VOLUME, XVI: PITTSMEGL , 1011NINr‘i ertry ( s an d. a y s WV A.V.I.ES T.'. A 1 Lr? IN Tnil XCnTa , KIE32 ccr.rn r fn re. :n.:, i: the TWO 0.13 counter in ern liol J OP ADV L. "ric 1.023. ,4i7v " / • • t .CuLl .... . .. 4. Tw0....... Ttuxiv weeks Ono mouth— ........... Two inontlui ihreo nionth9 ....... konr mouths Elva m0nth5............ U mcnth'. Nino ....... One yoNr 13dniling, Citd, o i Iln G_~Licl:: ~i: L: PLCd9o~li Ono altaure , per of the Marrloo,e, ; ootio€l. 'h rents PT I ' ) VI i tii ll .. 'I. o liifuli ,11 I POST _.l lizi:',76ll77ROTia 'Vit . P:. t: Ei 5,1' , ON'i Ofiii] DOLL-'l`2l AJat 1,;111:12., ILi (.... - Li'fi3 Of Ti.s: Httniqi , c F}t01.1.31-',narzuE, - *. 4 per EMU tiSkli, CONTAINS ALL THE CURE.ENT NEWS ON 'l'2lL Lit, 1z• 111,17 w G.LI, ' uud uu find whL.! cl,"tr typil, will bi 3 luittid by ercL-2.eni,t. g:co !Illy pa~iicBe.i :u VttlAiarlt Thwri t..) Vito “ is)tteLargll, tvlli flud 1".:0:.t..1b1.3 ltddro:ff, .1 it Id fi'. 1!!1=1!! BARR 1E S ROOK AND JOE OFFICE, PORT 131J1I-ZDINGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, THE umic.rsig,ned having made el:tens:7,2 tiaditivns urt... LATE-3T AND 11!..1,1D:;0'1112:iT BrVELS F TI'PE, Gait i.mprvata MAcliDer . :, - , to tlto .YOItNI.I:4G FOOT JUL 01. 4 '1 , 101.1, iteritz tLo . Otlicat paLlie. t11,,r upcalur rze.-rtlug ermb, all 1:111.1.) r..ND D.2f-...t031111:10N PLAIN c. 4 7 , - srULr all Lew, tia c[:n B ES!I. LhO 0011. :ore aLETS, RAIL I:/&) BILLS Ala) OA RD?... .:43. - /IA)17-6, WANE. NO15:8, - r !LEADS, P.ILL LI I. LS LADING, CIRAIIILAIIP, BURINESS CAND?-, PAPER 10'PLI 4 , hoiTO 1301iDS, rarticulhr ,itieui.ion will [deo be paki te the priißtu,z, Posters, Progi - z.)ilnes, &c. fur Concerts, ;In i & Circuses BUSINESS CAR.DS Tlitte Peoprie'rs 'l2oo SitPre. D. S..DIRF_YEI: , TRACH.ER. &CO.. Cheap Can Deelen In all kind?, of BOOTS, 2.10T3 ENE) (441ERS, For Gentleia• - .,0, Ledia:, 'Loathe end Children, ao. 17 Eolith 2,t,r cet, near Market, tic; PlITSBU1:G11, PA. J. G. P1CY.1.7.' 7 .1 W. J0L:2.1533 S. A..TOLINOON JOIINSON, Prepriotorn of Chilli Patent Ela.ntie Virc 12V:; . ..cLzr ['roof Cernout aceofin.z. 1.33 bunt) bTP.P,ET. ORDEftB fur IWOFING promptly and faith ntlly r.rll all cur Ir,rlt warranted. tootin6 nitiVer:.llLAV7ll::':: on hand, and fur aalo, with di rootiona for rae. JOS. F. HAMILTON di, ©C➢., ENGINT,'EP.S ~tINIED 1.173er of Fast and Libel - Zy Sire Patabursei, UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist kj and Saw Breweries, Printing Bstablihmente, taanufe.etorieg, med.) to ardor. They ale° continue the inanafacturu of their C'elebr..ded ;'..l.achinißts".rool3, ouch ti 3 'Burning I.uthe..., Iron P Lenora, Boring and Illazhineß t 6.C. Ater', Wronzid. Iron Shafting, Avith Pclleja, Ilenge7o, Lc. jaa:lyd .DOEIN 7:11110.KRISON & CO., 7aOUSE PAiNTEILS, GLAZIERS AND tiRAINERS, N0.1Z3 Third etreet. PAINT LNG executed with neatned4 and de patch. 363:.e.1 011 a, Tarj et ue, Varnih, Japan and English Patent Dry er-4, Ville Montaigne 7.ancl:, a very nuperior article; and Pitteluargh Always on hand and fa: bale. Vie are prepared to grind colora far Paiuti3ta, Drug gists, or °tilers, at the ehorteit uetize, no we have a Mill welch e,1113(1.1 by ote.Lrit Painters Will &ITO litialluy gut ting thdr colon: ground with tm. gym:s:ly ~~ _-` GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, AT kIAitiIiJiteACTUILE- 7 3.. 2 .S PRAXES. HYDROMETERS or weighing apirita, tho cheapc,:it and Le:a GE - Ought to this city. TEIERMOIETILT.O AND lIAROMETEII.I3, varying in price from $0 to s:to each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, lwnya on hand et (1. '3, Practi.m! Optician, as EVIL Ered. 1;43 oppoeita it onto flm I. tip. C. & ti. SAWYER, I ,l.lAlo.li.ictull.fAid O LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, No. 42 , W00d rarcot, Patzburglx, . J. 131.1813 A, C. GIITE241)0311 , S GUTENDSMZET, LiAIIUrACIULAAOS uY S T E 111 BOILERS, And a.:l !Lando of Shoot. Iron Work. 6treet, u(..ar Water, Pittibtirgh, P. '14.1. 01011:13.13 PROYPIL.I7 A . : T/I=CD TO. tf.ar.lv JOHN EIBER FANCY DYERS AND SCARJFIEIL% - za - c.. .s;tX-0.001- 7 DrivEeN WOOD AND LILIEIIiV ETIMTS, All kinds of Shawls, Drossoa, Ribbouo, and every deecliption of ;lilt: and Woolen Goode executed et abort OGLICt), and on rooscuable terme. lap2B::Sm Wizeixt, and Corn r EL& Xv sTmaza ALLEGHTTNY OITL H E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the elwve t.t..Adielnsuent, and are prepared to FAY MX £152:1T tuarax 72.1(51.1. IN USN YOH 26,510 I.IO'St:PaLS 02 WIILAT. 1.0,000 a ItYR. 10,0410 NI, CORR.? It 15 the Lateutl,..o cf the proprietors to offer =YU f•naccoa for any choice lots of White or Red Wheat. They Intend to make very superior Family Flour, and are willing t o p a y a Freonittnt. to tic...A1...0ur, in Clio shape of an extra price, to in. lace him to ratoc a e.hoico quality of Wheat, and to bring it to market in god ordor. Jyl6:lyd.tv R. T. ERNl...limy & BED. Office of Sealer of Weights and Aeastare's. THE OFFICE OF TIIE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASSREs 7 May be found henceforth, in Cherry alio, botwe-an Third and Yonrth erects, where ordora may be left. mrl3:tf CHARLES BARNETT. "ikIARD OIL—We have commenced manu fectaring Lard Oil, and will be pleased to receive or dery for it. We will wearani. it equal to any Oil in the mar Let. Wo will fill barrels rotartieti when desired. < B. C. 4 3. 11. BAWYBII, No. 47 Wand stmt. ANIONS. -1O bbla. Odom for satla w l o r saa 8ra24.19, 1.1,2,1‘,0 '_ o: dcr i (iru. :~ m.r_k i • . . ' 1 .., r 1 50. ib 2 • ,t • . 800 4Lu 666 600 335 52.5 660 365 BCU 600 400 10 35 6 tYO 635 13 35 10 C 5 006 es, per anucul BaMMEII PITTSBU RO H. ._ _.Uui:Llc i A 1, , AND ROSIN SOAPS PATTSEUROH, PA. " • :17,„ • . , 4` i • 717; • • ; . • r ." - • ri l z 2 . - 1;:•.-f . ,r 4 k j • , 4: PUBLISHED nAruy BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE «POST BUILDINGS," OORNER OP WOOD AND FIFTH 87 - REETS ; AT PIVE DOLLARS PE.73. ANNUM.: INSURANCE. iiSPORT OF TLIE CONDITION OF THE 'A) FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, AT , I ENS, I.IIIADWORD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, no priK‘ct,l t au) I , :ccltilu! lor., and maid ont comp:l:ince with tLo Stat , 4 Laws Lt OMu, I.tdiaun,llllno!B, ISEZIEI The name af tha GIIIIptII4 it t 13.3 FARMERS' UNION IN SURANCE C )11 ,ANY, lo ....it'd at Athens, Pa. Chartered aptil 13. 18ZZ,ly Lui..,l•datare of Pounsylvania. Charter Perpatnul. C.l:lh Cil:111,1! ,bkh ie all pata up 1-urpia.3 ;uattlitiou ViertAJ ARSISTH. Fitt 74012 r lode and Mortgego±, at and seven cant. intelitit, iiinnuntlng in the ugiiregate t0...5152,315 Ou Wnich innrtgev,es aro or vain!: tile and prod. - active real estate, principally farms, locor‘.li.-1 and iirbt !RIO, worth goreerelly dead,' the amount and aln, e then mort gaged for in esch clse, and In no case less than laity 7 ‘ fl cent. ma-e, ei ClthiV9 ut farm Luildingii, and ev cettitled t..y tire Itecorder.i, wee:, recorded, to the and tcie of th tete. acid id • Nin.teou a x ii coat. 11;01,113 eocurt4l Caeh on hand and in Bank 0,,-;11 in han i ut .t.gouto, and in cour.6 of tve,Lami-s:or, ef , curod Ly Lunde with enrofte4 Duo on ro•in,nroti, &o. BiLis : 14411 - 11N301y otts payaLio and (u tLa Cutup t~y interest t‘ometl, (principally . - 111, Junu,,y 1,5843.) I 19 46 3nlu and v 1111"..., Ely_tuma and Vain! tur. 17i001•12 7CII TUC YEAR 1657. le ,, [iLt l'rto - aie nis re . .el rid derlug the year A t.i't Ih.j , year Aia't It.'erivd (I'olll all other 201.1rM-9.. . CI: I? ENII: t 12.48 Elp - A,we. the y e . tr, Including CuZllllllell,ll4, reiatn, liaraucv, taxo - 1, and aWother v 11,11,1 1, .. 1 9 ri .dfl:.t‘.9 d ... ,lhit) &A) Lvt.f.,3 11214. 3 iai. t 4 o•lcurt . ,d cturin -1.1:0 Vee. kw: ci ~.tr r.di ,!!,....•tt it 1.! v( v-A UI era r,p,rt..d.011 whit u: thil het; lIC gl 001111 0. t.,onr- KliCe. a I ,l' fire. j.-..: y prc:,ort," 99,497 99 or ri.T . IS ti‘k , ka dor th 5 - ..itr.4a5,429,89.1 (JO L.h( c) 11.1'4 Lit dato 4,58L,140 04J .-t at. : - !,i;.111 IP, Pr, 4,1:•:It, J. 1.". 0.3.;C:c!,1,5..0r.:tary of E:11' n'on illy, befog bOvurany z.Llty oa:11 f. r hi a cell eays, that a true, fell wad co:r6ct aatat,fueut of the ....Lai, a at aid curl aratiou, 'Cloy arc the above de- C. N. SIIPM u. On Ni'LN! P.,. - reary. a I.• r. to tliie f.oth day of Jatll.l* ..b 4 .11.tD, of the Pea.ca. J. HUNTER, P gout, No tv.) gtrect, Pittsburgh. i , , i, 14 -- ‘ i 11 . . P-• :. t - r t -4 L lII' f",teg!:;- . 0 1 , 1,`,...1,1'7,if,:c71 b.b.c3Earan.ce Co. ;:, F v 11 L 11,A Si ELP il lA. on 8uif..D.1.210., I.11;:ITED Pr.P.PRTUAL, U!rE, IT: 0., IN TOWN Ott (NI - 011TR F. 3.3 V. etietct. t.7:17'( eiSS2,GS 'la., Ava, 1i.., C,ty „worth P, uD:V - 11,1 RALI Old U. ...H r - p , cont M.ntg:ge c ,• par 4. 1.C.t1 ! , ,o Cl.. Courtly lir, Inszlzauce C 0... ........ . 70;,..31z rte Caxli on sec:vl 043,1 ttt.i.52,1.65 89 cL,Em P:eLL.t.t. ht. 1. , 111LC-20P°. 01,m a ;-'.n.Tit 1:P I Vith:tcm t tt Etrot: n, 'Waitron t , .mer, i I F.P11.1r411:71 John L. \,', . ::e I, p Mnrhlntll I_l2ll, U. L. ft,m - a Z. Lot brcq., liort Clint J T. Linotutg, Ctotrw. Low , . VS 13. M. 1112,4131111:Yri, J. (1911.1d:a CC:n . ll , l, Agbut, mr 3 North.enAt corner Third and Wood stre3t3. Y 7 l/OUAIJTV IVOTROTOO fIfigANYV LELOAPAIifio EAL3ulcalivii uultiihAA, OK Pia v. 'PET fr.:, Fruidoit D. J. M'OANN, SW72,tarY. 11 LC, I: t Stot paid 111 and lavoltbd...$ 4 .200,000 00 0a,428 36 V.:CA.129 5.5 I ns - ircx Catvo c•I tl.r. Itivers and I.lioatari , d. ‘.l.i , IAI , - , agt , by Fire) Lli:D, FlE`jr,22 Penn ~f ti.o and IEIRJ:A cud TrAr..7portatlJn. tf. Punroy, D. J. n.c.'Ci",:n, 14. !; L. W0c,'.6t.,,u, ....oho A. 011E.d. 13. tigtight, J. , 1,n J. f1w0 , .) , 1 T. , OP0102.!::: WILIJALI V. L'ETT.C.C, f. WITMER, rice ft . .:;1./Int. C. J. hI , ;tIANN, it!Y I hi Inuig,r, Lamb Justice & Co., Bro. Er Co, Buck, Morgan & Stidrule, A. T. Lone t Co., I Porn roy, Caldwell & Co. TT2BIJR,(III OFFICE, NO. 97 WATER STREET.. r.pa E. 17, POrNTIENTIIR, Agent. WEST WaANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLIITTON COITY. .TY. Tiii; L.11,119.[.....7kUir; Cp.? plcifisrLvAalA. Ce.p::/.la :..;k;J, ICU I I - rem:fun& N 001.4132,843. THIS I;OLLI 3 ANY \V [LL INSURE ON Furnitul,, iu town or ,I ilk,. J. Pc..arc.. , ; {fun. 0. C. liaxv.fi,lChgrh.,s A. Mayer. 11-11, Cri.st,l PaterA un.tuo,, IL) Jackman, ICY. Thoraa.9 ii ItClhr P. ikIN. U. C. 11.111.VEY , Preihkut. At.a.bl3, Vice 1.17ci:L3, ugrsr.lsrlogii: i,runr4 'l, (Dr. J B. Crawford, A. A. Wiu..g.i.h.tr, John W. Diavrarrd,' Updegraff., L. A. I , lli.cir.ty, 11uu. tl Caniurca, Janurn Aringtroug, A. Whit... 3, D.D, William Fearuu, alnr•.) Vanderbolt, lion. War. Iliglor, oeFICE—NO. tu. Eislll. ;2,s:111: J. A. LIPPEItT, Agont. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMA' Y, EIIILADELPEIA. Dit'r...Y..,u---Charlthi W. Ilanck,,r, Thomia ilart, Tobias Eatnuot Grant, Jacob IL Smith, thro. 17. ElchertLg, At.l.lplJ E. Earle, David E. Browns, aka. Cam.... N. Etaiczla, rr.:,eddeut. 0111.3. U. Goat,thuo p:A ' r- .Aunl er lunit,d, on cr.ry deauip'jon cf property , in, tf.wa auLl country, Lt rat‘,s til low nre c,Anliateiut with poropany Lave rowr - VV:I a lava eJntlagant Fund, 2.'tnch, with Emir cep!tal and pretninuoi, safely Invested, of. fora ampla protection to th., itt!lurtd. The Aoeots of tin, Cowpony, on January Ist, 1881, as pub• vgret,ably to an ALt of Ar..!oruhly, yore as follos, viz: lort.f,NT; $Bll,l2wS t 84,377 78 . 17. m oral ; 83,083 11 Litock3 01,5.5.? 01 OaEL, 04,830 81 .I‘othi $1,215,70s 444 aia.o their incorporation, a poriod of twonty-ono years, Vlby bevo paid upw,rd oa @lie Million Four Hundred Thou• Gaud DULialll.4 08+31A by tire, the-reby affording ecideroo of the edeantagce of in.e.nrae A., ca well as the ability and disposition to oseat witt :0.L.rx.0c.4 , ?. ail liabilities. J. GARDINER 0017 FIN, Agent, nob i nr.rtli-snot tor. Wood and Third Dia. , W ESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY Oie PITTSBURGH. GEORGE DARSirI, ; reLith•nt; V. M. 0, - ,e.nozr. Secretary. °Ma No. 92 Water street, (Spang A Co's Warehouse,) up ,faire, Pittsburgh. Will insure against allkluds of • i ,:i.: and MARIMILIIDI2. A Homo Irntituten, mere...sod by Db.,: ,r, who are well known in the community, and who are det,rminod, by prOManeas and liberality, to maintain the rharacte.r which the beet protection to those they have mourned, as offering who desire to ho insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 812; 1857. Stock Accounts, $121,500 00 rilortgago, 2,160 00 Bills Receivable, 4,161 67 Mee Furniture, 240 00 Open Accounts, 9,478 04 Cashl4,B4l 45 . . Premium Notes, ' " - 40,246 59 Bills Biscountec; 125,003 78 Maur:omi George Darrle, • L.litaler, Jr.; -- -- _ _ J. v.. nutler, George W. Jackson ; James !dr Auley, Alm Spe.Z,i Andrew Ackley, Wm. Knit, Nathaniel ilothie3, , Alexandar Umiak, DAL Long, Wm. 11. Smith, O. W. Backetson, V. ?d. GORDON. coinii•Kretiltre, A C lar-00N.--40001a Vor — nnfiy - lisoon - , ior gale LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURG/I, PA , , ROBERT GALWAY, President. Aux. Baum, Vice President. F. A. Itrassirr, Secretary. kiirThls Company makes exery insurance appertaining to or oonnected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS generally. And against LON and Daisage by Fire, and against the Perlis of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. 4 '200,000 00 63,485;,51 t 253,1.35 61 hitka insurance Company of Pennsylvania. ObTIOE, NO. 99 WATER ST, PITTSBURGH. EBB Stock, Duo Billa—payablo on (Lemma and secured by two approvod names $ 713,890 00 Cosh in Pittsburgh Trust Company 02,280 37 ... 18,7t1 el Premium Notes. hilts Itocelvablo 122 tharoo Ku:linage Batik Stock--cost 0,650 00 09 do Itecha-los' Sauk Stock—cast 6,400 03 3uii do Iron City Book Stack—acuonut paid. 7,600 00 200 do Allegtiony Bank Stock— do do 6,010 00 1.10,k A0 , ....'nut5... 13,259 31 $ fa t 8:.23133 . 11,442 05 2,450 00 4,1• J 15.3 35 J. U. LIOENI3EIROER, Preiident. ROBT. FINNEY, Secretary. 15:I tu CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANV OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM DAtiALEY, President. SAltiolll, L. MARSITitiI, Socrctzy. OPYIC'E: 45 Whter srre.a, baies;ri Afarl4d and iVead strati lux:tree irtiLL AND CARGO RIBES, ou the Ohio .siiseteeippi Rivera and tributaries. ilidures against Leas or Damage by JUBA. AL;o, against the Perils of the Bea nod Inland Navigation e o d Treasportatiou. 113121113 d:u,J;5 bu MIMMI 1 1 U t.O JU 10.000 00 4.U00 uU 1J,150 1,05 J 00 475 00 62,711 60 23 15 16,913 $317,641 78 INSURANCE PI.TTSBURCIII DIM:01'0RO. r ober t Galway, Paraxial M'Clarkatt, Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alezender Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chambers, Robert IL Hartley, William Carr, J no. Morial. se4s Assets—May - 1, 1858. DICIEOTO RR. J. 11. Shombargar, 1. W. C. 113, W. K. Nlrnick, law.c !d. .1,14E1 A. Clinghey, W. W. Martin, U. W. Batchelur, IL T. Lereb, Jr., It. D. Cochrau, David McCuudicae, Jawed .1. ID..nuett, George S. Seldan. War J. Anderaon, DIRECTOEL9 Bagaley, P.e , James M. Cooper, Ja.roa Purl:, Jr., Isaac Si. Pennoat, Springer diarbaugit, Capt. Samuel C. Yoaug, John Caldwell. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1-19 Chestnut Street, Opposite the Custom Hones. VJILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF vINSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium. . . . BOBMT P. KING, President. LI. W. BALDWIN, ViC3 ProAdaut IMERICTOES. Cliwleo Mayes, E. K. Cope, 1-l. B. Erigliall, George W. Brown, P. B. Favery, Joseph S. Paul, U. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. hihgargee, E. {Viler. k . BIACESULME, Secretary. . .. .3. G. COVITIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood ntreutA HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWRY, Proprietor, arner .trafn street and Youghiogheny River, Near Mt Rafirvad Dzpot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. rp E ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN C 011• PL.STE order for the reception uf visitors. It is bean. tdallo located on the banks of toe Youghiogheny river, and can he renched every day from the city by the Conuellaville The rooms are Large, airy and well furnished,and the caald be no pleasanter place for a few weehe summer residence to th, country. A few tamilies can be EL.:COMM.> dated. Test. i moderate. Address A. LOWRY, nly2s:t f West Newton, Pa. TIM NATIONAL S4LOON, Under goster , a New National Tflcatre, PITT3IIIIRGIII, PG, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, I B S FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL P. and comfortable stylb, theluge centre store be the OW) FELLOWS BALL. Fifth street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND SALOON. Raving had many years' exp, derma in the amines, ho is prepared to supply the best the market affords. the Bar will be-furnished at all times with the beet WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The eu trance to the Saloon, Li in tie centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Sundays excepted.) apl4:ly WASIIIIIGTOA HOUSE, . COR. PENNA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. A. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Stro•t and Duquesne 'Way, PITTSBURGH, Yd B. D. MARKER (formerly of the "Marker Home," Blairsville, Pa.) qii II E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated la a central part of the city, beir.g.conveulent to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The Ilona° was built In DM, with all modern improve, taunts, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being now—and will in every respect be a first clues IloteL Pine STABLES are annelid to the pre:idea& Jetd.y li. W. KANAGA. U. S. iii.tTEL, Oypoellto the Ps - 11,4 a. nallroad Depot, LEARKL9BiIIikI, [Jul& WASIIIINGTON RIOTEIL, FORMERLY 11. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. FriHIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PPINN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and his undergone a thorough improvement, romodekd and furnished with now furniture, and is now the moat cone- M. lt Hotel iu Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or Went. raySfly CORNUCOPIE RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. The attention of Merchants and others Is directed to this' p establishment, which been recently fitted up for the purpose of affording a SUBSTAN TLAL EATING HOUSE IN A ORNTRAL LOCATION Country folks attending market are particularly invited to :211. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be found, of the fresheat the market affords. ep2Vilydaw MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ Pnore.urron .No. 344 Liberty street, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the most convenient house in the city for passengers =l - by that road. riThe proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION ROUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. llis Larder and Dar will be furnished with the best the market can afford. feblry Excelsior Restaurant, Na. 111 WOOD fitrect, PIPTEBI7I33II, WHODRU,LB AND RETAIL DEALER IN LARII AND EASTERN FISH The ruaderalgned has Pat received from the Eastern mar ket, aelocted with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD FISH, EASTERN SUN FISH, SEV.PRAT, VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, Vow York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Egg Harbor, Shell Oyatere. The finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the sown served up at the Fxrimr.sioa ILEBTAIIRANT. apayd 8. BTRINE.IIOK. QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Glair streets, Pittahurgh, Pa.—The undorsignExl, former ly of " Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the business, Ao,e3 n give entire satisfaction, end his charges moderate. feb22 WM. O. CONNELLY. Lippincott, Shorten a, Rsarson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR FIFTH. MANUFAOT I JRERS OF TRUNKS, Va lime, Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladias Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bag.% .te., keep oonakintlY tat hand a large stook. We are proprW to oo a wholesale trade, and bay ing facilities to tarn out good stock at reclined idiom we would ;wise the Wide to call and examine Or goods be. flupsitobsiggiiiii** 011. PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY, JULY 7. 1858, B. R. .TOEITBTOTI, .Tll WM. G. J01117E2011. 'M. G. JOHNSTON a. co., QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, 1...7 and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood stroot, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Po. ee3o 62 993 80 1.),936 01 $258,311 1.5 Capt. 'xiark Sterling, Samuel NI. Bier, John S. Dilworth, rr4ncis Sellers, William B. Thy's. John Shipton, Walter Bryant, Ja22 PROPRIETIIE 88 - PROPRIETOR, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Snnest.or to B. T. C. INforgar,,) STA °NEB AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPA.PELS, No. 41 Fifth area, Pittabuigh, co-P4rtnertaap. THE undersigned have entered into Co- Psrtnership, under the style of Wm. 0. Johnston A Co. SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, . & D. RINEHT AR, IL UrSOS'OUILB I-r TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS 111-,pu, 4 , ; Pa.—Chartered, 1855. Board of 12 Truateos—ravalty of 14 Teachers. 900 Smarms AITENDLT3, Jilca.AUY, 1808. Young Mal Prepared for Athol Duties of the Counting Roam INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE A. and Double-Vntry, Book-Keeping. as used in every de partment of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid h 1121• need Writing, Mercantile Correspondence, Coalmen...Aril Law, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elvintiou, Phonography, and ad other sultiecto necessary for the thor onzb education of a practical businees man. .1 0. SMITH, A. 111., Professor of Book-Keeping and BelfraCO of Accounts. _ _ J. A. LIEYDRICK and U. A. HUTSON, A.ssistmat of ALEX COWLEY, A. T. DC/Val - Ere, and 11. A. HUTSON, Prufeaaors of Pennlausittp—twelve* Jinn premiums over all competition fur beat Pun and Ink Writing, Z - g" AND NOT lOC ENGRAVRD Si'vEZ., J. 0. POIT.TRit, Prof of Mathematics. Prms, cra—Full course, tune nullmited, enter at any time —5.35. Average time, 6 to 12 weeks. Board about $2,50. Entire cost, $6O to $7O. Graluateit waisted in obtaining, a situation. Specimens of unequalled writing and circulars sent free. Address, F. %v.s-EMI:INS, my2o Pittsburgh, Ponn,ylvcrit, Safety and Economy LW:W. NITIIY WILL YOU BURN CAMPHENE AND FLUID, when you can get a cholper and bet ter light. Pare liercnone Oil, made from the gas et Carmel Coul, producee the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe portable light cvu: offered to the public,•and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas; and quite us cheep; Lumps of - the racist simple and essily managed coo struction. Yor sale by T. D. G G. RODKINSON, , iM„ Beware of a counterfeit alreldc in the market, made from Camnlaene. with a little Coal 4 to scent It. f fe427:ly COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO THE LADIES. riiIIE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, and we cell the attention of the Ladka to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC:, Can be done with economy, without oppressira halt. with out soot, and with despatch—the Era being al waye lead) . In a moment—by tiring Illtitigrstves Gat{ Vol:acing Stcuwe, To which we rospeetfully Invita your attent.V.,o at No. 75 Smithfield stmt. S. A. 30.11[7.30:1 BSO. 'Ca.. County and City Bights for said. aptLOrn ALT RES IVO R. 32. CONFECTION - , C ONYEOTION, CO NFECTION,OON P.EOTIOII,CONI , NOTIO.N,CONVE UTION,CONFEO 'l2 ION,C ONPECT I ON,OO NPECT O N,CUN.P N,UONPECT lON CO N.P.SOTI ON . The most pleasant, side and efftual Worm itraiedy now in use. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by ANGELI, RAPT, Cor. Wood and SL-.111 .tm,, Pittebnrgh, Pa , And mold by Druselota oemeraily. QT. CIIARLES LIVERY STABLES.— Tha undersigned has bought the iosc of the above named Stable°, to- 7 2.:-.1---iA;;,• erz , gather with a portion of the ez te _ sive stock of Romeo and Carriego°,:4:-.1......e1d=. late the property of James Mathews, dooeaeed. In addition to the etock before-mentioned ho has also added a number of Yllll3 DOE E 3, 131.1t3GIES AND OAItIMAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood Etreot. As ho gives hie pernonal atter,- don to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received from public is soticiteg. JACOB Et. Charles Livery Stablos. N. 5.—A IIEARSE and any number of CA RI , 1A01 , ...8 can racrays be procured for funerals. de2 THE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by B. O. to J. 11. sawyer, nr receives the preference over all other kiwis ever offered for family usu. Its advantages over other Soaps are:—let. It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. tld. Half the time need only be occupied in washing when this Soap is used in place of other Soap. bd. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Boiling ie clothes is unnecessary when this Soap is used, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. bth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find It far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from clapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the rise of the wash.board, the following directions should be followed For the washing of eight or ton of a fatriily,take one pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissolve In one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; puny in the dissolved heap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rime in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease spats, may require a slight rubbing, bet otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing er boiling. Cold water may be used iu place of Lot, requiting about double time in soaking. ..ff%- Observe our name on each bar. For sale, In any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Wood Stri , et, and at our works, opposite the Round House, Penn sylvania avenue. B. O. k J, 11. SAWYER, ap2.l No. 47 Wood street. BUCKWIIEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buok wbeat Emir, 60 sacks, just receivod and for mile by McCAINDLESS, MEANS .4 CO, fat) Corner Wood and Water streets. bb bape ne Lour receive and for ago by McOANDLE.B3, 5111 ANS b CO., fe2D Corner Wood and Water etreete. EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable and cheap weapon, at BOWN 4 TETL2,IC'S, rayt h7D. ine trirsrd etrfe4 LARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, Jut received and for sale by McCANDLEdS, MEANS & CO., Ja23 Corner of Wood and Water Etraall. SPICES-- 25 bags Pimento; 100 " Grain Pepper, Just received and for cala by MILLER k RIOK.ETEON. rar2s and 27.73 Lli.aefv atrTat. NEW ARRIVALS.—We are taking into store, (123 Wood street,) an !screens) stock of fine Paper for Jobbing purposes ; also, Letter, t:ap and Note ; Envelopes in great variety; Manilla Papers. of every sine, and as chomp as they can be bought in the East, where we offer wholesale or retail, very lo•.v for Cash. apt JNO. PERKINS a CO. TAKE FlSH.—Whito Fish, Trout, Salmoit, and Pickerel constangy on hand, a full stock to supply the wholesale trade, br [my6l HENRY It. COLLINS. ORANGES. -300 bsa. west, just received and for gale by REYMER ANDEIIBON, No. 89 Wood atrebt, myl7 Opp. - nite tho Bt. Charles lintel. PROOMS.--100 doz. Eitel:, Corn Brooms on hand and for sale by alp 2 B. C. J. H. SAWTSB.. DUSTER TRIMMINGS—Drab and Gray Darter Binding and Tassels, Past opened at ap.:l .703. HOllliirS, 77 Market strEet. NEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the most graceful shapes, on hand at HORNE'S, myB 77 Market street, gEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Seed Sweet Thatatow, received and for eels by J. 4.11113 A. FETZER, n2O (Saner Market and First streets. bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re; ceived and for :ale by JAMES A. FETZER, fe2o Corner Market and First streets. DERFIIMERY. —Lubin's, Bazin'e, Wright's, Glenn's and Harrison's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at JOS. FLEMING'S, Jo 2 Corner Diamond and Market at. RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; • hitter Gloss Starch; Hecker's Farina; Baker's Cocoa and Broma ; Fresh Cocoa Shell. Received and for sale at 111YDRADLIO PRESSED. CANDLES.-- 500 boxes Hydraulic Premed Mould CEindles, mado amoroolv for Sumer uao, on band and Mr Bale by jid Do Of 411J•H. SNWIVINIC DdALLAO IN ALL HIN - L3 OY A GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and all tho machinery outuplete, corn and cob cracker, au., all la good order, with a dwelling holt 4., stable and two lots of ground. situate in South 1.-itt,ourgh, and wilt be sold on very easy tormi by 8, CU E.; SON, elT.tiszket street. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, In exchangf , for land. ap22 S. COTIDIRitT A SON. 51 st- No. 1.:,0 WOOD STR 1;11' No. 79 Smithfield street. JAYNES' TEA STORE, S Fifth street. REAL ESTATE AGENTS OITTIIBERT & SON'S OFYICE, Igo. 51 Market street, for the solo and voicLaso of Real Estate, renting homses, attending to insuranco and repaird, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,;making convey- BELDEN SEY)IO UR, a w r i c th a pa ' a r e t edg ies ' arr n oa d d% t c c 4 . writing lettors and corresponding Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. liremsNass.—Mosard. 11.orma, Garrotuun a Co., Robtrt Parka, 'Esq. Jyll•y WESTEELX LANIDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. EO WATER SIMI:I,T, CLEVELAND, ORIO, Has for sale Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. Fie will exchange Lands la IViSCOLaiiII, Cc., for Pittsburgh manufacturn4, and 030 for city property. Ali letters of inquiry answered gratis., by addre=ing, the Cs CboVd. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. ASTEAM MILL in couipleto running or der, vath (Iv/titling houtm, etc., un;.r tha city, for chin L.y ti. OUIIIBEitT SoN, up 24 51 Alarliet strc-et. ‘VESTERN LANDS of good quality ; fla oalo or tizchange foc Real Potato Iu tho city up 22 8. CUTHBERT S Borl, Gl MorkotEt. FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A valuable property of 150 feet front on CoviugLou u t L...wrenceville, by 100 deep on 'Washington struet to Cherry alley, Erick Dwelling Idolise of 7 rooms well arranged,batu room, porch, well of water tad pump, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooma tie newly painted and pa pered, shale and fruit troee, grape arbor, groat variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The abiv.f offers a good opportunity t..) buy a o mplete and pleafaut refisteue, Price low, and terms accommodating. ii. CUIRREIRT & Real Estate and tieoeral Agents, Jell 51. Marttof street. ?TIRE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for sale by B. CIITELBEKT & SON is 30 by 100 Ma. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Pt ice—From $270 to $4OO each. Terms—One-fourth in hand; reinaind,r at 61.1ye.ars credit. The Plan can be seen at the Real Estate Oftce, 51 Market street. tjel2. ij? EAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots aro offered at such prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be oinalaed. Bear it in mind, that they front on wide ntre.tl, are of easy access by tallroad, and are very de.iralde loe'..ttions for family residences. Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lets is to be seen at jel2. a MARKET S Pit E EP. _FOR SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES cf choi - e Prairie and Timber Land, situated is Ncrthern 10, a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the dust lot of farming lands ever offered in this market, as they aro located conveniently to Mills, Towns and linos of Baßroad. Pamphleta containing information of value to emigrants and catalogues giving location, description and price of the laud, with a brief description of the counties ca which they aro located, can be laid on application et our office, and they will be sent free by mail to parse ne sending us their address. WILLIAM. FIiAZIEIi & 00., my:Cutf Jones' Budding, No. 67 Fourch street. rfriEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will seouro a Building Lot of 25..x1U0 f,t on lit. Wa.,llington. Price, f, - .100—51.0 In hand, remainder to suit po , ot a-er. so, a Lot of 6ixloo foot fur s2so—s! , , in hand, balance in payments to Emit purchaser. l. LUCLII3 , IIT & SuN, je23 At,oz,t, tltre:t. 1 G) ACRES of Land and a conaLrtal•le Ad Hata, ' EdtaAto near the Waqi.ington Tr.rcpike, at about 8 nil. from Jouha' Ferry. aili 6o Beni o euey tunal. Immediate possession. 6. CUTIII3FIIT 14 EON. ALOT OF UROUND in East Liberty-, near the ilailre.A. ehtrion 80 by LW be ,011 for 'Z -21b, otao-foarzh iu Land, r.../a.tiuder at Sit ycare' S. CUELLBERT k SON. 61 .I.laTket etroeii Iie,TICE TO AIIOHITECTS.- 1r: pursuance of a rczc,- ictiou adopted by the Monument CiallLll33loLlErm, ai a mcol ing, at Elarrisburg, on the 13:h instant, pacidcatione and estimate., are invded for the erection of a .1i to the memory of Citizara of Pennsylvania, who la.it'tez:r lives in the late War with Mezlc3. Th 3 coat which. it not to exceed the earn oil:al:11TV eiIIt)LISANT) D0LL.1!;..3. Costunaioationa to ba addro,2l.l to the ikoioroor,:st. Liar riAborg. Persons furnielizg Plans, 77ii1 phmea e..nd t it ESTI. i.q.AT.E.S under seal, as thy w;11 bo Lr the use of tun Con: lei,:sioner3 only. For tho Plan which may be adopted, a promimu of Two Lluudrod DolbArs will be allowed. By order of tin Oommiaaionera. ff . \c I/ Inylg Oil GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. 'PA ND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Cornet of Fourth and Stott lifield Streets, pESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAI he has recalsoi 6pr:a3 of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of its newest styles, beet quality and moat elegant desozip tient', which he is prupa:uti to manufacture to ord,r in tae LATEST FASHIONS, And with Inch a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to satisfy and please the most fastidious tastes, [my ill ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIEP.— am' Tho !Inn of DAWORTII BRO. & BROWNLNT, ivaa, on the 3d of May, 1358, dis.tolved by mutual co_eat, by dill withdrawal of JELEU HAWeitTli Le the above 11; to, The account; of the late tlrrn will Le eettl.d by Lif...l,s'orali a BROWNLEE. 4.r.T .11311 i) .HAIVORT in withdrawing from the elore Man, kindly (hanks WI former patron; and ale) the patrons of the late firm, for the very liberal patronage ho hoe re• calved, and would hindlyreTummend them ty, hie sui2A-e•Hrr3, LIAWOI- 2 .11 BitOWNLEt.:, as they are (lib:kr:lined to troll at low figures, leaving a very large aeaortnomt of (.111:lil.a.1? 1411.00E1tLES, WiNES and LIQUORS on bend. . _ it=ia" DAVID 11...i.W08T11. and JAMES BROWNLEE have this day associated together, and will continue on ilia tinniness at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamond end Dia mond alley, under the style of ILMORTiI b ISROWNLI*.E, where they hope to reiiire that p.itronage 5J libnirall given to the old nrm, as they are determined to sell CITEAVEIi than any other Store is the city. myl.3 QEED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Soot Sweet Potatoes fur sale cheap to closa consi g n moat uy JAS. A. FETZER, ap23 Curnor Market and Firgt t ot a. clomeouND SYRUPS or PIIOSPiIA.TES, to- 4 OR CHEMICAL FOOD—MIS preparation is not in tauded as a popular emody, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply the wa3te of elementary matter during the progre:s of chronic cases, pirticniarly in Disvpsia and Consninp. tion. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greattul to the stomach, and does not nuns eate by protracted use. Bold wholemle and retell by Jr,22 J °SEP LI I , I, EINII:k1G, Corner Diamond aud Marget etreet CiOUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country IL/ Bacon, just rorolved and for Bale b JA)IES A. FETZI O .P.., Corner narliet ar,l bii t Btr,cti BROOM CORN.---3 tons ffrk, quality re:l'd 3 3 and for galo I y frartd zrzNaY li. co, t.l - ... , -,.. FANCY FRENCH BASICETd.—A nice ass4)rtmolit jut opened, 110cilin't.', ihyB 77 Marl4 , t strnct. VVINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Glass, assorted 917.011, for Sale b.; S.I. 11. 6:111Til CO., 118 So-cond. and 147 first atre to WINDSOR SHADES.—GeId bordered, plain and fancy. Ala.., alrvd3 Trimminga, aiwnya on hand at and for aale chaap by J. & 11. parLurs, my 29 20 and 2S St. CL%ir INDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From. inch to 10 inched in diameter. A largo eupply Just received at the India Rubber Depot of J. g 11. PHILLIPS, my 29 26 and 28 St. Clair street. 141VALL PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all Lauds for &1e at reduced pricas, by W. P. MAP...MULL E CO., —n3121 Stfeft. - GLASS INKSTANDS-Cut Ji;24 and pressed, with Glass and Bronze Tops. .014 W. S. HAVEN, Stationer. MAPS OF THE DIFFERENT STATEB - lowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Kansa3, Missouri, Kentucky and Tounesco, Virg'nia, etc, for este by J. IL WBILDLN, Bookseller and Stationer, jell) No. BO Wood street. near Fourth. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for Bale 1. by B. L. FAIINEBTOCK A - . CO., Jol2 No. 60 car. Wood and Fourth ctrect.:. DRIED PEACHES-12 sacks choice bright dry Peaches received and for sale by JAB. A. I'EXZEPs, je22 Corner Market and &fret ate. CHEESE. -200 boxes W. R.,- • " Knglish Dairy Cheese, for sale by fjeMl EIIINRY IL COLLINS. TIRY APPLES.-50 bags; I_l 160 bbls. Dry Apploe, for sale by jas LIMEY IL COLLINS. CCIBEEN APPLES.-20 bbls. for sale by C o NEWRY 13'. 00LIJI48 PARISIAN. 00TH PAST r, prepared tater ttee noperrinkm of Dr. Hollilien, n Den tiotp far MO b 1 30a. _,. .. RALINGE OF if IT SPRING STOUE N 4; FORTES, ui thvir Six and [‘ 3 , 1 r 0(117.3 Ean,s; 111'75 just been receive 1, and ut-.7 rf•Tly fn- ex - ami,lati....n at the warozoufas a the sub- C'HicaEM i SO N6' PIANO FOII.3'ES era not fury ihe i by teem t 6.rly oiler hous, in this city, and all ..r,bra mast Le dire2 , ..e.l w the. eubsetrter. JOEY H. MEI,'•OIL, E. 8L Vinod extol:, Agorif t,•a Chickerlik; & Eons' Pianos, Joa Pit tlo.ersh and Wee.cern Pennsylvania PLANOSI Pirit FULL GRAND PIANOS! bTO rig PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 A ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, fo,m the Mann factrry of 011.10KERING Et SONS', 130iTM?, jnat received from the manufactory of Chlekerlng Soup, ike,tuu, the following deairable and elegant atock their PIA NO FORTES:— One Pull seven octavo Grand Plano Forte, with superbly carved caotf. Plife $BOO Ono Full Eaven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant ROLIG- V. ood Pico $7OO Goo Neu L'arlor Grand HOVOII octave Piano, nearly equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the roan of au ordinary square Piano. _Price saw Two lull cE.rved Rosewood, Loaio XLllth, seven octaves, with carved Desk arid Feet work. T- , :o HOSEIWOCCI R4Vell Octave—Clifford style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, sevou octave. Tures Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four ii ii IS a,. Four Rosewood " ii (4 a 614 (4 All of tin aliovo era of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron framos, and their new Patent Action. Thera lustrumente have been finished epeelally for the st.l,4criber, and will be warranted to porch:tsars. For sale ut their redu.ed prices. JOUti H. 1,1 ELLOn, No. 81 Wood street, d 317 BGlo"Ag.ant for Ohickaring Sr Sous'. CliAltLES.‘3.l' a LiTiUS, ILDLILMIN, And ix-Officio Justice of the Peace., OFFICE ON TIIE CORNER OF WYLIE AND EIP•TfI STREIETS. All business connected with this odic° will be att , .nded to with, promptues.i. Con vorancel of all kinds done with legal accurtioy--.3,111.11 as Leeds, Mmtwages, Bowl; Powe.r.fol At torney, &c. Titus to Real I.:ditilte Oraarlir, ed. To the ITlell.t. , rs of the 1!,..ir hotendtrg his services as Com missioner to to to read in the soveral Courts of this State, an i elsoWhere. His cffice is one of the main l'olice HilLtivLis tlie bity, and consequently his facilities in exelutmit business of that kin:l are very desirable. relit:ly FAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX :I!: OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE AG iBTllArri—olll,e, No. OD tirtint street, Licari, °pp.,- if nom), 11.tiiburgia, Pa. Depositions, ACIL-C.OW -I,!:;alorit.i Bud t'ro Jeteo thiteu; the liecord3 examined, M.,rtgage3, Wills, Leasca, Articled of Agree and ui , .Lettcra of Attorney, otc., etc., r.l) et snort hotice; Marriage 3 BolomuiteC, cad all I iu the Hue of hie 'luting, promptly attended to. nonra, from 7; , .,6 k. to IP. u, and from 2 to I'apS:ly a:_)ERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to purchao good farming lands, aro informed that wo ea') 632 acrea of lend In Boone county, lowa. Also acr-e of land iu Franklin c.ruaty, will be sold on cagy VNAM.2 CUTETBEILT SON, inyl6 51 Market etreat. 1! ,- ,rkAt str,ot riftlAES 1 CIGARS I—l have received this day a larze lot of ;canine imported Havana cigars, of il.e old and well known • Seneca" Maud. Thom wishing a nor. of goof ci.;are should call and examine ray Brock before vac:liming n1..3571:910. JOS. KAI .1:2 Corner Diamond and Market at. L a _ARE TWINE.— "k.." case Johnston a Sons Madoc Olaret Wine; 10 '• •• St Julien ClAret Wine 60 •' C. C. St. Julien Claret Wino, in store and for sa!e by MILLEP. lIICKETSON, null 3 Nos. 2:..12 and 923 Llbezty ,treet. `4IIEMIC AL WAVE SOAP.-1000 boxes ILI Chemical IJLive.l2..aaive Soap, on hand end for sale by J oT CL At J. H. SAWYER. I+AUON.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoul 31,ice au,l Jolt recoivnd and for sale by JAN. A. 5E17.,ER., cariti Oorr.nr Maiknt ara.l etto.uta. N.Diu U.-2 oases lila.nilla. Indigo, just re- CeiVO.l tint/ ILI: 61/0 by mylB MILLER. RIGKEISON. DPPLE S.-50 bush. Bright Dried App'.os just rccor,v,gl and for Bale by JAS. a'. FETZER., m[:4Conter Market and PONGES.--I have just received a large lot ) say, I. r Batting gponges, of ovary eine and price. Those wishiaz a gmal article In this lino, should call and examine y Jtock bk.for,, purchasing elsewhere. JOS. 11.1 MING, Clernar Dlantend and Market street. Ul.LEsii NUTS.— lu bates Bordsacrc Almonds; " Paper Shell •` 50 bags Filberts ; 30 " Cream Nuts; P,e:ta 2(105 bus. Ground " fa.oo Cocas " Just rnolved and for se.ls by REYMER. t ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, je9 Opposite she St. Charles,lloteL STOCKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC.- Suitz,bl, - ,12r th, app....aching hot le.maou on band by jog JO S. I.I.OILNE, 77 Market area. LA .-500 bores 8x10,9x12 and 10x12, T., for an/e by (A",:l COLLINB. J - 013 PONTINCi.— Carda, Freight Bills, eircularg, I ray Receipts, Bill Ileals, Labels Baiiread Receipts, Rllls Lading, With every other duserlptieu cf Job Printing, executed With promptness and at Mir pric.33. .WELDIN, Printer end illud,r, my3l Wend street, near Fourth. 2 ACRE'S of caoico land, with good im pravomsnt3, near the city, fur sale on easy terms by d. OUTLLBERT .t SON, jelO 61 nmeknt eirr4t. LIAWORTII TUILDI U LOTS, on sis years' credit, for eabl by 5. 0UT11131.411.T fi SON, elt) 61 Market street. QALLSI BAILS! 8A... 1 1,181—A large) as sortment of Foot, Fotid and Bat Balls, Just racelvol ea t Lr 641 t", I.vholcalo au I retail, at the India HubLar Depot. 20 and 23 Ea. Clair street, m}29 J. & IL PHILLIPS. '6,: 4 1 .A.1NT5! FANS! I—Palm Fans by the case, dczen, or eiDg'e at E-2,teru prices,with other varieties cf Fancy Fans, for flub, at I.I.OIINET, 77 Market Street. frIENTRAL BANK OF PKNNSYLVA 'Cy NlA.—Notice io hereby given that the CENTRAL 'BANK 01' P.ENNSYLVANIA, at Hollidaysburg, will be up,a fur bugla. - .:8 on STEDNESDAY, the 16th last. Jo3llPli into wEa, Cashier. A RD OIL.- ..L..4 bb barrels I . .xtra No. I Lard Oil; 2.5 - No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sales, by [myl3 . l B. C. .5: J. 11. SAWYER. Xi AVA k3OFFEE.—Jut received a lot of ntx ict I y pure 011 1:U7,1-Le:tent Java Coffee,. Ll3O, La. guys and Rio Cullen, at JAYNES' TEA STORE, j di ai Filch ntr.a. I_3URE BLACKBERRY AND CUERRY BRANDY, fir medicinal partinsea, at HAWORTII rY BROWNLEE'S, jes in the Diamond. BOOK IiE:STS —Made of Mahogany and wun [Untied, fvr axle by W. S. HAS T EN, jel.4 Stationer. AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A largo aasortraent alway a On hand, cr made to order. LAWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Variona ciies and calm always on hand, at NOW IS TILE TIME TO BUY BOOTS AND SHOES, Cheap for Cash, at the well known store of JOSEPH IC, :eI:WAND, J,12 98 Market at., second door from Fifth. GUM BANDS, Port Folios, Desk Pads, Bankers Casal, Port Monies, and Pocket Books ) for sale by W. B. &SVEN'S, apl9 Corner Market and Second streets. fl TINNY SAGS.-300 Jorge three bushels G?.uny Backe, new and in goy] order, for side by JAB. A. FETZER, Corner First end Market streets. efAESTNUT3.-5 barrels Italian, received this day, tatol for sale by , R-EINTM a ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, 091plito fn. Charles Sot! ` 7 .; PIANOS AND MUSIC. - 0 .1' - TILE MANUPAOTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, 11 , 10•,)T0"1. dollee SQUARE PIANOS! ALDERMEN ice. W. S. RAVEN, Corner Market and second etreete W. S. HAVEN'S, Como: Market and Second eta ~:~,~`'= IitIRVIEP,' 228 MT~I MILITARY GOODS. Tim SUBS° RIEERS HAVE CONSTANT LY on hand n oo , oplota of MILITARY GOODS ~.•,)Naivus..l Pelf:: ek PLUIED3, 61 i CIIIDS, d2k2lirq, T,k , .:L3, Volunteer COMpalllea P UV. Eta) El PULL T.cOMMaNT3 AT EIORT 2.(03/02 sua AND DT:NTT:iII PLIT43 MADE TO ORDER JIIO. 13. rIPPL.DIDE3I.I etc. SON. Vr. MARKET STREAT. A 1 -,i_LEli. & SON , 4.p.21, Femus- Eie Sy ISGI P X tt l, OIT RTII STREET, ,r _,(4,. NEAR SIIITUFLET.L. STREET. I.ti C6 l . 'l'l .13 () I L 1.1 .1 P. S FITTED, It Bath and t-rash .1-towin; ;Supplied with i , Hotn C ad old Water, . In the meat uppron:detyle. All walk promptly ril. atended to, on the ehortest note°. nrylorw SINE. FLIEDIESTOCK, No. "34 Weacpd stxtitel, Ritiobaugh, TEAS JUST I?EfJEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND WALDRON & G RIPFIN9S onNtiuipi CORN AID GRIIN COIcdUUOSS; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; STEEL Traps, vary fitiporior Dra.wor Locks, very superior Gm. Locks ' Tianad and Ennanielled Sams Pans, Basting Spoons, Bran Candlesticks, Brass Could, Bras , Stair Rods, Brices and Bits, Measuring Types, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Teares, Cuil, Fifth, Tongues, Stretch and Bryant Chains, with a variety of other good:, all of v. Utah will be sold at mod. orate semis. apiS tatA3IES MILLING:IR, MONONGAIIELA PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that he bas rebuilt einco the fire, and having enlarged his witablishment, and filled it with the nowist and moat ap proved machinery, i 9 now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boarde, qcrowl sawing and re ;.1 - xiug, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldinza, bOS /112.1:1143, &c. Month PittaburEli, September 7,115 T. rselp WINDOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 to 6 inch inc l.: cliaa.ctor, for col() by IL LI. COLLINS. IQ EANS.-725 bbls. white Beans for sale by JAS. A. Irlannt, ap27 Corner First and Market sta. TIE LA RUE NOTE PAPER AND EN r orR9 -.41,1,1 r mr73l J. 11. tcki.pl N. LANDS IN VIRUINIA, LIWR and Texas, for r 4,16 by 8. CUTHBERT & SON, TNDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS.—The 21.. beet article in uRe, fu-t rc, eiv...l at the India. thither Depot, 20 mid 2S St. Clair ~tr ci my 22 IhIMTEJ BILL 1;00 LS--Elqsqrted SiZOS nt W. 6 lIAVEN'6 la 5'24 6..,:iousry Warehouse. r. I EXAS, TEx.A S.-540 acres of good farm• iug kmd mv,r ustin, lu:;18. Pl'lllll4 cud timt,r Ir.ad, 6,11“ Ly myll E. (MTLIBMitT .Y; SOZ , I, 51 Merket et., OIL CLOTH CRABII-1500 yards of vari om., rattorn3 jr:ot recolvoil flora tho Inc. tor;, for a4lO whokbalo or retall, by • jUST ECEI I / I, ' 7 D A SUPERIOR LOT p of naibio and e.!nglo Can , , f. FLEEING, 0-rn hnd Nlrrkyt at. QTAit. CANDLES.-IWIO boxes Extra Qa111.3 , Adamantla9 Flar . ,Candlo, hand and for ea'.9 1.141 P. 0. a J. 11. PAWYER. 4 7 11 GARS, CiiirditS.-30,0110 genuine 11a ‘.41 vana ci z als or. tho Ouachita," "Co quetta," and " tro actoa" brandejni::: rued ced by .103. FI,II.IIING, Cor - La• Dblfrioad u d :Itarkot bt. i 37 1.113,1) : 1 and No. 2 Lard Oil cou.ta-; t y on liana and for s.de by Jo 7 11. C. & J. 11. SAWYER. AYW.. O GINO I._:SSENUE OF JAMAICA —5 g• 0.3 thi,4 day, and for rale Jug. IrLEMING, Corner Diamond and .7.tarkat et. Cep at j Cllit£CK'ti PC S'i it P-A lorga supply of tech m , mffler.t remedy for cough* and MM=l=l CH - ,ru-r Dianioud and Alcirkat Ist MALi .E AND CLARET tho Lottle gallua, at, ilmvoivrit ...oitow7, - LEE'S, .3) in ITUILDINt.I LOTS-1.2 each 30 feet front ly ICO lu'ELt9t. Liuertp, near Ulu IL - tilooart to Ifni, ono fourth to hand, balawa tl 7;t.9.19 c, edit. 001 Ind er thu plan. mv26 N. curin:i;al. vim tc..t rffiESTEßS.—Bordeni anti circb:s ior Tee tor, for 1„.:11 sy• ITA a co. 11_1 - 0111NY.-6 bbis. lint Hominy for ralo by J. A. FtITZER, _ mvl2 Corner Xifirke& (AM Pirit Oft. • rEIORPEDOES..-500,000 No. 1, just reed and Ccr cvls ANDY.I2ON, jeS No. 39 Wood clreet, riTIRE WORKS FOR FOURTH OF J 014 Y. —:itre Werll6 and Fire Balleena rannufacturi4 by H. P. Diehl, Pyrotchnilt, - for tile by itgYan ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Jet °ppmlto the St. Ch4rle3 Hotel. VAYETTE COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. —302. acrea In Wharton tow!: ship, •:0 mu'er 'Etna° with log house, etc., good amino, coal and linao!teao ; cm-half the farm is fine timber land, and about 100 acres in meadow. Tho coil is good, well adapted for a stoer, or grain farm, elt nate at 134 miles from Fayette ripringi 9 miles von Union town, and 15 from Cannellevillo, will Lo &old at a low price, or exchanged for approved Western lands. JeB 8. CUTHBERT t SON, 51 l'lnrkot at. - DIIRE JAMAICA RUM ,AN 7) HOLLAND GIN, by tho bottle or Tilton, at ILAWORTE. LDOWNLEE",, in GmDiamond. UN UMBRELLA-R.—Silk razd Gingbam P.. 7 Bun 'Umbrella:, sup:liar (Jr rale Id's as vary rate' , w _ at I.lOaN, 7T Market mtreet. JeS DESlGNS.—Arebitictural and .Decorativt for desig,nl pounding, In ()LIR, i'darble nod frzonee, prepared by inly3ll W. P. MA.1.3.1311ALL CO- QERMON PAPER on hand, oemado to of 1 4 .7der, by MI. a. JottatlYroN a co, myl7 Statinnam, 67 Rocd street. jrhlL PAIN T 1 NG S.--Landaoanes and IO- W for Ore Marcia icz sale WV ma gnets, In al colors, R . MAPIWALZI .6: ,, -1' ,7 '. 1 ...e. , ;••• , ."!.;:, TAULE'ri'ES, BUTTONS, FIIINGEB, ETC., ETC 51 Markut treA J. S U. PIHLLIPS PHILLIPB, 2.5 and 23 Bt. Clair t Printer Stationer No. 0 Wcod attest J. It. WI DIN JOS.