LOCAL AFFAMS. The E,acape of Jacobi, the Murderer. We clip the following acconnt of f :the attempted arrest and escape of Jacobi alias SMtler, from 'the ---- Chicago Time:. of' Saturday. It apicars that the affair was very stupidly managed • As we stated yesterday, various officers of thli city, on !castling that Battler, the supposed Pittsburgh murderer, had gone towards Blue Island, set off thitherward in per- suit of biro. The landlord of the New England louse, whore Snitlet's family Etill 'remain, went with them in order to identify the man, shonla they End him. No re' tu-ned home YeStvill4, - tdoirgiva - -.lhe following account of the arise - - The officers reached Line Island about two o'clock in the afternoon. and btopped at a German tavern, where, upon inquiry, they learned "That Saltier had also stopped, and was then taking his after-dinner siesta in the barn. The team and carriaze with which ho and Shaffer, the bar keeyer had left-Chicane,were likewise in the barn, and the parties were inter diog to return to the city the same afternoon. The cactus cariratulated themselves upon their fitteZess in Ending the man ea easily, and flattered themselves', doubtless, that they had him in their grasP. Accordingly, they vent a hostler to the barn , not exactly to break the news to & 1:-o allot, t5l Oil hint that there were two men is the 4crre w-a.'cd drink win- him! The hosier is said to lo bre delivered thc, message not quite literally, but to hero told Stotler that therewere two Americana in the bOlllO who wanted to ewe him. bottler does not appear to have t,een - tosif es EaLik,kis to see the "two Americans" as they were to see him, for he rather unceremoniously crawled cut of the anei4 window and departed in great The off cerri, we sr.pli6se, were astonished at his declining their. palire invitation to drink; but more probably the menner cf his refuss canted the greater astonishment. Who ever before heard ef each astoni-hing stupidity as that 'X.-21 should object to taking a social drink with a couple of effizers who had come to arrest him for, committing a murder ? Quickly. on learning of the escape of lathier, some twenty Cr men were raised, who set ant to scour the country for him. Af' surround?' v.as attempted, after then saner cf a fox hunt, but on closini up, the fox wasn't there. The Dislit was fost apprcaching, and with both darkness and distar.ce between him and his pursuers, dottier most likely mansgeid ea that the efilcem will be put to their wits' ends to get near snatch to invite him a second time to drink with them. llatehsl Hague, of Rittehur.7 . ,b, and Capt. Bradley, who hod Oct off towards tt. sal, returned at three o'clock See terday morning, having -ritd that they were on the wrong track. They started two boors afterward; upon the Blue island trait. Ltd have not since been heard from. Ilehm is alto gone npoii, the same trail; ho reached Blue la laud about two hours after the bird Lad taken wing. It is said that Bottler has about $.400 fn money with him; if so, he may lad his poi's:terve chase that will exhaust their perigee, if net their Tationce. Euttler's firefly is still at the New England House In this city. The children.(fonF is number, one being a 6.at mute) do not recognize toe woman who allele with him as their moth .r, and to quezticris as to Ler whereabouts, reply that they do not knee:. I; would• from this be inferred that the wtmtr, enppostd to hare been :curds& by Buttler was his wife. Leer.—.ll; ctvoer concocted with the bunting terrain the region cf Lica Island returned last evening, reports having got truce of Is_ tatter, coming towards the city. A man 811- 6;viTir , g, his discrip'ian clopped at a tavern five miles beyond Brighten, at five o cis& on Wednesday afternoon, took a diini of whi,kiy and enquired the distance to Chicago. The c •Illit parson, it is thought, stopped at a tavern inCanal port Wednesday evening. A despatch repeated by the Mayor from Chicago yesterday morning states that all traces of the fagi. tive have been lost and that there is little hope of capturing him. • We are gratified to know that his escape cannot be attributed to any leek of energy on the part of our police cffmers, as they undoubtedly did all in they power to secure him. Mayor Weaver is deserving cif credit for the energy displayed by him in this matter, and we have only to regret that his efforts were not crowned with success. Country Items. —A party of rufillacs who bad been loiterin. , about Wellsville fur ,somc weeks, attempted to kid! .nap a negro, to other day. They succeeded in get ting him on th 4 cars—when the citizens i. 4 11 great sumbers came to the rescue—the Mayor was sent for—tho leader of the gang was asked to show his papers—but he did net have them. The negro said the - b3g,us ownor had his money, which he wag compelled to dirger.7.e. After much excitement he 7ES rescued and allowed to depart in peace. —A little boy, agod three scars, son of Mr. Martin Morgan, wire resides on the Brush Mountain, some three miles from Hollidayeburg, came to his death from yo bite of s; copperhead, which occurred on Friday, the 9th /Let. Th 3 little son was in the field with hie father at the time of the occurrence. The snake bit tl - e bey on ono of the legs, the poison at once spreading through 'his body, producing death within twenty-four hours. —A child of Matiler. Myers, residing at Stokies'e Grove, near Stenkeuillle, was drowned on last Friday, by falling into a cellar, in which water bad collected from recent rains. The mother had been dipping up a pail of water—went into the house, her attention having been directed to something else for a raomcnt—raturped, and, looking for the child, found it in the. water, having fallen into the cellar bead foremost. Afterpicking up the'child, it breath. ed and expired in her arms. —On Thursday of last week Mr. Walker Vance, of Shonange township, Lawrence county, was severely injured by being thrown from his wagon. Ho was driving cown the steep bill, in East New Castle, when the horses became unmanageable and ran down the hill, throwing him cut with great violence. The horses were brought up Jutilionly by running the tongue Ihrongh • the weather-boarding of a stable. Mr. Vaa.ao had his- aellar.bone broken and was othere ice much braise.: He was properly eared for, and is now considered out of danger. Mrs. Vance and two children were in the wagon at the time, biat escaped uninjured. The. Dog . Late.—Since the proclamation of the Mayor regarding clogs, there has been but little abate ment of the dog nuisance, owing to the collap:od state of the city treasury, and the inability of the Mayor to pay the enterprising boys who make war on the dogs, a Anitab!c reward. The curs are there fore allowed in run at large, without muzzles or collars. A canine sympathizer, in some locality where the dog ordinanco is more rigidly enforced, gives vent to his feelings in the following dog-gavel: "Policeman, spare that dog, touch not a single hair; he worries many a hog from oat his muddy lair. o,'when ho was a pup, so frisky and so plump, he lapped his milk from a cup when hungry at a jump. And then his fanny tricks, so funny in their place, so full or canine licks upon your hands and face. You will surely lot him live ! Oh !do not kill him dead, he wage his narrative, and prays for life—not.lea Go, get that muzzle, man, and pat upon hit mohth, and step that bow, wow, wow ! and tendency to drnuth. Ho is our children's pet, com panion of that- joy; you will not kill him yet, and thus their hopes destroy. No, policeman, spate that pup, touch not a single bar. Oh, put your 'pion' vp,..,and go away from thar." , A Ta:'vabfe Dtaiafecting Agent —Chlorine is the best purifying agent known in chemistry. We give helow a chcoo and easy mothcd of producing the gas, which, if allowed to 'diffuse itself through the atmeeptere, will remove all noxious vapors :—Take two tabltspoonfuls of kitchen salt (ohltride of so dium,) tc teaspoonfuls of red lead (dontoxide of lead,) a liquor-glass full of common sulphuric acid, and a little water. Introduce the solid substances into a bottle with the water, then add the aoid, gently shaking the bottle at int-- ...011111'10 ..rvals. A por umes with the red _Joh is precipitated; an we sodium of the salt, asd sots ~oerty, which is at once dissolved in fn crder to lace the latter, icor it into a Aimct the sulphuzig.:ecoe lead, fcrning a other portion the'ehlorine the watet.. _, offering a safficiently large surface for ovapo. ~ctou; the chlorine will then be gradually evolved, and disinfect t•e apartment. The Smithfield Str.cet Stabbing.—Stowart, M'Cready and IliTann—were examined before Mayor Weaver yesterday morning. It appears from the evidence that M'Cann had nothing to do with the affair, and he was accordingly discharged. It was also shown qui:a cleerly that i'Cready and Stewart had no knowledge of the cutting, and they were discharged on that SCI:.7a, but committed to jail in default of bail in $lOOO each, to answer a charge of riot. Dr. Wal ter prono - auce3 Klein entirely cut of danger. Salc.—We cvl attention to the adver tise=ent hunded "Executors' Sale," in another, col• nun. The sale tahes place on Saturday, the 23st, of August, and/ those who wish desirable property should be on hand. Gas Firing.—Our readers will please notice the advertisement of Mem& Mast Old, in another place. This firm he boon long and favorably known for the character of its work and the promptness with which it, is executed. Godey.--8.. A. Loomis, Post Buildings, ha, received the August number of Godey's Lady's Book, and other novelties. Godey for August is a very fine number. 6, 2he Family 4parium.--Hunt d Miner have sent Cs a neat little volume publiKied by Dick IOOMPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary dlimse, includi ng Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affeetiosts of the Litter, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, c. DRY !ITCH SYEF.3 wont! state etc!. their treatment of Ccnimpticn ie tased upon the fact that. the &tears eeth i.e Ile blood and systans at large, bath before and duriru its decaispenent in Me lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify. the bloodand strengthen the system. in"!/4 these, they MIS li4DICAL HALATION 9, which they value highly, but only as /hail. times, (Awning no Cgrative deas :plan =O4 qcne) aiid Inva lids are earnestly motioned against waiting the precinas time of curability on auy treatment basal upon the plaasi- Me, but false ides that the "test of the dies:its') con ha reneht , l In a direct manner by Inhalation," for, na before stated, the seat of the disease is in the blood nud its (tracts only in the lungs. No charge for comultaticn. A list of queationa will be cent to thooo tvly.blng to coasal as by letter. 413"20:0.9w DEMOCRATIC TICERr. Eciff - 4*: Au too time approiiehas for mai; tag the tibtr,lnw.iarii f o r tbo f4;l election, the Demccrata are looking' f - r aaitutl cuidlitatea to 1 loco Upon their ticket, Allow me to suggest the following C.FVT. , f9 fbr their cansid• eration. There Is not a getalemn, to nut a thorough national Democrat: toSGT-7,,5. CLIAB.LI,S SHALER, Cliy. EJLIAS H. HON. W,ILLIAM IVILHINS, AIM).IIILY JOHN H. IRWIN, City, 3.ll.tfitLlS S. HARP, lodic3a, JOEL KETCHUM, Elisabeth, HUGH LAFFERTY, Baldwla, WILLIAM McLANE, North sassivp : bARN ES FORD, lower PACYMONOTARY : J BIRIAIIYAIAM, Otto COUNTY COnMISJIONVI : THOMAS FARLEY, AlleqheuiCay . Auowitot JOHN MURRAY, South Pittsbn,,sh coßmarg.: WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City IM=l CITY 3 WEST OS THE ALLEGHENY 3 EAST &RN NECK SOUTH OF THE biONONGIHELA. jyl2:ato OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH O Ab CO., } .12th July, 18438. U. DIVIDEND.—THE;MINTERS 01 THE PITTS BURGH GAS O)IIPANY havo thle day declared a dividend of FIVE PER ('I T. on the Oapi.c.l Steck of too Cumparly, payable on demand to tockholderi or their legal repreaontetivos, at their (Ali 7e, on mnithliald street. fyl3.2q , ,JA:'.l:7l „NI. CHRISTY, Tringitrur. ('"a MASONIC KIND SOCIETY.—Thora 'will to R meeting of the Stoditiohlera of tLo Maton:c Yunil Society, at the Ball, Fifth ntr: - .et, on TUE iDAY EVENING, July 20th, at 7 o'clock, to conahlor a pr./position to leant) the Concart Ro int A furl attaado.rico of the Stochheliltro deairable; as the Trueteao eta to take the re• spon..ll,lllty upon thomoelvoa. By order of Jyl6 St-tn.-Awn—L. NOTICE—TED INTBitileT COUP N 3 of Iha lbry Bon 'lva Lawrence County, lamed to the PITT - BURGIII AND ERIA BAILII.DAD COMPANY, due J.fly. 1859 will bo pald et the office of W. 1.1 WILLIAMS 'a. OU , Pittsburgh, Pa The change in place of payment is mad in consequence of the failure of th. 4 Ohio Life Ineurance and Trndt o,,mpany, New Terk, where the emporia are payable By order. of TSB COMMISSION FMS. N EW _ICE CREAM SALOOii, AND LADIES' IIaiTAINIANT, NO. 27} FIFTH 'ST'REET. Thoanbacriber has It wed, and 6tto up several cominoll -0134 mem', nearly opposito the Alschange Bank, on Fifth street, which are ncsv open for, the summer Son Sun. La • ciea and gentlemen can always Dud an abundant enpply of FZLSU OON FhIaTION ARS, FILU.TJ, ICE CREA WATEIR 10F.8, and all the refreshments of the season. All are respectfully requested to visit the moms, and teat for themselvoa. (ja10) Al. Afct/LNLEY. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling IlousO of four rooms, a large Lot of grjund, fruit trees, otz.- , p!eas aotly situated in South Pitts4t4b, on the point of 111 oun t Washington, immedlatly opposite Smithfield Street, will be sold on easy terms, by S. CUTULIIIIa . SOS, jy 13 , 61 Tilir!set a.rc•ot. Y ARIETYI-A Farnrof 40 acres; one of 12 acres; ono of 352 acres; litsildieg Lets, price $lO5, pay. ab o in sums of $2 a reek. A Duelling Elensas in Pittsburgh, Alleghony, South Pit'sbnitgh, and Ill.iunt Washington; a pleasant residence In dowlekly; 8 lota in :laden, for sals.by jyl3 B. CLITUB&B.T -L- Si]??; oildarkei-Sti,,-.1 T HE BEST ASSORTMENT OF SHOT GUNS, SHOOTING APPARATUS, GUN FURNITURE, HUNTING ACCOUTILEMENTS, In the city is at CARTWRIGIIT & YOUNG'S, J 1.3 Na. P 6 Wood etreet. fIOURE PORT WINE, for medicinal pur poses, by the bottle or gallon, at IL&WOitTfi & BROWNLIII'S, •e 5 In the Viemccd. DWELLING HOUSE cn Third street a for rent. S. CUTHBERT SON, jv23 61 Market street. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—An undivided thin!, imt 1 aln . able property, altnate at the corner, 'Sixth and Wood streets, honing 130 feet front on„,:1,0""'' ood by 60 deep on Sixth street. be soldfor• ° above will - alanas at one, two and three years. faTARCII-100 bx 9. McClung & Campbell's #4,:v Extra Starch, fur Bala by Je3o - FOR RENT—A large Dwelling House and Store, on Grant street. E. CUTHBERT h SON, my2o 61 Market etreot. jRESH FIGS-500 drums just received and fur sale by ItEYHEIC & ANDMBON, OJJPERIOR BLANK BOOKS—Ledvre, A.) Journals, Cash Boots, and Day Books. A largo sup. ply on hand, made iu the most superior manner of the lines.t quality of paper, woefully for city ordere. Blank Books made to order, ruled to any given pattern. Jen WM.. G. .1011NuTON CO., 67 Woad et... FEERRING.-50 bble Herring for sale by Je3o IL 11. COLLINS CHIMNEY TOPS-100 various patterns for sale, by [j N3Ol RENE YEL qtALINs. HOSPITAL SHEETING—Of a,ll widths and of the beet quality, for aale at the India Rnbber Depot, 20 and 28 St. Clair street. Jell J. DRY APPLhS-100 bush., for sale by Je2o HMS IL COLLINS BUST received another assortment of BOOTS UP and SHOES, consisting of:Ladies' Heel Boots and Slip pers, Gent's, Boye's Youth's, and a largo variety of Chil dren's Fancy Shoes. Plane give to a call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPLI G. BORLAND, Jel9 95 Market street, second door from Fifth. MOOL WANTED—:- ic,0,000 itm. Wool wanted at hlghaa Gain HITCHCOCK, 51'CREER7 4 , & CO., . 1'22 Boaond etreet, and 161 Front. prices, by Je2l:ll3miss; 1 00 BBLEL N. C. TAR, for sale by BAGALEY, COPOR.AVB A: CO., Una. 18 and 20 W 904 stret.t GUM DROPS-2000 lbs. Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Bose Strawberry, Pine Apple and Banana Plarora, for .ale by ' EtEYDIEII C AND,BRSON, Jol7 89 Wood .treat_ $3 50014AWRENCEVILIX PRO , 9 PERTY FOR 8 ALE—A two story Mick house of hall, good cellar, wash house, stable, carriage house, coal house, etc., choice fruit trace, apple; pear, plum, cherry and quince. creot variety of flowers and shrubbery. Tho lot has a front of 83 feet.on Ewalt atnet by 140 deep to Chesnut atreet. Terms easy. 18.28 8. CUTHBERT A 80N, 51 Market et. WOOL WANTED—The highest market price paid for farmera wool, by J A.?dE3 L. SETZCIt, Corner Market and Firet at: Beta Q,HOES, SHOES—Great inducements of fered at tho People's Shoe Ptare. to all who wish to buy summer Slices Cheap tl'ilo3 ' Giiiteri liriskine, and Slippers. D. S. DIFPI;:u3A4Eat .a co, jets 17 fifth street, near Market. DELIVERED EVERY MORNING.- Forney's Press, Public Ledge; N. Y. Times, Herald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, arc delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your address at I IThT k MINER, jell Utcoo.io Balt VOR SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder 16 inches in di• meter 4% feet stroke, with 2 Cylinder Boilers 82 inches in diameter, 30 foot in length, with fire front; Ply Wheel 16 feet in diameter. For price and terms, inquire of , B. o.d J. IL beI,VY.F,a, je3o No. 47 Wood street. LADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT ERS, with cad trithott heels; at the: Por.ohy's Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street. DIFFE.NBACM.III tz CO. G EN T's CONGRESS GM.TERS CHEAP, at the People's Shoe Store, F 0.17 Fifth street. jel9 DIFFENDACELTia it CO. T HAVE constantly on hand a large supply of Pato Wines and Liqcfors for medicinal purposes. Those wishing anything in this line, , ean rely upon getting a pure article at JOSEPH FLEMING'P, Jyl2 Ckornfr 'Diamond and Market West. $l6OO WILL buy a Dwe House . tif 8 rooms and bathroom, good cellar, and other copvenienccsa, aituata on Franklin street $:00 in hand balance at one and two years. 8. COTHBE.RT .8 SONS 1315 6l B.larket street. TYPE-METAL, just received and for Fale, .L by . W. 8- RAVEN, Stationer and Printer, 146 Oornar Illarkeit and second streets. RODUCE.- , /0 btht. Whit Be;rm I -9 " idea pork,for leala by • jeBo W. H. EhilfiH a CO. d. CUTIIBMIT & SON, 61 Market street W. H. SMITH ti. CO lIIJKII4*ESS cA.RDS. - P J. & GROUTT ITHPOILTPII9 OP BRANDIES; GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD MONONGAHT.P.I.A RYE WHISKY, rum t AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIER& AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of quattoGeld and Front Stresto, apLid PITTSBURGH, PA. S.B. & C. P. MARKLE, • MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS OF WILAPPING /R. Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Sweet, PITTSBURGH, PA. Rags bought at market price% myB REIHOVAL. JOHN MOORITEAD has removed to No. 74 Water atraet, below JO , lll P 4 MOORHEAD. COMMISSION MERCHAN T, fai-s 07 PIC METAL AND BLOOME-1, NJ. 74 WATER. STREEC, B EIAT> MMU mrl9 _PITTSBURG:7. PA RTSEEGki STEEL ES AO JONES JNO. L. BOYD W skit:OITELOIME: JONES, BOYD & CO 2L1.13Z2.10F.UNAT.9 CAST STEEL,. ALFA, SPR] NG 'S AND AXLEJ. Corner Remo and glrat Etreotn, jy2s , . PIT TSB URGH, PA mOORHEAD & lIANUFACTURIIR 01', American, Figiin & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For llsloglng, Guttering, spouting, ae AC:JEI I 7T:EI FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATIO'd RUSSIA SHEET ii-ZON. Warehoume, No. 136 kilrest atraot, mr26;ly•is IU.V7 sois., L. r•:., 1.,(13r. D. p,O G ..11 7.-3 67. Cas., LIAIMPAOTURZR3 notar4s' rm. - PROVED STE!EL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CottNiir. ROBS AND FIRST STREIT?, ViT7,419:,,;(5u. WILLIAM CLAVTOi.' , I k, WHOLESALE, AND ILE TA uc/1u - 6 .3 r RC NO. 37 DIA 'ON3 ALL E I.7:a^ WiaG.l st re-A, A'Nl'9yo 013 hind,tickoi-cry, Uhaury, had C. 4 - jr , o L'r.tuliea, Old !donong.bel tt,i3 t.4"..1 JAME z , Forwarding and Conatission I.Toiciant /Oa 4117.! Li' c. boar, Grain, Bacon, Lard, rut,;.er, Sni3, Dried rail and Proclaim gdu•?rally, ' °Corner of Vittrket Goad Flrat stroc...to. LIG A. To—rrancla G. 8a11.3y, 'Ear., William Dilworth, Er'., . Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh: Boyd & Cr, Holak6ll Lt . wearinpn, S. Brady, Cast.. M. et M. Bank. liar a- Howell ; Mangle C Co., George W. Anderian, Donla •, Patton ;.; Co. Wbra-4n.7. fiatt,eatar HARDWARE. AML EL FAHNESTOCK, No. 74 WOOL) kJ treet, Pittsburgh, haJ c#hatl a large STOCK OF FIARDWARE, Which he will sell very 107 for In uddit , nn ts) h Locks, Lling.ed, Knivun and Forks, end Spoon R, e I e.dsortment of Carpeuter'a Tool=, be hen recces. 1 re,...1! - ply of bandage Cutters and Stnn,ra bhoveld, Tong-nen and PIA , VM. bleleda Belle, and Enanath-fl Procorvinit C. lart.pEcar,s, ATIOIANEY K LAW WV M. W. RE iv - a ex Ea r, AND EZTAIL - FIRST PABRUM BEADY _.11,1,DE LINEN DRESS SIOCK MANUFACTORY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, ' Silk, Worino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Beath. G!oves, Handkerchiefs, Scn., Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks made to c.rder by ineas nroment; and warranted to give sati Ffaction. J el:13, E. P. misammerroal IMPORTERS OP WINES, BRANDIES, ALSO DRALEtith IN FINE O,IID WHISKYS, -I,io:kg_Tx T. PHILADEL GObildrai . SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. rffiHOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the must exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before pnrchneing elsewhere. Lly work is gut np 'ay the hest mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work ws_vrantedi No. 72 ^ a ITTRD Street. Pittsburgh. fnr:Silyis DAVID H. WILLLIMS, cavil, ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOR THE ERECTION OF GAB WORKS, for trom five (lumen cud. upwarde, and for Heating Billielimp, public or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Plumate. my4:3yis PITTSEURCH, PA. CARTVYRIEGNIT & WOUNG (SUCCEWIrB to Juhn Carttorfght,) •NIANUFADTURERS AND IMPOR'PERS of Pocket and Table Calory, Surgic 1 and an i Dow tat Instrunients, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 66 Wood street. They give upscial attention the manu , actor. ug of Trusses, Supporters, eto. Jobbing and Iter•cirinw Its panstaality and despatch. • ntiVl riIICREEII:2( a CO. (BUOCILISORo TO LIOPFMAN, M'OBSERT Pl CO,) WORWARDING AND COMMISSION .S.I6IICLIANTS, Wholesale Iloalors la Produce, four end Wool, No. 114 Becond street. PittabargLe, Pa. Springer Harbaugh, Joseph E. Elder, d, Lords; Pittsburgh; Fentnn 8r05.,. H. Childs Co., "Cornell ,Ec Dorsey, Baltimore; Sagaley, Cosgrove tr Co. ; " Garret it Marrin,Philndelphia kicCan - has, Meana it. Co., " amt.. .4, Kent, Banter, t.; Co. " G. W. ;,.ftitb, & Co., " Weaver & Graham ' Geo. I‘!..t L. Hord, Cincinnati Kwne, Sterling & Co., " A. B. b ra ton Er Bros., " Yard, Gilmore /I Co., " wr'll If gt - a-• C. WEST & COG, Mre MASUPACMITLYEd OF CARRIAGES, ROOKAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND SLUIGIIE. No. 197 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Lllr All work warranted to bo of the best materials and workmanship raTl.2:lydLR W. H. 5108 E 4:. Du6CH. 111cGE E & CO AIRRIZILIANT Dealers In Ready Blade Clothing and Gontlemen'a Furniah ing Llooda, corner of Federal ntr, , et and Market square Alie gheny City, Pa. Jel2-.ly :•-*,. .-- • - • ...a.t.‘" ,- --... --, 1....„,f„...,„1., ..1,,.,....7.)_.4,....g......,,,,:::..:21,_.,,1 ....„......, . .1.,,,i:iat...r....c,z,..,,,,4....„4:1 f• r, , r,V"--)F"';:tTE, 4' ,=,___ , l . - IVlwolik-72,4:3 z 14,,. gi :,- 4 4`',..' ..,...: 4. 7 0,-. ;-,-:-„, ',---,11.0-.A.• - till' 4:cff -;',-2;/,ej L_ M. &RBLE i M.A_RPJLE 1 JT (13' lig JO aff'e o 2 I.g IiAS A BEACTTLIPUL BELE- 1 2'4'1 ON oy MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES Enelicarmurem, Posts 9 ILC. ; &AD. The public are roopectitilly invited to oral:nine oar ctoc , Prl , zio low and act§ warranted. v ti.y —l3 r; faFFITY P.OBSELT DA.1.1. , C L.L.- OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale lA4 Grocers. Commission and Fo* marding 'Merchants and Dsalera in Produce and Pittsburg/ I Manufactures, No. '251 Libarty I:treat PlUebnrst. Pa. waft, FURNITURK FOR CASH. A fall assortment o Pittsburgh mflunfachlre di Fin AMMO, embracing BUREAUX, BOOS c WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, ns well ae a a' iledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, constantly on hand an'i made to order. As the only terms on whlth business ie d „ine at this establishment is forOP.Bll. PaiCO are made accor, Persons in want of anything in the above line, a'? &Id be advantaged by calling at PAOSINPaIt is =WIN'S, • 1 b. 103 13nalthild street ? below Fifth. 3.1). PAcommt Joan ht. TuVr OU --- MCY;IRQN. - -80 tons, for Solo by les o /WRY S. MUM PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH, 1•A ll= relnle /AEDICAL. DR. ft ! A. WILSOX'S Tonic; ' Ciahartie, ands - Anti-Dyspeptic PILLS, PRUPARED AND SOLD7Bi B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 60 comer of Wood and Fourth Streets, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. A S AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient zit; tonic, cathartic and 'onti•dyspeptio medicine, those Pith arc reaommended to the public , by the former propri etor, (Oil. WILSON.) with a confidence such as a long con tinned and careful trial of them in "an ample practice war rants. In their operation as a cathartic, they influence more the motors , and leis ihe - secerning power.of the bowels than any other combination in common use. - • • • AS A TONIC—They ague with the most delicate atom. ach, removing nausea, pain, and debility from that organ, 'and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AS AN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC—They neutralize and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action which stctild never exist in the human stomach. Front these peculiaritt-in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a freeoalll*l natural evacuation of. the bowels, without pain, nt•'.ea, local or general debility, or 'that cts gusting sickness or costiveness—the usual effects which at tend or follow the use of other Pm gm CERTIFICATES. Extract rj a letter from H. a. Farnaloulth & C 4, Druggiti, 6fcmpki3, retinas:et., January 7,4858. Messrs. B. L. 1.i.13:72aT0t a. CO.—We were the Lirstio orodoce Dr. &denim Pais hero ninny years ago. They were the best 1 hl ever in this market.. Wo use co other in oar own families, end 'secured for them a hif,h harect, rby our recouthieudationg. Yours, truly, H F. FARNEBWORTI.I & CO. Extract of a teller from G. W. Irwin, Nashville, Tennessee, Rbrvary 15. 1858. Mrssas. B L. FAHNESIOU'i. b CO.—Mmr Sir: I have aeon Dr. It. A. WilBoll'd Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have nßed th6rt myself. and believe them to be the best Pill in toe I have no doubt they will cure many other complaints when properly used, and I cheerrully recommend them to the public. liempectfully, yours, G. W. TILWIN. From Colonel MIL Haulms, late Chnal Commissioner. WasnmaTes, Pa, January 8,1888--Dear Doctor :./ have been rising your " Antl-Dyspeplie " Pills, when occasioned required, for many yiars, and can truthfully say that Ihave never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve nao from headache, and have always left my system in letter condition they found it. I must confi dently recommend your Pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. Very respectfully, etc., Dn. R. Anus WiaseBT. W6l. HOPKINS. Frees Thos. Blackmon, Esq., Tteaturer of Allegheny Co., H. A. WILION.—Dear Sir: I have born using your PlllB ERIC.) 1840, and do decidedly say they are the best Pill in coo, or thlt, I have any knowledge of. I first need them i.,r .• pick headache," with which I suffered beyond deecrip. :eye ; I am happy to say, that they entirelycnred Ina, Since then I use them as a family medicine : if I am bilious, or anything ails me, and I require medic no, I take a Pill,aud it cures me ; they are my only medicine, and have been for the at F.c.r..nteen years. THOS. DLAOISMOB.E. January 8, 1.858. _ _ Hear .Thr. Keyser Itasins. B. L. PAB:O6IOCE St Co—l Lave had conaiderabie experience In the nee of the extraordinary Pill compounded by Dr. Y.. Adams Wilson, of which you era now the propri, etors, and have atria frit their benign infinenco in my own MS CI int. "nervous headache," aching from a disordered con• ihtion of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them for others, in cies•si of t'immicrania" and other fume of head- PChe depending on a deranged and irritable conditioner the stomach end digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar ly adapted, teing entirely free ':rota any griping tendency. regard thorn as a dory valuable Pill, and ono that purges witholit at all vebilltsring. Yours truly, OEO. 11. KEYSER, 140 Wood street. ittelmrgh, Ilarrh 5, 1868 Ltlilydaw ' l9 THE GREATEST 17N fi r - Nit DEW 1 1 OF ME AGE. I , ._:C,NNEDY, of Ro:zbury, has clisuov• .na of car OTZILD.OZ paaturo Nye,l3 a romady Mgt one -8 very kized of Hturior. 21.12 ORST E'OItOFULA DOWN TO A OOMMON. PIXPLM. Fie hoe triad It in over olcvon handrod cnotl, and never excopt In tiro caw; (both thondor humor.) He luta. now In lath vo3NF.stan over ome hundred certiflcatto of Its itaia adlen Qt . B , Dstor, Two I,cttle2 ere -,:wrran tell to care a nuraing *ore month. thr.,3 1g..tt1a , 3 will cno ilia worst kind of Pimples oo Coo Two or three Lott' will clear the Eyetem of bilen. bottbs are warrp.ute-1 to core lb:3 word canhOr 1n ths mouth or rtonlach. Three to aye bottles are , Au: routed to cure the worst kind of if.:-.7.3.1pe10g. 0 o to two lxqt/oe are w.lrmuted to cure all humor Two bottler, or e, rrt.---re;ut..34:l t cure running of the euro and b2.l'.:hen g the 'noir. fol-r to n, bot-L1,9 ore warreated to cure corrupt and rilLafr.g ulcerz. Lottle v.:II cure rraly eruption cf the chin. Two or three bottle ore tvarrem to cure the worethind of ringir,rra. Two or three bottles ore warranted to cure the most des poretoce.se of chenntatirm. Three to four bottle 3 are warranted to cure salt-Rheum. 1.1-ie to eight bottlee will once the worst CO of !croft:lla A benefit iq eilwayg experienced from the fleet bottle, end n perfect cure 19 warranted when the above quantity is taken. ROXBURY, MASS Dian LL•ohix,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in miring all hind of humors, le so well eatabliahed by the onfinimone voice of all who have ever used it, that I need oot say anything on the subject, as the moat skilful physi• clans and the most careful Druggists in the country are nn• aninions in its preitoe. In nresentin;, , the, Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a ft:11 woo ge of the curative power. in relieving ail, and curio est of those diseases in which you are nn fr . :rim:lately An That most or:eructating disease to an utne iocato mother. NURSING SORE MOUTH, fn curm.l as if by a miracle; your own temper le restored to Its notani aweetnaza, and your babe from short and fretful lisps to calm and arrest slumbers • and the Medical Discove ry bccomes a fountain of blaming to your husband and Manatlm!d. \t.tL c z....qii:04141.7pc0d Fitaget er C A 14---a- B, e tE , r.leis to the stomach, causing. — - DYSPEPSIA, wil:ch is nothing but caner of tho dam h; then to th, 17.1.triZt111. , 3 and KIDNE 18, craz tlav, a slaking, gone footing, and an indifferenco even to • thr ,alcd of your family. Your af.oraach is_ _ FLAW AND INFLAMED, year food distre , laA you, and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contains as the scrimonous fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be. comas sallow or greenlah, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomesloose and flabby, end the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of discuses which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to CUBE; P:o.pitation of the heart, pain in the ride, weakness of the mine and smell of the ha*, pain of the hip joint when yon retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most exerts , tiating of (fuzzes, the PILES. 4:1 How many thou:sands of poor women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their nazi loor neighbor does not know the muse. I wish to impress oe your Mind that geed old proverb, " An ounce cf proven. ilea is better then a pound of cure. ln the MEDICAL DISCOVERY Fun ha - se both the preventative and the cure, with this greni cad good quality ; that it v7lll never, tinder any circ-umstances, you any injury. Zia change of diet ever ner...sary—eat the hest you can get and enough of it. IIutNnTION3 FOll no..—Adults one table spoonful per day— abildrou over tun yeaeo dessert spoonful—Children from dye ' o right years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appll. to, all constAntione' t take sufficient to operate on the b07 , ..19 is day. Yours truly, 4)ONALD ItENNE.DY. nice $1,e,0 per bottle. For sale by Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER . , et-Ordure No 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh. A BEAUTIFUL BEAD oy UCH_ GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved ro THE GREATEST AGE. And who that i 3 o . ray would not have it restored to ita djnau , cram', or bald, but would have the growth rim - toted,, troubled with dandruff and itching bat would have it removed, or troubled with coronae, scald head or other ..cuptious, but would be mired, or with sick headache, (u-timlgia,) tut would be cured. It will also remove all pimples from the face and chin. Prof. Wpadhs Hair Resto rative will do all this, am circular and the following: Airs. ARBOR, November 6, 1856. . _ .Prx,P. 0. J. Vi ood—Dear Sir :—I have heard lunch said of th., wonderful effects of your lair Restorative, but having Len so often cheated by quackery and quack . 1103tI111:113, hair dyes, tc.,l was disposed to place your Restorative in the same catezory with the thousand and one loudly tram. petod quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some mouth. since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of our Restorative In my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and ou. vrely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot tles, her hair watered nearly toits original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the heed; she continues to use it, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but because cf its healthful irdittisde upon the head and mind. Others of my family and frienda are using your Restorative, with the happiest effects herefore, my skepticism and - doubts in reference to its character and value are entirely removed; I can and do ard most cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from Vela, or gray (by rm. ow , of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty end bv all young persons wno would have their hair beautiful and glossy. - Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANY. • FUIEND WOOD: It was a long timo after I saw you at Dlissfleld before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit, ondwhen I got it wo concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of its power. It has dons all that you assured me it would do; and others of my family, and friends, having witnessed its effects, aro now using and recommend ing Ito use to others as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yours, BDLOMON ateism. C.inassr.,lll., June 28,:1882 .1 have used Prof. O. J. Wood's Hair Restorative, and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I thought, pesmaturoly gray, but by the WM of his Reatora tire it has manned its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently go. B. BRIBSE, ex-Senator, V. B. O. J. wooly g CO., Proprietors, 812 Ilroadway; N. IT., (In the great N. Y. WI re Railing Establishment) and 114 Marhet street, St. Louis, Mo. . • Bold by DR. GEO. B. - MITBEE, No. 140 Wood at: 3e22zadaw And sold by all goad Drclabte. DAGITERREAN GALLERIES. - 0' Z NEW . DAGIIERAEAN AND AIEBEOTYPA BEY AND HIDE-LIGHT G A L L-E _R Y - 9 BUTE STRILt,^T, NBA= 01i:POSITE THE P08T 7 0371101c 1 ► „ i - lill't9TßES taken in all the various styles, bz sa,l weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates.. - WU Sick or deceazed persona taken at their renidenoei esZkirdsw-le It. 1%1. CARGO & CO., -- - , Photogtaphers *t ad Anabrotyp ts, NEW YORK GALLERY, .No. 21 ilith street,. and SUNBEAM GALLERY, - ' - B. Vi:cor. of Yarlzot etzeet and Di:-tn:iond, 11:tabauga• PRIOE2 TO &OM ALL. , - - • rayl W-4, A MB ROTYPES-- A BEAUTIFUL 4,ND DURABLE PIUxuRE WARRANTED, CAN BB FR") AS LOW . AS AT ANY FIRST CLASJ ESTABIHSIUKKIT IN THE COUNTRY, AT feL2 lIICOHOTOGRAPHY.—Tms ART RAS BEEN brought to such verfection that pictures taken by this proceas • have - been pronounced perfect by the scientific) world. They can be had in all their beauty and artistic) elegance, at WALL'S PICIIIIRT; GALLZEtt, on Fourth street, Jnes' Ov17:1w .ernoved to 2,1 Filth Street. OARGO & CO.'S VfIOTOGRAP-1110 AND ANIpitOT/Pli CIAL.LERY hag bean romomd.from 96 'Fourth ntroet,, to No: 21 Firth cteet, near Morket. Them, teazle havi3Fr, Leon built espciallv Ad' the purpose, with threw large light], are no: sulpaesod in tho•clty for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. Our old friends and potror.a, and those wlshing,in• perior liseneagee, are invited to call. tk. Reception Room and BpecimenJ on the ground floor. ap7 PA.tjUTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH BT., At the new Commercial Sales ' , ooms, NO. 64,- Fifth street, every week day, ace held pnbli, iales of goods In all variety, suited for the trade and consnmers, from.o large stock which is constantly repltnished with fresh consign ments, that must be closed forthwith. • AT 10 o'9l..fiCiC, A. Id., Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut. fiery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladies warp, AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. Household and kitchen furnitur4, new and second-hand; beds end bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, &o. •AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical instra. meats; guns; clottdng; dry goods; Loots and shoes. book stationery, %o. [eed Y .IL,D VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUOT.IOh.- On TUESDAY EVENING, Jcly 20th, 1858, a' eight o'clock, at tho Cetrmaercial Sales Rooms, No. 64 Fifth 'street, will be sold :- 2dshares M. to M. Bank of Pittsburgh. 20 do Pittsburgh Company.- 24 do old stock Allegheny Pridge Company. 5 do Pitts, Life, Fire and Lierine Insurance Co. 28 do Iron City Bank. jyl7 P. 20. 11. AVIS; Auctioneer, Ai Al,O[lO.llE, BiIIGGIEs A D CHAISE, AT ALCTION--On WEIIIIRSDAY -MORNING, July 'Llat, at to o'clock, at tha Co:lane:x.6d Sales ROOMS, 54 Fifth street, eill be cold, coo two cent Laroucke; one top and one open Baggy, and coo Rollzaway Caitiage - ' no two wheeled Yankee ()balm (Jy11) 7 Y. AL DAVIS,R Auct'r. . . CHILDREN?S CARRIAGES,—On WED NESDAY I,'IOII.NING, July 21st, at 11 o'clock, will to sold at, the Commercial tialea EVOI3IB, E 4 Fifth street : One New Yoik Chaise; • . One Lady WaEhingron Criggy; One Plain DJuble Chaise. Jyl9 M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. ILVER PLATE D WARE, AT AUCTION. 70 . On TELUd.DA.': MORNING, July 22d, at la o'clock, will be soirl, of tho second t!cor rf the NOW Auction Booms, 54 Fifth street, an oxten,:ivaatrt rich variety of Silver Plat. ed are, all which is of tho belt wcrianauship, and after the latest =nd rno3relezant designs. Tile assortment cote• prises every.articlo of fitver Plated Ware for table ure,stich as Full Tea So:e, of plain a d eiv.zed patterua; 4 and 0 bot tled Captors; Coffee Urns. ihperb Ice Fitthers, Vegetable Dibhet,Sts, Butc.r Dishei, Salt 13,tinda, Table and Tea Fpoona, Go - blas, Claps etc: , As the tell is positive, without regard to. prices, it will ho found pirticrilarly worthy of at t-ntion. The Ware'Wlll be arranged for etcruninetlon'oa IYrdnesday. ( tl9) P. AI. Anct'r.' ' --- r AST • AND CLOSING SALE OFHE 1 1" It. A IJIWI'Ii PROPERTY, IN ALLIeGILENY•CITY—On TUESDAY ETE;;IING,, July 20th, at 8 o'clock, hi the second . story salesroom, nf the new auction house, 54 Fifth street,: wilLbe held, the last and closing sale of Lots in Mr. John frwin's plan of his valuable and beautifully located Real kiltate, situate in the - First Word, Allegheny City, welt know. as " Hope Welk. Property." Those wishing toie. cure lots in this convenient and lovely neighborhood,. will notice that this a positively final sale, as the proprietor is determined to soil. Central street. on which .these lots :rout, ' 50 feet wida, end extends from West Common to A Ilegh lay avenue, also 50 feet wide. It is every Way adapt. ed as t e moat desirable Bee:, for elegant mansions aZld com , fortablo homes'eads. Ono lot, No. 54, having 50 fort front, and extending along . Tremont street, which is 45 feet wide, 200 feet to-a 40 feet street on the line of the property of ltiohard Bowen. Eight lots, numbered from 55 to 62 incltive, bettreen Tremont street and Allegheny avenue, each 50 feet front, 't and extending hoer 200 feet, to the aforesaid 40 feet street. Ono lot, No. 43, having 24 feet front, and extending along Tremont street 140 feet toward Water lane, to a 20 feat alley.- El.ven lots, numbered from 44 to 64 Inclusive, betweon. West Common and Tremont street, .each 24 feet front, and' extending back toward Waterlano 140 fret, to a 20 feet alley. Twenty-three lots, numbered from 30 to 52 inclusive, be.. tween Tremont street and Allegheny avenue - ,each 25 feet front, and extending back toward Water lane 140 fee; to -a 20 feet alley. Plans ban bo had at the Anctiort Store, and the premises showu on appllcaeion. Tattle of rale--Onolourtia cash, and tho balance in three Equal annual payments. ;Up EXECUTOR'S SALE LOTS IN AL LEGHENY OITY.-:-On TUESDAY EVENING, July 2inh, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 64 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, by order of 'Joseph Knox, Esq. ex ecutor of Catherine Rudolph, deceased, will bo sold 76_,Val uable ;Lots of Ground, situate on Rebecca, Belmont, Ru•. dolph and Ridge streets, and also on Water Lane, In the First Ward, Allegheny. Plans can be obtained at the car , riage fectery of Messrs. Johnston & Bre, near the promises, or at the auction store. . Terms—One•third owl; r.•sidne in ono and two years,with nterest, secured by bends and mortgage. Jo - P. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. JOI-IN iII'CARTHY . ' 9 3 ILL POSTER,! - -1- a v- ILL ATTEND 10 THE POSTING and DISTRLBUTEig of all kinds of BILLS FOR OONCRRTS LEOTITEY.B, EXHIBITIONS, AO . All commmdcations,.etcher by moil, telegraph, or other• nice--directed to the offloe of the :Morning Yost, will receive prompt attention apT _ _ S T O. N E & C GLASS PiTF,NTRD PRESERVIN.G JARS, For preserving all kinds of Fresh Fruits{ Vegetables, Mince Meats, Oysters, and all i.uch perishable articles manatee tared and for sale by CUNINGILAMS a CO, Nos. 100 WATSR and 140 FIRST STREKT.i, Pittsburgh, Pi. - or.z...The main secret of preserving fruit in afresh condi- tion, consist in having it thersnWily hosted when sealed np, and in expelling all the air there nisy may be in She vessel, so that when the fruit coclr, it will form a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right to minute°. tore these Jars, resprctfielly call the at:salon of dealers and. others to them. The great superiority of olses over any other substance for the preservation* of fruits, etc., etc. is so well known: that any'comments upon it •ar o entirely unnecessary, and the proprietors feel confident that eny one, after having. 01300 seen these Jars, will never be mdriceito use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by CIININGUAtiIS CO., No. 109 Water street. 1 Id tho matter of the Petition oPcntatu . to the.Coritt o s citizens of the Fourth Word, Pitts- Quarter Sessions, burgh, to 'vacate a certain aUey near of 'A Ile.ghony the corner of Foon and Irwin etre:its. county, And now, Juno 9th, 185 s, the CE,tirt• grant a rota on all parties Interested to be Fa: appear in open Crtirt,'On Fatnr dly, the 10th day of July neat to show canoe, if any th4y hove, why the alley in said petition described, via: an alley ten feet in width, leading from ttcott's alley to Irwin ttreet, over the ground of 'Thomas Scott, should not be 'vacated. Flom the record. Jel72t-a•w•4w 'IIIO3IAS A. 'ROWLEY, Clerk AXE SUPERIOR COPPER ML AND • • SMELTING WORK'S. ;PARK M'CURDY 4r CO Ni.ANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Haised.fitill Bottoms, Spotter Solder, &a also importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plato, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c. Constantly on hand, Tinmeu's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, N 0.149 Firat, and 120 SeCond street, Pittshurgh, - Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. roy29nlydarz MILITARY ENCAMPMENT ) ! ST4TE OF PENNSYLVANIA. EMEGIna.: CELLILIFF. t Harrisburg, Jump P, IS . .)3. It le hereby ordered,. that a "Cam; of Inatrnatien" be held at Willlamapott, bycorning county,'Penvisylvania, the present year, and the Adjutant G ocral of the Common wealth is directed to fli the time thoreof—ta take charge of the arrangements—to attend in per.,:on, and to L . ane the nece.eary orders to the t•enTrill Staff, and other Militasy of:Jeers of the f.3arrimonacei:l l in reTatf- - ,n to the su . WM. Cotrarrander-ln.chieL ADJurANT Oln - zda.'s Oa7C 2 1 JEna 3, - In obedience to the above ardor from Head-quarters, a _ "Camp of Instruction'' wilt be hold at Wi , iarnopert, Ly. 'coming county, Penwcylvania, commencing ct 12 tt., on 'ineadla.y, rho 2'tla day of Septet:Taber, 1858 To continue until SATURDAY, the 11th day. of said menth, at 12 a, ntid day, to be celled Camp " qua sane." I. This Eaapepment to intended to include the Stplionti• ed companies throughout the State, 'rho Aro. earnestly re quested to be in prompt atteral2nce. - 11. The Major Generale, lirigedier Generale, and Brigade Inverters of the severalarlAxe and brig:dee., revired to report to my office sio won ethat companies and field officers will be in attendance from their respective commando—withlthe atimbzr of men in each company, the names of the Captain", and their Poet office addreal. lIL The Aids.doCaurp end all other :•iliceis of the Grand Staff of the Commander-in Chief are ordered to be—ia at tendance, armed and equipped in full parade dress. IV. All compaelee in attendants are segnired to bring with them all tmett anti camp equipage they may have. V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every brigade, will report at once to my office, what equipage belonging to the State is in the Halite of their command. YL The Major General of-the Eleventh PI view:, et D u i li Jackman, shall be the senior officer on rt a f d cr said hereby charged with the immediate arrangemellw e Encampment, and is ordered to report to this oMr.. dPr.in.e.thieL fcs fur thee Itistenetione. By order of the Cfrn B23 n t vas oN EDWIN O. • Adjutant General PalinsYlvanla. _ iffirrt-ATSON'S SYftINGES,-d bavo this day 'it v received another supply: of these celebrated other now. Syrines w pronounced by physicisns to be superior to any In use. Persons wishing an article Of this kind. should call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOSEPH. FLEMING, - Cotner Diamond and fdarket street 13SEED bbla, o z ur iylo 71. CO Pt " ~:?_,,t _:.v3 n.• WALL'S, Worth street P. M. DAVlKAtictioneer.