LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weather.—The foliowing is the range of the thermometer and baroaieter, as- kept by George E. Shay, optician, Fifth street : • THERYOUETER. - , • In Earl.ln ahade. 9 A. ' 100° ' 82° 12 al - 91 0 6 P. M - '7B? . Barometer 29:1.10„ Cheap'- Advertising. . The Dispatch, and Gazette are down npen s tho sys tem which some - papers in the city have adopted of taking advertisements for cost or less than cost. The Post most heartily endorses what they have said. In regard to the bank advertising which is esp,ci ally-alluded to, we were the first to refuse it, rad -the several banks Which. advertise in the Post Lon . orably pay . cts a fair and honest prise. The foe being the only daily Democratic paper in the county is he a position to give any and all advertisers a fall return for their money. Oar Daily paper in the city and county, and the Weekly Post in all the counties of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, far. At oar established rates of advertising, Itle cheapest and best medium of reaching Democr , .tle customers, to be had. The commercial and lite-,1 y character of our Weekly gives us also a large trlat• ter of general readers of all parties. - Our mercha- ts and manufacturers have learned by experience tt,' at Deraccratic dollars 'are as good as any other dodurs. We advocate what we believe to bo the best interests of cur own people, and in return we are 'happy to say that they appreciate the utility of oar advertis ing columns. They are sensible men and know their own interests. They will not patronize papers of such a character ante taint their credit in distant cities where they may deal, and hence such papers are compelled to beg edvertising at whatever price they can get. The man who wishes 4o reach all classes o'r castomers, usually selects one paper of -each political party and cno independent juurnal as his medinnv , . In tusking such a selection, the Post now pzesents to the mercintile and advertising com munity a thence to obtain publicity for their business in Western -Pennsylvania and Ohio of a eharao'er which no other ilarnal in the city affords. Oar Mammoth Weekly, which costs bat $1 per year to clubs, is unrivalled in the State as a medium of com municating with the Democracy of the West. All advertisers who may wish to use its columns to make known their business, are welcome to an examine, 4ott of - our mall.books for the purpose of ascertain ing the nature, locality and extent of its circulation. Juba!, Lutz, Petitions f the pardon of John Lutz, now under B oate l : l eo of i t. for murder, are in circulation, but, 'we understand, they have not been very extensively signed. The petitions sat forth that he wait not ac corded a fair and Impartial trial, the public mind being at the time excited by the recent acquittal of another Party feta Similar offense ; that the stabbing of O'Laary,tock place in a mob, where several per suns, excited by liquor, were quarreling; and even admitting if had_ been done by Lutz, it could not be murder in the art degree; that O'Leary's wound was cf such a cha-reoter that it was difficult to deter mine whether he died from it or from bad surgery ; thet it is doubtful whether another person than Lntz did net commit tho offense; that the execution of Lutz at the present time will not subserve the par. pose or intent of the law inflicting capital punish ment; and lastly, that the evidence was not such as to shoe any specifie intent to mho life. We are in formed that Lutz is sanguine of obtaining a reprieve, but we think there is little hope in that direction. TenWe emstiaiit—Ttra _yea Killed in a Welt Yesterday, about noon, a fearful accident occurred in the Ninth Ward. Three map, Frank Grainer, Wm. Ware and David Hays. were making an excavation for the purpose of draining;a privy, on the lot of Mr. Albeitz, near the Fair Grounds. Grainer went down into the r7Q . 11 fur the purpose of tapping the privy, which ha had scareely done before lie was overcome with the foul air and fall br.o.l:tvards. Ware very imprudently jumped into the hnle to assist his com panion, bat ho was also overptmered. The well was filling up rapidly_ when .Uttys descended, but soon became ineenidbio and Was withdrawn. After some delay, the well haviag,filied up in the meantime to a depth of eight or ten 'Let, the bodies of Grainer and Ware - were recovcrcA, but life was quite extinct. With proper attontinn Hays was restfired. The Coro. nor held an inquest on the bodies and the jury re turned .a vr:rdit'q in aerordance with the farts. Ware had,been, were informed, engaged at the outer do- Pet of the - rr'et , ngylvania Railroad, and Grainer was a well-diqer. Both the deceased leave families. Chapter of Accf.dents. ..k*Th,e Monong.lhola Republican, of yesterday, de ' - tails a nu=.-be: of accidents in that vicinity : A little son o Mr. James Williams, of Franklin township, had his foot out off with a mowing ma chine, on last Saturday. Ho was obliged to suffer amputation. Mr. Joel Ferec was.t'azqwn. from his horse, on Fri day, breaking several bones in his hand, dislocating one wrist and =staining other injuries about the head. . John Clemens had his - collar bone brokon in the ammo Matta'. ..Mr. M. B. Craig, of Franklin township, was crip pled-for life by injuries received from amowing ma chine. . _ Mr. Robert Dotgan died suddenly on Tuesday night, from a carbuncle on his upper lip, srhich ap peared a few days provioua. An old woman, named Catharine Geho, seventy eix years of age, died from a etreke of palsy, on last Tharaday, at the County 'Poor House. Married va. Singh.—The cricket match at Oakland yesterday passed cff very pleasantly. The game was spirited and very closely contested, the bachelors coming out victorious-by a score of two pOints, with one man to go out. The Benediets had the wickets Ent, and made one hundred and sixty-aix in two innings, while the single ones made one hundred and sixty-eight in their two. Eleven players were out on each side, and in the morning it was thought the married men would be victorious, the beta being largely in their favor. Towards the close of the last innings, hoaevor, some fine playing having been made by the bachelors, the feeling changed, and tha result wse as above. .Dangeroue.—The practice of leaving tlower•pots on window sills la upper stories is extremely den geroni. Passing np Liberty street during the storm yesterday afternoon, we saw one blown down on the pavement, and a gentleman passing was only pre. vented from being struta by the falling crockery by a warning cry from the_ side walk. It is only a few days since a child was seriously injured in this way. An ordinance should be passed prohibit:lig the cus tom. • Burglary in Eczyette OULT.—The store of Mr. Mcv Gee, of Fayette City; was entered on last Sunday night, and somo money taken from the cash drawer. The proprietor heard a noise, and on examination discovered a man making his exit, feet foremost, from the window; aq. after givir g him a few heavy "hits" with a club, round, to his astonishment, that the robber was James Axton, a citizen of the place. He was taken into custody by the proper officers, and lodged is the county j ill to await hia triaL Paving the Ifonongahela Wharf. —The Wharf Ocronaitteo yesterday contracted with tho biesera• Finch 1.; Sori—for the paving of three thousand five hundred yards on the Monongahela wharf. The portion to be paved is between Ferry and Penn streets, and will be of great advantage to tho chip• ping interest. A Sanction - a Divideed.,,- 7 On the third. inst., the Directors of the Canonsburg Bank declared a divi dend of five per cent. frnin the profits of the past six months. This shows the bank to be in a healthy condition, and under the management of good o § • C 228. Fire..—Tho roof of a house on the East Common, 'Allegheny took fire from an upper room yesterday morning about eleven o'cio k. It was extinguiehed by the application of a few buckets of water. Fullerton, the hn9band cf the -:•man who died from the effects cf over-irdedgonez .4nor lust week, Wag gent to jsii yogteraay for clrankennegs The occurrence HUMS to have had little effect on A man narded Kate was seriously injured .n Wednesday, in South Pittsburgh, by the giving way of an e,mhar.kinent under which he was at wort. Wisky.,—A man named John Oakes was commit ted to jail by Mayor Stuckrath, on Thursday morn ing, charged with stealing a bottle of whisky from L. W. Stewart, a hqaor dealer in Allegheny. Be will be tried at the next tonrZ The Plc Nio for the benefit of St. John's Church, at Baldaff's orchard, above Birmingham, passed off pleasantly yesterday. A large concourse was pre sent who seemed to enjoy themselves to the top of their bent. The proceeds will be quite handsome. We are informed that we were in error in making the statement that Rev. Mr. Crompton had received a call to the Episcopal Church in East Liberty. A Bralasinan on the Cloveland and Pittsburgh Railroad bad his foot badly crushed while coupling cars at Woods' Run on Wednesday evening. William Munroe, who was alleged to have stolen a horse from Valentine Steckman, of Bedford, has sinetaaen arrested at Brownsville. Glad News! • Full of Hope to the Afflicted and ' Suffering.—Maniof the thousand portals of Death may be closed, and life made happier and more com fortable to thousands who are now in danger. Doubt less this world contains many a balm to soothe its phyileal woes and care its dk3emies. • Among those, in prominent rank, stands Bowman's Vegetable paaad. a safe alai Reek, ours for ConsulaPdon. • ..- -' .; - :": ' • Z-. :.;7;, ' !,i!::...„:,.-•, - .il...: . ; :rr5::.!:,.:...:. The aerman Siwy ing Societies.—We are requested to correct an impression which has gained currency, that the balance bf the p• of tho Saengerband festivities was applied for a pie ale by the Societies. The amount left in the hands of the Treasurer,oStor the payment of all osponses were $285. Of this $129 waapaid to the Frohaium Society, $129 to the singing section of the Freeman Society, and $25 to the Fort sohritt Society. Some Wino and other articles left over were divided among the'societies. On Wednesday, the members-of the Frohslum So piety held a pie nip at New Linden i3rove, where they enjoyed themselves with singing,. dancing, er, c. Tho expanses were borne by ece members individu ally, and the $129 received from the -Ssengerbund stiltremaina in the Treasury of, the Frobsium Society. W.V. TV. man named Kne4 watt sent to jail yo,terday by Mayor Weaver for abusing his better half. - - - 2/e attention of cash buyers is directed to the fact that Carnaghan, Allegheny City, is now offering un usual inducements in his stock. of well made clothing, furnishing goods, &.e., for men and boys. Examine his stock and prices. 0D R. HOSTETTER'S BITTERS—These Bitters are Universally acknowle4!ged to be a sore preventative and cure for Fever and Ague, Flatulence, heaviness of the stomach, or any other like affaztion. Their effect upon the system is most miraculous; they give a healthy tone to the system, remove all morbid matter, and in fact, thoroughly cleanse the system of all impurities. The proprietors, in presenting this preparation to the public, assure them that in no•singla case, when it has been used according to their dictatloce. hes It been known to fail, but on the contrary new sir tutw have 1, - en discovered in its uae. To those afflict ed with any of the above ills of the body, the "Bitters" are offered as a speedy and certain cure. Try them, and form y.wir own opinion. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere and by HOSTETTER St SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, OS Water and 6.8 Front streets. 03. hL OLIN'S CELEBRAThD STOMACH BIT TE 118—Try them, and eatisfy yonreelves that they are all they are recommended to be. The proprietor doss not pretend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to teat their own merits, and the constantly increasing demand for them is sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far en peeler to any preparation of the kind n;w in the market. Theii use is always attended with the most beneficial re snits in cases of Llyspepeia, ices of appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. it removes all morbid mstter from the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a healthy tone to the whose system. Be sure and call for .1.3 L Olin's Celebrated Eltomaza Bitters, and see that the article pur. chased bears the name of .3. M. Olin, as manufacturer. For sale by J. hI. OLIN, site proprietor and manufacturer, No. 287 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa, and by druggists and dealers generally. JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture it Chairs, Wareroorns, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, In addition to the Furn;turo basinus, I alto devote attention to UNDERTAKING. Hearses and Carriages F ~:o~~ ' 0. G 5 FIFTH STREET.- ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for H. M. Warren & Co„) MANI3PA':TURER AND DEALER W AItHEN'SFELT, CEMIENT, GRAVEL ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, ROOFING MATERIALS . > .OF3IOE, No. a FIFTH ETREET, opposite Odd Fel lowa Hall, Pittsburgh, I a. i 99 BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful St:1311ln RE.'SDE.T alll ba opened for the reception of Visitors on the 16th of June, and kept open until the lot of October. The new and spacious building erected last year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment has teen furn ished in superior style, and the accommodations will be of a character not excelled in any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr, A. G. ALLEY, whoa& experience, courteous manners, and atten tion to his guests give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of access, it is deemed pro per to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambersbnrg. The Company have made extensive arrangements to sup ply dealers and Individuals witn BEDFORD WATER" by the barrel, carboy, or in bottles, at the following prices, at the Springs, viz:— For a barrel, (Mulberry,) $4 00 .'(Oak,) 3 00 " (Mulberry,) • 300 .` " (Oak,) 200 Carboy, 11l gallons . 2 25 Bottles, 1),4'. pint, 1 , 4 dozen 1 50 The barmis are carefully prepared, so that purchasers may depend upon receiving therWater fresh and sweet. All communications should be addressed to TILE BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS 00., Ledford county. Pa. REMOVAL. iripHE sub3eriber has removed the balance of Su tie stock of FURNITURE To lb:- ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, 'No. 64 Fifth street, where he offers every article at the redoced prices. Every article to marled iu plain tigurei,. , nd those in want of Furniture, are respectfully invited to call and examine the Goods and Fricee, bsicre purchasing elsewhere. EL EL RYAN. AFFITT & 0 L D, GAS FITTERS, BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS, Ivor. 127 and 129 First Street, and Federal Street, Aileghtf GM' Pipes out up, and 'Fish:tree of the latest styles and patterns. We have a very large stock of Gas Fixtures on hand, to which we call particular attention. jy2o.3m 111AFFITT a OLD. AMERICAN WATCHES—The best arti cle for a RAILROAD TIME KEEPER, is one of Ap pleton Tracy & as.'e American Lovers. Every Watch is accompanied with a gurrentee from the manufacturers. ItELNEMAN & 511YRAN, No. 92 Fifth street, ji24 Agents for the Boston Watch Factory. It/FANNY'S PATENT COMBINED MOW ivy_ ER AND REAPER, Manufactured by PATCHEN, WESTFIELD, N. Y. The wonderful success of the MANN" Machine, both in this country and in Europe, is well known. The best recom• tn , nds from thousands of farmers who have used it, shows that its popularity is de❑erved end permanent. For the harvest of 1858, I have made such improvements in the machine as to adapt it more perfectly to the wants of the farmers of Western Pennsylvania. These improvements were thoroughly tested by sample machines used during the last harvest. None but the best selected materials has been used In the construction of the machines for the com ing harvest, and every care has been taken to render the workmanship superior, making this the MOST DUTLUILI AND LY.IST rXPENSIVz MACHINE TO BLIP IN WSPLIP, as well as the most porfact for either Mowing or Reaping, now in use. Machines and a fall supply of extras, will be kept at 97 First street, Pittsburgh. A. PATCHEN. JOHN HART, GENERAL AGENT, Office and Ware Boom, 97 First street, Pitt:eta:rel. LOCAL AGENTS: - C. G. Turn: , 1 •.,..,ntown, Fayette county, Pa., James E. Stetlt 1:, Perryopolis, Fayette county, Pa., Aaron Bran- e_, it:ownsvillo, " " Isaac Franlre, New Geneva, " Aarorr Bray:fly. Drinningsvilie, Washington county, Pa o William McCabe, Peril, James Cotton, Washington, o Jordan a Brothers, Ilit. Pleasant, West raorelarel Co-, Pa., A. W. A A. T. Turney, Greensburg, " " J. F. Etcher, Carmichael, Greene county, Pa. W. LI. Simpson, Cross Cat, L.9,wrelaCe county, Pa, Joseph Brlttaln, New Brighton, Beaver county, Pa., J. H. klolderbaum, Somerset, Somerset county, Pa. rnyS:Banw -----,• .. - :-- \ — .1. - _ - _ -- __;. -- _ SUGARS, r , FOR P7-tEISET:‘TING, VERY CHEA P DOCKET KNIVES, Pocket Knivee, Pocket ElliTU4, Of all miters, and at all prices, at CARTWRIGIIT & YOUNG'S, Manufacturing Cutlers, No. HO Wood street. HORSES AND DOGS. Cincinnati is now the largest horse merket in the Dotted States, and during ono week, lately, forty thousand dollnre' worth of horses were mold at the 'rations etablem. In this city, the municipal ordinances require that all do should be mum. zied, and to no way can the req roman of the law, be better fulfilled than by procuring one of the WIRE BASKET MUZZLES, BOWN TRTLETS, No. 1/1 1 3 Wcod week A HOUSE on Mt. Washington, for sale by S. GUTEIREP2 6: SON, jy22 blilasket street. 500.000 ENvEjLorPecEeilßaull: mule of the Stationery Etore of W. S. HAV r Ett, jaet Omer Market and Beo.xul ey..edt. - - L•7' 4 ; al ‘; • - itirt; -s";nk,i-• • • PITTSBURGH', PA, cam: dlp—{n ROOFS, A ES' TEA EMILE, No 08 Fifth street Pocket Knives, Pocket Knives Pocket •-_ COMMERCIAL. PIWTSBURGIEI BOARD OID TRADIZ AZID MERCHANTS, saxCEIANGIIE.. President. W. H. NV/GUAM. Vitt Fraidents, EIiIINGT, Ist, ISAIAH DIOKIIY, 21. rrea.:urcr. N. NCLIMEM Si Ll:werfniendent. JOSEPH SNOWDEN. Cbramittee of Arbitration for June. F. 8.. BRUNOT, V. P., JOHN S. 00SORAVE, J. B. OANIVILD, SA3IIIEL SHRIVER, DAVID APCANDLESS Stage of Water. Two feet four inches water in the channel. PITTSBURGH !MARKET. Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning Post Fl.Ol l / I ...Ciontinnea high; with no isalea of importance from first hatda, and but little arriving. Bales 250 bbis. from stcre,g $4,25 for superfine, $4,78 for extra do. and $5 @5,12 and . ss,2o for extra family. CEIIIESE.-13ales 45 boxes W. It. at 7 1 X,@”8. HAY...Sales 10 loads from males at $8 to $lO pi ton. GRAII4...But little doing In Wheat. Sales cf HOG bush. Oats from river and canal at 33c, and in small lots from store at 36c BAOON...SaIos 10,000 !Cis clear bulk Sides at 731, nod 2000 lb a. canvassed sugar cured Hams at 12c. OlL—Bales of 20 bbls. Lard No. at 75c.; 15 bbls. No. 1 at 85c. idOLASSEB...3O bbis. N. 0. sold at 2.3 1 ) 4c. SUGAR...S hhds. prime sold ter 9c. SALT...BO bble. No. 1 at $l. W00L...1s beginning to come In and is bdught at 23 to Sic., according to quality. WHISKY—BaIes 80 bbls rectified in luta at 23@234c. ALLEGHENY 0 A.TTLE MARKET. An.r.onrcrr Carr, July 29, 1858. The market wee more active dtuing the week. There was a fair eastern demand ; the prices are unchanged : BEEVES. Offered by No. crawl 44 J. B. Huff -159 J. Myers & Bro 14...... D. M'Faden 22 Greenawalt & 91 Marks & Co 33 0. K. Ward 92 Merrick & Co 35 Eronse & Co—. 18...... A. D. McFadden 14....... J. Loney 14 Whitten berger & Oo 30 J. Conn 17 J. P. Price.... 12...... A. Campbell.. 14 T. B Taylor... 19 G. W. %long.-- 17 N. Rodgera 20 N. Carr 40......01emann & C 0.... 95 H. Beal 65 Gray & Merrick. 154 Georgo Emerick. 21 Thomas Seymour 20 C. W. Norton-- 18 W. Holmes 22 C Pflsfer 20 D. W011et,........ 18 J. Bough 20 M. Vandervort.., 18 H. Montgomery 19 W. Malden 84...... W. Hasslwood. Na. sold. Prim. 44 2 3V2 gran ..... —.. 149 2%@3Y '' . i __ 14 2%@)2 '' ...... „.... 22 2 , @)1 4 " ..... ....... 91 2 ®SX, u ........ 88 8 fa% " 92 3 @ 3 4 sent east. 14 2 @3 l / 4 ' growl 14 31%®.1 -,. sent east. 17 3 @3 1 ,5 gross 12 3 © 3l " 10 3 @ , 3 . 18 2. 1 4@3 " 17 2%@3 " .020 3 @-% " ...... sant east. 95 3 gross. ....., sent east. 64 2 , ./ 4 ©4 gross. ....... 21 31 . 20 2 8 1 18 3@3% " 18 3 1 /013% " 22 $25 per hisad. 20 $2O " ...... 18 $4O 20 $4O " 18 3% gross. 19 2 @3% 34 2 @3 " 1161 offered 1008 63 sent east SHEEP AND LAMBS About 788 Sheep and 140 Lambs were offered and Bold at 2@.3 1 /, gross for Sheep, and $1,50@2,00 ';B head for Lambe. CALVES About 200 head 'zero sold at the yards and railroad plat form at $2 ?it head. Philtadelphia !Market. PEETLADBI2II3I, July 29.—The Flour market is firm, but the demand for export la limited; salsa of 800 bbla at $5 for fresh ground superfine, and $4,37%®4,56 1 4, for recently ground; that is a steady inquiry for home consumption at $4,25 up to $5. Eye Flour and Corn Meal are scarce; the latter Is held at $3,6217p bbl. Wheat is scarce, and in good request; sales of 2800 bash in lots at $1,20. Rye is hold at 70c. Corn is unsettled; sales of 3600 tr_iti yellow at 90, 91 and 93e, afloat and in store. Tb9re is a steady demand for old Oats, but now are plenty, and dull; 5000 bush Pennevl runir and Delaware sold at 36@42. Whisky is firm, and In demand at 25 7 A@20e for bbla. Now York Market. Nxw YORK July 29.—Cotton ; 403 bales sold. Flour firm; sales 16,000 bbls State has advanced sc; sales at $4,75@)4,90. Wheat, sales 80,000 bush; southern white $1,32@1,45; west. ern $1,08©1,10; Milwaukee Club unsound 85®92; Chicago Spring 80@93. Corn; sales 13,000 bush; white si©l,os; sound mixed 89. Boon firm. Sugar buoyant at - 1 7,4f"&jic, better 5,1 e.% 8000 hhds at 6@0% for Orleaniu7,B3-4, for Mus cavado and 63@y9 for Porto Rico. Coffee stesdy at 11c. Molasses firmer, Muscovado 27@32c. Freights dull. New York Stoels4*arket. Nzw Yoag, July 19.--Stocks heaty. Chicago and Rock Island 78 1 4; Illinois Central 74X.; Mich. Southern 24; N. Y. Central 8.5%;; Reading 48 5 %; Milwatilfoe and Miedesippi 17; Canton Co. 20%; Iliseoun 85%; Galena and Chicago 173 Mich. Central 93; Erie 17%; La Crosse land grants 2334. Oa NERVOUS HEADACHE.—Rev. W. G. Howard, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, at Chicago, 111 l - nob:, who has been a great enfferer from nervous headache, but who has experimoed entire relief from it, by the use of WILSON'S PILLS, in a letter, dated June 18th, 18,58, ad dressed to Messrs Pahnestock & Davis, of Chicago, Illinois, says :—" During the last twenty years, I have made use or a great variety of medicines prescribed by Allopathic and Hcrnaceopathbs physicians, but all have failed; and I had re linquished all hope of relief, until I was induced to resod . to WILSON'S PILLS. These have effectually relieved me in repeated instances of late, and I can cheerfully and can eclentionely recommend them to others who aro similarly affected." This sovereign remedy is sold by B. L. Fahae atock A Co., corn.r of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, to whom orders for supplies should be addressed. (jyl&oc iv pslT BIATR- /A, ' 4 rt . ) ti. .4- v , . N 0 . 6 6 cO, ~- .....4_ .V 2.4 - **7 .z FOURTH STREET. r"" Tfrr 4 1 , ;. , Third Door Went of tho Bank of Pittsburgh. *, INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS, This Institution waa organised in 1834, and still continues under the same careful and prudent man agement, which has so long afforded satisfaction al td se curity to Its depositors and customere. Its stockist Oders are all individually liable for any moneys deposited , and besides the money and property of the Bank itself, iti: a un dersigned are individually responsible to &paella,* I ...o the whole extent of their private means: James Marshall, Hay Walker, John Scott, Wm. Young, .. John Floyd, Jacob Painter, Wm. Walker, Joseph Long, Henry M'Geary, James A. Knox: Samuel George, Robert Robison,.' Thomas Mellon, I Thomas Scott, Robert Bell, D. A. Stewart, John M'Devttt. Joseph Lova, Richard Floyd, J. E. Brown, Robert Galway, of I{ Mantling. apl7:lyw JOHN S. SHAFFER'S CARRIAGE & HARNESS REPOSITOM, Nos. 7 4mcl. 0, Corner Diamond Alley & Deeatnr litreet, Between the Diamond and Liberty Stret Carriages storod, sold, and bong! It on com mission. Repairing done promptly. Parch , mete from th e country will find a large assortment of CABERIAGES, BUGGILES AND FL/ I RNEss , Which will please them, lx.th as to gun' ity and price myB:l3 w WOOD STREF:ii PRO PERTY FOIL SALE.—An 'v.:divided third r art of that valuabin property, eittutte. IV the corner of tall .th and Wood streets, „...h""..LIA 130 fee: .ront on Wood by 60 deep on Sixth etree t. G.,. . de above will be acdd far $B,OOO. One-half its hand—b- - .dance at one, two and three ,"years. B. OUTMILEST lc SON, • 61 Market !treat. THE SUMMER RUSH FO R WARM WE/TREF. °LATHING, Far Gentlemen and Bop, is now at its height. NEW STYLES. NEW GOODS. , And low prices, takes the people to OEMTigiVii GOTHIC HALL, Corner Waal street and Diamond alley. °LOSING OUT SALE of spring and sum- NL,/ mer BOOTS AND SHOES, At a great reduction from former rates. Call soon and se• cure a bargain. Be paember the place—at the Cheap Cash 08 Market sheet, two doors from 'fifth IMPORTANT TO BUYERS.—We have now placed Lyon the counter a lot of SOILED GAIT LIU?. and SHOES, which we offer CHEAP. Call and exam ine them. All lands of summer wear selling at the most reasonable pri,cefi. Misses' Gaiters, black and colored, with and without heels, low. Children's Fancy Shoes, of the newest styles 'We have still a few Men's Patent Leather Gaiters left, now selling at greatly rednsed prices. DIPBANBACTIER & CO., No. 17 Fifth street. near Market. TUST PUBLlSHED.—Brightly's Pardon's Annual Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, for each of the years 1853,1865, 1855, 1858, 1857 and 1858, namely, from the 28th "tot May, 1853, to 28th of May, 1868. The whole completing Etroui and Brightly's Pardon's Digest to the present date, by Broderick 0. Brightly, Esq., for sale by J. E. WELDIN, No. 83 Wood street, near Fourth. CEIZESE-2 00 boxes prime cutting Cheese, ma day rsoalvecl, and for rale by Y 22 'MiRr FL mums. Prrisstrass, July 2D. 185.3 1008 sold PITTSBURG H, PA WSEPH H BORLAND, PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYING WITII TIES URGENT ILI:QUEST OF HEN. DIUiDS OF TIIMIR , PATIENTS, DRS. C. if. FITCH AND J. W.-SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGII, dud may be consulted at their dike, No, 191 Evan street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR WTI, Daily, except Sundays, for D9NSU'' 22 TiO r . I , ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL t THE,: COMPLANTS, complicated with, or revising pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Fer.lals Carpplcrints ; DRY /ITCH it SYKES w ould state that their treatment of Cmsamption u htoied upon the fact that the discate in U e blood and system al large, both Wore and during as dezeopmcat in the lungs, and they therefore employ Meehan. Ical, Hygienic and Mediml remedies to purify tho blood end strengthen the system. With these, they use hiItDIOAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only es Billies. hoes, (having no C.7atiee cfice4 when used alone,) and Diva lids are earneetly cautioned against wasting the precions time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false idea that the "seat or the disease can be reeehed sin a direct manner by Inhalation," for, art before stated, the seat of the disease is in the blood and its effects only in the langs. *V' No charge for coraltatlon. A Wit of questions will be deut to awe° wishing to consult _ us try letter. 3,29:eit,w DOLLAR SAVINGS BANE, respwits made with this Unr bef re the tiret day of August, will draw Interest from that date. jy29:3t CIIAS. A. COLTON, Treasurer. OFFICE OF PITTSBURG2th 1 H GAS C 0.,), 1 July, 1358. aW. DIVIDEND.—THE T RUSTEES THE PITTS- Bugeni GAS t.,.....01PANY have this day declared dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Steck of tue Company, payable on demand to Stockholder; or their legal repreaentativoe, at their office, on Smithfield otrest. y 13:2w JAME SI. CHRISTY, Treasurer. - OD NOTICE—ME INTERE'ST COUPONS of the Bon to of Lawrence County, to the PITTS BURGH AND ERLD RAILROAD CO7iLPANY, due July, 1858. will be paid at the office of W. IL WILLIAMS A Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. The change in place of payment i 4 made in consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company, New York, where the C )upo.a art payable By order of .17,9 TEM COIibIISSIONI2.S. CANDIDATES. Om A BOUND DEMuiIitATIO Plcire publish the following ticket which, it ounii ratted, would certainly ba °looted : COIRE , 3B GEORGE F. GILLMORE Mika: WILLIAM. G. HAWIUNS A92.1.3113LY SAMUEL C. WINGARD, JAMES IRWIN, JOSEPH O'BRIEN, ROBERT GUTHRIE, PHILIP STEVEN-80'i. PROTHONOTA RY : JACOB McCOLLI BUM SaILIF? : DR. G D.)RGE 0011111291ONLL JAl , lllfi SALISEUR'! At bliOtt : DANIEL WEETZ JyBo Nnvaa FAINI.TE T.)V7NSEIIP U. DEMOCRATIC TICKII.r.—Afr. Editc,r : As the time approaches for making the nominations f:lr the fall election, the Democrats are looking about CT srzitable candidates to place upon their ticket. Allow me to suggest the following name. for their consid eration. There is not a gentlemen narnoil, who is not a thorough national Democrat: CO:MELBA. HON. CHARLES SHALF.B., City ErEMATP. 110 N. WILLIAM WILKINS, PcoL!es ASSEMBLY : JOHN M. IRWIN, City, I`IIOMAS S. LIAR:, Indiana, JONL KETCHUM, Elizaboth, HUGH LAFFERTY, Baldwin, WILLIAM ticLiNE, North Fayette SEMI) : BARNES FORD, Lowor S'. Clair PROVIONOTARY : JOHN BIRMINGHAM, Ohio COUNTY caleausaiolmt : THOMAS FARLEY, Allegheny City lIDITP.O _WON MOP-11AV, South Pittebn-F,ll CORONER: VTILLIAII ALEXANDER, City CITY WEST OF TILE ALLEGHENY EASTZILN NECH SOUTH OF VIM NIONONG 6HF.L.I. 4 yl2:d to —l2 'OD dlr. Editor:—As the time is approaching when the Democ;ncy will assemble in County Convention, fcr the purpose of forming a ticket to be voted for at the ensuing election; with your permission, I would suggest through the columns of your valuable paper, the name of GEORGE F. GILLMORE, as a suitable candidate for Com grees, fix the Twenty•Pirst Congressional District. Mr. Gillmore is a gentleman who has always been identified with the democratic party, and whose political record stands clear. Ile was the able and efficient editor of the Post, dur ing the late Presidential canvass; a paper that done as good service as any other paper in the country. Mr. °Rimer° is a gentleman of ability, and is deservedly popular. ills nomination would give general satisfaction. jy29:daw A DEMOCRAT. Ut. CORONER.—JOHN M. McOIInBNEY, of the bor ongh of Manchester, will be supported as n caudidute for the office of Coroner, subject to the decision of the Demo. cratic County Convention. J y 29 MANY DEMOCRATS. sIiERIFF.—The undersigned offers himself to the Democracy of Allegheny county, w a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the dechnon of the Democratic Conven • Mon., BARNES, FORD, Upper St Clair. '[.I7SHERIFF.—The undersigned offers himlnilf a can Vote to the Democracy of Allegheny county for the office o' Sheriff, stibient to the decision of the Demo erotic Convention. MATTHEW HA.RBISON, jy2l:dbvvto Robinson township. OD OORONIRL.—The undersigned offers himself as a candidate before the next Democratic Convention for the office of Coroner, and asce the support of the De- EDOCraOyLENOX RIGA. Lic 31!________ . ________ 1 0* COUNTY COMMISSINER—The friends of CHAS. BRYSON, of West Deer township, will urge his nomi nation for the Aloe of County Commissioner, before the next Democratic Convention; subject to the usages of the party. jyl4:d&wto .--..- ..... STEAMBOATS. CINCERINATI. For Cincinnati. The elegant side wheel, passenger packet BIIPERIOD—Capt. Itsrmorm J. GRAM-will leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, Ti IN DAY, the 4th Wet., at 12 o'clock, ss. For freight or passage apply on board, or to FLACK, BARNES 1k CO., Agents. Through to Bt. Lords in five days. This boat connects with the mail line, and will go through in the time spool- Sad. She will leave on Saturday. ap22 ZANESVILLE. For Marietta and Zo.neaville. The steamer EMMA GRALLAM, Capt. Mon 011 ATBBB, will 3eave for the above and all ''''----.4'''qntermediate ports on every TUESDAY, at 4 (Week, P. M. Tor - freight or passage apply on board. I i‘o3 TOE WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR, Fifth Street, Next Door to the Pittsburgh Thea:re. The house is new, built especially for the purposes of a First Class Restaurant and Saloon, and the proprietor hay • lug had many years experience in the business will keep constantly on hand the best that the markets quality. Mford.He H is is Wines, Liquors and Ales, eof wa all his old friends and the public 'generally to give him a call at the Symposium. del2.-ly NEW ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has ltssed, and fitted up 58,61111 commodi ous roams, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth street, which are now epee for the Summer season. La • dies and gentlemen can always find an abundant supply of PRESH CONFECTIONARY, FRUITS, TOE CREA.II, WATER 10E8, and all the refreshments of the season. All are respectfully requested to visit the rooms, and test for • themselves. (je10) iIcOINLEY. ONLY $750 for a Dwellingfruit House of four rooms, a largo Lot of ground, trees eta., pleas anti v eitnated In South Pittebn.rgh, on the poin't treet of Mount Waal, ington, immediatly opposite Smithfield s, CUTHBERT SON, of easy terms, by S. 61 Market street. IV A., RIETY I—A Farm of 40 acres; one of 12 act vim one of 302 acxe Braldleg Lots, price $lOO, pay. ab 'sin su, me of $2 a week. Dwelling Houses in Pittsburgb, Allegheny , South Pittsburgh, and 51 mut if ashbagron; a pleasant ri Gidence in Sewicly; 3 LOU in Baden, for sale by jyl3 8. OUTID3BII2 A EON, b 1 2d.arket st. .1 ADWELLINGHOUSEUTHB cm Thir SON d streei tor rent. B. CERT Sr. , Je23 61 Market street. MOUNT •WASHINGTON.—For Bale—A = a m i a ble two story frame dwelling house of four rooms, with a large lot of ground, fruit and shade trees, dowers, &0., a good cistern, with pump, in the kitchen, &c., palling; fence, situate on Bycamore street, Mount Washing ; ton. S. CUTHBERT & SON, street. WAR°& Campbell's Ram tatarob, tor sale by , 00. °Bg W. EL. Oral • . . .'i . 7.-..! , ' , ::; , ,5','....... .. ! . . , , - .6:,, , . ,- ,-;., , ,J, -, .; '..::t;:'':.;::;..,?,:.,..;.,:',...,.-.- BUSINO,a;;OAItia BRANDIES, GINS DE A Ln • PINE OLD MONONGARECS.:p:MWIVIT PENNE. AND APPLE Eltidoi.D 4 ll A clo - .? RECTIFIERS AN 1) Corner of Smithfield rind Aiir ODA fitreeetlip °pit] PITPSDUEGIL TA. • . . S. B. & C. P. MARIELRi. MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS OF WRAPPING 2E : I - Warehouse, No, 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ,o)...Raga ho)llt?,ht at market pricoa. rap+ 11 , 1S.Vilt0IYAEL. JOHN MOORBEAD has romovod to No. 74 Water street, below Market JO 1 N 310 4) lit. EAID , COMMISSION • MERCHANT, POR TEC S&L; OP PIC Fce - rAL AI BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BIIIOW MARKET, turn PITTSI3URGH, PA PfirIiSBINAGH STEEL WORKS. I6A AO JONES JNO. L. BOYD ...... WM. McCULLOUGH JONES, BOYD & CO. CIIIMPAUT33IfII3 07 CAST ST E, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. COriartr Floors and il'tsat. Streata, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1 1 1 0 0 1?, FIElk D & CO., ILINUFA.CTURER of American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, F9r Elooang, Gag,toritag t fipouting, ate. AOENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 136 IFlrot street, nirakly-is PITTSBURGH, PA. L. B. E. va D. IL „ROGERS A CO., 3IAJRUFACTIMBREI or ROGERS' IMPROVED PATELIT ,9414, 1 EL CULTIVATOR TEETO, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST STREETS; WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IV.IERCHANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, Dl ear Wood street, k'' Always on hand, Blackberry, CLerry, and Cognac Brnadlea, Old Menonsaliehs end lb:elided Whiaky, of the ea Ga. VnaLi.y. .IIAMES i. FETZER, Forwarding and CalliMinioll Merchant, TOL 11311 EALLI 0.7 lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Driod Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of blarlzet and Flret atroet3. PPP.TBBiI RGH, PA. Berm TO—rrancia G. Baily, Est.., William Dilworth, Sr., . Cuthbert A Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Ileiskell wearinn, S. Brady, Cm+. & NY. Bank. List & Howell, &Luigi° ge Co., George W. Anderson, Dania Paxton a Co. Wheelitz. nrrinaetir cAMIIEL FAHNESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD 1...) street, Pittsburgh, har. an hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Nirtich he will sell very low for OASI{. In addition to hie Locke, Hinges, Knives and Forte, and Epooar, and a huge sssortMent of 'Carpenter's Tools, he has received a large 311P ply of Pansage Critters and Stuffors ; Shovels:, Tong - nee and Pokers Sleigh Bells, and Enameled .00 Prooorving Kettles. ATitiIINEY AT LAW AND :;ONVE,YANORP, W H. W. Ei 31 11 1!1 'lf ~ WHOLESALE MID RSTML FIRST PREIIIIIII READY IRDE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK IL4YUFACTOI?I"; NO. 606 ARCEFSTREET, PHI.L.ADEL PULA. Wertne and Cotton Under Phu ta and Drawers, Cra vats, 'death, G10v0,4, handkerchiefs, Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stodts made to erdor by meas• nrement, and warranted to give Batt Efaction. E. P. MII*IDLETON Sr. BRO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALEII6 IN FINE OLD WHISKYS, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, Jalayd PHILADELPIIIA. GO AND SIEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, OORNER THIRD AND iIIARKE/T SM., PITTSBURGH. THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Hy work is got rip by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) livery attention is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. No. 72 THIRD Street. Pittsburgh. (mySilvis DAVID WILLTAms, °WIT, ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR NI,J FOR TRB ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five gurneys and upwards, and for bating Buildings, public or private. by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. myStitrLs PITTSKURGEL p CARTWRIGHT & VOITNG, (Succenon to Jahn Carttoright,) 10 - ANUFACTITRERS AND IMPORTERS AA_ of Pocket and Table Cutleryßurgic and aul Den tal Instruments Guns, Pistols, Plotting Tackle, etc., No. 8E Wood street. They give special attention the nastattactar ng of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and .Ibepairinp itu punctuality and despatch. spl7 ICIITCHCOCK, 511"CILIST.111' & CO. (SUOUSSORS TO 11131711 AN, M'ORI.X.RI A 00.,) VORWARDING .6 ND COMMISSION MPROHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Motu and Wool, No. 114 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 11117111111N011 1 0 Springer Harbangh, Joseph E. Bider, St. Lode; Pittsburgh; Penton Bros., 64 n. Chi/113 A Co, Cornell & Dorsey. Baltimore Bagaley, Cosgrove & Co., " Garret A ..11.artin,Philadelphit , ;'"oCandless,lll.eans A Co., " Jamaa, Hent,Eantee A Co. " G. - W. Smith, A Co., " Wfv4ror A Graham, Geo, 7xl. AL. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling A Oo_, " D. B. Penton A Bros., " Yard, Gilmore A Co., " EL Mo9OE Dealers in Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish log Goods, corner of Federal street and Market Square Allo ghPrly City, Pa. jel2:ly rz .„.,... i _a x ,,, i-T , ..- w-t,-)).4 gtv_r-A -r-) _,,.. 1 ,,,,..„ k,...c.w,4,,,,r,L,,..k,..„,0 .„. ~ ~,,.: ~,,._.,.,_,. t.s.-w.4wrvin= ~.,,,, ~-..,, .., . ...,.., -,.. L;-, Zi' .-;- AI -.,4;x - ,, ' 1 ,/, f , '''":', , :e-: - - 7 V-111:'4IV.`.:::!:..inze ..: ..,,... ~,, - ,'',,, . 1,17V-47."1/4 7 . },...;,__ M tilaBLE 1 MARBLE Jr 0I& C IG +9 NONUMENTg GRAVE STONES Enclogureo, Pogt9 s , Eiva. Tha pnbll3 ore I , ) 3peztfully Invited to examine our dock. Prices low, and work varrautrxi. tlp7rvi..7 Rows -7. POINT BOX F BUSHA Q GuTz.NDOR.I O Manufacture to order, BOKF.S suitable for Soap add candle., Hardware and Variety Goeds, etc , etc. Ordere prr,Eoptlv Wird. DALSELL- J E. BB➢A.DltlO ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 Moroi , ctreat. Pittabnvab. Pa. nott27. FURNITURE FOR CAS :. A full assortment of Pitbiburista manufactured FURNITITIIE, embracing BUREAUX, WARD RORES, And every nrticieneeded in a well furnished dwelling, na well as a spledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done at this establishment is for OA S/I. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at FAOKINER No. 103 Smithfield street, l'elow Fifth. J. D. FACMCg. 3 BI Jous Torn. VOUNDRY IRON.-8C tons, for sale by Je3o HENRY H. COLLINS. RITA TR, & WYELI'S CUEMICAL FOOD -LP large supply ved this day. For sale whole• ode arid retail by JOSEPH FUMING, " •e. 4 ,' '1""t• - •:`k: •:1 7. F I TTSB itO iZ. pA PITTSBURGH, PA HARDWARE• c. xa ~ r•B*Jaara, 01f1:02 WjiD. IL3l7llll'.laS 7ol!lb ,G. nL DoSOLL McGE E & CO MERCEIANT TAILORS, HAS A BrAUTIFIIL SIILF.CTION Or °TORY BOOK CAbilS, • , ;' , -*P'l , ;>r- -, '" ,, 4 . 14 '4 , 14 , 4 5 :•, .4"" . • •':*. 54' V4} . y.it.r.5. 4 .i.P4V "' ' '.4- V ,‘ ": 4*-I:ti f 4`\4 4Zt .44 7- • ' : 40...4.r:5;.:rt4c_ Ark 7 , '",c.= - "r. - • - * • DR. R. A. WILSON'S Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic PILLS, PREPARED AND BOLD BY B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. AS AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient tonio, catuartic and anti dyspeptic medicine, these Pills are recommended to the public by the farmer prowl. etor, (DB. WILSON,) with a confidence such as a long con• tinned and careful trial of them in an ample practice war rants. In their operation as a cathartic, they influence more the motory and less ihe secerning power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They egrco with the most delicate atom• ash, removing nausea, pain, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AS AN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC—They neutralise and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent-the elimination of gaseafrom the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action which should never exist in the human stomachi From these peculiarities in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a free, fall and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nausea, local or general. debility, or that dis gusting sickness or costiveness—the usual effects which at. tend or follow the use of other purges. CERTIFICATES. Extract of a letter from H. Pim-worth & Gb, Druggids, Memphis, Tennessee, January i, 11358. B. L. FLELYSSTOCR. a Co.—We were the first to in. endue° Dr. 8.. Adams Wilson's Pills here many years ago. They were the bait Pill over in this market. We use no other in our own families, and secured for them a high tharacter by our recommendations. Yours, truly, EL P. BABNBBWORTH & CO. .artract of a letter from G. W. Irwiry NadhmTle, Tennessee, February 15. 1858 Draws. R. L. Fetuasstoos It Co.—Dear Sir: I have seen Dr. r.. A. Wilson's Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have used then myself, and believe them to be the beet Pill in use. I have no doubt they will cure many ot'er complaints when properly used, and I cheerfully recommend them to the public. Respectfully, yours, G. W. IBWIN. From Colonel Wm. flopkira, late Chnal armasissioner. WAHHINaTON, Pa. January 8, 1858—Dear Doctor : I have been using your " Anti-Dyspeptic " Pills, when occasioned required, for many years, and can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and bead. They have never failed to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition they found it. I must confi dently recommend your Pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. Very respectfully, etc., DR. It. ADAILIB Writes. WM. HOPRTNS. From Thos. Elaelcmore, Esq., Treasurer of Allegheny tom., Ph. To t a. it A. Wnaort.—Dear Sir : I have been using your Pills since 1840, and do decidedly say they are the best,Pill to nee, or that I have any knowledge of. I first used them for "sick headache," with which I coffered beyond deecrip• non ; I am happy to say, that they entirely curedme. Since then I use them as a family medicine : if I am bilious, or anything ails me, and I require medicine, I take a Pill,and it cures me; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years. THOS. BLAOIIIIIOII.E January 8,1858 Hear Dr. Keyser. Mr.ssiss. B. L. Penrinsrock a Co—l have had considerable experience in the use of the extraordinary Pill compounded by Dr. R. Adams Wilson, of which you are now the propri etors, and have often felt their benign influence in my own case for "nervous headache," arising from a disordered con dition of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them fok others, in cases of " hemlcrania" and other firms of head. ache depending on a deranged and irritable condition of the stomach and digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar. ly adapted, being entirely free irom any griping tendency. I regard them as a very valuable . Pill, and one that purges without at all debilitsring. Yours truly, GEO. H. KEYSER, 140 Wood street. Pittsbargh, Marsh 5, 1855. jylilydaw 44 THE GREATEST " ( '- AY' r HICAL , • 'T . OF THE AGE. MR. I . ..:3NNEDY, of Roxbury, has disoov , or - J 1 1 ,3 of our common putare woods a remedy hat Car Every kind of Humor, ..77.0_41 T 11 WOILST SCROFULA DOWN TO A 005LliON Re has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except In two cases, (both thunder humor.) He hoe sow In his possession over ono hundred certificates of h., value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to care a rousing sore month. One to three bottles will care tho worst kind of Pimplel co the face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of bilee. Two bottles are warranted to curs the worst canker In tht month or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to mire the worst kind of Erysipelas. (.$...e to two bottles are warranted to cure all hamar inithr eyes. Two bottles are warranted to care running of the ears and blotches among the hair. roar to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will care scaly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the wenn:had of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles aro warranted to cure salt-Ithrnam. Five to eight bottles will cure the word case of scrofula. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken DOSBUB.Y, MASS DIAII Mentn,—, The reputation of the Medical Discovery, In caring all kikd of humors, Is so well established by the unanimous voice , of all who have ever used it, that I need not ray anything on the subject, as the most skilful physi• clans and the most careful Druggists in thecountry aro un animous in Ito praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a full knowledge of the curative power. In rellevini all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are no fortunately so liable. That most excrndating dir.mse to an affectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, Ea cured se if by a miracle; your own tamper is reatorei tr . ) its natural sweetnees, and your babe from short and fretful nape to calm and sweet elumbere; and the Medical Disease ry locomen a fountain of blaming to your husband and c °nee hold. In the more advanced stage 4 of CANKER cr.teruil to tho stomach, cawing DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing bet canker of tho stem h i then to the Intestines and _ _ creating a oinking, gone fading, and an indifforenas oven to tht cures of your WWI). Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food dlstrvare you, and you can only take certain kinds, and oven of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contains as the scrimonous fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be• comes sallow or greenish, and your best day Is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your bodyeoome relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the - Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of tho heart, pain in the aide, weakness of the spine and small of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that moat exert; elating of Illsoi.ses, the PILES. How many thousands of poor women are Buffering from this dlseeze and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to impress 00 your mind that geod old proverb, " An ounce of proven. Hon hi better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances. do you any injury. Na change of diet ever necessary—eat the best you can get and enough of it. DIELOT/OPS FOR Ira—Adults one table spoonful per 'day— Children over ten yeaes deesert spoonful--Ohildren from five to eight years, tea spoonful. An no directions cat be onOli• cable; to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on tte bcwcla twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD ILIDINnY. nice $4OO r.sar bcttle. For sale by Dr. GEO. IL KEYSER, cep4:daw No 140 Wood street. Pit...shoran P. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE And who that is gray would not have it restored to its former color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other eruptions, but would be cured, or with sick headache, (neuraigia,) but wo aid be cured. It will also remove all pimple , ' from the face and skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Resto rative will do all this, ate circular and the following: Ass AMOR, November 6,1856. P - P.C,F. 0. J. 1 ,, ord—Dear Sir :—I have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your [fair Re.torAtive but having so often cheated by quackery and quack nouruma, hair dyes, fi c.,l was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county EOM month. since, when you gave ma such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—Snit by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en. tirely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot- tles, her hair was restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirelyiover tho head; she continues to ego it, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but because of its healtbftd influence upon the head and mind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative, with the happiest effects herefore, my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and value are entirely removed; I can and do and most cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from whims or gray (by res. son of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty end by all young persons woo would have their hair beautiful and glossy. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. Fauna WOOD: It was a long time after Ilsaw you at you rfld before I got the bottle of Restorative for which gave me an order upon youragent in Detroit, end when I got it we.concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of its power. It has done all that you assured me it would do; and others of my family and friends, h av i ng witnessed its effects, arenow using and recommend ing its use to others as entitled to thghighest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and traly, pus* SOLOMON MANN.. -- 41111.713; 11L,'hme. 28, 1852 I have need Prof. 0. J. Wood's Halulleatorative, and have admired its wonderful effecta. My hair waa becoming, as I thought, promaturdy gray, but by the use of his Raton tire it has resumed Its original colar;and, I have no doubt, permanently so. S. BRESBB. ex-Senator, 17. S. 0. J. WOOD 1t 00., Proprietors, 812 Broadway, N. T., (in the great N. Y.Wlre RailingEatablialunent)and 114 Market meet, St. WWII, MO. - Sold by= 080. H. HEM% No. kW Wood ft.; jetAndaw And add by all good Druggists. Irt.l.lv rovV447 rTi=n KIDNEYS, 43 - -GEBSY NEW DAGUERREAN AND-AJHBROTYPA SAT Alai EDB-ZAIGHT GALL ERT 9 '._ EPTIvw,NEARLY OPPMEIII POEMOYPION. VESS.PIO7I3IOB taken in all the various styles, in env weather, and warranted please, at reasonable rates. 1113. Sick or deceased persons taken at their retddence: apahlydaw-is WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY. -WM. C. WALL HAS TAKEN THE third floor of Jones' Nem Building, adjoining the Mechanics' Bank, Fourth street, for an AIUMOTYPEI AND PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY; and having fitted up the room in a style unsurpassed, invites his friends and theptdo he to visit his establishment. Hie Reception Room,he hasheatation in saying, has not its superior anywhere, for size, beauty of furniture and appointments generally; and his Operating lloons, being on the same floor, are entered immediately through It. In his Operating R00M.% the most improved combined side and sky lights give a facility for taking a finished Pic ture, in the least possible time, that he thinks cannot fail to make his establishment the resort of all persons of taste. Mr. Wall's experience as an Artist, is a guarantee to his patrons that none but good Pictures will be permitted to leave his premises. The public, and the Ladles especially, arc, tatted to view his rooms, and examine specimens. jy24:lw R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and anabrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Fii th street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, B. W. cor. of Market sired and DiainOnd, Pittaburp. PRlOria TO SUIT ALL. my39:11:4p AMBROTYPES- - A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE WARRANTED, 09N HAD . AS LOW +.• WI 03 • . : :46 1:41, IN THE COUNTRY, AT IVA.LIAIS, Fourth street. Removed to 21. Fifth Street. (lARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY has been removed from 76 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street near Market. These rooms having been built especially for the purpose, with three large lights, are not surpassed in the city for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. air Our old friends and patrons ; and those wishing su perior likenesses, aro invited to call. ZS,. Reception Bwal and Specimens on the ground floor. AUCTION SALES. ALLY SALES AT NO. ,54 ,FIFTH ST., AU At the new Commercial Balsa - "corns, No. Fifth street, every week day, are bold public Jaka of goods in alb variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large. stock which is constantly replenished with fresh oorudgn ments, that mast bo closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprising dearly everything, needed in the line for personal and family use. table cut lery ; hardware; clothing; boots , and shoes; Indies war% AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, new and secondhand; beds and bedding; carpets ; elegant iron stone China ware; . stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, Arn. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical instra. meats; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes, book stationery, &T. 1. 8 e 3 I P. M. DAVIS,Anot.s .I3EREMPTORY SALE OF IRON-SAFE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, FORKS,• SHOVED% AXE?, BRANDY, ETC—On SAT °RDA Y MORNING, duly 81st, as 11 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Booms, 64 Fifth arca will be sold for account whom it may concern, 1 Iron 9afa, in good order; 6 kegs Twist Tobacco; • 4 boxes 6's and B's Plug Tobacco ; 5,010 German Cigars ; 20,000 Common Bentacky Cigars; 2 dozen 2, 3 and 4 pronged Forks; 1 " Long Handle Shovels; 4 " Double Bit Axes; 10 five and ten gallon kegs Brandy. y 29 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. CLOTHING, SATINETS, LAWNS, DE LAENES, ETC-0a FaIDAY MORNING, July 80th, at 16 o'clock, at the Comnaere.a! Sales Rooms, No. 64 Fifth street, will be sold, a quauty of Fall and Winter Clothing, Black Cassimores, Satinets, Merino and Kentucky Jeans, Buffalo Cord, Bleached Mu3lins, Lawns, Prints, Delained, att., to which we iavite the attentioa of purchedere.' .1929 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. JONNETS, FLOWERS, AND CAPS, AT AUOTION—On SATURDAY MORNING, July shit; at 10 o'clock, at 64 Fifth street, will be eold peremptorily 48 superior Silk and Strew Bonnets, tome handsomely trimmed; 24 I adieu' Cape; /Y2O CARRIAGES. C. WEST et, CO., .ang LuNurActi:ratr.s or CARRIAGES, ROORAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS. N 0.197 Ponn street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 4 All work warranted to be of the beet materials and workmanship. myl2l.ydis Seventy-Five New and Second• Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, FOR SAL TI AT WHITE'S REPOSITORY. TV° MILE BUN, NEAR lAWRENCEVILLE. THI4I SUBS9RIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or exchange, rin the most reasonable terms, a cl a fine assortment c.f Earouchee and second-hand : Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some but the used. Also, twenty-one new Buggies. made in my own shop, from the vary best material purchased in Eastern market. A fine lot of Trotting Wagons, new and second-hand. Also, a lot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linde, Germantown. Wagons, Jersey Wagons and Rockaways, two fine Phsetons, seats for four persons, one of them Watson's make, and the ,other New York make. Two flee Sulkies, one made by Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Common Buggies, suitable for light marketing. The subscriber flatters himself, that he can make it to the interest of persons wishing to put , • chase, to give him a call. The establishment is convenient co the city, the Excelsior Omnibus Line of Coaches pasting the door every tonvalnutea. mr23:lydsw JOSEP' JOHN W. M,CARTHY, TILL POSTE :k WILL ATTEND To THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTING of all hilicis of MILS FOR CONCERTS !.FUTURES, EXBIBEFIONS, &u All conamtnications--elther by malltplograili, or other! wiße—directed to tho office of the Morning Post, will recoils prompt atteretlon • STONE - & CO.. GLASS PATENTED PE SERVING JARS, For preserving all hinds of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Alines Meets, Oysters, and all such perishable articloa manntao tared and for sale by CIININ4LIAIIS Ii 00, Nos. 109 WATER and 140 FIRST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. .tai- The main secret of preserving fruit-in a fresh con& tion, consists in having it thoroughly hosted when sealed np, and in expelling all the air there may may be in the vessel, so that when the fruit coelr, it will form a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right to manufac• tare these Jars, respectfully call the attention of dealers and others to them. The great superiority of o..A.gi over any other substance for the presartatian e fruits, etc., etc. is so well knoWn, that any comments npm it aro entirely unnecessary, and. the proprietors feel confident that any one, after having once seen these Jars, will never be induced to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by CDNINGHATrIS & CO., N 0.109 Water street. LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER PAM AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Raised Still Bottoms, Spe!ter holder, .tc , also importors and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Shoot Iron, Wire, &c. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machine., and Tools. Warehouse, N 0.149 First, and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cat to any desired pattern., my29lydhW MILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OP PENN'SYLVAIVIA. It is hereby ord.menl, that a "Camp of Instruetian n be held at Williamsport, Lyeeming county, Pentisylimilia, the present year, and the Adiatant General of tho.Commiirl. wealth is directed to sx. Ch.) time thereof—to take charge of the arrangemeuts—to attend In pif.on, and to Demo the necessary orders to the ,sacral staff, and other Military officers of the Commonweal:li in relation to the same. WM. F. PAC:H.I , II 7 Ccmmnnder-in•Chief. AD.TUt.t.Nr Gertsam's Ovno Borriebrarg, June a, 1.468. In obedience to the above order from liesd.Quartero, a "Camp of Instruction" to held at Williamsport, l i ly. coming county, Pennsylvania, c.. , mmencing at 12 tr., on Tuesday, the 7t a (lay Eeptember,.lBsB, To continue until SATUuDAY, the 11th day of said mouth, at 12 n, of maid day, to be called Camp "Susquehanna." I. This Encampment is intended to include the uniform ed companies throughout the State, who aro earnestly re quested to be in prompt attendence. 11. The Afejor General], Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several civisians and brigades, are req.-Axed to report to my office as soon as possible, what companies and field officers will be in atteadancofrom their respective commands—with thelitlnaber of men in etch company, the names of the Captains, and their Post Office address. LIL The Aids-de-Camp and all other Mem of the Grand Staff of the Commander-M Chief aro ordered to be in at. tendance, armed and equipped in full parade dress. IV. All compaaies in attender.ce are required to bring with them all tent and camp equipage they may have. V. The Brigadoinspectors, of every brigade, will report at once to my office, what equipage belonging to the State is in the limits of their command. VL The littler General of the Eleventh Division, Gen. D. K. Jackman, shall bo the eenior officer on duty, and ho is hereby charged with the immediate arrancentents for said Encampment, and is ordered to report to this, office for fur ther instruction& By ordcrof the Commanderin-Chtef. job Gum DROPS-2000 lbs. Lemon, Orange, Vartills, Rose, Strawberry, Pins Apple and Banana Flavors, for sale by REYMER ,fc ANDERSON, - /a7 • 89 Wood street. FEE BILL of Aldermen, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, tt,_ dor the Act of April 18te, 1857, printed and for sale by W. B. TIAVE:k4 • Printers and Staloners, Nos. 31.83, and 35 Market +street.. 11)0TAIVES-150 bushels IN hits isieshan.- .1„, nook Potatoeo,jrust reed and for sale by JAB. A.-BWITIM, .IY2 - ' Corner Market and lira streets, ono box Flowers. p. TA. DAVIS, Auctioneer EXECUTIVE 'CMOS/MN } ilarriliburg, Jane 3,18E8. EDWIN 0. WILSON, Adjutant Galena. of Penn.sylvardA.