tAWAL AFFAIRS. R 1' 11 A N S' FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. THE ANNUAL PIC-NIC, A' THE BENEFIT OF ST. PAUL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC ORPHAN ASYLUM, Will come otT on MONDAY, the bth of July, at McFARLAND'S GROW On the lino of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Swing's sand will Le in attendance. Care will leave the Liberty Street D.-pot, every half hold - , .`.raring the day—conneenokig at 0 Cov.rt 01 Quarter coslone Before President Judge William B. /11'Clure, and Associate Judge 3 Adams and Perko. TUDSDAY. Juno 29. Commonwealth vs. Isaac Callahan, a colored man, charged with larceny in stealing a cloth coat from Garret Fitzgerald, during last April. The jury, after a short absence, returned a verdict of guilty, and the prisoner wee remanded for sentence, Commonwealth vs. Matthew Keep and John Gib lin, charged with eNtortion in demanding and receie ing money from Sarah Ann Ntff, under pretext of protecting her from difficulty ou account of selling liquor. We have already elated the facts of thin MO at some length. Sarah Ann Neff testified to the Faroe facts ss laid down in the information before Al derman 'Rogers, and also stated that While had paid tho money back to her, and made several attempts to settle tho matter, endeavoring to make her believe that, if taken. to Court, it would cause her much trouble, end put her to considerable eruense. Mr. Collier road the act of 1856, making it incum bent on police office to return the names of all per sons on thoir bailiwick who sell liquor, and offered in evidence the totem of ti leer Giblin coder this Art, in which the Enna:, of Si.teli Aim Net:' did not appear. Ho also offered the bill 3 of indictment egainot Sarah Ann Neff for perjury, keeping a bawdy house, and selling liquor without license, the first two having been ignorod. There were introdueed to show the tinny:l:An of guilt. The Mown ;31illod Aldelman Donaldson to die. prove assertions made by tile prosecuting witness, concerning Keep, which he did to come tout. He also testified to the good character of Keep. Oaken Barton mid Maxwell corroborated tho tes timony of the Alderman, and testified that Mts. Neff's character far truth aad ve.aoity idevi.ms to this tranzaction was bad." Tho Conitr.onworaCl ilitroduced some zebritting evidence to show that. Mr.:. Neff had a good char acter among her ili , ight , .lrE, and the testimony closed. Hon. P. C. Shaennn nAdo a llowory sproch, in which he appal:it - A strongly to the sympathies of the j ory for his client, nt langth on tho oppolod hod t - -hartwAGr ci the pccEec lair. Mr. Those M followc.d in I,chali of l: cep in a speacl of half an and - Air. Coiner, tho Diatr;at the ca• in a f: - ..rcible and energetic Funiccin,r tho his usual ''aline manner. hc, tho jtc1i93763 of nine 0',ic..11: thin h.).! tt.a i'arb sill g.) to if.) ,!aid. uiblin „111 in nil n e z,,i,:ibilltv but tho eviannee n.t TiLe Caze lit the C,,urt of oyer ar.3 Tarhuitter, Th•Ait, - ,2 Bi. itir,rAalh counsel Davia 5. EY.IIJB, ehargod with, the onurder of hia iiife, read tho lewint; affidavit ffGU/ 0.3 I,riocror thg a c.use for the postpuer.taent of the trial of tb,3 case until the 03t;.,her term : - Ccumonwealth Court of Oyer and vs. Terminer. David S. Evans. 1 Juno tarns, 1553. David S. Evans, being duly sworn, according to law, doth depose and say : That sinco the finding of a true bill against him fur murder, ho has, through his counsel, been busily engaged in preparing for trial; that he dada he cannot safely go to trial with. out the attendance of John Varner, LOW in Illinois, but who he expects will bo in Pitt?burgh by the next term of Court; that Andrew J. Gribben, of Virginia, is also a materiel witness for the defense, whose at tendance he expects to be able to socuro by the next term of Court. Deponent further states that a lum berman from Lundy .Lairo creak is an important witness for deponent; that said lumberman resides either in Jefferson or Clearfield county, in the State of Pennsylvania; that his testimony, as ho is in fo-ill-M.l by his counsel and verily believes, is vital to his denim.); that he has boon using every effort to_ obtain the attendance of the above mentioned wit nesse?, ay.d is satisfied that their attendance cannot be Eeoured in time for trial during this term. Further, deponent saith that this application is made, not for the purpose of delay, but in good faith, beeause ho is sure that his defense cannot be fairly and folly made without the attendance of the above Wit1:18190.3. DAVID S. EVANB. The counsel for Mr. Evans said that all possible endeavors had, L•een made to ascertain the name of the lumberman mantimed in the affidavit, but that they had all proved fruitless. Mr. F.vons had made a ruotuorondum of his name in a small Look, rhioh had been mislaid,'and the counsel stated that they could not fairly go to trial without this important witness. On the affidavit of Mr. E vans and the statement of facto made by the couwel, the court granted the application. 'Tno ease will therefore be postpoued uatil the neat term of this court in October. Terrible Accident. A shacking and most probably fatal aceident cc. mined at the rectifying distillery of J. Jr, T. Ciroutt, cn the corner of First and Smithfield streets, about six o'clock last evening. A part of the rectifying apparatus consists of a large reservoir, capable et containing about one hundred barrels, placed in the cellar, the only communication with which is by so 4.arture in the floor, about two feet long and fifteen inches in width, through which barrels are emptied in`o the reservoir. This reservoir being empty, Henry M'Kee, a warehouseman in the employ of the firm, descended through the aperture, for the purpose of cleaning out the tank, carrying with hint a lighted candle. He bad searco!y descended when tho vapor in the reservoir ignited from the candle, and the whole inside was in a blaze. M'Kee screamed for help, and made his way to the aperture, the only means of exit, but owing to its being so narrow, some time elapsed before,. with much difficulty, he was extricated. When ho was first taken hold of, the skin peeled off his arms, and he fall back. Ho Is in a terrible situation, and it is almost impossible that he can recover. it is feared that he inhaled the burning vapor, which he could baldly oieipe while his mouth was open when calling fur essistaaee Tindlo was sent fur and did all in his power to relieve the suffering man. His arms, breast and heed aro terribly burned, r,e be was in his shirt sleeves at the time no went down. ArKeo has bean employed in the establishment for several years. He is an un married man, boarding at tho corner of Webster and Tunnel streets. The tics was estizffnished without injury to the building. The .Tai :odic2C,Al 3 / a giatrule,--The question cif the legality of commitments by Aldermen for disor• derly conduct ryill prabal,ls be tested at the null term cf Court. Uo lu.d. Saturday, Alderman Itosurs, of the Sixth Ward, cc -Juneau-A a married woman named iTugcnt fir disorderly conduct. She re• mained in jail until she was relaabed on payment of the costs. liar husband, baniel Nugent, feeling himself aggrieved, has unfelt,' suit against the Al, dery aufor false imprisonment, and a copies has been 'sena& Proceedings have also been commenced gai ne t officer Jones, Alderman Rogers' constable, and Mrs. Maur liatoman, the person on whose in formation Mrs. Nugent was arrested. Thomas Mel. lon mid' John M. Itirkpatrielf, Esqs., have been mu played as counsel by Mr. Nugent. This is a ease of sumo importance, as it will probably be made a test as to the committing power of city Aldermen in cases of this kind. Admitted.—ln tho Court of Quarter Sessions, yesterday, on motion of E. H. Stowe, Esq., William llelefftt was admitted to practice in the courts over which Judge M'Clure prcsidea, having been examined and found properly qualified. Sun.strack..—A drayman, named Sampson, was run struck in Allegheny yesterday morning. Medi cal attendance was procured, and ho is recovering. To Experimenters.—lt is too often tho case that when afflicted by attacks of "cold," or diseases of the throat and lungs, mon launch forth into a diem.. &red system of experiments, trying this and that pretended curative, and getting worse as a general thing, in return for their trouble and expense. It gives us pleasure to recommend to all such "oases" the medicine known as Bowman's Vegetable Com pound, which, we are well assured, is better calcu lated to effect a cure than any nostrum with which we aro acquainted. We presume it can be bad of limy respectable druggist. -fe Central Board of Education. The Central Board of Education held a special meeting last evening in their office nt the nigh School. The Principal of the High School stated that the teachers were not prepared to furnish a full report o the examination of applicants for the High School but that ho was ready to report those who had come up to the requirements of the law. The following were then reported as having passed a satisfactory examina ion, entitling them to admission into the High School. Nov. 4,5, 30, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47, 64, 68, 85, 90 , 94, 101, 104, 117, 149, 218, 236. A number of others came nearly up to the stand ard, but do not meet the requirements of the law. The number of applicants for admission was ono hundred and eight. On motion, it was resolved that the pupils holding the above numbers be notified of their admission to the High School. On motion, it was resolved that tho following numbers, which had approximated to the rule, should bo admitted, provided they coma up to the standard on a second examination : Nos. 10, 13, 21, 58, 65,81, 82, 116, 166, 227, 234, 238. On motion, the Secretary was requested to notify the passed pupils to report themselves to the Prln4 olpal of the High School on Wednesday, Juiy 7th. The faculty were authorized to appoint a day for the re-examination of the approximating scholars in the studios in which they failed. The business for which tho Board was called hay. log now been transacted, they adjourned. Sudden Death.—On Monday Coroner Alexander was called upon to hold an inquest on the body of a German named William Schabering, who died sud denly at his residence in East Birmingham, on Sun. day afternoon. lie had been ill, and was attended by a Linela physician, who was suspected of mai, preetico by the friends of tho deceased. A physi. °inn made a post mortem examination, and gave it as his opinion that Schabering died of congestion cf the lungs. A verdict in accordance with his testi , mony was rendered by the jury. Murder at Whet.liag.—A man named Bollinger, a shoemaker by trade, was murdered in Wheeling on Monday night, and /OR body thrown in the creek. Ile had received several severe strokes on the head and are's. Suspicion rested upon a man who boarded at Bollinger's house. The wile of the deceased is a woman of bad repute, and kseps a saloon and house of ill fame, on Union street, in Wheeling, at this time. A warrant was issued for the roan upon whom suspicion rests, but he is among Ihe missing. T,ro Horses Killed.—On Monday afternoon, Mr. Lower, a teamster, was driving two horses attached to a wagon load of lumber ; up the turnpike road lending to Mount Washington, the heists backed the vrazon over the aids •f: the 10;1. draT.Ting them with it. The Cores wore both killud, and the wagon was broken in pie , .‘o?. Mr. L. is a man win.) makes his living by his lubir at:d a aabseriptisn is on fort Among the eitizons Mount Vt'ashiugtk...a ts per slime ancater : . eatu tor him. A A LcrEe turnitere wagon, diicen by it mail whoi.e nat..° we were unable to learn, rcc 0.1 on Penutvivunia avenue last evening, and jumped over the ezenvatieb muds tor the neu. .thur3h near the center of Elm atrE.A. Teo wan was thr:•au out and his face terribly bruigoil by the fall. The wegcu was brckort to piecuc, but ciagularly enough, the horse escaped without a serateh. Lb%) man `Oho was atabbed by his brother• ia•law, John mitt, in Allegheny, on Saturday night last is in lALcut the same condition as on Monday. If inflammation can be prevented, he will recover; If not, his caEo is perilous is the extreme. A hu,le ran off on Federal street, Allegheny, yes• tarday, and the escape of three children who were on the street at the time from being run ever was al- moat miraculous, the excited animal being stopped by running against a post when within a few feet or them. 11<-1,1 to 11 , 2i1.—Offlaere Keep and M'Kolvy, of Allegheny, charged with maltreating El prisoner, have been arrested and held to bail. Beuchnor, the is said to be in a critical nnniiitirm_ and his recovery is somewhat doubtful. Polies bushiest' wee very dull yesterday, both in Pittsburgh and Allegheny, nothing of any note hay ing occurred. Buyers of Fashionable Clothing, for either men's or boy's wear, are directed to the establishment of J. L. Caraaghan, Federal street, Allegheny city. His work will be found neatly cut and well trimmed and made. Fine piece goods of the newest styles kept on hand for custom work. TUE tiItEAT DRAWBACK to persins emigrating to the extreme Weeteru country, is the great fear they have of the Fever and Ague—the most direful of all diseases. Every day wo hear of persons attacked by this disease and made helpless In a short time, without any means of affording relief. la view of the great demand for a remedy, Dr. HOSTETTER has preambd his celebrated 11IT PERS, whose cruelly po's'es far all diseases of the stomach have been universally acknowledged. The "Bit. tera," prepared after a long experience and deep study,have . team' the enumilacas of the most eminent physicians, as well as all clastiA, from every part of our country. To those who doubt their many virtues, all we can say is, to try .hcin sad judge fir themmlvos, respectively. For bate t y and dealers generally, everywhere, Li:METTER Po SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 69 Water and 62 Front streets. 68 A AIEDIEINIE, AS A BEVERAGE, A 8 AN Appotisor, as II restorative, as a Bolan, as a gentle eibilerafit, its a dial in manhood and a help in age. there is nothing like J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED BTOMAOLI 11111E118, they era pronounced by all wlri use theca, to be for euporlor to may preparation of the kind now in use. They are a sale cure for Dyspopiia,a,stivonesa,General Do• Wilts, Weakness of the Stomach, etc., and a preventive of moat of the pi evailing diseasea of the day. They [Mould be kept and used by every family, especially at this season of the year, when Was of appetite 11 so prevalent. Nu family consulting their own interest cnu atf,rd to do without them. As many spurious articles are put up and sold as genuine, be sure au I call fir J. IL Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the article purchased beers the name of J. Oliu as inauLlA,:turor .1 0 : , r alb., by J. M. OLIN, sole proprietor and manufacture r, o. 237 Penn strict, Pitt4burgh, Pa, and by druggists and -12 d,ttora JOSEPH MEYER, MANI; FAOTUREit l'auzy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, warek-oams, 42-1 Penn titre t 9 ABOVE TEE CANAL fiRIDUE, Aril- in r.adui t tLu aka' br,ainc,ss I 'Ago denote atilt inn t., UNDfIRT A EIN,I 11,af,...i cr.,l Ouriagej furittal.4. WILLIAM C. GALLACIIIER, PROPRIETOR, Fijth Strut, I•Teg,t D ri lo the Fltt,thurgh 'lobo honao is now, built aspeolaily for tho port:odes of a Fhat Claes Restaurant and Saloon, end tho proprietor Lay• fug had many yeara oal•orion.'•o in tho basiatsa will keep constantly on hand tha beat that the markots afford. r His Liquore and Alas, era of tho boat quality. He wants all Lis old trionda and the public generally to give him u call at the Symposium. __ lJeltly rIIE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. I —This well-kuJwa and pdpular annual, formerly pub lished by Johnston & Stockton, after a lapse of years, will eget!, shortly Le issued. The circulation' as formerly will Le made by tde skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, Ley., who will also prepare fur Its pages such reading mat ter as will wake it an entertaining and instructive maga slue. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a now and ingenious table of time, au accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and other matters of permanent value will be added. Orders of took.sollers - and other dealers are solicited in advance of publication, as but one edition will to printed, and orders will be tilled according to priority. WSI. G. JOHNSTON & 00., Publishers, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh je22 MANILLA PAPER.—A large lot various sizes, for sale by WM. Q. JOHN ON a CO., ea Parer Prudent. 67 I.Vngul it. WOOL WANTED—The highest market price paid for farmers wool, by JAMES A. RETZKII, Corner Market and First streets. POTATOES. -300 Eaolcs choice white No. shannoch Potatoes, large and good, Just received and for sato by .. JAS. A. NZTZER, m r 24 Corner Market and Mist eta. VEATHERS--Prime Country Feathers, in .n: lots to snit purabadere, jut reed and for sale by . „ TAKE F 1513.-25 bbls. Lake Superior White Fish, jut received and for Bala by JAMES A. FETZER, jel9 ()error Market and Fiat streets. NEW MACKEREL-25 bbL3. new No Mackerel, Jut received and for sale by MoWiIiDLESAMig 00, je22 Oorner Wood end Water streets. T TSB ROH, PA rn~'d:dly--l~ JAS. A. FETZER, Corner Markot and First streets COMMERCIAL. wrzrrsue,untain BOARD OF TRA.DM AND MERCHANTS , EXCHANGE. 'Strident. %7. H. WILLIAMS. Vice Preii4m:s. ttEMIGT, Int, ISAIAH DICKEY, 2d. Treaturcr. N. FtOrAirtiß, JR. Nrsperinteredeml. JOSEPH SNOWDEN. Limurnitlfe of Arbitration for June. Y. It. [MUNDT, V. P., JUAN S. COSORAVE, J. B. CANFIELD, SAMUEL SHRIVER, DAVID M'CAIsIDLERS. 7,,,; ipyrTsuunciii MARKET. Carefully Reported by JOSEPH SNOWDEN, Superintend‘it of the Merchants' Exchange. Paranoia, Juno 20, 1859. FLOUR...The sales today amount to 550 bble. viz :—From store:-12.6 bbls. at $3,60 for superfine, $4 for extra, and $0,50 for extra family , 75 bbls. superfine, extra and extra family at $3,02, $l, and $4,50 for the three grades: 60 tibia. choice white wheat extra family at $473. We have no sales from first hands to-day. GRALN—SaIes 50 bush. Oats from wharf at 27%c. and 100 bush. do, from store at 30c. V bush. DAY—Salad of 0 loads from the ettlee at from $9 to $l2 V ton. SUGAR—Bales of 10 hhds. prima N. 0. at 7%c. B.9.o , lN—Salen of 2000 lba. Hams at 0 , and 1600 the Shoulders at 7c. V. lb. EGOS—Salea of 800 doz. at 7 'II doz. DRIED FRIJIT...SaIea of IS both. Peaches from store at $3,83 V bash. POTATOES...SaIea of 25 bush Rod at ZiOc. and 25 bush. Nestiannocks from store at 55c. V bush. WHISKY -Sales of 68 bbls. rectified In late at 22®23e.11 gallon. Philadelphia Market. Plait IMLPITIA, June 2d.—Flour 13 dull; only 800 Lids of extra were sold at $4,62@5; superfine is offer id at $4,25. The receipts ar,3l,ollng oil. Therdis nothing doing in Rye Flour or Corn Meal. Wheat sells slowly at $1.,,C.5 for red, rind $1.1.e@1,15 1.,r white. Ryd is nu:ch wanted at 70c. Corn active at the advance noted yesterday. Oats • ell: sales of Pennsylvania at 40c. Whisky unchanged; sales of bills at 22%; hhd3 at 21;!,, and drudge at 20%6321. In Groceries and vrovislona there id no chance. Sales of Mess Pork in a small way at $l7. Hams at 10Q11!4c; silo; et S., and shoulders at do. Ai avi Yorl Market Niw YORE, Juno 29.—Cottau; sales 500 bales at 12; for uplauds midallug; them, is but little inquiry and price are wank. Flour is heavy; except southern, which is active; 10,ta) bids sold. Vi'lleat heavy; 00,000 bush sold at $1,25 ter southern while. C“rn heavy; 28,V1) bush mixed at 65(.407. Perk firm at .11.6.bd for Mess amd 81%,35©13,Lit I' or prime.. Lard firm at 1034(:011. Wlpshy steady. Hagar brim Porto Rico ,uuscavaile Th. Correa quiet, but firm at 10 Talky, - weakly; 1•21),000 the sold at Freights heavy. Wow York Stock I i kai. Frs Vi.f.r, June '29 - Stacks dull, and to , g4r. La 1.21, , 5a and 6 1 '119 - dikes ltfich. Surnidtrn N. V. C.. utral Readthg Virgtnia (s'.l ti.;; s.lfirsoartaltes 57.• .; Eris 3:. Cie - . - eland and T..ltalo CAULRUIIi and CiG. muati ii. La Cro., - .) land grants ditkk kal. eiNCLAMTI, JUDO 19.—Firerunrhung,f, HAI Ti,,;‘, NV hi+h - v fti 19, 'l't.,lo Ia a fsir chuoilif Nth., Ltlf evhf 1.1.4, I,F. cl.miug at C., nnJ p.,ked for ilit. , af.hird ethd Nvtl.ing e-11,41!,!et au,' al.le 1,1,:4 Ei. , /, dy at :4' Sug fire tit tP_; 1., h 10!„:411';:, CANDIDATES f,utirrd hisuaelf Co tha U-rY y Al:t.dioLo county, act a Landidato fut St, rift; e,at t, tta iomnlua uY ttin Democratic Coureu BARNES FORD, 1.P.,1 Upper St Clair. Id-nr candidate befr.ra th, next Detn.:crutto Oencoutlou for the ofTico of Con.aer, and esti:3 the aupp,,rt of the lle tuccraoy fJe l l LE YOX RNA. STEALMBOATS. caNc.trvaLATl. Nor Cincinnati. The el.guut side wheel, paziwouger packet SUPERIOR—Capt. liatamtitu J. GaAca—will loavo Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, on TIIIB DAY, the 4t' last., at 12 o'clock, tz. For freight or passage apply rn board, or to FLACK, DARNES it CO., Agonts. Through to St, Louis in fiva dap:. This Dm% connects with the mail line, and will go through in the time sped. She will leave on Saturday. ep22 ZANESVILLE. For Marlette laud Zal:eas•llle. The ateamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. blot+. no AYRES, will leave tor the above and al intermediate porta on every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, I'. M. Par frnisibi or passage apply on lx.ard Iffa Ci ff CAT., Prl 13 '''---_-,- i 4 U 71,1 5i1,, <4l Z 174 J iii COD '.* , `fr :l -4E O I 1,._, - , Iw'tiiirKif. F. c .„ ; .. .... 1 ' ‘ ,l '!"-.-4V.Zd vi I-EP. r P7O el .1 11, ,b.,.1-. t "ia — , . , i . !,nN tr b ?„4.7i ~,„•; .•,-.,#- ,a -itr•- , l",t r , ti . I 111.1--',!- I.iipaptaii ___, ! I- 1 -.? i L-, , + , • 112_24 V',4 ''' q _... ft y.- 7—. F ,41 .4',4, ,—, .....--1-F.. .jr,--.74t7: c.,#) rq,,, -I,v-4. ,- _:--7 , -:_ , -- -- ,--_-%- 4:1 , , f i .1. '' NO. 133 WOO STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., -I_IAVE JUST RECEIVED TIIE I R large SPRING STOOK OH ROOTS AND SHOES, consisting of a groat variety of seasonable and fashionable goods adapted to spring and summer sales. Having boon purchased for elan, at reduced prices, they Pei warranted in saying that they can supply Western merchants, by the package or dozen, at as low prices so the same quality of goods can be purchased in the Eastern cities. Particular attention given to orders. .Wtr Also, a goal supply of Nov York and Spanish Bole Leather. ap7:ara...l3 AfTILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OF RENNSYL VANI A. 1111. Exteurvre Onisiuse, t liarrisbu! g, June 3, 1853. It is hereby ordered, that a " Camp of Instructlen " be held at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the present year, end tha Atijntant General cf the Common wealth id directed to tix the time thereof—to tali° charge of the errencemmita—to attend In p.m:o, and to ',tine the creamery ordors to the General titalf, and other Military officers of the Commonwealth in relation to the 63,11113. W If. F. PACK ICIt, Commander-lu-Clifvf. A ILTUTAST GLIETO.I . 6 ilarriiburg, June 3,13158. It, obedier,o to the above order from I-load-Quarters, a " Cue,p of instruction" will to hold at Williamsport, Ly cawing cuunty, Peur...ylvania, cemmenolng at 12 it., cot Toolotay, the 7th day of September, I 655, To continue until SATUSLIA V, ilia 11th day of avid anith, at 12 u, of said day, to he called Camp liusquottanua." I. This ts, ticampmeut is Intended to Include the uniform ed companks throughout the State, 141,, ale ea, u.3tly re quested to be in prompt attendance. 11. The Major Generale, Brigadiet Clenei At, uud Itrigede Inspectors of the several otrieiene and brigades, are req Are,l to report to my office kL3 soon as possible, what companies and field tracers will ba in attoulmae front their reepztit , e commands—with the Lumber of man in each company, the names of the Captains, and their Poet Oiitrc address. Ht. Pilo Aile4la-Camp and all other ulcers of the ilrand Stall of the Ceram:Lula-1n Chief are ordered to be to at• tendance, mixed and equip;red In fall parade dross. IV. All compaoles in attendance rte required to hang with thorn nil unit and camp equipage they may have V. The iirtgale litspoctors, of every brigade, will report at once to my office, what E. - it - Apace toLlengtht b., the Ent, to In the limits of their rommond. VI. Tho Major General of the Elatautti Dirie thaa. U. H. Jickwin, shill be the EGZI6C 0111,1•1 i,ll duty, and hu to heroby charged with the immediate arraugamauts for neat Enomapinarit, and i 3 cidored to sport W this office far far titer inatraztione ordA of the Commander-in-Chia. EDWIN C. WILSON, Jab) Adjutant Geuerui or Penusylvenlo. Suannaer Lager seer. fiIHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform Ma friends and the public in general, that he to in the daily receipt of thin delicious Beer, from the well• known Brewery cf J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, It having been prenommed to be the best that was manufactured hero fur many yeara,CLlCAll, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN RiYlll, ap.'2.l-tf At his old atand, No. 211 Mamma. 111"I'CLICOCK, 51 3 CREERI1 & CO. (suouzsou vo liorraism, ISPOnEsnr & C 0.,) - 14 1 0RWARDIN4 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Meer and Wool, No. 11.4 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. aaiasnaose:J Springer Harbaugh, Joseph E. Eldcr, St. Louis; Pittsburgh; Fenton Bros., H. Childs & Co., " Cornell k Dorsey, Baltimore; Replay, Cosgrove & " Garret &Martirt,Philadelphis; McCandless, Means & Co., James, Kent, Santee & Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver & Graham, Geo. hi. Os L. Hord, Cincinnati Keene, Sterling & Co., " A. B. Penton & Bros., " Yard, Gilmore k Co., " my3litf TRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap ples, just received and for sale by McCANDLESS, RUNS & CO., Corner Wood and Water streets. 10 BAGS Drief i l l ic Aale r t: 0 4f 0 ° B 1 (1 - m eal & b i 00., mr24 Non. 18 and 20 Wood atreo pOINT BOX FACTORY.- BUSIES. & OUTENDORF Illannecture to order, BOXES Suitable for soar and Candles, Hardware and Variety Goode, etc., etc. ti a„ Orden promptly tilled. mv2 : , TIIST received another assortment of BOOTs ft, and SHOES, consisting of ladles' Heel Boots and Slip pers, Gent's, Boys 'a Youth's, and a large variety of Chil dren Fancy Shoes. Please give ns a call, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOSEPH IL BORLAND, jel9 93 Market street, second door from Fifth. A DWELLING HOUSE cn Third street joi for rent. 8. CUTHBERT & BON. jeZ) I 1 Market street. EMS SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLY INn WITH VIE URAILNT REQUEST OP HUN DRHDS OF THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. FITCII AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGII, And may be consulted at their office, No, 191 Ponm street, OPPOSITE 81. CLAIR HOTEL, etrept Sundays, for coNsumPTIoN, ASTHMA, BRONOLIITIS and ALL 'IRONIC COMPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary dinage, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of Else Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, 4e. bt39 it SYKES would state that their treatment of Censamption is based upon the fact that the disease exists in 11 a blood and system at large, both before and during its d.sroaspititnt in thetungs, and they therefore employ Median- Ltd, 115 gion lc and Medical remedies to purify the bloiid and strengthen the system. With Mess, they use MEDICAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Baia tit% (haring no Ca rative dials when used alone,) and bare [lda are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be repo heal in a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as boforo stated, the seal of the disease is in the blood and as effects infi fu the ASO- No charge for consultation. A list of queations will ha sent to those wishing to couau it us by letter. cuy29aLtw LICK/FLAN D'S oEituAN uirrans TAKE TILE LEAD. Dear sir—Your German Bitters are taking the lead of ell ether roediclue4 fur clAtuule diseased, etc, and are dulling raj - 41y. Please solid bus itillae,t/Lit,:l), at w•e shall be Out before it arrives. Truly yuure, LYNCH. 4. DAVIS. Georgia, Jauuary 1, 181,1. Da. E. L. .I.ItOLI.LICKER. said : 1 am tia,Ty to say that your ()drawl. llltt.rs ata vatu iag a gruat reputation. I think U will, tu iat ura, sail rapidly.' LO, UuJt gln, k),:tul,er W. M.A ‘I3.Y I CO., SAL' Your 151t.0.4d, thungh eutwoly a tiLit.,v.o cunaty, hags aukd rapidly„ and !good g,it;.,id,..L1.,1/." Eas tolvarastaa,at. Eliati by //Ltislfllo 13.R03.51“1 - Dr. DSC. 11. LNYS Pittabuf - 6 . h. ' .i utlw 1101°63 givengivenetoco 11, i ' t'l —N k o . rocho Mt N LIAM AND PITTSIIII It i 4 BAIDLIE GLJA.I VAN Y, that an alectioa wHI h., hula at tho hotivu of JAllit'S DttAUDY , in thu Bfrthi.g bum, uo MOND tY, thu bib day of July, /Kii, betwoo:: thu how.. of t: and 4r. fo• thu purpoa.t ut uleatiub a l't Troasur,r, an I ton Dif0.1...r0 tar lhu .03 . 12:1W W. M • b ' tcert-st y. CITIZENS' INSU1114: COMI'.INI', Juito loth, 1t54 y CV,TUE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS or TO Li Outlipauy havo Ulla day .lodaru.l ati.vidot t 1 DOLLARS L'Elt Ski ARE all thu Capita! St,Jo's.--lla dulloca payoblo in ellti Cu thu Btookhuldeta ur thJir kg.. 11 tativod, furthwith, and tuna dollar of aditod to j.J11.1ec2.)1 SAMUNI, S. 31.Att..01 Li., Socrotor. F.IONONGALLELA SAVINti ruso NoTIOE—Thu Stack oi [tic, al,Lia 11.13ffla Chia, will roata,u upon !Jr a Ohua WILL, al Ow ottLio, au uu U. au I Ott COL. Illy pue=l.4l.'.illliig uili th;., will b., turt.i.thod with a Eh , Clo , to. and 11, •lust J 3 ...ch., u , r 11, LJidb• rr,ciJ,.Lt I=l J. r'.. I ASI R.,110,1, Nun:, A S Nlt J ti;)" , 61.111 uRITC, DOLLAR .e.,AVINthi BANK, Nu. 13E. FL:i - al 611e,[ I. , Etirrt/i/t.i lh I[ll this 1,4,40 ,ay, will draw iutd,ezt twin that data. juz:Zit CLIA.i. A. COLTON, Tc.3asanz. China, Gass, and queenswarce. EYEING STOOK JUST OPENED, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF Mi• 1467 . 2FIL 2rl Ica- , 122 Woad street, Pittsburgh, Pa. yiIIO IS NOW REOEIVINO FROM Europe and Eastern Cities, a Choice. 113:1Jt11111.11t of articles in his line, comprising 115 W and tasteful ehapes of Pearl White Stone Tea. Dining and Tutlot Were, and the same in Plain, Gold, Lustre Band and Flue err, Fine White. Vitrified Iron Stone TaLlo Warn, known to be the roost dur able now In use for LLetela and Steamboats; French China of new styles, in Pure White and Goldlland, either in sets or single plecein Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Sets; Brlt• tannic and Plated Castors; German Silver Tea Table tipool.lB, 800 p Ladles, eta., plated with silver; line Ivory Handlei Carving, Tea and Table Knives and Forks; Tea Walters and Trays; Shaker and Sea grass Table Slabs Japaned and Dec orated Tin Toi.et Set. a cmapleto and fall assortment of all articles mita hle for the C)UNTRY MADE, at price 3 to please the public, *sip) are respectfully invited to emamino this stock. irruMllznilaut LAKE SUPERIOII COPPED .5111,14 :7:MELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY CO,, MANUFACTURERS OF SLIE A.TILING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Raised Still Bottoms, Spatter Solder, Ge, also importers and dealers in :Metals, Tin Nat 3, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c. Constantly on hand, Tinmon's Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 First, and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any daaired pattern. tey2o:lydaw DELIVERED EVERY IVIORN ING.— Forney'e Press, Public Ledger, N. Y. Times, Herald and Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your adds CM at HUNT lc MINER, jel Masonic . Hall Nrk CE CREAM SALOON, AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, NO. 27 FIFTH STI3.EET. The snbscrlher has Rued, and fitted np several COLIIIIIOdI - roma, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth greet, which aro now open for the Summar Season. La dies and gentlemen can always find an aLuadant eupply of FREStI CONFECTIONARY, FRU ,TS, ICE CREAM, WATER ICES, and all the refreshments of the tie4HOLI. All are respectfully requested to visit the rooms, and test for themselves. (jel0) DI. Id cUIN LE Y. ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM - 11J The undorsigned having Jut fitted up hie ICE OR RAM OA LOON in a very tasteful and comfortable style, would re. eventfully Inform his friends and the public generally, that be furnishes them a delicious TOE CREAM of different fla vors. Soda Water, Fresh Calum, Gum D:opo, Fruits, etc., ut all times on band, at the Confectionary of FRED. A. .‘cif Ell SCII. St. Clair street, opposite St. Clair Rotel. tel. Particular attention paid to orders fur Pte-Nice cud Pirtles. ine2thl m—me N O. G 5 MARKET STREET, BOLLINO ullie AT A JriklAT OUP THE NP'"'' ni lEnibroltieries aksti lusura a I c..ay I eIII 8111.1: F3ld mTOCti. WITIIWIT It Eti ok,Ar 1t.9 tioites LLJ I i.11,J, ad th,:y rysil 1 , ... i , 1114J at NO. CE , m.titaET hittEla, ilc.t - ,:atu Third and fe.. , n,th ateurti. 1 - 4 1 B.N ITU ft h; FOR (I ASII. A lull I Ytttahurgh ulanuit,tutd atuhtu,Aug BUREAUX, 13001( C:VIL.I9, WARD ItuljEz3, Aud awry srtl to tiuud.,l iu u Weil tarniihu.l dwu'diug, %eoll as n diAnlici u-i.surtenunt U I? 1 II; FURNIT E uu Laud dud wadu to order.onl y (01 - 1,16 ULI 'each bu,lli,..aa la Julio ut thl.3ustanltsnuient 13 t. 3/ Ut:111 1114 - ...u3 urn wade tlZcordiugly. I . E, 30,13 iu Want ut anything In the uhoyetind, would ha advautagud ty raping ut PAOKINNit A. IRWIN'S, No. lu?...tu,lilluold armor, t c hilt". J. i 0.13.51 Pd. lawn'. utt74.lv OIL WANTED-- 100,000 tn. Wool Wantui 6.t lighrat cash by LIITOIIeCrOK, 11.1'011,E1:10( A (;‘..)., je2l.:luidaw 122 Secat,d strict, and 151 1t,t,01. GENTS' SIIOES AND CIAITII.atS. 4,41 I. C P. M A Li A 1 .1.) E E S I A U 6 E P. C E fi' CHEAP. S' G PEOPLE'S —• u A SHOE STORE, A 1 . No. 17 FIFTH ST. 1 T T CHILDREN'S' SHOES jel) 100 BBLS. N. G C Lit T ,l . t it o t 6BG for v sa u le a b e y a, mr NO9. rit and 20 Wood atrea GROSS WOODS' HAIR, UP:int/RA .4 TIVR, for sale by je26 B. L. FAHNESTOCE .4 CO. 5 GROSS BAKER'S COD LIVER OIL, for rale by (je26) B. L. FAIINESTOCK & CO. $3 500 LAWRENCEVILLE PRO PERTY FOR SALE—A two story brick house of ball, good cellar, wash house, enable, carriage house, coal house, etc., choice limit trees, apple, pear, plum, cherry and quince. Great variety of flowers and shrubbery. The lot has a front of 83 feet on Ewalt street by 140 deep to Chesnut street. Tanis easy. is2B S. CIITIIBERT E SON, 51 Market et. AWNING RODS-1 set Awning Rods, for Salo by (1e 5 ) - HENRY B. COLLINS. HERRING -10 bbls. No. 1 Potomac Her ring; inn received and for sale by ZdoCANDLESB, MEANS if CO, je22 Corner Wool and Water streets. , • • '1 "r "0 bj t I• ' .1: - Zz, NMI EiTuNroN, duo., July 14, ISI3 1131'NGICS, miqr:2:ol l4 4qC:lo3 l ,ErSZ" ID 9 I NI)ES TR UCTI 1100141 N G • It TIT SS EL S PATENT MASTIC go.p. V A-4 0 CONSISTING OF CANVAS SATIJRATED WIWI!! RESINOUS SUBSTANCES , ETC, Ai.. M INT 'X' MI 3=l/ X INT S s 6 THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF Roofs, with Russell's Mastic. This composition is adapted for all kinds of Rood, fiat or strop; it can also be applied on Tin, Iron, or 0 d Shingles, making a perfect Job. This composition is not affected by atmospheric changes; it will neither crack nor run; It is impervious to water ; FIRE PROOF and more durable than any other kind of Roof ing. This roofing material is used in vae quantities throughout the United States, on Houses, Bridges, Rolling Mills, Railroad Oars, and Steamboats, giving entire satisfaction, and is considered a perfect protection from the elements. Although this roofing was only introduced here in 1556, It can be seen on unsay of the buildings in the city. Also, on most of the Railroads. I here refer to u few places where this Rooting is In use, and can be seen—Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad ; at Belle Air; Bridgeport; bilartinsville; Portland ; Lagrange ; Steubenvite ; McCoy's; Wellsville; Liverpool and Rochester Sin thins, and the Manchester Depot; Pennsylvania Central Railroad ; Spruce Creek Astoria Station, Mill at Tipton and Par sonage at Altoona; Allegheny City, Westminster College, and many ether Buildings; Pittsburgh, J .Ifeettlly' d Ware house; Ben. Trimble's Hotel; also, numerous others ill this city. All orders left at No. '241 LIBERTY SPREET, I•Fl'l'Sittlft.(lll, (where samples of the ma terial can be seen,) will receive prompt attention, by apt W. F. FAHNESTOCK , Agent . . . - BUSINESS CARDS J. & T. GRO uvr, LNPORMa or BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, En., DEALBILS IN 4'lNti til.D AIoNONOAIIEr A BYE PF.A UIF AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, +Oorna.• 43r HinitiAlisid eina Vtunt StroaLi, PITTSBURCIFI, PA S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MAN G YACTL,IIEacs OF Ju A'iU ALL KtNb F ViLLAPPING 14' 11. 301 3Fel, 9 Witreletalse, Nu. 'lt Wood .411•450, ii, buagat at mat tat I, lc, y my S gli.EitiOW ALL. j 01IN LtldOtillEAD has rani3v,3l to k bt. cut, b.lwer arli ot .3 43 RI 111 ft) db fiZtti 41 A kis) GUM MISSION MERCfI AN T, I=l EaYG ME rAL Atari riLuorsas. t 4 71 K A i'Llt RUE P, ti r. LOW MAI( IC Ea, r 1 11 Pli 7 1 7 3131TfiN11, I'.l VlTTSittlitebil S'AtitA, lb t --TN.). L. IJUVO...„.Na t.L.L." Ii)NES, BOYD 4'4 r!MS!EilEM!II!I S T re. Y.: Ef A t3PftiNUS Atth AXt.Ed. Coriacit lISLOD arta re 21•6( jy2 PITT:I I 3URGti, PA MOORHEAD &\ CO.i 211NUFACTURIO2 OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, lor Rooting, Guttering, Spoutlog, :to AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATIOIII RUSSIA SHEET IRON Warehouse, No. 130 Flrat atrtet. mr26:ly•is EMIR= HD. s'. ROGERS &. CO., HANISPAOTPRHP,O OP ROOMS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORNER Roes AND FIIIST STP-ENTB, WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA. .S 4 -• Aiways on band, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Brandies, Old Monongahela cud Boctifled Whisky, of the Co best •ZralitSP. doldyde: JAMES A. -FETZER, Forwarding and Conimmion Merchant, POI: TJI Jima 07 lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of 132mrket and First streets. PITTSBIIdGH. PA. Knout To—Francis G. Bailey, Par., William Dilworth, Sr., . Cuthbert d; Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Ileiskell A wearingen, 8. Brady, Oasl‘. 111. & U. Bank. List t Howell, Slanglo do On, George W. Anderson, Doulu Paxton a 00. 471maIng. mylS-t.f HARDWARE. c b .AMIIEL FAHNESTOOK, No. 74 WOOD ).„Y street, Pittsburgh, has on hand a largo STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which he will sell very low for CASH. In addition to his Locks, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large assortment of Carpenter's Tools, he hoe received a Largo au p ;Ay of Sausage Cutters and iltufrern • Shovels, Tongerct and Poket ; Sleigh Boltz, and Enameled Preserving Kettles. L. C. lIIS.PBURN, VIT. 0 ItNi E. It AT LAW AND 09NVEYAITOElt ovilaa No. CO Want, KNIGibdT, warAs9avE AND 112.TAls. FIRST PRE MINI REAM MADE LINEN ES.`; NlO OK MA Arill'A TOR I; NO. 6043 ARCH STREET, 4.ADELPitia. hicaluo .And (Jotten ULelor dhlito eul Drav, Ova vets, tioarfi. Utoves, IlandlierchlAs, an., Dreading (iuwn? Shirts, Wrappers, and Dresi Sto2kß ma -le to odor I omunt, and warranted to give satisfacti,,n. jeiayd E. kb. BR° , =l3l WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO DV ALERS IN FINE 01,0 Wli - LiSli.vs, Nu. 6, Nola!! FIWNT STREET, CIO AND SE:, 1E it Cr E P. WERTZ'S Ceturfsi Pteikkifiudia Ellad eactory, OnTINI;111 VII RD AND NI Arui ET , lIIIOSE WISHING TO FURNISH TII EAR VENIT.LANBLIND, ,a,At q ui • da. awl elAborat-dttulati, will find It t., tL tr lute, sta agira ILse c. la Id got Liv Ly Ligo L.,et I.l.l3atalii,d (nut OpprOutic.,,) y ti istrol.lt ttwould 01 lOW. All ,N istscru.t.d. No. 71'a' dab BtrGo., Plttabilt 131. A. DAVID ti. WILLIAriIB, eIIVIL ENUINILER AND (JUNTRACTOR k./ kW; TUE EREgiloN o:.' OAB WOR:E.2, for frzb, ,0 ti,ll /acid awl cipwa.rda, nu.] toa 0,11,11 d 1 ,, 1 i uta, by eteum, 11.4 Wnbor tll Ley&lirld PVl . l'BBLifitill. PA . _ CARTWIRAGEIT & liO Jiil43, (.146:esiors t John air/ wright,) NUFAOTURERS AND IMPORTERS g ut rueket uud Table Cutlery, gurgle dead cal Dew. Cal Icatrutheuts, tiuus, Pistols, Ifishiug Tackle, etc., N.. 116 Wwil street. They give special attuntiuu the uinuutactur• ag of Transco, Supporters, etc. JublAtig and liel.a.irlng Ith punctuality end despatch. apl7 1100 ACON.-2500 llama, Sides and Shoul- Jul dera—country cured—a good article, for sale by WM IL SICITH & 00. L'RENCII PAPER HANGINGS.—New designs and very beautiful—reeelved by late arrivale, for sale by W. P. /MARSHALL a CO., =25 impeder' end Derdera. ST Wood street. WHISKER BLONDE.-500 doz. White Whisker Blonde for Bonne: Borders, received, and will be sold very low to Milliners by the piece, at sn23 I.loaNFift. 77 Afarkat stroo'. COFFEE. -200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by WhL IL SMITII 00.. 118 &cond. and 147 Yiret street:. fIARRIAGES, HATS AND CAPS, FUR NITUBB OR QUEENS WARE wanted in exchange for two Building Lots, each 24 by 104 feet, Batiste in the Seventh Ward. S. OCITSBERT SON, a 1 0 61 ?troika erect. COPYING PRESSES.—Sorew Copying Presses, Calm and Lever Copying Presses, Lever, Screw and Spring Copying Presses, sold by WM. G. JOHNSTON Je3 VI Wood street. INDIA. RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso, a barge assortment of Dressing Tuck and Long Combs, piet.received at the India Rubber Depot of J. 2 H. PHILLLPS) 28 sad '2B Et. Clair street. SHAD -10 bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shadjust received end for lade by woodidLE k Ooroo and Water streets. p.c.,:but.in B [ha Otadkull)la..,uvary to your nutl:a, I do It i•tch .. tall kuuwledgo all tha euraho thpiver. la 'allaying all, hint curing mast of thuaa dhgonsos ahlula you ar ann tortanatAy w llabla. That (11,1 t 0.u:1 - whiting clisuuse Cu rm ad:faction:it-a auditor. NURSING SORE MOUTH, tb cared as le 1,3/, crirelmcle; your 0171 l temper 1 restored t's its natural strektlar_s, and your hobo from shor and fretful nape to calm and sweet slut/ahem; and the Med cal Discove ry becomes a fountain of bleastug to your heoband and it G.Y.telldfl to the stomach, carmiug DYSPEPSIA, Which in nothing bat canki)r of the st.st Lt • theta to Ott iLitetattiue and erouiing r. tiinilug, guno fooling, mid au Ind iffOreUoB avon the citrus of your family. RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distressrrs you, and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contains as the scrimonons fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be. comes sallow or greenish, and your beet day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follows train of diseases which the Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to PITTSBURGH, PA eryn4o - ncru zmaar,a uvwsk.a yam m - 111, ataiojvialy . 1 / 1 4,4.11 j ou retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most excru ciating of diseases, the PILES. How many thc,mvands of poor women are sniforiug from this disaaso and pining away a naiscrablo life, and their next door nolt,hbor dcea not know the cause. I wish to improes on your mind that geod old proverb,ounce of proven. ton In Mtn: than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with thin great and good quality, that it will never, under any circurnatancee, do you any Injury. N 3 change of diet arc: necessary—eat the gat you can get and enough of it. Da.:LITIONS rou nee—Adults ono table spoonful per day— Children over ten yeses dessert spoonful—Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. AA no directions can be uppli. cablerto all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD RENNEDY. RICH GLOSSY HAIR, TO THE GREATEST AGE. AO who that is gray would not have it restored to its tot oiler color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, ~r troubled with dandruff and Itching bat would have it removed, or troubled with Ecrofiall, scald head nr other eruptions, but would bo cured, or with Oak headache, (oeuraigia,) but would be cured. It will alio remove all pimples from the face and akin. Prof. Wood'a Hair Resto tative will du all this, sze circular and the following: rdEDICAL. '-) THE GREATEST I- • -; :,,: 4- •-t , • * , • f C ~ • „ _ 14.. . ‘-\ r - \ DISCO-, :.: r, 1: y , . t OF THE AGE. MR. hE N N Y, of Roxbury, has discov• J Lid of unr common pu.stur. U ratuaaj teat ouruJ wary kind of Humor, wao.n Tun wouße BOP.OVOLA DOWN DO A OOMMON , 'an`Lti Li, 1,1.1 Li 1,1 a to came 61evou1.; rittHire,l ()matt, and noio.it reaka 0.,0 h tr.° endvd, (Loth thunder houtor.) Elo tw how IL. tad ik , asol33lJui.,Vor uao h o oped 00l ElfloatBd Cl ICI all ry lthla twouty Odloa of LA U. aro warranted to 1000 n ututilug eora mouth. Othi to Ono., will our,' tho ss,reit Liti.l of Pimple. 'vivo or theo6 Lottl6a will clear the aidt44ll of Two Gottlue ttr,, Wurl alada 1.-11,5“ a lid worst ettlitilif to the ra,utti or Thluoto ilia bottlad nro WatiLlato.l to ctho &I wiAit 614.1 uY gryalped.a. 0., to Ern., I,,ttlnz nr7 warruutea to curs all humor Itt:thP ay a. Two 6_4(1.5 aid watiaa4,l Lard Juni:dug of the care afid to At% mra viarcaniod t..) rare corrupt aati r - aanbag EtioerB. t_tue L.,ttlo wilt aria at.tat3 eaptlttu .1 tha ant Tivt, . tt.ttrl.a 4?a t it , t arr.rati.l to onto the w3rtitt nod ct.gwuf Two or throe bottlas WI a warroutad La our the meet d.) p. 6. to t, Trac6 t. I..sa: bottled aid warranted to care dolt-Ittiorau. ,c co e,gLt t.,..ttled will cafe the wrist ceLso of et...T.Prile bJucllt Id alwayB tAperiislll.l.;sa Lula the 111131 tos.Atie, hutl t o l,nv ii Llto titlOVo al unutity 14 tatLeitl 110.K.8UR4, MAt3l3 7i:+ 3i 4ittyan,--Tl, col,ntatlon of taw Medical Dl4ourary, In curing kiltd tittwoza, 16 Ili.) wan tkitablL3l/6.1 by tba fiLiALal I,sssss bta4 bier thut L tared o nftvtbing On tilt) the moat aktifal 113 , 41. wit/ Lha tL 4:aatttly ilra nn' koira, , a4 to Ito the woro &IVA:3,3A Ettiges of CANKER KIDNEYS, boar otomcott is CURE; Price $l,OO per butile. For sale by Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER, No 140 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Fa. sep4:drw A BEAUTIFUL HEAD Completely Preserved ANN A 8.13512, November 5, 187,8. Pti.Di'. 0. J Wood —Darr Sir have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restarativo, but having been co often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, war disposed to place your Restorative hi the sama category with the thousand and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county soma month, slue., whoa you gave ma such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative In my [amity—first by toy good wile, whose hair had become very thin and on. tirely white, and balers extianstiug, one or your large bot tles, her Lair was rrateied m,arly to its original hasutiftd brown color, aud had thickened and b,.,:,,nae beautiful aid glossy al.:a, mid A.ll - 11 - Irely user the head; she coutinuee t. 05 it, r,at slniply bccansa of Re beautifying effecta ulna, ft, Lau, Lot bccauee of its healthful intlueuce upon the Load and mind. Othara of my family and'riaadaaraaoluri your ltoßlatatiVil, with the happiest cliedm her3lo:3, my l‘, , punisin and doubts iu reference to its character Lind iiito ore entirely removal]; I can end do huit mart, and Loandentially recommend Its use by all who love, their hat, restored (ran, W 11.6 or gray thy fa.2koosa to nrlglual color and taiauty, and bi all young part; dm ,vr.., would has, their hair heantlfal hart I', teal, 1.1 gfaWf,dly Svtitel, St IN ;4 faii,so W.A.? It 14.31 a L.ag tur.3 'Alva' I sass you at i 6.t LLa I.:;ttla of Ituatorat iso fur 111110.11 )011r .16...GC in Ddl roil, E nd G1t..111 i 6 ,1 IC 1,3 .0u...1.1.1,..1 t. try it of, Mrs. Sianl.l'd hair, as fta a.treot t.?.sf of its 1,..w0r it has dJoa all that you aaimmt It »uulti amt otuur3 ut my family and friends, ulua'Air. 13.1 ltd aeu W k.thurt to ttia higlioat %A-11W Li it vel j I 41,1 OOLIAIU:4 G 6-1 Pr.,r J Liair fic.tocativ.), and Lava raduill cliavt, My Laic waa 113 1 ~,ay, but 1.. y LLo udd of Ilia ILeatora- Li It Ls; t c ,li.a.l calor, and, Ihii3 t oJetitt, wan6L.tly ro. Lift. 5 a,r321..', ur.-3,a.k.tuc, U. 1. o J. WuLLIL S CJ. , Proprit,toia, 312 i3rvz way , N. Y., (th Ito 04.14 N. Y. Wlroliadlit,,,, .LI3LELbII34ELL.,ut)9Iid 11l Mcall,t wont, St. Lcads, Mo. rlold by DR. OW. IL EVIEER, No. HO Wood et., .02:LW - el& w Aud uold by all good Druggist+. j AMES C. CUTLER, vY CINOINN AT I, eeys he had to quit 'maim:as for eight years from Authwa. Bereral Physidaus gage him up.—he used Ayer's Pectorst and other Cough Syrups, but still grew worse. BOWMAN'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, Completely camd him of every semblanceof his old disorder. PREPARED BY BOWMAN & CO., ALLEGHP.AVY, PA. OEO. H. KEYSER, Pittsburgh., J. P. PLEMIG, 4.lloilhanY MY , my2Bulkw ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONARY, For eale by And Druggists generally P. SHILDECKER, No. 2 Diamond Alley, between Mod St. and the Diamond, HAS OPENED HIS ICE CREAM SA LOONS for the season, and is prepared to supply all who may call, with PURE ICE CREAM, of all timbre. [ mylfalm Ho also is constantly fawned with OAKES Olt ALL KINDS and Confectionary of ids own mantifactnre, made from the beat materials. gAmii.ttli AND PARTIES impaled with Calms, Ice Creams, and Confectionary of all descriptions. open at all boari7Day_etld Evening. Baleen _ _ p - otme BOX FACTORr.- BIISHA 8 GIITENDORP H a ve Just fitted up in complete order, new machinery of the Infest improvement, for the manufacture of Boxes of'every deoc epiimi. We are prerared to make to order at short no. a ce , Bowe suitable for Soap and Candlee, Packing Bozos for Ilardware,Nariety Goods,Looking Glass and Picture Frames o w orders promptly fUled. mv19.1,11 COVERED CANE : OOP.—An excellent article far Ladles' Bklrta. A lar lot open at atJSI Heap 17 Mad at, 'LailLe, Dl , Juno :2, 1U,2 AMUSEMENTS. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. nuas KIMBERLY - 1 r 43 a an) Manazasaa. tineiltialled attraction Triumphant enccesal Positively Met week of the celebrated band of Ethiopian Minstrels, known as ORDWAY'S ..1l0LIANS! Including the known celebrities, popular Ethiopian comedians and well lti H• HORN, the original "Brudder Bones, E. BOWEEIIt, E. KELLEY, N. IL FAIRBANKS, the BBOTEIEBB NOR. TON, Ac., who will appear This, WEDNESDAY, Evening June 0 8, and every evening dm logthe week, in V(21111C , Of their popular acts, including The Ere*. Ntcrc Act," the Luriesque Norma Duett, and the laughable burlesque. culled TILE hop 0? FASIIION. ..... ti rvous , Take..... .. Richard LII . Eph Rota. Lady Macbeth E. Kelley. Romeo . .... .... . W. Norton. .................. Norton Joliet Hamlet ......... W Norton. ....... E.LO .. E. Bowers. Concluding with lite R. ttl D ROA ‘PBION. gee duly oin, 0-I bra, , Kai of Inlepenponce, threo grand performances by Ordway's 1. thane, commencing at eleven o'clock in the fin noon, tl re in the tate moon, and tight in the evening. Box tieltete his, and no ex tra charge Inc 118C11T3.1 teats Second ier, I•3,lraopai I at 7Y4,--con. merit eat 8 o'. ke 170. ts can i. ec cured at the Box °ince throughthe day. EPH. HORN 'ti Lrn fit r x Ihurada7 evening, July Ist, and last perform auLe of the C anp thy biro until the tilt NATIONAL JUBILEE, July /Lit, 1776. 1 111A1311g: St CROSIV Ir trs _ =MMR F. 6 / 2 , h aud Am.ri.su Cir.o wilt pariocie BEN i3O I'ellll ‘lll zwt, VIA DA V, DA V and .MONDAY, '2 , 1 3, 111..1CM. Among the many aph.did attlaztiane ai thu Fratizl, aa,.t Amencen carpla R.IDERSI ' AUtTERS, TUMBLEIrd, ACROBATS., MAO C;AN2, et ' lllEDl.l NS. DANORRS, VO CALISTS, etctbo , MAD'LLE tLa ttnaan ut .ercu:h Tiqueitri enees MAD ' LLE IDA, Ilia Vair7-111 - . French Eider, and Di,nsous, Mo. LIETtIfILLti L. ef.dERWOOD. the greatest general vrfoz .11,4 to t 6,, ucili. moss. MORGAN, thz, French Ellog., - ,i,.1‘141 uu.l Coau,uuniat• WILLIAM ARMST1100:0, thu Matchle.a Noilorl;'.t Laapar an S , aultar. MON:q HI AND YANISIJ, the Fr.-net. Aolobata. MIST. ..7 1 1.1.11RW00D, the F, , eateo, Buy Ral,r t 51 it.f,t..1,11 ClttiSlll7, tha famed Atrium Lk JOUN ORTON, Li, Jaiouile itu; T, , : PASTOit, cLo A utoticuu The firmt pt'l Ll' Walker) Lt ilvLo.•a Rill tutu, p ILCU t.: r:NINO, t_olnl at at 7 ~ ' clod:, Altos rioali to, tt,.o oontaioduttou of fkouilitn, SA'TITIC(..n a. at •L 10,.k ; „ to Thtea pet on MON HA Jul) C.th at lu ii ,'2 and 7 1.• lindho3l3 to c•OUUti.!lll,d bait ..111 h • 1.11 tact! upul.m.s. Al.)11S:11(1:1 lit, Chil,hca t. Da , i, Soruta. k.; )11 W. wILL AT "r 1 Nt) '1 O THE nua it,' Poit LN.)NCTifiTi. .SF; API colualuckl,ati.,ll. [L, ~ra, ~ f th, „,Ireg up 7 DAG UE aR.EA IN G A LLERIES ib 41.1 It ' NILW DAO, Eft.P.l; AN AN AM tiROT f irt) 4I;)A- ti .61 61T.t:&T, cl EA PoAil TR: TiiLl vanuams all tba vailurri fitylza, say weuther, and wet ranted to at reasunahla Uri.. Sick or u up2C:l3ll.tvi-i3 AM B R I' E S.--TlteEe LEht durable plrtures un Kld.dd; is all their laa f k3 - it- e oil a , i4Jvt,tl aeet , ml/3 Sly ur in gnat p 4, thay be ebtniti‘d at WALL'S, 13uilthu,f, Paw 0c29;1w R. A. CARGO ‘\!,' CO • Elohoiogrepherm AEkkbroltypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, tic. 21 Pith etrcat, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, B. W. cur. of :market street cud Diamond, Pitt:Anargh. PRIORS TO SUIT ALL. ntylo:tf-Cp AMBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE IVARRANTLT, OA N ).fE HID AO LOW IN TUE COUNTRY, AT NV AL L , E 4 Fourth street Removed to 21.1 x Street. CARGO & CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC AND AMBROTYPE tiALLERY 11,14 boon removed front TO Fourth street, to No. 111. Firth ttreet, near Market. Thest.rooma having been built espuci.illv fur the purpose, with three larg ,, lights, are not eurpas3ed in no city for comfort, convenienco and excellent., in arrangement. 4ul" Our old friends and patrons, and those wishing an- Parlor are invited to call. all, Roception Boom sad llpeclinemi on the ground floor. app AUCTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT NO. ri4 FIFTH. ST., At the new Commercial Sales 'ooms, No. 54, Fifth street, every week day, aro held publi, ;ales of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a larga stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that must bo cloud mrthwith. AT 19 0'01.0011:, A. M., Dry Oooda and fancy artiolea,comprieing nearly everything uuuded iu the line fur rer.3onal and family use; table Cat lory; hardware; L‘..etq had show ladies want, he. AT 3 O'CLOCK, I?. 91., I.l6nsoliuld and iiicehen furniture, new and second-hand; buds and bedding; carpets; blegarit lila stone China ware; stuvus; euekiciB niunLui.,; gotcort..3, AT 7 O'CLOCK, I'.M. Fancy artieles; w.f. hot; t ; Jcwblry ; musical Instra! Leonia; guns; ciothiug; dry gems; bcuta and shwa. book stationury, Ac. V. 31. DAVIS, Anet.a _I3UGGIES, BA.ROUCIIES AND ROCKA . WAYS, AT AUCTION— On WEDNESDAY MORN June ;30th, at 11e'ti , .ock - , at the Commercial Salbi oLIS. No. Lt Fifth street, will be Ea Jae u wade 1',11Z141,3, wiih ant ai;tout Wye: 1 llatidionio two east ; 11c.tito.way Cori in go. I'. IM.' GOODS, AT AUUTION—On WED " Jir INES.D.II' PIORNINU, Jule 800 i, at 1.0 dciccs, to t.. 1060 cutHignm3nta proi,aratory for July rattlettenta, , All o aold, at the Co:nu:lei ch.l tlaki larch t treat, blurt and Poya' .?.e.ry.Atablo clothing. Ladies' Dre , .B Goode, Prtutd, Mat:tits, Puitern, n Fhawli, Bollllotr, Iloalety,et:.P. )1. I).S V LI, Arctionc3r. . . Frail ACtiO, TUIIB - Ni. 1.);„( o'n:loc;li, at EL,. rvf.i a/Pr:nal Srilo, Patti dtre,c, boxes uroi 1 fn plat; J; of,obO Obi ge.01.1141j - ebpirl (i,,rivao 8 (1r.:1it...1L . 1,26 !• N.t. DA V IS, 117:.1:-.11:,.1r. k_' l 74.A: C. WENT (413* X It 1C I (4 i.; It.w.SAWAI:J, t't 4 , -44 - • AU th, :nzli•l7al3 Al E E Tit lu It. , Alit,id ilouti.+4ll6'3 F,ic milt 1u.4 th.lida, CO. a.a Vi .I.uny City, l'it. ).114 , - - , • fit " M A 11,11 E AfLeLE! f Jr 0 I .71 1 Vgl 0 ..1.8 A BEA U'tii FT SELECIitoN NONUMENTey, EnciloAirag, Post=i, &AT, '[ho public aro rep..., fully luvft d t tza Ella.; our ‘l.x.k. PrLrr low and Ivor: wa,:reiflt.l. l 21.111 1 .? LAKE 11814.- 1,5..) Half 13!.•!a. White FieLE; 140 " " Tront ; 100 " " Herring; b 0 " " Salmon; 20 " Plektzol; Jost received and fur sale by 'ell G ROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS. 150 bap Rio Cabo.; luo chests Black and Green Tugs 25 bbls. Crushed Sugar; 25 0 Coffee -" Now York Syrup; 20 " Now Art , aus Molasses ; 5 Tierces New .Rice ; 10 boxes W. W. IL Grant's Tobacco; 100 " M. R. and Layer Raisins; 20 kegs Preach Plums; 2 Puncheons Jamaica RUM; 2 " Santa Cruz ltrun; 2-Pipes Holland Gin; Also, French Brandy; Port, Sherry, Malaga and Chain. pagne Wines; Pare Old Rye and Rectilled Whisky, in store and for sate low, by HAWORTH BROWNLEE, Successors to Haworth, Bro. k Brownlee,- Cor. of the Diamond and Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. DLANTATION SUGAR er; MOLASSES -100 hbas. fully fair and prima N. 0. Sugar; 600 bbls., oak cooperago, prima N. 0. Molasses; 60 " St. James 8. 11 Molasses, now landing and for sale, by 3111LE11 & RICIIISTSON m 125 Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty virjet, DUBE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, by the bottle or gallon. at HAWORTH uti Onneset ntarawd and rdiugodd M' T , L iJH HEM , .Y 11. COLLINS,