Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, July 29, 1858, Image 3
LOCAL AFFAIRS. Matquitoes.—The Scientific American describes the origin of these annoying insects as follows : " Those pests of summer proceed from the animater:kJ, com• monly termed the wiggle+tails.' If a bowl of water is placed in the summer's sun for a few days, a num ber of wiggle-tails ' will be visible and will con tinue to increase in size until they reach three-six teenths of an inch in length, remaining longer on the surface as they approach maturity, as if seeming to live on influence derived from the two elements of air and water; finally they will assume a chrysalis form, and by an increased specific gravity sink to the bottom; a few hours only will elapse when a short, black farce or hair will grow oat on every side of each, it assumes the form of a minute catterpiller. Its spa cific gravity being thus counteracted, it is veafte3 the side of the bowl by the slightest breath . of In n short time a fly will bo hatched and escapo, leaving its tiny hours on the surface of the water. Any one who has had a cistern in the yard tins doubt less observed the same effect every summer, althoug_ he may be ignorant of the beautiful and simple pro cess c.f doveloperneet. If a pitcher of cistern or other water is placed in a close room over night, from whtsh all mosquitoef: have been excluded, enough mosquitoes will breed from it during the night to give any amount of trouble." The necessity of keeping yards and the surface of the ground near houses, entirely free from stagnant water, in order to diminish the numbsrs of these "night birds," is evi dent. A ['set Race.—Frcd. Kent, Mary Kent and Lizzie Cross, well known to the Allegheny police, were be fore Mr4 - or Stuck:nth yesterday morning, as it. seemed at they had get lei:ether, and after partak ing rather freely of corn juice, kicked up a bit of a row, As Mary did not behave as boisterously as the most she was discharged, but commitments for twenty days each were made out against the other two, and ofticer Adams was despatched with them to jail. Lizzie followed in his wake, while he watched his male prisoner, until the party reached Smithfield street, when she quietly turned down street and tock to her heels. The once: held on to his other pris oner, and tock him to h;s destinati.m, when, on reach ing the jail c.,p;od Liz-le coming; up Diamond alley. 110 gave chase, and after a sharp race down Rose street, overtook her and delivered her to Jailor Philips. On reaching the jail end finding that her term was twenty instead of two, as sho be lieved, she war, thunderstruck, and declared that had she known it "she would hare run a good deol faster for twenty days." B.,ggqge.—Tho baggage of the supposed murderer, Jacoba, consisting of five large chests, which arrived in the city early in the week, was thoroughly overhauled end examined at the Mayor's csoe yesterday, for the purpose of finding evidence, if po:siblo. Not a single scrap of paper was found in the chests, not a letter cr document of any de. scripticm. The chests were filled with valuable clothing, of which there was a large quantity. The only important discovery made was the finding of a pair cf bullet moulds and some twenty-seven balls, east in it, which exactly tit-the weapon found near the murdered woman. A wrench for screwing and uncerewing the barrel of the pistol was also found. This discovery leaves no room for doubt as to the weapon from which the unfortunate woman received her death-wound, and the finding of these articles in his chest will be strong evidence against Jacob,, if he is over capturod. Vie believe it is intended to dispose of these effects by public sale and apply the proceeds to the benefit of Jacoba's children. Fie Nic.—A pie nic, which promises to be the pleasantest of the season, will como off to-day at 13aldaff 's orchard, between Birmingham and Browns town. The ladies of the Et. John's Church, for the benefit of the schools belonging to which the pro ceeds will be applied., have spared no pains in mak ing ample preparations for the expected visitors. A sumptuous dilater wilt be served up, and a platform has been erected for those who wish to dance ; a fine band of music will bo in attendance. Omnibusses will leavo the corner of Fouth and Market streets for the ground. Caught in the Act.—On Tuesday night about twelve o'clock, as Mr. Scott was passing along in the vicini ty of Lorenz's glass works in West Pittsburgh, he observed two men loading boxes of glassware into a skiff. Suspecting from this lateness of the hour that all was not right, he gave the alarm, and the two men were srrested. They were taken before 'Squire Williams, of Teraperancevilic, who, after en exami nation, fully opmmitted them far trial on a charge of larceny. Several boxes of were had been loaded into the skiff. Their names are John R. Johnston and Peter O'Brian. The Undine Chik—We enjoyed a very pleasant excursion a few. miles down the river in the eight oared barge " Undino," on Tuesday evening, having accepted an invitation from a member of the club to accempany them. She is a fine'boat, and moves through the water smoothly and rapidly. The mem bers of the Undine Ciub aro clover, sociable', gentle men, and if they don't win the race next week, they ought to. We stated an Tuesday that bets were offering of two to one cn the Darling. The gentle men of the Undino Club say they aro willing to take all bets against the Putman in the race, tvith er without odds. Gymnastics.—Our Steubenville neighbors have or ganized a Gymnastic Association, and fitted up a building provided with the necessary fixtures for the exercise of the muscles. By the way, what has become of ihb Pittsburgh Polytechnic Association? We fear that the dog days have had a bad effect on the members, and that they feel disincrmcd to exercise -41nring the heated term. Perhaps the row boat extitenactit has taken its place. We expect to see this" institution" revive during the winter months. - -41 - - Cricket.—A match of cricket will lie played to-day on the grounds at Oakland, betwolm the married and single players of the two cities. The benedicts of both the Olympic Club of Pittsburgh ,and the Union Club of Allegheny have combined against the bachelors of the same clubs. Fifteen players have been selected on each side, and the match will com mence in the morning and continue all day. No doubt it will be a fine day's sport. The chances are rather in favor of the married men. Poplar alley is inhabited by a hard population. Yesterday morning, Alderman Rogers sent two wo men from this locality to jail, ono on complaint of a neighbor, and ono on her own confession, as va grants. They were both stout, able bodied women, fully competent to earn their oWn living, were it not for the evil influence of strychnine whisky- Agnes Conlin said sho had no home, and Mrs. Pendegrast would'nt stay at her home which she had. Tho Board of Guardians ware notified to take charge of the children of the let or. Bites and .Stings.—A-noted medical journal recom mends all persons visiting the country to take with thorn a bottle of tho cpirits of hartshorn, and in ease of being bitten or.stnng by any poisonous animal or insect, the immediate free application of the alkali as a wash to that part bitten, gives instant,. perfect and permanent relief, the bite of a mad dog not ex cluded. Strong ashes and water aro also said to be a remedy. Ifoonligtit Parade.—The Jackson Independent Blues, Washington'lnfantry ago' Birmingham Guards are expected to parade tomorrow evening by moon light. IVe think this much more sensible than to tramp through the streets in heavy uniform under the hot sun. Everyone who knows how, rends, and nearly every body reads the current literature in the shape of the - eastern weeklies. J. B. D. Clark, of No. 4 Girard 'House, always has the freshest of these, together with ether valuable reading matter, fine tobacco, cigars, .1e: ° Give him a call at the corner of Third and Smithfield streets.. Another Wife Beater.—Elenry Shah,: 148 sent to jail twenty days by Mayor Stuckrath yosterday on oath of his wife who states that he abused her, and threatened her life. Ho was laboring under delirium tiemeng when arrested. Kennedy's Bank and Commercial Review.—The August number of this old established Detector has been handed us by the proprietor, Mr. James W. Kennedy. It contains the latest counterfeits and a variety of valuable information upon monetary affairs. A Do) that had been running about foaming at the mouth for two hours yesterday afternoon, was killed by s..coe boys on Pennsylvania avenue, who stone the brut, to death. Rapid Buaineris Writing.—Mr. W. A. Miller, for several years the accomplished Penman and success ful Teacher in tho oldest and largest Commercial Schools in Cincinnati, has just engaged his services to the Iron City Commercial College, Pittsburgh, Pa.., where, as aworthy associate of the nuequiled writer, Mr. A. Cowley, he will for the future assist in teach. jog the very largo C.ftEEeB in this now the most pop ular College in thervion ; the largo patronego o which enables the proprietor to secure the very beet talent in every departmsnt of the College. [ 'frac Press. For cireu:era nn l specimens, address F. W. Jen kins. Use tht. Steel Pen.—No longer is there any restraint in the Ilse of the steel pen. That time has gone by and in a few years the eteel pen will be more need than ever. Long has been the desire of tho ink manufacturer to obtain an article that possesses all the substantial qualities and at the same time ba totally free from acids. Many have given up with despair and rail against the idea. This oounteraotion is fully perfected in Clark's Non -Corroding Fluid, which admits the pen to retain its original qualities, which it cannot show by any other Fluid in exis tence. To be had at Clark's News Depot, corner of Smithfield and Third. thlad Newe Full of Hope to the Afflicted and Suffering.—Many of the thousand portals of Death may be,clased, and life made happier and more com fortable to thousands who aro now in danger. Doubt less this world contains many a balm to soothe its physical woes and care its diseases. Among those, in prominent rank, stands Bowman's Vegetable pound, a safe and speedy cure for ConsuMption. The attention of cash buyers is directed to the fact that Carnsghan, Allegheny City, is.pow offering un usual inducements in his stock of well made clothing, furnishing goods, to,„ for men and boys. Examine ]pis stook and prices. Accidentally Shot Hinuelf—Last evening a son of Mr. Bernard Leath, of the firm of Jones it Lauth, of this city, a young man about eighteen years of age, accidentally shot himself at his father's house in Birmingham, with a pistol. He was loading the pistol in his own room, when it exploded, and the ball struck him in the side, passing around the ribs, and coming out at the back. The wound, although a painful one, we are happy to learn, is not like to result seriously. That Monster Turtle which attracted BO much public attention in front of the Cornucopim on Fifth street, has " gone the way of all tattles" and been manufocturod into most rich and delicious soup, which Eli Young, who is a capitathand at getting up good things, is ready to servo cut to his customers, fragrant and steaming, at all hours between ten o'clock in :ha morning and twelve at night. Call to.day as you pass along Fifth street and ' comfort the inner man." - - A Lady, passing along St. Clair street on Monday evening at about eight o'clock, was very much abased by some scoundrel by spitting tobacco on her dress. A valuable dress and basque were entirely ruined. If the scamp who committed the outrage can bo dis covered, to - should bo compelled to buy the lady a new dross and be fined besides. The Common Council holds an adjourned meeting on Friday n ght. B. W. Spear, Er 7., of the Chicago Preas and Tri bune, was in oar city yesterday. DR. HOSTETTER'S BITTERS—These Bitters are univorsally ,I.knowlet:ged to ben sure preventative and cure for Fever and Ague, Flatulence, heaviness of the eon ocb, or any other like affection. Their effect upon the system is most miraculous; they give a healthy tone to the system. remove all morbid matter, and in fact, thoroughly cleanse the system of all impurities. The proprietors, in presenting this preparation to the public, assure them that in no tingle when it has been used according to their dictations, has it boon known tc fall, but on the contrary new virtues have been dircoverod in its nee. To those afflict el with any of the above il:s of the body, the "Bitters" are offered as a rpeedy and cert , in care. Try them, and form your own opinion. For axle drn,Kgicts and dealcra generally, everywhere HOSTETTER & SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 68 Water and 68 Front streets. jy24—lo J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS—Try them, and satisfy yourselves that they are all they are recommended to be. The proprietor does not prebend to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaves them to test their own merits, and the constantly increasing demand for them is sufficient proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far en perier to any preparation of the kind n . .,w in the market. Their use is always attended with the most beneficial re. cults in cases of Dyspepsia, leas cf appetite, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, etc. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, assists digestion, and Imparts a healthy tone to the whole system. Be sure and call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated Stemt.. - -ch'ffiitters, and see that the article pur chased bears the came of J. M. Olin, as manufacturer. For sale by J. 11. OLIN; sole proprietor and manufacturer, No. 267 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa, and by druggists and dealers generally. jylit JOSEPH MEYER, Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 4 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, bYy In addition to the Fura , ture business, I also denote attention to UNDERTAKING. Hearses and Carriages rhea. TO. 65 FIFTH STREET.- ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent fur H. M. Warren & C 0.,) IdANUFACTURER AND DEALER WAILEEN'S FELT, CEMENT, GRAVEL ELASTIC CEMENT, SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, ROOFING MATERIALS OFFICE, No. 65 FIFTH STREET" opposite Odd Fel lows Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa. i 39 11 EDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known a and delightful 2113.1h1ER RESORT will be opened for the reception of Visitors on tho 16th of June, and kept open until the let of October. The new and spacious buildings erected last year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment has teen furn ished in superior style, and the accommodations will be of a character nut excelled in any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whosc, experience, conrteons manners, and atten tion to his guests give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of tucehe, it is deemed pro per to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambersbnrg. The Company have made extensive arrangements to sup. ply dealers and individuals with "BEDFORD WATER" by the barrel, carboy, or in bottles, at the following prices, at the Springs, viz:— For a barrel, (Mulberry,) $4 00 " (Oak,) 300 (Mulberry,) 3 00 ;..; " (Oak.) 200 Carboy, 10 gallons 2 25 letottlee, I!,i pint, q 3 dozen.. 1 50 The barrels are carefully prepared, 40 that purchasers may depend upon receiving the Watei fresh and sweet. All communications should be addressed to TUE BEDFORD MINERAL. SPRiIsR3S 00, j,3o:lta Bedford county. Pa. Iti IE 0 A H. . =THE subscriber has removed the balance o 1. Lis stock of FURNI 'l' U R E To the ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, No. itl3 Fifth street, where he offers every article at the reduced prices. Every article is marked in plain figures, and those In want of Furniture, are respectfully Invited to call and examine the Goods and Prices, bolero puschasing elsewhere. jyanra H. B. RYAN. IVIAF'TI TT & OL D, GAS FITTERS, BRASS FOUNDERS AND FINISHERS, Nor. 127 and 129 First Street, and Federal Street, Allegheny Gas Pipes put up, and Fixtures of the latest styles and patterns. We have a very, large stock of Gas Fixtures on hand. to which we call particular attention. j V2O am MAFFITT & OLD. iiMERICA.ti WATCHES—The best arti cle for a RAILROAD TIME KEEPER, is one of Ap otetrm Tracy ht Co.'s American Lovers. Every Watch is accompanied wilt a gurfantee from the marinfactnrers. REENEkIAN G MEYRAN, No. 42 Fifth street, j)24 Agents for the Boston Watch Factory. NiANN Y'S PATENT COMBINED MOW ER AND REAPER, Manufactured by A. PATCHEN, WESTFIELD, N. Y. The wonderful success of the MANNT Machine, both in this country and in Europe, Jewell known. The best recom• mends from thousands of farmers who have used it, shows that its popularity is deserved and permanent. For the harvest of 1855, 1 have made such improvements In the machine as to adapt It more perfectly to the wants of the farmers of Western Pennsylvania. These improvements were thoroughly tested by sample machines used during the last harvest. None but the beet selected materials has been need In the construction of the machines for the com• bog harvest, and every care has been taken to render the workmanship superior, making this the MOST DIDLIDLT AND LItS? EZ-PDTTaVT. 91ACEDLNE TO LEAP TN EXP.ALB., as well as the Most p.rfect for either Mowing or Reaping, now in use. Machines and a full supply of extras, will be kept at 97 First street, Pittsburgh. A. PATCHEN. JOHN HART, GENERAL AGENT, Oißce and Ware B cm, 97 tut street, Pittsburgh. LOCAL ( AGENTS: C. G. Turner, Uniontown, Fayette county, Pa., James E. Stickel. Perryopolis, Fayette county, Pa., Aaron Branson, Brownsville, Isaac Franks, New Geneva Aaron Brawdy, Dunningsvi 0 lle, Washington county, Pa,, William McCabe, Paris, James Cotton, Washington, Jordan a Brothers, Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland Co, Pa., A. W. A A. J. Turney, Greensburg, • .1. F. Eicher, Carmichael, Greene county, Pa. W. H. Simpson, Cross Cut, Lawrence county, Pa., Joseph Brittain, New Brighton, Beaver county, Pa.. J. H. Uolderbaum, Somerset, Somerset county, Pa. mys:3mw T HE SUMMER RUSH FOR WARM WEATHER CLOTHLNG, For Gentlem,u and Boys, is now at its height. NEW STYLES. NEW GOODS, And low prices, takes the people to CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Corner Wood street and Diamond alley. °LOSING OUT SALE of spring and sum mer BOOTS AND SHOES, At a great reduction from former rates. Call soon and ee cure-a bargain. Iternember the place—at the Cheap Cash JOSEPH H BORLAND, 98 Market street, tv3 doors from Fifth. lIMPORTANT TO BITYERS.—We have now placed upon the counter a lot of SOILED GAIT ERS and SHOES, which we offer CHEAP. Call and exam ine them. All kinds of summer wear selling at the most reasonable prices. Misses' Gaiters, black and colored, with and without heels, low. Children's Fancy Shoes. of the newest styles. We have still a few Men's Patent Leather Gaiters left, now selling at greatly reduced prices. DIII'ENBAOKSE. it 00., N 0.17 NM atreet,near Market, PITTSBURGH', PA] mr22•dly—lo ROOFS, -COMMERCIAL. VIWTSBUROII. BOARD CIP TP-ADR. AND VIEROFIANTS, EXCIIADIGAZ. President W. 11. WILLTAMB. 'Via Praia:at DIOKSY, 111. 1111UNOr, *ourer. • N. tibial , Es, supv-intender.t. JOSEPH SNOSVDEN. Oammitea of Arbitration for June. , F. R. BRUNOT, V. P., JOHN S. COSORAVE, J. B. CANFIELD, SAMUEL SHRIVES, DAVID APCANDLESS h Stage of Water. Two feet six lr.chea water in the channel Weekly Review of Pittsburgh Markets Prrrounen, July 28, LB5B Since our last business generally has undergone bat little change. This is emphatically tho "dull season," and a largo proportion of our business men have taken advantage of It by retiring to the country with their families. Prices, with a few exceptions, remain the same. Owing to a very limited supply in market, Flour has advanced some 76 cents per barrel during the week. Oats ,:ontinue high, but nearly the entire stock has been purchased on sp,:culstion. The present price of Fleur will pro'hably be maintained for a week or ten days, owing to the I,)w stage of water, and the hi :h rates of freight. A few lots of now wheat have come in, and found pur_ cha'ers at 90®96c. per bushel. The dome nd for Pittsburgh manufactures is confined to small orders, and the glass and iron men are waiting for the opening of the fall trade, most of the works having ens peoded for repairs. In the Money market there ie no change, the Banks and Brokers having a little less than the usual amount of Mai. nese at this season. Eastern Exchange still remains at the figures quoted last wesk—!„,i, per cent, premium for par, and % for currency—with a supply equal to the requirements of the business community. The Bank statements for the week ending Saturday, July 24, show the following aggregate Assns. Loans and Discounts. . Due by other Etanks. Notes, Ac., of other Banks and Treasury Notes SPecle. Ciiculation ..... Doe to other Banks Depoeites These figures show the following compttrative results : Increase in Loans and Discounts 461,204 21 Decrease in amount due by other Banks 50,448 48 Deerctse in Notes and Checks of other Banks, &c.. 21,473 65 Increase in Specie 6,627 65 Decrease In Circulation Increase in amount due to other Bantus. Decrease In Depositee 12,480 20 The statements show the following as the total of assets and liabilities of the several Banks: Assns LiAsurruis. Bank of Pittsburgh $2,447,669 64 $2,447,669 61 !der. and Manufaers' Bank._ 1,147,405 'a 1,176,898 16 Exchange Bank 1,797,087 64 1,797,087 64 Citizens' Bank 699,652 04 699,652 04 Mechanics' Bank 797,574 62 254 094 38 Allegheny Bsnk 4 609,415 84 267,479 19 Iron City Bank 546,404 11 240,294 20 Total assets and 1iabf1itie5.....58,045,209 62 $6,883,165 25 Excess of assets over liabilities 1,162,044 37 ASEEES...The m trket still remains quite dstlL with no sales worth reporting. Soda is still held at 3?,@4c., and Nitrate of Soda 634 c. Concentrated Lye 14c. Pearls we quote at 6 1 / 4 00%,c. Sots are altogether nominal at 434©50. BACON...The market is surfeited, with but few sales out side of the regular retail business. Sales of country have been made daring the week at 834, 8 and 9c. for Shoulders, Sides and Hams, with a few of the latter at 934©10c. Canvassed Hams 10 to 11%c.; Sugar Cured at 10%@1134c BEANS...The supply is limited and sales smell. Small White are silting at 800.@$1 yl bush.; a few choice lots at $.1.10©1,15. BUTTER...There is but little offering, and the prices are almost nominal at 10®12c. for choice roll There Is a good supply in the retail market. Bllooll3—.There is a good rupply 1n market; sales of common are regularly made at $1,25, and for better kinds $2; fancy commands $,2,25@2,50 "V dozen. BUCKETS AND TUBS...The Beaver manufacturers' prices ere as follows:—Backets, plain inside, "0 dozen, $1,45; painted inside, $1,60; 3 hoops, $1,76; Tubs, No. 1, 3 hoops;dozen, $7,76; lip. 1, 2 hoops, $8,7'3 ; No. 2, $B,OO ; No. 8, $5,60 ; No. 4, $4,75 ; No. 5, $4,00; Keelers No. 2, $2,T5 , Half Bushels, sealed, $4,75, CORD k Manilla Rope, coil 13 plb Manilla Rope, cut-. 14 VI lb Tarred " " 14 11) white " " ....113 /4 lb Hemp " " ......15 ?lb Tarred " " -.15 38 lb Packing Yarn, fine 13. 1 31 lb, Packing Yarns, c0m.12 liFt lb RED Coans...Manilla $1,87, $'4,81(egi3,75 3S dozen ; Manila, coil, 15c. 38 lb.; Hemp $1,87, $2,76@3,75 V; dozen : Hemp, p coil, 12c. 34 lb. Pte faexa...Manilla 87c. 38 doyen. Hemp 70a. per doe Carrot Omanida...Cotton Rope % and upwards, 20: do below %, 22; Bed Cord $2,50(4)3,82©4,75 1/ dozen; Plow Inca $1,25; Sash Cords $8.50. CANDLES-The following are now the current rates of city manufacturers: Moulds, 13r_ ? lb.; Dips, 12%'c.; Star 20@22c. TS lb. CHEESE-Tho supply of Western Reserve is better this week than last; a good article commands 114(4)8c. readily. Of English Dairy there is but little In market; held at Bc. CRACKERS.-The prices have undergone a further de cline. The quotations are now as follows:- Water Crackers "f lb 5c.; Butter do. Sc.; Sugar 7.*4 Soda 8Xo.; Boston Sc, Pilot Bread sfi bbl. $4. DRIED FItIIIT.-Sales of Apples, in lots, at $1,20@1,25 38 bus. Peaches nominal at $3,75, with a very limited supply. DRIED BEEF.. Transactions quite limited; canvassed brings 12@12W EGGS-Continue quiet, tie market being rather bare. They bring 8%( 10c. dozen, packed. FLOUR-Has advanced materially, owing to the limited supply. The sales from first hands have been very small, and have reached as high a figure as $4,90 for extra family. From store, sales are made at $4,12(4)4,16 for superfine, $4,50 for extra dm, and $5(4i5,25 for extra family, with a few sales of the latter at $5,50. Rye Flour from first hands commands $2,80(4)2,90, and $3,00(4)3„25 from store. FlBll...The market for l'181:1 remains about the same as last week, with only a small retail demand. Lake Fish are still held at $7®7,50 ? bbl. and 43,50@3,75 38 half bbl.; Trout has also declined, and is now selling at s7'f bbl.; Mack. erel declined to slo@sll,oo for No. 3 in bblo , and $5,25 for half bbla4 Halifax Herring $6@6,25; Codfish 4 1 4©5c. ? lb. FEED...Feed sells at the mills from 60 to 80c.ip 100 lbs. for Bran to Middlings. FEATHERS—SaIes of prime Western are made on arrival at 45c. '55 lb. in small lots, and from store at 50c. FIRE BRlCK.—Bales are regularly made at $28@40 VI M. GRAlN...Continues dull, with little coming in, new or old. Wheat remains at 70c. on arrival, and 75c. from store ; a sale of 1600 bushels at the latter figure; the little new Wheat which has come in sold for 90@)25c. Nearly all the Oath in the market have been bought on speculation, and they ore extremely scarce at 35 to 37c. Barley 30Q36c. Rye 45c. Corn 45®50c. GR/iCEßlßS...Trausactions are limited to the regular country and retail trade. Sugar nil keeps up, fiir to prime Now Orleans selling at 8 1 /,(giS)ic. in hhas. Molasses 40® 420. Coffee 12®12%c. for Rio. Rice dull at 5(Qa 16 , /,,c. in tierct,s GERMAN CLAY—Continnee to sell at $36 33 ton, with uw gales. HAY—Has declined, and the receipts aro much larger than last week; the price ranges from $8 to $lO IA ton Straw s6@7. BlDES—Green Hides have advanced to Cc. p lb., with a firm market. The supply of Dry is very limited, and the quotaticn Is nominal at 17c. LEON AND NAILS...The quotations of manufactured Iron aro as follows:—Common Bar 2% to 2%c. lb. Nails are selling at $3®3,25 for 10d. to 40d., according to quality ; the terms are six. months' credit, or 5 cti cent. discount for cash. Sales light. LARD...There is but little doing; the quotations are al most nominal et 9@94 for country and lte. for No. 1 city. LFATHER...The market is improving with an advance in prices to the following quotations : Red Spanish Sole lb 22Q28c. Slaughter 28428 c. 64 Skirting 2808 U. Harness u • 24@26c. Upper ? dozen. 43 30 @ 30 Bridle.. £ 36 @> 42 LUMBER, Seasoned—The following are the quotations of seasoned lumber, from the' yards in the city:— Common 1 inch Boards, 1000 feet. $l5 00 Clear do do 32 00 ' Flooring dressed do 66 --..-- 22 00 Shingle; sp 1000 3 50e Lath, 66 225 Oak flooring, dressed, 1 inch—VloS:3o feet ... 30 00 do do 1% do ... 82 00 LUMBER, Green.—The market Is nnchanged; Isaias are making at the river at $lO per thousand feet for common and $2O for clear. Slangles,s2,oo thousand. MESS PORK—There has been a decline in prices, with but very light transactions, the rotation now being $l6 IZA barrel. METALS...Pig Lead has declined to 6, and Fier to 6%©7; Sheet Copper 85036 c, Sheet limas no Vs lb. OILS...Lard 011 continuos firm at 850. for No. I in lotars, Lin - eed 68g700. PIG !di - VAL—BEd little actiri - y in this market. A few few sales of Allegheny have transpired at $2126 V ton, on time. POTATOES...The market is now poorly supplied, and there is a good demand, several lots of mixed selling at 550600. but choice Neebannocka are rather higher. POWDRR...There has been a decline in tho prices c f 75c. on former quotations of Blasting and $1 on Rifle ; the quo• tations now are for Blasting $4,25 1 04 keg; Rifle $B. BAND STONE—Regular sales of Huntingdon county, at $9 Vi ton. BALT—The manufacturers have recently rednoed their prices. Allegheny No. 1 and extra may now be quoted at $16)1a6 bbl. in lots. SEt DB...The season for Clover and Timothy in now over, and there is nothing doing. Flaxseed is In good demand or $1.12@1,15 @ bush. SOAPS.-The following , are the manufacturer's prizes • Rosin 6c.; No. 1 Palm 144; Chemical 5%; Castile and Toilet 10a.14 BITHETINCif4 YARNS, prima have declined, and the following are now the rates : Eagle /Meetings B%c. 10 yard ; Niagara 831 c. romp TAB. N. Nos. 5 to 10 in- No. 18 chisive, 22 110 ... No. 17 Noe. 11 and 12... 23 44 No. 18 No. 13 24 © ... No. 19—.— No. 14 No. 400, "0 doz-- 12 No. 600, d0z..... 11 (14> No. 600 ...... /0 0 '. 4 - N 0.700—.... 9 No. Boo ......... 8 No. 900 .8 0 -- N 0.1000...... ® Coverlet Yarn_... 29 0 .- TALLOW—The prices have advanced; we quote rough at 7;.se lb, and rendered at 10W. WHITE LEAD, LYMARGE, &o—White Lead Is firm and In steady demand at A5O igi keg for pure oil, and dry 903 iii lb, subject to the usual discount. Red Lead 94@9c, net, and Lytharge 8%. WINDOW GLABThe prices for city brands bays ad vanced, and we correct our quotations as follows :-BxB and 7x9, box of 50 feet, $1,60; Bxlo, $2,15; Bxll, 9xll, 9x12, and 10x12, $2,40; Bala, 9'13 and 9x14, $2,65; 10x15 and but, $2,75; 10 Vi cent discount off. Country brands Eoc. Lower. WOOL...There is but little activity in the wool market, owing to the expectation of a reduction in prices. The following are ruling rates at present: Common ... .........Mc. rib. Liblood and tub.........—........-...-....... 2.5 " 4 " .•••••• • •.. ....... „...„.........20 blood--...—............—...---- 25 " a WITLSKY —ls a dada lower than last week. &Whoa is mkt at. 21424 n oath. Raw brings 22X4,2i. $6,018,403 73 $6,077,607 94 396,896 96 346,250 48 22,405 65 260,931 90 11,249,397 43 1,256,025 08 1,476,351 OD 1,439,918 00 165,256 22 188,650 21 1,720,890 62 1,708,210 42 95,935 00 23,293 99 ..27 - 28 ..3o @ .. 31 @ Carpeteh'n,as.coL 28 ® " white2BtoBs 23 ® 28tat4 28 ® Twine 24 ® Batting, No. 1..- 17 ® “ No. 2.... 18 Eg =Eating-. 18 ® ku ~' Phibuielphla Market. PHILAMDECIA, July 28.—The 71our market la firm, but without activity; sales have been moderate at $4,26@ 4,60 for old stock and recsntly ground, $4,78@55 for fresh ground superfine; $4,71@5,25 for extra and £b.so@s6 for fancy lots. Rye Flour and Corn Meal aro quiet; safes former at $8,37, and latter at $3,50. Wheat In moderate request, but receipts continue trillium 2000 bush sold at $1,1001,20 for new red, and $1,80@148.5 for white. Eye remains un changed; sales of old Pennsylvania at 70; and new at 000. Old Oats meet a moderato Inquiry, but new are neglected. Whisky is unchanged; sales in bb a at 24©260. New York Zdarket. thrw yoga July 28.—Cotton heavy; 300 bales sold. Flour firm; 12.000 bbla. Wheat declined; 50,000 bush sold. Corn declined; ea'ee 28,000 bush; unsound le 2@3c lower. good mixed 884; yellow 95@56c. Bacon firm at 8X 3 (4).5%, for Sides and 0®54, for Bhoolders. Linseed Oil Is steady at 73q Lard Oil tisc. Chicago Beef 25c better at $12,25@13,78. Sugar firm; Porto Rico 7@8%; Muscovado Ng% New York Stook ffiarkot. Nrw Your, July 23 —St , cks heavy. Illinois Central 98; Illinois Central bonds 87%; La Crosse and Mil.w.suee 4 , /,.;; Mich. Southern N. Y. Contra' ED; Penna. Coal 49%; Missouri 853.1; Erie 18%; Cleveland and Toledo 39; La Crosse land grants 21%. New York Cattle Market. NEW YORE., July 28.—Beaves have declined lc; sales at 6 ®B4; the receipts Were 4400. Cows are nominal. Veals 4@o. Sheep and lambs firm and active at $5,20@5,35; re ceipts 5700. _ Vinclaarkati Illarkot. Cmcntwart. July 28.—Floor dull; sales 700 bbls at $4,10@ $4,25, the latter for extra and $4,50 for extra white Wheat. Whisky firm; sales 900 bbls at 22c. Corn 58@80. Oats 50c in good demand. Wheat unchanged, with a lair de mand. There has been nothing done in Provisions and prices are nominal; the demand has fallen off; a good deal of Louisville Mess Pork 19 offering at $16,50, but buyers re• fuse to pay over $l6. Money is quiet and easy; the rate, of exchange are unaltered. U.> NERVOUSHEADACHE. — Rev. W. G. Howard, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, at Chicago, Illi mole, who has been a great sufferer from nervous headache, but who has o:Teri:need entire relief from it, by the use of WILSON'S PILLS, in a letter, dated June 18th, 1858, ad dressed to Messrs Fahnostock & Davis, of Chicago, Illinois, says :—" During the last twenty years, I have made use of a great variety of medicines prescribed by Allopathic end Homoeopathic physici ins, but all have failed; and I had re linquished ail hope - of relief, until I was induced to ressrt to WILSON'S PILLS. These have effectually relieved me in repeated instances of late, anl.l can cheerfully and con scientiously recommend them to others who ore similarly affected." This sovereign remedy is sold by B. L. Fahno stock A Co., corn"r of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, to whom orders for supplies should be addressed. (jyl3:cc CANDIDATES. Slf ERI FF.—The undersigned offers himself to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic Conven• tlon. BARNES FOltit, je24:claw Upper St Clair. 17 SHERIFF.—The undersigned offers himeelf a can• didate to tho Democracy of Allegheny county for the office o' Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Demo erotic Convention. MATTHEW HARBISON, y27:dewtc Ul3 CORONEIL—The undersigned offers himself as a candidate before the next Democratic Convention for the office of Coroner, and asks the support of the Do. moors° y [jell LENOX REA. COUNTY CONIitIb'SINE,II--The frionds of OH AS BRYSON, of West Deer township, will urge his nomi nation for the (Ince of County Commissioner, before the next Democratic Convention; subject to the usages of the ley jyl4:clawto SPECIAL. NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYING WITH THE URGENT REQUEST OF HUN DREDS OF THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. FITCR AND J. TV. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may be consulted at their office, No. 191 Penn street, OPPOSITE BT. GLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for OONSUMP TION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL r , THEtt lii OHIO COMPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, e. DRS 'ITCH It SYEES would state that their treatment of Consumption is based upon the fact that the disease exists in as blood and system at large, both before and during its development in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Hygienic) and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. With they, they nee MEDICAL L.N EIALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Pallia hoes, (having no Curative effects when used alone,) and Inva lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached In a direct manner by Inhalation," for; as before stated, the seat of the disease is in the blood and its effects only in the lungs. • .11Zr No charge for consultation. A list of questiona will be sant to those wishing to consult us by lottor. my'29:,law [Oa DEMOCRATIC TICHRT.—Mr. Editor: As the time approaches for making the nominations for the fall election, the Democrats are looking about fcr suitable candidates to place upon their ticket. Allow ma to suggest the following names for their consid eration. There is not a gentlemen named, who Ia not a thorough national Democrat: CONGSEI3.6. HON. CHARLES SHALER, City BRNATZ. HON. WILLIAM ViILIIINS, Pbeblej hJ3SESIBLY : JOHN M. IRWIN, City, THOMAS S. HA.RI . , Indiana, JOEL KETCHUM, Elizabeth, HUGH LAFFERTY, Baldwin, WILLIAM McLANE, North Fayette sasaivv: BARNES FORD, Lower at. Glair PHOTIIONOTAILY : JOHN BIRIZaI..NGHAII, Ohio COUNTY COUILL99IONSR THOMAS FAIILLNY, Allegheny[City AUDITRO : JOHN MIIRILky,-South.PittHburgh CORONER: • WILLIAM *LEXINDER, City RIICAPITULATION CITY WEST 01 THE ALLA:IINY 3 EASTERN NECK. SOUTH OF THE MONONGAHELA. 4 jyl2:dto —l2 OFFICE 0? PITTSBURGH GAS COI 12th July, 1818. DIVIDEND.—THE TRUSTEES Olt THE PITTS BURGH GAS GJNIPANY have this day declared a. dividend of FIVE PER CENT- on the Capital St, ck of the Company, payable on demand to Stockholders or their legal. representatives, at their once, on Smithfield street. jyl3:2w JANIE+ M. CHRISTY, Treasurer. NOTICE—THE INTEREST COUPONS of the Bonin of Lawrence County, issued to the PITTS BURGH AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, due July, 185 S. will be paid at the office of W. H. WILLIAMS & 00., Pittsburgh, Pa The change in place of payment is made In consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Ocmpany, New York, where the o:mporia are payable By order of iY2 THE COMMISSIONERS. STEAMBOATS CINCINNATI. For CinolmointL The elegant side wheel, pane - tiger packet SUPERIOR—Capt. R81)3101 5 1D J. Gmtns--will leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, THIS DAY, the 4th MM., at 12 o'clock, For freight or passage apply on board, or to FLACK, BARNES a CO., Agents. Through to St Louis In five days. 7.. his boat connects with the mail line, and will go throngla in the time speci fied. She will leave on Saturday. 0p22 Z.kNESVELJLE. For Illariette and Zanesville. The steamer EMMA GIIA ir, Capt. Mort f • ROB Anus, will leave for the above and all '•intermediate porta on every T I JESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P.ll. For rudest or panage apply on board TINE SYMPOSIUM.. WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR, Fifth &rat, Ni:r. Door to the Pittsburgh :Th tatre The house is new, built especially for the par poses of a First. Class Restaurant and Saloon, and the proprietor hav ing had many years exporlence in the business will keep constantly on hand the beat that the markets otl brd. His Wines, Liquors and Ales, are of the best quality. Ho wants all his old friends and the public generally to gl ve him a call at the Symposium. NEW ICE CREAM SAL 00N, AND LADIES' RESTAIIRANII, . NO. 27 1 1 FIFTH STREE T. The subscriber has Wised, and fitted up several c ommodi -0113 rooms, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth street, which are now open for the Bummer Seas um La • dies and gentlemen can always find an abundant ;Imply of FRESH CONFECTIONARY, FILIIITS, ICE CREAM, WATER ICES, and all the refreshments of the seat on All are respectfully requested to visit the rooms, and test for themselves. (jel0) M. McGI FLEY. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling House of four rooms, a large Lot of ground, fruit trees, e tc., pleas antly situated in South Pittsburgh, on the point , ,f Mount Washington, immediatly opposite Smithfield litre et, will be sold on easy terms, by S. 016FPUMNItT .k. SON, iy 13 61 Market street. IrAIIIETY I—A Farm of 40 aeren; one of 12 acres, one of 302 acre.; Buildieg Lots, price $lOO, pay ab ein Ems of $2 a week. Dwelling Honsw4 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Ikeda Pittsburgh, and Mount. Washington; a pleasant residence in Bewickly; ft Lota in Paden, for sale by Jyl3 B. OUTIEBERT & 3013, 51 Market at-4 DWELLING r.t. HOUSE an Third street S. CIITTIZERT & SON, 51 Market street. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR BALE. An undivided third part of that valuable property, situate at the corner of Muth and Wood streets, Using 130 feet front on Wood by Bf.) deep on Sixth street. One-third of-the above will be sold for $3,000. One ball in Lead—balanoe at one, two and thre a years. , B. 017•THBERT it SON, 1 61 Market meet. ~.13: ~~:~ J. & T GROUTT, WORMS 01. BRANDIES, .0 GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD lIONOEGAIIELA RYE la aISRY, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Va. ont Streets, ap14 . 1 PITTSBURG LI, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL RINDS OF WRAPPING 3F ) A ri l. M :7) le-13 5) Warehouse, No. 2 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. .Rage bought at market prices. rn y S JOIIN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 7 Vireter street, below lAarket Jo 1: ITT MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORE& ISAAC JONES JNO. L. BOYD JONES, BOYD & CO. SPRING, PLOW AND A. D. STEEL SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner ROSS and F.tro , t Streets, jy2s PITTSBURGH, PA moORHEAD & CO., American, Plain ft Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Roofing, G atter lia g, Spouting, &o IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Virarehonse, 136 . First street, mr26:ly-is Robinson township 19AA0 JONlid r). B. ROGERS &; , ILAITUFA.O7OT.T.R3 ROGERS , TWI . ROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEET !I WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., L.IQ,U®R MERCIIANTS, NO. XI DIAMOND ALLEN, Near Wood street, far' Always on band, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cog!, , - , Brandies, Old 110nm - 1gal:tell. and lioctined tl2(. Ve boilt quality. d-si Forwarding and Commission -lictrehs.nt, •oR TEM BALE or lour, Grain, Bacon., Lard s Buttor, Seetin, Urir , d Frui and Produce generally, Corner of flia.rket and First mtreets PPITHEII &GE. PA. Rana to--Francis G. Bail Pity. . Cuthbert & Son, Pktaburgh; Boyd & Ott, II elskeir wearixtgen, 8. Brady, Cast.. M. & M. Bank. List & How,ll, Mangle & Co., George W. Anderson, Donlo . Paztor. & Co. Whilna urrP.R•ttzst.f ‘AMUELJAHNESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD ky street, Pittsburgh, has on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which he will sell very low for CASH. In ad , liti.,n his Locks, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, large assortment of C;arpenter's Tools, ho haa received a lo - ply of Bat:stage Cutters and Stutters ; Shovels, Tongues and Poker?, ; Sleigh Belle, and Ninam , c 1.29 Preserving nettle.. ATTOTLNDY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER WM. W. WrIOLESALL: AND EJLTALL FIRST PREMIUII READI MADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTOR Y, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, PHI..ADEOLPHIA• Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirt! and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, kn., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. jel:ltyd IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALERS IN FINE OLD WiIiSKYS? NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, Jel:lyd PHILADELPHIA GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium 11{1lind Factory, - - CORNER THIRD AND MARBLE' STS., PITTSBURGH. THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the beet mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is giyon to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. No. 72 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. frayStlvis DAVID H. WILLIAMS, CIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR NJ FOR THE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five garners and upwards, and for Heating Buildings, public or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. tryttlyis PIT VSBURGH. P. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Crider" -, gurgle land an 1 Don tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. Be Wood street. They give special attention the inanniactur• ng of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing cud Iti•pairing Ito punctuality and despatch. anti iiirreffilCOCEl, WCREERW & CO. (813002880R9 TO 110171.1 AN, MT:MEM tr. C 0.,) L'ORWARDING 9ND COMMISSION 11FROHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Flour and Wool, No. 114 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 112/ EH NO a Springer Harbaugh, Joseph E. Bidet, Si. Louis; Pittsburgh ;..Fenton Ergs., H. CaillCl3 Co, Cornell a Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Cosgrave. Co., " Garret Martin,Philadelphia; McCandless, Means k Co., '6 James, Kent, Santee a Co. " G. W. Smith, a Co., " Weaver & Graham, Geo. M. aL. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Starling t Co., " B. Fenton a Bros., " Yard, Gilmore Jr. Co., " m93l•tf W. H. McGELE G. M. DOSCB. W McGE E & CO. e kriaICIELANT TAILORS, Nalors In Ready Made Clothing and Gentlem We Furnish ing Goods, corner of Federal street and Market Square Alin ghony City, Pa. .1e12:ly M &RBLE 1 MARBLE! Jo ja 7 CORG 0 • HAS A BEAUTIFUL BELFATION OF MONUMENTS 9 GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, &C., &v. The public are reapectfully invited L. examine our atccit Price, low, and work warranted. WI. 7.:4 LiWART? BUSINESS CARDS MANUFACTURERS OF ILIErittOYA L. PIC METAL AND 'BLOOM S% MAIDIPACTinitBs or CAST STEEL. ALSO, MANUFACTURE OF AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT COESEIR ROSS .8.21 D FIRST STREMTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL T TSB UP. GH, JAMES A. FETZER, HARDWARE= L. C. 1-IFIPI3UIIN, 071/ICOTI Willi Li. ! -- . 7 c , Poartb E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., CARTWRIGHT th, `YOUNG (Succeuors to John Cartwright,) DOINT BOX FACTORY.— BUSHEL Or. GETZNDORIP Alanatacture to order, BOXES suitable for Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Gocd3, etc., etc. tz Ordery promptly !Wed. niv22ly aoeraT D.II.IIELL ALIOS G. lI32ADISO ji_likoOßEßT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh .11anufacturea, No. 251 Liberty strive!. Pittsburgh, Pa. not2s;si. FURNITURE FOR CASH. A full assortment of Pittsburgh manufactured FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CAISZS, WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, es • well as a spledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms • on which business is done at this establishment is for CASH. Prices are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at HAMNER 4 .IB.WLN'S, No. 103 Smithfield street, Now Fifth. J. li. PACIUMR, Jam M. Wm. n3yl3:lT VOUNDRY IRON.—K tons, for sale by ie3o HENRY U. COLLINS. 111 LAIR & WYETH?.3 CHEMICAL FOOD jur —A large supply received this day. For sale whole. rale sad =tail by JOSEPH NIEMEN% Oa= Dlazzol and rdAlk64 Sty ; -,-;ff-tr7 Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., No. GO corner of Wood and Fourth Street; A S AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient touic, catuartic and anti dvapeptic medicine, these Pills are recommended to the public by the former propri etor, (DR. WILSON,) with a confidence such ss a long con• tinned and careful trial of them in an emple practice war !ants. In their operation as a cathartic, they influence more the motory and less ihe soca - I:ling power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They agrje,with the most delicate nom• rich, removing nausea paiff, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AS AN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC -They neutralize and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action which should never exist In the human stomach. From these peculiaritjon in the Pills., a person taking them may expect a free, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nausea, local or general debility, or that dis gusting siekness or costiveness—tho usual effects which at tend or follow the use of other,parges. CERTIFICATES. Extract of a letter from H. F. F'arrzsworth ct Co, Druggists, Memphis. Tennessee, January 7, 1858. MESSRS. B. L. FAJINISTOCE a Co.—We Ny .. ol'o the first to in. croduce Dr. B. Adams Wilson's Pills herid. many years ago. They were the best Fill over in this market. We use no ether in our own families, and secured for them - a high tharacter by our recommendations. Yours, truly, H. F. MINESWORTH & CO. Extract of a letter from G. TV. .1 . 715 ,, Na5hva1.e.., Tennessee, 17M. LfcGUI.LOUGH Masers. P. L. Fernuaroc , t a Co.—Dear Sir: I have seen Dr. R. A. Wilson's Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have used then myself, and believe them to be the best Pill in use I have no doubt they will cure many ot , 4r complaints when properly used, ana I cheer mlly recommend them to the Dublin. Respectfully, yours, G. W. IBWIN. From Colonel Win. Hopkins, late Canal Commissioner. WGSNINOTON, Pa. January 8, 1858—Dear Doctor: I have been using your "Anti-Dyspeptic" Pills, when occasioned required, for many years, and can truthfully say that' have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve me from headache, and have always left my system in better condition they found it. I must confi. deafly recommend your Pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. Very respectfully, etc., DR. R. ADAMS WILSON. WM. HOPKINS. Prom Thos. Blau more, Esq., Treasurer of Allegheny Co., To it. It. A. Wation.—Dear Rir : I have been using your Pills since 1840, and do decidedly say they are the best Pill in nee, or that Phave any knowledge of. I first used them for "sick hoadaehe," with which I suffered beyond descrip. Una ; I am happy to say, that they entirely cured me. Since then I Rs^ them as a family medicine : if I am bilious, or anything ails me, and I require medium°, I take a Pill,and it cures me; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years. THOS. BLAOIIIIORE. January 8,1888. - PITTSBURGH, P Firear Dr. Keyser. .)116310. B. L. FAHNZ6TOCE. ,t Co—l have had considerable experience in the use of the extraordinary Pill compounded by Dr. It. Adams Wilson, of which you are now the propri etors, and have often felt their benign influence in my own case for " nervous headache," arming from a disordered con• ditiou of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them for others, irt cases of hemitrania" and other f firms of head ache depending on a deranged and irritable condition of the stomach and digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar ly adapted. being entirely free , rom any griping tendency. I regard them as a very valuable Pill, and ono that purges without at rill oehilitaring. Yours truly, GLO. H. KEYSIIE, 140 Wood street. :it, March 5, 1868 jylilydam BEE= PllTSBEiltali. PA MEDICAL DR. R. A. WILSON'S PILLS, PREPARED AND SOLD BY WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, PIITSBURGW, PENN'A Fdrruary 15. 1858 Pittsburg THE GREATEST riticAL 1 9 " DISCOVERY r OF THE AGE. '. - NEDY, of Roxbury, has discov. ice of our common paatnro weeds a remedy tb.a Iv Every- kind of Humor, zsom. TILE WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A COMMON PIMPLE. He has tried it in over eleven hundred eases, and never exoapt in two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over one hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Beaton. Tv'o oro warranted to cure a nursing tore month. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Plmp lei cc the Paco. Two or three bottles will clear the system of bike. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the mouth or stomach. Three to five bottlas are warranted to cure the worst kind cf Eryripelhr. e to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor inithe sya.s. 'faze bottles are warranted to care running of the ear . a and blotches among the hair. Fonr to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ufrers. Ono bottle will cure scaly eruption of the akin. Two or three bottles fire warranted to cure the worstklnd of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most deo porato case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure salt-Rheum. ;aye to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when theßO abovX BURYe quantity is MASS taken. , Dr.An Mend`,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say anything on the subject, as the moat skilful physi cians and the most careful Druggists in the country are un animous in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do tt with a full knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are un fortunately so liable. That moat excruciating disease to an affectionate mother. NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is cured as If by a cairaclo; your own temper is restored to Ita natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers ; and the Medical DIEICOTO , r becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and b on ,ehold. In ,:'he more advanced stages of CANKER extends to th,.• stomach, mroing DYSPEPSIA, which Is nothing but conker of the atom it; then to the teatnes and KIDj E Y 5 , creating a cinaina, gone fooling, „and en indifference even to the cares of your family. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED', your food diatrosia,s you, and you can only take certain kinds and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contains 99 the acrimonous fluid of the maker eats it up; then your complexion loses its l'loom and be comes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes twee and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical 'Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the Bide, wet r.eris of the 'mine and small of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, tie at most excra. casting of diseana, the PILES. How many thousands of poor women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I tt , ish to impress oe your mind that good old proverb, "An ouxice ci prevem tioo is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, rith thin great :Ind good quality, that it will never, tinder any( ercumstanses, do you any injury. Ne change of diet ever nocessary—eat the tat you can gel and enough of it. Dumemorts 10a usa—Adnita one tsble spat . 110 per day— Children over ten years dessert spoonful—Ohil dron from fire to eight years, toe spoonful. As no diroctioi ,a cam be appli cablel•to all constitutions, take milEcient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD KENNEDY. Price $l,OO per bottle. Yor sale by Dr. EO. H. ..A.AYSEE, No 140 Wood street, Pf oMburgh, Pa. A BEAUTIFUL Li BAD RICH GLOSSY I LAIR, CompleteHy Presert ,ed TO THE GREAT.ES3 AGE. And who that is gray would not have it reutured to its folloer color, or bald, but would have the gi gcrwth ; restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would .have it ren:oved, or troubled with scrofula, scald head nr other oruptioba, but would be cured, or with eick headache (neuralgia,) but would be oared. It will :sista remove sd pimples from the face and skin. Prof. Woo al's Hair fiesta- - rritive will do all this, see circular and the fo, 'flowing : ANN ARBOR, NoVei tuber 6,1856. Psor. O. J. Wood—Dear Sir :—I have him ti much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorat Ive;but having i,en so often cheated by quackery and tack nostrums, hair dyea, &c., I was disposed to place yo ir ...Restorative in the same category with the thousand and o as loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in tarmac° county some months since, when you gave me sus assurance as induced the trial of }'our Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become ver, y thin and en. tirely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot tles, her hair was restored nearly to its or lgincl beautiful brown color, and had thickened and becom a beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the head; a Se continues to use it, not simply because of its beautify lug effects upon the hair, but because of its healthful lad senoe-npon the head and mind. Others of my family and f donde arousing your Restorative ' with the happiest effects herefore, my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and value are entirely removed; I can and do and most cor dially and confidentially recommend its ise by all who would have their hair restored from whice or gray (by rea son of sickness or age,) to original color and !beauty and.bv all young persons who would have their hai r beautiful and sinewy. Very truly and grafetillY yor cra, SOLO MON MANN. FDISOID WOOD: It was a long t [me afte r I saw you at Blisafleld before I got the bottle of nester ative for which you gave me an order upon your al pant in D. stroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on 1 drs. Man We hair, as the surest teat of its power. It has (lane all that yon assured me it would do• and others of my family and friends, having witnessed its effects, arena w using and recommend• ing its nee to others as entitled to the highest conidderation you claim for it. Again, very respectfully an d trnly, yours, SOLOMON MANN. CAB MIX, lIL, June 28,1852. I have used Prof. 0.3. Wood's' Eiair Restorative and have admired its wonderful effects. Dly hairzvas becoming, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of his Restora tive it has resumed its original color and, I have no doubt, permanently so. S. I IRESSE. ex-Senator, U.S. 0. J. WOOD * 00., Proprletc 812 Broadway, N. Ir., (In the great N. Y.Wireltai li ng Di ment)and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. Bold by DB. GEO. H. KILY2II3, No. 140 Wood it., jo And sold l all good Itogglath BOGERS•-s NEW DAGUEBREAN AND ADIBROTYPVi . HEY 41W AIDE-110113' GALLERY, NTH STREET, NEARLY OPPOSNE THE POST-03710Z PIO7IIIIEB taken in all the various styles, in any weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates, le./lick or deceynd persons taken at their residenoca ap2olydaw-is WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY: WM. C. WAJ.,L HAS TAKEN THE third floor of .Thtes' New Building, adjoining the Mechanics' Bank, Fourth street, for an AMBBOTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY; and having fitted up the room in a style unsurpassed, invites hisfriends and the pub. he to visit his establishment. Ells &caption Room, he has no hes;tation in saying, has not its superior anywhere, for size, beauty of furniture and appointments generally; and his Operating Rooms, being' on the same floor, are entered immediately through it. In his Operating Rooms, the moat improved combined aide and sky lights give a facility for taking a finished Pic ture, in the least possible time, that he thinks cannot fail to mako his establishment the resort of all persomi of taste. Mr. Wall's experience as an Artist, is a guarantee to his patrons that none but good Pictures will ho 'permitted to leave his promises. The public, and the Ladies especially, are nvited to view is rooms, and examine specimens. jy24lw R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Ambrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Filth street, end BIINBEAAI GALLERY, 8. W. cm. of Market street and Diamond, Pittsburgh PRIZES TO SUIT ALL. mylOS—ap AMBROTYPE.S- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURAgLitICTURB WARRA.NTED, CAN B! HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS ESTABLISEUENT LN THE COUNTRY, AT WALL'S, Fourth street Removed to 21 Fifth Street. OARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC AND AMBROTYPE UALLERY has been removed from 6 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. Thest, rooms having boon built especially fCr the pu1705 0 7 with three largs lights, ate not surpassed in the city for 000sfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. Sir Our old friends and patrons. and those wishing su perior likenesses, are invited to call. tit. Reception Boom and Specimens on the ground door. . AUCTION SALES. FAiLy SALES AT NO. A 4 FIFTH ST., At the new Commercial Sales ',Donis, No. 114, Fifth street, every week day, are held publi.. :ales of goods in all , variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that mast be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprisin nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladies ware, &c. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. Ti!., Household and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant ion stone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, &e. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. 3., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; Jewelry; musical instrn• meats; galls; clotning.; dry goods; boots and shoes. book_ stationery, &c. LECB] P. M. DAVIS, Arleta VARRI.EIGES. Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, FOR BALD AT VIIITE'S REPOSITORY© Tl , 'o MILE BUN, NEAR _LAWRENCEVILLE. SUBS,RIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or exchange, an the most reasonable terms, a fine assortment M Rarouches and second-hand Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some but little used. Also, tNveutymne new Buggies, made in my own shop, from the very best material purchased in Eastern market. A fine lot of 'trotting Wagons, new and second-hand. Also, a lot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linds, Germantown Wagons, Jerse v Wagons and Roolcawaya, two fine Phaetons, seats for four persons, ono of them Watson's make, and the other New York make. Two fine Sulkies, one made by Mr. D. Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Common Buggies, suitable for light marketing. The subscriber flatters himself, that he can make It to the interest of persons wishing to pur chase, to give him a call. The establishment is convenient to the city, the Excelsior Omnibus Lino M Coaches passing the door every ten minutes. mr23:lydow JOSEPH. WHITE. C. WEST & CO., `I.2.TOFACTOES,RB OF CARRIAGES ROCRAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS. No. 197 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA. .Ifis7- All work warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship. myl2:lydis JOHN W. M'CARTHY, BILL POSTER wILL ATTEND 10 THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTIN'i of all kinds of BELLS FOR CONCERTS LECTURES, EXHIBITIONS, &c: All comnianications—either by mail, telegraph, or other• wise—directed to the once of the Morning Post, will receive prompt attention apT A. STONE & C O. GLASS PATENTED ' PRESERVING: JARS, For pre orving all kinds of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Mince, flea , Oysters, and all such perishable articles manufac ter and for sale by CIININGLIAIIS .4 CO, Nos. 109 WATER and 140 FIRST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Qom" The main secret of preserving fruit in a fresh condi tion, consists in having it thoroughly heated when sealed up, and in expelling all the air there may may be in the vessel, so that when the fruit reel!, it will form a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right to manufaa• turn these Jars, tespectfally call the attention of dealers and others to them. . The great superiority of otAss over any other gubetanea for the preservatim o. fruits, etc., etc. is eo well known. that any comments up .n it are entirely unnecessary, and the proprietors feel confident thiv: any one, after having once seen these Jars, will never be induced to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK Ni'CURDY CO ,, lv Ais i ll II . F . A , C . n T d l: T E Bolt Copper, RS 0 r F es S , c H d c 3 E . A p p T .. ll B. I t N to ms Baised Still Bottoms, Spelter Solder, c also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, tic. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machines and Toole. Warehouse, No. HO First, and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired potters. my2o:lydaw MILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. It is hereby ordered, that a "Camp of Instruction" be held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, and the AMttant Gamual.of the Common wealth is directed to fix the time thereof—to take charge of the arrangemeate—to attend in person, and to issue the necessary orders to the theaeral Staff, and other Military °Moen of the Commonwealth in rotation to the same. WM. F . FAMINE, Commander-W.okt AD.IO7aNT 01:11EEL&L'8 Orl/CLE, Harrisburg, June 3,1858. In obecliewe to the Above order from Head-Quarters, a "Gump of Instrnotion " will be held et Williamsport, Ly. coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 111 IL, on Tuesday, tho 7th tiny of September, 1858, To continue until SATURDAY, the 11th day of said month, at 12 tt , of said day, to be called Camp " Susquehanna." 1. This Encampment is intended to include the uniform ed companies throughout the State, who are 'earl/flatly re* quested to both prompt attendance. The !Skier Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several miaone and brigades, are reqnired to report to my office as soon as possible, what companies and field officers will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the number of men in each company, the names of the Captain+, and their Poet Office address. .I.IL The Aidtede-Camp and all other Ricers of the Grand Staff of the Commander-tn. Chief ace ordered to be ein,at• tendance, armed and ecuipped in full parade dress. V. All companies in _attendance are required to bring with them all tentt and caw equipage they may have. • V. The Brigade Inspectors; Of every brigade, will report at once to my office, what Null:rage bdonging to the Mato in the limit.:\y thoir.command. VI. The Major General cf the Eleventh Division, Cleri. D. Jackman, shall be the senior officer on duty, and h i eja hereby charged with the imenediate arrangeznente for a Ee campment, a:A is ord.:reale report to this office for for. tiler instructieLt. By ord. rof the ComDWIN mander-in-C WILSONhief. E 0. , .I.4tetaut General of Pennsylvania. Gum DROPS-2030 lbs. Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Rode, Bneawberry, Pine Apple and Banana Favors, fa atilt) by BZINER. 4NDERSON, ,:el7 Wood atreet. FBE BILL of Aldermen, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, u..dor the Act oT Apill 1857, F r sited and for sale by W. S. 132,15.114, Printers and Stationers,, Nos. 31.33, and 35 Market atrept. 1010TTOES-1.50 imehele White Neshau a, ncilt botaZoo , JIM read and orsfe by JAB. A. RET7M, Corner Market and Fiat streets. comfortable tWO story frame ab, -Id shade trees, rooms, with a large lot of ground, fruit __ '''tclien, &al flowers, &c., a good cistern, with pump, in the a... palling fence, situate on Sycarn:..ro street, ldcunt ton. S. CiIITHEERT SON, jeB 51 Market street. WATSON'S SYRINGES—I have thia.day received another suppl•• of these celebrated Syringes pronounced by physicisns to be euperior to any other now in use. Persons wishing an article of this kind, should call and examine my dock before purchasing elsewhere. JOSEPH 'LEMING, Corner Diamond and Market street. PRODU OE.- 10 bUs. White Beans; 9 " Mass Pork, for Falo by W. H. B'SIITIE 1 CO. ELLIMI COPYING BOOKS—For sale by 3e19 J. R. WELDIN. IIRE ORACJIERS--300 boxeB No. 1 Gold chop ) jug. received and for sale by Zs ANDERSON, 39 Wood dreet 100 "LB ' N iAL,Ii I r ti c t OB I ZA Ile 4 b lo, mr24 N 03.18 and 20 Wood street. 88A.N8.-20 bble small White Beans for 1404 J 012,1 H. H. 00/1 INS. CUNINGHAMS ds CO., No. 109 Water street EsocuTii. °tremors, 1 Harrisburg, Juno 3, 1858. f EIMT:3