BUSINESS CARDS. s mansi, CI. WINGAIW, ATTORNEY AT .14.A.Vis EOll., PILTAL. Irn' Ofriv; Ivo. 71 allktiT aire-A, t=2tweva Vontb atr.,vt, Ed Diamond alloy. RN TAMES JA.1V.111..E, Attorney at Law, Fourth etroet, I'lttebnritb, between. Budtbileld and Marry alley, dealrly "LT AUL, Surgeon Dentiet, sneces,7or to ILL. W. Biddle, N 0.144 Emithfiellf ctreet.. 0 4 7-Miro bourn front t:to 1 e'olock, amd from 2 to 6 e'eluek. ft4316:1y SCOTT, Deutt:;t., Fourth street, five ticlors tp • west o: !dm - tot. .42r Chr.ce Itcrars from 1) .1,, Lt. OSEPII ri,EII.IIN(.I-,--sueceBsor to L. Wil t" co: Sr Co., corner of Markel street and the Diamond, toens coriatantly on hand a fnll roaort rp ;Int of Ditrd(3B, MED iorgns, CIIESTtI, - PERFMiIiERY, awl all ext . , ules pertaining to his ii` Phyelcdaaa' Prosctiptiere. car,mily at ad It/G.I7S. .u:y liftwria LIL li-TVP. MARSHAL:I, & Co., Itni , ortri, ,16ale.rg in l'roa.di nod . e NOS:, No. td7 Wood Pitt?. ,it . Pr agzots c,lair,ted Dell:mut Co. ; Ehirla DZIEE= 1 - I)EY7 , lliit ri AN - 1)?:1-tso4t, Lzuccesso:-9. ktr, , lors :11 FOREIGN 111111.18, :; UTS, SPICE;, CO:;.k 81.7 , ".1A ri r oChi ~.;;V)Z'itt) VV.! C1i.,71,3 . :it. 11\1 - ERC; j : - -1, - A NT TAILOR (/-n. .1u1i.;.1=.4-1 81sURJA it EMOVED Lind to ti.T.R.E.t,IT, in Phttl:pe nou atildir. - --- no - ntinta , s to prepar-..) Plans Lad SpacificAntioni of, and to ' Snvait.t:,nd t 1.03 Ert.:tion of every description of Tinil3int.-3. de.'-ttlyo PULTON, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, No. 70 SiX.RID btroot, PittAergL, ?a., to prepared to farniqh to order 1:111L - 11C11, 1317t,V...M.1Z0AT, FACTORY ;ND uTELER BELLS, Of alt fIiMS, front lo U;(10J OaDIE BELLS math, to ord,r SfuP and :IA CUL Cui-d0 or all Hiaa. f.3r Stoamtcat... • • ..-- M.L.NEEAL it and every variety of BIAS.) manner. BABBITS it :UN PA TENT T.ll - :TALLIO for - (r.p*2-::1; L OUGliltll)o}] 4 MAI\L.WELL, - It! it' 1 'Jai' 13 tat'. And Peal..a.i (10Liti#, . .. :zC. ?:V. At:. ZO. i:2 13 NV Lr es,l ~ i .rcqt., r.6..c,./r.) z..1.1.t.b., VlS,K.schlue 13rt,t1i.t; to order EDUCATIONAL St. Frau , ::'l.4 AcAdepaa - s , Cot. iZioys, UNDER TEE CARE OP TILE FRANCISCAN 13F.OTIIRES Loretf,•:?, Coittbria County, Pa. T. II I S INSTITUTION NATURAI,IX uitnatf.4l n.dricatlonal purposee affords ,!1 fa dtLoomouti teat lan Le du2ln - -1 1.7.. r datuolic It Is located in zar_t iicalthy end 1. - Ictureslao Inrtlor, *to r.:tisrar.t `con S..x..tivit, the disc:nisilronte.po.7,e , n ..u.l arg Thu the firzt :thaldLy In Septl,l2:6a, 'l7lll dole th,...15th of July • The Terms for Board, including A - t.itor,ugh Lu; ; il4l, Lit :WI iffiC C0111)3+3 00 - FOO ei.S.SfL :lodora tvl-g1 Ku vitro uttargd Of SIO per artuum. ‘Vsaniw.• and Lio of BoAdlo,; l'or r fartaor F.I.I;ACIIIATh the E - 7 - .41,1'..0r Rata: ance,e CttLl mach to tha ILL (No.:N(4, Vincent's College and i4enaltriadry, ez.P.O TIIE itialltbMltift LauciL,.. et” N TH.E CULLEQE ARE 'PAU() lIT u51:41 "LI Eu611.,h tilt) U.., ), iCtiGtoricB, Pliilo3ochy, ctc. und Liabbr era.P.tio*a 11,1.0,11,11 v:* luel al to 1.4,1,1 Thu Lanus UGC r“.“1 )bd.,, paid semi-unnually, 6tf 1i.1.15 in tsd.un,. kGarman and Frela,litthd 0110: Ittugtotgom, lag and Muxie,t..rtu eztri, Olcurting, , a,.., L.c futla uaca ct..sigtd. For paftleUturd it . pply t.o LLu ihfst'i.,,f 01 eft, CiAll,g,O. Thu Ovilt.oMl.s year lAA t 41.1 let CA Scl.trauL,r, undi on tLeld of July tuttosri,k..... 1.i.T85.:1;. U. it IJI,I Li.:e.ctor ot tuu 1:.511.-.14. DRY* GOODd. 3.1'.8 - Zr,..enth I ANOTHER CRASH-IN PRIUES ing daturaii,TM tL, coil our utc,ciz, thou,zh " ;Liu too Tight," wolye unit.l3 ngeneral ItEDOCED SNTIRE Tn ntiil I.4wer prictu. .V.„?.• Novi is the tinlo to buy when the 9..?•i0r taloa t 19 yet znbroken, and the Price. Pct DONVR ! Down !I (loan .106. 1101i.N11, rdnrket.t.t., t. i 4 - 3111i1 LAST CIIANUE IN FIGUIi,E6 .11., Sonnet liiid,our., worth 7b coots, at 621' pr yard do du du t12 ) ,-; at 50 ti J do du du CO at 373 i du do do do Z. - 1 j; at 0-5 du JOSEPEI ILLItNE, 77 Mari at Edroot. R V 1011 ELVETSP.I3IMINGI 6, AT RLDUCRD PnIOI: i. c1..dc.•.3 abet,: fallout or band and for snip al 39411 77 . 1 / 1 -tr'Ect. GEINTTLEI2#I.ON'S UNDER GARMENTS mut, Silk, Merino and .Sony CAton Under Sidi t. 4 and Dristro:s—a trerlaupply recoived doh) M.,irkni. 'RIVE, Cents per Pound' Reduction in cue Price of lIRADLE YARNS.—Whelesule Buyer, aul keddiara will be futnishel with BRADLiiiii'S KNITTING YAltliS at n redaction of Pico Ceut3 per I.ocu by the bundle, after thin date, For Cash, and Cash tlly. JO3. 1,1101t:irl, 77 Market street. A.zent for the ;lartrifactur ,r EMBROIDEItIES.—Our excellent stook of Froucha:Labrcaltving, tho low pricri at w! , ieh they are marked, offers r.sra tudacemento to ludyw vekt.tog o purolmaa Cho lateet etylca MONEY I_, MONEY 1! —PRICES I.IIAR ED DOWN. Air Groat reduction hi tno prlc, of h:Lubroldval,:. We hero gone can:to:ly aver oar ht , :mtl...aalla UtOl..Y. of FRENOII-WORRI:D COLLARS, UNDER SLEL.WES MU:sIAN DA ' NDB, etc., ,to. And flu:3 the I'do,, to ault Ow .' Hart: T 12.1.4? The i , itee why rely on g.-ttir.,4 bang +.1.u0 et oct27 liOkiN - ....r.i, 77 Al.rhol, otr... t. WE WILL SELL frua: the prtment ticue un oommunly Crioai . , PJR 0. , ..51.1. call and croon ine our stack. C. Lizt_N.:l;./. , 1 DJ V 3, - 0ct2.0 Vortn‘Ady Logo 13r0..-..., N 0.74 :1.1.,5', ;;::. ii,lll`k.ll) PItENCII MERINOES, for 62 and 7o oonii, V7Or WA $1 end .1.1,25, tho Lost rtzi,:,rtiittnt In the city. 0 I.IASSON LOVE, tformarly &dye Brothers!, dial No 74 Alarkei ,z1:-...-4., UONNE'I' VE LV ET.—E vary variety of Bon not material, links, Niolcad raid &attic, for anTlB H N lie LACK. AND FASO SS SI L As A full auortment, very cheap. C. 1 1 DiSON LOVr; tor.-- - “, , iy Love liroCtv...l, No 7; Mafzet Lo n-ti 3 plekat VERY Economical Purchaser of Droßn Gouda, Shm3l3, It2r.ntlog, ec:.; alffo Dorattstto and Sta will Bud it to their advantage to cal! acd exand Our hew took rf Pall and Winter Dry tioas before parotids 7. U&NSON LOVE, Forrni,dy 74 71farlivat lug ebioNettra sel6 SIIAWLS 1 SHAWLS I—Vvrool, Ohonlile, Brocha, sc, Muth long c.nd Eoitiare, ttt4 very Coot t 1 J, ty, ant at 113:y low iprioi for war. C. iIiNSON LOVE, formerly Lori, Pr. No. 74 Marke,t PIQUE 1511 d 1112k1SEI Fleeced, for making .1 1 ot of=:1 GE,J. TO PRIN . '. sersekibar h2.:3 11 , JW on 1.1 Ind, and is •iun4, fc.) , n LL, tilrerfkr. Ingo IC W. Pilut , .Wi 04713, L.,:n 1 Chino, Forenlain r3atu Elonnoßc.l, Card B.Ard3, in olooci; MrOinery'deo r iobrint.i r.l . 1 Ca LL Now.. Ley dz Bms. Varniale Eutt Sizu; CJI,L ;A P. hAlu t .: ; Vali - 1011ot G.L , ; Glazsl and Plata] Papers, red, green aad ; Steel Bine Gl.zed Papers, and a larg, assortme..t !AA-A Rote, eattt:, Cap, Lli.l Vo.fu J. I. Vi;;LIJIN, G 3 6 Liver.. near Ircfar LIOULD you ask me, should you wo:lder, Where to bay yonr Shoo and Gaiters GLITEIr.3 for your root in springtime, Boota with heels, and pretty 13usrma. Nice FE.S.NOII SLIPPL/I3 for the Bilaqu , :r, Patent 'Lather, alore•lchl 3locaaluel Where to buy lieu cheap and goo] too ; I should answer, I would tell you, (Jo unto the PIM)PLES' EIIOR STOILE. To the Peoldoe ot w ap Shea Store To tae Store of DIFFE,N2AOII.iIi. L. •,,, •-: - MEW BEDFORD BP.ERPA CANDLES.- 20 boxna o..h.ortod de.G3, 4'e, Leo Sperm Gaudlcd o JAId and and for rate by S 0 A P S•— low box.cs Ilosto Elan, to b., 1: b. nod 3 b, tiara. i i . s . " No. 1 Yalta e&o,pi, in b., ', 5. and 3 b.. Lira. L. 200 '"' OieMnial o i l . iV u 20 , .p, hi /L. lamps. 350 ~ " Gorman WO -" Custib . 2 -jr; 60 " Porn Palm iFn hand and for Eale by Jan - a. i. n - SAV - i ... _ UM, BUFFALO, .0 AND lALP G -OLOTTi ovEduaoES, otfece‘l low, at “I'llo 1.t.t,p1.e •.:b,,,,.-, store; No. 17 Fifth ntreut, tic.l.r Mullet. fen DIPTENI3AO7.EII. & CO. ONLY $750 FOR .A. TWO 8.1701 - iS ling House, of four rooms, with lot of ground " , t) feet front on Monterey btret,t, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to au alloy. Terunt, tatit in baud, balanw at one, two and three. yeara, tI. CUTILISERT ,Sc HON, nov24. 11 Itfathr,t, ctrivt, UFFALU SIIOES.—A splendid article of P- Gouts' sod VAlei Buffalo Ovor Alsa, Gel/Ed" 0 f Over Shoeß, ut tho Pociplo'n Shco Vlore, No. 17 itreet, ❑eurJinrkeL • O. 81. CARB. SODA.-100 kogs, just fS94VTA and Tor ohle by •421 B. L. PAIMESTOOK • 00. WM. JOE. R. nulam. II; SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, HS Second & 147 Eirst sts., rn t 2 Pft7" - ;',4ll3traGED P 41.. COSUAAVE it CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 9 hIPJ_LR, rthila WHOLESALE GROCERS, 'nod :3Z3, Coriti2r of Liberc..4.an3 17 J. LIUDM9,AI tv earev's City 61- fg s s L-•ITTSBUR.C.H, PA. NAILc‘, VAitNit, .40 , , CONSTANTLY LS YJ r: ~li^:DL'3b3 I ireCEZ.S:PLA t=.%) F A C•Li22,l • W :q - .) LE IS 'PAL E GROCERS, t . I T t: UC4I3 HiatIY.ACTUII.II:9 CIEIII7R.A.I.LY Corhbr of Woo,l 4LAI Pater art,otB,-, FOICW Alt lA.:NG AN D COMMISSION warding Coaallission itielchants, .ft iv . r:km;cd, az/s1 Nut. 114 AND 116 1Y6T1:11 6111L.FIT, P7TTE.UIIE:(4II, PITTSBULCUI, PA tnt.i%:l) - I PORWARDINII AND COMMISSION 61.2a40Ln Lraca„ JOSEPH. S LEECH,', Ci )., .i,12 "litxoE•zy st Vi CCE AN D MERC ['ANTS, DEALIC2.6 IN FLOUR _IND BACON, T PI ATA; AND STOCE, AND P '2."` L; LI 1 1 IL Lk re. ALi CD I! 1. 1 kt 3, JOSEPH noLINE. 77 15Liskt,iztr, t it. CI. lc J. 11. fiEWYEEk. "h V r.), t r a. " 11 3 / DISTENII.4OIIEIrI GROCERS. artal 1411.1LE11. ELICRET:3ON, IMPORTERS UP BILA.-‘NpfES, WINES AND SEGARS Stri.keasi, .C.:D SOLE AGENTS FOIL uti P, &El~.~ Dr 141.11,4 llt IRON ; NALLB, GLUS, COI"i'ON YAYN2, P:LOPFT,CO2.B OP TEX t.311111:1 , Pittobrzrati, Ntio CANAL, LINES 14111c134DIES, fiIAGIEN illli3H.CH AN TS, ho. 20 67CAY01-.111 UT., Ci cnn rx, o.[Jy22 .J.)4.:5 L. Luau PllTSßOilsili, PA., r7L , ALPY,III tU . D., Li N 1 E.'_ CO NI M 1 8 8 1 0 N ti l o 11 W A.k.;DI NO, MERCHANTS, C,_`'l4 1.11.t...tL1iaN,01,.. cv N ? CIA, T 1.1.) 1,. a 0,, E h .4a• 11.:yaitvi ,J. D. ii()l.lS Div A , LATi: OF lit , U S,SMPFEf,) SS lON ANL) FuIt‘VAEIDING Mo. 0 U. ,:ieeolkil Street, LOWS, MISSiUItI Curie. liemka=l3, C. J. 1104 jUith WhIGHT Humphrey:li, noirina ez 'Wright, .14 1 1_40 . 1TR FA 'U'lOl26l, IP it ODEJCE NE R A, R, COMNIVOSION HiERCHALITS, 75 MitTti ViLLAILVES AND 155 NORTH WATJIt BLS A!.triD Vil/13 Street, iii'i2FEß TO Conrad, Thompson a Co., 'Phompson, Clark & Yonng, Biter. Prior is Co., Ulla, Cope a Co., torcroft, Bearer . Co., Canby, Neville B. M. Lewis, Cashier V, o' d M. Bank, Jcs. v. MitnneLl, Cashier ill _rch'il Baal I'd orris L. ILlMovell , McCutchoon a Celli John 11. K.enucdy 4 Co., ltaignol F Co., Pickett, Mathews & i--nrevisbury a Price, W. ii. Laugioy linwronco A. D. tailock W. licilues tit Co., Oosgrave, e.ri Co., A. L. WEBB Bib. (Succei,or9 CJ Etna GENERAL COB:MISSION 111.ERCLIANTS AND AGENTS ,FGR Till:: SALE 02 DUPONT'S POWDEII AND SAHTY FUSE, Cori►•ar Pratt and Commerce strenta, 13AILTMOPUE, Itttalvo ou Coubigaut.lit all kinda of We.etni u Produce, and make advances thoroda. tt P E It H Li C Cie°. W...BMith Cu., W. a Smith dc CO , W. EL tdarrard, billler t Ilicketaou. mr4.dit.ww.(dcu ENRY 11. COLLINS, 'forwarding and lilerclualt, and v.tiolo3ale dtaler to F 1.1511, BUIVEIt, Si IDDS and PEIODUtit acale r sal y No. Li Wood ein.ot, ntard GLASSWARE. 63...U.A.0 U. COI:LIIC.1 '5103G-AY SOBILTGON. EiDRA.P.O DI II 7DUU PEAT.I L. ILINilVit.l2. fIUBLING, ItiOBERTSON 4'; CO., 'vial:at factarers of Out, Pre..1..f.-itind PtUJu FIILLULA6SWAIt.II, trareliouau Nu. 17 Wood etroc,t, uoinur Front, Pitteburgli. Arc Ail ()the: kinde of Glasnyaru hud Window Ea.:ea, at low Iliarka prlcoe. apthdly /LUIS M. L21)1.12 ..7081113 J. UM/4 EDLIE ULAM, Sucoeesors to Mulva:ly ILA s 4 Ia Ilia, rnatinfacturoca of Cat, Moulded and YLsin Viint Lind Fancy Colorod GLASSWARE, and doalors in all kinds of Window Gloss, I%Li St., Vials and Bottles. Wart. house earner of 1- . 'iritot and Water stroots, Z. 2 WINES• A. N D LIQ LTO RS . 301 IN P.a - guit tt IVIIOLEZII.2 LIALLIIS IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AN I) ItEOTIFYING DISTILLERS, NO. ISO L.Fourty Strat, Plltdburgh, Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Itowlaml if L 133 Ffc—aldJ, B 1 cth2tCy, Gunge: V.7:1121101. Lapl2:ly M. 1..F.r. Lll 11. SELL N ELY. ‘k, KENNEDY - , 'Wholesale Wiue IL" utiti Li(jdOr N.erchuLti and Ructit,yiug Didtillvrl, 2.1 u. tart, - 31, Pittsbarg,L, Pa. - op3:1 y 11tY APPLES.-50 Mile. bright Dry arot for thllo, by tvl.4llv a Cg).1.12....."bil ON APPLES.-15 bbla. etkaioa Apple rtv,:vud awl IJr cub., by LI ENILY IL COLLINS. opt, small White, Betas, just ILO rakice-ti uthi fur sale by COLIINB. (-51 1NIOTEIY SE2I).-10 read and for s - S,it) Ly 3) IL COLLINS. MEW WALL PAYERS CllEAP.—Still IN they I+.II.II.SEIALL CO., avL , s Wood Tarsot.. rcEW GO3DS FOIL SPRING SALES W. aro tinily rt. , freiviug from our own and Eastern tactorias, additions to our btot:k, which consists in part of Floor Oil Clutha, Cart itveo Oil Cloths, litlinituro Oil Cloth; Takla till Clotb., Crush Oil Cloths, Transparent Oil Cloths, Transparent Window Shades, Buff Lioliands, and Shade Trimmings Merchants, flown: Levers, and others, requiring any goods In our lino, aro invited to call and examine the stock, and udgo for thotairelvcs is regard to the quality and prices. J. S Pali Lips, Nos. 29 and '23 St .'Oledr etreeL FINE APPLES.-500 received this day and fur ualo by REIMER & AND - MOON, No. 39 Wood street, oppc,Ato Ht. Charlea lintel. BOARDS---For Yanking Joints, nold i WM. Q. JOMISTON 00 %00 1 , thyl7 Parmr rinalAro. 6_7 W 4 remt . iSil.-150 - pkgs. White Fish,, Trout, 5u1...11. ...11. mon, etc, 04 , 71 T-lENRY 11. COLLINS.. IME.--100 barrels fresh Lime just reo'cl 4-41 I r3l FEENEY IL GOLUB B. - _ TOPS of various patterns, for enlo by [enrol H. IL COLLINS. FriCiBACOC) AND large assort-. me= of f.corlte brands, on Laud and for isn't, by `1751. If. 8111111 119 8c..-cond, IV Vint drez/9. REESa-225 boxes prime W. R. euttinfg uheou rticelicd and fur LIE,MI u, COLLIMIL °Lid - Ala A - 1 1- 111/ GS BANN S No. 05 Fburti &Iva, MIDDLN BOOM, hrfivi , BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from gay let to November let, from 7 to 9 ceclostc; and doto. November Ist to May let, from 6 to It o'clock. Deposits received of all 13121113 not lees than Ons DetLta, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a yearfin Jane and Deosniber: Interest was declared at the rate of sit per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also in June and December, 1858, and in Jnnz and December, 1557. Interest, if not drawn out, 13 placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the drat days of June and IN:.mber ' compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or oven to pre•wat his tale took. At this rate, money will double in less thno )eara, mating iu the aggregate EIGHT A.M., 052-lE9tr FSE e. 32. a Tkaft. watainina the Ctiarter, By-Laws, Balsa and tkezit. lotions, lairnished gratti, on application at the °Care. kl'residekit--GEOUGE itLurcE?2 . yin nitsustri3s. Hopewell Ilepbarn, John FL Bboonborlies, James Biddle Grattan hinrphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, liobert itobb, James D. Belly, William S. Liiveli, James Ilerdtau, lilllßorgiin, John 3-Cosgrove, ritIISTEIS. PITTSBURGH 0. W. :.ICIZel'iD!.4. Pittst,'L MESE PnY:SEURCB,PA JOSUE S. L. 1210 P/liLLDSLLPHIA. I GIL leljrhJH Majavillo, Madiaoo, Ina Gallipoli% Ohio. Li.aithville, Ohio.' Ciacitroati, Ohio. Pittaburgb, Pa. GEV/WE F. 1.7fLU8....:q ~~~.~ ~u~ BANKS. William J. And:H . 7;OA JAUIa W. llaihnau, John U. Bac kofah, Charles Knap, Albert Calberton, P. A. ilrfraiairo, John B. Cantiold, John 11.11e1161 . , J. Gardiner Coffin, WalteeP. :Viaraholl, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilamkiiiiller. David Campbell. A. M. l'Onflea.,.. Ith D. Charles A. Colton, L. Itingvrali., William Douglas, John Henry'2.l. 3f.wy,r, errands roils, ileorge B. Si - Adel, ileurge E. Gillitiaora, Alexander 'limn, Jambs S. nOl4l. Tti.A31,11.1 , 1 traib..r..i..l.•.Av, William S. llaien, 8.A..r.g, .R. White, .4wrecir,i and Trear..ver—OE AB. A. CQL'illei. L BANK 01- 0 A. J. STEVENS & D.E2IIOIN 141ArA, riOLLECTIONS MADE anti prompui Au rk) milted. LANDS selected &rid looted. Gapitanst3 wishing to make investments in the Went, eau do so through this house. Correspondence solicit;.-0. Lmy2Ltm AGSM LOOMIS ...209. D. Dx , :sn3. lISTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dea,lerA in rrottulcaori No7,66,.Boada,Murtgaged, and all 66CEtint:a fur ittonay. Marto , Loatiatl un Checks at altort.istoa, with callataral aansity. NOTU3 AND DRAFTS DaDeal' AND f 3.01.1). Yt.rdone desiring Loans can be eccomanyclatcd on rtaaon Lit turais, anti capitalists can La furnished with gold sacra 'ties at nu:aunt-satire prioos.. Alan,attend to 040 Eale, Re/A.o4g LE,EZ Di. Co: Rants. No. 02 POUR IM etri,et, abo co Viilfrl ni i ry, AUSTIN LOOMLE, Notnry Public. 11011sIES 4 SONS, Bankers and Ex ../ change Brokers, and Dealers in Notce",Drefte,l.ccept , (sliced, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Eatclrango on the• ern and Western Citloa canstagtly for sale. Collections wad.) in all the cities turn: host the United Orates. Doposits received in par funds or currant 117 Market street, bstwecn Third and Poti:cil Lje.,kly rII I IIOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and A Dealer iu Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Beni Estate, ac., N 0.7 ireartb street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 01IN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE EaricLa, Dealsr in Exchange, Commercial an Sault E La. stock bought e. , 01L.17-11133i0L1. Oollectlcc6 carefully attandcd to. Interest paid on Dopoo",ta. No. 07 JONES' NEW BUILDING, roarti:otroct. j oaf, BY AUTHORITY. ~~ ~ fi. NO. 602. By the PR6sidelat of the Waned Ste.lets , . N pur6uanoo of law, 1, J-livifit; CEIAriAN, of the United States of naloitne, do hereby deekro Lind wake known that public sales will bu Leld at the undorinentionoit 1611C1 Coffleee iu the TESl3.lll.dii tae period hotoina•tor designato.i, to wit: At Lb. laud 131-to NS ILL cznimoncing Lin t t i, l idAy, the soeU, day v. !. S:2; onzt, fur the abp , mal of tho lautto within ittn following nauto,l vil:— N.;l/ j £h. tnise line and tai: of tke six'h trr.o 11:%t: 4 of t•JVvoohlp oior.outoldu of tho tido o:ol , 11,W Nutaatka rcdavati.Dr., run.Bc, 17. 1 hat p..u.t.ot towas!tip.: 1,3, 3, aud 4 out-Ade of F.e.e and FOX; wilf half Breed, Neunth'i reservation, and trac tional townships 5 and tf, of range 16. That part of township one Utit.ihit3 of tilt: but; nud Fs leservatuni ; tuwuahip 2, the parts of townehips 3, 4. aud outdid° of the Half Bread, Nernalia reservation and inn:, clonal towni.lip 6, of range 15. That tart of tovinellip 0/14 outsida of ti, Fn. and Fos re servatiou ; township, 2,3, and 4; that part of husSEELIII, 6 utithida Of the Half Brood, reservailua, and to ,vu slip u, of range 14. Tow nehlpa 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 0, of range 13. Townships 1,2, 3,4, 3, u.u.l 6, of rauLe 12. Townships 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 0, of range 11. Townahips 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 0, of range lu. Townships 1,2, 3,4, 6, and 0, of range 0. At the land office at N315itA.31.14 011:Y, commencing cm Monday, the sixth clay of Septenttcr ?ma, for the disposst ut the public lauds within the following named townsuips, North of the base lime and east of the principa/ nLridian. Fi - actional townships 7 and 8, of range 15. Tcwuship 7, and fractional townahlpe 8,0, 10, 11, o.i 12, cf range 11. Township 8,0, 10, 11, and 12, and fractional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional township 12, of range U. Townehro 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional townships 11, 13, and 14, of range 10. Townships 7,8, and 13, mid fractional townships 14, 15, and 10, of range 9. At the land office of OMAIIA CITY, commencing on Monday, the iixtit day of September next, for the tlivcaul of the. public lauds within the following named toweehip, vis :- . . 14; th of the Laze lee (1.71 d. elat of Ut priAcip..ll meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 10, of range 14. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15,16, and 17, of range 13. Fractional townships 12, and 13, townships 14, la, and 10, and fractional townships 17, 18,19, and 20, of range 12. F:actleual township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, lti, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 23, of ramie 11. eractional townships 12, 13, and 14, and townships 16,16, 17, 18 1 19, and 20, of range 10. Fractional townships 14, lb, andl6, and townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 9. Lauds appropriated by law for the use of echooLi, military, and other purposes, will be excluded from the 611188. The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order In which they are advertised, until the whole shall - lave been offami, and the sales thus closed ; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lauds will be admitteunntil after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. Ey tha Preol lent; 'ram A. lIENDI4CS.2, Commissiouor of the General Land Wilco NOTICE TU PRN-ENIPT/ON CLAIMANTS Every person entitled to the right of pro•emialuu to any of the lauds within the townships and parts .of townships above enumerated 13 required Co establish the name to the satisf imion of the register and receiver of the proper land (Alice, and vulkepaymeuE ther4for a 4 soon as practicable:lJ trr seeing this notice, and before the day appointed forthe cum. meucetnent of the public sale of the i 1311413 enibriciml the tract claimed, otherwise cinch claim will be forfeited. 1:1103. A. ISENDIIICKS, uptiffinal Commissioner of the General Lan Office. MAPS.—A large assortment of Pocket Maps for 1858, cuuipriving Sectional and Township maps of Pennsylvania, Ohio, indlina, Illinois, lowa, Alts• snarl. lihuvias, Nebraska and Minneuuta, on hand and fur sale by W. 8. HAVEN, apt. Nos. 31, 83 and 95 Market street. GREEN, MARSHALL AN 1) BOONE Counties, lower—toiluablo lands in these counties, for f 4. CUTUREILT EON. aioa by C I OD drams extra largo and fine, fur sale by Wit. SMITH mr2d 118 Second, and .1.47 First stroeti. DICE. -1U tierces prime, for gale by wM, H. SMITH CO., 118 Socond, and 147 irlnn streets. Q . CiGAR.-50 hhda. prime N. U. Sugar, just 11..7 tve,l and fur P4lO by Wbi. LI. surra a CO., 114 accrril. and 147 ?int rt,c,otti. lU OOPFEE,---560 bugs, good to choice, Rio Oeffee, storo awl for ea.:. by myl3 MILLNII. A RICRETSON. QUDA.-15 hogs Bi. Carb. Soda, just re crivuti, must tut nnln by raylS MILLI4II Et RieglaM,U.N. A VOIOE Fli3OM 01110.— • Luarteca, April 12, 155H.t suND 11323:--Ayre's Worm Confections ACV taking lino. ly. Turco of our physician@ use thora in their practice. 'Send ua another groan _by eSprosa. 1 1 .0111N601 , 1 a LOCK. Compounded end fur Halo at tho corner of Wood and eixth atroota, Pit - Wain/IL myltialaur EAIONS.-100 boxei Palermo Lemons, oA just rocdvud and fur by ItEiraltat ANDERSON, 89 WOOll street, Opposite St. Charles Hotii YRUPS.— :uo dos. Lemon Syrup; 10 " Strawberry Syrup; 6 " Pine Apple " 6 " Raspberry " Just received mid fur sale by REYS.I.ER d ANDERSO.N, No. ea Wood street, Je9 Opposite the St. Charles Hotel STONE WATER PIPE.- 600 yards 6 inch; WO 1, 4 " 600 " 8 " 400 " 2 " Recblired and for Halo by 1,j41 HENRY 11. COLLINS JEW EbbKS! NEW BOOKS !1— Mary Dement, by Mra. Ann S. Stephens The Jealous Wife, by Miss Pardue. For rale by B. A. LOOMIS, Publishers' Agent, JeB Pcct Buildings, 41 Fifth street. W -- RAPPING PAPERS.-101'0 reams as- Horte4 sizes, straw and rag wrapping, for sale by WM. G. .7OHNIiTON d CO, Paver Dealers, 57 Wood street. fIOP YING PRESSES, . Copying Books, v„,,,/ Brindles, Oil Paper. for sale by W. S. HAVEN, atr24 Corner Market and Irc•000d eta._ VINE FLOUR. 20 bble. Fine Elton in store, and for Bala by MaJANDLESS, =ANS a 00., fell Corner of Wood and Water atmese. illtl s ROOMS.-100 dos. Extra Carpet Corn Jajliroo . ,nza ou baud And for 6&10 by e 7 B. C. A J. H. EAWYER.- rr .u. W 6. 1 0. 14 11008 ES , in' S s o . u c th unE P ß T ß ln a rg s.o h N , , for 61 lterkot street. ANFORD'S ISVIG ORATOR.-10 gross a dz tbr sale by D. A. BAIINESTOO Sktart A 00., Ormare Wood_luad Erratic "1 7 2. 64 raw , WWW- -- . - r • %ft . •.F.--.71", The Pitistn, Fte Wayuo & Cliaago o'4 777: 1 Ma;44 RA.ILROAI) COMPANY,' WITH. ITS AITIPLII ROLLING STOCK and eqUipment, and its through pared to transport Passengara and Freight from PIMA DELPELLtt and PlTTliittrilkill to CIIICAUTI, ST. LOTJI,IIt. DIANAFOLIB, CINCINNATI, mid all places West and 11-, - nth west, with a grost dogma of regularity end eiredituin. Pho het that this 'Load terms a direct and consolidated lino between Pitt;htireth and Chlesga, is a sufficient guar , antes that. its Trains will make geed thus, and counts.itions with Trains on ether Roe 1. ON AND Al` TER MONDAY MAY tbt, TIMES Ofi this rod will leave the UNi.ON Pittaburgh, (Sun(oiya at. follows: PASSEDIGEB. TRAINS LEAVE pi t t,b- arg h. ev,mtline. Pt. Ways,:. U. B. Mail, 7:::0 A. Id. 7:07 P.M First Espresa r 1:40 A. M. 10:00 P.M I 5:43 P. M. ra.cand P. 11, I 1023 P.M I 4:50 A. M.. 1L ACI? CiliCAUG—firs: R;....;:rce. , i, et 1:00 A. M. Second at 1:33 P. 11. It 1.1~11 CIINCLNNATI—First L'ln P. ti; Scrs.2l.l. EXTO'CiR 7:25 A- a,. LuUL4—First Fistprc. , 3s;oo .t. bwondFs pf 083 4:03 r. u. Tratnn MAO cica connectiore; COT boa, Cincinnati and St. LOUL,; nix., et .t;tra Ware with sTiiinS on WhLash wad Werr.rn 41 . 1 4.7ett3., Cbutral .t.4.11ni5: at at Fete:: 5' rain! on Vila 11.. t. E. L. It. L., 6.1,0 With T:ctr_. as Dayton and. Michigan Itahrocd From et,iertgo. et. `,Vtlyue. t1,it.11 , 1.) hlaa, .10,011 I'.Al. GISO A. AI, 112:10 P.M. I , t EPreei, *2 - .1. - 0 . ..I. 9:12 2 , i " Timm: 'isporis make close ti. TIE •,:ith Trains fur Eitel:- adelphio, Baltimore. fie.; ned P.oetuu. Trani from St, Lums, Y.raiLmapu , :e.,Cutem2tazi and Celris , bus ,rake war:eat/ohs at Greetnnu alai all returnl2::: Trains. At Peat Wnyue, Trains free: St. Leads, Central 1:11L. ads, Lantyette, and interrmellaze I.lace3, concert with ale \ TrVms. At Pureet, cunme tiune az^e made viith Trains to :Lbt? from Cimmenetl, 69riegfield and Tee.yLen. The U. B. Mail from Pitlebtr,th to Creztlioo, Leing a train fur local boas nom, 13 overtaton by the Second Ripross. ACCOMMODATION '.C:e.a..L:4S—LrAvu Yew Brlghbin fur Pittsburgh, at 0:30 .a.VN I and Li S 5 I'. 111. Leave rittS, burgh for Now Eril-,htem 4:: 9.39 A. M. and 5:0•3 P. M. BAGOA.GP, CaRLUEIPTEIRT:it4EI, and no cltarp,o for bandlin g, Travelers or per. 101.4 tatetallog t)parclev,e Uckccs In Pitta burgh for the West, wilt :Aar so toted th,a the o h ty 4 ; ;:er.t antlionzed by the P., P. W. Itr, C. it. IL; C. 0 P. R. 11., and Steubenville and I u' Lana ileitraal Companies, i PLaErg, at the Union T!cket Connected with the Penn'a P. IL Pt!t , 2itY6: Papa., Career LI tNtety and Limn! 2treeta. BAC:di...GP, aid not be Lima:zed for P,r3Cuti purelmelag tiolzata as do V Otrivf plan in tLia Lety. TO 00.11LIENCE MO . c:112:1 - , iday hal., and eaeatiaue antli feather TO OINCIYNAII, LOUISVILLE end ST. LOUIS EMI. , UM LE, PT. V.TAYN7..' Euid CIITCAGO, AND CINCINNATI, HAMILTON gs DAYTON HAI LROA only ;6Li,s J.cra 1 o:.wi7nati rilllis LINE is corapoeoti cf R0a,38 of tho ?uctOi sa,and;thiw - .4gh taut 070.1 criltiroico. portion of inc tt made Cihaiariati with a) tiLin aai Miosicsippi Railroad, (tho tr cie 01 tho 0. Lt. 6 D. 6' ECeOl9, hoiug coatitt.:tri, e r Lonlav Evausylin, Gait a, V,alriLbarg, Natchaa, rits'a Oriatitig. Guarioctlin mad-3 at Bt. Louie with tha Pacific lii Lroa' and Idtitionxi Rive: Pacliets, nir I:A.N6A3 AND IlErsitASEs:A, AL.4 eif 1.i.'1.7as Weir. i v iao EU:At - let) . Ccattai IL tcr 1,5:111),7ton, lidtville, taLi,7l,:t 3n3 all 1.-e - Intz is Ccntial iitutitm a folietcd ) lat ohe change of tl.fC, Li • 1 . 15 - ing t 1 ,15 Y. M. Exprc-u9 PA..,<•eg,r 0 1 415 1 5 • f I ribg in Creatune at ICnc., M., 41n. b:Ukl P. W. itt,GI3AIIII 011E0: LLD TaltOtiGif.'"* - ./.4 6 - 43 Lii 6.1,1.1:r et ra, Ticicot .:f oat 6LAt K.ll. r.:,ato will aka fur via I.i,lavitAre J. U. 11:/•Jii..E..".;upt. P. Et. W. S. 0. It. ft, DAN'L Me1i.4...i1K-S, Supt. C. U. A U. B 'l'lae Ciesvelp.mtl y elifv,titurgit and Csaiiroati, A Z., Fitt)buirgli, )4:4 P.A.ILF.OAD LINE. Change of Tluie. f()N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10Tii, 1658 .'Trains will I,3>va tho li.pcic A thd ;',unAylvati:a Central liaitroad on fo,lowo :- 1 .:ttxD, 111;PFELO, DETEuIt, 6:45 A, Ai, F.A. {' e f f;L , rtn) AN i; THE WrsT. Si - a,21.1:‘ , 3 4... t ..) Z..1.., , 1 IL Lt. 1 Lor CLtv.otnso, Toi.tro, DErt.ol7, 2: 35 P 0 DI 0 ilg`' i il e l i d n !r ' . s % ill L c.,, N ) 1 :1 . 1 1 ; ', :c 4 t. , 3 W U E4 t. C T Io?uIE ad, wita Du::ult rice of 0 k-LT.Or Z. /1. 00 p rij } For t!.!. WEE LITET!JSE 0;1 T...: 1117E5. ate 0 1 ' 11 1. ,,,, Pag3eugora da3irlog t 3 go, t 3 Chicago,or points beyond Chicago, via elocolond, roust LiSk. for toeti via Cievelaud. PITT3I3UI2GI7, COLUMBUS AND CI YCINN AT I (ties. S I'EUBEN VILL 14) it AIL BOA D CLIA_NUE ut , 211.1.14.—0 n and at ter .11 , 1NDAY, the lern, of itisy,l6sB. Traius telll leave the Depuc of ticu i'eutc3.y:va• c. 6 Central Etailruad, a; lollowa : 1 3,1 pkaFor Y.TIWBENVILLE, C.).I.CMIAILi, i . 1.1:0:1, 6 . 0 1. It. ..1:41At.Nd201.1.1, 1.0r.i10.V1LA.1. - , CAL::), .11.t1L , 1- I'3IJAND Att , ..; (A:I.:Li:IS. /INF. CINCINN , TI A:0 ST. JAWS, and ALL I'CIATS et:IL:TAAL-ND ViLee. 2;35 P.M. , oti g h to CinciatlAti withoot t Inn3u of c...ns. I'u-sae:lg./a dcsiriug t 3 go t 3 Colum;, Ccueinnati, etc.., )r hay puint3 beyond tio:ratibat vl.s egenUeuvllle, nitint uez. ror t,ek.uts vlatit3allend.lio. JA.7.1i16 IfAltAlk;ic, ,t.' U., Y. a W. c'.....,1: IV. W. BAGLEY, liul.,...rintendenc Y., C .E - C. IC. :C.. JANIEB BLICLLANA RAILROJXDS. fft.WILIaO.&D NOTWE. .1. J. I.If?LiS:QII, au/ fr'L AWL t.:111=go. .13.4. 11. ,t 1 Jut. 7h< i 2; a 0 VEIL' , VIA. L..2LAv,it_T:r. CU-I%OFr PITTSBURGILL & CONNELLSVILLE RA11'11,12.0 AO. nN and after .Monday, the 10th luet. Piled auger Traiu3 will bb ruu day, (except. Suudaya,) from Con Pouneylvaufa iisAlro.“l Paseenuer Depot, awo followa Train leaven Pittabur,h 7:00 A.. Y.. Exprws Train leave; rittebnr,;ti :.13.1 A. It. ur.Tur. It! 11 Mail Tf...1:1/ ...... Exprenti AL i 4 Arriviug at Pitts burgh..... Tickets to lin had at Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Mail Train connect, at Connollavillo with Denting 1. iluiro Coaches for Uniontown, Frostburg, Coinbuilanu, °cc., and at Won Newton with Coaches fur hit. P aunt , ilumerset, Berlin, etc. Freights to and from Pittiburgli and iltations on Pitts burgh and Oonuellsville B.silresd, will be received and de livered in Pittsburgh, at the, -.Baldwin Depot," oppoiito " Duquesne Depot." Xxcepting such as Pig iron, Lumber, Stone, etc., which will be loeded a un weed at tinier De pot, or at the canal Depot, as may bss•rraug . ed with freight Agent, Pennsylvania lisilroad, of Pitteburgn. H. bLAOIinfOND, Oup't. 'Lauver:Mien Department P. a a R. 3., t Conuelle vide, May tith, New acoats via River and ' Railroad. 14_, •PC•, indivaapoils 'a eineinnah ai/roati frIONNECTINO AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Haute, end Terre Haute and Altou Railroad; to rid. Louis and Lafayette and Indinnapolia, New Albany and Ealom, and Alicnigon Cloutral B.oada for Cali: Ulu, ROUX ISLAND, and all lutortreadtatu pellita. Through Fraight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TEil.ll2. LIAUTEa LARA.YETTE, and PERU. Freight carried iron eniciunati or Law EvneAux to leaa time than any other route by 24 boar; and at as low tau:a. The only road by whicti eba;,taenti con ny 111,Ad Cill/12.21 to tilt West, without braekbag balk. Catolgam:•nla aille to J. Agent at eimna, 011 41 0 1 , W. L. 01.1Y11NO, Agent at Lawrencobarg, will receive prompt attcati.m, and no charge for connatanon taoChargtVo7 druyao(o? vor4.74lse•on aG LaW7tl2,ll' Jarg, For turther information, anny to I:lfi)3l.a.S iunatlLLN, (No. 116 Water street,) Agent of the Company, who is pro. paY.e.l to give Texocau LlittSlri3 to IndianapoLl3, Terre Haute, Lafayetto, eoinago, Pere. Gruncaatie, Crawler-Is. rfilq Cliarle4tc,n, Paris, aud JNO. O. V. CILL'I.II, (10.21 2 eOght Agent. E 175 FURNIT LIRE. AMILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at . their extensive OAIZIET and CHMI I+I,SNOPAC -11/itY, No. 61 Stnitbileld greet, a large a.ssortmeLt of inney and Plain Eat elture, which they will eell In per cent. lower than cnatomary rates. Terns, cash only. (dedThy VT 0 °DWELL' 8 FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, Yi'lioianele and F.ataii, embracing every style of learnitrze, in Ecr,e wood, Mahogany- and Wahmt, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Di_lag Ecgrms, eqnul to any in Now York or Philadelphia, and at lower prices. Every article made by hand, end warrentod. Cabins-makers map. plied with any quantity of kIIIIINLITIifiE and CliAlEB, on reaeonablo tartan. 3otet• and ettimabosts forninhl at the dilOrteAt notice. Ware73o=2, Not. 77 and 79 TLIIED St - mat o Pittnbargh, Pa. 0c2.2 TARCII.-250 bas Roohester Pearl Starch, recalred DIA for rola by ffPlifiV TI. 001f-1118. BANANAS.—First of the season just re ceived by exprtao and for sale by ' - --- REYB.LbRi. ts ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood atroet. Oppoeße SLOharlea Hotel. O.LL BUTTER-2 bbls. Freeb..Holl Butter received and for gale by JAS. A. FETZE t Ii ni.vl2 Garner biarket and FUR''rte, - }DitINTIIiG executed in the highest style of art, and at reasorable prices, by J. 11.; WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, - 63 Wcod greet, near Fourth. ICE.—Six tierces prime Rice, just recoiv ed and for Belo by IWTIER IsLOKETSON, novi2 Nc.--.2.2.1 and 223 Liberty street 1 4 4..prELY BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- ..LA 20 boxes assorted 21ze2, Ws and Cfs, Eoerm Candles on hand and fer redo try - B. CBJ. FL B,4IXVPIr, :11` OUSE AND SIGN PAINTING done in 'lf - the beat manner, and on rerokitorma byy Y 8 sad IS di. Cleat etroh it== 1838. Summer Arrangzinent. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 10, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD EILGIBIT DAILY rEIMAIIIS. THzf tLAIL TB.AIN leaves the Passenger Sta'ion every morning, (except Sanday,) at 6:30 o'clock, time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11:30 P. M. THE PAST LIVE' Daily, except Sunday, at 1:25 P. El., at , riving in Philadelphia at 5 o'cloca A. It, and stopping only prinapal stations. TUB R.KPRU.S'S TRAIN leilVes the Station every evening at 0:50 o'clock. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, Johns town, WOIMOI e,Galiiizin, Altoona, Ac., connecting at Hai , rh.burg with the Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P.l'l. ACOOMIODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNS:OII'N ACCOkiIdODATIO74 TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 3:88 o'clock, P. al. e"topping at all stations, and running as far as Conemangh. RIBS: ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. ht. SECOND AC,COSIIIIODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, 'kayos daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. M. THIRD ACCOALIIODA'/.ION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves. daffy, (except liianday,) at e:.18.1, P. ti. TRAINS arrive In Pittiburgh as follows Exprosi.l:4s, r. a.: Hail,3:lo.l.tad Fait Line A. to ;JOhni tA.,Prn Acoommodetion, 11:00 A. rid First Turtle Creek Aocom mcdatios, 0:50: A. Second Accommodation, 1140, P. Ai.; Third Aeicommodation, 6:10, S. m. Tridos for Plainwilla arollindiana, connect at thairsilile Intersection with mall train )Nast, Express train West, and the Johnstown accomodatloa train East and West. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILIR TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Connell& villa hoed, le - -176 daily, (Sunda; excepted,) as follow.]: MAIL TR Air 70 s. BXP FIFSS TRAIN-2:30 P. 'Wirt-arid NG TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Cemnelitwille fl ied, anlve at Pittsburgh, 8:46 d. al. and 8:10 P.ll. s ; k r , The traveling pat.lio will find it greatly to their in turret, in going th;t Weal, to travel by the Pennely,vania haillord, es the accomunslations now offered cannot be ear pear:l on any other roots. As the Road is Ballasted with none, and to entirely :roe from duet, we can promise eafety, cpeed ac 3 comfort to oil who may favor this Road with their patronage, To New York e 13,00 I To Baltimore. " Phi1ade1phia..........100 i " Lancaster. To Harrisburg, 57.45. Rag-cage checked to ail Stations on the Pennsylvania Rail road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in can, will be charged ten cent: in addition to the Station rotes, except time Stalk:us where the Comps,ny Las 14.3 Agent,. NOTiii.E.—lo ease of loss, the Company will hold them selves .respomplile for persons! baggage only, and tor an amount not eirecding *lOO. N. ii.—The Oremihns Line has been employed to PagFeia7,til s and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a that.% not Lu •_45 centz foe each passenger And Log. rot. tta..,ta apply tt J. tUff.WART., Agent, At the P. R. it. l'aosenger on Lti.,,,rty and Grant stroeta. A rr.ri z l / 4 . 1 ,5 65'2F . Ulu P PEN NS VI, V IA RAILROAD. THE GREAT CENT It AL itC TE, conn ect In g •:' , 2 7 ' - - 4 -I,the Atlantic ()idea with 11 es tern, North-western and South-western States by:LlCOlatilillOtLi Railway direct. This Road also connesta at Pittsburgh with Dail • Eat Steamers to all ;torte on the Weer, aim at. Wave land and he...acme - 1:j wrich to all porta tho Nortlo wesmrn Laken; rmikit.g. the DIM: cows, 0L:32.P292 and rdals..te.s eon's. which E REIG LIT con be forwarded to and from the tisiiks Wusr. isi,titeribertweasaPhlls•Aelnntii.(*r . Boots, Saco, pats and . ] Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (ir, boxes, hales and trunks,) Drugs, (in boze4andbalee) Ecathere, Fars, &c. DEV3NDOLAaii—Domostie Sheeting, Shirt ing and Ticking (in original bales), Drugs (iu canks), ' Efardwaro. Leather (in rolls or bozos), Wool, and ilisesp Ereetward, &c., 2.11111 D CLASS.—AnvDe, Steel, Olmiris cte y), HCriiP, TkC,CA)U r t ml kaRL, Ef i lied or ill s4c1:0), '.20b..1.ccu, mai/afar, tired, (except Cigars or cot,) &e., ,trc. grOURTH CLASS--Caffee, Flab, Bacon, 10%41 E;n`l Pnrki (in c 4 ,4;.? tis - 4e: F. 4 - tward,) Lard and Lard O s, S.c.da Gelb Gor man, Clay, Tar, Pitch., Ito hi, ao., 4•1 - .41L'R-75c.11 bbl. twill further notice. ORAIN in car loads, 35 cte. DM Is. until farther notice. COTTON—S:2 'ft bale, not emceeding 600 lbs. weight, until briber In shipping Goods from any point East of Plt.iladel phis, be tl "t, o .A.71,:a4117(17;1A 31: Goods c, - .4l9iglied to Cue Agents of this Road A.'hilart'alphis cr Pittalargh, will be forwarded witliOnt ita moils Air.;—Dayrii, Wortploy litempuls, TC,TIII.; 5.1.4 4 - 06., at. he.glia; P. C. 0' Riley A Co., Evansville, Ina.; 2...' , 11a162!iii, butt et Co., and Carter & Jewett, Louisville, R. C. leleidrum, Aladisen, Ind ; H. W. Brown & Co., and Irene & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. tir2ltam & Co., Zanesville, ; fr. Cu., No. 54 Itilby otreet, Boston ; Leech & Co., 'pi', 2 Aeiror lionse, New York; No.l William street, find No. Battery Placa, :dew York; E. J. E:nctele.r.r, EtahleelPhia; aiszraw 3 terms. Baitira•ria 4. 1.'43 - inirt,..eittsburgb. U. H. LiGUSTON, iSblearel Frrahitt Agent, D. J. Ibrialk)..T.T, aid Supertutigident, Altoona, Pa. CARPETS AND oth CLOTHS. 10.10 VAL.—J. & 11. PHILLIPS have A reluoved k their TidlV building, Nos. it; 61,d 28 ST, welt aid(,, bat wea.o Pour, strNt oud tbti Biidge. J. at. R. PITIAILIPF3I M ANIMACT7IIIO.S OF 11.001 rt, 4.141 - 4 OPAQUP. i - Diaaw SEE.,IDE OIL CZA) - 5M 1 IN 011, CLOTHE: A. - WINDOW SHADES, Of ovary docrlptit.u. Daalei-s INDIA ILO - BEER GOODS, of all kladg, ate 4 under Gcodyear's Yatout; Agents ni the 8...; . t.0n aeJ. Yort Belting Companies, al their INDIA It Brit BELTINO, 1.1069 t,ed PAOI;ING. Le.A . rtisn. 13 iNCi of Eastern tnancfactura, a buparlor oullity; eito, La.n , I.Enther and Rivets. Agents C:r the 01110 .P.IRE--PIO. - ).? *liliSitAL PAINT. Dry and. Mised Punts, VernishLs., 011 s, Turpentine, Brut:hes, Gisiss end Patty. BLOUSE AND ES 3.1 PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its . branshe3, dune in tho best and aborikut time. Idc2o:ly 51:4•43 N 12.26 and 2 St. Clair ntreed; _il_vilie, op tto3 Oh taiic.a below l'itnburgh s'ora'Slia St reat Carpet. Store. D. & Id. i'CALLUAI respectfully y invite the attention of their former cuetomere ..nd the public geaerally to their pres-)ut stock, just selected for SpriLg antes, embracing al., very lateat sty l e. 3 of Uoreign and Manufacture, sonaistiug in part of Velvets an-2. iirassels, Tapestry and Common law also, Twilled and fain stair IIERPETE. OIL ULUTIId ii 2.1.131 2 'CI) 24 WIDE, hags, Mats, titair Italy, Canton and Cocoa Matting; Liat, Vern and Rag Veuitida Bl:ucis; Painted, Buff and Cr , zu iShaded, It will give no planiara to show goods to all who ro.iy be i.f looking or parchasing, and we aro detorrcluod to offer intkzeonicnts to any who may favor no with a call, at the old stand, No. B 7 h'oolo.ll Street, near Wood. raylcitly W. D. E. 11. P.I'CA LLCM. E fAIL C.LOTH. CLOTHING—Of all kinds, black and yellow, tr sale at the Luba Rubber Depot au 6t Clair street. [dug] J. aH. OILCLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRADE. We have on band, and aro daily receiving additions thereto from our own and other manufactories, a large stock of 2loor 2cumitnre, C'arriago Trimming,Teble Cover, Trani.. parent, Cneon and Buff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, uses lur Elonsefuraishing and other parputos. Alec, TraatsPalealt Window dhaaa, of dry and oil duleb—gold bordered and other style;, and Window Shade Trimmings. l'ilercbsols and others will dud it to their advaut.tge to ex amine cur stock and prlcoo before resking their parshase3 else whore, J. a it. PRILLI gal° 23 and SS Pt. Clair et r-ot. 2.00 A. LI 5 . 00 A 31 13:4.. , A. yLOOR OIL CLOTHS,— , Of oar own and enetern manufeetnao—an widths, and cut to Burt any Else of rooms or hall -et the Oil Cloth Ware L orna, Ne., 2dand 2S Et. Clair ItitlVO:. OCM3 aa..C)C3).M I '2I:.INI%Gr' The Best and Cheapest in Use. ADAIR, GRANT & HARTMAN. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN WARREN'S ImproVed lire and Water Proof Pelt, cement and Gravel Roofe, AND riA.7 Elastit, Fire & Water Proof Cauva3 hoofing, ROaFING MATERIALS. 0 k NO. 24 pnrru • Soto; - ; of our Ounvas Roofs may be eeen at the following plares:—U. O. drussey a Co.'s copper works; Phelps, Parks .f.; Co 'a carriage factory, Manchester; Bennett b Co.'s new rolling Robinson Mimi's' faun. dory and machine shop; James =lingers new planing mill, south Pittsburgh ; Oen. Wm. ltobinson's dwelling. Al. legbony; P., Ft. W..t C. R. R, and C., 0 5 C. R. R. freight house, Crestlino, Ohio. ff, Ft. W. .1 C. R. R. buildings, at liticlieater and Sewickley Kittanning bridge. WAIIRBN'6 ROOFS .NO has boon Li use fifteen years, and gives satiK"tetion. Call, or send to our ollle; for a circular, coutaMinz; over sixty let iers,tastifying its superior durability See BOW 3 of Warren's Roofing on Dmp came Depot, St. Charles HMO, Now Dispatch Building, Post Building, Chron icle Buildivis, St. Aenlreivs E. Charon, timid street; Itariaion Rouse, O'Lbira Glass Works, O. thmsen'a Blass Warehouse, C/1038, When it; Co.'s rolling mill and tack factory. oui ELai.4Tlc IVA apply on OLD IRON aa.l TIN ROOH, wtdel, inakoe thew BA and Later water pro t. (Nl2.43:tiLz Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, TOPS BALE AT, IYIIITE'S REPOSITORY Tt4o MILE n - u , - NEAR lAWRENCEVILLE. THE SUBSrSRIBER OFFERS FOIL SALE or exchange,ontha most reasonable terms, - a fl.o assortment cf fan - cache.; and second-hand 4. - $- 41 ,L- ,- JAr' Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some but nt - used. Also, new Buggles, - nlade in my own shop, from the very best material poreaasPri in Eastern market. A fine lot of Tivtling Wagons, now and atcond-band. Also, a lot of Boat Wagons', Jenny Linds, tiertaantown Wagons, Jersey Wagons and liockaways, two flue Phonons., seats for four persons, ono of theta 'Watson's make, and the other New York make. Two flue Sulkies, one made by Mr. D Ith.dgers, Philadelphia, and a few Common Buggies ' suitable for light marketing. The subscriber tatters himself, that he can make it to the interest of per s ams wishing to pnr• chase, to give him a call. ' The establishment - is convenient to the city, the Excebdor Omnibus lane of Coaches passing the door every ten minutes. mr2:llydaur JOSEPH' WHITE. Ql l ll. TEA MILL, STEAM MILL—For Sale, A Grist Mill all complete in good runclug order, 3 run of stone, smut machine, a corn a d cob cracker, etc. Also, a dwelling house of 4 rooms, a large stable and 2 lots a ground, silante-irMit,,Rittablugh. will be sold at a t.....r yet "---ct` • ?' ELBERT th BON, . ... --- tuyls — 4l Market street. _ +: Y RAILROADS. cif+.-:t:~:•o~-s-.. C9I??EIS, OIL CLOW-13, MAT1114(1, T T 14 - -_ - vrRITING PAPERS—Of ev deserip , ton sold wholesale or retail, by , i ....c.. WII. G JOIINSTON k — v, . Soper Dealers, /57 Wood str...l/4'" POWDER.-50 boxes Soap • Powdtl: kJ of our own mt.n. ufactnie, warranted superior to amyl offered for cab in this market., on hand and for sale by 1818 - - D.C.- fi J. H. SAVVY.EB..,._ i i 043 .—Dreosall Hogs, jnat received and Ir 44 6 b 7 IA EBB A. RETVIISh , r. 4811 • CO VS OW IMO. gaga' '1 ..7 - ..K- ,- ,*":.';-.! . ';:1.:?• ., 4 • .7-- -.44 DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S OEJ.RBRATED BITT.ORS, Pan Yam Br its. 0: H. JACKSON, MUD% PAq Will effectually cure LIVER 00 UPLAIN'I', DYSPEPSIA - JAHN - Din, OE' NIO OR NRRVOIIB DEBILITY, DISIIABLS OP TER RIDNBYS; . • dal al DinCtlafter s gtfren a disordered l-2ta.aal Hl ulin.. ei, ti :d. "46llca' di A ty °B:wanut f lU tT lifElla ete t a th, Nauseau, Heartburn,lyi rgwit f or F ood, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour grnota. lotions, Sinking, or Plut's,ring thix,eannPiteasof thofevL;or:l4...i.. a, swimming of th yinth e eg H: po.g e: sth:r a ree tur. v,:r ed azd an ian d I t; Breathing, Flattering at thg Heart, Choking or Stiff senr vo a ta tio o n r o v w ie h bz en b in efo a re l t , t h e Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel.s tn bintetZ of the Skin and Limbs. Pain LI the Side; Back, Cheat,. Limbs, Sudden Plashes of Host burn ing in the Mech., Constant Duitgintr.nrA of Evil, nod great Dspm-zkon oI aYtritya. In attribtaing snob vfizable properties to this m eet l y . „„ rash cr timir,lrantahlo haeortion toade,:but is simply stated a fact;and ne1r....4v01y by the extruar. diner cures., cud ll& ti L , V IIIB IIII I7 derived from its 1158, under the Cti recent of its. illystrions ori...r,ator, Dr. Hwfland, among a ll classes of lins'opemn =lay, and Gram the I.l:llM'ar.o mean at testimony, from all parts of the Anteriaqs continent, aeon. mndated during the last tea years, in the hands of the prevalence. of cip...—lee to which the n e is trl f w P d ua r universal; amonget t o : r e a rr i l3 t3 .; n a ; 17 . 7h o d a c s:eti o nd b :r , tht :o o 2 a(l t r' L ei r. ti tr is y s t e r, .I.3r a t which iera : f : m th w o i re ye a ttrz n a cannot a y°l i n :;s: eppeararce denoting a 111.....w.nd Liver, or an emaciated nal shirring Dmeptlc. i Then of what nnoonselaiports.noe to .hie tf 'atoll that a certain end reliable remedy should be placed withi their reach; ono in which no baneful or injurious drug en• tersinto its coro - peel tian ; a remedy on which tho patient con icily with the rainisit comthlence and certainty, and be assured from actual and tangible proofs that the article he is using really possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such a remedy "HOOYULND'a GERI , A-1 , 1 BITXDRS. ' Thousands a allars have boon expended he its manufacture and diffusion throughout ail parts of this continent, and the proprietor feels the gree.text - eatis&ation in stating that there is no state, c,nunty, or even village, where the Medicine has been introduced, that them cannot be found numbers willing testify to lea virtues. It is need constantly to the practice of a large number 43, the meet prominent Physicians in the country, who have also added their written testimony in evidence of its great virtues. In c,mchision, Uwe, we would respectfully oak ci all those afflicted with any of the stave diseases to give the Bitters a trial, and rent assured lit will never be regretted. In proof of the statements above made, all are invited to read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pra prietor, for Partnere and Families, containing is great num. her of useful receipts, in addition to the testimony in favor of the Bitters, from the moat prominent and well known in. dividuals in nil carte of the Union. A.ll Agents for the Bit ters are anthorize,ll to filstritnt) the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Wee and I.V.r.aufeotory, shoot, Ph~itd 1. phia, For u is wid.h,.;die by Draggiats In ell the prizeipal citiv and et retail by Apothectaica and Storekeepers 1p every toun in the United Efate and Canada, and by B. L LPAMTESTOUR Fs CO. and Br. CEO. Plttalamb. 17 1 :1945a sttobisrg,b, SUF TER NOT E THEN A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN if all stages of BECK ET DI3EAtiES, Belf-Abuse, bier- VOUS Debility, titrictnre, Cireval, Diabries, of the iiidneya riud Biacalor, Mercurial Rheumatism, Bore, tale, Pains in the Bones and Anklev, Diseases of the Lunge, Throat, Nose and Eyee, Ulcers upon the Body or Limbs, Can cars, Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, Li. Vita'S Dance, rid all diar , ariaing from u derangement of the Sexual Organs, sash nervous trembling, 1:33 of memory, Icsa of powes ! L:ymerail weakness, dimness of vision with peculiar epots appear to before the eyes, load of sight, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the face, Wu In the back and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges from both sexes. it matters not from what cause the disease origina ted however long Minding or obstinate the case, recocerty it certain, and in a iiticgAr.d. Ohm than a permanent cure can be effected by any oiler treatment, tIVCAI after the dieease has baffled the eliill of eminent physicians and resisted all the r mesas of cure. The Medicines en pleasant without odor, causing no iiWN:II.O42 and free from inerdury or balsam. Dur ing twenty years of prat ties, 1 have rescued from the jaws of death tautly the who, in the last atagec of ter aLova mentioned diET.I.6:-,i had been given up to dle by thole physicians, which warrants me in practicing to the afflicted, who may place themselves under ray ears, a perfect and roast speedy care. Encret ere the greatest entails° to health, us til,l ',c.f., last cones o Consmnpulon, Scr fula saes.: us:, tend ahsu!d be a terror to the human fandiy. as a ptrmatteet cure is scarcely over clu ed, u majority 01 the raises tailing into the hands of !amen trident parsima, N•ho not only Intl to care the di.+,12.."33 rein Ent coar.titutlou, !Eliot; tito Aptota with morcury, olden, With the difoose, bit,tous the euifercr into a rapid Colleen:San. But should the illioteai and the treatment not CAllsci Speedily, end the victim meta - tea, the diectiee is entailed span tie clithil en, who lira born wits feeble constitutions, and the ottrrnut of life furropted by a virus which betrays Will . hi Beroihie, Totter, Ulcers, Ertroilons and other ft./bo ttoue of the c'ain, eyes, throat and lames, etitailio7 Ewa them a brief existence cmf .14Vaing and emidgning . imens to an early grave; 'too. Vi 100 ELM 603. :II 2>r. Is. 400. 7 100 the SE f..,2 gilvJE la another fornaiibble enemy to htAlth, fc2 nuthing ()bps in ay., doe, d catalog - Je of huttt - .1 alu3ased easy Ito dcatroctive c. droll upol. the sydte:n, ' Its thou sands of clCtilliS thxor.2h ts years of staleringdown to an t:racc. It deltroys nerroo.s system, rapidly wtc:tco aw6.y the euecgits of IL's, can`s❑teaua tiorangumant, prevents the proper tieveloinnont of the eyateto, disqualified for Marriage, society, 1:1;...t, , ,fc, and ail earthly happiness, and Icavos the duffer-dr wretched in body and mind, pledis posed tr." Cleasamption and a iron of erilo more to be titan doath itself. With the fullest , Y)7.lfidel2CB I a5.,.,t .,.,t s the unfortunate Solf-Abuse that a porn:LAI/out sad speedy cure can eileGted, end with the abandonmont of rninotei pritct:ecd nu patients can be lestored to roLudt, vigozon, ;wait!, TLe afflicted are ceutionod against the nee or Patent Medi cines, fur there are co many snares in the colurana of the public proits w catch and rob the unwaryauffercrs that nilliona i, , tvo tbitir constitutions rained by the vile COnin05 3 :1::: 1, 11' Cluack doctors, or the equally pohonoun nos. trudts vended as "PaLWAT, id , diCiDeFt." I have carefully ana lysod many of these Patent . .hledicines and find that nearly all cti their: Corro3ive Sublimate, which is one of the mircag,iit preipc.raticu4 of mercury and a deadly plAsom which instead et curia: the dl's so disables the eye. tern for life. Throo-foulth; of the patent ucatroma new In U 33 Elio tint up by naprioclph_d end i . ntorallt, per2UL9, who do not undor atand even the elphabat of the indtsires irk:Life:A, end nro equal ly as dostitute of any knowiodgo of tho human ayttoin, hav ing ono object only in Fiore ; and to maim money regard leas of conscquencm. rogularitie3 ar.d all di .aaaaes of snalos and fmtildstroated on prineipiea o3tabliihod by twenty yemra of practice, :sad samotioned by tboaaanda of the moat remarkablo curia. I+l , ,dicillea, with full clirectior.s, sent to any part of the Cialadaa, by putiotin communicating tseir rraptorus by loft:::. correzpoatiQuco arriatly con- J. 6ilM'AliatVlLLl] M. 1)., . Cram No. 1131 etroot t:o. 1013) Twelfth, liwait e.alarlace to flltatae leihDire7. rrilE BEST AND MOST CEB,TAIN SPECU LATION OF TW TIMES--011Li DOLLAR PER SEMRE.—Forty thousand dollars s , -5:7 worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety of ,?ancy and Stant° Goode; to be disposed of in forty thou sand shares, at one dollar per share, as fellows :—Upon the payment of ono dollar, I will send the payer a mar-bored re ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholder: shall bo notated of the fact, by mail, or through the ricwspapera ' and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be hold in the city of Philadelphia, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them • In such way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a C.mimitteu to be selected by the Sherehoiders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the diroc. Guns of the Shareholders, cud 1 will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Leal Estate CUtiEbti of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at ie.:500, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lota valued at 2100 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all incutu hr.:pace, and title indisputable; the ether property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of ono of the largest Watch sad Jewelry Stores in the city of PPi dolphin, now, and for a long time past leept by the eabscrlber. 'lho stock consist. ing of vary line Gold and Silver Wanting Case Lever Watch es very tine Gold and Silver Patent Lover, Leplue and other 'Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seale, Lockets, Ear Rings. Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Piva, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacks, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Sliver Plate° Wars, consisting of Tea Sits, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, forks, dn , .t.c. Also, French Clocks, Music Boxes, Accordeor.s, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons aro poeitivel7 assured the stock Lae not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for lice Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect. able persons are given as references, to those dispoeed to pur chase shares. All orders by nail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress of the sender, by return mail. Any person sending ton dollars at ono time, shall rctecvoolevtat separate receipts. In es many separate named if doeire.l. J. Si H. PHJ11.123 =A_ /a writing for share; plonve write the name of the Poet 4.oce, to which yen wieh the unesver directed. This Je the greatest chance of getting a largo arneuut of valuable property, for a smsll Bum, ea Liss ever before bean odered to the public. Bend on your erdera, ea shares ore yelling rapid ly, and It be conP.dehtly expected the diatritution will soon to 1010410. Articles allotted to pereon3 at a distance, will be sent tc thqta at their expense. Ageuta wanted in every town f.ud. village. All corn innabmtiubs mast bo addressed to I.LOVERSEED.-25 wicks just• received, and for sAy by I Mil HENRY ii• CIOILLUS 5011 GROSS 11AVEN'S No. ONE PENS. Jest renelend and foi sale by. W. e. Corner Market end Saoontintreett. 1® DRUMS CO BA D aA F LB IS;II 6O f 6 o a r a tig a by ca, tar2S tits la and 24 Wood etraet. JOOLLEY'S SALVE for eale wholeslao v and retail at the Drug Store of JOILI MET, Corner f Wood oral Sitth at 3., Pittguargh TIMOTHY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy Seed for gals by JAB. A. FEL-drat, RYE _ R.-15 bbls. just received and for rale by [ran] ILtNILY IL COLutifit. AuEPANSION SKIRTS—SteoI Spring, and all the other celebrated Bkirta, for tale by ap26 JOB. HORN); 77 Market str.:et. 'RLACK LACE XlTTS.—Alarge stock of ozzellent atylai, with and withont flngera, Very cheap at (ap26) JOS. 11.01'tNES, 77 Market meat. (IOTTON LIOSIERY.--Every variety of Cotton E tor-tinge and Half Hose at the lowest prices wholesale or ratan, at JOS. 11J.B.N.ErS, apt 3 7: Market street. bbh3. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on corarignmout, .by (sp7) EIT,NRY - 11. COLLINS. $6OO F ho Olt a an t_w ot o story o _ f ground 5 1.1' 0 feet e by d l W oo e , i plel ntly situated on Mt. Washington. Terms EaSy, feB S. CIITMAIIIT ac SON. 51 tinrlzet t. • Pr A " s Of extra faze * and vialiyiery cheap, at 1101LNE'8 apt 77 Market meet, TARCH.-300 ba.&• Roe • ester • 'ear •tar • .5 f".. vatic. A t e. ;?-avnv. . tr . nor tryg. TUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Blanks , and Druaratee cyst= of Penmandtf B., enao by IrAvrzi, Collor *Act end &cond stroctr. KOICAL. Of bit disearos tno great. 12-ri; cuute Spring's tom neglect of Naturo'd ham L. IL EirIOOMALL, No. 60 Booth suond etroot, abovu Cheviot, Philadelphia. CIGS.-10 bblo. fresh Eggs just received and for gala by rear:2ol 1).11...rigY EL COLLINS. - • •r• •r.a. •e•- • •:•-• .... • • • t" - ' MEDICAL DR. A'LANE'S ,CELEBRATED VE MIFUGE AlcD LIVER PILLS,,_ INT beg leave to call the atten tion of the. Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas, Id 'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFITGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK. HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose•of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give. their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest • material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P.S. Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Pros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and take none but Dr. 211' Lane's. prepared by Fleming Bros. Pittsburgh, PO. To those wishing to Ow them a trial, we will forward per mail, post paid. to any part of the United States, one box of Pills for tuvhe three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Yermifug,e for fourteen three-cent stamps. All orders Irma Camila must be accompanied by twenty cents extra. at V, 'LANE'S V.LE, I IIIFUGE AND LIVER p . m on hand and far Bala by B. L. FAELNESTOCK E 00. Corner Wood and bout/ streata. 35"reW P r r A V! A triummee, Private and Con.fidentitil AT TIIE BUFFALO PRIVATE 11061 3 1 7 TAL—Established for the cure of Syphilis, Seminal IVeaknooo and the Socret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS lc SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Office corner of Main and Quay otreetg, (up stairs.) A MOST SOLENTIFIO INVBNTION. An inetruziont for the core of Genital Debility, or Noctur nal Emiscionn, more properly known as Seminal Worikners, Ac. Gan be permanently cured In from fifteen to twenty day°, by the 103 of this instrtunent, when need conjointly with medicines. • YOUNG KEN TAI. PAItTIOULAR NOTION. Dr. AMOS A SON talcs pleasnroin announcing that they have invented a meet imoertanti a ice ument for the cure of the above diseases. It has boon eabiocted to a teat by the meat eminent thysicimlc in Londri. Paris, Philadelphia and Now York; it hoe been declared the only c..c. sfr.linatrnment over yet invented, for the rare of Seminal li'caluefe,or any dfseese of the genital orr—as, calmed by the stcret of Tenth. . Dr. AMOS A SON. in order to Yatiei j the moot skeptical as to the merits of their instmnient, plelga themselves that in any instance where they may prove nivatisfactory after fair trial, the money gill be refunded by r..tutning the in' atm-omit in good order. Percena wishing the above nsefpl Inntrament will observe that the price, with the ettorapanying, direction.% securely packed and scut by express, is ton dollars. NItW mgmrnlES AND QUICK Dr. AMOS A SON may be consulted from eight o'clock in the morning until nine at night, in every stage d syrup tern of the Venereal Disease, Gonorrhma, (Meets, Se condary, Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and St cio tures of the Urethra, etc., with inviolable secrecy. The treatment they adopt is the result of upward of thirty years' extensive and, successful practice in London. The moot inveterate cease of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine days, and cases of a alight nature in two or three days, at a mod. orate expense. The core effected without nounnemotit or hindrance from business; also, nodes and pains in the Deno and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURD WAIMANT.P.D. Dr. AMOS is SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar close of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellow-creature a fatly testified and greatfully acknowledged by couvales centpatients mid others daily arriving in town from all parte of the country, for the express purpose only of consaltations while their exertions have beau crowned with the moat Big nal advantages; yet from what they have experienced' - inquiring into the causes of these infectious complaint (from their most eimple condition to that of the most daft gorous and invetereted) they have always entertained the axeeibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the most horrible and rnangnant forma of disease could almost always be traced to ono of the fol lowing muses :—lguo.-anca, neglect, or the ill effects of tan skilfal and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. A. 5103 SON have eaccesoed in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and caution course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character, es well as those wheee - promattfro or injudicious application, might be predoctly3 of bad consequences in the hands of private individual, In short the landible end of their re medies is the loosening o f a groat mass of human misery by :he atleniation, relief and prevention of thoso grievous dieter's that are in reality the secret foe Of life, and which, while they no extremely Barrow:ld no, call aloud for our skill end interference for their extermination. COON= INVALIDS Paso= in stay part of the world may be ancoesdany treated by forwardinf; a correct detail of their caeo, with de ramitianco for roorlicinea, Addrws Dr. - -.; EON, corner Main and Quay streets, tiaffalo. N. Y. ja.7zaftiztfly DRIVATE DISEASES.-DR. pity , IN'F3 MEDICAL and EURGIOAL °Maw, „ a. : 60 lifrill'lLslELD titratr., Etta. on ugh Pa. DlCl3ltOIVli la 11:1 old citfiiea of Pitto• burgh, and hue been to practice for the years. a LalliLlC,23 LOS teen confined manly to PtiTatb end 80r..' • ' glen, DiV.,3200. • • I k CaTIZ.V..NB Atli/ STRAnIII, , II.3 In need of a medical friend, should not (ail to find out toe cure place of relief. The Doctor L 9 a regular graduate, and AZI... ? "` hie experience in the treatment of a certain clads of discuss la a aura gnarantoo to the stifferera of obtaintng p&rmanoni rata', by the ueo of hie remedied and following hie advice. DR. DItOVIN'B ERTL RRIEB never fail to core the woret form of Venereal Disoana--- Impluitiee and ficrof - alcue A'Zectlous: Also, all edatlE67 WU! lig from a hereditary mint, which manifests itaelf in the form of a tetter;pooriosi3, and a groat many form/ of skin diseases, the origin of whirl the pa.iont is entirely ignorant io person eo afdiet:id, Dr. B. osiors hopes of a sure aild speedy reoovuy. GP.IMIAL 1M111.1082. Dr. Brown's remedico for this alarming trouble, brought on cit.3n by that solitary habit of *annul gratification whicli the young and weak-minded often give way - to, (to thelirowit dart, rucLion,) are the only reliable remedies known In this country—they ere rare, and tasks a speedy restoration to health. B_A3llllAlal}33l. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful Xs. Gaze in a few days—he will warrant a cure. He alto treat' Pllee, thee, Gonorrhcm, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, to male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, pis:mins of the Joir.te, Fistula Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain In thellack and llddneys, Irritation of the Bladder, to , gether with all diserw:a or an impure origin. A letter describing the symptom", containing a MI, di. rooted to DB. BROWN, No. 50 Smithfieldetroot, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine scut to any, address, safely packed and eocuro from observation, Office and Private ROOlll3, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pitts. burgh, Pa. ap9 NOTHER supply of Low (lc Son's suporior . 6 M. London Toilet aoapa received to-du. Uy JOB. FLIIILLNO, Ild Corner Diamond and Market carnet. 2ACI'S FEATHERS, for eale by ' BAGALEY, COSOHAVEA ON Nos 19. laud Z 3 Wood rett RIED APPLES.-150 bin. choice Pry 4w Apple!, rooeived and for sale, by JAS. A. FETUS, a 3 Corner Aficrkot and First street& OB PRINTING.- V, Cards, Circulars, Price Lisba, BUJ Lading, Lotter Heads, r.k how "lilts, Lab els, it* Pi bated in superior style at Bhort nears, by WM. O.4OIINSION .1' CO., L Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers and Stationers, myl 87 Woad streoL DLACK CRAPE COLLARS.=—Reautifu istyku SP eab3, at JOOIC HORNE% spa ft trams '&440 "e , WWL'SMFV-A Advice 1