--SU SIN _ES6 op:.1( S-1411131. C. . - WINGARD, VETOII.,CEOW LAW, POIS=I2 4 Wir urpcz, n uarr rtr.zt, Lc la C - iartla street Lid Dian - toad alley. epB A.=6 A. .LOWE.I.E, Attorney at Law, 0.1. 1 / 4 0 icta-tla Pitzeburgil. between halithileld and Cherry n1:11,5 . deelay AiLL, Surgeon Dentist, tineocsx,r to G. •1'7.131 , 131e, vu. 144 Smithfield htruct. «,I` °dine horira from 3 to 1 o'clock. and I:cm 2 to 6 o'clock. febl6:l3 rSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors e wen of N r :lrkm.. tar OMes hone from CI o'clock b ,1. to 6 o'clock P. dscay JOSEPLI FLEMING, successor to L. WU coz. k Co, corner tif 'Aarket atreet and the Diamond. k , .!epa consmntly on hand a full azsortment of DRUGS, us - a- LOIN ES, .S.I2:DICiNaI 013_?..SYS, PERI. Ir.,LEP.Y, and all arts. alai pertaining to hi? bastnma_ Phyiicianir' Prescriptions carefully compounded r: ail COart. jet`fy R <!' P. 11.1.E5E.1.11. -1G . 31-Pti a. LIUULLIIIb ViTP. HARSIIA.LL & Co.„ Importers and • dealers in French and t..nleilc.'^- - .1 PAPII.I.I 11A.NG- Vititi, ...a , . dl Weal street, Pittebargll. , Ms g., , o strata for the mlebmt . ed atanufactusez of lioar.rt. Dal c.=.77. a en., .P. ari2. cus7 _.... . . 7....30.11Z0N ..I.NDEB.SON, (sucuessor3 to Jc.--41ttal rovidez c 0.,) daers FOrCEIGIi tarlITS, T.ZUTS, EPIC - ES, CONFECTIO'NAIIS, /cc, Na 30-Wood stro, cpp.-3ite the St. Clas,rlbi !luta, PAU. brargb. ap2 17,1. ;LITTLE, NEE R C -ANT TAILOR 2, - 0. 111 ST. CLAIR STREZ:, (Dr. iri2l - 2i 11,142,1z.a-1 j W. ILE,RR, ARCIIITECT, REMOVED ca-fra:,-e - Gez att Etts.h Wo-rA to .AIR 9TIiEET, In callaing—oortratie6 to "prepare 1.13.1,5 nzo Bpecillesnutg: of, guid to Bapentitt:nd ;ha dedxripti, - z. of Br.,'ll!ne.. dearl A CULTON B ELL AND BRASS .Act., fool-aia, str-a•c4, Pitteturilh, Pa, Is prreps=d to ftrraish to order OETZGE., ETTn "BOLT, PrICT:3P.T 2EI l_E (X all eittz, from 10 to 10,e00 Ibz_ OMLU rzz.le to crll:.. STOP 57. - :d GAUGE COCES Of ell sizes, LT NICE, AL WAILS PLTMETII, c•Jr.;:rr.% AZ:' U', amfi every cf fizA%,2.l 4 , ) J.‘ BABBIT2 AIM-ATTF.ITD): - : =LAI, ; FL c.ZNT ' , II:7,TALLIC PGCTSING, for B:saru 01.;CiHRIDG E u, M.A.XWILLL, g.C4I2.7:ZCS; F r Ltd Dca.lcrs in Cl:,.eka, 3fiasa tsc. tw tto. ri;.o is CJis ztroet, .t.lkoe* Prins:3l7lG Machias Drcattn to order. EDUCATION AL. St. Fra.P.- - 7.12, Academy for Boys, M r ibrkit TIU akar; 02 TM: 13:10TBER3 Lorct?a, Oembrie_ County, PG HIS riSTITUTION, NATLTE.T_Lsi wituikt r ed Iv - Educational prirpoaem, afferde al: :re in ducements' that can be deeired for a Catholic Inie_dni , on It to located in Cho scat healthy and picturce:c:me punier' of 'ha Allegherdee, distant four sales (=mamma . n Station, tha diroct mai:route betttcen Philadelphia and Pittabsigh. The echo:ratio ear . ..atmencing the carat itlouday is September, will elate the :ILta cf July felicring. The Tern e for Innrd, ins.ihdi...z a chor:.r.sh Ez-zilzh title Cvarsa, are $10;) ;.".. - r annum. The elastic mac Modern Lanati_i : iee of _slo per &anus. Wasiiiug and tai Beddih e i ;19. e•th - zurthzr pat , icuiara eiyly derv, Rei"trencz- r,r. aee ass C'elsege and z4eminary, Z 3 11)7.,R TEE. 0131: 01 Tar. LE:...rEDICTLNII rAvarais, :Fear Lztroba, Weszmorela.ud county, 'a. TN THE .JOLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE Fl W 3 ,11 br.:it.he,i of r;iigoeb L JCCauua. to the SEMIS the Ce..5-3ics, •lathticaati, History, lthetorLs, ttc., end the din - v.:eat cratichbc of higber orcviition nee--,ssary or usefrit to thee tooting to Pr lest noCd. The terlaJ for E.oar , l and Tult.bn are tliD per year, to to paid eesti-eaxually. dtrictly in r...lreaco. Cz' masa and Erenc:l coo other Irrar. - iag, Paint lag and Ikinsdc,forta ao extra chargar,exceptiug come re , :om. peas:Anon ter tho nee of ineumments. L'edicine, Wadhiag, Boo . =, Stationery, eta, form extra charge 2. Far parriztderw e:pply to the Dire:ter of the College. The Collegiate year tcginl oa the let of September, and ondß or: the Sd of July following. FATHER G. 13 'LEH Irl, Director of the Col!e3e. Dom- ,Y G-001)6. Retrench itetreacla ?. ANOT FI Pt CRASIJ-IN PRICES 1-Be 'Lug determidedte sell our stock ; though "the Timee are Tight," we have made a general 897Cep— liiIDUCIM Tail STOCa To still lower priasa. Now rs the timo to bay choa the ezeartmer.t 1 yet a/lora:ea, sad the Prioaa Pat Dowa I DoviL I 1 oct29 Jt c. 11.)EN Z. 77 liarkeq. tr.. 4. %4 1 . tit LAST CIiANUE IN Fiti Li ItE;.-3.- Boomet warth 73 ccatc, at yet yar do do do 5:1% at 50 do' do do do t at . -27% do d 3 do do 37% tt 25 do JOSEPH. nORNE, 77 Market pst-DEnt R ICH. VELI7I,''TT.RI2III.IINGS, AT REXUCIED PRICIE3. • A cho!ci., a:Jazz:men:: on hand and for solo (4 2751: DOBNE...B', 6rl ENTLE.N.LEN'S UNDER Wool zilli,1•1: - .Tino and dear; Cottwi Undur Ehtrtl Dad DrLIEFE're—A frt.b erapply racsivel UOLINE'S, dorg Coats por Pound Rad - a.odoa in the Pri cOf 87.-ADLEWS YAlSNS.—Wholeeele ilayorz an.l Pealaro sTfil be farrd4hed wis,ll3ftilDL:T2'6 TUIt.X.F..PLY Yail.N6 at a roductoo of FlTOContapoz by the boodle, after stir deto, For and Groh ossiy. JOS. HORNI,', 77 Market strop:, Scaat for the gar.ufant-zrnr EIT.B.ROIDERILS.-Our 6z:caller - A Gik of E 761 1 ,311 Embroidsrica, and :he icw prL7,:, wh.lch they are atara',l, offers rare inducernenta to i?.+l!cs V..abiag pureb.s3. - , ttolstlost IVith i N D E D Y'I_ I , MONEY n —PRICES redectioz it; the jornse of EchbroMe_rie,. We hive ie es_i,gbity over 0117 Da.—:".1.4 ECA...t Of 1.8.E.N05.-WORI , UNDES. :SLEEVES, BANDS, flcz.3 tho pd..= to suit the ••E‘0..:,1 The Li.eti , ri -any rely oh getting bergore., ot , oct:27 aoloir26, T 7 11-thtet ,il WILL JELL tom tile present van WI e - lj'Vct.e.ttp 503 0i.63. Ito oar . 6t&t. C. HAlsiziON LT; - 0 i 2373 c 4 TE Etit , ;Nt CIL 31E1:Uzi ES, fur 62 azd i 5 c-...nts, u - anh 41 and $1,25. the beet -....-=rtznent int:be city. C. Lt.s.l'.'EGN LUV.t.I, (formerly LO7b& - nthe:;), tio 14 :',l%rtr.l - "Q ONNET-VE LVE T.—Every, variety of Bon ne: rna•-+.l, iiLka Velvets and m!c. ss zacrrl3 ItLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.— A fril assartmeat, vary theap. C. Lielizol , l LO t'..4 Lcve Brotle:-t, E!..a?ltet -s: EVERY Economical Purchaser of Dree2: Goads, Sb.ro4l.l,l , 2!?aatleo, La.; olzo Doairsia'a and Sta, plo tiooda, will dad it to rack tAvaatage Loran and exanal oar New "c‘ock. ;;fall and Winter Dry Gooda Wore kart:ha., i--Ls - tiro - a - h-cr. O. HANSON LO VII, rely Forma-1y Tavre Er a-, No, I'4 MarZ:ct zt.. Q R WLSi SITAW LS Ch-anilla, aroct,- '.eth long c.r....lsqua.vp, th• vary t•cr. in tbs , city, and at vr.7 la7v pricea for ca.th. C. 5i35E0.1•1 tr,- - or , :ly Love br.c,t., .!.Lirrittt. pguE watt :A.E.SEILLES, .Ficeoed, tbr r^ , k'iag Ekt:eluet. L larze .i. - -ii..)rt - a.fat at del 2- wii h ala To PI3IN - 17 42, ?S.-The subscriber has atiOW on h .ud, and io vi,tz, tho taaauf,,e truers, a ore of .took. B. Yr y . Potter's NO. I to 7,3 Chian, Porcelain Satin ati a la, , aud. adicrai. ird S exile, in ehadta ; McCreary's Cel,:lica:ed adlored. , " Carl Lay h Eros. " Neal VC.raidt aura Site; enlorad. ?,IP. ; Paaiplahl Cro:i Papers; Gia:2,laad Platad reU, green and plow; Steel Blue Gl , zoil Papers, and a iargz uazonuatnt pledu No:e, :dotter, Cap, and Post, Idne and white. . R. WEI,DM, &,3 Wood etreet, near Yount'. SHOULD you ask me, should you wonder, Where to buy your Shot, and Gaiters° Germ for your :eel' in apringtimo, Hans with he o, aad pretty 11Usr.INS. titre F..amich SLIVERS for tho eaamede, Patout Leather, M0Ca53115 Whore to bay the=n 0i1e413 and /7. 001 tea ; I should i would tell you, Go auto ate ,- ;ii;.;PLES' erozr.. To La Choop Shoo &ore, To the :..tore at 01 No. 17 Fifth a trcot. CANDLES.- ts:_zd ifs, 2 : 24:rra Gaudlea on hand E.nd and f;:it GUI hy QOAPS.- 1000 bezel tn M., 2 t. e^d 8 lb, hut -830 " -Nu. 1 Palm , Soepd, iu M., 1.11 8114 3 kM. NS' 80 , 3 " 209Oleina Oaici 250 " German 26.3 "IV:US 50 46 Pere Palm On hand end [or =le by jail B. C. .tt J. it. &EC GUM, BUFFALO, CALF AN - A - E i cLo Tlio e., OVERSHOES,- Offered low, at " Peopled Mic Edam, No.IT Era' etraet, near :darker. fe23 • DILTh•ENBA.CaIIa & N 7 Y-$750 FOR A TWO sioßylM — , v." lint Haase, of four now, with lot of; ground i.O feet front on Lioutercy tarei3t, Allegheny city, by;11.0 deep to on. Tara:, sioo in hand, b.lance at cue two end three years, _ CUTII33g.ItT & soN, -ear-24- a Flattet street. 11'FALO SHOES.—A. splon* article of _Ey Gent" and 1,1c1.143 Iltigalo Or Sh 4 Alzt, Gtutz' Oaf °Ter Does, at the People's Shot Eitore , i 7 Milt illreqt,neg.Biatta.; - nov2l. - DIFFESDACM 1 1 NC -BL CARB. SODA.-100 keg, juot rvulval wid for et?s E 7 C 2 I. Liannocr. * co. WM. H..... —JOS. 8.. HT NM Skefif &. WHOLESALE 'GROCERS, 118 Second t. 141 1 1 First sts., mr 2 G piriatimem, PA. TrTh, Philp..--.. ...... Rietrsfott, Pittston MLLE a Si. RACaETSON, WHOLESALE GROCE,RS, AND IMPOLTEES OP BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS. tios. `,121 and 2239 Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, AND SOLE AGIRNTS POE Swearer's City Glass PITTSBURGH, PA. IrsoN, NATL.% COTI`ON YARNS, to., to., CONSTANTLY ON HAND. u.,x2 litChlrin.:S9.— WIL T .:1 h 6. M)CANDLEGS, MEANS aril, CO., trxr.s.esc..a.s ro wict • ceculzt.l,l 110LESALE GROC'ERS Du 1.5.25 111 IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, D 'PITTS 81T34311 MAXI:4A °TITRES CVE2IIII-4 LLT C4rnor cf We d er 3 W•tor ttrei.qa, r.110:ly .i'LVT6calfiCiEl, FoRWARDIIIG AND COMMISSION G.v=rip vt11.11:1..V Eff.cadvtilo C ANAL LINES. ics 714 .4 FiD 116 V1L73;1 PIT - TBBiThGii, Pa- IT 08. WA.RDING AND COMMISSION J. D. iiOUSEMAN, (LATE. OF uou-ratiN COMMISSION /IND FORWIADING ILERCLUANTS, Fie. 0 N. ISacoad Street, BT. LOUIS, 3.13350 URL atrlo2l3-BEEE., O. J. Ho) an, Joan WivanT Humphreys, flotrma a, Wright, FLOUR! A 'TORS - 9 Ba 3. LC R.l AND GENERA IL CONWAISSIOU P4IERCHAIIT2, 75 IC33TEI WHAHVE2 AND 155 NORTH WATER ST, AtAwo Viae Bt-oa, PHILADE.LPEra.A. t. (,'Clvt,ltttl. (Succes2on to MJ)n k Wzaß,) GENERAL COMMISSION EtIMOKANTS Itocsive :on Consignment all kinds of 'Western Produce, and make advances thereon. II RADR.ENOR. Goo. W. Smith & Co, W. IL Smith .!ic Co., W. E. Garrard, B.lckeon. EN ItY IL. COLLINS, Forwarding and ; 9 CommLialou blerchaut, and wholesale dealer iu Jii 33:2, LIUMEE, SEEDB and PEADUCE gone:any, H c, S 5 Wood street, Pittsbouh. urar6 J 22;31. 110 z; .J1.'!...1.:7.131gTAW.A. C. J. a dr,-.v•irati. " la IM. a -~~- ~~~' °WEBS. ciAr orwaraing aud EIA.C-.4EN 4% CCP., ANTS, 30 E. re A2d02.174 OINTra - 11.6.11, O. [jr-0 11Ell• E a TO '...:,..'7.:. - 1., TheMp.ooh a. CO.. Philadelphia. ll,.: - .41a0i2r Cl.:Irl" a. si:,.ine.F., el:er rrlcc, it Co., Caleb Cops ti Co, n 1'..e, - croft, Etntver.i Co, 14 i.'en hy, Neville A Hague.% i:. M. Lewis, Cashier R. at..ti M. Danl.-, n Jes U. Mitcnell,Cashler M -rch's ilank. " Morris I.i. Hallowell aCo„ '' :•IcOutcheola A Collins, " John '.,5.. riennedy A Co., iszignel A Co., n Picker; Nathows ACo„ M.-ygvilla, Ey. r'browab=7 A Prico, Madison, Luii W. 111. L.:log:ay & Gone, tiallipoliz, Unio. likwrin.leo 4 .11.ist.hina,, Louisville, Olii,Li A. D. Bullock..: Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. W. Holmes a. co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ealaley, C..)sz,TaTo I: Co., novlkiy• ral= A. L. WEBB & BRO. .&ND AGENTS 808. T=. SALE OF DUPONT'S POWDER IND SAFETY FUSE, Corner Pratt and Commerce streets, BAL.:I'II4OR E, GLASS W ARE. au :D r., GGSL 3 ................... ..111XliT L. EGNI7LL2. PURLING, ROBERTSON & CO., Iklanu factarer9dOut, Pressed and Plain Flint OLASSWAILF., warehouse No. 17 Wood street, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. All other kinds of Glaasware and Window Glaris, at 'OW MartBt prices. apll:dly J A1t7.3 Z. LLDLLI ELLLu & CLAM, Successors to Mulvany Lane, 14.aniathctu.rar3 of Cni; Moulded and Plln Pant and Fancy Colored GLASBWAILE, and dealara in ail Mall of Window illaza, Flatka, Vtala and Borth's. Wv are. Coma corner of Mistet and Water stic , 3o3, Fitnibagh. 0 WINES AND LIQUOR'S 31:MN & WriaLEILLE WINES AND LIQUOR.S, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, 1.50 Libarty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ALIwuyS. on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Monongahela 313 d aectitled Blackberry, Wiid Oherry, Itaspbe ry. nd Ginger Brandies. 1.150.2:1y DEVILIT - DE V.L.LN ex, K.E.NNEJYY, 'Wholesale Wine and Liquor .11orchouts rind Bioctltiring Dirt - tiers, No. dmithil4d. Piraturgh, Pa. ap&ly LAKE FISH-200 packages arriving and far salt) by (Jy2:4) HILIXRY H. CULLIN£I. 3 ,;) 1-IJALS o/ Land for 450, half is and di- balanee. in one year, situate In Elk , Pa., nu.;. Centreville; 25 acres cleared. The soil Is gwi., and amber of bat quality, f r pale by iYiO P. et LIIIIERT a sozr, fa Market et- 10110 PER WAREHOUSE.-JNO. 11. PER ..I_ F. Nn & CO., No. 12S Wood street, have the largest 89 e,itment of all kinds of Papers ever in this market, such as &dolt and Printing Papers; Bag and Straw Wrapping; Letter; !Janina Paper or all sizes; Cap; Book and Box Boards; P.zote; Envolopet; 'fleece; Bonnet Boards; and Glazed Papers.; Hardware Paper,&c. Winch we will sell at manafacturere prices. y2l VNDIA RUBBER CURRY CO BS—Alen, , a large adwrwr.ent Dmasiug Tuck anu Long Combs, just receiTiri at the India If.nt.ber Dopot of J. a H. PHILLINI., sit 23 emd Et ails street. 111 - ARPER'S MAGAZINE, IL Ju:r received and for sala, ue keY APPLES.-5u bbls. bright, Dry Ap• .1 9 pica. recetved raid for eslo, a - p 3 ELEINEIN L cloDiaus CON APPLES.-15 bble. choice Apple rweiti.l and for ciao by uPS JIMMY EL COLLINS. 11,ANS.-2,0 bbls. lunell White Beans, ins eece'•rrr- 1,11 , 1 ft,r ask. by iMkillY a. OOLLEIB. in}26sTd.):: SEED.-10 bags reo'd and for gale 1):,- all:Taa" LL COLLIN'S. NEW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.—Stin thcy con: 3. W. ?..11AR.SrULL Zr. KO) 87 Wood strbet. TERr GCtol3nOii. 3' . N& SALES.- We are daily receiving from oar own and Eastern G.ctortes, additit as to oar stock, whitls CODMAS in part of Floor Oil Clutha , Carriogo Oil C rot a% ornit. re Oil Clothe, Ts] de 011 010th.,, Crash Clotitc, Trcintparent Oil Cloths, Transparent Window Shadaa, Bali HoLands, and Shade Trimming IffrOirinta hoap. , -ra, and others, requiring any goods in like:, are i, . cited to call and ezamine the stock, and Judge for therm-31i ea in regard to the quity and prices. J. Zs al PiriT Nor. 20 and SS St Clair Street. QUAD— -10 sbls. No. 1 Baltimore Sliadjuat rectivf,d and for sat by :I;cOANDLITS, 5. LEANS Er C.n., Comer Wood and Water streets. EBRING-1 0 'obis. No. 1 Potoroao iior ~r "=g, jti3Z rex:lived Etad for see by IicCANDLISS B , MEANS & Oa, Cen,er Wood arid Weser ctraeta. D r 'D APPLE 9.- 150 btu+. choice Dry Apploc, rooaircd and for golo, by JAS. A. FETZER, Ocrner Blarkerand First rt-ects. tO 3 „;;--500 reitived Chia day an d f or gale by R.E.Yldia -A ANDERSON, N 0.89 Wd greet, Opoolfte Bt. M oo arisa Hotel. S—For Packing Joints IVM.. G. JOFLYBTON paper Nears. Ea Acrd divot. ASKS Bait Jr cold by I 5 n 1 pkgs. Whi --- te.Fls, , Trout, Sal- M°nl bte. dap__ Ti EIXNEY H. (3OLLINS. LIME. -100 barrals fresh Lime just rea'l by tLersl HENRY• EL COLLINS. ELINIisiEY LOPS of various pattarns, fo rain by H. _$ COLLINS. OBACOQ ANI) CIGAB.S.-AlitigeiSMrt inent of favorite brawls, on liaai and foi sale.by , ' • Wm. u.. - -atainw - 1114.1143c0r.4 wad I.47llVAtittOPbt• VI AC KELUEL—.IOO bbla and half bbla. Nod AIL 8 lap, f o r Rea byr WA EMT H. -9011/10. DO LL A R SAVINGS - .911ANIK I No. 65 iowrgh Street, . IMMIX 13,00 M, JO:IVO NEW atrium - fa. (%PEN DAILY, 'from - 9 to 2 o'clock; also, on Wedneidal and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to Novembm Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clocu.; and from November let today late from 6to 8 o'clock. , Depcisits received of all RUM not less than Oin Dou.s.a, and rcdiVidelad of tho profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest WAS declared at the rate of al= per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also to Juno and December, 1856, and in June and De ce mber, 1857. Interest, If mot drawn ant, hi placed to - the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a ymr without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate, money will double in less than twelve yearv, makMg iit the aggregate saa MLA= OPMEALP PArt. CENT. 'A Books containing - rho Charter, By-Laws, Rules and 6 , 1.38 - 3' lotions, furnished putts, on application at the President—GEOßGE AL BILES.. VICUI PAILSEIDENTS. Hopewell ilepburn, John H. Shoal:horea, James 8h idle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexandor Bradley, Isaac !d. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D William 3. Lavely, JameJ Burgnaln, Joan 8 Cosgrove, BAOIF lOWA. a. J. STEVENS & /00 A CLOLECTION6 prorapuf raittal. LANDS az,leot.l and Mute:. t.Npo.UsLe witthing w walla I,voutaiont.6ll , ( I.e Weht,C,rt ao •ie. Jorrs.puridence ruyl4l:cm ...... ...... .....Cal l s. A US I'll , l LOOMIS & UO., Litlalar3 in promilsory.Note , :,,B4.4.la,:%lortg , gtß, and sal ;i3l7,,rlticti .L' 210n6y Amoy Loaned on annt:ls a: short daces, 5 - It4 celnc,ar3-1 se parity. NOT in . dliD DIW - 113 nouairi' d_ND SOLD. Puttylse desiring Loan! can be accommodated en Lie terms, end capitalists ca::: be farn".3hed with good ae( ad tl3o et rezanncratve prime- Also, attend to the dale, Itontti..g . and I&Faing .tecl Estate. Office, No. n FOURTH street, above Wocd. 111 1 ,.. AUSTIN LOOM:, Notary Public. aLb..2:l Nll.Ol lES S' ; SON rg S, Banke and Ex • chanze Brotara„ and De:alers in N wiea,Drartn, ,pt emcee, Gold, biker and Bank :lore.. Lr.cl..s , nzt, ca tile t err, and Western Calee oonstmitly fur 6:116. Oollectop math; Lu all the cin,m throaghort titates. Deposita ra,xdred Linda or tut - rant peper, 67 blark.et ttrett,te)tween :lord and lenurin sr. rilllollA9 WOODS, Ocaaniercial Breyer, and Dealer to Notes, Bonds, ntorts, Deal L'etsW, ae., No. 7 Feartb street, Pittsburgh, ra. By the Presideat of the United GLOBAL F. Wr.llll._ Wit AUGUST 1.003118', Post Building. U MW BARKS. `.Vllliam J. Amterm. :4:11 IT. Gailiner, John U. If.actoren, Chnr., r n ie, Albert Culbertson, P ..,... !.i..0,..i. - r.... Juba B. Canfield, .I,.:_n 13. 13 ,- ,!1•.;, J. Gardiner Colin, Wei.er P. .`,l.m Ati;.ll, Al..says, A. Car, rkr, IV ils.; n Mi ler. David Camptel I A. 'A. i,11...ck, I:. D. Charles I.Colton, Fleury L. lLlogwale, William D0ug1e.,,.., John M. o.avvyur, trends Felt:: (I, , rge S..Selden, George r. anintor,„ Alomaraier Tinctle. James 8. Hoon, Theo4,al4lUrtabst , 6etti. r, WinlAm B. B.avea, Ueo:ge IL IVhite, Sa7etary and Tre...-r-,Ter--CIIAS. A. CO.i.TC '2. t fe.3 BY AUTHORITY. i• • - - - , I\ U. Ok_r Staleg. N ppursuance of law, I, JAMES Bt . /- APresident of the Unttod htates hf Amer.,za oo hureoy declare and ni.te kto , wu that public sales will he hold at the undoriner.uonmi land °tikes in tbo Tuaturoa! on N.Still.t-SHA, at t.o penuds hereina' ter designated, to wit: At 1.,0 lcaid ottoo lictutV commencing on Monday, tno :..xtle day GI vp aarr tx..rt, tor the nibponal of tun public lands wlttau th tolto.ving nAmed towniElps, -"IWO of the kw tin; and cwt qf principai meridian. That p&. -- t. cAr township one oatsido of the Sac and 1 ox, and half limed, .Neazaha reservation, ranze 17. That part of townbnip 1,2, 3, anu 4 outoiie of the Sao and Fox; loud 'deli' ;Bleed, I , :erhaha reservation, and frac tional townships O . and 6, of range 16. Tit:A I.:Lr; of towilFlup one outside of the Sac and Fox rczervauon ; township the parts of townships 3, 4 and 5 ~uteitio of the half Breed, iNeinatia le..ervutdon ; and true , Lama! township 6, of range 15. That part of township 0710 outside c i the lac and Fox ro- EA:WS'IIIIOU tOG7llllhip r 1;, 8 and 4; that Fart of township 5 outside of the /Lail lieroaha re:Jet-ration, and town ah.p 6, of range 14. Tow [whip 1,2, 8,4, 5, and 6, of range. 13. Township 1,2, 3,4, 5 an 1 5, of F.:Alb,' 12. Townahma 1,2, 8,4, 5, and 6, of range 11. Townships 1,2, 8,4, 6, and 6, of range id. Township 1,2, it, 4,5, and 6, of range 9. Al the Laud ot2co commencing on holiday, the sixth day of Sc - ptvnba - ratzt, for the disposed of the public lands within the following named townships, viz :- /Vert , ' of the bate line and eas. of the firth prencipal mffirluira Fractional townships 7 and 8, of range 15. Township 7, end irac:±anai towm.i..."dps a, 9, 10, 11, and 12, cf range Itz. Townships 8,9, 10, 11, and 12, and tractional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and U., and fractional township 12 and 13, of range 12. townships 7,0, 9, 10, attil 11, and tractional township 12, of range 11. Townships 7,8, 9, 19, and 11, end fractional townships 12, 13, and of range le. Townships 7,8, and 13, and lintodunal townships 14, 16, and 10, 01 range Si. A.: the land allies of 03.1.A11A CITY, commencing on Monday, the sica:h day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named townships, via:- North of the base leas and east of Ust sixth principa/. =WM! Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 16, of range 14. Fractional townships 13, 14, 19, 16, and 17, of range 13. fractional townships 12, and 13, townships 14, 15, and 16, and fractional townships /7,18,19, and 20, of range 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, Iti, 17, and 18, and fractional sown.Mips 19 and 30, of range U. Fractional townships 12, 13, and 14, and townships 15,13, 17, 18, 19, and 36, of range 10. eractional townships lt, 19, and 16, and tiiwusbips 17, 18, 19, and 20, of tango tr. Lands appropriamd by law for the nee of ininthry, and other purposes, will he excluded from 130 ealee. The offerk %oI the AbOtDl.3llai will be commenced c.c. 11.0 days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which the) are advurtistsl, until the wtiole shall 11,,ve been offered, and the sales thus ctossd ; but no sale shall b, saps open longs: than two weeks, and no private entry of any 01 tne Muni will be admitteo tuatll after the expiration of the two Given under my hand, at the city et Washington, this thirtieth day of March, Anna Domini one thousand eig4l hundred and tifweight 13y the Preei ent: Taos. A. iLENDILICICS 7 Commies - haw of the General Laud Office. NOTICE, TO Pliac-EaUTIuN CLAIttiANTI Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lauds within the tovniships and purta ol townships above enumerated is required to establish the same to the imtisf .ction of the register and receiver of Ltus proper land office, and =As payment the;efor as soon as practicaois after swing Ws slo-sce, and hereto the day appointed for the corn mem:einem% at the pupil° sale of the lands embracing the .ract claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited. TWJd. A. 11.201/13.11), Oommissioner of the General Lan ullice. apLl.3md CO.I2YiNU Pitr:.sl. , ;6.—borew Copying eresees. ()aim and Lever Oopymg Pros.o3, Lover, L•clow and Sprl.ag Uoppmo Pro aes, cold Uy YV.41.. U. JuLLISTON , 03 E. 7 Wood atreoi. A 2 —A large aasortment of Pocket 67 Map for Ithtia, coinprioui; Sectional eud Towuctilp a/aks of rennaylinua,a, tituo, Luatana, Illinois, lowa, Mts• wart Hansa, tiebraelta anti atinuesota, on hand and for sale by W: a. aavast, a., Nos 81, 33 and as Market street. GREEN, MARsH A Li, A.N i) BOONE counties, lowa,--vntnablo lands in Elam nountien, for 6. CUTHBERT 6 P.ON. FEUD FISI3I-10 drums extra large and tine, t zo l fur tale ey , WAX. a CO., inr26 118 Second, and /47 Pint linen. lup • 10E —lO tierces prime, for sale by Ati dim, IL SMITE a CO., 118 Second, and 117 Kan strains QUC3L.II.--,50 hticis. prima N. 0. Sugar, just and tur tale by "'W U. IL 8.11.1111. &" CO., 1,4 Q.4 . 1 - I'l 4 . 11r •I 1 47 F 41.6 ri ?Pt IO OOFFEE,-st,i) bags, good to choice, Rio Coftw, in store end fos etl:e by la ylB RIORETSON. QODA.--1.5 kegs lii . Cart). Soda, just re to oared, and for FMe by A voicE it, OM U 1 . BucEsz's, April 12, BA. ennui) Ilarz:—Ayre'a Worm Confoadone aro taking fine ly. Three of our physicians use theta in thetr practice. Bend u$ another grata by exprcra. ItOBLNSON & LOCK. Compoanded and for =de at the oornor of Wood andnith aroma, Pittsburgh. u4latatr LA EMONS.-100 boxes Palermo Lemons, just received and tor sale by ftlahla. A ANDERSON, No. at) Wood atrud, Opposite kit Oharleo arid_ SYRUPS. -- irto dos. Lemon Syrup 10 " Strawberry Syrup; 6 " Ftho Apple. " 6 " 'Raspberry Jut received and for sale by REYAMII.I ANDERSON, No. 3,3 Wood Meet, 1-,4) Opporrite the St Di:Arial Rata! STOgE WATER PIPE.— No yards 6 inch; 600 " 4 " " a 4uo " 2 /14.7.51v0d and for gala by J 631 ITZWILY 11. COLLINS. NEW 1300}56 I NEW BOOKS 1 Derwent, by Hrs. Ann B. btephens ; The Jealous Wife, by size Pantos,, For We by 11. A. 1,0031L3, Publishers' Agent, 1 6 8 Post Buildings, 41 Fifth etre et. WRAPPING PAPERS.-10C0 reams as sorted sizes, straw and rag wrapping, far sale by WM. 0. JOHNSTON lc CO, Je9 Paper Dealers, td Wood street. COPYING PRESSES, Copying Books, Copying Braehos o Oil Paper, for sale by B RA. MN, .. tor= Corner Market and Second sta. VINE FLOUR.-20 bias. Fine Flonr in store, and for sale by MaCANDLEBB, MEANS a CO, fa) Owner of Wool and Water dreetr. 11QR003.15.-1 00 dos. Extra Carpet Corn jirtrootus on Land and far sale by lea O.& J. H. 1111.WYEL SES, in South Pittsburgh, for E. 013TH13.F.11T 61 Etatkat stvet.. riv'T 0 I sakiby TAO Q.Ung i r r -'a R.,7 far cab by tiro , .t,4:IO,RATOIL -1 . 0 . gross ON Craw Woolrind Mg Mats The Plittsbst 3 .Ft. eyrie Chic,Np .• UIITH ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK. and eqatprraint, end. its through CUL nactions,la pr pared to transport Pss.s.mgers and trvif...ht from t a DE.LPLYEA laid PITTSBURGH to cincAtio, ST. LOUIS, IN IN.I DIANAPOLIS, OINCINATL, and nil places wort, with a great degrac rcgulariri eSp Wes ud South edilin!.... The fact that this Rend tortes a direct and couaelidstd line between Pittsburgh and Chicago, i 5 a sufficit nt anOr anted that its Trains will make good Umo, and coutection.. with Trains on other Read. ON AND AFTER MONDAY MAY 10111, TraOm on this rend will leave the UNION DaPO:', il.ttsbur,sh, daily, (Sundays excepted, ea tollows: PASSENGER. TRAINS L.EAVI3 Pittac,:rgh. Uresthna. Pt. Wayne. U.S. Mail, 7:50 A.. 7H7 P.M First Express,. S4i A si. 10:00 P.M I faffl P.ll iittcanui 21 p. P.. 1 I ii:LJ A. Y. REACH CHICAGO--First Exi,reas, at 7:00 M.; ta - 00.1111 Expreza at 12.0 P. 11. REA'II. CI.r.CINNATI:—.Firs: Express 520 P. ut Soxace Expms 7:15 RESCII ST. LOLTIS—Bret Erpcu 5:,:,•01... Ecc.; ,. ..A preen 4:5.3 P. i. Ali Trains MII'D Cr‘talltte , for (7:Atm:- tins, CiE,G/ Vitlyan with TTSLai cn Vialaath and Central 11r.• :a v, at cyttl: Tr a, It. al_ IL. It. , avt:l. ainn D-a),tuu Prcmit 01.1‘ I FL.N , ,2,1.1.2.. I (..r..-e.t.li - or. I I.rr.PV.: C. S. 51[4.11,..10,e0 .5.•...;() P. s let Empree.a, 6,30 A. P. M. I 0:12 P..`.1.1. ti.lo .‘ I E.:25 A. ki Ll 5 r Ileac Trains make citre connections with Train, tor is adelphia, Baltimore New York and Boston. T r ain s from Et. am! Colt boo mako clops.) e,,mre,cliaas at Creatline with all re•tulL Trains. At roll Wayne, Trai:A3 teem St. Lafayctto, and lularniecliatv I,l.artn,, ,k,ni,c,t Y.:01 at ( TriMs. At Forrest, mnatdctiona are indt. , ti , .!.. from Cincinnati. iiprtngfleld and Layton. "-I.: , P. -ta I^. —, Lkar, - L 0ret4.1:1,,, L(.11:. r t n•J:1, y , try the , n.l ; --lA, Fittiutirgt., l,t tr. 1.1 bari',ll .Nt.w .-.. .• ;KT/ La/ 6e//7 /1":.t.; PI/1' :no I/e./.1 /II 1,11/..1 LA! mil; Awrn ty thf.J P.. F. 1 4 ; ,k Rs V. el I'. ar.o . tiont*zactilz mad 11itit1i.31.‘..5.1;r:,. , 1 I' A , tric L aiL,n Cor.ucc Led S Irl Illt/ I'.•/.. , L./ E. I . . t•P: r P..LOGAUF; mil Lot - 1. , t.; • •• t..l:llT—Sfei a; 0.9 y oth , : .L I . Ci.3II.}tENCI: • nnlll far-ttel TO CiNCLNNAII, LOCL3VILLI: 21i ! :::C. .:. . : , : i; A:ND CL;k-:L. ors: a , b 7 ,n l,fra i i• Firqt I • ' •. .tuk;h:l) 1. . Dirtrf.q. C,01../.k. u {1.L.,..1. IL • ;.1 - ,1 a .1 , et L:cruclE, 1.4.3 u..; Goaucctlon liner 2nd all paints W. . Cinr?".212.L.:1 uentucLy G•Rtral IL •.cvlli•, I and all poln:a ir. C,atrili Trains kayo PL,uri 3 : 30 - 112 M " " ::. -0 !:. ; • - A .' • It, - BAUi3AGZ OREL' (LEL , TciL LG:i. -_:. 7A3dXS BUCHAN AN 2.411.1.2111 MOIL TBON . t : 4151: RA.ILROA.DS , RAILROAD iVOTtIICU:i. .• RAILRO AD_OOMPA.NY, P. L, Agr+_t, i! • VIA YrITIMILF.O W A Y.'', i 3 i .1( x - _ z _ . . 11,1.:1.1,32 VIA L•5l S'6, otc.,fur xalo by (OD) J. B. WSLDIN . 1 1 REq , 11 TEA, MORE NEW TEA—The ' dneit Teo cf every name, grade and color. The sub- Lin store and arriving, a most extensive and co - .; late assortment of lea in sheets, half chests and fami ly t..-.xes, all of %tido Li offered at greatly reduced prices. 14. J Kg. St Firth AHUblif, IN TILE new ; Outrage Enron ,Of 6 rooms, good cellar, and every cucvsnience to make a ceratortzbla and pleasant reiddencf; stable, carriage houss,- spring house; 2so peach trcofc edso, choirs applra and other frnit,l2 acres ef land, good quality fcr ganlenfn- - onrpose2, situate at 3 miles from the near: the Watiiittr.on Turnpike. Verlas :Oley.'andlmmodi at.l,poseeoion. For We by. S. CUTHBERT &EON, Jy22 TI PROPERTY' FOR PROPERTFOR SALE Air A Dwelling Homo and two largo lota, with good lin provemontaihnnediiito peasezaion. Moe, $lBOO. ' AP= Ed' 3613.acrery - 4.4))traproved, all prime land one mile from Payette Springs. - Price, $6 per acre. valuable_ property , at. awrer.ceville, in complete , order, good lonation,dmiledistepossession--$350 0 . A section of chclica land in. Franklin, cotinM lowa, good locetion--$2,50 Pak acre:: S. OUTIISRIISYZ: SON, Je29 61 Market street. A Brick Dwelling A„..../ Holm on Clark atm: . new 'Carpenter's alley, p 9 the low price ot $llOO. thiea otter nurening Howes rim ae above. Price, $l2OO. each. , Tar= sits- - a CUTHBERT & BON. lir Xiarketat. - 0 - 11RI3I1` bbls Herring for Bali) t LI. fi.OOLLINS .~"~ .~ .may-'E-„~.C'y,`'x 3 s ` s~- . } k ~ - k~x ~- -~f.!!. ~~~~ ' `",'v-"~..y y, rX~-kiv r+ti+.Tv~?...~4 d~...~ , .. ' F L'~ CARPETS ANDIOIb CLOTHS. TIMOVAI4-4. &. .PHILLIPS have _ =loved to their new building, °Non , 25 and 2.8,8. P. CLADS, street, WM side,between Peanstr,epl , Etna 040Bri4ge• • J. lIIANIIPACTIIIIBBS OP 112.00 P., PtiltNLTllare CA RBIACPA TABU, AND TIUDISPLI3Ie. , VI WIIIIIIDOW-14113AIDE - OIL ACILOTIEES I , • Of different Color& crFIRA TN OIL CLOTHS A WINDOW SHADES, Of tWery description. Dealers in INDIA 1LU88.P.8.. GOODS, of-all kinds, made antler Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the itse,,on and New York Belting Companies, for the Sale of their LNDIA BUB. HRH: BELTING,MOSE and PACT:GAG. LEATHER BRU INS of Fastarn manufacture, a superior;quality; also, Lace Leather 'and Bifets. - 'Agents for the OIRO Tifte.-P2.002 minap..,,L PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, gospeatino, Brushes, Glass and Putty. aous.a AND SIGN .PALNTING AND GLAZING, in ell its branches, clone in the beetand shortest time. - fde2OGyl• • J. & 11. PHILLIPS, Slnre "Blos.:20 bud 2 - St. Clair street; Manufactory et Plaid Dpsyille, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. nyaßah Street Carpet Store; WD. & li. M'CALLUM respectfully invite the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, just eelocted for Spring sales, embracing the very latest skidoo of Foreign and Hem., Manufacture, eansieting in part et Velvets and Brands, TapeAry and Wralpon Ingrain: also, Brimola, Ci , mnAK, Twilled and l''Sain Stair OadtkETS. CLOTUS Fit:l7d TO IA Fula wrtm, Berge, Mats, Stair Rods, Cantou and Cocoa Matting; LLit, Yarn and Rag Carpeta ; Bunt an Lauda; Painted, Buff and Ureon 11,11aud des. • It will give as pl.3.attro to show goods. to v.li who may Is dosir.oro of look:tagor purthasing, and w•_ aro devarmitLicl tc offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOUIiTII Street, near Wood. my79tly W. D. ci EL Iff'CA.LLIIM. :CIL CLOTH ClabrillNG—Of all kinds, blktk and yellow, sale et the India Rubber Depot d 29 Bt @slr street. [deg) J. &H. Panda's. IL CLOTHS FOR TEE FALL TRADE. We nave oh band, and are daily receiving additloo thereto t'om onr oun and other manufactories, a largo atm . :6 of Floor flurniture, carriage Trimming', Table Cover, Tran, parent, Otmen and finiT, and all Sancta of Oil Cloth, used Ira floasettralabing Gad other inirposea. Alan irsnspatent Window Otitilea, of dry and oil botgb—gald bordered and other atf.es, and Window Sluide klarchiala end others trill had it to their advantage to ex .-Inane act. men and pricea before waling their linrchtisea elsavberi , , J. & in FRILL' anti) end 28 6L, Cla!r. att eat. 01.14 ()LOTH TAIILE COVERS—Of our owon and other menufactarers, for sale wholesale and retail, by IYI7 TRANSPAttENT GREEN OIL CLOTH -3000 yards of a auperfor cina 1 y, Put ran:dyed from tau fsmory, and for aal:, ny J. 4 id. PfLILLIPS. jll7 2d and 26 st. Olatr strait. M. V, l'Xi Tbr. tWo. Fp 100 111 50:.. 11W IDs 40c. .p 100 the MILLER .1: RIOKETSON CANZETB, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, 4c., AT THE CURIO: A.GE OIL (AAA ie with plain or figured backs—on muslin, Twilled and linon Goods, for salo by J. Es H. PaiLta..es, 3;17 2ti and 23 St. Clatr stmt. OAP OIL 01_,O'filS—A few pieces on muo silk, and imitation of alik, f •r halo at •t 6 and •18 Et, Clair htreet. (JyU) J. PHILLIPS. ROSPLCAL &TI NG—of all widths and of the beet quality, [or sale a: the India Rubber Dtpor, 2d aria 2a 3t. Cla r street, JeLl. INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The host article lu use, for sale at tho India Rubber Depot, of J. A H. PHILLIEd, e I 1 anti '1.3 Et. Olufr erect. ULOOR OIL CLOTHS, - Of ear on a nal earitern maaufni,til widths, and ens to 0u.3 any oi.a of rutme or halls--at the Oil Cloth Ware rooms, N.. S 3 and 2t/ 2t. Clair atr6et, oct23 ;Great Ciaamce to Make Money PILE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OF TUE TIME,tI---ONLY ONE WU-kat PER SHAII.O.—Forty thoneand dollarsE;-..." ,. .176 worth of valuable Real P..,;.:40, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Waco, %lir - 111u% rah variety of Nancy and Staple Goode; to b - e dispcstal of In forty thou sand shares, at one dollar per Awe' na follows t—Upon the payment rd one dollar, I Will sand the payer a numbered re. ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the abo'te undi vided property. When the shires shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be te.tlned of the the:, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Chareitolders shall then be held in the city of Phiirdelphia, and the whole of the property.atipt.4B4 el or distributed among them; in such way as shall be detertMhed upon by them ; each Sharehold er shall Lai entitled te Coottaittee to be selected by the Shareholders at said ni6iitinlOo conducttor snperin tend the disposition of the property,lg Co the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then .4341-1431-44Pip4o perty to such person or persons as the Sharetioldois,miy- appoint to receive the same. The heal Estate consleta off , one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $2500, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 2,706 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all incum brnace, and title infilsontable; the ether property consists of the whole stock and fixture.] of one of the largeet Watch .tad Jewelry Stores to the city of Philadelphia, now and for long time past kept by the suliscrfe,r.. The stock consist lug or very Vale Gold and Silver Hunting Case Lever Watch ea, very line Gold and Silver Patent Lover, Lepine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Panc:l4, Scala, Lockets, Ear Rings, &weird.% Bracelets, Diamond and' other Rings and Pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Cc. tic., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cope, Spoons, Knives, Forks, dtc., Cc. Also, French Clocks, Music Boxes, Accordeons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of these eehemee which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and wilt be a Lair eale of the entire property belonging to the anbaciibef persons are positively assured the stock has not been plirchased for the purpose of deception, end to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for free Geld, nonesuch will be distributed, the moat respect.. :Able persons art given as references, tai those disposed to pur chase shores. All orders by Mail enciosing the money will be promptly attended to, and•rexipta forwarded to the ad dress ~ /f the sender . , by return mail, Any person sending tun dollars at one time, shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate rlablei If desirsd. trs, In writing for 5119,103, pleats , write the name of the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a small seas, as has over before been offered to the public. Send on your orders, as shares are selling rapid ly, and It is confidently expected trio distribution will aeon be made. Articles allotted toper—ma at a distance, will he sent to them at their expense. s , ,a_ Agents wanted in every town and village. All com munications most be addressed to L. It. BROOMALL, No. 30 South Second street, above Chesnut, ir 28 : 1 .9 (lOPYING PRESSES, with Screw and Lever, for sale by W. S. ILAVISN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, iY2O Corner Market and Second streets. Q i U MAIER EXCURSIONISTS.— L!alles who design taking a Pleasure Trip," should provide themselves with the NEW LINEN TRAVELING Eima: The above article can be premised at JOS. HORNE'S. jylo 77 Market street DURE FREIN'OII BRANDY, for medicinal parposee, by the torte or gAlloil. at IIAViab.TH & BRDWNLEFE3, 1.5 in the Diamond. 1 6ACKS FEATHERS, fo:r ealo by IiAGALEY, COSORAVE RYE. -125 bush Rye for sale by JAS. A FETZER, .19 2 Corner Market and First atreeta L A K FISH-15 whole bbls. Lake Supe riot White Fish itutreceivod and for salo by JAN. A. FETZEII, '8 Corner Market and First et r «Pt a. SAGS "acI BAG A A P X I Pco I° Q r amI IB 1 9 P: 00, RY APP 2.5-100 bush., for salo by J 630 ISILNRY IL COLLINS _ UST received another assortment of BOOTS f,,P and SIIOIIIS, consisting of Ladles' heel Boots and Slip pers, Gent's, Boys's Youth's, and a Largo variety of Call. dren's Fancy Shoes. Please give as a call, at the Cheap Gnat/ Store of JOSEPH. IL BORLAND, j 0.19 93 Market street, second door from Fifth. W DULL Alsi TED 100,0GO tbs. Wool Wanted at highest cash prices, by 11ITC11.00Crl, 51%.1111ERY 44 00., . je2lo.mdow 122 Socond stroet, atd 151 front' u AIR DYES—Bataiielor's, Christadora'a, Alexander's, Shalon's, and Water's Liquid Hair byes—a large supply cenetautiy on hand, at JOSI,PII FLEMING'S, earner Diamond and nartrat street. eiLOVERSEED.-25 backs just received ‘..) cud for sale by 'fall HEN ay U. OGINUN 500 GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS A./ Rut rotzived and fin sale: Ly W. r,. HAVati. mr23 earner Market an 4 stnetn. 1 if h DRUMS COD FISH, for eato by 8.5.06 - 1 , 21G101361324.VF, a co., N. 1S and 20 Wco4 stre,t. lITOOLLEYiS SALVE for ease wholoslae v and rat i 1 at. the Drug Eton, of '.:OOEIN RAFT, JR, do2l] Corner f Vood and oL3th Pittabzugh . FrIMOTIIY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy it„. seed Car sale by JAS. A. FETZER, RYE" FLOUR.-15 bbls. jurt roceived and for sale by [Lar3J H 1 RI IL COLLINS. EGGS. -10 bbls. fresh EFs just received and for sale by (meal Li.h6rfty . EL COLLIN& TXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI and all the other celebra4A. Skirts, for eale - by _ap2O JOS. 71011.ti7t, 77 Tetarkot street. Qp_ LACE LACF A MITTS.—A largo fe6ock exCellont atylea, with and without ilagers, very cheap at (ap2G) JOB. 11011NE'S, 77 Market etrebt. COTTON HOSIERY .—Evory variety of Cotton Etochlnge and Half Hose at the 10 - eest prices wholesale or retell, nt JOS. SAME 'S, ap2s 7 liarket QI.T.E. ,110 Lib's. N. 0: Syrup for gale on consignment, by (ap7) HENRY EL COMAS . ICE,—Six tierces prime Rice, just reeeiv ASV ed and for Cain by , MIT UZI; & BICKEITHON, scrsl.2 Nest. 211 and =2. Liberty Rtreet. $6OO FOR a two story frame dwelling house and lot of ground LO feettylee, pleas• utiy ei. r•trka on IA t,.Washington. Terms easy. feB S. CIITELSEST 4 SON.M.Y.Ltrket t. IiaLACK CRAPE VEILS—Of extra biz°, and quality—very cheap, at BMWS . ap2o 77 Market street. MRS. ALLEN'S Hair Rostorative, arosra'S'Ess. Jamaica Ginger, Przaton 4 Morella Cooking Extracts, Kennedy's Medical Dia:awry. Thompson'a Washing Compound, rysatea Judahhank.. MoCltuag t Campball'aelasdr; Baroir „E:dipetre, • Lettl Byrop. For Gala by L. I . ..iNNESTOOK di CO, No. GO, our of Wcoi sod South Ea. tO,if VE RMI FUGE J. k El PHILLIPS, LT. and 28 St. Clair street. J. a IL PHILLIPS J. a 11. paiLlaPa 173. sec! 2/ Wced Na.J_ 1S and 40 Wood street MEDICAL. DR. MIeANE 9 S CELEBRATED AND LIVER PILL. VVE beg leave to call the attez tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the publi: • We refer to Dr. Chas. N'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pill We do not recommend them a! universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from . the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure Of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking .Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known . to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, :they will continue to spare neither time expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and corn— pound therri in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Fa. Dealers and Physicians ordering from othe tom. ; Fleming Bros., will do well to write their °Md. distineke none but Dr. Inane's, prepared by Yleming nros. Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing .to them a trial; will forward per man. post paid, to any part of the United" s, one box of Pills for twelve postage stamps - , or one vial of Verinifttge tor fourteen three-cent stamps. -411 orders from Canada must be accompanied by twenty cent§ extra- ER hF M iIi PTTJA 1 15 groom on hand and f b B. L.-FAIINEB Corner Wood Boa NEW TREATIMENT, Private and Confidential Medibal Advieca .A.T THE BUFFALO PRIVATEMOSPI TAL—EatabIi had for the cure of Syphillui.Sonalual Woakneae and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS k SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Office corner of Main end Quay otreete, (up stairs.) A MOST SOIDNDIDKO INTSINTION. An instrument for the mare of Genital Debility, or Noctur. nal lamissiona, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, • ito. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to*twartty days, by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. YOUNG MIN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. - Dr. ADIOS h BON take pleasure/a announcing that they' have invented a most impertanti nets ument for the mire of - the above diseases. It has been ombjected to a test by the. ; moat eminent physician, in London. Paris, Philadelphia ant - New York; it has been declared the only nceful instrument over yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Weakheas p or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. _ _ _ . , • • Dr. AMOS 1 EON, in order to satisfy the Most skeptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge therneelvm that in any instance whero they may prove unratisfitctory.after fair trial , the money will be refunded by returning the strument in good order. Pegena wishing the above usethlinstrrunent will observe that the prica, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by ex zees, is ten dollars :. NEW EE> LED AND QIIII:Dr CUES. Dr. AilloB A BON may be consulted from right o'clock In the morninguntil nine, night, in every atagoand symp• torn of the Venereal Disease, Gonorrhoea, Teets, condary Symptoms, Seminal Waimea, Impotanoe and St :n tares of the Urethra, etc. ' with inviolable, wive. 'The treatment they adopt is thoreardt of upward of thirty years ' • extensive and successful practice in: London. The most inveterate - sees of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine, days, nd cases of a slight nature in two or three days, ate mod erate expense. The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from bisinestr, also, nodes and pains in the-tonal and limbo, effectually eradicate4L A OM ,WAILAANTILD, Dr. AILOS & BON have devoted, their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently benn enabled to render to their felloir•ccettura folly testified and greatfully- acknowledged by convalal centp ationte and others sioily arriving in town from all pada of the country, for the express purpose.only of commit:miens. while their exertions have been crowned with the most Mg nal advantages; yet from what they have experienced - inquiring into the causes of these infectious complaint (from their moat simple condition to that of the most dam geroaa and inveterated) they have always entertained the • poealbility of their prevention and removal s and liken - twin. variably found that the most horrible andruanmsant fount of disease could almost always be traced to one of thhfoL lowing causes :—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of un• shlfal and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AMOS A BON haws =scowled. ha discovering, lithe selection of their remedies', a leafs, effectual, and cautious amuse t omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocalcharacter, as well as those;whose premature at InjudiciMai apPlioatkm„ Might be proles:l4lra of bad cot sequenceein the private individuals. In short the laruilble end - of their_ re. media is the leesening o f a great meas of bifocals:Weary bY the atlenlaidon, relief . and prevention of • thosa.grievons ictions that are ih reality the seorotofoo of life, and which, while they so extremely surround ma, call aloud for our shill and interference for their externittiation. - CONTIIY.INVALEDS, Persons in any part of the world-may be raccesdally, :seated by forwarding a correct detail of their rage, with a remittance for medicines, 44. . AddreeeDr. AELOS A SON, corner Plain and QUa7StrelnBl. finffilw. N. V. isfaLiol&wEr DRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. BROW'S T.rrnICAL and BURGH:ILL °Mew,. iio.l 50 82,11TH21ELD "" burgh, Pa. DR. DROWN la an old rib,. burgh, and has. been in practit lazt, twearydfire yzara— Hia been oonllned mostly to ROI gical Dicers:sea. anziaNs AND R&M in read of a medical friend, fail to find out the rare ,The Dearer is a regular hla er.perienoe in the trem—. Is a ems guarantee to the suffers.. relief, by the nee of his remedies and tut, DR. BROWN% ibwiITDIETS - never fr.H. to care the =rat form of Veneseitl*semes-- Impuriew and .Scrofulorm Affections: -Alloi-4111; &Masa arising frosA" a hereditary taint, which manifeatritaelf la the form of a tatter, psoriasis, and a great many farrasorSklia diaaasee, the origin of which the petiolate entirely ignorant To persons so aftlict..ed, Dr. /3._ererS Imps's: .a asp yal 'speedyrearnh.y. _ Dr. Brovreaf semedlo! for tble alarmingleoubl brougU; on otton by that eelitarybablt of. mutualgz tWcation ith.th the young and week:tainded often glvp ; Fey I.4(to_theit.o - 194 destruction,) tho 'only , reliable rem.W.tee latcrun In thie country—they are safo, and mai a Wady rug:dna:4i to !meth. . . RHNUIdAIIIB6I. Dr. Drown'e romados nover.foll-to am this primal dii. = 0 in alitto dalic—h 9 RIIL Tilwaxit a care.. IL* also UMW Eilro, Meet, Gosorr b. 1, titrictrtre, ttrotimalDiacharkpm; male %alone* Montaly Stippreas-,Dikerialit 01 the Joints, in'Ano, NervOna'Affectiorusi Pro d in and Kidneyn, Irritation cY tha Blad der, to9lo l o-wilkall di es of an /swam A letter "describing the oynytoMs,' contafatof a> l2 , Gb ; rectal to DR. BILOWN, Zia: 60 mithilold sMer4jittaturilb* immeditaly iornoreied. 3Ledicfne. st.•oto 1 . 1n3 0 , address, mikly packed cod serniro from otorrlrddrnt Office and Pr.vato Rooms, Na ai_gmithileld street, Pitts! bunk. Ps. - _ A NOTllEREnipplytif tow &: Son statipe4ov, 4011 London Toilet Bove received .today br • " , • • JOB. irkltwiTiio, fele Corner Dtanainui end Market Meet. o . • ING.— rds, L Circulars, Ca Pri ading, ce iet B Letter eada, p L Plow Butt, Labels,ila Printed in imperior style at short-notice by WAL, O. .701ENBTOli 4. Ca, 1 : 1 , Printers, Blank Boo* Manufacturers- and Stationers, aryl - 67 'Weed street. . _ LACE: CRAPE COLLARS:---Bimintifa styiea for gale, at zotonaltomilinfil• av9o re Veskftettedat L . . . EMONS-50 boxes Palermo, ia No. l or der, jrbst received'and for sale , by • - 3=2,3 , 3. ANDlsrasoN,. , . , • - - N 0,40 'LL" J.YIO- - 01,, -- ' - s h e . .po BC. Charles „8041., .ce INS Sold R. =OM,