—They neutralize and inter rapt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action which should never exist in the human stomach. From these poeuliaritles in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a free, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, w , tiint pain, nausea, local or general debility, or that dis gusting sickness or costiveness—the usual effects which at. tend or follow the use of other purges. CERTIFICATES. Extract of a teller from H. F. Fernsmo & Cb , Druggists, . „, _ Memphis. Tennessee, TanuarV 7, 1858. - MEONB.S. B. L. FAH3I7.I4TOCE LI CO.—WO Were the that to in• croduce Dr. B. Adams Wilaor.'n Pills here many yearn ago. They were the best I' ill ever in this market. We use no other in our own families, end secured for them a hieh tharacter by our recommendations. Yours, truly, F. FAII.NESWORTH & Entrant of a letter from a W. /min, Nashv i lle, Tennessee, February 15, 1858. Messes. D. L. FAzdzsroc , ca Co.—Daar Sir: I have seen Dr. it. A. Wilson's Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have used them myself, and believe them to br the best Pill in nee. I have no doubt they will cure many other complaints when properly used. and I cheerfully recommend them to the public. Respectfully, youra, From Camel Win. Hopkins, late Canal Commissioner. WASIILVGTON, Pa. January 8, 1868—Dear Doctor : I have been using your " Anti-Dyspeptic" Pills, when occasioned required, for many years, and can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition they found it. I must confi dently recommend your Pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. Very respectfully, etc., DR. R. AD-018 WELSON. WM. HOPKINS. Prom Thos. Blackmore, Fsq, Treasurer of Allegheny Co., Pa. To 1 n. R. A. WnaoN —Dear Sir : I have been using your Pills since 1840, and do decidedly say they are the best Pill in use, or that I have any knowledge of. I first used them fur "sick headache," with which I suffered beyond descrip tion ; I am happy to say, that they entirely cured me. Since then I as , them as a family medicine: if I am bilious, or any thing ails me, and I require medic ne, 1 take a Pill,and it cures me ; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years. THOS. BLAOKMORJI. January 8,1868. _ _ Hear Dr. Keyser M'ASP.B. B. L. Feemisrook a Co—l have had considerable experience in the nee of the extraordinary Pill compounded by Dr. it. Adams Wilton, of which you are now the propri etors, and have often felt their benign influence in my own roan for "nervous headache," arising from a disordered con dition of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them for others, in cases of "Itemierania" and other f Tao of head. ache depending on a deranged and irritable condition of the stomach and digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar ly adapted, being entirely frEe trom any griping tendency. I regard them as a very val able Pill, and ono that purges without at all debilitaring.` Yours truly, GEO. 11. KEYSER, 110 Wood street. Pittzburgh, March 5, 1858 jyl:lyeaw 4, 1) THE GREATEST "r. IEIIEII DISCOVERY OP THE AGE. MR. KE'SNEDY, of Roxbury, has diecov etc Doe of our oommon pasture wed a remedy that cart,a Every kind of riureor, Eom TILE WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A COAMON PI lIPLIZ He has tried it in over eleven - hundred caeca, and never failed except In two cases, (both thunder humor.) He hue now in hie poacesaion over one hundred certificates of its ,11.1 within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles arc warranted to cure a nursing acre mouth. Or., t' three bottles will cure tha won't kind of Pimple , : cis the facet Two or thra3 hottlea will clear the eryaNin of biles. I,rtlcs an. NV4VeIIItE4 to cart the worst chnker in tie. mouth or stommeh three to fire bottles me warranted to cure the worst kind of ltryslpelaa. 0:e to two bottle.: are warranted to mare all humor inithe eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and hl , tches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to core corrupt and running ulcers. Ono bottle will cure =sly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to mare the most dos perste case of rbenmatitms. FMRWMOWTtnNWMMIWIMWRIMMI ilve to eight bottles will cure the worst case of acrofrda. A benefit is always experienced from the firm: bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken- ROXBURY, MABB Dies Mensr.,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing ail kind of humors, is no well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever need it, that I need not say anything on the subject, as the most skilful physi• clans and the most careful Druggists in the country are nre 'salmons in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a trill knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing moat of those diseases in which you are no fortunately so liable. That moot excniclathng (Dame to an affectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, Ls cured as if by a miracle; your own temper is restored to its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers ; and the Medical Diecose ry becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and lion r.v. - 41 old. In the more, advanced stager of CANKER extonds to the stomach, canting DYSPEP . SIA, which to nothing but canker of the atom h; then to tho inteetirtes and KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an Indifference even to the cares of your family. Yam. stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses you, and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contains as the serimonons fluid of the canker cute it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be• 01)81013 sallow or greenish, and your belt day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the side, Weakness of the spine and email of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most excite elating of disemes, the PILES. How many thousands of poor women are arafferiug from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to impress oe your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of proven. Lion is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any shimmed:m.ooa, do you any Injury. Ns change of diet over necessary—eat the beat you can get and enoug h of it. DTPACIT/Cati Fon nss—Adults one table spoonful per day— Children over ten yeaes dessert spoonful—Children from five to eight years, tea Spoonful. As no directions can be appli• cable:Ao all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yeina truly DotiALD HIENNEDY. Price $l,OO par bottle. For sale by Dr. GEO. H. SEWER, sep4:daw No 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that to gray would not hare it restored to in former color, cr bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head nr other eruptive, but would be cured, or with sick headache, (neuralgia,) but would bo acted. It will also remove all pimples from the face end skin. Prot Wood's Hair Resto rative will do all this, s circular and the following: Ana ARBOR, November es 1856: PLOP. 0. J. Wood—Dear Sir have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, I was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and One loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some months since, when yon gave mo such assurance es induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and on. ttrely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot tles, her hair was restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirelyinver the head; she continued to use it, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but because of its healthful Influence upon the head. and mind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative, with tho happiest effects hereforo, my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and ' value are entirely removed; I can and do and most cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from white or gray (by rea son of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty, and by all young persons who would have their hair beautiful end glossy. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. ritium WOOD: It was a long time after I Paw yon at Blissteld before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. MUM'S hair, as the surest teat of its power. It has done all that you assured me it would do; and others of my family and friends, having witnessed fie effects, are now using and recommend. ing its nee to othero as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yours, SOLOMON MANN. Warm, EL, June 28,1862. I have used Prof. 0. J. Wood's Hair * Restorative, and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair wee becoming, tm I thought, prematurely gray, but by , the toe of biz Restorae tivo it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently so. B. BDIISSY, ex-ihmator,ll. 8. 0. J. WOOD A 00., Proprietors; 312 Broadway, 11. Y. (in the groat N. Y. Wire Hailing Eatebllshment) and 1.14 Market ertreot, St. Lads, Mo. • Bold by DD. GEO. 11.1111118 ND, No. 140_ Wood at, I diedradow • ;And sold by ail good DroggbitOt NEW DAGUERREAN AND .ANI3ROTYPIA GALLERY,' RIFTI. smIIET, NBARLY OPPOSEIES THE POST-01/7/11111, .yia„PICTI7IO3 taken in all the various styles, in 8.1131 weather, and warranted to please,.at roasonable rates. is. Sick or deceased persons taken at their reeldcoloeg ap2o:lydaw—is IL M. CARGO & Co., Photographers and Ambrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, • No. 21 Flab atreet, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, Ei. W. cor. of Market street and Diamond, Pittsburgh. prslaag TO SUIT ALL. myl9:tf-Sp AMBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PIOTUREI WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY MIST CLASS ESTABLISHMENT IN TUE COUNTRY, AT AMBROTYPES. - A BEAUTIFUL AND DURA BLE. PICTURE--warranted—can be had as low as at any first elms establishment in the country, at jyBlilw WALL'S, Fourth street. Removed to 21 Fifth Street. CURCIO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC AND AMBROTYPIII t4ALLELFS has been removed from 76 Fourth atm:a, to No. 21 Fifth trreet, near'Market. Then, rooms haring been built especially for the purpose, with three large , Ii eht,t, are not stirpas3tld In the city for cemfot t, con venionce and excellence in arrangement. fictr 011.- old frimud9 and p-it-fms, end those cashing su perior likenesses, r.re invitod call. Reception Room and ti:f4.. , ei mans nu the ground door. ap7 DAILY SALES AT NO. M FIFTH ST., At the new Commercial Sales "ooms, No. 64, Fifth street, every week day, aro held Rohl!, ;ales of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a largo stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that must be closed forthwith. G. W. IRWI_N AT 10 O'CLOCIS, A. M., Dry Goods and fancy articlea, comprising nearly everything needed in the lino for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoos; ladies ware, &c. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, now and second-band; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils ;groceries, &c. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; mostical lmtrn merits; gang; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, tic. [seBl P. M. DAV/S,Anot.B LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING, AT AUC TION—On THURSDAY MORNING, August bth, at lit o'clock. at the CGmmorcial &ilea Rooms, 54 Fifth street, will be aJld without retaerve, an extensive assortment of new and secondhand Clothing, embracing: Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, in great variety. Sale continued morning and evening until all is di posed of. an 3 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. HA R DWAR E, AT AUCTION—On WEDNESDAY MORNING, Angnst 4th, at 10 clock, will be sold, at the Commercial Sides Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street, a well assorted stock of Hardware, comprising Planes Locke with white and mineral keobeßritt Hinges, Path Pulleys, Monkey Wrenches, Plasters' and Brlsklayers' Trowels. Sash and Shutter Fastenere, Chain Bolts, Bevels, Chisels, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, etc. Aloe, one Yale, Jr. Safe Lock. J 3 ,81 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. OW , C. WEST ,Co.,MX: CARRIAGES, rtoczAwAys, BilotnEs, SULKIES AND 131,MG118 N0.1i17 Penn etreot, PITTSBURG'', PA. All work warrantod to be of the best materials and workmanship. myl2:lydis Seventy-Five Now and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, TOR tIALF: AT WHITE'S REPOSITORY° T 0 MILE BUN, NEAR LAWRENCEVILLE. THE SUBS::..;RIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or exchange,sm the most reasonable terms, e t + S v .; a flue assortment of Baronchea and second-hand Buggies mado by 'Watson, of Philadelphia, some but t need. Also, twenty-one new Buggies, made in my own shop, from the very best material pracnesed in Eastern market. A fine lot of 'frottin,; Wr.g,t6, now and second-hand. LW/ a lot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linda, Germantown Wagons, Jersey Wagons and Rockawayis two due Phaetons, seats for four persona, one of thorn Wutl.on'A make, and the other New Ycrk make. Two fine Sulkies, ono ma& by Mr. D. Rodgers, Philadelphia. and n fr . .: Commonßusgies, suitable for light markethig. The subscriber Batters himself, that he can make it u the Interest of persons wishing to pur chase, to give him a call. The estabLishment is convenient to the city ; the Excelsior Omnibus Lioe of C0a.3 . 1b1 pitA - esaz the door every ten minutes. r yd ril7 JOEENI WTUT& JOHN W. APCARTHY, P -2 11STERZ wILL ATTEND lo THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTINri of all kinds of BILLS FOB, CONCERTS LacTimms, EXEiIBITIONS, Act: All communicationa— either by mail, telegraph, or other• wiso—directed to the offtc , _% of the Morning Rost, will recoil prompt atteneon' A. STONE C O. GLASS PATENTED PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all kinds of F.rosh Fruits, Vegdtables, Mince Meets, Oysters, and all such perishable articles manatee tared and for sale by OUNLIGGASI:4 & 00, No 109 WATER. and t4u FIitST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4(4 The main sec.r6t of preserving fruit In a fresh condi• tion, consists in having it thoroughly heated when sealed up, and in expelling all the air there tut) , may bo in the vessel, so that when the fruit Guy',, It will form a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right to msnufao• tore these Jars, respectfully call the attention of dealora aril others to thorn. The great superiority of GLASS over any other substance for the preservistimi of fruits, etc., etc. is so well known, that any comments upon it are entirely unnecessary, and the proprietors feel omit - Mont the: any one, after having once seen These Jars, will nosey be induced to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by CUNINGLIAMS it CO., N 0.109 Water erect. LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILI AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY CO., MANUFACTURERS - OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, bossed Copper Bottoms, liaised Still Bottoms, Speller Solder, Ate , also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plato, Shoot Iron, Wire, &c. Constantly on hand, TiIIM131:08 Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. MI First, and 120 Second street, Pittumrsh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. my2o:lydaw MILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OF PENA-STZTANLA. It is hereby ordered, that a "Camp of Instruction" be held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, and the Adjutant General of tho Common- wealth is directed to fix the time thereof—to take charge of the arrangements—to attend in person, and to Issue the necessary orders to the General Staff, and other Military officers of the Commonwealth in relation to the same. AD..rcrwlT GEINERAVB OFFICE, Ilarrisburg, Jane 3, 1858. lambedience to the above order from Ilead.Qnarters, a "Camp of Instruction" will be held at Williamsport, Ly. coming cennty, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 X, on Tuesday, the 7th day of September, 1.108, To continue until SATWIIDAY, the 11th day of said month, at 12 x, of said day, to be called Camp " Bnsquebanna." I. This Encampment is Intended to include the uniform. ed companies throughout the State, who are earnestly re. quested to be in prompt attendance. 11. Tho Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several clvisions and brigades, are required to report to my office as soon as possible, what companies and field officers will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the number of mon in each company,Mie names of the Captains, end their Poet Office address. 111. The Aids.de•Gamp and all other ft:Mentor the Grand Staff of the Commander•isChief are ordered to be in at. tendauce, armed and equipped in full psrade dress. IV. All companies in attendance aro required to bring with them all tentt and camp equipage they may have. V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every brigade, will report at once to my °nice, what equipage belonging to the State is in the Balite of their command. VL The 31ajor General of die Eleventh Divigon, Gen. D. H. Jackman, shall be .he senior eillcer on duty, and he is hereby charged with th , , immediate arrangements for said Enaimpmeut, and is ordered to report to this office for fur ther instructiens lly order of the Commander-in-Chief. EDWIN 0. WILSON, Jelo Adjutant General of Pennitylvazda. IMPORTANT TO BUYERS.—We_ have now placed upon 'he couriter a lot of SOILED GAIT- EtiS nfIOES, which we offer CHEAP. Call and exam. ine them. All kinds of summer wear stilling at the most reasonable prima. Miscee' Gaiters, black and colored, with and without heels, low. Children's Fancy Shoes, of the newest styles. We hare still a fiat Men's Patent Leather Gaiters left, now ceiling at greatly_redamil prices. DIPMBACHEIt b. 00., f 10.17 Fifth street. near Market. - UEE BILL of Alderuien, Justices of the X' Peace, and Conetable% th der the Act of April 18th, 1857, printed and for bale by W. 3. HAVEN, Printers and Otationera, Non. 31, 53, and 35 Market street A HOUSE on Mt,,Washington, for sale by E. CUTHBERT fr. BON, 51. Market street. 500 ENVELOPES,Buff and Co .oooand f s al e or the Stationery Store or nary, just recei ved or e o W. S. HAVEN, 146 Corner liarket and Second streets• MOUNT WASHINGTON.—For 8218—A comfortable two story frame dwelling house ar fonr rooms, with a large lot of ground , fruit and shads tne g . ac, flowers, &h., a good cistern, with pump, in the kitchen, palling fence, situate on Sycamore street, Mount 'Washing ton. S. • CUTILBaLLT k l eP 3 etran N' t. ----------- RARE CHANCE Fart A SOM.E--Only }5OO, halfia hand, ballanoe on tiEDB. for a Cottage Rome of 3 rooms and kitcbeu, with a lot of 30 fee: front ti 7 140 deep; grape arbor, pearl?, plum, and ettade trees, with =all fruits, etc., eltnate la South Pittsburgh, ou uraes Road, not far fromthe Monongahela & SON id . 61 Market at• e,. iyl7 ii CUTHBERT -LIME bosea Na 1 Gob Chop Juat received and for eale by BEYMiut ANDEBSON• X+ Wood Week ROGERS , SKY AND HIDE-LIGHT WALL'S, Fourth street AUCTION SALES. CARRIAGES. FACTURKIIS 07 EXECUTIVE OELAXBIE, Harrisburg, June 3,1868. WM. F. PACK R, Commander-Irt-4idef.