ES$ CARDS. SASITTEL O. WINGdkRTh oliziEr AT E., ritsszna A WE Pp, Zan. OVA Ornat, No. 71 GgANT droet, botwoOn Pmrth etreet nd Diamond alley aPS fir AXES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, CI office Forath Pittebargh, between Bmithitold and Cherry alley.doelkly - . 7t T ABL, buirgcon Dentist, sucessor to G. 11 1 ., w. 'So. 144 Scnthteld arca. Ottice how. frtc:k 5 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 6 o'clock. febls:ly ISCOTT; Dentist, Fourth street, • weEz. M., , ,,rket. t.onra from 9 o'cicra A. M. to 5 o'clock P. &ea"- OSEPII FLEMING, successor to L. Wil t" 032 rt. Co., cornet cf Marko; atroot and the Diamond, keeps conztontiv on hand n full wort:meat of DRUGS, KM yo'NES, oleo Pertaining to his -Irani:Less tiy-Physient' Prescriptoto carefully compounded st aII 1109/8. joky . tr. , rgp ?. Vu.5.T. JOSIPti D. Utreat.9 P. MARSIIALL & Co., Importers and • _dealers to Pr=ch and P.r.oerican P.A.PER BANG IN4S, ..S o. ST wvo.3 otreet, Pittsburgh. teZ-5,.F.2 - tvgonta - for tho colobrated tosonfixtures. of Iles =s. Dollooark t Vo., Porto. no ' 7 13.F1R it ANDERSON, (sucroessara tc Josii'at ntodc , il t C 0..) wholoaale-eadlerb fn VOILEIGN IP SUITS, NUTS, SPICES, OUNI^I.Or3NARY, SUGARS, s° ' 33 Wood GtZett, opposite ere EL Charier !Jowl, Pit ts trargh. sp IC M. LITTLE, !MERCHA NT TAILOR :TO. 3 4 ST. CLAM STREET r.I2BDURGU T W.- KERR, -ARGUITECT, REMOVED from coyer of and Wood to STREET, In Phillips' nco hc,ilding—contiatiee to proplre Plane and Elpecifiestions of, and to Smperintond the licection of est:l.y aegoription of Ihadings, daftly* A I , 'ULTON, B B - LL AND BRASS jofi., FOUNDER, N 0.70 SECOND street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Ls prepared to furnish to order CHURCH, STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND ms. ap BELLS, Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lb t r XMLE.BI 77 LLS W....1Z9 to order. STOP and GAUGE.COCES of all sizes, for Steamboats. kiDWIt AL WATER PLrA2S. COUNTER RAILINGS, and every t arie'ty cf Castings flubbed i 0 the neatest maarter. RABBIT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL; FITLTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PSCRINO, for °team Enginee. [ap23:ls L OUGURIDGE &; MAXWELL, M-521triCias-M 3 or Looleng-Glagxes,A.nro Frantesk and Braslax; And Denims in Clacks, House Furniahing Qom's, ao. La. Ac. go. 130 Wood street, above; Firth, PITTEBUraII, Yd gaclpe ktrFlos`rc_s , de to Amer EDUCATIONAL. St. Francis Academy for Boys, UNDER THE CI-IRE OF THE FRANCISCAN BROTHERS LoreWol Co.mbrio. connty, Pa. HI S INSTITUTION, NATURALLY si ta3 tNI for Educational purpccesi affords all die in. ducements that can be desired for a rCatholia Institution. It is located In the most healthy, and picturesque purtion of *he Alleghenies, distant four miles from °reason Station, the iirect =ell rents between Phibuielphia and Pittsburgh. The scholastic sear cdnimenclos the drat Monday in September, will close the 15th of July following. The Terms for Board,lnduding a thorough English Scien tide Coarse, are-$lOO per annum. The Classionnd -Modern Languages form au extra charge of $lO per annum. Washing and nse of Bedding $lO. Por further pztc - olare apply to the superior of the Am; demy. References can be made to the Rt. Rev. Dr. O'CoNnon. ap33:14113.-sr Vincent's College. and Seminary, trEDZE TEE CABS OF TEE BEHEDICTIXE rATIIED.S, Nonr - .Latrobe, Wesmorcland county, Pa. THF• COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT TITF, .anal branches or English Education. in the BE3III , IAItY, the Classics, Mathematics, History, Bhutcrice, Philosophy, etc., and the different branches of higher erudition necessary or useful to - those aspiring to Priesthood The terms for Board and Tuition are $BO per year, to be paid semi•annnaiiy, strictly in advance. Getman and French and other languages, Drawing, Paint ing rind . M.usic,forta no extra charges, excepting some rveom• pansation for the use of instruments. Medicine, .V. 7, Boob, Stationery, etc., form extra charges. For particulars apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate year begins on the let of September, and ends on the 3d of July following. FATHEIt G. B Director of the Colleee. DR If Gth)Db. sileirencta! Retrench I ANOTEER CEAS.LI-IN PRICES 1-Be inz dettrmined to sell :Jur eloc4, though the Times are Tiziit," we have made a geLteral sweep— REDUCED 2111; eIc.:KIE To still lower price!. 4.4"N0w is tho- - <•no to boy when the as2ortseut 19 yet flubrakoh. Fold tho Pr,' ca ihat Dora! Bowall oct29 JOS. RORKE, 77 Market stroot. LAST- CHANGE IN FIGURES._ Lowiet Ribbons, worth 75 cents, at 623, pot yard. do do do OVA at 50 do do do do 50 at 51% do do do do 3714 at 25 do JOSEPH HOE E, 77 Market streEtt. RICH VEI , VET„TRDIIIINGS, • 41. REDUCED PRICE?. A &Dim a33ortment cat hAtiff a for said at 13.011.NES`, VT Marko: et:ext. GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARM FINTS- Wool, Si t, Morino and tieavy Cotton tinder Shirts and Drawers.--a fresh clapply received W. 11.0.11.N1T5, dei9 . 17 3lsrltet Woe!. 1,4 -1 1.)7±1 Cents per .I l ontifi Reduction in the Print; BILADLIII7S Y.4.11.i5.--Wholoelle Bayern and I'vdd'Are will bo furnished with 131alti...EI"S V./KEN-PLY ii.titTaNa TAIL at a reduction, of Fire Cenei per pound, by the handl., rater tnia date, For Casb, and Caeh only. JOu. 110R.N.F., 77 Slarket Arent, dad Agent for the Manufactures ERMBOLDERIIIS.-Our excellent stock of French Embrolderitand the low prices of which they. are marked, offers rare inducements to ladies wishing to ptirchase the latest styleek-:- MONEY 1 MONEY 11-PRICES MARK ED DOWN. Ake Great reduction in the_price of F`.mbrohlerieo. We have gone erirefiDy over our handsome stock of 1 - 11.1LNICII-WO.EZED 031.1'./4 R 24, UNDE.R. 3104.1.. N BANDS, etc., etc. And fizeil the pritea to snit the "Hard allMP' 'Maladies may rely on gelong bajgainant ocCI!"MORN. , Li, 77 Market street. AVE WILL SELL from the present vane an- commonly cheap FOE OASIL Pleaee call and exam Ina our Mock. C. 17. ANSON LOVE, ocrL^U 7ermerly — Lovo Br.n., No. 74 Market "DRLNTED FRENCH MERINOES, for 62 jt - and 75 centa, worth $1 and $ 1 , 25 1 the helt Itenertmnut In the city. C. ILLIISON UWE, (forzterly tam Brothers), desl Pin. 74 Marked =treat. BONNET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon not material, Ulu, Velvets and batins, for tale at Ansla 13ORNIV8. BLACK:AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.- A frill assortment, very chomp. C. HANSON WYE, formerly Love Brothers, No, 73 71.:Iret sMrse— EVERY Eoo2omicitl ParohaSer of Dress Goods, Shawls, Hantli, &c.; also Domestic and Sta ple bloods, will find it to their 'advantage to cull and =ad our New &earl' Yell and Winter Drylloodsbefore-purchas lug elsewhere.O. HANSON LOVE, aels -- iltormerly Dore Brea. Ho. 74 Mg '''''Al at• QIIAWLS 1 SHAWLS I—Wool, Chorale, Brocha, kcs both long and &inure, tha very beet in the eity, and at very law prima far cash. C. ILA-NISON LOVE, formerly Love Bros., 1i0.34 Market street. PIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for inculang Bantam A large assartmant at (Wk. B. Wmr CO'S TO PRLNTE H.S.—The subscriber has now on 11 and, and is 'daily receiving, from the manufac turers, a large'assortmeut of Printer's Stock. R. IV Potter's Printer's Cards, from No. 1 to 7, Satin China, porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. Card .11yards, etmets ; ElcCreary's Oolcbra:od colored Inks; Card Lay Zs Bros: " News Varnish and Size; Colored Printing Papers ; Pamphlet Cover Papers ; Glazed and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow ; Steel 'Blue 01. zed Papers, and a largo assortment plain Note, Better, Cap, and Polo Post, bine and white. J. R. WELDI , 63 Wood street, near F cal rth clO Zll you ask me, should you wonder, Jr" Where to-buy your Shcee and Galion (iartes,i for your met in. springtime, • Boors with heats, and pretty iinEELN:s. lace Parfcit SLIPPERS for the aumwer, Patent Leather ftiove-iiid MOC.ISIII eI Where th_hny t ' heme, cheap mad good too ; I should answer, I would tell you, unto tho PEI•)PLES SllOl3 swag. To the Peoples' Cheap Thou Store, To the Store of Dlell.:Nd , ACilif ap No. 17 Fifth street. „ , t tiLak ULL) .P . EI-11Y1 LAND 1 . 1118.— Itnd antr. s n e iffir ru et i r' 1'; wu Sperm Can"ea on jail . 0 A P ;3 . rxxi bozci Ito Fly, Snap, in lb., 2 1. end 3 lb, ban. - Lfrell " No. 1 Paha deal" - in b., :l b. and 3 ;b. Lam LW) " Chemical Olive Eetp, in tb. leap. illY,) " Oleine Or:de u u ~ 2.5 d " Cie.-roan ii aid " Clistill - , -.50 " Pnre Patna igh baud and bar rale by jail. - ( C_ ''' t., B upFAJ,O, "AIaFAND-OL(SITA OVEIVS.IIOE3, offered low, at "The Peaplee Sho e BM" .t. 70. 17 t. Fifth street, neaiMarke • , • DIERIINBACM:II ..t CO. nNLY - $750 .goit A TV — Trgi'r ----- mly D Nye _ J liue Hone', of four reirine„ with tat of ground 20 feet front on Mont,rry, Alier,Leny city,iby no deep tcian alley. Term; $4OO in hand, bnlancie one two and three yawn, S. OL'TILBEB.T & SON, star 3 4 Idarketstreet. 114111 1 TALO 6110 ES.—A _AJP Gents' and Ladi,. Buffalo Over Shoes. Also, Gents' Stre 4 at - eaToopists . Shoe Store,- Ifo.7.F uut f 3 Ilealgarket ' 1131ra WD3.-100 :o s, just xtvam e d and for oafs by min rmaki ao. TM Imam WM. H. SMITH it,CO., WHOLESALE: - GROCERS, US Second & 14Y First sts., mr 26 Prpraencia, PA. PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, Am, &0., CONSTANTLY ON HAND. mr2 DAVID araesoup..,,.,.....wrrsual ..... A. Go 'RI WCANDIXSS, DIE.4I,ITS 3 CO., tovccEssoaarowICSAWCAFIDL.M9,I WHOLESALE GROCERS, DT' T.=-9 liv IRON, NAILS, CIT.ARS, COTTON YARNS, AXED PITTE3BInGII ALABIIPACITITEES GMIIEBALLT, dotter of Wood and Water atreetn, felday KTITItjatigH,,PA. Forwarding and' Commission Merchants, Nos. -AND 115 WATBa _EiraBRT; strir.en, JOSEPH HOE NE. 77 'Market irtmet. B. C. a .7. U. SArit.E..t. " " B. C. Zr. B/WYBB.. DTPPEINZBAOTIE'R k 00 ES=2lll3l=2E==as==ll c s. BitiALEt, COS%AAVE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS; No. 1S and 20 Wood Street, Wm. linum, MILLER RiCKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND 113.POP.T.Nft8 OP BRANDIES, "WINES AND- SEGARS. Non. gui, and 223, Corner of . Liberty anti Irwin Streets, AND SOLE AGENTS FOR ,wearer's Ci.ty...6tlass, FORWARDM OD COMMISSION. Jfil'AES COMUMS P.BOUSCITRII 02 !WI Connie' Plttebiargh, 'Meadville cla 'Erie CANAL LINES. 11.00 DES, HAGEN St. CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEELC3IAATS, No. 30 SYCIATIOILB ST., 01/10INEMTI, 0. [Jy29 11.2acatat Joazi 6..Lszo JOSEPH. S, LEECH & )., Nos. 242 and 244 meaty st -eet, - PITTSBURGH, PA., WIIO.ILESeLLEI 0-Boczns, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEAUSIIS IN FLOUR. ANO: BACON, TIN-PLAT - kVI./5D Map& £7OCIE., AND PI T BT4 alckpf:lllA. Br F . lsk TIU ILE S. reVAgeriii & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWA.7IDING.M.CELiNTS, Loves-sand Washington Avon:MS, WYA_NDOTTEt. CITY, KANSAS TEKRITORY. limayitva.—Jouoph EL Leech Co., OD t Mburgh Merchant! generally. jyll:yclaa- J. HOUSEMAN, • ( LATE OF lIOII'I3MAN a SMITS, ) COMMISSION AND PORWAtIDING MERCHANTS, kio. 9 AT. Second Street, ep&Lu.i ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Dann anceefan, 0. J. Ho► L 5, JiangWaions Humphreys, &Irma i & Wright, FLOUR FA -IYIO-RS, PRODUCE AND GE'NERAE. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 75 ICOILTH I.7ELARVJE.9 AND tith NORTE( WATER ST., AboTaT!no Street, REFEE. TO Criurad, Thompsor. dr Co., Philadelphia. Thomyeors, Clark & Young, Sivr, Price h Co., a (Web Cope & Co., " Barcroft, Baaver & Co . , " Canby, liosiller & linglies, .. Fa M. Lewis, Cashier F. and 11. Bank, " Jos..l3.kliteltell,Skuslaier II --rch's Bank. " M.Oll l / 3 .1i. liallossoll &Co., " lilcOuttlicon A Collins, John M..l3entody Er. Co., Baignel A Co., a Pickett, Mathews A Co., Maysville, Hy. Shrewsbury & Price, Madison, Ind W. H. Langley& Sons, GallipolL% Ohio. Lawrence a Ilatlaus, Louisville, 0hi0.% A. D. Boliocc & Co., Cir.uitiltatl, Ohio. W. Ifolimics & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bagaley, Casg,race & Co., norPsily" ALLDIRT L. (121EAID P. DrEED._: A. L. WEBB & Bib. (Succe,aora to ELDER ok Wzna,) GENERAL COMMISSION ItiERCHANTS AND AGENTS ,FOS. THE Sd.LE OF DUPONT'S POWDER AND SAFETY FUSE, Cornor Pratt and Catamarca streets, BALTIMORE, Receive :on Consignment all kinds of NYestern Produce, and make advances thereon. ZITEEKNOE Goo.W. Smith .k Co., W. H. Smith & Co., W. 11. Garrard, Miller t Iticketson. mriaSte-w-em UENRY li. COLLINS, Forwarding and _LlL:doinmission Merchant, and wholesale dealer in FIBU, tli-; Kiehl; BUTTER., SEEDS and PRODUCE generally, No. 25 Wood street, Pittsburgh. rasa GLASSWARE., U. CIMINO.. MOBCIAN toruthrsOls. noRAILD DITEIBIDGI 11111nT LELMTWALT. ( - WRUNG, ROBERTSON & CO. Mann factunas of Cut, krArsed and Plain .Plint QIJSSWAIU, warehouse No. 17 Wood streot, cornor of Front, Pittsburgh. ;xis All other kinds of Mr-aware and Window Maas, at low Market prices. ap11:111y IA M 9 1. LULLS.— .70611 3 /1 J. ULM. LEDLIE & ULAM, Successors to Mulvany Ledlie, manufacturers o CutOloulded and Plain Flint and Fancy Colored GLAESWAILE, and &alai, in all kinds of Windom Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottle& Ware house corner of Ificetet and Water streets, Plttabugh. WINES AND LIQUORS. 302314 T EIRTAIL as CO., WIIOLPSALE DRUMS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND - RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No. 135 Liberty Street t Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Monongahela and Bealiled Whissies—also„ Blackberry, Wild Cherry, Baapbe Ty, and Ginger Brandies. [ap12:1,7 IL DIVLIN DEVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholeak Wino and Liquor Merchants and Rectifying 'lnstillers, No. 83 endthfueld street, Pittaburgh, Pa. ap3Hy DRY APPLES.--50 bble. bright Dry Ap plea, mebred and for Bala, by ap3 HEINEN H. 4X).1..L1NA 1-IRN APPLES.-15 bble. choice .a.,pple NJ/ recoired and for Bale by aris TIMMY IL COLLINS. B EAN S. --20 bbls. small Virhito Beans, just received and for sale by (XILLII4B. rrIMOTLIY SEED.-10 bags reo'd and for ealo by ( 1 , 3 ) UENUY IL COLLINS. - - NEW WALL PA- - -- PERS CIIEAP.--Still they oomo. W. P. 11.A.E.11..91.1, 8 00-, t;.O 67 Wood ortrAikt- ?JEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES.— „&14: We are daily receiving from oar own and govern fact:orlon, additions to onr stock, which consists in part or Flock Gil Cloths, Cthlage Oil Cloths, - /Ifurnitura Oil Cloths, 7ahle Gil Clothe, • Cisish Gil Cloths, Tisaarparent Oil Cloths, - Transparent Window Shade, Bar Ifoliands, and Shade Trimmings Merchants, Howdrcepers., and °dr.:T.l, requiring any goads in our Ilia/ t aro Invltt.,l to call and examine, the stock, and judge for t cameires regt.rd - to tlie'vtality and prints. H. PHILLIPS, me. 6 Noa.'2s and - St Clair atreet. APPLES.-500 recaived this day and for Bale by REY3I4II. ANDERSON, W 6. 1 ,3 dreet, ery27 OfTqft•er FCC *lCTkarlea Hold. a.ASKET BOARDS---For•Poaking Joints, LA sold byWdt. 30L1D18T0.N , 2t , C0., . rt.y.t.T sif.torlvsliars. Watv.!' Onset. isa.-150 . -pk g s. White.Fieh; Trout, Sal -mon, etc.- tap7l RENDS IL COLLINS. LALE.-100 barrels, fresh Lime just ree'd tint) IL COLT INS. riIMINE Y. TOPS - of curious;patterns, for -1T4122i - 11:14; riottm. rip ()3.ACCO AND- assort rrizut, of faliaritolSinaitts - , - o-n Gm Tend fci fiats' by . Int mr26 / 11113 i3cond, add 14T. Ffigt irtreeta. J ELE ciIeem ESE T.I .-2, , , 3 5 . b: i f r es rz i lin sm e W . cutup g SO= • Y lI,aQLIM. ig•: . !F- .. :,:'.:: , - . ...'..i . .. c:'fk . :.. i'i - i ...: - :: . N . ,* 7.'' - ',.. :,''•,..g...t--..,..:...5.•],',,::•-::.,7.',..:':,,-.-- DOLLAR SAVINGS SANK, 1 110. 65 Jlwrts stree,, . TIIDDLD 13.00 M, JONES' NEW BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, froth 9 to 2 o'clock; also, on Wednesday. and Satiarday evenings, from May Ist to November let, frond rto B o'cloca; and from November let to :flay Ist; freonti itto:a Deposits received of all BUMS notelv.s`than On DOLLAR, and a dividemd of the profile declared twice a'yoar, in Jane and December. Interest WU declared at the rate of six per cent. per anianm,,on , the first of December, 184 s; also in June and December...N : 3se, and in Juno and December,:lßs7. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bean the same interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troublii;g the depositor to cull or even to present hie pass boot_ At this rate, money will double in leas then twelve yearn, making to the agvegate 'MOIST inn unn-E,U2 P.= tee. n Books the Charter, Ily-Low2, Hulas and Reis - n• lationa, fe.rulshed gratis, on application at the o2co, Prealdent--GEIOIIGE BEILIZA. VICIII Hopewell Hepburn, John H. Shoenbergez, - James Ebidlo, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D Kelly, William S. Lovely, James Herdman, IDE Durgwin, Jahn d Cosgrove, PITTSBURGH Plll.l. BANKS, William J. Anderson. Jami'S W. 11....f1r.0kii, John t.l. Bad:oil:a, Charle. ii !,:11, Albert Culbertson, P A. M:vietra. John B. Canfield, John IF. 51. , .11.,r ; J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. :41 , ...7rba11, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilma `:ill.:. David Campbell. A. M. Pell,)- - ., Id. D. Charles A. Colton, Henry L. I,, William Douglass, John Ni. Saeuer, Francis Felix George .3. Belden, George P. Gillmore, Alexand.r Tindie. James .3. Hoop, Theoi.ald Urabstaetter, William S. Haven, George P. White, Secritorpand Treasurt7--OTIAE. A. C.)LTON. Lfe3 BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVEN S & CO., D.U.StdOLN ES, 14 ,13 “ A. COLLECTIONS MADE and prompt, mittod. LANDS selocwd sod 1 ,- )cat.m. Cap. mliAt. wishing to make investments in the, can do so through this home.. Corrosponoenc” eoiicitcvt. Imr2l:dm AGSM L00V1.9 YLIOS. D. L00D219. USTIN LOOM.IS & CO., Dealers in Prondseory Notoa,illondri, Mortgages, and all 4ocaritice Aoney. Mozoy Loaned on Checks at ehort dates, with collateral accarity. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persona dasiring, Luang can be accommodated 014 (macula ble terms, and capnaligta cau fttruiehod with good 133C:111 ti6s - at ruaiimtrativo price& Aiao, attend to the 81116, Renting and Leasing of Iler. Estate. O oe, No. 02 FOURTH Aron, above Wood. AUSTIN Notary A d "" HOLMES & SONS, Bankera and Ex chantoßrokeris, and Dealers 'es, Notes, Drafts, Accept. aucos, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Fxchango on the I:wit eninud Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections lnadelnbll the cities throughout the United States. Deposits roceivod in par fuse or run, ,, A, paper, No. 67 Market street, betiveea Third and Fourtir et:,. PUMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Btcs:Lts, Beal Eta.ste, ac., No.:a Fourth !Meet, Pittsburgh, P a . jt1.1323 - JOIIN WOODS, BANKER. AIM EXCHLNGE 813.- . 1.1. - IN, Dealer in exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. Stock bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 117 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je BY AUTHORITY. :a~~ NO. 6U2. By the President of the United States. IN pursuance of law, I, JAMES BU CIIAIYAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and Mate known that nubile, sales will be hold at the undermentioned hind ()glees in the T7.13.1L12011.T OF,N1:11/3ASEA, at the periods hereinafter closignatud, W c it: At the land office at LIIWWNSVILI.6, commencing on Monday, the day of h'ep.enther evat, fur the niaporeti of the public Linde whittle the following named townships, rut : Nan'', of the Late sine and east of the rixa principal tturrtdian. That part or township rilki outsido of thy, and Fox., and Half Brood, NOIII7IIIII reservation, rano 17. That part of townships 1,2, 3, and 4 outside of the Sac and Fur; and 'Ball Brood, Nomahu reservation, and frees Initial townships 6 and 6, of range Di. That part of township 612! outside of Ilia Sac and Fui. reservation ; township 2, the parts of townships 3, 4. and orittiido of tlio Half Brotd, Netnalla reeervation ; and trac tional township 6, of imago 16. That part of toww,hip one untsida of the ~'2.lte and For re servaLou ; townships 2,3, and 4; that part of township 6 outside of tau Halt Breed, Netuala raset - rzttion, and town slip 6, of range 14. Townships 1,2, 3,4, o, and 0, of range 13. TBwnships 1,2, 3,4, 6 and 6, of Immo 12. Tcnieuslams 1, 2,8, 4,6, and 6, of range 11. Townships 1,2, 8,4, 6, and 6, of range le. Townships 1,2, 3,4, o, and 6, of rang. 9. the land tialce at _,Ettts.AnKA Oily, commencing on Nit ,pday, the rcc44 day of &plc-alb= nwt, for the c..h.poaal of the public Linda within the following usmed townships, viz:- liortA of (lie base tine aii eziit of the anvil principa vierzeitar; Fractional townships 7 and 8, of rango 'Township 7, and tractional tovinakipa 8, 0,10, 11, and r 2, ct range 14. 'Tow nshlye S, 0, 10, 11, and 12, and tractional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7, 8. 9, 10, and 11, and fractional townships 12 anti 13, of range 12. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and tractional township 12, a range It. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional townalnpa 12, 18, and 14, of range 10. Townsinps 7,8, and 13, and fractioard township" 14, 15, and Di, of range O. the land Maw of °MATTA CITY, commencing on re adav, the stigh day Of September nest, for the disposal t White lands crania the following named townships, vriq: of the Lacs line and ert of rix.ih principal meridian. Fractional townships 14, 14. 15, and 16, of range 14. Fractional townshipa 13, 11, /5. 10, and 17, 01 range 13. r'ractional townships 12, and I.L, tampliiy. 11, 10, an•l mad tractional townships 17, 18,19, and 23, 0,1 .•:ige , 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 14, 10, 17, anl 18, and fractional townships 19 anti 30, of range 11. ractioual townships 12, 13, and 14, and townships 15,10, 17, 18, 19, and 314 of range 10. Fractional townships U, 15, oat 16, and townships 17, 7.9, ands, of range U. Lauds appropria.ed by law for the rale of e4t0....18, &Millar). and other purpose; will be troludod tram the rhea. The offering of the above lands will be contra:mead on the days, appointed, and wilt proceed in the order lu winch they are advertised, until this whole stall have boon cahrred, and the i s.slos thus closed; but no sale !shall be kept open lougsr two weeks, and no private entry of any of the hinds ells be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand elglt hundred and rlfty-eight. ,P.y the Past !out: MOO. A. nIDEDHICII, Clommissioner of the General Land Office NOTICE TO PRY-EMYTION CLAIMANTS , Every person entitled to the right of pro-eruption to any bf the lands within the townships and parts of townships tit:rove enumerated is required to establish the same to the patiatiction of the register and receiver of the proper land office, and ma/repayountl therabs no soon as pracUcable after peeing this noriat, and Wore the day appointed for_the corn mencemeut of the public sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed, OtherY/Lftl3l/Ch claim "%Via be toilettes:L. THOS. A. lIENDILICKS, aplah3md Commissioner of the General Lao Otis, ---- iMAPS.—A large assortment of ...'oeket Maps for 1858, comprising Sectional and Township ;maps of Sennsylvan,a, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lowa, Mis• pond. gansius, Nebraska and Minneeota, on hand rind for ,Balo by S. fIAVEN, apb Noe. 81, as and 35 Market atreet. GREED, MARSHALL AN 1) BOONE Canute!, lowa—valuable lands In theSo codntiss, far .filsit by B. CUTHBERT Es BoN. - 00D 141811.-10 drains extra large and ti ne, for gale by WM. a 8811TH a co., znY.2B 118 Second, and 147 Bret streets. p tierces prime, for solo by WM. SMITH 4 CO.. 113 Second, and 147 Ant str -Luz. I,UUAR.-50 hhae. prime N. 0. Sugar, just Aj rec'd and for We by WM. IL SAME{ ,K 6 CO., res lla FL4 ver grtrl ctr•tln. erio - COFFEE,--5t,0 'bap ; good to choice, g Rio Ckano, 111 atcro and for 63i0 by mylB Q,„ ODA.-15 kegs Bi. Oarb. Soda, just yre ceived, and for sale by snylB L!IL!J J & PAGE ICISON. A VOICE FROhl OHIO.— Bucruca., April 12, 1858. ittLEND llarri—Ayre's Worm Confections are taking fine. ly. Three of our physicians uss them in their practice. Bend us another gross by expreca. ROBINSON A LOCK. Compounded mid for sale at the corner of Wood and Sixth atreets, Pittsburgh. EMONS.-100 boxes Palermo Lemons, Jnit received and for sale by 11.115111FR-Ja.ANDNIIBON, • No. &Mood street, mylT Oppoatbi St... Marks Rotel SYRUPS.- , - 200 doe. Lemon syinp; 10 fittr,vberry syrup; 6 " fine Apple " " Raspberry " Jett recelvoi and for Bale by REVAIER S 4 ANDERSON, No. Wood street, j t o Oppc.4lte the St. Charle4 Lintel STONE WATER PIPE.- 600 yard' 6 inch; Imo " 4 frA " 8 400 " 2 itaNdved and for We by ijr,3l lIENRY U. CULLINS NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS 1! Mary Derwunt, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens ; The Jualoue Wife, by Mies Yanks. Fur tale by R. A. L 003112, rabliehera' Agent, Js '3l RAPPING PAPERS . .-i-10,1) reams as sorted a- * wrapping, for sale by ' srted f72°"tra ;sl3. e, Co. je9 Pallor DealersMlNVOl B.trbet _OPYING PRESSES, 'Copying Books, , 0 1' grimbi; Oil Pape, for sale by W. e. iIAVEN, tar2l - • ConierMarkotand ..e.cottd, - F "'" ELOUR bbltf; ,F,ine • .Flour in store, and fig Ode'lly - • • ' • • • McCANDL ESS, MIANB A CO., . fetn - i.C‘rnor of Wood and Wnfor ROOMS,--100 Extra Carpet C orn JUMOOM3 Oil talati =din; ado by je7 ' 11. O. A J. 11. SAWYER. rb r i WO lIOUSIS, in South PittsTaurgh, 1 - 6 i. - -U. sale by S. CIITHBEAT,A Km, 'jobb , 61'51011"er stratot. ,Q,ANFOR - D'S INVIGORATOR. -=1.0 gross 1....7 for oato by B. A. FAIDINITOOK * 00., I. Val CaTX Wood ood Crivi lartt,..c. ..', , ': , j.1'j.P'i.`.;; ,. .: . , 7 , JAMPIA BUCHANAN RAILROADS. RAktll.O5)AO) The Phtsb'h, Ft. Wayne & Chicago RAILIt79AD 00HP4NY, WITII ITS :AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and eillidgment, and its through connections is pro wed to transport Passcizgers and broighi from PIiLLA. DELPH IA and PIT.TSBUIaiII to CIIICM.4O, ST. LOUIS, IN• I/LA...NAPOLIS, Oi NOM NATI, and all places Wur..t and South went, with a great degree of regnii.rity told expedition. The fact that thin Itovai terms a direct ..r.nd coueolidated line between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a sufficient guar. anti* that its 'Trains eriil mate good tuna, and connections with Trains ou other acad. ON AND ASTER MO.IsiDAY ..AIAY lihh, 1658, 00 Trains on this road will leave the UNION Pittsliu.rih,• daily, (Sundays excepted, as follow! , : PASSI;NG Eat TRAINS LEAVB Plait) zrgli. Oraithac. r wayr.e. U. S. . 7:20 A. 7:0 P.M Firet ktxpretio„ ..... "•40.i. M. IJ. 0) P2ll 6:01i P. M.. tecund 241 , Y. 11. j j 4:50 A. M. RACII Cli 1 CiAGO—Firet axy rc r, at 7310 A. 51...; Second Expresii ?. ii. C.V.CINN A i Exprebs P. a.; 50Z , Z1.:,1 Expre:a 7:215 a. IA) —L'ir,t Es pro,. :,:00 A. 1; Sctund It If A(l , f ikT press-HI:I r. C. 'rratn.t. 1114+6 rpr t;o:unl itra, I.,,ate; idea, at I:i...rt. Wayne with Trains kli - 1 +k!]..l It:titre:l,i ler Lafayettr. C'entr...! awl St. I.ciao, at ft riot vdt;t: 1 ., D104 ou tie- 11. L i.. I:. to, rind Lima with 'Tacit:: Dayton and Itlichigua YT It.); I^. - em Chica 1I: It Ayile. I ClFlLlitir. I Arr.rv... u t. lieu , ..U . LO:'.:ltt) i Ist e,ZIdA ,Ai •ti.s.,C) P. Ni• 0 ./ 0 g 1:1f, 1' These Triomf make c:o2c P.Onnectier.s with ler I i adeiphia, iialtiniere New York laid Ilemt,ni. Train; from t.t. Limb+, Indianapolis. Carebn.r.att and Coif . butrinalte close cuunections at t,evelAt::e with oh rutin - 11. Traine. At :fort ay pc, from t•. P.. bientrui 1 uois, Lafayette, and liatormediate {.lacea. connect with 111 I -• Trains. At Fureat, connections aro made with 'frains to ea item Cme ,pringrield nail Dayton. fir U. S. fr tri t. CreAtline, ladeit a train for iocal r..•,11, 0VI•r1J1 by ACCO•iIIIi_,DATIt/A :,ew ighten for Pittsburg,. at tiidu M._ I'. it. lira - - Pr.te burgh nor Nen 1:r1g1II011 DI 9.30 A. bt. and 5:0I1 P. Lt. BAGtIAGIt ULlEllit TiLIIt.,OCE.I„ ion.l no charge for natwildig. . . infroiing ticket' la Pitt. burgh fur will bur in mind that the only Ayent auth.)riss”l bj tho W. IL; C. Li P. IL. 11., Stria hei and 1 r. i AfiK I N, at the Union Tioket Offiro, CLAIALCi.'d with Elio Peun'a IL it Corir-r Liberty !Ind 11ACRiA411; w,ll ht ,- .1“-1 or pets:,; lek6 , CI r.:1) ud.ur p! . Co 10 this cty. TO (X):-.1.1! E:.:.:!.. 21i Y, May 10th, nod c:outtnue anti] rizrth,, J. Sit), zz:d Fr't. L . '6 . 1,1 Avnt, my 11 9. LL ES'II7 N o • r , TO Ci +.111; ;'; Al I, LOUISVILLE arl ST. LOG'S VIA PI'ITSI;L: 1.1, - r. WA - V.:4 Z: and CHICAGo, ra',E7 4 4:41 . :1 Lo N N ATI, HAMILTON LVA ITO:. LitO A DB, VIA. bSLA WARE 001',.)1?F' Va.„ rheanoe only 32 ftwn Pittaturg4 Cincinnaz'l lIIS LINE iii compueeti of Roads of the First end td located thronga a beautiful and ni . ,chly cultivated portion of the ntate. wrect connection id wad., at engin - anti F , tith the Ohio and Mit:494p! Railroad, (the tracks of tlo 6 D. G. V. 4.1. ilarada, being connected, for Louisville, St. lonia, Evansville, Cairo, lx!eraphit!, . Vicksburg, Natchez, N et"; ()thane. Connection tocel.t. nt Eh-Louis with the Pezitic and Illieteari Riser Packota, to: KA2ISAS AND NNBILABIKA, Ai:d all points :flea,. AEU CUIIII,CLI at Ciacinpatl with liouracky Cetaral li.. 11.., for lssr„.a.scbsu, Dativalo, Prap.k_fort and ell points in Cf.ntral ii,situel:).. Tf aIIIU IMTe l'un 11 rsr.rt etat - ... n rs, foils - d 3.30 .--., NI - r l, ' u n i a' u n :f. ' . ' 1: L an f cuzy a r t 0 ,... ei1 , .. , Ci , n , pati with - 4 : -. ..- 0 — ° rn lug abettitt: Y. 2.1. . -- r - 7', 7,7, , 1 , ..,-:‘, 44.: 14 oii :ft! r Train, ar ). ' . riving in C- , :rliqi, al , Q 36 '2 :10 i id. g -- ..,,,, M., Ctn. ti:ut) P. at. vS. BAGG,t,(JE CHI CIiI311) TkiliSAP,l2 - 1 -t-va 1".7 a 6 Low as any oi ?ter ilwato For all inforrnatiou, nod Through .y rl Ule Ziayot 011 ice, corner rqeuongabel, !Lou,,. or et I'eon c:seet :2,t3ttoc.. ticylrt/1111 ;tug voult r for Tickets Yin Dc.)41. - nr, .1. H. .5.1.0..)P.E s Suy.. P. W. A 0. P.. 13. 7 VAN% 411:114.. C. H. (Y./). L. IL 1.01-211 The CleveDzaid, Plaifreontigiit I , Viliteeling Railroad, Fiat-simazh, Columbug & Ciaciguati RAILROAD LINE. r Change of Time. AND AfJ"l:Eit MONDAY, MAY 19114, 18&8 Trhln4 03,111.±.ve tho 11n1.06 of the "tx,n,ylvanot Coottal!road ,;.3 fo.101:3 1 For BiiNFLco, Dzsiimr, 6:45 ita j- uiiii - Abo ALM TU.; ViZOr. Via/1.1.'14W.} ALIJ ZANESYLLIF. Por CI.uvELAND, ToLEDO, DeTILDIT, 2:35 P.M. en.... 6.57. 4..7J Ll:fi tr:l, cuntLeOL, Jtl/ Lhor,!t 14,t1111fq11. 4: 00 ii? o m a } ASS. WAY iii_VLIONS ON 'it Ue ead.4.1103,s r !Jib , to O.; to Clii‘NtgO, or prou:4 boyo:oi Ci4ir,ego, via CO-vela:o, ;ow.t ,a3k for tichor.3 via Clrrrland l'lTTSßUlieiLl,,(7l:,'L , Li.tillUS AND __CIATI/v - W.4 TI (ri3 ts re: um.SFILL RAIL tiOA U CIIANaI4 ()IT 1:141C—On and attor .MtiNILAY, the 10th, of ?toy, 1858 Truiup. witi do lea. Ccutrzu iCaliruc.i, ic;:oWt, I CuLIILILii DAY rON, 3:60 it. ;,,L1 viu.s, Yillb A-ND .L l." .JaLr..O6.lN-1. Fin UINOINNaiI AND. dr. L o ins, 11114 i ALL 2435 I) 606 TD AND WLAT. 4"eirrtthUllt of cm, a Pw-uougote di tiring tu go to Culwor,o,3, CinCi or ato piiat4 beyond Co urubu3 rio otenDonvillo, fount Fmk lor tolaoto vi. zt,uounnitu. Ja klEz I,A ouporilitiniatait Y. a, W. IL li. W. W. iseuLEY, & CONAHLILSVILLE IR 0 ON and after Monday, the 10th inst. Pass ongor Trams 4111 ts, F 7 ,1 1.1.1 i ly, axcvL Sundays,) from tbn Pennsylvania s lisulro,al Passer.gor ',spot, as follows: kavex Express Train Leo, es Eitt•ibu rgh.. ELSTLIZNIri‘,I: n letiVe3 Oonixekavifie... Express Arrivoag at Pitte,:,;;ri.,,ii Tickets to be had at Pennsylvania Itadirowi TA*At uze k . Mail Train connect.; at Oonnollsvilla with Minting A; Douches for Unkuttewa, Fro.tourg, etc., and at West Newton with o,achca La- Mt. Pleura:it, eomernct, Freights to en‘ from Pittsburgh 31.0 Stati,"l23 on Pitts burgh and Cennethwille itaav•md, will 1,4., I:Yeaiiltti and de livered In l'ittsonrgli, i die " Daddaria Depot," opposite "•laviesne Depot." Excepting each as Pig Lroc, Lumber, atoue, etc., which will be lo a ded or an nailed at Outer Lc pet, or et the cznal Dupe' as may be arranged with Freight Agent, Peuwiyivania liai7road, at kittobarga. 13. bLaDitr;TONE, Etup't. Transportation Department it. Connelisvillo, May 6111, 1858. I New Route via River ,aid Railroad. kvi4 , 37: incrilealtolis & Cilleiatrati aiiirea4 OONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with Teiro I/anto, and 1..04733 Llauto and Alton Itailr..atta, to an Lonia and Lafayette nud Inthauaktolin, Now. Albany and Nilson, allll Hannigan Control Ituadn to CO It; 1,(30, ROOS £LAND, BUELANGTOA, and all intortne.llnta Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TEIIItE SiAlire, LAFAYETTE, and PLItU. Freight carnal-Awn Cincinnati or Lavrrcanobcc,; in lone Lime t))11.11 any Other runt° by 24 house, and at MI low ttiton. The only MEI by irttich ehrinnontn can its made front Cin cinnati to trio Wen", without breaking bulk. Consign:now a inn& E. 011111UNS, Agent at Cluclu nati; ot, tIJTTINO,;W: ut Lawrenceburg, rtaolna krotapt attention, trail charge for comUllt.atii3; ao;eiie gafertraFagemeotncaivion at Lairiettca4nt-a. For further lutortatal , tn, apply to THOMAS It AtLAIAN, (No. 115 tiiintra street,) . ..tgent of the Company, who b - pro• yawl to glYe are ran anciutT9 to intintaapolls, Werra Finite Laftayetto, 011iCatc0, NUL, (31'... , J!.1.F,L4Ci1f, CITUWUrdn• Chtkrt 2aria, and Mattoon. i. O. LOAD, Pl , Ntianzt. 4NO. ..eight FURNITURE. A MILLIK:EN & CO. have on hand, at o the.r. C.l.l;fliiiN and CIJIAII3 ftLINUFAC fuItY,tio. 6,t •nuttiteld crier,Lyso netortnient of Fnucy and Nein kurditurc, which WWI rer e,nt. lower that' curtuwezy Teraihi, calla tdcc27:y UODWE EL' 13 FURNITURE AND 011.11.11;4, Wieee,cle e.rel Ef4efl, ontbruning decry etylo of Ynxr.lture, in ii=enved, f4shngany end Wall:int" suitable fur 2 - arlera,Chatillats Eind Dining - Jtoon , m, e- - 411,11 to nay in Now bort G 7 Ildindc.4)hih, earl itt lower pneee. Every Irticle 1A.:N.1.31.y WO, art eahtut-meker, sup. pith cny quantity of PUILWITIME,anfi afictlitS, ea reasortalle termA. Elota:n rnd Ste.t.r• nbutth fhrhNic.vl t.t shorter. IT:zero-en-a! : •,.4 , . 7 and 71) T 111) :itteleargia, p oc2:1 QTARCLE,-250 bps Rochester Pearl Starch, 4.4 , .c...brz,:f1atz(1 for cab) tv COLA INS. AINTAINAS.—nrot of the e:.-sastrg ;pet re, oaived Ly exprel. and fbr nr,W by /11;1::-1.E.ILL ?NJ. Wor.4 etroot. orptr,:ite St. Ginu'let.3 Lot-el. o u TTE PAO !toll Buithr reneicA2d and for Rale, 11 n't ZER, mat!' Ocrnar fdaratt and rifg. eta. oxccatei in the highest Style of art, and at reteovablaiiriteF, by J. I.looLeeller AD." Stationer, 133' V.Ttod etreet, neat Yen rth. "KEW BEDFORD SPERI.I CI: XII 20 Lowe usaorted W 3, Wa and fri,tf : 7 ^i Oradea Ict C.; J. PA *VV4t. ' F'S BOOR.- BEPINU: Duncau'n ayxtela ofyaiiiriariship;'Cn• saj.B • Ck,mst Alartgst awl Semi - it! qtraclm _ _ . WNINditODS-1 set Awitine hods, for Bale by (10`25) ITEnCRY IC COLLIS. 1 85 5. Somtaietr ArrartganXanit. ON AND AFTER MOFIDAY, JULY 5, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD 11HAILAY TUAINS. THE MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger Station every moruinc, (except Sunday,) at 6:00 o'clock, Pittailmegh time, arriving ID Philadelphia at 11:00 P. DL THE FAST LINE Daily, except Sunday, at 1:25 e. et., ar. riving in Philadelphia at 6 o'clian'A. IL, and stopping only at principal stations. THE EXPRESS TRAIN icavis the Station every evening at 0:60 o'clock. Stopping only at Orison abarg,Latrobe, Johns town, Wilimore,Uallitzin, Altoona, Atc connecting at risburg with the Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore Cl. 1:00 o'clock, P.M. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOITNEToWN ACCOMMODATION MAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at &00 o'clock, P. td. Stopping at aLI stations, and running as far as Conentangh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for. Turtle Creek liadgo leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A:151. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (exceptdinralay,) at 4.20 r. ACGOMAIODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 'l2O, P. it. lIRTUBIFINO TRAIN'S arrive in Pittsbargh as follows: Express,L , ls, P. Lt.; 3L9.11,13;10 A. FL; Va.:t Line 24:5 A. 13 ; tow:. ACC=. ; IDA/ A. 11.; E.r.n. Turtle Creek Acconi• ir.odiaion,llso; a. a.. Sacond Arco - cumodatun., 1240 , p. 'Druid, P. 10. T 131114 for Blairsville anti LA1.4120 connect at Blairsville fateriy_ , ction with train East, 11.pross train Wed,. and the Johnstown accomoi.e..tion train least and West. Pl :'TuEilltoll AND COFINELLSVILLE TRAINS, Stopping at ell an:Lions ou the Pittsburgh and Connolls vde., Bead, ielrl6 daily, (Sunday except.},) as foilows: SIAIL TRAIN 7:00 A. m EXPRESS TRAILS . ..I;2O P. lI ft:4INU TRAINS from Pittsburgh end Jonnellevilie Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:45 A. M. and (010 P. cc. :; rd The traveling public will find it greatly to their in tre,t, in acing least West, to travel by the Pennsylvania :toilroad, as the accommodations now °tired cannot ho sur paemai on any ether route. As the Bead is ballasted with etone, end is entirely free from dust, we can promise eafety, s, end acid comfort to all who may favor this Road with their patronage. FARE ro New York.. 5113,01 i ITo Baltimore $ 0,50 " ?Liladelphia 10,00 ".L , .ucaster 8,50 To Harrisburg, $7.46. ci , erked to all Stations on thOPennsylvania Rail : oad, and to l'hileaelphia, Baltimore and New York. Pee.....arers purchasing tickets in cars, will tic charged ten coma in addition to tilt, ;Ration rates, except from Stations where the Company hs,:k no Agent. NOLD.A—In care of ices, tho Company will hold them .wives responsible for personal baggage only, end for an amnunt net exceeding 5.100. N. 13.—The'Excelator Umnlbas 'Lino hat been employed to c,ilVvy Passengers and 'Baggage to and from the Depot, at a rhar6o not to exceed 25 cents fur each passenger and bag gage. For tickets apply, to J. STEW ART, agent, At the P. R. It. Passenger Station, on Liberty and (lrealt,streets. 'l'llE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TH GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting i' E " ^ "•'-'it•W.„the Atlantic Cities with WI otorn, North-western and South-western States by,a continuous Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with D.ul cot earners to all ports on the Win i , aeu at Cleve laud and tiandusky with steamers to all ports on tbe North western Lakes; making the Inert cruxes, CCI/LVISt and ranutitia; ecers by which if ULEIGIIT can be forwarded to and from the On SAT WEST. ( - tattoo betwiseto P tall adolplila cr. FIRST CLASS.—Boots, Shoes, Bats and Caps, Books, Dry Goodo.(in boxes, baler and Wanks) Drage, (in bor.tAand bales) Feathers, Pars, ao. SEC(iN D LA SS—Domestic Shooting, Shirt ing and Ticking (in original I•alos), Drags (in casks), hardware. Leather (in rolls or boxes), Woo!, and Soup Pelts, Eastivard, &c. - 17 - rniD OLABEI.--,AuvElfr, Stool, Chains casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, manufar e tared, (except Cigars or cut,) Ptc., Lc. POURTII. CLASS—Coffee, Siob, Bacon, Beef and N.A.., (in cgsks or boxes Eastward,) Lord and Lard*OfL N ails, Soda 4sh, Our man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, ac., &c. FLOUR-75c. 13 bbl. until further notice. GRAIN in car loads, 35 Mo. fllOO lbs. until farther notice. C'OTTol`.4—.l2 gi bale, not oxcoeding SOO lbs. weight, until further notice. .Cte- It shipping Goods from any point Boot of Philadel phia, be particular to mark packager "via Pennsylvania AU Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Phileolphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detvalloth. Ari.;;=-I,Larris, Wormley & Co., Memphis, Tone.; R. F. Snar. t Co„St. Louis; P.O. o'4iley A Co., Evansville, Ind.; Drimeanii, Co., and Carter it Jewett, Lorusviiie, Ey.; it. O. 51eldrion, Madison, Ind ; IL W. Brown & Co., and Irwin A Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leach .t Co., No. 54 Ray state!, Boston • Leech & Co., No. 2 Astor !louse, Now York; No.l William ;frost, and No. 1.1 ;lottery Place, New York; E. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw F awns. reitimoro; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. a a acusTox, General Freight Agent. • •IL J. LO(.IBAEItT, a 1.3 Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. CARPETS 4ND OIL CI,OTN.S. gD EMOVAL.—J. & 11. PHILLIPS have .&$.14 reareved to their new building, Non. 26 and 28 ST. CLAM el.r . cnt, werit'Lle,lnlAveen ntreot and the BrldßP. i'F.)1.!..cL.1.4.0 . . ; 14ANUFACOLT.S.E4 OF FLOOR, riIIiNTIVRE,CABLLIO.V, TABLE, AND ENT tc OPAQIIN ViIMEDOw SHADE Otti: cLarus DEALIIIRS IN OM CLOTHS A WINDOW SHADES, Of every description. Dealers in INDIA ItUBBER GOODS, of all hinds, mode under Geoti,jear' 4 l Patent; .ilgonts of the Boston and Mew York 'Belting Ccmpaaiss, for u.o Gala cf their INDIA BUD -13.4ft BELTING, HOSE and NICKING. Ulf/ of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality • also, Lilco lo:+ther and Insets. Agents for the OHIO lakll-PROOF MINKRAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Yarnblies, OG.s, T.urpoutine, Brushes, °lnas and Patty. HOUSE AND SA' t 1 PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, t.,111*3 in tl. - hart and shortest time. ' ido;D:L. - .T. a. PrgT.LIPS, and 2 St. Ob U titr,ot.; l‘rhauft.e.t6i7 nt rill!. tho Ohio river. titre , .. >a iieq below Pittsburgh. CArt'ETS, GIL (II;OT25, MATTING, Crx., A T T rk!a IFou , IP.I Street Carpet Stowe. w\ f - D. & 11. riI'OALLUM respectfully e, invite the attention of their former customers nod the public generally to their present stock, just selected I,: Spring sales, embracing tile very latest styles of Foreign end Uotres Manufacture, consisting in part 01 Velvets and Dr , eiscis, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Ertissels, liannint, Twilled and Pi:;,, titth OIL 4;. F.W.6f V:Ltior, Hale, Mona, Pride, Coate:, sad Ooc;sa; List, Van, silo itag Carpet's ; tecitiln Blinds: Paint, I, limy' dna tireen Helledsl Shades. It will give as pleasure to show goads to all w is may tsi desirous of locking or purolinslng, and we are do mined ' • !'er ilaittOlXlCTltg to any who may favor as 'aria • c I, at tfia ota Er..‘, itouraa Street, near Wood. V. A. Ss U. M'OALLUsi. - -0 1L CLOTH CLOTHING—Of all block and yellow, fir silo at the India Rubber Depot d2B ;it Clair street. (dal .1. aH. PUILLII'S. nIL CLOTHS FOR TLIE FALL TRADE. %A.." We hire on Mind, and tiro dilly' racelViag additions thereto t - 0113 our orm and other matiufactcirlea ' a lariestock of ricer Earnitzuv:, Carriage Trimming, Tablellofer; Trans parent, Green and link, ants all highs of Oil Cloth, used tor lionsefurnishing • and other pupates. Alta, Traaspaterit Window .:irides, of dry and oil tinieh—gold bordered and other stgice, and Window Shade Trimmings. Merchants and others will find it to their advantage to ex amino our stock and prices before making their purchases ebewhcre. J. tr. ii. MILLI PS, 3010 26 and 28 St. Clair street. ULOOR Op. CLOTHS,— Of our own an.lettnirn mitanfLatriro---all widths, and cat to suit aag also of roorris .tho Gil (;loth rooms, 26 and 'Ai St. Clair strata ' oct2.n J. ht IL pa-zurpo. A D . 720 U A. TS 200 A. 4:,:u0 A 11. 8. a A. u. G ROCERIEB WINES AND LIQUQRS 159 baga Rio Wren; 100 chants Black and Groan Team; 25 bbls. Oruehed sugar ; 26 " Coffee 20 " New York Syrup ; so " Now °titans Molasses ; 5 Tiernan New Rice ; 10 boxes W. W. H: Grant's Tobacco ; 100 6 . 11. R. and Liver Boiadne; 2() kegs French Plants; 2 PuncbeOiathlathilla Hum; 2 6 ' Baits en* Balm; 2 Pipes Holland Gin; Also, French Brandy; Port, Blurry, Malaga and Chant pagno Winne; Pure Old Rye and Boentied Whisky, In store and for sale low, by HAWORTH is RROWNLIIN, Successors to Ilaworth, Bro. A; Brownlee, 'lrr of the Diamond and Diamond alley, , my2o Pittsburgh, Pa. SUN b.11.1E5.- 15 bbls. Eastwick's Syrup; 25 " New York " Baltimore " C. 4 hhds. NeW Orleans Hagar ; RIO holt cheats Young Uyson Toe; 50 " Black Tea, for 8010 pv jeso H. smicai & co TU. ANILLA PAPER.—A large lot various INA sizes, tor sale by WIS. G. JOHNSTON Sc 00., oU Pprer rnaiora. 67 Wnnd of. DLANTATION SUGAR &MOLASSES -100 hhda. fully fair and prime N. 0. Sugar bbla., oak cooperage, prime N. 0. Aloloasee ; CO " Bt. jwmeo S. H Malaance, now landing and for sale, by 1111.4.10. 4 RICHETSON, mr23 Nom. 221 and :Mt Liberty street. I . U.ILL PAPER—Of best quality—for sale .0 by W. G. JOLEISTON & CO , J 45 Btatidnen, 57 Wood Meet IiONVELOPES.—Baff, Straw, Amber and 'r,A2A White, of all BiIICS, eold wholaudo or retail, by WM. G. JOLINSTOSI 4 CO., my? Stationere and Paper realora. 57 Wood qt. - 0 - 15/17A8117-100 casks Soda Ash, nckw Ita tending and for Bale by mylB MILLER L RICIKETSON. EUGS.-10 barrels fresh Eggs, just readv ett and fur by JAMES A. FETZER, je22 Ccrncr IdEiret czti Vint d:ectg. rcOD FI M 3 &nine extra large Cod Phil; largo " " Tut received and fir rale, by rct2b Nea. fell and V Liberty street. SALE—One Steam Engino L Oylinder ..11_ 16 Wants in di- vigor, VA fe t eeetiolro, -Mit 2 Cylinder lkdlera 32 Whey in diamotor, rorth lernrCl, witll Ara front; Fly Wheel 1l feat in diameter.'' FM. 'prfia rola ' tcig.ta; inquire of B. C. a J. H.,ldAlrifEß, - je3U - No:17 Woad aireefi ADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GUIS ju ERB, with and without heels at , the - Peeplo's Shoe IStore, No. 11 Fifth area.- - DIFiTENBACITER t GEN'II3,CONGRESS'aIaTMS fit the PeoploN ,rhos Stow, Tv.0.,/r. Firth ett. jelD • • - DRESNRACIIIHR ¢ CO. 11AVIL - cotlytd4tly on hiro. large.th4 - p_ply of ping Wino?: ar,d- Liqu4ra for gcerZkiruiLl - .; - plir l y.4aa. :Those.wialdn,g.anythi4g in thia,lincy. can ray uoongtttlag a pi= article at ; • i 40413 PA ktW;ltiel'Et, .1713: Verner PiraEctiF.nd klarkefatreot. _ $l6OO w.lli_L 4. - u.* 4 Dyipllingilmieo ef C. 8 rooma And bath room , good collir, and other coavordenrkA, oltuatoon•Rianklin street s=oo inband balnnca.nt ono and two ycara. E. CUTHBERT A BQ.N. J9lB .81 Iriarkal'at. rilflY.Plel METAL, just received and far Pala, i - -': by . c. • -. W.' S: HAVEN,. ' - 'Stationer and Printer, Corner Market and seoond atreetti. MEM RAILROADS. Of diffoNut Colors DOCTOR. 11 . 00FriAND'S CELEBRATED Peireteue - nr Dn. 0. Id. JAOEBON, l'un.AVA, PA, - Will effectually cure row. COMPLAINTi 'DYSPEPSIA_ JA - Gbdtloll, AO NIG Olt NERVOUS DEBILITY", DISRASEB • OP IRO. EIDNEYS, Ind a Di sc4te: cr.r.:engl, ft an a aizor der cd.ld4-0 c?_ .. - oMaCat Bach' • as Constipao ' teen; Inward Piton, rullnecr. or Blood to the ' Bead, Aridity °tithe Stomach, Nansean, Heartburn, Disgust for Mood, Fullness or the Stomach, Sour Emote. tations, Sinking, or :Fluttering et the Pit of the Sto. mach, Swimitiing of the Head, Hurried and Difficult;:ffluttermg r.t the Heart, Choking or Suffocating cenaations when in it WIG posture, Dimness of Visien9,4 Dote or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain ,in the Heo+l, - Do.ficiency of Perspiration ' Yel-2 lowneta of. the Skin ur.d Pain n the Shia, rack,: Chest. Limbs,. Stiddcre Medico •of Heat burn ing , 'the Mesh, Gonstaut 'er-dJ groat Tepee= of 0 r - 11 s.. • In attributing each valuable propmties to this remedy, no rash or unwarrantable assetdon Is matle,;lbut 1.3 simply etateal fact; proven undeniably aud ConclndvSy by the salaam-, (Unary cures; and bensfite derived from its tare, undir the di. section of Ito illustr/orm orig ritor;llr. I,'.`oofland, among nIl classes of Ertropaimieniety, and front the frimv: nee =sae beltimouy, from all parts of American car.tinent, nen. mutated during the last ton years, in the harAls of 'the Pre. ant Proprietor.: The- prevalenoe - of' distance to which the (431"01311 Bitters era adapted, its with aorroW weeny it, Is el. most universal; indeed there is satrrely a famßy throughoet the whole extent cf oar country In which there cannot be found among its inenners that wcullor ralloto and tangtufd c-ppsc mace denoting a diseased Liver, or an emaciated end' ahivring Dyspeptic. Thou of What numensolinportanco to this olcesOtlnrall that a certain and reliable remedy should La placed c.itchi their roach; one in which no bsineful or injurionidrn; en. tors into its fiempositiou ; a remedy crt which the PnUent tan rely with the utmost confidence and certainty, and be/laza" g from actual `and tangible proof that the article he is natty teeny posstieses the Timms attributed to it. Such a retro • at "H.OOII.AND'B GERMAN BITTERS." Thonsandi c j dollars have bean ezponded in its manufacture and diffusion throughout all parts of this continent, and tho proprietor feels the grunted eatisfaetion in stating that there is no state, county, or awn village, where the :-.l.ediclr.ti has teen introducod, that there cannot b. 2 found numbers warming testify to its victors. It is used constantly in the practice-of a large otnabor the moat prominent Physician, in the country, who have also added their written testimony in 0 - dunce, of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, no weald respectfully ask of all those afflicted with any of the above (lbws:ice to give the a trial, and rent assured lit will never bo regretted. in proof of the statements alms, made, all ere invited to reed attentively the Almanac pub:lobed atonally by the pro prietor, for Farman and Samiliac,.. rout:stung ;a great num bor of useful receipts, in addition to the tammony in favor of the Bittiolik from the meat prominent and well known in dithluala in nil parts of the Union. All Agents for the Bit ten are autborts.cel to distribute the Almanac gratuitously. Priticipal Office and atantinctory,Bo Arch Street, Philadel. pais, In. Per sale wholesale by Druggists in all the principal ante, and et retail by A pothocaries and Storoficapera in every town In the United States and C_ taus, anti by D. L. VAIINESTOOK CO. and Dr. GEO. H. REYSER, 1; i2dydaw Pittsburgh. Ittobargh. Of all diewasal the great. flret Cause eprlngti from neglect of Nurture's lowa. SUFFER NOT TREK A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN all stages; of SECRET DISEASIS, Self-abise, Ner vous Debility, Strictures, Gleam, (ravel, Diubries, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, hero. fula, Pelmet - a the Donee and' Ankles Di5 , 39.4C43 of the Lunge, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Bloom npon ' the Bodyer Limbs, Dan semi Dropsy, Epileptic Pita, St. Vita's/AM:3, audalldigeases arising from a derangement of the Sexual Organs, each as nervous trembling, lose of memory, lees of power, general weakness, dim:, eof vision with pecaliar spots appear in befora,tho eyes, loss of eight, waketainess, dyspepsia, 117er diseases, eruptiona upon tie face, pain in the back and head, female irregalarities cad ail nisei:urges from both sexes. It matters not from what Cause the disease origina ted, however long standing or obstinate the case, vrcesery ii certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure can be effected by any other treatment, even after the disease has baffled the skill of eminent physicians and restated all the r means of cure. The moclicinp ere pleasant without odor, causing no sickneaa and free from mercury ordialsean. Dur ing twenty years of ;I - notice, I have r‘_scued from the Jaws of death many thoasands, who, in the lest stages of the above mentioned di-.31-0308 had been given up to die by their physicians, which warrants me in promising to the atilieMil, who may place thealsalvoa under my carry a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret disc: sea are the greatest enemies to health, as they ere the first C3IIZO of Cioniramption, Ecru fula and many other diseasea, and should Le a terror to the human family. AEI a permanent care in scarcely ever effect. ed, a majority of the cases tailing into the heode of incom petent persons, who not only pill to core the cheeses but rain the constitution, filling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, imitsas - the outrover tato a rapid Consumption. 70c. trt 100 0 600. quoo SIM 50c. "il 100 11. •SOo. 74 100 Is Bat titionld the &sone and the treatment cot cause death el:sr.:My, anti the victim marries, the diseiies is entailed upon the children, who.arc bora with feeble coustitations, , and the con - out of Lite corrupted by a virus which betrays: Waif in iterofula, Teeter, Ulcers, Erupt:one and other enct duns of the shin, &yea, throat and lunge, entailing upon them a MIA t xistence of suffering and consigning them to an early grave. ii E 1 ABUSE is another formidable enemy to Enz eliio in the dread catalog-is of linmou diseases canes to er'u"active u drain von the syircni, drawing its thou bands . of Victims throngit a few ye:ea:sof suffering down to an untimely grave, It dastroye the nervone eyotam, eapidif wages sway the onerities of life, car; ses mental derangement, prbvent,,3 the proper tiossolopiaeat of the cycthra, dint:stifles for marriage, society, business, end all earthly happiness, and Isaves the sufferer wretched in body and mind, predis posed. to Consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itsdf. With the fullest confidence I as. sure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can be effected, and with the abandonment cf 11:0110112 practices my patients con be restored to robust, Ttio ufdloted are cautioned against the tics of Patient Medi eines, for there are 50 many ingenioll.9 cntlire in tho COlntand of the public prints to catch end rob the unwary ottlfororit that millions have tiwir constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nos trums vended as "Patent lisslicimis." £ have carefully MIS, tysed maiiy . of theze railed Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of therm contain eorre.,Pie sublimate ' which ie one of the strongest preparation,: of mercury and doiidly Poison, which lirstead of curing the dies so clisabice the syl tons for life. Thme-fonrths of the patent nostrums now in re,'o are put up 'by unprincipled and le,ncrar.t penmna, whodo not under stand oven the alphabet of th, hiefervi -a,....1iea,a-dd e re ° T a a l. ly es destitute of any lanradoilKe et the h ninon system, hav ing one object only in view, and that to mobs tnaaoy regard loss of consequences. ltre-rilarities and all diamiscs of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most rerearkabl° cures. Medicines, with fall directions, cent to any part of the Uti'f4il &Lacs or Canada, by patients communicating their Imptcnes by letter. correspondence strictly con fidential. Addrtsa J. Won No. 1131 Filbott, attest, (cildfin.L.P. - 4) 1 , ,•low Twelfth, Pldladot sin. Gireat CLE.EEDiCe tttloaloy. rAlliE BEST AND MOST C'EIiTAIN SPEC U LATION OF TUB TINIPS--ON LI ONE ff21.T.A.11 PER 8/TABS.—Forty thousand dollars =7.g, worth of valnahle 11L41 ntztl, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty then sand shares, at one dollar par sham, as follows :—llpeil the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will outitle him to one share in the above vi ed property. When the sharenstrali have hoen sold, Cho Sisisraholders shall be notitiedof the tact, by limit, or 'lre agh the,newspapera, and a meeting of the Shareholders 'shill than be hold In the city of Philadelphia, and the whole of the property di cad of or tlistrihnted among them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them; each blianihold or shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to such person. or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and to;, valued at $I:500, sari two throe story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at:27ob each, in the city of Philalelphia, clear of all incem brance, and title indivritahle; the other property consists of the whole stack and fixtures of ono of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stares in the city of Philadelphia, now, and fur a long time nest kept by the subscriber. The stock conaist lag of very km Gold Lila Silyor Hunting Case Lover Watch es, very doe Cold and Silver'Patent Layer, Topino and other Wadies, Cold Chains, Pencils, scale, licxdiets, Bar Rings, Bresichea, Bracelets,Diamond and other Rings and line, Studs, Sleeve Buttos, ttc., ac., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacks, Gold and Silver Thimbles,Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cane, Spoons, llp,i7os, Forks, ice., &c. Also, French Clocks, Music Boxes, AccOrdeons, au/ nig:L..4 variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is anfLwill be a fair solo of the entire propetty belonging to the subscriber, persons aro positively "haltikkci tire stack had not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for Liao Gold, non° snob willo distributed, the most respect able persons are given as references, to thoca dispossil tp put.; chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing tte money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress of the sender, by return mail. Any person sending sea dollars at one time, shall receiveeleven separate roceipte; hr as consrate names if desired, ligt. In Writing icr alit, _s, please write the name of do Post Office, to which you *Ws the answer directed. This is , the greatest chance of getting a largo amount of valnabin property, for a small sum, as hes ever before been offered to thepublic. Bond on your orders, as shares P. 213 selling rapid ly, and It i. oonlldently expected the distribution will coon be made. Articles allotted to persothi at L distance, will L'e slept to !lain at their expento. . Agents wanted in every town and village. All corn' innnicatiens must be 'addressed to L. L. BM:IONA/4 No. 50 South Szuend stuet, above Chesnut, Jy2R:ly Philadelphia. PLOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, NI-Li find fce este by [611) 11. COLLIN:3 ;ioo' GRQSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS. Juiit teethed Laid Dela by 'W.:3. HAM:. tur24 Came: Market. and streota. IO DRUMS 4321) tGa t i iig r ii /„ 1 i30 . 0,,t , , , , ,i t i e , ty (343., L 32.0.4 Nag. IS cu.] •:;`) Wood atref...t. WOOLLEY'S SALVE for do wholoslae • w 'and retail at the Drug dtore of JOIL'd HAFT, JR., de.281 Oman f Wood and SLBth ste,l'ittebutgh rnmaurnY SEED-10 bush. good Timothy Seed for axle by JAS. L. PETZliit, RYE. FLOUR.-15 bbis: just received fad for 8010 by pnr3] HENRY IL COLLINS. tiakS.-10 bble. fresh. Eggs just received .z..t.21 and for &Lie by fora) 11.1.' .PY H. COLLINS. VXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and all the other celebrated Skirl; for sato by ap22 - J,03. MENA 77 Market strut. 101.4.01";. - stook of exultant stylo, with „td wittisst fingers; 7dri st (sp26) JOEL UORNE'S. 97 Mark:st street. ~ • . MUTTON 11051.1111.1.-- , EVery variety of i 11,./ Cotton Stoottinga and Ilalf nom+ at the lowest prices wholesalo or rota, at JOEL ILAINE7S, *26 ' 77 Market Oral. YItITP.---19 Ob. N. 0. Syrup for oalo, on LY c6nalLfiimaii, El l=i) 43) U. COLLINS . 11 ICEeL-BiX tier4333_prizao Rico, jueoiiiv- At, •ia and for ea Ia bj MLLES. ,k. RICILEMSON, nr.,12 z Noe. 221 and 223 Ilberti street. $6 - 00 FOR' a::two' et-Or frame ant - 111nm hOrina and lot of grouud 450 foot b 16° ' 11"15. 1 ' I t t ij' e illthttod .%t. rinaldngtoa. Term 3 th9p Y . 1 130211:111111.VaT WON, n t. JirLACK. : VEILS=-OP. itra . ' SM . and rinalny—very cli6*; at la Ck g : Nra ova', . 77-Market street. tr.ElBOll.---304),bxe Roch6sterl'estl Std Isseind ad tunas b 7 atMET E 470.U.D2C0' MEDICAL. ~~ _as': sr"Y7:' MEDICAL DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE A.ITD LIVER PILLX W E beg leaveNto call the atter- ',- tion of the Trade, and more - especially the PhysiCians of the::;: country, to two of, the most popu- - lar remedies nowlefore the public , We refer to Dr. Chas: Mlane's Celebrated Verrnifuge and Liver Pia We do not recommend them-at; universal Cure-alls, but simply fOr what their name purports, viz.: - THE VERMIFITGE, For expelling Worms from' the human system. "It has also . been - administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to• Worms. THE • LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of ' , FEVER AND AGUE, .• preparatory to or after taking Qui, nine, they almost invariably 'Make - , a speedy and permanent cure.. As As specifics for the above men- . tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity • has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURG-H, PA. = to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they Will now give their undivided" time and attention to their manufacture. , And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold ,`among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in _procuring the- Best - and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsbnrib, Pa, P. S. Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and take none but Dr. )(Plane's, prepared by Fleming Bros. Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve throi-cent postage stamps, or ono vial of Verrnifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must he accompanied by twenty cents extra. 11, 1 9 , 1 'LANE'S YEW,4IFtiGB AND LIVER PILLE I .--75 grans on baud and for only , by B. L. FAIR/MOCK Corner Wood and Fourth atreettf. Private and Confidential Medical Advice! THE BUFFALO PRIVATE HOSPI LA. TAL—Establishod for the care of Syphilis, Seminal Wealincsa and the Secret 'admitleo of Yputh and Maturity, by Dr. alltOS a SON, Buffalo, N. Y. 0:11o3 corner of MO , and Quay streets, (up st.lirs.)_ . _ _ A MOST SOINNTIFIO rtriaitsfTlON. An instrnment for the cure of GenitailDebility, or Noattn , nal kraieeion& more properly known anißetninal Weakness, Can be pormanently cured in from fifteen to twenty di:,ya, by tha rice of ti ti inEL.rument, Wilmn coed conjointly with medicines. Dr. AMOS St SON take fileaserein announcing that they hove invented a most impertanti n9tr ument for the cue al the above dimmest. It hat been subjected to a teat by the most eminent physicists' in London. Paris, Philadelphia and Now York; it has boon declared the only useful instrument ewer yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Wenkness,or any amuse of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits ci youth. Dr. 23109 Li BON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance whore they may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money will bo refunded by returningnthe in: etrament in good order. • Parsons wishing, the above nsefal InsUmnent will °boom that the price; with the- accom.u.yloag direction,sz,enrely lacked aVI coat 9,Pr_°..E. 4 . 3, . I . l .bnarf; " NEW Ott - min:ld . AND 41,11te1t.03241 Dr. AMOS a SON may be consulted froth eight o'cloch the morning mall nine at night, in every stage a d symr,- tem of the Venereal Disease, Gonorrhtea, (Beets, :e contimy Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impoterme and t 'tares of the Urethra, etc., with fuvlolable secrecy. The treatment they adopt i t the result of upward of thirty years' extensive and euccessfed Practice in louden. The most inveterate area of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight. or 'Watt:, days, nd vises of a slight mania in two or throis days, at a 4 10 4 4 orate expense. The dure d erfected viithent confinement or hindrance from b - asintstr, also, nodes and pains in the honel c.tid Umbe, effoctuallY eradicated. A CUBE.WARRANTED, Dr. ..11.108 6 BON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to thin peculiar CIE= of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their folfew•creatuxo a frilly testified and prtatfully acknowledged by convales centpationts and others,daily arriving in town from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of consultations while their exertions have been browned with the most Big nal edvantr.sea; yet from what they have experienced' - inquiring into the causes of them infectious complaint (from their most simple 'condition to that of the most den gerotio and inveterated). they have always entertained tho possibility of their prevention and removal,and variably found that the meet horrible and malignant forms of df3easo could almest always ho traced to ono of the.f.i. lowing causes':—lgnorance, neglect, or the-ill onbets of no. skilful and improper treatment;-therefore , DE. AlllO3 . SON have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of the: remedies, a safe, efibotusl, and continue course; omitting all combintitkil of rethediei which bear en egnivocsicharacter, ea well es those whose premature, or injuMcious applimt 0,, might be productive of bad- =sequences in the-hands of private individuals. In.short the !audible end of their re. medies Is the loosening o f a great mass of human misery by the atleniation, relief and .prevention of.those. grievous of. 'fictions that are in reality the secret foe of 114 and' which while they so extremely Burrow:taus, call aloud for on MU' and interference for their extermination. • GOIINT.itY , 11117AL1111. Persons in any pert of the world may be csessfully treated by forvrarding a =rest det'sil of. their case, vith , a remittance for madicuiee, tke: - • Buffalo. Pr- 4 11 QP 80 1 '4 iNrafPr l'faf r and Quay Woos, Buffalo. N. V. JaW:d&wly IIegRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. BituWN'S MEDICAL and smarm Offices, No.- 60 83.11.1=.111) Street, PI" burgh, Pa. 88. BROWN Is an old citizen of Pi! burgh, and has been in practice for.l twat twenty -fi re van. Els imeiness been confined mostly to Private and! gicel Diseases. CITIZMIS AND STBANCIERS to need-ore medical friend, should' to - End pat tho euro place of;rel The Doctor is a regular gr.clunte, a his experienes in the tres.tosentOf are is o mire snot:4 , v to tho sufferers of c reliof, by tne nee of his routedieri and fm,ewing Kt. BROWN'S Itald cuya,3 never fail to care the worst form of Yenerool 1 'ilseascr— Imp:Woe and Sorption!' Affections. Also, all 'Eames tubing from a horeditark talnt,widchmonifesta itself in the form of a tetter, Forts - 14 and . a greotrmany forms of akin diseases, the origin of which the pa to - tic entirely ignonnt To persona to affilotod, Dr. B. offersi hopes ofd into arid 117x.pd1 retsrfery. • SP.ffINAI! WAKE S. Dr. Brown's remedies for this tderfalift trouble, brOtti - ot cn often by - that solitary habit of sensual gre.tificatorf Whies the young and weak-minded often give way to, (to their own destrnotion t ) are the only reliable re Alec known in this country—they era cafe, and =she a cpoedy restoration to health. Tr. Brown'a romedios never fail to cue this painhil IN A* moo In a feta dayi—he will warrant a core. r....tti k trenes Piles, eleet,.GonorrliceN_Strictoro, Urethral Bieck:FOS II) mile Ylcalznese, Monthly Sappreesiono, Diseases cf the Jointe, Flotilla in no, Nervous Affectkms, _Pain in the INA* and Xidneys, Irritation of the Illatider„, together with all diet:woo or an linpnre origin letter describing the symptemz containing a rte,- d 4 reefed to DIL BROWN, Na. 60 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be immediately smswerod. 17Mietne cent to any addrecs, safely packed and secure from observation. - - Office and EL.ivate"Roome, No. 60 Smithfield etnet, Villa! burgh, Pa. ap9 A NOT 11 -ER capply anow Son'e superior 44 Londe, Tosptp,a,,, received to.da3r, • Ma. 211141 Th fold Cotner Djamond and Market Wilait. 3-0 B PRINTING.- ' Card. ...,, ' Price LicU Circular; , MI Lading. Letter Heade, -,- ho in, Labels,lib Printed in enPetier style at abort , nolice, by WM G. JOHNSTON Zc CO., Printors,ltiara Loo* Hannfacturare and Stationa:.:7 , myl r . 67. Vibed'tiGialk. LACK, CRAPE COLLARS.—lSeautifal ig styles for sale, t. 'O APS lI OZNE'B, emso trissko As3rl.6! - LEMONS -50 boxes Palermo, in „Woe I.or. der, joat received and tar solo by' - • sigmas a ANDER.BO,k,I, .• ' No, 89 Wood eitteot, Opposite the ot:Oliarles Hotel. t 7 ClBra.l & BRO.'S PRINTINfiLIN It gSold .r.wzrauar. ~~Ps r£ ~' El