Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, July 31, 1858, Image 2

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CIF Iftarning •
/AMES E. BABB, Editor and Propriotor
iron guraratz JIIDGZ,
..1-LILESPONDENCE. The Democratic County Com
mittee of Correspondence will meet at the ST. CE.0.128 rioTEL.
Pittsburgh, en SATURDAY, JULY 31st, 1858, at, rtsvrs
o'clock, A M. Punctual attendance is requested.
JAMES A. GIB ON, Chairman.
Joax LLYTOS, Secrtary.
Ttio icllowimr, named g,ntlemen c0mp0, , , , the above Con
mutes, viz:
J. IT McMowry, James,A. Gibson,
11: B. Sinclair, Thomas Farley.
Joeeph Birmingham, D. D. Bruce,
L. B Patterson, R. 11. Patt,ra,m,
Charles Bry.:lon, , Dr. Wm. NI. Herron,
J. B . Fulton, R. B. Guthrie,
Robert Morrow, of Bois, S. C. Wingard,
John Layton. JA:Likw
THE Democratic County Committee of cor
respondence will meet this morning at eleven
o'clock, at the St. Charles Hotel.
We have from the start admired the spirit
of enterprise which initiated the gigantic
project of connecting- the continents of Eu
rope and America by the telegraphic wires,
but we have never been sanguine of the suc
cess of the present attempt. That the con
nection will one day be accomplished we have
no doubt, but it must be a matter of time.—
Science seems already to have been taxed to
her utmost, and thus far the thing is a fail
ure. Indeed, it would seem that if there had
been less of science and more of experiment
-and practical application of knowledge al
ready acquired, the chalices of success would
have been greater.
It seems that another trial is to be made,
and although we sincerely hope it may be
successful, our faith is weaker than before the
late unsuccessful attempt was made. The
paying out of the cable from two vessels un
doubtedly augments the risk, and until the
Leviathan is finished, there is no single vest,
eel of sufficient capacity to undertake the
work alone. There has been a great deal of
useless speculation in regard to the enter
prise and the causes of its failure . . The offi
cial accounts cf the recent trial are by no
means clear and satisfactory. They speak of an
"interruption of the continuity" of the wire
and other mysterious causes at the catastro
phe, which are not calcul,ate4i'to impress the
mind of the unscientific reader, at least, with
any great hopes of success in the attempt
which is still to be made. 'The experience of
both the first and second trials is so similar
as to lead to the strong presumption that the
conducting wires become broken during tine
laying of the cable, from its untwisting, prob
ably, and the whole strain thrown upon
the "core," and in this manner the "contin
uity" is destroyed, and the wires lose their
transmitting power in every instance yet tried,
before more than three or four hundred railos
of the cable have been paid out.
The people of both countries are anxious
to see the experiment fairly tried. It will
occur, we believe within a very short time
that ocean telegraphing will be demon
strated to be practicable and will be estab
lished. Science stops not at such light
impediments as oceans and mountains in
these days, and even if the present attempt
does not succeed, some scheme will be devi!;-
ed to establish electric communication lin
tween the two worlds.
The matter is one of national pride both
to England and the United States, and if the
present essay should fail as the former ones
have done, the governments of the two coun
tries will not permit the design of establish
ing a communication by telegraph across the
Atlantic to be abandoned. We hope success
may crown the present attempt, but, judging
from the past, we cannot be sanguine.
It is with the most profound feelings of
sorrow that we record the death of Major
John Sanders, of the United States Army,
who died suddenly on Thursday, the 2.9f.h
inst., at the Pea Patch, on the lielawar e.
Major Sanders was well, known and gres.t
ly beloved and respected in this community
where he resided for several years, as w ell
as throughout the valley of the Ohio and
Mississippi where he was personally engag,ved
as an engineer, in improving the navigation
of the Ohio.
He was by birth a Kentuckian, gradualed
with distinguished honor at the West Point
Mititary Academy, where he excelled in
mathematics and civil engineering, and im
mediately after finishing his preparatory
course he entered the army in the engim:er
corps. Here his well trained mind, thor
oughly stored with all the acquisitions of
the exact sciences, insured him immedi Nte
and steady advancement. He rose rapialy
to the first rank in his profession. lle
served with honor in the late Mexican war,
and was present at the storming of Monte
rey and other baitles during that campaign.
He was brevetted at its close. He also
served in Florida as an engineer. When
the general Government made appropria
tions for improving the navigation of the
Ohio river, Major Sanders "was appoint.ed
to superintend the work, and during l a resi
dence in the West of several years, he
won the friendship and regard of all with
whom he came in contact.
_was a gentleman of great urbanity
of manner, of great conversational puwe rs,
and, ready and willing to contribute to The
happiness of all around him. To the peu.
pie of Pittsburgh he was bound by dearer
ties than those of friendship merely. Ile
was the son-in-law of one of whom we all
respect and love, Hon. William Wilkins.
With him, and with his other relations and
friends, who have met with an irreparable
loss in the death, in the vigor of mari4pod,
of this brilliant and virtuous man, we sym
pathize most deeply. This death is a pub
lie loss and will be mourned as such.
Major Sanders has left a wife and fami
ly of seven children.to mourn the lose of
a much loved husband and father. His re.
mains will be brought to this city and the
funeral will take place to-day from Home
wood, in pursuance of the following notice:
The reniabas of the late Major .701111 SANDERS of aka
U. S. .Engineer Corps, are on the nay from port Delaware
and will be at the railroad, Iforacwol Station, at one o'l
clock „ IL; to_day, His funeral will be at 3 o'clock, V.
from Hoinewbod, the residence of Hon. Win. Wilkins. Car:
ria;es will kayo. the stable of Colonel llcdy Pattertion, cn
Fourth street, at one o'clock, P. 21.
—W. Milnor Roberts, and Wm. M. Watts of
- Carlisle, Pa., with four other gentlemen, have
_contracted with the Government of Brazil, to
baile r s portion of the Don Pedro Railroad, em.
_bracing about 17 miles, at about $3,600,00, the
work consisting chiefly of tames through the
mountains. _
t t 7- t
Gold Mining In New Caledonia.
If the intelligence from the recently dis
covered gold mines of Frazer's and Thomp
son's livers is authentic, and we know of no
reason for doubting it, there are large depos
its of the precious metal in those localities, al
though but little of iti has as yet reached San
Francisco. The Washington Union accounts
for this by the fact that the Hudson's Bay
Company, exercising an exclusive control over
the trade of that section of British North
America, are the only buyers of gold and
sellers of provisions, and consequently the
gold passes ditwtly into their hands in ex
change for supplies. In support of this con
clusion, it refers to the fact that all the sup
plies shipped from San Francisco are on ac
count of this company.
The discovery of gold has occasioned an
itnnuensc speculation, in property' at Victoria,
Viliaicom, and other points. At Victoria
great excitement prevailed iu relation to real
estate, which was advancing very rapidly.—
Lots 60 feet by 120 feet were selling from
100 to $3,000. All the best property has been
taken up. The land office was open the day the
Panama left for San Farncisco, and there
were some seventy-five applicants for lots,
among were a number of San. Franciscans,
and some colored persons, who formed a line
in post office fashion. Each man was limited
to six lots, each lot selling at $lOO ; the lots
to be located, at some future day, in the sub
urbs of the present town. Any person, what
ever may be his nationality, can hold real es•
ate; this seems to be settled
The Union publishes the instructions of
the English Government to Gov. Douglas re
ceived by the last mail from Europe, which
direct that Americans and other foreigners
shall not be excluded from the gold fields,
and accord with the action of Gov. Douglas
in admitting miners of all nations to work
the new diggings, upon condition that they
submit themselves, in common with the sub'
jects of her Majesty, to the recognition of her
authority, and conform to such rules of police
as the Governor may have thought proper to
establish. With regard to the license, it
does not appear that Gov. Douglas' course
meets with the approbation of the Home
Government. We sincerely concur in the
hope expressed by Sir E. Bulwer, Lytton that
nothing may occur to lead to difficulty be
tween the local authorities and the immense
number of Americans and others who are
now swarming to the new placers."
The monopoly of trade exercised by the
Hudson's Bay Company bears oppressively
upon the English settlers as the foreign
miners; and will quickly yield to the more
liberal views which must follow this wonder
ful and sudden increase of population. Par
liament will provide for the organization of
a new colonial government for that portion
of the English possessions before the adjourn
ment of its present session, and thus ensure
thereafter an elightened course of policy, and
remove at once all obstacles in the way of a
successful working of the mines.
August Elections
_ Elections will be held during the month of
August in the States of Missouri, Kentucky,
Arkansas, Texas and North Carolina. In
Missouri, the election is for members of Con
gress, of the Legislature, and for county offi
cers ; in Kentucky, fur a clerk of Appeals ;
in Arkansas, for members of Congress, and
of State Legislature; in Texas, for two State
officers, and in North Carolina, for Governor,
members of the Legislature, and a member of
CongresS in the Eighth District, to fill the va
cancy oocasionod by the transfer of Mr.
Clingman to the Senate. Upon the Legisla
ture about to be elected will devolve the duty
of electing a Senator to succeed the Hon.
David S. Reid, whose term will expire on
the 3d of March nest, and also of filling
the unexpired term of Judge Biggs, now
filled by appointment of the Governer. In
Arkansas, a Senator is to be elected to suc
ceed Judge Sebastian. In Texas, a Senator
is also to be chosen, to succeed Judge Hen
derson, deceased. In all the States mention
ed except North Carolina, the election will be
held on Monday next, the 2d of August; in
North Carolina, on the Thursday following,
the sth. An election also takes place in
Kansas on Monday next, upon th 3 accep
tance or rejection by the people of Kansas
of the land-proposition embraced in the bill
passed by Congress for its admission into
the Union as a State. All these elections
are important, and their results will be
watched with intense interest by the po
litical world.
The Cost of Reaching the Frazer River
A letter to the New York Journal of Com
merce states that the price of passage by the
steamer from San Francisco to Victoria, Bel
lingham Bay, Sz:c., is on the average $3O to
$4O. Added to this is $5O and $25 for river
passage on the steamer Surprise, or by canoe
to Fort Hope. It is fair to say, that a miner,
to go from San t•'ranciseo to Frazer river
mines, wants at least $2OO or $250, cash to en
able him successful to reach the mines and to
procure the requisite outfit.
TIIE following letter we publish with pleas
ure, as it but expresses the simple truth :
Mr. Editor:—Permit us to occupy a small space in
your paper to say a few words upon the subject of
hotels, (and deserving the name) which should be
noticed by the traveling public.
Upon arriving at a hotel, nothing can be more
agreeable to weary and tired travelers, than to re
ceive some little attention from the officers and ser
vants of the house, and conducted to a clean and
neat chamber. After a sojourn at the Monongahela
House, in your city, of some days, partaking of the
luxuries and comforts found there, we feel a sense of
duty and pleasure in expressing to Mr. Crosson and
his officers (which we would call by name if we knew
them) in this way, our gratification for the comfort
and attention we received whilst in their house, and
we cannot refrain from noticing with what great
pleasure we partook of the many luxuries, and how
we appreciated the great attention we received at the
Kirkwood House, Washington City, from the pro
prietors—the brothers Kirk wood, whose pleasant
manners end most excellent table must make them
many friends. May ET-1C(33E5 attend these hotels
is the wish bf WAYFARER.
—George P. Edgar, late publisher of the "Way
of Life " religions newspaper, has been arrested
in New York, on a charge of false representa
tion, in obtaining means of carrying on the
publication in question.
—lt estimated that there are 50,000 horses in
tho State of M iseachnsetts, 221,000 in the New
England States, and 4,500,000 in tho United
States. Ohio stands foremost in the number of
horses,New - York next, Pennsylvania next, Ken
tucky next, and iMinnesota last of all. Estima
ting the horses of Massachusetts at $75 head,
their valuo will be $3,750,000, and all the
horses in the United States at the same rate,
would make a value of $337,500,000, or more
than three times the whole cotton and woollen
manufacturing capital of the Union. The horse
interest is a moat important one in the wealth
and prosperity of the States.
—The first deposit of gold from Frazer river
was made at the Assay office in New York on
CINCINNATI, July 29,1868
[Prom the New York Herald.]
Lady Butsver and Her Hasband---A Dra-
ma in Four Acts,
Twenty-seven years ago, there was a fashion
able and Literary wedding in London. The bride
grom, Edward Lytton Bulwer, was a young man
of mark. He had graduated with honors, re
ceived the prize for the beet English poem, and
had begun to publish the novels which have
since created an equal sensation in May Fair
and in St. Giles'. He was the put of the deli
cate, interesting young ladies who were a little ,
blue. It was one of these angels that he led to !
the altar. A once popular poetess tells to the
world that Bulwer was a pale and fascinating
young man ; his bride was the more charming
because she N 7 18 in delicate health, and her com
plexion was like " rose leaves crushed on ivory."
No un'on could have promised better. Bulwer
was rising to the topmost wave of success, while
his wife, who was beautiful and clever, found a
welcome in every drawing room of Belgravia.
A little more than ten years pass away, and
we fled our couple not quite so interesting to
themselves. A son has been horn to them
Lady Bulwer inclines to cm bon point and has a
bad temper. Her husband hac been created a
baronet, and is recognized as one of the fist, if
nut the firetAtving writers of fiction. He works
hard, and ad interim, it is whispered, amuses hies
self after the fashion of Young England. Hii
chambers are those of a bachelor. Madame
lives in the country, and comes dawn peat one
day, to find her husband entertaining a dinner
party more joyous than select. The twain have
lived apart for some time, and the separation is
made eternal by a circumstance which occurred
in Sir Edward's introduction into political life.
Ho rises to speak for the first time in the House
of Commons, and falls to fulfil the great expec
tations that had been raised by his literary
achievements. In fact, he breaks down alto
gether. Taunted by his wife, ho so far forgets
his manhood, according to report, as to inflict a
blow upon her. From this time war is declared
between them. The lady makes her debut in the
literary. world with a novel called "Cheverly,"
which is followed by a pamphlet detailing her
family troubles, and two other novels, severally
entitled "Behind the Scenes" and " Very Sue
ce.sfal." All of these novels contain severe at
tacks upon Sir Edward and his irieds. Curious
ly enough some of hoc bitter sarcasms in Be
hind the Scenes" were levelled against Mr.
Charles Dickens, whose matrimonial troubles
have since afforded a wide field for the London
Lady Balwer's venom against Sir Edward is
rather heightened as she grows older and fatter
and as he grows richer and more famous. In
politics he rises to the surface with the ll.irby
Ministry, and is appointed Colonial Secretary.
To accept this appointment he must resign his
seat in Parliament, and enter upon it hotly con
tested election in his own county, where he is
far from being personally popular. While finish
ing his address to the electors with the custom;ary tribute to the "galaxy of female beauty'
within sight of the hustings, the rose leaf
beauty of thirty years ago appears upon the
scene, in the shops of if stout, red l'a...!,ed matron
of about fifty sncnnier-, before whose dread
presence the statesman beats an inglorious re
treat, while she gives to the public a " piece of
her mind" in relation to the character of the
honorable gentleman who has just solicited their
suffrages. However mortifying this reoontro
must have been to the baronet, the result was in
his favor. He was returned to the House,
duly installed in the Cabinet, and has novr
succeeded in incarcerating his wife in a mad-
It appears that he has recived with hie wife
her income £4OO per annum, which was most
welcome to him at the limo that when he be
came rich he refused to allow Lady Lytton more
than the sum above named and that now ho has
attempteil to silence her forever by confining
her as a maniac, without the smiiTtest Paksible
ground for such action. A novelist by profes
sion, ha has given the plot for a sensation story,
of the first class; a statesman by inclination, he
has shown in his own person the necessity of
still further guards around the personal liberty
of the subject. A member of the Palmerston
Cabinet made an unevitable notoriety as a roue
aad a gambler, but ho did not preach the fine
sentiments which form the stock in trade of Lord
Derby's Joseph Surface. The newspaper ac
counts, however go to show that ho has begun to
be ashamed of hie course, and that he promises
to compromise matters with Lady Lytton There
seems to he some peculiar fatality attendant upon
marriages between literary people. No sooner
has tho world exhausted the scandal about the
Hon. Mrs. Norton than the Bulwers give a new
topic for gossip; and as thia grows stale, the
troubles of Mr. and Mrs Dickens agitate the
clubs, the journals and private circles.
Tho Iron Inter•at
The following
_letter from Mr. John Sam
uel, dated Johnstown, Cambria county, Pa.
July 22,1, 185 S, contains a matter of impor•
tance to those who take an interest in the de
velopments now making in the different
branches of manufacture of Iron in this coun•
try. Mr. Samuel says:—
This "Great Pennsylvania interest " the
manufactura of iron—is of vital importance, and
is being oarried out in the developments which
are being constantly male in every department
of the business, and these developments exceed
the anticipations and predictions of those best
likely to judge of the success or failure in gen
nis and enterprise in attempting great and un
tried things; each step of improvement being a
step in advance towards greater perfection in
the art of iron-making, the great act of civiliza
tion and of life.
I design to notice in the present art joie, in
addition to those I had communicated in my
former paper, an improvement of incalculable
value to the iron interest, and which must cer
tainly be introduced into all rail and girder roll
ing mill establishments, where they would study
economy and advantage of profit, &0., whether
in this country or in Europe. This improvement
—it ehonid be called an invention—consists in
rolling rails by a backward and forward process,
technically called three high rolls. To those
only familiar in some measure, with the very
laborious nature of the work as it has been
done in the ordinary way, and is still done, can
the immense difference be perceived of this new
method of producing a rail of more homogeneity
and finiah than by the method, while it has re
duced the labor to the merest fraction required
in the old mode of rail-working. All honor to
Mr. John Fritz, of this place, who has accom
plished in this matter as great—l may say a
greater—that anything I have witnessed daring
familiar, practical acquaintances with the iron
manufacture for more than sixty years in differ
ent quarters of the globe.
In this remark, I particularly refer to the
lessening of the amount of human labor and
suffering experienced, by those engaged in this
—one of the most laborious branches of human
toil. No person with a spark of humanity and
fellow-feeling in his breast—no one laying claim
to the smallest share of philanthropy—can visit,
and spend one hour in one of our large iron
works, and not wish there was some way of mit
itgating, or lightening the tremendous labors of
the iron worker. Mr. Fritz is studying this mat
er. I alluded to it in my former article, July,
Bth, in the Penneylvanian, and I hesitate not to
say, if he lives, and pursues this study with the
same ardor he does, such changes in this respect
will bo wrought in the iron business, that he will
be entitled to a distinguished notice as a bene
factor of his fellow-men.
I am penning this article for the world entire
ly uninfluenced by Mr. Fritz, but as one who
has passed through the hardships of the iron man
ufacture, and witnessed all its wonderful changes
and progress for more than six-tenths of a cen
tury, I may now be allowed to express my ad
miration of of the man who is doing so noble a
work, as aiming to advance to greater perfec
tion, ono of the greatest, if not the greatest in
terests of Penne)lvania and the world.
I feel loth to intrude the subject here, but
hove heard with surprise that objections have
been raised to the securing a right by patent to
019 new mode of making rails, Could they who
'Officially control these matters, see and appreci
ate the value of the application of a discovery
made in England about forty years ago, but
never prolically turned to account in manufac
turing so important an article as railroad iron,
till now in Johnstowm, they could not deny it
the merit of an "invention." With those whO
should choose to weigh the value of an invention
by the ameliorating influences and benefits it con
eerred upon !lard toiling humanity, a thousand
patents would be no equivalent to ten thousannd
paine of overtasked strength which this inven
tion shall confer upon unborn generations of my
fellow working-men. Upon this ground irre
speotive of its intend:3 merits, which I will dis
cuss in a future article, the right of a patent
might be justly and confidently vested. nink
ing with a working man's thoughts only, this
consideration would be tho paramount consider
ation. I will feel laid under. great obligations
to the Pennsylvanian for giving publicity to this.
I shall attempt to furnish, by and by. a descrip
tive sketch of the "Cambria Iron 'Rorke," an
establishment which has few equals in this or
any other country.
The River at Louisville.
Lounavu,LE, July 80.—The river is falling,
with four feet water in the
• ; • .` -. lW , E., , ;: l;‘ , ':afi
One Day Later from Europe—Arrival of
the Hammel:l.la.
NEW 'Von.K, July 30.—The steamship Ham
monia arrived this evening. She left Soutb,amp:
tun on Sunday, the lb inet , and brings the;
London papers of Saturday evening.
Consols closed on Saturday at the previous
The Turkish government, besiths put.ishing
the authors of the massacre at Jeddah, offers t..)
bestow one hundred and fifty thousand francs
upon tho families of the British and French Con
Hostilities have commenced between, the Mus
eelmen and the Hayes in Bosnia
It is reported in Warsaw that there will eool ,
be a general uprising in Turkey.
The Russian troops have been I..foatcd b^ thr
CircassiaLs, Vith the less of tight:en hundre•l
men and eight guns.
WASHINGTON CITY. July :7'l - -
confirm the previously received :n:^ln;criro th 7.!
the Emperor of Chan.. t,thuisl
t.f satisfactory rank, to ecni.r w;th the
Commissioners. Thie is r-gai , led at [long
9.3 an important ~=:ep
rangement of the diffteultiet between the (
ending parties.
The railroad companies with whom the c
tract was made to e irry the mails betty n
Washington and New Orleans in four days, c 0. .,
mencing with the present month, have not
performed service within that tirns. This fat:
will doubtless engage the attention of the
master General wit ii ho returns to
It id caused partly by insufficiency cf the means
of transpoetation over :du a:
country, betwecu from
Goodman's depot and Water Valley, on the Mn
siseippi. The large 0111f,00'. of tail Latittitr
which hoc there accumulated Los. by telegraph.
been directed to he sent to New I ).I , nut
of the 'Mississippi river.
The sloop of war, Daie, was ed S tut,: Cruz,
Tel:writ:fa Island, on the -1.1). et June. Cotomc.
der Blair reports to the 14,ivy - D3parLmnr.. O: t
the °Ricers and crew are in good heeith f
hundred and seven preiiodsiy ~n ii-t.
two died. The Vincennes has returned t , l-orto
Praya, atd the Manor has gont. S eta
Mr. Nugent, the Special Agent
Pill leave New York in the C.l,lL,rtiti
steamer oatbo sth of August.
are in the oourso of preparaCon. lie \Nil. ii.e
out despatches from Lord Napier to °overt,:
According to a tellegrephie des- d atth, Secre
tary Floyd will inspect Harper's Ferry tomor
row, and resume business in ihe War 1./part
meat on Monday.
The Secretary of t it Interior is expreted te
return from Mississippi to morrow.
tln•rhave'■ atoll: nd Bitters
The press of the country has been :o.rticularly loud
in the praise of the Bitters. Among the many no
Lice/, we offor the following to an impartial public :
"It is a well known fact that we do not puff pa ,
tent medicines, end that we but beld advertim.,
them, but Bmrheave's Iluliand Bitters comes to us
endorsed in such a manner, so a specific fur :he dig
eases it. professes to cure, that we not only advert e :
it, but give it this favorable uotice unasked by the
proprietor.... Handle Zeitt4+l3. V. I.
Tho Philadelphia Argun, 4eak;n4 of the lot
exhibition bold in that city by the FranktiL.
tate, says:
"In notioing medic,nes, we are al wa c)i•treitiely
Cautious, unless satisfied of the merits of th 3 article.
Among those exhibited is the celebrated Hoiand Bit
ters. This medicine has been extshFit - ely in loduced
into every State in the Union, and into ti_e Canadian
Provinces, principally w.thin the last two years.
The exhibition shows testimehials in C,,ery language
known in America, among which we notice ote from
the Into lion. John M. Clayton, of Delewero."
"Bcerhave's :Holland Bitters are an int - al.:able
remedy in all cases of dyspepia. They impart r
strong healthy tone to the stomach, and are the Lo:t
ronuvatura; , ,f the system generally.—Ciii. IL:i! air
Dyspepsia, Headache and Indigestion,
all persons are more or less aft'octed, cin usually be
cured by taking moderate oxerei.-u, NY h:;!CLI,.IAZ f, ad,
and a dose of Bwrhave'e ll.diand Bitters one titer
before each meal."—Ltatt. Sun.
Id , •rhave's Holland Bitters for Dyspepsia, 11-ad
ache, Loss of Appetite, Nervous Debility, atd all dis
eases consequent upon a disordered stomach aed liv
or. This article is very favorably hnown through
out the \Vest, and is regularly proLeribod by s• - me
of the most distinguished physieistis."—Pl.t. Led
"There can be no better remedy for Indigestion,
Heartburn and Loss of Appetite, than ihef Live:
M.Hand Bitters."—ilichigan Revivter.
Caution I—Bo eareful to ask f r acurhare'e
Bitters. Bold at $.l per bottlo, or sis bottles for s's,
by the sole Proprietors, Bertjecr.in re,re, Jr , Co.,
ND. 27 Wooi Etrogy bet rre.a First an i :;ezonl streets,
srol Drogziog grncrillv.
:PLANE'S Li \ i'lL!...—Whe:l the in - -
I •rTD ? pi: , to:4, Fleming Brx., l'ittnhniLgh, thin
invaltrolde remedy perch:lmnd it of the Inventor, there wem
no medicine niiiJitheserved the urine, f-r cur, of LIT tr
and Bilioun enrnpinints, nntwitbetanding the g eqt pet Va.
lence of these dirrasem in the United Ftates. in the
and West particularly, where IL.E , patient is fie:pen:ly un
able to obtain the asvicts of a regnlEr s.-Rio rein
sdy was reqnired, it ou, suf, and effecZna', and the c‘ , ,.
atton of which could in no wise prove pajudicial to th,• cE,o
stitutlon. This incl.:Me is supplied by Dr. .111uno . . Litre
prelard by Fleming Bros., of Pittebergh, as ha ,
proved in every instance in which it has had a trial. Al
ways be neflcia:, not a solitary instance has ever occurtcd iu
which its effects have beau injurious. The Inv:mil of an
educated and di:stage:she'', physician, it has nothing in
Common with the quack nostrums impure! upon the public
by shallow pretenders to the medical art. Experience Las
now proved, beyond a doubt, that Dr. M'Llthe's Pill is the
best remedy over proposal f.or the Liver Complaint.
4... V" Purchasers will be careful to Ask fur Dr. iIi'LANE'C
BRCS., of Pittsburgh, Pe.. Thorn other Pills purporting
to be Liver Pill; now before the public. Dr. l'EVLane's genuine
Liver Pills, also his colebratod Vermifu,gu, can now be had at
all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the tiyra
twit of [ 471 (Jytl9,lwdsw) 1.1.101 lug;
11 . :? OONGRE —A groat many portions have spoken
with a good deal of confidence of DOCTOR GROittni;
XL:COOK, 88 a candidate for Congress la the XXlst District.
The Doctor has claims on the Democ: atic party of more than
ordinary character, and the chumeas 811GC(3 , 8 wait!l be
greatly increased by his nominat;on, by the Cenvoution
soon to be called together fur the purpo9o of nominating
candidates. Pr. McCook has been an ardent and enthnsi-
antic supporter of the Democracy all his life, bat like runny
others who give their trial and talents to party and con try.
his claims have been postponed until the present time,wh
the indications are, that ho will he select. d as a starph,rd
bearer for en important elect:ou. Dr. McCook is an eloquent
speaker, and has dune good service in the cam. , of Democ
racy. Dr. McCook is the man who cau mike more head.
way against the opponents of Democracy, than any we
- ---
10. AN ELECTION for l're , ident and Directors or the
will be held on THURSDAY, Angust tltiih, bettve ett tltu
halms of one end four o'clock, P.M., at the Company's .T.. e,
on the Ohio River. JACOB lIENRICI.
Jy2l:-itev sa—Dl."s Pres:dent.
_ . .
A MBRO'rYPES. —./_1
BLE I•lCTURE—warratited--CAti be had as low es
at ally first chits establishment In the country, at
.1131:11c WALL'S, Fourth street.
A i", Home Ohildren'a Shoe 3 and Sun Hat, v, ht.), are
selling at leel than they can be bought for in the city.
Call MAI and get a Ltrgaiu, at the
( y3IPS Market street, two dunes from Fifth.
WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 4th, at 1U ..'•
clock, will be sold, at the Conuntreial Sales mutts,
Fifth street, a well assorted stock of Hardware. comprisit.
Planes Locks with while antfruineral knol 0, Britt }tinge...,
Flash Pulleys, Monkey Wrenches, Plasters' and
Trowel!, Oath and hbniter Fastener-, Chair) If !ts,
Chisels, Knives and Forks, Pocket Eniyer. etc.
Also, one Yale, Jr. Safe Lock
1.1.24 P.M. VIS. A,rti, er.
-13LEe—Larg.“qForto, illustrate 1 handsomely. s3,f,u
Ent...l.e, its Scen-s and eeettery,soo pages
Lives of Gelebraugl ...... Lt.°
The Ranger, a Tory's Ltaughter ......... . ...... .....
ut and Escape of Captain licowa. I.tsi
In Doors and Out, by Oliver Optic
Life Made Happy. Lau
Gonardinn Angel
home oh the Deep ........................................... I,lyo
Amy Leo I,e
Green Mountain Boys .............................. ... , 1U
The above are all in substantial binding, flUti have
never appeared in this market before. They are
less than thew - nal price for such hooks. We can sell li, oks,
Newspapers, etc., cheaper at NO. 4 OfILUID HOUSE, than
any place in the city. ty3l
ANY PERSON having a comfortable tWo
story Dwelling House, of 5 or 6 rooms, situate In a
good neighborhood In tho aq.• Price, from $lOOO to Vas),
can hear of a customer, by applying at oar office, 51 Market
Jitt Real Fatah) Agents.
IOR RENT—A two story frame Dwelling
Home, of 6 rooms, &Mato otaoarth street, near Mar.
het. Rant $l5O per year, and tenant pay water rent.
Jy3l 8. CUTHBERT b, SON, 61 Market at.
BACON -4000 the. Bacon Shoulders,slight
ly damaged—for sale cheap, Jamco Hll gnent,by
A. TZE ra ,R,
11'31 Corner Market and Bind streets.
DYE FLOUR-25 bbls. fresh ground Rye
Alio Eon; received and for Babe by - •
WI Corner Disrket Eindliret. etreete,
Steam Machinery far Screw Pro
' peller Sloops-of-War rat the U.
S. Navy Yards of Portsmouth,
trl. n., Boston, New York, Phil
adelphia., Gosport t, and Pensa
_ -,'?;:`,z:-,----
NAVY' UNPARViir.NT, July 28, 1855.
SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Propo
salt for Stea m Mach inert for Screw Propeller Sloops
, - tvar, - will be received at this department until 3 o'clock'
o f the Bth of September nest, fir the complete con
struction 01 the a cam machinery and appendages, and pla
cing the saute on boara. for each of the screw sloops•of•wt.r
building at the 11.5. navy-yards at Portsmouth, N. 11., New
Vora, Yhilsdclphin, and Gosport in accordance with the fol
lowing coudThens
The olfors must be for a specific sum for putting the whole
in euc.esful operation, must include all patent tees, and the
department will require a release from the proprietors of
aliy patented article or arrangements used in or about tte
uctunery, and must state the time in which the work will
b,.cul , pleted, mod must be accompanied by the usual gnar
antee required by law.
Tian, iof the eatablishment in which the work Is be
eaecut.d thin•t bo stated The details of the design and ar
nit/KO/Th.(lC cf the machinery will bo left with the party
roiltion may be excepted is combining the great
, . t,e le. rof ad vautage4, keeping i i view cost, simplicity
•r. itrir. lieu, rc,linesit r f itC,CO , II for adjustment when in
and not being subject to derangement In the
erking parts; is being the object of the cepartment to pro
ore machinery which can deve'op great power when 1.0.•
.I.2tr • it, n 5 to insure high specil for us many days as possi•
vie, while at the same time they will be able to propel the
iiv.l ..t r 'limier its speed w;th great e enemy of furl, /0
that tor Noyages may be performed with one supply of
this view, the department 'call expect the b!dders
to guaranty dm results proposed to be accomplished by
their plans, and to specify those resells under the following
1 , 1. The amount c.f horse power which the engines and
L. 41. re will be able ttr• develop for five days consecutively
when .iriven up ta their highest capacity, to be measured on
board the vesgel by the Indicator, at tha rate of 30,000 pounds
lilted ore lea high in a minute end to be not less than 1000
power, and at least 80 :evolutions per minute.
The consumption of coals par horsepower par hour must
t” , ~ . .az• U. The pressure in pounds per equi.re inch on the
lit ceisary to work the engines at the above velocity,
the view bring dihcenuerded and the engines without is
load, tore, pt the lino of shutting, must not exceed 23. pounds
per square inch of pi,it,n by indicator diagram.
24 The quantity of c al which can be stowed iu the ship
itt,tit exceeding the total weight of 406 tone fcr machhi
appolidag,s, !ii erti itud water in them, bunkers, tool,
come piee , s, ited coal within the length occupied by the
..uciore 1 tioilera. The boilers to be of iron of the multi.
tubular kind, with brats 'nice and with telescopic smoke
pipe and, ad it is intended to use fresh water In the britert,
is surface condenser of the most approved kind will be re
The pre;,.. , iler w!th the connex , ong f r hohiting it will be
to be pap:l,ly proportioned for txt lead 81
1,7_112[1,119 per minute and for the luunerded azuldehip gee.
lion of the Vettiliii.
The pumps, apparatus far ventilating, and appurtenance
all kinds nec.ksary for the perfect working of the whole
:o be of the motet approved hinds.
The cold hankers, .;haft pas,mge, two utwartship iron bulk
apparttui for fresh water, from welch
e,e med. not leas than hod gallons per day, and fouls
n;,•1 duplicate pioces necessary and satisfactory fur an
eincreLt cruieiag steam sloop-of-war, mast be included tu
ykitiuu, and a tut of them will be furnished.
'too wood and carpenter work, except the boring out the
d. wlwood for the shalt ueees,,,i.y to adapt the vessel for the
rr.option of the machinery, hoilere and appendage will tai
pi..eided at the expanse amAN evy Department, and it
e penal: the f once facilities as it may have for
the tra y m tchitiery an bread.
r roe acronituudati u of the entire steam machinery
and feel tel will be ailuwtil in the body of the ship, the
entire space under the agar deck commencing at 15 feet
at, 0. the main mitht, and thence extending lore al d a distance
f.O feet.
11ti.1115 thin apace it is (spaded to carry coil La - titre tieys
tettletug ut tho maximum
la the Npecitications the daily consumption of fuel will be
to d; also the weight of the triazhluery, coal, boilers,
wiitti w [Own, short, propellor and' appendageo, with foals
and spar, woik, hll of which most not exceed 406 tuns of
2 2.0 pounds.
TLe (1,,t411(.3 from the after side of the mainmast to the
afar side 16c - ward stern post will be about 80 feet,
oei the Me lance I),LtVreLl the forward and the iiftor stern
wdi be fret. The depth from the load water
to the top of the heel under the propeller will be 12
.! I loth.
propoaal must be itc.ona,anied by full specifications
1.•: 1 general drawings, having the position of the centre of
sty 121 the machinery, buiiees, &c., marked on thew,
giving MM. the C,lpal I,y of the steam C) linders, pressure 01
cl am, arra eit Mot and delivery valves, and of air pump and
outboard delivery valvbe, space for steam above the water
line of the boiler:, the fire and grate furnace, also the diem
et.-r, pitch, surfae:, and kind of propeller and other prin
. Igul pt,intm, that comparisons can readily be made.
'T em term., of payment will be that, when one-half of thy
mat , rials and labor provided for in the contract shall have
Mien ...empleted to the satisfaction of the department, there
ifi be made a payment of !,-„ part of the whole amount of
the ci-trait. When the whole shall have been completed
/ toady for erection in the ship a farther payment of
e lit be made; and when a satisfactory trial of even con
s. curie ,lays shall have been made, then a further payment
, ;
tel iv on the ship shall have performed satisfactorily
,t sea tor a period of [Mee mouths, the remaining sum shall
Le vol. Ihe repairs uccessary iluriug this peeled from de
fe, Cl‘ 0 workmauship or materials will be at the expense 01
the contractor.
It is to be understood tLat if the weight and other condi
specined in the coutract be not complied with, the
partmeot is to he at liberty to reject the whole machinery,
the contractor to be at the expenee of taking it out of the
ship and refund whatever amount of the cut:eruct price may
heve teen paid.
Pe.OPOt , ALS will also ho received at the same time and
place for the steam machinery and appendages, and placing
the same on board each of the screw sloops-of-war bui.diug
at the navy y rude at Boston, Philadelphia, and Pensacola
under the sp.eitleatieus and conditions above stated, with
variailr, in the fillowing partisnlars, viz:
1 t. Win o% power 750 at, at least, 80 revolutions per
1. The 6.4.11 weight f..r machinery, appendages, 1 oilers
and water in them, bunkers, tools, spare pieces, and coal
mina not exceed 31-r tons of 2'240 pounds each. The length
occupied by the engines and !Milers will commence 14 feet
alma. the 1/I.lkma,t, and thence extend forward a distance of
46 feet.
Tho C.ittence Coen the after-side of the mainmast to the
after-side of the forward stern pait will bo about 75 feet.
The depth from the load-water line to the top of rho keel
titelcr the propellor will be 9 feet ii inches.
e Irate en-hie manufacturers who desire to bid, can obtain
a copy of the section of any one of the vessels upon making
applicattue to the department. ISAAC TOUCEY,
iy:3l:ts 8 Secrete-yr of the Navy.
GEN TLE MEN who would preserve their
hogs, should at once have them provided with a su
perior Wire Basket 111tizzle. To he had only at
No. 139 Weed street.
:FIRE ARMS, of all descriptions, HIRED
Lj tho day, we .k, or mouth.
.1 31 SOWN k TETLEY, N 0.138 Wood at.
A.NI UNITION ~f all kinds on hand, and
fcr eale tit
.11')WN & TETLEY'S,
J;3l No. 138 Woo.] Eareot.
C li TL E
th to Table, Tcilet, Pucka, or proledsioual use
TLi inry beet ans.rtranut, in ut
.iY 24 No. 86 Wood etreot.
B °
Corner Wood street and Diamoßd alley.
MIT EAR NEW SHOES, when you can buy
them e. Cho 4. at the "People'a Shea store," No. 1i
Filth etreet, near Warkot.
F. 9110 E ,, of every description, can now be
bought etexceedingl y low prices.
LADIES' SOILED .9110h'S and GAITERS mold at a groit
MISSES' GAITERS. cheerer than nier—for 87%c to $l.
BOYS,' and YOUTEI'S CAPE, for 6'2% curio.
A good aszortnieut of CARPAT BAGS on hand.
ri ENT'S GAITERS for $2, at the " Peo
ple'm than Store," No 17 Fifth street.
:303 ACRES of Farming Land, near
Uniontown. Pa., for sale at $6 for acre.
Jy2l CUTELBERT & BON, fa Market at
With the Adjustable
Douglas,' and allerwood
l'p (JUN D CANE I.lOOPS.—Flat Canelloops
4.0 (In settB,) tlUld wbuleaale or retail, at
. _
j ) :;0 HORNE'S, 77 Market great.
Portable Steam hoisting and Pumping Engine,
On Wheels, from 3to SO horse power. Also, Farm En.
gllws and Saw Mill Drivers, 3to 20 horse. Engines always
on hand. Manufactory, 16th S• Hamilton Street,
j) 30 - 3 m t'aw PHILADELPIIIA.
No. 22 01111 Street, New York,
Glass Worn for 011 , ,, , 0te, DraKgisto, Porfamera,, Photo.
grarhera, etc. linen fi!re? Wore by t}evackage. A fiber.
al disommt wade to tda tradd. 0111,,ra from Country Drug.
f;l8to Dealers, Pri.e List, Bunt on applica•
LIOEI. Jy3o:3ru
-100 boxes fresh Lemons, just
and G r sale by
No 39 Wood atreet•
13.. J
Opposite St Charles
ORANUES-5U boxes received this day, in
pa loft, urd..J., and fur Halo by
No. 39 Wood street,
y:10 Onnnstto t 1,4 Pt (Mut la.
1•( - ;ASONABLE GOODS—Mosquito Bare,
Lawn., nester', White Brilliants;: Pink, Blue and
Sin Chan:bray (lingliams ; Pink, Blue and Salmon Col
ored Bereged, etc., etc.
(Founerly Love Brothers,)
133 u 74 Market street.
A MERICAN WATCHES—We_ are selling.
21. them excellent Time Keepers, in salver hunting cams,
at from $35 to $55. Call and see them.
, No. i 2 Fifth street,
1Y29. Agents for Boston, Watch Rectory.
25 barrels No. 3 largo Mackerel;
5 4r 44
" rec'd end for
sole by • Dy 23) HENRY 11. COLLINS.
Git"SE—For Wagons, Drays, Carts, arat
Cairiapa, rocTivo3 anct for BEIIO by
.1, 28 )3Asity' H. noLlaNs•
CIREESE-201 bxs. prime W. IL Cutting
.1 Cheese, jest received and for nate by ,
"r‘ ;
4 4 . ' 7, ,
- -
AllY—My connection for the past leiOlt - years with the
above Institution, es Chief Physician, and a twelve years'
course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Om
erimption and its kindred diseases, together with my un
rivalled opportunities and advantage of pathological research
—aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inhatc
tion—has enabled me to waive at a simian, direct and suc
maid course of treatment for the positive andradical cute
of all dDeases of the Throat, Lungs, and Air-. Passages. BY
Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines
are directly adreased to the Sheared organs road the integU
'heat: Ido not advice the use of Medical Inhalation of any
kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; and although I
consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper management of
those fetufal . and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very t,
comers that each patient should have the benefit of both
gereral and local treatment. The success cf my treatment
la the above diseases, and the high character of the Institu•
tion over which I have so long had the honor to preside,ato
too well known to need any eulogy or comment from nr.
At the solicitation of many private and professional friend-,
through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been
long and liberally supported, and after due consideration, I
have concluded to make such arrangements as will bring
the binefite of my experiments and treatment within the
reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to thous
only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit
meoffice. Roping tborefore' that the arrangement
will atllmy
giveentire satisfaction, both to my prolessienal breth
ren and the public, I would respectfully announce in con
clusion, that Icon now be ainsuttedpertconally or byietier, ol ,
all diseases as above, and that the medicines, the same its
used in the Institution, prepared to suit each individual
case. inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, EC r., etc., mill he
forwarded by express to any part of the United States cr
the Delimit's. - feasis—My terms cf treatment by letter are
es follows, viz: $l2 per month for each' patient which will
include medicine sufficient for one mouth's use; also, In
holing Vapor, aod an inhaling Apparatus. Payment as LI.
lows : $6 to be paid to ilxprese Agent on receipt of the box
of Medicine, and the balance $6 at the expiration of the
month, if the pail nt be cured or is entirely satisfied with
the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their
case, and their eye:Trans In lull, can be treated as wall by
letter as by psrsenal examination. Patients availing them•
selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate
an I permanent relief, es ho seldom has to treit a cane over
thirty days. Letters for advice promptly answered. Fur
further particulars, address
No. 82) Broadway, cor. Twelfth St., N. Y.
P. S.— PliyeiCiallB and others visiting the city are re
srattully invited to call at the indrruary, where many
iuterestiog cases can be witnessed, and where our im
proud apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor.
cad be seen and inspected. Jy3o:6m
Sulu Manufacturers.
77 Market etretlL
- A T
Fanfold, with tea entire troupe of THIRTEEN STAR
PhiI.PORMERS, en mule home to Philadelphia, will give
three of their
Commencing on FRTDAY EVENING, July 30th, SATUR
DAY, Stet, and MONDAY EVENING, August 21.
AR Admkaion Tweoty-Five centa. Doore open at ;14,
o'clock; commence at 8 1 4.
COOL WHITE, Stage Manager.
Jy27 J. A. VJN BONNHORST, Agent:
RACERS I PACERS 1 !—A premium of $4O
will be given to the ewncr of the best ..
Pacing Horse, mile lica's, three in five, to go as
they plea,. "hirers and Elders to weigh 145 , '
pounds. Entrance 10 per cent. On BATUIt-
IiA Y, 31st, 1838, at 4 o'clock, P. M., at Collins Park,
uea , Eant Liberty. Fete to all pacing horses that have
never ebown 2:50 or lead in public. Entries to close on
Thursday, 24th
B.—A match for st l oo, between "Big Jim" and
" Fanny Robinson,' it is supposed will coats off the flame
day. Two mile heats to harness. Jy27
OTICE —The Cc-Partnership of BAGA
-O)33Its.VE & C). expired by limitation, on
the first instant. The business will be et ntinutel by W.
11AGALISY, at 18 and 20 Wod street, who will settle op the
bush:less of the late firm. W. BAGALEY,
Pittsburgh, July 22d, 18.58.—Jy23:tf
No. IS and 20 Wood Street,
jy23: tf
Jones' Building,
67 Fourth street.
TION.—The anescriber will offer at Public Sam, on
the promisee, in the village of Mansfield, in Upper Bt. Clair
township, on MONDAY, Angact 2d, 1858, at 2 o'clock, P.
M., Tea Lots of Oround, being Nos. 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, 1.1.,
12, 19 'and 20, to Mary Sherldan's Plan of Lote, recorded
in the Recorder's Often of Allegheny County, in Plan Book,
Vol. 2, Page 69.
The thriving village cf Ilansfleld is beantifally situated
on Chartiors Creek, In the midst of a rich farming 'country,
about 6 miles from Pittsburgh, by the Nobloetown Plank
A plan of tho Lots may he seen at th.stfiloo of Mitchel a
Palmer, Attorneys at Law, No. 87 Fifth street, Pittsburgh.
Terms at sale. ObIODGE R. DODGE,
7y26 Augusta, Georgia.
Are now on Exhibition, at the
These Machines are admitted to be the best in market for
family ase, making an elastic doable thread stitch, which
will not rip even If every fourth stitch be cut. it is the
only low priced double thread Machine in market. Orders
a ill Le received and promptly filled by
M. DALY, Agent,
No. 20 Fifth street, on the corner of Market alley,
Pittsonrgh, Pa.
NOTICE—M. DALY, on the corner of Fifth street
and Market alley, is the only one of the name in busmen
on this street.
Summer Lager Beer.
inform his friends and the public in general, that he
is In the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well
known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it having
been pronounced to be the best that was manufactured hero
for many years, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me
a call and try it. JOHN ROTH,
ap24:tf At his old stand, No. 28 Diamond.
An additional stock of Piano Fortes from f i r f
the celebrated Factories of
Has just been received, and the attention of purchasers di•
reeled thereto. 11. KLEBER & BRO.,
Sole Agents for the above celebrated! Plano!,
Je'2s No. 6.3 Fifth street.
AT A BARGAIN—Two large Lots of
ground in South Pittsburgh, each 20 foot (runt on
Carson street, by 100 deep to Chesnut street, with two frame
d uv&ling houses, each containir b ev four rooms . Serum easy.
valuable building J ot, 20 fett front, on Careen
street, near the Public School House, by 100 feet deep to
Chesnut street. The purchase: to have the use, in build
ing, of the gable end of the house adjoining. , Price,s6oo.
jylo 51 Market street.
QOAP POWDER.-50 bozos Soap Powder
of our own manufacture, warrantesl superior to any
offered for Halo In 11th market, on hand and for gale by
felB C. At J. IL fluiWYFa.
/Y 51 Market atreeL
ALADY residing near the city, wishes to
procure a GIRL, of 8 or 10 years, to live with her till
or ago For further particu are, call at our office, 61 Mar•
ket atrout. r 3. CUTHBERT a BON,
3ylB General ageuts.
viIACKEREL —25 tibls. No. 3, Large
10 half bbl 3. No. 3, Lttrge.
For Elsie by ( jyl2) W. U. SHITI.I ic CO.
A ilrist Mill all complete iu good runi.l6g order, 3
run of stone, smut machine, a corn and cob cracker, etc.
Also, a dwelling home of 4 rooms, a large stable and 2 lota
of ground, sitnato in Bonth Pittsburgh, will be acrid at a
bargain, ; S. CUTIIBEILT do SON,
mvl6: 61 Market street.
L It/glued Lawns. Closing out very low.
Jy26 74 Market street
TIRIED PEACHES.-20 Bushels choice,
Bright, Dry Peaches just received and for rat% by
rijj26 corner Market and First streets.
COFFEE. -200 bags• Rio Coffee, for sale by
WM. 11. SMITHs
47 a 00.,
rat/0 Ug Parrnd. a 1 ltird stong.
lit," MITRE OR QUEENS WARE wanted in exchange for
two Building Lot!, each 24 by 104 feet, situate in the Seventh
el) 61 afarkat rreet.
to- - 5000' lbs. Country Bacon ;
12 kegs Packed Baum. ;
.75 bruihels Bright Dried Apples:
25 ,s if w attles ;
1011 bwhoLe lied Potatoes;
.Tend received and for utle by JAB. A. VST.Z2B,
Corner Market and Beednd eta.
WRAPPING PA PER--3000 reams aset
alms Bag Wrapping, a impatior ortlol. for sale b.
I°l2 - -- J. B.IVBLDIN.
N. W. CowanOY 5 - ...c0x0 Mu WALNUT STSTATS,
THOS. J. LIUN, Agent;
The following Bet show lb.: amount paid at the
littsbargti Agency for loscca fi um June, 104 to Apt 4
halbert Goodal $ 600 00
Wm. 8idden........._ 500 00
prank Wolff 400 00
M. ifa.a, 100 00
W. W: S
John Heath. Ib7 00
J. J. flousii Co 330 67
Newfayer & Graft.... I,eB - 2 72
John ThompiJo....„ 200 00
lILJArjr Fridbusch... 20 00
Jobb. Wat4ou 23 00
J. SI. 19 00
Phelps, Carr dr. 4,600 teJ
J. L !Louse A Cu...... 61 00
Jae. WouLt.s, 29 00
Wm. .t to— 2,579 17
J 11111,9 ntildlger.....l,ol)o
W. ..11'Oully 750 00
Solara or rElltinLVANLi s
Oity of l'itthbary,h, 03.
Before mo, Aldurman in and for said city, personal
cumo Thum; s J. II miter, Agent of the Farmers and Me.
chauies lasuroace Conn any, who Lying duly sworn,so
coramg to low, dctli &pope and say that the fOr‘mw"".i'w
statement In II CC. THOS. J. HUNTS:It, Agent.
dw,..ru and ~ u l.,3...ribed before mo, April 7,1858.
31'23 Lsorhitt.D ti. Jol.mB, Alderman.
ING-NIA, 1t135.
OFFICE, S. S. co EzvER 7.111 RD AND 17.61iNDT
To all pelts of the world.
On GOOd/, l.y itiver, Canals, Lakes, and Land Oarriagoi
al parts of the ' Union.
on Merchandise generally.
thi Storm, Dwelling Howes, do.
November 2, HEIL
Bonds, Mortgages, and /teal Eatate. 2101 1 350 94i
Philadelphia City, and other Loans 132,01,1 25
Stock in
Com Banks, haßroads and Insurance} 1%508 co
Bills Receivable 220,291,92
Cash on hand 380492 05
Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums
On Menne Policies recently isimed,on 92,730 52
uttl,r debts due the C0mpany..... ....
Subscription :..t.,1,1
Wi!ltem Martin,
Edmund A. Bowler,
Johu U. UtiViEf,
Jakil Yearoaii,
tluorge J. pet
11.1%vard Darting ton,
Dr. ft. rd. fkaatim,
%Yitthm U. Lt dwlg,
flag h ert.ig,
Charleo licHey,
IL Jonei litocdto,
Jacob P. Jouon,
MO3. C. RIAD, Vico Procii
RINRY LIUVio, 6ocroLar
Fire and Marine Insurance Coil
Oijice in Company's Building, No. 403 Walnut,
Corner of Fourth Street.
Uapitzil raid 16 $222,300 00
burplus,, Jaunry Ist, 1858 65,277 05
---- $277,674
ft P. INSUR A NCE—Limited or PerpetaaL
AI Ati INF: INSURANCE, on Vessels, Cargo and Freights.
It~L&NIL INSULLANCE by Rivera, Canals, Lakes and
Laud Cartb,g,d
Charles C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut street.
V. Blimp Wiling. 1610 Pine ,treat.
Alexander Wliladen, Ilorchant, 18 North /rout.
Isaac llasloLurst, Attorney mid Counsellor.
Julia 0. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter & CO.
L. Tracy, firm of Tracy & Co., Goldsmith's Hall.
John It. PlcOnrdy,llrm of Jones, White & McCurdy
Thonma L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie .t Zeller.
James B. Smith, firm of James B. &Mtn & Co.
lion. Llenry 11. Fuller, Mike 227 South Third strut.
John C. Vogdes, calico corner of Seventh and Sanatnot.
Jain. s Weight, late 0 wader Bank of Tioga.
o ifr‘xl Talor ollice ()biro City Property.
June J. Slocum, Mike 226 Beath TLv tl street.
0 C. LA.TiltiOP, President.
W. LA KLING, Vice President
LEWIS OREDORY, }liranch Office, Wall st N Y.
bbtund Vtee Prtb't,
J eaditB WRIGHT, Fecrotary and Treasurer.
R. K. RIOKARDSON, AssisUtut Pecretaty.
97 Water street, Pittsburgh.
. ---
Pennsylvania Insurance C o mp a n y
Ivo. ea Fourth street.
Jacob Painter, J. P. 'Tanner, - Geo. W. EWA,
Body Patterson, 0. A. Colton. A. J. Jones,
W. D. Mcßride, Joe. 11. Hopkins, Wade Hamptott,
L Grier Sproul, 'A. A. Carrier, Robert Patrick.,
A. C. Sampson J. H. Jones, John Taggart,
Henry Sproul, Ditch's Yobghtly,
Chartered Capital 6300,000
PHIS AND MARINE RISKS TAE.F.N, of all doscriptionS
01P1031:8: • .
President—A. A. CARRIER.
Vico President—BODY PATTERSON. -
deSO Secretary and Treasurer—l. CRIER SPROUL.
HENRY M. ATWOOD, Becretexy.
98 Water Streeta
ABUTS—MAY 261:14 1859,
Stock, Due Bills, payable on demand, secured by two
approved names. .... .$140.000 00
Premium Notes. 47,008 29
Bills Receivable 9,986 21
115 shares Mechanics' Bank stock, cost 0,183 00
60 do Bank of Pittsburgh do do '1,750'00
40 do Exchange Bank du do •' 2,050 00
199 do Citizens' Bank do du 6,176 00
Balance of Book Accounts.-- • 8,066 00
Office Fttraiture
James A. Hutchison. George A. Berry,
Wm. B. Holmes, Hobert Dairen,
William Boa, Thomas B. Clarke,
Wilson Miler, John DrDevitt,
m 5 ,22 Win. A. Caldwell
PITTS.p 11, 014 -
Capital Reproaestad, 83,000,000.
Pennsylvania and other States.
. s. waaisaj fde3o.ly]
Corner Third - and Market Streets, •
jy2l:ly-2p PITTSBURGH, PENN' .44.
wo. 7 , 1 Wood street, lbotwoisits Diamond
alley mid koartla atisot,
Taiirabscrib ' er is now opening a well selected assor
went of foreign and domestic Hardware, all new,and w 1 l he
sold on as good terms as any other horse in this city. rts
will always keep on hand a generacsalortmentor - -
which he reaspectfally invites the attentio n o f r t -chazoit
Cornminion and Forwarding Merchants
viLELIPPING AGENTS of - Illinois
Railroad, Cairo, Illinois. Mark Goode In all
ascot, to our care.
From two to six inch calibre. •
For-Sale 'Wholesale at illanufactunirS
Prices by -
OnELENZ, @BgnE, 1 ,F 1 9 1 41
AND PNODUON o.lcoatovir.
N 9. 26'Wodp• 1#11,23 . 2i,. - PITT I BBVItair. 0610
• 9
Cologne Spirits And Fusel 011,
Non. 167 and 170 Second Street.
B. Hill it C 0.. ". —.41156
Itoch'r Mannf.(k......t. 68 00
Win. Maßoe. 715 00
J. Ilcward & C0......4,600 00
J. M. Irwin, 860 00
Edw. Sponco, q.„ 54 00
0. H. Pau15en......... 860 10
L1;1.114 It icluirdli 10000
lire:vitt, hind & Co.. 9 JO
Cuti tiro & 45, 55
Wm. 51'lleudry....-
. 8.. Sill & Cu............:t;i 40
Span; .4 Co 83 0
e.alvair,u un bLeaaltlr
Arzola 41
Adazteg ill'elintuck 40 00
$2064 00
,107 9.4
k.,`Lt. AllE MUTUAL
MAFiltea." IFI2t9RANCE.
ni - ar.crußs.
Janice C. Hand,
Theephilue Paulding,
James Tragnair,
William Eyre, Jr.,
J. F. Penieton,
Joshua P. Eyre,
samnel E. Stoke',
Henry Sloan,
James B. McFarland,
Tomas O. Rand,
Robert Jim ton Jr ± ,
John n.fiemple, Pittibrirgb
B. T. Mr gait,
J. P. Logan,
W. hIA.BTLN, President.
P. A. 11ADSIRA, Agent,
95 Water street, Pittaetr:gh
1910N014 GrAHELA '
PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents Per TM .
100,000 00
70:4,781S 31
690 88
18,858 78
$237,710 65