BUSINESS OAM)S. C. IVECOARD, P 4." - ) 1.7LV0R.1.111a1" AVAIp7I - Pa=num, Pain. ' Orytes, No. ii at-AM: Mina, bt•tig pert liesstS street nd Disraoad alley. • ape TAUES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, Er office Fourth atroot, Pittsburgh, between araithilold and Cherry alley. deal:ly Surgeon Dentist, sueoesix Jr to G. if W. Eiddle, No. 144 Emitlifield street OfficcAporz from 8 to 1 o'clock, cad from 2 tot o'clock febls:ly JSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors o west of Market, oir Office luicrs from 9 o'clock L. 71. to L o'clock P. H. ded9ry TOSEPII FLEMING, successor to L. Wil t", co: k Co., corner of 'Market stroet and the Diamond, keeps contently on hand a fall asJortment of D1U108; AM). '‘trDICINE CHESTS, PERIVIIXEN, and all arti cles pertaining to his -ePhyalciana' Prescriptona carefully compounded at all noun. ' WaTIII P. VAP:SAALL JOSI?H S. !MOMS P. MiRSI' ALL & Co., Imparters and • dealers in French and American PAPER HANG DIGO, :xe: V; Woad et-eat, Pittkargh. .141rEtale en - zuts for the celebrated manufacturer. a llicsers. , aria. aug7 EtiraPl3l7o3.. EliD=.so3. 11_1$ EYITER & ANDERSON, (successors \ _LW Joshua Rhodes k 00.,) whole- 2t,„4,...ll,tra.tlritiri:MGN !WITS, NUTS, SPICES, 00-::"..CTIONABS, SUGARS, ac., No. 39 Wood sla - C 2* , to the St. Chula Hotel, Pitta r am tlrgh. spa M. LITTLE, !MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 54 ST. CLAIR STREET, (Dr. Irish's Navr Ar.OBDURGH. - j W. R.ERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED from coact . of Fifth and Wood to ..A.113. STREET, In Phillips' rtilit building—continues to prepare Plats and Specilleatious of, and to Supaintond the Erection of every description .f Buildings. s - de2itly° • PCI TON, BELL AND BRASS FOITNDER, No. 70 SECOND street, Pittsburgh, Pa, is prepared to furnish to order OIEURCEE, AVPOAT, FACTORY AND OTHER BYT.T.9, Of all sizes, from 1.0 to 10,000 lbs. CREME B'ELLS n2ado to ordor. STOP and GAUGE COCKS of all ezea, for Steambca:s. mniERAL AVATI.II Pln-IPS, COUNTER ILLTLEWS, and irnry railety of Erdss Cdetings finished t 0 the neatest RABBIT'S ALF:a-ATTRITION METAL; FULTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PAOH.DIG, for Swam Engines. [ap23:ly L OUGILRIDGE & MA XWELL, ELLNUFACTIMEC9 07 LooldiagrGlasses, Frames, wad Ernst Len And Dealers in Clocks, ECAL96 Faruishin,g Goods, fil). IC. k(). No. I£.o Wood etzset., above Fifth, te m Machine gruahcz made to crder EDUCATIONAL. FrartL2is Academy for Boys, UN7t M 3, TUE CBE OF IEE FRANCISCA:Li 8R0M1+',13.3 Loretto, Cambria County, Pa.. TV 111 S 51STITUTION, NATITRA'TA,Y eituated for Edricatonad purposee, affords all he in -ducements that can be desired for a Catholic It is located in the most healthy and picturesque potion of the Alleghenies, distant four miles from Cresson Station, the ,:iirect mail route between Philadelphia and Pittaburg,ll. The sh.sholastic year commencing the trst Monday in September, will close the I.Eth of July following. The Terms for Board, including a thorough English eaten floc Ckiurre, are goo per annum. The Classic and Modern Langn aged form au extra el:erg-A of $l.O per annum. Washing and use of Belding $lO. Yor farttinr particulars apply4o the 6.lperlor of the Acai delay. Referencoa can be made to the Rt. ESV. Dr. O'Coaaon. apiio:lydAw Vincent's College and Seminary, - axnr.r. TnD CA.D.P. OP Tffr, DEXEDICT.INI: Diana - Latrobe, Wiesxitoreland county, Pa. N TILE,gOLLEGE ARE TAUGIIT THE r.snal Mani:hes of English Ediacation. In the SIIILINABY, the Classics, Mathematics; history, Rhetoric.% Philosophy, etc, and the different brunches of higher erudition necessary or Useful to thole eipiriag to Priesthood. The imam for Board and Tuition . 70 . 580 par year, to be paid zemi,onnually, strictly in advance. German and French and of o'ences, Drawing, `taint ing and lkinsic,form noomtia chargcs,e cep dng some rocem pansation far the nso or inetrnments. Medicine, Wad - ling, Books, Stationery, etc., form extra chargta. ' For particulars apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate yetir beijne on the let of September, and ends on the 3d of July followin , .. IPATIMR. G. B, UM3I, Director of the College. DRY GOODS. Retrench! Retrench!! AN°II4ER - CRASEI-IN PRICES 1-Be tug detrmtndd te soil our stock, though "the Time. are Tight," se hays nude a general sweep--. REDUCED THE - , .11.'iTLEIE STOCK To still lower prime. AW... Now is the time to buy schen the a3aortraent is ye' unbroken, and the Prices Pat Down! Down!! irtuE LAST - i.kkariN FIGURES . a,Onnet Ribbons, worth 75 cants, at 623 per yard. do do do 62 at 50 do do do do 50 at 37% do do do do 37% at 25 do - JOSEPH HORN E, 77 'Starke: street. R ICH. VELVET, TRIMMINGS, AT itRiTaRD PBICEB. . A etalcoaszts.rtr—e- nt on hand and for salad. HOMES', r/ Market. street. ENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARAIEMS -4,Jc ' Wool, Eak, Morino and ;Teary Cotton Under nate and DfalterhnEk fre-rti supply received a.; HOENE'S, del9 ;"/ Misket-atr,-.A. - qIV.EI Cants per Pound Reduction in the Prk.e of BILA.DLAT'S YJOlNS.—Wholesale Buyer./ and Peddlers will bo furnished with BRADLZTS Tllitl PLY IiNITT.DIG YARNS at a reduction of Rio - Cents per pound, by the bundle, after this date, For Oath, and Cash only. JOS. UOILNIi,I7 Market street, decl Agent for the Alanufsatur. or VAIRROIDERIES.—Oar excellent stock of 421 Preach Embroideries; and the low pric;ls at which they are marked, offers rare inducements to ladies wishing to purchase the latest et; la. "CONEY! MONEY 11-PRICES MARK, la ED DOWN. Are Great reduction in the price of Embroideries. , We hare gone carefully aver our handsome stock of FRENCH-WORR RD COLLARS, UNDER. SLEKVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc., etc. And flied the_pricea to snit the "Hard Timm" The Ladies may rely on getting bargains at =27,, HOME'S, 77 Market street. VErE WILL SELL from the present time un commonly cheap FOR CASE[. Plemo call and eXaMa Ina odr stock. O. 11A.NSON LOVE, oct.:o k Formerly Lovell:ma., No. 74 11.ArIcet st. PRINTED FRENCH MERINOES, for 62 and ib conta, worth $i and $1,25, tho boat . la the city. V. HANSON LOVE, (formerly Lore Brotharal, den No. % Idarkei BONNET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon net Material, Sas, Volveta and Hating, for eQo at - norlS HOUNE'S. I.„ILACK AND FA.NIIIr. 'DRESS SILKS.- . A full assortment, very cheep. O..V.L.A.NSON LOVE, form:4y Lora Brothers, Can Atarket Woe- EVERY Economic :1 Parchazer of Dral6-11 Goode, Shawls, Mantles, ti.c.; also Dome tic cad Sta ple Goods, will find it to their adrantag,e tocall and exaral our Sep Stock II Esti and 'Winter Dry Goods before pnrcites ing alaewlwro. '3. HANSON LOYD, aolS Lace Ercia, IZo. "4 Marko: at QIIAWLS 1 gIIAAVLS I--=Weol, Chenille, _ &ochry lcc., both long wad square, thb very beat in tha. city, and at very low price, for cull. C. 11. 4 ...N50N LOVE, forr"...orly Lora Bros., tiro.:4ll.trt o tt atruct. - DIQUE and MARSEILLES, .'leaned, fur laaldng Barques. A largo aosortmentat GEO. It. WHPIrto coil subseribar has zusvr yn hand, and iS daily rezeivio -, from the monmda - c. tures% krgo assortment of Printer"; Stock. P. W. Potter's Prlntsr's Cards, from No. 1 to Sal Chins, Porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. Card Bards, in sheets; McCreery'd Celebrated colored Inks; 4/ Card Lay do Ecos, NOW 3 Varnish and Size ; . Colored Printin:- Papccs ' Pamphlet Cover Patters ; Glazed and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow ; .steel 131110 Gbzed Papers, and a large assortmer.t plain Note, fetter, Cap, and Polio Post, blue and white. R. WEI:DIN, l Wood street, near Fourth. QIIOULD you ask a, should you wonder, Whero to buy your Shoes sad Gaiters i\ - Getrn.s for your wet in springtime, DOOT3 with heels, and pretty Emma. lice Passoa 81,1111:113 for the summer, Patent Leather, Glovo•Eid Ifocasins 1 Where to buy the:so cheap sod good too ; 1 should answer, I would tell you, Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STORE. Ta the Peoples' Cheap Shoo Store,, To the Elora of DI.F2E.NRACILER, apt No. 17 Fifth street. L a aad EW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- oa b _ 4 2.0 boxes assor tedera, b's and 6 ' e, sperm Candles aad far sato _ Q., 0 A P S.- 1000 boxes Koala Eoap, in I n 2 band 3 lb, bars. 1.500 " No.l Palm Soaps, in 2 lb. and Sb. bare. L 2 Cl:tenzi=l sc. L ,p, i n it , l ump ,. 2::YJ " Oleito ode a a 26 , 0 44 Gro-rnAn Cartas " 3b. " Para Palm a in 12a, a ra hand and for axle by . IL C. k J. EL SAWYER. GUN, BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTi. ovEssaoEs, offerod a The Peoples' Shoe 13:0fv," N 0.17 Fah sfreet, near m ar k e t. feu - DIPFBNBAOHER A OD. ( O NLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwe 4:: TLY ling Mouse, of four room, with lot of ground 20 f b e t front on lionterey street, Allegheny city, by 3,10 deep tr ,an alloy. _ Terms, s4to in hand, balance et on two and tim e Sr , 61 1, kat streß ~t_ • IQ:OFFAL° SHOES.—A splendid ariii . O IT,T - ' ) f ; Gents' and Ladles BaZdo laver ,Shoos. Alas, (l en to : • +Dalt aver. &hoes, at the People's Shoe Blom, No.. ly Pifth street, near Market. ebv2l DEINENBACICV B js 00. TING. RI. CARB. SODA.-100 k,egs, just .i_ll rftleived and for salo by ray2l & L MINESZYKI/i 00. "MALEY, COSGIIAVE it CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Iwo. 18 and 20 Wood Street, mrl6 PITTSBtTB.GR. Wu. Muse, Phila.. O. W. nicarreoN, Pitfall% MILLER & RICILIFITSON, WHO GROCERS: - AND IZIPORMO 01? WINES AND SEGARS. I.IT-Gs". RAI and - 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, AND SOLD AGENTS FOR . , Swearer's City Glass, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COMI\T. YARNS, do., AG., CONSTANTLY ON HAND. • mr2 DAVID PeCLIEDLIE3. WILL/Alt =AIM A. 41071121 rircANDLEss, MEANS .1.--1004 I auccussoas max a rtea-smzes,] WHOLESALE . GROCERS, DIALT.D.9 IA IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AND PITTS.BuRaIi ELAITIVAOTIfB.E9 GENERALLY, Corner of Wood and Wator gtroets, - &Nay . Prrrazoienr, PA.' Forwarding and Commission Merchants, M0rR114.138 OP EES 7, Collins' Pittsburgh, Meadville &Erie CANAL LINES. NOB. 1.1.4 AND 115 WAIMI E'rECEES, PITTBILLIIBII, PA. PITTSDIMGII, PA [mb.3:lyl FORWARDING AND COMMISSION JOSEPH 77 .3.1. a. rket stroot. It. C. aJ. rt. &M t. GROCERS. FORWAR.DIRG AND. COMMISSION. JAItEES COLLINS ILLEIODES, 7 1 1 VAGEN is CO., n E tCHANTa, No. 80 8Y041103331 BT., CI2IOIN2JATI, 04jy29 "rep ~IL&L ci3 JOSEPH S, LEECH & Nos. Q.-112 mild 0414 Liberty st Neet, PlTTSigrac•H, PA., • WHOLE SAVLB; GROCERS, AND COMMISSION. AI,ERCILANTS, DEA r-443 L OUR, AND BACON, TIN PLAT AND.MITY3,I3' KOOK, ANTI PITTSBURGEIMANITIEPTrOTI) Jams 11111 9 AILPn", & CO., GEN,EEAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Loves Awl Washington Avannai WYANDOTTI; CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY. lisYnxicia.--; eph 8. Leech k. Co., an.t .Vlttaburgli ttarchfota gene= J:7. jyrkyaw J. D. R.OTTSEMAN, (LATE OF LIOIFkMAI , T SMITH, ) COMMISSION AND FORWARDING 'MERCHANTS, No. 0 N. Second Street, arA:Zin ST. LOUIS, MISSOBBL Vts. EttIYPEDIZIS. C. J. MI v . , LIS", JO= WRIGHT Humphreys, Hoffnia i & Wright, FLOUR FA OTOIRS, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION iIERCHANTS, 75 NORTH WHARVES AND 155 NORTH WATER ST., Above Vine Street, PHILADIDLPHIA. 1tEY.1313. TO Conrad, Thompson k Co.; Philadelphia. Caleb Cope Berm% Beaver & Co, Canby, Neville & Hughes, 114 E. M. Lewis, Cashier F. and M. Bank, " Jos.G. Morris Z. Hallowell ic Co, Meentchecra & John 3i. Kennedy & Co, Balguel & Co., Pickett, Mathews &Co., Shroaabarys Price, W. IL Langley & Sons, _ Lawrence & Mathias, A. D. Bullock & Co., W. Holmes & Co., nagaley, Cosgrove k Oct„ novl Say* !lAMBI L. WLI3II ....OZWICIE A. L. WEBB & 8110. - (Successors to &DEB AL WZIM,) GENERAL COMMISSION ZEROR ANTS AND AGENTS JOE THE SALE OP • DUPONT'S POWDER AND SAFETY FUSE, Corner Pratt:and Commerce streets, BALTIMORE, Receive. on Consignment all kinds of Western Produce, and make advances thereon. 11.SYR.ILENOB Goo. W. Smith a Co., W. IL Smith a Co., W. IL Garrard, Miller A Hicketson. mr4.:3tArw•em ITENRY H. COI.T.INS, Forwarding and Commlesion 51erchent, and wholaaale dealer in SIM, MEESE, BUTTE.; 211ED9 and PRODIION generally, No. 25 Wood street, Pittabra-gla. mar 6 GLASSWARE. WILD B. =lmo AMMAN RODIESBOEL EDWARD DITELLEDGE ............ L. RIELPGWA.L.E. ('WRLING, ROBERTSON & CO. Mann frorturtra of Cut, Pressed and Plain Flint GIII3BWAIIB, warchouso No. 17 Wood street, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. /a- All other kinds of Gbasware and Window Gloss, at low Marta prices. apll:dly 1 - .EDLIE & ULAM, Successors to Mulvany _LA a retitle, mantifirs of Cut, Moulded and Plain Fluac and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealer" in all binds of Window (Hann, Flasks, Vials and liottlea. Ware. house corner of .It=ket and Water atl:ieta, Pittsbligh. mhadly WINES AND LIQUORS. 301327 23117.261 a Ek. ITHOY rv4iv DEALIMS IN WINES,. AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILVERS, No. 156 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Monongahela end Rectified Whiskies—also, Blackberry, Wild Cherry, Respbe , ry, ^Aid Ginger Brandies. Lapl2:ly OEM@ I\EVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Mara:mute and Rectifying DintPere, No. RI Smithßaid street, Prttsburgb, Pa. 80:1 y DRY APPLES.-50 bbls. bright Dry Ap pleti, received and for rale, by a p 3 liL3ißit EL COLLINS ORN APPLES.-15 bbLs. choice Apple received and for rale by 41 EMMY H. COLLINS. IEANS.-20 bbls. eanall White Beans, just raceived and far sale bx aIkINILY IL COLLlltia• TIMOTHY SEED. 10 bags xeo'd and for L Balo by (a0) HENRY IL COLLIN& .N:EW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.-Still they come. W. P. 151.811,SHALL dt CO, 8 1 0 87 Wood etroat. Z It IEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES.— We are daily receiving from our own and Eastern &aorta s, addi4dons to our stock, which consists in part of Floor Oil Cloths, Cards ge Oil Cloths, ,Yurniture Oil Clothe, Table Oil Cloths, Crash Oil Cloths, Transparent Oil Cloths, Transparent Window Shades, Buff Hoand Sb ~ March, gas, gamekeepers, and others, requiring any goof in oar line,n.-o invited to call and examine the stock, and Judge . for themselves in regard to the quality and prices. J. is li PHILLIPS, Nos i'.6 and fiki St. Glair street. T)INE AP.PLEI3.--500 received-this day and for sale by , RETIEIIa .ANDERSON, No: Sit Wood street, tuy2l ' Opr:oidto Obadoo fIASKET BOARDS-4(a Pkiaiiig Joints, -h. sold by WBL: Ch 1 31213318T0N dc 00., miry Para Malerfo. 67 Wood Wired. FISH. -150 pkgs. _White Fish,' Trout, Sal mon, etc. Lapn t • : 00 e, LIMS.-100 barrels fresh Liz* just ree'd 4. " rruzi HENRY EL t'oants. 1y —:- .1'02S of various Marna, for ‘,l__Ltale bY Duel). aLINS: - - ,110.11 D CIGAL.RS.-4, - hirgeasso rt x., 7;i:tent of favorite brands, on band and for sale by WU. U. SMITH 11S Second, and 147 Rot shoots._ ORE ESE.--225 boxes Imbue W. R. cutting 1 1.1 al Geo naked sail for =IAN by stra BMW fit caws, DOLLAR SAVINGS DA,NII I bro. 65 -awl./ Sired, NEB liIDD/..11 rpoir; JONES' NM DI7IfVIO. OPEN DAILY, from 9 -to 2 o'clookTraso, on Wednesda_ v no Batnrday evenings, from Slay let to Novemberlati - fronV to 9 o'clocut and from November Ist to May lat, from 6to 8 o'clock.;:.._ . - .•• Deposits received of all en= not ess than Ora DouAr., and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in Juno and Decemter., - ; Interest was declared at the rata of . sin per cent. per annum, 'on the first of December, 1616; ciao in June and December, 1856, and In June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of Juno and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or oven to present his pass book.- At this rate, reon4 will double in lees than twelve years, nmlring In the aggregate, slant/ Ann'oarrs-aux PIS alfr. A TTAIL ' Books containing the Chartn, -Laws, Rules and Begs. batons, furnished gratis, on appli &ion at the off.oa. President--GOOll AL tinadA. nos MOLUDI:S7B. Hopewell Hepburn. Zahn 11. Shoenberger, James /Rade, N. Grattan Murphy, . Alexander Bradley, Isaac 11. Pennock, Robert ltobb, James D. Kelly, William Stlss.vely, James Hardman, Hill Burgato, • John 8 Ger,grave, _ raustxxs. William J. Anderson, James W. Hallman, John o.•l3ackofen, Charles iC tuip, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John D. Canfield, Jelin 11. Heller, J. Gardiner Coinn, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. 11. Pollock, M. P. Charles A.Colton, - Henry L Ringwal t, William Douglass, John U. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George S. Belden, George P:Gillmore, Alexander Tindlo. James 8. Haan, Theol , ald Umbotaetter, William S. Haven, George It. White, Semlaryand Treasurer—CHAS. A:COLTON. [fe3 BANK OF !OWA• A. J. STEVENS & CO., DES7IIOIIIES, 'owe. OOLLECTIONS MADE and prompu mitted. ULNAS selected and located. Capitallias wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. (mytlidta sus= Loans '/UC: D. LOOMS. USTLN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promboory Notasaonda, Mortgagea, and all Secnritioa for oney. Money Loanod on Chocka at short data% with oollatoral aecarity. NOTES AND DEAFT6 BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persona desiring. Loans can be accommodated on rcesona ble terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good semi . ' ties at remunerative prices. Also, attend to the Pale, Renting and Leasing of Ilea Xctate. °Mob, No. 02 FOURTH exact, chose Wood. 10.A.AUSTIN L 003114 Notary Public. Tir 11.07.111Y3 & SONS, Bankers and Ex- IN • change Brokers, and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acc-pt ance.s, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange oit the Last ern and western Cites constantly for sale. Collections niads'in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in p.3.7.` funds or currenti.ncer, No. 87 Market street, between Third and Fourth et. 9. j:630,:47 THOMAS WOODS, Commercial 13rilker, and Dealer in notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Potato, to., N 0.75 Fourth Watt, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jnr.s TOEIN WOODS, BtaixEs. ALND Excuerar Burtm, Dealer In Exchange, Comnier ial and I:ank Netee. Stock bought and cold on commies - fon Collectiona carefully atto . uded to. Internet paid on Depts.' . No. 67 JONES' NEW BL'ILDING, Fourth etreet. `,30 JOBIPII :4. Lazo By the President of the United States. pursuance of law, I, JAMES BU CHANAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and make known that public sales will be held at the undermentioned land officee in the TERRITORY op Nkaafiek.k, at the periods hereinafter deeiguated, to wit: At the land office at BROWNSVILIA, commencing on Monday, the tizth day of .Btp:cinber next, for the illepoeal of the public lands within the following, named townstups, NcrL'i of the base line and cast of the siza principal That part of township one outside of the Sac anti Fox, and Half Breed, Nemaha reservation, rouge H. That part of townships 1,2, 3, and 4 outside of the Sac and Far, and Half Broad, Nowaha reservation, and frac tional townships b and 6, of range 10. That part of township one outside of the Sac and Fox reseriataou ; township 2; the parts of townships 3, 4. and S 1 outside of the Half Brood, Nomeha reservation ; and trac tional township 6, of range lb. That part of township one outside of the Sac and Fox re servation; townships 2 3, and 4; that part of township 5 outside of the Half Breed, Nemaha reservation, and town ship 8, of range 14. Townships 1,2, 3,4, fi, and 6, of range 13.. Townships 1,2, 8,4, 6, and 6, of range 12. Townships 1, 2,8, 4,6, and 6, of range 11. Townships 1,2, 8,4, 5, and 0, of range 10. Townships 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 8, of range 9. to At the land aloe at NE.9IIASK &A Q: Y, commencing on Monday, the sixth day of September - fur the disposal or the public lands within the follovrin Boned townships, viz:- North of the base tine and scut of the sixth principal Fractional townships 7 and 8, of range 15. Township 7, and fractional townships 8,9, 10, 11, and 12, cf range 14. _Townships 8,9, 10, 11, and 12, and fractional townsh p 13, traanatar.s'i,"erts ' atm it, and tractional toimshi 12 and 13, of range 'l2. ToWaships 7, 8, 9,10, and 11, and fractional tow tl2, of range 11. • Townships 7;8, 9,10, and 11, and fractional townships 12, 13, and 14, of range 10. Townships 7,8, and 13, and fractional townships 14, 15, and 16, of range 9. At the land ofaco of ONts 14 A CITY, commencing on Ition ‘ day, the siztlt day of September next, for the disposal of dm public lands within the following named townships, vist-- . . Maysvllle, Sy. Madison, Ind Gan!polls, Ohio. Louisiana, Obia.l CArmiunatl, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa. North of the .bars line and east of the sixth principal meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 16, of range U. Fractional townships 13,14, 15.16, and 17, of range 13. Fractional townships 12, and 13, townships 14, 15, and 16, and fractional townships 17, 18,19, and 20, of range 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, ltt, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20, of range 11. Fractional townships 12,13, and 14, and townships 15,10, 17, 18,19, and A of rouge 10. Fractional toWislltips 14, 15, and 16, and townships 17, 18, /2, and 20, of rango 9. Lands appropriated by law - for-the TiBu of iiiti -, and other purpcmic will be excluded from the sales: The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are adVertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed; but ncisale shall bo kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will bo admitted until after the,expiratlon of the two weeks. divert under my hand, at the city of Washington, this thin:l6th day of March, Anne, Domini ono thousand eight hundnOd and fifty-eight. By the E-eai lent: • Tao& A. AENDRICarS, c o mmian;x4lT of tho General Land 0111 co NOTICE TI PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of preemption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships aims enumerated is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the proper land office, and inaleepayment therefor as soon as practicable after swing this no:ice, and before the day appointed for,the cons. mencement of the public sale of the lands embraclu,‘ the .tract claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited. THOS. A. ILLNDIIIOII9, ap=sad Commissioner of the (loners' Lau Quito. x )s . large assortment of Pocket Mapa,forlBsB,alprssectiiaiandTobip Maps of P ennsy l vania ~:*tito, Indiana, 'lllinois lowa, Mia smal, Haman, Nebraska a n ':' , Minnesota , on Mond and for Bale by W. 8. HAVEN, ap6 Ncj. 81, 33 and 6i; Market street. GREEN, MARSHA LL N 1) BOONE Counties, lowa—valuable lands to . these oon.atlos, for WO by a. OUTIIIMXT A 80ir. OOD FISH: 7 IO drama extra largo and fine, for salo by WM. 11. 8111111 it CO., =2B 118 Second, and .147 First streets. D ICE. 10 tie;roes prime, for sale by wm, P..liren a CO., narSd 118 Second, and 14.7 First streets UGAR.-50 hads. prima N. 0. Sugar, just redd and tor folio by WM. EL SMITN A CO, lig &eon rt. p 41 147 lei RIO COFFIiI4 4 -51,0 bags, good to,Ohoico, Rio Coffee, in store and for sato by mylS SITLf.ER & RICKRTSON. 1..)0DA.4-15 kegs Bi. Oath. Soda, just re ceind, and for sale by MILLER E 1110KETSON. A v, 017 E Fitom 0111.0. Buoraus, April 12, ISSB. I'EXIM RAIZ :—.Ayro's Worm Confections are taking fine. ly. Three of our physicians use them in their practice. Eend us another woo by expram ROBINSON & LOCK. Compounded and for Gale at the corner of Wood and Sixth Pittehurub • mylB:dafir I EMCM.— —lOO boxos Palermo Lemons, Aa Just received and for sale by FIRMER Z.; ANDERSON, No. ss Wood street, Opposite St. Charles lima. SYRUPS -200 clam Lemon scrap; .10 " 'Strawberry Syrup; 6 " eine Apple " " 11.13PborrY " Just red:rived and for , sale by REICHER ANDERSON, No. 82 Wood street, 169 Opporite the St. Oharlee Rotel STONE WATER PA'PE.- 600 yards 8 Inch; 600" 4" 600 " 8 " 400 6, 2 " Roosind =4 for sale by ifeal HENRY H. COLLINS EW BOOKS 1 NE BOOKS I! Am Mary Derwant, by M. Asa 8. Btephans ; The Jealous Wife, by Mi.. gardo, For sale by — 4, A. WOMB, `Pa blishere Agent, leB Post Bp jicangs, 41 Fifth street WRAPPING PAPERS.— -101'0 reams as sorted vises, straw and rag'. wra t .ldng, for sale by W3L G. iTOHNEVON a CO, Paper De alero, fr,'r Wood street. irIOPYING PRESSES, L Copyin ‘ g .. Books, %, Brushes; Oil Paper, far sale by). 'W. B. AAAVENs mr24 Corner Yet and iltavond sts. VINE FLOUR.-20 bb .• Fine Weer in BUM) and for eale by • moIuANDLp raT.AI4B a CO., fad Corner of W • • and Water atreets. 10tROOltIS.--100 dos. EpEtta Carpet Corn jr.Pßroomoo on band and for tale Vl,' 1.7 B 43. & . 1. IL fia.w as& wo- HOUSES, in Eloo,th : Pittsburgh, fA Agabby - b , ktIIFITIBERT , - .1 01061 Miaet tr QANFORIYS INVIC4OnATOR.-10 g Bs fCcr 11113,1) IV B. 4. FM INESTOCE, CO, LAP rat= 1 rooksomi RIM lands i3ANKs. BY AUTHORITY. -1-ir . ----.- o 6 ; l '' ~'"•- - 7 ..,:4 .. "* . i . . --- NO. 602. 97Laidta71 meridian. JAitlE3 BUCHANAN - 11 IROARS 4 1 RAILROA6 1410TpDE. The Plitght 9 'FG- . .U l ayit... A,Chießgo •• RAILROAD CObll NY, WITH ITS. 4 . IIPLE ROL 4 L co pl nne G eti S oll '! , 'O ja e rr iK t, and eapiipment, and RO-Itoug pared to transport Passengers and Oreight from PHILA. DELPHLA and PIT.TSBIipt.III to CIIICIAO 0, ST. Louis, Is. Dana.olas, CINCINNATI, and all West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and capedition. The fact that this Road terms a direct and oonsolidat44l lino between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is 0, suffident guar• anted flag its Trains will maim good time, mid connections with Trains on other Road. ON Ali'D A nTEP. MONDAY MAY 10th, 18::.8, the Tr: ' on this road will Leave the UZIP3N DEPOT, Pittsburgh, daily, (Sundays caceptod, tts fallOW11: PASSEINGEF. TFAINB LEAVE, , • Pittidra :fie. I Pt. Wayhe. U. S. . 7:30 a. Pt. 7:07 P.M First Expre55,.........:2:40 A. 'M. 10:00 P. 51 S 5:00 P. 51. Pectind " 2:li P. M. f .10:20 P. 72 4:50 A.M. REAM 01.11CAOct—Fitat Exyrese, at 7:50 M.; Sec-AA Elxpreas at 1:30 P. M. REArnl Umpress 1:20 P. ii.; Scncl:3 ExproTs 7:25 A. X. LEACI I LOUIS irzt its prebc ilecond 4.13 P. X. All Thins make close connect:6os et t... - fegline fur Col bus, Ciachiati, Indianapolis and it. Lit!/1.1.; also, at PO..V. Wayne with Trains on Wal,tob [Cos ern Lafayette, Central Illinois mil 9t. Louis ; also, at Forest vdth Trains on the L. R. It., and line,. with Truind'm Dayton and Michigan Railroad. RLTURININCI.3 From Chicago. Ft.Wayue. Arr.PtSstiia U. B. Mai1,..10,00 P.M. 19.:40 P. 111. 8.52 P. Ist laprois, 0,30 A. 51. 2:00, P. hl. 9:12 P. 71. I 0:10 A Id " 5:25 A. 31 1:15 P. ' Those Trains mate C 10.30 connections witli Trains for ftE.- adelphla, Baltimore New York and Boshin. Trains from St. Louis, Ineknapolis, Cirlcitinati and Coluw bits make closo connections at Crostlino with all roturnl94f, Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from Si. Louis, Central Mi. aunt., Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with atilt) Trains. At Forest, connections aro made with Trains to aed from Cincinnati, Springdeld and Dayton. The U. S. Marl from Pittsburgh to Crestline, bang a train for local Scot nes", Is overtaken by the Second ACL'OSUriODATION T.e.A.lNE—Leavo Now Brighton for Pittsburgh, at 1130 A. 31.. nail 12130 P. Si. I,eave Pitts burgh for Now Brighton at 9:30 A. 11. and 1.00 P. M. BAOCIAGF, CLUCKED and no charge for handling. Travelers or persons intending to purchase ticl - sts in Pitts. burgh for the West, will bear in mind that the enljj _49e.nt authorized by the P., It. W. AC. It. Be C. ;.;t P. R. and Stauben , tlta soil Indiana Railroad Companies, id (.1 PARKIN, tel the Union T,cket Cennectcd with the Pcnn'a IL It clepot, Corner Libo:ty and Omit streets. B ril IAI3F. wIl not be checked for parlous pill chasinE tickets nt any oLlitl place in this city. TO COS.nliZek uN SIONDAY, Slay 10th, and continue until In: tiler 11.,113.-0. J. 2. litXtirON, Gen..Pasa'r. and Fr't. Ag't. D. W. BOBS, Pana . r. Agent, Chicago. .P.SA. (I. 510011 E, Sunerint.mdent. NEW WESTERN WItit , CTIE, iO CLNCIN ' S'TATI, LOUISVILLE war; ST. LOUIS PIA 'l'TSBlllta 11, FT. WAYNE and CEICAGiI, AND HAM' LTON is LA ICTON ILAILIIOArE VIA. DELAWARE 01.1 T-OFF Di/ 1•1:4' . .1; oliZy 94 mi.LD from PJ-tstur;h to Vint:innate Tins LINE is compc,l3eti of Roads of the Firct Class, and is located through a beautiful and highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection id made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Itli.telsdippi Railroad, (the trade of the 0. U. t D.t 0. t. M. iiCENII., being connected, for Slompi C4mr.oction ras.l? ai EL f.oui3 tLe, Pacific Railroad and aIn3OUSI River t'Acteta, fur KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all 11‘,Int,i Worn. Aln.) , lientucky Ihnand It. IL. ;iv Lexington, Danville, Frar.ktort and all pulnts in Centrid Trains le:sco, Penn street Station as 1(1lowei : 3:30 w.atrb. t:45 P. r,i. i. EXprer..l PIx , ANII go: TriQ.a,ar 2 : 15 . 0 -0 , ..A. p -r-t..1 t JR- , I 517 i k/g ia C.',2tilae at lirUb , A. Al., ein. 6-UU P. 61. Vkl.k..BAci(iAo.ll CIiNCIIILD Tlllloth.ll.l. —4%1-4 Faro can Lii/v aB arc 3, , of ter Y.Livatn. For epio..i at the Tialet 0111oe, corner Neet,nge.hcy% P- I,a a:3mA hitatleu. dealronn cf going thlu roct. aras fit Ticketm Lh•lawar.3 efif-Off. J. IL M0011.E., P. Ft. W. It C. P.. It, :iuvt. H . D.ll. The Cleveland, Pillsburgia and Wheeling Railroad, I Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILR r i.CD LINE. Cha go iar Time. , ON AND AFTEI IONDAY, MAY 10TH, 1953. Trains will liniVO the Depot or tho Founsylvania Central Railroad as follows: ' 1 .: A.... 111-1 - For CIi:VETAND, Sorsio I ..... Diraoir, %Yocu' AND ZASIVLLLE. ri ROT CLITZLAPID, TOLEDO, Dr 11101; • SP. M.' Lta - TF C . ,aI e tr i ril Ah oo -D on 7 e li c l tir= .l.' Lovoland, • with D3:loit lino of stoainoro. 4: 00 p . RI .} , For ALL War STATE/Al Oli TLIa RIVER Pawiongers dosiring to go to Chicago or points boynnd Chicago, via Cloveland, tinist ask for ticliots via Cluvoland PITTSBURGH c6Lu4lßus AND CINCINNATI (via STE!lli . .821177LLE,) RAILIWA-D CHANLIF, UY TIME-On and v.ltor liUNDAi., tho 10th, of 51ay,1.500, Tritinn iv7ll.lolm tho Dokot of thoPutins.llya nla Control Ituilroad, ii.J follows For : r 8 - filuaLuivate., Cutirauus, liArcoN. 3:00 A. M.} imiu..N.ous, Loran..;, M.F.31. VIIIBE:4'D NEW Cat,l4 - :a. Fon L'Ls.atiNnTl AND ET. Loins, and Au. 2:35 PO NO Th i :r ° u irl ui,l s tO t l n ntf l uttl Y tt tfithout chimp i of Cora. - ..2nas e sukatrdetatiris etc., or any points beyond Coltunbus via btoubenvillo, must ask for tickets Tin StullbilWrine. JA.N.IES IeA.I6YIEI6, Ouperlutendont C., P..t W. it. IL W. W. BAILEY, Buperiutendout P., C. E. C. PITTSBURGH. & CONNELLSVILLE 111 o.► D UN and after Memlay, the 10th inst. Pass enger Trains will ho run daily, (except Sundays,) from the Peausylvaida Passenger Depot, as roLlows : Mail Train Mayes Ping:web 7:00 a. is. Expreas Tido leayse Pittsburgh 3:33 12.ETU1:LIINU: Tra a loaves Cknoceltsville '4O a, ea. E.:profs, 5:00 Ai Arriving at Pittsburgh &45 4. Tickets to ba had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticknt Mail Train connects at CannuLhwillo with Duutiug, .5 11.41ra Coaches for Uniontown, Frostburg, Catuhmland, etc., and at West Newton with Coaches for Mt. Pleasant, Soinerset, Rodin, etc. liVeighta to and from Pittsburgh and kiLationa on Pitts burgh and Walla Railroad, will bo received and de livered in Pitiobargh, , at tho Dopot," opposite "Daquesue DepoL" Excepting such as Pig Iron, Loather, Stone, eta, which will be loaded or uraoaded at OuterDte pot, or at the canal Depot, as may bo arranged with Freight Agent, Poanaylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh. IL iiLateliSTONE, Sup'L Traaoportation Doputmovit P. a 0. IL IL, 1 . ComielLsville, May 6th, 16.53. ZONV Rote via River and Railroad. indinapolis 61, Cincinnati itaiirea4 ('CONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with 'LI Terre flume, and Tvrio ll ura nod Alton Jim 11 - .41d.i, to St. Lonit and Lafnyotta and lutiminipoll3, NOW Albany and P.alern, and Michigan Central gouda Cur CLINJ ROCK DILAND, BUltkfilitTo3, and ail intermediate panda. Throng' Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, 7111111.11 amker., LAPAYLTTE, and PRItEI. Freight curried from Cincinnati or Lawrencelers' In lose time than any other route by 21 hoard, and at at low lat.: 4 . The only road by hipnaonto can bo made from Chi. atonal to the Wo4i, without breaking conolgatuortig to J. E. UltIBUNS,Agont at (Mein natt; et, W. B. neat at Lawrenceburg, wilt metre prompt attention, and no ehorgo for conummion ; no charge for giraxagc cr comitisr- : ore al Lestr.medinv. Fur farther intormatlon, apply to NATTIGAN, (N 0.116 Water atonal,) Agent of the Company, who la pro. ;hued to give TIRLOVEIII 00101273 to Inalanapoilt, Terre haute, Lafayette ' Oldeogo, Peru, areonesetio, Crawfords. vale, (Tharletton,Parts, and Mattoon. 1.1. C. LOUD, Pre9ident. JNO. C. Car:NZ, Gon'l Freight Agent. nits 6 FURNIT URE. A mnaa - K.E.V & CO. ho.vo on hand, at awn exteniivo ET and CH AIP mAN uno. tuttli, No. &I 6initlat,l4 stroot,.6 WV, smsortment of Fancy and Plain Puznitiaro, which they crlll Doll 15 rot cont. lower than ccstomary rites. Torino, cash pnly. Ided.l:y ' OODWELL'S FURNITURE AND 011 AIRS, W..t.oleaale and Renal, embracing every atilo Of pan:aura, is 4C:tweed,. Mahogany and walnut, tunable far parkra, ero ai:d Pining Roma, equal to any In New Y Lndelplth,andatlowerprieti. Every article) by band, end warranted. Cabint.thkors app. plied-With any grantlty of FURNITURE and CRAZED, on reasonable tAnn.J.;. Horeb and 13:Rambo:its furnished at tha thorreet notice. Warn-real-% Nos. 77 and 79 TIMED 8 treat, kittsbargh, Pa. '.off QTAROH.-250 b:sc Rochester Pearl Starch, mosicad wad for sale by 1/Nll.l EL CM,Lnqs. BANANAS.—First of the Beason just re- - ceivat by expres3 and for ealo'by REIMER 4 ANDERSON, lib. 89 Mod arca. 0P, 01 44 Et.Charlga Hotel. 1 1.) OLLBUTTP,R-2 tibia. Fresh Rolißutter readveal And fur sale by r. 4.2. A. FETZER, znyl2 I Uorner Marko: and Viral ob. laltitlliTlN executog. iu the 4ighes style a IL art, and at relittorablo prices, by- - - • 3: IL WEIDIN, Iloolca411"er aid slaticitor, 63 Wood street, nbai!rourih. W. , BEDFORD •SPERBi 0AN41,15.- 2o boxca simarlorl aizen, suit 13',3, Erkiria lad end for tato )31 . 0. J 4 IL EU YEa. TAUFFS BO Dnucfues aye li-KEEPING I O 1311/ • 77arad of Ponanannhipi for Bole by Fir S. LEAVEN, Oornor Ltorket and Second strode. A WNIN4 RODS-1 set Awning Rods, for Zi cale by Ue26) /lENIMC JrCIi?LLESI3. PENNSYLVANIA , CENTRAL RAILROAD EIGHT lIIPAIZIK- TRAINS. TM: MATT, ti.ADi loavoa the Passenger Station every morning, (except Sunday,) at 6:oe-o'clock, Pittsburgh time, arriving in Philadelphia at MOO P. M. THE PAST LINE; Daily, except Sunday, atl4s P. w. ar• riving in Philadelphia at b o'cloct A. at, and stopping only at principal stations. • - TILE FIVP.S.EiIS TRAIN lama the Station every evening ate:6o o'clock. Stopping only at Greanstrarg,.lintrobe, dolma. town, Wi ll more, Gallitzin, Altoona, connecting at liar .rishrtrg with the Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at kW o'clock, P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 8:30 o'clock, P. M. Stopping at all stations, and running as far Mc Conemaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creak Bridge loaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. IL SECOND ACCOUMODATION TRAP , ' f o r Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4..22 P. It. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TILL IN for Turtle Creek, leaven daily, (except Sunday,) at 6:20, P. 11. • . RETURNING TdA INS arrive in pjttaburgh as follows :•-• EllortB3, m.; It:41,3:10 Fit,t Line tA2S A. it.; Johns cceneneihitien, 1100 A. Is; 'First Turtle Creek Accom modation, &i 0; A. n., Second Accommodation, 440, P. 14 Third Accommodation, 11:111. P. M. Trairx for Blairsville - and Indiana, connect at rstllle lutoraection with mall train East, Express train West, and the Johnstown amomodation train East and Woat. PITTSBUNOLE AND OONNELLSVILLE TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations ou the Pittsburgh and Connell& TiSe Road., leave daily, (Sunday excepted ,) as followa: MAIL TItAIN 7.00 A. 11. EXPILLS' TRAIN-3:IV P. sx- 1U TURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Conreileville Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, B:4b A. at. and el° P. N. The traveling public will find it greatly to their in tares:, In going East or West, to travel by the Pormsyivania liaqiroad, an the accommodations now offered cannot be Bur passed on any other route. As the Road is ballasted with stone, and in entirely flee from dust, wo can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who tuay favor this Road with their patronage. pAitn : To New York $lB,OO To Baltimore... " Philadelphia 10,00 1 " Lancaster. To Harrisburg, $7.45 Basy, checked to all Stations on the Pennsylvania Rail road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Now York. Passengers purchasing tickets in cars, will be charged ten cents 'Oa/addition to the Station rates, except from Stations where the Company has no Agent. . NOTIOEL—In caoo of RIES ; the Company will hold them salvos responsible for personal baggage only,. and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Lino has been employed to xy r convey Passengers and ggage to and from the Depot, et a charge not to exceed 25 cents for each passenger and bag gage. For tickets appl to J. STEWART, Agent, t the P. B. IL Passenger Citation, on Liberty and Grant streets. THE PENNSYLVANIA ILIILROAD. 1-7 - --.., ,,, wf. THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting 4 411 - the Atlantic Cities with Western, North-western = and South-western tea by:a continuo Railway direct. This Road ale° con eats at Pittsburgh with Dail . eof qtr uners to all ports n the Wes' -4-_, dna at Cleve land and Sandusky wi h steamers to all ports on the North. western Lakes; making the most mazer, CHHAPXST and RULIMLISI Coop by which FREIGHT can bo forwarded to and Lam the Gu,.2 WAS?. data 61 between Philadelphia & Pit,tebuzgh FIRST CLASS.—Boots, Shoes, Hata and s Caps, Books, Dry Goods, On boxes, bales and trunks,) Drugs, (in boxesnd bales) Feathers, Furs, &a. SECOND CLASS—Doiasatis Sheoting, Shirt.' ing and Ticking (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. Leather (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Shoop Pelts, Eastward, &c., ikc. THIRD MASS.—Anvils, Steel, Chaim (in' casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, manufac tured, (except Cigars or cut,) &c., &c. FOURTH CLASS—Coffee, Fish, /PV' , Ol4, .Ic•pf • and PorkAin casks or boxes EastweLid,) Lard and Lard Oil, Pails, SodnAsh, Ger man Clay, Tar, Pitck, Rosin,&c., &o. FLOUR-75c. V bbl. until further notice. GRAIN in car loads, 3 cts. % 100 lbs. until farther notice. COTTON—VI. It bale, not exceeding, 500 lbs. weight, until farther notice, St. Lucia, Vii knbarg, CAI Orlelia4 Lay— in shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia beparticular to mark packages "tifa .Pennsy/rania Railroad." All Goode consigned tp t 1,13 Agents of this Road at Plilladaltala or Pittaburgh, will be forwarded without ciet.nacti. F11311:11T1 AOZNlT—Harris, Worm.ley & Co, Memphis, Tenn.; R. F.Fainal Is Co., St. leMILI; P.O. (Miley A Co., Evansville, Ind.; DumeanD, Bell & Co., and Carter & Jewett, Louisville, .Ey.; I. C. Meldrtun, Madison, Ind ; H. W. Brown & 00 and Irwin & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanesville, (thio; Leech & Co., No. .r. 4 Kilby street, Boston; Leech & Co. No. '2 Astor noose, New York; No.l William street, end No 8 Battery Place, New York; B. J. Snoodor, Philadelphia; Meg - raw it Koons. Baltimore; D. A. &thwart, Pittsburgh. H. IL EOUBTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOUBABB,T, ap3 Superintendent, Altoona; Pa. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. EMOVA_L. —J. & 11. PIIILLIPS have ....V6..1t) removed to thoir now building, Noe. 26 and 25 T. CLAM steent, wost eido,botvoou Poniistreot azd the J. a IL PIEIIILLIPS, LIANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR, FURNITURE, CARRIAGE, TAELE, AND TRANSPARENT k OPAQUE idlOOllV SHADE OIL CLOTHS DEALIIIIS IN OIL OLOTEIB & WINDOW MADE% Of every description. Deniers in INDIA BUBBEIIGOODS, of all kinds, made under Gocdyoar's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA nun wth, BELTING, HOSE 'and PACKING. LEATHER BELT ING of Eastern reanniOctitio.a auTVTIEr ; TA*IIVT -I "'LLa Ce ' ge rm,/ • * ha OHIOtrIBE-PtcOOF TstNrot ALL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, °Bs. Turpentine, Brushes, Glom and Patty. HOUSE AND taw; PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its iiratrauw tltao in the boat and shortest time. Ide2Oly J. Jr H. PHILLIPS, et , zro N3a.26 and 2 St. Clair ntrect; Manufactory e Phil &irsville, on the Ohio river, thre9 uglep 4elovt PitteLnrgh CAV?EI'S, OIL CLOTHS, FLITTING, Cm., AT THE WouTth Street Carpet Store, Nv- D. & H. IWCALLIIM/tespeotfully e invite the attention of their,formor customers and the public generally to their pressrst stonk.,,just selected for Spring sales; embrating the very latest styles of Foreign and Rowe Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plato Stair OALIPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 24 PELT WIDE, Rage, Main, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets ; Vcnitinn Blinds; Painted; Buff and Croce Holland Shades. It will givo as pleasure to show goods to, all who may be !:,Birous of looking or purchasing, and we aro determluod to offer ind uc , 2."'BILIVILto any who cony favor us with a call, at tho old stand, No. IeFOVW.. .."..:„..Stini?koear Wood. myl9:ly II CLOTIIING—Of all kinds,' block and yellow, fJr sale at the India Rubber Depot aid 28 St Clair strao, [dog] J. 11. PHILLIPS. OIL CLOT. (AIL )LOTHFOR THE FALL TRADE. We have on hand, and aro daily receiving addition, thereto from our own and othermenufactorlee, a large stock of Floor ilarnltare, Carriage Trim/Din& Table Cover, Trans. parent, Green and Buff, and all hinds of 011 Cloth, used for lionscfarnialang and other purposes: Also, Tranepal eat Window Shades, of dry and oil finish—gold bordered and other styles, and Window Shade Trirnmingis. Merchants and others will find it to their advantage to ex amine our stock and prices before tasking their parchment elsewhere. J. & If. P=LIPS, eel() 203 Eit. Clair alma. ULOOR OIL CLOTHS,— d? 11: Of our own and eastern manufacture—all width", and ant to "nit any also of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Ware rooms, No. 26 and dd Et. Olalr erect. mat Seventy-Five New and Second-Sand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, FOR SALE AT WHITE'''S REPOSITORY ® TWO MILE BAIN, NEAR JaAWRENOEVILLE. THE SUBSORIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or exchange„km the most reasonable terms, 6 a fine assortment ef &trenches arid second-hand " Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some but little used. Also, twontrone now Bugglea; made in my own shop,' from the very host material purchased IA Eastern market. A nue lot of Trotting Wagons, new and second-hand; Alsc„ a Lot of Boat Wagons, 4euny Linda, Germantown, Wagons; Jersey Wagons and Backawaya, two fine Ptuntonase a ta for fur persons, ono of them Watson's make, and the other New York make. Two flue Stales, ono made by Mr. D. Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Oommonlluggies, suitable for Eght marketing. The subscriber Ratters himself, that ha can make it to tho interest of persona wishing to pur chase, to give him a call.. , The establishment is convenient to the city, the Excelsior Omnibus Line of Coaches paining the door every ten minutes. rat23:lydaw JOSEPH WHITE. GROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS 150 bag' Rio °Mica; 100 chests Black and Green Yeas; 25 bbls. Crashed Sugar; 25" Coffee " New York Syrup ; 20 " New Orleans Molasses ; 0 Times New Rice ; 10 boxes W. W. H. Grant's Tobacco ; 100 " M. B. and Layer Raisins ; 20 kegs French Plums; 2 PuncheonsJamalca Bum; , , Banta Cruz Rum; 2 Pipes Rollund ; Mao, &ranch Brandy; Port,, Stiotry, Malaga and Cham pagne Wines ; Pure Old Rye and Rectified Whisky, in store and for sale low, by HAWORTH 2 BROWNLEE, Since/wore to Haworth, Bro. Et. BroWnlee, Cor. of the Diamond and Diamond alloy, Piftabaligh, Pa. SUNDRLES.- bbls. Bostwick's Syrup ; 25 " New York " Baltimore " 84 hltds. New Orleans Bngar HO half chests Young Hyson Tea* " Black Tea, for saleby je:3B W. B. SMITH a CO ASANILLA PAPER.—A large lot various elzu, for sale by W.I. G. JOHNIVZON k CO., . " 0 4 3 1. ' Paper 6T Wood wt. DLANTATION SUGAR & MOLASSES -100 hbda. fully fair and prima N. O. Orgar 600 bbla, oak cooperage, prime N. o.lSL:dames. 60 " at . James B. - Molasses now _landing and for sale, by AIILLEIt deIIICIKETBON, rl5 Nat. 991 and 993 Liberty street. .ILL PAPER—Of best quality—for sale jot by Whf. G. JOHNSTON & OD , je2B Stationers, 67 Wood street. ENVELOPES. -Buff, Straw - , Amber and White, of all sizee, sold wholesale or retail, by WU. G. JOHNSTON CI)., Stationers and Paper realer% 67 Wood at. !ODA ASH,-100 casks, Soda Ash, now landing and for Nilo by irkslB • •lUILLBR k BIOHEMON. VGGS.--10 barrels fresh Eggs, just recoiv ...a.2 ed and for rale by Wand A. FE:TUT , Corner Market and rigid streets. rt_OD TrIS ooa Ell p,„ti ' O 2O - a 4rtans •114111, Ffi ° 'Just received 511 4 6 , lug s & RIOKESTBON, inl2s Nat. Zi an for silo. 311Ear "a 223 Lt ests street. RAILROADS. Susniator Arrsuagcluent. 1858. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JULY 6. t'.l.-S- c W Of different Cofern IMPLANIYS_CRIABBATED GRIMALDI B="2/O.IE/St rcr DR. (1. M. JACKSON', _ cacti:Lally cnra ' • - LIVER COBEPLeusT, DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE, CERO NIO OR NERVOUS DURUM,' DISEASka • OP MLR REONDYOI,_ And cal Dismse., ariairigiffpa 00*M leer c? tor-z4l, - Boob . as Ooniti pa. tton, Inward Piles, P - alinega, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Btomath, Nanneau, Heartburn, Diab , not for Wad, Trdlner.? orreight in the Btonulek,Bour Brneffr. talons, lillsbing, - Or Pinttertng at tine Pitof tits reach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and DianalitZ Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or iiirdfixstting senw.tioas when in a lying postere,Dimnosa of Visiena Pots or Webs bet a° the Sight, Parer and Dull Pain in the Head, Delideney-of P i rA t iration, 10R1a053 of the Skin and Pain n - the Side, Back, Cheat. Lima, &a, Seddon Plaithea of burn. • ing in the Pleah, CenaMnt Imaeninv of Evil, and, grritt•Dem=ien ' attributing suCh vaiiable properties to thi remedy, za rash or unwarrantable usertion fa roadNbut is simply stated a fact; proven undeniably - and coriclusively hythe extreme dinary owes, and benatta derived from ita nse, under the di m:ton of ha illustrious originator', Dr. Hooliand, among all claws of European societo-, and from the immense mass of testimony, from all paris of the American continent; antra mutated during the last ten years, in the Wanda of the pre. eat proprietor. The prevalence of die=es to which- the German Bitters era adopted, it is with sorrow we any it, to al. most universal; indeed there is scarcely °family thronghtuf the whole extent of our country in which there cannot be found among its members that penal or and largtss: appearance denoting a dlseased layer, or an emaciated and shivring Dyspeptic. Then of what imo , mse'lmportanco to this class of loot it that a certain and reliable comedy chonld be placed wittl their reach; one in which no baneful or injurious drag en tors into its composition; a remedy on which the patent can rely with the =nest confidence d certainty,, and be assuF , d from actual and tangible pia ft that tho article he is Ming f ellypossesses the virtues attributed to it. bath a rune, y as "I.IOOIfLAND'S GERMAN 12=118." Thousands ,ollara have been expended in its manufacture and didnefoc thronghont all parts of this continent, and the proprictot feels the greatest satisfaction in stating that there is ne state, county, or even village, where the Medicine has teen introduced, that there cannot be found numbers testify to Its Tirtilen. It is need constantly in the practice of a large number the moat prominent Physicians in the country, who have also added their written testimony in evidence of Its groat virtues. • In conclusion, than, we would respectfully ask of all those eitlicted with any of the above diseases to give the Bitters a trial, and Dist assured lit will never be regretted. In proof of the statements shove made, all are invited to read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pro prietor, for Farmers and Amalie; containing ; - 3 great num ber of useful receipt; in addition to the testimony in favor of the Bitters, froni the most prominent and well known in dividuals in all parts of ths Union. All Agents for the Bit ters are autharir,ed to distribute the Almanac , gratuitously. Principal Once and listranctory,ed Arch b`aeet, PhiLatiol• phis, Pa. For sale wholesale by Druggists in all the principal and at retail by Apothecaries and Storekeepers in ovary town 1n the United States and Uaneda, and by B. L. FAIINESIOCX & CO. and Dr. GEO. 11. EIIYi3ER, Pittsburgh. iYl2:l9dtm SlijFFIEd.ll NOT !, WHEN A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN all stages of SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abnao, Ner vous Debility, Strictures, hoots Gravel, Diahrics, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial Ithoumatians, Scro fula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of glto Lungs, Throat, NO3O and Eyes, Ulcers upon the liodgot•Embs, Can cers? Dropsy, Epileptic Pits, St. VI:St/Dance, and all diseases arising from a dentagomemt f the Sexual Organs, such as nervoms trembling, loss of m a ey, leas of power, general weakness, dimness of vision . .. peculiar spots appear in ~,.. before the eyes, lees of eight, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the taco, pain in the back and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges from both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease origina ted, however lung standing or obstinate the case, Psootimey is certain, and in a shorter time tiraa a permanent cure can be effected by any other treatment, even after this disease has baffled the eh il of eminent physicians and resisted all the r moans of cure. The medicines are plecanut without odor, causing no sickness and free from mercury or balsam. Dur ing twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws of death . onsands, who, in the last stages of the above mentiodiseanos had been given up to die by thefts physicians, w ch warrants mo lee promising to the afflicted, tat Who may pia -themselves under my care, 5 perfect and most speedy eurd: , -Si.-..zot diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the fire: eu:ea of Conewaption, Scro fula and many oiler 0150.1301, and should be a terror to the human fatally. As a permanent cure is cc arcely ever effect ed, a majority of the cases falling Into the hands of Meant "potent persons, who not only fail to cure the diseiwca but . raft the constitution, filling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, halite:la the atifferer.into a rapid ' Consumption. . a. But at maid tare eisecso and the treatment rot cause death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease, is entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble Ganda - aeons, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, letter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other afloc- Lions of the skin, eyes, throat and lunge, entailing upon them a trial existenae of earihring and consigning _them to an early brave. SELF ABUSE Is another formidable: enemy to health, 1.C2 nothing oleo in the dread catalog dO of human diseases causes so destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thou sands of victims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous ByiltoEll, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the prap , n - development of the system, disqualifies for marriage, society, business, end all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wretched in body and mind, prodis• posed to Consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the fattest conadoneo I as stare thonnfortemato victims of Egli-Abnee that isascrinertent and speedy cure ea:a La oteocted, and with the abindonmont of ,ramous practices my patients can be restored to robs:tat, vigorous health. Tile afflicted are cautioned against the we of Patent Medi cines, for there are so many ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers n ...bit:l.-lay' a' Lave. tieBir- - -..... 1 -I..tatialtj rUitiod by-i.L.46.sriL6 compounds of quack •octerrt, or tiff, elms— relsoneas 110 E. trams vended as "Patent Medicines." . I have carefully ana lysed many of these called Patent Medicines and find that n rly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is on of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly po , hich indeed of curing the disease disables the eye• tem for life. 700. V 100 Dm 60c. 11 100 Zit. 600. SI 100 IDa 40c.'0100 Threetourths of the patent nostrums now in use aro put up by unprincipled and ignorant ..nerz.m.2, who do not under stand oven thealnhabot oi the ~ .iageria medico, and are equal ly as destitute a - any knowledge of the human system, hav ing one ob - joot only in view, and that to make moneyregard lass of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medicines, with fall directions, sent to any part of the United States or Canada% by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Realness correspondence strictly con fidential. Address J. SUMMERVILLE,' M. D., Office No. 1131 Filbert street, (Old ire. 109,) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. Chance to Binke Money. WIRE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPEOII LATION OF TUE TIMES--ONLY ilB DOLLAR PER Sir SWF —Forty thoasand do ra io2 valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, "rrt...5 Silver arii.NTer Plated Ware, with great variety of gooey oag-4 , 4013 Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou sand shares, at 0n72.`..1011ar per share, as followa :---trpon the payment of oue will 'lend the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle h to one share in the above undi vided property. When the . ze dial have bees. sold, the shareholders shall be notified of thg, fact, by mail, or through the newspaper'', apd n meeting o f th o ; • reholdera shall then be held In the city of Philrdelphia, an; t : 010 lof the property disposed oPor distributed among them; in . !ch way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehol - or shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders afield meeting; to conduct or =mean tond the dispoeition of the property, according to the direc. tions of the'Shareholdera„and I will then deliver tho pro perty to such peraon or persons as tho Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate cons r one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at 00, and two throe story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 21113 each; in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all insure bronco, and title indisputable; tho other property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of ono of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long time past kept by the subscriber. The clock consist ing of very fine Gold and Silver floating Case Lever Watch es, very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lover, Lopine and other Watches, Gehl Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brobeles, Bracelets, Manion& and other Rings and Studs, Sleeve Buttons, tee., An., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Bets, Castora, Cake Baskets, Cupa, Spoons, Knives, Forks, Ac., Ac. Also, French Clocks, Maisie Boxes, Accordeons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the untrary, Lint. is and will to a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persona are positively assured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for flue Gold, nonesuch will be distributed, the most respect. able persons are given an references, to those disposed to pur chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and rtcclnte forwarded to the ad drem of the sender, by return mull. Any person sending ten dollars at one time, shall receive eleven separate receipts, In as many separate names if desired. Moe,g for shares, please write the name of tho Pto which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a largo amount of valuable property, for a small sum, as has ever before been offered to the public. Send on Your enters, as shares are selling rapid ly, and e lt Is confidently exrected the distribution will soon be mad. J. .1:c H. YHELLTPB Articles allotted topersons at a distance,. Will to sent to them at their expense. Get-Agents wanted in every town and village. All eom• mut:illations mast be addressed to _ _ eILOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, via and ter sale by Mall JUE:11111 IL COLLINS Son GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENV,. Just received and fin sale by HAVEN. (lamer Market. end IDR S CO BLA I LF. I V I , 6o l sVA 1 4.! Poo., zazita Nos. 18 and 0 Wood street. WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholoslao end retail at the Drag Store; of JOHN WAIT, JR., ideraer f Wood and Sixth ea., Pittabnret • TIMOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy 8 0 041 for gale by JAS. A. I'ETZER, 11)YL FLOUR.-15, bble. just received and juk o 'for sale by [mr3] lU'I•IRY IL COLLIN& CHIS.-10 bbla. fresh • E*gs_ just reeeiv. `; and far rain by ' fmr2Al COLLINS. MIXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, an 4 au all the lather celebrated Skirts, for gaiety 11 1 46 JOS. HORNE), 77 Market street. LACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock- of jut eicellent etyle3, with and without lingers, very' cheap at (ap2B) JOS. MIME'S, 77 Market street. OOTTON HOSlEda.—Every variety . o Cotton Stockings and halt' lloao at * the lowest prices vi - tamale or retail, at JOS. HORNET, ap2B 77 narket street. QYRUP.-10 bbla. N. 0. S:yrap for solo, op b•-. 7 consignment, by (sp7) EICENST IL COLLINS. 1.11 ICA.---Six tierces prime 1* ice, just receiv ed arid for sale by ' & RICKET23°N, roeL2 Noe , =1 awl 'OA Liberty street $6OO FOR a two story- frame dwelling home and lot of ground 50 fast byloo, pleas. diluted on Alt. Washington. Terms easy ! - I ' o ' 3 - B."UTIfiLEIrr .15 EON, 61 tdastot t. iILACK CRAPE VEILS—Of extra e:ize 6410...quilly—_-Trery cheap, at . ' HORiIEI3 - f 7 Market etreot. ELTAR,OII.3OO ban. Rochester Pearl Stare " 3811114 aoraqb =MT U, 013WMat Of all diaadoea trio great. Brat catwo Springs torn neglect of Natures lawa L. R. BROOM A I,Ty No. EO South Second street, above Cheeout, Philad©l .hlo. MEDICAL. ft it fir, 9 S CBLEBRATED VERMIFAJGE LIVER PILL., WE beg leave to call the atteri-- " tion of the Trade, and more especially the . Physicians of "the country, to two of the, most popu lar remedies now before the publi.^ , We refer to • Dr. Chas. 111 9 Lane's Celebrate& Vermifuge and Liver Pah., We do not recommend them at universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, vrt.: THE vg, - amIFEIG-E; For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Pui, nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men. tioned diseases, they are UnriValed, and never known to fail when ad ministered i\ in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLE,MI-NG BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. ' to - dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been -.success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to. their manufaCture. - Arid termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither- time . nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEIIIING BROS. Pittsbutgll, Pa. P. S. Dealers - and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well,to write their orders. distinctly, mid take none but 3PLaner, prepared by Fleming Bros. Pittsburgh; Pa. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid, to any part of tho Bitted StateS, one. box of Pills for twelve three-cent postage stamps, or ono vial of Vermifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada most be accompanied by twentycents extra. P'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVER 111.L8.-15 grozs ou band 'and for 831 fl by 13. L.. FAITNETTOOR & CoinerNood'and Fourth atrootn. NL'IU Private and Confidental Medical, Advice I AT THE BUFFALO - PRIVATE HOSPl- TAL—Established for the'eure of Syphilis, Bernina Weakness and the Secret Irdirmitiee of Youth and-Maturity, by-Dr. ATLloB,t_sCal,Bnicsdo, N. Y.- Chico. corner of Main and Quay.streets„ (ustairs.) A MOS SCILINITPIO EMOTION. ni p An instrttment or the cure of Genital Debility, or Nectar , . nal missions , ore properly known as Seminal Weakness, &e. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to twenty days, by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. . • ~•.; YOUNG iIEGN TAKE PARTICULAP,Nbrf. Dr. AMOS & SON take pleasure/n announcin that they have invented a most important( nstr nment for the care of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a teat by the must eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and Nev York; It has been dedlared the only useful instrument ever yet invented, for the cure of Seminal WeakitesEkoz any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. / Dr. AMOS & SON, in order to satisfy the Most skeptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance whore they may prove unsatisfactory after fir trial, the money will be refunded by returning the in._ strlament in . good order. - Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will observe that the priceimith the accompanying directions, securely' packed and sent by exprom, is ten dollars. ' NEW REM.EDM AND QUICK C1TP.1.1:3., Dr. AMOS :.-. SON may be consulted from eight o'clock in . the morning until nine at night, in every stage e.c d ay um tom of the Venereal Disease, Clone:11ton, +Meets, to condary Symptom; Seminal Weakness, Impotonce and Stcio tures of the Urethra, etc., with inviolable Goan:T. The treatment thoy adopt b 3 the result of upward of thirty yearn' extensive. and successful practice in London. - The moot inveterate ;Ales of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine days, nd eases - of a Blight nature in two or three line, eta mod erate expanse. The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from huai.nesq also, nodes and pains in the bang and limb; effectually eradicated. , A CURD WARRANTED. Dr. A. 1.100 .lt SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have nontly been enabled to render to their fellow-creature. l e n .* ad and groat y acknowledged by consoles ' ere y arriving in town from all ports `le ex , res4nrpose only of consultations v~a crowned with the moat sig at they have experienced i !4:3ctions complaint of the most den ortabatd. the k•ewhie fa ' forms a fol- centputients au, of the country, Lir AR -4 while their ezertions nal advantages; yet froni-.11 , .nniring Into the causes oft ee (from their moot simple condition to gerousond inveteratal) they have always em, pc(,.6ibility of their prevention and removal, and variably found that the moot horrible and mangnam,.. of disease could almeet.always be traced to ono, of talk, lowing cameo :—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects ofnk. elrilfrd and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AMO3 SON have cucceeded in diefovering, in the selection of their' remedies, a safe, eiroctual s inad cautions comae ; omitting all m. combination of recdies which bear an einivocalcharacter, ea well 83 thooo whooo premature or injudicious application, might be Productivs of had consequences in the hands of private individuals.. In abort the landible end of their re medics is the lecsoning of a great mats of hounan_roluery by the atleniatioti, relief 'and - prevention of timoo grievous af. illations that arc, in reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they co extremely earrcund 115, MU aloud for our and Interference for their =termination. 001.71CE8,Y INVALIDS. Paroona in any part of tho world may 1;a vacua - golly traataa by fortykding n correct (Mail of their C.:±fie s with a remittance for modiolno, &e. Addree - a Dr., LEOS a: LON, corner Itlnas and Qnay street 2, 13utialo. N. Y. ' je!eldkvely IiRIITATE DISEASES.—DR. A IitEDRILL and SI.IRGD3AL Offices; 60 burgh, Fa. - Du. BEOW.O is an old Citizen of Pitt* burgh, and ha eon in prootica for the-,„-- . "1•,t , f.:- , `, - e;;.:1 , 51 A last iteenty-fiveyears. Ms business has c r :i , 6*"/VA•4l3$ been confined mostly to Private and guiiol,:t.. gical Musics. mama Am) snaliaans` in need of a medical friend, should not fall to End out, the into place of relief't The Doctor is a regular irradnaie, and X". his experience in the treatment of a carte:noises of diseases is a 6cro guarantee to tho cr.fferets of obtaining pezraauer4 relief, by tho ILBO of his remedies and following his advice. DR. DROWN'S never fail to cure the worst forni of Venereal— Impurities and llerofulons Affections. Also;' all diseases arising from a hereditary taint, which manifea itself in the form of a totter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of skin diseases, the origin of which the patient la entirely ignorant To persons to 4 :lAAL'''tA Dr. D. offers hopes of a tore and speedy rmavorr. anultu , Dr. Drown's remedies for thin alarming tiouble, brought On often by that solitarylnbit of 'pommel wratification winch the young and weak-rainded often give way to, (to their own destruction) aro the only reliable remedies known in this country—they are WO, and mike a speedy restoration to health. MMM&=3 , % Dr. Bran a'9 remedies never , d to ouzo ilia pilaf - 41'as. ease in afew day:—ho vein warrant a auto. HQ else treats Piles, Gloat, Gonorrhea% Stricture, Urethral Disehargw, Pe: male ptret,kness, Monthly Supperossions, Diseases at' Gm Joints, Fistuls In Ano, Nervous Affection% Pain in the - Dash and Sidney% Imitation of tho Bladder, tonthcr with all diseases of an impure oriem. . A lot er Ascribing the symptom, oentairdng, a Ta‘, d. rocs - DR. BAOWN Bmithitehl etreet, Pitt3targh, Pa., le bnmediately answered. Medicine scut o Tay aA 'safely packed and BOCIIII3 from observatia. Odic and Private Dooms, No. 50 Smithfield sties' ittil burgh, Pa. . ' pp AgOT.IIEIt supply of Low I Son's superiez Laidon Toilet &ape recolved luy jce. 1 1g.inITNO, fele Corner Diamond an Market street. TOB - PRINTING. Cards, o,lralliara) - Price Lists, Laats-gr Letter Head*_ PYksv Labels,lto Printed ins eorlor style at altar: Entice, by _Wlti. Q. J013141T0../ ,Printers, £bnk teak. Z.laaulactarers and BEs:tenors, aryl. 1' - I ' 'W° °d littrPto LACK CRAPE COLLARS.—Bountiful tiles for azile, atJOSLIPII am9o *l' trart-ekt gfrf WANTED IMMEDIATELAY—LOosi and . . V V Traveling Agent's, la a business WhiCb le taro to pay from $2O to $2B per,week. f.Rartleidars fres to all who sednclo a stamp or tlyeg cent price for return -eostage, and aedress hi.AT2IIIIIII 00r 40=12tir ; Lynn Mossachnoettai