5•? ,, • Cy Varian Post. SAXES P. BARS, Editor and Proprietor SCIRCi I• • FRIDAY MORNING DELIOCSL.TIC STATE 170111N/ITIONS Fort grrnDlis JUDGai NVIEJLIAM A. PORTER'. OF FOS cit.BALL corinsmonat, WjSTLIY FROST, OP FAYETTr. COUNTY. OD DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COMMITTEE OF COR RESPONDENCE.— The. Democratic °minty Com mittee of Cemrespondence will meet at the SS-CRAM-ES 1.10/Y2-. PttMburgh, en SATURDAY, JULY 31st, 1658, at rikyks o'clock, A. 31. Punctual attendance is requested. JAMES A. GI.E.trON, Chairman. Jon 7% - LsTn.'s, So,-.retary. The following named geutiouen compose the above eom 111 taPe, vial J.• N. 111cOlowry, Jame. A. Gibson, 11. B. Sinclair, Thomas Parley, Joseph Birmingham, D. D. Bruce, L. - E.. Pattercou, it. 11. Patterson, Charles Bryson, Dr. Wm. ]l. 11, rrou, J. B Fulton, R. B. Guthrie, Robert Morrow, of Boss, S. C. Wingard, John Layton. • Jet:city; TIIFI WEEKLY POST The Weekly Fost may be had at the coun . ing room in wrappers ready for mailing.— The present number contains a great variety of interesting and useful reading, editorial, local, commercial, telegraphic, literary and miscellaneous. This matnmoth family paper is furnished at only a dollar a year' in clubs of fire. The fail business will soon com mence—the fall political campaign is at hand, and now is the time to send in your INCOSSISTENCY. "A' house divided against itself canno stand." When men attempt to conspire to gether for an illegal purpose, it generally happens that they are defeated in their ends bydissensions among themselves. The con ductors of a flash sheet, published in this city raider the misnomer of the True Press, have already "agreed to disagree." On the 20th of July, in an indicative arti de, the True Press broached the dangerouS and treasonable doctrine that the people "generally reviewed the opinions of the Judges," (when they did not choose to acqui esce in the doctrines laid down, " and invas riably set them aside." In speaking of rail road taxation, th . ey say that the question is a p9litiell, not a legal, one. Yet, at this very time, the Cataline of the small band of rebels who are willing to endorse such treasonable • sentiments., was arguing the legality of the question of levying taxes to pay the interest upon railroad bonds before the highest tribu nal of the people—the Supreme Court. We warned the Democracy against the dangerous doctrine. The Democratic party long ago took the ground to resist this tax " by all con stitutional and legal means." They have thrown themselves upon "legal and constitu tional recourse through due form of law."— They will never agree to the assertion of the True Press, that this "is too big a question for the courts." They denounce such doc trines as tending to rebellion and subversion of all law, order, and good government. On July 23, the True Press,:in a charecter istic article boldly asserts that "THE JUDGES THEMSELVES HAVE THEIR POCKETS FILLED WITH THOSE BONDS, AND. WE HOLD IT TO BE THE DITTY OF Tar PEOPLE TO TAKE THE M AT TER INTO THEIR OWN HANDS." Such wholesale libel of the judiciary whom the people, boar it in mind, have elected, and such villainous inpondiarism as this, disgusted even ,the readers - of -this flash sheet, and :has alarmed the vain glorious arch demagogue who oft lates as Chief Priest at the altar, where yr Kennedy, the nominal editor of the Press, is daily sacrificed. In yesterday's issue, Thomas Williams himself comes out over his own proper signature, and tells the wooden man that he, Thomas Williams "_is in no way responsible for the conduct of his paper;" says be was in Philadelphia when the article, which directly charges the judges with having railroad bonds in their pockets, was published, and " regretted it because he he had not the remotest idea it was - true," and the poor devil, who, on the 23d of July, pub.. lished the charge against the judges, as edi torial, on the 29,th of July, says : " ire invite attention to the letter of Mr. Wil liams Itepeake no more than the truth in regard to the objectionable article to which it refers It hits hard, and hits in the right place. This is capital. The public fully agree with the Rue Press in its own comments upon its own editorial articles, and congratu late Mr. Williams that for once he has " hit in the right place. " In the Legislature they have a' - " Commit tee to compare bills" before they finally pass them. We suggest a similar committee to pass upon the articles prepared for the T rue Press. The wooden man won't do. When Mr. Williams goes to Philadelphia, he Willi ders most stupidly We wish to call attention so the fact, that while Thomas Williams denies the paternity of 'the editorial article charging the judges with having a pocket full of bonds, the True Press does not withdraw the foul and libel lous attack which it has made upon the men whom the people have elected to decide upon their dearest rights, not only affecting their property but their lives. It is still or record in its columns, not apologised for nor with- FRom Oregon and Washington we have ti dings of the success of the Independent Dem ocratic ticket at the recent election. _No oth er hostilities had been committed by the Col umbia River Indians ; but they were ascer tained to be actively preparing for was, the entire body of the valley tribes joining in the movement. The federal officers in thy Meantime were making every effort to proeex cute a vigorous campaign. Smothered in a Trunk. The "story of Genevra " has been re-enact ed in Brooklyn, New York, by a little. German boy named GeorgeTickner, the son of a widow who suddenly disappeared on Friday last, and was missing until Monday morning, when his dead body was found in a large trunk or chest in the house of his mother. On Friday when the mother was absent, the deceased was at play with a companion, and esidently got into the trunk to conceal himself, when a self adjusting lock closed the lid upon him, and he was smothered. During Saturday and Sunday the friends and neighbors looked in every direction to find the boy, but-without success. On Monday morning the mother was induced to open the chest by a strong smell which seemed to emanate from it, ex pecting to find the body of a rat, but to her astonishment she found the body of l'aer miss ing son. —According to the United States census of 1850, there were employed. in all the States and Territories, 719, 467 males and 225,512 females the manufacture Of mechanical arts, -with an aggregate capital of $527,000,000; annum value of raw materials, $554,000,000; annual pr.oduct of manufactures, $1,013,000,000. People's Anti. Tax. Convention. The True Press, which calls itself Republi can, on the 15th of July, contained a callover the'signatures of " S. 11. Allen" and " Alex. P. callow " for a County Convention, to be held on August 25th, the delegates to be elec tact. on August 21st. Thiszall was addressed as follows " Th JULY SO, 185-F. ,o citizens of Allegheny County, who are opposed to, the present corrupt Administration and in favor of inaugurating a thorough reform in our national, State and municipal affairs, and who are in favor of establishing a proteo.ive tariff--opposed to the repeal of the tonnage tax, and opposed to the iucrease of taxation for rail road or other purposes, &0., &n. " In the True Press of Thursday, July 29th, another call appears for a " People's Anti- Tax Convention. " This call is addressed to ".the Tax Payers of Allegheny County, with• out distinction of Party, who are opposed to Railroad Taxation, the repeal of the Tonnage Tax, undue Railroad influence, &c., &c. The new call is without signature,and for the purpose of deceiving the Democracy, and the portion about the " opponents of the present corrupt Administration " is carefully omitted. The Convention is called for the same day— the 25th of August, and is to all intents and purposes the same convention. The Demo crats of Allegheny county are all right on this anti-tax question ; they have taken their position, which is a legal and constitutional one, and they will attend to their own affairs in their own way. Those who, on the 15th of July, denounced the present Democratic Ad ministration as " corrupt," cannot, on the 29th of July, cajole a single true Democrat into affiliation with them by dropping an offensive term from their call. The Demo crats will attend to their own affairs ; they will oppose undue taxation for railroad or any other purpose by all the means which the laws and constitution of the land have given them, but they will never consent to be led by the pose by disappointed Republican office seek ers, juvenile Rnow-Nothinga, or " sore heads" . „_ .; _. ... :: ._ .... any description The President at Bedford SI:01111ga. The President, accompanied by Miss Lane, Miss Bright, daughter of Hon. Jesse'-"D. Bright, Sir Gore Ouseley, Lady Onseley and daughter, and R. M. blagraw, Esq., of Balti more, arrived at Bedford Springs on Wednes• day night, at 11 o'clock. The President is in excellent health and not fatigued. It is sup• posed that he will remain at Bedford for two 1 or three weeks. Aral nmbault'a PortabLa Steam Engtnea. We invite attention to the advertisement in this morning's paper, of the Portable Steam Engines on wheels, manufactured by A. L. Archamhuult, Philadelphia. They are an article well adapted to a great variety of mechanical uses, such as pumping, hoisting from quarries and shafts, lifting stone, coal, iron and other heavy articles, unloading ves sets and steamboat, &0., &c. VICE PRESIDENT BRECRINRIDGE made a speech at Florene, Kentucky, on Saturday in which he defended the Adminisiration against the charges of extravagant expenditure, dis' coursed of Lccompton, berated the Republi cans as they deserve, and closed with an ap peal to the Know-Nothings to refrain from affiliation with the Republican Party. Mr. Breckenridge had an enthusiastic reception. Pittsburgh, Fort 'Wayne and Chicago Railroad. Tho commercial writer of the Philade - - phis Press, in speaking of the recent change of the Presidency of this road, pays a well merited compliment to the great administra- Live ability, prudence, foresight, and economy of kr. Cass, the retiring officer, whose -eau tions, laborious and useful administration of the affairs of the road during the most trying financial crisis which has occurred since the railroad system of the country was initiated , has met the approval of all parties in inter est, and commanded the respect of his coin• peers, in railroad management. We repro. duce the article from the Press. It says :- Me Pitteburgh Fort Wayne and Chicago Rai road becomes constantly mere and more impor taut, and its affairs more interesting to Philadel phians, and especially to those interested in the Pennsylvania , Central Railroad, of whlch it is the natural continuation to the lake trade of the North-west. Its early completion over its own route to Chicago, will now not be long delayed. Its late President, General Cass, was a man of prudence, energy, and wisdom, and his admin istration, though not, perhaps gratifying, to the wishes of the stockholders for immediate divi dends,was nevertheless sound and beneficial to the true interests of the Company. He is said to have been intending for some time to resign, and attention was naturally directed to J. Edgar Thomson as his probable successor. There are some cf the latter-day prophets, indeed who point to the acceptance of the presidency of both 'railroads by *Mr. Thomson as an omen tht.t the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago R - rilroad will pass, by purchase, at not a distant day, into possession of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company. The election of Mr. Thomson Is very well received in Pittsburgh, in spite cf the feeling which the impolite discrimination between local s.-d through traffic has heretofore exerted in Pittsburgh. VA .111013 S PILINGS. —A writer from New York City says that the Frl , ll-.r'e river gold news by the Moses Taylor, has Eet everybody talking about "going off."— The next steamer will go brim full, and if the price of passage was flied at anything like a reasonable mark, enough of emigrants could be found to fill every steamer at this port. —The Danbrry Times says that a woman who has been divorced from her husband on account of his drinking propensities and consequent crn- e'ty, married him again on his reformation during the gt eat revival. Bat the husbsnd fell into hie old habits, and, a short time ago, in a fit of in toxication, returned to the house of the woman he had twice married, and committed to the darner eiery article of her wearing apparel upon which he could lay his hands. For the betrayal of her trust in this and other acts, she now pos- Lively declares that she will never marry him again. She is quite right. —The circulation cf theft° New Jersey free banks, against which proceedings of foreclosure hay'- been instituted, it is stated hag been redu ced to the following suns , Bank of Trade $48,- 000 ; Artisans', $43,000 ; Merchants', of Pet erson, $7,000 ; Stata Security, $3,000 Ocean, $9,000. —The dieooveries of gold mines at Frazer's river in the British possessions bid fair to excite as much sensation as California and Australia. For some years past various propositions have been made to our Government to purchase from the British Government, or the Hudson's Bay Company, that portion of the British territory covering the new gold fields. Mr. Buchanan was always in favor of the purchase even while he w - as Secretary of State under President Polk. For some reasons the various propositions failed or were deolined, the British Government stand- ing ready at ail times to dispose of their posses sory right. Thero is no doubt that speculation was at the bottom of the suggestion to buy these rights, and invest them in the United States, but some of the greatest of our acquisitions of terri tory have been the results of such just specula tions ; and it is clear that had our Government acted upon the proposal, we, not Great Britain, would 1.. A this day be the owners of the new El Dorado. —Fifty fat men of Mansfield, Ohio, had a parade on the sth. The lighteet in the compile, • • •• ::.,......:.,....j::_,.,i- it l•,, - , . , 7 ,. :;= -, ..z , :,<,..•.,...=:„-if,,, i :.q, :. '.'•'-':1',.1.7.-;,-':7,:t.: weighed 200 ps . 4ll4 ; ilite oftito.pirito estimated i J. Blundel, E. Diguam, .1: Mitchell, T. O'Friel, E. Shleis, O. at 268 pounds; h 4-4..*litle,t - Mb , igt the crowd . O'Donnell,, Caecm j. Un n its a tc' nitt,ddiiirs.tGlOins;-4—T. Runtlng, J. i ' • ' ' ' ---- ' INl'Delitt, D. Jonce, O. Creamer, J. Buell°, H. E. Erano, M weighed asc.; aigkitelux - mo pomits• a ati, D. Baba, F. JOU:I4 M. O'Bi ial, N.l 3 nob, J. Lynch, ' —The kraciiii;....rournai mentiens the follow. rs:ney, H. M'Davitt. ing incident of chi= United State=, Second Class—J. Ryan, J. 3. ,Iliiii'-death Of Villican Kehoe, mail ta.P4lran tE n, J. Ryan, J. Mitchell. J. Blum'el, R. Smith, J. carrier at Aditirdani i He l wae the Omer of a Stara, J. M. Sweeny, T. O'Orlel„ E, Dlguan2, J. German. Original Orations—S. Cosgrove, Dial!, J. Model, M. largo black .dog Who l u.Syially accompanied him brGiatighliu) 0 . WoNb , P. J. Ctl rhA Y• • while in the; performs:lce of his duties, and a Company. re d h l at i r e l C 4 ' C PI I gi • PH i s 3 171 b 01: 114. : oaftitgonarn;mCoormo y. mail bag---,:,„generally • —, to . . an manhind than krcl,nrationr Affirmative—T. Wat.h, J. wet given ram carry to tile Hayes, .1. E. Duffey. 'Negative—J. 13. Gaffney, John Tracy, F cars. On the morning of the' fatal accident, S. ai'Devitt. Air. K., had put his bags abord, and turned to •=lll,ctrrYass—TiWal3EZ. Tracy, 3 'Monne, 0. Wood., R• Z'B g rien, W. Dixon, J. Gaffney, F. Sane, M. Ryan, J. Kent take the ono from his faithful dog, when the en gine struck him, and killed him almost instantly. Ming Band—J. Tracy, W. Dixon, S. Clcsgravo, J. Ef mile, On Tuesday morning the dog appeared at the I s 9 tirety°,ll.tiitya.us.rujitUg'.ll;t• gz,yJcieCujnfmL.Chrioty, post cffico at the usual hour, and a bag was ------ - --- --- thrown to him, but nothing could induce him to touch it. lie followed the carrier to the cars, remained until the mail was safe in the baggage oar, all the while running up and clown the track 1 as if seeking his master Congressional Appropriations. The provisions of law requiring a complete ex hibit of appropriations by Congress at each of its sessions to he made out, have been complied with, by the proper clerk at the Capitol ; and the result, for the session jest expired, is contained in the followiug summary table. We shall give the detailed statement at another time. The statement includes all appropriations made by Congress, whether in deficiency or in regular ap propriation bills : To be paid from the $67,067,702 ,1 Treasury.. ..... Deduct—Amount con tained in act for collecting roconue from customs, so much being!(:)n • tained in the joint, resolution of 14- February, 1850, for said purpose. - -, :-AOl - 7A - 1,1.. ii.:•••i.j4,t..-14.-.;^`.',"i.::1..; QUM 2,450,000 00 Actual amount appropriated• EBTIMATED Am't brought down $34 ; 817,762 78 Add—indefinite ap• ' propriatione con tained in the vari ous acts and in private bills which will probably e.m't to, daring the year 1359 3,332,237 22 Total amountlof appropriations $68,000,000 00 In additlon, the revenues collected by the Post Office Department are authorized to be used for the expeues of that department. For the current fiscal year they are estimated at sl4,4ls,s2o.—Washington Union. [For the Morning Foq.] The Anrkpal EXRlllintatOlk and Ex.hibt tioni. of St. FFIaIII3IO ACOACMY. The annual examination, exhibition and dlstribn• don of premiums at St. Francis Academy, lately in corperated, took place on the 14th inst. The examination commenced on the Mb, and was conducted through.:.ut t , y i.t.a Rocs. W. Pollard, J . Ford, Loretto, and Ni. J. Mit , :hol.l, Ebensburg. The Very Rev. E. McMahon, attended by Rev, W. Pollard, Rev. E. P. Garland, Summitville, distribu ted tno premitiniS. before an audience of from fifteen hundred to two ;thousand persons, eaeh of whom seemed to gives marked approbation to the pro ceedings. Amongst there were present nineteen clergymen from 'Pittsburgh Diocese, who appeared no less pleased with their tour over the healthy moan- I . Logic, First Class—John Tracy, Pit'sburgh ; Jeremiah I.layoi, HAIL aysburg; Jamas 11. Daffj, Butler; Frulols Chriity, Gallitzin; Thomas Walsh, Llnessille, John B. Gaffney, Dubuque, Iowa; JLLICCIC-12. T. Dunn, eorge Wo3ds , Freeport. Accessit, JosTih Navarre, Monro G e City, igan. Geology, FiNt Class—Joaaph Navarre. Engineering, First Class —Joseph Navarte, James T. Dunn. Archite:tural Dranghting—J. Navarre, 11. P.M'Cullough, Pittsburgh; Francis Kai'', San Fancisco, California; John Tracy; J. B. Gaffney. Ex equo acc,ssorunt, George VVocds. Painting and Lawiszape Dr.iwing—F. Kane, H. P. Weal lough, J. B. Gaffney, G. Woods, J.Navarre, J. T. Dunn, J no. Tracy. Spherical Trigometry.—j. Navarre,lJ. Dann, J. Tracy, J. B. Gaffney, H. P. lirCullough. Plane Trigonometry and Firrveying—G. Woods, J. Na varre, F. Kano, 11. P. liPCullough, J. .13. Gaffney, J. Tracy. Acc.ssit, M. Sullivan, Pittsburgh. Mensuration, First Class—J. Navarre, J. T. Dunn. Mensuratiou, Second Class—F. Kano, J. B. Gaffney, J. Tracy, ~barb Wlaughlin, Butler; G. Woods, H. P. MCul. lough. Folid Geometry—J. T. Dnan, F. Kane, H. P. ld'jullough J. Navarre, J. Tracy, J. 13. Gaffney. Plane Geometry, First lass—Francis Iff'Devitx Pitts, burgh ; Jacob Keating, Pittsburgh; P. Christy, J. J. Daffy, J. Harper, G. Woods. , ;Ex eq-uo, -M. hl'Laughlin neCe B3o4 runt, John Berg. Butler; John Mott, Kentucky. Geometry, Second Class—Wm. Bailey, Philadelphia; Syl. vaster Cosgravo, Pittsburgh; R. E. Smith, Johnstown. Division of Second Glass—Thos. Kng, Pittsburgh ; Dorrenco Myers, Dubuque, fawa; eatiDixon, Dubuque, lowa. Mythology—J. Hayes, J. E. Duffy, F. If'Devitt., J. Dunn, T. Walsh. Algebra First Class—W. Batley, J. Berg. T. Kane, .1. MAR, Dully, J. Hayes, Hugh Duffy, Pittsburgh; J, Keating. etccesiterunt, C. Fegan, Loretto ; .1. Christy Michael bl'Hugh, Monster. Algebra, Second Class—Thos. Heating, Pittsburgh ; Henry Jacobi, Loretto ; Nathaniel Lynch. James Lynch, Pitts burgh ; R. E. Smith. Accatcrunt, Alfred Grmst on, Brady's Bend; James M'Devitt, L'ittsburgh. Algebra, Third Chas—Dania Dunn, Lancaster; hillogh, Huntingdon ; 51. ChriAy, Loretto, James O'Don nell, Loretto; S. Cce.gravo, John Hoene, Harrisburg. Arithmetic, Fuel Class--F. Kane, F. Christy, M. M'- Laughlin, F. M'Devitt, W. Bailey, H. P. 111'Cullough, J. Tracy, J. Borg, J. Keating, John Clut4 - y, John Moffitt, Hugh Daffy, Alfred Oreastori. Acc,sscruni,Benjamin Jvl7oll, 11. Jaccbs, Thos. Keating, N. Lynch, E. Smith, W. Dixon, F. Jones, 8. Cosgrove, J. M'Devitt. Arithmetic, Second Class—Michael Christy; Loretto; Richard O'Brien, John Emerson,Dorrenc's Myers, Martin Ryan. Dubuque, lowa, James O'onnell, Loretto, ez egos accesserunt, Henry M Devitt, Altoona; D. Dunn, John Hoelle, Charles Bailey, Philadelphia; Michael O'Brien, Dre bilge°, Iowa; John Confer, Hollidaysburg. Access:t, Lietay M. Sweeny, Loretto. Arithmetic, Third Class—Jas. Mitchell, Baltimore; John Shiels, James Ryan, Harrisburg; Michael Sweeny, Loretto; John Blundell, Baltimore. Ace•sserunt, Josiah Ryan, Har risburg; Edward Dignam, Pittsburgh; Robert Smith, H. /Adele, Loretto; Jas. Gorman, Thos. O'UX:rl. Geography, First Class—Benjamin Jones, Francis Jones, Thos. Keating, C. Creamer, J. lid'Dtritt, .14cobs, Henry M'Devitt. Accesscrunt, M. O'Brien, M. Christy, J. O'Donnell, J Hoene, 31. M'Hugb, John Confer, 0. Bailey, John Chicle, J. Ryan; D. Dunn, John M'Grann, Lancaster. Geography, Second Cirisa—John Blundell, Jas. Mitchell, J. Ryan, E. Dignum, E. Melo, J. Gorman, IL Smith, Thomas O'Friel. History, First Class—C. Creamer, D. Jones, T. Keating. AL Christy, J. M'Derltt, P. Jones, El ugh, .J O'Donnell, H. Jacobs, N. Lynch, J. Lynch, C. Bailey, J. Shia's, J. Hoelle; Daniel Dunn, J. Confer; acresssrunt, John J. M'Granns. Kistery, Second Class—R.. Smith, J. Ryan. J. Blandel, J. Mitchell, E. Dignam, E. Shiels J. Gorman, T. O'Friel, Wil liam Todd, Loretto. History, Third Class—Bernard Litzenger, Loretto , J. Her. kin', Gilbert Glass, Loretto; Robert Shiels, Charles O'Don- tell. Orthography, First Clues—J. T. Dunn, J. Duffy, F. Christy, J. Hayes, M. M'Glinghlin, J. Tracy, J. Christy,Wen'. lough, J. Berg, P. M'Devitt, 0. Ormston, H. Daffy, J. Heat hag, J. Moftit', G. Woods, J. Christy, W. Dixon, W. Bailey, R. E. Smith. Orthography, Second Close—B. Jones, J. M' Devitt, J. Keat ing, 8. Goegrave, O. Bailey, C. Creamer, 3. Iloelle, F. Jones, R. O'Brien, M. O'Brian, D. Myers, R. IFlFavitt, D. Dunn ; ar cesserunr, J. Lynch, J. Ryan. Orthography, Third Class—J. Ryan, E. Dignaia, J. Blun dell, J. Mitchell, R. Smith, J. Shin's, M. Sweeny. Rhetoric, First Glass—d. Hayes, J. Duffy, J. B. Gaffney, F. Christy, J. Tracy, F. Kane, J. T. Dunn, . Navarre; /w -and, J. Keating. Rhetoric, Second Class—J. Moffitt, F. M'Devitt, G. Woods, M. knaughlin, J. Berg, IL P. M'Cullotigh, 8. Cosgrave; ac. cuseruni, J. Christy, W. Dixon. English Composition, First Clare—P. Kane,J. Hayes, J. B. Gaffney, J. DutPlM. 11.1.'Langhliu, F. Christy, T. Walsh, J. Navarre, J. Tracy, G. Woods, W. Bailey, B. Jones, J. M.ef flit, H. P, M'Callougb, J. Berg, F. M'Devitt; arcesserunt, B, E. Smith, S. Cosgrave, W. Bailey, B. Duffy, A. Ormxton, NV. N. Dixon, J. Emerson, A. O'Brien, J. M'Devitt, D. Myers, T Keating, F. Jones, J. M'Devitt, H. Jacobs. English Composition, Second Clasa—M Ryan,N. Lynch, J Lynch, M. O'Brien, 11. Fl'llugh, D. Dunn, . Hoene, O. Creamer, John Confer, J. Ryan. Greek—J. E. Duffy, T. Walah. Translation of Romer, Xenophon, Juvenal and Perseus— E. Duffy. Latin, First Class—J. E. Duffy, Thomas Walsh, J. Dunn. Latin, Second Class—J. Hayes, F. M'Devitt, J. Tracy, J. B. Gaffney, ex equo. Translation of Virgil—J. Hays, J. Dunn, J. M'Devitt, J. Tracy. French, First Class—J. T. Ditark, J. Mc fat, G. Woods, J Tracy. Latin Prosody—F. lii'Devitt, J. Hayes, .1. Duffy, T. Walsh, J. Tracy, J Keating. Faist Latin Composition—J. Duffy, J Hai - es, T. Walsh, J. Dunn. F. APl:ice - Rt. English Grammer, First Class—J. Tracy, J. Luau, J. E. Duffy, F. Kane, J. Hayse, T. hi'Devitt, F. Curisty, J. E. Gaff. soy, J. Keating; acciesserunt, Lsughlin, J. Moffitt, H. P. 3.l'Callorigb, .1 Berg, 0 Woods, W. Bailey. English Grammer,Second Class--B. Cosgrave, R. E. Smith. A. lirmston, B Jones, T. Keating, N. Lynch, J. li'Dovltt, J. Lynch, H. Daffy, F. Jones, H. Jacobs, J. Christy. Division of Second Clase—W. Dixon, J. Emerson, AL Christy, C. Creamer, D. Myers, AL APHagli, M. Ryan, R. O'Brien, 11. O'Brien, D. Duna, M. O'Brien J H. M'Devitt J. Hoelle, J. Confer, C. Barley ; au:an:runt, . Ryan, J. O'Don nell, M. Sweeny. English Grammer, Third Class—J. Blnudel, .1 Mitchell, E. Dignam, R. Smith, J. Ryan, J. Shiels, J. Gorman. German, First Claea—J. Haves J. E. Daffy, T. Walsh, M. M'Olaugloin, M. M'Decltt , J. Heating: =mit, B. Cosgrove. German, Second Class—W. Bailey, J. Emerson, D. Myers, W. Dixon, H. Daffy, H. Jacobs. Book Beeping by Double Entry—F. Kane, IL P. M'Cul lough, F. Christy, G. Woods, John Ivory, Loretto; ea equo. W. Bailey, AL hi'Langhlin, J. Berg, John Moffitt. H. Jacobs, B. Jones, J. Keating; accerscrunt, J. Christy, H. Duffy, J. Tracy, It. E. Smith, T. Heating, A. Ormstoia, W. Dixon, J. AFL:win, F. Jones, S. Cosgrove. Book Keeping, Second Class—J. Emerson, R. O'Brien, J. Lynch, D Myers, M. H'Hugh, hi. Ryan, M. Christy, D. Dann, J. Ryan, J. Con'er, J. O'D„winell. Writing, First Class—F. Kane,H. P. M'Cullough, F. Jones, B. Jones, AL AVGlaughlin, F. hi'Dovitt, A. Ormeton, D. My ers, W. Bailey, C. Bailey, J. Berg, J. T. Dunn, J. Keating. Writing, Second Class—J. Hoelle, T. Keating. R. E.Smith, J. M'Devltt, W. Dixon, J. Emerson, 141. Christy, M, Ryan, M. O'Brien, N. Lynch, J. Lynch, J. Confer, J. Ryan, O. Creamer, J. Shia& Writing, Third Class—J. Ryan, J. Blonde), J. Mitchell, IL Diguam, R. Smith, T. O'Friel, Jas, Gorman, O. Glass, E. Shiels. Christian Doctrine, First Class—J. Tracy, G Woods, J. B. Gaffney, J. Keating, J. Reverie, F. Christy, F. Kane, AVCallough, 2. M'Devitt, B. youes, - J. Hayes, J. Duffy, M. ArGlatighlin, H. Daffy, J. Moffitt: - Christian Doctrine, Second Class R. Christy, T. K ea ti ng . B. Jones, J ArDevitt, O. Creamer, it E. Smith, J. Lynch, Confer, P. Jones, ,J. hirDevitt, J. tYDonnell, mDo vitt, D. Christie Doctrine, Third 30113 h Ryan. Dunn, 77Brien, ILe,O'Brieniessfr_ohn 1:4 • • "' • OA, THS LA i 1 NEWS BY TELEGRAPTI. g iVASHINGTON CITY, July 29.—The frigate Sa bine is being fitted up at New York for nervie,e as the flag-ebip of the Brazil r. - qtrlron. The United States E Icop Cyan() iz2. preparing rt Nor- Olt for the Pacific Equaclron. The Uid:c•dStates steamer Fulton, now at Norfolk, ban been or dered to•the Wpshingtou Navy Yar for the Paraguay expedition, and the Liu' States steamer Water Witch is fitting out here .0 take part in the same expedition. Tottowro, July 29.—The government ho.s r defeated on the question in relation to the oat., lishment of the seat of government nt Ottows. The House annulle , 3 the dscisin of the Home Government making Ottavra tbo and the Minister, in consequence, has resigned. Sailing of the Kangaroo. New Taus, July 29 --TIA t-rera tteamship Kangaroo Bailed to-day for Liverpul with neatly $200,000 specie. $64,617,762 78 Povloge Stamp') and Envelope: , The Providence Journal suggests that as many persons object to envelopes, because the post mark is an important evidence in the identification of letters, and as there is nn connection between the envelipe and the en-. closnre, and of proving that the postmark of the former gives the date when the latter was mailed, it would Lea convenience if the Government would furnish writing paper stamped in the same way that the envelopes now are, so that the same sheet might beat the communication, the superscription, and the late of mailing, without the necessity of using, separate stamps. The Harrisburg Herald in remarking upon the result of the recent opposition State con vention, has the followipii, - We have no hesitation in deeliring that ET far as this community is concerti- 0, there i 3 a deep seated feeling of dissatisfaction amsog the op position, at the result of the late convention.— The friends or Judge -Pearson counted reliably upon hls success, and, with defeat. has come upon many of them ill temper, and ever. revenge. The confident feeling; of triumph in wirea they blasted, while holding the success of thtir fa vorite candidate in high hops, hat given way and we heard a number of-their most prornmdtit not publicly declare yesterday thit they no longer felt the least ray of probability fur the defeat ut the Democracy. • If Democrats in other Distriots of thl; State, follow the example cf the Democrats of the Westmoreland District in nominating such can didates as the Hon.. Henry D. Factor, there will be little danger of a majority of opposition members being elected to the next delegation to Congress. Mr. Foster is a great favorite n!th the people of the West, and in perilous ti:Tl's is always looked to es, the best man to lead the Democratic party to T;ctory. Uis popularity is the result of great ability, solid ocquir.monfs, prudence, firmnotts, untarnished honesty, sod firm Democracy. Ills opponent will prrhably be Edgar Cowan, cf Westm tt.r. HP..71 guine enough to believe that with the support et a united party, heltAil be ahle to terry the d .s triot against all orpositice..—Barrtsburg Patriot and Union UOVERNOP. Monais while the Furgtuno RlUpll toting his leg, observed his servant standiwi by, weeping. " Tom," said Mr. Morris. "'Why aro you crying there? It is rank hypoorbiy—you wish to laugh, as in future you will have but one shoo to clean instead of two."—Postdaia Courier. In the town of Gouverneur near Mcrr'stown both named in compliment to the above Gov ernor Morris." We knew a man by the name of Hand, whose life would have been monotonous but for the almost daily fights which he and his ivife indulged. At length, from a bad civ2lling, Dr. Murdock was called to amputate his right arm. During the operation, which his wife seemed to enjoy hugely, she remarked, "Thant fortune you can't ponad me any more with that fist." Writhing with rip, and roused by insult he threw a withering look at her and crolaitned, " 111 be d—d if I don't take it in my left hand, as soon as they get it off, and give you one a leetle ahead of any you ever got." [Cleveland Herald. We have thirty-two States, r.od there are almost as many different laws of divorce as there are of States. The reader m•cy see some of these differences by the following statement:- 1. In the States of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, two-thirds of the Legislature must concur with a decision by the Court to make a ..1c..?: . "; . ;:,:.i7 ; i:',;iW-'fMi . k From Waohlngion. Oa ne.than Par Beim , !n t. Disc mit fled Don. U. D. Foster, Laws of Divorce divorce. 2. In Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Lousiana, and Missouri, no div.)rce can be granted but by special vat of the Legisla ture; and South Carolina has never granted a divorce. S. In the States of.Conuecticut, Onio, and Illinois, all divorcee are total 4. In Massachusetts, New, York and North Carolina, nothing but adultery is cause of a divorce. 6 In Illinois, two years' absence only is a cause of divorce. 6. In Indiana, we believe, anyth;ng is a cause in the discretion of the Court. In the recent Pres , byteriau Assembly at Chicago, an older from that State, roae on the trial of Mr. Shield, and said that as he came from Indiana, no dlisired to put on record that Amos Davis goes against divorce! [Cincinnati Gazette. Weaknota of I Iko Stomach ant (lon. Another Great Cure Effected by Bzrhare'e Bitters. The wife of Pietor Do Witte, living in Holland Town, Sbeb)ygan county, Wisconsin ' suffered touch from Weakness of the Stomach and Indigaution. She bad been under a physician's care for a-cr.o tame, but the disease seemed to baffle even his shill. S'ao pur chased some HOLLAND BITTERS at our office, which has given tone to her stomach; her appotite and strength are returning, and we firmly believe that this is another ereat cure effected by your mod. loins. We have still to record many wonderful cures of by this remedy, Lot must wait another oppors tunity. One thing you can rely upon, what we have published are from persons much respected in cur community, and are literally true. J. QUINTUS, Ed. Sheboygan Ilieutosbode, Sheboygan, Wis. Caution !—Be estetta to ask f Barhave's Holland Bitters. Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, E by the sole Proprietors, Benjamin Page, Jr , Co., N. 2.7 Wood street, between First and Second streets, and Druggists zetiorally. T A. BARGAIN—Two largo Lots of Ut ground in South P i ttsburgh, each 20 Let trt lit on Conlon atieet, by 100 deep to Chesnut street, with two frame dwelling houses, each containing fear ro ma. Ea:rms easy, Also—A valuable building lot, 20 feet front, on Canon street, neur the Public School rouse, by 100 feet deep to Chesnut street. The purchaser to have the us., in build. Mg, of the gable end of the house adjoining. Pnce, $OOO. Terms easy. CUTHBERT & SON, iYIO 61 Market street. QOAP POW DER.---50 boxes Soap rowdor of our own manufacture, warranted superior to any offered for male In this market, on band and for el - 118 by B. o.n J. IL SAW rilWu DWELLING HOUSES lOR RENT, by S. CUTHBERT &. SON, • 51. Marbot btrnet. ALADY residing near the city, wishea to procure a GIRL of 8 or 10 years, to live with her till of age For further parttcu'ars, cell at our office, 61 liar• ket street. 8. OUTEIRERT a EON, Bab General Agents. , ACKELKEL-25 bbls. No. 3, Large ; ii 10 half bbls. No. 2, Large. or ,ale by (Jyl2) - - --...—=- • 9l - - TEAM MILL, STEAM MILL—For - Sale, AO A Grist Mill all complete in good mincing order, ma of stone, smut machine, a coca a.d cob 'rumor, tc. /disc', a dwelling houca of 4 rooms, a large arable and 2 tote gmuld. bargain. situate in Borah pit 8. OUTtabarghELß, will be eald at a FAT EO N , umab 61 itiarket street.. DIED: en wmnesday, tha2Stb Irritant, KATE E., eacond drigh ter of B. PAW:sleet, age tl6 year 3. 'rho faltered wja tako pl , co ILL , (FRIDAY) morning, tho 50th tuatara,. at 10 o'clock, from the residence of her father, No. 265 Penn street. On Thursday, July 2911, 1853, at 12 o'clock, JOHN BUT• LER, infant son of John 8. and Henrietta Cosgrove. Tho funeral will take place this (WHIDAY) afternoon, the 80th ins:Mut; at' 4 _o'clock, from the. parent's residence, No. 163 Second Street. DR. aPLANE'S LIVER PILLS.—When the pro -IWprieters, Fleming Eroo., of Pittsbnrgh, Pa, of this invaluable remedy prirchased it of the inventor, there was no medicine which deserved the name, for the cure of Liver and Bilious complaints, Lotwithatanding the great viva. Immo of those diseases in the United Etates. In the South and West particularly, where the patient is frequently un able to obtain the aixvices of a regular physician, some rem edy was required, at once safe and effectual, and the oper- I mien of which could in no wise prove prejudicial tothe con atitntion. This medicine is aupPlicd by Dr. M'Lane's Liver Ellie, prepared by Fleming Brea, of Pittsburgh, as has been proved In every instance in which it has had a trial. Al ways b , •noficial, nut a solitary instaiice has ever occurred in whtcb its eil'ecta have been lujurious. The invention of an eier.ted and distinguished physician, it has nothing in c In/ACM with the quack nostrums impose I upon the public by shallow pretenders to the medical art. Experience bee now p:c.7, - ,i, beyond a doubt, that Dr. 3PLaue's Pill is the bout i , mccly aver preposed fir the Liver Cemp'aint. ..1.:,, ,- Pan:hales' will be careful to ask for Dr. ILVLANE'S CbLLBRATED LIVER PILLS, manufactured by FLEhtlisiG . c.P.O S., of Pittebnrgb, Pa. There are other Pills purporting to be Liver PIII3, now before the public. Dr. 211'Lane'a genuine ' Liscr Nils, also his celebrated Verinifuge, can now be had at all rospectable drug stores. None genuine without the eigua fixe c f 1 31 i f.i y29.lwdew) FLEMINGBROB. o 1' , 1 NEW ADVERT PROTHONL,TAItY.—Tha undersigned offera him' try self to the Democracy of Allegheny County, as a candidate) for Prothonotary—subject to the decision of the Detuo3rat'a Couventiop. jyBo:dtwt (A CARD FROM DR. JAMES M. JAR RETT, OF TEE NEW YORK LUNG INUIRII• ARY —Ms connection for the past eight years with the above inetitutian. as Chief phy blcian, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the oire of Pulmonary COD raptinn and its kindred disease; together with my un riv ailed opportcnitire and advantage of pathological research —aided n..t n !ittle by a perfect system of Medical ilhadc tion—has enat lial me to tiarive at a divisive, direct and sue c.-: safri course of treatment for the positive and raiilical cure of all dui eaece of the 7 hroat, Ltrngs, and Air-Pi:wax& kly Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly adreesed to the diseased organs and the lategu meat Ido not advise the use of Medical Inhalation of any Lind, to the exclusion of general treatment; end although I ,oiiiiier it a useful adjnvant In the proper management of those &Kalil sad uttim fatal dibeasen, yet I deem It very no en;sary that each patient should have the benefit of both F,• llrtli tied local treatment. The 1311C0.4E3 Of my treatment iii the above disesaes, and the high character of the Institn. Ilan oser which I have so long had the honor to preside,are lav well known to need any eulogy or comment from me. At the solicitation L f many private and professional friends, ihrLiogh whose philanthropic aid the ahovetbarity has been loge, cad liberally supported, and /Ital. due consideration, I have cozionaleil to make such arvngemente as will bring the to neflts of my experanents and treatment within the ( - Lech of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who eLitai ed the Inerrancy, or wao were able to visit me at my Whet). Bening therefore that the arrangement a ill give entire satisfaction, bath to my pro:essional breth ren and the public, I would respectfally announce in ODD- Cla4olD., that I con stout be c 'mulled personalty or by let.ter,on a 1 cIiSeILEIB3 as above and that the medicines, the same as used in the Institiition, prepared to suit each individual case. Inhaling rapers, Medical inhalers, dn., etc., will be torivarded by express to any part of the United Btatee or the canailes. fsais—My terms of treatment by letter are as follows, viz: $1.2 per month for each patient which will iuMude medicine nutriment far one month's use; also, In haPii if V,pur, sad an inhaling Apparatus. Payment as fol loly± . ial to be paid to hxprcee Agent on receipt of the box , t Moiliciee. cud the balance $6 at the expiration of the 10,.1.1'..11, if the peti nt be cured or is entirely satisfied with the matment, Patients, by giving a full history of their . a.e, aid their symptoms in full, can be treated as well by li ties ma by p-reoual examination. Patients averting them selves of Dr. Jai re - t a treatment may rely upon immediate an 1 permanent relief. as he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Loiters for advice promptly answered. For ia r ther particular; address JAMEB M. JARRETT, ifs. D.. No. 82) Broadway, car. Twelfth Bt., N. Y. P 3 —Phys:clans and others visiting the city are re ,p. ccuiy Invited to call at the infirmary, where many ietoresting cases can be witnessed, end where our in, y,•cred apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapor., ca. be coon and inspected. jy36:6m 0 :'‘TENT ? XPANSION SKIRTS— ..k. With the Adjustable Iludle Denglase and ..,aerwond, a ote Maeuracturt rd. Su!d ty Jos. HORNE, .133 u 77 Market street. t 0( N 1) CANE LIOUPS.—FIat Cane li °op (la sot td,) Eold wholesale or LI retail, at i,:;1 ORNES, 77 Market street. E i IIRST INT RO L UCED JULY, 18-19.- A. L. ARCIIA.IIIIIAULT , S Portable Steam Hoisting and Pumping Engine, 0., 4; from 3to 30 hoiso power. Also, Farm Ell g, sod Sivr Mill Drivers, 3to 30 horse. Ftigims always on hand. Nittnnfactory, 15th S• Hamilton Street• . PRILADELF [ ;lA. P.. li. C. BROCICEIT, No, t 2. Cliff Street, _New York, MANUFACTURED. OF GLASS SYRINGES, II0M(EOPATHI 0 VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. Wara for Chrcnista, Druggists, Perfumers, Photo. gyr,phers, etc. Green GitEl3 Ware by the pac's-age. A liber. al dtsconnt ms.do to the trade. Oroekrs from Country Drug• iti,ts and Leftism solicited. Price. Lists eent on applica Lion. jytteam EMONS-100 Loxes fresh Lemons, just nqd fcr tale by REVUES, ft ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood area, 1 . , Jo OrlpOfilLe St. Maslen Roiai. ( .. )LiANGES —5O tuxes received this day, i ordor, d for nolo by REYMER & ANDERSON. No. 89 Woad street, N - Oprottito the st.. Oharbtn Hotel. i.ASONA.I;LE GOODS—Mosquito Bars, ' Lawns, Daster , , White Brilliants; Pink, Blue and Boil' Chambray Ginghame; Piuk, Blue and Salmon Col- Bora t te. etc., etc. U. HANSON LOVE. (Formerly Lave Brothers,) 74 Market etrect. I[N THE DISTRICT COURT or ALLEGUENY COUNTY. John 0 Maguire, for W. Crawford, Fl. F. N 0.190. April for Thomas Mellon, Term, 1858. Except'ons to Sher- William Maguire. ill's sale. And now, Juno 18th, MS, GEORGE F. GILLIIORE, ap pointed Anditor, to make report deetributing the proceeds of i.ale, with the foots and reasons upon which said distri rerrion is trade, primal:it to eection 2 of the Act of 20th nrr'l, 1846. fly thr Court, The ondersignid %yin attend for the purpose of tho above appointment at hi: COnC9, No. t6O Poarth ea - oet, Pittsburgh, on SATURDAY, Aug Let 28th, 1868, at 2r. when and where all parties tuterouted, at attend. G3RGE GILLMORE, DAY STATE APPLE PARING MA ODINLI.—A VERY USEPuL AND SUPERIOR AR, TIOLE—By five turns of the crank, the apple is PARED, CURED and S tIORD. Patented, November 11th, 1868, and Fet.r.lary 17th, 1857, fn Europe. For eale in any quantity, at No. 74 Wood street, Pitts burgh. Pismo call and examine for yourcelves. j y 29 SAMUEL PAIINEBTOCK. 00K AT NO. 56, and you will Bee a two Etury brick Dwelling House, of seven rooms in good large portico in front, fine shade trees, a lot of ground 24 feet front on Marion street, by 101 deep. Price--sl7oo. T. tlll5 Por a , le by S. CUTHBRRT it SON, 01 Market street. - „IIX.T11 STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE 0. —27 feet front on Sixth street by iOO deep to an alley, with a lsrgo Dwelling House on the rear of the lot. For pshe and terms, apply at the Real Estate Office cf iY29 8. CUTHBERT ik SON, 61 Mart et at. OA, It N T—A three story Dwelling House ‘,ll Third street—s2oo pt-r year. S. CUTHBERT & SON, 29 Bell &date Agents, 51 Market st. A MERICAN WATCHES—We are selling la. these excellent Time Keepers, in silver hunting CAR% :rom .435 to $65. Call and see thorn. ttlatilLSlAN & PiIEYBAN, No. 42. Fifth street, 529 Agents for Bcs on Watch Factory. EMENTS ALEX. BLACK L7B. } JC , EIg DIRIIINGILL4I, Proth.anotary Jcly 29, 1858—Jy20.1Va8ha Ii• ACKEREL.- p 25 barn :tio. 3 Largo ackorel ; k 4 " " • rec'd and for jy23) LIENRYII 01LLIN9. REASE—For Wagons, Drays, Carts, an Ca , nag, -a, ruzAired and f.r an le by , -111,1 N ILY H. COLLINS. eiTIEESE-20.1 la% prime N. R. Cuttin ‘\.J CUeete, just roceved and for sale by ELBN.SY H. COLLINS. ARE FISH.—A large supply of White ..g„h Trout, Salmon, Herring, Ac , received and for cola by jy2d HENRY 11. COLLINS. IaLAIN AND FIGURED BA.REOES ; als ligrared Lawes, Clinlng oat very low. C. RANSON LOVE, 74 Market street. TIMED PEACHES.-20 Bushels choice Bright, Dry Poaches lost received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, corner Market and First streets. - fIOFFEE.-200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by 11_4; IVH. H. SHIM 118 841vd.ard 147 First streets. • WOOL WANTED—The highest mallet price paid for farmers wool, A by , JAIIES A. FETZER, ,A^2 Corner Illartet and Fledt. ntreeln. NARRIAGES, HATS AND CAPS, FUR NITURE OR QUEENSWARE wanted in exchange for two Bulichr.g LOU, eseh 24 by 104 feet, situate in the Seventh Ward. S. CRIVIBERT & SON, 61 6.ietket nrept. SUNDRIES. - 6000 IDs. Country Bacon; 12 kegs Packed Butter ; .76 bushel!, Britht Dried Apples; • • " Peaches ; 100 bwhela Red Potatoes; " Mixed J art received end for sale by JAB. A. FETZER , ulyBl Corner Market atd Becond ate. W JelB ;7. RAPPING PAPER- 7 3000 reanle asst glze3 RagWrappitiir, a superior artful for sale by 124 '"t ' . 1 . 's a. ri ' 4 _ _ SA.NFORD'S OPERA TROUPE. i , FARmERsANE Le OtANIOS' ..a.NDmAitustmANocompAn —A ' N. W. CA...lt:al& OF SW:OM/LEW Wa.124111' E 193, ' niir. At, c• I.lx. c, 3EX AL. 3-2 Ir-Ja , PII.I.I4DELPHIL. Sanford, A55a73.43313,80,1• -----..- P1T113.91.1 RUH liltPloll, No. 90 WATER 12131.00 T. with lila entire troupe of THIRTEEN- STAR • THOS. J. /10106113(Ageat; . PIMPORIdEIIB rm rout e h ome to Phil a d e lphia, will give Tha following list will show tho arniatr‘t pald At Oa thrco of their • • Pittsburgh Agency for lusts from June, 100900 .44.11.. DR E eattL W I t N sa Ct omno R pNR O DID O: mtx t vzmiNv N E T N E I F I A ,,jug I wI N y :I 32OI3, E L N , B T A L E , . \ ri w e b = r 3 bert.' — sida Gr a.... l..... ::: s v 60 0,4 ( 0 / Roch ß.l.llll ,r. t an eo ut 00... —..4 .0. / 66 63 1 00 5 . H lC ass Wu - Iff .. ... -...... 190 00 J. licward d CO••••••• 2 1 5 °° C " DA I 7 .- Admission Twenty-Two cents. Doors open at 71 400 00 Wm. Magee. .. —.-1 T 6 00 • ' j . COOL .v •w c f l i B T oF, N, Yranu 'ic w. 19;19r0g0r.... BCO W. Dliwtr.th, Rsq-1 4 1.25 .0 o'clock; commence at 8 1 4. 1 John 11.41.11. Ib7 60 J. BE Irwin , Esq,—. 850-00 2 :N ta iL e RS T, Manag er. Al. , n t. J. 3. House d C 0..... 830 67 Edw. Speuce;Alag... 61 tXt NOW/Myer* Grai1...1,089 72 0. H. Pau15en......... 850 10 John Thompson.-- 200 00 Englialier.R.ohard'u 199 09 IlLary Fealbohch... '2O 00 Brewer; hied /0 Co.. 939 John Watson.— ..... . 23 00 It. liui .8 tio 4 th., h t J.Bl. Raw 10 00 Wm. bflieudry...— /.0 Phelps, Carr A Ce.... 4,600 CO R. 8111 d C 0.... ... 1.3 40 J. L Howe a C 0...... 61 00 Bparig ACo 98 0 Jas. Woods, Esq.... 29 90 Salvage on steamer . M'Cully A 80...2,E , 79 17 • d/13 614 11 U Vi ut O James Mellingor.....l;ooo 00 Adametz El'Olintock 4 9 \W. al'Otity & C 0..... ' 700 00 Dliarnard 4 4 091 Sil Total STLTZ OF Pmeriertvarae, 1 City of Pittsburgh, as. j • Before me, an 2.l.turmau in arid for said city, personal], camo Thomos J. Hunter, Agent of tbo Farmers and Me. chanica' Insurance Company, who being duly awocn, e 0 cording to law, dottt depose and any that the foregolaa, statement Is true. THOS..). HUNTED, Agent. Sworn and subscribed before me, A prii 7., 1858. • • ap23 LcoeLiD B. &mita, Aldertnarl._. WACERS I PACERS 11—A premium of $4l) 1 1 11. will be given to the owner of the best Pacing florae, mile heats, three in five, to go fiEl they plea:e. Drivers and Riders to weigh 145 -1 1 :„„„ pounds. Entrance 10 per cent. On BATOR- _ DAY, July alst, 1858, 'at 4 o'clock, P. hi., at Collins Park, neat East Liberty. Free to all pacing horses that have never shown 2:50 or less in public. Rattled to clews on Thursday, 29th inst. N. B.—A match for $ 9 ,00, between " Lig Jim" and "Fanny Itobinson,'' it is supposed will come eff the same day. TWO MIIO heats to harness. j 327 _ _ NOTICE.The Co-Partnership of BAGA LEY, 00SGRAVE .4 00. expired by limitation, on the first instant. The business will bo utinned by W. BAGALIgY, at 18 and 2i) Wood street, who will settle up the br3baess of the late firm. W. BAG/UM+, JOBB S. 00SCiBLVE. Pittsburgh, July 1858.—jy23:tf WILLIAM BAC/ALLEY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 18 ;mad 20 Wood street, LAND WARRANTS. WE. WILL LOCA.Tg LAND WARRA.NTS ON MINERAL IN MISSOURI, CIELOIOEI SEI.ROTIONS WILLIAM FILLIZEIR 3 CA)., Jones' Building, 67 Fourth street y28.10t(11 w MANSFIELD PROPERTY AT AIIC TION.—Tbo subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, in the village of Mansfield, in Upper Bt. Clair township. on MONDAY, August 2d, 1868, at 2 o'clock, P. M., Ten Lots of Ground, being Nos. 6,6, 7,8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 19 and 29, in Mary Sheridan's Plan of Lots, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County, ln Plan Book, Vol. 2, Page 69. Thu thriving village of Mansfield is beautifully situated on Chartiers Creek, in the midst cf a rich farming country, about 6 miles from Pittsuurgh, by the Noblestown Plank Road. A plan of the Lots may be seen at th 3 office cf Mitchel Sr. Palmer, Atiorneys at Law, No. 87 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Terms at sale. GEORGE R. DODGE, iYI26 Augusta, Georgia. SEWING MACHINES, THE $2O AND $lO DOUBLE LOOK STITCH SEWING MACHINES Are now on Exhibition ; at the HOSIER Y STORE OF • MR. DALY, O. 2,0 rIrTEE These Machines are admitted to be the best in market for family use, making an elastic double thread stitch, which will not rip ,veu if every fourth stitch ba cut. It is the c,nly low priced double thread Machine In market. Orders rill be received and promptly tilled by M. DALY, Agent, No. 20 Stith greet., on the'corner of M ark et all e y, .Pan Pa NOTIGIR—IL DALY, on the corner of Fifth street and Market alley, Is the only °ea of the namo in business on this aircet. Summer Lager Beer. rplIE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends and the public in general, that ha to iu the daily receipt of Chia delicious Beer, from the well known Brewery c f J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be the best that was manufactured here for many years, OLBAB, TASINQUL and Give me a call and try lt. JOLIN ROTH, ap24:tf At his old stand, h 0.26 Diamond. An additional stock of Plano roans from thecelobratad Factories of STEM WAY ir SONS, N'EW YORK; ALSO, NIJNNS & CLARK, NEW YORK, Una just been received, and tho attention of purchasers dl rected thereto. H.LEBBit .b BRO., Solo Agents for the above celebrated Pianos,. 4.05 No. 63 Fifth street. p.m:4os 1 PIANOS I I ,pLOUR.-40 bbls. choice superfine for sa by .tAn. A. FETZER, COrTIOr Mallet and First eta. -LEMONS -25 bxs just received and for sale by ajd No. :19 Wood greet. trIIGARSI CIGARS I I—A large lot of J genuine Havana Cigars of the "Seneca," 'Coquette," Conchita" and " l'ntro Antos" brands, received this day. Those wishing a GUOD Cigar ehpald call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOB. FLENIIN 0, Corner Diamond and 31arketst rect. VILOUII-50 bbla. Superfine Flour just re caved and fur sale by JAB. A. FIh'ZER, 8 Corner Market and First streets. VELLUM COPYING BOOKS.—Theso books possess great advantages over any others; the paper being thick and strong will, not tear when wet. It takes a moss perfect impression and Is convenient to refer to. When once in use their superiority is apparent. Bold b W. G. JOIS.NSTiN & j oB Stationers, 67 Wood et. BACON -2000 lbs. Clear Bacon Sides fa sale by JAS. A. 'FETZER, tvs Corner Market and Bird streets. CHIM NEY TOPS-100 various patterns for sale, by De3OJ HENRY FL COLLINS. $5OO For a cottage house of three rooms and kitchen, on Gray's Road, South Pitts burgh. Terms easy. 8. COTIIBE . :T & SON. 61 Market street. FOR SALE CHEAP.- Dross and Mantilla Fringes, French Embroideries and Laces, Stockings, Gloves and Mitts, Merino, Silk and Cotton Under Garments, Considerable deductions have boon made from the origi nal prices of the above articles. jy27 JOS. HOME, 77 Market street. 00 FOR SALE—A two story brick $9 V. hanse, of six teem?, well arranged, pared yarn, with hydrant, bake oven, smolge honie, &c. The bones to in good repair, painted and papered. Situate on East Lane, Allegheny City. Terms easy. B. CUTHBERT 14 801 N; 51 Market street. jy27 $750 4, A two story frame house, of four rooted, siteate in South Pittsburgh, near toe Bridge. Large lot of ground, fruit trees ' &o. Pay ments easy. For eale at the Real EstateOffirs of S. CUTHBERT St SON, 61 Market street. 'AN DRAWING PAPER—In roll for EngraTern, for sale by J. B. WELDIN, mylit f 3 Wnod otreTt. erre . Prsrf h. OHM THOMPSON & CO. —Have jug received and for aale, a large lot o 1 Eugliah Vanilla° Red, Rochelle Ochre ' Vermont Ochre, French Zinc, American Zinc, White Lead, and Whiting, at 136 Third era DRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap ples, just received and for aide by 111c0ANDLM, 31. KANS & CO., e 22. Corner Wood and Water streets._ RARE CHANCE FOR A HOME -7 -Only i5OO, half la hand, balance on time. for a : Cottage H0113+3 - Of 3 rooms and klichou, with a lot of 30 feet front. by 140 deep; grape arbor, peach, plum, acid . scrido trese, esith email fruits, e'C., eitusto in South Pittsburgh, on Gray's fioal, not far from tho itionongsbela Bridge. Jyl7 H. CInIIBBII.I . & SON, 51 Market at. A FARM of 238 acne, near Economy, for wale by S. CIITHIMST h SON, Jyl7 Market street. GO TO THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, and buy your Shoes at reduced prices. A few more SOILED BLIONS and GAITERS selling 0111 SAP. GENT'S GAiTliltS and SHOES, time Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters for $2. Now is the for bargains. Go and pro. cure a pair. Gent's Calf Oxfords and Ties, Buck and Celt Gaiters, cheap. Boy's and Youth's , Summer Shoos selling at low rates. Call eoon. DIFBBNEfth st BACILEB lt CO. No. 17 reet, near Market, PORES FOR PRESERVE JARS—An mense stock on hand, et the only NII2AO TORY in the city—No. 76 Smithfield street. iYIS H. OVERINGTON. , • LE" -200 Pigs No. 1 Lead, for sal eby jyl6 HENRY IL COLLINS. bbls. Louisville Limo, for sal© by f tylei EIT3I2.IEL CC. 3 IAIN 11EN011 LF,MONS.-20 just received and foz sale by ILEVIKR 4t ANDERSON, N 0.8 9 Wood ((treat. iy 2,B FOR RENT—A large Dwellin,c , House and my2o litoro, on Want arost. B. CUT 61Market street. a BON, 6t. FRE SH. FIGS-500 drams just received and for auto by SEIM= a ANDERSON, 17 89 W rre. SUPERIOB. BLANK BOOKS—Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, and Day Books. A large sup ply on hand, made In the most igiperlormanner of the finest quality otpaper, y for city order& Blank Hokema " t° ardor, da go any given pattern. Ja23 WM. G. JORtiMli a CO., 57 WOO al. PITTSBURGH FARMING LANDS AND INSURE Di LAWAtlk'RiErlistrAda SAFETY INSURANCE COIIIPA NY INCORPORATED BY THE LESIBLATUBE OP lA= SYLVAN - Lk, 1835. OFFICE, S. E. CORNER TRIED AND WALNUT .PIIILADELPIIII4.. NiARINE INSURANCE. ON VEB3NIa.} . OARGO, To all parts a 4ie wer/d. FARE) LIT, INLAND MB:IRAN= On Goode, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land. Carriage, Ita all parts of the Union. VIRE /NSUP.ANO3I9 On iterchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Elonse- 4 ., &o. AMETS OF Mg COMPANY. November 2, 1867. Bonds, tfortgagee, and Iteal E5tate..........0101135 0 941 Philadelphia City, and other Loans 187,011 sa.a , stock in BenhadiailroadS and.T.nsuranoel 12 lie i t *a Companies Bills Receivable ...." a 50,201. eis. Cash on hand...... 88 1 89:4 68 Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums) cu IllarinePolicies recently isaned,on 82,780 119 other debts due the Company Bnbecttptloo Note. 100,000 O 4 alanosong. James O. Hand, Theophilus Paulding, James Traquair, William Byte, Jr., J. F. Ponistou, Joshua P. Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Usury Sloan, James B. Wantland, Thomas O. !land, 110.)bart Beaton, Jr" John B. Semplo, Pittabargiti D. T. ti r gun, J. T. Logan, a Nr.A. President. Awl% Wiill= Martin, Jocoph IL Beal, Edmund A. Bonder, Juhr. C. Davis, John R. Penroce, ileorge 13. Lciper, Edward Dar Unstop, Pr. It. Isl. Huston, William 0. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, 13, g euc3r Meilvaln, (Marlaa Hell 4, EL Jones Brockf, Jacob P. Jcuea, 2Lica. O. Hem, Vice Prcai, Rana LYLUDICI, Secrets- rp HE U.RE AT WESTERN . Vire and idiartuo Insurance Veil OF PHILADELPHIA. (Vice in Cor,apany'a Building, No. 403 Walnut, Corner of Fourth Street. AUT HOR I ZED OAPiTAL $ 500,000 Cf.Titzl in $222,000 00 Ow:plus, Jannry Ist, 1955. ......... 65,277 05 - $277,574 FIRE INSU R A NOE—Limited or Perpetual. MARINE LtiOItALICII, on Vessels, Cargo and Freights. INLAND INSURANCE by Ricers, Canals, Lakea and Lend Carringts D11.1r."103+31 Charles C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut atreeL g. illiam Darling, 1510 Pine street. Alexander Wit/11de% M.erchant, 18 North Frost, lanes liaziehuret, Attorney and Counsellor. John C. Hunter, firm a Wrigli unter le Co. E. Tracy, firm o: Tracy a Co., Goldsmith's Hall. John It. McCurdy, firm of Junes, White & McCurd y Thomas L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie & Zeller. James B. ;3 - mitli, arm of James U. Nmith & Co. Lica. Henry H. Pith. r, odic° 227 tooth Third stmt. John C. Vo , des, office corner of Seventh and Samos.. J woes Weight, lute Cashier 13ank of 'flogs. mod Toler Wiles Cairo City Property. Jt.na J. r_locum, office 2.26 Fouth Thud streets 0 0. LATakt)P, President. W. :_..1131..f1iC,1 1 1ee 2rtsidool LEWIS GRE6O9Y, Branch Gillco 3 Well et, Second Lco PrLdly JAMES 11. 11. Focretary and Tzzesnrer. .1110£L1.1.01SON, Ai:Blatant Secretary. /I. W. POINLIIITER, Agent. 97 Wator street; Pittsburgh. rennsy ivania Insurance C ompany OF PITTSBURGH. , Ho. 63 Fourth etreat. DIRECTORS:. Jacob Painter, J. P. Tannor, Geo. W. Smith; Body Patterson, 0. A. Colton. A.J. donee, W. U. Atcßrlde, Jas. H. Hopkins, Wade Hampton. L Gritr Sproul, A. A. Carrier, Robert Patrick, A. O. Sampson, J. H. Jones, John Taggart, Henry' Bpronl, Rich's Toeghtly, Char-tared Capital ...—......—...33 0 0 '0 0 0 FIRE AND MARINE 248103 TAKEN, of all dosoriptPret ' OPPI elms: President. , A. A. CARRIES, r._ • ; - Prealdent—BODY deg° Secretary and Treasaref-1. RPIIOUL. MONONGAHELA -17 INSURANCE COMPANY, 'OF PITTSBURGH. JAMES A. nuToluecri, Preddout. HENRY ht. ATWOOD, Secretary. OFFICE.-No. 98 Water Street 4 WILL INI3IIRD AGAINST LLL KINDS ';iE NMI! Lti/ DIARINE RIBES AMMO—MAY 2Qru, 1868. Stock, Bno 131111, payable on demand, secured by two approited names. $140,000 00 Premium Notes. 47,003 29 Bub Becelvable. 9,96021 116 - shares Mechanics' Bank stock, cost.. ... .. 0,165 40 60 do Bank of Pittsburgh do do 2,760 00 40 do Exchange Bank do do 2,060 00 190 do °likens' Bank do do ••••••• 6,175 00 Balance of Book Accounts 8,056 39 Office Furniture 690 88 Clash 16,853 78 D 11111720148 : :imam A. Hutchison. George A. Berry, Win. B. Holmes, Robert Rebuil t William Rea, Thomas S. Gorge, Wilson Miller, John Dl'Dovitt, my 22 Win. A. Caldwell. ....m. A. A. CARRIER it BRO., PITTSBURGH • GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital Iteprementod, 03 1 000,000. COMPANIES OP HIGHEST STANDING, Ohnenrod b Pennsylvania and other States. 4 PUS, MARINE AND LIVE RIMS TANEN OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. On FOURTH STREET a. AL CUM= iTrzasußdr, PA. rde2o.ll) --- - THE OLDEST AND LARGE ST LT.IIICGRAPIIIO LSTABLIBHmvin U THE OM. IM. SCHUCHMAN, PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPH Efiy Corner Third and Market streets, MOWS COLLEGE BUILDINGX jy2l:ly-2p SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK. IMPORTER ec DEALER 1N FOREIGN AND ))O.IIESTIO HARDWARE. 20. 14 Wood street., between Mariolad alloy and IPonsilt street, PITTEIBITBOII, Pd. Sir Tinistibgetiber is now opening a well sleeted ogiee meat of foreign sad domestic Hardware, all nawtand cold on es good tonna as any other hones in.tido city. 'ag s ill always keep as hand a general amartir.a of HARD - WAR% OITTLE2Y, CAIIVINTERV T00L1y414.;- T t which he raved:fully invitee the attention of cr•cbg.sei adt.2B RAidUEL PAIINEECe Ca, PI3IIIILLIPS, BLUNT Si CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants WHARF BOAT PROPRIBTOBS, A NI) SHIPPING AGENTS of )alizioig Central natiroad, Cairo, 1111nale. Mark Goo4a in all ba our earn TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER pnogs# From two to six inch calibre. _ . PRICES fro ALS I O m -ROCH 2 ES C TER to 80 ents per Foot. PEARL STARCH Por Sale Wholesale etidartulactstrera Prices by ELONRY 0. COLLINS, -- -, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT : WM WIIO2=I II DYAD 132 l j - . . 01111DEGE, BUTTER, SWABS, FISLI4 .. AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 25 WOOD STREET, PiTYBHOSOII. Vali BIeIJOUGEMI ISIANIIPAOTUBJAR OB • ALCOHOL Cologne Spirits and Fusel 011, Nos. 167 and 170 &sand Stmt. ssuftnis 102,785 81 P. A. MADEIRA, Agent, 95 Water street, Vitt! brr:gh. $237,110 65 PITTEBVBGH, PENICA.