Etc Rloniing JAMES I).llAtift, Editor fiPd frorriettlr. PIITSL;;JRC. I ; 4 THURSDAY MORNING JULY 1. 185 DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS POI: SUPRIIME JUDGM, WILLIAM A. PORTER, OP PHILADELPHIA IfOR CANAL COLIMINSIONER, WESTLEY FROST, OP FAYETTE COUNTY FINES AND FORFEITURES If the County Commissioners will refer t, - ) an act of Assembly pa;.seil in 1555, to Le found, if our memory serves us, in the New Edition of Purdon's Digest, page 1127, they will find that the Mayor, Aldermen, and ..11:,3• tices of the Petco of Allegheny County are required, under a penalty of two hundred and fifty dollars, to make q uarterly returns to the County Treasurer of all tines, forfeitures and penalties which they re..!Yi o. Thu act is in the following, words: That the Mayors of the cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Allegheny, the burgesses of the several boroughs of Allegheny County, as also the Aldermen of said cities and the Justices of said county shall make a statement under oath, on the first Monday of April, July, October and January in each year, of all fines, forfeitures and penalties received by them under the provisions of the several acts of Assembly of this Common wealth, to the respective Treasurers of the said city of Philadelphia and county of Allegheny, and shall, at the same time, pay to the said Treasurer the amount of acid furf,iture:; and penalties for the use of oid city or county, as the case may be, and ohould ;+2.1;1 0 'hirers. fail to furnish said statement and pay eqer said amount so collected and so required as aforesaid, the party so ofisnding shall forfeit and pay to the said city of Philadelphia or the county of Allegheny, as the case may be, the sum of t%70 hundred and fifty dollar:3; to be recovered by an notion of debt in the Court of Common Pleas in the county of Allegheny or Philadelphia, as the ease may bo. All laws, inconsistent with the above, are hereby repealed. This is a very plain law and malcs it the duty of all Magistrates, the Mayor of the city included, to pay — over all moneys collected Un der the provisions of acts of Ascemhv, into th - t l T leil.qll/. Heretofore the Mayor has been accustomed to pay the fines eollecte I ), 3 , him into the citii rsury, hut whatever au thority he may have Lad to do this is r,peal.. od by the last clause, of the act of Assembly above recited. It is now the cle::r doty cf the Mayors of the well al the other Magistrates, to pay tines, fodeitures and penalties collected under the provisions of any act of Assembly into the (7,mnv, not the City, Treasury. It will not do to claim that a portion of the finee,—those collectcd for disorderly conduct for instance,— are col lected under city ordinances, and therefore should go to the City Treasury, ior every or dirmuco which has any -force or vitality dc- rives it ft ``toe provisions of an act of Assembly," and all fines under - ordinances should go to the County Treasury as well as those collected directly under the statute laws of the State. The disorderly conduct ordinance, under which all the lines are col lected, is expressly drawn "under the provi sions" of the act of Assembly of 1771, which is recited in its preamble, and it is‘plain fium the law of .155 given above, that the fines under it, as well as under all ordinances drawn "under provisions" of Legislative enactments, must go legally to the County Treasury. It is claimed that the principal reason why the Mayor wishes exclusive' urisdiction under this ordinance, is that the fines may go into the City Treasury, In thus disposing of them; he is acting directly in the teeth of the requirements of the act of 1855, and is liable to a fiae of $250, if he does not make quar terly returns to the County Treasury. Why the county authorities have permitted this act of Assembly to sleep, we are at a loss to determine. Tu us it appears plain enouglytnd the County Treasury—not the City—is the proper place for such fines to go, fur the costs of all commitments made by the Mayo r, and the maintainance of the prisoners committed by him, is drawn from the County Treasury, and not one cent does ho pay into it. Is it right, Messrs. County Commissioners, to tax the people of the county to pay for the effe,:ts of city rowdyism, without insisting upon the payment into the County Treasury of all the fines which the city rowdies pay, as is requir ed by the act of Assembly ? It is said that the Aldermen who collect fines, quietly pocket them, and that neither the City or County Treasury is benefited thereby. Let uts see. In the Auditor's Re port of the receipts and expenditures of the county for 1857, we find the folllowing re ceipts from magistrates : Goo. Dupohorn, Esq., Pince Wm. Wilson, Esq., if James Cummins, " R. A. Banstnan, Esq., " .John McKee, Esq., John Cochran, Esq., Thos. Daft, Esq., Wm. Symmes,lEsq,, This statement, it must he confesssed,luoks very much as though the hulk of the fines never finds its way into the County Treasury. The Mayor makes his returns to the City Treasury, so that from this source of revenue the county gets about slst) a p:ar. And now per contra. In according to the Auditor's Reliort, the follut%ing sums were paid as fees out of the County Trea , nry to the magistrates named : a H. A. Weaver... John Maj John Donaldson Wm. Wilson L. S. Johns J. A. Parkinson. Thos. Daft 11. Debavon James MoCone... Others were paid smaller amounts, the sum total of fees paid to the Mayors, Alder men and -Justices in I'rea. N0:ft,•••.. ,- f.??.4 in,: without th, 7.1 . 0:101 , re cf f 421 I\l flaw FLEMI2;(I ISIWS. NO. 65 MARKET STREET, 6t',LLll:6 uj? AT A uk.rAT eAuttirlCE, THE ST,;?: 01 EnibrOldeEle!4 atild Triatimingq. T. fuser•, h ro.viy halo, the millereizxiiiii will SELL 111 SToCli WITHOUT REOARD TO CoST, And invitee dlw Lad,w, ca thi,y . tvill find greet I.,..rgalus et NO. C. 5 MARKET BURK', Between Third arid Fc.m . th streets TOOL WAN TED— ico,oop the. Wool Wanted at htglost cash HITCHCOCK, M'ORNERY & CO., 152 Second stroct,And 161 Front. prices, by j62l:lmdaw WOOL WANTED:- The highest market price paid for Wool, by ii32.II.INGBIt HATtIISUGH & CO., No. 293 Liberty street. •VITCEICOCES., lEVOREEI3II( &. CO. (sucQ73sou i 0 lIIIPPETAN, ISPCP.2aSS C 0.,) FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MIIRCHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Ploar and Wool, No. 114 Pecond street, Pittsburgh, Pa. as inn /11. N ono.l Elprlngor Elarhaugh, Joseph Elder, St. Louis; Pittsburgh; Fenton Bros., R. Childs & Co., " Cornell & Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaley, Cosgrove & Co., " Garret &tfartin,Philadelpl i da; ReCaudleaa,l'Aeaus Co., " Jatpes,Kent,lianteelk 00. G. W. " We.ever & Graham, Geo. M.& L. Word, Cincinnati lieerio t 6torling & Co., " A. B. Fenton & Brm, " Eard, Gilmore & Cu, " myabtf • OHEESE.— . 5 ISO boxes Pr' — '" --0 •11.• Cutting Cilium; 2l U' •4 ogllsli-Dairy Received tlndfor ost " by Uea] HF,Nlty a poLuNg SAMUIL ROSS 4, MIMI'S, NE ADVERTISEMENTS. ! DR. It. A. WILSON'S Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic PILLS, PREPARED AND SOLD BY B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Go coiner of Wood and Fourth Streets, PIITSBURGH, ?BNN'A AS A\ EFFICIENT, safe and convenient tonic, cathartic and anti-dyspeptic medicine, these Pile are recommended to the public by the former propri etor, (DR. WILSON,) with a confidence such as a long con tinued and careful trial of them in an emple practice war tants. In their operation as a ca'harrtic, they influence more the motory end lose the BBCEIMILIF, power of the bowels than any other combination in common use. AS A TONIC—They sane with the most delicate atom ach, removing nausea pain, and debility from that organ, and through it impart tune and vigor to the whole system. Ad AN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC—They neutralize and inter rupt the formation of acids, check fermentation, and pre vent the elimination of gases from the food in the stomach, —the tet CGINECIMECC,EI of chemical action,---en action which should never exist in the human stomach. From these peculiarities in the Pills, u person taking them may aspect a free, full and natural evacuation of the bowels, without pain, nausea, local or general debility, or that dis gusting sickness or cosnvenem—the usual effects which at tend or fellow the use of other purges. CERTIFICATES. Extract of a le't.!). fr,ln H. F. Ilan:worth L C, Druggt3, .110Apitis, Tennessee, January 7, 1858. lliEssus. B. L. Y//INIITOCK t CO3--We were the first to in• troduco Dr. B. Adams Bale here many years ago. They wore the beat Fill ever in this market. We ueo no other In our own families and secured for them a high dm: actor by our recommorAttiong. Youra, traly, II F. FARNItSWORTLI Eeract cy ,. ,:lle.r.frona G. W. Nashville, Tenneuer, Ebruary 18. 1858. NIEKna. 13 L. FAHNESTOO bCo —Dear Sir; I have seen Dr. It A. Wilson's Pills used for the ague with good eM.ct have need then myself, and Lettere them to be the bet Pill in me I have no doubt th.y will cure many other complaints when properly need, and I cheer ally recommend them to the public. Ittope.ctfully, yours, G. W. IRWLN. From ad, nei Win Hopkins, 'ate Cheat Commissiuner. WasurieloN, Pa January 0, 1 0 58—Dear Doctor: 1 have horn using your " Autl•Dy.noptic" Pills, when occasioned required, for mat y years, and can truthfully Bay that [have never found any medicine ,gnat to them in relieving me from aff,ctior.a of the stomach and head. They h..‘ve never failed to roll.vo n.o from headache, and have always left my eptein In Letter cond Hun they found it 1 count conft• dently recommend your Pill. as a site and highly valuable methclue. Very reepectfntty, etc., ADAIII9 Wrt.).o. WM. HOPI( I NS. Frew .E.eq , Trea.v.-er of Allegheny cu., Pa. To . a it. A. WlLii/N —bear Sir: 1 have be a using your Pile eirm=. 1840, and do e.(videdly euy •hey ere the beat Pill in use, et' that 1 have any knowledp of. I first used them fur '•nick headache," with which 1 antlered beyond descrip• don ; I am happy ti say, that they entirely cured me. Since thin I u them as a family medicine: 11 lam biliona, or anything ails me, and I require medic no, I take a Pill,and it cures roe; they are my only medicine, and have been for the last seventeen years. .Tl3OB. BLACHIIOItE. January 5, 1855. ll,gr Dr. Kelo,r 312s3as D. L. Panentsruux a Cu-1 have bad CODahlurablo experience in the use of the extraordinary Pill corupourehd by Pr. it. Adams Wilson, of which you are now the propri etors, and have often fat their benign influence in my own case for "nervous headache," arising from a disordered too dition of the stomach. I have likewise prescribed thorn fur others, in cases of .‘ hemlcranla" and other f,rme of head ache depending on a deranged and irritable conditlenof the stomach and 4igkativu organs, of which they seem peculiar. ly adapted, being entirely free 'rota any griping tendency. 1 regard them as a very valaab!n 4 Pill, and ono that purges without at all ceLilifiting. YUllt N truly, OEO. 11. KEYSER, 140 Waal street. Plriburgh, itlarzli 5, 1658 ,yl.lye,w UNTER'S ROTARY MOWER AND RLdpElt, on exhibition at PHELPS, PARSE & CO., St. Clair rdrE,,t. A Lew, and tau only c , rrs.l d !iac;pla Lr ratting gri.H3 Stale rid county tints fa sale. J31:11.1 &NINE:STEN SEYMOUR, 9gcut. NAT HITE Co frfoN & LINEN FRI NUES, F:JR TRIMMINU CAPES FOUR I - LUNDELL) PIECES REC;EIVEL), ki.i6crted width&, ut BAGGAGE AT AUCTION.—On MON , DAY, July t 2, et 2 o'clock, will be sold, at the row Commercial Fides Itomo, No. 54 Fifth street, by order of J. linla:trr, Jr., the following nuredeA:ned baggag,3, from the Spread Eagle Hotel: Six traveling bags and two trunks, with their contents. HO] P. AI. DAVIS, Anct'r. WU S'ITEE'P PRO L'ERT Y FOR SALF.—At, undivided third part of that valuable propcity, si:u4to at the corner of Sixth and Wood streets, ttraibg 130 f._et trout on Wood by CO deep on Sista btrer t. One-third of the above will te.suirl fur $3,0U0. One-hall is hood—balance at one, two cod titres years E AKE NOW SELLING all kinds of V Li;.Y tiOUll 4, very cheap Lr ClBll. C. HANSON LOVE, (Formerly Love Brotlibrs,) fon° 74 Ma,kot AT LESS THAN COST.- ENIBIULDERED JAC - J.NET BANDS! OLIO large lut at 4.1.; than I.',lstem Coat, anti the balance at a Heavy Deduction from the Original Prier. JOB. HOUNE'S, 77 Malkot street. 41.1QTARCH-10i) bsq. Ale Clung & Campbell's Extra Starch, for sale by jat) IV. H. SMICH do CO. SUNDRIES.— 15 Ibbls. Eaatv.ick's Syrup; " New York " 25 " 61 Rids. New Orl6ana Slugxr ; 11,0 Ls!( elJests Young Ilyaou Tea; 50 " flock T,/t. for sale by jeSO W. H. own( & CO pRODUCE.- 10 b le. White Beans; 0 " Mess Pork, for tale by j W. It F.I lITH & CO FOUNDRY IRON.--H tons, fur Bale by jr3o LI E^?lt Y H. COLL] N 9 Jll2-200 bbls. Louisville Lime, fur sale gj by 1.k 3 U1 HENRY II COLLINS. jp.REING.-50 bbls Herring for sale by U. IL COLLINS DRY APPLES-100 hush., for solo by j,20 HENRY H. COLLINS. CHIMNEY TOPS-100 various patterns for sale, by [ je3o) LIENItY H. COLLINS. I,l l Olt SALE—One Steam Engine, Cylinder lb inches in &meter, 4 feet stroke ' with 2Cy finder Boilers 82 inches in diameter, 30 feet lu length, whit tire hot - 14 Fly Wheel 10 feet in (Banister. For price and unto, inquire of B. C. a J. EL S4Wykit„ _la° N 0.47 Wood street. COLTON'S TOURIST& WEST GUIDE— For sale by (j,319) J. It. WELDIN. LADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT ERS, with and without heels, at the People's Shoe Store, No. l 7 Fifth street. DIFFENBAIJHER & CO. GEN I'S CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, at tho reople'd Shao Etorn, Yo. 17 Figh °treat. jtl9 DIFFENBACILEII a CO. ELL UM COPYING BOOKS.—These V books p 025,123 great advantages Gvar any others; the paper being thick and strung will not tear when wet. It takes a twos: pct feet improssion and is cony, nient to refer to. When once in nee their imporiority i 3 apparent. Bold by W. O. JOLIET:at/ 4 1 Eitationerg, 67 Wood st. R.,?1.11,E CRACKERS--300 boxes No. 1 Gold Chop, Just reebived auJ for sale by REYMER, h ANDRRSON, 39 Wood street. TORPEDOES -M,OOO No. 1, just received and for We by REYMER & ANDERSON, Je23 No. 39 Wood street. FIRE WORKS—A general assortment of 1.1. P. 1/Lehr's celebrated works for sale by REYAIRLIt h ANDERSON, No, 30 Wood street, e 2.3 Oppeite the St. Oherlee Lionel. VRESfi TEA, MORE NEW TEA- The tineat Tea of every name, grade and color. The alb a:Titter has in attire and arriving, a moat extensive and complete ti.7t.ortuirut all on in thee*, half chaste and final ly boxee, alt of which 13 offe:ed at greatly radaced pricer. JAYNEB, 38 Fifth street. 1. - 4 1 1 RE CRACK ERS-60 boxes No 1 Fire Oraekere, just arrived anti for aale at tho lowest mar ket price, at HAWORTH 6 BROWNLEE'S, je23 Corner Dietn,tud and Diamond alley. QTAR CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ad a mantilla star Candle.i, warranted superior to any in the market, on band and for sale by myl.3 ft. (1 A .7, IT. RAWER . _ . Sumalter Lager seer. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform !Ai friends and the public in general, that he is in the daily receipt of this delicious Boor, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be the best that was manufactured hero Icor many years, ()LEAD., TAdTEICL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN ROTH, aviletf Ai his old stand, No. 28 Diamond. TIIOMPSON & CO. —Have just tv received and for ealo, a large lot of Hoglish Veuitlaa Ref, Rochelle Ochre, Vermont Ochre, french Zinc, American Zinc, White Lead, and lit biting, at 610 128 ?bird IMITO DIA. RUBBER DOOR MATS—The best it article busts for sale at the India Rubber Depot, of . J. .1t 11. PHILLIPS, ell 26 and 22 fit. GAT street. _ . QTA TIONERY FOR OFFICE USE - 7 4. large supply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of= flcee, banks , etc.,for sale by (j 49) J. 8.. 1V111.D.L17.. ()LOTH. PAPER-36x40, for Ede by Jen J. 11. SVELDIN _. . . G "T s , WE A R.— 10.11 SAP. P.; Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters; 0 Gent's Patent Leather Oxfords ; ..( Pa Gent's Calf Boots ; vs Gent's Fine Ellppers. o CHEAP. 7/ AT TIM PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, .1.312 No. 17 Fifth street, DIPPENBACHER & CO. OSPI T A L SHEETING—Of all widths and of the best quality, for talent the India Rubber Depot, 26 and 26 Bt. Clair street. joll . J. & H. PEUILLTPS. ----- . _ lik •e- bble. No. 1 * otonia,o er ring, jut recemsd and for sale by hieCANDLBBB, IcIRANB 8 CO, j‘22 Corner Wood and Water streets. ITORNWS, 77 ISltaket 8. CUTIIBIiaT & SON, 51 I , larlcet strot NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BEDFORD SPRINGS.--This well-known and delightful FIIMMER RESORT will be opened for the reception of 'Visitors on the 10th of June, and kept opon until the ]st of October. The now and spacious buildings erected last year aro now fully completed, and the wholeestablishment has bessfurn. b3hed ire superior style, and the accommodations will be of a character not excelled In any part of the Dnited States. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr, A. G. A whose experience, courteous manners, and alien tion to his guests give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of accem, it is deemed pro per to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chambersburg. The Company have made extensive arrangefilents to sup. ply dealers and individuals with "BEDFORD WATER" by the barrel, carboy, or in bottles, at the following prices, at the Springs, viz:— For a barrel, (Mniberry,)s4 00 " (Oak,) 800 " " (Mulberry,) SOO " //3 " (Oak,) 200 Carboy, IO gallons 2 26 Bottles, 13pint, 'to dozen 1 50 rceceareifvuilnlgy the p rc. 1 p v a a r to e f s r o e s h t that d purchasers THE BEDF O RD MINERAL SPRINGS CO , maTh A y ll ed c eb tm enr m de n ius n p i o cations should be addressed to are n jel10:1m Bedford County. ra. A FEW MORE OF THOSE SOILED SHOES LEFT, : Which we are E offing at less than cost. Call soon and sc. mire a Bargaiu at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH IL BORLAND, je3o 08 Market street, two doors from Fifth. F OR THE FOURTH OF JULY.- A largo lot of GENT'S, LADIES', MISSES, BOYS' YOUTH'S AHD CHILDREN'S FANCY SHOES, Which will bo sold low for Cash, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH IL BORLAND, j 030 BS Market street, two doors from CLOSING OUT SOME MEN & BOYS' Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hats, At less than cost, at No O Market et, two doors from Fifth S ti Alt S, FOR PIZES'ERVIN(i, FER i C E IP, Ar THE SUMMER RUSH FOR WARM WEATHER CLOTHING, For gentlemen and boys is now at Its height. NE\V STYLES, NEW GOODS, And lew pi iCEIS, takes the peup!e to ODESTFIII.'d GialllC HILL, / CGro.r. Wood street and Diamond alloy. C UTLE it V- TUE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TIIE CITY, 18 TO BE Ful - VD A T CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG'S, jo'id No. kid Wood strout. FI 8111 N ti TACKLE, Gnus, ti ides, Piet.ds, (dun Furniture, Dog M 117.2108, And iu short, everythimr nezessary for a complete sports man's outfit, eau b Lad at DOWN & TETLEY'S J. 2d No. 106 Wood street. COINIPOUND EXTRACT OF ROOT 6 FOR making Beer, a healthy beverage. It is peculiarly efficacious in -carbatic all,otionn, eruption of the skin, and Kit disc:miles arising from impurities cf the blood. It is one of the moat popular ar.i01.38 in the market, wherever It has been Introduced. Oue bottle, which costs 2b cents, will make ten gallons of Beer. For sale by B. L. BALEVESTOC,E. ,Sc CO., j 326 No. 60. Corner Wood and Fourth eta PIANO 6 I PIANOS!! An additional atook. of Piano Fort.% from I V tho at:d tGrie.ti CI ;fTEIN WAY & SONS, NEW YORK; L b u, NUNNS Sc. CLARK, NEW YORK, Has ju.t. Lebn received,end the ettoottc.n of purchasers tli• rotted thereto. IL ISIEBEIt & BRO., Sole Agents for the above celebrated Pianos, Jc2s No. 63 Fifth Bina. FLOUR. -40 bbls. choice superfine for sal by JAS. A. FEIZEII, C.,rner Vai ket and First stilt Pittsburgh Water Cure Establishment. ]OR THE CURE OF' ALL KINDS OF Li:leases, located at LIAY3YILLE STATION, on the Ptttehntgli, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, ten miles \Vestal the city. Fur the healthful i.xercide and Wa11.1.40111131.1t of patients, and others friendly to the system, who may wish to spend ienie time with us, wo have IdWly erected a fine O YSINASI And BOWLING ALLEY. • Box 1391, Ylltsburgh, Yo J. DURFORD, D, p hyajcians D mylo:tj,2ona A• STONE & CO., GLASS PATENTED PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all kinds of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Mince bleats, Oysters, and all such perishable articles mantitac tared and for sale by OLIN] YtillA 51S h CO, Nos. 109 WATER and 140 ELBST STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ayzi— The main secret of preserving fruit in a fresh coudi tion, caosists in having it thlronghly heated when scaled up, and in expelling all the air there may may be in the vessel, so that when the fruit cool', is will form a vacuum. The undersigs] having procured the right to m loofa°. tiara these Jars, ) esptctfully call the attention of dealers au I others to them. The great superiority of 0(103 over any other substance for the preVyrvatint of fruits, etc., etc. Ls so well known, that any comments upon it are mairely unuccosaary, and the proprieturm feel confident that any one, after having warm seen these Jars, will never be induce] to use any other. For sale wholesale and retail by OUNINGHAMS si CO., Jel4:3ro No. 104 Water btroot. PULMONIO SYRUP. -A 1 4 3 largo snpply of this cslobratod r wady, for Coughs, Colds, and Ckinsninption, ryceiyod this day, by JOSEPH. FLEMING, Js29 Corner Dismood nod Market st. FLAVORING EXTR.A.GTS--A large sup ply of 'Erosion & Merrill's celebrated flavoring ex tracts for ice create, cokes, pica, etc., constantly on hand, at JOSEPH YLEMING'P, jag Corner liNarnond aud Market troct. WATSON'S SYRINGES—I have this day received another supply of these celebrated Syringes pronounced by physici ice to he superior to any other now in use. Persons wishing an article of this kind, should call and examine nu stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOSEPH FLEMING, J Corner Diamond and Market street. B ALM OF IOU) FLOWERS—For sale at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, Je:c9 Corner Diam , nd and Market stroet. S • received , : a HAVEN'S idB. E I a l a . t s t t i h o o s S ta t t te Pens. n 1 ery e st s just . e J e2l 3 Nos. 31, 33 and 36 Market street. rr YPE METAL, just receive.' and for rale, by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and Printer, Je26 Corner Market and Second streets. 500 000 ENVELOPES, Buff and Ca nary, just received and for sale of the Stationary :gore of W. 8. HAV.k.N, je2t3 Corner Market anti Second streets 11.01)GSON'S - DIAMOND " CEMENT for Joiutug !Token glom, ch!na, metal, wood, and all fancy articles, just loceivru by JOS. FLEMING, je22 t Diamond and Market stroet. 001:12Ect D.iLULL JAILga S. MIR !IMO OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Alp Grocers, COITAIIiESiOII and Forwarding Merchants and ceders In Produce and Pittsburgh slannfact - aree, No. 251 bt , tty •troAt.t'3-v Pa. no 6 EGGS. -1O barrels fresh Eggs, just receiv ed and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Je22 Carnal. Market and First streets. Cl OD FIBII.- 3 drums extra large Cod Fish; 3 Large " " Jest received and for sale, by MILL.ER% ItICEET6O:4, m,ls__ Nos. 121 and 223 Liberty alert. q ox RENT—A largo Dwelling House and Store, on Grant street. E. 017111 BERT A SON, Lity2s 51 Market street. FRESH FIGS-500 drums just received and for salo by ILEYSIEII & ANDEEBON, err 2.1) Wrr.l tirePt A POOR, FELLOW A STERLINO RELIGIOUS NOVEL li,r eats by Nit Building, 41 Fifth garnet POTATOES -200 bushels White Neshan ncck Potatuo , just reed and for sate by JAS. A. FETZER, e2B Comet Market and Fiat streets. IUPERIOR BLANK BOOKS—Ledgers, Journals, path Books, and Day Books. A large sup. ply on bend, mado in the most superior manner of the finest quality of paper, especially for city orders. Blank Books made to order, ruled to any given pattern. je.2B WM. G. JOHNSTON a CO., 67 Wood at. BILL PAPElt—ef best quality—for sale by WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO , je2B Stationers, 67 Wood street. ENVELOPES. -Buff, Straw, Amber and White, of ell elzes, sold wholesale or retail, by WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO., my 7 Stationers and Paper Peelers, 67 Woad ItODA . ASH.-100 casks Soda Ash, now kJ landing and for sale by mylB MILLER. & RICKET.BOIi. SHOES, SHOES—Great inducements of fered at the People's Shoe Store, to all who wish to buy summer Shoes Cheap—Ladies' Gaiters, Buskins, and Slippers. D. 8. DIFFENBACILER a CO., "jel9 17 Fifth street, near Market. TIESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- A Dwelllug-Nouse and two largo lots, with good im provemeats, immediate pessession. Price, $lBOO. A Farm of 303 acres, 40 improved, all prime lar d one mile from Fayette Bproage. Price, $6 per acre. A valuable property at Lawrenceville, in complete order, good location, immediate possession—s36oo. A section of choice land in Franklin county, lowa, in good location—s3,so per acre. 8. OUT/EBERT et SON, Je2o 61 Market street. NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS. A. A. MASON A CO., Ant's., NO. 25 Fifth Street, Are now opening rich Dress Silks, Berages Chalks„ Organdies, Paris Brilliants, And a splendid 606:Abu of SPSINCt SHAWLS. OP. JOS. U. BORLAND'S, JAYNES' TEA ISTCJItE, No. 88 Fifth street ROBT. A. LOOMS, INSURANCE, FAII,3IE.RS' AND MECITANICS' Flllll AND 11ARINE LNSURANCE COMPAM N. W. Coniiim or E.E..uzio AtID zitasEls, Assl:7ll—Si Plll LADREPIETA. , 20,884. PrITBBURGII OFFICE, No. 00 WATER FAIDEICT. ILOS. J. LIUNTER, Agent. The following list show the anionnt pald at v•el Pittsburgh Agency for Icescs Iron l3sl: s Juns., /8.544 to Ldrlrort Goodal $ 600 00 I Win. e1ati0n...........600 fro Prank 4011 0 0 M. Hasa 100 tv W. W. 00 Jolla Bolan 117 60 J. J. nous° it Co..— 330 07 Newoiyer & Crud.... 1,0.32 72 John '1 hoinpaou 200 UU Henry 20 00 John Watson ......... . 00 J.ll. 1.12123. ............. 10 00 , Phelps, Corr .ft C 0.... 3,600 00 J. L 110u,u.6 C 0...... 61 00 Jas. IVothis, 11 - 9 00 11in. IP.Cully 2,170 17 Janos Atli/Luger ..... 1,000 00 W. An:lolly Co.-.. 760 00 Total ........... ............ Elktr.oy City of Pittsburgh, ea. Before ow, an Allert,som In and for raid city, porronaLlF caul, Tlimura J. 1 /unter, Agent of tiro iFurthars and lrrr tusuranco Company, who b .ing duly unworn, re etatemg cordin nt to is txu km,a. d.ith depose not ehy ti ro at tho f0g01a.,3 e THOS. J. lIIINTEIt, Agent. aP 23 Sworn and subscrib e d ba c to re e, All 7, 1356. _ pi dour.s, Alderman. IDE LA MI UT UALL, SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED BY THE LEGI3LAYBRE 03 I'ILN Y LVANIA, 1835. OFFICE, S. E. CORNER TIIIRD WA.L.NiA" 5 P I3I LADELPRIA. MARINE INSUQANCE. ON YESSilt.B.} CARGU, To all parts of the wall Yak:J(3EIT, INLd:;D IP;BUY,SIraEB On Goods, by River Canals, La:zed, and Land CanLagoa to All parta of the Winn,. FIRE INSURANOF.ti On Merchandise generally, On Storce, Dwelling Rouses, ite. ASSETS OF THE CO:4PAITY. November 2, 1857. Rena, Mortgagee, and Rani F.,:tato *101,350 91i Philadelphia City, and other L 0212113 137,01/ AS Stuck in Banks, Railroads and Innoridical 12,5014 Oil Cotupauiea Bills Receivable 220,291 fa a Caah on hand 38003 Sill Balance in Lan& of .?aria, Premium i) on &Licitly Prdicica reventlylasted,on ` j - 92,730 57 other debts due tn, Company Subscription Now, DI::nJiOR B, am... 1 0. Iliand, ThcuyhiivaPauldiro, Jamea Tragaair, William tyi o, Jr., J. P. Ponisioa ' Jcatain , Iyr lo r ziamttol L. Stoket, licary 21cau, Jame , a £s. McFall:mil, 1ilt:11111d U. nand, Robar: BD/ tall, Jr, John 11. Br mph), .1117.abargia D. T. Mr gaa, J. T., Luzaa, William Martin, Joseph 11. lial, &amaud A. Sou,tor, John C. Dariß, Jurin R. Pour;Air, Cloor ,, e 0. Loipor, Ditrimgtoa, Jr. It. hl. kimiror., William C. Ludwig, Spencer Aid:lmin, Oharles Reale), a. Jones BrooLs, Jacob P. Julius, I:l.6.B.P.lll,Presidcza TIECB. 0. EVID, Vine Preeidont, IlatrairL.l cas , b*.rrezary. P. A. MADEIRA, Agent, No. 05 'Water i.tre,t, Hat; br, deo THE UREAT WESTERN Fire and Itiurine llusuraitco OF PHILADELPHIA. 01/..ce in Company's Building, No. 403 Walnut, C'✓Trier of Fo4rth. Strtet A LIT 21.01tILED t:2l VITAL C.,p11.1.1 yai.l iu eurpiaa, Jauury Ist , ISa 12,n,571 FIRE: ICOE—LlulittA ur Ma LUNE IN:ii.IILANCe., Vaasala, C.uir,u ard INLANL INIMILINUL: I.y Rival ; CULIUIJ, Lakcg aui Laud Larriagta DIRTiOTOR3: ,Chaelva 0. L..thr,p, 11 J Wal.unt etee..t. Parlln,;, 1519 VIL.e atrozA. .Alexander W'billdcn, 31erchont, 13 North Front. Isaac Ilazteharst, Attorney and Couusellcr. John C. Huntcr, Ural of 'Wright, Hunter A Co. 11:. Tracy, hem of Tracy A Co., Holdarnith's Hall. John It. M,Ouray, hem ufJubes, Wh,to A McCurdy 'I Wawa L. Gillespie, rani of Zeller. James B. Eu,th, Una of J 31111,4 B. eiatta A Co. Iltnry M. Fuller, uilice 22.7 eolith Third otrref. John C. Y , ...gdon, i,then c,ru.r of Suv.-nth anti Janis Weight, late Castilla. Bank et 1 toga. lired laler office Cairo City htoporty. c.h.Lan., odic.; euuth Thir*i •tteet. C U. LA.TLI eit LIN 1 , Vice PrLeidoat I,E. 13 011E0ORY, Branch Oalco. Waal st ,N. Y. 6u,oad Vice PI eert, JA.51.E6 11 , 1i1G11.1', re, and Treasurer. H. 11. 11.101.1ARDSON, Abalstant Pecretary, It. W. POLICL,E2OIIt, Agont. 97 IVater ht.eor, Pitt.thargti, 'ennsylvania Insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH. No. 63 D'ortrtir. DIREOTOJIiit - Jacob Painter, J. P. Tanner, Geo. W. Eniltb, Rody Patterson, O. A. Colton. A. J. Jones, W. B. Moßride Jas. U. liopkins, Wade Hamptonl. Grii r Sproul, A. A. Carrier, Robert Patrick., A. C. Sautpdon, J. IL Jones, John Taggart, Henry Bkroal, Voeghtly, Chartered Capital 11300)000 ME AND .11AILI.NE IiINItB TAIiEN, of all deacriptiorii oPYIC2RE , : Pre !,left—A. A. CARRIER. Vice President—RODY PATIED.AON. de3o Secretary and Treasurer—l. SPI:01.1L. MONOAOAIifELA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PI2TSB URO IL JAMES A. IIIITellfe:N, frealtibut. lII..NRY M. ATWOOD, secretary. OFIPIC.Iti:-.3. , d0. 08 Water Strect4 WILL INSURE AGALNST ALL 4.1.ND8 It YIRE Al,ll 2S AI ITE 11,ISKL, ASSETS—MAY 20vB, 1858. Stock, Duo Bills, payable uu &remand, aecarod by two approved rumen $140.000 00 Premium Nowa 47,003 29 Bina Rucoivt3Ao 0968 21 115 abarea Mechanics' 114ok stock, cost 0,185 00 50 do Dank olPittaburgh du do 2,160 00 At) do Exchange Bank do do 2 ,050 00 190 do Citizona' Bank do du --•• 6,176 Ott Balance of Book Accouute 8,058 29 Office Furniture 690 88 earth 15,853 79 DLII3C10.115: James A. rintclioon Wm. B. Halmos, • Ocorge A. Barry, Winton,Robert Dalzoll, Thomas /3. Clarko Wilson Miller, mv22 John Al'Devitt, Wm. A. Caldwell. A. C,' _iliantEa fir. BMW., PITTSBURGH GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital Itoproacratad f 93,060,000. COMPANLEE UP 11/GUR:3T STANDLNE, Char' twd by Pennaylmola and other Statea. EIRE, MARINE AND LIFE RISKS TAKEN, 01 ALL DESCRIPTIONS. NO. 63 VOUE.TIiI STREET, I. a. °Alums. t MAURO/I, PA. . d. 04/181/11t. I tle3o-1y) - - TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES, From two to six inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Pcot. ALSO—ROCHESTER PEARL STARCH For t;ale W io/euals, a t Ittenufacttarur* Prtees by coLLEN6, YORVIARD.II:7G AND COMMISSIO E3l?t'iAfdT , AND VflioLll,ll.l.o Wadi= IN C ILEESE, BUT TIZR, SEELP_, 1,4:311, AND PRODUOU GENREALLY No. 25 Wool) STaRLT, PrlT3DlTartil MIN facLATGIES 4ANUFAOTUREROy ALCOHOL, Cologne Spirlig mad Fusel 012, NO. 167 and 170 Socond Street. apakiyeadt, FISH! I' LS /1 ! CONSTANTLY. on at,rio A DULL SUPPLY 01 WHITE BUD, TROUT, SALMON, PICKEREL, HERRING, MACKEREL. /Ur Ortiora accompanied by tbo CARD, will twat prompt attention. HENRY 11. COLLINS, tayLlgiyl-2p NM WOOD STREET. AMIJEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER & DE A LER IN FOREIGN AND .DOMESTIC HARDWARE. No. 7* Wood street, between Ihavaoll* alloy mad Fourth atreots PITTSBURGH, PA. Air TEN subscriber is now opening a well selectod assor mast of foreign and domestic Hardware, all now, and will hi gold on as good terms as any other house in this city. Hs will always keep on hand a general assortment of lIARDWARD, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOLP, I., Ty which he renpectfully invites tho attentio n offs -chases m ho UMW, PAIILLF.oroda • HUNT & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS of Illinois Central Railroad, Cairo, Minot% Mark Goods In all canal, to our care. jelamd:o3 tiERMAN DRAWING PAPER—In rolls Iljt fox Itogravers, tor sale by J. I. WELDIN, watt 68 Wcsd streets lisaSATsrsit. B. llill .4 Co 150 fl &ch'r Man 1L CO 63 Cu Wm. 51 , 44ci , ' 76 00 J. C0...—.2,6.10 W. Uil wo 10, 1,125 .0 J. 31.11 win, 850 00 Edw. Spence, Esq... 61 00 C. 11. English iilloMard'a 15J 00 Brower, Kliid dt Co.. ei JJ B. 11111 Co 43/ 63 Wm. I.l'Llendry...... d 1 .0 R. Sill ik Co ,10 Spanz. &C, 33 0 salvage an steamer Adams& VallitOCk aJ u 0 Li.Ba:nard 6-100 $20,107 84 100,000 00 70511 3 788 37 4 003,003 -2,3u0 UU 0,271 05 $237,710 56