~ f~, i> ~u ~ ~ 3 , 4s ~ E .t=i ~a - TLOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weathen---The following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth street : " THMI3IOIIETER. In Sun. 9 A. M cloudy 12 M 110° 8 P. M Barometer 29 1.10 south Pittsburgh Planing Inn. Pittsburgh has facilities for the lumber basines , in all its various' branches, not excelled by any city cati't or west. Up the Allegheny we have access to tho finest lumber countries in the world, and the transportation is cheap and easy. In conseque-ce of these advantages limber is cheaper in Putsbori;li than in any other city of its size. Investments in saw mills have always been p:cfitable, and those ho have turned their attention to the manufacture of planed work have also been doing a fine busitess hero. . . - Atnorg the most energetic and successful of the latter, is Mr. James Millmgar, of South Pittsburgh, to whose establishment wo paid a visit on Friday morning. Tho "Monongahela Planing Mill" le situated on tho south side of the Monongahela river, a aLcrt distance above the bridge. The lot is ono hundred and ninety-six feet deer, with a front on the r:.cr bank of 370 feet. The first building was erected , a this lot by Mr. Millingar, in 1847. In it he car:,:-1 on a large and remunerative bueiness until Al ril, 1857, when the entire Luilding, with a largo qu City of lumber, was destroyed. The heavy loss tendont on this calamity'did not discourage 1 but ho at once proceeded, with indomitable ener[y, to erect on the samo lot new, buildings on a larger scale than before. These buildings were hastened to completion, and by tue first of August of the same your the mill was again in operation. Tho buildings now occupying the lot aro two in number, ono with a front of twenty.sis feet or, the main street of Synth Pittsburgh, extending back seventy feet, containing the office, stable r ice lumse, and a store room for maoufacturod articles ; the other fifty-two flet front on the river, and one bun crud and forty-six foot back, of two siories, c.mtain ing the engine and the varied machinery necessary to the prosecution of the immense business done at this estahlishruent. The maraufseturing• department is admirably ar. ranged. On the west side of the building is the engine room, containing a very neat upright beam engine, purch..?ed in Boetcn, which turns the whole machinery in the building. Bordering on the river, on the same floor, is a room containing one of Wood ward's Potent Planing Machines, which planes both sides of the beard at once, and is capable of turning out seven thousand feet of dressed lumber daily the rough beards are passed in at the front of the building, and passing through the planing machine, are in an incredibly short spaco of time transformed into dressed lumber. The same room also contains two machines for the manufacture of ploughed and grooved flooring, each machine making a different width. The east side of the lower door is occupied by a box factory, where boxes of every description, rough and planed, looking glass, vermifuge, glass and pack ing boxes are made to crder and turned out rapidly. On the second door is a variety of small machines, nzed in the manufacture of doors, sash, venitian shutters and moulding. One machine makes sash moulding, which comes out perfect with r. single operation. Another ma chine cuts the moulding into the proper lengths for sash of different sizes, and the fttting is done by hand. The machine for cutting mouldings is a wonder. By simply changing the Lite, which is done very rapidly, hundreds of different varieties of door, cor nice, frame and car mouldings can be out on it with astonishing rapidity. Oa the same machine, raised door panels are cut. Venitian blinds are also extensively manufactured at this establishment, with stationary or revolving slats. The slate for the former are rounded by a ma chine, and the frames are morticed by an ingenious contrivance, whioh performs he work mere accu rately than it could be done by hand. The pinions on which the revolving slats turn are also out by a simple machine with a circular plane bit. The stee• pies are also driven into the slats by a little Metre meat manfactured for the purpse. This branch is very complete. On the same dear is erected an apparatus for split ting wood, called " Knowles' Patent," which is said to be the best ever invented. A board, one inch in thickness, is placed in the machine on its, edge, and a circular saw, of peculiar constriction, cuts into half inch lumber, splitting it through the middle, at the rate of 1,000 feet per hour. The drying room is also on the second floor, and all manufactured articles are placed in this room, which is supplied with an infinity of steam pipes, for a certain length of time, no matter what kind of lum ber it is made of, though it is always supposed to be well seasoned. All work Which leaves the mill is warranted to be thoroughly seasoned. In a small room on this floor, we saw a piece of mechanism somewhat peculiar, in the shape of a " detective clock." It is in the form of an ordinary regulator cinch, but below the time dial is another of brass, perforated with holes. The watchman of the mill is obliged to set his watch by this clock, and every half hour during the night to pull a wire in the lower part of the building, which throws a brass pin through the corresponding hole in the brass dial. If the wire is not pullod at the proper time by reason of the watchman sleeping or neglecting his duty, the pin will xtet project, and an examination of the clock in the morning, which is keptlocked, reveals his de linquency, and the precise time at which he was off duty, 2r. Millingar employs forty hands in his estab lishment, at an average compencatirn of $lO per week, making a weekly aggregate of $4OO for labor. The amount of lumber consumed in this establish ment, which is brought chiefly from Ridgway and Port Allegheny, is about three million feet annually. In 154, Mr. M. purchased five million eight hun dred thousand feet—the present year about four million feet. Ton circular saws arc kept canstantly employed, end Mr. M. informs us that he has enough orders to keep him employed for sumo time, and others con stantlfeoming In the operation of all complicated machinery Mr. Mißinger has had an eye to economy in running it. It is so arranged as to run with the least power possi ble, and with the least loss. The strips usually thrown away at other mills are sawed into proper length by a boy, and cut into lath by a circular saw, when one happens to be idle. By a simple but ingenious ar rangement all the shavings made in the building aro carried off and conveyed by machinery to a pit ad. joining the engine room, where they are used for burning, and when the entire machinery is running, the shavings made are sufficient to keep up the tno. five power. Altogether, the establshment of-Mr. Millinger is the most complete in the West. He manufactures everything usual in similar ortablishments, and the articles made by him have a high reputation for ezeellence of workmanship and durability. Mr. M. himself is a very energetic, intelligent, courteous gentleman, upright in his business transactions, and in every way deserving of the confidence and pa tronago of the community at - large. We take plea sure in recommending him and his establishment to our readers. American .Protestant Aesociation—A Row in tY,e Camp.—A case of alleged conspiracy was before the Mayor yesterday morning, originating in a difficulty amung certain members a the society known as the American Protestant Association. Quito a- number of witnesses were emamined, from whose testimony it appears that a bad feeling has for some time exist ed in the Washington Lodge, holding their meetings in Neptune Hall. On the 11;th of the present saionth Edward Taylor, Emil Ryles, W. Taylor, G. Resiok and Hugh White held a special meeting in the lodge room, and resolved to declare themselves independent of their own lodge or any other. They then closed the doors and made a decree disbanding the lodge. The members of the Washington Lodge, with sir. Perkins, one of our County Commissioners, at their head, who we believe is a Past Grand Master, asked for admittance, but were refused. So the matter rested for a time, but failing to settle tho affair ami. cably, Mr. Perkins made an information against the dissenting members for conspiracy. The case came up before the Mayor yesterday, a cloud of witnesses were in attendance, a number of whom were exam ined, Deputy District Attorney Miller appearing as counsel for the "conspirators," and Thomas Howard, Esq., for the Washington Lodge. As there was no possibility of getting through in one day, the Mayor adjourned the case until next Friday, when the ex amination will close. Collin's Park to day.—The attraction at Collin's Park to-day is decidedly the greatest of this season; the gentlemen who have control of it deserve the thanks of sporting ciroleg. For the pacing match, premium forty dollars, mile heats, best threw in five, .to go as they please, five entries have been made as follows : J. Gardiner enters b. m. " Dolly Day ;" G. McClintock enters b. m. " Kate ;" F. Laverty enters s. g. " Sorrel Jerry ;" H. Vanvourhies enter b. m. "Gipscy Queen:" J. Norris enters b. m. "Sweet Lips." all of these a.^ favorite nags and the race will be a good one. But the great event of the day, and the one that has been long in contemplation, is, the great match between "Big Jim" and "Fanny Robinson," for a pane of s6oo—two mile heats and repeat. These are both animals that have heretofore made good time. Both have strong backers and a large amount of money will most probably change hands on tae result of the raoe. 4 train will leave the Liberty steet depot for the Park at half past two o'clock this afternoon. Sanford'a- Opera Troupe.—Sam Sanford, with his company, arrived yesterday, and gave ono of their entertainments in Masonic Hall in the evening, to a good audience. They will give another this evening, introducing some of their best songs, jokes and bur lesques. This troupe combines some of the best per formers in the country. They have always been great, favorites here, and have never failed to draw good houses. They aro on their way home to Phil adelphia, after a successful tour in the West. All who are fond of fan should be on hand this evening. Glad News! Full of Hope to the A f flicted and Suffering.—Many of tho thcueand portals of Death may be closed, and life mado happier and more com fortable to thousands who are now in danger. Doubt less this World contains many a balm to soothe its physical woes and care its diseases. Among those, in prominent rank, stands BOWIE/411'Z Vegetable p mud, a late and speedy pure for Conmaption. * Interesting lisibeas Corpus Case. A caso of habeas corpus of some interest has trans pired before Judge M'Clure within the past two days: We give the facts as we received them_:- • • About fourteen years since, a glass blower of Bir. min' gham,namod John Nichols, married a Miss Duff, a Catholic, but who joined a Protestant church of which Niebols was a member, in consideration of a promise from him that the girls of the family should be reared in the Catholic faith. For some years they lived happily, with some We differences respecting religion. In 1854, Nichols became enamored of and eloped with a Mrs. Wallace, of Birmingham. The husband of the latter learned that they were living together as man and wife in Now York State, and obtained a divorce. Subsequently Nichols and his paramour quarreled ; ho left her, returned to Bir mingham, and effected a reconciliation with his wife. In June, 1857, ho and his wife again disagreed, and ho left, having previously placed the youngest child in the Orphans' Home, Allegheny. Mrs. Nichols did not learn where her child was until about ten days since, when she sued out a writ of habeas corpus, and regained possession cf it on Wednesday. On Thursday, Nichols went to his wife and lan deavored to take the child by force,lint was arrested and taken before Esq. Simms, when he gave up the child, but immediately came to this city and sued cut a writ for the custody of the three surviving children, all girls, Josephine, Jano and Mary Ann Nichols, aged respectively twelve, eight and five years. The case came op before Judge M'Clure on Thursday afternoon. Witnesses were examined, the case argued. and the Court reserved a decision until Friday, the children remaining meanwhile with their mother. On Friday Judge M'Cluro filed his decision in the office of the Prt,thonatory, in which ho remanded the children to the custody and control of their mother. The grounds of the decision were that the testi.. mony demonstrated that Nichols was peculiarly un fit to rear female infant children—that if they %ere in his custody it was probable that he ivould employ FOXED other person to take care of them, thus depriv ing them of the supervision and control of either pa root. Ile also said that the strongest argument urged in behalf of the petitioner was his proposed reforms. tion, and that although it was to be hoped that ho might awake from his criminal infatuation, and that he and his wife might yet be restored to one another, yet these matters were no part of the ease. The Court was bound, in cases of this kind, to cc. ,rcise tie discretion for the good of the children, and as the tender age, personal appearance and sex of the two youngest &early indicate the mother as the proper parent to take care of them, and the eldest had said decidedly that her desire wee to remain with her mher : In Phnd ...SO' "It is therefore ordered and decreed that Jose phine, Jane, and Mary Ann Nichols, aged respec tively twelve, eight and five years, be remanded to the custody and control of the respondent, Mary Ann Nichols, their mother, and that the petitioner takes nothing by this writ." Allegheny Valley Railroad After remaining in eession until nearly half past ©loran o'clock last night, the Common Council passed an ordinance granting the Allegheny Valley Rail. road the privilege of laying a single track down Pike street as far as Factory, and to lay a double track when the company, at their own expense, eha 1 widen the street to sixty feet, which, by the terms of the ordinance, must be done within five years. There are certain necessary terms and conditions attached to the ordinance for the protection of the rights of the citizens. On the final passage of the ordinance the t - ute was as follows: Yeas—Messrs. Bailey, Barnhill, Caldwell, Darling ton, Dickson, Dignana, Hamilton, Hunter, Layton, Mellon, M'Candleos, M'Geary, Sergeant-13. Nays—Messrs. Errett, Floyd, Glides, Hutchison, Little, Reed, Robb, Thompson, M'Kelvy, Proe't-9. The Select Council was not in suasion, which has still to act upon this ordinance. Malicious Mischief.—John'A. Coursin was arrested and taken before Mayor Weaver on Friday morning on a charge of malicious mischief, preferred against him by James Howard, of Manchester. Tho alleged offense consisted in Coorsln's going up on tho roof of a building on which Howard was putting a gravel roof, driving away the workmen, and destroying the work that had been done. After an examination, Coursin was held to bail in the sum of one hundred dollars for his appearance at Court. Grand Larceny —A man named Christian Besse, who left on the three o'clock train going west on Friday morning for Mansfield, was suspected of steal ing sixty five dollars from a butcher in the Fifth Ward market house. Officer Hague immediately telegraphed to the authorities at Mansfield, and on the arrival of Beene at that place he was arrested arid placed in jail there. He will be brought back to the *l' to-day. New Literary Society.—A now literary society has been organized , styled the " Twin City Literary In• etitute." They held a meeting on Thursday even ing, in Masonic Hall, elected S. Riddle, Esq., Presi dent, and adopted a Constitution and By-Laws. Their regular meetings will bo held in College Hall, Iron City Buildings, corner of Fifth and Smithfield. Seriuu , Accident.—A woman, named Bridget Con• ner was seriously injured on Friday morning, by fall ing from a step ladder, while engaged in cleaning the Sixth Ward Public School noose. She was taken to her residence en Church alley, where her injuries wero attended to by Dr. McCook, Jr. In falling, her spine had been so seriously ,injured that the loWer limbs were psralizod, and it is probable she has been rendered a cripple for life. Odd Fellow, llall.—Wo nonounced como weeks ago that Odd Fellows Hall would be dedicated in September. The 28th of that month has been fixed for the ceremony. Numbers of strangers are expect ed to be present on the occasion, and it will doubtless ue a highly interesting ceremony. Give Him a Trial—Succean Guarantied to All.— Prof. W. A. Miller, the distinguished penman, from Bartlett's Commercial School, Cincinnati, gives les. sons in rapid business writing next week at the Iron City College. 0 The attention of cash buyers is eireeted to the fact that Carnaghan, Allegheny City, is now offering an• usual inducements in his stock of well made clothing, furnishing goods, &c., for men and boys. Examine his s:ock and prices. WE A . 12, ALWAYS PLEAFED to record a de crea - e in the aftl;ctiaa+ to which humaidly is heir. And we do so pow, in d.-,ring t , stimony to the wonder working powers el Dfi, .1 Ei(*ITFTILIt'S CU. EBRATED EITTLItiI for diseases of Ilia head and slom !ch. As a spe cific, it la perhaps withrnnt a rival, and th. , pn:,ple whom It hes henetitted, even within a limited to be count ed by thousands. The hitters bas!•s it, reputation morooti what it has itself Do -it, than on what it gets convenient friends to ray fir it. For Dyspepsia, Flatulen e, Constipa tion, etc , etc., It cannot L/i3 surpassed, in speediness of care. Try them, and our word for it, they will give sstisfaction. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, every-share, and by LIOSTETTER & SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, J 331-10 58 Water and 58 Itront itretts. Up J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS—Try them, cud mitisry yourselves that they are all they are recommended to be. The proprietor does not pretend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is hclr to, hat leaves them to test their own merits, and the constartly inert:l , 4:g demand for them is sufficient proof that they are a:1, they ace recommended to be, and far sn• perit.r.• to any preparation of the kicd rctw iu the market. Their use is always attended with the most beneficial re cults in cases of Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes allitsortld matter • from the stomach, assists digestion, awl imparts a healthy tone to the whole system. itie sure and call for J. M. Nes Celebrated Stwitac't Bitters, and see that the article pur chased bears the name or J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. For Eslo by J. ISLOLIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer, Na. 257 Penn street, Piltaburgli, Pa, anl by druggists and dealers grzermtly- .425 JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF ii Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 484 Penn street, ABOVE TIIE CANAL BRIDGE, .4tl- In addition to the Facn'tnre business, I nleo devote attention t: LINDEILTAEINt.i. Ilearses and Carriages Parni the.l N O. 65 FIFTH. STREET.—' 1(001 0 1N(} CHEAP, A 7; DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF. JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for H. M. Warren & MAN UPA7TERER AND DEALER IV WARREN'S FELT, CEMIENT, N D GRAVEL ROOFS, AND ELASTIC CEMENT, AND SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, AND ROOFING MATERIALS. VEg.OFFICE, No. 65 FIFTH STREET, opposite Odd Fel lows Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa. .1)9 .14OOK AT NO. 56, and you will Bee a two story brick Dwelling Mouse of seven rooms in good order; large portico in fronU fine shale trees, a lot of ground 24 feet front on Marion street, by 104 deep. Price---$l iOO. Terms easy. For sale by b. OUTIEBBItT k SON, Jl bl Market street. . ~,..:-Pf.:i.,.4 PITTSBURGIS4, PA; zur2.l:dly—lo COMMERCIAL. PIT.TSIIIIRGII BOARD OV TRADE AND LIERCHANTS, EXCHANGE. Fretickni. NC. 11. WILLIAM 3. Vae Prericinas. BRUNO", Ist, HAUL" DIORZY, 2(1. Treasurer. N. 110L5.1.E8, Js Superir.lendcn. JOSEPH SNOWDEN, Cbmanitiee of Arbitration for June. , F. R. BRUNOT, V. P., JOHN S. COSORAVE, J. D. CANFIELD, SAMUEL SIIEIVEIt, DAVID M'CANDLEISS Philadelphia !Market. PHILLDZIPECLI, July 30.—Plonr is held with Ik nch firmness, with but little enquiry for export ; there is alatr demand for home consumption, which fully absorbs the re ceipts; the inspections amount to 7,100 bbls.; sales to the trade have been made at $4,25 up to $5 for old stock, muper fine and fresh ground from new wheat, and $4,76 up to jjli for extra and fancy. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are very scarce; sales of former at 3,373.6 and the latter at $3,76. Wheat is in demand, bat there is very little offering sales 1,600 bush. at $1,15@1,29 for fair and prime new red , and $1,30(4)1,50 for white, Including a lot of old and now white mixed at $1,30. Old Rye sells at 70c and new at toe. Corn is scarce and wanted; sales 1,000 bushels, yellow, at 92c afloat. Oats are unchanged; sales 4,800 bush. new Dela ware at 37c. Whisky is unchanged; sales bbls. at 25.?4® Now York Market NEW YORK July 30.—The Cotton market closed with a de clining tendency; 600 bales. Flour firm; sales 14,000 We; State, $4,10. Sales 100.000 bush. Wheat; Western v. hit, $1 05©51,13; red $1,08251,10. Corn unsettled; salts 41,030 bush. mixed at 87 @i£4o;/.;c; white 9.5400 yellow itomical at sl@sl,o2. Beef closed buoyant at $12,50©51.3,75. Mess park has declned 10c; sales at $17,60@17,75. Baron steady at 8%;@83 for sides, and 6 , ;@)6 , /,, for shoulders. Sugar firm; Muscovado 7141r67% . . Oilies quiet; Rio 1.0%©12.. Moliu-ses firm; Muscovado 33. Soli its Turpentine dull at 44. Rosin steady at 61@.55. Rice steady. Bides firm; western 1534. Tallow quiet., New York Stock Market NEW Foss, Jutlv 30.—Stocks firm. Chicago and Rah Island 78;.( 3 ; Illinois Central Railroad 74: Michigan Si.tith.n 24; N. F. central 81 1 / 4 ,; heading 49; Misscuri sixes Michigan Central 62; Erie Railroad 18! Cleveland and 'ro ledo 37%; Cleveland, Columbus and eincinnati 91%; La crosse land grants 72 1 4; Tennessee sizes 923; California sevens 8814; Loubdanas 93 , 4; Galena and Chicago 87. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, July 30.—Sionr unchanged, with a moderate demand; aides 1000 bbls at $.f@)4,15 for superfine. Whisky has advanced. There was nothing done , a Provisions, a... 1 the rates ere nominal. Linseed Oil 733(, with sales of 160 bbia. Groceries firm. Oats firm at 600. Conn 68g60c, and scarce. Wheat steady and in good demand. [OD NERVOUS READACHE.—Rev. W. G. Howard, . . Pastor of the First Baptist Church, at Chicago, Ilii nois, who has been a great sufferer from nervous headache, but who has experlmced entire relief from it, by the We of WILSON'S PILLS, In a letter, dated Juno 18th, 1858, ad dressed to Messrs Fahnestort & Davis, of Chicago, Illinois, says :—" During the last twenty years, I have made nee of a great - fariety of medicines prescribed by Allopathic and Ilcmcearathic physicians, but all hays failed; and I had re. linquished all hope of relied, until I was induced to resort to WILSON'S PILLS. f:These have effectually relieved nao iu repeated instances of late, aril I can cheerfully and Dor, ecientionsly recommend them to others who are similarly affected." This sJrereiga remedy is sold by B. L. Fahue stock & Co., corn"r of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, to whom orders for supplies should be addressed. (jyl3:::c liEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful SUMMER RESORT will be opened for the reception of Visiton3 on the 16th of June, and kept open until the let of Cctober. The now and spacious buildings erected last year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment has been furn ished in superior style, and the accommodations will be of a character not excelled In any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. 0. A LLIIIN, whose experience, csurtoons manners, and atten tion to his guests give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other moans of access, It is deemed pro per to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambersbnrg. The Company have made extensive arrangements to sup ply dealers and individuals with BIiDFORD WATR.B" by the barrel, carboy, or in bottles, at the following prices, at the Springs, viz:— For a barrel,(Mnlberry,) $4 00 (Oak,) 8 00 " % " (Mulberry,) 300 " j, " (Oak,) 200 Carboy, 10 gallons 2X25 Bottles, 134 pint,'"dozen_ 1 50 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that purchasers may depend upon receiving the Water fresh and sweet. All communications should be addressed to TILE BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS CO , 1.80:1m Bedford county. Pa. REMOVAL. THE subscriber has removed the balance of Lis stock of FURNITURE To the ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, No. &I Fifth street, where he offers every article at the reduced prime. Every article hi marked in plain figurer, and theee in went of Furniture, aro respectfully invited to call and examine the Goode and Prices, balm° punchaning elsewhere. jy2l:lm 11. IL RYAN. MAFFITT & 0 L D, GAS FI'I"FERS, BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS, No:. 127 and 129 First Street, and Federal Street, Allegheny Gas Pipes put up, and Fixtures of the latest styles and patterns. We have a very large stock of Gas Fixtures ou hand, to which we call particular attention. jy2o:Brn MAFFITT & OLD. FLOUR. -4O bbLs. choice superfine for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, 183 GUrDenr rlilliket 130 d ;Ant .t.. LEMONS -25 bxe just received and f& sale by HffiYflihJt t ANDER:ION, .IY 2I No. 39 Wood stmet.. CIGARS! CIGARS 11—A large lot of genuine Uavaaa Cigars of the "Senora," "Coquette," " Oonchita" and " Entre Actos" brands, received this day. Those wishing a GOOD Cigar should call and examine my stock before purchasing eicewhore. JOS. FLEMING, b . / Corner Diamond and Markerst rest. FLOUR -50 bble. Suporftne Flour just re ceivod and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, • Corner Market and Fir at atreeta VELLUM COPYING BOOKS.—These hooks possess great advantages over any others; the paper being thick and strong will not tear when wet. It takes a must psi fort imprestion and is convenient to refer to. When once in use their superiority is apparent. Sold by W. U. JOIINsTti sOP Stationers, b 7 Wodst. CHIMNEY TOPS-100 various patterns for sale, by [ je3o] HENRY H. OtiLLINS. FOR SALE CHEAP.— Dreav and Mantilla Fringes, French limbroidPrles and Laces, • Stockings, Gloves and Mitts, Merino, Silk and Cotton Under Garments, Considerable deductions have been made from the origi nal prices of the above articles. jy27 JOS. 1103NR, 77 Market street. Q(1(1 FOR SALE—A two story brick hmse, of siz rooms, well arranged, pared yard, with hydrant, bake oven, smoke house, be. The house is In good repair. painted and papered. Situate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. 3. CIITIIBEILT & BON, .1Y 2 7 61 &Yorke, street. DAY STATE APPLE PARING MA -01-ILNR—A VERY USEFUL AND SUPERIOR AR• TICLE—By tire turns of the crank, the apple is PARED, CORED and SLICIED. latented, November 11th, 1858, and February 17th, 1857, in Europe. For sole in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood at eel, Pitts• burgh. Please call and examine for yourselves. jy2t) SAMUEL PAIINESTOCK. SXTII STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE to —2l feet front on Sixth atreet by 100 deep to an alley, with a largo Dwelling HOHB9 on the rear of the lot. Yor price and terms, apply at the Real Estate Otlice of /Y 22 S. CUTHBERT Eiz SON, 61 Marl. et L. AKE FISII.—A large supply of White 14.4 Trout, Salmon, Herring, &c., received and for Bale by jy26 HENRY 11. HOLLINS. SUGARS, FOR PRESERVING, VERY ELLE .4 P, LT No. SS Yifth street. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—An undivided third part of that valuable property, situate at the corner of Sixth and Wood streets, htaing 130 feet front on Wood by 60 deep on Sixth street. One-third of the above will be sold for $3,000. One-half in hand—balance at one, two and three years. 58. OUTIIBERT SON, Iyl 01 Market street. CE ESE-200 boxes prime cutting Cheese, this day received, and for ea .e by JY22 HVIIY IL COLLINS. — T - ARCH-100 bxs. McClung & Campbell's w.. - Y Extra Starch, for Bale by Je3o W. H. SMITE( k CO. $750 A two story frame house, of four o rooms, situate In South Pittsburgh, near the Bridge. Largo lot of ground, fruit trees,kc. Pay• menus easy. For sale at the Beal Estate Office o S. OUTILBERT & BON, .Isxl fd. Market street. _ GERMAN DRAWING PAPER—In rche for Engravers, for tale by e J. R. WELDIN. RIOS $l.l ilnd rtroot. *Aar Pr's*/ it, OHN THOMPSON & CO. —Have just ty received and for sale, a largelbt of English Venltian Bed, Rochelle Ochre, Vermont Ochre, French Zinc, American Zinc, White Lead and Whiting, at o 1 2 6 "ibhd qtr• DRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap ples, just received and for Bale by McOANDLESS, MUM. & CO., I 022 Oorner Wood and Wator stroata. RARE CHANCE - FOR A HOME—Only $5OO, half in hand, ballanca oa time, for a Cottage House of 3 rooms and kitchen, with a lot of 30 feet front by 140 deep; grape arbor, peach, plum, and shade trees, with small fruits, etc., aittiate in Booth Pittaburgh, on Oray's Road, not far from the Monongahela Bridge. jyl7 8. CUTHBERT it SON, 51 Markt , t at. A FARM of 238 acme, near Economy, for iY I7 sale-by S. CUTHBERT & SON; Market street. FRENCH. LEMONS.-20 just received and for sale by BR UM k ANDELECSON, tfo. E 8 Wood street. ...,.:. -,-;.,,::i:;.... ~.c.:';:.,;,-.....:' , Y . . -- .. .:..-..::- . :: . -..-- ...:::-..;:?f..,-,5...t',....'...:E.`!:-..::-:::...5...:'.....7...'• ... JAYNES' TEA STORE, 'fP,77 . ....T4ii-'4!;;:.... . :; ,,,, ...;NVi'''.';' ,. . '±'" ,-:..':''-1,...'..•,:',;.::,1„;::,,;; SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYING WITH THE URGENT EV:QUEST GF OREN OF THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. FITCH AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN, PITTSBURG IL And may be commitevi at their office, No, 191 Perm street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR IIMEL, Daily, except Sundays, for CONSIDIVI'ION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL compLANTs, complicated with, or caning pulmonary disease, including Catarrh Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, c. DRY lITOII b SYISEF , word] state that their treatment of Ccrisamption ia based upon the fact that Uie disease exists ire f/ e bleed and system at large, both before and during its ci,-relopment in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. With these, they use MEDICAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only Faiiia hoes, (haying ro Curatioe ejects when used canny) and Inva lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatmout based upon the planet. We, but false Idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached In a direct manner by inhala!ior," for, Al before stated, the 8641 of the disease is in the Wood and its effects only in the 44 , - No charge for coesultation. A list of questions will be sent to Chase wishing to consult us by letter iny'2.9nikw SUPER'S MOSQUITO COMPOUND- AN FXGZI,LENT EX PELL N(+ :\4OSk, I'EUES BED CHAMBER:3, WARR ft A N TED EFFECTUAL PREPARED ONLY C. EL. S LT P KR, DRUGG jy3lj CORNER ST. CLAIIt AND PENN STS. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street.. Pesposits niado, with this Bank Lef..re the first day of Anglia, will draw iutefest from that date. j y29:8 t CHAS.. A. COLTON, Treasurer. NOTICE.--THE INTERNiT COUPONS of the Bon,ie of Lawrence (.;<*muty, issued to the PITTS BURGH AND ELLK RAILROAD COMPANY, due July, 1858. will be paid at the olfico of W. H. WILLIAMS k 00., Pittabut gh, Pa The change iu place of payment is mado in consequence of the failure of tits Ohio Lire Insurance and Trust o..copatly, Now Yerk, where the Ompous are payable ardor of j,12 THE CONIMISSION CANDIDATES DEMOCRATIC, TICII{NT—M*. E , ltt , r : As the time approach ee for making the nomluatlons for the fall election, the Demrcritts are looking about for suitable candie,ates to ;dace upon their ticket. Allow me to suggest the following names for their consid eration. There is not n gentlemen named, who is not thorough national Democrat: ONU REIM HON. CHARLES SHALER, City KENATH. HON. WILLIAM MLIiINS., PecU:um ASSEMBLY : JOHN M. IRWIN, City, T1103.1.A8 8. HART, Indiana, JOEL KETCLIIII4.I, Elisabeth, LAFFERTY, Baldwin, WILLIAM McLANE, North Fayette SELEIUP; BARNES 'ORD, Lower S. Clair • PROTLIONuTARY : JOHN BIRIMINGLIAII, Ohio COUNTY 001f3fISSIONER : TuomAs FARLEY, Allegheny" City UDITII.O : JJIIN Suuth Pi: Feturgh CORONER : WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City CITY WEST 0 i TUE ALI. EGIIENY EAST SOUlli OF TUG hIONvNCIALLELA. 4 jyl2.dtc —l2 UM r. Editor:—As the time is approaching when the Democracy will assemble in County Convention, fcr the purpose of forming a ticket t. be voted for at the ensuing election; with your permission, I would suggest through the columns of your valuable paper, the name of GEORGE F. GILLMORE, an a suitable candidate for Con gress, 1.. r the Twenty• First Cnagressional District. Mr. Gillraore is a gentleman who has always been identified with the democratic party, and whose political record stands clear. He was the able and efficient editor of the Post, dar ing the late Presidential canvass; a paper that done as good service as any other paper in tb. country. Mr. Oillmore is a gentleman of ability, and is deservedly popular. Ms nomination would give general satisfaction. Jy29:daw A DIrdOCRAT. CORONEL—JOIIN M. McCTIKSNEY, of the bor ough of Manchebter, will be supported as a candidate for the °Mee of Coroner, sal ject to the decbiou of the DOM°. credo County Convention. jy29 MANY DEMOOII aTs. SELEUIFF.—The undersigned offers himself to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a candidate for Sheriff" subject to the decision of the Democratic Couven. tien. BARNES FOR. U. je`Acisw Upper St Clair. SHERIFF.—The undersigned offers himself a can• didate to the D imocracy of Atlegbezny county for tho office o. Sheriff, subject to the dtclsion of the Demo cratic Convention. MATTHEW HARBISON, jy27:d4kw to Robinson township. [O. PROTHONOTARY.—The undersigned offers him. self to the Democracy of Allegheny County, as a candidate for Prothon otary--subject to the decision of the Democratic Conventic n. Jp3o:drwto ALEX. BLACK. 11Zino CORONEII.—She undersigned offers himself as a candidate befr Ira the next Democratic Ounvention fur the office of Corot', r, and asks the support of the De 1110Crae f Uul ,l LENOX RL3I. TO. COUNTY COSIIIISSINER — The friends of CHAS. BRYSON, of. West Deer township, will urge nis 110 M i for the cft co of County Commissioner, before the next Democratic f )onvention; subject to the usages of the party. jyl4:d&wtc FSTEAMBOATS For Cincinnati The elegant side wheel, passenger packet SUPERIOR—Capt. BALblOlviD J. Gaaos--will gi;flailti leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, THIS DAY, the , ith inst., at 12 o'clock, u. For itch ght or passage apply on board, or to FLACK, BARNES P. 00., Agents. Throuf,h to St. Louis in fl Ye days. This boat connects with the mail line, and will go through in the time speci fied. F tie will /rate on Ballard ay. ap22 ZA_ NIES I 9 IE. _ For Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer MIAS A GRAHAM, Capt. .1.10'.1 I,4aitILOE Ayrazs, will leave for the above and al intermediate ports on every TUESDAY, a 4 o'clock, P. M. For frnlght or paaaago DNA y on I =rd. lea' THE SYMPOSIUM. WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER PROPRIETOR, F T ifth Street, .11'ext Door to the Pittsburgh ire Thu house Is new, built especially for thd' purp, its of a First. Class Restaurant and Saloon, and the proprie tor hat • i ng '..ad many years experience in the business w in keep ear ditautly ou hand the best that the markets offor I. His W Ines, Liquors and Ales, era of the best quality. H Wants 'All his old friends and the public generally to give him a call at the Symposium. 12:ly NEW ICE CREAA SALO ON, AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, 27i FIFTH STREET The subscriber has Rased, and fitted up Berea-al comn mums, nearly opposite the Exchange Flank, on P ifth street, which are now open for the Bummer• Season. La • dies and gentlemen can always find an abwidant suppl 3 of FRESH CONFECTIONARY, FRU in% ICE CREALM, WATER ICES, and all the refreshmantao f the season. AII are respecthilly requested to visit the r Joule, and test fo r themselves. (jen) 31. McRINLEY. ONLYS7SO for a Dwelling ; house of four rooms„ a large Lot of ground, fr nit trees, etc, pleas antly situated lu South Pittsburgh, or , the point of Mount Washington, immedlatly opposite Sm' Lthfleld street, will be sold on easy terms, by .S. CU 111BEICT & SON, .15 42 61 Market street. VARIETYI-A Farm of . 40 acres; one of 12 ncretr; one of 302AcreEr, Pail Leg L o t sr peloe $l.OO, pay n ennui of $2 a week. Dwell Lug Homes in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, South Pitlebnrgh, and m mnt I v as hingtorg a OUTHB 8, Il ant , a BON, pleasant residence in Flewickly; 8 :Lots in Baden, for eats by i9/3 at Market et. ADWELLING HOTgISE cn Third Area for rent. 11 COMB= £ EON, •• je23 61 Market street. soon Fora cottage hone e of - three rooms 1.1 end =chap, on Oral 'is Road, South gitts• burgh. Tams" esay. 8. OW 'HBErer k 80N, jr4F 5/ Market-ertreeti .7 , .. , „ . 4,q.e . 4 ..1 -',' !:'? ) . ' . ..7 ‘6 . ' ,:tV " : -. .. 17-.: ' ' .7 ' q '' ''': ' • " '; ' t ' ...: ' ...:' . . :....... : ::: ' ..;:i ' . : . , ‘ :) X:: : : : :' :' i . .. ' ; ' , 1 .:. :. ' : 1 :: ' . g . .,,.,... .I'; : ;f: j ,ir - r . . ' - . .. '::- ;;: : :. : &g,1: ', . : . 1 ?..; fT!'*. J. & T GROUTT, 111P08.TE8.9 OP BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN leLNE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, cornor of Smithfield and Front. Streets, epli] PITTSBURGH, PA. PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL RINDS OF WRAPPING I =3 .4 45 1. 1 :1D 101 Pg. Warehouse, No. 21 Wood Street; PITTSBURGH, PA. bou l4 ::t ot markot. my JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No 71 Water atreot, Mew Itierket J 0 El rri 00 IR 1 E, , COMMISSION MERCHANT, PIO METAL AF4 E 3 BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, UAA.O JONES INU. L. BOYD American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, Warehouse, No. 13(1 First street, EMIIMI WHOLESALE AND ItEl'ArL LigIJOR MERCHIANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, tka- Akvaym on hand, Blackberry, Chorry, and Cognac Brandin, Old :Monongahela and ite , :tined Whisky, thr cra best anniltv. Forwarding and Commission Merchant, 70f1 Tall SALM 09 lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, *Dome's of tilarket and Flrot otroots. PITTBI3I.IIIOII, PA. Runs 10—Francis G. Bail .sy, E9 , '„ William Dilworthl. Sr. . Cuthbert A Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, lleiskell wearingen, S. Brady, Casl.. O. & M. Bank. List & Howell, Mangle & Co., George W. Anderson, Donlo , Paxton & Co. Wboallna. mi18:214/ LAMUEL FAIINESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, has uu hand a largo STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which he will sell very low for CASII. In addition to his Locks, Hinges, Knives and Porks, and Spoons, and a large Assortment of Carpenter's Toole, he has received a large sup ply of Sausaq Cutters and Staffers ; Shovels, Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh Belts, and Enameled ct 29 Prozorving Kettles. Arror NEY AT LAW AND 001`.71LEYA_NOER HINT HEIM REAR 11ADE LINEN Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, cra vats, Scarf', Gloves, ilanditerchiots, Dressing Gowns, Shirt/3, Wrappers, and Drees Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give sat' bfaction. Jel:lyd E. P. MIDDLETON & BIRO., 111 PORTERS WINES, BRANDIES, &C., DEALER 6 IN FINE OLD WHISKYS. NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, jol:lyd P.filL ADEL PiliA. GO ANN) SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARILET STS., PITTSBURGH. 91HOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR a House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the moat exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing eltewhere. I'dy work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is ;Alvan to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted_ N0.1'2 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. finsg:lvis DAVID fl. WILLIAMS, NJPVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOR THE BREOTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five garners and upwards, and for Heating Buildings, public or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. raYtklArts PlTTfirdTh.Gll, PA OARTYYRIGHT & YOUNG, (Succeuors to John Cartwrighl,) MA_NUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Sergio dead an I Don tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fiihiug Tackle, etc., No. 86 Wood street. They give special attention the manutactnr• ug of Tames, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Ref airing Ito punctuality and despatch. apl7 HITCHCOCK, ItIICRIEER3I St CO. (Saco 99069 TO /10PTUAN, Ni'Cag.7.lll' C 0.,) FORWARDING 9ND COMMISSION MFRCHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, flour and Wool, No. 111 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. srmazttoss:i Springer 11m - bangh, Joseph E. Elder, St. Louis; Pittsburgh ;, Punter' Brow, Child 3 I Co., " Cornell A Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Cosgrove A Co., " Garret &Martin,Philadelphia MoCandices,Moans A Co., " James, fieut,'Santee A Cu. " G. W. Smith, dr, Co., " Weaver & Graham, Gee. M.& L. Hord, Cincinnati lieene, Sterling 6: Co., " A. B. Seaton & 8r02., " Yard, Gilmore A Co., " my3l,tf_ _ W. H. DIGGEIE BUSINESS CARDS. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANUPAOTIIIMIB OP iREZII9V .4kL mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSIAIIItai STEEL WORKS. JONES, BOYD & CO. I=l C ST STEEL ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. STZEJ4, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Coram.r Ross and First. Strat.z, .1Y 25 PITTSBURGH, PA. MOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER OF For nooglng, Q atterin g, Spouting, et,o AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Enr26:ly-is O. ROGERB C (10 UL2IO7ACTU TIERS OS RCX:i ERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEELI, C011211:P. ROSS AND Finer STRSZTe, WILLIAM CLAYTON CO., Near Wood otre6t, PITTSBUE GE!, PA JAMES A. FIETzEn, HARDWARE. L. C. mgdPituited, 0411031 WTIE u lIGI'DBLI74,:f 'WM. W. EiNIGHT, WLIOLESA_LE AND RETAIL DIMAS'S STOCK MANUFACTORY; NO. 606 ARCH STREET, PHI .L.ADELPRIA .G. al. DOS C C Elt o . 11. MeGE E • at.RCIELAIIT TAILORS, Dkera hi Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish fog Goode, corner of Federal street and Market Square Alio gheny City, Pa. .101.2:1.v M kRBLE! MARBLE! JONA array C6 RI 0 HAS A BEAUTIFUL &ELECTION OY MONUMENTS , GRAVE STONES ; Enclosureg, Post a, ts.c. The public are respectfully invited to examine our steck. Pric , A low and work warranted. •kr —la "PI. 'BR t TIP on ry _ pOINT BOX FKOTORY.— BUSHA GETTENDOJR.IF alannfacture to order, BOX BS suitable fur Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Ch - r-ds, etc., etc. , *Th. Order'; promptly tilled_ ms`22rlv . - - --- WHIRR? 11.41.1.ZU. . I !LIM Z. 1.1111.6D1H0 lAD OBERT DALZELL 4k. CO., Wholesale Al i o Grocers Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Prz;clace and Pittsburgh Manufactures No. 251 Liberty atrrs.t. Pittsburgh. PO. Z;U:rrirZlF. - - - - FURNITURE FOR CASH. A full assortment of Pittsburgh manufactured FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CASTS, WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, as well es a epledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which btaineas is done at this establishment is for CASH. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the ebovelinecwould be advantaged by calling at FACIIINER .4 IRWIN'S, No. 103 Smithfield street, l•elow Fifth. J. D. Faces, Joao M. TRIM. Trryl tY: • • UOUN I " : tons, for sale by JL: JeSO , 'HENRY COLLINS FOR RENT—A three story Dwelling House on Third street—VOCl per year. - B. MEMO &BON, Beal Mate Agent% Ell, Market at. Messrs. B. L. FAE&ERTOCK a CO.—We were the first to in crodace Dr. R. Adams Wilson's Bills here many years ago. They were the beat Fill over in this market. We use no other in our own families, and secured for them a high tharacter by our recommendations. Yours, truly, Ft F. FAItNEBWORTH k CO. Ex:rad of a later J rom G. iv. /rein, Nets/art 7 / 4 Tennessee, Flbruary 15. 1858. IicCUL.LOUG El AlEasna. B L. FATIRE.32OO 4 a Co —Dear Sir: I have seen Dr. It. A. Wilson's Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have used them myself, and believe them to be the beat Pill in use I have no doubt they mill cure many ot l -or complaints when properly used, and I cheer:ully recommend them to the public. Respectfully, yours, G. W. IRWIN. From Colonel Wee. Hopkins, late °zeal Covictissioner. WASHINGTON, Pa. January 8, 1858—Dear Doctor: I have been using your "Anti-Dyspeptic" Pills, when occasioned required, for many years, and can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition they found it. I must confi dently recommend your Pills as a safe and highly valuable :medicine. Very respectftilly, etc., DR- It. ADAMS Wilson'. WSL HOPIUNS. Prom Time. Elackmore, Esq., Treasurer of Allegheny Cb., To i R. It. A. Wnsati.-=Dear Sir: I have been using your Pills since 1840, and do decidedly say they are the best Pill in use, or that I have any knowledge of. I first need them f , ,r "sick headache," with which I suffered beyond descrip• tion; I am happy to say, that they entirely cured me. Since thou I ass them as a family medicine: if I am bilious, or anything ails me, and I require medicine, I take a Pill,aud it cures me ; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years. THOS. BLAOII.BIORII. January 9, 1958. _ _ _ PITTSBURGH, PA D. D. Ruq MESSRS. B. L. FAUNIIBTOOK a Co—l have had considerable experience In the use of the extraordinary Pill compounded by Dr. It. Adams Wilton, of which you are now the propri etors, sod have often felt their benign influence in my own case for "nervous headache," arising from a disordered con , dition of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them for others, in cages of " hemicranie" and other firms of head. ache depending on a deranged and irritable condition of the stomach and digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar. ly adapted, being entirely free Iroteany griping tendency. I regard them as a very valuable Pill, and one that purges without at all cebilitaring. Yours truly, ago. 11. KEYSER, 140 Wood street. ;11, March 5, 1859. pl:lydem iTTSIMUi IL F 9 MR. KENNEDY, Dne of our common pasture woods a remedy lie has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never, `a except in two cases, (both thunder hunter.) 110 has: Low in his possession over one hundred certificates of Its ::.ins, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month. One to three bottles will care the worst kind of Pimples e the face. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of Erysipelemt. Oec to two bottles aro warranted to cure all humor inithr oyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles aro warranted to care corrupt and running ulcers. Ono bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worstkind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to awe the moat des porate case of rheamatiare. Three to four bottles are warranted to care salt-Rheum. El= :~~ ~.Y; ~~:3~ . MEDICAL. DR. R. A. WILSON'S Tonic, . Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic PILES, PREPARED AND SOLD BY B. L. FAFINESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, PITTSBURGH, PEItN'A. AS AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient tonic, cathartic and anti.dyspeptio medicine, these Pills are recommended to the public by the former propri etor, (Dit. WILSON,) with a confidence such as a long con. tamed and careful trial of them in an ample practice war rants. In their operation as a cathartic, they influence more the motory and less ihe secerning power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They agree with the most delicate storm ach, removing nausea. pain, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AS AN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC—They neutralize and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action whlc`i should never exist in the human stomach. From these peculiarities in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a free, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nausea, local or general debility, or that dis gusting sickness or costiveness—the usual effects which at. tend or fullow the use of other purges. CERTIFICATES. Extruct of a teller from H. r. 11arartserth ca Co., Druggists, Memphis, Tennessee, January 7, 1858. Hear Dr. Keyser THE GREATEST 19 DISCOVERY 1 : OF THE AGE. MIME Every kizd o Humor, nom THD WORST SC ROFULA f DOWN TO A COMMON poodiUMA . . Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottles aro warranted to cure the worst canker in thr month or stomach. rive to eight bottles will cure the worst case of serofula. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure ie. warranted when the above quantity is taken. ROXBURY, M.A.98 Daea hiADAlf,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, In curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not gay anything on the subject, as the most skilful physi• clans and the most careful Druggists in the country are nn• unimons in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a tall knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are un fortunately go liable. That most excruciating disease to an affe , ctionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, Ys cnrod as if by a miracle; your own temper is restored ti its natural swestness, and your babo from short and fretful nape to calm and sweet Slumbers ; and the Medical Disco - re r 7 becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and ortseh old. In the more z.dvsarced stsitas of C ANKE B. t extends to the stomach, cauraig DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing hut canker of the stem h ; then to tin Intectincs and K IDNE Y 8, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an indifference aven tlie cares of your family. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, ,vour food distresses you, and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the, nourishment it contains as the scrimonons fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be• comes sallow or greenish, and your beat day is gone: For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the side, weakness of the rpine and small of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most excru ciating of CH1102800 7 the PILES. How many thousands of poor women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to imprees your mind that geod old proverb, " An ounce of prevon• Lion is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances, do you any injury. Ne change of diet ever necessary—eat the beet you can gel and enough of it. Dm :scrums FOB 0831—Adults one table spoonful per day— Children over teuyeaes deasert spoonfal--Chlidren from Dye to eight yoars, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appll eablego all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD HENNSDY. Prim $l,OO per bottle. For sale by Dr. 0310.73 HEYSM., • 4:dsw No 140 Wood strry4. Plttglmreh. T3a. A BEAUTIFUL* HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE And who that is gray would not have It restored to its former color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other eruptions, but would bo cured, or with sick headache, (neuralgia,) but would be cured. It wAll also remove all pimpled from the face and skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Resto rative will do all this, ste circular had the following: ANN ABHOR, November 8, 1856. 0. J. I% and—Dear Sir :—I have beard much said of t lie woederful effects of your Hair Restorative. Lot having Leen ao often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, &c., I was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and ono loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some mouthy agice, when you gave me such assurance as induced the triallff your Restorative in my family—first by my,good wife, whose hair had -become very thin arid en tirely white, and before exhatOing one of •,your large bot tles, her hair was restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirelyiover the head; she continues to use it, not simply because of ita beautifying effects upon the hair. but because of its healthful influence upon the head and mind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative, with tho happiest effects herefore, my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and value are entirely removed; I can and do andmost cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from whise or gray (by rea son of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty, and by all young persons who would have their hair beautiful and glossy. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. rELIIND WOOD: It was a long time after Ilsaw you at Blisstleld before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave ins an order upon yonragent in Detroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of its power. It has done all that you assured me it would do; and others of my family and friends, having witnessed its effects, are now using and recommend. ing its nee to others as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and trafy, yours, • SOLOMON MANN. - - -03 ams, lIL, Jtme . 28,18152. I have used Prof. O. J. Wood's Thar Restorative, and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I. thought, prematurely gm, but by-the use of his Restora tive it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently 50... 8. BB.B88:11. eceßenator U. 8. 0. 3. WOOD it CO., Proprietors, 812 Broadway, N. 7., (In the great, N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment)and 114 Market street, St. Loath, Mo. Bold by M. 611.0.. EL 8B18811,1: No. 10 Wood 14 • 10231ftdanit Atari cold by all good Drualata. • $ - .1C 1". 01,r14 , , 04; 4-4*; '• DAGUERREAN GALLERIES. IoiTA ilAt DI 3 ri4 ;I Cif: k ki g ZOll 11V -01L1 SKY AIM EIDB-LIGHT G A LLER Y, Frau szEmer,NRARLY OiPOECE6I THE POBT-OPYIOL EEL PICTURES taken in all the 'various styles, In "Ay weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. lit 3).. Sick or deceased persons taken at their reid&sacaz ap2Ctlydaw-is R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Ankbrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Filth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, B. W. cor. of Market area and Diamond, Pittaburgh PRIODS TO SUIT ALL. A AIBROT YPES- A BEAUTLEITE, AND DURABLE PIOTURB WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW IN THE COUNTRY, AT Removed to 21 Fifth Street. VARGO & CO.'S PIIOTOGRAPHIC AN)) AMJ3ROTYPE 43ALLERY has' been removed from !6 Fourth street, to No. a Fifth street, near Market. Tlieitotoomalutving been hunt especially for the purpose, with three larp 'Rghte r are not surpassed in the city - for comfort, convenience and 'eicallenca in.arrangement. • -,, Qr. Our old friend 3 and patrons, 'awl M . those elting Ail perior lilteneasea, are invited to call. Im. Reenptinn Room and Sl)eCielier.o on the ground floor. fIAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST. At the new Commercial Bales ''.ooms, No. 54, Fifth street, every week day, are held pub& Ales of . gooda in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign; ments, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., Dry Goode and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladies ware, &c. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, &c. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical inatru. meats ; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoos. book stationery, &c. Lfs3Bl P. M. DAVIS,Auct.s DEREMPTORY SALE OF IRON SAFE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, FORKS, SHOVELS, AXES, BRANDY, RTC—On SATURDAY MORNING, July 31st, ac 11 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, 54 Fifth street, will be sold for account whom it may concern, 1 Iron gafe, in good order; 6 kegs Twist Tobacco; 4 boxes s's and B's Ping Tobacco ; 5,050 German Cigars; 20,500 Common Kentucky Cigars; 2 dozen 2, 3 and iipronged Forks; 1 " Long Handle Shovels; 4 " Double Bit Azee ; 10 five and ten goAlou kegs Brandy. I y 29 ' P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. -BONNETS, FLOWERS, AND CAPS, AT AUOTION—On SATURDAY MORNING, July alert, at 10 o'clock, at 54 rifth etreet, will be sold peremptorily: 48 superior Silk and Straw Bonnets, some bandeomely trimmed; 24 I adies' Cups; jyal 45* C. WEST 41 CO., OW CARRIAGES, ROCHAWAY6, EIICidIES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS 43- 11l work warrantel to be of the beat materials and workmanship. myltlyclis Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, FOR BALE AT VIIITE'S EEPOSITORY• NEAR _LAWRENCEVILLE. THE SUB&IIRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or exchange,on the moat reasonable term a line assortment t..f Barouchce and second-band Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some but used. Also, twenty-one new Buggies, made in my own shop, from the very best material purchased in Eastern market. A fine lot of Trotting Wagons, new and second-hand. Also, a lot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linda, Germantown Wagon 4 Jersey Wagons and Bockao - aye, two One,Plastons, seats for four persons, ono of them Watson's make, and the other New York mato. Two fine Sulkies, one made by Mr. D. Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Common Buggies, suitable for light marketing. The subscriber Ratters himself, tlust he can make it to the interest of persons wishing to pur. chase, to give him a calL The establishment is convenient to the city, the Excelsior Omnibus Line of Coaches passing the door every ten minutes. torthlyilsw JOSEPH . WIIV2B. BILL POSTER V • lvirlLL ATTEND I() THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTING of all kinds of BILLS FOR C014(1E1t213 LECTURES, EXIIEBITIONS,Ite; All communications—either by mail, telegraph, or other• wise—directed to the office of the Morning Post, willrecelle prompt attention APT A. STONE & 00, GLASS PATENTED PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all kinds of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Mince Mesta, Oysters, and all each perishable articles manntac tared and for sale by CIIIIINGUASIS It CO, Nos. 109 WATER and .7.40 FIRST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. za- The main secret of preserving fruit in a fresh condi tion, consist:s in having it thoroughly heated when sealed up, and In expelling all the air there may may be in the vessel, so that when the fruit noels, it will form a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right to manufae. tore these Jars, respectfully call the attention of dealers and,others to them. The great superiority of GLASS over any other substance for the preservation o, fruits, etc., etc. is so Well known, that any comments upon it are entirely unnecessary, and the proprietors feel confident that_ any one, after having once seen these Jars, will never be induce•l to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY CO., TAANUFACTURERS•OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Coppor Bottoms, iraised Still Bottoms, Spotter Solder, ac , also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, /cc. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, N 0.1.49 First, and 120 Second street, Pittsburg4, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. my29:lydaw MILITARY ENCAMPMENT -UAL STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. It Is hereby ordered, that a " Camp of Instruction" bs held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, and the Adjutant General of the Common. wealth is directed to fix the time thereof—to take charge of the arranoements—to attend In person, and to issue the necessary ,'irders to the ijeneral Staff, and other Military officers of the Commonwealth in relation to the Same. WM. F. PACKER, Commande r-it:Kg:dof ADJUTANT GEOBAL'S hence, Harrisburg, June 3,1868. In obedience to the above order from Ilead-Quarters, a " Camp of Instroction " will be held at Williamsport, Ly coming county, POI2I33yIVALII3, commencing et 12 St, On Tuesday, the 7th arc s , of September, 1858 , To continue until SATURDAY, the llth day of said month, at 12 ssof said day, to be called Camp " Susquehanna." I. This Encampment is intended to include the uniform ed companies thronghon t the State, who are earnestly re quested to be in prompt attendance. H. The Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several div,'cio us and brigades, are required to report to my office as soot' as possible, what companieS and field cfficers e will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the number c 1 man in each company, the names of the Captains, anti tkei.f. Post Office address. lIL The Aida-de-Camp and all . other officers of the Grand Staff of the Commander-laCitief Ore ordered to_ 4p In at. tendance, armed and equipped in fr parade dress. IV. All companies in attendance are required to-bring with them all tentt and camp equipae they may have. V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every' brigade, will report at once to my office, what equipage be.'enging to the State is in the limits of their command. VI. The Major General of the Eleventh ;iivied6 ll , Gen. D. 11. Jackman, shall be the senior officer on e :tity, and he is hereby charged with the immediate armn gew ,..nts for said Encampment, and is ordered to report to this 0ft.1,.0 o r far thcr inatructions. By order of the Commander-in•O d et EDWIN 0. WILS:I.7 - • • A. utaut General of Pennsylvania. IMPORTANT TO BUYERS.—We have now placed upon the counter a lot of BOILED GAIT }ALS and 8110 E, which wo offer CGEAP. 'Call and exam. ine them. kinds of summer wear selling at the most reasonable prices. Misses' Gaiters, black and colored, with. and without heels, low. Children's Fancy' 211083, of the newest styles. We have still a few Men's Patel* Leather Gaiters left, now selling at greatly reclu:ed prices': DIVRENBIOIIIat & CO • N 0.17 Fifth street, near Market. ifUST PUBLlSHED.—Brightly's-Purdon'ta• Anneal Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, for each of the years 1853,1854, 1855, 1856, 1857 and 1853, - namely„' from the 281 h of Mop, 1853, to 28th of May, 1858. 'rho whole completing Stroud end Bright ly's Pardon's Digest to the present date, by Frederick 0. Brightly, Esq., for sale by J. R. WEDDLN, No. 63 Weed street, neat Fourth. GUM. DROPS-2000 lbs. Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Rose, Strawberry, Pine Apple and Banana Flavors, for sale by RHYMER 4 ANDERSON, jelT 39 Wiied street. UEFA BILL of Aldermen, Judiebe of the 12 Peace, and Constables, tt,. der the Actof April 18th, 1857, printed and for sale by W. S. HAVEN, Printers and Stationers, .13,23 Nos. 81, 83, and 85 Market street. A HOUSE on Mt. Washington,. for sale by S. 01171111 AT SON, 61 blosket street. 500.000 ENVELOVES, - Buff and c a naryi.just, , received-and for sale of the Stationery Store of - W. 8. HAVEN, - Corner Market and.geo3nd . (streets. - MOUNT WA - SHINOTONFor J. , comfortable two story frame aweking hoise of 'four rooms, with a large lot of ground, fruit'and abade trees, ticiwers, &0., a good cistern; with pump, in the kitchen . , i an., pai_ling fence, edtuats,on sycamore street, Mount Wastng. Wt. ' (11TITIBERT a . SON, Jea ' . 611(1sOlet Meet, R. G S AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS ESTABLISHISINNT WALL'S, Fourth street A.GOTION SALES. one box 'Blowers.. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer CARRIAGES. MAIiIIFACTOItfiaS OP No. h. 7 Pen❑ street, PITTSBURGH, PA TWO MILE RUN, JOHN , W. M'CARTHY, CIININGHADIS 16 CO., No. 109 Water street. EXEC T ve 0011iNIUM, Harrisburg, June a, iB6B. f "•••••ININ MEMMMI