. _ • • A ' VOLUME XVI. - _ PITTSBURGH 11.011NING POST. „r„ (ittrifay:c.cerpied) li'Y JAMES P. BALM, Is ;us coarrra op croon Arra pisri sTr.srra, 77.0 13 S.—Five Dollars a year, payable strictly in advance • pr inv - orkibly r..•zittired if not paid within the year. ilezle copies, Two Ont7c.--for sale it the counter in too 72:ce ay.' by the Boys. RATzs OF ADVERTISING. , I Tidies; Ttsics; Orr:sal/a Widy r•: -3 r . 152 5:• ; scsejela weed week. paper. Ono e 0 Two ineertions....... To; I-....... Throe .; 100' .... ..... 1 00 Ono week. -.. 175 60 liwc.P weeks -.. 300 200 IGC tOO 76 Three wr,•ke -. 400 265 200 1 5 100 One month_ ........5 GO 325 250 1 re , 1 5 ...... 700 465 355 235 250 reonilis 00 GCO 4 50' C5O 300 ...... /0 CO 605 500 331; 1 450 t 71101.0_11' . 11 00 735 660 343 650 l'l'` ll -'`/'`/ ,,, 12 C`C! 3Cu CCO 400 050 Nine tacath2 ..... C•:.1 10 35 fl 03 53C 9Oi o:re .yeer . .; 53; 13 35 10 P.: CA) tio7. lines cr Icas, pc: aitenni 10 00 52 rum:o.sa: One 6.1 ,- .2.1,7 ; per azaum,(exclurive of the pf.per,) 00 Marriaero notices 50 cents Death notices., 25 rents. Piff83113961 - 1 SATURDAY POST 111-4• VIEOIEII2I. ONLY OATE DOLitlig 2i.111 VEIR 9 TN CLUBS OF TEN. Singfa Habsaripttous, - - GA per an.nursa. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS or T DAY, Politicsd, Literary, Agricultural, Cannier col, Lc'nit, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This P..per being of the LAn - 6.?.;.., Sin, and neatly prints on Eno white Paper, iu large, clear typo, will be found by • the subscriber to give better satisfaetiou than any paper purdished in Pittebtu•gh. Shure vitb r.-Lth to take a paper from Pittsburgh, willldnd f lo SATURDAY POST a cafe and proltablo investment. Address, JA611.4€.3 P. BALM, cepi7 :Who: end Proprietor. so. P. BAWL D. A. MTILA -B®>7 & MYERS , BOOK AND JOB OFFICE , PC.C.ST 33"0"/.2.0D.I.IsTQS, Corner of. Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. trairpitr uraienigned having made extensive d ans. of tiro LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE F TYPE, and in:proved Machinery,to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite the a ttention of Bail Road Officer Merchants, business m 32 1, and the public generally, to their uperior facilities for executing with dU - paich, on reasonable ems, all binds of t j aAIIL itOAiDi, ITERCANITHLE, LEGAL, AND EVitltY °TILER DESCRIPTION OF Ft IN. - S3 FANCY PRINTING Ca -- Oar n atonal being nearly all new, we can give wan anu, of the meat complete satiefactior., and solicit orders cr BOOKS, PAMPHLETS., RAIL ROAiO BILLS AND CARDS, BANK ILIP.CE.2, BLANK NOTES, LI TER HEADS, BILL lIPADS, BILLS LADRiCi, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CAR - PS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, .te .IQ - • Particular attention will also be paid to the printing Of Boaters, Pregrs_•nmcs, lc. for Concerts, Exhibitions and Circuses. BARR mvEns. BUSINESS CARDS iiTle People's Ozoc Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER &CO., Chez.r. Ce.sh Dealer in all kiuda of Fashionablo ENV, SHOES AND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, Ladies, Youths and Children, r.o. 17 Fifth Stract, nes.? Market, ocS PFELSBURGH, PA. WM. JOECCI3ON YERRIN JOHNSON, Prop:dears of Childs & Co.'s Patent plasitte Fire and Water Proof Cement it-Doling. 1 - 33 THIRD Sf EET. n B.DERS for ROOFING promptly and faith- folly exccr..teil, and all cur work warranted. Roc:Eng material always on hand, and for sale, wlth. di rectiew for zsa. se-A.l.y Jog. F. EfAIiIiLTOM CO., E.YeaNEEZIS AND DIACHINISTS, Crn..v. of Fire and Liberty dm*, Pittsburgh, Pa. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Saw Mills, Breweries Panting Establishments, Manufactories, ac ' Made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celobrated Machinists' Toole, such as UV.rning Lathca, Iron Planors,Bor:rig and Drillin g Machines, AL AL.o, Wrought Iron shafting, with Pulleys, Hangers. &c. jaa..lyd SO ELI 17.11101.12 F-SON & CO., -OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GRAINERS, N 0.135 Third street. EIGN PAINT ING executed with neatness and despatch. Mixed Paints, Gila Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Ville Montaigne Ziuck, a very superior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead aways on hand and for Pale. We are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug gizts, or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by get ting their celore ground with no. - • - GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, MANUFACTUR.U.P. , S PRICES. HYD.ROAIETERS or weighing spirit., the cheapoit and best articles over brought to this city. T11E117,101...C2.11.9 AND B.AROHNTEMB, Varying inprice from $l3 to $3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, lways on hand at Q. L. SILtR'S, Fracleeal Opticia% n, ES Fifth S.:reel. sea, opp&Ate Ilasottio galL - _ - C.& J. ‘ 2l. SAWSEB.., VILN - raecrir OP LARD OIL, - - CANDLES, -• PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS N 0.17 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. IP. J . ; Busne r C. GIPIENDORIP. nusu..t. At, .GUTENDOR.F, ILMTPAOrtI3.I7,B or STEAM BOILERS, mid ell kinds of Eike:A Irou Work. Poartiritreet,l26..ll. Water, Pittsburgh, Pa. PEOkIPTIA7 Arriaro;.n ffiVelv JOHN EIBER & co., FANCY DYERS AND SCORIEDS , zaa. .13 Ef.i.'...lrAkt. WOOD AND LIBERTY MD VH, PITTSBURGH, PA. All kinds ok Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and every - description of eIIt: and Woolen Goods executed at Bliort rotke, and on reasonable tends. [ap2&dm Wheat, Irje and--Corn Wanted, A.l 'l=9 SWE.AII4 =ELL, ALLEGHENY eat; H E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TA FN the above =tablisSmorit, and aro prepared to PLY 'ma Monist. isieurr FR1033 i 0:11.413 rat B trEITALB OE W 1 EAT. 10,000 ", 00.111Z.f It to the intontLen tithe proprietors to offer n.m.s inuW for any chcise io^a of .White or Red Wheat. They intend to tasks very arperior Family Flour, and are willing to pat ry=ttiot t o thefarnier, in the shape of an eXtra prim, to in , ince him to ratio a cholp quality of Wheat, and to bring it Lc market in gee, onion Office spf Sealer al Weights and Measures. pas OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AIS , 7) arElisruzsß, May be inroad henceforth, in Cherry alley, betueen Third and Fourth Mee% where orders may be left. mrl3.lf Cll9l/IfER BAUNETT. b23ARD OIL.—We have commenced manu factoring Lard Oil, and will be pleased to receive or for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar 14. We will MI barrels returned when desired. 11 3. EL SAWYER, Fen MN 4Y Wood Jaunt, ZiffrAS.-10 Onions for talr t ki Air isx2 UMW UMW& B. A. JOHUSON R. T. Er."'lNl. :EDI a ano . - • 1 '• . _ • 1 - . 4 • - . C. , .- •4 / ' - 'li '1 , , /*: - - - W ti t - ' ''' 1' • ' ' 1:' • ..-, • ' : - .:. • m w :.• 4 ' i.;, t.l ... - I * ''' • •Y Ps ,:` . ~.. 4. , i - a _ , .., ' -,, i . ' ''''t 1 •;, •• s , i 4 '..- f- ''4' . " At. : r. 4; gi, 4 t . ' Z't ': -. 1. 4. .i , - -' l.l . '' t ' g • - 1.. . ~ PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OP WOOD AND ROTH STRFATS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUICt INSURANCE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATITENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, se presented to the Stockholder', and made out in compliance with the State 1.9A3 of New York, Ohio, Indiana,llllnols, STATI2II The name of the Company is the FAR3IIO.B' UNION IN SURA NC E COMPAY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13, 1653, by the Legislature of Penneylvaula. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which le all paid up 4 200,000 03 Burplua in addition thereto 53,465:5 ABer.T., Fifty-four Banda and Mortgages, at et x end seven 1 . 1 cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate t0...5152,315 00 Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real e,tate, principally farms, recorded and tlrtt liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mart. gaged ior in each care, and in no case tear than fifty 119. cent. more, ai clithlvv of farm btuldino, and certided by the Recorders, whei a recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six l cent. Bonds secured. 47,635 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6,449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and lu course of transmiedor, secured by bonds with s - nrettes 13,781 6) Due on losses re-insured, (cc 7,336 51 Dille receivable, viz: promissory rotes payable at bank aad to the . 8,246 82 Interest accrued, (principally due January 1,1858,) 1 19 46 Safe and office Fixtures, and Furni ture 600 00 253,435 51 isootits FOS YES FELS 1357. Amount of Premiums received during the year AI Intermt received daring the year Am% received from all other sources.... IMPENDIMILLS. Expenses for the year, including commissions, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19.109 66 Dividends paid during the year 17,000 00 Losses paid, which occurred prior to DecemSer 31, 1856 7,674 66 Looses pal.i which occurred daring the year 46,561 64 $90,425 80 I TA - MITTS& Looses adjusted and not doe (sinco paid) $ 12,600 99 L068E3 incurred and in process of adjustment. 9,307 00 Lewes report&l, on which no action has been taken 5,500 00 Leases resisted, on ground of Insur ance after fire, property transfer ;-; red beforo foes, property lost not covered by the Policy, &c. $ 39,407 99 Whole anon tof risks taken dozing the year.. 55,429,862 00 Whole amount of risk at data......., 4,861,440 00 ZTATX 07 PENSISYLVANLt, COUNTY OF RBADFOILD., 0. N. Shipicasn, President, and J. S. Canfield, Bocrctary of the Farmers' ~.irdon __lnsurance Compstny, being isoterally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself say* that the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement Of tho affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above do. scribed o:bcere thereof. C. N. 89 INIAN, President. J. E. CLNEIELD, Secretary. . Subscribed and sworn before Inc, this 25th day of Jasn• ary, 1858, 11. O. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. HUNTER, Agent, No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. FI ttE INSURANCE, BY THE Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BUILDIEOB 2 LIMITED OIL PERPETUAL, HEROHAN- DI9E, lIIIRNITURD, SO., IN TOWN OR 001INTRT. 001 co, 1, o. 308 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 0.1.77,926 ASSETS, 0252,4435 1113. Invested as follows, viz : Pint liortgage on Improved City Property, worth double the amount $120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent.lflortgago Loan, $30,010 cost 25,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cont. Ponu'a IL P.. Loan. 10.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stec' 1,000 00 ißock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Co 10,160 00 Stock of County lire Insurance Co 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurramo Companies 475 00 Bills Reosivw:lo, business paper 62,711 50 • Bcok Accounts, accrued interest, etc. 8,336 19 Cools on hand and in Bank 16,043 20 r. 52,463 SO GLIM TINGLEY, Progdent. D13114:07.12. Clam Tingley, William R. Thompson, David S. Brown, Corneille; Stevenson, John R. Worrell, 11. L. Carson, Robert 'Poland, 'osea Johneom Charles S. Wood, Janaza S. Woodward, mr3 B. 3. J. GAR mr3 North-east co. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Philadelphia. Wll. V. PETTIT, B. J. M'CANN, Sezretary. Amount of o%pital stock paid in add invented...s2 , 3o,ooo GO SurninJ Ca,'423 3b V9t13,428 85 Inaurns (largo Etat:non :.1,0 Ohio and Lliadselppi rtiverN and tributirie3. Insnren loe4 OT daLnage by F:r,, Also, r.gc.lnst the l'erila of the Sea and Inland 1,4 , 2.cigar.0n ~nrl T-ransportatt,n. I=E Wm. V. Pott.lt, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Paruroy, i). J. McCitan, L. P. Wilmer, Roue Guillou, B. L. Wu:Aston, John A. Mr.ustill, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patter. Lon, 1...aw00d T. Pauly. • M1CH13.13: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Pres:dent. IL F. VaThillit, Vice PrcrEdcni. D. J. 11 , ..01,1574, .4:crclary. Gn FIRSNCY : In Phitadeiphia: Steir.miUs, Justice & Co., Buck, Morgan a Etidfole, Pautroy, Caldwell a . Co. !10.07 WATER. STREET. IV. POIN EXTEII, Agent. In Pht7adtiphia': Seiger, Lamb 4: Co., Truitt, 8r0..: Co., A. T. Lane 6- Co., PITTSBURGH OFFICE, a p 9 I. WEST p RANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN; CLINTON COUNTY. CIIAILTBRBD BY TUB LEGIBLATURE OP PENIIBYLVANIA Gig Capita/ $300,000 I Premium N0tt5...5132 2 343. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Itlorchandlea, Furniture, 4c., hi town or DILEOTOI3.6: Hon. Jno. J. Pearce,lion. G. 0. Ilarvey, !Charlea A. Mayer John D. Heil, Charlca Criat, 'Peter Dickinaon, 1 T. T. Abrarae, D K. Jacl - .. an, IW. White, • Thomas Kitchen. 110 N. G. 0. lIAP.VEY, Prealdoot T. T. Aro , , mg, Vice President. Taos. /LITMUS, Eecrotary. z. /211E110.18: Samna' 11. Lloyd, i i Dr. .1 8. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Ilaynard,lA. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. 8 Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vandorbelt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. - PISTIL STRUT, Bursar:ll4m. do2l:tf • J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. rifiEM FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PLELLADMPRIA.. D - I,:zarcsa—Cliarles W. Bancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Goo. W. Richards, Mordecai B. Lewis, Adolphl E. Boric, David S. Browna, Mot , . rim Patterson. Cams N. Barium, President. Ones. G. 13A.Itczu, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Cc any have rceerved a large Contingent Fund, .Ihi c h o i r ith th e ir capital and premiums, safely Invested, af. ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1861, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage S9IB,LIS 68 Beal &tato - 84,377 78 Temporary 1..--Jima 83,966 17 Stocks 61,889 al Chat, a 0,.... 861,848 81 Total $1,212,705 44a Mee their incorporation, a period of twenty-one yearn, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou. amid Dollare,i 01.9b3 by Ilre, thereby affording evidence of the advantr..ges of insurance, as well wile ability and disposition to meet with promptneee all liabilities. J. OAIIIIINEIR OOPEDT, Agent, Office. northeast cor. Wood and Third eta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY PITTSBUAQII. 0E.911G2 1-resldont; F. hi. GORDON, Secretary. Omos No. 02 Water street, (Stang A Co's Varehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of LE auu DiAiIINE.III9II.B. A Rome Institution, managed by Director., who aro t eli blown in the community, and who aro lets mined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain tin . ' harecter whtc.i they have assumed, 83 offering the best prolactton to those who decthro to be tamed. .A....q3129, OCTOBER Slat, 1857. • - - MortgsFer-- '''''' f•-• ' Bills itecetrable,..‘..»....—.... Office Open AcomuiV., ........ Premium Noteg, Bills Diz-^ormted, DDLIHROBB A. Miler, Jr., (Felsigs W. Jackson, Alex. Epees*, Win. Knight, Alexander likalok, Wm. H. Eolith, Y. M. GORDON. Saciro:try: George Dare*, J.W.Bailer, James .?,100a16y, Andrew Ackley, • Nathan r.r 11.olmes, D. EL Longo 0. W. Ilickvtou,.: Ett. . B .ootuM - raki fo sale , .t 1 $253,485 61 .4 85,231 3 0 .. 11,442 05 ... 2,480 CO $93,153 35 12,100 CO Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Wm. M. Semple, Pittslig .1. iiiNcamAN, eocretary. DIN.E . s COFFIN, Agent, or Third and Wood streets. $121,500 00 2,160 00 ,161 in 240 00 9,478 04 14,841 46 ...... 40,246 69 ...... 16003 78 $31;1 . 341 :a INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTS.BURGII, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. AUX. DUDLEY, Vico President. Z. A. EmmaAn; Secretary. *This Company makes exery insurance appertaining to or counected - with LIFE RISKS. Also, against num, AND CARGO RISKS on the OW Emil Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, end MARINE RISRS generally. And against Loss and Dame.go by :Ire, and asaintt tho Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigaion and Transportation. Policies leaned at the lowest rates consistent with micty to all parties. DIR3OTOR3. liobert Galway, Pamnol BPOlnziten, Joseph P. Gazzoin, 'M. D., John Scott, jamel Mr:ratan, David Richey, j - amag W. Ilailman, Oharlat Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph 8. Leech, John Fullerton, - N. K Hart, David IL Chambers:, Bober; IL Ilan.liiy, William Carr, Jan. tdc'4lll. sa2s Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. OFFICE, NO. 99 WATER, ST, PITTSBURGH. Assets—Mny 1, 1858. Stock, Due Bills—p.ayablo on demand and secured by two approved names $ 76,:90 00 Cash In Pittsburgh Trust Company 62,280 37 Premium Notes 62 933 80 Bills Receivable 15,986 01 122 shares Exchange Bank Stock—cost 6,950 00 I 99 do Media-ice' Bank Stock—cost 5,490 63 -300 do Iron City Bank Stock—amount paid. 7.500 00 •'OO do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 5,000 00 Book Accounts .... ........... ....... 13,259 34 DIRECTOP.B J. LI. ShosnLergcr,G. W. Cll3B, I W. K. Nimick, lsaac M. Pennock, John A. Canghoy,W. W. Martin, I C W. Batchelor, R. T. Leech, Jr., R. D. Cochran, David McCandless, James J. Bennett, George S. Belden. Wm. J. Anderson, J. H. HOENBERGER, 'President ROBT. PINNEY, Secretary. nl3 6:lna CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSIIIIRGH. • WILLIAM BAGALEIY, PrOZbitt t. SAMUEL L. MAJ - 113' 7 RL1., tikoretesy. OFFICE: 14 Water strut, basses!: Marled and Wood sinceis .G2rlnsuros MILL AND CARGO LIMP, on the Ohio and Mississippi Bli , ers and tributaries. Insures against Lots or Damage by FIR?.. Also, against the Perils of the nea and Inland liarige.tion and Transportation. DTP3OTORS William Bagaley, Capt. Mark ;Averting, Samuel Rea, Samuel ht. Kier, James LI. Coopor, John S. Dilworth, James ParkiJr., Francis Sellers, Isaac Id. Pennock. William B. Hays. Springer Harbangh, John Shlpton, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, Falter Bryant, John Caldwell. Ja22. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Flo. 149 Cheannt Street, Optimito tho Custom ammo. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reazonablo rates of premium. ROBERT P. KIM), President. lid. W. BALDWIN, Vico President. DragGTORS. 'Marin Hayes, B. 11. Cope, E. B- Engßah, George W. Brown, P. 13. Pavury, j.ot•oph B. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clayton, Idagargco, E. Wilor. Y. BLACIVILT.27,2, Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Jy4:ly Corner Third and Wood streets HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. SCOTT HOUSE, Cormier Erwin Strout and Duquesne, Way, PITTSBURGH, PA. B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of tho "Marker Hoc o," Blairsville, Pa.) 711 H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM- J. PLED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It iB eitnatod in a contral part of tho city, being convouient to all Railroad and Steamboat Landings, Rho lionso was built in 1866, with all modern improve ments, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Farniture being new—and will in every rpect be a first class Hotel. Pine STABT.FA are attached to the premises. Liel2.7 CORNUCOPUE RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIPTLI STREET. The attention of Merchants — ii2aa.-••• and others is directed to thii` establishment, which has been recently fittede-'l4 up for the parpose of affording a SUBSTAN TLA.L EATING uousa IN A CENTRAL LOCATION! Country folks attending market are particularly invited to 0311. Eve:l - thing pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be found, of the freshest the market affords. ap29:lyditiv EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LIPPERT, Proprietor, Corntr Hain tired and Youghiogheny River, Near the RaQraad Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. THE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. P Wadi.' order for the reception of visitors. It is bean. [dello located on the banks of the Youghiogheny river, and eau be reschul every day from the city by the tiounelLsrille Railroad. 'Pherooir.s are largo, airy and well furrdshea,and tha could be no pleasanter place for a few weeks summer residence In the country. A few ramillea can be accommo dated. Terms moderate. Address A. LOWRY, 111 y25:11 West Newton, Pa. THE NATiONAL SALOON , Under Foster's New National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA., . D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, lIAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, tau large centre store in the OLD FELLOWS HALL. Fifth street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND ;ALDO'S. Haring had many years' or:li:clean, in the business, ho is prepared to supply the best too market affords. Ills Bar will be furnished at all times with the best WINE.% LIQ,UOILS AND ALES. The en trance to the Saloon, Is in toe centre of the Hall, and re freshments will to fundshod atall timed, DAY and NIGHT (Sundays excepted.) WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENN'A AVENUE.* THIRD ST., INASIIINGTON. D. C A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA. S. HOTEL 9 Oppoolte the Pearls. Railroad Depot, ILUIRISBURG, PA. [Jelo WASHINGT.OFiI HOTEL, VOIttiERLiJI S. lICYIEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JANES SHANNON, Proprietor. Tills HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PENN and WASUINOTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most conve nient Uotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, EWA or West. narF,lr 141 . , ANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ iyuL Daemons No. &A Liberty street, Just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient house in the city for passengers and. Ting by that road. 'pletesproprietor having, at considerable ear ice, fitted up, la excellent style, the MANRION'HOUSE, (mid respect fully solicit a share of public patronap. The is attached a splendid ST,..ABLE and extensive WAGON BARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. llis Larder and Bar will be furnished with the Lest the market can afford. febty L.,1 A Excelsior Restaurant, No. 111 WOOD Strett, PrrfatIVICGII, PA., WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAHR AND EASTERN FISH The underalgned has just received from the Eastern man tat, selected with great care, SMELT, HAIILMT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD FISH, EASTERN SUIT FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, I3iew York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Egg Harbor, Shan. Oysters. The HDGdt eiror brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season served up at the EXCELSIOR RESTAURANT. apilyd S. STEINREFOE.. QT. GLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. cut Streets, Pittsburgh, i undersgned, former ly of "Brown's Notel," having taken this large and commo. dious ROTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling publio to give him a calla Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience In the business, ac.,ao n give entire aatiefactlen, and his charges moderate. fehMi WTiL 0. CONNELLY. Lippincott, Shorten & Poarson, NO. 104 WOOD BTB fIT, NEAR EMIL MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va . lices, Bat and - Bonnet Boxes, Ladies .Traveling • oarpi3t Bags, Lc" . keep corustantly (91 hand a 'Cam stack. -,We 131"8. PreP&M to'CLO wholesale trade, and bay ing Wu out good stock at reduced prices, we IratieinTßA 'Bur trade - to osll awl examine our goods be. pop wickWailigaitst um& --'' PITTSBURGH ° 1 1 'it BURS DAN', JULY 22, 1858 BOOKS AND STATIONERY _ OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Succeslor to B. T. 0. Morgan.) STATIONER. AND DEALER IN BOORS, PERIODICALS AND, NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Elf, street, Pittabmgh, Pa. n025:1y Co-PertnersErap. THE undersigned have entered into Co- Partnership, under the style of Wm. O. Johnston Sc Co. SAMUEL B. JOHNSTON, JIL, WILLIAM G. JOEZISTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857. Et. R. JOEINtiTO.7, Tit ..... .............. ...... ........ , 1..T0am3 TO IV RI. JOEINSTON Ce; CO., _ QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, kj and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood Etrovt, butrietn Third and Fourth, Pittabnrgh, Pa. 5030 TOBACCO AND SEGARS. Iv - a, D. RINEHART, .Irclal College, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. $258,311 15 Board of 12 Trtictoos—Faculty of 14 Teachers. 300 SIGIDLIrs AnENDING, JAN 121.534, 1658. • Young Men Prepared for Actual Dulia of the Counting Room INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE „X. and Doable-Entry, Book-Keeping. as tined In every de. parireent of Busincia. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Ensi- Riess Writing, Mercantile Cori espoutlence, Commercial fray, Detecting Conuterfeit Money, Political Plconomy, Elocution, Iliono,., , raphy, and ad other entlecti necessary for the thor (inch educttion of a practical hi:mine:a man. 3 C. SMITH, A. M., Professor of Book-Keeping and Bcietice of Account,,. T. A. lILTDILLOS and 11. A. lIIITEON, Assistant Teach ers of Book soaping. ALBS COWLLY, A. T. DOUTaaii f, and IL A. HUTSON, Professors of Penmanship—tweivo first premiums over all competition for beat Pen and Ink Writing, Lei arm NOZ roa Lsottevim Irons, —ad J. d. PORTER, Prof of Mathematics Terms, dr--Full course, time waim!te,l, enter at any time —s2s. Average time, Bto 12 w•ooka. Board about - $2,60. Entice cost, $6O to $7O. Gratuatea assisted in obtaining a eltuatiou. Specimens of unequalled writing and circulars rant free. Address, F. W. JENKINS, my2o Pittsburgh, Ptiumivivanie. Safety and Ceanonay h LAght. WHY WILL YOU BURN CA.MPHENE AND FLUID, when yon eau get o rho .per and bet. ter light. enre Kerosene Oil, made from the gas or Cannel Coal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe portable light ever offered to thb pubic, and no dodger of explosion ; more brilliant thou gas; and quite as cheap; Lamps of the most simple and easily managed con. etruotion. For sale by T. D. G.IIODKINSON, No. 79 Smithfield street. .. Beware of a counterfeit ahead ., in the market, made from Camphene, w;tti a little Coal to ncip.t it. f,27:11 A WORD TO THE LADIEs. ?VIM HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, and we cell the attention of the Ladies to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can ho done with economy, without oporassive head, with out soot, and with despatch—the firo being always re:vy in a moment—by using To which wo rozpectfally invite your atteirli .o, at No. 75 Smithfield street. S. A. JOHNSUN t 1.11-ZO. r k l_ County and City Rights for sAlo. apl'L•9m The most pleasant, safe and effectual Worm Remedy DOW In use. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by ANGELL A. RAFT, Oor. Wood and :Sixth eta., Pittsburgh, Pa , And sold by Drrargillts aFr.s.rall7. Ja2l QT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.— The undersigned has bought the lease Of the above named Stables, t.o...;.,Xfi..iiikf Yd 'lt gotLer with a portion of the exten-„,e 47 ''''i stock of Horses and Carriages Zisiio. into the property of James Mathews, decehatd. In addition to the stock teifore-montioned, ho has also Batted a number of FINE HORSES, BM:RILES AND CARRIAGES, which wore formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As ho gives his personal atten tion to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received froze public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, Bt. Charles Livery Stables. LI. IL—A HEARSE and any number of CAItRLW Es can elways he procured for Funerals. tietg rrHE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE A SOAP, manufactured by B. C. A J. H. Sawyer, re receives the preference over all other kinds ever offered for family we. Its advantages over other Soaps are :-Ist. It is clioaper to use, one pound being equal to throe of common rosin Soap. 2d. Half the time need only be occupied in washing when this Soap is used in place of other Soap. lid. Labor in washing can bo nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Boiling the clothes Li unnocesaary when this Soap is need, and hard or salt water answers equally us well as soft. sth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find it far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the teach-bead, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of o family, take one pound of Soup, eat it into shavings, and dissolve to ono gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons a warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Lot thorn souk twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and tinso in WSJIII water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease spats, may require a alight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may lie need in place of hoc, requiring about double time in soaking. 4:13" Observe our name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Wood street, and at car works, opposite the Round House, Penn. sylvania avenue. .10. k J, IL SAWYER, ap2l No. 47 Wood street. UCKWEIEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buck , wheat Flour, 60 lb sacks, just received and for Bale by McOANDILESS, MEANS tr CO., fu2o Oerrner Wood and Water etroota. PROPRIETRESS FLOUR. -25 bbla. Suporflne Floar reoeiVed and for Bale by MICA. LEES, MEANS a CO, fa° Coraor Wood and Water etreetO. EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A mast desirable and cheap weapon, at ➢OPWN a TETLEY'S, mvl Weed tripmfs. AA ARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and Rags, Plat received and for sale by filati.NDLE.l9, .1111AN8 14 CO., 1a23 Corner of Wood and Water streeta. SPICES.- 25 bags Pimento; 100 Grain Pepper, just received and for We by MILLE,II. g illeagPSON. mr2s 221 and trr, Liberty atm.& ATEW ARRIVALS.—Vie aro taking into storo, (123 Wood street,) an immense stock of Sae Paper Jobbing purposes ; also, Letter, Cap and Note ; Envidopos in great variety; Manilla Papers, of every size, and as cheap as they can ha bought in the Nast, whore we offer wholesale or retail, very low for Cash. • apt JNO. Ds PERKINS lc CO KFlSl.l..—Whito Fish, Trout, Salmon, and Pickerel constanSly on hand, a full stock to supply Ab the wholesale trade, by (my6l lUtNSY S. COLLIN 6. ORANGES. -300 bxs. sweet, just received and for cabs by RHYMER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, myl7 Opp , Ate the St. Charles Rotel. BROOMS. -100 dos. Extra Corn Brooms on haw:land for sale by a] p 2 B. C. A. J. 11. SAW Lk& DUSTER TRIMMINOS — Drab and Gray Dnater Binding and Tasaola, Just opened at JOS. HORINWS, 77 Market.street. NEICC STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the umat &mold &spas, on hand at HORNET, myB 77 Market street, gEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Seed Sweet Potato , " received and for Ea.le byy"s,R, ovn-econar Market and Prat atreeto. • PICKLES. -6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, rej calved and fob sale by JA3IEd A. FETZER, few 00raer hiarkat and First streets. 13ERF lIMER Y. —Lubin's, Bazin'B, Wright's, (Edda's and llarridon's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on Itand.at JOB. FILMING'S, .le2 Corner Diamond and Market et. .RICE AND RICE FLOUR; . Corn Starch; haver Glosi, Starch ; Maces Farina • , I Baker's Farina; and Broma ; Freak Cocoa Shell. Received and for sale at JAYNES' TEA STORE, . 8 1 3 Fifth street. YDRAITLIO PRESSED AC 600 boxes HydrauM Preavad 61ci' ad Candles, =ido "FecudY fax Summer use, lon band and far Indy by 4 (1 1 41 J. aftWl= 1 : • TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS I. 129 P 7001) STREET ( k// / &i,../ CP (if _ _, COOKING BY GAS Dittegenves ciao tioolthag Stave, AVILE' WOUra CONFECTION - , C oNFECTION, Co NFECTION,OON F EOTION,CONF NOTION, CONYII C TION, CONFEC T lONO ONFEOT I 01 , 1,00 NFBOT O N,CONI. D O T I U N,CONYEOT 10 N CO NFBOTI ON . CUTI_II3ERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Lye Market street,hous ,raqtetnhit sale, and purchase of Real es Ruate, renting obtaining loan, on bonds, to Insurance and repairs, ance., doodo, b on d s , ac writing letters and /nuking convey. with partiainbroad,-107 and corresponding dclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. 8.61 , 1:RZL1C53.-2lee.arff. Hanna, Garretson it Co.,Robert Parks, Esq. jythy WE'STERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OMR), HRH for ease Lands in Illinois, Wisconaln, Minnecobs, Michigan and lowa. lie will exchange Lands in Wisc.:main, Ac., for Pitteimrgh innhufactnreihand also for city property. All letters of hurairy answered gratis, by addressing ma as above.- anllay • - DEALMIS !N ALL RIZITI GI PROPER,TY FOR SALE OR RENT. GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and A. nil the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, its-, /cc., all in good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lots of ground, situate in South Pittsburgh, and will be sold on very easy terms by 9,0131111.1.51 VP it SON, I ell 61 Market street. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, In exchange for land. up= .8. OUTllilltaT & SON, 51 Muket et- ST"M MILL in complete running or der, with (broiling house, otc., hoar the city, for ealo by H. CLUJ:II3OM Soo, ap'2.4 51 Market titreot. WEST,EIf.N LANDS of good quality, fa Dale or exchange for Real Eattico In the city 422 S. CUTILBEIRT Ss BON, 61 Merkel 6t. FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE--A valuablo prop3rty of 150 feet front on Covington at., Lawrenceville, by 100 deep on Washington atroet to Cherry alloy, Brick Dwelling liou.se of 7 rooms well arrangoil,bata room, porch, wall of water and pump, atablebud coal house, kitchen raage,,_otc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, ahado Mid fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence. Tho ahave offers a good opportunity to buy a o mpleto and pleasant rotiduncd. Prico low, add tetrad accommodating. _ _ TILIE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for sale by S. CIITLIBERT & SON is 30 by 100 feet. Location—Hear the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $276 to $4OO each. Terms—One-fourth in hand; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Office, 61 Market Btre6t. lip EAR IT IN MIND, that tho East Lib ertyiLp Lota aro offered at such prices, and on such easy terms, ae to make a home easily to be obtained. Boar it in mind, that they front on wide etreetc, are of easy somas by railroad, and are very deedrablelocationa for family mideficcs Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lots is to be seen at Jol2 61 MARKET STBBET. OR SALE --SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choi o Prairie and Timber Land, situated la-Northern a and Southern Minnesota, embracing thD nowt lot of farming lauds ever offered In Obi market, afi they are located conveniently to Mills. Towns and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing information 'of value to iimigrants and catalogues giving location, description and price of the land, with a brief description of the counties in which they are located, can be hod on application at our and they will be sent freo by mail to persons sending is their address. WILLIAM. FF.AZI.E.II my:il:tf Jones' Building, No. t 7 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a Building Lot of 2+5x10 . ) feet on Mt. Washingtea.— Price, sl.oo—slo in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. Al. a Lot of (.oxloo feet for $250--525 in hand, balance In payments to suit purchaser. 8, Ll urn DNItT & lioN, je23 61 Market street. 1•2 ACRES of Land and a comfortallo 11063.3 situate near the 'Washington Turnpike, at about 13 miles /ppm Join' Ferry, will be °old on easy terms. Immediate possession. 8. CLITHF3FAIT & SON, J 023 &I Market street. A LOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad station 90 by 100 feet will be eold for $2 0, one-fourth in hand, remainder at six years' credit. S. CUTHBERT & SON. my 29 al Market street- GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. IL Ea 'F'ARLIII47.I), MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smlthaeld Streets, 111 , ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT be has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, best quality and most elegant descrip tions, which he is pi'hparea to manufamura to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with, such a character of workcasnship, as cannot fail to satisfy and please the most fastidious tastes, tutyl9 issoLuTioN PARTNERSHIP,J The firm of lIAWORT'EI BRO. & BROWN wits, the ad of May, 1859, dissolved by mutual cot:seat, by the withdrawal of JEHII HAWORTH . from tho above firm. The accounts of tho late firm will be settled by ILANTORTIL & BROWNLEE. JEIIII HAWORTH', in withdrawing from tho riLoye firm, kindly thanks his former patrons and also tee patrons u. the late firm, for the very liberal patronage he has re ceived, and would kindly recommend them fg Ws succes,ors, RA WORTH BEA/ WNLEE, HA they erortetermined to sell ,st bow figures, hewing a very large assortment of OILEAP UROOKRIES, WINES and LIQUOR 3 on hareL. JEIII3 HAWORTH. DAVID IIAWORTII and JAIRES BROWNLEE have this day e.ssochsted together, and will continuo on the business at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamond cud Dia mond alloy, under the style of HAWORTH & BROWNLEE, where they hope to receive that patronage so liberali given to the old firm, as they aro determined to sell GLIZAPER than any other Store in the city. myl3 IYRUPS.— 100 barrels "Choice" Golden Syrup; 15 •do ' a Peana.." First Quality Syrup; • Just received and fur sale by MILLE& tt 11101tETSON, jel Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street TVEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- \ A. A. MASON & CO., Mrs., NO. 2 1 5 Fifth Street, Aro now opening rich Dress Silks, Bereges, Ohallice, Cr, 7ndles, Paris Brilliants, /..ud a vit./Aid selection of SPRING SHAWLS. (apl Q,EED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to close consign merit ty JAS. A. FETZER, ap23 Corner Market and First streets. 00.'11POUND SYRUPS OP PLIOSPLIATES, ( , It. oarnucAL FOOD—This preparation is not in-, tended s, a popular i omedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Y.etlical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply tao watts of eletaantary matter daring th'o progress of cluxiie cases, particularly in Dyspepsia and Conaump tion. This preparation Is pleasant to the oye, agreeable to the taste, and great:Rd to the stomach; and does not nails. eats by protracted ass. Sold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH FLEMING, Je22 Corner Diamond and Market strut. COUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Bacon, Just received and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, my 4 . Corner Market and First streets IDLIIROOM CORY-3 tons first quality reo'd and for rote I,y I moil molly n. co„Lms. vANCY FRENCLI BASKETI3.-4. nice t. assortment jtist opened, MOR.N.E'R, myB 97 Marta street. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country man, assorted eines, for sale by WM. IL SMITH & CO., 118 2econd, and 147 Best streets. WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, grain and fancy. Mao, shade Trimmings, ac., always on hand at and for sale cheap by 3. a H. PHILLIPS, my 2 9 26 and 28 St. Clair street. INDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to 10 inches in diameter. A large supply just received at the India Rubber Depot of J. a H. PHILLIPS, my 22 26 and 28 St. Clair street. WALL PAPERS.—WaiI Papers of all E - indg for sale at reduced pricaa, by W. P. MARSHALL % Co., P . T We.llstl it►eet. I:NGLISH GLASS INKSTA.NDS-Cut, and premed, with Glass and Bronze Topa. jel4 W. S. HAVEN. Stationer. MAPS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES- . _tvg, lowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Kansas, Missouri, Kentneky rind Tennesee, Virg nia, etc, for sale by J. B. WBIJDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, lel9 No. 63 Wood 'Street. near Fourth. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale by ' B. 'L. FAHNESTOCE it CO., Jel2 No. 00 cor. Wood and 'mutt' sti*eto. DRIED PEACHES-12 saelei choice bright dry Peaches received frad.for sale by JAB..d. FETZER, je22 Carnes Market First atm. eIHEESE.-200 boxes W. R.; " English Dairy Cheese, for • t sate by ' fje22.l H. eouaus. TIRY 4PPLES.-50 bags; 150 bbls. Dry Apples for sale by je= I : • : ciREEN "APPLES.-20 bble. for sale by %-.5 so :1 -; ma:NOV-a COLLTITO AMMAN TOOTH PASTEi. prepared underkho ervon of Dr. 110 1 1113 Den ir for ego b oup y M hAn . Ci s n _ REAL ESTATE AGENTS. B. CUTHBERT BON, Baal Estate and General Agents, 61 Market street. PIANOS AND MUSIC. THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK - OH - PIANO FORTES, FROM THE MANUFACTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, BOSTON. Con:feting of SIXTEEN of their now Seven Octave and Six and a :dalf Octave Pianos; have just been received, and uvw ready for examination at the warerooras of the tab. Notice. CLEICRERING Et SONS' PIANOFORTES aro not furnished by thew to any other house in this city, and all orders must be direz,ted to the subscriber. JOHN 11 ItIELtOR, No. 81 Wood strut). Sole Agent for Chickering & Sons' Pianos, .14 for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. PIANO SS 1119:ILL GRAND PIANOS! PARLOR GRAND PIANOS I I AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, Isom the Manufactrry of CHECKERING & SONS', Boat); just received from the manufactory of °Weltering & Sone' Boston, the following dosirablo and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES One Full coven octavo Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price . $BOO Ono Full coven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood cane. Price .$7OO One Now Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal in power to a fall Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price $6OO SQUARE PIANOS I Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, coven octaves, with carved Desk and Foot work. • Two Reaowood seven octave—Clifford style. Two 'Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, raven octaves. Four ii is 64 Li" t< Four Rosewood " —. 66 LS " 03. 6 ii All of the above-are of their NEW SCALE, a , and with fall Iron frames, and their new laatent Action. Those Instruments have been flubbed specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchr.sers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOHEE U. ?iiELEMR, No. iill Wood etreet, . del7 Sole Agent for Chichciing Sr Sous'. ALDERMEN. CHARLES llle LE - 61.4, AIDERNAN 9 Allll Lx-Ofacio Jactzce of the Peace, OFFICE ON TIM CORNER OF WYLIE ,:ND .k 11 , 211 STREET:3. All bnsin...- connected wit.h - thi Offlee trill be att , r,:led to with proniptu,:s.i. Conveyauces of nll hinds done with legal L.ccuracy—.4; , -b sa alortgagcs, Bonds, Powers otAt torney, e.c.• Titles to :Zcal L:stato ez..nrnincd. _ . To the nisi:, hers of the Bar ha tendert his cervices 1411 COM raiskuner to take Depositions to be read In the ieveral Cotirts ut this State, and elsewhere. ills office ia ono of the ntain Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in executing fluidness of that kind are very desirable. I fe10:131 Adldermaills Office. TAMES 8. 11.00 N, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTItATE--04c; No. 60 Grant street, nearly oppo cite the Court itonco, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Depositions, Acknow lodgments and Prooatoa taken• ' the Records examined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgagee , Wills, Lek,ies, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership,, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn op at abort notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all PileiUo.l.l in the lino Of his official duties, promptly attended to. Ofilco hours, from 7jS A. et. to 1 P. 14., and from 2 1 . 3 6 P. 31. apStly DIERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to parchaie good farming lands, are informed that wo have fur sale 632 acres of land in Boone county, lowa. Also GM acres of land In Franklin county, will be sold on easy tenne by S. CUTHBERT & SON, myls St Market street. efIGARS 1 CIGARS I—l have received this J by a large lot of gennineimported Havana cigars; of the old and well known "Sorted" brand. Those wishing a box of good cigars should call and examinemy stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. PLEMLNG, J. 4 Corner Diamond and Market st. riLARET 2) cases H. Jotundou Jt Sons Pledoo Claret Wine; 10 " " " St. Julien Claret Wine 60 " C. C. St. jailer; Claret Wine, in store and for sate by MILER .1; RIMED:3ON, mylB and 2= Liberty street. 'I ILEMIOAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes t. a / Chemical Olive Etasivo Soap, on hand end for sale by e 7 IL 0. Jz J. IL SAWYER.. 1101pACO,N.-1( casks .Country Bacon Shoal dere, Bides and Llama, fast received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER., my'2,B Corner Markert and Rime:meta. TNDIUIO.-2 cases Manilla Indigo, just re ceived and for male by mylB MILLER. t RIONETSON, DitIED APPLES.-50 burl. Bright Dried ApploJ just recoivad and for eale by JAS. A. FETZER, Cornnr Mortet and Socond eta CaPONOES.-I have just received a large lot Sepal La. Batting Sponges, of every Mee and price. Thoss trishlng Abed article is this line, should call mid = .c, y stock before purchasing, elsewhere. JOS. "FLPYriNG, mv2o 0 , -rner Diamond and Market street. _ _ FRESH INUTS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell " 60 bags Filberts; 30 Cream Cants ; 30 " Pecan 2000 bus. Ground " 6000 Cocoa Jost received and for sale by RHYMER be ANDNRBON, No. 89 Wood street, Jeo Opposite she St,. Charles liotel. QTOCKINGS, GLOVOS, MITTS, ETC.-- ky Suitable far the approaching hot season on. hand by jo 3 JOS. HORNE. 77 Market strent: LAA3S.—SOO boxes 8x10,9x12 and 10x12, 1-7 forcaloby (ar4 I, HENRY Q. COLLINS 0.108 PRINTING.— Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars liray Receipts, Bill u«idif, Labels, .Rahroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J. R. WELDIN, Printer and Binds, mySi Wood street, near Fourth. 19 9 ACRES of choice land ; with good ita provementa, near the city, for sale on easy terms by E. 'OIITHBUUT h SON, jell) 51 market street. 01. ITILDING LOTS, on six years' credit, for gale by S. CUTECBERT & SON, el() 61 Market street. BALLS 1 .BALLS! BALLBI—A large as sortment of Foot, Solid and Bat Balls, Jns received and for sale, wbolesaio ani retail, at the India - Rubber Depot. 26 and St. Clair street, my 29 J. A 11. PHILLIPS. L'A_NS I FANS 11—Palm Fans by the case, dozen, or single. at Eastern pricosovlth other carittios ~f Fancy Fang, for ualo at HORNFM, Jet;77 Market street. CENTRAL BANK OF PENNSYLVA NI:I.—Notice in hereby given that the CENTRAL TtAicK Oil PENNSYLVANIA, at Hollidniaburg, will be upon for bunineas on WEDNESDAY, the 18th inst. JOSEPH BROWER, Cashier. It D 0I L . barrola Extra No. I Lard , Oil ; 25 '• No. 2 Lard Oil, on' hand and for sale, by [mylBj B. C. ir J. EL SAWYER. :LAVA COFFEE.—Just received a. lot of ey strictly paro Old Government Java Coffee. Also, La gusra and Rio Coffoo,nt JAYNES' TEA STORE, P-4 . 33 Binh straet; DORE BLACKBERRY AND CRIMRY A BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH & BROVTNLEVR, in.the Diamond 14 . 00 K RESTS—Made of Mahogany and ILO well tabbed, for We by W. H. HA &N, je.l4 _ Stationer; ILL AND COLLECTION. BOOKS-A large assortment always on hand, or made to order. " W. s: RAVEN, jolt Corner Market and Second Arcata. T AWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Variotis _11.4 6/7.03 and cclon always on hand, at W. 8. HAVEN'S, • Corner Market and Second eta NOW IS THE TI - 11.1E. TO BUY • BOOTS /AND SHOES, Cheap for Cash, at the well known store of JOSEPH E. BORLAND, jtl2 98 Market Bt., second door frain fifth, (M SAN • Port Folios, Desk Pads * 't_ll Bankers Cases, Port li:tousles, and Pocket Books; for salo by , W. S. RAVE 9 4. a sp Corner Market and Second Omani' CLUNNY SACKS. 7-300 large - three bush:l c. (twiny 2144 now and in good order, for isle by' JAB. A. Fliwzia, row - von's,' run and !Juliet iitmotoi CAESTNIITS.-5 - bands - Italian, reaeivcd thte Ya and f or valear ywut . lasTDERsm No. Etlit Wood street. ni726 OWsito Ot, Charles actel• r*.%N..-. r=r-zwa . • el-4W-4 1. * t •,..,%%!,',;'.4W, A3t**5t 1 PL ,, ,1 ,W'ff.ii*Vl IN T ITM.BER 241, MISCELLANEOUS. MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS RAVE CONSTANT. LY on hand a coroplota stock 01 MILITARY ,GOODS OONSISIING IN. PAW' oa PLITHES, SWORDS, SASHES, TASJELS, Volunteer Companies FUltrvairLTD WITH FULL EQVIPIIENTS AT SHORT NOTIOZ SILK :,TD BUNTING FLAGS MADE TO ORDER. JEiO. B. DP:FADDEN oft SON. 05 MARKET STREET. SAME. FAIIRIESTOCE 9 . No. 94 Wood street, Pittsburgh - HAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM, ENGLAND-- WALDRON 4. GRIFNIN'S amiunal CORN AN 8M SOYTIU, CORN HOES; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; STEBL- Traps, very sup , :rior Drawer Locks, very superior Grin Locke, Tinned and Ennamelled 'Sauce Pans, Basting Spoons, Bran Ca.ndlerticke, Brass Cocks, Brass Stair Bode, Braces and Bite, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waltors, Curry Carobs, Teases, Coil, Min, Tengrau, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other g00d,,, all of which will be sold at-mod. erate torrro. unla AINIES MILLINGAE, MONOIIO-HELAI J PLANING' lILLL, - would respectfully infer tho public: that ho has 'rebuilt since the tre, and having e arged his, establishment, and filled it with- the newest arid most at, proved machinery, to now prepared to tarnish flooring and planed beards, scrawl sawing and rhsawing, dooq, sash and mutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, au; South Pittsburgh, September 7,1857. reel° ENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS. A H I) I A P. CHEAP a PEOPLE'S SHOE STOTLE, OMI.DItaNS! 111 INDOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 to 6 inch Inch diameter, for rale by mr29 IL 11. COLLINS. BEANS. -25 bbls. white Beans for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, — Corner Firat and Market stn.' TE LA RUE NOTE PAPITat AND EN VEI MPS—Roll mrs 3 l J. WRLDIN. T ANDS IN ti lowa and 'reins, for sa!o by ouTnnEra inyl3 61 Mix treet. INDIA REIBB CURRY[ CO MBS.—The 14111 best articlo in ow, Just received at the India Bobber Depot, 2U and 28 St. Clair street, my 22 pRINTED BILL BOOKS—A6dOrted-SlZes at W. S. HAVEN'S rey24 Stationary Wareham. riIEXAS, TEXAS.-540 aoros of good farm• ing laud in llay4 county, neer Austin, Taxa.% Prairie and timber land, $3 per acre, for Ale by myll 8. OUTHBERI2 % SON, 61-Market OIL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yards'of vari ous tatters and widtB3, jut received from tbel triry, for enle wholesale or retail, by ST RECEIVED A SUPERIOR LOT of Double and Single Barreled Gum, for sale low by CARTWRIGHT to YOUNG,, No. 80 Wood &eat. m➢27:mo wait .SALE.--One-third of a valuablepro- Foray, having a front of 130 Int on Wood street by 00 deep on tiir.th street. 9. COTIIIII3/2 lc SON, - sny2l Si. ?..larket street. , .Q.EVEN ACRES.—A Lot of Ground of 7 acznq, In Collins township, (morning tide,) imitable for a conntiv rrsidenco. For Belo by my2l S. CUTED3EgT F. SON. 61 Market at. GLASS. -400 boxes assorted sizes Window Glass, good country brand. for sale by: myB UZNJW 11. COLLIN& ROOMS.-50 doz. reed and for sale by meat HENRY IL COLLINS VISEL---500 packages White Fish, Salmon, and 'front, for ealo by (my 27) IL IL COLLINS. VIN' 13—apid by (mr2l J. IL WELDIN. C°".— ,_, ,, t3 oba shelled. Corn received and for sale ILT,NRY H. COLLINS. WINTRY • BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Baron, Haws, Shoulders and Sides, reccivod and for JAS. A. FRTZEIt... Qnrnrr 4`11141.t V4rit BOOKS—On _tha Banks and at 8. RAVEN, Printer a ,r 1 stationer. . ,L\_ _, 01. L.-1.0 baskets pure, just reo'd -110 and for sale by 1117.5111 R e. ANDERSONT,, . niy4 No. rD Wood street. , y AWRENCE, COUEN4Er, CO.'S DOUBLE ENAMEL - PG VISITING CARDS.—SoId by ray 24 J. R. WELDIN. (1011 N.-200 bush. prime white Corn, for ‘,./ solo by (optri) GENTRY R. OGLIINS., TO LET.-7A connuodicus three story Frame House, with Brick :;:.semen[—eitnated on Bedford street —to rent, by l'OLLIII: & RICItIiTSON,* mr2tl tie% 221 and 223 Molly street, 'UTTER.-3 bbls. fresh MI, for sale by E P mita TIIIN'it V TY. MUMS, fIEtEAP WALL PAPER.—A new supply k",j of new patterns for rale by - w. P. 111AltSUALL fz CO., 87 Weal street. KISS ME SWEETLY.—Tho latdst and most dedeions perfume, di3til.od from the wall know Tulip Flowor. A largo supply receivad this day by JCS- NG, /o 8 ' Corner Diamond and Market st. U FRANGIPANNI 0114.—For progorviagand.Deautifyiug tho hair, couctontly on hand at JO3. tl n7%4 al'rrkrt st Q. AN TAR CDLES.-1.00 a 0 boxes Extra. kJ Quality Adamantine Star_Candlea, on band and..-for 'ale by lje7l D. &3. IL SAWYER. (IIGAIS, OICIA.RS.-- ; 30,000 . genuine Ha vana Cigars of the Eencca," ‘•Conchita," , ±Co jostle," and " tre Actoa " brandsjuet received by JOS. FLEMING, Je7 Corner Diamond and Market at. _ ARD OLL.—No. 1 and No. 2 Lard Oil constantly on hand and for Bobo by jb7 B. C. & .J. 11. SAWYER. . BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA 011:G411.-5 gloss re:;eived this day, arid 'for sale area l ) at JOE. irLIZIMI, je2 Comer Dir.raond and Market st. QC NE OK' S ITL'AIONIO.BYRUP—A largo supply of this excellent remedy for consho :and colds Jost received by JOE. FLEHING, je2 Dlrncr Diamond and Market at.. DURE MADEIRA AND OLARET 4. WINES, by the bottle or gallon, at, - lIAWOETII E 8R0W;,7,E£23, e 5 the Diainet.l. BIIILDING LOTS-12 Lote, each 30 feet front by 100 doep, eitnuto in , Enet Liberty, near the Raileond Depot. Prices from $216 to 34W—tem.% one•fourth in band, balance at 6 yearn credit. Cell and aee the plan. mr2B 8. (XVI :ON, 51 Mathrt TESTERS.—Borders and circles for Tca tont. for gale by firr7Pll biAIV- , HAT L 007_ 11.015.1NY.-6 bbLs. Flint Hominy for salo by Jap. 4. NI lER Corner Markot and First -ifs. riPORPEDOES.-500,000 No. 1, juirbno'd Z. and for ludo REYIEEII &'ANDrIII.SO:I;, jeS N 0.39 Wood wee:. FIRE WORKS FOR FOURDI,OF ULY. —Fire Worlto and Piro Balloons ms.nufactazfd by H. P. Diehl, Pyrotechnist, for sale by • It.EY:dEP. ANDERS:ON, No. ao Wood street, jeB Opposite th 3 Bt. Oh , ..rlca Hotel. IAYE TE COUNTY FARR FOR SALE. —502 acres in Wharton township, 40 unoer fencoWith log house, etc.igood springs, coal and limestone ; on hall the farm is fine timber land, and about 100 acres in meadow. The soil b 3 good, well adapted for a stock or - grain farm, sit nate at, 1% miles from lesyette Epriogs, 9 miles from Union town, and 15 from Conneilsville, will be sold at a low pticp, or exchanged for approved Western Lando. ic B ' ' CUTIIBEitT So c,51 Illarket at. 1111DURE JAMAICA RUM AND HOLLAND byte bottle or gallon, at AWORTII BROWN/4EXPr, H in the VW:3WD a. SUN .UMBRELLAS.--Silk and Gingham Ran llmbiellas, eriperior to Parasol>, for' gale atirely R rates,, , at -7 ' jeB Market street. DES GN.rchit3ctitral andDcborative for designs pooneliog to Ook;31arblo And frolcoo, prep= 1 1 / V. "t ed b MALL ac CO. DEMON on hand, er de ma to:o] • der:by WIT. G. .7011N8T0 114 myl7 •• Stational+. 67 Wnad.W.-et• T 1 16-1" Vas, la all colors, for Eiro P Boardsli alas by GPO IV. . MABffAIIoTA LTAIILETTES i EttTrolls, FRINGES, ETO., 'ETC ij P. It A. No. 17 FIFTH .131' J. if. n. PHILLIPS J.:& U. puirairra, 26 and Di St Mir atrast