LOCAL AFFAIRS. ORPHANS' , FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATIM THE ANNUAL P.IIC-NllO, FoR THE BENEFIT OF SE:PAUL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC ORPHAN ASYLUM, Will come off on MONDAY, the sth of July, at hIeVARLAND'S CIROVE, On the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Younga•Dnnd will be in attendance. • Cars will leave the Liberty Street Depot, every dining the day—commencing at 9 A. M. ...041.1)V Court of quarter Soosaono Bator° Prosidont Judgo B. 3PCIaro, and Assoolato Judgcs Adams and Parke. Frttos.vanly 2. Judge M'Clure oharged the jury in the cast of Commonwealth vs. Ellztbeth Baird, charged with orpoeing her infant for the purpose of destroying its r jury in a short, tiino returned a vortliet of , .ad Mrs. Baird was remanded to prison. Cuat,:t,onlYeteith v 9. Nathan T. Moloin, indiatmen defrauding John M. Parkins, paper dealer, cut of nearly ono hundred dolly rs worth of goods; by rep ; nisoiLting that himself and brother had a quantity of rags on the Beaver °anal, which he egreed to pond to Port:ins. Mr. Parkins' evidence was that he had transactions with tho defendant bee: t- 0 stobor last. In the month of April, defendant pi r:; od two bills of paper from the prosecutor, one f :P.)2,57 to bo shipped to New Castle, and another of $25,50 to be sent to Warren the next week, on a promise that ho would send a lot of rags which he had, within two weeks. It appeared that the raga the sold to Henry M'Callough some two weeks after the contract. ' Mr. M'Cullough's clerk testified to receiving the rags from Meloin. ' Alderman Donaldson, f , r the defense, testified that Meloin said that he still bed the rags on the Beaver canal, which promised Perkins, after the actior6for f 9 had boon commenced. The defense end show that Perkins had not fulfilled his par o ant:act, in sending soaks in which the rags wore to be packed. John T. Cochran and John Coyle, Esqs., appeared for the defense, end Thos. M. Marshall, Eq., for the prosecution. Tho jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and defendant to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Valentine Danz, Matthias Kirsoh, Adam Lauber and Francis Sehriener, charged with larceny, on oath of Andrew Kalb. This prosecution' grow out of 'a neisuuderatanding about making change at the Athena:min tor .lager hoer daring a Turners' celebration. Thu Cm:ninon wealth failed to make out a case, and the jury ren dered a verdict of not guilty. Commonwealth vs. William Thomas, charged with passing counterfeit money. The evidence was con• elusive, and defendant was convicted and remanded for sentence. . . Thomas Kane was brought in on a charge, of rare, but the prossoutrix not appearing ho was'disoharged. The jury was thou disutielod until Monday. Sun-strokz. At this hooted time all the papers, oast and wort, are teaming with accounts of men and beasts ,Leing prostrated by sun stroke, and our ob.,orvatiz.n goes towards the conclusion that the number of fatal case , is greater in proportion this summer than usual. While the hard working classes of other cities are suffering, wo are not exempt from the fatal effects of tho extreme boat. Several cases, a few of them fe tul, have occurred, and we daily hear of more. On Thursday evening an Englishman, named Lanman, employed as a moulder at a foundry in the Ninth Ward, was stricken to the earth. lle was soon after wards picked up and carried to his house, where it is said he can scarcely recover. Another laborer fell down on Market street about the same time, and wee 'serried home ineensible. The same evening, as we announced yesterday, a man died from the effects of the heat in the Diamond, and a woman on a Mum tthester ferry boat fainted away from exhaustion. A horse belonging to the Excelsior line of omnibuses was prostrated near Lawronoeville, and another on the P;arryeville Piaui:road, Yesterday morning a German named.Stomber, in the Ninth Ward, became exhausted while at work and fell down. Ho Wee car ried home in a Critical condition. About the same time anotherlaborer, whose name we did not learn, was similarly afflicted in Mlnercville. It is sad to record these those chapters of suffering, but we only de it in pursuance of duty, with the hope that all who may be aware of any preventives to these sad den attache may make them known to the public, and by so doing roliove - mueh bodily suffering and destitution, for those who are l usually stricken down 17y the heat are those who aiObliged to labor hard for the supt:ort of their fathilies, and if the attack proves fatal, too often leave them without means of support. Capture! of a Sapposed Thief.—A telegraphic, des patch was - received by Mayor Weaver yesterday morning, frorria gentleman named Egan, at Bellair,, stating that he had been robbed of three hundred dollars, and giving a description of the man whom he supposed had take❑ it. • Officer Patterson was despatched to the railroad depot, and on the arrival of the Olevolatid Ad Pittsburgh train, found a man answering the description given by Mr. Egan. Ile arrested him and conveyed him to the Mayor's office, on reaching which he started off at full speed, and was only captured after a long chase. On searching his person two hundred and fifteen dollars were found on him. Ile calls himself Egan, but letters found in hie trunk show that his real name is Tim Meagher. Ho was locked up in the watch house, where he will be kept until the arrival of Mr. Egan, who has been telegraphed by the Mayor to coma at The Ciret4B.—Mosera. Mabie & Crosby arrived yes terday,' punctual to the appointed time, and gave their first performance last night to a capital house. Thiscompany has been most suceessfal this season. While most other companies farther west miss. log appointments and losing monoy, Diable 6; Crosby have not missed a single stand this SNOOD. This ar• goes well for the judgment mad knowledge of routes of their advertiser. It is rare in a reason Of so tench rain that such punctuality in filling appointments, has been possible. The performance last night pleased all. The company is a good one, and they have a fine stook of horses. Today they give an afternoon as well as an evening performance, and on Monday there will be three grand performances in honor of the anniversary of American Independence. Sudden Death.—Quito an excitement was gotten up in the Eighth Ward, on Thursday ovoning, by the sudden demiso of a young woman named Colwell, who died at the residenco of her father on Try street. She was the wifo of a coal boat man named Patrick Colwell, and the couple not living amicably together, they determined to separate. Colwell accompanied his wife to her father's home, whore, after a parting interview, he left her. Soon afterwards she was taken with convulsions, and diod in a short time. The neighbors, as usual, suspected foul play, poison, tko. The Coroner was sent for, and a post mortem examination was made, bat no evidence of poison was found in her stoumoh. The verdict of the jury was that she .came to her death from the effects of ovanindulgenco in intoxicating liquors. latereet Provided For.—The Philadelphia papers inform ns that the coupons for interest on. the seven per cont. bonds of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, held by parties in Philadelphia, and now doe, will ho paid on their being presented at the office of L. S. Wheelan & Co.; in that city. A similar arrange ment has been effected an to the Allegheny city bonds, the interest on which will be paid.at the office of - Work, Young & M'Coueb, Philadelphia. A home on Laosolt. street, Allegheny city, was robbed of some articles of trifling value on Wednes day night. The owner of tho property has obtained no clue to it as yet. Lager Beer.—Those fond of this cool beverage should call _on Mr. Bentz, No, 83 Third Street, near Market, where they will be supplied with Schenck's beat. To Experimenters.—lt is too often the case that when afflioted by attacks of "cold," or diseases of the throat and lungs, men launch forth into a disore dared system of 'experiments, trying this and that pretended curative, and getting worse as a general thing, In return for their , trouble and expense. It gives us pleasure to recommend to all such "cases" the medicine known as Bowman's Vegetable Com pound, which, we are well assured, is bettor calon. Wed to effect a cure than any nostrum with which we are acquainted. We presume it can be had of any respectable druggist. Printers, 110!—TheTord Printing Ink Mann. 1;10,,,.....turing Company is a new establishment, yet in itiapoy, and tho disadvantages the craft has been laboring under for years, is now completely removed by having a branch chime in our city where they sup. iilyink at precisely the same rates as they do in Now rsrrk. This advantage should be looked to with some .hilorest. Our paper has boon printed with for the last two weeks, and the pressman says it works ad mirably. They are determined to sell the best arti cle in the market at loss , than the usual market rates. Office No. 4 Girard House, Smithfield street. The Eagle Hotel.—Our friend John Mist', the late worthy host of the Perry Hotel, on Duquesne Way, has Icaied the old Eagle Hotel, on Liberty street, which ho has been at considerable aspens° in fitting up. Wo can cordially recommend him to the pa , tronage of our city frionde. -He is an excellent land lord, always consulting the comfort of hie guests, and is withal a right clover follow. Wo wish him all success. Bole Boat Race..—The crew of tho four oared row boat "David Holmes" have accepted a challenge sent them by the crow of the " Pike," to run a race for one hundred doldtra a side, on Saturday, the 10th of July. Both of these aro fine boats and well manned, and the race will doubtless bo very exciting. Two other boats aro to have a similar friendly cone test on the same day. Drowned.—A little girl, aged three years, dough-. ter of David Torrence, of Jeffersein township, in this county, was drowned in a spring near her father's residence on Tuesday evening of last week, while in the act of raising a bucket of water. Tho water was not morn than fifteen inches deep. When discovered by her parents a physician was sent for and efforts made to restore her, but without effect. Fourth of July Anita:intent. —lly reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that Mason Brown's celebrated band of minstrels will nom. mance a series of entertainments at Masonic Hall, on Monday, the sth of July. They are said to boa flno troupe, and we - doubt not but they will meet with abundant success. Out of Danger,—Both Gordon and Benchner, the former having boon stabbed on last Saturday night, and the latter alleged to have been beaten by police officers, are considered out of danger by the physi cians who have boon in attendance, numbering, In the latter case, some half dozen. Cool and Comfortable.—Tho young merchants of cur city who desire to improve their health and keep cool, also to perfect themselves in all the details of mercantile life, cannot du better than by attending the Iron City College this summer. Liquors, Ciyara and Tobacco.—This morning, at ten o'clock, will be sold by P. M. Davis, at his Auc• tin House, No. 54 Fifth street, a variety of bran., dice, gin, wiae2, cigars and tobacco, which deserve the attention of dealers. Hunt & Miner have received all the weekly pa porn—Harper, Porter's Spirit, the Waverly, the Picayune, Punch, and a long Het of others. Call at' Masonic Hall for good reading matter. It waa rumored laA evening that Bryan, the lot• cry dealer, had been pardor3d by Our. Packer, and hat the pardon liould arrive to,day. //a 9 k Hagan was committed to jail by Alderman Parkinson yesterday, charged with attempting io outrage the person of a Miss Wright. Nothi'ag of importance transpired at any of the magi3trates' aloes in Allegheny yeaterday. BtlyeTB I',l,3ionable Clothing, for either men's or boy's wear, are directed to the establishment of J. L. Carnaghan, Federal street, Allegheny city. His work will ho hued neatly out and well trimmed and made. Fine piece g,oods of the newest styles kept on hand for custom work. A.SIiiNG DISEASES, Di eIMIIIII and Marleco rank 1 - 1- ttY - co most difficult to cure. We are phased to have it in our pc.v..ar to point out a remedy which has proved effec tual in many casos, and which we Call safely recommend as a e - rlaln end infallible cure. It has been the /mans of rescuing thousands from an untimely gt,vo, end given the glow of licolth to many a luau rind cadaverous foram The medicine we lltlyti to to " 1108TETTER'4 CELE BRATED bTOMACJI BITTERS. These Ditte.rs, whose vir ttlaS are promulgated through the State, aracontinually in. crcaeing In the favor of the public, temL-from the many cures thy have effected, have doubtless the wireltdency ovtr any other prepazation before the public. For eAle by draggirta and dealers generally, everywhere TIOSTETTER & SMITLI, fdan . ufecturers and Prop:Wore, 68 Water and 68 Front streets. OD A A MEDICINE, AS A BEVERAGE, AS AN APPellter, ad a lestoratlvo, as a solace, as a gentle exhileraut, as a stitl in manhood and a help in age. there la nothing like J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACH Brruits, they aro pronounced by all who use them, to he far superior to any preparation of the kind new In nee. They ar o a dare cure for_Dyspapaia,C.istiVolled; Cioneral De. Way, Weakness of the Stomach, etc., nod a preventive of most of the prevailing dilemma of the doy. They should be kept and used by every family, eipsAelly at this season of the year, when loss of eppotib is 80 prevalent. No family consultiug their own interest eau aff./rd to do without them. As many epurlous articles are put up and Bold as genuine, be ours an•t call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated stomach Bitters, and 860 that the article purchased bears the name of J. M. Olin as manufacturer. For sale by J. M. OLIN, gala prop, i,tcr and manufacturer, to. 'XI Patin greet, Pi ttabo rgb, Pa., and by druggists and 'CZI/11111 genorttly. el 2 JOSEPH. MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Wareroomg, 411.-1 Pena street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, PITTSBURGH!, PA]. 4GII- In addition to the Furniture business, I also devote attention to UNDERTAKING. Hearses and Carriages SYMPOSIIISI. WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, • ,PROPRIETOR, Fifth Street, IVert Door to the Pithtburoh Theatre Thu house is new, built especially for the purposes of a First Class itestmarant and Saloon, and the proprietor hay. lag bad many yoara experience it the bustnese will keep constantly on hand the best that the markets °fiord. His Wines, Liquors and Ales, are of the bost.quallts. Ho wants all his old friends and the public generally to give him a call at the tiympesinrs. tJel24ly MILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. EXECUTIVE (MARQUE, 41 Harrisburg, June 8i 1850. It is hereby orfferod, that a "Clump of Instruction" be held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, and the Adjataut (latent' of the Common wealth is directed to fix the time thereof—to take charge of the arrangements—to attend in person, and to lame the necessary orders to the General Staff, and other Military officera of the Commonwealth in relation to the same. WM. F. PACKER, Commander-in. Chief. ADJUVANT GENERAL'S DEFIED, Harrisburg, Jane 3, 1858. In obedience to the above order from Head-Quarters, a "Carob of Inetrnotlou" will be held at Williamsport, Ly coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing et 12 as., on Tuesday, the 7th day of September, 3. 85 Sp To continue until SATURDAY, the 11th day of said month, at 12 at , of said day, to ba called Cams . 4 Susquehanna." L This Encampment is intended to include the uniform ed companion throughout the State, who are earnestly re• quested to be in prompt attandines. 11. The Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Brigade Inspectors of the several divisions and brigades, are required to report to my office as soon as possible, what compaulee and field officern will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the number of men in each company, the names of the Captains, and their Posy Office address. 111. The Alds-dea-Cainp and all other officers of the Grand Stair of the Commander-in-Chief are ordered to be in at. tendance, armed and equipped in fall parade dress. IV. All companies in attendance are required to bring with them all teak and camp equipage they may have. V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every brigade, will report at once to my ofßoe, what equipage belonging to the State is in the limits of their command. VL The Major General of the Nloventh Division, Gen. D. IL Jackman, shall be the senior officer on duty, and he is hereby charged with the immediate arrangements for said Encampment, and ie ordered to report to this office for fur ther Butt:factions. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. EDWIN a WILSON, Jolo Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. A. _ S T o N.E & c o . GLASS PATENTED PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all kinds of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Mince Meats, Oysters, and all such perishable articles manutac. Wired and for :sale by CLININGHAMB 4t CO, Nos. 100 WATER and 140 FIRST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. age' The main secret of preserving fruit in a fresh condi. lion, consists in having it thoroughly heated- when sealed up, and In expelling all the air there may may ba in the vessel, eo that when the fruit' cools, it will Emu a vacuum. The undersigned having procured the right tornanufae• tare these Jara, respectfully call the attention or dealers and others to them. The great superiority of Glati9 over any other imbalance for the preservation of fruits, etc., etc. is so well known, that any comments upon it are entirely unnecessary, and the proprietors feel confident that any one, after having once seen these Jars, will never be Induced to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by - OUNINGRAMS a 00., N 0.109 Water street. NI ANILLA PAPER.—A large lot various ems, iamb) by WU. G. JOHNSTON & 00., Paper De.genklo7 Wad FritiVSBUROR BOARD OF TRADS2 AND EIRRCIZANTS I RYCHABGIA• • Alt/dent. w. 11. WHILILMS. Visd BY.sidints. y H .11IIFNCT, lot, ISAIAH DICIEBY, 2d. Treasurer. N. HOLmR9, Jn. Superintendent. JOSEPH SNOWDEN. Ommittee of Arbilration for June. F. R. BRUNOT, V. P., JOHN S. COSORAVE, J. B. CANFIELD, SAMUEL SEIRIVER, DAVID M'JANDLESS 4roliny Reported by JOOEPH SNOWDEN, SitperinteradEt of the Merc&into' laxhang& hrranunew, July 2, 1858. FLOUR—The market is extremely dull; the sales amount to 208 bbls. viz :—From first hands; 50 bbls. superfine from wharf at $3,20©3,25. From store: 158 bids. at $3,50 fur superfine, $4 for extra and $4,37@4,50 for extra family. GRAIN.-Sales 100 bush. Oats from wharf at 2804 sold again from store at 300. RAY—Baku) 5 loads from sciles at $9 to $l2 e(A ton; I load Straw at $l. SALT—SaIe, 100 bbls. at $1,15 cash. COFFEE—SaIad 20 bags Rio at 12%0. IS lb. OlL—Sales 300 bbls. Lard No. 1 at 85c. rEI gallon. BACON...FaIai 8500 lbs. Shoulders at7c.; 250015,. Bides at 8%; 3000 lbs. llama at 9e. 14 lb. WHISKY...SaIes 20 bbls. raw at 19%0.; 202 bbls. rectified in lots at 20Q.22c; a gallon. PEULADELPEIM, July 2 —The Flour market continues un changed; the inspection of the week amouut to 6844 bbls, a decrease of nearLy 3000 bbls from last week; there is very little export demand, and most of the sales are confined to the wants of the home consumers at $4,15@4,8734 for cons. mon and extra and ss@s6 for extra family and fancy; 600 bbla Ohio superfine sold at $4,25. Rye Flour and Corn Meal steady, with limited sales. • Wheat is but little inquired after; sales of red at $1,02(g11,04, and white at $1,10@1,20; a lot of new crop white was t flared at $1,30. Bye scarce and wanted. Corn is in active request; sales 4000 bash southern yellow at 78c, atleat. Oats dull . Whisky scarce; ealcsbbis at 23a, hhds at 22©22: 1 4c, and drudge at 223. In ProvisiOLLß little doing; sales Moss Pork at $l7 '0 bbl, and 200 tierces shipping Hams at 11e, on time. Collie and tiogar ad vancing. NEW YORE, July 2.—Cotton; sales 300 bales. Flour firm; 12,000 bbls sold. Wheat heavy; 30,000 bush sold; eouthern eel $1,0831,10; We'torn white $1,02(4)1,01. Mll - club 80 4dll. Corn firm; 12 000 bush sold. Bacon dull at 7%@79,1, tor Sides and 5,14@5%, for Shoulders. Prime Pork has advanced 10,.; sales at $,.3 85 and $13,50. Butter steady. Linseed 011 buoyant; sales 1800 gallons at 65c, and holders demand an advance. Hides quiet; sales 23,000 Ibt western at 10c. Tallow dull at 9.'409 1 4. Whisky steady at 22X323. Sugar buoyant; Muscovado 63734; Porto Rico 6%®7 -1 ,4 CcifJe steady at 106,g110% for Rio. Freights twiner; on Flour to Liverpool Isl34d@ls 6d. Nzv Your; Jul , : 2 —Stocks heavy. Chicago and Rock Island 73 1 ,.':0 Ili. Contra% 7f%; do. bonds 85%; .Y. Central 82; Readlag 44; Cunton 18343 litigsdn,i 6's 84%; Galena and Chicago 85! Er le .1.7!.","; Cleveland and Toledo 32 1 / 2 ; Caro. Ilea 96. O a LIVER COMPLAINT.—AII the ills arising from a torpid action of the Liver, and they are many, will bo cured by using Du. WILBON'S FILLY. They are a cafe and must eiLutnal general family medicine. They are pie pared and mold by 13. L. Fahneatock & Co., wholemle drug gleo, N.. 6.), corner of Fourth and Wood Areal, Pitts. burgh, Pa. jyl:tf—o.c SIIESH.F.—The undersigned offers himself to the Datuecracy of Allegheny county, as a caudidato for Shoriff, outja:t to the decision of tho Dotnocratic Couveu "--- BARNES FORD, Uppor St Clair. 011. j. 124 (1 NV CORONER—The undersigned offers himself as a LF candidate befcre El 3 next Democratic Convention fur the Wilco of Coroner, and asks the support of the De mocracy [jell LENOX REA. ( 41A The elegant side wheel, passenger packet SUPERIOII--Onpt. REDMOND J. (bleu—will Iti s ' leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, on TIIII3 DAY, the Ith inst., at 12 o'clock, at. For fteight or passage apply ru board, or to • FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agents. Through to St. Louis in five da9r. This ItArt connects with the mail line, and will go through in the time specs. She will leave on Saturday. 41.22 For Irlariette and Zanesville. The steamer EMMA GRAHAM., Uapt. nos AVMS, will leave for the above and all 444.- m 4,- P*.intermedlate ports on every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply on board. N o: 65 MARKET STREET, SELLING 062 AT A GREAT SAORIBIOI3, To CLOSE OUf TILE STOCK - 0/. Embroideries and Trimmings. To insure a ready sale, the undersigned will BELL HIS ETOCK WITHOUT REGARD TO 002 T, And invitee the I.ld:ea, as ahoy will And great bargains at Ho C 'ILDS it C-11.5, k.l -1 un mr22 dly—k NO. A 33 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., • HAVE JUST RECEIVED TIIE I R large SPRING STOOK Off BOOTS AND SHOES, consisting of a great variety of seasonable and fashionable goods adapted to spring and satanier sales. Raving been purchased for oash, at reduced prices, they feel warranted in saying that they can supply Western merchants, by the package . 4r *dozen, at as low prices as the earns quality of goods can be purchased in the Eastern cities. Particular attention given to orders. r• Also, a good supply of New York and Spanish Solo Loather,. RODGSON'S ," DIAMOND " CEMENT for Joining broken glass, china, metal, wood, and all fancy articles, Just received by JOS. FLEMING,. Je22 Corner Diamond and Market street. OSPITAL SIIEETING—Of all widths and of the boat quality, for ualo at tho India Rubber Depot, 20 and 28 Bt. Clodr street. Jell D EANS. 20 bbls small White Beans for solo by lal2l 11. IL COLLINS. RAPPING PAPER-3000 reams ass't sizes Rag Wrapping, a superior article, for sale by J. R. WELDIN. A POOR FELLOW. A STERLING RELIGIOUS NOVEL. lot sale by ROBT. A. LOOMIS, I e2B Pout Building, 4I Pin sureot h.)II PER lOR BLANK BOOKS—Ledgers, Journale, Cook Books, awl Day Booke. A large sup ply on hand, made in the moot superior manner of the finest quality of paper, eopectnily for city orders. Blank Books made to order, ruled to any given pattern. Je2B WM. G. JOHNSTON A CO., 67 Wood et. Vii ; ILL PAPER—Of best quality—for eale by WM. O. JOHNSTON 8: CO, je2B Stationers, 57 Wood street. "LINVELOPES.—Buff, Straw, Amber and AA White, of all sizes, sold wholesale or retail, by WIl. G. JOHNSTON & CO., my 7 Stationers and Paper dealers, 67 Wood at. QODA ASU.-100 casks Soda Ash, now landing and for sale by mylB MILLER & RIORETSON. DOES, SHOES—Great inducements of fared at the People's Shoe Store, to all who wish to Day summer Shoes Cheap...La/leo' (}alters , 'Buskins, and Slippers. 5. DIFFENBACHER h CO., Jel9 17 Fifth street, near Market. I'GGS.-10 barrels fresh Eggs, just receiv ed and for sale by J A. FETZER, • Corner Market and Rind streets. COD 8 drum extra large Cod Fish ; " large " " Just received and for gale, by PJILL.EB, h ItIORBTBON, m 12,5 Dion. 221 and 228 Liberty street. 11OR RENT—A large Dwelling House and Store, on Grant etrefet. B. CUTHBERT Q BON, my2B 51 Market street. IGIRESII FIGS-500 drums just reeeivedand .11: for Bale by RHYMED & ANDERSON, el 7 89 Wood west. ERRING-10 bbla. No. 1 Potomao Her ring, just received and for sale by McOANDLE/32, MEANS & 00., Corner Wood and Wator streets. COMMERCIAL. • PITTSBURGH 11141.01tILET. Philadelphia Market. Now York market. New Icgrck Stock litarket. CANDIDATES STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI. For uincinuati ZANESVILLE. J. BUSIEII'S, NO. 65 MARKET STBEET, Between 'Third and Fourth streata. - _ imffAsl !UUI J. k H. PHILLIPS SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT - . OFFICE. COMPLYING WITH THE CEMENT BEQUEST OF HUN DRS. C. Ilf. FITCII AND J. TV. SPICES PERMANENTLY IN. PITTSBURGH, And may bo consulted at their Mika, No, 191 Pori street, , OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Enudays, for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL OTHER CB:SONIC! COMPLANTS, complicated with, or catuag pulmonary disease, Including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, tfc. DES , . lITOII A BYEiLS would Mte that their treatment of Consumption is based upon the fact that Me disease exists its tie blood and system at large, bsql before and during its derappment in the lungs, and they therefore e mploy Median- Leal, Hygienic and Medical remedia) to purify the bloodand strengthen the system. With Mess, they use MEDICAL IN UALATIONd, which they value highly, but only as Adha, hoes, (basing no Caratioe ejects wAen used aiime,) and Inva lids are 'earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached In a direct manner by Inhalatioe," for, as before stated, the seat of the disease u in the blood and its effects only In the langs. tur No charge for consultation. A list of questions will be rent to those wishing to consult as by letter. my29:daw N OW THAT THE HOT WEATHER HAS SET IN, $, The Citizens will wish a Drink of ICY COLD SODA WATER ! Aud the Educe to have it served up, IS AT C. H. SUPER'S DRUG STORE, Jr 3) CORNER ST. CLAIR AND PENN STS. LIOOFLAUD'S GERMAN BITTERS TAKE TILE LEAD. Dear Biz—Your German Bitters are taking the lead of all other medicines for chronic diseases, etc., and are selling rapiply. Please send us another box Immediately, or we shall ba out Moro it arrives. Truly yours, LYNCH & MAC); Georgia, January 1, 1851. Da. E. L. STROREOKEB. said : " I am happy to say that your German Bitters are gain ing a great reputation. I think it will, iu future, rapidly.' MONTICELLO, Georgia, October 6, 1852. W. MAXEY 41 . OJ., said: " Your Bitters, though entirely unknown before in this county, have sold rapidly„ and given satisfaction " 800 adverthwumbt. For snla by BROB. =ill Er. OZO. E. HEYBER, Pittsburgh. Je2s:2w.Jaw NOTIOB--Notice id hereby given to the Stock holderd of the BIRMINGHAM AND PITTSBURGH BRIDGIN COMPANY, that au elocttun will bo held ut the house of JAMBS BRAWDY, in the Borough of Birming ham, on MONDAY, the 6th day of July, Ml+, between the hours of 2 and 4 r. rt., for the purpose, of electing a Presi dent, Treasurer, and ton DirecMre for the ensuing year. j022:2w - W. SYMMES, Secretary. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 . PIZThI9I7BOB, Juno 16t11, 1853. J [l . . THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OP TUTS Company have this day declared a dividend of SIX DOLLARS PER SHARE un the Capital Stuck—live dollars payable in cash to the Stockholders or their legal represen. tativee, forthwith, and one dollar credited to their stook. jeld sent SAMUEL 8. MARSIIELL, Secretary. MONONGAHELA SAVING VEND COMPANY.— NOTICE—The Stock Subscription Woke of the above Institution, will remain open for a short time at the office, No. 60 Grant strut. Any pereon calling on the Secretary, will be furnished with a copy of the Charter and Dy-Laws. Discount rive every Monday, notes malt be °dared before 3 o'clock, P. et., same day. BOARD: WILLIAM PHILLIPS, President. DIBROToRS: J, R. WeMin, lA. 51. Pollock, Joiime Rhodes, Phillip Reymer, James Stdio, A. S. Nicholson. .71.7,1113 S. 11.00 N, my27:lm Secretary and Treasurer WnDIVIDEND Noricu.—e President and Mono. Esus of ill() Company for erecting a Bridge over the' Allegheny ilea., Opposite Pittsburgh, in the county of Alle gheny, have this day declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND SEVENTY-PIVII CENTS, on each share of the old stock of the Company, ou which dividends have heretofore been made, which is payable to stockholders or their legal representatives, forthwith. WSI. ItOSEBURO, j y2:3MD Treasurer. Up NOTICE—THE INTEREST 00UPONS of the Ron,la of Lawrduce County, issued to the PITTS BURGH AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY due July, 1858. will be paid at the oftico of'W. 11. WILLIAMS dr. Ou., Pittsburgh, Pa. The change in place of payment ia made in consequence of the failure of the Onto Life Laeurence and Trust Company, New York, where the Caupons are payable. By order of j y 2 THE COMMISSIONERS. China, Glass, and Queensware. SPRING STOOK JUST OPENED, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT' OF MSC M IST 2EI "12 - MEIC 4131 r. 2E3 IR" , 122 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WllO IS NOW REOEIVINU FROM Europe and Eastern Cities, a choice assortment of articles in his lino, comprising neW and tasteful shapes of Pearl White Stone Tea. Dining and Toilet Wore, and the same in Plain, Gold, Lustre Eland and Flowers; Fine White. Vitrified Iron Stone Table Ware, known to be the most dur able now in use for Hotels and Steamboats; French China of new styles, in Pure White and Goldßand, either in sets* or single pieces; Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Sett Brit. tannin and Plated Castors; German Silver Tea Table Spoons, Soup Ladies, etc., plated with silver; fine Ivory Handled Carving, Tea and Table Knives and Foram Tea Waiters and Trays; Shaker andtea.grasa Table Mats; Japanod and Deo orated Tin Tohet Sat. Also, a complete and fall assortment of all articles sultit blo for the COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE, at prices to please the public, who are respectfully invited to examine this stock. mr27.:Smdsw c t i l ) LAKE ',SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS. PARK M'CURDY • CO,, MANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, Brazlere and:Dolt CoPper, Pressed Coppar Bottoms, Based Still Bottoms, Speller Bolder, &c , also i mporters and dealers in Metals, Tha Plate, Bhoet Iron,Wire, An Constantly on hand, Tlnmon'e Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 First, and 120-Second-street; Pittsburgh, Pa. Special order of Copper cut-to any desired pattern. my29;lyclaw N " C' CREAX SALOON, • AND-' LADIES' REBTACRANT, NO. 27} FIFTH STREET. The subecriber has Rased, and fitted up several commodi ous roams,- nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth street, which are now open for the Bummer Beason. La• dloaand gentlemen can always find an abundant eupply of FREHEI CONFECTIONARY, FRIIITB, ICE CREAM, WATER ICES, and all the refreshments of the season. All are respectfully requested to visit tho rooms, and test for themselves. (job) M. Mo(INLEY. FURNITURE FOR A fall assortment of Pittsburgh manufactured FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CaßilS, WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well famished dwelling, ae well ae a spledid assortment of OFFICE FIIRWITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done at this establishment is for CASH. PVICO3 aro made accordingly. Persons in want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at FAOKINER No. 103 Smithfield street, helow Fifth. J. D. Fulmar., JOLite yL T,nn. GROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS. 160 bags Rio Coffee; 100 cheats Black and Green Teas ; 25 bbLs. Crashed Sugar; 25 " Coffee " 20 New York Syrup; 20 " liew Orleans Molasses; Tierces New Rice; 10 boxes W. W. H. Grant's Tobacco; 100 " M. R. and Layer Raisins; 20 kegs French Plums; 2 Puncheons Jamaica Rum; 2 g. Santa Grua Rum; 2 Pipes Holland Gin; Also, Wrench Brandy; Port, Merry Mai and Ohara. pages Wines; Pure Old lye and Rectified Whisky, in store and for sale low, by HAWORTH I BROWNLRD, Successors to Haworth, Bro. A Brownlee, Oor. of the Diamond an ds Diamond alley, my2o burgh, Pa. 1 GROSS WOODS' HAIR RESTORA a TWA for sale by B. if BaINEI3IVOZ et CO. DREDS 02 THEIR PATIENTS, Hare concluded to relnain E4ToNrou, Geo., July 14,1553 ~:.: b aittf BUSINESS CARDS. J. & T, GROUTT , IMPOILTES9 OF BRANDIES, GINS, WINES ; ETC., DEALERS IN BIKE OLD MONONOAHELA RYE WHISKY, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Streoto, opl4] PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P. PrIARKLE, DIANIIPAOTURBRB OP PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS CP WELAPPLNG 2P ) .M 3) 20 DE&. 9 warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 63,4Ragg bought at market prices. myB REMOVAL. JOHN MOORIIEAD has removed to No. 74 Water street, below Market .17 offinv •moolannEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR Tall BMA Or PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BEL')W MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA 4TTSBURGII STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JONES JNO. L. BOYD WM. fiIcOULLOUGH JONES, BOYD & CO. 1dL1701%0M11038 07 CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Cornor Roes and First Streets, jy2b PITTSBURGH, PA. MOORHEAJ) & CO., MANUFACTURER OF imeriean, lhain 4 Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, a.c.."' AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 130 First street, mr26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA. MAO JONfl D. D. ROODS D. B. ROGERS & CO., a utizurAoTtrnr.ne OP ROGERS' .TISPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, COltardt ROBE AND FIIIST-STIIIIDTB, prrraßunaz. PA WILLIAM CLAYTOg & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS, NO. 87 DIAMOND ALLEY, Noar Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ,U"'• Always on hand, Blackhorry, Chorry, and Cognac Brandlea, Old Monongahela and Roctillod Whlaky, of the Yo beat Q tatty, doldydelz JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Conimiesion Merchant, our, Grain, Baoon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of Market and First streets. PITT8111:113GH, PA. Buns To—Francis G. Bailoy, Ean,, William Dilworth, Br., . Cuthbert do Bon, Pittabargh; Boyd d Ott, [Nickell A viearingon, S. Brady, Caab. Ll. & H. Bank. Dirt Et Howell, &tangle it Co., George W. Anacreon, Dania Paatou & Co. Wteciln,z. rnyq'Fga•{ HARDWARE• AMU EL FAHNESTOOK, No. 74 WOOD strsot, Pittsburgh, has on hand a hogs STOCK OD' HARDWARE, Which he will sell very low for CASH. In addition to hia Luc,'Ls, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large xalortmont of Carpenter's Tools, he has received a large sup ply of Sausage Cutters and Staffers ; Shovels Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh Bells, and Enameled cad Preserving.Bettiel. ATTORNTIT AT LAW AND OONVEYANDEIL 071102 V 7128 11. aI*DITIRIt . No. tV) 14:1=t12 esaat. salo;q ii wnotnitm,a - AND RETAIL FIRST PREMIUM READY MADE LINEN AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Silk, Merino and Ootton Under Shh is and Drawers, Cra vats, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Cc., Dressing Gowns, Shirte, Wrappers, and Dress Stocks made to order by meas urement, and warranted to give satisfaction. Jelilyd E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DEALERS IN FINE OLD WHISKICS, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, JoI:1yd PHILADELPHIA. GO ALND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET SPS., PITTSBURGH. rainosE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR Ja. House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the beat mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. No. T 2 THIRD Street. Pittsburgh. [myadyis DAVID H. WILLIAMS, cavil, ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR !kJ FOR THE EMOTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five cinrners end upwards, and for Heating Buildings, pnblio or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. nlyfiaele MUMMA 11.. PA. CARTWRIGHT & 'EWING , (Stpxeuora to John (12 ritur i,ght, ) MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Surgical and and Den. tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 85 Wood street. They give special attention the manidactur• ng of Trusses, Bupporters etc. Jobbing and Repairing ith punctuality and despatch., aplf HITCHCOCK, .11 5 CREERIC & CO. 01:10=180B9 TO lIIIPFXS,N, lIVOISSIBY g 00.0 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MFROHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Plour end Wool, N Second erect, Pittsburgh, Pa. Springer Harbaugh, Joseph E. Elder, Bt. Louis; Pittsburgh; Fenton Bros., B. Childs it Co., Cornell .4 Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagoley, Cosgrove Co., ' 4 Garret 4Martiti,Philadelphia; NicOandless,Means rZ Co., Jamee, Kent, Santee.. Co." G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver Ir. Graham, " Geo. M. &L. Hord, Cincinnati Boone, Sterling & Co., 44 A. B. Fenton et Bros., " Yard, Gilmore t Co., ' 4 _myaßif HEESE.- 180 boxes Prime W. R. Cutting Cheese ; 200 " English Dairy Received and for sale by [jo3] HENRY H. COLLINS URESH TEA, MORE NEW TEA— The .12 finest Tea of every name, grade and color. The sub scriber has in store and arriving, a most extensive and complete assortment of Tea in chests, half chests and fami ly boxes, all of which is offered at greatly reduced prices. 1e23 El. JAYNES, 38 Fifth street. L'IRE CRACKERS-60 boxes No. 1 Fire Crackers, just arrived and for sato at the lowest mar ket price, at HAVVORTH k BROWNLEE'S, je23 Corner Diamond and Diamond alley. i nOLTON'S WEST TOURIST & GUIDE -4,.) For sale by (1019) . J. It. WELDIN. 1 11 ACON.-2500 lbs. Hams, Sidesand Shaul- A - dem—country cued—a good article, for ealo by rIT29 WM. IL SMITH a 00. FRENCII PAPER lIANGINGS.—Now desi g ns and very beautiful—received by late arrivals, for sale by W. P. MARI3I.IALL & 00., rur2s Lurvriere ar,d Daalcrc, 87 Wood street. WHISKER BLONDE.-500 doz. White Whisker Blonde ter Bonnet Borders, received, and will ha sold very low to .}l.llllnant by the piece, at C 1323 FPS, 17 !besot area'. COFFEE. —2OO bags Rio Coffee, for Hale_ by WM. IL SMITH it 00., 11R &rand. and 147 first stref fIARRIAGES, HATS AND CAPS, FUR NITURE OR QUERNBWARE wanted in exchange for two Building Lote, each 24 by 104 feet, situate ba tho B.3venth Ward. B. CiollaßlilaT k BON, e 10 5] Bratirat erre+. CIOPYING , PRESSES.—Sorew Copying Presses Calm and Lever Copying Presses, Lever, Ecrew and Epilog Copying Presses, sold by WM. G. JO.MWEITON it CO., Je3 IS7 Wood street. INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso, a large assortment of Dressing Tuck and Long Combs, just received at the India Rubber Dopot of J. & PHILLIP?, 01l 20 and 28 Et Clair atn3at. QUAD-10 bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shad,just kj received and for age by 2ticOANDLESS, MEANS a CO., Corner Wood and Water atreeta. IVrOOL WANTED.- The highest market price paid for Wool, by HYRINGEN HAILBAUGH & 00., No. 295 Liberty street FIPORPEDOES--,300,000 No.l, just received . A. and for Bale by Banns a ANDERSON, jeZ No. 99 Wood Area, 'L lY`7.3`x. y . .. -:.Z. r 'Y- ~f+ _~ tl~a ~Y N i._~,G~~h.* ~ _ _ e.fe: •.•-• POE TII 82571 07 L. U. HEPBURN, 'KUM - CAL DR. IL A. WILSON'S Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic PILES, PREPARED AND BOLD BY B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. till corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A AS AN EFFICIENT, safe and convenient tonic, cathartic and anti dyspeptic medicine, those I Pals are recommended to the public by the former propri etor, (bit. WILSON,) With a confidence each as a long con tinned and careful trial of thorn in an ample practice war rants. In their operation 10 a cathartic, they inflnence more the motory and less the secerning power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They agne with the moat delicate atom ach, removing nausea, pain, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tone and vigor to the whole system -42 AN ANTI - DYSPEPTIC—They neutralize and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentatioVmd pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the direct cmstquences of chemical action,—an action which should never exist in the human stomach. From these peculiarities in the Pills, a person taking them may expect a free, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nation, local or general debility, or that dis gusting sickness or costiveness--the usual effects which at tend or follow the use of other purgee. ERTIFICATES. xtract of a letter C Immo H. 1 , 4 r/ unearth cb., Druggists, Memphis, Tenne3see, January 7, 1858. kiEssits. B. L. IeALINIaTOCS a Co.—We were the first to in crodoce Dr. It. Adams ilrilbUEl'B Pile hero many years ago. They were the best Plll ever in this market. We use no other in our own families, and se-cured tur them a high tharacter by our recommendations. Yours, trely, II F. FABNESWORThi If CO. Eztract of a letter from 0. W. Irwin, Nashville, T'ennarec, Pdrruary Is, 1858. B L. FAHNRSTOO t 6 Co.—Doer Sir I have seen Dr. It. A. Wilson's Pills used fur the ague with good effect; I have used them myself, and t alleys them to be the beat Pill In me I have no doubt they will cure many other complaints when properly used, anu I cheer.ully recommend them to the public. Ileipcctfully, yours, _ G. W. IRWIN. From °lend Wm. Hopkins, late Cana/ anumissiener. WsaiimaroN, Pa January B,lesB—Dear Motor : I have been using your " Anti-Dyepeptio" Pills, when occasioned required, for many years, and can truthfully say that I have never found any medicine equal , to them in relieving me from affections of the stomach and head. They have never failed to relieve me from he che, and have always left my system in better condition th found it. I must confi dently recommend your Pills as a a a and highly valuable medicine. Very reopec • ly, etc., tn. IL. A DAMS Wilsox. 11. 110PKINS. From Thos. Elackmore, Esq , Treasurer of heny Co., Pa. To I'a. R. A. WILSON.—Dear Sir : I have be lasing your - pitizif e ilB4 . o i - 4 4-^l4lpely pro best Pill t ...,..., them in use, ortharrhave - rusyirnowledge a.. 1 for "sick headache," with whichlartastail Won ~• .4 lirt‘ Om; lam happy to say, that they entirely cnreirerrri ''tie then I 11.39 them as a family medicine :ifl am bill& or anything ails me, and I require medic no, I take a Pill,a it DIMS me; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years. THOS. BLAOKINIORE. January 8, 1858. Hear Dr. Keiser. _ MUMS D. L. FAmmrsocit a Co—l have had considerable experience In the use of the extraordinary Pill compounded by Dr. It. Adams Wilson, of which you are now the propti more, and have often felt their benign inflaence in my own case for "nervous headache," arising from a disordered con• Mimi of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed them for others, in cases of hemicranla and other forms of head- ache depending on a deranged and irritable conditioner the stomach and digestive organs, of which they seem peculiar. ly adapted, being entirely free irom any griping tendency. I regard them as a very valuable Pill, and One that purges without at all debilitating. Yours truly, Clt:O. IL ILEY9IIII, 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh, March 5, 1858. jyLlyd w THE GREATEST 411: 1 1- 'CAL I OF THE AGE. R. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discos , . or 1l a ono of our common paature woods a romody that cnrJa Every kind of Humor, FROM THE WORST SOILOFULA,DAVII TO A CKMITAON PIMPrAU- Ho hula tried It le over eleven hundred cues, end novas felled ezcopt In two ceases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in las nomemton over one hundred certificatea of Ito value, all within twenty miles of Beaton. Two bottles are warranted to care a nursing sore month. One to three bottleewllt care tho worst kind of Plimpton on the face. Two or three bottles will clear the syatom of biles. Two bottles era warranted to care the worat canker in the month or stomach. Three to try bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of Elrysipolas. OPP to two bottles are warranted to care all humor Inithe eyes. Two bottles are warranted to care running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to sir bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running rdoere. • • • • f• . he akin. Two or three trot ard Wail' • u a - runt - arwrszar Of ringworm. Ttvo or three bottles are warranted to cure the most flea perate case of rherunatims. Three to four bottles aro warranted to cure salt-Rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and o perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken- ROXBURY, MASS Dina fdsusat.,—Tito reputation of the Medical Discovery, In coring all kind of humors, Is so well esta bli shed by the unanimous voice of all who have ever need it, that I need not say anything on the subject, as the moat skilful physi cians and the most careful Druggists in the country are un animous in Its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a full knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and caring most of thous , diseases in which •on are nn fortunately BO liable. That most excruciating d ...AO to an affbotionate mother, NITREING SORE MOUTH, La cured as if by a miracle; your own tamper Is restored CE its natm - al sweetness, and your babe from abort and fretful naps to calm and' sweet ',lumbers ; and the Medical Disease ry becomes a fountain of blaming to your husband and household. In the more odyatioed stages of CANKER eztentts to the stomach, canning DYSPEPSIA, which la nothing but canker of the atom h; then to the intoetinaa and KIDNEYS, creating a oinking, gono feeling, and an Indifference oven to the Cara" of your family. Your otonaach la RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distreases you, and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contain as the scrimonous fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses tie bloom and be. comea sallow or greenish, and your beat day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the side, weakness of the opine and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, Irregularity of the bowels, and also, that moat axorm elating of diseases, the PILES. . flow many thousands of poor women aro suffering from this disease and pining away a utterable life, and their nett door neighbor doe., not !mow the muse: I with to impress oe your mind that good old proverb, " An ounce of proven. tion is better than a poand of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that It will never, under any circumstances, do you any injury. Ns change of diet ever neectar.ry—eat the boat you can get and enough of it. DIZZaTiON9 FOR vex—Adults one table spoonftd per day— Children over ten yoaea dessert spoonful—Ohildren from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no diroctiona can bo applb cable4to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly, • LONALD KENNEDY. Price $l,OO per bottle. For sale by Dr. GEO. B. KEYSER, • sepl:clza No. 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa. A BEAUTIFUL READ RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GREATEST AGE. And who that Is gray would not have it restored to its former color, or bald, bat would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching brit would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other eruptions, but would bo cured, or with sick headache, (neuralgia,) but would bo cured. It will also remove all pimples from the • face and shin. Prof. Wood's Hair Restc.- native will do all this, ine circular and the following: ANN ARBOR, November 6,1556. Pups. 0. J. Wood—Dear Sir :—I have heard much raid of the wonderful effectb of your Hair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, Lc., I was disposed to place your Restorative lu the same category with the thousand and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some month.; since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of 5 our Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin. and en tirely white, and before =hanging one of your large bot tles, her hair waerestored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the head; she continues to use it, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair. but because of its healthfal influence upon the head and mind. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative, With the happiest effects herefore, my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and value are entirely removed; I- can and do and most cor dially and confidentially recommend its use by all who would have their hair restored from whhe or gray (by rya eon of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty, and by all young persons who would have their hair beautif al and glossy. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOM O N MANN. Raman Wain: It was a long time after I saw yon at Blissileld before I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit, and when got it we concluded to try it on Airs. Mann's hair, as the sure at test of its power. It has done all that you assured me ft would do ; and others of my family and friends, having witnessed its effects, are now using and recommend. ing Its nee to others as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yours, SOLOMON MANN. Clain; 111, Juno 28,1852. I have used Prof. 0. J. Wood's Heir Restorative, and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the use of Ids Restora tive it has resumed its original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently so.. 8. BRIMFUL ez-Senator, IL 8. 0. T. WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway N. Y., (in the groat N. Y. Wire Railing Estabilihment)and h 4 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by DR. GEO. H. KHYBER, No. 140 Wood all jetamdaw And geld by all good Druggists, AMUSEMENTS. NATIONAL THEATRE. GRAND NATIONAL JUBILEE, tiLORIOUS ANNIVERSARY OF ODR NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE MONDAY, JULY 5t.b,, 113/18. TWO GRAND PERFORMANCES. AFTERNOON, AT *6; - EVENING,. AT 734 THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CIITY. Iu the afternoon the porEwman^e will commence with the National and Patriotic Drama, in 9 acts, entitled the REBELS OP THE JERSEYS; OR, THE STRUGEILE OF 177 6. Karmel, Walter Keeble ; Itote - rt Pemberton, IL L. Bascom; Rosalie, Julia 1. Cooke; Clara, bird. Young. Comic song To conclude with the hfue!cal Drama of the FORT? THIEVES. flatmerac, C. Fe3ter; Morgiana, Julia M. Cloke In the evening will be presented (first time hem) the celebrated drama, in three acts, entitled the GAMBLERS OF THE'RED MOUNTAIN OR, THE FATE OF THE GAMESTER. Augustus Derance, Mr. Walter Recta(); Warner, Mr. G. Fester; Amelia, Julia M. Cooke; LouLa, Mrs Recd. Song, Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean Mr. Ashman After which a new farce, enacted OUT ON A SPREE ON THE FOURTiI OF JULY.... Bole, Mr. 11. L. ELISCGIII; Mil Ile, Mr. A. W. Young. Coruic Dance Mt. Barret. To conclude with the glorious nautical drama of TEM MIDDY A8EIORI1; 011, THE TARS OV THE OLD COSSTITITTION Ben Bowline, Alr.o. Foater; Edwin, Julia 31. Cooke. jy2 PITTSEtTaGiII . THEATRE. MUD KIMBERLY AND MANlalian INDEPENDENCE DAVI • THEEI: GRAND PER&ORMANGES, By tho celetrated Baud of Ethiopian Minstrels, known S 3 ORDWAY'S ..TALIANS I Who will give an Ethiopian Melange, of Bongs, Deuces, Say ings, Comicaitlea, Burlesques, ete. In which the inimitable comedian, EPEE. HultN, osjll appear in smart of his most laughter provoking acts. First performance commences f.t...11 A. 31. Second •• ... 3 P. 4g .4 Third ... 8 P. u. Doors open one hour prorions to each performance. Box tickets 37% cents, and na.extra charge for secured teats. Second Tier, 25 cents. 1 / 7 oreopen at 71/Z—com mence at 8 o'clock. Seats eau La secured ut the Box Oilica through' he day. T ATIONAL JUBILEE, July 4411, 1776. MAME a, CROSBY'S IIM; French and American Circus will perform at Pittsburgh on BEN TRIMBLE'S LOP, Penn street, FRIDAY, SATUR DAY and MONDAY, July RI, 8d and 6th. Among the many splendid attractiona of the French and American corpse of RIDERS, 17AUI TEM, TUMBLERS, AOROUATS, MAGICIANS, COMEDIANS, DANCERS, VO CALISTS etc, are the following: MAD'LLTI VIRGINN, the Queen of French Equottri cubes MAD'LLE IDA, the Fairy-like French Rider, and Dausenso. Mu. CHARLES E. SLUR /WOOD. Cite greatest general performer in the world. MONS. MORGAN, the French Hercules, Magician and CMtortloniat. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, the Matchle - -e Somers( t Rider, Leaper and Vaulter. MONS. DENZOR AND VANISH, the French Acrobats. MAST. GLIARLRA SECERWOOD, the greatest Boy Rider in the world. WILLIAM CROSBY, the far famed American twmhorse rider. MAST. JOHN ORTON, the Juvenile Prodigy ot the ring. TONY PASTOR, the American Clown and Basso-Singer. WILLIS' celebrated Brass Band, from New York. accom panies this circus, lead by the WIZARD BUGLER, RICHARD WILLIS. The first performance ci this talented troupe, of artistes will take pace on FRIDAY EVENING, July 2d. Doors open at at 7 o'clock. Afternoon entertainment for the ac• commodetion of families, en SATURDAY, July Id. Doors open at 2 o'clock ; evening at 7 o'clock, Three performances on MONDAY, July sth. Doors open at 10 A. AI , 2 and 7 Lt. Performances to commence half an hour after opculm. ADMIS:ION-3;3Jx, 50 couts ; Plt, centu; eltildren to lies, 26 cotta. 028 JOHN W. I»:'C' APATHY, BILL POSTIVERI NITILL ATTEND TO THE POSTING and DISTII.IBUTIN) of all kinds of BILLS POR IDONOP,III3 LeXTUREH, EXELIBITIONEI, All conuounicatforci—eltlior by mail,telegraph, or Other• wida—directed to the oafs of the Morning Post, will receive prorapt anew/tau DAGUERREAN GALLERIES. - a. ILI a S NEW DAQUERREAN AND ArtIBROTY aRT FI&TU EMIT, NEIARLY OPPOSITE MEI POMORFIOI, pa.PIOITURES taken ln all the curlew, styles, in up weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rata. cca_l3lch or deoes.ssd persona taken at their resldenoei ap2iddydaw-la AM BROT Yl 3 E S.—These beautiful and durable pictures on glass; In all their perfection and loveliness, singly or In groups, may be obtained at Jones' Building, Fourth street. R. Pd. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Ambrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Fifth street, and SUNBEAM' GALLERY, B. W. cor. of Morita Direct and Diamond, Dittaburgh PRIDEB TO SUIT ALL. myl9:tf-S1 M B ROTYPES.:- A BEAUTLYIIL AND DURABLE PIOTURI7 WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AB AT ANY FIRST CLASS ESTABLIBFLIIENT IN TUE COUNTRY, AT WALL'S, Fourth 5 reet Removed to 21 Fifth Street. irIARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC AND ANIBROTYPE UALLtiltit has been removed from 76 Fourth street, to No. 21 Viftli street, near Market. Tlaeseroomn having boon built especially for tho purpose, with throe large lights, aro not surpassed in the city for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. ifla. Our old friends and patrons and those wishing en. perior likenesses, are invited to call. na,. Reception Room and Specimens on the ground floor. np7 AUCTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT N 0.54 FIFTII ST., At the now Commercial Sales '''zienn, No. 64, Fifth street, every week day, are held pnbli. ;ales of goods In all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign. ments, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. IL, Dry coeds and fancy. articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladieu ware, Ac. • AT S O'CLOCK, Honsehold and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, &o. AT 7 O'CLOO.Y, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical insfru. ments; ganz; clothing; dry goods; boots and skive . book stationery, 14c. fee.Bl P. M. DAVIS,Aue tQlrc. - - LIQUORS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO— tin SATURDAY MORNING, July 34,. at 10 o'clock, %cal be sold. at tbo Commercial Sales Itc.sana, VALb et. 10 L, 3, 10 gallons each, k'reach Brandy; 20 0 41 4 " 5 " Star Gin; 4 rages, 12 bottles each, Loudon Duch Brandy; 4 " " Claret Wine; 10 time Maderia Wins; 10 " " Sherry " 21,000 Common Cigars ; 10,0u0 German " S boxes Tabasco; OHILD.R.EN'S CARRIAGES—On SAT 'IIRDAY moamria, July 31, at n o'clock; all! b.', cold, at the Cc,raraercial tialesitouni, 54 Fifth etreet, 1 Lady lYaching Buggy; 1 New York Qinlee; 1 Steel Spring Chaise; 1. Pont)le Plain Chigoe. 19 2 , P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. LARUE STOCK OF SUMNER CLOTH . ING, AT AUCTION—On WEDNESDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock,.v ill be soil, et rho Commercial Salta Room., C).l Filth street, in quantitie3 t.) suit the trade, a choke stock of well made hummer Clothing, compridug MO gar. mints, regularly toecrted lu otylao and materials. jY2 I'. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. DAGGAUE AT AUCTION.ctioN.—On — ITON- DAY, July 12. at 2 c'c5; , 2%, silt be Fold, at the Now Co,mmercial Soled r:o. b 1 Fifth street, by orderof J. M'3laster, Jr., the following, car!;.le::liind bo,:gage, from the Spread Eagle Hotel: Six traveling huge arid two trtuak4 w i t h t h e i r contents. [jyl) I'. M. DAVIS, Auct'r. kW - C. WEST '1 CO., miTlok, itt.i.S"•I7FACTOTOZ.3 OF CARRIAGES, ROORAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULSIES AND SLEIGHS. No. 197 Penn strut , PITTSBURGH, PA. ze- All work warranted to be of the beet material,' and workmanship. W. 11. Mc3EE G. M. DOSCH. McGE E S CO., • MIX.CEIANT TAILORS, Dealera In Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemou'a Furnish tug Goods, corner of Federal atr.,et and Market Square Alla gheny City, Pa. jel2Lly WOOD STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE.—An undivided third part of that valuable property, altnate at tho corner of Sixth and Wood etreots, hoeing 130. feet front on Wood by CO deep on Fixth street. One-third of the above will be acid for $3,000. One-half In hand—balance at one, two and three Team S. CIUTIIBIIIa SON, 61 Market street. TARCH-ICO bxe. McClung Campbelref Extra Starch, for sale by je3o TV. EL SHIM & CO. SUNDRIES.- 115 tbla. Eastwick's Syrup; 25 " Now York " 25 " Baltimore C 4 htla. New Orleans Sugar ; 100 half chests Young Hylfol2 Tea • 60 " Black Yea, for ealely IV. MAU 00. ...?..7.:11 ., *5t: , •• , "4...;i-, , 7,'f , , ,- ..':, ,,-- "- , ',' , ',T'. - . , . , :; 7 :,' ,.. !:,t: - .''H:V7. , ' r . , ..9F. , 1?'' . Mr. Barret P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer