ern* :4Dst. JANES P. BARR, Editor azd Proprietor. PITTSBURGH: FRIDAY MORNING DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. TOE BIIPEZIaI JUDGE, WILLIAM A. PORTER, OF PIELLADELPEELL TOE CANAL COICNISNIONNE, WESTLEY FROST, OB PAYMTE COUNTY [I:rDEMOCRATIC COUNTY COMMITTEE OF COR RESPONDENCE.—The Democratic County C,om mittee of Correspondence will meet at the ST. CU 31T Es Horn, Pittsburgh, on SATURDAY, JULY Slat, 1858, =mg o'clock, A. IL Punctual attendance is requested. JAMES A. GIBSON, Chairman. Jo'io LwroN, Secretary. The following named gentlemen compose the above Coro m Idea, viz: J. N. McClowry, James A. Gibson, IL B. Sinclair, Thomas Farley, • Joseph . Birmingham, 1). D. Brace, L. B. Patterson, R. 11. Patterson, Charles Bryson, , Dr. Wm. M. Herron, J. B 'Fulton, R. B. Guthrie, Robert Morrow, of• Ross, S. C. Wingard, John Layton ' B.EPUBL 10 EL Pi CONVENTION. The Opposition have at length opened the ball and regularly inaugurated the campaign for '5B. As we stated yesterday, recreants to the Democratic party found more favor with this odds•and-end Convenlion than the old liners, who were given to understand their faces wouldn't suit. This unkind behavior towards men who have labored a lifetime in opposition to the Democracy will be fearfully visited npcn the ticket this fall, as it should be and. always has been, svhere Mere policy instead Of principle regulates conduct. The antecedents of Messrs. Read and Fra zier are well known, and will be properly ap preciated at the polls. The geographical di vision of the ticket is very good, both" parties having selected candidates for Supreme Judge from Philadelphia, Fayette county claiming '"both candidates for Canal Commissioner. We refer our readers to a full report of the pro ceedings found in this day's paper. St. Francis Academy, at Loretto. The annual exhibition of this institution took - place on Wednesday, 14th inst. There • were present from fifteen hundred to two thousand persons, friends of the institution, and relatives and friends of the students, to witness the interesting ceremonies, Some twenty clergyman were also present from va rious parts of the State, amongst them Very Rev. E. M'Mahon, Revs. Reynolds, Ferran, and Ryan, of this city. Prominent amongst the students who took part in the exercises were James and Francis M'Devitt, J. Keating, Ben and Frank Jones, and Syl. Cosgrave, of this city. About two hundred dollars ,worth of appropriate books were distributed by the institution through Very Rev. E. M'Mahon, and Rev. Pcillird, of Loretto, to the students. The . character of the whole performance was in every way highly creditable to the fac-. ulty and, students. The valedictory, especi- ally,. commanded our admiration. It was in matter. and manlier most happily conceived and deliveied by Thomas Walsh, of Lines,. ville, Pa. St-. Francis Academy is most ex_ cellently situated for educational purposes, and while the mind is under the, skillful gui dance of the teachers, the advantages of pure, mountain air, promote the physical develop ment of the students. uperabnadant Harvest. The Richmond South warns its readers against the arts of speculators in commercial cities, who give glowing accounts of abund ant harveig; so that the market shall open a a low prie, an who when they have once the control of the market, run the prices up to a high rate. It says from no quarter are there authentic reports of even an average crop, and the wheat crop of Virginia is not within eighty per cent. of the usual produc tion. The . South., speaking for the agricultu ral interest, doubtless , exaggerates on that side as much as the speculators of the East ern cities do on the other. The exchange papers we receive froin the agricultural re gions speak well of the crops. But the last eight or ten yea- r4s experience proves that we have no - such superabundance of harvests as to enable us to feed the world, an idea which seems a favorite one with public orators when . expatiating on the growth and reis Kirces of the country. In fact eve have found it as much as we could do to feed ourselves, - and the prices of food ran up inordinately. The same general cause which inflated prices help. ed to produce scarcity, for it directed labor from agriculture to speculative adventure, or to building railroads, which largely increased consumption, while it diminished the usual production. The trtubles of last year have driven labor back to trie soil, and as the sea son so far has been propitious, we may ex pect an average crop at least, if we have no astonishing superabundance. The Law at Libel. A very interesting libel case has just been tried at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. The - editor of Ithe Telegraph criticised very severely a Fourth of July:orator, who had delivered, according to 'his report, "a mean and contemptible abo lition harangue." For this and for other un flattering comments, the editor, being sued, was cast in a verdict of $4 1 50. This was re versed by the full bench, and a new trial granted. On this - second hearing, Judge Brown, in a ,very able and elaborate charge, instructed the Jury that the right of editors of public journals to criticise either prined publications or extemporaneous speeches was Clear, and must be sustained by the courts; that it was necessary, in order to correct pub lic sentiment ; that in doing this, the editor had no right to attack the personal or private ohs:Reid. of the author or speaker, and that, in so far as the article in question was an at titik upon the plaintiff(personally, and not a criticism on hii speecb, it was libellous.— The Judge, at the same time, told the jury that they were the exclusive judges of wheth er or no the article, as a whole, was a libel, and, if so, what damage the plaintiff sustained by its publication. The case excited great attention in the lo cality where the trial was held, and the jury" after a trial of three days and an absence of three hours, found a verdict for the plaintiff for three cente. The New Cathella Cathedral. Archbishop Hughes contemplates erecting - new , ,,cathedral on Fifth avenue, New York, which is designed to be a structure of extraor dinary magnificence, the grandest specimen, of ecclesiastical architecture on this continent.. The coot will probably exceeth& million of dollars, and the Archbishop is now engaged, we believe, in an endeavor to raise the amount. It is a veryproper and commendable under taking doubtless., a building of such cost and grandeur as this ia: intended to be—a ri rla the cathedrals 'of the Old World— Might ell be the pride of the metropolis ; bat it is very robable that it will never bo-Coms pleted. will probably be like the cathe dral of Cologne, which was commenced be fore the reformation, and is -not Anislxed yet. JULY 16, 1858 PROCEEDINGS OF THE UNION STATE CONVENTION. Reported Fxpressly for the Daily Post This body assembled in the Hall of the House of Representatives, at Harrisburg, at 2 o'clock on Wednesday, July 14th. The morning had been spent in "fixing things,' , and the hotels were well crowded with poli% ticians, delegates and country editors. Simon Cameron, T4adous Stevens, D. Paul Brown, Wm. Meredith, and many other politiciane were busy about. The Convention was called to order by David Taggart, of Northumberland,who nomi- nated lion. Wm. Jessup, of Susquehanna, as temporary Chairman. lion. Francis Gordan, of Bedford, was chosen one of the Secreta ries, and R. Errett, of Allegheny, another, whereupon, Thomas Wilson, or Allegheny, objected, alleging that Mr. Errett's seat would be contested, and, at his own request, Mr. Errett was excused. Messrs. James Jones, of Lycoming, was appointed in his place. A committee of seven on credentials was appointed. The list of delegates was then called, dur ing which, Thomas F. Wilson esverai times attempted to address the Chair without effect. Mr. Purvianoe moved that a committee of one from each Senatorial District be appoint ed by the District delegation as a committee on permanent organization. The Convention then took a recess of fifteen minutes. The Convention was very fully -at .. tended. The delegates from Allegheny county were, for the Senatorial District, Thos. M. Marshall and Robert McKnight. The 'Representative delegates were, John H. Ha / t‘pton, C. B. M. Smith, Russell Errett,_Georke R. Riddle and David R. Kuhn. The Committee on Credentials reported in favor of the delegates appointed by the Repub lican Convention in Allegheny, and adverse to those chosen by the PeoPke's Convention, so Messrs. Thomas F. Wilsos, , Alex. Callowi L. 0. Cameron, J. H. Irwin Od GITI.: Suth erland, who were present, loblcad mad, and left with the evident determination of doing something desperate. After the recess, the Committee to appoint permanent officers, after an hour and a half's -wrangle, were said to have agreed upon ft t , cers, and a motion was made that a Commit - . tee of three be appointed to request the other ,Committee to report. It appears' that the vaN rious isms represented in the Gonvention clashed on the question of who should be President. Many were in favor of Ex-Gov rernor Reeder, but. others thought he was "too recent an acquisition to the party".to answer the purpose. The "Anti-' •eders", had, however, to give in, and the tee finally repoFted the following perman• : offi cers President—A. 11. Reeder, of Northampton Vice Presidents and S4cretaries to the number of fifty or sixty were also appointed from different portions of the State. Gov. Reeder, upon taking the chair, made a "spread eagle," speech, and at half past 4 o'clock the Convention was organized nd ready to proceed to business. The following ballotings were then made for SUPREME JUDGE. I. 11. 111. IV. Oswald Thompson,-Phila 24 25 21 13 Johh J. Pearson, Dauphin 13 19 29 36 George Taylor, Huntingdon...ll 8 withdrawn. John M. Bead, Phila 25 32 36 39 J. Pringle Jones, Berks. ..... ..17 18 20 22 Wrn. B. lli'Clnre, Allegheny... 7 withdrawn. Joseph J. Lewis, Chester 11 10 11 13 Jas. Todd, Westmoreland 7 3 withdrawn. Samuel Agnew, Beaver 7410 0 8. P.Johnson, Warren ... 6 withdrawn.- 7.1- / P V. VI. VII. VIII. Lx Thompson 2 Pearson 32 35 37 , 41 45 Read.—.— 49 49 55 58 61 Jones 34 87 36 29 '2l Lowie 4 , 6 , ,—, ..... Agnew.. After the fourth ballot, a letter from Hon. Daniel Agnew, bitterly attacking the present administration, was read and his name was withdrawn. After the eighth ballot a motion was made to adjourn and lost, and also a resolution to ape point a Committee on Resolutions which was ruled out of order and the balloting pro ceeded. After the ninth ballot, which took place at half past six o'clock, a motion was made to adjourn, upon which the yeas and nays were called and the motion was carried by a vote of yeas 65, nays 60. Adjourned till eight o'clock. EVENING SESSION. A solution-wasA offered that a committee of thirteen be appointed to report resolutions. Seireral amendments were proposed, when LemkTodd addressed the convention against the resolution. He thought so many and such diverse views were represented in this Con vection that the Committee should at least consist of one from each Senatorial District. Judge , Jewett thought it would be impossi ble to go into all the minutim of little differ-. ences which existed, they should adopt some great, broad principles upon which they could all agree. Mr. Williamson, of Huntingdon, thought they should go before the people on a tariff resolution, and' Anti-Lecompton resolu tion alone. They' had come here to trample on minor points and to unite the antagonisti cal elements of the Opposition. He was for having a party which had; neither head nor tail any where else than in the United States: He was for taking and having a wide expres sion of sentiment, but all that was necessary was to pass a resolution to give work to the laboring man. He was in favor of ,a Com mittee of the largest kind. The resolution was amended by making the Committee consist of ono from each Sen atorial District to be selected by the delegates front the districts, as a Committee on Re_salu tons. 1( ) It was resolved that all resolutions expres sive of principles be referred to this Commit tee without debate. , The committee were named, and the tenth ballot was proceeded with an'd resulted as follows : TENRII sALLor. John M. Read 852 J. J. Pearson 40 J. Pringle Jonas 18 Mr. Reed was declared nominated on the tenth ballot, which was made unanimous by the Convention by a vote 4:11' ratification. The Convention then proceeded with the 6ominations for 0.113 LL COMUEIBIO.I92a, WIN B. Frazier, Fayette county 99 Win; M. Lloyd, Blair.. W. R-Wagonseller Snyder 11 R. M. Fricke, Northumberland. —•••• 6 Goo. W. Patton, Blair 8 Mr. Frazier's nomination was made 'math- MOUS. • The Committee ou.Resolutionrthen i!etareu , . A resolution was adopted authorizi ng the - Preriident to appoint State Central Commit tee of one from each Senatoiial district- The Convention then took a recess of 10 an hour, which we will improve by a ran:lurk or two. It was evident from th e a t ia th a t • the Black Republican element in the body, aided by sonic ten or a dozen renegade Demo crats, controlled the Convention. The straight Americans had no show. They are growling terribly—especially the Philadelphians, who vow retaliation and are especially down on W. B. Mann, one of the delegation, who is seeking a Congressional nomination, and they promise to defeat in his political aspira tions. The Democrats, many of whom have been watching die proceedings, are delighted with the nomination of Read. He istheyond a doubt the weakest opponent Judge Porter could have had, and it is pretty geneNly ad. mitted,hert that Read's n - Onttination ipsures Judge Porter's election. In parts 'of the State Judge Porter's prospects are proving, and many who a few weeks ago care doubtful, are strong in the Democratic faith, and the Judge will, beyond a doubt, be rek taiped bTa large majority in the position which he at present adorns. -The opposition is now in the field with a ticket' nominated on purpose to be beaten. Mr. Read is a free trader. How will the manufacturel , and working men of Allegheny county like pat? A Free Trade candidate upon a professedly, Tariff ticket, is decidedly good. The attempt io unite the discordant ele- I . ments which oppose the National Democracy has ben a most complete failure. The nomi nation of Read, like some of our Allegheny County nominations, will have to b "apolo gized for" a great many times beforo'the elec tion. As we write, the dissatisfaction mani fests itself in muttered growls all over the Hall, and if the Committee over the way in the Sero.te Chamber succeed in making a platform .- at all, it will be either a pieco of patch-work which wilt not hang together, or like Hackett's watch which would'nt go, "'be kase it had no innards," there will be nothing in it. But here it is. The Committee of thirty three, with Morton McMichael for Chairman, and John H. Hampton for Secretary, have labored for two hours and a half, and brought forth the following mouse. Mr. McMichael read the resolutions which were as follows : This Convention, representing the freemen of Pennsylvania who are opposed to the lead •ng meaure of the National Administration, ost esp c• lly those which seek to stifle the v/ voi ,- :.• gnore the rights of a largo majori ty of the citizens of Kansas, and those which have prostrated the industry of the country and are fast driving our Government into ria, tional bankruptcy, do hereby declare and re solve, That the Federal Constitution, the sove reign right and union of the States and the liberties of the people must, and shall be pre served. 2. Protests against the Kansas policy of the Administration. 4. Parity of the ballot box to be preserved at all hazards, and frauds on the naturaliza tion laws prevented by proper legislation. 5. Endorses the course of Simon Cameron. 6. Glorifies John M. Read. 8. Do. do. Wm. E. Frazer. 1 9. Approves of the enactment of proper laws to protect us from the introduotion 'of foreign criminals in our midst by returning them-Id - Once to places from whence'they have been shipped to our shores. While the Committee were out, Judge Jes sup and Hon. S. A. Purviance addressed the Convention. After the resolutions were adopted, Mr. Flannegan, of Philadelphia, Morton McMi. chael and others made short addresses, in which the main object appeared to be to make it appear that John M. Read was a good tariff man and to denounce the present ad ministration. And thus was inaugurated the "People's Party," composed of a little of all sorts. God save the country when such elements shall gain the ascendency in her councils. withdrawn. After the customary resolutions that the , President inform the candidates of their nom-' inations; of thanks to the clerk of the House and his officers,. &0., the Convention adjourn ed a few minutes before midnight. Supreme Court—Allegheny County Bonds EiI?.RISBURG, July 14th, 1858 The. Supreme Court met this morning, all he judges being present, and the first thing taken up was the writ of Mandamus against the Commissioners of Allegheny County. Ja co b Tomer, and John H. M'llhenny, Begs., of the County_ Bbard, were present in the Court, as also were a large number of Pittsburghers, who are here to attend the Convention, which will meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock—the forepart of the day having been occupied in "laying the ropes." As the "Mandamus case" is of the utmost interest to the tax payers of our county, I send a full statement of the proceedings as far as they have, gone. Upon the petition of Joseph T. Thomas, of Philadelphia, a writ of Alternative Mandamus was issued and served upon the Commission.' era of Allegheny Connty, made returnable on July 14th, at Harrisburg. The petitioner, Mr. Thomas, sets forth . That by - an Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, approved the twenty fourth day of May, 1849, certain persons there in named were authorized to organize a compa ny by the name, etyl and title of The Pitts burgh and Steuben e Railroad Company. That by an of Assembly of said . Com monwealth supplemental to said Aot, approved the twenty-sixth day of February, 1853, the county of Allegheny, through its Commissioners, was duly authorized upon the recommendation of one grand jury, to subscribe an amount not exceeding ten thousand shares to the capital stock of the said Company; to borrow money to pay thereto; and to make provielon for the principal and interest of the money so borrowed as in other cases of loans to said county; said act prescribing amongst other things " that po cer tificate of loan or bond shall be for a less sum than one hundred dollars ($100,) and shall bear an interest c f six per cent. per annum, payable half yearly, ?for which coupons may be issued, and said ceitificates or bonds and coupons may be made payable and transferable at such times, manner and places as said Commissioners may think expedient." That in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the said .county, No. 91 of June Term, A. D. 1853, the Grand Jury of said county recommended that the said county of Allegheny, through its Commissioners, should subscribe an amount net exceeding ten thousand shares to the capital stook of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Rail road Company, ameably/to the provisions of the last above in part recited Act of Assembly. That the pre-requisites of said Act of Assem bly having been thus complied with, the said county of Allegheny, through its Commissioners, subaoribed the said number of shares to the cap ital stock of said company, and the certificates of loan or bonds of said county, having coupons attached, in the gross amount of three-hundred thousand dollars, and in amounts respectively of one thousand dollars, dated the fifteenth day s of July, A, D. 1853, duly signed by the Commis.' sioners, countersigned by the Clerk of the Com missione7, and sealed-mith the seal of said coon. ty, were issued in payment for such subscrip tion. That your petitioner purchased and is possess ed in his own right of two of said certificates of loan or bonds, representing two thousand dollars. That said certificates of loan or bonds on the face thereof, do set forth' and declare that the faith, Crredit and property of the said the county of Ad lighozi, were pledged for the payment of the prluelpal and interest thereof, and that said Ger ufLocites of loaa or bonds were issued in pursu ance o►` the above mentioned A.ot of .Aneeiaby, 3. Denounces government extravagance [Editorial Correspondence of the Post.] as by referenoci to said certificates of loan or bonds, a copy of one of which is hereto annex ed, .marked "A," will more fullY and at largo appear. That a large amount of inOrest on said certifi cates of loan or bonds is now and has been for some time past, due and payable thereon to your petitioners and other holders thereof, but that the said county of Allegheny has wholly neglect ed and refused to pay said interest so due, or to make any provision whatever for the payment of said interest. That by virtue of the said Act of Assembly, and also of the General Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in reference to the making or raising of county rates or levies, it became the duty of the Commissioners of the county of Allegheny, then and each and every year thereafter, te_provide for the payment of the said interest on gaid certificates ofi loan or bonds by the assessment and collection of such taxes 99 might be necessary for the purpose. That the said the county of Allegheny has wholly and wrongfully neglected to make any provision whatever for the payment of the said interest so accruing on the said certificates of loan or bonds, although as sfnrossid authorized and require.l so to do, us in other oases of loans Jo said county. , 1 And, therefore, pray that a sandstone may e Issued to said Commtssionera of the county of Allegheny, commauciirt the Commissioners of paid county at their next annual meeting for esti mating the probable expenses of said county, to make fall and ample provision in their estimates, for raising money to pay the interest on the aforesaid certificates of loan or bonds, which shall at that time be duo and unpaid, and that which ?hall become due thereon in the year next ensuing such meeting of said County Commis sioners, and to inanre their proper warrants to the collectors of county rates and levies of the said county for the collection thereof, as in the aforesaid Acts of Assembly they arc authorized and required to do. To this are appended a copy of one of the bonds issued to the Pittsburgh and Steuben wine Railroad Company, with copy of coupons and blank assignment. Upon this petition the Supreme Court issu ed the following : WRIT O MANDAMUS The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Jacob Tomer, William Perkins and John Mcllhenny, Commissioners of the county of Allegheny, •g-reetings: Whereas, by an Act of Assembly of said • Com monwealth, approved the twenty-fourth day of Nfaich, 1849, certain persons therein named wef,e authorized to organise a company by the namp, style and title of the Pittsburgh and Sten benVille Railroad Company: Aid by an Act of Assembly of said Common wealth, supplemental to said act,\approved the twenty-sixth day of February, 1843, the county of Allegheny, through its Com Missioners, was duly authorized, upon the recommendation of one; grand jury, to subscribe an amount not ex ceeding ten thousand shares, to. the capital stock of Said company; to borrow money to pay there for to make provision for the principal and in terest of the money so ,borrowed, as in other cases of loans to said county. - And that in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the? bilid county, Number Ninety s one, (No. 91,) of acme Term, A. D. 1863, the grand jury of eald county recommended that the said county of Allegheny, through its Conimissioner,s, should subscribe an amount not exceeding ten c tirhitaand shares, to the capital stock of the said company, agreeably to the previsions of the last above in part recited Act of Assembly. Arid the said county of Allegheny, through its Commissioners, subscribed the' said number of shares to the capital stock of said company, and the certificates of loans or bonds of said county, having,coupons attached, in the gross amount of three -‘hundred thousand dollars, ($300',000,) and in amounts, respeo:lvely, of one thousand dollars,', ($l,OOOO dated the fifteenth day of July, A. 1853, duly signed by the Commis sioners, oottnters4ned by the Clerk of the Corn= missioners, and sealed with the seal of said county, were issued in payment of such sub soription. And whereas . Joseph T. Thomas, of Philadel phia, purchased, and is possesiid•in his own right of, two of said certificates - 6f loan or bonds representing two thousand dollars, ($2,600,) which said certificatee of loan- or bonds, on the face thereof, (lb Bet forth and declare that the faith, credit and property of said county of Al legheny wore pledged for the payment of the principal and interest thereof, and that said cer tificates of loam or bends, were issued in pursu ance of the above mentioned Act bf Aesembly. And a large amount of interest on said certifi cates of loan, or bonds, is now, and has been for some time past, due and payable thereon to tho said Joseph T. Thomas and other holders thereof. Nevertheless, the said county of Allegheny has wholly neglected and rofused to pay said inter est 513 due, or by the assessment and oollection of taxes, or otherwise to make any provision what ever for the payment thereof, although they are, by the aforesaid Act of Assembly, authorized and required so to do, as in other oases of leans to said county. Bi;reason whereof the said Jo seph T. Thomas lots been unable to reccver the amount of interest now and for a long time past due and unpaid. We, therefore, Being willing that due and speedy justice should be done in this behalf, do command you, firmly, enjoining, that immediately after the receipt of this writ, or at your next annual meeting thereafter, for estimating the probable expenses of said county, to make fall and ample provision in your estimates, for rais ing money to pay the interest bu the aforesaid certificates of loan ord:ooncls which shall at that time be due and unpaid ; and which shall be come due thereon in the year succeeding such meeting of said County Commissioners, and to issue your proper warrants to the collectors of the county rates and levies of the said county for the collection thereof, as in the aforesaid Acts of Assembly you are authorized and required to do. And that all and singular the matters for the speedy performance of the foregoing accord ing to the exigency of law, you shall do and moues immediately, or the cause wherfor you cannot do the same to us you shall signify on or before Wednesday, the .fourteen day of July next, lest for your default, further complaint shall come to us. Witnese the Hon. W. H. Lowrie, Esq., Dootor of Laws, Chief Justice of our said Supreme Court at Harrisburg, the twenty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and of the common wealth the eighty-second. [BEAL.] WM. H. MILLER, Prothonotary of the Middle District. On the 4th of June this writ was duly serv ed upon the Commissioners of Allegheny County. Thos. Williams, Esq. appeared for the respondents, and Wm. M. Meredith and Hardin, Esqs,, of Philadelphia, for the petitioners. Mr. Williams made a motion to quash the writ of mandamus, for the following reasons : 1. That the county of Allegheny is a mu nicipal corporation not located within this district of the Supreme Court, and that the claim upon which the said writ is founded, is a purely local and private one. 2. That the said writ has been issued im providently, without notice to the respond ents, and in a way not bonforming to the law or to the rules or practice of this court. 3. That the claim upon which tho same is founded, is altogether disputed and denied, and that no judgment has been recovered or suit instituted against the said county there for. 4. That if the Relators has any legal rights the law has already provided him with a spe cific legal remedy, which is exclusive in terms and effect, and is entirely sufficient and abun dantly adequate for all the purposes of this case. Mr. Williams pressed his motion to quash. and elaborated reasons given above with great ability and eloquent©. He was replied to by Mr. Meredith in an eloquent argument, but, as the speeches of both the gentlemen were upon matters of law, they would prove uninteresting if reported at length. Mr. Wil liams contended that this was not the proper manner nor the nroper place to initiate pro ceedings against the county in this matter of bonds, while Mr. Meredith claimed that it was the legal duty of 'the Commissioners to assess the tax to pay the interest'on Railroad bonds as on other claims. and that - this court had competent atith,ority to, make them do so. He demanded that the Respondents should de mur the writ, if it was not issued upon legal grounds, or if the factsw,ere disputed, to give the Relator an opportunity to, join issue and try them. she two houra' . argnment exhii)- • rA I .47 ' - ,Seat - re14..." j • lted some sharp wit and keen satire. After it had concluded, the court adjourned until Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. If the writ is quashed, there is an end of the matter, so far as this proeeeding is cono cerned; if not, the argument upon the mer its of the ease will be one of great interest. EL Statue of Edwakd - Everett. The Boston Courier recomends that when Mount Vernon .shall have come into posses sion of the nation, a statue of bronze or marble, in some appropriate part of the do main be erected of thq orator by whose efforts it was secured. Ihjillittittini, N. 31i1A, liiin, From Wrashingtork• WASHINGTON CITY, Jaly 16.—Major Jeremiah W. Dasheill has been dismissed from the army by the President for having failed, as stated in the official order, to explain satisfactorily the deficiency in his accounts of the public money, and having also failed to obey repeated instruc tions from the Paymaster General to pay over the balance acknowledged by him to be in his hands,. Major Dasheill was appointed ' from Louisiana. INSEED OIL.-5 bble. for sale by IylB H. H. COLLINS MACKEREL -50 bbls. No. 3, Large ; 60 14 bbls. " " curly bag and for sale by pylBl HENRY H. COLLINS. _ . To make way for oar fell aupplies, we have made a Lutes atnuotan IN THE PRICES. We invite a call, at .41 6 908. uourrrs, 77 Market street. &MASONIO FUND SOCHETY.—There will be a mating of the Stockholders of the Masonio Fund Society, at the Hall, Fifth street, on TUBsDAY:BVENING, July 20th, at 7 o'clock, to consider a proposition to lease the Concert Roam. A full attendance of the Stockholders is desirable, as the Trustees are unwilling to take the re. spongibility upon themselves. By order of tho Board. jyls:3t•th-eat¢—n MERIOAN SNATCHES.—Manufactured by APPLIITON, TRACY 4 ON of Waltham, Mats. These Watches are most ADMIRABLE TIME SIMMS and are particularly adapted' to the want of RAILROAD OYFICER,9. pall and see them. REINDILAN & BLEYBAN, Agents. /Y/ 5 No. 42 Fifth street. ALADY residing near the city, wishes to procure a GIRL of 8 or 10 years, to live with her till of ago. For further partion'are, call at our oftloe, 51 Mar ket street. 8. 011THDIMIT do BON, 1918 General Agents. °LARK STREET. A Brick Dwelling N..." Noma on Clark street, near Carpenter's alloy, at the low price of $llOO. Also, three other Dwelling Houses near the above. Price, $l2Ol. each. Terms easy. 11 15- S. CUTHBERT & 80N, 81 Market et. $l6OO WILL 8 rooms b an n a y a Dwelling bath room,dEciao e lirar, anCdf other conveniences, situate on Franklin street. $ 7 .00 in hand balance at one and two years. B. OUTHBERT & EON. jyls 61 Market street. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The partnership heretofore existing between MAT THEW GEAGANA TIMOTHY PENIN, in the tavern busi ness, is this day disaavod by mutual consent. The business will, hereafter, be conducted by MATTHEW ()EAGAN, at the old stand, corner of Eixth and Smithfield streets. Pittabnrgh, JulylEtb, 1858.—jy14ate QPONGES—A large supply of coarse and flue Sponges, of a very superior quality Jost received .1112 by JOS. AMMO, N. AIR DYES—Batchelor's, Christadorafe, R Alexander's, Shalon% and Water's Liquid Bair Dyer—a,. large supply coastautly oh hand, at TOpriPH 1,12 Carrier Disarm! and Market stmt. plant e, WYETH'S CHEMICAL FOOD retailge supply received tide day. For sale w/mic." Bale and by JOSEPH PlirilattG, iyl2 Owner /*and and Mad O. BY TELEGRAPH. A semiofficial letter from New Grenada says that in accordance with the law having in view the better security of the passengers over the Isthmus Railroad, duo , and in other respects to promote their comfort, the President of that Re public has appointed J. M. Hartado Superin tendent, with ample power for the fulfilment of the trust. Charles Barrett was to-day found guilty o the murder of Reeve Lewis, and Henry Wil Hams, Barrett's companion, at the time,..of man slaughter. lio New from the Telegraph Fleet. TRINITY BAT, July 15.—The weather is calm and beautiful and the bay is as smoothies glass. There aro no signs of the telegraph fleet. River Matters. LOUISVILLE, July 15.—The river is rising with four feet 9 inches in the canal. ST. Louts, July 15.—The river ie again falling at this point. There ie nothing new from the upper streams. of Col. Stoptoe. WASHINGTON, July 15.—The War Department has received official despatches, stating that Col. Steptoe, with a command of five commissioned officers and ono hundred and fifty-two rank end file, was attacked and defeated by a large body. of Indians on the 17th of May, about one hun dred and 'eighty miles north of Snake river. The battle lasted from; seven o'clock in the morning till a short tini,e before sunset. The ammunition bethg nearly eAltausted and the muskets being nearly less against the enemy, a retreat and forced march to the crossing of the SnaliS river beoame.'neoessary. Acidity of the Stomach and Indigestion. "I can eatf4thything after taking Aar Rolland Bitten," le alamark frequently made to us. To per. -Inns troubled with acidity of the atomaoh, Indigestion, -7 auy disorder of the stomach, we would only say o ,try it. Its w,orld.wide reputation has been established alone by the many wonderful cures it has effected. When used for Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, w4kneas of any kind, Costiveness and Piles, it should be taken in small doses—say, half a a teaspoonful, regularly three times a day, before meals. Caution /—Be careful to ask for Bair haver Holland Bitterer. Sold at $1 pig bottle, or six bottles for $6, by the solo Proprietors, Bebjamin Pftge, Jr. & Co., N 0.27 Wood street, betvieen First and Second ' streets, and Druggists generally. DIED: Op Thursday, the 15th that., MRS. SARAH IL RHODES, wifo of Joshua Rhodos. The funeral will proceed from the residence of John D. Earle, Lawrenceville, to the Allegheny Cemetery, on SAT URDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. Carriages wi l leavethe stable of Rody Paterson, Fourth street, on Saturday morn' ing, at 9 o'clock, to convey the friends of the family to the residence of the deceased. pm WE THINE WE ARE JUST.TXIED IN SAYING that no other Pill, or remedy for Liver Complaint, has gained, so deservedly, the reputation now enjoyed by Dr. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, prepared hy Fleming Bros. of Pittsburkh. As an evidence that they will cure, read the following certificate Dein a lady residing in our own city : January '23, 1862. This is to certify that I have had the Liver Complaint for six year!, and never could get any medicine to help me un til I commenced using Dr. lirLane's Celebrated Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros. I can now say to tha.publin, that they have completely mad me; and I do hereby re commend them to all persona aftlictad with a diseased Liver. Th . ey will cure. Try them. MARIA RV /11 , 18, .No. 93 Lewis street. .0:ge• Purchasers will be careful to ask for pr. TVLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, MUMllUL : tared by FLEMING BRCS., of Pittpburgh, Pa. There are other Pills purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. iPLane's genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Venolingo, can now bo had nt ell respectable drug dore4. Nqne genuine edamt thesigna. itas cf [l5) (jylftlwdsw) FLEMING BROS. NEW - -ADVERTISEMENTS. Tty ASHING MADE EASY.._ I AIOYIORER'S PATENT WASHING MACHINE, Patented, March SOth, 1859, ~ Washes Clothes without any Friction on them. Persons wishing to purchase COUNTY BIGHTS, will dO well to call on the undersigned, who has purchased the Patent Right for the entire State of Pennsylvania, except the counties of Allegheny, Washington, and Greene. I will remain In Pittsburgh but a week or ten days, at Hare's Hotel; Liberty street jyledtw JOHN E. P. DORSEY. BRA' TT'S PULMONARY BALSAM ; Brant's Extract's; Cream Tarter; El. Carb. Magnesia ; Lemon Syrup; Citrate Magnesia. For sale by B. L. PARNEBTOOS. & ea, Jyl6 No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth sta. 100 LEASE CALL and examine our fourth ar rival of Bummer Dry Ocods that are now being opened. 0. MANSON LOVE. (Formerly Love Brothera,) iylB 74 Market street. LEAD -200 Pigs No. 1 Lead, for sale liy 1916 HENRY H. COLLINS. LIME -200 bbls. Louisville Lime, for sale by [jyl6] HENRY H. COLLINS. T REDUCED PRICES In order to Close out oar pi esent stock of SUMMER GOODS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SEWING PtIAOH.I.NES„--- TIRE $2O AND $4O DOUBLE ROOS STITCH SEWING MACHINES! Are now on Exhibition ; at the HOSIERY STORE OF M.R. DALY, NO. 20 P'IK'E STREET, nide Machines are admitted to be the best in market; for family use, making an elastic double thread stitch, which will not rip even if every fonrth stitch be cnt. It is the only low priced double thread Machine in market. Orders Will be received and promptly tilled by . M. DALY, Agent, No. 20 Fifth street, on the corner of Market alley, Pittaeurgh, Pa. Aor` NOTICE—M. DALY, on the corner of Fifth street and Market alloy, 18 the only one of the name hna business on this street. .iyinrly °ORES FOR PRESERVE JARS—An im menso Mock on hand, at the Only MIRK DIANUPAO TORY in the - city—No. 76 13mithfleld street. • ./Y l6 S. OVERINGTON. N O. 65. FIFTII ,. STREET.--i ROOFING CHEAP, . AND DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF'. JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for H. M. Warren & C 0.,) MANIIPA4TUREB, AND DRAT:FR IN WARREN'S FELT, OEItIENT, AND GRAVEL 00FS AND ELASTIC CE NT, AND SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, AND ROOFING MATERIALS. tha,..OFFIOE, No. 6d FIFTH STREET, opposite Odd Fel lows Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa. )39 BEDFORD SPRINGS.--Thie well-known and delightful REAMER. RESORT will be opened for the reception of 'Visitors on the 10th of June, and kept open until the let of October. - . The new and 'spacious buildings erected lad year aro now fully completed, and the whole establishment has been furn ished In superior style, and the accommodations will be of a character not excelled in any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. AIJMN, whose experience, courteous manners, and atten tion to his guests give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of access, it is deemed pro• per to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambers:burg. The Company have made extern:lvo arrangements to sup ply dealers and individuals with "BEDFORD WATER" by the barrel, carboy, or in bottles, at the following prices, at the Springs, via;— Por a barrel, (Molberry,)44 00 (0ak,).... 3 00 " % " (Mulberry,) 300 " 3.4 " (Oak,) 2 00. Carboy, 10 ga110n......_. ' 225 Bottles, 15 pint, 33 dozen 1 60 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that purchasers may depend upon receivtog the Water fresh and sweet- All communications should be addressed to .... THE BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS CO., Bedford county. Pa. Pittsburgh Water Cure Establishment. - VCR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF -V diseases, located at HAYSVILLB STATION, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, ten miles West of the city. For the healthful exercise and amusement of patients, and others friendly to the system, who ma ,t-; wish to spend some time with us, we have lately erected a fine GYMNASIUM and BOWLING ALL.BY, Address Box 1.304, Pittsburgh, Pa. mylo:tjy2Ana J. 11.1Jit.FORD, D. p hysicians FRIMBEI, M. ACKEREL-25 bbls. No. 3, Large ; 10 halt Ma. No. 3, Large. ( jyl2) W. H. 62111TH & 00. For solo by IMPORTANT TO BIIYERS.—We have now placed upon 'he counter a lot of SOILED GAIT ma and SHOES, which we offer CHEAP. Call and exam. ins thom. All kinds of Bummer wear Bolling at the moat reasonable prices. Misses' Gaiters, black and colored, with and without heels, low. Children's Fancy Shoes, of tho newest styles. We have still a few Men's Patent Loather Gaiters left, now selling at greatly rednoed prices. DIFFENBACHEII dt: CO., N 0.1 7 Fifth street, near Market. C ILE ifiP BOOTS AND SHOES. ' SELLING OFF TO RENEW TEE STOCK. Good bargains can Le had by calling at JOSEPH IL BORLAND'S, j ylO 98 Market street, two doors from Fifth. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling House of four' rooms, a large Lot of ground, fruit tree; oto:, pleas• antly situated in South Pittsburgh, on the point of Mount Washington, Immediatly opposite Smithfield street, will be cold on ensy.terms, by - B. CUTHBERT & SON, 19 13 61 Market fl treat. VARItRYI.—A Farm of 40 acres; one of 12 acres; one of 302 acres; Bala% Lote, price $lOO, pay able in aurae of sa a w eok. Dwelling Houses la Pittsburgh, Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, and Mount - Washington; a pleasant residence in Eewickty; 3 Lots in Baden, for Bale by 19/ 3 - S. CiTIIIBERT & SON, 61 Market at. fIiSCEOLA.: The Seminoie, by Capta in N„,., Mayne Reid. Price $1,25. 'The Lectures of Lola Montez. Price $1,25. The Royal Gem, Or the Secret of thB Snaquehatm. Price 20 cents. • • Bur sale by R. A. Loomis, PubMier's' 4ent, 41 birth strect TH2 BEST ASSORTMENT OF BEIOT 66Nt3, 1 ,- SHOCITINGe.APPARAT_US, GUN ITURNITUILA , HUNTING Accournloras, In the city Is at CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG'S, 798 No. 86 Wood street. THE SUMMER / RUSH FOR WARM WEATHER CLOTHING, For gentlemen and boys is now at its height. NEW STYLES, NEW GOODS And low prices, takes the people to • ORESTES:B GOTHIC HALL Jy 3 Corner Wood street and Diamond alley. FIBHFNEt TACKLE, Guns, Pistols, . Ammunition, Gun Furniture, • Dog Muzzles, And in short, everything necessary for a complete sports man's outfit, can be bad at DOWN it TETLEY'd rya No. 120 Wood street. _ _ A R S, -FOR PRESViRVING, VERY CHEAP, AT PIANOS I PIANOS I 1 An additional stock of Piano Fortes from I I the celebrated Factories of STEINWAY & SONS, NEW YORE; ALSO, NUNNS & CLARK, NEW tree just been received, and the attention of perehasers di. rooted thereto. - EBEE & !BRO., Sole Agents for the abo celebrated Pianos, No. 6.3 Fifth street LOUR.-40 bbls. choice superfine for safe by JAN. A. ITZTZER, Carnor Market and Drat eta. • Summer 'Lager Beer. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform hie friends and ,the general, that he 'is in the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well- known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, ft having been pronounced to be the beat that was manufactured here for many years, OM! A "R; TASTEFUL and MBEs. Give me a call and try it. JOHN BOTti, ap2,4.-tf At his old stand, No. 28 Diamond. TORN THOAIPSON & CO.—Have just received and for eale, a large lot of hlngliah Vennlaa Red, Rochelle Ochre, Vermont Ochre, French Zinc, American Zino, White Laid and Whldt,g, at IA6 Tblvd erre FIRE CRACKERS-300 boxes No. I Gold Chop,Jnet received and for male by IM RE A ANDERSON, 39 Wood street. BACON -2000 11m. Clear Bacon Sides for aale by JAB. A. FETZER, jya Corner Market and First streets. y AKE FISH-15 whole bble. Lake Supe ju dor White Fish jut received and for sale-by JAB. A. FETZFR, 198 Coiner Market and First streets. DINT BOX FACTORY.- BUSHA GUTENDORP Manufacture to order, BOXES euitablo for Soap and Oa:idles, Hardware and Variety Goods, etc., etc. te... Orders promptly tilled. (RANGES -25 boxes, in prime order,just received and for sale by REIMER & ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, _ Opposite St . Charles Hotel. CIGARS I CIGARS 11—A larfo lot of ~ coaatrt"a ° Paa ° ; , l, " t u n received and Ci g ars c of the Those wishing a Goon Cigar should call and examine my stock before purchaairtg elsewhere. JOS. FLEMING, 1)7 Corner Diamond and filarketet net. OAFS.--A large supply of 'Low's well known Brown Windsor Soap, Just received Also, Amoy, Palm, Lettuce, Nymph and otbos fancy Soaps con• 'Maly on land at JOS. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and /Slake, gine. JAYNES' ''EA STORE, Nd. 88 ill% street my22iiy VARMERS' AND DIP#CHANICS' ____ V. FIRE AND 111 / 01 INE!TNBIDIANDE 00rAP4.1a N. W. Comma oo 8.5. ,- Oun Ax> Wataarr &rams, - Ass PIIILADIILPHIA. , ors—s6.lo ' . PITTSBURGH OFFICE , No! 90,&94: WATER STREAM 0 " . Ile following . list will showTEIOB. the amount lUNTEIL,Agent. Fad at tDO Pittsburgh Agency for losses from june,.ls66, to AIA Is 1858:-- Ilerbert Goodal $ 600 00 11.111 ACo ......$ 166 li Wm. Sldden 660 00 Rader 31autiL Ca......t. . 6 8 . 00 Frank W01ff........... 400 co Wm. Magee .. . ... • 15 00 IL ILess 196 00 J. Iloaard A ................ 9 0 W. W. Wilregor... 800 W. Dliwn th, Esq... 1,115 .:.0 John Heath.. . ... ..... 117 60 J. 111.1rwin, Esq—.. 850 00 J. J. lionse A 830 67 Edw. Spence, Esq.. 64 00 Newinyer A 0raft....1,689 72 0. H. Pannen..:::,.... 854 Al , John Ttionspeon...... 200 03 English .t. Richard'u 193 00 Henry Foldbusch... 20 00 Brewer, Bind A Co.. U-J3 John Watson.— ..... . 21 00 It. Hill At C 0.........„ 46, 52 J.lll. Hear 10 00 Wm. Li'liendry 0 i .0 Phelps, Carr A C0...4,600 00 ,It. bill A C 0..... ..... .. kd 40 J. I. House A C 0.... GI 00 Span; ACo ... 83 0 .Jae. Woods, Eaq.... 20 00 flAtiVagn on steamer WM. WthlnY & C 0... 2,570 17 t Anolo ' 71 11' Janos Mellinger...-1,900 00 Adams It It'Clintock , 40 00 W. Sl'Ocily Sr C 0.... 700 00 Dahmer() -- 54 Oa Total 4 ... $20,107' 841 STittra OF YENNSILVAXL4.., ' . City of Pittsburgh, os.l " Before me, an Alderman In and for said city, personal), came Thomen .1. limiter, Agent ci the Farmers and 610. chsnlm' Insurance Comk ny, who tieing duly sworn, PC Carding to 1,.47, dot!" d aro and, any that , the kiregotaa statereelitge true. ,_ THOS. J. I.IUNTOR, Agani. Sworn and subscribed bsforo Me, .aprii 7, 1858? Itir23 ':Lcosnn 8. Joints, Aldernien. -- . DELAWAU2 rEITESr bed, SHETY INSURAIN 'E COM.P.ANY LNC6BPORATED BY' T. T uI'.LEGIsr.,ATURP. OD, YEN bYLVANIA, , 1813 6. 01 7 .1710. a; 8. E. COI4E.R 21 / 1 4! 0 -411 D W- 4 -L 2 R/ 2 " 4 F 11 .1.1. A D El 1 It 11 I A.. ItiAßkilE. itSsußtAricE.. ON VE861.1/B.} CAIIOO, To all parts or the wend. - 13., FRE,IO.IIT, INLAND INSURANCES On Goode, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriages to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES Oo Blerchandiso generally: (kJ Stores, Dwelling Houses, &a. ./..S.S.ETS OF THE COALE:LW. November 2, 1857. o 6 • Bonds, Mortgages, and Reel Estate 0101 4. 35 941 Philadelphia City „ and other Loans 13790.1.11. SLO Stock in Banks, _Railroads and Insnranctif 1.2 ,DOS CO pompanies Bills Receivable. $4,9,391 Vl° Cash on hand... ~,4 • ' DUI CO Balance in handl of Agents, Premiums 1 on Marine Policies recently isined,on 92,730 99 other debts dna the Company Subscription,„ 100 1 000 08 DIAMUTORII. Ja`n_les Ci.• Fsad, - Thoophiluo,Paulding, James Tn.:mar, William blyre, Jr., J. P. Poniston, Joshna P. Ilyro, Earariel Stoke.:, Henry FRcan, • James B. DJ.clfarlani, Thomas O. liand,. • Robert Rai ton, Jr., John Semple., Pittabgrgh D. T. Mr gita t J. T. Lo .ran, is Preationt. • ant,- William Martin, Jeeeph U. deal, Edmund A. Bonder, John U. Davis, John E. Penrose, George G. Lelper, Edward - Darlkgron, Dr. v.. 1 . 4. liumon, William C. Ludsig, Hugh Craig, aponcer Alcilvatn, Charles Kelley, 11. Jones Brooks, Jacob P. Jones, I D/39. 0. n&:®, Vice resit 3 1 liztay lamina, Soo ,eta: E :ATE. WE Z. Fire wild Plarine Insuran OF PHILADELPIIIAT. Office -in Company's Building, No. 403 Waktie, Corner of Fourth 'Street. A UTIIORIZED CAPITAL... Capital paid in durplue, Janniy Ist, 1858-- $ 600,090 .a. 1,300 . 65,277 05 FIRE INSURANCE—Limited orTerpetual. 2277,674 MARINE INSURANCE, on Vessels, Qaigo and Freigliti. INLAND INSURANCE by Rivers, - Canals, Lakes and land Carr - taus _ , 313,2030E8: Charles.o. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut stre4. • V, ill hod Darling, 1210 Pine street. lilosetnaer Whillden, Merchant, 18 North front. Isaac Hazlolinrst, Attorney and Counsellor. John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter Co. , E. Tracy, firm of Tracy 1 Co., Goldsmith's Hall. John R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, Whitt, .4 ricCiirdy. Thomas L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie Zeller. James B. Smith, firm of 'James B. smith Co. Hcn. Henry M. Puller, office 227 South Third street. John o.,Vogdes, office corner of Seventh and Sussex. Janice Weight, late Cashier Dank of 'flogs, Alfred Talor office Cairo city Property.. Jena J. klocum, office.22o South This d street. if 0. LATENCY, President. W. 1.41.1,1.1“1, Vice President LEWIS GREGORY.,I•BrancIa Office, 8 Well st , Y. Second Vice Pres't, • , JA WRIGHT, Vea ecretary and Trsurer. H. H. RICHARDSON, Assistant Pecretary. R. W. POINDEXTII%. Agent. 97 Water street, Pjttsburgk. Pennsylvania Insurance tinpany OF PITTSBURG :. OISIce No. 6a Fel:urn' straw:. DIREOTOESs, • Jacob Painter, J. P. Tanner, Goo. W. Smitb, Rody Patterson, C.' A. Colton. ' A. J. Jones, W. B. Alaride, Jas. IL Hopkins, Wade Hampton. L Grier Sproul, A. A. Carrier, Robert Patrick. , A. C. Sampson, J. IL Jones, JohrcTaggart,, Henry timbal, - nich's Vooghtly, Chartered Capital 2300,000 HRH AND 'AI:AP:MiI RISKS vAItEN, or all descriptions onvxcissic: President—A. A. CARRIER. Vice PresidentßODY PATTIIRSON. de3o Secretary and Treasurer—l. CRIER S'• - e.i:tiL. , .MONONGAHEI4A INSURANCE COMPANY, PITTSBUll&11 JAMES A. RIIDORL. 4 ON, Ireddent. /MEV ?L `ATWOOD, Secretary. • OFFICE...No. 08 Water Streett WILL ENSURE AGAINST ALL RINDS _l' ANi IAIUN BISEE. ABB7ETS—MAY 2Orrt, 1859. Stock, Due BLUR, payable on demand, BOCIIVO4I by approved names.-- , $140.000 00 Premium Notes. 47,003 29 Bills Receivable 9,9C6 21 115 Educes Ileohanicte-Bank stock., wat., .... 6,165 6,a 50 dd Bank Pittsburgh do do 2,750 00 ; .40 . 7-do Exchan 'Bank •do do 2,050 00 3.90 devitiasens' Banff. d 0.., do -•••• 5,175 00 Balance of'BoolrAccounts. ' ' 0,050 89 091ce. .690 88 15,853 78 Dre. 802038: - James A. Hat'.ddson. George A. Barry, Wm. B. Holmoo, Robert Daltekl, Rea, Thomas S. Clarke, Wilson Miller, John M'Dovitt, my 22 Wm. A, Caldwell - A. A. CARRIER arato., - PITTSBURGH: GENERAL GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital ii , epresoutod t $2,000,000. OOMPAITLEB OP PLEOLLEST STANDING, Ohar' - 'red by Pennsylvania and other States. • PIAII, MAXINE AND LIFE RTKR . SI 'PA 1 r PN,;(11? ALL DESOBIPTIONB. , ' lie. 63 VOURTPI OrAnitEE , P .s. A. osmacc..l , r2112Ev3:04 PA. . autPazz.l •r; TERRA COTTA OR STONE WAT PIDPE2 9 From two to Biz inoh calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. ALBO-ROCIHEBTER, PEARL STARCH For Sale Wholesale at rdanutacturars Prices by UMW JL CO FORWARDING AND CONILIISSION fIiEROPIANT, Asp WEarasai DRAM 1 i CiIiGZSE, DIPETEEt., SEEDS-, VI.SU, " AND 'PBODUOD • OMDRB ALLY. No. 25 WOOD STESIST, PITTEIBITEGIT.. []oie, JAMES DieI.AtrGIFILIN, MANITRACTIMER OP ALCii Cologne Spirits and Fusel 011, Noa. 167 and 170 Second Street. spletlididp FISH! FISH! 00N84ARTLY OR HAND A;i01.1 BiPPLI OP WHITE FISH, OALMON, EqatliEtio, l Zija Orders accompanied by the OAPIJ, will meat picmpt attention. HENRY-H. COLLIES, sayltUyl-2D SAMUEL FA.HNESTOOK DEPORTERA DEALER IN FOREIGN AND _DOMESTIC HARDWAitE. No. 7* Wood street, between Distoc:24l alley and Fourth etroat, I „PITTSBURGH, '1" CiPTga ana iberisnow opening a well selected ninsor meat of foreign and domestic Iferdwafeiall now, and 1010 s sold on as good terms as any other hews in this city. will always keep on hand a- general assortment of ILARDWAREi, CUTLERY, OATIEMITEBS' Tome, Tv which he reipacthdlyinvites the attention of flt - chal , '"" l asb2B 51 1 7, VAILUE4RIALE::-. PEIIILLBPS, EWAN CO., - - Commission and .Forwarding Aferehants WHARF BOAT .PR OPRO TOR S A"SHIPPING AGENTSof Illinois ' Central Bailioad, Cairo, kninole. Mark Coolie in all cases, to our care, Jel;a4d:r7 CIERM DRAWING} INCt PAP In, toile lUlt for Dwaveri, for Ws bz_ WELDIN, WM, 63 W=621624641119P42Xitt wa[7,M~ :iii; =~ '~za*.,i NOE, 7tl2y7titti P. A. DIA_DEISA, Agent, 05 Water etre ',l,ittaaa7gb 'ERN $237,710 U 5 PIOEMIII, 2/14.C=W , . 95 WOOD ETDDI U. 3