LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Mturderer Jacobs. As a number of conflicting stories have been pub lished in relation to the escape of Jacoba from the officers in Illinois, we publish. the following states mont, which wait received by, the Mayor yesterday • morning, from a correspondent in Chicago : "On C. P. Bradley's arrival at Chicago; he found Mayor Weaver's despatches in reference to the mur der of Mrs. Annallaria"Jacolia, (known as Sutler.) Mayor Weaver's despatches before Mr. Bradley's arrival here, were Beat to CharlesHodgissn, who immediately put 1/Ib2 on the lockout, and also tho Chief of Police and his squad of detectives, all of whom, up to the time of the arrival-of Mr. Bradley, heard nothing. When Mr. Hague arrived, the fol lowing morning, hc, with others, spent a day in searching German hotels and boarding houses, and obtained what was thought "a good trail"—that they had left Chicago on Saturday night, the 10th inst., for Dubuque and St. Paul. Hague, with Bradley, left on Wednesday Light for Dubuque and arrived there on Thursday morning. They spent that day in eesrching Dunleitb, Dubuque, and steamboat's that had left and were leaving for the upper Mises. eippi from Saturday to Tuesday, and could find no trail of the family they were after. They returned to Chicago on TturBdaY night and arrived .on Fri day morning at four o'clock, when they learned that Jacobs had gone to Biue Island to buy a farm, which is sixteen miles south of Chicago. A police officer had started out the day before with the Landlord of the tavern at which Jacoba had stopped and left his family, and learned that the murderer had escaped. Hague and Bradley immediately issued handbills and rent them off by the morning trainc e and tele graphed to point's within the range of country that Jacobs- would have to traverse. • "At II o'clock A: liL e they rent to Blue Island. Oa their arrival there they learned the following facts :—.Tecoba, alias Sutler, arrived at Chicago, on Friday morning, having met, on the train at .La Porte, a German canner for an English house, 'called the Now England 'House, in Chicago, who took him to the house, (a small one.) where he remained uniil Tuesday morning, when the Ger man runner went with him into the country to look for land. When the account of the murder was published in the papers, the landlord of the Now England House saw it, and went down to Captain Bradley's effice and reported it, and said ho would go with in officer and point out the murderer. They started about ono o'cleck, P. M., on Thursday, and :arrived at three o'clock, P. M., at Blue Island, when, the landlord proceeded to look up the murderer as he agiee.d, bat as is thought and believed, to look up his German runner, slid inform him that the officer was atter Jacoby. Be th's as it may, the landlord found the German runner and told him that the officer wanted his friend. The runner replied that the man was asleep in the hare, and he would go and awake him and bring him in. The officer and landlord went into the German house where the party were stop ping, and waited for the runner and Jacobs to come in. What passed between them is not known, but one thing is certain th 6 murderer went over the fence at the back of the promises and. escaped into a piece of woods thick with underbrush and tall grass. Within fifteen minutes the whole village was out, and surrounded the ivoodo, which is about a mile and a half long by ote.balf to three-quarters of a mile wide, bordering on a deep ravine or morass overgrown with grass higher than a man's head, and unapproachable except on feet, and then at the peril of being swamped. Tho party had scarcely sur e united the timber when a violent rain set in, and cverybady, with the exception of the officer, ran home' for shelter. The rain continued until near night. "The Chief of Pollee of Chicago, with many offi cers, came, and did all that could be done. As a last resort they went to the nearest railroad station, raised the alarm, and rent out men to all the cur. rounding, country. This was done on Thursday eve ning and night. " Hague and Bradley arrived at Chicago on Friday morning, and - proceeded to Blue Island, where the Chief of Police already was. The party then went over a fifty mile circuit before night, and sent bills to every farmhouse and station, not getting through until after midnight. They were coafident that the murderer would be inside the circuit they had sur rounded. This done, they returned to the city, and searched all the outside German houses, and tele• graphed to' all points within the range of country Jacoba would be likely to reach, " Chief of Police ltehms was very efficient with his force. Mr. lingua has every facility offered to him.; up to this time no tidings have come in regard to the -- --mur. , :erer. We have had additional bills printed to-day and sent in every direction. Chief of Police Robins is now out in the country trying to get some tidings; but as yet noVaing definite has been re ceived. The girl, Anna Maria Battler, is enciente, and denies all knowledge of the murder of Jaeoba's wife. What amount of money he had about him ooald net be ascertained, but from the best informa• Lion we can get he could not have had more than thirty or forty dollars. The woman says she has beta robbed since Jacobs left for the country. Some. times she says that he took the money with him. Yesterday wo-scorched her and found only sixty seven dollars with her. We also searched his bag gage, bat found nothing. We searched the tavern and bare, teed in a barrel of bran we found seven hundred and eighty-five dollars in gold. The girl denies all knowledge of it. We have had her watched since her arrest, and also the house night and day." —A despatch received yesterday afternoon an nounced that officer Hague would leave Chicago last night, with the girl, children and baggage, together with the meney sound in the barn. !mother Boat Race. We stated some time since that another boat race was in -prospective, between the " Darling " and "Putman," the eastern built boats of this city, and subsequently that the challenge given by the Eclipse Club, owners of the "Darling," had been accepted by the Undine Club, to whom the "Putman" be. longs. The preliminaries have since been arranged, and see learn that the race is to come off on the afternoon of Saturday, August 7th. The prize to bo contended for is a pares of $lOO, or its value in a silver cap. Both boats aro to be rowed by members of their respective clubs, in both of which there are experienced oarsmen. The facewill doubtless be a fair one, as the boats were both built by the same maker, and the models aro nearly alike. The two craft aro thought to ho exceedingly well matched, and the result of the race will depend much upon the skill and endurance of the oarsmen. Tho contest will take place over the usual course, and numbers will• doubtless be in attendance to witneos it. Wo expect to be able to record faster time then has yet been made hen. Death bf an Estimable Lady.—lt is with pain that we announco this morning the death of the wife c f Mr. Florence Kramer, of the firm of Kramer Rakes, bankers, of this city. Mrs. Kramer was the daughter of William B. English, Esq., and was greatly beloved by a largo ;drab° of friends and ac quaintances, who eatcomoti her most highly for her aplable character and many virtues. The cause of her death is a singular one. Some weeks ago in savipg a pot rabbit from injury at the hands of a child who had become possessed of a darning . noodle, Mrs. Kramer was accidentally wounded in the hand by the needle. The injury at first slight, increased until tho hand and arm swelled, and ultimately the brain and the whole ner vous system was so, severely afflicted as to result in death. Cut off in the spring time of her years, she leaves young husband and a child to mourn her lose. Further Hearing.—William Richards, who was oharged with assault and battery with intent to kill, was examined before Mayor Weaver yesterday morn ing. He had some twenty witnesses in'attondance, • who all declared that he had not laid his hand en Sparks. Drs. Christy and Tindlo said that Sparks was in a better condition than on Monday, though 1 still in a precarious situation. Under the circum stances, Richards was admitted to bail for his ap pearance on Saturday, when he will have a further Learing. He will in all; probability be discharged, as there seems to be no fdundation for a prosecution. Half Fare to Clergyraei—Tho Pennsylvania Rail road-Company now issue tickets to clergymen at half price. Annual tickets are issued to the clergy, which they present to the conductors when traveling, who are authorized by the face of the ticket to pass them upon the payment of cue•half the usual fare for such distance as they may wish to travel. This is a good arrangement, and will be most satisfactory to the gentleman of the black-cloth, who aro frequently obliged to travel more than their salaries justify. Third Ward Coned)le.—John A. Martin Las com menced his duties as constable of the Thi:d Ward, having entered bail for the faithful performance of his duty soon after ho was appointed by Judge M'Clare. Ho is a worthy man, and will doubtless diechargo his duties satisfactorily. lie takes the plaeo of Giblin, the extertioni - t, nn in jail. It is to "ha hoped that the example made of Keep and Gib lin may have a salutary dint in checking such im possitions in future. - - Sale of 3ioc44.—Tho following stocks were sold lost evening at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street, by P. N. Davis, Auctioneer • \\\,. 72 &asses Iron City Bank GO " Nei. and Ilan. Bank 21 " Allegheny . Bridge Co. (old) 20 " Pittehnrgh Gee Co ...... —.... - - Exhibition of Silver Plated Ware.—The beautiful silver plated ware for family table use, to be sold tomorrow morning by Mr. Davis, is now open for examination vn the second floor of his new Auction Itooras,,Fifth street. Every taste will be suited in the rich variety of articles fcr sale without regard to pricer. See advertisement under auction head. Masonic Excursion Tickets.—Tho ceremonies at the new Masonic) Temple in Cincinnati will take place tomorrow. The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago and the Cincinnati and Columbus Railroad Companies have adopted the half fare arrangement for the occasion, an the attendance will undoubted -1 be large. - - A Disapßointment.-IWh revente Mr. Smith from - lecturing on capital punishment? Why, he had the Bronchitis so soverely that at the appointed time he could scarcely speak. If he had gone the previous morning to a drug store and bought some of BOIVMEIe6 Compound, and taken it, he would have been able to deliver his lecture; and still bet. ter, if he continued to use it, he would soon be per , • 41R:- ~~': ~. , 3 Fatal Poisoning Affair at. the City Farm. Oa Monday a case of Weenie& occurred at the Poor Farm, which resulted- in the death of three of the inmates. It seems _that the store room was opened for the purpose et cleaning, and that several of the invades were 4313g=•Led in scrubbing the room, when, daring . the absence of the matron, they dia. covered what they thought was a keg of whisky. w s ils O'B s° l ll n, Patrick started,and three of them, Mullen and Robert n T s h m e ed bug c j a ara Cuthbert, drank freely of its contents. A fourth, who tasted it, thought it was bitter and spat it out. Cathbert thought it was good, as ho said it had wild cherries in it. Soon after drinking it, the whole three were taken with spasms, and, although the physician did all .in his power to relieve them, in less than an hour they all died In fearful convul. sions. On examination it was discovered that the liquor which they had partaken of, was whisky, in which cocutus trading* or fish berries had been dissolved for the destruction of vermin. This is a powerful vege table poison, similar in its effects to strychnine. On Monday morning, Coroner Alexander went to the farm, and held an inquest, a pact mortem exami nation being had. A verdict of accidental poisoning Was returned. Decomposition took place very rapidly, and the bodies were interred yesterday morning. Vigilant Pic Nic.—The usual annual pia nic of the Vigilant fire company of this city comes off to n.,orrow at New Linden Grove. Every preparation will be made for the accommodation of visitors, and from the character of tho gentlemen whose names appear as managers, we feel satisfied that it will be a pleaEant and lively affair. White Kid Gloves, White Silk Gloves, White Silk and Marseilles Vestings, White Duck Pant Stuffs and Coating, now on hand at Carnaghan's, Federal street, Allegheny city. A full stook of Ready Made Clothing for men and boys, adapted to the season, and a general stock of piece goods for custom work. • HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTER'S are new generally conceded tube unequalled for their prompt action in alleviating and curing all diseases of the stomach. Their ,isperior excellence and consequent renown is readily accounted for, from the wed-known fact that they are made under the personal supervidon of the proprietor, in strict .cccrdauce with pharmaceutic science. Its use is always attended with the most beneficient 'results, and in cases of Nervous Debility, Constipation, Flatulence, and other like disease - 3, caused by a disordered stomach, its curative pow ers are of the most speadybuil powerful character,and exceeds any other preparation of the same claims before the public. For cede by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere, and by 110ST=ER h SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 18 Water and .58 Front 'Streets. U. A A MEDICINE, AS A BEVERAGE, AS AN Appetiw, as a metorativc, as a solace, as a gentle exhilerant, as a staff in manhood and a help in ago there is nothing like J. AL OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMAC ❑ BITTERS, they are pronounced by all who use them, to bo far superior to any preparation of the kind now in me. They are a sure cure for Dyspopsia,Custiveness, General Do. bility, Weakness of the Stomach, etc., and o preventive of moat of the prevailing diseases of the day. T mild be kept and used by every family, especially at of the year, when loss of appetite is so prevalent. No ly consulting their own interest can afford to do without thorn. As many spurious articles are put up and sold as genuine, be sure ant call for J. Id. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and sae that the article purchased bears the name of J. hi. Olin as manufacturer. For ssleby J. M. OLIN, sole proprietor and mannfactnrir, Iles. 2137 Penn street, Piltsburg,h, Pa, and by druggists and dealers goner - illy. el JOSEPH. MEYER, ,11AITUFACTURER OF Valley & Plain Furniture & Chairs V,Clareroonns, 42-1 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, 4 - 4. In addition to the Pura4ltre basinose, 1 also dovot attention to UNDERTAKING. Ili-arena and Carriages ftiruis34)3. S., IT BA/vikp 4/0 ti AT 0. 66 vc:4 FOURTH STREET. y.„ Af.6 s Third DOOr WOE, t of the 1 3.3.nk of Pittsbargh. ye, INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS This institution was organized in 1834, and still continnen nadir tto some careful and prudent man n:zeraent, which has so long afforded satisfaction and se curity to its depositors and customers. Its stockholders nra all individually Bald., for any moneys dvasiter, and besides the money and property of the Bank itself, the un dersigned are individually responsible to depositors to the whole extent of their private m=ans James Marshall, John Scrtt, John Floyd, Wm. Walker, Henry M'Geary, Samuel George, Thomas Mellon, Robert Bell, John 11'Devitt, Richard Floyd, Robert Galway, apl7:lym A First Rate Farm for Sale In Ohio. THE UNDERSIGNED offers his farm, situ ated one half mile south west of New Franklin, Stark county, Ohio, and one and a half miles west of Moul trie elation, on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, fur &ale. It contains two hundred and tarty-eight acres, one hundred and seventy-eight of which is in a good state of cultivation, and the balance is covered with first rats tim ber. The farm is well supplied with spring's and running water. The firm is provided with two dwelling horses, ;earns and other suitable buildings; also, a large and thriving orchard, which furnishes excellent fruit. Any one desirous of purchasing, can buy one hundred and sixty acres, or the entire tract, as may be convenient. The farm is conveniently dl: tided into meadow and upland, and hence is suitable for stock and grain. There is also a four feet v't in of coal underlying the farm, which has I,:eri worked a little. This excellent farm will he sold claape: than any tract adjoining of a similar quality. Any one wishing to buy a good farm on favoraMo terms, would do well to call and ex amine. It is in a healty location and excellent neighbor bond. convenient to good schuoliy churches, and mills. For further -particnla's enquire of the sabocriber on the premises. JOhN MILLER, New Frani:En, Mark county, Ohio. jc3.3mw JOHN S. SHAFFER'S CARRIAGE & HARNESS REPOSITOR INC<:aea. '7 zaamci 9, Corner Diamond Alley 41:, Decatur Street, Between the Diamond and Libeda Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Carriages stored, sold, and bought on coin raisEion. Repairing done promptly. Parchasers from the country will find a large assortment of CARRRIAGES, 13IIGGIi3 AND HARNESS, Which will please them, both as to quality and price. rayB:l)w ,URESH. TEA, MORE NEW TEA- The finest Tea of every name, grade and color. The sub scriber has is store and arriving, a most extensive and complete assortment of lea in chests, half chests and fami ly boxes, all of which 13 offered at greatly reduced prices. Jo= S. JAYNE?. 38 Fifth litTPet. SUNDRIES. - SCOO iba. Country Bacon; 12 kegs Packed Butt.r ; 75 bushels Bri k tit Dried Apples; 25 " " Peaches; 100 bruhela Red Potatoes; tapSluedJag recaived and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, -11 Coiner 'Market a,d Second sta. QUAD -10 bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shatl,just h., received and for sale by • DicCANDLE2S, MEANS A CO., • e 2•2 ' Corner Wood and Water streeti. ERRING-10 bbls. No. 1 Potomac Iler ring, just received and for Bale by LicCANDLES.S, MEANS dc CO., Garner Wool and Water streets. PRESSES.—Straw Copyin. N./ PrEGEed. Calm and Lever Copying PrMdeff, Lover Screw and Spring Copyin Pr g esses, eold b W.H. G. JOHNSTON & 00., 57 Wood street. TRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice liry A ppic3, recelvcsi and for sale, by ..12.6. A. FETZER, rne.e Motet find Drat strczta. • PHI] FRANKLIN ALMANAC , FOR 1859. IL —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pub lished by Johnston & Stockton. after a lapse of years, will again shortly be issued. The circulations as formerly will be made by Lie skillful mathematician, Sanford Q. Hill, Esq., who will also prepare for its pages snob reading mat ter as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga zine. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a now and ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value will be added. Orders of book sellers and other dealers are solicited In advance of publication, as but one edition will be printed, and orders will be tilled according to priority. ' tjyi. G. JOHNSTON & GO., ' Publishers, Priotcra, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, G 7 Wood street,'Pitborgh jad. VS 50 . )54 00 . fr. 6 6',/, VRENCII PAPER HANGINGS.—NOW deigns andTgy beautifal—received by late arrivals, la Belo by W. P. 'MARSHALL A; CO., rnr 26 Importers A 1.41 Dealers. FT Wood ctrl t. HEESE.- ' 180 boxes Primo W. EAtatbag Gheeee " English Dairy - Received and for sae by U4l HENRY S. COLLLYS n BM:isNed Apples, for sale by V• 7 BAG • • fAMr, COSOBAVE e CO, _ . Nos. 18 and 20 Wood stroot. TARIED APPLES--50 bushels Dried Ai I_l pica, just received and for Sale by MCCANDLESS, NIMANS 1k CO., Corner Wood and Water streets. E N ale bBy. 20 bb i l o s u lmall B c 2e NE f . or B C°I;4oTr?IZw3T(J:i2URISII.t.GUIDA—; -. h- PITTSBURGH, PA! mt22:tll;—lo Kay Walker, Win. Young, Jacob Painter, Joacph Long, James A. Knox llobe , t llobis,,u, Thomas Scott, D. A Stewart, Joseph Love, J. E. Brown, of Kittanning COMMERCIA_L. PITTSBURGH HOARD OF TRADE AND !MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE , 2 1 /YAW. W. WHLUAN.B. Vice rretiVoitt. BRUHOT, Ist, . LSAIAH DICKEY, 2d. Italfl:3, Supelsstendent. JOSEPH", PiqOVIDEN. thistnitace of Arbitration for June. Y. It. BRUNCT, V. P., JOHN S. COS.GRAVE, J. B. CANYIKLD, SAMUEL SIIRIVER, DAVID M'CANDLEES• PITTSBURGH MARKET. Reported Ezpretzly for Um Daily • Morning Past FLOUR...The maiket COI:A.111MB the same. The sales amount to 290 bble. 117.7.—Fr0m first hands : 75 bbls. super fine at $5,87. From store: 215 btls. at $3,62. for superfine, $4@4,25 for untra do., and $4,C0@4,6:1, $4,70 and $1,75 for extra family. BUTTEII.:.A few barrels of Roll at 10c. cash. BACON—Sales of 1000 Iba. Sides at OM, and 1000 the. Hams at 934gi10c. HAY... 20 loads.from scales at $lO to $ll, a alight detline from yesterday. GRA1N...200 bash. Wheat from store sold at 75c4 Sal:2s of 500 bush. Oats from wharf at 36c., and '260 bash. abiliced to Cincinnati at she same figures. CHEESE...3II bozos W. It at 7©7%. SALT...BO bbls. extra at $1,15 cash. 01L...10 bbls. Lard No. 1 at 85c. WHISKY...SaIes of 20 bbls. rectified at 24@2c., and 15 bbls. do. at 23c. cash. Foreign Marneis Per Steimer Nora Star.] LIVEIOVOL, July 6.... The sales of Cotton for the past three days have been 32,000 bales, including 4000 to epeculatois Prices have advanced 1 3 ', the market closing Sim. Mom° circulars say that the advance was almost lost, but the market remained firm. The Breadstuff market closed with an advancing ten dency, and all qualitleshad slightly advanced. The weather had been favorable for the crops. Richardson, Spence k Co.'s circular reports Flour firm at an advance of tkiatts; Philadelphia and Baltimore Flour quoted at 22022 s 6d; Ohio at 23@245. Wheat is quoted at 6s Bd@6s 63; white at 6 s 3d@Oa 6d, and western at ds Od© 7a 6d. Corn firm at an advance of estl.gda for arida), which is quoted at 33s 6d; for yellow the quotations are nominal at 3.15@348 6d. Tb' Provision market is quiet. Beef quiet. Pork steady. Bacon heavy; there being but little inquiry and prices close Weak. Lard firm. Naval Stores; Rosin • firm; rll qualities advanced; common 4.8 6d@is 3d. Turpentine Spirits dull. Produce.—Sugar steady. Coffee also steady. Rice firm. Lemnos, July 6.-Coneola closed at 954659.5%. The Manchester advicea coattail° favorable. Philadelphia Market. FUL&DELPOIA, July 20.—B1our held rather more firmly, in consequence of the continued light supplies and the re duced stock on hand; sales of 1000 bbla superfine at $4,21 for old s'ock, $5,07!,c05,51:4 fresh ground extra ranges from $4,02% up to $4, the latter for fresh ground and extra family at 5,25 to $5,75. There 13 no change in ltyo Flour or Corn MeaL Wheat scarce; no demand; prices unchanged; &ties of 1000 bush good old red at $1,05; some inferior at 75@$1, and white at $1,10©420. Rye wanted at 70c for old and 60c for now. Corn scarce and wanted at f^rmer quotations. Cots unchanged. Whisky scarce; sales of bble at 25 1 A©,6c, hhde at 25c, and drndge at 240. In Groceries and Provisions there is a steady trade doing, and fur the latter prices are firmer. New York Market. NEW YORE July 20.—Cotton: 600 bales sold. Flour firm; 13,000 bbls sold. Wheat buoyant; 42,000 bus sold; Milwau kee club 90@93c; Chicago spring 85c. Corn firm; 36,000 tits sold. Pork firm at $16,90 for Mom, and $l4 for Primo. Ba con firm at 8@8?-4,o for Shoulders, and for clear Sides. Molasses steady; Muscovado at 2 , ®28c. Sagar firm; Mns covado 6%@7 .1 1 2 m, Porto Rico .SX@S34c. CMTio steads; 3000 bags sold. Carolina Rico buoyant at 3 1 /1.3%'c. Linseed Oil steady at 73@740. Lard Oil 76(aS0c. Western Elides 18e Tall 'w quiet. Frights on Cotton to Liverpool 7 32; on Flour 2i; on Grain C3,4'(17. Frew York Stock 151o.rket. Nrw YORE, July 19.—Stocks dull, and lower, i a Cro.iee and Milwaukee l; Mich. southern 2.2j , g; N. Central 853,4:; Penn Coal 78; Milwaukee and Miasia,ipni 17! , ‘"; Cleveland and Toledo 38; La Crosie land g.tauta 30/4. Cincinnati 111a-rt.:at Ouicz - NATI, July 20.—Fleur firm at $3,80 for superfine, and s4@4 31 for extra. Whisky 20%e, but closed with a better demand. Corn firm at 55©53c. Bed Wheat firm at 71©75e, and white 81e©$1. Oats are declining; Bales at 46 ©43c. Provisions buoyant; salea 250 hhds Bacon Phouldera at 6c, 50 hhdo Bacon Sides ut Bq all the common llama in market were taken at B*. and Sc for plain and canvaaaed. Mesa Pork held at $l6, with buyers at $15,50: Lard 103 c for bbl. Grccories firm. Os NERVOUS HEADACHE.—Rev. W. O. Howard, Pastor of the Firat Baptist Church, at Chicago, Illi • nuia, who has been a great sufferer from nervous headache, but who h a experienced entire relief from it, by the use of WILSON'S PILLS, iu a letter, dated Juno 18th, 1858, ad dressed to Messrs Fahuestock & Davis, of Chicago, Illinois, says :—" During the list twenty years, I have made 1199 of a great variety of medicines prescribed by Allopathic and Homanopathic•physicians, but all 1191.1) tailed; and I had re linquished all hope of relief, until I was induced to resort to WILSON'S PILLS. Those have effectually relieved me in repeated instances of late, and I can cheerfully and con sclentionely recommend them to others who are similarly affected." This sovereign remedy is sold by B. L. 714bnc.- e.c.z.k Co., cm-n=r of Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, to whom orders for supplies shou'd be addressed. (4yl3:ec CANDIDATES. SILERIFF.—The undersigned offers himself to the Democracy ot Allegheny county, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic Conven• BARNES FORD, Upper St Clair. ja24.diw CORONEII.--The undersigned otfers himself 813 a fl candidate before the next Democratic Convention for the office of Coroner, and asks the support of the De mocracy (jell LENOX EEA. Ei7COUNTY COMAIISSINERr-The friends of CHAS. BRYSON, of West Doer township, will urgo his nomi nation for the (Alice of County Commiselonor, before the next Democratic Convention; suiject to the usages of the party jyl4:d&svic STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI. For Cincinnati. The elegant side wheel, peas:sager packet BUPERIOIt—Capt. RITAIOND J. Goad—will ..-- - c4" , t , '=Z leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, THIS DAY, the 4th iron., at 12 o'clock, u. For freight or passage apply rn board, or to FLACK., BAHNISS A CO., Aped% Through to Et. Louis in Rye days. This boat connects with the mail line, and will go through in the time speci fied. he will leave on Saturday. aP22 ZANIESVIIILLE._ For Marlette and The stk. mar EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. Molt AYRES, will leave for the above and al intermediate ports on every TUESDAY, a, 4 o'clock, P. M. For fralgta or pc,saago apply on board TUE SYMPOSIUM. WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR, Fifth Street, Next Marto the l'ittstnirgh 'lheatre The house is new, bait eepeclally for the purposes of a First Class Restaurant end Saloon, and the proprietor hay. ing bad many years expsrlence in the business will keep constantly on hand the best that the markets afford. File Wines, Liquors and Ales, ara of the boat quality. lie wants all his old friends and the public generally ta give him a mil stubs Sympiesium. Ljelltly N O. 65 MARKET STREET, SELLING OFF AT A GREAT SAORIFICE, Tu CLuSE OUT THE STOCK OP Embroideries and Trimmings To insure a ready sale, the undersigned will SELL HIS ETOCE 'WITHOUT REGARD TO GOAT And invites ths Ladian, as they will find grant FARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. OWENP, M'PARLAND & CO. Manufacture, and have at all times, for sale at their office and warehouse, No. 127 LiIo:TIT street, and at their manu factory, on the corner of robot alley and Duquesne Way, Pittsburh Allen's Improved Beeper and Mower, which stands unrivalled as a Harvester by any combined machine now in toe or offered for sale. Ist. Because of its simplicity, lightness of draught, and freeness from clogging or clinking. The driver on his seat, whoa mowing or reaping. is enabled to mists thenutters in an instant, and pass over any stone or other obstruction, and drop it again to Its former °Eldon without stopping his team ; and also at the corners of the field, by slightly raising the cutters, the machine turns with as much care as an ordinary cart. Bd. Th e machine is changed from a mower to a reaper by simply laying on the platform. 4th. A new method of raking the grain from the platform by sustaining the rake on a pivot, thereby relieving the raker from much labor.: 6th. The horses are relieved from the usual weight of the machine on their necks, by means of a wheel which sup ports the forward end. The Harvester possesses many other advantages, which can be readily understood by any person examining the ma chine, and can be used with or without a reel, as may be de sired. Also, an iraprov ed grain drill, adapted to the drilling of all kinds of seeds, together with farming implements generally. They havoalso on hand and for sale 2LtWonso n's Bolf.nrsker and Seymour 3 Morgan's Reaping Mrchitte, which have rendered.ontire satisfaction to those who have • bought and used them. All machinery 12bilaSary tar repairs for articles sold by us can be had by calling at the ware. house. We respectfully solicit a liberal snare of patronage of farmers and dealers, for which we expect to. give entire aatiersction. We have a number of horse rakes on 'hand, which will be gold at reasonable rates. • . • owmp, BPMILAND urgb, Pa. CO Pitrib I. pS. HAVEN'S Fdastie--Steel_-Pens jxuat •I . / volved, and Stir into nt the Stationery-840re, je2t) Non. at, 89 and 85 Market - street. - PlTtuanau, July 20. 186° BITSII'S, NO. 65 M ARK ET S.T.U.FIET Between Third and Fourth streets ~.~,: ~~, ~:.: MEM _ PERMANENT OFFICE. OOMPLYI2iG WITH TEM HHOENT REQUEST OF HUN. DBMS OF TIME PATIENTS, DRS. C. H. PITOBVIJD .1 . 1 W. SYEES Have concln ed to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may be consulted at their °Mae, No. lel Penn street, OPPOSITE ST. OLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for OONSUM N , ASTUnta BRoNGHITL9 and ALL ClAiiit t,IIIIONIO 0011FLANTS, compbeezi.d %rich., or musing ulmoasry diemee, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections 'of, .the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, buy. arfroli & GYSE9 wouli State that their treatment of Cenqamption is based upon the fact that the disease mitts in C) 4 olx)cl and sys/em at Large, both before and dariny its demlopment in the lungs, and they therefoto employ Mechan ical, fly gionic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the Ryden!. MTh these, they use MNDICAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Faia fives, (having no Curative effects when used alone,) and Inva lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious tree of curability on any treatment based upon the pliant ble, but false idea that the "sent of the disease can be reached In CO direct manner by Inhalatioa," for, ea before stated, the seat of the disease it in the blood and its effects only In the langs. Zul- No charge for conaultatian. A list of questions will be lions to those wishing to consult us by letter. mt29:daw DEMOCRATIC TICKET.—,If.t. the time approachen for the , 3.,L!1113D.:,11/Ll-1 for the fill election, the Damccrata are looking about f7r imitable candidates to ;lam upon their ticket. Allow ma to suggeat the following for their coceid oration. There to not a gentlemen name.l, who to not a thorough national Democrat: ( Osult a. HON. CHARLES SHALER, CiLy ti 55,1 2 1. HON. WILLIAM WILECEqB, Poub'es AI3SEIIRLY : JOHN M. IRWIN, City, THOMAS S. HARP, India•ia, JOEL KETCHUM, Elisabeth, HUOII LARFERTY, Baldwia, WILLIAM McLARE, North krayollo NI MIFF : I; A RN ES FORD, lower B>, Clair PIIOVIONuTARY : J .11N BIIsIOGINSIIA.M, Ohio COUNIT 01131E-110NER : T a9ni AS FAIL Lk2,Y, A Ileghnuy JOHN IhiORRAY, South Pittoburgt colioNm?.: WILLIAM AL'e.XANDEit, City RECA PIT ULATION CITY. WEST 0? THE ALLEGHENY 3 EASTERN NECK EOUTLI OF TILE INIONuNGALIBLA. 4 OFFICF OF PITTSBURGH 0 A.S CO., } 12th July, 1653. DIVIDEND.—THE T3USTEEB Oil THE MTS. BURUII GAS COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of NNE PER CENT. on the Capital tltcck of tae Company, payable on demand to Stockholder ; or their legal representatives, at their ou Smithfield street. ,013:2w JANIE M. CHRISTY, Treasnrer. MASONIC FUND S'RNETY.—There will be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Masonic Fund Society, at the Hail, Fifth street, on TUE -,DAY EVENING, July 20th, at 7 o'clock, to consider a proposition to lease the Concert Ito.ou A ftel attvudance of the Stockholders in desirable, os the Trustees are unwilliut: to take the re, spon.lbility upon themselves. By order of the Ward. jy1.5.3t-tii-oa-tu—n NOTICO—TOE INTEIiEt , T COUPuNS of the Ben of Lawrence County, issued to the PITTS BURGII AND ERLii RAILROAD COMPANY, due July, 1868 will be paid nt the office of W. II WILLIAMS & 00., Pittsburgh, Pa. The change In place of payment le made in consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life Ir.enrance and Trutt Company, New York, where the 0)11Pons are payable By order of • 3 Till: COMMISSIONERS. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, 2i FIFTH STREET. The enbecribor has Rased, and fitted up several commodi ous roams, nearly opposite the Exchange Rank, on Fifth street, which are now open for the Summer Season. La• dies and gentlemen can always find an abundant supply of FRESH CONFECTIONARY, FRU .TS, ICE CREAM, WATER ICES, and all the refroshmentsof the season. All are respectfully requested to Yid: the rooms, and test for themselves. (010) hL MotIINLEY. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling House of four rooms, a large Lot cf ground, fruit trees, eta., pleas antly situated id South Pittsburgh, on the point of Mount Washington, immediatly opposite Smithfield street, will be sold on easy terms, by S. CUTHBERT EON, Jy 13 51 Msrtot street VARIETY I—A Farm of 40 acres; one of 12 acres; one of 302 acres; Buildleg Lute, price $lOO, pay able in sums of $2 a week. Dwelling Honsas in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, South Pit'sburgh, and Si mut Washington - ' a pleasant residence iu hewickly; S Lots In linden, for sale by jyl3 B. CUTHIMBIT .t SON, 51Mazket it. TUE BEST ASSORTMENT OF SHOT GUN'S, SHOOTINO APPARATUS GUN k'UIINITURE, HUNTING ACCOUTIIXIIENTS, &c. In the city is at CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG'S, TURE PORT WINE, for medicinal pur poeee, by the bottle or gallon, at .. HAWORTH k BROWNLItI'S, e 6 In the Diamond.. A..DWELLING HOUSE cn Third street for rent. B. CUTHBERT .3: SON, 4.3 61 ;Atoka street. NATooD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—An undivided third part of that valuable property, situate at the corner of Sixth and Wood streets, baiting 1.30 feet front on Wood by 60 deep on Sixth street. One-third of the above will be sold for $9,000. One-half in hand—balance at one, two and three yeare. S. COTIIIIERT & SON, • 1 .61 Market street. IaTARCII-100 bx 9. MeC Lv Extra Starch, for sale by 1830 Pi. H. SMITH & CO. FOR RENT—A large Dwelling House an Store, on Grant stroot. S. CUTHBERT SON, 1,y26 51 Market street. kIRESH. FIGS-500 drums just received an for sale by 111.1Y11E1i & ANDEaSON, 3P Wrod 9trGtt. UPERIOR BLANK BOOKS—Ledgers, 13 Jouruels, Cash Books, and Day Books. A largo sup ply on hand, made in the most superior manner of the finest quality of paper, especially for city orders. Blank Books made to order, ruled to any &con pattern. je2.B WM. G. JOQNcTON• it CO., ,7 Wr.nd et. lIERWENG.-50 bbls Herring fur sale by Je3o EL 11. COLLINS 'Y TOPS-100 various patterns for sale, by je3o J HENRY 11. CiI,LINS. JJOSPITAL StIEETING-Of all widths and of the best quality, for sale at the India Rubber Depot, 26 and 28 St. Clair street• i s RY APPLE S-100 bush., for Balo by w• j4O HENRY H. COLLINS. - - _ JUST received another assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, consisting of Ladles' Heel Boots anal Slip pers,Geot's, Boys's Youth's, and a large variety of Chil dren a Fancy Shoes. Please give 114 a call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JJSEPII IL BORLAND, jelo 93 Market street. second door from Filth. TOOL WAN TED -100,00 ita. Wool Wanted at highest cash 111TCH.COOK, I,I'ORBERY & CO., 122 Second streeLand 151 Front prices, by je2lamdsw 100 BBLS. N B - . AG C ALEy C. TAR, : for sale by 0084 RAVE & Nos. 18 and 2) Wood atre-t GUM DROPS-2000 lbs. Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Rose, Was - berry, Pine Apple and Banana Flavors, for sale by REYDIER & n ANDERSON, Wood streqt. $39 t 500 LAVITRENCEV I LT.E PRO e7 FOE SALE—A two story it brick helve) of hall, good collar, wash house, stable, carriage horse, coal house, etc., choice fruit trees, apple, pear, Own, cherry and quince. Great variety of flowers and shrubbery. The lot has u front of 83 feet on Ewalt atreet by 1.10 deep to Chesnut street. Torras easy. je2B 8. OUTIIBEET A 80N, 61 Market M. WOOL WANTED—The highest market price paid fur farmers wool by J , AMES A. FETZIIR, Corner Market and Finn streets fiIARRIAGES, HATS AND CAPS,FUR NITURE OR QUEEN/3 WARE wanted exc hange for two Building Lots, each 24 by 104 feet, Filtrltte iu the Seventh Ward. B. CUTUBERT em II t-01. DELIVERED EVERY MORNING.- Fornoy's Press, Public Ledger, N. Y. Times, Herald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your address at HUNT & MINER, l. jel2 Masonic Hal RODUCE.- 10 b"1.5. White Beam; 0 " Mess Pork, fur f ale by W. H. SMITH tr. CO -L.,ESIEABLE P ROPE,RTY FOR SALE- A Dwelling House and tali largo lots, with good im provements. immediate pessession. Price, slB^o. A Farm of 303 acres, 40 improved, all prime lard one mile from Payette Springs. Price, $6 per acre. A valuable property at lawronceyille' in complete order, good location, immediate possession—s3soo. A section of choios land in Franklin county, lowa, in good lecation—s2,so per acre. 9. ODPHBEHT dr. SON, 51 Mark - et street. 10ItYE.- 1 2 5 bush Rye for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, - 81 rW • Corner Market and First streets. ARE FISH-15 whole bbls. Lake Supe rior White Fish just received and for salFe ETby JAB. A. ZEII, Corner Market and First streets. OTOR pOINT BOX FAY.- BUSIIA IU GTEBIDOEUR Manntlnttnre to order, BOXES imitable for Soap and Candles, Etardware and Variety Goods, eto., eto. Va,. Orden , promptly fined. QOAPS.—A large Evply; , of Low's well known Brown Windsor ECON . m ast, received Aims Haney, Palm , Lettuce, Nymph m, Lett and ot h er fancy soaps con. stantay on band at - JOB. FLEMING , I3, .197 Oorner Diamond and Market street. r - AWMI7 7 4. 1 P-• • • - - 4.0 ~.i4 0 --o.o.sixg-',....',',,,1-lii.--, -. --:-?:,A4......w ;,....;..fx.v47,,giatle..„„•.. 1 1 • • • • J. & GROUTT, lIIEPORT7III.9 OP BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD MONONGAREI A RYE WHISKY, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Streets, apl4l PPPTSBUROIL PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MA.NUFAOTUREBS OF PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL RINDS OF WRAPPING I =3) rell. 2E 2° 30 lEg. Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. . tS. Rags bought at market prices. - ___ myB REMOVAL. J OHN MOORIIEAD has removed to No. 71 Water street, below Market JOIN MOOR.HEAD2 COMMISSION MERCHANT, THI Sets 02 PIC ral ETAL AHD BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BEL'IW MARKET, =l9 PITTSBURGLf, PA NTISBURGIE STEEL %VOILES. LAO JONES JllO. L. BOYD Wll. MeOULLOUUI.I JONES, BOYD & CO. - CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Comer Rosa siv.d FlLret Stroota, jy26 PITTSBURGH, PA. MOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER 01+ American / Mkt Comigatod, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, .1:143. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHE :T IRON. Warehouze, No. 130 First otrect, mr26:ly-is • PITTSBURGH, PA. ZEIZEUI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1,10,11J0R NO. 87 DIAMOND-ALLEY, Near Wood atroot, Alwayt on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and C...zu - so Eraudiem, Old llonongc,,llula and lt,t..;Lifled WIlAk v. yl votrevtlnalinf. It T Franc is G. Bail•ly, N.V. William Dilworth, Sr., Cuthbert Sou, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Lieiskell wesringen,S. Brady, Cu.)'. Bank. List & Mangle C, Georgo W. Andereon, Donlo %. Paxton ik Co. rarintir.tf • • - - AMUEL FAIINESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD 101 street, Pittsburgh, has on hand a largo STOOK OF HARDWARE, Which ho will sell very low for CASH. In addition to his Locks, hinges, Knives and Yorke, and Sp(Tons, and a large assortment of )arpenter's Tools ' he has receivt,d a large sup ply of Eantuago Cutters andStnffers Shovels Tongues and l'okera ; Sleigh Bells, and linameltd Preserving ATTOLNIII" AT LAW AND CONVI/A.Neha. 0171 VI ViTLEI U. EIIPLIDUF:I, W M. W. WIIOLEME AND RZTAIL FIRST PREMIUM READY 'JADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY; NO. 606 ARCH STREET, PIitIL,ADELPHIA. Silk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Eta., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dries Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Jol:lyd No. 6G Wool) street. J. a IL. PHILLIPS my'22.3 9 D. It. Et 0 (14 Et SA. CO. , IiA2II7II%OTIJP-ER El ROGEltf3' lIIPPLOVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETII, COBSDr. R 099 AIM FIRST STIIIIIITH, VILLIA_M CLAYTON & CO., PITTSIJURGFI, PA JADES A. IFETZ-pia, orwarding and Conimicsion Merchant FOE TI BALII OP our, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Bulter, Seeds, Dried Frei and Produce generally, Corner of Elarker, and First otrecls. PITTSBULIGLI, PA. HARDWARIt:. L. C. lIMPEICII.N, E. P. MIDDLETON & IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALERS 1N FINE OLD WHISKY'S, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, jahlyd PiilL ADEL PliIA• - GO AID SEE GgORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Mid 'Factory, OORNfft THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the meet exqui site and elaborate finish, will Had it to their interests to give me a call before parchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics (uot apprentices.) Every attention!) given to the wants of ctuitomers. Prices low. All work warranted. N 0.72 THIRD Street. Pittsburgh. rrevBGyin DAVID H. WILLIAMS, (IIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR J FOR THE ERECTION OF GAS WORIIB, for tram five winters and upwardn, and for Heating Buildinga, public or private, by Ream, Hot Water or Furnaces. myEalyis PiTMELIEGH. pa. CARTWRIGIIT for YOUNG, (Successors to John aaturright,) ykrANUFACTITRERS AND IMPORTERS 1. of Pocket and Table Cutlery, gurgle A and aul Den tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackls, etc., No, SC Wood greet, They give special attontiou the uinufactur. ng of,,Trasses, T. Supporters, eto. Jobbing and Repairing itn :factuality and despatch. apl7 arrcficocti, CO. (81/001.890119 TO 11UPF7.IA14, M'CR.SELLY fr: C 0.,) L'ORWARDING AND COMMISSION AIPRCLIANTS, Wholesale Peelers in Produce, flour and Wool, No. 114 Second - street, Pittsburgh, Ps. BIIIT7E111702.13:.1 . . Springor Ilnrbangh, Joseph E. MM.", St. Lords; Pittsburgh; Fenton Bros., FL Child , & Co., Cornell & Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagalev, Ooagrave A Co., " Garret & Flartin,Plaactelphia; NicCandloss, Means & 00., " James, 'Kent, Santee A CO'.." G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver A Graham, Geo. la. &L. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling & Ca, 4 " A. B. /Ns:lton & Broe., " Yard, Gilmore A Co., 0 OR& C. WEST & CO., ce:01 tillitlTAcTuallEtS OF CARRIAGES, OOKAWAYB, WIGGLES, SULEITES AND SLIIIPHE Nu. 197 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA air All work warranted to be of the best matertala and workmaztrhip. m a ter al - W.H. Nioar.ll McGE E & Co INIRROLIANT TAILORS, Dealers In Ready Made Clothing and Gentletuea's Furnish ing Goods, corner of Federal street and litiu - ket 9qttare Alla ghony City, Pa. jel2:ly ~, :.-:,- - 4: 7 :::-"::• ‘ ...,-,...„, : 1, ......e. 'i‘ •„. 0 • _ f' 1 I ,15,...i:,,4:, ....s.'-„. , ?i , L,3-4,:',"'" ' ::::;:i .-. --,-cw,A ~vni-4 .... t .„1 .1 , 4 1 _ E r.:: -..f:IP i..A.t! ---_.---- , ,-' 4 , --_-_- wlf 2,' -, ::: - 4, - a - ' , ..i...- - . z-zfz- .0 -; -I ',...),- .-..'. N__ 'l4- ' kRBLE! M ARBLE OEI ditt ore C 01l I? (.4) HAS A BEADVIIIIL BSLECTION Or MONUMENTS 9 GRAVE STONES, . Ponds, Sic., &C. Slao public sre ruipeztfally invited to ermine. our Etock. Prima low, mid work wattented. r/i•?-1a ttfl tYWRIV97 PITRE,gr. ROBrat DAIZILI. 7 OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Grocera, COMMI39iOII and Forwarding Merchants and .I}-2alers in Produce and Pittabargh Manufactures, No. 261 Liberty street. PiAtbrich. P.. noirav• FURNITURE FOR CASH. A full assortment of pitt A brirgh manufactured FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CASAS, WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, as well ea spledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Conan:llly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done at this establishment is fdr 0.. k BEI. price, are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in thciabove line, would be advantaged by calling St FAOKINER. A IIiWIN'S,- No. 103 ihnithilsld street, teloW Fifth. J. D. VACCINE% • dna, TAME. - art v FOF r NRRY IRON.-813 tone, for sale bi #. t, 00/M u y;.. 1 ~, ,~ f rSy ~ ^7 ~ ~ 3.IDYF Y 6, ee7r4:cL:w A BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that is gray would not have it restored to its former color. or bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other eruptions. but would bo cared, or with sick headache, (nenralgia,) but would be cured. It will also remove all pimples 'rum the face and akin. Prof Wood's Halt Reitc retim will do all this, a.o circular and the following: Ass ARBOR, November 5,185 G. Poor. 0..1. Weed—Dear Sir :—I have heard much said of die wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but haviug boon eo often ctinamd by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, .Icc., I was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and one loudly tram- • ptaed quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some mouth. , since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my fernily—thla liy my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en trely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot tles, her hair was restored newly to its original beautiful, brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and - entirely over the head; the continues" to use it s not simply because of its beautifying effects up* the hair, but because of its healthful influence upon the heed and mind. Others of my family and friends arousing your Restorative, with the happiest effects herefore, my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and value are entirely removed; I can and do and most cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from 'whhe or gray (by rea son of sickness or age,) to original color and. beauty, end by all young persons wno would have their hadr beautiful and glossy. Very truly and gratefully yours. • SOLOMON MANN. Fatima Wool): It was a long time after I saw you at Blissfield before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. M'ann'a hair, as the surest test of its power. It boa done all that you assured me it would do; and - others of ray family and. friends, having witnessed its effects, aronow using and recommend ing its use to others as entitledto the highest consideration you claim for It.. Again, very respectfully and truly, yours,', --- SOLOMON MANN. Osattlx, - El., Juno 28,185 2 2. I have used Prot O.J. Wood's Hair Restorative and bavo admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I thought, pramatureiy gray, but by _the use of his Restora tive it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt„ permanently so. -- - B. DRYERS. exeSenatOr, H. S. 0. T. WOOD 1 CO., Proprietors, 812. Broadvay, N. Y., (in the great N. Y.Wire Batablialuxiaot)aidllt Market street, St.lorde,.tio. Bold byDlt; (WA: H. 813711 Mt, No. 140 Wocksi st n . - 1413mdalw lad sold by 01 good "Ingest& • '-'41. 1 : : - :•ri::•"I' 61 ..WW" -4 *Oti , 14 . 110P'XA.7*4* . 0 . 4 t., 7VtOgIMOKES„Ikk , ....-.......,....., , ,;,1.---,- , :..;.?.:- . _....... GUERREAN GALLERIES: NEW DAGUERREAN AND AIM3ROMI4 SEY AND ,71:DE-LIGET G ALLIER Y, BEITII STREET, DUMBLY OPMPITSI TIIH POSZCIPPICX. tn. I'D:STURM taken in 41 the various iityles, in an weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rate*. ta. Bich or deceased percom taken at their realdenoei ap2o:lplaw—is R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and AnabrotypistS, NEW YORK GALL . ItY,, cor. of Market area and Diamond, Pittolyargt PRIORS TO SUIT ALL. tayl9:tf-4 A MBROTYPES- Ann A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURR ; WARRANTLIVCAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY FIRZT CLASS ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT felt I.IOTOGRAPHY.-TIIIS ART 11AS BEEN brought to such perfection that pictures taken by this process haye been pronounced perfect by the scientific world. They can'he had in all their beauty and artistic elegance, at WALL'BA.torriar. GALLERY, on Fourth street,„ Jnes' Building. ' - [jyl7:lw Removed to . .2rtlfth Street. CARGO & CO.'S PIIOTOGItAREEIO AND A3IBBOTYPE NALLEBY has been - rednoved front , 16 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. Theso rooms havin„,- been built especially for the pmevose,-. with throe large lighti, are not surpassed in the city to.. • comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. Ziff' Our old friends and patrons. and those wishing tat. parlor likenesses, are invited to call. ta. Deception Boom and Specimens cn the ground floor. T\ • AILY SALES AT NO J 54 FIFTH ST-, At the uow Commercial Ea ',oonts, No. 54, Fifth street, every weep day, are held pub& /Bled of goods in all - variety, suited for the trade and ceuanmenr, from'a large, stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign-., manta, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. U., Dry Goods and fancy" articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the lino for personal and family MO' ' table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoos; ladies - ware, ttc. AT 2 O'OLOCII, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand; bade and bedding; carpets; elegant iron atone Ohina ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, &c., AT 7 O'CLOOK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jectolry; musical bairn. moats; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoos. book ' - stationery, &c. (seBl P. M. DAVI:3, Aucts BAROUCHE, BVGGIES AND CHAISE, AT AUCTION—On WEDNESDAY MORNING, July 21st, at la o'clock, et the Commercial Bales Rooms, 64 Fifth street, will bo sold, olio .%wo seat ilaronclie;•one top and one open Baggy, and one Rockaway Carriage; one two wheeled Yankee Maine. (jyl7) P. rd. DAVIS, Auer. 11111.1)R1N'S CARRIAGES.—On WED NESDAY MORNING, July 2let, at 11 o'clock, will be .oi - a at the Commercial Sales Room, No. 64 Fifth street O•ie New York Chaise; • Cue Lady tva,hingtuu Buggy; Ono Plain D_zuble Chaise• j,19 BELVER PLATED WARE, AT AUCTION. On THUSDAY MORNING, July 22d, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, on the second hoer of the New Auction Rooms, 54 Fifth street, an extensive and rich variety of Silver Plat. ed Ware, all which is of the best workmanship, and after the latest end most elegant designs. 'the essortment nom prises every article of :Alva Plated Ware for table nse,ench es Full Tea Sow, of plain sod chased patterns; 4 and 6 bot tled Castors; Coffee Urns, Superb Ice Pitchers, Vegetable Dishes, Tay 8 ts, Bettor Diabe., Salt Stands, Table and Tea Spoons, Goblote, Cape, etc. As the sale is positive, without regard to prices, It will be found particularly worthy of at notion. The Ware will be arranged for exarainagOn OD. Wttinf..ithy. 0719) P. M. DAVIS, Anct'r. LARGE AND PEREhiPTORY SALE OF DRY 00011 i, BY ORDER oir ASSIONEES--Will be sold, at the Commercial Salo Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street, commencing W.EDNEaDAY MORNING, July 21st, sit 10 o'clock, and continuing each day until the entire stock be disposed of:* a large quitethy of assorted Dry Goods, includ ing Satinets, Cassino:rev, Cloths, English Velveteens, Prints, Bleached Muslims, Lawns, Detainee, Cottonades, Jeans, etc., to which we invite the sAteutlon of the trade and consumers. jy2o P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. pAWNIIROKER'S SALE of CLOTHING On FLIDAY, July 2.3 J, at 10 o'clock and. 2 o'clock, will be sold, at the New Auction Rooms, No; 54 Fifth street, by order of Eastern Pawnbrokers, a large variety of Cloth. ing, in good condition, which comprises a general assort• ment of Ladies' and Men's wear; such as fine Dresses, Matf tilla,, Shawls, Capee, Cloth Coate, Cassimere Pants, Vests*. Iy2o P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. JOkIN W. M'CATI,THY, FOSTER: w.-Lti d m A sT riE u r sl l o o f anTkill,Eds of POSTING BILLS FOR CONOED.TE LECTUBEB, EXHIBITIONS, 611 communlcatione—either by baail l telegraph, of other• wino -directed to the office of the Montag Poet, will receive promp; attertion ogT A e STONE & 00. GLASS PATENTED . PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all lands of Froah Fruits, Vegetables, Mince Meats, Oysters, and all such perishable articles manulac. tnred and for eel° by OUNINCIIiAIIB it CO, Nos. 109 WATER and 140 FIRST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Fa. xar- The main secret of preserving fruit - in a fresh condi tion, consists in having it thoroughly boated when sealed up, and in expelling all the air there may may be in the vessel, an that when the fruit cools, it will form a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right to mantilla tare these Jars, respectfully call the attention of dealers and others to them. The great superiority of GLA.93 over any other substance for the preservati an of fruits, etc., etc. Is so well known, that any comments open it are entirely unnecessary, and the proprietors feel confident that any one, after having once seen these Jars, wilLnever be induced. to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by CUNINGH&NS 4'004' No.lo9Water street. 1 lit the matter of the Petition of certain In the Comte citizens of the Fourth Ward, Pitta- Quarter sessions, burgh, to vacate a certain alley near of All eghe y the corner of Penn and Irwin streets. county. And now, Juno 9th,1858, tho Court grant n nllO on- all parties interested to be end appear in open Court, on Satur day, the 10th day of July nort to show cause, If any- they have, why the alley in said petition described, viz: an alley ten feet in width, leading from Scott's alley to Irwin street, over the ground of Thomas Scott,should not bo vacated, 7-1 From the record. Jel7:2ta-w-4w 'I . IIOIIAS A. ROWLEY, Clerk. LAKE SUPEIIIOII COPPER - MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK, ,1 'CURDY & CO., - UFACTUE,ERS OF - SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms ! liaised Still Bottoms, Spelter Solder, Lc , also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Shoot Iron, Wire, Am. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 First, and 120 Second street, Pittsborgb, Pa. Special orderif of Copper cut to any desired pattern. inyahlydeiw"" ILITARY • ENCAMPMENT STATE OF FENNSTIVAIVIA. KILECUTIVS OTIATCDEN, Harrisburg, June 8,1858. It is hereby ordered, that a "Camp of Instruction" be . held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, and' the Adjutant General of the Common. wealth is directed to fir the time thereof L-to take charge of the arrangemonts—to attend in person, and to Issue the necessary orders to the Oenerni Staff, and other Military cffiaers of the Commonwealth in-relition to the, same. WM. P. PACKPII, Commander.lwalef. ADJUTANT thiTTZI.AL'S 0PY102,, Harrisburg, June E, 1858, In obedience to .the above order from Head•Quarterai a " Camp of Instruction" rid be held at Williamsport, Lye coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 14., on' Tuesdayrtbe 7th day . of September, .1058' To continue until BATHE:DAY, the 11th day of saldraonth, at 12 u, of said day, to be called-Camp "Susquehanna." I. This Encampment is intended to include tho.4tliiform, ed companies throughout the State, who are earnestly ro• quested to bo in prompt attendance. - - 11. The Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the Beyond GiViSIDDS and brigades, are rovired to report to my office as SOSII as poesible r vhat corapanies and field officers will be in attendance from their respective corumands.—with the number of men in bath company, the names of the Captains, and their Pest Office addrega. 111. The Alls-de-Cainp and all other officers of the Grand Stott of the Commander-in Chief are ordered to ba - in fits tendanee, armed and equipped to full parade dress. ' IV. All companies is ati-enciance,,are required to bring with them all taatt awl camp equipage they may have. V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every brigade, wlllrepert at once to my office,what equipage helonging to OM State. is in limits cf their command. VL The Major General of the Ehrienth Dlvialon, Gen. E. K. Jackman, shall be the senior officer on duty, and ho is hereby charged with the - immediate arrangements for said Encampmunt„ and is ordered to renort to this office for fur, ther inatfuctiona. Ey orthreff. the - Commandef r in-Chief. ' EDWIN 0. I,Vmsol7, lel° Adjedant General of Pennsylvania. ATSON'S SYRINGES—I have this day - received another soppir . of these celebratodSyringeli pronounced by phyalcitne to ho superior to any other now, in nee.. Per-.one winking an article" of this kind, ehould call end mini ine my stock beforo purchasing el.. &whom JOSLDti NU:MING, . " Corner Diamond - end Market etrett. INSEED bbls. for Bale by JSIe R. IL COLLINS COFFEE. -200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale. by WM. fi EMITS Fc 00., ”IF4B 11R Frernrt 9,4 HT Vurt Rtre.ts. QTAR CANDLES.-75 boxds extia, Ada 1. mantine Star, Candles, warranted superior. to any In the market, on hand and for Halo by myl3 - P. C. J. n. EAWYEB, PONGES—A large supply of coarse and 1.7 tine Sponges, of a eery tnperior quallty,last reeelta by JOS. FLEMING. ' J 31 2 Corner Diamond and Market street. HAIR DYES—Bateheler's Christadords, eityxandoed, Bbatoren, and Water's Liquid Hair Dydc—a large supply constantly on hand, at JOSEPH. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market street. OGERSY No. 21 Fitth street, and SUNBEAM. GALLERY, WALL'S, V ourth street AAJOTION SALES. P. M. DAVIS. Andldlar3er jIjIRAIR & WY] TH'S CHEMICAL OOD —A large supply received tills d.w,. For sale whole eale and retail by JOBEPII FLEMING, Corbr - Diamond atid Mulct et. WOOL • WANTED.-- • - - • The highest markelprico paid for Wool. by BPRLYGEII. HATtIiAIIGII Sc CO., No. aiS Liberty street, TUST PUBLlBHED.—Brightly's Thirdon's to Annual Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, for each of the years 1863,1864, 1865, 1850,1857. and 1859, nanlely, .from the 28th of May. 1853, to 28th or MaY,lB6'B the whole completing Stroud and Brightly's Purdon's=4:igest to the present date, by Eredorick C. Brightly ; Esq., for sate bg J. R. ViEl No. 63 Wood street, near I'm:KM VELLUM COPYING 80048- - Por taalolky J. IcNopp.