VOLUME XV! it',.ollNcrtiq POST, .!. , 7•7 4 ; C. 37. JA.f.LEA P. E. 0 , ,R7 T 1 07 Toeb 7.7:0 1. - a3 - ....L.le.ltrictly . adirizi.c•:: 237 I.) -..trA if tot paid hin the y;ior. C.-.lr . ..s—for !ilo r.t the. ectzto: in r.h.:.l:s G ADVF,STIBING. f'w: , :elo77-a• 6 ' 13 cco,f-',l a wf4:f MEE ItECE! "ire° ird—rt, , i:..—. 1 DO , Threi'wei , l:g...—... I 400 2 13:,." o 9 rrt0r,11........—. _. I L 00 Lleutr.:s i 7 C.v.) 4 6r.:, _ . C": e CV. i hrrz . .r.,.. , :.7./....r.q ~ l'e. - -_ - .: - ,11:2 , 11.LF....—_,.... • 1) tIl ‘:, r, 6:, 7:70 mcez.:::,,....—_.._ lii C-Ji 7 Ul _ca: ~a..._ .... ; PI: C":::: c C•I'; 12MIEME , L l a3 pzz rumoni- I n nu opirp - JPDAY POST till u clun . 'i1.L113.3G . T. Ira rillEat..T.T. ONLW u,NS fEAR CLUES OF TEN. • Et.tbt.,:ripr.tertz, 4,5"1, per suannz.m. CO NT .k—IN .:11,1, THE CURRENT NEWS OF Tim. DAV, Dtezr.r7, Ltx.-_ , Lree!e• - .;.raph!c• anti Ittiec3Llanec,ll. This Paper b(--tir.S Of the L.111.5i e.n print° :ta fate crlAte. r,,r..ar, in lens, clear type, cvi'l be 1,11D:1 Cq the azl:strit,:r to f:l , e t , ttist'ek. - tiev. thou euy zlisted in hry.7-2 t;:ke rev.. - :r from Pit burgh, to 5A.LT,2.1: , ,t i PO aLd urDttabletavo-zz.menL E rzpit' :Editor *Lad I'ra:4-tat-Jr. I!3=MI D. A CTfi •2. 117 E f , 1-741 1 3 JJ tY VIA wl• ,11. .t. 4 ?c?S± BUllaDllcacas, Corner of Fifth 'aid Wood Streets, PrrTSBI TRGH trride..!si : , , ned having =Ale erten...Five cf the LAITST AND ELLNDSOKEST STYLE Y TYPE., imp:cced 11:.::hincry, to the MORNING POST OFFICZ, invite t" tteation Rail Road Offl,cer '.:Lachanta, and the puhlic, generail; , , t., th_!: npericr fl:citit!e; 'dispstch, ezms,cf Et A 0 A_ .7"e 'T., T II iL P., A.ND ET - 7,7,11Y On= AIN FANCY PRINTING neE.rly all ue.O., wa csu CZCZ of the .EsioriE, PASEPTi.LTirM, RAE, BOK) BILLS AND CAI:XS, L'ANti '3HECES, BLANK NOTES., HEADS, LADING, Ci7RCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PATER ECOriS, DETM2, Y...ORTGAGES, EONDS, &c„ .4a- Particular r.ttsntic,n will also Le r.ld to the printing f Posters, Cc. for Concert; Exhibitions and BABE k SLYER& BUSINESS CARDS The Peepie's &Aloe Store. D. S. DIEFFEL4BAOHER & CO., Cheap Cull D 2 alera in all kinds of Taahlonable BO , jTzi s SHOE'S IND OiITERS, .?or Gortrlsmert, Ee.uies, Youths and Children., 17 Pifth gtrect, ctemr oc9 PI7I:SBUF.G.U, PS 7. O. PSI 1.1111" JOMCSOT 6,7C2500Z1 .PERRIN 30IINSON, • Proprieton of Childs & Co.'s Pattr.a .C.l.c.stite Etre and Water rroof, Cement Itookne - . 133 1111a1.) STREET. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fizily szet:tiod., sad all cur work valcraateti. fiooflug malarial alwe.,•Te oa humti, and fur sale, with di rmti..rtz ,or OS. V. EiAnit.ri.-oz-i JO., ENG LI RS lICIST:3, Corner of F.rst ..tretrs, Ft:tes-but gh, F=. QUPERIOR STE -.131 ENGINES for Grist and Ear.Brewerifm:, PrintiiK; EztablisLalenta, tlannfr-ctorieß, ac., zo artier. They als.o can . Cnue the manuf,..:tare of ett.ir Celbhrat,cl Alachin6ta' Tool; 61v. , 11 re Lathez, Iron Plauerz, Buring and in; liachin:-.3, 11 - c. iVroaght Iron 6haftinz, with . P - ca!e3 E. - r... 4c. je:S:lv;.l iaolti-x.r.- 1:1ill 0z.31 7 .15 T.121032,Pg:DN & CO., - ,.. 1- COUS.E PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND ; 4 6 No. 135 t. t-IGN N exe , u , ,:d with r.,atr,,,,5 de.p.ttcd. Paint:, Turi., , enztue, Vandel, Japan and English Patent Dry- V.lle lon. i ca Z:nclk, a vory eup. , r.ur article; Phila ,felpala and eitt,burzli White always on hand and for cale. We aro preD.:wed is r7ind colors for Pointers, Draz,- er at the shorWz..t notl e. have a Mill grind:. by Paiateri lisTe ‘r,oney by get, gr,ntn.; In.rs:ly _ _ SOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, rI.II::UFACTVi.J . REIVS PELICES. HYDROMETER or .nY eptrl:4, t chew *t clad 3.rticlea eror city. F. ilit:s" E1711 , .3 rt.:Flag in prie,a ErcLa St, to $5',..1 ROCKET COMPASSES, AND SUP.VEYOIt'S COMPASSES, lways hand 0. EaAWS, .F7adical 5S Artfii. etal crppos:c..liaza.to i 3. 3. 11. SAW t LARD OIL, 7 CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 4:7 Wood ctroat, Pittsbusrgh, Pa JOHN EIBER & CO., AND SCOURERS, TAT . 8 i two eet, imcs... -- ; WOOL , :14',D 1.1.937.7.7 PITTSSURCII, PA. All kinds of Shawls, Drosses, ilibbuns, and every dESC:4I2.OII Of EL: an .l `.•. 7 ce.;ler, c/o, uted cum.: notice, end on reau4.luatAa tarsal. •012cO of Sealer of Weights and Me surer. THE OF THE UNDEB;SIGNED, SEALER OF LT - fd.GHTS AND ME ASlrL ilzy be found hcncefczth, fn Chem. • allay, ber9“—n Third amd Etrartlt ertrc*r,, w., ordarr may to left sarlaa CUARLES S. lIAVEN'S Elastic St.tel Pens just e rewired, and for tale at the Stationery Store, j<2B Nee. 31. 83 and 88 Market .treet. THE FRLN,II; ALMANAC FOR 1859. '&1 a well•tnorn and popular annual, formerly put>. lisbed Fy Johunton a etockton. after a lapse of years, will egainsheruy be ;sauce.. The cL^culation• as formerly will be made by t mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, En, who will also prepare for its pages Such reeding Mat- ter 119 will make it au .uterialning aad instructive maga- Woo. liciddes the rel.able autmnowical calcalations, a new and ingenious tibia of time, as accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value will be added. Orders of book eollera and other del:lore are sollnlled In advance of pubdcation, 04 tut one edition will De printed, and orders will be tiled according topriority. JOELNBTON CO., Publl-bore, Printers, Stationers, and ?dank Pock Malta's, .57 Wood etivet, Pittabargh eiHEESE.-200 boxes good cutting Cheese IL/ received and for aLIe by .1310 DENT'S 11. 031,LINS TARCII.-250 boxes Pearl Starch in store and for 0.^..1e by LARD OIL.—We. have commenced. mann .11.4 batten Lard Oil, and wal ho pleased to receive or dmst far it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar kat. We will All barrels returned when desired. B. O. .fs J. a SAWYER, Ms 47 We.^..l () bbeniteB for Ealea m WIJESS V. 7 • eStI3V 4S • "s: RESORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATWENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA-, Jan. 1, 1858, as prosonted to the Stcci,:holdere, and made out to complitnee with the State Lwra of Now York. OUo, Indiana, ntinela, 813. The name of the Company is the FARMERS' LINTON IN SURANCE COM PAN Y, located at Athena, fa. Chartered April 1.3 1613, by the Legidamre of Pertnaylremia. Charter PerperaaL Caala Capital, r.hich Is al! paid eurr.lzs In addition thereto AF6Z4B. fifty-four Scuds end Mortgages, at six and seven cent. Interest, amounting In the aggregate t0...V1.52,816 Ou Which mortgages axe or talus- file and prodcctive real estate, principally farms, recorded and frit Hens, n-crth generally double the amount and more than mort• g , gad fur in cam., and in no case 1.::!f. than 'ty t t l cent. more, elusive of farm building; and ee certified by the Recorders, aver o r,-..orded. to the and tor. of Us • iitate.3 of Ohio and 111 noii. Nineteen eLe 11 cent. StioLds amply secured... 47,895 00 Cash on hand and in a. 449 19 Cash In hands of Agents, and in course of tranamialoz , secured by bonds with sureties.. . Duo en loves re-ins - rare., Bills reit:sir:side, viz: peomlssoi y I otts payable at beak and to the Company Interest accrued. (principally due January 1, 18580._ 'date and ofMco Pixtnres and leurni. tore . . . 1 I C I'6 C-0 1 1 ' 105 261 1", 1 6 f.i. S , 2 6 ' ) 4zu 3C, 3CO CJ F: 4 6) 6 60 . . 1 / 4 550 6 I 6 5) 8 z , I 5 097 I •• ' 1 77.1 MERE .., .5 r. A.moutt of Pre:nil:lmA re,eived daring the year Am't iztere. - t rezeivod during the year . Am't ri,:olvA from all otht; kwareet EIPENDII9II2:I E:p4r.,,rei for the year, Including cornml.r - teas, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertizing, tamea, and all other 0rp0nnw......$ 19,109 t 6 Livic'nada paid during the year 17,030 00 Losses paid, whicb occurred prior to December 31, 1858 pain which occurred during the year 40,181 (.4 Ijk.”l , lTE9. 1,062fA adjneted end not duo (since paid) $ 12,006 00 CrOS36II incurred and in process of adjustment. Lames reported, on which no action has been taken 1,600 CO L063:-3 re,usted, on ground of insur ance after fire, property transfer red before loss, property last not covered by the Policy, akc 12,160 00 $ 29,407 90 Whole amou tot risks taken daring the year_55,426,862 00 Whole amount of risk at date 4,811,440 00 ,TA*E OP PreNSTLVAYIA, COUNT!' or B.R.i.OPORD, C. N. Shipman, Prescient, and J. N. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Onion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and coy, end each fer himself says, that the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de scribed officers thereof. C. N. B'4 IPIIAN, President. J. 'F_l CANFIEI D, Secretary. Suban-lbed and esscrn bef_re me, this 20th day of Janu ary,lBeB, IL 0. BAWD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. Agent, apl7:ly No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. Rename Hatual Insurance Co. ON BUILDINGS, LIIIITED OR PERPSTUAL, =BORAS- DIGS, FLTEINITOILE, &C., IN TOWN OR COUNTRT. °Aloe, No. 308 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 017 7 ' 9516 ..ASS-ETS, 03530,4615 09. Invested as follows, via First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double tue amount $120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'e 6 per cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,00 C4,Ei 23,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Peon'a R. B. Lose. 10.000 00 Pennsylvania naliroad Co.'e Stock-....- 4,000 00 Stock of the' Rrilarten Mutual lueurruc. Cu. 19,100 00 Stock of County Firs Insurar.ce C 0......„ 1,060 00 Scrip of eandry Incur:ince Uompardea..-. ..... 476 00 Dills Receive le, breinrai paper 52,711 50 Boot Accounts, accrued Interest, etc. 8,035 19 Co.& on hand and In Bank 16,040 Clam Tingley, William R. ThompBon, David 8 Brown, Cornelius Steveabou, John R. Worrell, IL L. Carson, itobsri. Poland, ldwa Jai:loran, Charles 8. Wood, James S. Woodward, mr3 11. J. GAI3. mr3 North-E‘aqt c INSURACE COMPANY, Phriadelphia. WM. V. P=l", Frezid , v D. J. M.'O..A.NN, &orcfm - y. Amount of Capital Stock p. 21 inTe3ted...Voo.ooo 00 rp l C3,4= SS $253,428 85 tb. Ohio and Riren and tributraica. Insnr,,s ar_dnet loin GI deraeg,a by Fire, GIED, against the Perna of Cho Sca, and inland biaVie,',ll:loll .nd Transportation. Mll=ll VJm . V. P D. J. Licennt,, B. L. Woolntoi,., 20115 J. 72tt,r62-.2. .r., -. 1 Pii.C.c4 , ..lpliia'sfin Ptiladelphia: Selzer, I..stub L Co., I Btolumitz, Jortice ii Co., Truitt, 'Zro. .''. (..-;... I nuck,-.llargan & Bt.idfol; L. T. 1...,z , ii Co., Pum.roy,C,lldwell a Co. FITrEBC.I;.GLI OFFICE, NO. 07 WATER STREF.T. at , o IL W. PairDEXT.EP., Agott. WEST 13 Arico MUM, INSURANCE COMPANY, CELASTERED BY Till: LEGIBLATUII2 OP PIVINSYLV.LSIA Cue:.Ch ... 4300,000 Proniuta 110 s $132,813. PHIS OOIPANY WILL INSURE ON Z. Bniiding, Itlerchandirz, Faruitare, Bc., In town or country non. J CIO. J. rl9rce,) Lion. G. C. liaryey,lCharies A. Mayer, Lhn B. Halt, I Oluiries Cri3t, Peter D'ickier.on, T.T. Abrania, bracua, D & Jack=an, h. White, Samuel H. Lloyd, I l Dr. J. E. Crawford, A. A. W laegardner,, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. 8 Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Sunman D.D, William Pearon, Jame Quiggle, W. Vanderbelt, Hen. Wm. Bigler, OFFICB—NO. ti PLPTH Prrnmoaaa. J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. 'FILE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CORIPAINTY, PaLLADELPELIA. Da cons- W. Benciter, Thomas tMrt, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Gao. W. Richards, Mordecai B. Lewis, Ado phi E. Berle, David 13. Browne, Hon Ma Patterson. Casa. N. 8A2Kr33.12, President. , Gass. G. Biatetten Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates 03 low as are. consistent with eeenrity. The Company have reserved a large Contingent rind, jhich, with their capital and premimus, onifely invested., at. ford ample protection to the szooreci • , , , The Assets of the Company, on Jsznary'llit, 1881, ea pab. fished agreet,hly to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgag - $918,1Z3 ea Boel 84,877 78 Temporary Losm..- 83,988 17 61,880 1;i1 Ca5h,..........................«......... 84,840 81 :v49,103 44-t9 6:noe their incorporation, a period of tweet - pope years, they have paid npwasd of das Million roar Hundred Than• rand Dollara,l cues by fire, thereby &lording evidence a the Iv-ante-35s of lazazaaw, as well ea the ability and dispeultlca3 br meet with pronaptneaa all llabHitlea. J. GAIIM - Eli 4 - ent, north-eaet cr.. Wood and 'Mod eta. WESTERN INSURANOL COMPANY OF PITTSBURG H. G r9. , 9E,Ci IT. F. Si. 0 ons.. - 71 Eiocreary. Orminic Na 92 Water street, (Bpang Co's FT archon:a) ny,. !stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insnre against all kinds ofand 11.A.2.1111R18E.E. t Rome Institralon, managed by Direct r- who are toll known In the community, and who are detznained, by pramptaesa and liberality, to mair.tain the character which they have assuir.od, as offering the best protection to those who daalro to be imvared. ASSETB, OCTOBEtt 81.6 t, 1887. Stock ..»............»...y.._.............. $121,500 00 1 00 Billa ...... 4461240 67 0 9,478 01 —.— 40 1 9 SQIe Disoonn 755,008 78 George Darras, J. Lefler, Jame., IteArley, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel liefmoo, D. M. Long, 9. W. Bicketwort, aositi LLESTCY EL COLLINS. BACK) .-80001.: .otustry : • sabi, wag WE at "4" AOO. il . . - •Lx -e (- 1 1111111 :: . ..,., .. iy® fl t: / 41. 4 ^— —' - ' t , :-1- .." -4, S . 71. p .., ,•,.. , , • r. , ... .•‘, / .. " .e• A, is - --, ii• 4 R 4. ''' tl.: • t iE. Ze , ,". A " g P: ''.. l 14 11, - ''' I § -; ~ z . ... ; 4 ' . '. 4 ' '..1 S 'Az . 9 C. /47 i, , t 7 ' .- ' I . 1-3; 4.1 •.1 ~,' .t•• , i .-. 5. t 4" 4 Ez 0 --,-:- .. . XS ” ~..'"',. t r • -:, ; .., k .... ; k '''' ''' 1 -- t f. A t. ~...,,, 4,', t. ' 9 , . ....lt i ' . .... , ~r . A ... ..1 :_n, . ... ...._ . ... ,_ „..,..., :r?.,..... , „ A : _. " - e , ' 4' 4 .4 , , , ' t 1 PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS:" OORNER 01? WOOD AND - FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOT , LARS PER ANNUM INSURANCE EIZIETI ---$ 253,485 51 trco rot TH7. rrax 1E57. F I EJJE INSURANCE, BY TUB OF PHILADELPHIA. ¢362,465 80 TECGLEY, President. 035. Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William 51naser, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. Lothrop, Charlee Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Boron, Wm. M. Semple, Pitteb'g. I. LUNCH/LAN, aeoretary. DINE S COFFIN, Agent, tier Third and Wood streets. =IBM J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pumroy, F.. F. Wirm....r, Roue Bullion, JoLn A. .t.lorFia;ll, Chos. B. Wright, Iccood T. Pnsey. C7r-102E.9: WILLIAM V. Prcridcril. IL F. 'WITMER, nce D. J. MoOA.NN, Sezreary. B 8 TEIBBIipT.B: LOCK" HAVA.W, COITATY. M=1:1 Thomas Kitchen. 110 N. G. C. HARVEY, President T. T. Auetsil, ViCl, Pre!Mora. Tao,.. Secretary. lI.ErEEHNOSS: r 111161 t ; Drmsacmi R. Miller, Jr., ectorgo W. Jackson, Alm Speer, Wm. .g.ht, Alex ada WW* Wm. IL F. nMolir. • PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBRRT GALWAY, President. Aux. Basun, Vice President. P. A. RIFIVIART, Secretary. Sir This Company snakes exeryinsarance appertaining to or connooted_with WYE 131131C5. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISES on tho Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributarleo, and MARINE RISKS generally. And against L 025 and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the loweat rates consistent with safety to 1.11 parties. DIEUIOTOSS. Robert Galway, Samuel ArCitirkan, Joseph P. Gazzam, M.D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, Jame(W. Badman, Charles Arbathnot, Alexander Bradley, Jeceph 8. Leech, John"Fullertoto, N. P. Ha David H. Chanahara, Robert rhariley, William Carr, Joe. Malin. 5e2.5 ..4 200 000 00 .... 63,4E4051 6263,436 61 Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. °MOE, O. 99 WATER ST, 11TUE-I:WM Stock, Due Mlle—payable on demand and secured by trio approved names $ 78,890 00 Cash in Pittsburgh Trust Company. 62,280 87 Premium Notes... ..... —... 62 998 80 Bills Recelvable..--16,986 01 122 shares Esobange Bank - litoca—cost ............ 6,950 00 99 do lklecha-ics' Bank Stock—coat.._.. 6,490 63 800 do Iron City Bank Stook—amottr.t paid. 7,500 00 000 do ABegheny Bank Stock— do do 5,000 00 Book Accounts 13,250'34 18,761 eJ .. 7,239 31 1 1 n 40 $ 85,231 30 , 11,442 05 . 2,•480 00 j.;9,108 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM BAGALEY, Prealden I. SAMUEL L. MABSIIELL, Secretary. OPPICZ: 04 Water tired, batman Markel and Wood. erects 'Jar Insures HULL AND CARGO RISES, on the Ohio and Mlcqinsippi Rivera and tributaries. Insures against L 033 or Damage by MLR Also, against tho Perils of the Sea and Inland N aviiatien and Transportation. D 12.3010211. William Bagaloy, Capt. Mark Starling, Samuel Bea, Samuel M. Kier, James M. Cooper, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., Francis Sellers, Isaac M. Pennock, William B. Hays. Springer Harbaugh, John Shipton, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. $90,435 6,3 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 . Chesnut Street, Opposite the Custom House. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium. ROBERT P. KING, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. DLEUECTORB. Merles Hayes, E. IL Cope, E. B. English, George W. Brown, P. B. Itavery, Joseph 8. Paul, 0. Sherman, John Clayton, 8. J. Magargee, E. Wilor. Itansranitia, Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Lly Corner Third and Wood streets HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, PA. B. D. MARKER, - (Formerly of the "Marker Hons.," Blairsville, Pa.) HE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM- A. FLUTED AND OP= FOR GIIESTS. It Is situated In a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railrocd Depots and Steamboat Landings. The House was built in 1558, with all modern improve ments, and - fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every respect be a that class HoteL Fine STABLES are attached to the promisea. 0022.4 The attention of Merchants and others i 3 directed to this mtablishmeut, which has boon recently fitted up for the parpoae ol affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING LIOUBE IN A OENZILSI LOCATION! Country - folks attending market are particularly invited to Cell. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will slvrays be found, of the freshest the market affords. ap29:lvda-so EXCHANGE HOTEL , A. !LOWRY, Proprietor, Chrner Hain street and Youghiogheny River, Near the Raßroad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. THE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM PLETE order for the reception of viottere. It is bean• ttfullo located on the banks of the Youghiogheny river, and can be reached every day from the city by the Oonnellsville Railroad. The rooma are large, airy and wall furnlshed,and the cerald be no pleasanter place for a few weeks summer residence in th- ootanta - y. A few tat:allies can be accommo. dated. Terms moderate. Address A. LOWRY, my2Attf West Newton, Pa. THE NiTiONAL SALOON ) Under Fo.eter's New fiatlonal Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, LAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, tbe large centre store in the ODD FELLOWS ILALL, Fifth street, as a FIRST CLASS ILESTAUB.A.NT AND SALOON. Having hal many years' experience in the business, hole prepared to bupply the beet the markist affords. His Ear will be furnished at all limes with the beat WINES, LIQUORS ANT/ ALES. The en trance to the - Saloon, is In the centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Bnedaye excepted. spl4:ly WASHINGTOA HOUSE, COR. PENIV'A AVENUE 4. THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. D. A. F. BEVERIDGE I ROPRIETRESS. H. W. KANAGA. Se 4 E. 0T E 9 Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, HARIIISBURGI, PA. WASHINGTON HOTEL, Ti ORMEBLY 13. B. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. .TAXICS SHANNON, Proprietor. PHIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough Improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. my&ly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ PLOPBEEM ..No. 241 Xdberty street, jnet beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which maim; Irthe most convenient house in the city for passengers 'hag by that road. a proprietor having, at ooruddersblo expense, fitted up, in excellent style, the MANSION HOUSlit, would respect rally solicit a share of public patronag.e. There la attached a splendid STASI& and extensive WAN YARD, Lard ing ample accommodation to travelers and teams - tars. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the beat the market can afford. febL-y Excelsior Restaurant, Na. l ll WO OD Strut, 1: 41 _ , ,.. 1t V" - , PrnantMant PA.; " WHOLESALII AND ICELLIL DEALER IN LAKE AND The undersigned has just received from the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, EXCLT, HALIDUT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD FISH, EASTERN BUN FISH, isEvram.. VARLET - 0B OF LAKE /FISH, New York Prince's Bay, Egg island, Egg Harbor, Shall Oysters. The finest ere; tnongliit to this city. Every delicacy of the minion served tip at the EXCIELBIOII apclyd S. STEINILIIOH. QT. ()LAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair mecca, Pittsbnrgh, Pa.—The Undersigned, fanner ty of "Brown's Hotel," navir4 taken this lingo and comma. dicms HOTEL, end haying refitted it in nuignillcent style, would respectfully Invite his frifiinds and the tinvelinit Wale to ere him a call. Assured, with the corm:dance of the house and We long extiDerlenco in the business, n give entire scraction, end his charges moderato. tals22 WM. C. CONMELLY. prr,B4l 78 Lippincott, shorten & Pennon, NO. lot WOOD STREET, NEAR FTSTH. IIjrANUF.AOTURERS OF TRUNKS, V®- Ikea, Hat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles Traveling Trrusasi, Oarpet Bags, So., keerp constantly n bang a large snook. ':Wa_ssre . prepared to do a wholegale trade, and bay. faallities to tarn out good stock at redutedlrktiVare smild finite the trams tD cell aretisadne 1111001112% 411.11111, INSURANCE. Assets-IMay 1, 1858. DIBBOTOIIS. J. IL Ehoenberger, G. W. Cam, W. 11. Nitalck, haw M. Pennock, John A. Canghey, W. W. Kamm, 0. W. Batchelor, .11.. T. Leech, Jr., It. D. Cochran, Mold .IdoCandleas, Janice J. Bonnet*, George 8. Eelden. Wm. J. Anderson, J. H. :HOENI3E_RGER, Presiclout UST. PINNEY, Secretary. m.s6:ltu SCOTT HOUSE, COIN EU COP LE itEtiT AEr RANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STERZT. EldaTEllli FISH. '`' . PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, JULY 2), 15S ROBERT A. LOOMIS, (9r.ccenor to B. T. 0. Morgan') ETATIONEIt AND DEALER IN BOORS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 nth otroet, Pittsbnigh, Pa. n02.51y Co.-Pa rinerghip. THE undersigned have entered into Ca partnerabdp, under tSAMUELhe style of Wm.OH 0. Jo NS hneto JR., & 00. IL JTON WILLIAM O. JOH:-ISTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857. B.R JOMTEFTOII,..III G. JOII TOIL yin. 0, JOHNSTON et. CO., NW STATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood stroot, between Third and Fourth. Pittnlnntrgh, Pa. noBo N v o & D. RINEHART, 4, co exclai College, Pa.—Chartered, 1865. r 266,341 16 Board of a Trustees—Faculty of 14 Teachers Young Men Prepared for Actual Duties of the Ranting Rom INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE and Double-Entry, Book•Heoping, ae used in every do. par tment of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic. Rapid Bus nem Writing, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, Defeating Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elocution, dkungraphy, and all other subjects necessary for the thor• ,b education of a practical business man. 0. SMITH. A. M., Professor of Book• Keeping and !Science of Accounts. J. A. HEYDRICK and H. A. HUTSON, Assistant Teach ere of Booklieeping. ALEX COWLEY, A. T. DOEITHETT, and'EL A. HITTSCIN, Professors of Penmanship—twelve first premiums over all competition for best Pen and Ink Writing, Sir AND NOT SOIL EMIT/AVID VATELE, — 505 J. 0. PORTKB, Prof. of Mathematics. Terms, dlo—Pull course, time unlimited, enter at any time —5.35. Average time, 8 to 12 weeks. Board about $2,50. Entire cost, $6O to $7O. Graduates assisted in obtaining a situation. Specimens of unequalled writing and circulars sent free. Address, P. W. JENELNS, my2o Pittsburgh, Penusylvanis. NIVIIY WILL YOU BURN CAMPHENE •AND FLUID, when you can get a cheaper and bet ter light. Pare Kerosene Oil, made from the gas or Cannel Coal, produces the cheapest, moat brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe portable light ever mitred to the public, and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gain and quite as cheap; Lamps of the must simple and &mil) , managed cou struction. For sale by T. D. Q G. LIODKINSON, Beware of a connteealt alreAv in the market, made from Carnahan°, with a little 0 , ,a1 41 to event It. Tf,27:ly A WORD TO THE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH -ING, and we call the attention of the Lac:6A to the fact that COOKING IRONING, ETC„ Own be done with economy, without opireesive heat, with out soot, and with despatch—the fire being always rawly in a moment-5y using litusgretvePe Gas vooking Stove, To which we reapectfally Insito yom attach... 3, at No. 75 Smithfield street. S. A. JOHNSON A Bito. M. County and City flighti for salo. AIIELES' CONFECTION , uNFEOTION, 0 A) NFEOTION,CON ECTION,CUNF ECTION,CIONFE • TION, 00NPEO TION,CONFECT I ON,OO NF T I O N CONP ECT I 0 N,LONFIICT lON CO NFEOTI ON . The most pleasant, safe and offx..t.nal Worm Remedy now in nne. Prepared and Bold, wholesale and retail, by ANGELL & Ewa, Cor. Wood and sixth eta., Pittsburgh, Pa, And sold revnyaisb. I*`-'1 PROPErETOR, UUARLES LIVERY STABLES.- IJ undersigned Lae bought the lease Aof the above named Stables, to- . gother with a portion of the osten sive stocliof Horses and Carriages' s , late the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, he has also added a number of ME HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which ware formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal atten• lion to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received &cm public is solicited. JACOB UAIiDNEB, St. Charles Livery Stabko. N. B. —A ELEAB.B.IiI and any number of CABAL/WEB can always bo procured for Funerals. de29 rIFIHE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE 80AP, manufactured by B. 0. L. J. 11. Sawyer, re. receives the preference over all other kinds ever offered for ihmily use. Its advantages over other Soaps are :--Ist. It is cheaper to use, ono pound being equal to three of common ruin Soap. 2d. Half the time need only be occupied in washing when this Soap is used In place of other Soap. Bd. Labor in washing can be nearly d.spensed with, as the clothes will require little if any nabbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. dotting the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap Is used, and bard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. 6th. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find it far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed: For the washing of eight or ton of a family, take one pound of Soap, cat It into shaviage, and dissolve in ono gallon of hot water; pdt the clothes into artab containing about ten gallons of warm water; pour In the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Lot them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or ga ease spots, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or belling. Cold water may bo used In place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. zar Observe our name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Wood street, and at our works, opposite the Round House, Penn sylvania avenue. B. 0. k J, H. SAWYER, ap2l No. 47 Wood street. UCKWHEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buck whota Flour, 50 gecko, Just r•:co{ced and for sale y AIcOANDLESS, MEANS ac 00., teal Corner Wood and IYator strews. bblB. Superfine Flour received and for sale by LicOANDLEBB; =ANS Co k Co fee! Corner Wood and Water etreeta. _EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable and cheap weapon, at BOWE Ec TETLEY'S, Dlo. Woe(' ft-m. 4. T ARD.-A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in ju barrels and kegs, Just received and for sale by McOANDLESS, MANS tt. CO., Ja23 Corner of Wcod and Water streets. SPICES.- 213 bap Pimento; 100 " Groin Pepper, hist received end for Bala by SIOKET , 3ON. meg 221 and 21.3 Liberty street NEW ARRIVALS.—We are taking into store,(l23 Wood street,) an burnouse stock of fine Paper for Jobbing purposes ; also, Letter, Cap and Note ; &metopes in great variety; Manilla Papers, of every size, and as cheap as they can be bought in the East, where wo offer wholesale or retail, very low for Cash. apt JNO. M. PEREINES lc CO AKE FlSH.—Whito Fish, Trout, - • and Pickerel coast:W.ly an hand, afa stock to supply t , a wholesale taado h fuly6l /UMW U. CoLLINS. ®RANGES. -300 bxs. sweet, jugt received IL/ and for aale by lIHYMBR b ANDERBON, No. 89 Wood attest, myl7 0 - pp-zits the St. Charles Hotel. DROO3III-100 doz. Extra Corn Brooms on hand and for sale by sip 2 B. O. ‘t J. H. SAWYER. DUSTER TRIMMINI IS—Drab and Gray Darter Binding and. T/11113°19, Just opened at ap43 308, HORNE'S, 77 Market etwet. NEw:TEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the most gracetal shapes, on band at BORNE'S, myB 77 Market street, BED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Seed Sweet Pototosy received and for safe by JAMES A. FETZER, or= Ccrner Market and Meat street*. pIOKLES.-6 bble. Cucumber Pickle*, re; calved and for sale by JAMBS A. FETZER, few) Ooraer Marko:Acid Pint meets. DERFUMEBY. —Lubin's, Bazin's, Wright's, Glenn's and Iluilson'a Extracts for the harikexchiM, constantly on hand at JOB. FLEMINIPB, /ea Corner Diamond and Market at. lICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; Ulm aloe, Starch ; linker's Farina; Baker's Cocoa a Coco a Bbnd Rroma; Brash eIL Received and for sea at JAYNRB' TBA STORE, ad , 88 Fifth stmt. IarYDRAULIO PRESSED CANDLES,--- SCO txuel Hydrazine Preemd Herald Candi% made =Arad: Ita Sum= imeimileared fay sale by Ok 114,WYTIS. FVE = • • 7i; r' - 44 :51 rAr-- BOOKS AND STATIONERY. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. 7. iCITLIMia LID TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS N. 129 WOOD STREET 800 Snmen's ATTENDreta, JANUARY, 1858 Safety and Economy in Light. COOKING BY GAS. DIALIG.3 111 ALL KUI O No. 79 bmithtiold trot (korner of Fourth and Soilt hfield reefs, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spr . mc As.ort__er t of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS G. 0 0 DS, Of the newest styles, best qtuility ar , d :cost clez,ent descrip. tow, which he is preoaren tO manufacture to order to the LATEST 'ASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanitilp, f to satisfy an please the most fastidious tastes, DISSOLUTION OF PARTN E'.— The firm of "AWORrU BRO. & Buy L on the fld of May. 1858, dissolved by meths, c, to withdrawal of JEHII !IA Nonni fr.m the ti The accounts of tho late firm will be settled by liA Wuli Tii & BROWNLEE. 45r JEHII HAWORTH, in withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also th- atio ilB the late firm, for the very liberal patronog3 he C has calved, and would kindly recommend them to his succes- - ..‘r,!, HAWORTH A BROWNLEE, as they ore determined to 2 , 1: at low figures, having a very large assortment of Oil IIA2 GROCERIES, WINES and LIQUORS on hand. Atigfr DAVID HAWORTH and .lAI DBOWNI,f.E have this day associated together, and will continue on 'he business at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamand sad Dia. mondalley, under the style of HAWORTH A BROWN i XE, where they hone to receive that patronage ea liberall given to the old firm, as they are determined to sell 011 , 2,A cEtt, than any other Store in the city. myl2 REAL ESTATE AGENTS CIITIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 L.). Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houssa, attending to inaurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, hc,; making con rap ancea, deeds, bonds, /to; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, etc. ocl9 BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. RIOPER.ZNOI9.-31essre. Hanna, 0 arretson a Co., Rani Parka. Esq. yl WESTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. AO WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OEIO, Has for tole Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa Ho will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, era., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city proporty. All Lenexa of ingalry answered gratis, by addressing we es above. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. .Ak.GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, an.„ kn., all in good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lots of ground, situate in South Pitt burgh, and will be sold on very easy terms by 14, OIIfiIIISRC a SON, all 61 Market street. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, in exchange for land. ap2t: S. OUTIIIIERT h EON, 61 Market td. ASTEAM MILL in complate running or clef, with dwelling boast), etc.. near the city, for sale by 8. CUP.H.E.ERT 4; B , IN, ap24 51 Mark.et etr,e. .11 ESTERN LANDS of good quality, t, sale or eachauge for Real Eataie in the city apU 8. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 a;arlizott.i. FAM.ILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE—A valuable property of 110 feet front 011 aniagtOlt.it Lawrenceville, by 100 detli on Washington street to Cherry alloy, Brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms well erranged,batn room, porch, :ell of water and pump, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooms ore Letviy painted and pa. pored, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great varlet) , c !lowers, etc.; good p fence. Thu above oiler, a goo! opportunity to buy a c mpleto and plot:taut residence. Price low, end terms accommodating. d. fvUTEBEET . FO6l, Real Estate and Cieueral Agenti, 61 Marlret. street. THE SIZE of the oheap Building Lots for sale by 8. OUTHIIKIIT & butl is 30 by 100 fftt. Loattion—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price--From 5275 to $4OO each. Terms—One.fonrth in hand; remainder nt si= years cro•.iit. The Plan can be seen et the Real &ante (Ake, 61 Market street. DEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lota aro offered at each prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front on wide strests, are of easy access by railrcad, and ore very desirable locations for family residences Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lots is to be men at Jon ti M A ILK 4•T Brim k.-r. FOR SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choi e Prairie and Timber Land, situated hi Ncrthern 10 ,- 3 and Southern Mlenesom, eieloracmg finest lot cf farming lands ever offered lo t triArket, re they are located conveniently to !Mils, Tot;11,1 and linos oi Railroad. Vamphieta containing inMrmaticri of value to emigrants and catalogues giving location, d.scription and price of the land, with a brief description of the counti which they are Im-cited, can be hod oil applioataim office, and they will be sent free by mail top coons sending DB their address. WILLIAM d my:l3:tf Jones' Building, No. 67 Fwirth etrr TEN DOLLARS IN lIAND, will , ecr re a Building tot of 25'100 on •,tm:.— Prioe, sl.oo—slo in band, remainder to snit panel,. kl 80 7 0 Lot of kan° feet fur s2,O—s'n )1, b.+, pa)naenta to suit purchaser. e. LC7 PH U - - • Jen 61 k 12 ACHES of Land and a c-rnf rte 1. situ ,to near the W I ~,n 7 it - p . • about 3 miles from Joooo' Ftrry.•,, Lt.! Immediate posscasiori. H sIT J 023 street. LOT OF UROUND in East Li'Jerty,:.erir the Rilroad Rtn.ion 30 by luO fret airy bo ;old for V. 215, onc.fourth in no:.ti. r.m finder til.c ) Or. cre,ll, GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. W'PARLAND, MERCHANT 'TAILOR, SYRUPS.— 100 barrels " Choice" golden Oyru p ; lb do " Vezina." Flret Quality :. - tijrup; Jost received and for salo by MILLER worunsoN, Jel Nos. 221 and 2'.13 Liberty etre, t NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.— A. A. MASON .t 00., d ale. , NO. 25 Fiiih Street, Are maw opening rich Dress Alike, Berages, Chailles Indies, Paris And a splendid celection of SPRING MIA WL.I. t el LiBED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrelB Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to cloee consigu meat by JAS. A. FETZER, ap23 Corner Market and First streeta. eIOMPOUND SYRUPS OF PHOSPriATES, OR CHEMICAL FOOD—This preparation is not in tenled as a popular emedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply the waste of elementary matter during the prog..-ees of chronic cases, particularly in Dyspepsia and Consurap. tion. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greatful to the stomach, and does not a sue este by protracted nsa. Bold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH FLEMINO, 1e22, Corner Diamond and Market street. OOUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country IL/ Bacon ; in..2t received and for Bele bf JAMES A. FETZER. Corner Market and Vim street. 'A , ROOM CORN tone first quality reo'd and fnr 'Orly rrnrfl F -Tv.:yv 1 , 1 on, Linz FANCY FRENCH BASISOTS.—A nice ash - ortment Jwit opened, 1101 NS", myB 77 1,/arl.rt WINDOW ' GLASS.—An assortment ri Cowan) Glass, assorted elif3A, for sale by WM H. svlrra a en. m.r 11Sflot,o' ad, en: 147 yirst stror.ts WINDSOR SHADF.S.—W)Id Inrdered, plain and fancy. Also, ehada Trimmings, b.c., always on hand at and for sale cheap by a ff.. PHILLIPS, tny29 28 sod 38 Bt. Clair stmt. INDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to 10 inches la dlametar. A large suppiy Jest r:cerzed at the India Rubber D.,.r.ct, of J. t H. ?LILLIAN, tn 3.29 20 end 28 St Clair Ntronc. 14 ALL PAPERS.—WaiI Papers of all o=6 for Bale et reduced prices, by W. P. IllAttBllA LI. a CO., lENGLISH GLASS INI(ST ANDS-Cut jt 'A and prealed, with Glam and Bronze Tops Jel4 W. 3 HAVEV. Stationer. MAPS OF THE DIFF tRENT STATES— lowa. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Kansan, ?airaottri,Hentecky and Tenneaee, Virg Ws, etc, fur hII le by J R WELDIN, . Bookeellen-and Stationer, leID Nn. M IVeral atreet. rear Frnrth. IBALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale by B. L. FaIiNESTOCH a CO., jel2 No. 60 cot. Wood and Fourth meaty. DRIED PEACHES--12 sackschoiee bright dry Peaches received cad for 'Bak by ' JAB. A. FETZER, Jen Corner Market and film sta. fiIiEESE.--200 boxes W. R„ k , 225 " English Dairy Cheese, for 'sale by 1je221 _ ,cENUY B . Oni.i TNS. D RY AP ' LEs.,-za bags; 160 bbls. Dry Apples, for gala by jeZi HENRY H. COLLINS. aREEN APPLES.--20 bble. for sale by .1 • an 7 ITHNTIV R. MY T.T1913 ARLSIAN TOO H PASTE,' preparea owi older the oinxrvidon of Dr. Ifiallihe 8 Dort tcoadeby JO% •.- L '" y. CUl'll ;1' ! B.)N. strott JritU 11A IV•JR.T 1 I IM=ll5ll PIANOS AND MUSIC. THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK -01- PIANO FORTES, PROM THE MANUFAOTORY 02 CHICKERING & -SON'S, BOSTON, Connoting of BtXTEE of their new Seven Octave and Six and a Half Octave Pianos; have just been received, and new ready for examination at the wareroorea of the sub scriber. Notice. PRCIIERING & SONS' PIANO FORTES aro not furnish-Ed by them to any other house in this city, and all orders must be directed to the subscriber. JOHN H. D 1 FT;1011, No. 81 Wood street, Solo Agent. for Chiokering dr Sons' Pianos, 163 for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. PIANOS! . • PULL anAND PIANOSIfMIq,I PARLOR GRAND PIANOS I! AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, room the Mannfactrry of CHICHERENG & SONS'. liesroN, Just received from the manufactory of Chickeriny F. Sous' Boma, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES : one Foil seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price pp One Fall seven octave Grand Plano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price 7UO One Now Parlor Grand seven octave Piano nearly equal*i power to a fall Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price. Sefs) SQUARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlArth, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Clifford Two Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut., plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four la tg tg 1.4 Four RosiiWood " 41 It Ai e 4 All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with fall Iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prin. e. JOlliN H. NELLOR, No. 81 Wend street, de I 7 Sole Agent for Chickering at Sons'. ALDERMEN CliilltLES W. lAtilS, 4LDERM4II9 Lind Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE A D FIFTH EITBEETB. Alt t r.eines , :t c,oe..ected with this office will be attended to wit:: pc.,:optuess. t2,,nvey,iuces of all kinds done with legal accur, Leeds, , lortgages, Bonds, Powers of at tor:J :eel `intate t xarninsd. 1., ~• ~ f zhe liar he tenders his serrices as Com mi.loper to tall I :epositions to be readin the several Oonrts of this :'alto, 00,1 c 13.., where. llis office is one of the main Police Statlont of the city, and consequently his facilities in instriess of that kind are very desirable. I felu:ly Aitierinan's Offlce. JAMES S. lIOON, ALDERMAN, EX tivFicio JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE CVISTRA PE—office, No. 09 Grant street, nearl oppo site er l• • •ise, Pi•tsburgh, Pa. Dnisosi Mons, Acknow i.i..,ments end takon; the Records examined, LI le, Mortgages, Wills Leanne, Articles of Agree ,: u: n. ..1 Per ti.ersaip , Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., 4ran.t ,s, eltd•rt r,tice; Marriages Solemnized, and all tho pine or ale offloial luties, promptly attended , r Office hours, from 7 . 1 ,4 H. to IP. AL, and from 2 t.til'FL epflay • OERSONS GOING WEST, Who desire to ptlrcha e good farming lands, are informed that we have for an e 832 acres ,fllnd in Boone county, lowa. Also Ot t acres of land In Franklin county, will be sold. on easy terms uy 8, CUTBIBBRT & SON, rn; 51 Market street.. 111 Al-LS ! CIGARS I—l have received this day a larze lot of genuine imported Havana cigars, of the old =nd well known •• Seneca" brand. Thom wishing a twc of goo I cigars ihould call and examine mit stock betore purchasing elsewhere. ,Y 3. FLEMING, ••*.l • Corner Diamond and Market et. ( - ILA RET WINE .- .T_,, ce.esN.Zohnston .4 Sons ?dodo° Claret Wine; 10 6 , 4 . '• St Julien Claret Wine 60 " C. C. St. Jalien Claret Wine, in store and for cafe by MILL KR & 11.10111.1T801 , 1, revig No , 222 poi 223 L be , ry tree! / EMICA.L OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes ./ Chemical Olivo aaivo Soap, on hand rnd for sale by f r,7 B O. It J. El. SAWYER. • la ACON.-10 casks Country Bacon Sh'ul - uotes anal Hams,jamt received and for male by JAS A. FETZga, @y2B Oarnor Martini and Piro .r•"..ta IN Di, ;()._._2 oases Manilla Indigo, just re ceived and for eale by ulylB MILLER & RICRETSON. DRIED APPLES —5O bush. Bright Dried Apple 9 rt-celv-d and for eale by JAS. A. FETZER, mr2l Corner Ma•tr,d and RArrdlrl Rea. JPONGES. I have just received a large lot Suneri r Batting Sponges, of every size and price. Those wishing a g cad article in this line, should call and stock before pnrcaasing elsewhere. JOS. FLEMING, inv?i) firrner Diamond and Market ■tre,t 1. 4 1 .1 LE Sil N U 8.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell " tO bags Filberts ; 30 n Cream Nuts ; 30 Psoan 2003 bus. Ground " svoo Cocoa " Just received and for rale by IiEYHER lc ANDERSON, ;et) 1> No. 30 Wood street, Opposite she St. Charles Hotel. QTOCKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, kJ Suitable 14 the approaching hot aeasou on hand by Je9 'JOG. MORN& 77 Market stmt. LAS.-500 boxes 8110, 9x12 and 10x 12, till- Wei by (arf E &NAY IL OOLLIN JOB PRINTING.- Wrii, Freight Bills, Idirenders, Dray Receipts, Bill Reacts, labels, Railroad Receipts, Rills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, execc ted with promptness and at fair prices. 3. R. q ELDIN, Printer and Binti,r, myl3l Wood street, near Amyl!. 19 ACRES of choice land, with good im provement:+, near the city, for sale on easy terms by A. CUTHBERT t EON, Jelo LA market Om: lip GILDING LOTS, on six years' credit, for ealo by E. CUTHBERT Et SON, I el° 61 Market err , t. tal ALLS I BALLS' BALLS I—A large as- Fl: sortment of Hoot, Solid and Bat Balls, Just received and for bale, wholosam an•! retail, at the India Bobber 233 and 23 Bt. Clair etreat, J. H. PHILLIPIi - VANS! PANS! i—Palm Fans by the cage, • dozen, or single. at Eastern prlces,with other vari-ties of Fancy Fang, fur sale at Asa CIENTRAL BANK OF PENNSYLVA- IiJ to hereby Oven that the OENTIIAL SANK OW PENNSYLVANIA, ae U. ltiayebnrg, will be QpLn for busineed on WEDN'ESDAY, the lath tnet. JO3EPH BROWFIR, Cashier. J ARD OIL.— SO barrels k. xtra No 1 Lard nil; '25 .* No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by (ir,7lB] B. 0 & J. H. SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.—JuRt received a lot of u ,tricvy porn Old siovcrument Java Coffee. Also, La guyra and Rl.) Coffee, a; JAYNES' TEA STOKE, .5 act Fifth atro..t. DIME BLACKBEI.RI AND CliElidit 1. BRANDY, for medicinal ptirposea, at LiAwiisra a BROWNLEE'S, je.s in the Diamonl Uk.)UK RESTS—Made of Mali, gany and D well tiaiailed, fur gala oy W. 8. HAVEN, Jet* Stationer. JILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A largo assortment Biwa.) a on hand, or raadoto order. W. S. I.l.A.Vitli, Corner Market and Second streetq LPINVYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various sizes and coloro always on hand. at W. S. HAVEN'S, Corner Market and Second eta NOyi IS THE TIME TO BUY BOOTS AND SHOES, Cheap for Cash, at the well known store of 88 Market at, sEsOond door from Tiftll. jr11:111 B DS, Port Folios, Desk Pads, kX Bankers Cam, Port Monsies; - and Pocket Books, for sale by W. S. HAVEN'S, spiv Corner Market and Second streets. fIINNY SACKS.--300 largethree bushe Gunny Backe, new and in goad order; for sale by • JAS. A.' WETZEIt, re Y2O • Garner Vivid and Mirket strops CIAESTNUTS.-5 barrels Italian; re veer a tbia , day, and for rade by ; - REMO a ANDERSON, N 0.39 Wood street. ma@ • ' %pop dR Clattlita 13041. HOME'S, 77 Market street. JOSEPH IL. BORTAND, . S "V. NUMBER 247, MISCELLANEOUS. MILITARY GO,. DS. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE S CONSTANT. LY on hand a complete stock m I MILITARY GOODS CONSISTING IN PAWL Or PLUMES, BELTS, HPAIILETTES, 1 BUTTONS, BWO3DB, SASHES, TASSELS, Volunteer Compaailee IVEVNIEIXD wan FULL EGitl/111=5 Ar 'snow Non= SILK AND BUNTING FLAGS MA .V. 11 TO mum; JllO. B. nigrrion N SON. ii ) 95 MA KBT STREIT. REINESTr i No. 141 Wood street, Ittsburgh, It AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM IF. ENGLAND I. WALDRON (Sr.. GRIFFIN'S Gruzuna _.l CORN AND GRAII CORN ROES ; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; finErs Traps, very superior Drawer Locksa very superior ettli Locks, Tinned and Ennamelled Sauce Pars, Bmting.Bpoon4 Brass Candlesticks, Brass Cocks, Brass Sta i r Rids, Broussard Bits, Measuring Tepee, Superior Waitega, Carry Combs . , Teases, Coil, Filth, Tongues, Stretehimd react Chains, wi t s variety of other goods, ell of which ti ii be sold at mod• orate terms. apla 1 TAMES MILL IGAR, MONONGAHELA PLANING MILL, would respectfullyl inform the pnblie that, he hes rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged hiti establishment, and filled it with the riSivsst and most &pa proved machinery, Is now prepared to I=We:l flooring and planed boards, scrowl sawing and resawing,,dooreoscan Uri abutters, kiln dried, frames, moulding% box making, an. Smith Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. ,elo GENTS' SHOE'S AND GAPIERS. 0 E E A P CHEAP PEOPLIPS A 8110 E STORE., No. 17 FIFTH ST. OBILDRENS' SHOES. IeVIN DO W LASS.-5001 a l r yards from 2 to 6 inch inch diameter, for sal by mr2o . s..oomiNs. BEANS. -25 bble. white Beatto for sale by JAS 4A. HETZICR, Corner Flro and Market Eds. E LA RUE NOTE PAPER AND E v;,:rne I r a _Pri.-1 - mr 4 21 1 • • R. tPi7i. PTN T ANDS IN VIItUINIA, lowa and Texas, for atx!e by @ QIITHIiERT 'tern E 4 Market treat. NDIA RUBBER CURRY Cwiss.—' he beet article in 1130, 1119 t received at We India Rubber pot. 2d and 25 St. Clair otreet. .y 22 131tINTED BILL BOilliS—A.ssorted sizes at W. s HAVEN'S mv24 St4Lionary Warehouse. 'IIE X A.S, 'Eli s.--541 acres of good farm. lug had in Hey+ county, near Austin, leXaS. Prairie ;and timber land, $3 per acre, for sole by myll 0 CUTHBERT a SON S 61911erket at. OIL (11,0111. CiiASII-1500 yards of vari. ODD rat torus and widt ., l, just received from the fao• tory, for ealo wholosalo or icted, by 1 J. & 26 and 281 LUST RECEIVED A SURE;RIOR LOT of Doublu and Single Barreled aunt, fer sale low by O.A.RIW.BIGEBI E YOUNIa, No. 88 Wood street. my27:me VOR SALE.—Ono-third of a valuable pre -IC party, baying a frau. of 130 f7et on Wood street by 60 deep on Eizth street. S. CUTHBERT At SON, my2l 51 Market street., EVA'I3 . ACRES.—A Lot of Ground of 7 11CF . 11, In Collins townebip. (morning uide,) anitable for a count?) . For 13‘130 by my2l 2. CUTEIBEKT Ar SON. 61 Market et. GLASS. -300 boxes aFsurted sizes Window Glees, good coil •:try brand, f.r sale by PNRY 11. COLLINS. pi ROCNIS.-50 doz. recd and fur sale by mtzl HENaY 11. COLLINS. .FISH. -500 packages WhiG Fish, Salmon, and Trout, for Halo by (my 27) H. li. COLLINS. JNO. D. M'CRE AR IPS COVD PRINTING IN R—Kr•ld by Imr2-11 J. R. WELDIN. C°".-10 bags shelled Corn received and for •ifilo h, Il^, I OR, Vl{ Y Q. COLLINS. C°I,.N FRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Bacon, Name, Shouldwa and Oldes, recrived and for aniaby JAB A. RISTZBIi, ravl9 MnrtrPt god Piraf Or 7 CLIECK 1300KS—Un all the Banks and Broker), at W. '6. HA VEIN, tar 24 • Printer a 41 Stationer. -I ALAD 01 1.-10 baskets pure, just reo'd and fur 8-do by REY2.I.Edi. a ANDERSON, my 4 No. :9 Wood street, AVVRENCE, COHEN & CO.'S DOUBLE NNANTKLED VISITING CARDS.—SoId by y 2.1, .1. R. WELDIN. C°".-200 bush. prime white Corn, for .3 Ale by (tipr ti ENit 11. COLLINB. T° " T.—A commodious three titory - Frame Liouee, with Brick Basement—situated on Bedford street—to rent, by LLER d RInIibTSON, mr26 Nce. 2?1 and 22:1 Liberty street. UTTER.--8 bblu. fresh roll, for sale by mrl9 TIRNRI 11 OM HU& (lIIEAP WALL PAPEIi.—A new supply of new patterns for rale by W. P. XARSITALL & CO. 87 Wood street. KISS ME SWEETLY.—The latest an. Moat dalcloua perfume, diem ed from the walk , know Tulip Plower. A largo nupply roooived this day by JOS. FLEMING, JeB Corner Diamond and Market et. WRIGHT'S FRANGIPANNI granarving and ea. intfying the hair, constantly an hand at JON. Y LP. vurNa, 4T , 17.,0r and Nprket Q, TAR CAN DLES.--1000 boxes _ Extra Quallcy Adamantino Star.,oandlea, en hand aid fat sale by Jell 13. 0. h J. 11. BAWER,. CIGARS.-30,000 genuine Sa lk,' vans Cigars of the " Seneca," "anchita," ~Q p guano," en , a " tre Antos" brandsjust received by JOB. FLEMING, lei Corner Diamond and Market et. A. 111) 01L.—No. 1 and No. 2 Lard 0 cc:elegantly on hand and for ealo by je7 B. C. Tc J. H. SAWYER: 11Q ROW/V8 ESSENCE "OF JAMAICA GlifiEE;i;.--5 gloss received this day. and for sale cheap at . JOS. Je2 Corner Diamond and Market et 61C H NECK'S PULMONIC SYRUP—A large enpply of tbia excellent remedy for cough* and colds just received by JOS. FLEMING, Jetz Corner Diamond and Market et, D UftE M filtA AND CLARET A. MIXER, by the bott'• or -anon, et 11P.W0111:11 killokr.aws, .; n ttn. Diamond. UILDINQLOTS-12 Lots, each 30 feet front by 100 deep, altnote in East. LibirtY l near the Balleoad Depot. Prices from s2's to s4oo—ternt,, onatonrth in hand, bala-co at 6 years credit. Call and ace the arat3 CUTHBERT & FO N, 61 Market et. ESTERS.—BordeT - id • • ,orders and circles tor Tess tor.. for •4 ILI ittql/si Irk CO. 1.10311NY.-6 bbls. Flint Hominy for sale by JAB. A. torzga, ra9l2 Career Marko: and rind eta.. frORPEDOE.3.---500,000 No. 1, just reed g end for eu , le REIMER a ANDEMON, deB No. 89 Wood idweet. 1 1 1KE WORKS FOE FuUII. KT OF JUJ. —I ire Works and Fire Bal:ouna meitufactated by H.. P. Diehl, Pyrotechuist,dfor sale by DELI: ER lc ANDERSON, No. 83 Wood street, 1e Opposite the St. Charles Hetet. VAY TTE COUNTY FARM. FOR SALE. —BO2 acres in 'Wharton township, 40 rual'er fence with. log house, etc., good sprio".4 coal and 'limestone ; onz-helf the farm is #ne timb e r la nd, abort 100 acresin meadow, The soil is good, well adapted for a ttoek. or grain tam, sit uate at 1% miles from F,iette Springs, 9 miles from Union town, and 15 from Conneilaville, will be sold at a low price, or exchanged for approved Western lands. JeB b. OUTHIIEitT & SO V, 51 Market PURE JAMAICA RUM AND HOLLAND GIN, by the bottle or gallon, at I.I.S.WORTEI BROWNLEE'S, 1 4 35 • in the Diamond.. lIMBRELLAS.—SiIk and Gingham Bnn Umbrellas, superior to Parasol., for sale at latY W Mkt, at 11013. JeB 77 Market street. DESlONS,Arobitntural and Decorative for designs pas:lading In Oak, Marble and treeeeN prepared by ,my3ll W P. AItBHALL & CO. cIERMON PAPER on hand, or made to 01'r IJ der, by WAI Q. JOHNSTON .4. myl7 Stationers. 67 Woed street. ILL PAIN T 1 II (.18.—Landscafea and Ito! 4 60 gam, in an oplars, ter rtre Boaxda tor` nlo by w. 24114/14141 gel ;TINGES, ETC., ETC. A P. 1 1 1 0 EC 17 • 11 J. & H. PHILLIPS PHILLIPS, St. Clair shook
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers