VOLE' E XVI PITTS;3tifIUILI MORNING POST. r * an 4 c.ub4the•l ret;) tnrrning, R•zndays excepta) 1.31 JA fft S n. B In Tlit lICYITE24 0.01,1 0, wnon .%J F 1722 152%/17:4 EU= p:, r; ~ G L'ATIIS ADVE MEM Ono lueertion„. Two Inaartfon7...:-..... Tbrao Ono ..... Vvro wooka. ...... Thro.) weoke 0ne........ Iwo Lionth , Thraa zn01.1.14i ....... zn.)ntha ...... N'iwo ..... biz nw. ntbs Ono yaa.. banding Card, ob. - . It- 1(.0 1 7:1 CH4 09 7 00 N 00 10 Ou 11 1.0 10 0o 211 (I'.l 41 or I, Due PqO.l7N, jr:l' nvti,,g PITTSBURGH SATURDAY P[ ST A 1t3h31.73X07.01'.1 ony 2 CLULsIi OF Tr_l;. gitta SiabrierliAtott.6s p„ CONTAINS ALL TliE CURRENT NEWS Tile DAY, Eolit!cod, Agrizultatul, C.:miner cinb Lozal, 'Cul:graphic aad alie.ceibinaout‘. Min Parar bolas of fuo L2,17.0n' s=, itud neatly pr.into ou fine tvhito rarer, in lurw, clear typo, will ba fciund by the snbnctibar to give bettor catiiiracton Caen any prp-ir plait:Alia! in T'atil.urgii. Those mho Niis l l to talo a pane: from Pitt...burgh, will:bad & k. SATURDAY POET a Enfii and plo , :tablo c7.6.1b1.1t;ti . 1 - Udit: - .1 - and Prc-rieti:r. 4.3. P. caaß, kk M E MV.SikN t2JS. ute i"' PCr-,"1" Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, TILE uncloreignal I u razde catensive Additions of the L &TEST AND iILND I , 4 O7,II , ST STYLES E TYPL, and improved Macidnery, to tiro MORNING l'OoT JOB 01'1 , 10E, invita thu i.tantion of Rail li , ad Oiticor Merchants, businc.KJ mou r.nd the gm:I:ally, to Co..:r uporior facilities for executing ;with dia , ,,at rewt outdo craw, all kinds cf LIATIM -ROAD, LEGAL 610.) h - rfilci - OTHER DESOLIPLION ON PLAIN FANCY PRINTING ,1:p•Oar auttori' - +I bring nearly all new, we can give amn anca of tha mop;; oazpleta eatife.ction, and voliclt crder9 BOOKS, PAIIPKLETS, BAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BAUN IILAIiK NOTES, LI - TElt READS, BILL LEADS, BILLS LADING, cracuLAßs, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, LORTGAGES, BONDS, Lc: 4-Z- Particular taioution will also ba raid to tbo prin [lug Of Poeters, Programalco, Ac. for Coucarta, ExhiLlikoo cod Circuses. BARR A 311:211S. BUSINESS CARDS The People's Shoe Stoe. D. S. DIEFFENBACHER B.r, CO., Cheap Cash Denlen in all kinds of raeLionable BOOTS, SUMS AND G-AITERS, For Gentlemen, Ladies, Youths and Children, 140. 17 Fifth Strzet., near Mare 008 PITTSBIIRGII, PA J. U. PED.RIN Whf. JOUUO3 S. A. JOUNDON PEII,RIN JOIINSON, Propriotorc of Childs a et).'d Pateat Elfv:.E.lil Vire and Water Proof Celixent 11.gonng. 123 THIRD ST ft ENT. %.,if RDERS for ROOFING promptly . and faith fully exect. - ..e1, and all our work warrant;:d. Roofing material always on hard, and fur ealo, with al teotion_s for nze. Jos. IV • 1-1 /11111 L TON a O! ENGIFJELL;;ES A1c.‘,130 RIACLIINTRSTS, Corn .r of Fail and libe.rfy git, Fa. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Se.w Mills, Breweries ' Printing • liatablislimentu, Manufactories, ho., made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebrated Machlniets' Tools, such as Turning Lstiter, Iron Planers, Boring and bridling l'ilachines, Jac. Alto, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Palleye, Hangers, fim Cc. jr&iyd • JOHN THOMPSON . 73100.L.TT. THOMPSON.... ....... 0. HUHN. JOHN THOMPSON EL. CO., HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND ultAINEit3, No. 1:15 Third street. tiitlN PAINT ING} executed with neatness and despatch. Mixed Paints, Oils. Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry era, Ville Montaigne Zinc., a very sup:rior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for male. We aro prepared to g!ind colors fur Painters, Drug. gists, or otYers, at the shortest notice, as wo have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by gut ting their colors ground with us. Ernrs:ly ~. ---;r-- ~aa-~=~ _°= ~— ~_--~ GOLD AND SILVER SP 3CTACLES, rtIiIIiIUFACTURER , S PRICES. HYDROMETERS or weighlug epirita, the cheapo•t and beat articlee ever brought to this city. VIEREICALETERS AND BAD.OIIETEItS, varying is pricefrom $6 to gm " 1 POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, Ivisys on hand of U. E. 81.1,1.14'8, Practical Oplidan,l33 Fifth Brat. opy. , osito tlezouic E. C. & J. EL S4INTYO.4I, VZ-VArI.V;ITR.EItS 07 LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. F. J. BUBLIA, C. IiCITENDORP BUSCIA. ZA. GUTENDORF, MAN lITAC: 69.17.8 or STEAM BOILERS, And all kinds of Sheet. Iron Work. Ponn street, near Water, Pittebargh, Pa. ..cozreu, 0A.1111L9 PROM 7,9 A.r2rner. vo. JOHN EIBER & CO., FANCY DYERS AND SCOURERS, No. aatb. SW,tx•eset, MT YREN WOOD AND LIBERTY STEEATS, All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and every deFlcrlption or Btllt and Woolen Goode executed at short notice, and on roasonable terms. ap23:3m tti'heal, :ye and Corn *anted, E 1 1 4.-11 TO3 STEAM BS Z :fa Zo ALLZ3III,INY Mr. T'4 Y E SUB - SCRIBERS lIAVE TAKEN the above crtobilidanent, and are tieparedlo PAY TII2 MAULS! tuazrr ' , masa ut C&5 Pat 25,400 1it1610.13 01' WIIRAT. 10,000 " RYE'. t, 10,00 D " 00Illi.1 It le tho intention of the proyrietorn to offer extnA pnioa9 ror any choice iota of White or Led Wheat. m u y i n t oli e, t o make very superior Family Flour, and are wilting to pay a prerr.fign to thefarmer, in the shape of an eztra price, to in. iuca kite to raiee - ti choice quality of Whout, and to bring it to market in good ordo:. • Jyls:lydicer lt. T. ilLisiNlMy & BRO. Office of Sealer of 'Weights and Measures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALED OF WEIGHTS AND HEARDESs, May be found henceforth, in Cherry alley, bett.-oon Third and Fourth streets, where orders may ho loft. mrlB:tf CHARLES DARNETT. J ARD OIL.—We have commenced mann factoring Lard Oil, and will bo pleaeed to receive or erkfor it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar kat. We will Ell barrels returned when dashed. D. 0. A .1. IL SAWYER, Dick.4l7 Wood stmt. ON2 I NS.-10 bbls. Onionsiferrekach strictly in advanoo p. 11,1 ate soar. for ~ nt, inn counter in 1i d i s, Cl T?•.l"ft 0!1;.! a In :vl4 carry. 2 00 2 65 G :35 4 65 G 00 6 65 1 au; I , 2 0 ; I o t . 1 00 1 6 '4 6 - 0 I.) 00 .3 5) 6 60 0 63 9 02 21 00 10 00 4 1,0 6 G 0 ,5 6CO b' 6'3 8(() 400 8(0 b S': , 10 00 a et, lIIESIZI EMEEMEI Pir1"1"e..;131.1 RG.Li. PITTSBURGH, PA. ~. .1. a.. ~ • . . .. R ...,-- ~,.....--: ' . .... . , - -c4.- ,, 4`,.. ' —.- - 3 a t . ~ :i i ii>. /-1 . -.. . Vi a :•• ‘ - - , -. 4. , . , ..? . _ -- ,---,fe •1 I, .;: lir. rs 'r. - :. .-, • ..“ 4 _ 11-- A t , i -4.., -.: T '''' ...., , ~..• ... .riq i ; , ''''.,.. t; . . i . , ~.., ..... :. ~1 : 'i . 1 : 1; .i.i.:i •!?.. ---..--' c - _ . - :ii.-- . ' s. '-: / ~ § 'V .0e ‘4 , - ~,, i.-, , .. . -,,,, t.--- ,-.— ~ . ~... . ~.. ~.. - - -..: ..:, !=', . - -4 k:' ~ ~.: ',;., . ~. ..,., :, ~....-. .5,- 1 :-... ;, . ...... ..., , 4 F r Fi, ; k . , p o ..: , : r- . ," 1 ,-, ff , • . . _:-:„•- • --;•, • ... .., 1.:. -- 1 . .. a. L . -. . - , , ...- ~• •-,:. -4, , 5- .. ..-...-,, "k... • ...:‘,_. 1 • if.. ~ A ~, PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE (I . POST BUILDINGS," I:3ORNEir'IR,WQ9D AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE. R EPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER% UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At A'rilENS, EItADE.MD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, as presentod to tho Stockholdora, and made oat In compliance with tho State Laws of Noe York, Ohio, Indiana,.T.illuoni, ao. NVITP3ICiT. The 'lune of the Company ie the l?All.ll.liftS' UNTON IN SUR..kNeh: COMPANY, located at Athens, Fa. Chartered April 13.15i:3, by the LesPlature of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, ahlrh 11 all paid np iurplue in addition thereto ASSE2e. Fifty-fonr Benda and Mortgages, at uix and bevels cent. interest, ummintlog in the aggregate to-4152,316 00 Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally - farms, recorded and Iteit liens, worth generally double the amount and more than more for in each ca,f,, and In no ease lone than fifty IA cent. morn, oicinsive of farm buildings, and no certiiied by the Recorders, whet e recorded, to the and tors of th • i, , t , “..51 of tili4) and Illinois. Niti.teen eiz @I cent. Bonds ami , ly noccued 47,655 00 Cash en hand and in Bank 6 440 12 Cash in hands of .6gents, and in coarse of transmi , sior, secured by bonds with :mention 18,761 61 Dna en lases cI:C 7,226 51 dills tucgit'able, viz: prentievoy otes payable at bank and to the Company 6.246 82 Interest accrued, (principally due January 1, 1850,) 10 40 Safe ami oak., fiX.LUIT9 and 14'urni tore 500 00 253,455 61 I ItICOP con. TOO Iran 1857. Amount of Prominuis re.eiv.,l during the ) ear $ E 5,231 30 nreived dui itn: thn your . 1L,44 05 uther EV!lfCc•b 2,36 U 53 EXPE:TD711.1137.3 I:xi.eny, , l for 11,0 pear, iaciadin,; conlmts3i , qa., rentq, rvilt- Huranc,, plating, adverti,llg, taxe, and all other Pxj)..LlJC`i t CI; iii ridenits pa . d during uU 1.n,..;.:s paid, which nc.nm - od poor lo elal,or 31, 1850 7,674 Citi LC.13,3 pal. v,hica oc.cint.td during t.tai Jeer 40,501 G 4 (ritice paid) g 12,00 99 Lo,-t itICUr of 9,307 03 Lo it. tion ha he u tatien. 6,t,u0 00 Lo•a,s reqsted, on ground or icisor lir, attar tiro, pror6rty tran4for ,,,i 1 ,1 - 01010,, propirty 1;.,5t not ....... 12,3..i0 CO 20,407 rLpi~ anion toi rii:s tat cu during th..) ar. , :nt iibk at dato 4,661,110 CO a? PENNUILVANIA, CO'JtiTY U' 111ZADFOR.1), S!. C. N. eldcann, Ha:ncient, tont .1. E. Can'io:d, Seort+V.ry of the Fartuuts' • 7 11i . 0n la :nuance Company, being Rive:ally dnly morn, tl,tpo,o and soy. and tacit far hirt Felf eaya that rita fn•et;nirg is a trao, full and co7rect stateazent of tha al(e.in; of raid corporation, and that they am tho above do scribed 0 ,, corß the , eof C. N. irIIPNIAN, Pronittent. J. X C x 1 ,1 1 ,101), Secre!nry. d 0..2 sw , .rr rrn., this 26th day of Jana ry, IL C. BAIRD, Justice of the Ponce. T. J. HUNTER, Agent, _41,17 1; fld Water street, Pittsburgh. NSURANUE, BY TPE ins2t—,) Mc.:',1,z19.1 luminance Co. Or PUILADELPIIIA. ON DUILDINCS, LMITED O 1 PURPETITAL, I.IIMOIIA.Yr- PPE, rU3.I.9ITuRE, LC., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. Oalce. F:10. 3i30 Walnut btreet. CAI - 77'AL, 0177,4526 ..... —ASSETS, 9202,485 89. Vt,:,..41 ca tulioas , tiZ 51,..4. - tgage on Improved City Pr.opelty, Worth duubio 11. a amount $120,7.00 00 Pona..ylvtv:i.t Dad C'-`2.9 6 p , ar coat. aiJrtgago howl, 25,500 00 A 11001,31,y County- l per cell's . .. Pop. n'a R.E.. 10,00 00 Peansylv...,l6 4,00 00 zit.Gck of the Mutual In3aranc.., 0... 19,11,0 00 dtock. cf County Inuuranco Co. 1,000 00 Scrip of Sundry lnsnrance Campanioa 476 00 RocfAia%le,busiu , • , ...n paper 62,711 15.0 I.!.cak Ac. - onct2, occrec.l intere s t, etc 3,336 19 Cqe.h on hand and in Bank 16,043 20 $252,465 80 CLEM TiIiGLEV, PrzaWent. DIRIX`./013.8. Clom Tingley, Samuel Biapham, William It. Thom.peou, P:bort Steen, I:avid S. Brown, William 51oaaer, Oorneling Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tingley, John It. ;Sorrell, Marshall Hill, U. 1, Carean, Z. Lathrop, Robert Toitaid, Charlea Leland, .1 7 0loa JOLLII6OII, J4COI) T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, .3:1:1..f9 S. Woodward, Win. M. Semple, Pittsb'g. un 3 B. M. 11INCLI51AN, Secretary. J. (JARDINE t COFREN, Agent, ner3 N. , rth-coat corner Third and Wood streatg. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY; Philadelpign. WM. V. PEMT, .Pre,tiV4nt D. J.IIPCSITN, F.,&-retary. Arauni.t of Capital stock paid in and invcatcd...s2oo,ooo 00 Scrplua 63,428 36 $283,428 85 II:lb 3.7 es Cargo Rik ou the Ohio and Rircra sad trlbutarieu. 0.u...r0 , 3 ugaioßt Ira or damage by Fire, Aloe, agaluat the t' rile of the Sets and Inland liavigabou and Trenepoi Lation. 803113133 Wm. V. Yet tit, J. C.:l:outgun:try, John It. Purnroy, It . J. B. Y. 111=0.7, Iton6 Gutliou, B. L. IVoole..)n, (Alai. B. Wright, hu J. Patterson, Elwo,A 'l'. Puf.*-y. 07P1C2;15: WILLIAM V. PLPTIT, President. E. P. IVITMER, Vice Preadent. D. J. McCANN, Sxrezry. LIBYA P.LINOTB: Iln Philadlphia: Szennnitc, Justice A Co., Buck, Morgan Jc Stisifole, Puntroy,Caldwell Li Co. NO. 97 WATER STREM. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. WEST BRANCH la Pio:Lade/place: 8,16er, Lt.rub .5.: Co., Truitt, Bro. A Co., - A. T. Lano G Co., rITTUBURCII OFFICE, upll Ii MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY.. CHARTEIRED BY TUX LEGISLATURE or er,micsrLv.i.ne. ...... Premium, /17e1e.r...51.32,843. CONIP,&.NY WILL INSURE ON 13uildnigs, Merchandise, Furniture, 1.,*c., in town or I=l J no. J. Pearce, I lion. G. C. Es_rvay, !Charles A. Mayor, Jo :n.l B. 111,11, Charles Criet, I Peter Dickinsou, T. T. Abrams, K. JRClulnat, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. C. HARVEY, President. T. T. ABGAILT, Tico President. TEIO3. litrcuxx, EC.Orbtary. P.112:11,11110E8: Samuel 11. Lloyd, IDr. J B. Crawford, A. A. Winegarduer,.john W. 'Maynard, A. Updograff, L. A. Maclioy, Hon. S Cameron, Jamen Armstrong, A. White Thos. Bowman D.D, William Aaron, Jazma Wm. Vanderbolt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OPFICL—N 0. 6.5 P.1.8.CL1 STREET, Prrrsumcan. J. A. LIPPERT, Agout. rra - lIIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COUP.L."./Y, OF PIIILADBLPIIIA. DmitoTcs-3--Oharlos 47. .Baucker, Thomas Reit, Tobias V. ague:, Samuel Grant, Jacob It. Smith, Geo. IV. Richards, liordecal D. Lowis, Adolphi Boris, David S. Brcwne, Mon. ris P"ttersou. Oitsfi. N. BLltiCeall, Prozidont. 0. BA.rduu, secretary. Coritiane to inako insurarce, perpetual or Linaitod, on.evti.7 description cf property, in town and country, at rates BA kw as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a largo Contingent Fund, Inich, with their capital and premiums, safely inimsted, af furl ample protection to the ~ c ared. The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1851, as pub• fished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, wore as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 68 !teal Estate 34,877 78 Temporary Loans 33,966 17 Roc= 61,353 01 Cash, Sa 64,846 81 flint. their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years. they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou. nand Dollara,l 03368 by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of imam:ace, as well as the and diepoeition to meet with prihaptuess all liabilities. J. GARDLNIIit OOFFIN, Agent, Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third etc. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. °HOUGH DLRSUL, t rodidela; P. M. aOr.DOTT, Secretary. Onus No. 9 Water street, (Spang & Co'e Warehouse,) rip stairs, Pittsburgh. Will imt.reagainat allkinds 01 - ifiE Etna MARINSHISRS. A Home Institution, =imaged by Di.actorb who are well known in the commtmity, and who aro det,rminod, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have aa3umod, as offering the beet protection to those who desire to be insured. ABBETB, OCTOBER file, 1E47. Stack Accounts,. Mortgage Bills Receivable, Oftlo3 Furniture, Open 01811,- Premium Notea, Billa Discounted, DraIICRORS Georg,o Dorsle, J. YY. !sutler, James .nrAule, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Holmes, D. IL Long, 0. W. Kloketnon, nati4 AOON.--8000 lbs for safe bra H. um A ao, 200,000 00 . 50,485;5l V 253,435 61 D,153 35 135 b 3 $1,212,708 44.'a $121,600 00 2,160 00 4,161 87 240 00 9,478 04 14,841 40,246 5 45 9 125,003 78 $817,641 78 It. Miller, Jr., George W. Jackson, ,Alex. Speer, Win. Knight, Me:lmM= Nimbly Wm. IL Smith, P. M. GORDON. Berintigni INSURA.NCE PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE L.V3URANCE COMPANY. NO. 96 WATER 'STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. Atim BRADLEY, Vice President. F. A. RINEHART, Secretary. Company makes army insurance appertaining to or Connected with LIFE RISKS. Also against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and ALTlssissippi Rivers and tributaries, and BLARINE RISKS generally. And against Loas and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies Luned at the lowest rates consistent with safety to ell parties. DIRIECTO2.3. Hobert Galway, Baratta! Ef'Clarhan, Joseph P. Gazzam, id. D., John Scott, James Marehutl, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Ai - bathos t, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, • N. F. Hart, David 11. Chambers, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr, Jno. Mifßß. e e 26 Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvauia. OVFICIE, NO. 09 WATga ST., PITIMUP.9II. Assets—Hay 1, 1850. Stock, Dna Billt—payab:o oti=s&amand and secured by two approvol names $ 70,590 00 Cash in Pittsburgh Traat Company 62,280 37 Premium Notes G*2 993 80 Bale 11 , sceivatilo 16,996 01 Ig2 shams Ezetiaugo Bonk Stoett—cost 0,950 00 99 do 51tchd.. l'os . Bank Stock—cost 5,490 G 3 300 do iron City Book Stack—amount paid. 7,500 00 200 du Aliogii.gly Bank Stock— do do 5,000 00 Book Acccuate.. 13,251 31 DIRECTORS. J. IL. Plioonbsrger, I G. W. CIVIP, W. iC. NimiCk, Isvx, eOI.IIILICk, Jc,la A. Olugltey, W. W. Martlti, C. W. li,ttehedc•r o It. T. Lerch, Jr., IL D. Cochran, David ,11c0ttudlesa, James J. lisuubtt, °corgi., 8. Sfshlen. Wei. J. Aficiersou, J. 11. LENBERGER, President. vrNNEy,Socrfstary. tuy6:lra CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH. WILLIA3I DAGALLR'Ir, President. 13-4..MUEL L. MARSTIRLL, Secretary. OFFICE: D 1 War :f; at, bettpecii Market at-0.1 Woad clreds ;i1 CE Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio d HaliAsippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against LOSS or Damage by MM. Also, egaitiet the Perlis of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DUI:H040Ifl William Bagaley, Capt. Merk Sterling, Samuel Ilea, Saimaa] M. Kiar, James M. Coopor, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr PratIOIS Sell&te, Idaac M. Pennock, William B. Hay& Springer ilarbaugla, Jahn Shipton, Capt. &untied C. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. Ja22 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Oppasito the Custom House. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OP INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rains of premium. ROBERT P. KING, President. Ili. W. BALDWIN, Tice President. DESICTOREI. Charles llayes, E. R. Cope, E. 11 English, Goorgo W. Brown, P. B. Savery, Joseph S. Paul, 0. Sherman, John Clayton, Q. J.lLagargee, E. Wilor. B. Bucur.us.Nr., Secretary. J. a. 00gc.T.N, Agent, 13'4:19 Corner Third.aud Wood atn,ote HOTELS & REST AURA NTS. EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. MOWRY, Proprietor, Ira in drat and Youghiogheny River, Near 4e Raarucd Depot WEST NEWTON, _PENN'A. THE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. PLIITE: order fur the reception of clatters. It i 3 bean. t:t die located on the banks of the Youghiogheny river, and can be reabhed every day frcm the city by the Oeunetlevlllo Railroad. Thefooll.li are large, airy and well furniehedmnd ;:be Could be no pleasanter place fur a few weeks summer reeidence in thJ country, A few tamilies can be accommo dated. Terms moderate. Addret.a , A. LOWRY, my26nif West Newton, Pa. Tile, NATIONAL. SALOON, Under Loonter , o New National Tneatre, PITTSBURGH, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and cimfurtablo style, the!ergs centre store in the ODD FELLOWS HALL. Fi.th street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND SALOON. Ravin- had many years' exto rhino° in the linsiness, ho is prepared the best the market affords. His Bar will be furnishes at all times with the beat WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The ons trance to the Saloon, is in too centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Sucdays excepted.) apl4ly INASEIINGTOrd HOUSE, COP. PENNA .4YEIVUE4- THIRD ST„ WASHINGTON, D.l: A. F. BEVEF.IDGE SCOTrf lIOU'E 5 Coruna Irwin street and Dug - attune Way, Pmpunctix, B. D. /VARNER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker House," Blairsville, Pa.) E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated in a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings-- The House was built in 1856, with all modern improve, mcnts, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every respect be e, first, clus Fine STAI,'LES are attached to the premises. l jel2.y H. W. KANAGA. tie S. HOTEL, Opposite the Paztract. Ra,ll.roa3 Depot, LIARRISI3URCI, PA. [Jel5 AS HNQT4)I HOTEL, IZOTEL PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMS BRANNON, Proprietor. riIIIIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of P::NN and WASITINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WgISTRAN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and hay nadergono a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and le uow the meet conve nient Rotel iu Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or Weet. myB:ly CORNITCOPELE TEIESTAITEANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STF,Eum. The attention of :Merchants and ethers is directed to thite I % establishment, Which has been recently iltted —*- lap for the purpose Of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION Cuuntry folks attending market are particularly invited to telL Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will aivreys be found, of the freshest the market affords cp2Blyd.kt* v .MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ Pnernarou _No. 844 Liberty street, Just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the most convenient house in tho city for passengers arri ving by that road. The proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted tip, excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect, fully solicit ashen of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. Ills Larder and Bar will be furnished with the but the market can afford. febLy " Excelsior Restaurant, No. 111 MOOD Strut, '4ll Pi2iarror,an, PA, ViHOJTHR A Tail AND LETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISH. The undersigned has Just received from the Eastern mar kat, selected with greet giro, MELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD ran, EASTERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, Bier York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Egg Earborb Shell Oysters. The finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the stiMall served up at the EXCELSIOR RESTAITRANT. QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Pj/ Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, former ly of "Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in mngnificont style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the bone and his long experience in the business, Ao.,e a n give entire satisfaction, end his charges moderate. feb22 WM. 0. 00.1.INELLY. Llpphatcott, Shorten & P3eursony N 0.103 WOOD STREET, NEAR &EMIL MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS,-Vik- ANL liras, Eat and Bonnet Edges, ladies Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bap, ite., keep constantly am hand a large stock.: We .are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing faHittles to torn out good- stook at reduced prices:, we would invite the trade to call and examine our goods be. ftopiatheitaebvpitto. , PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, JULY s. 18b5 BOOKS AND STATIONERY R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Succossor to B. T. C. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Co-Partnership. TEM undersigned have entered into Co- Partnership, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston it Co. SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLTA M G. JO-7-181'0N. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857. B. B. JOB:MON, JR WK. G. IGMV3IOII. WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO., QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, 1...) and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood Area, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. eo3o 41 D. RINEIIART, C , ( 1 ; • / ( Ix - Coct,lll Colbege, $256,341 15 Board of 12 Trustees—root:thy of 14 Teachers 300 STUDENTS ATTENDING, J tNUARY, 1838. Young Men Prepared for Actual Duties of the Counting leo.nn 'INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE 1. and Donble,Entry ' Book-Keeping, ea used in every do. pirrtment Of 81AL333. Commercial, Arithmetic, Itapb Buhl. neea Writing, Mercantile (kirreepondence,'Commierrial Law, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elocution, Phonography, and all other etiljecte necessary for the thor ough education of a practical buzineBs man. C. SMITH, A. M, Profcasor of Book•Keepiug and 6cleace of Acconnta. J. A. LI gYDRICK and 11. A. HUTSON, Ault...taut Teach ers of Book lieepinf4-. ALEX COWLEY, A. T. DOUTHETT, and U. I.IIIITSON, Profotwora of Ponmur.,Mp—twolve firet preminma over all competition for beat Pen and Ink Writing, to AND NOT FOR ENGFLVTLD WCaE, . . J. C. Pt;II.TER, Prof of Mathematics. Tenn.!, ex---Full course, time unlimited, tinter et any time —s3s. Average tine, S to 12 weeks. heard about $2,50. Endre cent, $6O to $7O. Graduates assisted in cbtiOr.ing a situation. Specimens of unequalled writing and circulars sent free. Address, F. W. &El:It - INS, my2i) Fat buraii. Penasylvi-iia. Safety and Economy In Light. WILL YOU BURN CAMPLIENE V Y AND FLUID, when you can get a che•:por end bet• ter Light. Pare Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Cannel Coal, produces the cheapest, moat brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no danger of explosion i more bciliant than gas; and Quite as cheap; Lamps of the meet simple and easily managed eon etruotion. For sale by T. D. a O. HODKINSON, No. 71) Sulittinel street. 3gt,_ Beware of a counterfeit alreeill in the market, made from Camobene, w:th a little Cent iil to scent it. f fe27:ly COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO THE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, cud we call the attention of the Ladlie to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can be done with economy, 'without oncressive heat. with out eoot, and with despatch—tho fire being always rea.'y in a moment—by using Itittegreavo , a Gres Otseatitsg Stove, To which we respectfully invite your attention ' at No. 75 Smithald street. S. A. JOHNSON & BttO. County and City Bights for sale. apl2:9ns AWFLES' WO:33ff. CONFEC T I O N C ONFECTION,_ CO NFECTION, CO N FECTION,CONF ECTION,CO•N 11 E 0 PION, CONFEC TION,CONPE-OT I ON,CO N F E U T ON,CONI? N C T 1 N,CONFECT lON CO NFECTI O N . The most pleasant, safe and effactual Warm Remedy now in use. Pranared and sold, . wholesale and ro:ail, ty ANGELL Cor. Wood and 8.1.1. th ets., Pittsburgh, Pa , And wld by DrosAfits treuere'dr- 1.121 T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.— The undersigned has bought the leaLe r a t. of the above named Stables, to.•:ygs,.,Sy r ,':,-, gather with a portion of the exten- L, kW) stock of Horses and Carriages,-.'“ - -...--. late the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, ho has also added e.tmsaber of PINE HORSES, Bucaias .414) CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed a: his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street., As he gives his personal atton tun to the business, a continuance of the pAtror.ago which he has hitherto received frait public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, Bt. Charles Livery Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Punorala. dc29 91HE CHEMICAL OLIVE EVASIVE SOAP, alatmfactured by 11. C. 4 J. ii. Sarr - yer, re receives ti4e profe;•ar,ce ovor all other hinds evor WHY 1.141). its advantages over other °asps are:—Lt. It Is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. 2.1. half the time need only be occupied in N. aihing when this Soap is used in place of other Soar,. 3d. O..lier in washing can be nearly disp.maeil with, its the cietLes wit require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear cu the wash-board. 4th. Boiling the clotiu:•e is umiecessary when Vats Soap is used, end hard or salt water answers equally as wolf as soft. bth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, Ilind it tar superior to other Soaps. It speeilily re moves grease, tar, paint, printera' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the akin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash.board, fhb following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a flu:oily, take one pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into u tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; pour in th.: dissolved Sow, and etto tituraughly. Lot Hen seek twenty to thirty tdiuntea, wring out, and rinse in warm water ence, cold orator twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease ap ate, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing, ur boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. it Observe our name on each bar. Oral LITD.:: 99 For sale, in any quantity, at our warellonee, No. 47 Wo od street, and at oar works, opposite the Roo,url Ra I van ia avenue. B. C. 4; J. 11. SAVVIEzi, ap2l No. 4', Wood street. .BUCKWLEAT FLOUR,--20 sacks ek wheat Flour, 50 ID Istwka, Past received 11 , 111 for chit) by McCANDLESS, 3.IE&NS Sc fuZ) Corner Wood and W3tor etreq.q. 1 1 140E1 bbls. Supr€uo FL - Jur roosived arid for veto by Lc' C.A.IIbLEttS, MKANS 4 CO., fa) Corner Wood and Wan:: strost.o. EALIGRANT RIFLES.—A must desirable and cheap weapon, at DOWN a TETIAI"B, Nn WTI IjARD.—A. prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, Just rectdrod and for sale by McOANDLEES, MEANS & Co., Ja2-3 Corner of Wood and Water streets. SPICES.- 15 bags Platunto; 100 " Grain Papp6r, ,Ingt rc,colved and for eala MILLIIII. d RICRIASON. zuls tiro.2il and 121 Litinis.- NEW ARRIVALS.—We aro taking into store, (129 Wood street,) an inmaeusi stock of flue Paper for Jobbing purposes ; also, Lotter, Can and Note ; Envelopes in great varioty; Manilla Papers, of every ciao, and as cheap as they can be bought in the East, whero Nvo offer wholesale or retail, very low for Cagb. apt JNO. M. PERKINS a CO LAKE FlSH.—Wizito Fr h, Salmon, and Pickerel constantly on hand, a full stock to supply the wholesale trode, b 9 [noy(11 lIIiNRY IL COLLINS. ORANGES. -300 bxs. sweet, just received and for ttalo by REYMEEt & ANDER.SON, No. 89 Wood Street, myl7 Opp^,sito the St. Charles Rotel. ROOMS —l4O doz. Extra Cora Brooms on hand Eynd for Wo by at P 2 B. C. Fi 3. IL sAwilit. TIISTER TRIMMINtIS—Drab and Gray /inner Binding and Tassels, just opened at ap2ll .70d. HORNE'S., 77 Market area. -MEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the moat graceful shapes, on hand at UORNE'S, myB 77 Market street, QEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Seed Swett Potatec, mac:Wed and for rale by JAMES' A. FETZER, sina) earner Market and Vint atrec t E. ajL - I)DICKLES.-6 bble. Cuctimber Pickles, re. ceived and for sale by JAALEEI A. FE'IZEII, fa2o Corner Market and First streets. S. BTRINIWOL DERFIIMERY. —Lubin's, Bazin's, Wright's, Glenn's and Harrison's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; kilvor Gloat Starch ; linker's Farina; Itakeea Co ca and Broom; 3/rwh Cocoa Shell. Elcrired azd for sale et, UYDRAULIO PRESSED, CANDLES.— )500 boxes Hydraulic Pressed Mould Candles, made curdy for Bummer luny on hand and for ante b Clail. IWYES. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. I=l TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS 1::.9 WOOD N2'IOE2,T P..(..vlzzryh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855 JOS. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and gatkot et JAYNES' TEA STORE, 84 BEM otmt. OUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, N 51 Market street, for the sale stud purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, 1•c,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, .kc.; writing letters and corrc3pondi'lg with parties abroad, Ac. °chi BELDEN SEI[IVJOL4, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. R1F1RE140.9.-51os2rs. Hanna, Clamtson . Co., Robert Parts. Esq. Jyrity WEISTEII Ea L. If 73 8. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. SO WATER b'iltELT, OLEV.Z.L.iND, OHIO, this for solo Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, liinne•iota, Michigan and lowa. Lie will exchr.ngo Lands in Wisconsin, &c., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All lottors of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me re abovo. DIALLAO IN ALL KINN OP PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and —CIA_ all the rnachinery, corn' tote, cora ta..l con crltcl:ei . , &e., Ac., all In good ,rder, tv:',,,, a dtveillo t t ti,ule, stable and tvve , lute of ground, eituwo in lion Lll t'ltt.4l.lv gl , , tllti wilt he add on very envy t. rntl by S. Cu. illi t.it :: A .0.:1.'4 . , I el 7 :A uorket street. lAWRENCE CO U:5.. 7. TY II 0 N 1):3 Vr - .4,1`;'1:- . 4 , ia), in 6.1:ch.1L., -',..- land. 11 - .22 8. CilTili.lEti.T A lq./:•7, 51 A sTEA.3.I. MILL in .7,oinpi; - :to run.ning or der, with dieting oto n..ar t!io tutu by S. Cal 1104 51 NI t NVESTEILN LANDS of g3J(I v sale or eietiaugo for Real iu thu city 13. CUT.IiBE...II: I.: ELY RE SI DI:INT 1.1 FO it SA 1.! valuable prop2rty of 1.;io taut froit 2t, I.,mranceville by WO do. -1) cm W.2.Blpngzou r,::.-et to L'merry alloy, Erick Dwelling 114Ut110 of 7 r,,,m,3 room, porch, wail cf %veto's ano pump, omblo and col', I.:u range, eta. The roumi put d eud p,- 1.,:r0d, L:11.1_1.3 and ftwL tcto,, 4:ape arbor, gre to ctc.; food p hog Mime. flb MFoN opportunity to buy a o cipivfo Ytice tow, nul term 3 :4c:cum:nod jels fISUE SIZE of the cheap Buildi:c44 Lr.te ter sale by S.CUPHI3rRi S Svti is 1,2 Locaton—Near the railroad statioa, Esc Liilacrt;y. Price—From $.275 to $4OO each. Terms—One-fourth is hand; remainder at fax. crud_ Tics Plan can be ttl'Ll at the float L.Auti, street. IiOEAR IT IN MIND, that the 1 , 7,11-it Li:,- cry Lots aro offered ac such paces, and on each ab to mak° a home col ly to Bear it iu mind, that tilt) , front trx wed , stre , :t;, aio of esay access by railroad, and are very deeira'_.lo it.7 . -It.lone fur fatally residoncoa Bear it iu mind, that the: plan of the lA, to to be seen at jel:t 51 NiAilli•ZT 61-1-lEn'. SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choi o Prairie and Timber Laado;tdate.l in Northern 10. a and Southern Minnedcda, imiorac.ng th') finest lot, a farming !stab ever oil.d.ed in thin market. they are located c.:onvoniontly .:n.l haw ct Railroad. Pamphlets...contaming iuMruithicu to emigrauta and catalogues gival4 aid price of the laud, with a brief descriptfln I trio coal:tire which they aro located, can be hid on applictuicn a, our Giber, and they will be oast fre, to p rlon_: 6,1 1iZ11.,; us their addrees WII,LIAIf ioKAZIER tS C 0. ,, my:G:t.f Joni,' Budding, :ie. 1,7 hour , L :J _t. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secr ire Building Lot of 2.sxldJ feat on .it. Cfashingt,n.— Price, sloo—slo ill hand, reniiiiud,r to Bait eo, a Lot of LOsloo feet for Vilis6—s2,s in hand, I,ll.:Lca iu paymenta to euit purchaser. B. cur LI HT ffi FA , N, e 23 51 Mai lt,t G 2 ACRES of Land and a comf situate near the We. , 3hington about 3 milei from Jooc,' Ferry, will be aoki oa eany terms. Immediate possnesion. 6. CUTHBERT EON, je23 l',larket utt,et. LOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad Et tuLLni 30 by IUO feet milt be ,ohl for one-fourth in band, remainder at siz years' credit. 6. Glifilz-ithir sun. 51 Market strect. my2O NOTICE TO ARCIIITECT3.- .1u pcnatutneo of .% lotion adopted by the Monument Commiaaionera, at a meet lug, at Pat . rrlsbnrg„ on the 13th instant, Plan ~ !!, p ticifications and estimates are invited for the erootion of a 31.!NL1.111 , .1 , 1T to the nismory of Citizens of Pennsylvania, who lost tLeir the late IVar with Maxie.). Tho cost of whi ti, is not to exceed tho stun of THIRTY TII IUSANI? DOLLS Commznications to be addressed t, the Governor, at Aar • riaburg. Persona farnishi'ag Plans, will plac.ao MATES nuder seal, as they will be fir tho 113.3 of the Coin rui.leionEra only. For tho Plan. whin may be adopted, a preatiam of Two Hundred Dollars will bo allowed. Ify order of the Commiosirmerx. mylAaJsl .101D1 V 7 el VARY. F:,••••tri^ GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. 201'.7.'21:9.18AND, MERCIIANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithilehl ;_ware, ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TLIAT he has received hie spring Au4ortiLeot of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of tho usweat 6tyles, beat utility a-d most cli_g.int dozczip tinae, which ha i 3 prepate , ..l o ununiictura to order is tba LATEST FASHIONS, And rith each u chlracter or w , tii.nln3ni . :l, to s..tisfy and picaco the most fvoilithou, va,tc.!, Lm3l9 DISSOLUTIO.I 1 -) ARI;Eitt.SII.II.'.- The firm of FTAWORiII E.O.q k 13,SOWNLEE on the 3d of May, 1959, ;olvtrd mat - ual ca m.t, 11V withdrawal of 11A 'iltili.l2Fl If. m the U. II!. The accoun le of tho late firm will be ~ ottied by lIIIWORTLI BROWN LEl'l. withdrawing f_ , ..07.7, the aLe)vz firm, kindly thaukg hiv former patrons ti:, parr ie el, the lute firm, fur tue vary literal i.utronsgo ho n..ts r:- cuiced,and would kindly re:•oinhy„,n,l them to IIAWORTLI & 13119 NLE2., at they kto det.rnih. Q et law figurea, having vory 111r6 , 5 a• of llitOCEltilith, WIN lib and LIQU:)ii. 1!...•• .1 k?"• DAVID lILWORTII 'IMES hiva this day aasuelete..l togr.ther, t.e.iinezis at the OLD STAND, curr, , e: cf Di..,:nau A mend.alley, under the style of. HAW , RTII N LEH, where they hone t, rect.:lse that I , ..,:r . ALI A rAI El Ilb given. to the old firw, 31 they urn. deterwmcd to seli CH dAt'Mt than any other Store is the city. ua la GEED SWEET"' POTATOE3.-15 Seed Sweet Petatou fur e.sle cheap to el oe c6:14:.;, wont I y .1 AS. A. KLIZZII, an 23 Corp.,:.t. Market swl Y'rtit 61`COMPOUND SlYitU PS ()1: PIIOSPILAILS, CHEAICAL FOOD—Ti.i3 pr-par,tion to 1. , ,t i. - .- Lsulcd as a popular cm,:y, but 14 r,pi,ct:nly to the Medical Fr.cuty ua a ton.c, supply the 75".34',0 ct clutzpitrzry t' de of chr,r-1 , :. Cjaca , particularly is r.. tion. prc , parat,on 13 pleaLt t the taste, and gr . t.c.t: . Ll to the stomach, and u.)t eat=.l by protiacted not. Bold whole:alo and let4ll by ,P)SE'en. Corner Diamond air] 57.. it Kf3t. COUNTRY BAUol.i.—lthio lbs. C.)untry Bacon, juet reobiced cod i%r b ;IA:11:S noy 4 ROOM COIIN.-3 to::) :Duo.fitv 6 /_e ud f , r v f,nri• FANCY FRENCIi B.ASKETa--.lk. ce maoranont that °llona], Nl:.', 31arl,r WINDOW GLASS,—Ari assortment Country G:3.12, us.lurted size. 3, fur gal, !:y WII. 11. S't!!`£'! t Co,, anr2tl 118 gooond. anl 147 Fii'SL strreta. NITINDSOR b )rdered, plain and fancy. Al2O, 9 , 111 J 2ria‘rning.i, &c., alwaye on band at and E.,r eala - AA RUBBER llOSE.—Frorn itch to at 10 inches la diameter. A large unpply jut received at the Intlta Rubber Depot uf J. a: H. L'ILILLIP6, my'2.9 213 and 28 At. Clair Etruet. jE LL PAPERS.—WaiI Papers of all tltl 99 tv-inez for sale at reduced price, by w. P. MIIIBRALL A CO., Turn Wend .hoct. WINGLISII GLASS INKSTANDS-Cut „VA and premed, with (}lass and &Anna Top a. jel4 W. S HAVEN. Stationer. MAPS OF THE DIFFILRIMT lowa, Ohio, Pennsyivenia ' Nebraska and Kensaa, hissourl, Kentucky and Tennteee, Virg nia, etc., far ea In by J 1 WELDIN . , Bookseller and Stationer, 619 No. 83 Wo d street, near Fourth. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for Salo oy . B. L. I'AFE.^TELSTOCK. CO., lea No. 60 cor. Wood and rourfit atraet.). P . RIE D PEACHES-12 saekschoice bright AV dry Peaches received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, 1e22 Corner Market and First sta. CIIEESE.-200 boxes W. B.; 225 " English Dairy Cheese, for rje22l ENRY (JOU:I2,A • • 1 I , ags; 150 bble. Dry Apples, for sale by HENRY IL COLLINS. APPLES.-20 Ws; for Bala by ter UNNITY IL CrILT.TT.F. IDARISIAN TOOTH PASTE, prepared tinter the =rental O'n of Dr. Etrllihen, Surieon Den u for Ego ty WfiEntia, REAL ESTATE AGENTS 1J .; fiL;ERT Esti'to anti Got:oral .A.; - ,, , uts, 51 Mark,c,tr, A U. PHILLIPS, 2C) arid 28 84. (Asir titraot PRANO FORTES, , :f : 1 !XTE111 , 1 of thoir n Six and a til - o,;Live 1'11,1103; 1 / 7 .7,3 : 11 , 7 1.,r ex,mil,ati•al v tho l ur CHIC ir ; SONS' L'IANUcuitTE t' t.J ‘..t',er Lou thin city, au.!.. diet-1 t ur. JorIN H. MELLOR, r - a. 81 `goat btrec:, , . J Li 4 rt + 7 PULL 011./1.7.NT PIA—NOS I t 4 PARLOR GR.A.ND :;D NEW STYLE SQUARE Mtittaftv...tiry of I:I.IICKERINC • from the matmfactury of L• s'. Itr.-t,n, tho f;,tiowing MAL - able mid elt,ga, Itt • PMI ~ v mt t.,c.arr trend PiliELO Porte, WWI r ecL4v, Grand Plano Forte, elegant coß , ‘ Ere - l'arlor Grand ',even octave Lean , t 2 Graur'., and occupying ou.y ro.ou of an or.lin lry Nuare Price A-NOS! 'vo I , :osaword, 1.0101/ XlYth, Bevan 1/ De...lr, and Fret vortr. I ',orrosr-Irtylo. loße‘vo, , carved frouldincl, raven octal - e. r,..A.0 CJrnar.B., verou And, r..1 - - 01.Ticio "Juzele,e of the OFfICE ON TIIE Cr)RNE.ii OY WI LIE A D }. TltrETrf. t n6cd to pr, v legal .;.P.C.TI•JS, t A ~.:.1 E. ,vt: , re his ,OFVI. COM- TAMES 8. IiOON, ALDER:NIA7.c, EX €'.) cru Ju,sricz OF TILE PEACE, AND POLIOE lqo. GO Grant street, nearll oppo -1;:lf Pittsburgh, the Laconia °vanilla!, o 11,1.14, 'Llortg3g.)s, With. Craws, Artio.leo of Agree.. ni,nt, 11111 of Partn,.rsi.dp, Lottere of Attarue3, etc., etc., np at u'lort notice; Nfarriagoo and all in rate litto of 0.L., 01Th..1.7.1,1utn32, promptly attended to. 01110 E, norms, from 7;5 4. m. to 1 1. P. and from 2 ;3 upB:ly irL O\ (..33iNG WEST, who desire to fz pa.chn o go:A farming lands, aro informed that wo have r sa:o G 32 ...crew of Laud in 13oone county, Town. Ala.) 11/.. acres of land in Franklin county, will ba sold on easy tarns SON, nay 15 51 Market streot. rilatiltS I CIGARS I—l havo received this day a largo lot of genuine imported Havana cigars, of tat; cid nod w it kno . .vn " brand. Thvai V7iBhli3g Got of gaol cigars sboald call and ovArriinomy stock before inirchiaMig eLsc rrhoi e. J DS.. FLEMING, .1••2 Corner Diamond cud illarket at. h‘ — iLARET IVIN E. .4„,/ 2, ca , e3 Johnston L. Bons Modoc Claret Wino; " ‘• ft Julien Claret Wino tiU " C. C. St. Julion Claret Wins, in store and for eab3 by MILL ER & I.IOIitTdON, EaylS No',. 2 . 2 2 6 and 223 Liberty 'tract. 6 r ILLMICAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes Caemlcal Olive E. 2.,:iv0 Soap, on hml nil for Fiala by j 13. 33. er 3. H. SA WY RH. ACON.-10 casks Country Bacon tih.)ul - .1 1 4r113,juit rocaived and rvr rsl . by JAri A, Fermi e it, tuyici Corrnr n ,•1 V.,•• cases Aianith, Indigo, just re ctivekt and tor nal(' by ,z I:it.t[c APPLES.-50 bush. Bright A;,pb33 jmet recoi 7,d and for &Ale by f:IPONUt:S. - I have just receiv r, k: 4 3 Bni,el s, or cvory Those ari.:clo in this y blsow. , JOB. - 0.7r1,2r Diamcn4 anri P :Ss N li 1.1 I), 03 Bordowar Altncnis; l'aper &sell " bags Filborts ; au " Cream out 4; c 2.0 u.. bus. Grosul " 5,;1) Occbs saif , by Ca'ri) , ,;KINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, I,r tan appr.:lching hot 13,3i011 8.110, 9x12 and 4. 7' he El CO jollP_ltiN'ULN6_ lHrd Cidezalars, Lit. 3.2.•,, J I.: Li U 11A W. ,l. _II Rai road Recelpt3, i3iile 1,42. ,very othQr dedcriptLn of Job Pri..a!ng, c. r pric, .11. ELDIN, I'dt:ter r.ad Dind_r, Wcod sre.ot, rw.tu. FM 1. of en,r.i , ;...0 land, with good A. , I,lr tuo c,!y, 6.r 8111 t, CM easy tan: CUILLBSIa a JON. 51 t^lrlr,..- Ora G ..01S, on tix years' credit, 3. CIMIBET: ! BALLSI 13Af.,LS!--A large mad Bat Balln, just •r! ! f_r au! ret.ii!. at CIO sad tt. Clair , tract, y:dt J. H. t'llif.l.ll.'B. NSll—Pal.ut Fans by the ea9z.', • . •• a : , rl , t.l with oth,c varl. Fsu, elf PENNSYLVA i.„, A 1, 5 -aby ocz,n that the Oil NTRAL ;:- Hollilayaharß, will b 3 on WiID.N FS DAY. tho teth init. j 7 30;;;6 , 11 13E1.9WEli, Cathior. - I ARD 0 IL.— Extra No 1 Lord Oil; f. Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, L, [inyl:3] E. C & J. H. SAWYER. L;(il!sio.EE.—Jwt roceived a lot of ,ar;ctly par. Old ,ov,ruarait Java Coffc, - 3. Al3O, La gnyra and cwr,,, at JAY:NES' TEA STOl.'4. i 5 as Fifth .trupt. PUIt,L BLAUKBER.E.Y AND CliliatitY LItANDY, far runli , .:inal purposes, at LISWORTH & BROWNLEE'S, e 5 in the Diam,,nd. itETS—lllade of Mal:v.zany and v.,41 flzi3hed. fur ealo by W. 8. HAIEN, , j ell Staticber. ILL i AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A AJO Largo akaortment atria) aon hand, or mado to,order. T AWYEE'S SEAL" PAPERS Various sizes and colors always on hand, at NOW IS TIIE TIME TO BUY BOOTS AND SHOES, Cheap for Ca3b., at the well known atoro of JOSEPH Ir, BORLAND, 98 Market et., second door from Fifth. Ci 1331 BANDS, Port Folios, Desk Pads, -t..,:r Baukura Can:, Pcrt iaonate3, as P',:olt , 3t Books, for W. 11.3 by W. 8 CI AVP. - .'B, apiii Corner Market and 8C(71.(1 .treot.9. ___ UNNY SACKS.-300 large three bushels Gafiny Eactr t n.yir and is good order, for :sale of (IAESTNUTS.-5 barrels Ith'ian rceeiv , ..(l this day, and far sale by REXIIER 4t. A %DER NO.:1 ) V.' • 1'4920 CWIto Chv PIANOS AND MUSIC. lIIE BALECE OF 11 1 1 SPiiritin‘ -0 P - FROM THE MANUFACTORY OP CHICKERING & SON'S, 130;TON, kll 1 1, C =EMI MEM C'Jrl:Ol . H ; seven G. • Iteecw , oci " " cc 6.1 / 7 . ,t U••. ~b, :e are of th•.ir cud Illl.i their tier: i'aterct Action. I,rcuiocite buy., been fiaiiht-1 epeciaay fer .. warranted to pe.rehasere. Foe JO_.::: i , •+h~;.011, No. 81 sireot. foe Chickering .1.- Son D x,13, ME IN . • r. t• , , (;‘,oirLs ILA CAnC3 i 4 ono of I. , !• tin c.ty, nal c...).u51.,•qu.:;.a1y hl4 is 1 kaid are very de,irable. k ~1„„ .... Altlymazzla , ii Ogee. J V I Ovrnr.r NT , II p t • ... . .1 " Just recei: r . ItEYMER & ANDEI3.t: No. 39 Wood t Opooeite she St. Cha: JOS. li ' R.NE. 77 Marko Freight Bill,', .bray Receipts, Labe s, W. H. LIAVE4, earner Market and ee:oud strOau W. S. HAVEN'S, Corner Market and Second ate JAS A. I.I•ITZEIf., Corner Firm.... ei MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT - LY on hz.121 a con2pl.C= 3 Lock of :IRY GOODS S WO.DS, SILK t.ND BUNTING FL J 5 MADE TO ORDER. k? ''-; ' SA 0 vo - ciwril STREET, , 41 :-. •'..4.7 ?;,,'\ o`...tr.T.s NEA3 851171.1 7 / 3 1.13 STRUT. , BOIL. E R S FITTED, t4; 0 1% Bath and ll'aM ifoo:ns Supplied with 4 Hot and Cola Water, :r la tho mos,: r.ppr,;val style. All workpromptly ..::i! myls:w titled to, on the shortest n..tice ":41 `- - AS .11 1 S1? P.II:OEIVED DIRECT FROM tibl3. white Beaus for sale by JAS. A. FETZER., aj s Corner 11 rgt and Market eta. E LA RUE NOTE PAPER AND EN e by - my'23l J. R. WCT PIN. F y 'RUBBER (MARY oomßs.—The ut.m. arlk:,. in 1139, !mit re - eiv..d at the India Itabber 2t3 and 23 St. Chic dtr, mv22 RINTED BILL BOOKS—Asserted sizes W. 8 HAVEN'S Stc!iouary Warettonso. niIEXAS ' TEXAS.-54J a, , ,zes of good farm• iug hind in ..IIsy: couatv, Austiu, T0r..:18. Prairie and timber lamb ;33 per :Ler sale by rnylt Y. LUTLIBURT g SON, 61 Market at. I.IL CLOTH CitASLI-1500 yards of vari oas ratterue and recoived from tho fc.c t,ry, for oe.l,Nvt,olei,ttle or retail, Gy UST RECEIVED A SUPERIOR , LOT of Double aud Lilngle Barreled Oraei, far We low by 09bITWIUGE.T & YOUNG, No. 86 Wood street. myf.7:mo 008, SALE.—une-third of a valuable pro hav:ng n fruu'. of 133 r , er on Woad strof , t by CO deep 09 ecr•zet. S. CUTHBERT 4 SON, rny2l 51 Ntarket strebt. ACRES. —A Lot of Ground of 7 ttvv 111=1 ; in Collins township, (morning aitie,)ertitablo for a count` , .. , r ,, ,ideaco. For e• - . 1 ,3 by ray2l LIYIIII3IIUT- , S . EON'. 51 Markot LASS.-300 boxes assorted sizes Window Gla.s3, good carnry brand, f r sal° y inyG 14 I. COLLJNEL ROOMS.-50 doz. reo'd and for sale by ILIZE.Y H. COLLINS 1611.=500 packa g os Whit , 3 Salmon, 1) and Trout, for nil, 3 , (ny•2l) 11. LY. COLLINS. _TN°. D. M'CREAR COL'D PRINTING EP IN E—Sold by 1mr"241 J. R. IVELDIN. CORN. -1U bags shelled Corn received and for sale by , HzlsltY 11. COLLINS. IC 0( IN _RI BACON 10u0 Country Bacon, hams, Sidondler3 and Mos, rec.-iced and for &do by JAS. A. FETZER, tayl2 'Cornor Marko: and Vire* Oa. CLiEWC. all the Banks and Brok.vre. at iV 11 A VEN, Printor s. ~ t 1 Stationer. , k 2 I 01 ) , k .„, find fur 5,10. by AwitENCE, cOIIEN & CO.'S DOUBLE iu ENAMELED VISITING C:RDS —Sold by • J. It. WELDIN: 'WI-IN.-200 Nish, prime white Corn, for ealo Ly tl EN V 11. COLLINS. LET.—A commodious three story Frame _ 1 1 .701020, vAth ou Bedford et —to runt, by MT LIAM RICIISTEON, r 25 Nee. nod 223 Liberty street, Uq"rE.l 11E1.i% l' WALL PAPER,---A new supply of LLUIV patterns for. tato by W. P. Mt lISITALL E CO., WecAl street. .)1i4.1 8 W EETI, Y.—The latest and m ),t do ici.,aa iHrleme, diAdred from tho i'L,v, - er. A dirg , ,,upzdy received this day by J 01. ! ,. FLEMING, Corner Diamond nod Market at, i" ti! 54xr1•et afro • 1-`0 P batiN YEUP—A ut . rez.edy far cough% and JLai. FLEMING, Cara , r Vat - nand and Marker at. FI 77 Market mtrvet A D IR. A AND CLARET bi gallon, at, LIAWORTII a B3OIT.;LE,E'3, i Vt. morel„ - 11111Lii1::11 LOTS-12 Lots, each 30 feet ti front by 100 deep, eunnze is ?3.3t Liberty, near thu Prices from Z. 2%," to - !,...4041—terna; onolourth in bond, Lula 6 yr_nrs credit. (7,11 and see tho plan. m y 7.6 S. GUTFiItI.:ItT k .?()N, 61 \lorket et. rfiIESEERS.-13orders find circles ic,r .n. frr , 91..!tc r 1 I W Y. !tilt : 4 11.M g CO. OMINY 11:912 qIOII,PEDOES.-500,000 No. 1, just ree'd and for 5;1 le REYMER W ANDERSON, jr.B No. n Wood qtroot, Vila', WORKS FOR. PuUltni OF J U LY. • —itra Works and Piro Balloons matiefActurcl 1•y 11. P. Diehl, Pyrctechnizt, for sale by Itlil7.llEft L AND.ERSON, No. 23 Wood street, JcB Opposite the St. Cherlos Motel. 11,1 1 AYETTE COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. J —BO2 acre; in Wharton township, 4.0 nn'er falGe with log house, etc., goad springs, coal and lhamtone one-hall the farm is fino Crab,: land, and chant 100 acres in meadow. Tho soli is good, well adapted for a stock or grata farm, sit uate at 114 miles from Foyerte Spring; 9 miles from Union town, and 16 from Omnellsvillo, will be sold at a low price, or exchanged for aplwored Western lands. Jeki S. CUTIII3IIII'2 a SO N, 61 Market st. DURE JAMAICA RUM AND HOLLAND A L L GIN, by the bottle or gallop. at QUN UMBIIIILLA.S.--Sill: azd Ginghtan Erin Umbreiltu!, dup-:Tior to resseol', for sale et very w rates, tit 1101t'4E'2, JeS 77 Market etreet., DESlGNS.—Areit2ctural and Decorative for designs pAnnolini; in OA, Mal.) and freacoo, ptepared by ;.m331.1 7.% MARSHALL CO. IERMON PAPER on hand, or mado to or• sK der, by WM G. JOHNSTON k CO., myl7 Statiouora, 87 Word atvet. (ILL PAlNTlNUS.—Landsoirpos and Bo qaeLl, is all colorh for Ilro Board° for *ale bic,b, 029,3 W. P. 11/t11211.011i 4 1,10, • P NUMBER 229, MIS() PLLANTOT:q. , -- , IB7ISCi IN P.lll • _ 07 CO:4 lEEE .3 15E1E8, TASSELS, Volunteer Companion WITII MILL EQUII".IMIT3 AT 1311011 T NOT/a. J nu). a. RE'I O I3DDEN & SOr4 • _ 9S 'MARKET STREET „ tailiEza()Cif,, E . Nc; LAND— ''.: 4 D il`.4-1? . 1 . 4 .& CIii,IFFIN'S .; * 11D::;1 NivrpriLl •.;_);. ri.dy C l 5 ST ANDCOMY:_r_.; ANVILS; STEEL Drawer i,0c12. vely wuperior Gun • Eunotnrll,le, Batting SponnS tir0,.,2, Co, lo,11,ron: St3.ir Rode, Bracas and ti , iperior IVaiterJ, Curry Combo, Yi.C,..11. Ton tr_laßZl:l",:enst Chains, with L,t1,, , r of which wilt La DOW at mod ap:l3 MI ING MONONGAHELA o :dILL, would reapectfully inform the public J rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged hie and Eliot' it with the-nenruAt and mezt f..im , ry, 13 now propared to - furnish flooring and or,wilig and rceiwlug, dcoro, Hash and e. irk :1, frALIM, 1110 , ./ ra:;,g, box making, &o. I t , 01 1 t,:mb, , ,r 7, 185'1. fe ,, U) T [ GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 iu N inch inch dlarLet;..r, fur sale , by IL 11. COLLINS. VIII LA, 19wa and Texas, craueEsr a BUN, 51 31arket treet. J. 1: 11. PIIILLIPB, 2) find 2C Rt. (114:, vt-saP! -10 Laskets pure, just reed itLyLEn ANDERSON, No. :9 Wood street. t.-3 bbla. fresh roll, for sale by TIEN:tY 3!.0D .1,11.8 ',Dili 'S 1111.!..1N NI -FOr ~ ,p.Jerving and ~ e,tivirying the Infr, constantly on Jos. FLEMING, iNATT , II(i 9rui NTriApt CAN DLES.-10 , .. 1 0 boxes Extra Adamantine Star Candice , on hand and for - 001 s. C. & J. IL SAWYER. ttS, C.1 4 .25Ait5.-30,000 genuine lia- Cigara of the "fiancee,'' `•Coachita," "Co 1" tre 2.c1c3" braLd:ja3t received by JO:3. PLII3IING, Cortez Diaatoad. :tn.! Merket et. L,.—No. 1 and No. 2 Lard Oil uu baud and sale by B. C. S: J 11. SAWYER. , i:S6I:NuE oF JAMAICA —5 g•oii r3...civz....1 this dap. and for dale JJ.3. irLEILING, Cornnr Dia7-'lo3d and arkot -6 bbls. Eliot Hominy for salt) JAB. A. FETZKEL, Coruer Market nud First sta. 11AWORTII BIM.VNLE2S, in the Diaraond .p.tuLEi BUTTONS, FRINGEB, 1,70, ETC J. & 11. PHILLIPS