Mr. Lovejoy--Mill the gentleman from Penn sylvania lot me say a word here? Mr. J. Glancy Jones—l cannot yield now, as my time is ehort. Mr. Lovejoy—Then I hope the gentleman does not charge us with fillibustoring. Mr. J. Glancy Jones—l have seen a good deal of it on both sides of the House, and not a little this morning in the war speech of my friend from Masiachusetts, [Mr. Burlingame.] Mr. Lovejoy—Ycu have not seen it on this side of the House on any single appropriation bill. Mr. J. Glancy Jones—l have heard within the last half hour a most tremendous demonstration of what I call fillibustering—a war speech on the loanthill, while I know that the gentleman who made it will not go for paying expenses. There is not a constitueney of five men on that side of the House who would support a war measure before the country, or vote money to pay for it, if I wore to bring in a bill to-morrow asking for money, and men to use it. Ido not blame them for it. Experience has taught us that the best way to get along is to insist upon cur rights at all hazards, and to ask for nothing but what is right. A war epoech in time of peace is very safe, and naturally, like froth, works itself off. I will hold myself ready to vote for war, and to vote for supplies to maintain it, whenever I think the honor of the country is assailed or touched. Mr. Kunkel, of Pennsylvania—So will we. Mr. J. Glancy Jones—But yen would not now be found voting to give the President of the Cul -ted States authority to redress instantly the first insult offered to our flag on every sea. I am ready to give tho President money and men to do both, but I know such a proposition could not be carried in this House, and hence I refrain from making war speeches, only to end in words, and find fault with such of my friends on the other side of the House who indulge in this harmless amusement for Buncombe. I could not let the opportunity pass without this remark, that it is rather inconsistent in a gentleman to rite here in this body—and the country will fully appreciate it—and assail the Executive of the United States, no matter to what party he may belong, for not prosecuting a war, when that gentleman, by virtue of his being a member of Congress, is expected to know that, under the jealous reserve of the Constitution of the United States, the Executive has not the power to lift one finger in hostility without the action of Con gress ; and still worse is it when that gentleman would not vote to give him that power to-day. If the gentleman means what he says, why does ho not vote to give the Executive power ? The idea of finding fault with the Executive for not waging war, resenting insults, Ste., when he has neither power nor money given him by Congress' to do either, is a species of demonstration which ' I should be sorry to see often exhibted here by friend or foe, and must certainly (I say it with all due personal regard for my friend) bring Congress into ultimate contempt at home and - abroad, wherever it is understood. I now send to the Clark's desk the referred-to tabular statement of the estimated receipts and expenditures for the next two quarters—that is, from now until the Ist of January next; and also for the four quarters of the current fiscal year—actual and estimated: RECEIPTS. Estimated from customs, public lands and mitcellanfions, fr,,m July 1,1858, to December 31, 1858 From proceeds of loan EXPENDITURES. Estimated expenditures from July 1, 1858, to December 81, 1858 Probable excess of receipts over expenditures January 1, 1859 Probable deficit on July 1, 1858 Probable balance on band Actual expenditures for the let quarter, 1858 L'3,714,628 37 Estimated expenditures for three remaining 'quarters. To which add Amount of appropriatione contained in the de ficiency bill to be expended during the year.. 9,7e4,209 SO Total expenditures... Balance ou hand, July 1,1857 MIMS. let quarter, ISs9.—Cur.toine 16,08,729 37 Public lauds.. 2,059,44 ) 89 ni is ce 11 ftuocuß 298,641 05. 2d quarter, 1858.—Cuitoms 6,237.723 69 Public lauds.. 498.781 53 Miscellaneous 356 159 78 8,1 quarter, 1859.--Custonls 7,127,000 60 Pubic lands.. 440,026 89 Mlecellan - ovn 893,610 78 8,002,448 85 4th quarter, 1853—Estimated from ctistoraa, public lands and miscellaneous 10,000.000 CO Troasury notes under act December 23, 1857... 20,000,000 00 Total receipts. Probable deficit on July 1, 1859 Thus it appears that if the loan of $15,000,- 000 be granted, and you do not increase the ex penses by legislation this session, either in C.D. proptiation bills or the passage of private bills requiring money, there will be a little over two millions of dollars in the treasury on the Ist of January next. Experience has taught us, how ever, especially under our present mint system, that we ought at all times to have a balance of $5,000,000 on hand in the treasury in order to work the machinery of the treasury department. We shall therefore, be short $8,000,000 of a good working ballance ; but it will be safe for months to rest it. I propose that the House pass this bill in its present shape, providing for a not exceeding six per cent. loan of 15,000,- 000 for fifteen years, and send it to the Senate. By the time the Senate takes action upon it it will be able to figure up the exact amount of the appropriations made, and if it be needed the Senate can increase it, and I shall ask the House to concur in such increase as they may propose on this basis. I have submitted these reznarke hastily, and may modify them somewhat here• after, in order to enforce and explain more folly the position..taken. Delaware Division. ThelPhiladelphia Ledger of Monday gives the following : Some little feeling was MI nifeeted on Saturday when a report obtained circulation that the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company, to whom the Legislature, at its late session, had conveyed all the State canals, resold the Delaware division to a company of ten or twelve of our leading capitalists, namely, J. V. Williamson. A. S. & G. Roberts. A. F. Frill, E. W. Clarke Sr, Co., Wm. Longstreth, the Messrs. Boris. Chas. Henry Fisher, Judge Hepbnrne, Ephriam Marsh, of Now Jersey, and some others. Included in the list, we are told, there aro five Presidents of Banks, Railroads and Canals. The persons named are of unquestioned means, and wholly unexceptionable as purchasers on the score of ability and probity of character. The price stipulated ..o be paid is one million seven hundred and seventy five thousand dollars ! payable as fol lows: Mortgage bonds, at 6 per cent ...... —51,200,000 Preferred 8 per cent stock 100,000 Ten monthly payments of $40,000 se cured by collaterial Cashon the oseoation of the papers This bargain, en Saturday afternoon, was ap proved by the Governor, and is of course com plete. The cash payment of $72,000 was made, and the - purchasers organized into a company, under the title of tie Delaware Division of Penn. eylvania Canal Company, and elected Jay Cook, Esq., President. Although it was known that the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company, was on the market with this work, the an nouncement on Saturday that it had been sold to the parties named, created surprise, be cause all eyes were turned to the Lehigh Navi gation Company as the probable purchaser, the Divisionbeing a connecting link with their works and the tide water en the Delaware. It was and is considered the most valuable to them than to any other parties. The capita of the Lehigh Navigation Company being large, and tiers about tills city, the disappointment was widely extended and keenly felt. We do not know, however, if the Lehigh Navigation Company sho . uld feel that they have lost a desirable bar gain, that they /have any but themselves to blame. We are assured that the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company desired them to become the purchasers, and solicited them to make an offer by a given day, as other parties were nego tiating with them and wished to conclude a con tract. The . Lehigh Navigation Company declin ing the oner made them, and a disposition of the Division being necessary on the part of the Sunbury and Erie Company, a sale has been made as above stated. Since the fact became known parties on behalf of the Lehigh Navigation, we are informed, have offered two millions of dol,- lare—an excess 'RI $225,000 of the price to be paid by !,119, association of gentlemen named. KILLED BY A WAD.—A 9 the sunrise salute was being fired at Perth Amlzoy, N. J., on the morn ing of the sth, a bay of about eleven years old, son of Mr. Snath, who was engaged with hie father in raising the fise, accideutally got in the range of the cannon, and was struck by tho vrad in the neck, which carried away the side of his face and rendered him insensible, in which con dition he lay till five o'clock in the afternoon s 'hen he died. ening ',l,tost. JAMES P. BARB, Editor and Proprietor. THURSDAY MORNING JULY 15, 1858 808 SUPREIIB JUDGE, WI LLIAM A. PORTER, We yield much of our disposable space to day to the publication of the able remarks of J. Glancy Jones upon the National Finances. The carefully, prepared statistics found in this speech will serve for reference hereafter, and should be carefully read by every man who desires to be officially informed of the financial condition of the country. A PARTY ALWAYS FOR SALEJ It is astonishing to witness, at this present writing, how very forgiving the Opposition ace become to all manner of outcasts and uckless politicians, and how closely they hug hem, and with what fatal endearment tho novices return the favor by enacting all the arse fat bites from the dear old Anti-Ma sonic and Whig Pftrty. All the tastey, flippant, dashing little Jacks wear the plated harness in Senate, House and forum, and the other old fathers of the party are retired to an obscurity near akin to that field of enterprise to which' cruel masters send their over .worked and much abused horses, either an out-of•the•way ferry boat or a blind walk in a bark mill. A file of Pittsburgh papers shows a most humiliating spectacle of many who still cling to the mottled opposition of the Republican party, so called for the present in this region. Where are the brilliant orators and cam: pairrners of '4O, '44, and '4B ? Dare:l - I'6y ask for an office, they are forthwith shelved in disgrace, forgotton without a regret, or rather instead of a parting God bless him ! an ex pletive far more startling followo him to his shades! charity, in absence of honesty and capability .n. .the suppliant. But with their new alliance their success is wonderful. They legislate for city, county and state, and dictate boldly to the old fellows that suffered the labor and sweat, and in their very face carry off for brothers, and cousins every office in their party's gift. The old documents before us are a mourn ful record. The Free Soiler whode down on the record in the character of the vilest pot house slanderer of Henry Clay, must be a Senator! The Anti-Mason who denounced V.:5,000,003 CO 16,000,000 W.) 40,000,0u0 00 £7,032.377 99 2,867,622 02 U 32,220 87 2,(85,401 16 51,248,55 u OL 74 ; 963,058 41 S-1,t367,2g8 30 «17,710,114 27 _20,920,819 81 7,092,Gas op 83,736,047 43 932,220 87 .. 400,000 .. 75,000 $1,775,000 PITTSBURGH: DEIIOeItATIC STATE 1401dINATION8 OP PHILADELPHIA NOR CANAL COICITIBSIONISR, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE COUNTY SPEECH OF J. GLANCY JONES. Who are those who take their places? A score or more of chaps who have been beg gars at. Democratic cenventions constituted of too wise material to yield to such abuse of secret societies, and abjured the Lodge, must halm Oat salaried attorneyship, or the Know Nothing's will bolt! and the renegade Demo crat, who once thundered against soulless corporations, can be bought cheaper than the frailest street walker—merely for a promise —and will lobby through a charter for a rag money mill, or auy other equally beneficial purpose. This variegated mass, in which all the elements are bad, compels this opposition party to be always in a transition state. They decline a cohesion that would elect Clay, but rally on a citizen candidate, like Taylor. They studiously avoid a man of standing among their classes, and avow all want of principle in rallying their strength on a rene gade Democrat such tie Fremont. To defeat the Democrat party is no manly avowal of a principle, and in this fatal attempt with Fremont in disavowing all old party ties they failed, and will fail again. The abolitionism of Western Pennsylvania may-suit Ohio, but will not suit the bretheru of their party in the East who trade with the South. It was the Republican and Americang,Republican party at either end of the State, and the next shuffle to the People's Ticket is 'the old shave-tail party under a new name and no m ore. The reason for this is one of the worst kind of moral and politically obliqmity—the suppression of the truth I Hence the fre quent change of name. The one of chame leon will not suit the miserable multe-.colored affair ; that animal is said by naturalists to be merely passive in its nature, and takes its hue from the object most adjacent. There is another animal easily guessed of an active nature, having, it is said, power over both its color and smell, either to conceal itself from what it fears to be re vealed or from what it designs to seize. The history of the Ritner and Pollock Adminis trations have been solemnly passed upon for imbecility and dishonesty in every shape, and the Galphin Administration will long be a warning to the American people never to trust this Opposition 'party. These matters of record they try to forget and ignore; hence they are always put on the .defensive and in apology for their political sins. The infa mous history of the Congress of which Nathaniel Ranks was Speaker, is but a continuance of their unprincipled use of power. The commodity of a new set of names therefore is an absolute necessity to even an ephemeral existence, and the continu ed change of the color of their flag, is a cer tain herald of continued defeat. AFFLIOTINQ. The wooden man whose name figures at the headof,a--penny sheet called the True Press, whOstrlTriab. Heap smiles enlarge into positive grins, when called "editor and. pro- prietor," Undertakes a tolerably large con tract in the / way of crushing out the balance of the newspapers in this city. Each in their turn have been made to feel the near apy.roach of their dissolution by this "second Daniel,' and have doubtless made their preparations. We struggled againot hope for' a time, delud ing ourselves that perhaps onemight be left to tell the tale. But not so. Every column of that sheet is let out to a different'scribbtcer, each having some vial of wrath to discharge. We received our column yesterday, =lt if this is the "last of earth," we are cont 4 .nt. But we do not believe it. ',Before we," bid 3on good bye, John," we`' shalt prepare with sot ne care a short biographica!i sketch of the - rise and progress of the Kennedy family. Cinbria. Oonnty. The Demoortley of Calabria county met in Col:weal:Son on Tuesday last at Ebel ksburg. Jalz).es Myers was nominated for Sher iff and Thomas Porter for the Legislature. V 11.5 Old Governor Again In the H leld. Charles S. Porter, so long known, in this ac .d other cities as a popular theatrical lessee ar . ;tor and stage manager, has leased ti'le old ittsburgh Theatre, and will open it is t Sep. I ember.We congratulate the play doing community upon the change, and hope it may !prove acceptable all around. A Valuable Implement. Labor saving machines of every kind, are now the order of the day, and the skill of the mechanic is taxed to the utmost in pro ducing any and every new piece of me chanism which will lighten labor. For a long period efforts of this kind were confined to the construction of machinery to take the place of hands in manufactures and agricul ture. More recently, the attention of those possessed of the necessary qualifications has been directed to the invention of a thoustrd little articles required in households, which though small in themselves, are of vast portance to a large proportion of our pbpu• laden. Prominent among these are sewing machines, which have been sold in this coun try for many years. But the high price of the article has, in a great measure, placed it almost entirely out of the reach of those whom it should most benefit those poor sernp• stresses who are obliged to earn a subsistence by untiring industry. We are pleased to know that this desideratum is now being sup plied, and that a machine is now offered for sale, which, will come within the reach of this class, and be of, equal service with the most costly. We had the pleasui'lesterday of examining at the stocking store of Mr. Daly on the corner of Fifth street and Market alley, one of Nettleton & Raymond's double lock stitch sewing machines, which appears to us to combine all the essential qualities of the best machines now in use, while it is sold at the very low price of $2O. The principle on which it is constructed is entirely new, and is remarkably simple. It takes the slime double stitch as the most expensive machines, works as rapidly, makes as firm and hand some a stitch, and is not likely to get out of order. It can be changed by a simple oper ation from a double to a single thread, or vice versa. Tho operator can learn to use it in a few hours, and any one can perform all ordinary repairs on it. For family use it cannot be excelled, and we have no hesitation in pronouncing this the very best machine for this purpose. Families will find it pecu• liarly adapted to their wants, besides saving sufficient labor to pay for it in a • short time. We advise all who feel an interest in such I matters, and of course all the ladies must, to call and see this machine in operation. Handsome Picture. We notice in Gillespie's window, a very finely painted photograph of Captain David Campbell, of the Duquesne Greys, by W. C. Wall, enclosed in a beautiful frame in Gil- lespie's best style. The picture is intended to be presented to the National Guards, of Phiiadelphia, by the Duquesne Greys. Post Master at Pittsburgh. Col. James P. Barr, the worthy and talented editor of the Pittsburgh Poet, one of the ablest Democratic papers in Pennsylvania, is an appli• cant for the office of Post Master of that city, and we heartily wish him success. No man has worked more faithfully and energetically, and with better success, for the party ; therefore, no man is more deserving of reward at the hands of the Administration. We feel satisfied, from what wo know of friend Barr, that he would make a capital Post Master for Pitts burgh ; and we also think that President Bu chanan would make a capital stroke of policy if he would honor him with the appointment. [Somerset Democrat .I=Z -- True Press please copy. Cricket hatch. The Union Cricket Club, of Cincinnati, will play the Olympic Club, of this city, to• day, at the grounds in Oakland. Thnatch will commence at 10 o'clock this morning. We expect to see some scientific playing TII E 4, PEOPLE'S CON VE ti TION." HAIIRIBBIIIIG, July 13th, 1858 Dear Post:—Believing your readers would like to hear a little of what is going on here, I send you what I can gather. The city is quite full of delegates, mostly from the centre of the State. Those from Philadelphia and from your city have not arrived yet, but are expected by the next train. There has not, as yet, been concentration enough to enable an humble out sider to form, from what is going on here, a guess as to who will be the nominee for Supreme Judge. Some of the eandidates are bore in per son, and others by their friends, all anxious, and (as a distinguished functionary of your city once most truly said about Col. Black, when he was a candidate for the nomination for Governor) "Ferspirin' to get the nomination " Among those I see here working hard are the relicts of the late Anti-Masonic government of this State, to wit : Gov. Ritner, James Todd, Esq., and Thad. Stevens ; but they don't pull together as i they did in by gone days. "The last link is broken" that bound them together, and Stevens now looks upon them as though they were men of another sphere. Todd is working hard for the nomination, and his old friend and patnn Ritner is here urging his claims upon that portion of this Convention who still adhere to th:e Anti-Masonic faith. I think he will get about three or four votes. Stevens is figuring, I think,. for J. M. Reeds, Esq., of Philadelphia, although the delegates from Philadelphia are in atruoted d'or Thompson. Reede will, I think, be the man, ,as ho seems to have the most friend's from the country. Robert Ale:Combs, Esq., of Lawrence, is here, pressing the claims of Judge Agnew; he will fall on the first ballot. Judge Taylor, of Holli daysburg, is also here by his nest friend Gen. John Williamson, who is hard at work for his candidate. Judge Pierson and Pringle Jones ara also warmly urged by their respective friends, and this is about all I can tell you at this time. I think it is more than probable the nomination for Canal Commissioner will be con ceeded to the West, "as far as heard from." There is nearly as many outsiders as dole gates. Some of the Republicans are soft enough to imagine they will elect their candidate, and hence there is a great anxiety for the nomina tion. I will give you to-morrow a full and faith ful report of the whole proceeding. Yours, in haste, How A. BTIZTISIT MEECHANT SAVED His COITH- Tts.—ln the year 1586 7, when Spain under Philip II ins preparing the so-called invincible armada for the invasion of England, the Court of England saw that if King Philip's fleet was in condition to conquer England, he would not abandon the design for Mary being put out of the way, and that he certainly designed to con quer it for himself, and not for another. So or ders were given to make all possible haste with the fleet. Yet they were so little prepared for such an invasion, that though they had then twenty good vessels on the stooks, it was not possible to get them in a condition to serve that summer, and the design of Spain was to sail over in 1687. So unless by corruption or any other method, the attempt could be put off for that year, there wa,s no strength ready to resist so powerful a fleet. But when it seemed not possible to prevent the present execution of so great a design, a merchant of London, to their surprise, undertook it. He was well acquaint ed with the revenues of Spain, with all the charges,and all that they could raise. He knew all their funds .were swallowed up, that it was impossible for them to victual and set out their tlce but by their credit in the Bank of Genoa. So .he undertook to write to all the planes of trade, and to get such drafts made on that bank, that ha should by that means have it eo entire -17 in his lands that there should be no money "relit thpre—equal to the great occasion of .re og was over, would be v i otn aiDg.the ,fleet of Spain. He records the keeping o f zap!' yeasu dead in his hands— atilllotshseofseflo'n4‘o%ragaatird'tpotu;ids sterling,nnd at that rate he o s eu s44.4 l Ve*llalld. ge managed ouu- the matter with su s „fry and success, that the fleet could not bt: '"r ant that ylar. At so small a price and with ~`c l M""emeni was the nation saved at that time! This, it seems, was thought too great a mystery of state, to be communioated•to Hampden, or to be pub- Hailed by him, when the instructions were put into hie hands for writing the history of that glorious reign. But the famous Boyle, Earl of Cork, who had a great share of affairs of Ire land, came to know it, and told it to two of his children. TIM _LATEST NE N BY TELEGRAPH. THE "UNION" CONVENTION. The Allegheny County ' Peoples" Del egates Pitched Out! il. EL Reed w, President of the Convention. lierninatgon for Suprome Judge. JOHN M. READ NOMINATED ON THE TENTH BALLOT. HARRISBURG, July 14.—The Union State Con vention met to-day at two o'clock. The Hon. William Jessup of Susquehanna, was chosen temporary President. A oommitee of seven was appointed on con tested seats, and s committee of one from each Senatorial district on permanent organization. After a recess of fifteen minutes, the Commit tee on Contested Seatereported that the only case of double setts was from Allegheny county, which was sotped in favor of the delegates appointed under 'tha Republican American call. The ge port was adopted. The Committee en Permanent Officars report ed as President A. H. Roeder, of Northampton, and for Vice President, one from each cf the other Senatorial districts. Mr. Reeder took the chair, and made a brief address c.f thanks for the honor conferred upon him. Ho referred to the peculiar condition of the public affairs of the country, the desertion by the National Administration of the cardinal doctrines of Democracy, and enjoined union, concord and harmony in the Union party. Ilis address was frequently g•eeted with applause. The Supreme Judge was nominated, and voted for as follows :—First vote—Oswald Thompson, 24 ; John M. Read, 25 ; John J. Pearson, 13 ; J. Pringle Jones, 17 ; James J. Lewis, 11 ; Geo. Taylor, 11 ; William B. M'Clure, 7 ; James Todd, 7 ; Daniel Agnew, 7 ; S. P. Johnson, 6. No choice—necessary 65. Eight other ballots wore taken without a re sult, the last standing thus :—Read, 61 ; Pear son, 45 ; Jones 21. No choice—necessary 64. The Convention then adjouincd till eigh. o'clock, P. hi. LATEST-READ NOMI7ATED. By a private despatch received late last night, we learn that John M. Ft of Ph;ladelphio, was nominated for Supreme Judge, en the tenth ballot. From Vflexfshlugtou WASHINGTON CITY, Jaly 1 4.—A letter from Minister Forsyth, asking for an opinion relative to the levy of the Zuloaga government on the prop erty of American citizens having been laid before Attorney General Black, the subject has by him been thoroughly examined in connection with the official decree and the treaties between Mexico and other governments, our own being placed on a footing with the most favored na tions. While it is understood to be admitted that a general tax may be imposed according to the usual forms for legitimate purposes, yet tak ing all the data into consideration and looking to the present condition of the country, the collec tion of money in the manner proposed is in the nature of a forced contribution. Thus the position of Mr. Forsyth is sustained, and of this fact he will be duly advised. A requisition was made on the Treasury to day in favor of Col. Geary, reimbursing money expended by him while Governor of Kansas in calling out the companies of militia, and for which Congress , made an appropriation last ses- Bien. Commander Page had an interview with the President to day relative to the expedition to Paraguay. No Commissioner has yet been ap pointed. 4 7- The Secretary of the Navy has been detained at home for the last two days by sickness. It is decided not to change the site selected last March for the Boston Post Office. Vrom the South. AUGUSTA, G.&., July 14.—Heavy rains have fallen throughout the South during the past week. The damage hat, however, been trifling. A Nicaragua barbacue was held at Montgom ery, Alabine, en Saturday last, at which Gen. Walker and Mr. Ganoey.delivered speeches. Departure of the Turhtth Admiral BOSTON, July 14 —The Turkish Admiral sailed to-day in the Arabia. He will inspect the ships building in England, and then proceed home, where his services are required in connection with the troubles in Montenegro. Destructive Fire MADISON, July 14.—The extensive cooper es tablishment of Coffin & %Villetts, on High and Cherry streets, was burned last night at eleven o'clock. A quantity of dressed and undressed cooper's stuff was also consumed. The loss is estimated at $7,000. There was no insurance on the property. Forty operatives are thrown out of employment. The fire is thought to be the work of an incendiary. Afternoon Telegraph Report Later from California. NEW YORK, July 14.—The steamer Philadel phia, from Havana, with dates to tho Bth of July has arrived. She also brings California papers to the 20th ult., anticipating the arrival of the Star of the West, which is, however, signalled below. The brig C. Perkins, of New York, sunk in the harbor of Havana, has been detected as hav ing brought in a cargo of Africans. The California papers brought by the Phila delphia are rather barren of news. The Frazer river gold excitement was increaslns, in conse quence of the glowing accounts furnished by the miners who had return K 1 from that region. San Francisco was crowded with people on their way to the Frazer mines, and throughout the State parties are making arrangements for the same purpose. The effect was beginning-to be felt in the State. Laborers were scarce, and wages had advanced from twenty to thirty per cent. It is estimated that eight thousand persons have al ready left for the new diggings. Six steamers have been put on the route, besides ten sailing vessels. Several American newspapers are pro jeoted in the English possessions, and one, The North American, is already announced at Vic toria. . The steamer Cortez took 1600 passengers for that city, and every berth in the sailing ves sels had been taken days in advance. The Hudson Bay Company had stationed armed vessels on Frazer's river, to prevent emi grants carrying goods into the interior to sell. One American vessel, with merchandize, is re ported to have entered the river in spite of the blockade, the English commander not daring to fire on her. The defeat of Col Steptoe is fully confirmed. His troops fell into au ambuscade, and were at tacked by_ a large number of Indians and forced to retreat, with a loss of seven killed and fifteen wounded. The troops were not sufficiently sup• plied with ammunition. A general Indian war was expected. Gen. Clarke had despatched troops from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Much excitement exists in San Luis, Abiepo county, and also in Carson valley, in conse quence of numerous robberies sad assassinations by organized banditti. In the former place a vigilance committee had been formed, and had already hung four of the culprits. In Careen valley a murderer named Snow was seized and hung by the people. Before his death ho made a confession which led to the capture of seven confederates, who, at last accounts, were under trial for thir lives before a body of citizens. The Indiana in the northern oonntiea were again committing outrages. Serlotus Riots t Toronto, 0. W. MONTRUAL, July, 14 —Serious riots ocour'ril4 at Toronto during" Monday, and the following\ night, in consequence of the Orange demonstra, , lions. A number of men were fatally shot. The military were called out, and stationed in the different districts to preserve the peace. _INSEED OIL.-10 bbls. for sale by_ trio a. Acidity of the Sto and Indigestion. "I can oat anything after taking your Rolland Bitters," is a remark frequently made to us. To pe:lens troubled with acidity of the stomach, Indigestion, -7 any disorder of the stomach, we would only say, try it. Its world-wide reputation has been established alone by the many wonderful cures it has offooted. 'When used for Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, weakness of any kind, Costiveness and Piles, it should be taken in small doses—say, half a a teaspoonful, regularly three times a day, before meals. Caution !—Be careful to ask for Bcerhave's Holland Bitters. sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the sole Proprietors, Benjamin Page, Jr., th Co., N 0.27 Wood street, between First and Second streets, and Druggists generally. ' WORMS WORMS s—There is no disease morn P I S' ? common among children, and yet none which eo fre: guently baffles the skill of the physician, as rrerms. They arelighly detrimental to the constitution; and their pro sauce should be carefully guarded against by parents. On the first manifestations of symptoms, every means should bo used to e 5 pel them promptly and thoroughly. ISPLane's Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros , of Pittsburgh, Pa. well established es the most certain, safe and speedy re medy ever offered for thie troublesome and dangerous mal ady ; and all who have the mansgement of children should keep this invaluable medicine on hand. In addition to its perfect safety, it never fails to produce the desired effect. .{Qr Purchasers will be careful to ask for DR. hPLANES, CELEBRATED VERMIFIIGE, manufactured by FLEIUNG BROS. of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifugea in corn parison are worthless. Dr. APLane's genuine Vermifuge also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all re spectable drug aorta. None yenufne mahout the rignaitcre gf (341 jyflawdaw FI.BMING BROS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ty. Mr. Eiitor :=-Aslise time draws near, for malting our County Nominations, it is important to insure success, that good and true men be selected. Allow me to suggest the following as possessing the requirements : CONGRESS: HON. CHARLES }HEALER, City, asserit: RON. WILLIAM WILKINS, Peetles MISS.3IIILY : WILLIAM M. EDGAR, City, WILLIAM G. H.AVFKINS, WILLIAM WHIGRAM, Milli n, A. HAYS, AIR gleny City, THOMAS S. HART, Indiana. SHERI : BARNES FORD, Upper S. Clair PROTHONOTARY JOHN W. IRWIN, City. 031111114810NE3 : THOMAS FARLEY, Allegheny City L 17D/TOR JaHN IIIIIRBAY, South PitteLurgh COnoNEII : WILLIAM ALEXANDER City DIRROTOR OP REM POOR JOHN B.iYLE, Indiana. iISOAPITVLATIP EAST._ SOUTH. 1 . 1 1 . MASONIC FUND SOOIETY.—There will be a mooting of the Stockholders of the Masonic Hand Seeley, at the Hall, Fifth street, on TUE sDAY EVENING, July 20th, at 7 o'clock, to consider a preposition to lease the Concert Boom. A full attendance of the Stockholders is desirable, as the Trustees aro unwilling to take the re sponPibility upon themselves. By order of the Board. jyls:3btb-sa•tn—D SEWING MAOHINES.— THE $2O AND $4O DOUBLE SOCK Kum SEWING MACHINES!, Are now on Exhibition, at the HOSIERY STORE 0 F MR. DALY, I'M rrEint STRYIET, These Machines are admitted to be the beet in market for family ma', making an elastic double thread stitch, which will not rip even if every fourth stitch be cut. It is the only low priced double thread Machine in market. Orders till be received and promptly tilled by M. DALY, Agent, No. !Itl Fifth street, on the corner of Market alley, Pittsenrgh, Pa. .tat" NOTICE—M. DALY, on the corner of Fifth street and Market alloy, is the only one of the name in bualuese ou this street. jyl6:ly CORKS FOR PRESERVE JARS—An im mense stock on hand, at the only CORK MANUFAC TORY in the city—No. 76 Bmithfield street. jylb fi. OVERINGT3N. AMERIOAN WATCHES.—Mannfactured by APPLETON, TRACY & 00., of Waltham, MCOA. Those Watches are most ADMIRABLE TIME KEEPERS and are particularly adapted to the want of RAILROAD 0/FICERS. Call and see them. 11EINEMA.N & 14LEYBAN, Agents. No. 42 Ylfth street. ALADY residing near the city, wishes to procure a GIRL of 8 or 10 year; to live with her till of ago. For further pal ticu'a: s, call at our office, fil Mar. ket street. 8. CUTHBERT B EON, General Agent; CLARK STKEET. A Brick Dwelling uonee on Clark street, near Carpenter's alley, at the low price of $llOO. Also, three other Dwelling Homes near the above. Price, vsoa, each. Terms easy. jyl6 S. CU2IIBERT Es SON, 61 Market et. $1 600 WILL buy a Dwelling House cf 8 rooms and bath room, good cellar, and other conveniences, situate on Franklin street VOO In hand bahmee at one and two sears. 5. OUTLIBERT a SON. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- Tho partnership heretofore existing between MAT THEW GEAGAN t TIMOTHY PENIN, in the tavern busi ness, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter, be conducted by MATTHEW GEAGAN, at the old stand, corner of Sixth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Judy liith, 18.58—jy14:3t* THE ONLY FRESH STOCK OF DRY IL. GOODS in the city now opening, new style Prints, for fall; and the best assortment of all kinds of Seasonable Dry Goods in the city. 0. HANSON LOVE. (Pmmerly Love Brothers,) 74 Market street. Q.,. PONGES—A large supply of coarse and BO fine Sponges, of a very superior quality, just received JOB. FLEMING. OornerfDiamond and Market street. HAIR DYES—Batchelor's, Christadora's, Alexander's, Shalon's, and Water's Liquid Hair Dyea—a large supply constantly on hand, at JOSEPH FLTIMTNOT, Corner Diamond and Market street. BLAIR & WYETH'S CHEMICAL FOOD —A large supply received thisdar. For sale wholz• sale &nd fetal by IY/2 MACKEREL -25 bbla. No. 3, Large ; 10 half bblv. No. 8, Large. (jyl2) W. H. MITI' a CO. Far sale by ~SIIGS- Brown'e Roe. Jamaica (linger; Extracts of Roots, for making Beer; Cooking Extracts; Prepared Corn Starch; Hecker's Parlua ; Cream Tarter ; 81. Carb. Soda; Lemon Acid; Citrate Magnesia; Lemon Syrup; Yeast Powder For sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCK h CO., j ylO No. 60, corner of Wood and Fourth eta. IMPORTANT TO BUYERS.—We have now placed upon the counter a lot of SOILED GAIT MIS and SHOES, which we offer CHEAP. Call and exam ine them. All kinds of summer wear selling at the moot reasonable prices. Misses' Gaiters, black and colored, with and without heels, low. Children's Fancy' Shoes, of the newest styles. We have still a law Men's Patent Leather Gaiters left, now selling at greatly redu,:ed prices. DIPERNBACHEIt & CO, N 0.17 Fifth street, near Market. CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES. SELLING OFF TO RENEW THE STOCE. Good Largaintom be had by calling at JOSEPH H. BORLAND'S, j ylO 98 ItErket street, two doom from Fifth. 500000 ENVELOPES, Miff and Ca nary, Just received and for sale o the Stationery Store of W. 8. HAVEN, Je2B Corner Market and Seoznd streets. QTAIt CANDLES.-75 boxes. extra Ada mantine Star Candles, warranted superior to any in the market, on hand and for sale by mvl3 11. C. & J. 11. RAWYEIt. (COFFEE. --200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by WU. H. SMITH & 00 4 118 Racced. ood 117 Prot etrof is. LAKE FISH.- 160 Half Bbia. White Flab; 140 " " Trout; 100 " " Barring; 80 " " Salmon 20 " Pickerel; Just received and for sale by Jolt HENIIP H. COLLINS, Applee, for sale by Bea , 0080.13. AVE & CO., Nce... 18 and 20 Wood greet. 10 BAG QTATIONERY FOR OFFI E USE-A kJ large supply of Staple and Saucy Stationary, for of ficas, bank!, eto.,for azda by (Jen) J. R. WELDIN. guN DRIE S.- 5000 The. Country Bacon; 1.2 kegs Packed Batter 76 bushels Brlrsht Dried Apples; " U. " Peaches ; 100 ',whets Red Potatoes; 200 " Mud " Just received and for sale by JAB. A. PEI.'ZER, myBl Corner Market and Second sta. . 2 ,RIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried" Ap ar plea, just rewired toad for sale by iIIoCANDLESS, MEANS A C 0.,, Corner Wood and Water streets. bb i tl a rall for NO. 63 FIFTH STREET.— ROOFING CHEAP, AND DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF. JOSEPH HARTMAN, (Recently Agent for H. M. Waryon & C 0.,) IiLANITACTUREa AND DPAT IN WAR,REN'S PELT, OE3.I,ENT, AND GRAVEL ROOFS, AND .ELASTIC CEMENT, AND SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, AND ROOFING MATERIALS. e z tomon, No. 65 FIFTH STREET, opposite Odd Feb Lowe Hell, Pittsburgh, Pa. J)9 -13 SOUTH arDm 61 Market stree JOSEPH DI.RMING, Corner Diamond and Market et NEU ADVERTISEMENTS. BEDFORD SPRINGS.—Thiq well-known and delightful BUMMER RESORT will ba opened for the reception of Visitors on the 16th of June, and kept open until the let of Cctober. The new and spacious buildings erepted last year are now fully completed, and the whole establlShment has teen furu tolled in superior style, and the accommodations will be a a character not excelled In any part of the United Staten. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. CI ALLEN, larheee experience, courteous manners, and mac', tion to his guests give tLe amplest assurance of comfort to kind treatment. In addition to the other means of acceas, IL is deemed pro. per to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambereburg. The Company have made extensive arrangements to stip• ply dealers and individuals with "131MBORD WATER" by the barrel, carboy, or Wl:mottles, at the following prices, - st the Springs, viz : For a barrel, (Mulberry,) $4 00 " (Oak,) 800 " " (Mulberry,) 800 " / A . " (Oak,) '2 00 Carboy, I 0 gallons 2 25 Bottles, 1 . 1 ,4 pint, 0 dozen- 1 50 The barrels ore carefully prepared, so that purchasers may depend upon receiving the Water fresh and sweet. All communications Giniild be addressed to TILE 13EDliO1ill MINERAL SPRINGS 00., Bedford county. Be. Pittsburgh Water Cure Establishment. FOR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF uiaeasea, located at LIAYBVILLE STATION, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, ten M 11.39 Weat of the city. For the healthful exorcize and amnaemout of patients, and othera friendly to the system, who may wish to spend ome time with us, we have lately tweeted a fine GIIIINASIII4.I and BOWLING ALLEY. Address Box 1304, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. IiIIIIFORD, AI D., t Phyalcians IL FEEASIS, M. D. I mylthtjy2ol3a COLLINS PARK.—A premium of $lOO will be awarded at Collins IYark, on Thursday, lath July, to the owner;of the fastest trotting horse to harness, mile heats, beet thrtie i 3 five, drivers to weigh 145 tunas, entrance ton per cent ; entries to be made tin Saturday, the 10th of July. Th. ee or more horses to make a race. Free to all trotting horses. Trot to come cif at tour o'clock, P. 11., preciady. Care for the accommodation of visitors will leave the Peons Railroad Depot on the day. ti)7 ONLY $750 for a Dwelling House of four rooms, a largo Lot of ground, fruit trees, etc., pleas. witty situated in South Pittsburgh, on the point of Mount Washingtort, laimediatly opposite Smithfield street, will be sold on easy terms, by S. OUTIII3ERT Sc bON, Jyl3 5l Market street. VARIETY I—A Farm of 40 acres; one of 12 acres; one of 302 acres; Buiblieg Lots, price $lOO, pay. able in sums of $2 a week- Dwelling Horses in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, and Mount Washington; a pleasant residence in Pewickty; 3 Lots in Baden, for sale by jyl3 B. CUTHBERT 84 SON, 51 karket at. HANDKERCHIEFS FROM RIVE OJIIINTB TO ONE DOLLAR APIECE Ilannfattnred from Pure Flax Linen, for Bale at JO2. HOW , IET, 77 Market street EPISCOPAL READING ROOM.—Sub wribers 'will meet at DAVIS & C.": 23 Book Store, at Udd !Marred Roll, Fifth street, ou TUErDiT, the 13th inet., at 4 o'clock P. at. The Clergy and Cturchmen generally, are invited to attend, and co operate in establebing a Free Reading Room. Jyl3:ll.* OSCEOLA The Seminole, by Captain Mayne Reid. Price $1,25. The lectures of Lola El ontcz. Price $1,25. The Royal Gem, or the secret of the Susquebana. Price TU cents. For salo by R. A. LOOMIS, Publisher's Agent, 41 Fifth street T HE BEST ASSORTMENT OF. SHOT GUNS, SHOOTING APPARATUS GUN FURNITURE, 11UNTING ACCOUTREMENTS, &a, In the city in at CART W RIG HT & YOUNG'S, f s No. 86 Wood atrt-et T HE SUMMER RUSH FOR WARM WEATHER CLOTHINg, For gentlemen and boys 13 now at its htlght. NEW STYLES, NEW GOODS And low pricos, takes the people to OHIESIEWS GOTHIC HALL, Oerner Wood street and Diamond allay VISIIING TACKLE, Gana, Eiffel), Pistols, Ammunition, Gun Furniture, Dog Muzzl.3s, And in short, everything neces3ary for a complete sports man's outfit, can be had at DOWN k. TETI,Era iss No. 120 Wood street. HOES FOR THE FOURI H, iv GENTS, LADIES, MISSES, YOUTHS, 811(1 011ILDEEN'S WEAR, Of every deecription, CHEAP at the PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, N 0.17 Fifth street, Je3 DIFYENBAOHEA it CO IINES-500 Pines just received by Ez.- press, for sale by REYME.B. AND313.30N. N 0.39 Wood street, Jy2 Opposite Bt. Charles Hotel. POTATOES -150 bushels White Neshan rwck Potatoe , Jot reo'd and for Bale by JAB. A. IfETZEIt, jy2 Corner Market and First streets. FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY A large lot of WENT'S, LADIES', MISSES, BOYS' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S FANCY SHOES, Which will be sold low for Cash, at the Cheap Cash Store o JOSEPH H. BORLAND, 08 Market street, two doors from Fifth. CLOSING OUT SOME MEN At BOYS' Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats, At loss than cost, at No 98 Market et, two doors from Fifth SUGARS, FOR PRESERVING, VER P CHEA,,P, A T JAYNES' TEA STORE, No. BS Fifth street PIANOS 1 PIANOS 1 1 ram An additional stock of Plano Fortes from t f the celebrated Factories of STEINWAY A SONS, NEW YORE; ALSO, NIINNS & CLARK, NEW YOR K, Has just been received, and the attention of purchascra di. rected thereto. H. &LEBER & BItO., Bole Agents for the above celebrated Pianos, Je2s . No. 53 Fifth, street. FLOUR. -40 bbls. choice superfine for sale by JAS. A. HETZEtt, ia3 Corner Market and First ite. Summer Lager Beer. TIIE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends and the Public in general, Gui s t he is in the daily receipt of thin delicious Beer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheuy City, it baying been pronounced to be the beet that wua manufactured here for many yearn, CLEAR, TASTEFUL end FURL:. Give me a call and try it. JOHN ROTH, At his old stand, No. 28 Diamend. OHN THOMPSON & CO.—Have just to received and ter sale, a large lot of English Verdi:lan Red, Rochelle Ochre, Vermont Ochre, French Zinc, American Zinc, White Lead and Whiting, at 12rt Tbfrd rues VIBE CRACKERS-300 boxes No. )(gold Chop, jut received and for Nile by ILEY3IEIi & ANDERSQ,N, 39 Wood; street. IDP AC ON-200 ,0 lbs. Clear Bacon Silos far Al sale by JAB. A. FIZkR, J9B , Corner Market, and Firs streets. T AliE FISU-15 whole bble. Lf.:k t 7B - 1 7pe . - .B.A tier White Rah /eat received and for eals by JAB. A.,th'ETZ ER, .13 1 Ccrner Market and eFirst streets. POINT BOX FAOTORY.- 1317SHA.a. wg,Nitonw Manufacture to order, BOXES suitable fonSeap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Clecds, do., etc. - Val. Orders proniptly flited WATSON'S SYRINGES—I havo this day received another supply of these celebrated Syringes pronounced by physici4us to be super 'r to any other now in use. Persons wishing au article of le kind, should call and examine ray stock before pnrcha.- obiewhere. JOSH PLEMING, Dimmer Diamond • ;Market street. AITLES.-150 bue. choice Dry Applat, received and for 04 1. 4 , itintoCazi Etta fitted& ARMERS' AND MECHANICS' • PERE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPAn N. W. Cu3:0:11, OP S1.1.0:0 AND WALINWP 6TIIELT3, PHILADELPHIL PI'1`1"8111111Q 11 A ,sr.l.s--t..b-sotss4• olifital, I:4u. 9u WATER. STMT. T11.0:i.. J. I.IUNTER., Ageist: Thu I, AL:wit: g list will shoo, (to, mount, paid at t s Yittibw gh .4,0,t0y tor t fr,Au a IS:4, to Apt 'ls lui:— Ltetbart G00dab......g 6010 00 Wln. Bidden ...... 000 Frank WoUt ............ .LUO CO M. thus 106 00 W. W. rti'Lltruuor.... oeu Johu 'loath 167 tO J. J. House t C 0..- 330 07 Newinyer & Grai1...1,684 74 John 1 ht.u.:,65,n *27b 0..) floury Fuldbusen... 10 00 John Watson 23 00 J.ll. Lass 10 00 Phelps, Corr a C 0.... 4 2 00 CO J. 1. lfou&s & C 0..... 61 00 Jas. l'ioods, Ewa.- :19 CO dim. H!'Cntly 0 2,079 17 Junta I.lt4lin-0r.....1,000 00 W. 11'C:oily 00 Tots! BIAS VE.2I: 4 3Tii.VaZILL, City of l'ittebtimb, et. I Before me, eti Alciormra' I carob Tborote J. Bunter, ALI ctienic.3' losuranco Company corning to cloth dercuti statement le true. Sworn and eubeziribed b3fo orTaLA ' 5 4 d • SAYEIN INSURANCE COMM PAN ItfORATED LY ¶ Li LEGISLATURE 05 r.i.s LVANLA., 18;5. OPF/C2, N. E. CORN.ER 27111:-D AND IYALIR T .5 FOR THE BULLION SOS. 11. BOBIatilr.':1 my227ly SURANCE, B. ILill .t, C 0..... .... .4 1513 . 15 thith e r 3laoof. Co--. 53 00 Vtrr.z. :•. 1 a?,‘...c 1 75 04 J. Llc.•. , cicil,3: C.,.......2,500 04 NV. In: 2, ,th, Leq....1 4 11:5 -. 0 J. SI. Irwin, E5q..... 860 e 0 ' Law. hpence, Esq... 61 00 C. H. PuulEcii......„ 851 JO kali,llah a i;zeilazd'il 103 , }0 Brwanr, .Kiha & Co.. 0 4,1 IL Ibli .t. 0.4........... .15 j by, V7I3L I,l'llo tdry...... 01 .0 B. hill & Co 13;<0 hpauz. &Go 11:3 0 S.t:ime , on oteaLnbr ,- u and for auld city, Forronalll7 ,cnt cd tie Farmers and - Mo. •, who b-sing duly sworn, Pa o and n.y that tho foregciut THUS. J. .111.1ZITER, Agent. ro ma, April 7, 1855. EO.lll.ltD Y. 3r.11:48, AldertllEM. MARME: 112,18LNAEICE. ON V Ett.E.4149..} °ARGO, To tll porta of the we FREIGLIT, • INLAND II:SiIIUNC23 On Goods, Ly Rhar r C3ll/11E, Lang Carrine; tt3 ail farts of tha Union. FIRE, IN&URANORS on Merchandise generally. on :toles, Dwelling Eldr.sta, ASSETS OF TILE CONFAN.Y. Nov: mbar 2, 1167. Bonds, 3iortgeges, and Real Estate- $101,350 99 Philadelphia City, and other Leans 137,011 2 Stock in Ithiska, Railroads and:insurance }, 12,588 00 Companies Rilla Receivable 220,291 95 Cash on haul ' 3>5,69a1 G Balance in hands of Az;ents, l'reirdnhic) on Marines'oliciesrocentlyieoeol,un 4 S 93•730 al other debta due the Company anisesription Nauss 100,000 00 DIRISICTOI6O. William llarttni James 0. Rand, . Jue..Th E.,l Theoptikm Paul.llnr,r,, 'Amaral A. dotter, James Traquelr, Joha C. Davis, WUhaul Epx.e, Jr, John li. VOUI - 032, J. F. Penteum, Ueorge U. I.Mper, Joohrm P. ktyr., Ic.dward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Ha; it. M. Hustua, Henry Sloar.,_ li'v illium 0. Ludwig, Jamea 11. 111:J: arlami, Hugh emir, 7.:ll.oinan C. Hand, tipmem klelivale, ilobezt her con, Jr., uherleJ Kelley, Jahn B. 1 - . i a ruple, Pittlbargh H. Joure Brooke, P. T. Mr gun, 44 J.e.;01) P. J 011.53, J. T. Lean, 44 WM. MiiiiTill, President, 11103. O. EfAdD, Vice Pret! LTIDU2S, folll GREAT WESTERN lbstre avid Marina Inaiurgatee Coi n • OF PHILADELPHIA Office Coripa:t.v's Building, No. 403 Tranut Corner of Fourth. ;31;cet. AUTHORIZED CAPITA!, Capital 1:31,1i], 3crpiva, Jautiry v"37,67L riIJtE INSUR NCII--Libilted or Pei pc,taal. SLAVIN E 801AANCL, on Vcasela, Cargo and Fraiglita. INLAND IN St/RANO:I by Rivers, Canal 3, Lal and Land L'Arria6ca DV - 4E1.17.0Ra: Charles O. Lathrop, 11'23 'Mali:lnt street. William Darling, 1510 l'ino [area. Ala .anger Whillden, Merchant, 18 North Front, Isaac Hadletrarst, Attorney and Conaseller. John 0. Uuntee,.firm of Wright, Bunter a Co. E. Tracy, firm of Tracy W Co., Uolosmdli's John R. 51c0unly, firm of Jones, W tnto do McOarly. Theanis L. Gillespie, Lail of Gillespie di Zeiler. James B. Ernita, fire of James B. f•mitu J; Co. Hen. nry duller, Mao 217 roach Third sire -t., John C. Vog , ka, Olico corner of Euv:fith and Siin:ort. Jaw's Weight, Into Cushier Look of .1 ioga. tired Toler office Cairo City l'ro,'erty. .Yens J. elecurn, oT.Ce 2.2 t; Emith strret. C. LATI.L.:OP. erechlent, ""I'2 ‘ jaill ' 111e.t.,11 Qince, 6 Well st r oLrt VietA j JAIE:I tLeretary and Treaintrer. 11. K. 1110tLI.1iI:.60.4, A•slinant Seeretafy. It. W. rOINVEXTE.II, Agent. 97 %cater street, Plttaburgh, ihtinsyllfallia linguramea Comparay OF PITTSBURGH. No. 6 Fourth street,. DIRECTO.P.B3 Jacob Painter, J. P. Tanner, 660. V 7. Rody Patterson, C. A. Colton. A. J. Jon 01, SY. B. Aleirldo, Jac. Lt. ilophina, V/ode listapto.q. I. Grit:. Sproul, A. A. Oarrlor, Itol , ert Pgrl A. 0. Bnmpson, J. IL Jonce, John r iVrgorl, Henry Elproul, NicledVoeghtly, Chartered Capitol 2390 ) 006 i 1.511 AND MARINE Iti.i.+s6 dezt;riptiow. orrtLsiti President—A. A. CARRIEP.. Vice President—RUDY PATX.F.L;IO.i, den Secretary null Treaearex—l. MONOI GAHELA • INSURANCE COMPANY., OF PITTSBURGH. JAMES A. uutoarecN, iersaidatt. U_ENRY H. ATWOOD, 2ocrotary. OIPITIGYV.--110. OS Wetwe :..ttrcsai WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL ICE:W.: - MARINE RISME. ASBIITE—MAY 2.oru, 185 S. Etock, 800 Bills, payablo on demand, .SECurA by two approved names $1.4.0.W.) Ou Premium Notes 37,06:1,2.0 Bills Receivable 9,863 21 115 aharea Mechanics' Bank stool:, coat 0,165 oa 10 do Bank of Pittsburgh do do . 2,160 00 40 do Exchsugo Dank do do 2,054 00 190 do Citizen Bonk do do ^-•- 5,175 00 Balance of Book Acoonntz 8,050 89 Office. Furniture. 090 63 Cash 15,853 TS James A. Hutchison. George A. Berry, ' Wm. B. Holmes, Robert Balza], Will lam Bea, • Thomas S. Clarke, Wtrion Miller, John .bi'DeN itt, my 24 Wm. A. Caldwell. A. A. CDARRIBER 131 , “1)., PITTSBURGH GENERAL INSURANCE PLGENCII. Capital Rapreaentad, 00g0 00,0 0 0. 00114PANIE6 OF lIIGIIEST STANDING, Char."- 'Tod -py Pennsylvania and other States. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE RISES TA...R.I, — N, 01' ALL DESCRIPTIONS. no. Ga 1;01.1E.T1.1 631E' b'T A. D. niannin.l • aAnnim. lan3o-.1 y 1 TERRA COTTA Olt STONE WATT - Rd - lit 1-111. 1 'Ec-`' 1 From two to Ida, inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Ccnts, per Fail. ALSO—RCKMESTER PEARL STARCH For 2alo Wholomalo at .Nazittfaclur ra Prices by EIEFIIII 0. CON rifiNfii, FORWARDING AND COMM ISSIODI IVIERCE - 4AfiT, A:TD 4711012i 4 A131 DW ICI cHEEsED, BUTTEEL, AND PRODUCE GEN:EIJAILY. No. 25 WOOO STREET, P1TT3.1313D-GE. ) JAMES DieLLAUGH4.4.I - 4, MANIIPACTGBER AL C0 7 0149 Cologne Efjpirkts and Faisal OH ; Nos. 167 'and 170 Second ::;trect. apt0:102,4) FISH! FISII.I 00118243TLY ON ELIUD 6 FULL 9urpL7 07 WiIITE &IBP., tALUu'r, If.V=tRINO, /Xik Order; eczomp.ulivi by 023 GABE, V.ll tha . ,:t prompt 112',N111" R. COLLINS, attei:ltion cast W.,171-2p SAIVIOLTEL FAIINESTOCIk IMPORTER & DEALER IN FOREIGN AND ,J)OMESTIC HARDWARE. Ego. 7* Wood street ) betwoolt alloy wad EcOolartgs atroat ) PITT. BUROH, PA. .13T Tms subscriber is now opening a well acl , ...,:ted asyta meat of foreign and domestic liar . dn - are , all new, and will Lit Bold on as good terms as any other b.onse la till city. Es will always keep on hand a general A:aorta:mut 01 IiARDWAP.B, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, &a., To which he 'Tuesdays , invites tho attentio n o f I t: . eheect ta bu PAXICITZ PEULLIIPS, RUNT ta, Commission and Forwarding Merchants WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS of lllino3o Central Railroad, Cairo, 11Ruda. Mark Good 3 in all mos, to our care. Jel:3md:c.7 ERMAN DRAWING PAPER—In rolls vz for Rammer* for sato b W y __4o4 WJ. .. WTLDIN ri 43 W I WU lout% Aux Ql U. Ada PlB .11' 40 VI 2i Ln n~J 04 00 f 2.0,107 8a 1 . 0,7135 31 r. 1.13.13 Agett, 6:3 Watev Fvreet, Pittellavgla, ..$ ECO,OOO .$212,300 co . 55,277 05 Vzca ElLahla!il 01':I~ cur. 6237,710 Lo FICEERkZ, LLACR.EFBL. 245_,1V00D 8•111.811 T.