LOCAL AFFAIRS. Refill:LSOliatlo ll after Drowning. • , A great number of persons have been drowned in the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers daring the present summer. In one or two eases the bodies lee k ,Ve,taken ent.of the water soon afterwards, but we have not heard of a eingle.frn - whieh life was restored after it was apparently eitinet. Frequently, when the body sheers- no sign of life, animation is only suspended, and, by limper means may be - restored. In the hope- that the following rales e laid down by, the late Dr. Marshall Hall, may be thkinetrument of good, we give them an insertion : -4. Treat the patient instantly, on the spot, in the open air, exposing the fade and chest to the breeze, except in set ere weather. 'el. To Clear the Throat—Plano the patient gent'y on the faccovith one wrist under the fore_heid ; all fluids, and the tongue itself, then fall forward, leay. ins the entrance info the windpipe free. If there be breathing, wait and watch; if not, or if it fails .3.. TO Excite Beseration—Turn the patient well and instantly on his.sido, and excite the nostrils with snuff, or the throat with a feather, - etc., and-dash cold water on the face, previously rubbed warm. If there be no cuccess, Idle not a moment, but instantly 4. To Imitate Rwiration—Replace the patient on his face, raising and supporting the chest well on a folded coat or other article of dress. Tarn the body very gently on the side and °little beyond, and thbn briskly on the face alternately repeating these mea cures deliberately, efficiently, and perseveringly, fif teen times in the minute, oceasionly varying the side. When the patient reposes on-the chest, this cavity is compreeses] by the weight of the body, and expira tion-takes place: when he is turned on the side this pressure is removed, and inspiration occurs.) When the prone position is reenmed, make equable, but efficient pressure, with brisk movement, along the back of the chest, removine b it immediately before rotation on the side, The first measure augments the expiration, the second commences inspiration. The result is respiration, and, if not too late, life. 7. To indace Circulation and Warmth—Meantime, rub the limbs upwards, with firm, grasping pressure, and with energy, using handkerchief, &e. By this raeccure, the blond is propelled along the veins to - wards the heart. Let the limbs be thus warmed and dried and then clothed, the bystanders supplying the requisite garments. Avoid the continuous warm bath, and the position on or inclined to the back. This treatment is to be persevered in for three or four boars, as it is tho erroneous opinion that persons are irreaoverable because life does not Boort make its appearance.. dases have come under the notice of the Royal Humanei. Society of success ful results oven after five hours. The Cricizet Match. Owing to several crro:s having fonnd their way into our: report of the cricket match, between the Union Club, of Cincinnati, and AO Olympic Club, of-Pittsburgh,-playedatOaklana, on: Thurs day and Friday of last weak, we give a correct score and analysis of the bowling, which can be depended upon for its accuracy? We aro informed that' no re port of the match yet published has been strictly correct, which, if not considered as of much portance by the public generally, is a different mat. ter as regards the cricketers : UNION CLUB. 17F.52 S. B.attcrEleyib ',comb 6 Collins c Loomls b 112CF‘be.....11 W. H. ecorgc c Murdia b 3FCabe:lo T. B Wbm.l.,:en b Morals-- .1 Bradshaw b 31lCab. ^ 6 J.llattersßy_c Dismo'd b M'C'cs 21 J. ISoplen b Welt.° A F. Stoll b :51Tcbc. 5 N. T. Williamson b 31'eabe 0 Welt, act cat, G. H. C:owther c Pcl'l b &Fab's. 0 Bye-3... 11 Leg Dyes... Total . : ... Y;rat Innings OLYMPIC CLUB FILET r.,CNTSGS 'T. D. Lix+mim c Wllins b Brads w .20 J. Br ;.n b Briidshaw 13 Pollock c Coolidge b WhoeMon— 0 R. Brown b Bradshaw W. Burdett bJ. HEttnTley ,75 J D.II.N.IAe c 'louden b Whldon. W.Bitop3on c and - b Drad.dusw... - ; - 6 J. Diamond rct out . Q. Zeuldrei b J. , Hatteraey 0 Geo. Laz.r.h:Lu b J. Hatlealey..l Dr. Sfurdoch b Wl:tee:don 0 Byes 3 •Fir Et Inn ne3 Total 137 UNION CLUB—Fte-T2 LianiG2. • 'Maiden Wick- Balls. Buns. avers. ets. Wide ..........117 43 9 8 0 ...... 95 63 ...... 12 1 0 0 T. D. M.'Cabz T. D. 'Loom W. Burdett.. acoND L1E15.133 21' `u' Cabe Barden OLYMPIC CLUB—MST LINISAB, T. B Wheeldoa 6 SS W. Bradshaw......Bl J. Hattargy.........— 12 1 SI.COND nssria.i. P 3 21 12 5 1 - , 15 9 1 0 T 4 IL 0 13 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 J. Hatter3ly N. Collins 72 W. Bradshaw ...... . 3'2 W. IL VOCOedge - T. B. Wheoldon Two Lottery Dealers Sentenced.—ln the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Saturday, Bernard Perry and Alfred Keevil, e'Llvioted daring the week of selling lottery - tickets, were brought into the Court room for sentenee. JudgoDaly was not on hand. Mr. M'Clowry, for Keevil, appealed to the Court for a lenient sentence. Ho thought an imprisonment in the county jail would satisfy the law. Tho Court said it was their duty to administer the laws, though they believed this particular law too stringent. The Court had understood that Keevil and Perry were both insolvent, and they would only impose a nomi nal fine. , If some of the dealers who bad grown rich in the traffic were brought beforo them, they would be fined to the extent of the law, besides going to the Penitentiary. Tho CoUrt then imposed a fine of six cents on each of them, and sentenced them to twelve months' im prisonment in the Western Penitentiary. We learn that petitions are already in circulation, prayinr , ' for the interference of the Governor in their behalf. Burg/arse in Birmingham—On Friday night the lumber yard °floe of Messrs. Duncan le Bro., in Birmingham, was entered by some persons unknown, by prying open the shatter of the office with a crow bar. After gaining Admittance, the sofe was broken open with an ex and hammer, breaking the hinges off. Some $350 in money was abstracted. It eon. sisted of a sso.bill on the State Bank of Louisiana, a $2O on the State Bank of Ohio, a $2O on the southern Bank of Kentucky, a $2O gold piece, and the remainder in 10's, s's and 3'e on Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky banks.- The office was in a quiet place, some distance from any other building and the burglars could work unmolested. This is the second time the office has been entered recently. The Mayor hes been informed of the affair, and will use his efforts to eecare the perpetrators. An Exciting Chase.—On Saturday afternoon we were walking up Fifth street, when, near Smithfield street, we were met by two boys, one about twelve and the other eight years old, running at full speed, followed by a burly man at a rapid pace. Overtaking the smaller boy, who was behind, he struck him a blow on the head, and followed after the larger. Failing. to catch him, he turned, and meeting the other boy, struck him again in the fan, felling him to the earth. The boy cried lustily, and we vreie at a loss to comprehend the scone, until we observed four peanuta lying on the pavement, whieh the boy had dropped in his fright. We then recognized the valiant pursuer of the urchins as the proprietor of a refre:basoat shop on Fifth streat, where the boy had purloined the nuts. Several bystanders expostulated with him on his severity, but he said he had rights, and was determined to maintain them. Rather a small business, we thought. Body Found.—The body of William Evans, Jr., son of Capt. William Evans, commercial reporter of the Corm:67°l:a? Journal, who was drowned in the Monongahela river at theilrst dam on Friday even• fag, was recovered tho same night about ten o'clock. We learn that he was attacked with cramp while en deavoring to swim across tho river. He was a prom ising young man of eighteen years. Ho was a pm ti printer and a good workman. His untimely deith la mourned by a large circle of acquaintances. The Stabbing Affair.—Stawart, M'Cready and M'Cann sere examined' before Mayor Weaver on Sattirday morning. None of tho prisoners were pointed ont as the - man who struck the blow. Dn. ring the examination, a note was received from Dr. Walter, stating that Klein's case was favorable, but that he was not yet tilling to pronounce him oat of _ , danger. Accordingly the parties were held over for Se further hearing to-day. Dicorccs.—ln the Court of Quarter Sessions, a divorce was granted to the wired Charles Noyes, he not appearing to answer-her application. Jeremiah Hull was also called, and he failing to appenre divorce wes granted to his wife Jane. Enoch Jones was discharged from custody on Sat. uzday by Mayor Weaver. He was charged with the larceny of nineteen dollars from a fellow boarder at "Dre - i•er's Hall," in the Ninth Ward. .At noon on Saturday the thermometer stood at 95° to the ehado. Rather, warm for comfort. Rev. Thomas Crampton, who has for some years hurl pastor of Christ Church, Allegheny city, has, we are informea,resignod,his charge. The body of Henry Coffey, the boy whose death by drowning we noticed some days since, hae been found near the place where ho was last seen. Disappoinirnent.--Virhit prevented Mr. Smith from lecturing on capital punishment? Why, he had the Bronchitis scfseverely that at tho appointed time be could scarcely. speak. If he had gone the previous morning to a drug store and bought some of Bowman's Compound, and .taken it, he would have been able to deliver his lecture • and still bet. ter, if ha ogatinned to use it, he would soon be per m,b.ently ottrott. The Chartieris Murderer , Eitsdesi- the °MOOTS in 1141 sets. • O n Saturday morning we stated that officers Hague and Bradley Were on the frac& of Jacobi, the sup. posed mur d er er, and following him, west of Chi. information received on Saturday, it ee turnsgo. From out t m hat they were on the wrong track. A. tolegrephie despatch was received in the morning staungthat the children, girl, and baggage had been captured, but that the man had escaped and took to the woods west of Chicago. This was fol. lowed by other telegrams, from whit% we glean the following : On arriving at Chicago, Jacobi got some German papers; and discovering that ho was knewn, left his children in Chicago, and proceeded io a wagon with the girl Seller. ' They went to Blue Island, a town sixteen miles west of Chicago, where they were fol. , lowed by some Chicago police officers. Jacobi' learned of their presence twenty minutes after their arrival and made for the woods, leaving the girl be hind, since which he has not boon heard of. Mean. time, officers Hague and Bradly returned to Chicago, ending at Dubuque theywere mistaken, and they are now in the vicinity where Jacobi was last seen, mak ing every effort to catch him. Handbills are posted over the country for miles around, and it is almost impossible for him to escape. Neither money nor pains will bo spared to secure him, and the chances are, that with the IiSSiEtatICO of the Chicago police, who must be familiar with the ground, ho will bo speedily caught. Good Things.—Col. Pricker, at Walnut Hall, Fifth street, is indefatigable in furnishing our citizens with table luxuries, and is supplied with the earliest of the season. Green corn, ripe tomatoes and water melons aro now on hand at his establishment. Hunt h Miner have their usual supply of period• ieal literature for the week. Among others, we ob serve the New York Picayune for this week, and Nick Nez and Yankee Notions for August. Collins Park.—Owing to some misunderstanding, the race did not come off on Saturday at Collida Park, and the stakes wore drawn. Runaway.--A horse ran away with a light wagon on Saturday morning, And before he was captured the wagon was in good condition for kindling wood, being shattered in a hundred pieces by coming in contact with a fire •plug. Fortunately no one was injured by the infuriated animal. ' The Court of Common Pleas will be in session du ring the present week, for the hearing of causes on the Argument list Rev. Henry Kendall was installed as pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church in this city last evening. A large concourse of people were present, and the services were said to be highly interesting. City Mortality.—Dr. Mardoeh reports 17 deaths forthe past week-10 males and 7 females; 15 white and 2 colored. The Mit,* Court adjoarr.ed on Thursday. The bench and bar will tako a recess cf a few days du- ring this sultry weather. While Kid Glom, White Silk Gloves, White Silk and Marseilles Vestings, White Doak Pant Stuffs and Coating, now on hand at Carnaghan's, Federal street, Allegheny city. A fall stock of Beady Made Clothing for men and boys, adapted to the season, and a general stock of piece goods for custom work. c2oosn /ammo.. b NiTabe.— 0 r out—. 2 c Pollock b Loomis 5 o polloek b 6 b Loomis l c and b Loomis 6 c and b Loomis r out 4 2. not out .. 3 b Loomis 11 b Burdett Byes 8 Leg Byes 2 WHOSTETTER'S ,STOlLiell BITTER'S are now generally conceded to be unequalled for their prompt action in alleviating and curing all (Baal:was of the stomach. Their superior excellence and consequent renown ii readily accounted for, from the well-known fact that they are made under the personal supervision of the proprietor, in strict accordance with pharmaceutic science. Its 1199 is always attended with the most beneficient results, and in cases of Nervous Debility, Constipation, Flatulence, and other like dheases, caused by a disordered stomach, its curative pow ers are of the moat speedy and powerful character,and exceeds any other preparation cf the same claims before the public. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere. and by - NOSTETZER .4 - SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, da Water and ES Brent streets Total 53 103 SECOSD MISINQS. 1 b b c Coolidge b J.Hat'ley SS b J. Satter!ley . 1 c b Collins. 4 b J. Untie:sky 0 b b Bradshaw ... st on• 0 b J. Ilattersley 11 Not on' 4 b Wheeldon ...... Byes — 2 Wfdes 2 jyl7—lo a;?A A MEDICLKE, AS' A BEVERAGE, AS AN Appeliser, as a restorative, as a solace, as a gentle FFidlerant, as a staff is manhood and a help in age. there is nothing like OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMAC:I lIIITERB, they are pronounced by all who use them, to be far superior to any preparation of the kind now in use. They are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, General Do. bility, Weakness of the Stomach, etc., and a preventive of most of the prevailing di15i8.943 of the day. They should to kept and used by every family, especially at this season of the year, when loss of appetho is so prevalent - . No family oonsultlcrethkrown interest can rand' t; do without them. As many spurious articles akiqut up and sold as genuine, be sure anl call6l l 37AL Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the. article pureowed bears the name of J. M. Olin as manufacturer. 5 1 0 d G 0 1 1 0 For sale by J. M. inTN, sale proprietor and manntactarsr, No. 267 Penn street, Plitabargh, Pa, and by druggists and dealers geherally. el , . . 2 3 0 2 4 0 2 3 0 MANUFACTURER OP Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Peiiu street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, *Z - In addition to the Furniture basiaess, I also devote attention to IINDERTAISENG. Ilearsos and Carriages mrlndly—lo faraished A First Rate Farm for Sale in Ohio. THE UNDERSIGNED offers his farm, situ ated one half mile south wart of Now Franklin, Stark county, Ohle ' and one and a half miles west of Menl trio station, on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, for sale. It contaks two hundred and forty-eight acres, one hundred, and seventy-eight of which le in a good state of cultivation, and the balance iv covered with first rata tim ber. The farm is well supplied with springs and running water. The farm to provided with two dwelling houses, barns and other suitable buildings; also, a large and thriving orchard, which furnishes excellent fruit. Any one desirous of purchasing, con buy one hundred and sixty acres, or the entire tract, as may be convenient. The farm la conveniently div'ded into meadow and upland, and hence it suitable for stock and grain. There is also a four feet vein of coal underly ing the farm, which has been worked a little. Thia excellent farm, will be sold cheaper than any tract adjoining of a similar quality. Any one wishing to buy a good farm on favorable terms; would do well to call and ex amine. It to in a lieale.‘y location and excellent neighbor hood.' convenient to good schools, churches, had mills. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises. JOHN MILLER, New Franklin, Stark county, Ohio JOHN S. SHAFFER'S CARRIAGE & HARNESS REPOSITORY, Corner Diamond Alley et, Decatur Street, Carriages stored, sold, and bought on corn misldon. Repairing clone promptly. Perchasers from the country will find a large assortment of BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., PRACTICAL PLUM:BIERS, 12 FOURTH STREET, YEAS 11.111 2 / 3 7 / 2 :LD BER.HET. PiIIMBENG done in all its cartons branchee, in a neat and substantial 'manner. All work promptly attentied to on short notice.- la. Particular attention paid to making Pumps and Country Work. is9:l7 FRESH TEA, MORE YEW TEA— The finest Tea of ova? name, grade and color. Tho sub. scriber has in store and arriving, a most extensive and complete ascortment of Tea in cheats, half chests and fami ly boxes, all of which is offered at greatly reduced prices. Je32 F_ JAYNES, 28 Fifth street. (IREAM CANDIES-2000 lbs. lion Bon, Cream, Fig, Date, Chocolate, Walnut, Jelly Cakes Strawberries, Cream Almonds, made daily, and for sale by RRYHER It ANDERSON, No. 88 Wood street, Opposite the Rt. Charles Uctel. SHAD -10 bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shad,just received and for sate by McCANDLESS, MEANS a 00., Corner Wood and Water streets. HERRING -10 bbls. No. 1 Potomac Her ring, Jul received add for gale by IicCANDLESS, 11E11.4.NE3 & CO., Corner Wood and Water vtreete. HE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-known and iopular annual, formerly pub lished by Johnston a Stockton, after a lapse of years, will again shortly be issued. The circulations as formerly will b e made by tae skillfol mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, Esq.orho will also prepare for its pages such reading mat ter as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga zine. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new arid ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value Nell be added. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are ntdicitad in advance of publication, as but one edition will bri printed, and orders will be filled according to priority. JOHNSTON & Makers, 57 Printers, Stationers', and Blank Book Makers, 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh: jet QTFAM MILL, STEAM MILL—For Sale, A Grist 3011 all complete in good running order, 3 run of Mr" smut machine, a co-i and cob cracker, etc. Also, a dwelling ham of 4 teems, a largo stable and lota of grwando situate to , e ( waal Pitts b. will be told at a bargain. B. T 130 N, nty/5 W Market west. JOSEPH MEYER, PITTSBURGH', PA,, INITcb.. 7 Etamcl. 9, Between the Diamond and Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA CA.RERIAGES, BUGGIES AND HARNESS, Which will please then, both as to quality and price myEarm UNDRIE S.- ~ 5000 lbs. Country Bacon ; 12 kegs Packed Butter ; 75 buabola Brihht Dried Apples: 25 " " " Peaches; 100 bushels/Led Potatoes ; 100 " Mixed " Jest received and for sale by JAS. A. FirtZER, my3l Corner Market and Second sta. MIMEEEMM IFTN I NBBDAGH BOARD OV,BILAD.N. AND MERCHANTS? EXCHANGE.? W. H. WILLIA.IIO. nes itesid...nts. 101111:02, Ist, ISAIAH DICE:EBY, 2d. I'rear.erer. - N. HGT.W49, J. ZU.PffirAtenderg. jO.4EPII WOMEN. On:milted of Arbitration for June. • F. R. BRUNCT, V. P., JOHN P. COSGBAVE, J. B. CANFIELD, 8A.11174 SHILMR, DAVID IirCANDLEBE Reporter) Expressly for ad Daily Horning Past. Pitlsamu, July 17, 180°. FLOUR...This being Saturday, the transactions are quite limited. We hoard of no sales from first hands. Some 20 barrels sold from store- at $3,82 for superfine, $4,2)1,15 for extra superfine, and $1,60@4,80 for extra family. BAY...But little coming in; 7 loads were sold from scales to-day at $lO to $l4 t ton. OBAlN.—Wheat is quiet and the transactions are small at 70c. from wagon and 75c. from store. In Oats there is a speculative feeling, but the quantity in market is small ;1.50 bush. sold today at Sec. cash on delivery. BACON...DuII at 83,4, 8 and 9c. f6r Bides, Shoulders and Rama. SUOMI...SaIes of 8 hhds. prints at B , ,f.@ei". Marko unsettled. CIOFFEE—SaIes 3.2 sacks Rio at 1261.2,(.. OIL —Salsa Lard No. 1 in lots of a few barrels at 85c CHEESE.-60 boxes Cheese sold at 743734 c. WHISKY...Raw is held at 22,; . 4g.130., and 25 bbls. tea fled sold today at 24W5c. PutanruniA, July 17.—Flour held rather more firmly, but the datnandtg limited; standard superfine 13 quoted at $4,27(4,4,8734, but there is no enquiry for it. Rye Flour and Corn Meal quiet, but firm at $3,313,1 for the former and $3,3734 for the latter. Wheat is scarce; sales of 2000 bneh prime old southern red at $1,05; acme white at $1,20 bush; 150 bush fair crop Tofu:Leese° gold at $l.lO for red and $l,lB for white. Rye la unsettled. Corn scarce and in moderate request. There has Lcon no change in Granaries or Provisions. Whisky firm at salsa of bble at 25%©203., and drudge at 24c. CINCOMATI, July 17.—f1onr 'steady. Grain firm and in good demand. Whisky has declined to 21c. bless Fork $15.50 bbl. Lard 10%. Bacon Sides 7%. Lugar firm 7% @B%. Molasses advanced to 87c. Coffee 11@U%. Nyw Year July 17.—Flour firm; sales 11000 bbls. Wheat firm; 5000 bush sold. Corn buoyant;' 23,000 bush Fold. Hess Pork has advanced 25v, sales at $16,76@5,17. Lard has declined %. Sugar has advanoed %; sales at 6%. Naval Stores steady. Whisky ;c higher; sales at 24%c. 10. NERVOUS HEADACHE.—Rev. W. 0. Howard, Pastor of the First Eaptist Church, at Chicago, 1111. noir!, who has been a great sufferer from nervous headache, L but who as experilaced entire relief from it, by the use of WILSON PILLS, in a letter, dated Juno 18th, 1858, ad dressed t Messrs Pahnestock & Davis, of Chicago, Illinois, says :—" uring the last twenty years, I have made use of a great ariety of medicines prescribed by allopath , c and Homceo thin phyaicians, but all have failed; and I had re- Ungulate I hope of relief; until I was induced to resort to WILSON'S PILLS. Thesit have effectually relieved me in repeated instances of late, and I can cheerfully and con scientiously recommend them to others who are similarly affected." This sovereign remedy is sold by B. L. Fahne stock a Co.,corn,,r of Wood and-Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, to whom orders for supplier, shou'd beaddressed. (Jyl3:cc 10'SRERIFF.—The undersigned offers hicwelf to the Democracy of Allegheny county, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the declaims of the Democratic Conven• Lion. BABNES FORD, je2L•dnw Upper St, Clair. CORONER.—The underdmnal offora himself as a candidato behro tho n ss D.3mocrafic Convention for the office of Coroner, and ashs the support of the De mocracy [jell LENOX REA. Us. COUNTY COSIELISSINDIt—The friends of CHAS. BRYSON, of West Deer township, will urge his nomi nation for the office of County Commissioner, before the next Democratic Convention; subject to the usages of the partY. jyl4:dawto The elegant side wheel, passenger packet SUPERIOR—Capt. RZDMOND J. Glues—will leave Pittsburgh for Cinema i, THIS DAY, the 4th hot., at 12 o'clock, lc For freight or passage apply en board, or to FLACK, BARNES t CO., Agents. Through to St. Lords in five days. This boat connects isith the mail line, and will go through in the time speci fied. She will leave on Saturday. sp22 For itir'lette and Zanesville. The steamer EMMA GRAHA3I, Capt. MON IT . • ROE AYRES, will leave for the above and all .. . tertnediate ports on every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. hi. Par freight or plunge apply on board. WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, PROPRIETOR, P(flli &red, Nest Door to the Pittsburgh Theatre The house to new, built especially for the purposea of a First Class Reatanrant and Saloon, and the proprietor hav ing had many years erpsrience in the business will keep constantly on hid the best that the markets offord. his Wines, Liquorjt-and Alee, are of the best quality. He wants all his old friends and the public generally to give him a call at the Symposium. tjelZly NO. 65 MARKET STREET, SELLING Olp? AT A GREAT SAOREFIOE, Einbrolderies and Trllmwdings. To Insure a ready sale, tile undersigned will SELL GIS r , STOCK WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, And Invites the Ladies, ae they will find great bargains at Je3.3mw JAYNES' PEKIN TEA STORE, NO. 38 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., S JAYNES , PROPRIETOR. OUR PRESENT STOCK OF GB.EEN AND BLACK TEAS Were selected with care, and purchased from the most re liable Tea Merchants in New York and Philadelphia, and consists of all the different flavors and grades of Tea brought to this market. We will sell WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LT ',BE LOWEST PRICES. THIS IS THE OLDEST TEA STORE IN THE °ITT. Our customers may, with confidence, rely on our best en deavors to give them Teta of _superior quality, at the vari ous prices. We have no connection with any other Tea Store, and warn our ca tourers and the public against imptisition. REM:MEER, OUR NO. IS 38, NEAR WOOD STREET. We are wall supplied with RIO AND JAVA COFFEE; Crushed, Pulverized, Clarified and N. 0. SUGARS. BARER'S BROMA COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. ap2S:wlf FA_RMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. oiVENP, MWMILAND & 00. Manufscture, and have at all times, far sale at their dike and warehouse, No. 127 Liberty street, end at their menu factory, on the corner of Point alley and Daquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Allen's Improved Reaper and Mower, which stands unrivalled as a Harvester by any combined machine now In use or offered for sale. let. Because of its simplicity, lightness of draught, and freeness from clogging or choking. 21. The driver on his seat, when mowing or reaping, Is enabled to raise the cutters in an instant, and pass over any stone or other obstruction, and drop it again to its former position without stopping his team; and also at the corners of the field, by slightly raining the cutters, the machine turns with as much care as an ordinary cart. 3d. The machine is changed from a mower to a reaper by simply laying on the platform. 4th. A new method of raking the grain from the platform by sustaining the rake on a pivot, thereby relieving the rakerfrom much labor.] sth. The horses are relieved from the usual weight of the machine on their necks, by means of a wheal which sup ports the forward end. The Harvester possesses many other advxatages, which can be readily understood by any person examining the ma chine, and can be need with or without a reel, as may be de sired. Also, an improved grain drill, adapted tothe drilling of all kinds of seeds; together with farming implements generally. They haveaLso on bend and for sale Atkins° n's Belf-Raker and Seymour ,t Blorgan'e Beeping Nr.kehitte, which have rendered entire satisfaction t o those who have bought and used them. All machinery la 3: miry for repairs for articles sold by us can be had by calling at the ware house. We respectfully solicit a liberal Snare of patronage of farmers and dealers,for which we expect to give entire satigractiom We lava a number of horse rakes on hand, which will be sold at reasonable rates. . owrasra, arzABLAND od., JelB Pittsburgh, Pa. TYPE just reoei . z ir , etand for sale, ty METAL ; - , Stationer and Printer, je2B Corner Market and Pecondatreete. 13RODUCIE.-- . • „EL 10 Blia: Whits Beans; 9 • “ * Mess Pork, for rale by 4420 W. AMR A 00q • COMMERCIAL. - - PITTSEIIELGA MARKET. Philadelphia larket. Cincinnati Maritot. New York market. CANDIDATES. STEAMBOATS. CUVCINNAME. For Cincinnati. idayugzi* I .0141.1 TIME SYMPOSIUM. TO CLOSE OCT THE STOCK OF J. BUSIER'S, NO. 65 MARKET BTBEET, Between Third and Fourth atreeta SPECIAL NOTICES. ' PERMANENT. OFFICE. 00312PLYISO 171 . 211 THE IniCOLNT ItEQUEBT OP MIN DEEDS OF THEM PATIENTS, DES. C. M FITCH AND 2 W. SYKES Have cOnchaded to remain ,s PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may be consulted at their office, Sin. 101 POII2I 'street, , OPPOSITE, ST. CLAIR HOTEL, 'bay, except Sundays, for CONSURVILON, AsTrna , DRONOILITLS and ALL ['RHEA ‘.ll.llONIrl OOMPLANTS, Complicated with, or causing pulmonary drop 1, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, rte. LBW. sTITCH . BYES would state that Weir treatment of Cc ntamptlon ie based upon the fact that the disease ests in V. s blood and system at large, both before and during its cleidcpment in the lungs, and they therefore employ Meehan. Ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the bloc.fand strengthen the system. Fah the:4llv two MUDICIAL IN HALATIONB, which they value highly, but only as Bagia. teves, (haring no Curative effeds when used alons,) and Irmo, lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached in a direct manner by Inhalation,". for, as before stated, the seat of the disease is in the ble's's and ila elects only in the lungs. &tr. No charge for consultation. A list of guesdolus will be tent to thooo wishing to consul us by letter. my29:daw U. DEMOCRATIC TICZET.—M .. . •Edit;r: Aa the time approaches for making the nominations for The fall election, the Democrats are looking about fer suitable candidates to !lace upon their ticket. Allow me to suggest the following names for their consid• oration. There is not a gentlemen named, who la not a thorough national Democrat: CONGEE°B. HON. cuARLE,s HEALER, City B.IINAT". WILLLASI Patb!ii ASSEMBLY : JOHN M. IRWIN, City, THOMAS S. HART, Indiana, JOEL KETCHUM, Elisabeth, HUGH LAFFERTY, Baldwin, WILLIA3I hIcLANE, North Fayette BREMPIP : BARNES FORD, Lower SZ. Clair PROTIIONOTARY : JOaN Ohiu COITA it CO iiktOSIONER : THOMAS FARLEY, Alleghenyeity AMMO : JJILN 311:11IRAY, South Pittsburgh CORONER: WILLIAM ALEXANDER, City 1:= ........... - WEST 0? THE ALLEGHENY 3 EASTERN NECK. SOUTH OF THE MONONGAHELA. 4 OFFICE OP PITTSBURGH G.te CO., } 12th July, 1858. DIVIDEND.—THIS TitITATEES OP THE PITTS BURGH GAB CUM PAN . : have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital St-cck of tae Company, payable on demand to Stockholder; or their legal representativtal, at their office, on Smithfield street. jyl3:2w JAME 4 H. CHRISTY, Treasurer. ge'MASONIO FUND SOOTETY.—Thorn bo a meeting of the Stockholders of the Masonic Fund Society, at the Hall, Fifth att.:et, on TUE oDAY EVENING, July 20th, at 7 o'clock, to consider a proposition to lease the Conoert ROM A full attendance of the Stockholders is deeirablo, as the Trudteea are unwilling to take the re, spomfoility upon themselves. By order of tho Board. jyls.3t-tu.sa-tu—n Oe NOTICE—THE INTEREST COUPONS of the Bon.f of Lawrence Comity, isiued to the PITTS. BURGH AND EKED RAILROAD COMPANY, due Jcly, 185 S. will be paid at the office of W: H. WILLIAMS & CO., Pittsbargh, Pa. The change In place of payment is made is consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life low:malice and Trust Company, New York, where the Ompons are payable By order of Jy2 THU COMMISSIONERS. - _ N EW ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LADIES' REOTAUBANT' , NO. 277 FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has ltased, and fitted up several commodi ous roams, nearly opposite the Exchange Rank,' on Fifth street, which are now open for the. Bummer Beason. La dies and gentlemen can always find an abundant supply of FREEH CONFECTIONARY, FRU k TS, TOE CREAM, WATER ICES, and all the refreshments of the season. All are respectfully requested to visit the rooms, and test for themeolves. MoGINLEY. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling House of four rooms, a large Lot of ground, fruit trees, otc., pleas antly. situated in South Pittsburgh, on the point of Blount Washington, immedietly opposite Smithfield street, will be sold on easy terms, by S. CIITUBERT d: SON, • _.19/ 3 61 Market street. yARIETYI—A Farm of 40 acres; one of 12 acres; ono of 302 acres; Buildleg Lots, pito $lOO, pay able in sums of 32 a seek, - Dicefling HOWICS in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, South Pittsburgh; and Alccuit Washington- 9 a .pleasant roaidepoo in Bostic/0y; 8 Lots in Baden, for sale by jyl3 S. 1311fiEfBaRT s SON, 61 Market st... SCEOLA The Seminole, by Captain Mayne Reid. Price $1,25. The Lectures of Lola Montez. Price $1,25. The Royal Qem, or the Secret of the Susquehana. Price 20 cents. For sale by R. A. LOO5llB, Publisher's Agent, 41 Fifth street THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF SHOT GUNS, SHOOTING APPARATUS., GUN FURNITURE, HUNTING ACCOUTREMENTS, In tho city is at CA_RTWRIGIIT & YOUNG'S, 19 3 No. 8 6 Wood stroot. DIME PORT WINE, for medicinal pur poses, by the bottlo or gallon, at • ' • IL&WORTH <1; BB.OWNLEE'S, e 5 in the Dismond. ADWELLING HOUSE cn Third street for rent. 8. CUTHBERT & BON, Jela Ed Market street. WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR BALE.—An undivided third part of that valuable property, situate at tho corner of /Sixth and Wood streets, haaing 130 feet front on Wood by 60 deep on 6ixth street. One-third of the above will be sold for $9,000. One-half in hand—balance at one, two and three years. TARCH-100 bxs. McClung & Campbell's • Extra Starch, for sate by eBO W. H. SMITH CO. T"OR RENT—A large Dwelling 'House and store, on Grant street. B. CUTHBERT t BON, nay2B Ed Market Street. VRESH FIGS-500 drums just received and for Rale by ILEVArTi, & ANDERSON, el 7 89 Wrcul ■trees, Q.UPERIOR BLANK BOOKS—Ledgers, Journals, Oash Book!, and Day Booki. A large sup. ply on hand, made in the moat superior manner of the finest quality of paper, especially for city orders. Blank Books made to order, ruled to any given pattern. je2B WM. G. JOHNbTON /t 00., 67 Wool et. HERRING. -50 bbls Herring for sale by Je3o H. OOLLINS CCHIMNEY TOPS-100 various patterns for sale, by De3ol HENRY H. COLLINS. JOSPITAL SLEETING—Of all widths and of the best quality, for sale at the India Rubber Depot, 28 and 28 St. Clair street. Jell J.. 1 H. PHILLIPS. Tlay APPLES-100 bush., for salo by J oSO HENRY a COLLINS JUST received another assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, consisting of Le.dles' Heel Boots and Slip pers,.Gent's, Boys's Youth's, and a largo variety of Chß. dren s Fancy Shoes. Please give 119 a call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH H. BORLAND, Jag 98 Market street, secund door from Fifth. 47 OOL WANTED -ICO,OOO no. Wool Wanted at bigbeat cash prices, by HITCHCOCK, WORSESY a CO., je2l.•lmdaw 122 Second street, and 161 Front. 100 BBLS. N. C. TAR, for sale by BAGALEY, 008011 AVE, Es Oil., mr24 - Nos. 18 end 20 Wood 'treat atm DROPS-2000 lbs. Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Hoye, Strawberry, Pine Apple and Banana Slavery, for Bale by BBYAIBB, & ANDERSON, jorT 39 Wood itreet. $3 500- LAWRENCEVILLE PRO , 9 PERTY FOR SALE--A two story brick house of hal l , good collar, wash house, stable; carriage house, coal house, eto., choice fruit trees, apple, pear, plum, cherry and quince. Great variety of flowers and shrubbery. The lot has a frout of 83 feet on Ewalt strset by 140 deep to Oheanut street. Terms easy. le2B 8. CUTHBERT & 80E, 61 'Market at. WOOL WANTED—The 'highest market price paid for farmers w JAMES A. FETZER, Je7l Corner Market and First streets. QHOES, SHOES—Great inducements of fered It the DeanWs Shoe Store, to oh who wish to tray summer Shoes cheap—Ladies' Gaiters, Ductility end Slippers. D. 8. DIFIENBACHER COI, jelco 17 Fifth street, near Market. DELIVERED EVERY MORNING.- icrmey's Press, PubHo Ledger, N. Y. Times, Herald and Tranme, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your address at HUNT & MINER, jell Idasonie HalL VOR SALE—One Steam Engine,' Cylinder JU lb inches in diameter, 4 1 4 feet stroke, with if Cylinder Boilers 32 inches in diameter, 30 feet in length,- with fire front Ply Wheel 16 feet in diameter. For price and terms, inquire of B. C. & J. IL Ish.WYEB, je3o No. 47 Wood street. LADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT- Etta, with and without heels, at tho People's Shoe Store, No.ll Yifth street. DiFFIENBACHEIt & CO. GEN:PS CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, at the People's atm - Store, N 0.17 Fifth street. Jel9 DISTENI3ACIEn CO. I HAVE constantly on. land a largo supply 1 of Pure Winea and Liquors for medicinal pnrpasca. Those wishing anything in this llue, Con reti UPOrt gutting pure article at JOSEPH MUM% jyl2 Corner Diamond and Harhet alrcet. $1 00 fr l l ja b ugh t s i tX well , in goo g il i C i f il llia• Bel az Q d f aka' conveniences, situate on Pantile street; SEOO in hand bolopotat ono and two yostro:' p. CRITEIBERT as sox, J7/5 -51 Market street,, - M OORHEAD & CO., IIdisiIIFACTIIII.BII OF American Martin it Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Rooting, Outtoring, Spouting, etc . AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 11.38 Flrot street, mr26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA. 3 119AAo J 0312., D D. BOGLE S. CUTHBERT & SON, M. Market street BUSINESS. CARDS. J. NSi T. 6 lr's' UT T, BRANDIES, GNS, 'INES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD itONONGAHELA RYE WEISHY, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Streets, apl4] • • PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE , MANUFACTURERS OP PRINTING; JOB, AND ALL HINDS OF WRAPPING 21 ::51) AL Z S' I = gi. p Warehouse, NO. 21 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. m. Rage bought at market prices. myB 12103110 VAIL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 71 Water street, below Market JOHN COMMISSION MERCHANT, POE r 23 8i1.3 or PIC METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JONES JNO. L. BOYD WTI. MoOIILLOUGH JONES, BO,YD & CO. ItANIIIIPAILSPd OP CAST 611'10E N.. Al4O, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B: STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Cornor Ross =ad First. Streote l J 925 PITTSBURGH, PA. B. B. 118.0GEBS 81. CO., ILLNI7PAC7IMBES OP ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, COIISEE ROB 9 can FIRST STIIBMTB, WILLIAM CLAYTON Sr, CO., WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL [dQ,UOR MERCHANTS, NO. 87 DIAMOND ALLEY, Ncar Wood etroot, PITTSBURGH, PA. tar Always on hand, Blacltherry, Cherry, and Cognac) Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rootided Whialry, of the e boa en allrg. tleaidndets JAI ES A. FETZIER, Forwarding and Conimisoion Zerchant, PO3 2E3 ISLIY. 07 lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, &adz, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of E./arises and First streets. PITTBBIILIGH., PA. Rem. To—Proncie G. Bailey, Ear., William Dilworth, Br., . Cuthbert & Bon, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Heiskell & wearingeny B. Brady, Cash. H. & H. Bank. Lint & Howell, Mangle & Co., George W. Andemon, DOM°. Paxton & Co. Mn m42Salatf HARDWARE. c,,,AMIJEL FAIINESTOOK, No. 74 WOOD street, Pittaburgh, has on hand a largo STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which he will sell very low for CASK. In addition to his docks,Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large assortment of Carpenter's Tools, he has rooolvod a largo anti ply of Sausage Cutters and•Stuffers ; Shovels, Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh Bells, and Enameled ct 29 Pmerving Kettles. L. C. HEPBURN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER.. OWL= MIR n. Nn. bkreith atmet. 1 , 319ry . d , * VY M. W. lEi A GUI T WIIOL 'FIATS AND RETAIL FIRST fREMIIIII READY MADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK .MANUFACTORY, NO. 606 XRCH STREET, PHI.o.ADEILPRIA. Bilk, Merino and Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &a, Drekising Gowns, &dna, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction: jel:lyd E. P. MIDDLETON & PRO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALERS IN FINE OLD WHISKY'S, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, jellyd PHILADELPHIA 4 GO AMID SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. ripHOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR Howie with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most anal site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by tho beet mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention's given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work =Tented. N 0.72 THIRD Street, Pitbbnrgl. (myiblyis DAVID H. WILLIAMS, fIIVIL ENGINEER AND cONTRACTOR 1 4..) FOR THE PREOTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five garners and uprau•ds, and for Heating Raildinga, public or private, by Steam, Hot Wator or Furnaces. icaysts • PITTSBURGH. PA. CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, (Stcoestors to John Ccrtwripht,) A.NUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Surgicol and lull Don. tat instrunients, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. Se Wood etreet. They give special attention the manutactur• ng of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Repairing ith punctuality and despatch. apl7 E I* COVE, MICREERI' & CO. (311C07.88083 TO ENV7/SUIT, M'CliEnt'S a Co,) VORWARDING AND COMMISSION MPROH-4.NTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Elora and Wool, No. 114 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. narsun A 030:1 Springer Harbangh, Joseph B. Elder, St. Louis; Pittabnrgh ;IFenten Bros., it EL Childs A Co., • Cornell a Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, COOOTSVO dt CO., " Garret it Liartin,Philadelplaia; McCandless, Mainz a Co.," Jaides, Kent,tantee a Co. " G. W. Smith, dic Co., " Weaver a Graham, " Geo. M. &L. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling & Co., " A.. 8: Fenton a Bros., " Yard, Gilmore a . Co., " myallf .0574- C. WEST & CO., Vig ISLASIIMITIIIIIIB OF CARRIAGES ROOXAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES ANL HAUGH& No. 107 Penn street, P.PPISBURGII, PA. ski AB work warranted to be of the beat materials and workmanship. myl2lydis W. H. ...... ..... V U. McGE E r DIERCILINT TIORS, Dealers in Ready Made Clothing an Gentlemen's Furnish Ing Goods, corner of Federal straet d Market Square Alle gheny City, Pa. Jel2ly _ AOll-91T ASISCLL- JAMS E. 133.16Dn1G OBERT DALZELL it CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and D.Aders in Prod= and Pittsburgh Manufnoturoa, No. 251 Litcrey street. Pittsburoh. Pa. nce2s:ll, FURNITURE FOR CASH.-- A. fall eafortment of Pittatrargh roanafaature6 ' embracing BUREAUX, BOOK 0.4Jt12,8, WARD ROBES, dad every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, tta , well OFFICE sp FU RNI e T o U f RE, fJonstantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms PU Which Dudatim is done at this establishment is for clam era made accordingly. -Rersoas in want Qf anything the above line, would'be advantaged by calling at 1! • I ' PACILINIES. d /LIMN'S, No -1113 Smithfield street, blow Fifth. J. D. FACZEIEN I 1: Jo= 11. lawn. WOUNDRY IRON:--80 tons, for sale by X , EIMUCV OOLLML M_= Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic PILES, B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CQ„ No. 60 corner of Wood and Fourth pS'treets, A S AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient .011 4 . tonio;cathartio and anti•dyapeptio medicine, these Pills are recommended to the public by. the former propri- etor, (DB. WILSON,) With a Zonftdence such 83 a long con tinned and careful trial of them in an ample practice was In their operation as a cathirtio, they influence more the'motory and loathe secerning power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They agree with the most delicate stom ach, removing nausea. pain, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system. AS AN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC—They tleatlialZEl and hiter rapt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and Ore vent the elimination of gaseslrom the food in the stomach, —the direct consequences of chemical action,—an action which should never exist in the human stomach. From these peculiarities in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a froo, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nausea, local or general debility, or that dis gusting sickness or costiveness—the usual effects which at tend or follow the use of other purges. CERTIFICATES. Extract of a Jeer from, Ef. 10. Rirrunarrth d 0;4, Druggist; Memphis, Tennessee,January 7,1858: . htzsvas. B. L. gIIELNIIBTOCII a Co.—We were the first to in. °reduce Dr. B. Adams Wilson's Pals here many years ago. They were the best Fill ever in this market. We use no other in our own families, and secured for them a hith tharacter by our recommendations. Yours, truly, H. F. FABNEBWORT/1 & CO. Extract qt" a letter from G. W Irwin, Nashville, Tennessee, February 15. 1858. _ _ S. L. FAMVESTOO3. a 'Co.—Dear Sir: I have seen Dr. R. A.. Wilson's Pills used for the ague with good effect; I have used them myself; and believe them to be the best Pill in 'ltd. I have no doubt they will cure many other complaints when properly used, and I cheerfully recommend them to the public. Respectfully, yours, G. W. IRWIN. Prone (blond Wm. Hopkins, late Canal Chmmissioner. WABRINGTON, • Pa. January B,lBsB—Dear Doctor: I hive beanmaing your "Anti-Dyspeptic" Pills, When occasioned required, for many years, and can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve mo &Um headache, and have always left my system in better coudition they found it. I must confi dently recommend your-Pills as a safe and highly valuable medicine. Very respectfully, eta., DR. R. ADAMS WilsoN. Wilf. HOPKINS. . From T 7103. Blackmore, Esq., Treasurer of Allegheny (b., Pa. To I a. R. A. WEMON.—Dear Sir : I have been using your Pills since 1840, and do decidedly say they are the best Pill in use, or that I haveany knowledge of. I first used them for "sick headache ,^ with which I saffared beyond descrip tion; I am happy io say, that they entirely cured me. Since then I list them as a family medicine: if lam bilious, or anything ails me, and I require mediame, I take a Pill,aud it cures me; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years; THOS. BLACHMORE. January 8,1958. Hear Dr. Keyser. Masses. B. L. PAututsroar. Co—l have had considerable experience In the use of the ettraordloary Pill compounded by Dr. It. Adams Wilton, of tvhich you are now the promi etore, and haie often fold their benign influence in my own case for "nervous headache," arising from a disordered con• dition of the stomach.. I have likewise prescribed them for others, in cases of 6 6 hemicranta" and other farms of head ache depending on a deranged and irritable condition of the stomach and digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar ly adapted, being entirely free :rem any griping tendency. I regard them as a very valuable Pill, and one that purges without at all aebilitsring. Yours truly, GEO. IL KEYSER, 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh, March 5,1858. jytlyd&W PrraBITI36 EL PA THE GREATEST g_.I.[ICAL DISCO' I.I I OF THE AGE. VTR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has diesov! err i in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that met ]very hind of Humor, PROM TEEM WORST BCROYULA DOWN TO 'A COMMON He has tried It in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor.) lie has now in his ponces:lon over one hundred certificates of it, value, all within twenty ranee ot Beaton. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing core mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst . kind of Pimples on the face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of bile!. TWO bottles are warranted to aura the worst canker in the month or stomach. Th'ree to Ave bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of rryalpalas. 0:o to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor inithe eyes. Two bottles are warranted to care running of the eats and blotches among the hair. pour to MX bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the shin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the wontkind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perste case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure selt-Itherum Hive to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A beneflkis always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. ROXBURY, MARS Dna MADAN,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, In caring all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous.voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say anything on the subject, as the most iskilfrd phyei• clans and the moat careful Druggists In the country are um animoua in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a full knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are un fortunately so liable. That moat excruciating disease to an affectionate mother, Is cared B 3 if by a miracle; your own temper is restored te, It, natural erreetneca, and your babe from short and fretful nape to oaten and sweet slumbers ; and the Medical Disoove ry beoomes a fountain of blessing to your hucband and household. In the more advanced Maps of CANKER t extends to the stomach, coming DYSPEPSIA, which In nothing but canker of the atom h; then to the intootinea and creating a rinr.ng, gone foeling, and an indifference even to the eareB of your Your stomach to RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses you, and you can-only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the' nourishment it contains as the scrimonous fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses Its bloom and bo comes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the bledical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to CUBE; . Palpitation of the heart, pain in the side, wee , -ness of the spine and small of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most exam elating of dfseasos, the ' PILES. How many thousands of poor women are coffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to impress oa your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of preven tion is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVEItY• you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under tiny circram.stancea, do you any injury. No change of diet over neceasary—eat the best you can gel and enough of it. DIEEOTiON3 yea mix—Adults One table spoor.fal par day— Children orertenyenes dessert spoonful—Children from fore to eight yearsi , tea spoonful. As no directions can bo appli. cableito all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowcle twice siday. Yours truly DOIIALD KENNEDY. Price $l,OO per bottle, For sale by Dr. GEO. a =BEE, roptdow No. 14e Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. A BEAUTIFUL , HEAD RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely - Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE. G. M. DOSCU. & C 0 And who that is gray would not have it restored to its former color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching bat would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other eruptions, but would be cured, or with sick headache, (neuralgia,) but would be cured. It - will also remove all pimples from the face and skin. Prot Wood's Hair Resto rative will do all this, see circular and the following: Arai Asitoa, November 8, 1816. Pace. 0. 3. Wocd—Deer Sir :—I have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, .kc., I was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some month. since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en tirely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot tles, her hair was restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the head; oho continues to use it, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair..but because of its healthful influence upon the head and4aind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative, with the happiest effects herefore, my skepticism and doubts in referent* to its character and value are entirely removed; I can and do and most cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from whi.e or gray (by Tea. son of - sickness or age,) to original color and beauty and by all young persona woo would have their hair beautiful and glossy. Very truly and gratefully yowl!, —..— SOLOMON ALARM Farm Won: It was a long time after I saw you at Illistdield before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit, and when I,got It we concluded to try it en Mrs. Mann's hair, en the surest teat of its power. It bats done all that you; assured 12110 it would do • and °there of my family and' friends, having witnessed its effects, are now using and reobmniend• big its use to others as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yours, SOLOMON MANN. °emu, In; June 28,1862. I have used Prof. 0.3. Wood's Hair Restorative, andhava admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by tho.ltuse of his Restorer tire it has resumed its original color, a pt I have no doubt, permanently go. • B. B 11,1 1$31.:ex-Senator.II. B. 0. Jr. WOOD a CO. Proprietors, an Broadway, N. Y., (hi the great Wirt, Ilstablitittunt) and 114 Illarket street,l3t. Um* 14 °• • - gold by DR. ORO. H. HEUER, No: 140 Wood st., Je22mdeW And Cold by all good Druggists. tatUrls MEDICAL. DR. R. A. WILSON'S PREPARED AND SOLD By WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, PITTIOURGH, PENN'A. 0:43;`44311 NURSING BORE MOUTH, KIDNEYB, DAGUERRFAN GALLEiIES. ROGER - 8' NEW DAC:WEERBAN AND. AIII33IIOTYRE 8.87 AND EIDE-LA:7Hr _ G A LLE Y VIPTH anima, t ART , YOPMECEI TTHH POBZOI7/011i _ . tilL M/RIM takes in all the various styles, in any wessa.thethr PI a c i t ra c i md warranted to'plesse, at reasonable rates. . _ • messed persona taken at their reeicianoei ' ap2oklyclaw—le - R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers eind AmbrotypUlts, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Fifth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, FL W. cor. of Market street and Diamond, Tittalnargh. PRIORS TO BUT ALL mylftlf-3to AMBROTYPE S 7 7 - A BEAUTIBUL AND DURABLE PlOnitE WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AB LOW AS AT .ANY FIRST CLASS EBTABLIBEEKENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT D - HOTOGRAPHY.—T is ART HAS BUN brought to such perfection that pictures taken by Ws process have been _pronounced perfect by the scientific, world. They can be had in all their beauty and artistic elegance, at WALL'S rim= CIALLnar, on Fourth street, Jnes' Building. JJyl7lw Bentoved to 21 Fifth Street....„. °ARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC AND AIIBROTYPE GALLERY has been removed from 76 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. These rooms having been bat especially forthe purpose, with three large lights, are not surpassed in the city fbr comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. Are. Our old friends and patrons, and those wishing puler likancases, are invited to call. g. Reception Room and •eneolineue on the ground floor. . - AUCTION SALES. TIALLY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., Ay At the new Commercial Sales - tooms, No. fot, Fifth street„ every week day, are held publi, .jales of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. 14 Dry Goods and fancy articles, tom'priSing nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladies ware, &c. AT '2 O'CLOCK, P. lif., Household and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron atone China Ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, /r.c. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. IL, Fancy articles ;, watclies; clocks; jewelry; musical rostra. ments ; gins; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, iseBl P. M. DAVLS.Auot.s V ALII,A.BLE STOCKS AT AUCTION.— on TUESDAY EVENING, July 20th,1858, a. eight o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No: 54 Fifth street, will be sold:- 20 shares M. do M. Bank of Pittsburgh. 20 do Pittsburgh GAB Ccmpany. 24 do old stock Allegheny Fridge Company. jyl7 t'. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. IAROUCHE, BUGGIES AND CHAISE, AT AOCTION—On WEDNESDAY MORNING, .1 . 31 21st, at 10 o'clock, 4t the Commercial Sales Rooms. 64 Fifth street, will be sold, one two seat Baronche; one top and one open Buggy, and one Rockaway Carriage ; one two wheeled Yankee Chaise. (Jyl7) P. M. DAVIS, Ancer., LAST AND CLOSING SALE OF THE PROPRRTY, IN ALLEGHENY 01 7 17—0 n T IIESDAY EVENING, July 20th, at 8 o'clock, in the second story salesroom of the new auction house, 54 , Eifth street. will be held, the last and closing sale of Lots in bir:John Irwin's plan of his valuable and beautifully located iteal Estate, situate in the First Ward, Allegheny City, 'well known as " Rope Walk Property." Those wishing to ne• cure lots in this convenient and lovely neighborhood, will notice that this a positively final sale, as the proprletoi is determined to' sell. Central street, on which these lots 'runt, is 60 feet wide, end extends from West Common to Allegheny avenue,: ate° CO feet wide. It is every way adapt ed as the most desirable sect for elegant mansions and COM* fortablo homesteads. One lot, No. 51, having 50 feet front, and extending' long Tremont street, which is 45 feet wide, 200 tet to a 40 feat street on the lino of the property of Richard Bowen. Right lots, numbered from 65 to 62 inclusive, between Tremont street and Allegheny avenue, each 60 - 'feet front, and extending back 250 feet, to the aforesaid 40 feet street. One lot, No. 43, having 24 feet front, and extending along Tremont street 140 feet toward Water lane, to a 20feet alley. Eleven lots, numtered from 44 to 64 inclusive, between West Common and Tremont street, each 24 feet front, and extending back toward Water lane 140 feet, to a2O feet alley. Tyventy•three lots, numbered from 30 to 62 inclusive, boa tween Tremont Street and Allegheny avenne,each 2efeet front, and extending back toward Water lane 140 feet, to a 20 feet alley. Plenn can be had at the, Auction Store, and the promises shown on applicaeion. Torme of •,ale—One -fourth cash, and the balance in three tqual annual payments. J 99 VXECUTOF.'S SALE OF LOTS IN AL LEGIntIY CITY.—On TUESDAY EVENING, rtily , 20th, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial' Sales Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, by order of Joseph Knox, Bag. ex ecutor of Catherine Rudolph, deceased, will be sold 70 Val= noble Lots of Grannd, situate on Rebecca,Bblmont, Eta. dolph and Ridgo streets, and also on Wer Lane, in the First Ward, Allegheny. Plans can be obtained at the car! riage factory of Messrs. Johnston b Rm. near the premises, or at the auction store. Terms—One•third cash; rosidne in one and two years,witit ntorest, secured by bonds and mortgage. jy9 P. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. • JOHN W. 11/1 9 CAIRLTHY, Li Lr ' 1 "" 41c S T 1j IL ATTEND TO THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTING of all binds of BILLS FOR CONCERTS LECTURES, EXHIBITIONS, Au; All communications—either by mail telegraph, or other wise—directed tolins-o. Bice of tho Elonaing Post, will receive prompt att=ton op 7 A. STONE & C O. GLASS PATENTED PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all 'kinds of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Mince Meats, Oysters, and all such perishable articles manufac tured and for sale by OENTN °HAMS .k 00, N00.'109 WATER and 140 FIRST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. MP- The main secret of preserving fruit in a fresh condi tion, consists in having it thoroughly heated when sealed up, and in expelling all the air there may may be in the vessel, so that when the fruit encl., it will form a vacuum. The. undersigned having procured the right to manufaa ture these Tare, respectfully call the attention of dealers and others to them. The great superiority of Glaid.9 over any other substance for the preservation of fruits, etc., etc. is so well known, that any commenta upon it aro entirely unnecessary, and the, proprietors feel confident that any one, after having' once seen these Jars, will never be induced to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by 1 o la the matter of the Petition of certain In tho Court citizens cf the Fourth Ward, Pitts. Quarter Sessions, burgh, to vacate a certain alley near of Allegheny the corner of Fenn and Irwin streets. cormty. - And not; Jane 9th, 1853, the Celia grant a rale on all parties interested to be and appear in open'Court, on Satar- .„,- day, the 10th day of July next to show cause, if any they have, why the alloy in said petition described, viz: an alloy ten feet in width, leading from Scott's alley to Irwin etreet, over the ground of Thomas Ecott, should not to vacated. From the record. jel7./tria.w-dw TEOIIA3 A. HOWLEY, Clerk. LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AM) SMELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY & COor l -. TVIANUFACTURERS ,OF SHEATHING, A. Braziers' and Bolt Copper,Pressed Copper Bottoms', }