BUSO-ESS GARD-a. RAMEMI, Q, WINLIAI3I), , - AT TCL.'.I3-ri.S.F A .... .............. .......4.:17. PIM. :::,.. Ihsruond F.ll Ey. apa_ bLi I,olVitiE, Att-: , ratiy at Law, ty 0-, ElrlteM and Cherry . deciLly li — SaL, Sur;-.7,c0n Dentist, succos:sor to G. w. 13i4.11c. No. l 4 Sm!thileld Etrek , :. 4:a— Ca7ts 40:11 - 3 tram to I ELt - fi fz'otr, 2to o'clack. feblS:ly I SCOTT, Deutizt, Four= stre-:s.t, five doors a wen ci j;i-Ofca izotirn from 9 o'clocl A. Y.. to 5 o'clock P. doly fOSEPIi sueoeissor to L. Wil t, cox k Ca., corner of Market elzeet and the Diamond, teope conetantly on hand a fall ae... ,, artment of DRU'' S, MIN} LUNE'S, CILEST9, P.I.I.RFIIILURY, and all art aim pertaining to his btniues:...... Preacrintions cm - daily componnileil et all apart. \ A i P. .. - -1112,..).5, HA LL & o :N 1, roul rrcr..cl'. INCE:F, £.7 Wood Eitr3,t, riZtAb•ar,z celet .! --- -- CF:l=' .9.37J7th ...n(JRZI.".I: J. t..:: - DT.F:SO: I 1 , -- ) E NIER ,',•:;, ANDERSON. (ouccestiors t ,- .. , %) Joala ca - .E.- C 0.,) wholcslk, ',lannr., :n FUliElCili raurrs, N (yrs., SPICES, OJNFECTIONAIiY, tt:OGATts,,p,.., T5O. 89 Wend srrekT., ~T,11.- 1 ,- . .ito the :. , t. Charic-5 Hotel, I•17;;F: burgh. - 'r.-li ~ _. _ - 51. LITTLE, ANTERCHANT A/ OH, No. 51 SI CL fTRE. (Dr. Irish's ,•...77.11nTton, I , Z.l:4l{dt, .IRCHITECT. REMO ED c0c.,,, of Fifth and isto A STBEE T., In Phtilipe Lailding—o.:,Ltiatt. - 3 to peel:lL:a ?inns wai Bpecinc4tioas of, ar2.l t.) z.. , rlpEatterld the I.L-fctiat c1t.77 denription of Enildir.v. A - PULTOIi, BELL AND BRASS e 2017Y.DE8., ICo. SECOND etre-at, P!.11.0 . ...r.rgh, io prepared to fzrniE..l: of erder 87:20AT, EAC9N)P.T Ala o'l=R .BE:A,,S, Of ell from 10 to 10,000 IbE. mach to order. STOP and GAUGE,' COOIiS All sizes, f'.ar TILNEB,AL VirATEB. PUIEPS, 00 1. 31= and vary Tar Eras 3 Cringe ilnL:hed i 0 the rnanner. BARBET:6 ASTI , ATTRITIONT METAL; FULTON'S PA TENT 7.IIIT.ALLIC ['ACHING, for Steam E... ._e?. LOUGERIDGE & 'MAX /16.1'ZI%teTrai•• LOOkla.g ,, talaßSCZ, Framitz: : ar =lit a Ana De.alsrt iR Clocks, auca rut:dining Goode, Lc_ L - c:. :-.'"Sa Wood street ; ay....ovea :s. - ri2ultu.,s PA. i mhady ) _Machth Brine =do to crdor EDUCATION AL 2t. Frar.Fr.,is Academy Earayti, Krig - Drza TILE CAP•E OF THE. PR A N01,K.A.."4 Lorettf:•, CaEabris County, Pa. rTi H. I S INSTITLITIO,I\-;, NATURA7A,Y eitzat , :d fon 'Educational ri:;,..,sca, anJ: idd :h„in ducementa that ior Cat la tha haiatly and pk•tur - Linn of Allcgheni,zs, 6iztant froa-. • A rec t, . rna ii route L. t .;;;;; ;;; ;•., ar 1.1!..t 3 Edioirstic - smr mmmincing Litt tirst . I (. A ..:erni - ier, will cic. , :a the 15t1 of Judy The Terzgi :tor Board, including a ti..,•"aih nen Cou=e, are s,ltaCi per antallii. The Claiisic.apd ,x char:2e of $i per rz_a , Waghir.;;. and 714, of Mil=M=ll Fse e* as c; - a tr.E.de to the Rt. E. -Vinceu.Vs College and. t'enculianry, :iXDrn CA11.17, OPT BESEDIC92SD FATREIII3, Near L.c.srobe, Vicaraorzla.2ac.efant7p TN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE ususl brzncheg I:ducat - Jon. In the 5Y.1.1.11:;_,F,Y, the: Rhotorics, ?I:Wor:why, etc., and Lao 0,11.-reut branches of higher erudition necea Lr r_sofnl agpirinc to Prieethcol The too- - ..as for r,e.ard and Ttitziem are f-50 ,;.er year, to be pside:mi-aaraually, e:rictty 1.0 adve-nco. era awl French and other 1.1:rr..1 4- . c.;,Dra•; -- ir.g, Las , arst tra thareee, exc ep: :lig RO7llO riECCEIII. Rematiott for tlte Instrunao.n. tianttiag., Coos. Sta.l - icrae7y, fort extra charges. For partcraii , _ns spply ro tot r)irextr.r of t-H , roe tiottegivol6E GI :E.E•litcmt,r, E-..! ontlg on the Z- - 1 of July 11,1lowiLg. DE Y ti 00.1),: 2.etrencit a c:=4;iz.: : ANOTHER CRASH—IN PRICES 1-13 c.. ug detcrmiacd t 4) Xll our though "the Timc,i ens:Eight," re h=rraa...,3 go_aoral trWO3D--- R iiDEC ED THE .L,",-.T.L11.3::11'20(13: still lower prteca. Now is t.ho time to bay when the asiartment is yet unbroken, and the Priceslt Down! Datrz I I 0rt2.9 17 Market . arroot. ripilE LAST CELANUE IN FIGURES.- 6 . 4 1 .4 yard. do do do (114 1 ,4 0 , 1 do do do 5 et E 73.6 do do do do 311-4 et 25 do JOBEPH HORNE, 77 Lrartot stmt. R ICH VELV.ka,,TRIMML.NGS, AT RETJUCE.'D PrtICTS. A cholcontn‘o=.ent on hand and for bale at liintat. at. ft ENTLEMEN'S UNDER GAR.M_EN'FS IJI Wool, Silk, Merino and deirry Cotton tinder Shirt% and Drawers—a :reap %ripply reoeired t3OaN.V9, del° 7 Market %nett VIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in the Price of i3E.ADLIIY'S Pecidiar3 will Oa farniAiod 833_D1.111",9 F-E•LY ENITTING YA.B.NS at a reduction of FlTe °Data per poo ad, by the bandl sinarihis ditto, For Ceh, and Oath only. JO2. 110ELNil, 77 Martot etroot, dcol Azmt for Cm .4.lzannict.nrai• VM.B.ROLDERIES.—Our excellent stook of .22 French .I.mbrcideriez, anti the low prim at which they ere marked, offers rain ithiccoments to ladies wiching to p;rc i s the tot MONEY! iON PA. - 11-PRICES MARIi- ED DOWN. .kW" Great redactor- in the p: ice of ambrolderlon. We bAVEr gone =neatly over our han:.eoma stock of PRENcti-won.ralD COLL.AaS, UNDf.lit 'eLEF.VE2, If.U3LIN BANDS, etc., e And 11h0.5 the prices to gait the " He.ri The LP-di:a may rely on getting t4igiiiM3 et oct.Ti 77 E \VILL SELL from the pr sent time um -14 V cDiatr.* - aly cheap FOR CABE.. 1".47.1.13 Ca:lntel el.am Ina oar a :3AIIBON Lovr, Pormerly Love 1tt•03., rc. 74 Market St, o.glis, TED FILE CI MERLNOES, for 62 el,_ and 7a .it.,trorth flail $1,25, tho bo v: ita^— ,, rtmetit in On city. 0 E.A.Y.CON LOVE, (fonlierly Lope Brocb.cra), . • N 0.14 Marltat j ONNET VELVE T.—Every variety of Bon net materLd, Enke, Velvets and tars, for sala at .noTI3 110F.NI-Vg. BLACK. AN!) FANCY DRESS Si 4. fill.. •Vmemt, vm-y chesp. O. HANSOM LOVE, fx:mt.ttly Loo Drother2, - .60. 74 1-.2x-kst, strat. • EVERY Economical Purchaser of D - tess Goods, ShawL, ct.C.; &leo Domesiic tutu l Sta ple 4.4tuiel-i, will and it to their advantage to can and eml oar New Stock: of Fall and Winter Dry Goods before pc rchaa lag at giber_. C. HANSON LOVE sel.s 1 Luva IFL'roe-, No, 74 Marif-tt ' fit Q.UAW LS I S UAW L S 1- 1 A enillo, Broeba, Lc., both boo g and sficarr ; the very be et LID the City, and tt COiy low price- for caeb. C. E.A'.:;Zu:i LviE, forcarly Love Tsroa., No. 7 i Market atr-.ct.. IQUE and MAILSEILLES, Fleo3ed, inalcitg :gaorp.. , ,a. A lars, rtmnnt at (I=3 Ci IL WERTE L C'/ T°PRINTERS.—The sabsorib3r has now on hand, Lilly roivinv., from tin tznanfac turere, a hrgo assort . : eat of Printree Etock. H. a PC;tdr'S Printor'a C.l*, from 1 to 7, Satin 04,1a2 orcelalb. Satin Itt....ataaed, and c_ka-d. Card to shoct3 ; Elperoory'd Celebrated colcrod Crzi Lay fi Brcn. News Varnish cud Size; ColcreerPLiatie,F, ; Pamphlet Cever Papers; Glazed and Platii Panan - i, red, green and yelew ; Steel Bine Papere, and a large asrortmer.t plain Noce, Better Cap, and Fad° Pot, blue and white. J. R. Viri:LDL.;. w e , -.3 bozz SIIOULD you ask me, should you wonder, Utters to buy your Shota and Gaiters GALI:O-3 for your 100: In s,:zing,titue, 80073 with heals, and pretty liusv„:^:s. Nics Faznm SIaTREB.9 for th3 111431', Patent Loather, Gloreaid .31c-a.:re: Where to buy thuto cheap and good tor ; I should answer, I would tall you, Go auto the PEOP'LES' Sli faor.r. To the Proplre' Cheap 2hoe Store, To the Store of DifFENEACEI.,R, spa No. 17 Fifth street ru El BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES. AA 77 box.es es . dort...-41 sae; 4'r,, fi'd and Ea, Sperm Candle; OD ilSaCt and and tz. sale. by B. C. a J. a. SAWYKR. QOAPS. 1000 boxes Eoap, in Z., 2 b. cnd 8 b, bar& 600 " No. 1 Palm &lap% in ED, 2b. and Bb. ham LC) " Obmni—t Olive Soap, in a trimp.t. 21)0 " Gleine Ozido " V. 50 " &man 283 " Castile • f/3 " Pzze Palm On hand and for sale by Jai/ fIUM, BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTH ovEszaaus, offered at "The People 2 shoe atore l " N 0.17 Fi h etra4t, near Market. DIFFENBACHER & 00. if - INLy $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel tlnc UOtata, of four rooms, with lot of ground foot Lout on nenterey atrect, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an tall , . Tenn; t 401) hand, balance at cue,E two and three CUTI - FIRT fr. SON, =at 51 Alesket street. UFFALO SIIOES.—A splendid c.rtiele of Genta' and Ladi'4 ItmEato Ore: Shoe!. Als°, Gents' Cali Gser Shoe!, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Stlth atree,t, 3arket • • nov2l • . 80 1 6.-100 kegs, just rseelved and for pale by 1g7 2 / H. le kAIItfEBTOCIR 1s 60. ,Z,j;..,V. - Wl. - ., .„..i:p.:-. •;:A . 47 , :..,: ! ... .-." 7,A,/':!!"-.7,.,...‹..-:.:11: Vat EL ........109.R EiMiTKR L6tfiil & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, !1 Second 141 Flint els., mr 26 EITTSEMIGEE, are:: el t.no Aca..7; Lr. VG)i--7.131.1.. F - ATE. 2, G. B JOSEPH HORN E. 77 14....:Extats'are:. " Th, " DEPRENTIACIIER co RWPIIgVeII'afRIMRPMEPRINOM , WWn•M GROCERS. Wu. 31Gign, Phi - C. W. RICE.EISCN. Pitt.b'h .51111.1LEle. & rit'i.A.;KETSCEIT , WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS. Nos. WA; and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, AND ,SOLE AGENTS FOR iVeare2'lB Ci. - ty Glass 3 PITTSSUPCH, PA. N UTTON YA . P.NS, Ac., CONBTANTLY ON DAM" Lre.4l4-I:L.CF.3NTW.M.I6 IslTArta 2 A. Oavrai M I C-iIaTEILE2 - 39 ryIEARTS CO., caoaraFXSA SroCM: ti7UOLESALE GROCERS, DZALE7.2 to IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, FITTLIZIIROU ISILITEMICITITS.L 3 Lvoraor of Wood said Plata: strata, PiTEL:BURGR, A.RDINGC D CO?DlISSIO1',1 4 E_E.T...S Lft,ri rTi S i : orrilitig ar i d COTEI - 11101.1 Millth;lntS :caT.FltiSti" , s ui .iaa Colilac , Plttobvi•gh, ff_aadvlll.4 amit CANAL LINES. Noo. DA A.:a) 11517,1Taa P UAGE_•I7i FORWARDING AND COMMISSION El Ali T. 23, Nc. F.O SIOAHORZ ST., Cliiolll3s.ciii, 0.(jr29 J. D. ii_OUSEMAN, ( LATE 02 HOU TiEMAN d S3l ITU.) COMMISSION AND FORWAitDING liiiiERCERANTS, No. tie uaWnd Street, anS:3m ST. LOUTS, 31.1.f,0URL ezies. iiii=au.?..YS, 8.01 •AN, Joao Wittua 110ff-W_2 Wright, 14 1 ,1,01 J R F_A •`•_TIORS, PROD A fir ID is R. 11 COMfeIiSSON r-FiERCHANTE . ., 1:011 . 01 NS - RAJIV - LS AND :55 ST., VsLa Street, 12 ':•,', F 1-: 1: '1" %..) '...,L.1. - .,:,,i r lioali?.kua .t . .. (.0.u., liitladelphla. 'rheiu r ion, Clark 4 Young, y: , IZ.CT. , 1iC..., &CO., `. : :Jet; Cop., L. Co., " re:oft IltsTer & Co', •' •I`auby, Newlila S.: Iluzhi , ,, " "-.. M. .L.V. - 1:7, Caahl, - ,r - F. :,...1 I. Br., L , ..6 J.,s. :J. Ultobell, Cskrulf.r al 1 . IL' A ..C.• , .- . " ?lorriz L. Hallowell .t Co., .. l•zoCutu.. - Iloou .i. Collins, * 4 J0 . 0.n'..!A. Eennedy 6 Cr. , ~ ILai:-nel a Co., c, Plc:lett, Slatilewt &C 1..., .11mya•;i1.1e., 14. Slarewsbrry ,t; ' , rte.?... Modiron, Lou IV. 11. La , , , ficy .: Sea F, litli 11 : , ...tli9, tuLio. Lawrence...l l•latbisii, L!..11.1.3i111a, 011io.1 A... D. u'....u1l ...-.....; & Cu., Cincinnati, Cale. Wi. liolmr3 b. Co., r'ittibarglu, Pa. i.F.,,,,i,f, C'..?3graTo a Co., ,t . . no” 3 ..i.r. A. L. WEBB & ('r,c,-3iore to ELDLT, Pr m,) CiENFA A T.• C OindiS SION EiRRCHANTS .A:ND E.vr, THE BALE O DUPONT'S POWDER, AND Sinai FUSE, Cornt:r Pre.. =La Cowauerza otrcets, 6ALI - 111110R E, Consignment an kinds of Westor❑ Itc..luce, u.r.,.; make F.F,PEHENCE W. EL Smith a Co., Miller 6...0. W. H. Oarra:d, rnr4:St-R-w-Gai Nlt ` ,7 H. COLI.iiiN S, Forwarding and 1-4 ya. - niimion Merchant, and wholesale dealer in FISH, EliilDß and P1',01)170F. generally, VD Weed street, war 6 ar. A SSW A RE. SL e'4: D L'2IIe~TTeII ./lite.S L. 11.15SaVi'LLT. aROBERTSON & CO., 'Manu a er a of Ont, Pry _usedand Patin Flint GLABEW.A.R.F., Cv.reLvxaie No. 17 Wood street, earner of Front, Pittsburgh. A.,.....zt„ • a.ll ott.cr tloaa of C.ll.t9wure and Windom Glatt., e. !ow 111arltet prima. ET11:d1 y ;MUM E. 1.Er...1M .ms CF::: .1. .71-SX. TED.LIE ULAM, Suoae3sors to ilialvany A Ladlie, inannfactorora of Gni, licraldod and Plain Fiala and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and d,:aiars in all &dads of Window Waal, Plaalis, Vials and Bottles. Ware laollsB corner of 'L.:m:le? and Water aneets, -,Eihmtijj WINES AND LIQ,CLA,S. 30M1 , .7 ERYAR w GO" 17710'5.a DNALS.F.3 IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No. 155 Llbcrty Street, Pittaburgh, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Manaus-alai)la wad Rectified Vihlasi.ia—alao, Blackberry, Wild °berry, 334.81111 e ry, 'Arid Ginger Er:at:ilea. Lapl2:ly Es Inman 11. Enri DEVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine sad Liquor iderchautL.. ead Recta - ) 'lug Lae.tillen, No. eZ mitt/hold street, Pitt burgh, Pa.__ ARE FISH-200 packages arriving and f ..E.A fur sale by ( j y 22) HEN al: H. COL 8. le.. ACRES of Land for $450, half in . I . 9,( 0 0 hand and the balance in one year situate in Elk cc. •unty, Pa. nee, Centreville; .15 acres cleared. The soil is go el, and timbi , r of beet quality, for sale by i y2O P. CU runical , 4:. - SON, Si Market et. 1.)...- 1 /_PER IVAItEHOOSE.—JNO. M. PER KINS Ai CO., No. 123 Wood street, Gave the largest as sort meat of all kinds of Papers over In this market, such as Brat and Printing Papers; litig and Straw Wrapping; Later ; .lauilla Paper of all sizes; Cap; Book and Box Boards; Note, s h - sveloped; Tissue;, ' Bonnet Boards; and Glazed Papers; , hardware Paper,kc. Wlk:a we will sell at manufacturers prices. 3921 INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso, a large assortment of Dressing i i pck and Long Combs, jtnat r n rc3 at the Indio B,ubbn3r Lop t of .1. Es If. PHILLIPS, ell 26 enrl `23 glair atrect. HARPER'S MAGAZINE,_;? Jit.t received and .1.. r aide, at --r n Ry APPLES.-60 bbl s. bright Dry Ap ..[J-- plea. rocivd and for cold, - by a"J.Thialr K. OOLLINB na.N . APPLES.-15 bbLv. choice Apple rr_ccivc,l azd for eale by ups MI Ml' IL COMMIS. Tat EAN S.-20 bbis. &hail White Beans, just zoo rerelynd and for Gala by EEVILY EL COLLLNEL TIMOTHY SrAn.--16 bugs roo'd and for bele by (4,3) ILER.KY H. OOLLINS. TV . W WALL PAPERSOIIEAP.—S6 II 4.1 L :hey cone. W. P. NT 4,11.811 ALL k CO., 149 87 Wood stmt. NYA' GOU S Fox 9 We are daily receiving from our own and E..tstern fomories, addition to our stock, whim . ' omarlsto in part of liloor Oil Cloths, Carriage 011 Claim instal - me Oil Cloths, Tod - AG Oil Clothe, Crash Oil Ciotha, 7* . attrP.irclat. CIl Cloths, Transparent Windsw Ehadea, Bolt Holland.% and Shade Trimmings Merchants, Esino..or.i.crs, and others, requiring any goods in cur lino, ore invited to call and examine the stock, and Judge for thomsalvos in rog.rd to the quality and prices. .1. Zt H. Finiaaps Nog. and 28 St. Clair st.rect. QUA. —lO this. No. 1 Baltimore Shad, just !waved dial ter vale by .11rOANDLESS, 3LEANE3 d Canna- Wood and Water streets. ERRING-10 bbla. No. 1 Potomac Her- ring, PM received and for sale by bIaCktiDLE,SS, MEANS k CO, Corner Wood and Wat6r streets. DRIEDAPP.LEB.--150 buo. choice Dry Applio, received and for sale, by .AB. A. FETZIIP., ar.3 Ceener Market and First streets. IdE' APB 5.--5 received this day a. and for calo by piIYNER ANDERSoN, No. Z 2 Wood street, my= °Polite Bt. Marla ItoteL BOARDS—For Packing Writs, wa. G. JOHNSTON it Co., ram norm.. £7 Wood west. G AS myl7 &2ld by IS&L-460 pkgs. White Flab, Trout, Sal mon, etc. Inn SEELY H. CIOLMIIB. ME.--100 barrels fresh Limo just reed by /mai EMMY IL COLIZIS. C . itINEY - LOPS of various patterns, for &Ile by i mr . zn H. U. HOLLINS. rrOBACCO AND OIGAFtS.—A large assort ment of favorite 'brands, on hand and for ealo by PM H. SMITH &AXE. 118 Second, and 147 First atreeta. AOKI " E 100 bbls. and half bblz. No WA?, for salt 14 E.JX.I /UMW poLniAla SAVINGS 13ANIti. Xt. kfI:DDLB ROOM', JOILE9' 11217 BIIILDINO. OPEN DAILY, from t to o'olook ; alBO, on TVet oriediri and Saturday evantnKe, from M•ay let to November le" from 7to 9 o'cloca and Dom November Ist to May let, from 6 to 8 o'clock. De - points received of all SIMS not Irga than Otto DOLLAB, and n dividend of the profits deol..red twiro o year, to Jone arid pecinntxr. Interest was declared at the rate of six per cent per annum, on the first of December, 15St5; also in Juno and Dommber, 1856, and in June and December, 1557. interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the lopardsor as principal, and beam the tame interest from the first days of Juno i.tl December, compounding twice a year without troubling the deposlter to call or even to prevent his pass book. At this rate, money will datable in Ices than twelve years, mating in the aggregate alOll7 AHD 0112,E112 CMYT. A rot. Boots containing the Charter, By-Lawn, Malec and Itatro• lations, furnished gratis, on application at the ollioa. Prezldent--GEORGE AL BREM. non Estmnnti. Hopewell Hepburn, John H. Elhornbarge?, Jail= StAbile, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Liam id. Pennock, Rchert Robb, James D William O. Lovely, auras Ferdmac, pipit nr_r i cirra, John Coagrass, Sin7it=3. fIOLLECTIONS MADE and prc,thpui j mitred. LANDS ai•loct , lold loc-,:e 1. Capi,tlLl whiLing laveztuiunt3 in the WWI, tsauo ti Lill 01 [ILL' tior • --Tol,l,•tico 30iit11;.A. Luy_l-cm Tiirr.3. D. L 00516. AUSTIN LOOMIS & 00., Dealers in rromirsory Nows,',Dondil,M;.rtgas. , , Enid ail Set urittes tur at or - ley Loaned on Checks at bhurt. ;slth security. NUTED A...ND DRAFTS LOUGET. AND SOLD. Porous desiring LOODB can be aboonnuodated blo terse, and capitalists can be furnished tritn t.l6n at runinnerati re prices. Alan, Eittcnd to the Sale, Ft.uncir.g and Leasing Offices No. 9'2. FOURTU. strcst, c r a.,. AUSTIN LOOMIS, I: tacyi'U lit HOLME'S & SONS, Bnalt.er,3 sA ~LNm ctha ..L ces, ants, Bold, raivnr and !Note:, era and 1-;'3;acrit C:tit4 All the the 21114-,a. .nt L•iart.Gr. betwo,ll i'c - ant Pt 3. rr-,11;:y..1.1A,ci WOODS, (2w-117i-ten:jai 13). - olLer. and r * ...% , 1Cr in N 13 0t0n,ar....12, 810.1 N.J. 75 E , ,urto utroot, J.cab EM2=l FOB. AUGUST LOOMIS', Poet Building .:.4' . ,3j• : ••,, , :',',.. ; , ..c !,.•;: BANKS. WlPlarn T. ,tralc.r.::. -, a, jamas W. licila.on, Jettn G. Backofe.:., Chailca rin ip, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John R. Canfield, John I t..`,lellor, J. Crardiner Co2la, Walter I'. al 3rtar.l l , Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilzon llliliar. 'David C=phell. A 11. Dolloolt, :'.. D. _Charles A. Colton, berry L. ItinAiralt, William Donalaaa, John M. Sawyer, . Francis Felir., Vleorge 3. &Aden, Goorge F. 0111rnoze, Alexander Tindlu. jarasq S. HOOLI, TThieol. Old Umbataettar, William 3. Haven, George R. White, khoredr.yand Tr V . -I,U: er—CHA.S. A. COLTON. tfe3 B A 74 0 F 0 W is. J. STEVEN & CO., DF,SMOLNTB, BY AUTHORITY. ;~ ~( 1. U. (.)02 Ey take IPluebide2,ll of the .11.,•tes. N puralianee of law. I, JAMES Bl.)- CHANAN, Pci.‘1..1,,t of t.Lie Unitetl attar of ALOLTICA, du hereby th.ciary and Gina will he held at tee and, itt the Tatrtyloat Or N:tßilith/ii., nt 14., 1.1:0110 hen-law:at - dant ilata, to wit: At the land ofdce at 131:0W.NSN' I Monday, the nest, the of tae public lands Liar folk .4og u.iacil townships, cut of the 4:74e and. cart the rat mttidutn. That po.:t of L....wfiahlp one outside of the 2.aL •and Hall arced, Nefor.loa rnderintlon., lunge 17. 'I hat part of towr,shlps 1,2, 3, and 4 outsido of Via and Fur; Sad Half Bread, Neranh, re , 32rrittion, 00,1 Iruc tioa_i townships G and 6, of range 16. That part of towneiup one outside (.1 . the S.itl and Fos reservation; township 2, the parts of towL.,hipa 3, 4. and I outride of We Half .Nuaith3 rolervaLuu ; and. truo• tional township 6, of range 15. That part of totnoltip one 912t5id . .3 of Vat, fate and Pox re e,srvation ; towns/44,2, 3, Wad 4; that girt u township 5 outside of the 1.1n111.4ant1,-Yematia re-Jervinion, and town slip of rthg: - . , 14. r' I:owl:let/10 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 6, of rr.tige 13. Town.h.iva 1,2, 0., 4, G. and 0, of raN..i.) Lt. T0Wu.91111.4 1,2, 3,4, 6, and t 5. i ran,;o I L Township:l 1,2, 6,4, 5, and a, of ra.pgo lU. Tuwuntnps 1,2, 3,4, 6, and ti, of rittlge b. At the land often at islilll.l.A.Bli.E.. utrl, coma . n.idg on Honda}, the sigh duty of &pLemb,..v• next, ;!).J aLpoesi of the public lands within the following n Ira,' tow forth of ti . . 4 Gaze, line and eazt qf the rurth pr:nripc. m?&iwn Fractional towliahlo; 7 and 8, of range 11. 'fowl:whip 7, and tracti-nai 8,9, la, 11, and 12, of range 14. Town hips S, 9, 10, 11, and 12, 2.11 frestiow.ll./WWlhil) L, of range 13. Tot , :i.daips 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, Lic..! fcactioual totrr.ehil.a and 13, 01 range 13. Township. 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fraoldwaal towneldp 12, at range 11. Townahipe 7,8, 0, 10, and 11, and fr. - ..ational towneldpa 12, la, and 14, of rang, Townahipa 7,8, and 1.3, and factional townelddi, 14, 15, - - At the land oW e of 0:11.'1111d. CITY, caramel:Lela' on Sioaday, the aim% day of for the diap..l of the pan& lands vaVaia the Italowdig named town.thipe, via .:-- North of tlio base line and ecrt of Cu sixth principal Meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 16, of range 14. Fractional townships 16, 14, 15,10, and 17, of. range 13. Reactional tosenslii,is 12, and 1,1, townships 14, 15, and 13, and trecticaul tewusLiips 17, 18,19, and TO, of Lang.; 12. Fractious( township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, le, 17, and 16, and fractional townships 19 and 20, of ramie 11. Eracetor.al townships VA, 13, and 15, and townships 15, 13, 17, 16,19, and 13, of range 10. Reactional township; 14, 15, and 18, and township , 17, 15, 19, and 20, of range 0. laude approprat.ed by law for the no of schools, rallaiwy, nr..l ether purposes, will he L . :minded from the billea. The catering of the above lanes will be commenced on th 3 days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they ars advertised, until the Mole have been offered, and the salts thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the hinds will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. (liven under my hand, at the city of IVathington, this thirtieth day of Larch, Amin Domini one thousand eig.t hundred and Difty•eight. JA.A.119 4 BUCHANAN By the Preal:ent: Tute. A. HE.:S - Dr.lar9, Cemmlaeioner o[ the General Land Office. NOTION TO PIIH-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Ecru-person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of tovinehipJ above enumerated is required to Cd tub Ileh. the same t the ea:ie.:ohm] of the register and receiver of thw proper land °nice, and nntheparninnt the: efor as sum as practicah'eafter wino L.Aris and before the day appointed for h the coin• mencoment of tne public ealo of the Lauda inabracin“ the tract claimed, otherwise anal claim will be forfeited. TUUS. A. ILENDedulis, ap23:3md Coinrnießioner of the Illeneral Lan Office. COPYING - PRESSE6.—Sorow Copying prwsea, Calw end I,,,ver Copying Preetos, Lever, bcce - ei and tipring Oopylug Pretees, sold by W]l. U. JuarABTON CO., CS 57 Wood street. MAPS.—A large e.ssortmeat of Pocket rasps for MB, comprising Sectional and Township says of Penneylvaum, Ohio, Incdana, thincda, lowa, Alm. wart, Kansa; Nobraaka and 1511nuesota, on hand and for male by W. S. I.IAVRN, ay; lino. 31; 53 and 85 Market auect. GREE , MARSHALL AN ll BOONE Counties, lowa--valcablo lands in these counties, for B. UUTiI3 IRT 8 BON. C 01) FISH.-10 drums extra large and fi n for =l6 by WM. P. SMITH 8 00., 118 Second, and 147 First stream 11 ICE.-10 tierces prime, for Bale by R WM, IL SMITH t CO., nar26 118 Second, and 147 First streets UGA.R.-50 blds. prime N. 0. Sugar, just 1.,) r&d and ter Lila by 18:11. L. FurT.E. Et co., its sE-ce.zia, on.l 11, Firgi etere23. IU COFFEE,-5t4) baga, good to choice, I.io Coffee, in 'store and for situ by myiB MLLI,2Ii. tc RIOKETSON. Q.0.D21.-1.5 kegs Bi. Oarb. Soda, just -kJre ceived, and for o2do by i ylB mu,Lua & RICE TSON. A VOICE FROM 01110.- =crow, April 12, 1858. trterz, 'ant—Ayres Worm Confections aro tatirig fine. ly. Three of our physicians use them in their practice. Saud us another gram by ozpress. ROBINSON k LOCK. Compounded end for sale at the corner of Woad and Sixth ea-seta, Pittsburgh. mylatdair EMONS.-100 boxes Palermo Lemons, ga just received and for rale by REY.II4II t ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street . , Opp&3ite Et Charles HoteL SYP.UPS.- 200 don. Lemma Syrup 10 " Strarborry Syrup; " Pine Applo " 6 " Raspberry ‘• dart roceival and for salo by 11111111 ER A AN - DErtsoN, No. Si/ Woad atroot, 141 Oppo2ito tho St. Olarloa MAGI A TONE WATEF. PIPE. q,7 yards 6 inch; tu2 *, 4 " 6c, 0 61 a 462 " 2 ‘• ReaFtrad aud for elle by fje3l lIENRY H. COLLOS NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS 11— Mary rim -Rent, by Mrs. Ann B. Stephens ; The Jealous Wife, by Mlas Pardon. For Bale by B. A. LOOM% Pablishers' Agent, J 6 3 Post Buildings, 41 nth street. NV - RAPPING PAPERS.-1000 ream as boned saw; straw and rag wrapping, for sale by WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO, Je9 Parer Dealere,f4 Wood street. OOPYING PRESSES, Copying Books, Brizs Oil Paper, for sale by W. 8. RAVEN, tarn Corner market and Hocond MM. Fi4EFLOUR. -20 bble. Fine Flour in store, and for solo by trIcCANDLE.BB, BtP.Atis a co, few Garner of Wood and Water stoma. BROOMS. -100 dos. Extra Carpet C orn Brooms on band and for wale by O. AtJ. II fIA.WYER. JeT r — PWO }IOU _m min by ---- : ---- i — h 'i n Sou Pittsburgh, for MEM= 4c 3p, t- Market street- QANFORD'g INVIOORATOR. -10 gross A, far soil by B. A. PAIRIESTOCUI a CO, b.ADZI Coma Wood_end Elsa 6L-a. ~`~ n _b RAILROADS, AILROAD The Pitt-sbt. ) Ft. Wayne & Chieno RAILROAD COMPANY, WITH ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and equipment, and. its through conaectame,is pre pared to transport Paat:angers and Vrdght from Plink- DELPIIIA and PlTTSBUittlii to CHlGittrO, ST. LOUIS,IN DIANAPOLIS, GIN GIN iiTL andali pace ‘Vest and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The tct that this Road terms n direct and earmlitiated line between Pittstragh and CLIiCI4:O, Li a audit:lent finer antes that its Trains will tame good time, and COLIDOetiCItui with Trains en other Iteaut. ON AND AITRAiCii•.:DAT :1A I: iq -S, ti d Trains on this road will have the D1..1'0 I, Pittsburgh, daily, (Sunda)s Cl.Ceptel, ea iLtIiC,T , : PASSENGER TBAINS LEAVE Pittatrargh. II OrNtilne. I Ft. Wayne. U. EL mall, 7:07 P.M Pint. Expre...3 7 . ...... 2:•!.0 . 10:00 P.M 5:00 P. M. second " 2:1 •P. 10:2.3 P.ll I 4:30 A. M. REACH ellicArH—First Er.pre.:K=., .1 7:03 A. M.; Second Exprec3 nt 1:30 P. 51 7.f.',5 pr,sA 4.53 r. ti A. 1.1 r ( and k , : kt,t Lalayvtt,, Ceotr il'"• an ..1 qt For. Ocit Trains on the M. LE.It H , ~ 1 1, im it ( 9 teat Dayton end 11.1:'i'llE!';11‘!() 3 . . FIO2I Chicago. I. U. H. 1-1,111,..30,,M.P.i.i. 5:110 A.M. I'. P. f,;;,_ lat -,;,)...% M. '2;1;1.; M. 9.1:2 I'. (Hu Air. .• lO 5 A.M i 1:15 P. P.? Throe Traina cor , rle , tn. ag v. 11.11 :mine for 111.111 nde , lP.nia, Ball:anon, New lurk and Trldnfl from St. Louie, ItithalltipOLl3, C1C , 1:1 nal: and C01f....*.- bus wale ciooo connoillrota with NJI returnl,7;7 Train& At 1. 1 ,11 Y irnun, Ii :1 an-luitcrlnodran-.1 connert crith atc , :t• ( %. re Lva, - ,2 with Tr , u11 ,, 4 to F.V.11 nnd Tl.n U. S. froth /1 1, .31 , ;:a1ika to Cre,l,r. , , Fein; n7e114k ,, ,,a 1.2 ti., zlecnud i.rlghtca for ritt,..burgh, dun A. a., old 1 1 . M. Pl:ta burtr.h Liltl::' , .) A. M. an... Sin(it}. 135 t.:111.t212.1,..1)f.,1 TrllVOlet 0, or t ., pc:on . :• :3• 1 . 111,1. br.rili for the S t, will or w :11,1 0111,1 Ayeia u.r.thunzed by tin , P.. V. W. C. is ~.: I. U. P.., and Su.uhenyttln and Indiana C,(111 1'.1,111.i.L.:1,, Undou 1 .1 , -01 • c.-11,1111r. r 1 , -; •r 111.U.1.4.._11. 0..11 no: 1... ,10ck, ,, ,1 100 110.c.,;10i ;.,.;,:nno s ; viz r_l any cab., h . s o,lv. I,C.N Ic-nnttinue nz,ui .L If: Ag:t. D. W. Agt-nt, 2 , f l . 1 1 . MUOILii. It E., t?' litY Lk TO Cl:\ C!: N NATI, 'AY:ASV iI,LF: :,.n,i,.;',C. Loi:IS l'r. au.t CL1 , 21.6 A :ZD ATI, LIM:111.TC:: i V', A Ti17.',7,7%-CRE OCIT-:7"r" TIIIS LINE is o.iiioutitsl Ito.ils Li the Irtrut 01111: 0 4, and 1., 1uf,..z,L1 and raltrihted p , r - t 2.ct , 1:11/11J and t u., , ruci;.f , : 1%1: • . . LOttisYin., L.. . Meillptd9, -4* I. • i,.. 21 clad :N/inr..llll riAlitiAb AND And A:. .. ..Koatucky Cri.t• .1 R. 1: , l'r,n‘!crt had all I.LIAL:to it. Gor,:rol Traimi It L. .:_Ufa': w:1.11 or, ctisr,eo dr. N-00V P. LI. 1.) 1r c,pa! Tc, 4 1 1 1.., • i E,ipraii 1'a . . , 41('7.,;er TI, :u, a• 2 : 15, p 1 rirulf; L 2 0r.,—..1,..c. nt "..,.C.A. A. AI., (-Ir.. o '...0 .1. '- 1 . M. BAGG 4GI OREL' ii ED T Llii.o L.' 11. '1,,;1, Faro zo Lox -7 .7.:: 0.:::..,* ozber Ikolato. For nil io.iorw.aLi,u, i.hu 1111,,q;01 Lt ~ at Lttc. Ticket Office, coilwr ~r .Lt Station. 4?-• I. 'll,:kota P. F. DAN'L N., LA _.07. 1:. Else Cae - f(o.a..tiikl y Wiaeeting Et=iln - oad, A Piits_ibtugh, CoimintN & CAileiuralai AAkt, RAll.l',t) change or n - Lnle ON AN A l'E 10TH, :rein: ni" r vr-:i3 Central Railroad , 3 6:45 A. It} 2:85 P. Tina tr , lT:.lat I.IIIE, r ut J. 4:09 P. .1 LiN, r Vi Si 4.110 , 1 ti J: , l ii. 117711 C -, j•C , D Chicago, vioc:i3vclatt.l, ;,••i• I' I TTSBL:I24'II; CO r,u,v,t,:u,5 .A.,•:1) f I •.', 1' S l'EC'is 6.. V VI LI. i, ; A., .1. :.: 1.• : J CIIMIGE 4 4!!".0.!,11-2..—Un ard altz.r ::i.., u.,1", .. ,4:, 10: Ilia Oectr.4,-1 Ittuiror.a, ~s to!luvii : 1 l'or ETELTP:4V.LLE, C• J1.11:-I.C,. 1:AYI4):4, 3:00B iglo I.lnll.4 , .:itirOLlO, l4",Lis - 411Li, U.1.L.5 , ), Ala.i. 1-1. , 6 ,:iD ..1.7; , •17.1,1, , .:" 3. 1, 2 : 35 p Tia. ,% , %171:i 5U:,7,1 ANr. V; 7.7 0 1 ...• ThroneJa tu ',...fac“..uat: .....:11,:. - .1t cit...D.g of cr.rd. ratuezgote :I"sirius t.. 1 go t.) ~. .....o:;t:1;_L..1, Cri:..inc.ati, ”Le.., or any pt:lotl beyond U. , :utabu.3 vl., Stcut..,u , ,.ili,, :...t.t,t ~ ,...t tor t—Atota vit, :::teufetkulli.:..3. J.1....1.1.:::; I .1.14.11.E.t.., attylinteutitnt C.. 1'....., vi. 1.. S. VT. Vi. liAtif.i..y, ~ . ......c1.,-...t V, C I.' C. ft. 11.. PITTSBURGH. 6i CUbirt OLLSVILLE B. A A tia, ft 0 A P. ON and after Monday, the 10th inst. Paes ouger TT%lli+, Will ..t.ltkiny2,) from the, Yermsylvama ki.sOlro I . 4.s.wiigor rolloWB Mall Train lasv,y P,Nsbur_h Itxpri•Ea Traiu lou.ca Pi tt.r:,nrgti r; TIGUNI:ir; Mall nit ,17 leaveU Contelluvillo 3fa - p7 0511 Arriving at Pittsburgh Tickets to be bud at Penns) ivanta Th. connects nt C'..)1111:1 4 .11 , 3V1/1 , , oILII i)!lUtir.:,; a p a ir, Coaches tor liniontow:i, Fp..utburg, sri at West Newton with (...to,t , te3 t;r XI:. I'l, t.!unt, Berlin; etc. _ . . - - - Freights to and frum iitsburgL s_.! oa L'itts. burgh and Connellsville Le anti ae livered in Pittsburgh, ut the .• oppui.t "Duquesne Depot." Excepting do,h W, P's !:uu, nuns e:, Stone, etc., which will be toadud ur u..l.3aded ut LA/I.x De pot, or at cho usual Dopey as may be arranged with Freight Agent, PULIMVIV,I.aia Es...llroad, of l'ittsbin gh. i;LACKSTONLI, Sup't. Trawortation Department P. .Et C It. 1t.,1 tills, 1858. myS New Ratite via River mad Railroad. -*. Ciatinoao Railroad (lONNECTING AT IIiDIANAPOLIS with Terre Haute aud Torre atuto au.: Alton Ittlir - ..49, Co 2.L Louis aud Liifuyotte and indialnyolk, :ic , rf Albany. and Salem, and Michigan Central fLoa.l4 tur CHIC WU, BOOK ISLAND, BUliiiiNGTo24, points. Through Freight Train to INDIAN HAUTE, LATAYETTri, and Freight ensiTlE4l fram-Qincinuati or tvz ancobutg to lota time than any other rente by 24 hours. end at ,f 3 low r.tet. The only road by %Thiel; shnunenti l,e made from Cho dnnati to the without breaking oulit. Corzignmeni a Linde to J. E. HilittoiNt3., Agent nt Cincin nati; oc, W. P... Ctrf.filill, Asunt Lavrontabnrg, will receive prompt att.tulcia, and no chargk , f r or:tonnes:on ; no dicavfer drayage or 09Mniiiiien , ct iz.3 , 77rrittbur ,- .% For further infurznintion., apply to I'iIOI , IA.S RAW - 14.LN, (No. lib Water etroot,) Agent of the Cor.spany, who :a pro. = to give ramoths a 347 1 -4 1 ,13 inat nuapolis, Terre larnye,e, Chimp, Fern, arneuttatio, Orttulerda• ville Olowlabion, Purls, and M.attcon. 11. C. I.OIID, rreAL-tat. JNO. P. Cli1•IE13, Don't PROglit..4 gent. 111th A IifiLLIKEN &CO. haca on hand, at MI. tiled/ u.21v1151,7c, A Fit iIIANI.TPACI No. G 4 111-nithliedd r.z.. , 1:::44%; of F.tncy and Plain Pnraitaro, ilioy will oi.ii ii pui r /uWrt col;. ifloc27:y than customary OODWELL'S FURNITURE AND ofierps, Whalittfde and enibrz4—' al; evory style of ktirnitare, En llow-vim01,.31 ,- AwL . .o.ii rld Walnut, limitable ler Pazlora,ChtwalizirA iluad to any in Nva You E'very arth:le Ediefie h::: d, and wtrrhritid. Clubint•dMlterd enp yliad with any gwantity cf ruizNiTilal: and CHAIM% on miazonable terms. Hotels and attathbotta furadibed at the stiorteet notice. W'aferoow, 71 and THIRD Streat, ottibnrg, ot2l QTAROI.I.-2-50 es Roohtar Narl Starch, rectiral cad F..,r es's ty 11.1. - WIIY H. D'ltl,Llbia. BANANAS.—first of tho season just re c!Assd by olpitS3 and for salo REY:=. ANDERSON, No. 3J Woad tirost. Op to Bt. Charias - 11Q1 OLL BUTTER-2 bbls. Fresh Roll Butter received :rad L.= sale by JAS. A. Man, myl2 °ernes Market and Vire/ eta DitINTING executed, in the highest style a art, and at ream:reale pricoa, by J. R. WELLIN., Bookeeller and Stationer, 63 Wood etreet, near Fourth. ATEW BEDFORD SPERM OANDLES. - 20 boxes asserted stag, G's, s'a and o's, Sperm Candi cm band end tot We by Is- CL a J. IL aaViYter.l±. HUFF'S BOOB_K - EupiNG, i3l2ukhe, end Dructean'a system of Ponmanchip, for salo by IV. 8. HAVEN, Corner 3.1z0t aud Second street& AWNINQ RODS--1 est Awning Rods, for nag by ueas) anrißY H. eomario. r: P. EMIR CJIIO A i) L i N i• •', Vr• 14 X. lel g. •• • 1 1,1% FUR-NIT EIRE; 'xw',; _ RAILROADS. fl Sts 8. Suesioaor Artnatgomont. ON AND A? RR MONDAY, alTh'ir 6, PENNSYLVANIA 081 PRAIA RAILR OAD • giVtiv - EIGHT DAILV TRAINS. THE HAIL TRAIN leaves tho Passenger Station every morning, (except Sunday,) at 00 o'clock, Pittsburgh time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11:00 P. M. TILE L'AIIT LINE Daily, except Sunday, at.os P. 11., ar riving in Philadelphia at 5 o'clock A. ii., and stopping only at principal 'Anton,. THE EXPBESB TRAIN leaves the Station every evening at otho o'clock. Stopping only at Greoneburg,Latrobe,dolunp town, Will:more, Gallitzin, Altoona, am, connecting at Har riehurg with the Train direct for Baltimore; and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at LOO o'clock, P. Pd. , ACCOMMODATION : THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. Stopping at all stations, and running as far as Conantaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION MAIN. for Turtle Creek Bridge leave, daily, (except Sunday,) at Iot4o, A. M. SECOND AOOO.IIMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.W P. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, I:xvea daily, (except Bunday,) at 6e20, P. a. Y.ErTURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh as follows s•-- Papre,J,l:4s, P. AL; Mail,3ao A. et.; .east Line 2:25 A. 8; Johns town Accommodation, A. it.; First Turtle Creek Accom molation, OD); A. r. Second Accommodation, 1140, P. a.; Third ,l,'", , ersaiddatiea, 6:10, P. et Ter nr r and Indiana, connect at Blairsville InLorsection with mall train East, /express train West, and i.ns dohnotcwn ammreadatlon train Beet and West. PiiTSilU&tiif AND OONNBIAAVI.I.I PI TRAINS, Stopping at all stations on the Pittsburgh and Connelle• ]toad, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: 2.1 E. TRA1N......7:00 A. at. I RXPRESS MAIN-3:30 P. 51. ki:IING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Connellaville Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 5:46 A. M. and &ID P. 11. The traveling public will find it greatly to their in tereqt, In going Hut or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, a, the accommodations now offered cannot be sus , on any other route. As the Road le ballasted with min., nut in entirely free from Mast, we can promise safety, spetd and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their pat:unego. FARE: To New York $13,00T0 Baltimore-. Philadelphia 10,00 I " Lancaster.. To Harrisburg, $7.45. Baggage checked to all Station on the Pennsylvania Rail. Man, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. ih.seengers purchasing tickets in cars, will be cleargedten a.ritt in addition to the Station rates, except from Stations where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE—In case of loss, the Company will hold them eeiv.3.l rfaponeibto for personal baggage only, and. for an amount Dot r heeding $lOO. N. li.-JThe Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to convey kaeougers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a ,liarge not to exceed fin cents for each passenger and bag -01.7e. ;for iddlieta apply to J. STEWART Agent, At the P. Be Passenger Station on Liberty and Grant streets. PENNSYLVArdIA RAILROAS THE GREAT OF,NTB.AL ROUTE, connecting 4 3";,,5'-z‘- - %l,t4 4 the Atlantic Cities with Western, North-western S , altb-western States by.o COIIriEOSOUB Railway direct. Tide Road aloe connects at Pittsburgh with Dail- eol iitsamcm to all ports on the Wes' or:, ULIQ at Cleve land mid C'..industy with steamers to all porta on the North wojtern Laitt.,i; mating the most masa; 0j:40182 and MILLI a. - .., 01.2 by whichl . lllliGHT can forwarded to and from all. UFLP-'3. W 362. Rates bu X7.73¢ :S ihlle.delphin.ol,E ciLAS:II. Bast.; fists and . hooks, Dry Goixls, (in boxes, bales and triankr,)Druge,(in boxes bales) Feathers, Pare, Ac. t''..;-."./N . DOLerlS—Dotueatic Sheeting, Shirt ri Ticking (in azisinal bales), Dru4S. (in oaks), airdwaro. Leather (In I rolls or bows), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, hantward, &e, THIRD Steel, Chains (in ., casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loess or in sacks), Tobacco, manufac tured, (except Cigars or cat,) itc. FoURTH CLASS—Coffee, Flab, Boma, kn. and (nietw.ia or floieaL'aetward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Neils, Soda Ash, Ger- TIAII Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, to., to. FLOUR-76c. 7V - bbL until farther notice. CRAIN in ear lads, 35 cts. tzlt 100 IDs. until farther notioe. COTTON bale, not exceeding 600 The. weicht until ..taraf _ iv fillip')lug Efootts train any point East of Phfladel ih,, be !particalar to mark packages "Ma Fittmsylvania Le.,Wrost 4 -' All Goode cowigood to the Agents of this Road Eat Philablphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without FREciLIT Aortim—Harris, Wormley A Co. Memphis, Tenn.; R. P. Sam L Co., St. Lance; P. G. °Why A Co., Evansville, Ind.; Drimesnii, 801 l A Co., and Carter & Jewett, Lotdsville, Ky.; It. C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind ; W. Brown & Co., and Irwin & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Grehiun'it Co, ZatIeaVIIIIIS 0111 D ; Leech A Co, No. 5-i ifili3y street, Balton; Leech & Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York': No.l William afteet, and No. ii Bonery Plate, New Yerh ; J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw !loon. Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. IL HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. 4..1 LoYiRARRE Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. ri ROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS %.3i - IE4 begs Rio Coffee; 100 chests Black and Groen Teas ; kitila. Crushed Sagas' ; " Oofiee ' Ne Ne w York Syrup ; 20 " New Orleans tdolassas ; G Tierces Now Ittra ; 10 lluxea W. W. 11. Grant's Tobacco; 1,10 " LS. R. and Layer Raisins; 20 !legs French P 1121119; 2 ihincheona Jamaica Rural 2 " Santa Cruz Rani; liollund giu .t Brainy; Port, lahorry, Malaga and Chain -3 ; Pure Old dye and Rectified Whisky, in store 1,t1,1 flil bti;E:.l . .. w, by HAWORTH & BROWNLEE, riucr.. , a4ore to Haworth, Bro. & Brownlee, r 2- 0 ,. or rho Diamond and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa: .1U . 4 15 bt.l4.l , :aatwicled Syrup; •• r Yu.k .• 26 •• P.alcimore " 54 hhcla Sew Orlolus Sugar; ICO half choscd Young Hylton Toa;, SD •• Black Tea, for sale by W. H. 8611TH /4 CO - I ‘ 4 . ANIL LA PAPEIL—A large lot various hq• Dale by Viat. 3 . 011N6T0N & 00, Pupsr Penlere, 67 Worst et. TATIO N SUGAR, & MOLA.SSES-- 100 'Ads. tulty fair and prima N. 0. Sugar; eA.‘O , oak cooperate, prime N. 0. Molemes ; t t. James S. H Molasses, now landing and r 55;0, by MILLER & RiOKETSON, Nog. 112 and n 3 Liberty etreet =ME PAPER—Uf best quality—for sale G. JOitiliSTUN O) :02 , 3 StatiOsers, ST Wood strseL l - 1, ~t Al 1 . - -N VELOPES.—Buff, Straw, Amber and While, of all eixs, Hold wholesale or retail, by W5l. G. JOONBTON .1!: CO m 7 dtotinuers and Paper realere, 67 wood it. oD A ASH.-100 casks 'Soda Ash, now cmi for Bale by myn El US.--10 barrels fresh Eggs, just receiv ed and fur aide by JAMES A. 'FETZER, je2'2. Corner Market and lint streets. 001) 3 drama extra largo Cod Flab; 3 .6 large " " Just received and MILL.KR. d 2.1011.11T50N, Non. 221 and 223 Liberty street. J 1 e_,e, Li :t r 2 UOR SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder A: 16 inches in di meter, 4 foot stroke, with 2 Cylinder Boilers 12 inches In diameter, 80 feet in length, with fire front; Fly Wb.col 10 foot in (Remoter. For price and terms, Inquire of B. 0. Jlt J. IL SAWYER, No. 4T Wood street. U. A ! 6:1 W. .I.AA DIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT ERS, with and without heels, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Nifth street. DIFFENBAOHER 41; CO. GEN L'S CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, at the People's Shoe store, N 0.17 Fifth street. rlO DIFFENBAOR !ft 00. constantly on hand a large supply o f Pure Winos and llquora for medicinal purposes. Those wishing anything in this line, can rely upon getting a pure article at JOSEPH. BLEXINIII I , iYI2 Garner Diamond and Market atmet. 1. 600 WILL buy a Dwelling House of 8 rooms and bath room, good cellar, and other conveniences, aituate on Franklin street; sew In hand balance at one and two years. B. CUTHBERT A SON, • jyls 61 Market street. YPE METAL, just received and for Foie by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and Printer, 0 Corner Market and Second etreeta. QOAPS.—A large supply of Low's we huown Brown Windsor Soap, th Jot received Ala Honey, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and oet fancy Soaps con atautly on hand at JOE. PERMING S, • 7 Corner Diamond and Market street. (IOLTON'S WEST TOURIST &GUIDE Vor enlo by (j 019) J. li. WELDIN ii:) ELIVEHED EVERY MORN 1NU.0.... Forney's Prow, Public) Ledger, N, Y. TiMO3, Herald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trude supplied by leaving your addrces at HUNT & MINER, Jell Masonic , HalL GENI"S WE A R.— c CIIVAP. Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters; a Gent's Patent Loather Oxfords; Gent's Calf Boots ; ig N Gent's Fino Slippers. te CHIA' P. '1; AT Tin PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, Jel2 N 0.17 Fifth street, DIPPENBACHEIC & CO. 10 TAR OANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada- D.Y In:lnane Star Candles, warranted !mperior to any in the market, on hstr_d and tor eale by myl.3 B. a. a J. El. amnia PONGES,--A large supply of coarse and fine Sponges, of a very superior valitMast revolved JOB. FIRMING, Corner Diamond and Market Meet QTATIONERY FOR _OFFICE USE-A largo supply of Staple and Fancy Stalioriky, for of fiv s, otcnfor eat° by (jel9) J. P.- WELDIN. LIRESII TEA, MORE NEW TEA— The ilneot Tea of every name, grade and color. The enb ecriber has in More and arriving, a Most extensive and complete amortment of lea in cheats, half chests and fami ly boxes, all of which is offered at greatly reduced prices. Jag B. JAYNES; 88 Fifth stmt. A. HOME IN ME UOUNTIti.—A new Cottage Homo of 6 rooms, good cellar, and every convenience to make a comfortable and pleasant residence; atablo, carriage lidedo;, spring honie, 260 pesoh tdoe.s, also, choice apples and other fruit, 12 'acres et land, good quality for gardening 'unmans`, situate at 3 miles from the city, user tho Was h ington Turnpike. Terms easy, and immedi ate possession. For sale by. 13. CUTEffiliatT Jr SON, Jr 22 61 Ilarket street.. - lIESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- A })welling House and two large lota, with good Im provemeals; immediate pessession. Price, $l6OO. A Form of 303 acres, 40 improved, all prime land one mile from Fayette Springs. Price, $6 per acre. A valuable property at Lowrencevgle, in complete order, good location, immediate powteastan—sosoo. A section of choice land in Franklin county, lowa, in g /location —$ 2,60 per acre. 8. CUTHBERT a SON, 61 Market Meet. 11,ARK STMET. A Brick PTA -ling 'Home on Clark street, noni MIX) Catonteeo 4 1 ale low prioo $llOO. Also, three other alBl/8 1 8 'the above. Pric.e, , each. Terme way. • letat. Alsonees near 8. Cu01721.133.ERT 801 , 1. 81.4 lark ~KRINuI -- 50 bbLs Herrin for sale by JUL Jess Fs a. MALI= ...;tie:; , , • A, • ..±-% -z r••:!% , '''':•••141141W: ~.~~~ =m2 700. @1 100 193. gilo. 100 MI. 600. 9 100 The. 400. iii 100 lbs. &SILL - RR tr RIORETSOb; CAU,ETS AND OIL CLOTHS. E1410VA1,.. & H. PHILLIPS have removed to .their, new Mailding,, gee. 28 and 23 BT. Math st r eet, weft ahle a between Penn street and the Brkle,a, piinizans,, hrukITUVI3 OP 11W83,.FIIIIITITUREtCAII/yAary TABLE, AND TRAN - SVARENT OPAQUE: n a. OW BEILUDE OIL CLOT - EIS! Of dieerest Colors: Abxt, DEAMRS IN Oil CLOTHS WINDOW SHADES, Of every d- Dealers in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all Undo, made ander Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and. New York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, HOSE ;end PACKING. LEATHER BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a euperior naiity ; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. 'Agents for the cam PIRE-PROOP EiIITERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oita, Turpentine, Brasher, Glass and Patty. HOUSE AND SIGN 'PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, done in the best end shortest time. id e ntly ,I. k H. PHILLIPS, More ICni.26 and 2 St. Clair street; Manatast or y et Phil , 'brae, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CA/TETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, me., AT THE FouMa Street 11 gent Store. W D. & H. MTALLIIIII respectfully incite the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, just selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Home Man ufacture, consisting iq part of 'Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain : also,' Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 2411EET WIDE, Bugs, Mats, Stair Bode, Canton andlOoooti Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets ; Vonitlan Bihnifi; Painted, Buff and Omen Holland Shades. It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may- be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. ST FOURTH Street near Wood. W. DI ct H. MOALLUM. 05 D i IL OLOTH OLOTUIN —Of all kinds, / Mao . and yellow, 7n sale et th= India Rubber Depot end 28 St Clair street. LdeoJ . G IL. PHILLIPS. ftIL CLOTHS FOR THE I EALL TRADE. Ni,„„, We have on band, and aro dell roireicing additions thereto from our own and otter mann tortes, a large stook of Floor liturnitr.re, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, Trans. mi m tt,, amen and STA and ell kinds! of Oil Cloth, mod for furatalsing and other porposei. Also, Twinspritent Window Shales, of dry and oil raisb--geld bordered and other atrces, and Window Shade Trimmings. Merchants and others will Lind it to their advantage to air. eurdne ono stook and prices before rtirAhlzg their purchmes elsewhere). J. 4 11. Pllvt.rdps, selg fid and 28 St. Clair street. OLb CLOTH TABLE COVERS—Of our owon and other inanufaztnrera, for sale wholesale and retail, by .1. , & H. PHILLIPS, j yl7 . 28 aird 28 St. Clair street. TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLOTH— sow yards of a superior quailty, just received from the factory, and for sale by 3.1 Lt. PIIILLIPS. jyl7 ' 20 end 28 St. Clair street. C ARRLAGE OIL CLOTHS .— Enamelled with plain or figured backs—on muslin, Twilled and Duck Goods, for sale by J. & H. PHILLIPS, jyl7 28 and L./ St. Clair street. OAP OIL CLOTHS—A few pieces on mug %,/ lin, allk, and imitation of silk, for tufa at 26 and 29 et. Clair Street. (jyl7) J. & IL PHILLIPS. HOSPITAL SIIEEITINU---Of all Widths and of the test qualicy, for sale at the India Rubber Depot, 1113 and 2S fit. Clair area. jell INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The best article in nee, for sale at tip .I.ndin Rubber Depot, of J. a IL plillatPB, ell 10 aril 16 Bk Clair street. VLOOR OIL CLOTHS,- Of our own and eastern insnufaotate—all widths, and cut to trolt any sizo of rooms or hail —at the Oil Cloth Ware rooms, Ne. 20 and 23 Bt. OW: stmt. oct23 3, a H. Great Chance to Make Money. PHE BEST AnD MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OF THE Timßq—ONlY ONE , ,0 DoLLAR PER SHAKE.—Forty thousand dollars -. worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, ~04-. Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety . ' of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou sand shares, at one dollar per share, as follows :—Upon the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to one eharo in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the that, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of 'the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Philadelphia, and the whole of tho property disposed of or distribuMal among them; in such way as shall he determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin- Aendlhe disposition of the property, according to the diroc , dons bf the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to each person or persons an the Shareholders may 4 ) appoint to receive e same. Tile, heel Estate consists of one thrpo story be dwelling house and lot, valued at V. 600, and two . threqeto rick dwelling house, and lots valued at 2700 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all ir_ttum brans°, and titlo indisputable; the other property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of ens of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stereo in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long time past kept by the subscriber, The stock consist ing of very fine Gold and Silver lion ting Coso Lever Watch es, very flue Gold and Silsoiv Patent Lever, Lepino and otheP Watches, Gold C4ians, I micas, Scale, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Diacelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pine, Studs, Sloevo Buttons, As., 4c, Geld, Silver and Steel Spec- Laded, add and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, Rorke, Ac., &c. Also, French Clocks, Musio Boras, Accordoone, and is great vatiety of other goods. Tho above is not ono of those schemes which are devised to en trap tho llT:te.ri", but le and Will be a fair gale of tho entire property bolongMg to the eubscriber, persons aro positively assured the etock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Canusion_fatt - - - I ' . 'iato. l - 1 . , .. 1 .79 ttirillie - Efold,tiOne a - UM %ill ha diatributed i the most respect. able persons are given as reforenom, to those disposed to pur chase shares. Ail orders by Moilj enclosing the money will be promptly attendesi to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dross of the sender, by return niaiL Any person sondihg ton dollars at ono time, allele receive eleven separate receipts. in as many separate names if desired. 10. In writing for shams, pjearie write the name of the Post Office, to which yon wish ilia answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a derge amount of valuable property for a small eam, as ti ever before bean offered to the public,. Bend on your orders, 8.3 shares are ceiling rapid ly, and it le confidently expecte. the distribution will soon be made. Articles siletted to persons at , a dtterioe, will ho sent to them at their expense. ..Agents wanted in every town and village. All com• mnniceUone mast be addressed to ' L. It. 8.11X203L91L, No. 80 South ascend street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia. OOPYING PR ESSO, with Sarew and IL) Lever, for Bale by W. S. EATEN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, Corner Market and Second tarots. QUMIVIER EXC CRS lON IST S.— • Ladies who design taking a " Plea9nro Trip,r_ehonld pravide themselves with the NEW LINEN TRAVELING A. HIRT! The above article can be precured et IDURE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal parpowg, by the bottle or gallon, at ILAWOItTII a BROSViILEVEL., fob in the Diamond. 10 BAOKS FEATHERS, for sale by 13/10ALEY, MK/RAVE A CO., nas. 12 and fID WrGoti oucet• R YF4-125 bush Rye for sale by JAS. A FETZER, .19 2 Corner Market and First etreJte AKE FISH-15 whole bbls. Lake , Supe L tier White Fish just:recetved and for oale by JAS. A. BETZFIR, I •8 Ccrnor Market and Firet Rtreete. 1 13A(18 Dried Apples, for sale by RAGAIXY, COSORAVE & CO., Nob. 18 aid f.:13 Wood streat EiY APPLES-100 bush., for sale by AA' Je+lo LIENItY IL COLLINS. TUST received another amortment of BOOTS and SHOES, consisting of Ladles' Heel Boota and Slip pers, Gent's, Boys's Youth's, and a large variety of Chil dren's Fancy Shoes. Please give na a call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH H. BORLAND, JOU 93 Market street, second door from Fifth. 11 0I L WANTED- 100,000 Ina. Wool Wantedc at highest cash HITCHCOCK, PeI'ORE,KILY tt CO., 122 Second greet, and ThlFront Prime, by JealAmdsw AIR DYES—Batchelor's, Christadora's, Alecsander's, Shalon's, and Water's Liquid Hair Dyes—a large supply Constantly on hand, at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, 10.2 Corner Diamond and Market street. fILOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, and tarsals by [fall HEN RI(Ii. commis 50V GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS. Just received and fin sale by HATIBIL Corner Market and &pond streets. 10 DRUMS COD FISH., for sale by BAGALEY, ON:GRAVE & CO., eurZi Hoe 13 exia Z) Wald istrtot, WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholegal and retail at tho ]Drug Bare of JOHN VA1T,,..133.„ Corner I Wood and Ellth eta, Ftt t Libiargh . T . IMOTHY SEED-16 bush. Good Timothy Seed fee sale by man, pp YE P • UR.-15 bbls. just received and Alto for sob by [ma) RINEY 11. COM,TNE. I.OGGS.-10 bble. fresh Egg just received 2.12 aLd for sole by fuL6llll U.IINSYa COLLIBE. IeXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring,paci judi all the other celebrated ) rktrte, for , eels by 028 JOS- 110.11NF7, 77 Market, street. ipLAOK LACE IfIFOS.—A large 5t007% of AS excellent ctylee, with and without fingue, very cheap at (8P26) JO9. iIORNE'S, 77 Market street. CIOTTON HOSIERL—Every variety of Cotton Ptoekingg and alf Hose at the lowest prices wholesale or retail, at JOE. RAMC'S, ap26 7: Market street.. Q YR I bbls. N comdgmuout, by (aa 1106 tiaroes prime Tice, just, reeeiv- A. ed and for sale by 1 KILLER dt RIOKETSON, Pcr3l2 Noa. and LI bortv atrib4. S6OO FORa two:; starYframe dwelling b. 011722 and lot of ground do feet by 100, pl eas . fatly Wooled on Alt. Washington. Terms easy. fea S. OUTHICFMT t 80N. 61 Mat , lrot t. LACK C • APE VEILS—Of extra size . and quality—very cheap, at 11.ORNET f ie 77 Market atroat. NLRB. ALLEN'S Hair Restorative, Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger, Preston At Merrill's Cooking Extracts, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Uoannson's Washing Compound, Fysan'a Indolibla Ink, McClung lt Campbell's Ewell, Ealtpetre, tt Syrup. For ad kzno o by B. L. PAIINEBTOOR & CO, Jr 4 No. 80 3 conker of Wood and /fourth idah VERMIFUGE LIVER PiLl& WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now `before the public:, We refer to Dr. Chas. nine's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pith, We do not recommend them at universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFITGE, For expelling Worms from. the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men, , tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity , has induced the proprietors, . FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. ~A nd being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills ' shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to - FLEIIIING BROS. 'Pittsburgh, Pa. P. S. Dealers and Physicians oidering from others' than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and take none but Dr. ltrLanes, pepared by Fleming Bros. Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Vermifuge for fourteen three-omit stamps. Al] orders from Canada must 7 be accompanied by twenty cents extra. J. & H. PHILLIPS M'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PILLS.-75 gross on B AHnor gala by B. L. ESTOOK - .4 00. Corner Wood and Fourth o troots. Private and Confidential Medical Advite! AT D - 1 E RUITALO PRIVATE HOSPl- TAL—Establishod for tho cure of Syphilis, Seminal Viaalmam and the liecrot Intrmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. ABIOS A. SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Ofitce corner of llafn and Quay streets. (up stairs.) A MOST SOIEN=O An instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, cc Noobur4 nal Emil...cicala, more properly 'known as Seminal Wean:oust, Ao. Can be permanently cared in from fifteen to twenty days, by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PAILYLOULAIt NOTIOD. Dr. AMOS k EON take pleasure in announcing that they, have invented a most impertantl ustr merit for the'cure of the above diseases. It has bean subjected to stoat by the= most eminent physicians In London. Part, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Weakness,or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the sacrot habita of youth. Dr. AMOS - A EON, in order to satisfy the most sheptlial as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money will be refunded by rotarning the in• strnment in good order. j Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by oxprees, is ten dollars. - NEW ' PmEDIE9 AND QUICK. CUBES. Dr. ham A BON may be consulted from eight o'clock la the morning until nine at night, in every stage and symp tom of the Venereal Dicease, Gonorrhma, (fleets, Re Candary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Strictures of the Urethra, etc., with inviolable secrecy. The treatment they adopt is the result of upward of thirty yearn' exteralve and euccemful practice in London. The meat inveterate Gees of Venereal Diseases eradiated in. eight or nine days, nd cases of a slight nature in two or three days, at a mod crate expense. The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from bucineer; also, nodes and pains in the bones and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURE WAP.RANTED. JOS. 11011NE.S. 77 Markot street Dr. AMOS b EON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, andthe relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellow•crsature fully testified and greatfully acknowledged by convales oentpatients and others daily arriving in town from all paste of the country, fiir the expresa purpose only of consultatlgni while their exertions have been crowned with the moot eig nal advantages; yet from whet they have experienced' • Inquiring into the causes of therm infectious complaint (from their most simple condition to that of the most dan prone and invoteruted) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise kr variably found that the most horrible and mangnnnt forma of disease could almost alwayu be traced to ono of the fol lowing causes ;—lgnorance neglect, or the ill effects of an skilful and improper treatment; thomfore, Dr. Alido9 SON have succeeded in disoovering, in the selection of their remedies, a cafe, effectual, and cautious course.; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character, as well as those whose premature or Injudicious application. might be prO-uctiv2, of bad consequences in the hands of private individuals. In short the landible end of their re. medics is the lemening of a great mats og human misery by the atleniatlon, relief and prevention of; those grievous af. Mellon that are in reality the secret foetof life, and which, while they se extremely eurround on, call aloud tor our skill and interference for their extermination. COMMIT INVALIDS. Persons in any part of the world nizay be suctessfutly treated by forwarding a correct detail of their case, with a remittance for moillotnes, ao. Add ress D r . AMOS A EON, corner Main end Quay streets, Buffalo. N. Y. ja23:dittrly 113RIVATE DISEASES.—DR. is'ituWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL OW No.j 50 SMITIBMILD street, Pll burgh, Pa. DP.. BROWN is an old citizen of Pll burgh, and has boon in praetice for last twenty-I Lys year& His Liminess bean confined mostly to Private and gical Diseases. °MUDS AND STRANGERS In need of a medical friend, ahould fall to find out the sure place of cc The Doctor is a regular. graduate, his experience in the treatment of a Is a sure guarantee to the anfferars o relief, by the use of his remedies ant._. BROWM3 RIDGERD.It9 - never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Die , l.oB-- ImpuriNes and Serofcdoas Affections. Also, all disease* arising from a h ac teint, which manifests Iteelf in the form of 'a totter, and a gr.-at many forms of Iskta diseacm, the on of ter h the patient 13 entirely Ignorant To persons ea aillicted, Dr. B. 0E6113 hopes of a sue tad cpeady reocrfery. Met-ENT.3.4. _ 0. Syrup for sale, on TITINRY IL COLLINS . MEDICAL DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED AND t*: . 4.-v i iraer i vloOt!Atair44:4 - 44 Dr, Browuis =ladies for thla alarming touble, branght on often by that solitary habit of sensual gr.:WM:atom which the young and week•raindodoftan give way to,(to their owe deah-action t ) are the only reliable remedlea known in this comity—they are safe, and make a speedy restoration to health. IMIMLLMI. Dr. Brown's remedies never fall to awe this dia• ease in a few days—ho will warrant a cure. He also Mats Gleet, Gonorrhwa, ftrieture, Urethral Discharges, Pe, male Tireaose, lifouthlyapprions Diseases of the Joints Fistula in Also, Nen= Affections, Pain in theraek and Eidneye, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diffuses of an impure origin. , A letter dx-cribing the symptoms, containing a Mt O . reeled to DD. BiIOWN, No: b 0 andtbdeld stuot, littelnargb,, L. will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to any address., safely packed and aware from observe Son. Ofte , aud Private ROOlll3, No. 1,0 Bmith.f.eld street, Paal burgh, Pa. , A NOTli ER supply of Low to San'a e t apotor London Toilet &ape received to•day by JOEL P fel6 Corner Diamond and Market Wane L OB P IN ' - U Cards, Circulars, Prins Lists Bill IVIN, Lotter Cocas, Show Bills, Teibiliotl Printed in superior style at short nOtico;by WM. G. JOHNSTON a.OO, „Printers, Phu* Book hiannfactarers and Btationer6, my/ 67 WoOd treet. II• ACK C • • CO fr , : S--Beautif .11 styles for obey et Jamul HOBIMS, ro Erzrket **nett LEMONS -50 boxes Palermo, in N o . or . der ; Just received:and for selo by • . 1;EY111HR d ANDERSON, . . No, sa l w ood kraa t. -10 Opposite the 13t. Charles HoteL AY )3 1 2= PRINT G ss= bi au:24; J. R., 'FFELIaIit