YOLTJME XVI F";:i.e4tAiiNg POST. rri,ves, cri r t:t.„be,.: ere: y ,rt - . 1 .77.7, (Sundays excepted) Is V N`i. P. BARR, AND 1 tinlf erl4 ATV, ye.;r. AdValtN3 1414 1,,111/I it rot paid wit.6la U year. copies, TSiCJ =UM= 1A EM 0 ADVE a I a et.-1,7 EMEEII , 6.11, ..... Two 7. - e.etz; flea m.,11.11 , ..... P1icw,11.6010.1/ ...... Your lnoitthu 1 0 /Ye., triohtlN . dia!a ....... Nino muzit.l,B ...... 012.6 yuair 13.LILLiivs Card, all It Ono nqu,lre, r,6r nunual,(exclusiro th 6 pnror,). 6.l6,rringo Lottaan, bp cont. ;IN)ath ne4JC17.43, 2I cents PITfSBURGI - ISATURDAY POST A D.a Alirti 0 TEL WEE ff. ONLY OM DOLLAR TEA% CLUBS Olt TEN Stitsd4la 57sbeertptiolas t essi per annum. CONTAINS ALL TIIE -CURRENT NEWS OF TIIE DAY, Political, Lit - ore -7:7, Agricultural, Coruntor vial, L 0.. . -11, 'holographic and :diaconal:mous. , nts Paper being of tho LABGESS SISE, and neatly prints on tine white paper, in large, clear typo, will bo found by the enbacriber to glen better aatisfaction than any paper publish-v.l in Pitteburgh. Thom who whh to tnko a paper from Pitiebnrgh, will dud t ila a ITUitAAY POST o sato and profltahlo luveelmoilt. Addrass, Jt 21 SP. BAIRR, bcpl7 Editor and Pro• rlotor. BUSINESS CA.RDS As. P. ants. 4D. A. lITITZ Bak.ala & 1111YERS) BOOR AND JOB OFFICE, • P 0 5 .7.7 MILTILTDINCitS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. liE undetsigned having made extensive • wltlltionti of the LATEST AND iIA.NDSOM.E.ST STYLES TYPE, awl intprove . l.llat.hinery, to the MORNING POST JOU OFFICE', invite th" ttention of .ail Itoaul•Otllcer 1 , 1..re1t.-Inle, bush:let% gait, and the public generally, to their ni.erier fiv:tlitien for executing with tlitapatch, on reet.onable all hitIO.L. of L FROA FP , • 111ER.CANTILE, LEGAL, AND EVATX unnut DEScatIPTION ON PLAIN & FANOY PRINTING 4b - Our mater;al being nearly all now, we can give MATZ• Of the inuAt :oulplete PotiA fit ction, and solbAt orders DOOR'S, PA M II LETS, I: AIL IiLLLS AND CAIIDS, BANE 'IIIIF.OKt.z, NOTES, Li - PM'. HFADS, BILL 111./LDS, BILLS LADING, CLaCuLA:,;s, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPLR 110.2 , B:b, DSLDS, .11013,TGAGEB, BONDS, Ariz." rartEctilta G.Centk,n nis r.lso raid Gi P, - ,tkre, Progreranm3, c. fi r Concern, ExtubiLlows Ar Tim .6"C0p143 5 , . 5A.11.D0 Stoa'e. D. S. DIEFIENBACHER Cheap Cah Del - .l.:rg in all I:iuds of lemhionable AND fiiiiiTEitS, Fcz o..ntlemen, La•Ji'a, Youth's and Children, tiro. 17 Flith Street, ricar MrtrUct, ars P ITTSI3IIICCIII, PA. DEMEEI iLMSE,e9.. ......... A. JottrOV. , l k JOHNSON, ,•,. e:rc. anti Waters• h•raot 133 THIRD SPFUEET. f .r ILOOF i i)ronlY.ly 1:1.1LL I VI . 3 ,L;1,1 nit cror w:ar,tut ajti.4..', c•rt hand, aud vii li ii 7:11: ['fit:l.loll4 :or 1,-, .n~:.. I'. ISL.'tiS(.'S'i➢Ld ENGENISZ NS AND 111,C.C3111A1ESTS, C,ratr P•rit and Liberty atrez4, riastow ip't t Pa. QUPERIOIt STEAM ENGINES for Grist J 3 and s RAV Ming, Itrow , rion, l'rinting Establinhmentet, Manuractoria4, kc., ioado to or , 1•!r. They alno continno tLc n:huglhetur.; of thcir iilue'utuihts' Tools, much an Tot ning I ron l'hutoa, Boring at. d Drilling Mo.chirwg, Aldo, irc.o tMn with Pulleyd, Ilongorn ja.S:lyd .nonce TfLOILPSON JOHN TiftIOIFIPS(SIII S. CO., 111 - OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND sus_ UItAINI3II6, N. 135 Thit d street. SIGN P A 11 , 1'1: I Nti execnted with neatness and despatch. Nixed Paints, Oils 'Puri:Q.llMo, Varnish, Japan awl I;uglisti Patent Dry ers, Zinck, a very superior article; Phila. delphia and Pittsburgh Whits Lead always ou Laud and for Eiale. We are prepared to gt. tad colors 1.. r Painters, Drug gilM, or etln;rn, at the tlborteit notice, as we hove a Mill wnich grinds by steam Painters will bare money Ly get ting their colors ground NN ith us. (writ:ly • - _ _ GOLD AND SILVER SPECTZICLES, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS or weighing spirits, thu cheapest and best articlos over bronght to lids city. • TILIMIGKE.T.E.R.9 AND BAEOMETEP.B, ?arytug in price from $0 to siio each. POCKET COMPASSES, - AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, I ways on hand at G. E. SHAW'S, Practical Optician, 58 .FX/th opposite klasonto B. C. & J. IL SAWYER, itLICRIFACTIIIISHE OP LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 4-7 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. F. I. Boariii, C. GLITENDOP.P. BUSIIAL & GUTENIDOELF, 11/aIUPACTUBSTiti OP STEAM BOILERS, And all kluclo of Sheet Iron Work. ratil Street, near Water, Pittaburgh, Pa. f2rA LE. Onnxnn Pnahneni Arnounin To. if.25.1y JOHN EIBER & CO., FANCY DYERS AND SCOURERS, Mac). ES I.'.3i.mEctia. VON CAN WOOD AND Lillian ETIIEZTS, • All kinds of ShalAs, Drosses, Ribbons, and every description or Silk and Woolen Clocds oxervitcd at abort byline, and on reasonable terms. tap2B:3m —,--------------- - Wheat, Eye and Corn Wanted, 4.2 COB PEIAB 3 Tn4.3n IZZLLD ALLEGHENY CITY. Or II E SI3I3SCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN ate above oitablixhment, and aro prepared U. V=. FAY TILE rra ar.a . r NAItraXT ratans IN OABXI POB 25,000 IS LISLIZT.LB O 1 WHEAT. 10,000 RYE. t, 10,000 4S CORN. It is to intentka cf the proprietors to offer =fr.& PEI= for any cholee lota of White or Red Wheat. They intend to make very snperior Fancily Floor, and aro willing to pay a premium to th 4 farmer, in the shapo of an extra price, to in. lace hint to raise , a choice quality of Wheat; and to bring it toruarket iiTived order. jyltirlydkur Offices of SenZer off Weights and riNeastares. THE O,FFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, BEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASUIZES, May ho fonnd henceforth, in Cherry alloy, between Third and FOrtrl t h ntreeto, whore ordocs may to left. ikrl3:tt CHABLIS BAR NETT. A.RD OJL.—W© hr.vo commoneca manu ILA fu , ..lturing Jard Oil, and will be pleasod to rooolvo or doru for it, W.., 'AA Warr...l3A oval to any Oil Al tho or Lot. Wo will till barrul3 roturttod whoa denirod. ILL SAWY..EII, No. 4.7 Wood st.v.A.. bbis. Onions for__falgy am, f i u! HAM & Bola tho coantor in Tviizel Once a c 1ue,41 wmk. '2 00 bo IXI 1.1 I be ‘2. 6t 4 .41 ,t) 1 tr , l U) 1 L 9 d t. , 1 1 u usl pia AL11:11111 FIEME3 PITTSBURGH. PA. P. T. ISMINFDY A BRO _ .. - . . i • . -, - - •-•-• • . . , . - = _ T t . ~ i Id ., ~ ' 11,.. -1 2 . ' --' . - 4 , , ' '.!=,;,. . • r*:- 7 .., „.. . ... . , .- ._ 1 ••:,. : ' •;.: ' ... 4., . ... v.; . : , - , i, i' 4. . . ; i f , . , - ,• .• 1 . , ' 4 ---•- -' 2 1 t 7 t• .4, .• 1 . , -.....,. i.t. .._ , • ~ i :•:.-,.• .0 --T -..;..-,•:- 4 ~,.. . _. - -A- - -' ; , T, : -,, ,--;, ‘ 74. A. ~;* -A ''''v , ; :. - .1--, ' ' ' / / 7h. 4. .11'' -. / ' ' 7 '.4... --5...• 4: 7. • - / '( f - ....• / • 1 • .‘., - PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AN]) FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUAL; INSURANCE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATHENS, BRADD3RD COUNTY, PA., Jba. 1, 1838, as presnitod to Lho Stocktholdon, and wade oat in compliance with rho Stara Law of Now York,Ohio, STATZ3I4,II. • The nape of the Oanpauy is the PAIIIIER.S' UNTON IN- S..IIII.ANON COMPANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chart ere d A Nit L 8.1863, by Ow LogiAatare of Pouneylviibia. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, v.hlch le all paid up $ 200,000 00 Surplus in Ow, 6'3,486;61 ABSITg. Fifty-four li.Aida rind Mortgages, at air and Cevoo r, cent. intotest, In the aggregate t0...5162,315 00 )b Lich mortgagee aro or valuit aud productivo Teal 05tAtta, principally farms, recorded and tirot worth gcnerally double the amount and more than mort. gaged for in each case, and in tic. case lenathan fifty Cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and no certified by the Recorders, whew rive-sited, to the Sad tore of ills States of Ohio and Illinois. INlnettam six %i coot. ]fonds amply secured 47,6h5 00 Cash on hand and in Bunk 6,440 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmisaior, secured by bonds with sureties........ 18,761 60 Due on loesm re-insured, AT 7,336 51 Bills recoieatUe, viz: proialasoi y cotes payable at bank and to the Company 8.2-16 82 Interest accrued, (principally due January 1, 1858,) 1 19 46 Safe and office Fixtures and Furni ture 500 00 $ 253,485 51 intoomr. /OR THI Vasa 1657. Amount of Premium, reteived during tie 3 year $ 86,231 33 Am't intornet received during the year... 11,449'06 Am't received from all other sources 2,350 00 EXPZNDITURTS. Expenses for the year, including commissions, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxee, and all other expenses $ 10,199 CO Dividends paid during th..) year 17,030 00 Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1856 7,674 65 LOSR(24 paid which occurred during the year 48,561. 54 • $90,135 88 LuaniTl29. Losies adjusted and not due (since paid) $ 12,500 99 Losses incurred and in process of adjustment 9,307 00 Losses reported, on which no action has been taken 5,500 00 Losses resisted, on ground of insur ance uftlr fire, property transfer- . red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, .... 12,100 00 ---- 39,407 99 Whole mutt tof risks taken during the year..ss s ,429,862 04.1 Whole amount of risk at date. 4,861,4.40 00 TAM or PENN6yLVeLNLI., COUNTY OP BriADrufiD, C. N. 8 hipm4u, President, uud J. N. Caudeld, Secr,tary of the Partners' Onion Insurance Corne.my, being severally duly sworn, depose and any. and each for him Bays, that the foregoing to a true, tall and correct statement ofi the atlairs ot said corporation, and that they are the above do. scribed 00 - cers thereof.-i. 0. N. S9IPI4AN, President.. .1. l CANFIEI D, .4ifkretary. Subbel ibed ut.t4l wworo twforjru,, this 25th day of Jaen. 11 ry , 1838, . BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. ilUNTklt, Ageut, a1.17.1y N 0.90 Water street, Pittsburgh. FI RE INSURANCE, BY TEM aelizrace Mutual insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. • ON BUILDINGP, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, HENCLIAN- FURNITUILE, La., IN TOWN OIL COUNTRY. follicc, aO. 308 Witt street. .I_7.IPITAL, 4317 7 ,t3!2 ...... .A,CSE.IS t P 262,405 So. 1 „1: ft/ vu:— N'ir~•t ..lort,vig ,t 1 City Property, 4 (will tz-e $1.20,200 00 ELO;ICks.d (2,,213 01',1 AL`rtgS4o 25,500 00 Collu t : " Pc.,,n'a It. li. Lo,“. 10. 000 00 ..... 4,000 00 stock of tt.,o Reliance Nlatuul Inntiranc, 0,, 19,150 00 zio_k Fll, lUSuranco Co . 1,050 00 Scrip of sundry insurance Companies] 475 00 Bills lierPiva Is, bn.slrie.,2 pll l ,l- /52,711 50 Book. I,.cenled interest, etc.... .......... 2,230 t 9 Cash on baud WWI 1n Ile.nk 10,0-13 Cl , ,n Tingley, William R. Ti, , qopro.u, Tv‘ id 8. Brown, Carnelir.a Storeuson, John It. Worrell, U. L. Careen, !tni,t , rt To!awl, Muses Julionou Charles 8. Woo), Janice S. Wood wta ;I, rar3 T OAP mt 3 N 01-4. t InOIIANTS 9 INSUANCE CO/PAN 115 Philatielpilla. • WM. C. PE'rEIT, Preiideut D. J. M'CANN, Seer,&try. Alnouut of Capital Stock paid iu and laveatiiid...s2oo,ooo 00 , Ourplua 1:13,428 Za'S $21:13,423 111, ila•11 , IS Otago RIAU on lb° Ohio and ii ieaippl Rivera mid I.nba I.a6nroa it:iai,itiotti or tialango by Fla e, Also, against tho Perlis of the Boa and Inland Navigation and Traa6l6:,rtatlon ., Wm. V. Pottlt., J. M'ontg....ruery, John M. Pararny, McCann, H. Witmer, U. L. Woohstou, John A. Marnball, Chas. D. Wright., John J. Pattorsou, klwood T. Prutay. 0711CIRS: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, President. K F. - WITMER, Mire President. D. J. McCANN, Secretary. nirialness: In finTade/p/do: Stelnmitz, Juntlce & Co., Buck, alorgen ti Stldfole, PaLuroy, Caldwell It Co. gO. 97 WATER STREET. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. WEST BRANCH In Philadelphia': Solg r , 1;1ml) t. Co., Trnitt, Bro. Ag Co., A. T. Lano A Co., PITTS'S URGII. 01710 E, IL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CELARTZBXD BY TOR LBGIBLITIIRE OF PBBNBYLV/ULL auh Oapits2 $300,000 I Premium N0re5.4132,343. TIES COMPANY WILL INSURE ON 11. Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, ac., in town or DIIIIOTOR13: lion. J u0...1. Paarce, Ron. G. 0. Ilarvey, I Charles A. Mayer, John B. lull, Charles Criat, I PetorDickirtsoa, 'f. T. Abrams, D . 11.. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. 11.0 N. 0. 0. HAMMY, President T. T. Atutsmis, Vice President. Thos. iiITO/1116, Secretary. Eraltittiol.9: Samuel IL Lloyd, A. A. Wiaegardner, John W. Maynard, L. A. Mackey, Ron. S Cameron, A. White, Thoa. Bowman Jaynes Quigglo, Wm. Vandorbelt, OFFICII—NO. 135 FIPTII STREET, de2l:tf J. A. L] TIIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Or PIIIILDELI'HIA. Diazuross—Charles W. Rancher, Thomas Ilart, Tobina Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Ado phi E. Berle, David 8. Brow*, Mor! rio Patterson. Oxus. N. Roam, President Coss. G. BsH3 38 Secretary. Continuo to make insnradoe, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates ae low ae aro consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent land. lhich, with their capital and, premiums, safely invested, af. ford runple protection to the-assured. - The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1851, aa pub. Railed agreeably to an Act of As.sembly, were as follow, viz: Mortgage 4 918,128 68 Real _Estate 84,377 78 Temporary Loans-- 83,666 17 Stocks 61,889 03 Dash, ito. 64,848 81 Ellice their incorporation, a period of twenty-one year% they hays paid upward of Ono Amnon Four Hundred Thou• sand Dollarsd ounce by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well m the ability and dh3position to moot with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER. OOFFIN, Agent, Mike. north-east cor. Wood and Third stn. W ESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. GRORGE .DAIiSLEI, rresident; P. M. 13 oaDo_,_u Socrutary. Ovitcs No. o'_ Water stroot, (Spang & Warehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kiwis of !ltE an MARINE RISKS. A Home Institution, managed by Dizecier., who are well known in the community, and who are dot , rminoti, by promptneasrurd liberality, to maintain the charector which they have, manned, ce offering the bait I,l,)toction to those who desire to ho insured. Ass= 3, OdOBEIt 81st, 1857. Block Accounts,......„ $1.21,600 00 Mortgage,— 2,1e0 00 Bills iLocc-ivable, 4,101 87 Office Eurnituro, 240 00 (,en Accounts, 9,478 04 Cosi, 14,841 45 Premium Notes - --........ ........... ..... 40,248 69 Bille Discounted, 125,008 98 DERE6TOILE3 acorn Dar.°le, It. Miller, Jr., J. tr. Butler, George W.JackeOn, Jscros McAuley, Alen Speer, Andrew Anisloy, Wm. Knight, .Nathaniel Holmes, Alexander Nlmlck, D. ht." Long, 'Wm. IL Smith, O.W. Ricketfion, M. M. GORDON, Devitt Becrotgry; _____ DACON.--3000 lbs oountrylkin, for sale .14?' ante) Witt. a, amnit a a% $253,486 61 VJ,15.3 35 $252,4tib so TINCILRY, Pccia.leat. ORB. Earar.el illephran, RuL'•rl Steori, William Nitian , r, liozjaalia W. Tiogloy, Mardian Hill, Z. Lathrop, Charlttilam:, Jacob T. Bunting, Eimith Bowen, Wha. 2F. Sempio, . EIINOHNIAN, eke -rotary DJ fl 00Fieftl, Agvat, or Third and Wood 211.1,40tf3 Dr. J. B. Crawford, A. Updograff, James Armstrong, William Felulm, 1100. Win. Bigler, Birrsay ROB. IPPERT, Agent .$1,U2,70 8 44ta $817,M 78 INSURANCE PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND. MARINE INSURANCE CaIfP.,LVY, NO. 96 IVATER STREET, - YILIP2h3d3tIII.GIE PA. ROBRILT GALWAY, President. ALPS. B.:IADLET, Vico Praddent. W. A. pact IA Socrotary. lydi•This Company makes story Lasnrance apix3rtahling or connected with LINK RISKS. Also, a g ain t ticru, AND CARGO RISEW on tho Ohto aid Ifiaelaalppt Tttvora and tributarioz, arid MARINE RINKS gonorally. And against Lose and Damage by litre, and against the fords of tbo Sea and Inland Navigation and 'rruusisvtation. Pollelasissuud at the lowest rates oonsistont with anfoty to all partios. DIP110:0IIE1. Robert Galway, Parnuol IrOlarhan, Jusuph P. Gamatn, Ti. D., John Scott, Samoa NlsruhalL, David Richey, Jnmes W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. P. Hart, David H. Chamhom Robert IL Hartley, William Carr, Jno. sof2s Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. ORTICF., NO. 99 IVATErb ST., YITTSBUHAIII Amato—nay 1, 185E1. etoch, Duo Billx—payabie on demand and secured by two approved 11:1L110/3 - $ 78,890 00 Cash iu Pittsbur g h Trust Company 62,280 37 Brecuirim Notes 62 293 80 Bali Receivable 15,986 01 122 shares Exchange Bank Ston•-•=nost 6,1150 00 99 do Mechanics' Bunk Stock—cost 5,490 63 300 do Iron City Bank fitonti--amonnt paid. 7,500 00 200 do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do. • 5,000 CO Book Accounts 13,250 31 DIRE 0 TO Es J. IL. Bhoonberger, - f G. W. Cass, W. K. Niasick, f Isal.c M. Pennock, John A. Canghey,l W. W. Martin, C. W. Batchelor, I R. T. Lekeb, Jr., R. D. Cochran, David Mt.Candleas, James J. Bennett, George 8. Belden. Wm. J. Anderson, J. l g. fIOHNBERGER, President ROOT. FINNEY, Secretary. my.s:lm _____. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM BAGALEY, President. SAMUEL L. MARIE L, Secretary. OFFICE: P 4 Water street, WAD= Market and Wood ereets aSer Insures HULL AND •CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by SIRE. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIP-U0T02.9. William Bags,ley, Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Rea, Samuel M. Kier, - James M. Cooper, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., Francia Sellers, Isaac M. Pennock, William B. Bays. Springer Harbaugb, John Shipton, Capt: Samuel 0. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. Ja'22 _ _ _ PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 140 Chesnut Street, Opposite the Custom House. WILL MAKE ALkKINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or MarchandLee, at reasonable rates of premium. ROBERT P. RING, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. nutzeToas. Charles Efayes, E. Cope, 11. B. English, George W. Brown, P. B. Eavery, Joseph 8. Pan!, C. Sherman, John Clayton, 8. J. Magargee, E. Wilor. • F. Buos.noaas, Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, 13 4 : 1 Y Corner Third and Wood streets HOTELS & RESTAURANTS EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. ILOWRIK, I"propric.D.E.or, Owixer .Hain sCred and nu l l4l:V4-my Riven Nit,:cr Raararta Deiv4 WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. TIIE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW iN CWI• 'A. PRETE order for the recaption of visit3la. It is beau•' tilotlo located ou the banks of tt.e Yongaitigheoy river, and eau be reached every day from the city by Iho conuellsvillu Railroad. The rooms are large, airy and well furnishtil,aud the could 1w no pleantater place (or u few wOtoss summer rusideuco in the country. A tow amillee can be accommo dated. Terms moderato. Address A. U./WRY, toy2bn( West Newton, Pa. TIH NATIONIL snoori ) Under icost.er'A liew National Tneatre, PITTS.BURQII, PA., D. BARNARD, - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and cninfortable atyle, the largo centre store in the ODD FELLOWS HALL. Fhth trout, as a BIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND FA LOON. Having bad many years' exptrience in the bualuess twit prepared to supply the beet the market affords. His will be furnished at all times with the best WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The en trance to the Saloon, is in the centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (Sundays excepted.) apl4:ly WASHINGTON HOUSE, (70R. PENNA AVENUE 4. THIRD ST., IV ASH! Ei GTOI9 . , U. V A. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street and Duqueino Way, PITTSBURG H, PA B. D. MARKER, - (Formerly of.the "Marker Home," Blairsville, Pa.) TH E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It 19 situated In a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Stemnboat Landings. The !douse wee built 18tie, with all modern improve, merits, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every respect be a first class Hotel. Fine STABLES are attached to the premises. jel2 y H. W. KANA A. . S 0 H 0 T K 4. 1 L Opposite the Penna. Ititilrostal Depot, 11AP.RIEBURU, PA. Del 6 WA.SEEIINGTOrti HOTEL, FORDIERLY 11. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. lARIES SHANNON, Proprietor. TEM - HOUSE IS LOCATED ON TIIE corner of PENN and WASIENGTON Streets, between the CKNTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most cony& nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or Wee:. myStly CORNIUCOIDLIE RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. w ag ) The attention of iderchants, - and others is directed to this C.. 01 eetstilLhtuent, which has been recently fitted tip for the purpose of affording a SUBSTAN. TIAL EATLNG HOWE LN A CENTRAL LOOATION Country folks attending market are particularly invited to all. Everything pertaining to-en EATING SALOON will always bo found, of the freshest the market afford!. apaklyd&ur IWANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ xe.g. Pr.oorturrox No. 844 Liberty street, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri rVint by that road. e proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is att,thed a aplonctict STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford. Lag ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. Ms Larder and Bar will be furnished with the hest the market can afford. febliy ;:... a, Excelsior Restaurant, cla , re... 4 -1;..4 z-.6.= N o. 111 WOOD Street, **,....;,..;• `zre . :.,:,r , --..... PL2TSBUIV3I3, PA, WHOL.EHALE AND RETAIL DEATME IN LAKE AND EABTRRTI EBEL The undersigned has Just received from the Eastern mar ket, aelected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD FISH, EASTERN SUN SEVERAL VABIBTIES OP LAKE FISH, New York Princes Bay, Egg Island, • Egg Harbor, Shell Oyetoro. The'fluest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season served up at the ELXCIELSIOB. RESTAIJBANT. CST. CLAIR MOTET,, corner Penn and St. OOP Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, former ly of "Brown's Hotel," Lacing taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, eonld respectfully invite his friends and the traveling publio to give him a call Aasured, with the convenience of the hone and his long experience in the business, Ac.,o b n give entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. fob 22 W.M. 0. OONNELLY. Lippincott, Shorten a 11" , !Jarson s , NO. 104 WOOD STR Ria, NEAR FIFTH. ItfiA.NUFAXTURERS OF TWJNKS, Vm- Zees, Bat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling( Trunks, Carpet Bags, so., keep constantly en hand a large stock. We aro prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to tarn out good stook at reduced priest', we would Lucite the trade to call and examine our goods be. iserinitiOrgetsem PAL PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, JUNE 28. 1858, BOOKS _A AND STATIONERY R OBEItT A. LOOMIS, (Sriccevor to B. T. C. Morgan,) S'FATIONIIIt AND DEALleik IN Boon, rgnioDicALs AND NNWSPAPID.Di, Nu. 41. Fifth street; Pittsbingli; Pa. rifillE undersigned have entered into Co l'arttiernhip, under Um style of Wm. C. J.hnston fiAMUEL IL. JOIE , : ii'PO 51, Jit,, • WILLIAM U. 3011'./. STUN. PittyLnrgh, Sepl, , mbur 5, 1117. e. n. JOLiNtlTiln, WM. O. :013NsTOM. IrIT rel. G. JouitisTo2d cf. TATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, owl JOB rniNTeats, No. 57 Wood stroet, Third and F ourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. seat) TOBACCO "AND SEGARS. . & 1). RINEHART, - ... , , / ) ._. _..r ..., . - (__V Cf i !zoo. ,_,.., - t , Coqi“B:i ~ rclall College, /--o6o:ir g il, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. $255,311 15 Board of 12 Tragoed—Psonity of 14 Teachors. 300 STUDANTS ATTE:MIENS, JiutetßY, 1338. Young Men Prepared for Adual•Dulies of the Louring Rom, NSTRUOTION GIVEN IN SINGLE and DonbleeDutry, Book-Keeping, as used In every d,r partment of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Duel- Legg Writing, Mercantile Dorresmondence, Commercial Lave, Detecting Connierfeit Money, Political dilconomy, Education, Phonography, and nd other aubjects netiessry ar the thor ough education of a praedica businessmune .1 C. SMITH, A. M., Professor of DookelKeeping and Bcieucs of Atcounts. J. A. lIEYDRICIi and 11. Apriurso-,1, Aasiataut Teach era of Book-Keeping. _ , ALEX COWLEY, d. T. TrOBTIIEST,a44 IL A. 1:111T3ON, Professore of Penmanahip—twelve lirat premiums over all competition for beat Pen and Int. Writing, J. 0. PORTER, Prof of Mathematics. Pr rto--Full course, time unlimited, enter at any time —s6s. Avorage time, Bto 11 week 3. 13.7ar1 about $2,60. Entire c.iet, $6O to $7O. Grudnat4e ntairted in Otruning a Kituation. Specimene of unequalled writing and circulars sent free. haldreee, P. W. JENKINS, tay2o Pitttburrt, Prmn-wlvanie. safety and Economy In Light. VITIIY WILL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE AND FLUID, when you can g..‘t a cheaper and bob tor light. Pure lierezeue Oil, made front thu ges of Call col Coal, prqduces the chcapest, most brilllnnt; eteady, pleasant and safe portable light eyor offered to :be public, and no danger of explosion ,• more brilliant than 311.8; and quite as cheap ; Larupe of the n.r..sst nimplo and criefly znau,ged con struction. For sato by T. D. G. lIODKINSON, zln.,, Beware of a counterfeit already in the market, made from Cannhene, with a little Cal ii toßoent it. 11.17:ly COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO THE LADIES. riILIE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH.- ING, and we call the aftection of the Ludt, d to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can be done with economy, withent opnessive heat, with out soot, and with despatch—the fire being always zeacy in a moihent—by using Illiasgravega Gas tioorsing Stove, To which wo respectfully Lucite you: a:tenth:xi, at No. 76 Smithfield street. S. A. JOUNSOII & ItILO. County and Oity llight.4 i"Or silo. — _ apl2:9ro CONFECTI II N.".U ONFECTIOII, Oki NFECTION,OON PECTLON,UONV E 0 '2 I. 0 N , U 0 11 • TION, CONV.i.i 0 T I 0 N, N C T I 0N,9014 ON, -- C - ONY N, UONBN 0 T 1 0 N CONFECTION The most pleasant, sari, an.l....ifact est now In use. Prepared and sold, wholeoaio and retail, by ANGELL .4r. lIAI 2, Cor. Wood and Siath sta., PittaLursli, Pa , And sold by Druz:lsta genet-ally. le2l . QT. OLLARLES LIVERY STABLES. I s ) Tho undersigned has bought the leave of the übovo namedr Stabks, gether with a portion of the extra-a-t„,e . dif...A sive stock. of Horses And Carfiaged, late the property of dames Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, he has also added a number of SINP GORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which wore formerly employed at hie Livery Stablea in Third, below Wood streot. Aa he gives hie peramial atten tion to the bueineea, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received froth public le aolicited. JACOB GA_RDN ER, Bt.Charlea Livery Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE and any r.nuiber of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. dettl) rfflHE CLI El5l. ICAL OLIVE KLIASIVE SJAP, manufactured by B. 0. & J. il. Sawyer, re r,,colves 11,0 preference over all oilier kiede 05.4 . 4..tkrod its advantages over other Soaps an :—let. It la cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of C6111111•Al r_sin Soap. 24. Half the time need only be occupied in washing whoa thin Soap is used in place of other tioap. 3d. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Soiling the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap is used, and hard or Bali water at:swore equally as well se soft. sth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, Met it far supurior to other Soaps. It speedily re. moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the akin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the nee of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or tun of a family, tulao one pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, mid dissolve in one gallon of •hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; ',Mir in the diesclved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse iu warm water ,uce, culd water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or swim or grease spots, may require a slight rubbing, bat otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of he: roggiriiig abcnt do ;};lo time in C(11;:;iilg. .tom' Observe our amnia on each bar. I'ROPRIET2R.fiS - PROPItIETOR, For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 4? 'Wood street, and at our works, opposite the Round Hones, Penn sylvania avenue. B. C. & J, H. SAWYRII, _BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buck wheat Flour, 60 lb sacks, just received and for sale by AIcOA.NDLE6B, MEANS & 00., fe2o Occnor Wood end Water cirectu. bbla. Saparfine Flour received and fc.r sato by MoCANDLESS, MEANS a 00, !eV - Corner Wood and Water tames. EMIGRANT RIFLES.--A most desirable and cheap ;weapon, at BOWN a TNT LE V'S, =vl Na. INc.nd ftr ARD.—A prime article of No. LLaxd, in ILA barrels and kegs, just received and for sale by Iift:CANDLES% MANE & CO., ja23 Corner of Wood and Water streets. QPICES.- 24 bags Pimento 100 " Grain Popper, Just received and for ealo by MILLER niI:HUTSON. mr2s Non. 291 gad 2.24 Lliwty straa. MEW ARRIVALS.—We are taking into store, (123 Wood street,) an immoral,' nook of line Paper for Jobbing purposes; also, Lotter, Cap and Note ; Envelopes in great variety; Manilla Papers, of every blue, and as cheap as they can ba bought. in the East, where we offer wholesale or retail, very low for Cash. apt JNO. PERKINS k CO. TAKE FlSll.—Whito Fish, Trout, Salmon, and Pickerel constantly on band, a full stock to supply Wholesale trade, by [my6l 1111Nlitlf H. COLLINS. ORANGES. -300 bxs. sweet, just received and for Alio by REIMER. A . ANDERSON, No. a Wood etroot, myl7 Opptsito the St. Charles Hotel. ROOMS.--100 dos. Extra Cora Brooms 4 - on hand and for aalo by alp 2 B. 0. & J. 11. SAWYRII. DUSTER TRIMMINGS—Drab and Gray Duster Binding and Tassels, just opened at apt d .10S. HOB.NE'S, 77 Market street. NEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the most graceful shapes, on hand at HORNE'S, ruyB 77 Market street„ REED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels •az.,..--d Swett Potatoes, received and for sale by J &MIS A. PETZER, or2:1 Ccroor Maria: and First &frosts. TJICIILES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re' , seised and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, feW Corner Market and First streets. 8. BTHEENBUOIL DERFUMERY. —Lubin's, Bazin's, Wdght's, Glenn's and Hareem's Eztrocta for the handkerchief, couotantly on hand at JCR. FLEMING'S, .102 Corner Diamond and Market et. RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Ruch; titer Glos3 Starch ; liecker's Farina; Baker's Coxa and Broma • Froah Cocoa Shell Received and for sale at YDRAIILIO PRESSED CANDLES.- JILL NO boxes Ilydratalo Pressed Mould Candles, mado °sprawly for Stumm use, on band and for sal° by jO7 /). 41 4 J. IL SAWYES. Co-Partuership. MitTOZACT7ILIES ARD DNALri.B IN ALL EL4D6 01 TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS N 0.129 ?MOD STEELY. .11 . '" AND NOT VON ENGRANTD KA)BII, .No. struet No. 47 Wood street JAYNES' TEA STORE, SS Fifth atrect. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 pj„ Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estato, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on- bonds, mortgages Ac,; making convey ancoa, bonds, ac.; writing letters cud corresponding with parties abroad, ttc. oclB BELDEN SEYAIOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Reraxaxa_a.—Me.isra. Fianna, Garreteon ..t Co., Robert Perks, Esq. jyllty W LISTER-1i L-.1%.11.312).5• A IEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, Hai for salo Lando in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. lie will eLchati, , e Lands in Wisconsin, "c., for Pittsburgh inanufsctures,and'also for city property. All letter of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing Ind as td.*l-\?. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. AGRIST MlLL—Three run of - stones and all the inachlikery complete, corn and cob cracker, kc., all in good order, with a dwelling hence, stable and tw•o lots of ground, sitante in South Pittaburgn, and will be sold on very easy terms by S. cuniumitT & SON, 1017 61. Narket street. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, in exchange for land. ap22 S. OLITIIIIISILT ,k SON, 61 Market et. ASTEAM MILL in complete running or der, with dwelling houe, etc., hear the city, fur milechY S. CUPUBERT & SON, p 24 51 Market street. NTESTERN LANDS of good quality, &a sale or oichango for Real Eatato in the city. ap22 S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Marko l at. FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A valuable property of 150 feet front on Covington st., Lawrenceville. by 100 deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling Horne of 7 rooms well arrangethatn room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa. pared, shade and, fruit trees, grape arbor, groat variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a c mplete and pleasant residence. Brice low, and terms accommodating. THE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots A, for sale by S. CUTHBERT. & BUN to 30 by 100 feat. Location—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $275 to $4OO each. Terms.--Onofourth in hand; remainder at six yews credit. The Plan can bo seen at tho Boal Estate Office, 51 Market street. ljel2. DEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are cfrored ut such prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front on wide street], are rf easy access by railroad, and are very desirable locations for family residences Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lots Is to be seen at jel2 61 MARKET STREET. FOR SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choice Prairie and Timber Land, situated la N crthern Too a and Southern Minnesota, embracing tho finest lot of farming lands ever offered in this market, as they are located conveniently to Mills. Towne and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing information of value to emigrante and catalogues giving location ' description and price of the land, with a brief description of the counties in which they are located, can be hsd oa application at our office, and they will be scot free by mail to persons-sending no their address. WILLIAM FRAZIER & CO., my:6:tf Jones' Building, No. 57 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will secure a Building lot of 115x100 feet on Aft. vi ashfugtou Price, sloo—slo in hand, remaiudor to suit purchaser. Al so, a Lot of lioxlUo foot for 5250—515 in hand, balance in payments to suit purchaser. i 3, CUTHBERT it SON, je23 61. Market atraet. IL 2 ACRES of Land and a comfortable situate near the Washington Turnpike, ut about 3 mile. from Jones' !ferry, win Le sold on easy terms. Immediate poE,33fiElUll. V. CLITIIISKRT & SON, je - 23 GI Market street. jiLOT OF G ROU'i+ll) in East Liberty, near the Railroad station 80 - by lot) feet will be gold for ~-y2,70, one-fourth in tlatd, remainder at six yeare creait. OU.C.iinE.i.T & SON. my:J Fri MarltQC street. N ONCE TO At'.oll! TECT 3. - In parananco of a rc-3o lutroo adopted by the 'olJuarnent Corn lainsion,re, at a evet lag, at EarlLim rg, on the .I.3th ivatant, Plan Speoilicatione and e9ttru,ter are in vitel for tho erection of a MoN OM ENT to the !winery of Oitizors of Peuneylvania, who lost Lair livea in the late War with Mexico. The cost of which, is not to exceed the auto of Till ItTY TITOUSAND DOLLARS. Connalnicatlons to he addreasod to the Governor, at tier ri3l-nrg. Perm:Q.4 furnishing Plane, will pleaao uoud the Ir ESTI MATES under seal, as they will he for the nee of the Com• only. For the Plan which may be adopted, a premium of Two Hundred DoHasa will be allmv(4. By order of the Commiaalonem. raylEktirt .]O4tH W fl T_ARY. gAoratar-r. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. ra 'FAILLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth [tad Smithfield Streete r RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT Le ha received his spring AgEortaieut of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the Eiewc,at styles, beet quality and moat elegant deserip- CLIO, which ho is prepareu to ntanufsauro to order In the LATEST „FASHIONS, Aud with such a clieructor of workmanship, co cannot fall to Hatisty and pleetio the lutist faetidioue teatee, Lin) 1.9 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIP.- The firm of HAWORTH l:11.0. IIaUWNLHE old the 3d of May, 1855, dissols - ,1 by mutual ro:-ceu t, by the withdrawal of JEIICI 11,`..WC,ATti from the above 11-m, The acconnta of the late firm will beeatled by HAWORTI BROWNLEE!. Aftr - aEau Fi IWOETII, In withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thaulte his former patrons and also the patrons m the late firm, for the xery liberal patronage he has te ceived,r.ad would kindly recommend them to hie successors, LLAWctliTa BIiOWNLEE, ae they are determined to sell at 1,,w figures, having a very large assortment of CHEAP CittOCEltlls3, WLNEB and LiQUOttS ou haul. 31:111U II k WORTH. /11 , " DAVID HAWORTH and JAAtfra I.IROWNLEE have this day associated together, and will ontlnue on the business at the OLD STAND, corner of Dismand and Dia mond alley, under the style of HAWORTH it BROWNLER, where they hope to receive that patronage es liberaii • given to the old firm, as they ere determined to sell CHEAPEit than any other Store in tho city. rayl3 QEED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoos for sale cheap to epee consign mont by r.p2.3 CIOMPOUND SYRUPS or PIIO6PtiATES, 011 CIUMIOAL FOOD—This preparation is not in tenied as a popular t emedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical Faculty as a nntrinve tonic, well suited to supply the waste of elementary matter daring the progress of chronic cases, psrtictilady in Dyspepsia and Consume. Lion. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taate, and greatinl to the stomach, and does not netts• cats by protracted use. Sold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH FLEMING, je22 Corner Diamond and Market street. ('IOUNTRY BACON.-4000 lbs. Country Ni,) Bacon, just reoeirod and for halo In JAMES A. YETZEIR., noyd Cornor Llarket and Birgit a:rmta TIROOM CORN.-3 tons first quality reed 21.9 and for tale 1.• HICHIY. coa.krNa. ANCY FRENCII BASKETS.—A nice kasortment just oponod, HORNE'e, myB 77 Itarket street. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Ulan, as3ortod viers, for 8943 by W3:l. Li. mrlB 118 Sacand. and 147 First Htrootsi. MrINDSOR SIIADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings, ac., always on hand at and for eule cheap by J. a H. PHILLIPS, my 29 26 and 2S St.. Clair street. - INDIA RUBBER MUSE.—From inch to 10 inches in diameter. A large supply Just received at the India Rubber Depot of J. 3. H. PHILLIPS, my 2.9 213 and 23 St.' Clair street. WEILL PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all Edinea for sale at redncod price's, by w. P. mARAHALL ts co., rove v Wezd chest. 1 4 1 NGLISLI GLASS INKSTANDS-Cut ,LA and premed, with Glass and Bronze Topa. jel.l W. S. DAWN. Stationer. MAPS OF THE DIFFbRENT STATES— lowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania ' Nebraska end Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tenneeee,Virg'nia, etc, for eelo by J. WELDLY, " Bookseller and Etationor , 11 felt) No. WI Wood street. near [fourth. BALK LAVENDER FLOWERS, for Ealo A. by B. L. PAHNESTOCH fr. CO., Jon No. 60 eon Wood and fourth str.etv. DRIED PEACHES-12 shollsehoice bright dry Peaches received and for Bala by CIIEESE.-200 boxes W. R.; 9.2.5 ~ English Dairy Chocae for halo by 1 j 022.1 EENRY IL COLLItIS. I)RY APPLES.-50 bags ; 110 bbl. 9. Dry Apploe, for Bale by ji,22HENRY H. COLLINS. ei BEEN APPLES.--20 bbls. for solo by T aLT 'WNW? B. COLLINS pA_RISIAN Too/If — PASTE, prepared %man the superyiton of Dr. Ilaibon, Burgeon Den for ego by JOB. 4 0`A%),, t0.4.4E41q,* CL EVELA AND, OHIO, S. CUJ:LIBEET & EON, Reel Estate and General Agents, Si Market street. JAS. A. kETZEiIt, Corner Ntarket and First streets JAS. A. FETZER, Corner Market and kind tit PIANOS AND MUSIC. TIIE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK - 0 I! - PIANO FORTES, FROM TUE :MANUFACTORY OF CHICK ERING & SON'S, DO STON, Conßiatiag of SIXTEEN of their new Seven Octavo and Fitx and a Half Octavo Piano., have just be,n received, and new ready for , 31:Ainination at the wa:orooras cf Cho eat,. scriLer. Nada e. CUMBERING SONS' PIANOFORTES are not furnished by them to any other house in this city, and ail orders must be directed to the subscriber. JOHN 11. jiF7 LOO, No. 81 Wool street, Foie Agent for Chicks:lug S.uu* Pianos for Pittsburgh and Western Peunsy - 7- ,*•,!--:- fren PIANOS! t 74,3 PULL GRAND PIANOS! PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, foom the Manufactrry of OIIICKERING 4; SONS', Rams:, just received from the manufactory of Calettering Et Sous', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stool . ; u their PIANO FORTES : One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price.. 4800 One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood Cafib . Price 4700 One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price pop SQUARE PIANOS! Two lull carved Rosewood, Louis XlVtil, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Foot work. Two Rosewood seven octavo—Clifford style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four u u U k if 61 i 4.1 Four Rosewood a, u ~,g All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frame; and their new Patent Action. Thew Instruments have boon finished spocially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced pricos. JOHN IL MELLOR, No. 81 Wood stroot, dell Solo Agent for Chickering & Sons'. ALDERMEN. CHARLES IV. LEVVIS, ALDERMAN, And LS-ofcio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH KREMS All badness connected with this oddoe will be attended to with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—such as Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, rowers of At torney, Sic. Titles to Real Estate examined. TO; the members of the Bar he tenders his services 119 Com missioner to take Depositions to be read In the several Courts of this State, and elsewhere. Elie °Biz() in one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his tanlitic.s in executing businessUflhat kind are very desirable. felialy Alderman's (H cc. JAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF TIRE PEACE, AND POLICE INIAMSTILATE--Onice, No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo site the G.,urt House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions ; Acknow ledgments .aud Probates token • the Itecorda exantiuod, IAOII9, Bowls, Mortgagee, Wills, Leases, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., eto., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all business in the hue of hie °Metal duties, promptly attended to. hung, from 734 t. If. to I P. cm., and from 2 to HP. W. apSly 1)E TIS ONS i °LNG WEST, who desire to ',archaic, good fra iug landly aro informed that v.o havy 632 ufl - .a.1 In flown) county, lowa. di,a, 0-10 acros of lacpi In Fra:Alia county, will be eo!d or cu-y tering by n. OUTUII.P.RT a EON, mylL, 61 Market street. CIGARS 1 CIUARS 1-1 13.1.ve receiv,, , d thi6 day lOt g,1111111., i111i,01.04 Havana citrt..n...,f tho old and well knc4:I••SOTICO3" brand. T.no , ta wiceilcc, box of goo] cig , na Atiouldc LA and eicanla.em . 7 aback_ purclunOng oliev.here. JOS. FLIIIIING, J. 2 Owner DiArnond and Z'Sarkic: at. LAIIE 12 WIN E.- 2 ) rare, IL Job:et:cm a Bong Modec Claret Wino; 10 " ‘• St. Jullon Glare: Wine " C. C. St. Julien Claret Wine in etore and rc.•r Bah, by MILLED. AroamTsoN, NU7. 71,1 mid 223 Libezty atrtet, 1 "in EM IC I, OLEVE SOAP.-1000 boxe9 Aj Chemical Oliva Erasive EtcAp, on he.nd end fur ealo by J BACO.N.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoul den,, Sidea and Hama, Just received and for sot k by JAS. A. FET'Ardt, cora Cbrnor Mark:4 and Viro rtreoto. TN.Diu 0.-2, cases Manilla Indigo, just ro caived and far sale by niylB MILLTIII. h RIIIICETS4IN. Dal El) APPLES.-50 bush. Bright lined Apples Jnrt tiruiyud an.: fur rale, by JAS. A. FETZlilt, tu t Corner Market and Second Q . PONGES.- - -I have just received a large lot Supert.r Bitting Spongea, of every eizo and price. Those wiehlug o g article in this line, should call and CXEtraillu bccers purchasing elaewber,... JOS. FLEMING, my - 2A Corner thairionit and Marhet street. 1 1 - S 1 NUTS.— 01 bales Bordaans. Almonds; - Paper Shell " to begs Filberts; 30 " Cream Nate; 30 " P4CV.II. " ';:; Aid bus. Ground " buOu CCCUA " Just received and fur sale by RHYMER k. ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Jo g Opposite she St. Charles TOCEINGS, GLOVES, M.l -; FTS, ETC. Suitable for the appr,aeLdng hot smsou on hand by je3 JOS. HOLI.NE, 77 Slarket ktrent. LASS,-500 boxes Bxlo, 9x12 and lUxl2, ' , LT for sale by (..p(t a - P.:ILLY LI COLLINS. JOB PRINTING.- Curds, Freight Bills, Circalan, prey Receipts, Bill li.eada. Labela. Railroad rocelpts, Bill.; Lailag, With eVery other docripticu cf Job Printing, executed with promptneas and at fair prices. J. R. WELDIN, Printer and Bied,,r, my.3l Wood street, near Fourth. 19 ACRES of choice land, with good in - 1- m. , provem::nts, neer the city, for salo on easy terms by 1 UILDING LOTS, on six years' credit, for .9 sale by B. cuassilx:r a SON, I eta 51 Market streat. D ALLs BALLS! BALLSI—A large as sortnient of Foot, Solid and Bat Balla, just received and for sale, wholesale an•! retail, at the India Blabber 23 and 23 St. Clair straot, J. a 11. PHILLIPS VANS! FANS 11—Palm Fans by the ease, . dozen, or single, at Eastern prioeo,wtth other varieties of 'ancy Pane, for sale at HORNE'S,. jeB 77 Market street. CENTRAL BANK 01? PENNSYLVA NIA.—Notfce is hereby given that the CENTRAL JUNK 01? PENNSYLVANIA, at Hollidaysburg; will I ' o open for basiness on WEDNESDAY, the lfith inst. jeT ~-• JOSEPH BROWER, Cashier. LARD AL. — le - ":4; Extra No.l lard Oil; 2.5-; 0 ••• No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by [nl9/81 B. C. & J. 11. SAWYER. JAVA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of strictly pure Old Goveinment Java Coffee. Alin, La guru and Rio Ooffae, JAYNES' TEA STOILE, jfito VI Fifth etrcet. DURE BLAOKBELRRY AND CHERRY IiqtANDY, for medicinal purposes, at RAWORTp. et 'BROWNLEE'S, in tho Diamond 1300 K RESTS—Made of Mahogany and well flniebed, for eale by W. S. HAVEN, Jel4 Stationer. BILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large assortmant alwa3 e on hand, or made to o: der. W. S. LIAVILN, jel4 , Corner Market and Second streets. LAWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various nines and colors always on hand, at W. S. lIAVEUVEI, Jel4 Corner Market and Second ete. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY BOOTS AND SHOES, Cheap for Cash, at the well known store of Market at, second door from WWI G.1)141 BANDS, Port Folios, DoskPals, ik,rt Mcaaies, and . Pccket , T3ooka, i,r W. S. 11. 1 ..V3 , N't3, Corner Market and Elecervv, atterl4 GUNNY SACKS.-4100 large threi,) bushels Ognny Backa, now and in good ordar, fur sale by JAS. A. N ETZKR., triy2o Corner Pint end Mar etreof a. STNUTS.-5 barrels Italiaia, received C this day, and for sate by RUMEX. & ANT )ED.sot; No. 04.1 g oo d s ae. OPRodte Ot• ;bastes Hotel, 8. CUTELBEST 4 BON, El rnsrs'v4 street. JOBEPII IL BORLAND,. kiltdIV,PP,iR 92,0 -a. MILITARY GOODS. THE SITBSCRIBERS TIAVF, CONS'r A NT LY ou Lad a Coulpleto MILITAR I=l 3170131 bi, 3A7EiBa, - A - izit,LS, Vol tint eer Companies FULL F , ZUIPHENTS AT Y [TORT rapriot SILK D IUNTEN,I F S 3 !ADE TO ORDER. )NO. 13. YI+IPADDE...I SOri. 95 14 .11t1i12,T STE. SAML FALarMitiVilli, No. i 4 Wood gitreeg, rilhbariq:rgra, ITAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM a ENG LAN D - WALDRON azziurz.] ( 1 .1 1 101 11 , -11 vP (111! - Fill; Udg. . ) 011 1E1:14 J OOaNiso'r.g; - PATENT A\' ;lilt p;7 AN Vii,:3; ST Trai, very superior Drawer imperizr Gun Locs, Tinned and al - lam:Aka tug Erma Carenuitcka, Stalv rtrui.i. and Mr• - vinririi< Teacea, Coil, Fifth, a variety of other which 0r63.3 D,r $.1,19 Sj 'lt LEY & SO N Zrefrdir.s 11? .% . 50 fIM9 Fuuttpla ' BOILERS FITTED, Hiaz artd. Wrath "Mows &pp:led with Hill, and Cold Wattr, In the apprcved style. All worlEpretuptly ou the thortiyt nntico, _TAMES 111iLLINGAR, MONOLNIGA A LIEIJ Z 9 PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that ho hen rolinilt iiineo the fire, ',Aria:, enlarged hid establUlanont, and tilled it with the n^scst and melt op. proved maeiiinery, 13 now prepared to ft - tali...li flooring and planed beard,i, eitN,da,, , , P.Uti rwatsing, (1001'3, sash and shatters, hilu dric , l, rainflilizic , , box untying, South Pit . si r,i oh, 7, 16,7. - 10TIN1 OW GLASS.--3.300 y ar d d f ro m to 6 inch inch di3ineter, it)r an!a 6y COLLINS. BEANS. -25 bbls. white Beans for sale by JAB. A. FIiTZER, Curlier Ylnt and Karkatmtn. nELA RUE NOTE PAPER. ANt) EN: Vl:f OP:::4—V,-Itl by rn l -I. R. w - eururr._ LNDS IN liIRGINIA, _lowa and Texas, for rale by CialllttAl4 & SUN. royl3 i.l .7%1,.rk0t. - trot. INDIA 1-I,UBBEE. Co:4l3.S.—Tho IN , st article in uo, Ity,t d A the lud.a Ilut,Lor 2,3 and 25 Bt. CI btr, c.t tny22 DREN_CEDI3II,I4 f,OULTY- - - at S, TEX tA.S.-5 , 10 I:2res of good farm; Ju g iqta a, flay> e:31 , 117y, ,r trairio .11111 tillibc.r 1311 d, p( 4 r ucrc , f t 4 ,110 inyll S. Merket OIL CLOTII CEAbil—lsoo yards of varr ous ;:att, , rto arid widt . .n, jcat rc-ce:red 110111 (1L CAC, tory, fbr eolo by d.: 11. PIIIIJAPH, my= 2ki 2.4 St. 111-Jr UST It ECM \TED A S'Jl'l7ltlol3. LOT of lloubto :kud .741ng10 (;;lA.•, f r 3:011 losv by et..v.nymu2zu y o trmi, S:6l. FOR :4P,LE.-0110-th . u.,l4if valtkable pr) • ! f orty, hnvm g a fro:l7. of 15) f-ot 6:z ,trOLL LF. t,a t•op on eqr.th CUTIII1111::21 SON, my'./1 5I 7,larbit eit.rrot.. AC RE S.--A L. 7 etIIIPTi.Y4LIO:I,4. V.r :11. by uty2l A SiN. 55 Marl:aut.. b 03013 /..%:tilirt.Cld 'E L:O6 Viindulir Obßi, go.ol cow;cry brool. I r my.. 3 ill: If. ULLINS. Bliii:;Nl6.-50 doz. reo'cl and I raz:A. • 11E2; :.Y. my 27 .Lri o ages IN t 3 it awl Trout, for ealo by (111;,2) INO. D. 14'011. - SA4 126 CO 121' s--60id riOILN.---10 hags IL,/ for golo by jjo:3l lIMNItY H. COI,LINti. COLINtit Y - 4_101) I z. Country Bacon, Muni], and rec, :will and for Eala by tetf,TZiin, tnpl2 •,!oroir on.! leirtt tal• iUIEUK all the ilanks awl Brok.a . d pit W. IJ. HA V EN, mr24 ba,ski!ts ptieo, juzit reo r (1 Ly and for gala by ILLIYAEId. !Pyl No. 11 Wool atrcot. AWRENCE, L; CO.'S DOUBLE Esfro,IELED VISITING CARD:i.—SaId by LuyS4 0013. N.-200 huHh. prime white Corn, for woo by 1ar27)#.4 001,1.13`.45. _ 91 1 0 LET.—A eunuec,dien3 three story Frame A. Houoe, Kith Pagel: ini , :innen:--annbyl on Bedford nirt•ct—to rout, by Mr.LEit d IIiCE Nee. 221 mid 1:23 Liboity etrcot. UTTER.-3 bbls. fresh roll, for sale by _9_9 mrlii MINH Y LI. COLLIN& 011EA.I ) WALL PAPEii.—A new sapply of note V1111,21%13 La' catc , W. 1. .I.IISn'ALL Wt.E Strtt , t.. 11-Ibs SWEETLI.—The lazest and A L 7 1 ,31, I.,:furno, o.! fr.,ta the well kuu# Ta:ip Flaw....r. A La - gee aup s .l2, - tro,l ibis day by jJ2. ILEMI4t.I, log UQrr.or Di4Tlloll.lllLitt M.trktit NWRlGiff':3 F'itAii(ll ANNI. ()IL._For pre.t,trviugJuulbz , "atifyia,; the hair, coantaatly ou 113b,1 at JO3. 11,1:1111"..:(1, .7 nod 'Aprkot at. TAP. CAN 1) LE6.— lOW boxes Extra. Adarumaine ch 11.:nd pad for Li liE7l A. G. 11. PIiWITLII. DIGARS, CIGAI 8.-30,0u0 12;en-aino vault Cigars of tlio "Seneca," "Co quette," and " tro. AC:C.3" bralo.b..jugt received by JO3. FIJOIING, 1,37 Corn , ! t• au.lll.:,rkot at. 1. and iN o. 2 Lard Oil coastaq on hand nud fur aaht jc. B. C. EZ J. H. S ANYY ER. i; OF JAMAICA —5 g,:onn re rived thin day, and for sal() J J 3. }..i'',UNG, Corher Dinuload end Harket, at. GINU chLap at Ja2 qc 11 NE CK' PULMONIO SYRUP-A largo mipply of this (sot:ILIA remedy for coughs and colds just received by Jth3. jet Corner Diamond and Market at. DUKE MADEIRA AND CLARET WINES, by tbto bottle or gall ,o, at, lIINVOILTLI tr. BROV/7.4LE1T0, rt tha IThurctvi. BUILDING LOTS-13 Lots ' eaeli 30 feet front by CO I deep, titi-,P'e LlbcrtF, near the IlailecadDooot. Pric.:3 from 3'..1!5 to 41.CU—trrse9,ono.fourth in hand, balance at U 2. - ears crocht. Call and Ee.o the plan. a 20 H. Mark, , t xt. rElE3'illitS.—.l3orcior3 timi.oireics ior Tea _..R. tom fore'- be 1 niv".l l W. :7. 3IAI:SITALT. k CO. 11:10-3MINY.--16 bi.)l.. Flint I.l.oniiny for sale ._a_..3. by ,T.{.S. A. Et.TZliit t glir3 Coral or Marlot nad Yint ets. FTIORPEDOES.-500 J ,000 N o . 1, . 1 ue,... 3. reed _a. and ' , .. , r St it.) 'REIMER. A; i.NDArtacas, - N 0.39 Wood street. r - - I IVOE S FOR FOURTH OF JULY. —giro Works and Fire Balloons raataufactnrid By U P. Diehl, Pyrotechnist, for t balo by YA.ER & ANDERSON, No. 2.9 Wood 'Arcot, OppoAto thn Si. OLotrloa FlotoL AYETTE COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. —9Ol. acres in 'Wharton towmthip, rm'er fence asltb log beam., etc., good springs, coal and liracrtone ; one-half the farm is line timber laud, and about led acres in meadow. The sell is good, well adapted for a Ez tv:a or grain farm, sit nate at 1 1 / , miles from Fayette Springs, g miles from Union town, and 15 from Connellsvills, will ho sold at a low price, or exchanged for approved NV,atern jeS CLITJIMMT a SON, 51 Market ob. 10OUREJAMAICA RUM AND lIOLLAND DIN, by the bottle or gallon. r.t IiANTORTII e 5 in the biamonl. U2II.I3RELLAE I .----SiD;. and Gingham . A s ) Eau limb eiLa, .21.1p12fi,r vary w 110159171 1 , JeB T•ittlket DESIGNS.--Arlitctarc.l nr.ll .Deenrativo for deptng parineling in O. )iArble ::od Prepared by trnyal I W. P. MAD.r+LiA .% Cu. faERION PAl'Ett on hand, or numb to ()t -o dar, by WM, U. JOLINSTON 4. go., nr;l.7 bUdionori, 5. Wcad nth 1?A IN TIN U S.—ltantiiiza pea anti Bu , ILO vett, to nll colu.o, fa Lira Boards toy nalo b • aplti t P. s'f,lll4'rtaii NIM_MI4 ce - 0 t fl PLu ~[H~, ETA ULETII 3, Burro. s, PRI ti GL3, ETON, FTV & GI KIIF_F Er ~,i'S' Ell= , nsolted sizos ;Po, S t ti oiriry \Wire] t of .Cround of 7 tr,,r Plitit•T a Al Statioter