LOCAL AFFAIRS. Court of Quarter Soutane. Before President Judge William B. APClare, and Associate Judges Adams and Parke. In the Ross perjury case, the arguments having been concluded on Thursday afternoon, Judge M'Cluro delivered his charge to the jury. It °con. pied about an hour, and was a fair and impartial charge, covering every point of izarortance. After an absence of two hours, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and the prosecutor to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Robert Sample and Silas Sample, on an indictment fur conspiracy to abduct and reduce li,ti:/a Uht , S. This prosecution rests on the aile f :atioa of Sebastian (lass., setting forth that Robert Sample, of M'Candless township, pro• mural the sorvioes of his daughter, Matilda Gass, to wait on hie wifo during an illness; that on the 15th of May, of the present year, Robert, his brother Silas and Matilda suet at Manchester, when the two brothers pleitaiied upon the girl to go oa board the steamer Argonaut, bound for St. Louis, holding out the idoa that Silas would marry her. The whole party regietored tht.ir names for St. Louis, bat Silas left the boal. precious to her departure, leaving the girl on board in company with Robert. After three ist•eonee, Robert and the girl returned to the citt,en tonal the steamer Rochester, as man and wife. We will hot edify our readers with the evi dence given on the trial. The evidence for the Cl , MP.lollVrelilth eluF3a in the afternoon, nal N7l.len tun caca war, adjourned until Monday, t},3 evidence for 010 dUIoW3 Was being Colcuitry lk emu - A littie gi;l, yearn uT age, daugh!er • susdioa vd in 64ndy Colton- Lim.ra Crltl :It V, i ,!Grifig Coc i atv rui a lank ::010 WnS (I On a I 'g e.na lull , t M. U. MaLe.,;an, of Eber.s. burg' ounly entered c•ri lest Saturday t.11;07(18 Lorrol r:, booty r•.,0a11 JILIN +% - i aannal a-t. , : , ,n , ,ricern• - )at at Wca , tru:nBt , 3r C . 7; raington, , taf,. pt us::t Thurp- do,f lambuiar,r,amodTalc kitwir,ptol to get r, it train of errs 171100 is motion, r,rid fell un.: , ..•,.—;:Je traitis Lim, f•L9 of 1 , it I o unt uer a>nry to nut tbo 1L;:o tiotin subsoribad, and it i 8 ectc;t :li Of? V.lll 1 , 3 ninti," ' !• iu try° months - E)eelorro , :t (-minty detd a Con• ventiun f i thd C;ard n. on Mmolity last, steel 11:n foltdy,iog r.r wirsittimm If% M. ; ly, J,ln M. Fleming Pruthenotary. L. B. Long, :n;.eter and 1:s - teenier, John Haslet!.; Curnmission c.r. Ihoj. Miller. Capt. Abrams has served the. peo of- Li 3 clibt..tieS in the Lions° of Repreoentativee I tr two years, wish nar.rked ntil'ty, and wo aro pierts.6 , l to see that his immediate eonstituentd have pm uF.r!y apprezia led his services by conferring upon him a still L',sher honor 711 e pc, iy (':/y.—The Lesn• tiful scats f.: p isatc. - , .;,ltleitree, in Mr. John Irwin's itl e u or his 't " property, are being etcadiiy die;,nned of by Mr. Davis, at his Auction It) ems. Th . :: interest taken to_securo homesteads in this delightful location is assurance of the elegance and taste with which the lots will be uniformly im proved. Those who purohased at the former sales design to speedily build for themsel•is ; and as the proprietor is determined to dispose of all, it will not be long before this section of our sister city, with its broad con_mons and spacious avenues, will become a garden spot of beauty, in its suburban style cf architecture. On next Tuesday evening, at his Auction Rooms, Fifth street, Mr. Davis will sell the reinainlog lots, which are of various sizes, as de scribed by advertisement in our columns. Plans can be bad at tho Auctior , Rooms. llortte.jferh. 071 a "Bowler."—An amusing incident occurred yodterday afternoon on St. elnir street. A bingo horse, attachod to a dray, ran cif, taking the direction of the bridge. On reaching Super's drug store, having in the meantime got rid of the dray, ho astonished the inmates and bystanders by rushing into the establishment at full stood. Once inside, he Blood Still, and quietly surveyed the interior, evi dently Slinking Limnlf in the wrong box. Whether his visit was prompted by a desire to indulge in a glag of Charle)'s soda water, or some other motive , we are not possessed of sufficient "horse sense " te discern; but if the former was the object, he showed himself not only a well educated and reGned animal, but a good imitator of the human species, for every body goes to Super's this scorching weather for a refreshing beverage. More .j)srt at Culling Park.—Auothor match is advertised to comp off at Collins Park this afternoun, Oar bloods will doubtless be in attendance to enjoy the fan. The prize, a silver cup, vainod at forty dollars, will be awarded to the best blooded colt under four years of ago. This race will ho the 13)03; exciting of the season, as the horses are to run. A special train will kayo the Pennsylvania Railroad dep , ,t at two o'clock in the afternoon and return in the evening, for the convenience of visitors. After the trial et sliced, a foot race will cents off, in which the fastest ruunor in a half mile race will receive a premium of ton dollars. Great Mantiii./,.- -A. M 'Tighe, come of tirr.ut and Firth sfreat, offers from this day follh his outiro stock of Mantilles and Dusters at List cost. The g.n..fis arc all now, and of the very latest styles, and e.lll I.e Hula at pcicea heretoforo unheard of in l'ittAargh. Lmlios in 'want of those goods will find hero an opportunity of purobasing Mantil las at their own prices, as the determination is to dispose of the whole stock without regard to cast, the prepriotor having dotorminod to quit the bust- DO2B Id i.:1:13t fri,r- Also, a large assortment of car pata. Reid lr• R 4 ,1/. Thureday Nlr. E.l11'01".1 Campbell, wsu IPCBk G.] a wound in ',fa arm in the Supremo f'wirt ream, having refuse; to tnalin any inforrafthon Mr. Karr, the eLief cl police, Robert flagon, wade an affidavit againFt the :utter for as.ovult and battery with intent to hid, "Lein in feru;atien 1. ,- 3eived." On Friday morning an officer ded.pafellel for Mr. Korr, who returned afterward. , with Mr. K. in cuAndy. iio gave bail in thn 214111 .ir for Ilia appearance at the next terra of the C•dnd of Quarter ttee.,iori.9. To Priett,t.—lio call the attention of the craft to the GitIJNI Printing Ink Manufacturing Cc,mpany, who are determiced to cell a gt.ed article at less rates than anv in the teathet. The news, jib and card inks wilt he toun.ti all they aro represented, and the pica ai!l La represented Ly the quality. This is a new Company and intend to manufacture extensively all sorts and sizes. Oftioz fur the sale of tho inks is at Clark's NewB .I.lt)pot, No. 4 Girard House, Smith. field etroat, corner Third. footer's National .—A good bill for Saturday night is offered at Fostor's Theatre. It consists of "Nick of the Woods, or the Jihbenainosay," in which Charloy Foster sustains the principal character, and the: patriotic drama of "Mother Bailey, the Heroine of Connecticut." Bach a bill should attract a good audience. The Juvenile Concerts, under the direction of Prof. Slack, on Wednesday and Thnrsday evenings, were attended by good audiences. Tho singing was ox. °snout and highly creditable to the gentleman's qualifications as a teacher of vocal music. Pi il/cci.—A man named A. R. Nible, from Beaver Ba., was killed yesterday at North Washington, 0., about fifty miles west of Crestline, by attempting to got on the ears while in motion. The examination at the Pittiburgh Fomalo College dosed yesterday afternoon, three young ladies grad- The alarm of fire at noon yesterday was occasion ed by the burning of Hamilton & Co.'s engine shop, on the corner of Liberty and First streets. The fire was extinguished with but trifling damage to the building. Dismissed.—Tho traverse Jua' in tho Court of Quarter Sessions, who have bean on duty for throe weeks, were discharged yesterday, ozoopting those engaged on the conspiracy case noticed elsewhere. A now jury will take take their plaoo on Monday. Blackwood.—We aro indebted to Messrs. Hunt Miner, Masonic Hall, for Blackwood'e Magazine, for June—a good number. The Twenty-second District.—The Republican con ferees for the Twenty-second Congressional District met yesterday at Bakerstown. Tho dolegates from this portion of the district were instructed to insist on tho nomination for this county, while those from Butler are as positively instructed for Hon. S. A Parvianoo. They had not returned at midnight: consequently we cannot give the result of their delib erations. FRIDAY, JUDO 2 Important Knowledge, not limited to one branch, thorough and comprehensive, fitting a man to enter upon all the duties which any business may require, can to acquired in from eight to twelve weeks at the Iron City College. Fatal Accident.—A man named Carpenter met with a fatal accident at Leech's coal bank, a few miles above Elizabeth, yesterday. He was in one of the pits at work, when a quantity of " horseback " fell on him, crushing him to death instantly. DOWMAN SC CO My sister boa token your Vegeta' le '3out pound, and she Is well. Sto , hod boon down with CM18131111,. thou for two year., but Is now able logo to work again. My mother had a cough for five years—has taken thruo bOtElee of your Compound, and It cured bar. We all believe it has not an eynal fur long dieoasoe. PIT fPllell.ill, Juue, 16 58 it le but Ow ‘olo.ouu dve , ta of nll to make the Lest poi. slide inveatmeut of their means, and those merchants who offer tho grata( at indtmemilats to omit buyora, seem to be favored with the greatest prosperity. This fact, well studded and acted upon, by Carnaghan, Allegheny City, him given direction to all hie inn:int:se operation?. Hence the low rates at which Le lurniebes a good article of men's or boys' clothing. a THE tiREAT DRAWBACK to persons emigrating the extreme WiAtoro country, is the great fear they hare of the Fever and Agoe—the molt direful of all cilsetisen. Every .13y tee hear r.i pcitiOtin attacked by thin Ontean. , end taste h ,, 11 , 1d in n short time, without any mean, of affording d u view of the great demand for a remedy, Dr. HttrirETTßlt hat pretented Lie celebrated tan ER'S, Nt•ht - At- eurativ: p,orna fcr all disowns] of the eitionach have been unii • nranlly acknowledged. nth " Mt tens," prepared otter a long experiime.:• and drop at t/dYdlaVo oceived the encaniium? of the most imilnent little-Little, as well tit till !rout ['very par( of out country. To I hose who doubt their many virtues, on HS C4ll way Is, to try aunt, and judge for themselves, respectively. Per rule by dregs isle and dealers generally', i- , very‘t here, :I.)STErTEIt (") -- - .) ,- D AS A MEDICINE, At; A IitIVERAUE, AS AN Appether, aq a rpatoratice, as a , s olace, 83 a Kentla oxbilerar,t, as a atEOY iu It,,hhooil arid a bolp in IL) then. la Luthitig 1,1,:e .1 NI. OLIN'S CEI,EIIRATNI) 81 ,, NrAui[ BITTERS, ti,oy pron9auc..l by all ELY, th.•rn, GU' wiperior t.. Nos p ,pirati. , !‘ of t!,) k!ul Dow 10 ~.1‘ 1.1"1 (".0 " fq."}”.l ) %j a r CCti (lOW 1.0 of thy. Stuawh, ov., and a prov.o.too• .4 moot of the prevailia4 V.,c Thuy :Own Id b.. k. , pt and nsad by every ismily, e•pecistly at tLi3 Season , r! the your, when I.,ss of appetit4 13 4., prevalent. No fainlly tx , :laulting their own interkat ,a,r,l to do without thorn. Ali El:iilY a , nr . u 4 urLieles aro put up and sold so genuine, ho ouro and call t,,,r J. M Olin's Ceiebrated 13bain Hitters, out 0e that the' article purulused b,ars Lbs name of J. M. Olin as nisunfseturer. For sale by J. M. OLIN, s proprietor and manufacturer, No. 2t7 Poch street, Pi..tsburgh, Ya, and by druggists and den!oru c0,0r.111 Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, WareroomB, 4'Zl Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, ZS-. In addition to the Furniture butitnoss, I also devote attention to UNDERTAKING. Hearses and Carriages turwe.hed. o CHILTh & COO, ar . 0 slat r... 1;,.. I.PY: W , ..,...,.. ",e.,7 :Fl 1 3' ' .t --L i ~ .77; 7,. :' 1 . IF,r ll' $7: TIT TfiT V ri:F - 1; C I O ..1 4 Ch C a WAPHDt;E -' ; 11l ..*: .7r2i ~ ,f ..."-} 1 . .1 r' . ... 1 --- i" ILV ' .e .. '•A . 4r *le li r % .1 .1 I 1 in, A Ir- , IE4I !'- '1 / ' l4 "t . 4 - ; - `" 2? -' 6 :- .4"41-, I ',;--,-, --L_. - - _ 5 . " . ' INI -n114,:Cp.,... 0 I 'PW - Lte C PZ7 )73I O, - Mek.,-,- rl r i f 7-%* • , a r 'iriglg4 - 4.144E`Etf1i.4,001, 6.,..-1: VI ..-1.'"; g''.2 1 1 ~, . .:4 C. 7.) fIc A 7I-4 2 :1;1.3 .4)1 . ,..„) ; -.1 c r ; ,, t , - . . ,..- . 4: 4 ‘ r -_____if ,-- ,1 1 ... t, .. iR--_ , ,,--7-41:- - - _ NO. Paz WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., I_IAVE JUST RECEIVED TEIEIR large SPILL:it:I STOOK OF B(})TS AND SLIDES, c..nsietlng of a great variety of ael9onable and fashionable ;cods adapted to Boring and autntryw gales. Tlaving bean purchased fur evil', nt In•luced pricel, they feel warranted in saying that they can atipply Western in,‘:ctranta, by the tankage or dozen, at fk4 lOW pricee as the name quality or c - ,uc1.3 can be purchased in the Pa.atern citioa. Particular attention given to orders. Also, a good supply of Now York and Spat - kWh Sole Leather. ILIITCHICO(11E, riI'CRLEFAUX & CO. FORW SRDINC AND COMMISSION E' UCH AN rs, itol.isatn Pealery in Product", Plour :nil Wont, No. 11l esi. , in.l street, Pittsburgh, I. EtirtUNNOLB:I Trnlger ITarl•ao,rh, Janet h E. Pith'', fif.. I.11111M; rittl•nry.h ; V,aval Childa ix Co . , " ,C,111. 0 .1 k liorway, auto ; fiagaioy, 4:,,d;r.v0 A Cu., " Charrat Ita: tin, i'hilad, , ipb4.. 'd0.;',00d1.,.....)irik1):: it Co .lsrlta, ent,E,Luti , ,, .4 Co. u It W. , " Waasior A Orallain, iloo. M. elc 1.. lloid, Cinclunati Eltiouo, Sturlitig . A Co., A. E. Fenton it UCOi , " Yard, Gilznora mvslirtf WILLI A M OA n, - PROI-JURIOR, Tlio , new, built iopeehilly fur the parpiiies a a Heist Class It.e.stotiraat Sineno, and Ib., pri,,prietur Lay ink fad tunny ye n a rap •• 4% It ihiSLu,inoae%l. i ll k eep ,eostantiv ell hen.? th bee that the Win e s, I.l.piern aii.t Alra, Cr- if the heat 'pointy, Ile wants his lited tee public githersity t, giro line a ran at the i•yi.11,1,110.11, ty 4 S T U N 1i L tJ 0 I'ATENTEP %_ I'ICL'-EItViNC .I_llo, vlug rill kiails of Flesh Fruits , Vegetables, Moats, Oyinorsrand all such perishahle articles tared awl tar eab) by ()UN I.N‘lll &Aid it CO, Na. 1041 ATKIt 1,r,41 140 D f 11ST sT brorrs, /CI- The main secret of preserving fruit to a fri,h cousiaLa in having it thoroughly lamttal when .inalt,l up, and lu expelling all tha air thorn inay may tin la the vesaul, iaJ that when the fruit it Nslll Farm a vacuum. Tln oud.raignai having 1 rocurtA tho rigllt to lamut..o. tt., thaao Jars, reap ,cttully call the attentEn of clualera and othora to them. The great sitroweirity of a eei ever any c+ her suloitantio for the preaorvatien eT !mite, etc , etc. is so well known. that ahy comment.; upon it are entirely Uri wzra,ary, nod the proprietors tool confident that any one, after her , lug emie souti these J art, with over be let to uso coy tA1.11,4 - . For sale wh,14434410 cod retail by CIJNINGHANIS Es CO., Jelik3ro No. Inn Water stretib VELLUM COPYING BOOKS.-These hooka puecec great advautugez over soy ettors; the popor being thick and strong w'll not tear when wet, It take a to cat perfect impression and h convenient to refer to. When once In nse their superiority is apparent. Sob! by W. G. JOIIIifiTUPI & CO., jr3 Stationers, 67 Wood et. pLEASE CALL and examine a cheap and well a33orted atock of Dry Gouda of every description Fancy, Staple, Foreign and Dorneotic. C. HANSON LOVE, (Formerly Lova Err hero,) Je24 74 Market strect. AT INIIOLESALE AND RETAIL.- DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, HOOPED SKIRTS AND FRENCH CORSETS, MITTS, GLOVES AND STOCKINGS, NEW MACKEREL-25 bble. new No. 3 Mackerel, just received and for sale by DRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap ples, jest received and for sale by PdoCANDLEBB, 3.1.1111.1i8 & CO., je22 Corner Wood and Water streets. 10 BAGS Dried Apples, for sale by Bea Y, 00SGBAVE & mr24 N. 18 and 20 Wood stroot DIIRE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, by the bottle or gallon, at ILAWORTII & BEtOWNLE.E'S, e 5 Corner of Diamond and Diamond aliev. T'ISII-25 bbls. and 14 half bbls. Lake Su perior White Biah, to arrive this day and for Cale by JAS. A. FETZER, elO Corner Market and First streets. TAY & BRO.'S PRINTING INKS—SoId i by rmr24l J. R. YTELDIN. ISOINT BOX FACTORY.- BUSHA Ct. GIITEINDORP Manufacture to order, BOXES suitable for Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Goods, etc., eto. %oil. Orders promptly Oiled. =My P2/3 AILEY'S PATENT CURTAIN FLX TURZB---The be in use, just received, and for sale and 2d At. Glair Aced. (jell) J. IL PH/WAPEU v!.4 floprh , toro, L ICalor .11,1 Pi S, lAA itleetd JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTUP.ER. OF PITTSBURGH', PA (Sucorsoa-, IIUPY.II/01, Nl'Unzarti a C 0.,) FBI E 5 MPOSE PO il l ,tit' ? cri, IVerg Doer to the Pia,hf.r j h 7 h,..2.'re All kinds of Emb-olderts, etc., at the lowest rates. jelZ4 JOS. HORNE, 77 Market street. McCANDLESS, MEANS E CO., Oorner Wood and Water streets. PITTSBIIRGIFI BOARD O➢' TRADE AND • BIERCLIASITB , EBCIIADIQS• ii relent. W. H. WILLIAM. Vice Previa:tits. P. II BRUNOT, let, ISAIAH DICKEY, 2d. Carefußy Reported by JOEY..rn SNOrnrs, SuperintendoA of Use Aferetonte Ezt• hange. Pirranunalt, June 25, 185 3 . FLOUR—Sales 35 bbls. extra from wharf at S3,EO. from store: 311 bids. in lots at $3,80 for superfine, $3.00 for superfine, t1@4,25 for extra and $4,50 fur ( xtra GitAlN...Sales 100 bush. rod Virbeat from store at 80c; 317 bush. Corn from wharf at 45c. bush ;97 lmb. Cats from wharf at 38c4 100 bush. do. from store at 30c. 11AY...Sales from the reales of 0 load', of Lay and I load of straw at from $9 to $l3 "Fl ton for Hay, and $T for straw. COFFEI4...SaIes 18 bags Otto at CORN MEA L... Sales 10 bbis. at 02 . 1 ,C,c. y 1 bosh. POTATOES...SaIi s ',Ai() barb. mixed at 55e. - t? bush. BACON...SaIes 4000 11)3. at 7c. for Sli,•uldieN, Sides and 91,<, for llama. 011HESE—Sa1es V It. at 74ilP and 14 Los ea JAMES ROBINBON Cream do. at h3.-c. lb. ROOS...Saks 1 , 6 h dt v. at U. SUL/ AR...Salea 5 hbda N. O. prime at 7 , ie. 1,1 MOLASSES—SaIe b bbla N.U.at L7.1,-ic."iit WHISK Y...Salea bbla. raw at ;6n LbL= recZitl, d at 21142.3 e. V, gallon. PHILAIALPIIII, June 25.—F100r dull and pikes of lowor grades huvo receded wi'h very hunted inquiry both for export and home consumption; Hi.leo of 20,000 bbli at 0,12 1 ., it bld for bnpertine, (ix trs and $5 tor extra faintly; the lecelptn Lava !alien off, the itlep,Cti.lo an, mating to 6555 tails. small illicit of Hp, fIT . Cora MOol dull et tt, 8 ,31 1 ,-4• lam hot to mc•rly supn'ind with good Wheat. and other dr•neriptionn an. not wanted, Halos MO brikh g - anl red at r a 01,04. and small late of Whim at i11,1t4nt4.15. itye is wanted at riSianid, hot it le i•ca•ce . Cern hue advanced, litle4 IWO ataill 3 allow ntl 'at at 707.4 , 76, and white at 73. onte al:tire dales 2100 bush Pnuti•iyl - at •IUSnlo!:, all oat, and (lou Litish thalawsre at 4th• Whisky quiet; ealce bble at 21"/ A Mils at '' 2c and drudgo CINCINNATI, June 2.5.—F10ur quiets, Finial! sales only ek• tra brands at $3,7f1ai1,90 Whieliv in good demand end firth, with vales of 1000 bide at IS !,v;,@18' , ,,, Grain unchanged. Provisions lower and in somewhat Leiter demand ; saloa of Mo.'s!: Pot It at $14,7.5; Bacon Shoulders ;dilc pa. lied; Bulk Sid• e tike Mews Should re 44c; Bacon Sidra saleable at 7c, held at 7',a,e. I aril isaleable at bold ni one Augur Molasses tine .0,6.11; N Y'S YORK, ?nu. 2:"., —Cotton quiet: Halm Itral bales 11l an at III; 15,5 W Ras sold. Wheat buoyant: 4o,Uad hua sold; old l . .lentlior it white iI,T7; new SL,IU. weS tern white $1,1.0241,07. Corn huoyaill; 14,500 has white at c. Purl; heavy at $13,:15(7 - nlit.so fur I rime: Bacon straly. Hatter steady. Molasses cry (trio; 91tu.isavaild1:711. ta , Cti lower: sfealy nt Li Tallow lower; 1.10,0ve Id at 'Tobacco unchanged Sugar firm; Muscovado 5!..A0r,, t' u-U loiayant at lUtd.l Freights dull; on Cotton to iverpool 7.32. NEW TORE, June 23 ---Stcck9 dull, and they coutlau. , to decline. Ohio, 1860, I n Crinse Land Gratitii, 1;11-Oulu rises irj; ilzen 87 . 1.6; Chicano and Rock lelni.d 72i/ 2 ; tialona and Chicago 81; Iteadiug The elegant aids wheel, passenger packet - SUPERIOR—Capt. HELMOND J. Sas.cs—will leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, on THIS DAY, the 4th iust., at 12 o'clock, x. For fieight or paseage apply cn board, or to PLACI, ItAitNtS t C)., Agents. Through to St Lonia in five days. This ',c.at connects with the mail lino, sad will go through in the time speci fied. Fhe will have on Saturday. 81)22 m?22•dly—lc The steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. Moe. '4_l4 13.011 AYRES, will leave for the above and ail purts ou every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For fraight or Talmage apply to bard LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL TANUFACTURERS OF SEITHINU, lk H A Brazier.? and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copp,r P.aised Still Bottoms, Spotter Solder" , also importers aril deaden in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, die. Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machino3 and Tools. Warehouse, No. 140 First, and 130 Second street, Pitts'.uir,3ll, Pa. Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. in3l9:lydaw DELIVERED EVERY MORN ING.- Porney's Press, Putdic Ledger, N. Y. Times, Herald aad Tribune, and the Cincinnati Commercial, are delivered in every part of the city. Trade supplied by leaving your address at DUNT & MINER, jel2 2fia13:111.1: JEW ICE OREA,M SALOON, AND LADIES' RE9TAIIIIANT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has Wood, and lit led up several commodi ous roams, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Filth street, which are now open fur the Summar Season. La dies and gentlemen can always find an abundant supply of FRE:3II CONFECTIONARY, FRU TB, ICE CREAM, WATER ICES, and all the refrelbrnouts of the season. All are respectfully requested to vlslt the rooms, end test for themselves. (je.lo) M. McGINLEY. E CREAM! ICE 011EA2(111.- The undersigned having lust fitted up his ICE CREAM sA.U.K , N in a vory Last ful and comfortable style, would re. spectfially Inform tale trionis and the public getter dly, that ho furniehee them a delicious ICE CE.EAId cf different Sa vors. Soda Water, Fresh tak.e, t3nue Drops, Fruits, etc., at all times on hand, at the Confeetionary of FILED. A. MIERECTI. St. Clair street, opposite Si. Clair Hotel. Ira._ Particular utter:Linn paid to orders (or Vic-Nice and Plrthis. mr2A-Im—mo ILITAItY ENUAm,pmENT 57'.4 ft,: OF PE.VY.sI'YL N/A. ExecUT/Ve CL/Ahlll lit, I I:l3xrieburg, Juni., 3, 18:i.8. It is 11.;relky or that a " Camp of Inetruell,m " he 1.1,14 at tl'ilii maps t, LyGotoing county, Penney Ivanur, the ikte.telkt year, ati•i A tlitltitlt of th 3 Coamiou- Weettit ii dtruCtod to 11X 010 tint,' thereof—t take (Margo of the arraagentmte—t.: cooed Lt jo,rUoll, hllli to Liiit•, the I„„c3.teary or d., , / to the Cuileral ai.l other 5l tlitary Winnaoawealth in relation to the acme. IV IL N. PAG'Kett, Outaiwtn , ler-lu.Chia. • ADJUTANT (11:1Y-ItAt'.q 01' YJCB, IlarriAkirg, Jane ii , INSB. I o u u 11001,1-127arters, " Cutup (A luhlructlou " kill 1,0 hula It:. I,y• Cllll.llag .:0111ty, l'eutoylvtwa.i, e nitueuctug At 12 st , ou . 4 ',1 " , 4 6 4 tile 7IIt day of September, 1858, (otitluite iutil ::A . FIJIMA :11 , I tt:..l“,y ufs /..1 10,0111, “111..: 1 , t• 1 nail (.13)., 11, I: CAI/011 0 " I. 1 . 1111 i 3 01114.0 CM 0,1 CULaplttliZ3 the State, erh., aru es, neatly I - , que-t..1 tu prompt att,c,..hrm..,. I I. rh, igtided rienernlq, and Brigade I ie.pie tent of the el • vd , itl ttivi•ii 5,1 and L.,t, tslOa, a; ire;( ttl t to my otli , 41 sill it .'uuipa.ktes and tiol I eill2.ore Will be in hum (half re , in,LIVO Cuninl3ll.l.l --With the rdatali,r titan in .31,1 i Cutilliniiy, the the Captain t, and their Poet 111. The Alas -de-Camp and all other miicora of the (3 rand ti tilt of the Commauderdu Chief are ordered to be lu at• tblatlanCO 3 armed and equipped in full parade IV. MI compaddm In attendance ato required td Ming with them all [Mitt nod camp equip.d.4.3 they may have V. The Brigade Inspectors, of every brigade, will report at once to my ottice, what equipage belonging the Atka, i 3 iu the limits of their command. VI. The Major Getiored of the Eleventh Livia!en, Gen. D. K. Jeckuten, ehall Le lila settler htll,er ou thity, awl he Is hereby cheirg .L 1 with the imcoo-liete arrauwelnents fur Bald Encampment, cud 14 urdeted to report to this office r fur ther ieltructious. Dy era( rof the Oomntantler-in-Ohiel. EDWIN C. WILSON, AdJeLeut Glonorul of Voundylvitubt. SIWIEE boSca. E & CO, • MEIRCLIANT TAILORS, MalEl'9 In Ready Made Clotblug and Gentlemen 'a Furnish ing eoode, coruar of Federal etrte: and Market Square Alle gheny City, Pa. Jel2:l.y TAR CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada k.), mantiue star Candies, warranted superior to any in the market, on hand and for 89:0 by inyl3 B. C. * J. U. HAWYEIt. LOIIN THOMPSON & CO. —Have just tv received and for sale, a large lot of Euglich Vouitian Rod, Rochelle Ochre, Vermont Ochre, Branch Zinc, American Zinc, White Lead and Whiting. at ale) 1I Third slit 0. INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The best article In use, for sale at the India Rubber Depot, of J. lg H. PHILLIPS, ell 28 and 29 At. Clair street. COMMERCIAL. Treasurer. N. HOI.Mvs, J R . Superintendent. JOSEPH SNOWDEN Cbmini!tee qf Arbitration for June. B. IL DRUNOT, V. P., JOHN S. COSORAVE, J. B. CANFIELD, SAMUEL SLIEIVEE, DAVID 3PCANDLEEB PITTSBURGH MARKET. Philadelphia. Market Cincinnati Alarket New York Market New York Stock Market. STEAMBOATS. CHIVCIINRIATI. or Cincinnati ZANESVILLE. For Marlette and Zanesville. SMELTING WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY CO., QTATIONERY FOR OFFICE USE-A large supply of Staple and Fancy Stationery, for of fices, banks, etc.,for sale by (jab)) J. Ile TRAPPING PAPER-3000 reams ass't Baer§ Rag Wrapping, a superior article, for sole by jelo J. IL WELDIN. eILOTH PAPER-36x40, for sale . by jel9 J. R WELDIN CIO.LTON'S WEST TOURIST &GUIDE v 4.../ For attlo by (jel9), J. R. WELDIN. Q." -- HOES, SHOES—Great inducements of LI fared at the People's Shoe Store, to all who wish to buy immmer Shoes Cheap—ladies' Gaiters Buskins, and Slippers. D. S. DLEFK.NEtACE&B .t CO., jel9 17 Fifth street, dear Market. .14ADIES' KID GLOVE CONGRESS GAIT ERS, with and without heels, at the Pecple's Shoe Store, No. 17 Wifth street. DIFFENBACEIER & CO. GENT,s CONGRESS GAITERS CHEAP, at the People's Shoe store, Fo. 17 Firth street, DIFFENBACHRE CO. G" 1 ' s W E A R.— FOUVAP. Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters ; n; Gent's Patent Leather Oxfords ; Gent's Call" Boots ; E Gent's Pine Slippers. 9 CHBAP. '. ,2 AT TIM PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, 3e12 N 0.17 Fifth Om; DISPENBAOHER A 00. SPECIAL NOTICES. , PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYING WITH THE URGENT REQUEST OF HUN• DRHOS OP THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. H. FITCB AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may be consulted at their office, Igo. 191 Ponn street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and ALL OTHER CHRONIC COMPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary disease, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, te. TAO /ITCH it SYKES weal,/ state that their treatment of Ciontumption is based upon the fact that the disease uvula in tl a blood and syttem at taffy', both before and during its development in Melange, and they therefore employ Slecban !cal, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. MIA these, they use MEDICAL IN HALATIONS, which they value highly, but only as Pa/lia• hoes, (having no Carative ejjeeta salon used al,ne.,) and Inva lids ore earnestly cautioned aplust wasting the pn.clorig time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be ritu.h ,, d I n a direct wa nner by Inhalation," for, as before elate), the seat rf the disease is in the bloat its effects only iu the ZS - No charge for consoltation. A list of quostions will be, gout to those wishing to consult sex by letter. ra y'.29,1.kw N ow HAT "rHE 1101' WEATIIER 1-1 A e Y, 'lke Citizens will wick a Drink or ICY COLD SODA WATER ! AuJ tht placo I. It y 66 ul . SUP pia 1-t'S DR WI STORE, U•JRNEtt sT. CILAIR AND PENN STS 1100 FL At: D'S UERMAN IiITTEK , a TAKE TUE U.'":" LEAD. Et7..lytos, G 0,., July 14, 18,3 fir—Your rleriroau ititterd ore taking the l ea d of all other iuedicintda far avonic rlitioaded, ntc , and aro gelling raidilly. Please send uy auolaer box imuordi Mel; , we strati be out IJef , ...rd it arrived. Truly yours, LYNC:II Goorglu, January 1, 1831. I)a.. E. L. STIIOIIEDKER Eald " I mu ha,.py to nay that your (Inman ”Itters are gain hg a great rbputatiou . I think it will, in future, Roll rapidly.' Morernmdko, Cl.wrgla, October ti, W. Mf. X 247 A: CO, etaid : " Your Bitters, though entirely unknown t•ofure in th's county, hava sold tepidly„ and givon satisfaction." Soo tuivertte...mor.t. For ',lle by IrkinllNG BROS. and Dr. CEO. H. ILDISREL, Pittaburgh. Jo2s:2wdaw Z - 4s' BEWARE OF IMPOSTERS--tiAI.III6N TO SAltillilL S. FITCH, (011 lie 714 Broadway, New Y01k.,) known ai the author cf a "New Citratiee. Treat ntsni" for the diseases of the Lunge, heart, Liver, Stomach Bowel', fildneye, Skin, Nerved, Muscles, Joints, Blood, etc. and for all Female Complaints, continues his practice with his usual su. - cew. .14Y- He is never absent from New York, and luu sot teen for many years. Hehas rw ether office nor any associa:e or p.l.Ttner at 11affizio, insicago, Detroit, Pals burgh or esewhere, and has n't had. &ware of all persons using his name, orprefending to have now, or to hare had, any professional connection with him I They are /in p.utors! ! Apply, portonally or by letter, directly to him self at hie eke, 71.4 Broadway, New York, where alone his treatment can be had. Remedied Kent to any part of the country, and treatment conducted eaccoafally by letter. A visit from the patient preferred. Hie "Six LECTUREiI " ou the Lunge, and explaining the method by which he mares the above diseases (3SO pa boned)sent by mail, poet paid, fJr 4) conic. 714 Broadway, New York, June, 1853 jrs:lm--e-o d -8c 0.5 CAUTION TO INVALIDSe—BEW.ARS OP IM— POS rott3.—Dp.s. (JALYIN M. F.PPOLI 4. JOHN W. STB S, Collies rel Peon street, Pittsburgh.) uutics anth much pleasure the above card of Dr. S. S. Fitch, 01 New York, and feel it to ho their duty also 1., cautiun the invalid pub. lic against impositions which seem daily increasing. Re cent developments in New York., of the fraud; practiced by "old Dr. 11. James," the "retired physician, who.e Bawls of life have nearly run out," and of "Dr. Uncas Brant," and others, seem to render it a more suitable time than usual, to expos 1 such trickery, rind vindicate our own character; and it is the more ineumbunt upon ns to do au, inasmuch as the opinion prevails that the dishonesty ii curitinel to the eastern cities';---3, far from this being true there are scores uf Itinerant doctors In this and the Slates farther West, who literally rob invalids, nut only of their money, but of their very lives, for they precut them from procuring proper treatment in time. Most of three traveling doctor.] take advantage cf the pro v3lent but eroneous belief that lung diseme can be cured by Inhalati •Lls; and cith?r profess to be connected with cur selves, (some even having assumed our very names,) or some eastern physician of great repute, or else With some far Mt (and mythical) Hospital or University ; and invalids in their earutstness to regain health forget to manias pr&fs and result of treatment, but are persuaded by bare assertions to place their health and lives lu charge of incomp,fteut and unprincipled men. Wu hay° fur soao than Loma shrinking from thca ciaidnaii. nut duty, but 030 do ea no longer, and train Lim card luny La tho ut Baying some from tieing la conoliision, it iii propos to repeat, ni wo have so oaeu done furinorly,TLllT WE lIA CF.. NO PRESENT LiJNN KG. T1../N Willi DR. 3. e. Frrou, Ott Wind ANI"..)Fb'lOl: IN NEIN YUltll. MIS. CALVIN 11. mon a. JOHN V 7. SYKES J, 8.1 ul-<3.o,i—wz "tru NOtWE----Notice is hereby given to tho btock holders of the hltiAlltitillA AND l'irTz;BUttilli biIIIJUN 1302il1'ANY, that an ulout.on will bo hold at the house of JAMES EttAM DY, iu the Borough of Mirming• barn, on MONDAY, the 6th day of July, 185 botween Cho hours of 2 and 4P. !II to the periled, of electleg a l'renl• tout, Troasuror, uud ten Ditort.trs ft r tho tgtsuiug, year. J022:2w W. S V \I Socrt. tat y. . . CITIZENS' INSIJIIANCE LIJAII'AN Y, t Pi rilfaUl: /11, Jac 13t11, 1f,'3..1 1a TUE PIINSIDEN 17 AND DIRECTORS UP rt: ills 1 .,.. Company kayo ttlid day dot:tare I a divide/id of SI X IJuLLXIIS Pk.'..E. r.;IIA Kt on tha 033,3 A Bt. ,, Ck—llyt, dullard pAyablo In cull to tlio 3tock - botch:l . s or th.ar 1...0.al rpro-1.-u. tativEJ, fortawrill, and Ulla LlJllar era land to taw Munk. jJltlen'..l.lt S.I.III.IJEL S. MAII.StibIt.L, zlocrotaey. _ .. . Fl - - -z % , NICgONOtk.UELA SAVINU FUND tJuNI.L'A.N Y.-- 11 - 1,3 f NOTICE—Thu Stork Eulm3ription Books t.. 1 the abovo lar,Laatiou, will routain °pan for a abort afllo eat do. oU Urant stieot. iuy pedou calliti; 1 , 11 the B,rctury, will bo furnitihr , l witil a copy of alb Chart.; Vißc.,iuut dip uNory a many, noted Malt lie. i . e.! 1,41 0 3 P. y., Wiwi. , day. DO A It D: WILLI Ali PHILLIPS, DIKEOTuilb: A_. %1. Poll,oh, Philip Ituyinor, A. S. Nidiclleon. JAIIKS S. IIUON, SeurAi.my nutTreuaur,r J. N. WeWitt, Jothun Eltmloa, Jatue6 ruyl7.lm ram> SI-11.111.1141%-2hu uuder•lgued odors himself to the Dornocracy of Allegheny county, 11911ceaandia, Sherill, soli et to Diu decision of the Democratic °ousel, tion. DA Sr: ES 4'313. It, jo:l4:daw Llpp.T St Clair. DIRONEtt.—The under tgued oilers Ltineie:f 11E1 a candidate before the u:..xt 11,nr. , :ratic Eon ventio:l for the office of Coroner, and cake the eupport of the tux:racy pa) LENOX RNA. China, Glass, and tllcaeerasvivare. BPRING STOOL JUST 011:tiF.D, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF 3E3C 383 mcr 3EIL '52" 3E3C 3C pr 3E3 "52" , 122 Wood garnet, Pittsburgh, Pa. WIIO IS NOW RECEIVINU FROM' Europe and Eastern Cities, a choice assortment of articles in hie lino, comprising now and ta,..teful Shap-e of Pearl White Stone Tea. Dining and Toilet Ware, and the same in Plain, Gold, Lustre Band and Flowers; Fins White. Vitrified Iron Stone Table Ware, known to be the moat dar able now in use for Hotels and Steamboats; French China of new styles, in Pure White and Goldßand, either in sets or single piecer, Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Sets; Brit tenni& and Plated Castors; German Silver Tea Table Spoons, Soup Ladies, etc., plated with silver; tine Ivory handled Carving, Tea and Table Knives and Fors, Tea Waiters and Trays rs Shaker and Seatreas Table Mato Japanod and Dec orated Tin Toilet Sat. • - - Also, a cnnplete and full assortment of all articles suits ble for the 00IINTRY RETAIL TRADE, at prices to please the public, who are respectfully invited to examine this stock.. mr27, :3mdscr OOL WANTED -10,000 ibs. Wool Wanted at highest cash prices, by HITCHCOCK, S.I'OIIIIIMY & CO., Je2l:lmclew U Second street, and 151 Front. GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS. L 0 P. M A D A I D EE 8 H 1 A 8 17 P. 0 E IT ()HEAP. B' a PEOPLE'S a A SHOE BTOIIE, A I No. 17 I'IMI ST. I T T OUILDRKNB' 8110E3 rid] ILOSPITAL SEMETING—Of all widths and of the best quality, feral& at the India Rubber Depot, 26 and 28 St. Clair street. joU J. &_H. PHILLIPS. 51/11 t 6 ' ' ; ores ore iy jeuo J. R. WELDIN. mcsicorg . C3olitirlir ICEB lik747lMAiar-dri'ME INDESTRUCTIBLE RUSSELL'S PATENT MASTIC TJPFIN a CONSISTING OF CA VAS . .;.A.TIJAZATEID %WITH RESINOUS SUBSTANCES, ETC, .1.11. MI 30 l'kT P X INT THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF Roofs, with Russell's Mitotic. This composition is adapted for all kinds of Roots, fist or steep; it COO nlso be applied on Tin, Iron, or o.d Shingles, making a perfect job. This composition is not effected by atmovhoric chmigid; it will nether crack nor run; It td impervious to water ; EIRE PR...it:l' and titre darahle limn any oth.ir kind of Mg. This roofing material is used in vas.. quantities throughout the United States, on Houses, Bridges, F.. ollir.g )1111d, Railroad Cars, and ht,arnt,iits, giving catifo and is cou‘lile red a perfect protection from the element , . Although title roofing waa only introduced here in 11116, it can b., boon on many of the *unildings in the city. Also, on most of the Itailmads. 11113 refer to a few places whore this Roofing is in use, and _An w soen--Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rai ; at Belie Air; Bridgeport; Martinsville; Portland ; Lagrangt ; Steul.euvil.o; McCoy's; Liverpool and Rochester Pia eons, and the Manchester Depot; Pennsylvania Central Railroad ; Spruce Clear Astoria Station, Mill at Tipton and Par aonega at Altoona; Allegheny City, Westmiuster Collega, met many ether Buildiup; Pittsburgh, J. McCally'd Ware. bouts; Bea, Trimble's Hotel; also, Liana: roan LAM-as in this city. All orders left at No. 1-17 LII3ERTY STREET, PITTSBUIWII, (where samples of the ma terial eau Le seen,) will receive prompt attention, by W. P .BUSINES CARDS. J. & T. Gll.O U 71"I', BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALL RS IN FINN uLD MONONGAHELA RVI WHISKY, PEAOG AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, itEt! IFIERB AN U DISTILLERS, earner or Smithfield and Front Streeta, aplii PlTTnnUftiiil, PA. S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, l'E.1:411Nt1„lois, A NI) ALI, Kt:. C is .}.;APPIN,I :6?) vtraveltiniuNe, WOOli PITTSBU ROIL PA te.,.liagd bought at tuark..4 yri..•a. EIIIOVAIL JOHN MOORHEAI) hai removed ti 7./- Watr IStre,t, i/ein.)W JOHN 3100EIRE410, COMMISSION MERCHANT, PIC METAL AND BLOONriS. NO. 71 IVATEIL STREEC, NIAIIN.EI` l'A PliTTSlitlitGil STEEL 0 18A AC JONES JNO:If..I.WY D WM. M °CUL Lout,l JONES, BOYD & CO. CAST ST E . SPRING, PLOW AND A. 11. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Rose and First Streets, iY2S PITTSBUM LI, PA HOOR.HEAD & C 0.9 MANUFACTURER OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Roofing, Uutterilig, Spouting, Sz.a. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT tmITATIoN RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, 138 Flrst street, rar2 6: ly is 151.1.A0 JOvNd 0.13. ROGERS :74, CO., IlLICIIPAOTITR)3118 OP RGOERS' 1111'1107liD PATE:NT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORNER. ROBE 0.Y.9 STIOLTS, PITT BURG 11. PA WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL EA Q„ 0&t Mt C I-I ANT 9 :10. el DIAMOND ALLEY, !gear Wood atrcet, PITTSBURGH, PA. gre- waye ou band, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cvgnse tinalidies, Old Monongahela and R.':Ufle;i Wlalnky of tLc Via ba.leilb.lat,. JAMES A. FE'PZEEt., forwarding and Commission ]Merchant, FOE Tllll 8 &LB OP our, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of Market and Egret atreete. PITTOI3IJAGII„ PA. RETZP. To—Francis G. Bally,Elm., William Dilworth, Sr., . thithbert .fg Son, Pittsburgh; it yd & ott, flekkell waaringen, S. 13rady, Cas/‘. M. &M. Lank. Lid"( . flowell, Mangle & Co., Georg.) W. Anderson, Doulo Patton & WhooLing. HARDWA • LAIUUEL FAIINESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD atreet, Pittsburgh, has uri Laud a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which ho will 801 l very 1 ,- iw t 1 r CASII. t•• Lis Leyte, Illugud , Knivea and Forks, and Sporni, awl a is' sc...ewtatcnt of Carpenter's Tuo!s, he has received a I:sr&t, ply of Sansade Cuid:re and StulTers ; Edlovola, Tongued and rokora ; cileigh "MIR, and Enain.l-d cC2O Preanrving. L. C. AT CO RN 1.1 V AT LAW AND CJI , ; YE VA NOE :J. 017:Ca Wt - 211 /AZgX.WILri, uniervia .C;11 1.43r.t. IV M. W. Efi PEI II , 'ERRS` PREMItIII RF,IIJI likUE [BEN ,`;10(11k: ALNUFAOTMZY, NO. 606 ARCLI ST KEET, Slik, sie-rluo and C.,t2,1111,th10r .•1:1 cr.!, Ur 2cArfi, A Dr,151.2.: :hula, NV I 'at ...iv dot hy Ilion. IIrOLLIGUL, 1.1 41“, ti. E. P. lIILED.O.LETON cr, 1211itC_P , IVPOP.TERS UM Vii ES , BRAN DI ES, &C., ALSO I A IN Nfli OLD NO. 6, NORTH 1 7 1:.02 , 11.' ST Rl 4 :kr, )allyd PHILALWILPIII/1 GO AAP GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Poet:ilium 113kilid 'Factory, CORNET: Tit I BD AND MARKET :TS., PlVis rrHOSE ilocuie with VENPVLAN BLINDS, 01 , wont eitqui -1114, and elaborate liilleh, will Buil it to th•-ft Intel ee,:i 4ivu Jai, a call before pur• hasing elsewhorku My \ k -t up by tbo beat itiechcificii (a it ii,prouticee.) tivery tiltoutiou is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. I w-rv. warrau 4.1. No. Ta Till ILD Street. Pittsburg!, fn , y b vie . . _ DAVID E. WILLIAMS, irIIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOR THE ERECTION OF OAS WORKS, for Ilyo fawners awl upvuu - .lei, and for Heating Builillugv., public or private, by Steam, Hot Wator or Ferunce 12 4 -5 13d 3 f '21721 7 31.111,1 U. PA. CARMINE-UW.2IT & VOUNG, (Succezvirs to John Cari.toright,) ITANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS 2.31. of Pocket and Table Cutlery . , Surgic A and ,1%.1 Den tal Instruments, Guns, Piet:Aa, Fishing Tackle, etr., No. 88 Wood street. They give spacial attention the nianutactnr• ng of Truaeue, Scpportore, etc. Jobbing and ge;alring ith punctuality and do6putch. aprr COX'S EXTRACT OF- - COPAIBA, SAR SAPARILLA AND =BEES :—A large supply of this groat remedy received this day. Also, another supply of Thorn's Compound Extract at JOS. FLEMING, e'T Corner Diamond and Market et. Tip ACON.-2500 lbs. Hams, Sides and Shoul ders—country cared—.B good article, for sale by ray) WIL LT. SMITH & CO. HAIR BRUSHES—A largo assortment of the boat quality of Hair Brilzhes constantly on hand JOSEPH PLE2dELNEPE, Corner Diamond and Market strati. I'RENCH PAPER HANGINGS.—Now designs and very beantital—received by late arrivals, for sale by W. P. MA.IIBBALL h OOy mr2s Importers oral Molars. 87 Wood 'treat. WHISKER BLONDE.-500 doz. White Whisker Blonde for Bowie: Borders, received, and m be sold very low to 51illiners by the piece, at 5023 11011NWR, 77 darks cargo'. eIOFFEE.-200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by SMITH a. CO, %.1 _ _ 118 &3marl. end 117 Viret at:efts- 41ARRIAGES, HATS AND CAPS, FUR NITII wanted in exchange for two 13uilding 1.0 feet, situate in the Seventh Ward. S. CrOTEIBEIRT EON, a I') hl bfarirot m:44. POPYING PRESSES.—Sorew Copying vlsa Promos, Calm and Lever Copyist Presses, L , ,ver, Screw and spring Cloying Presses, sold by WTI. O. JOHNSTON t CO., -_; 67 Wood street. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OP LIE AGE. K N.N EDY, of Roxbury, hus dkcov er o :• u uo of curucon wef.dd a v.”-Jt..fy MEM IrR,Ni TUFJ WORST LaOROPUL A DOWN TO A COOIMOis Ti nll,l t - ; ,. .1 it in over iltvaarial Ca.llk. a, r.over srupt in riv , carat, (kh.le tilnralor haah.r.) now :a his poaatiagiola ovor . tki ib 'kirliDu, all tvjtitia twenty utile.; vt 1.141.,t00. Two bottles ars watrituteil to curd a nurzluir tnanth. One to thine tiottios will ours worst tit' of 1 . 111,14.4 WI rile :emu. Two or tlire, bottles will elder the syat-eil of btleo. Two Lail., are warn - silted the w„, ,z thi uf,att, ur stonweli. Threa 14, b0tt.1,3 taro Wayrriut.,tl t cut. Lite st kinJ of Ticy6 l l.l,tb. Oqo t. , Iw.. Witted ala isiA(itt,l to (4ic alt tn:thf ayEAI. Two Ip',Wee I,ro wa,lautthl to Cara rttrming of tl.e cars an , ' 'tLLS. ho.Auiong tho heir. rot's to ois I—Aril,: are warrtioted to cure e , rrnpt auc , tunniux 111 One uotti• care scaly orttpiloa ~f the 810 s. Or I.llr OO ::re Wit , ritut.4ll to on 4 ttio worut h of rio gworm. Two or tb roe bottles aro warrantod to etc the meet /0 , partite case of rimomatism. A benefit id aiwayc ex,.elleuced from ti tirht bottle, eat) gt. perfect cure is warranti.e.i when the nixes.. quantity le taken RCOXIU i d, MA:7,B Dna M naoi,—The reputation of the liedlcal Di.e.2everr, In caring all kind of humors, is so well eetabiltdied by the anc,nituoue :etc.., of all who have eve; need it, that' I re_ed ruts stay anything on the oubj.ict, is the meet skilful physf. Clan!, and the. careful Dregmets In the country tae are animous iu pnitie. In preeental theigedical Mix:very se your notice, I do it with a toil knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of tiifOla in which you ace nn fortunately so liable. That nia*ettnn:;.nieting dianaan to an offoctiemate mother, _ . _ NURSING SORE MOUTH, curod ca If by a miracle; your Own I...NaPez 1 - 1 restored 4. Itn oaLural sweotneL...i, and your babe from Lthort tiud ritual naps to calm and sweet shimberz ; an] the 11 - odic:II Disovv` ry beoomrs a fountain of bleeolng to your bOabaud and household. tt extmnde to the otomech, oeoxing DYSPEPS A, which hi nothing but canker of thy azom h;-thea to to intestinca and creating a ffinktig, gcua reeling, and an Incilfferenoa QVOII the ca1,.3 of your Latta). PITTSBURGH, PA your food dietremec you, and you can only tahe oert.in kinds, and even of that yonr ays.em does not get half the tvitu - ichmor.t It cuntainc an the acrimonotus duid of the canker eats it np; then your complexion loses It bloom and he ooniee callow or greenish, and your bent day Is gone. For Wool of nourish:nu:it your ayatem L....waded 10... Ge and tlah;:y, and tha fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow n train of cilseacost which the Medical Discovery la pccullarly adopted to DEE= Palpitation of 012 heart, pair, In the filth), weal:l-lees of else fv,dile and cruel! of the pain of the hip Joint wirer yc.n rAnre, irr,gularity of the buwele, nod t'! at roost aura c:at:ng of rLreeee.rr , the PILES. how many thonaanda of poor women are on(laring from thin dieor..la and pining away n mlaerable life, and their next iiel&libor doe] not know the canoe. I trial, to iropreBr oe your wind that gaud old proverb, "An onu,e of proven ie howler Canna pound of cum." n the 7vi CALMA DISCOVERY yonhntebotht e pr , ivr,u and th , i cure, with this great and good quality, that it will De ;or, endor any dream:A:lnc-es, do yon any Injury. No change of iPt ever not*el. - nry--eat. the beet you can g.:.1 and enough of It. D1111.C:/035 FO U'lll—Adults one table epoonfal clay— OhiWren over tan yeaee deesert spoonful—Children from five to eight years, tea epo3nful. As no direCtiali3 0110 to flpoll - Coustitutiund, take butEciaut to oi.e.rtst,3 cu ih, owrir crnly, ROOFING. -1. 43 0 0 FAHNESTOCK, Agent. M IC DICA j, Every kind of Fulmer MEE Thr ,,, , to fona;ottlea are warranted to cure slt:Rheuni. Birc, eighttottle3 will core the wv:.at caao or ot-xoPila In the non advonood stagn or CANKER KIDNEYS, Yuur otoma.ch b RAW AND INFLAMED, OZET&; DONALD S.ENNIIDY, 1 , 7103 $l,OO par Lottle. l'or vOO Ly Dr. 0f..".C.`. ll,nmescrt, .top.l..dny! No 140 Wool! sLroat. BEAUTIFUL HEAD RICH GLOSSY lIAM, Completelly Preselved TO Tit E CRE ATP:ST A G ki'.. Aud who that ie gray would not ',AV..: it rostoroil la its former color, or bald, but would have the growth restorcil. or trou'iled with itimilrulT and itching hot nuuhi 1.110,0 it tool ithob or other eruptions, but would ho ewe!, or in 1!1 ck hemlache, (neuralgia,) but would he cured. !t will alto retuoco oil pimples trout the fox roil shit, all this, n.O ;16 uicr 1111.1 ANN Ahu.sa, November 1.1,„9. sl . •l•••.l . —Dir i--1 Litsvg head wccL a.,14 of Eh,l,qlul, y••nr !Astir I.t.s - t..sativo, but iltsiiug s••••••• 1 an 1 1 'ft 1 i1 clussI•••.1 •Intssit••ry and ziortrum,, Lao slyrn, I •1,,t,. in I t. plitco s oc.• Iles:re , tis••• iii hi1111 , 31,1,4,1_7 1 y nit's the 1.1.1•41 - cm.i I:1, 1 1,111 . 1 lams!) . rom,slosq, sisrli! 1 mot you iu isssvrtmce scut: !y stsatst • sm-aWs ••••scci lv t ,e 1 yoo gust) me such imroisc.i• • 1 ..4 , our liostorellso to my Igarsii . --11. - F1 my goo.' lolir 111. d bci ll olll. l y ELI I I tfuol o. tt,ily li•rore our at yr Ur 111:, , , 11 ,- .2, 1101' hall' M/01 r• nEared nearly to its crigioni Lsm:l , LN l•rwii Calm, on 1 had 1111. autl t.. C.llllO f 4 ,11111.1111 11.1 o! szli:e..ty 7,1 , 1 tiLicciy CiSeS iho 11•„.t; t•JOL:Olo - 11 11,:o 1 , , 10 , 1 ..tr,pl 4111,,, •,r its I,als • flying art',. Ls stl•alt f !JO hair. Las 1. , -ftico of sta intlu.ure otmis bsul and 111111 d. 60.1,3.:10t my foi1•11) atal usiu, - . pric Itustorative, :sills the liappa•st &rect.+ lo . rolare, say iskiltlicitan um! do.gsits in roferelmo v 1 ni character and solue are Pll/1 - 011; 111111 11 7 A; I c_au stud do 117.111 111 ,1 St :A: iitot ,r3issdetimilly rt,1,11.11110L0l 114 11— , 1.3 1 11/1 'eti. uolil.l 1,..1 1 1 1 their 1111 Ir restored Er to sas or gray (toy ran ace ••f rsi•iiittOFit or lit o,) to original color au.l beauty, mist tot tsll young Ls ritallS Wl.O V.,Uld 1131, their hair bountiful ',oil ,„•tos-ty. 'si-ry truly i.tratelisll9 Ysest s . OLt..t•ltlsr:i MANN. Fa t g,;:t V."oort: It Lug limo after I f-aw you 11:i±3Geld t•etote 1 tut Cue L.tttu ui R.,,tnr.i.; ice f. - .r y.O gar: lit •nu c. der ii u r..ur NiZOLt. iu 1)21 tiud v. nee 1 but L. yrro c.n(ind..d to try it ..n Mt-ittn'i lelir t el lite, Htirt-st ti•it, A ILi It hat Noun all itt tttt all As3:110,1 u.., a wouni .13; an-1 othar4 of my family aud fri„rift,, vr.•tvG....tl t.tfet.t, Ito tt and r.,comnequi. are r-t Ow highest cdiuudorati - us you t ;tll,l for It. A ptirl, v-ry aml truly, you:A, SOLOMON M Prof. U. J. `,7u01 . 8 Hair ItesVirativii, and ',At. , attiniriid tirin , d,i Sll etr•iaq. My !Ink SUS beCOM.ing, til pr...in.iturr.ity gray, but by the u 4., rd Lis has rrninited its crighial color, and, i Irtro no I.oflllWaellitly au. B. 10.'489E, oz.-Sem:tor, U. S. J. WOOD A CO., Propri , ADre, :112 Broadway, N. Y., (In the great N. F. Wire liaßing Establithut,nt) ti treat, St. Lc:omit, ulo. „ Sold by DR. C 1;:). 4. KEYSER, Nu .1.10 W0:,.1 c.f., ja4:3Lulbw And euld by all good I.).caggitl. J AMES C. CUTLER, OB c N 0 I N :kr AT I, Says he had to quit business fur eight years froni Astb:us. several Physicians gave him np—ho usdd Ayres Peaor.o. and other Cough Syrups, but still rt. e W words. BOWMAN'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, Completely cared him of every semblance of his old disera.r PREPARED BY BOWMAN CO., ALLEGHENI; PA. GEO. FL KEYSER, Pitte.burGb, J. P. /IM O, Alit-c,/ ,- 7 City, my2CiLlAw E'er aa'e by And Drriggit:As generally sSHALOIOLIDNAIIzDceKONEFERCI:IONA.RY, P. No. 221 Diamond .alley, between IVood St. and the Diamond, Amprerrofedailtnao flavors. all HAS OPENED lIIS ICE CREAM BA- H. aL~o is constantly supplied withOAKES OF ALL from the beat materials. BINDS and Confectionary of his 'own manufacture, made who mily°%l,NBwiforththPeilaE"-sS°InOE7CdRIE' FAMILIES AND PARTIES aupplied with Ca!ses, Iro Creams, and Confemionary of ail descriptions. saloon open at all boors—Day and livening. (mylEclna po - NT BOY FA - 01'0ES.- 1317311 A GIPPE.NDORP a,vo just fitted up in complete order, new „machinery of the lawet improvement, for thoymannfacture of -Boxes of every description. We are prepared to make to order at short nu. tire, Bexea suitable:or Soap and Candles, Packing Doses for Ilardwarejariety Goods, Looking (Rasa and Picture Pyamea ate Ordm Dromrdiv tilled. pi cl'him COVERED CAN OOP.—An excellent article for TA ,ll4 l' &kind. A large lot opal: a: HORS" VT thwilrat at, C Juno 23, Isf,2, -AMUSEMENTS FOSTER'S NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. GREAT SATURDAY NIC-lrii BILL SATURDAY EVENING, Jam) 2C:11, ISSI, will be proiont ed tlaa Drama, in 3 acts, e#Utled NICK OF TILE \WOGS; on, THE YIBBENAINGSARY! Nick of the Woods To conclude with .110TUR1, BAILEY, TILE EFIROTNR OF CONNECTICUT. Mother INiley Mr.:. 3. 11. Reid. 1-1 31" C 1311 1 11 _`.45 itf.l s 0 Vv.— 1 L Al TEltil) 1U THE POSTING au I DISIT i A till 1 - mcs BILLS FOR L8.:3 i= L:21:11113.1TIONO, aC• ill t, t, t psOinvi DAGUELI'-',EA GALLERIES. 11 o es;.: i• - •ril .."---:. NE'W DAG LIE RREAN __r;! 2= r: r: 7 4'r7 :: .;., '..- 1,!( G A iii Li i. , ' F; firrlT. STREKT,Ii .:-'..1 EINEM rert.:l"..rit t, p; 1c - K. M, CAR.V9 D?blotii..t.; - :::1-:.t F,if.i 63 fet; V.7.:t. f 3 .:E°ll C,:•T f.% ri.,‘' ;: ; 4 .!.; : NEVI 1 0 it Es - (I ALLF: it 'l.* L—' , L;NP,VeV: 0 ~ iii.. IX \-, =NE 111 iffffIISERIMI ,k 4 Al A '; N lit icou • 5. fmt AR GO S (30::1 I'; 11A 1' re• •111 hlV:nt: t... y , Witt, ih r. , i litry, , It • . ' parlor likalia:a an. in , ~-.1 ....,'t 1'..• . DAI LY ;'; 1. IM=IIIMIMI l!MIIIIIIII j j:, I :1, .':. i• t• :11:• : ly • f ,, t' I , , I), AT '2, k',"(..1.11:"i; . ii..030h-1.3 am! k r,. 1 !.,1 4 ,,1; c: . 11U,D0i1..; gr. .7. : 1T 7 I_;'CLUOIC., Fancy art Hz.:, ; dry ..:!. M. .i.i.IVIS. Itl , ; ELlty); CEMENZE iIiRD) ;-.ALE TiIEIN EI!TY ALLEM:T:7i '' ' J,i14.1 . .4ttr.h, ta S t.'.....1:. to II: , v.,......i,i ri.ry :.•.i..i noon u! ths ~..e,i, nt:.1....,n 1....t...0 - .:.t ,t 1 - 'ii - t'.. ...tit .'. ,t,tll t.. VA • o.iir.i ttiOtt 1. , t . i.tfri.i in S , il. John I It.11:1 elffi, ~t I.os viiluaLds utll..esut,fatly lomits11:t•sl Lstsi,,,,,itlist,..l 1,, ti„, First Nt'snl, A1i0,;1.1,, , 1y Ci:y. Iv. 11 kt,.,.,1 11A ill, •• E.,,i,,, • 'WAN:" prc , perty. ( .ttirsl s . On w!.', , tt i.il th . -.• ittitt trout, it , (.0 it.i.Livldc, an.: t,.N.1....ri' '.. , , it )It , t. C. Am., it', MI-. gh.tity e.l'unu t .t, pi-to) tiO fii. ..,) it i..; t.', t r:.' ;ie.." a.1.1;)!.,1 nn ilit t itit.t.L ,I. , sirs , le ittri.t for slt - ,-silt nt,susi,n- :1•.,1 Coln lurtitHa littini t autati.t. Eigitt Ir i Ln t" G 3 incltlsiwo lwtwotqa Treiu , lLt mai 641 uud . 2.6.) I.':•t, roet. OIL C.,0 OP prop, rly Licu Ir.l Olio lot (I.c, 1)4)11,11'14; .";0 tuLlt • xt.r.,;.1 .17 Trenr.nt ,LI,t•LOVLit;:t 1.1 S, 1•,:•1 if , lit AL MAid 40 tint Vtin ;•° t muborocl u 6) froi!:!",2: a f•,t, MEESE lUL i• 1-L 'rw on tv-thro: iota, (rittathore I croto 20 to 14, two nT.7t inont ::tract and Ali, Ittny,,vt•rtn•4,77. front, atol e't.toutliut 010 t,t Int N. 1-olt torn lord. ( uatbt3re.l froot 411 ro ;:43 b0t4,4,,2,, tt Wv.it CULLUICaI ALA TriAnont stiret. Cited Gl tee t hunt., athl 12.Ct,nding toward Wati!r laavt I fo..t to a2O Pot • Plans can be had at I.lw auction zll,re, and th , 2 pliunhunJ hhown. cu Terms ci salb:—One-fl,urth ca,h, and equal annual i.nyruliti. P. DAV 1e25 AnClOileer. A s SIG N r.`: "S' S LV, C. „Ca —Oa 1.6"1.N1T:•: , J,.1 , t.....111,, ti Cel , clc. at [ha Corrinv3rcial Itoclno, 3,1.1 t.y ord.T [ho , 94 ehHree Ohio Trap t.f.;T!-: 1,0 Eureha " P.ldgo •• 131 " Iron y '• ; ‘ ,••)0 " AL:tee 1••0 '‘ • '• 21 " Advelkluro •• .• 31;0 " at,Lurgli .. 100 " 100 " 180 " C.J40:;4 Unt 7414rtg14: , Boil] 01144 Trcp i0c•.1.. 4;0. I'4l - ; 1. 4 0c4,11,1 " I 141 'fr,,p ~f H6lire:l ',•14 • 10. itntl 8!,,, Fcrip of Furt Vita zr• 1104 41L,,c4.40 1.. r 10 nl”it4,4 4 Vthiley 8.311:c.W.11 •• ny r.. 04 1'140:: 1.1.,,;v1 C., rt.., ti 5 " 1•; , wr.41404 , '••1:k4;14 ;:t 4 " P.. et Sec:o,o 10..64 " ..1•11.•cli..•: I!. 4 - 1111,,ra•v, v , I '.• '• 0 " 1 " • I-1•1:',4 17. r 2 i , 71,.•.••• 1‘) iu St. Pt.to WI HST LL.ISS I=, \I) N .1411, LA 4 :.t LLLL, ;inks IL.L, Z.I tr t;la , elrcet nn.i i 00,.. , , .1, o ~. 4 I.t. ct oi ii ; ; for SLOrt.s 111,1 ',LA hiLi.• 10 lAtt It.tlt, u:.l It, rtt• , i .tt pa;',l,l,L, yu:,riy, on it 2..t . y.4 LI lt• Tttrll,--011,0J'11 Ci 1.311, :LllLtrrAl ILA,LrL,A, (-1 11 . t•k) . . l•/ PA.; /1?1"i .Au,iion..cr. n ECTIE I.Nt W c t) • , .: L! AUCCION AY . ';`, AL LA.ILL L L 'L 1,,,1:,1,t ,A,Lio ru .Ir. Bro , No. '.'%4 10 ZOll W1111.,11t 1 , 1 tt App,tutcn itt tt :Lt . l. I 11,, t, PtIIIIIt I `4:l I , r,y, 1. 14 Lterd—al4o, !, I 1; tli t• h 1.1 .• I . l[ . 10 C '„ " ' \ \ ! ,