LOCAL AFFAIRS. Court of Quarter Sessions. &fora Praaklaut Jadga Waite, and ABSOCiab3 Judges Adams and Parke. foie , June 21st. Commonwealth vs. Porter Newell, Alexander Hanley, "Rebut Logan and George Burkhardt, indicted for assault and battery, on oath of Gottleib Fees. This prosecution is one arising out of the arrest of a party of Germans, who wore aiding up Penn street, in an omulbna on the night of the Sth of May, by the defendants, members of the night pollee. A shriller tam was tried last weak, Which we de tailed at the time, and as the evidence In this case was the same, we will not repeat it hero. The case .:.ccupied tho entire morning, and after able arguments by A. W. Foster, Esq., City Solicitor, for the watchmen, and Edmund Snowden, Msg., for the Commonwealth, the Court charged the jury, who had not returned a verdict when Court adjourned. Commonwealth vs. James Howell, James Howell, Jr., and Michael Ilarlain charged with surety of the peace, on oath of Philip Swacger. Tho difficulty occurred near M'Kees -1 art, where the parties reside, and originated from Stranger patting cattle into a field claimed by Howell. The picsecre , tor sworn that Howell threatened to split his head with an axe, which the younger man bad in his hand, while Harlan was looking on. Harlan swore that Stranger had threat. taied to split his skull with a club, before the axe was drawn. After a patient hearing, the Court directed the elder Howell and Stranger to each pay half the casts. Commonwealth vs. David Dunseith, who was indicted for asEarilt and battery, on oath cf John V.T. Johnston. The latter elates that ho went into the store of defendant fur the t ',caw° of getting a pen which ho left there f repair, when he was knocked down, beaten end abused. his dilllcnlty originated in a dieagreement abont making change in the shop of Mr. Duusaith, and wee particitated in Ly the eon of the defendant, between whom nmi the prosecutor th,re was astrugglo for mrney. The coon was argued and sub mitted to the jury, but no vord'ct had been rendered id the LOUT of IIdjOIUMMEIIt. The Port Perry Hou►lelde. The Grand Jury hare not as yet acted on the bill against Anderson, Gnrdy and King, the parties concerned in tha affair at Port Perry, last winter, in which a man lost his life. The bill will not be brought before them this term. Two of the participant's in the affair are still at large, and they will probably be arrested by the nit meeting of the Court of Quarter Sessions. Yesterday morning application was made ta,judge M'Cture to admit Isaac Anderson to a reasonable amount of bat!, inasmuch as there wee no evidence going to allow that he was guilty of the alleged crime. District At torney Caller said that ho would not pretend to draw a bill against him for murder, but that the most actions charge would be manslaughter. It was therefore at the option of the Court to admit AndeAon to bail. He had been in ptiscn I,:r a long period, and it would be injustice to keep him there another term. The Court said they would bo governed in the matter by the District Attorney,- who is a sworn °nicer, but suggested that the matter bo rostponcd until the Grand Jury had rte n, which was acceded to by tie counsel. ANOMER AT7E3IPTID ESCAPE.—Alluther of the prisoners confined in the county jail endeavored to make his escape ou Sunday night, ent without success. Arthur Anderson, a colored gentleman, who was awaiting his turn to ha con. veyed to tho Penitentiary, having Leon sentenced on Satan. day, was confined in a cell cu the lower ranze. By some means he burceoded in removing one of the stones which formd the floor of the cell, and, digging a hole under the ho managed to make his way into the nest cell, which was unoccupied. Here, with• an old knife which Le had converted into is taw, by nacelle of a file which was found in hie cell, he attempted to saw out the Iron grating by which light and air aro admitted to the cell, but finding it more of an undertaking than ho had anticipated, he did net um nomplish hie walk by scorning, when ho was detected. Onco outside the priseu, tile uitcapii over the walls would have Lem easy. lie was re. placed in his cell efter fibs dctem Lion, where he was kept until aft •ructou, when he was taken to the Penitentiary. Thi-re he o ill Lace au opportnuity of exercising his ingenuity In effecting an ArnmntLir.—Eouiening now has l;enend i 3 being Ei r . plied by no indomitable energy and uptrit of Slice liimbe, ly e A atm:sr of EiIICC:I93 ettersdel the Pittsburgh Theatre during the into engagement of , the Morris Brothels Minstrel Troupe, unequalled in its most prorpetmie days. Beauty and fashion Lightly graced its walk, and testified their delight by the most enthuslaeti3 detnengtrationa of applause. We have scarcely done regretting their departure before we are agree ably earyzioed by the innuageri,l announcement that wo are to be favored with another c.mipany ever sal:odor to the first. The sucees - sfol management of a theatre re., uircs dml of ability, tact, and abumuut resinviro.23, te,t say "eternal vigilance," which is no teso the mice of BUCCE43 than of "liberty." 'Hilt hisaberly hse essayol a new path, Whlch we doubt Lot will coo thine to more Cu 1. The new company is Loosen ne "Ocdtvey'e Al - diam:" of Vorld-wido reputation, and it ill gi,•e their Most eater 'Mo ment thin era as?. To .sey tint I n d in the company is built:dent to thaw a full l o nic, for who die Lot know'' aline Bone. : " ttosrsn'a 2411. .N.Vritlll; 11. 'fne .7,11 . 9. John Drow nhitco their soventi, appontarwo tonight at th, edtab , lishnient, in three elrellobt pieces, coehtsting of tho Irish historical drama of the, " White Horse of the Peppr.ra ;" the petite comedy of " Cherry," and the laughable farce of - "Thelrish Tutor." In the first Jolin Drew plays two parts and slugs a 8107 ; in the second :Ors. Drew appears as the Widow of the Mill, and ill the 1.1.,t John plays Teddy O'Rourke, as ha only can play it. This is a greet bill and deserves a good hence. We are informed that Powers' guest play of "St. Patrick's Eva " iu in preparation et this house, and will ahoitly be produced. IIG1:13 r 1133 1100VELER, WllO6O office is on Virgin alley, back of the Citin , ina' Dank, requests us to Bay that he was not the aim who was prosecuted before Alderman Rogers for a nuisance, in burning bones; at Oakland. The °stab. Ilabment with which Mr. llooveler is connected lo on the Gro:nshurg Turnpike, near Est Liberty, and on the bank of the Allegheny river, and is co locatod and so conducted as not to intaforo with the comfort of those residing in the Tan LIMN PLIOPIIIa 2..112..—this Evening, at 8 o'clock, Mr. Davis will sell iu his second story sales room, fifth street those beautiful building lots situated on Central street, in the First ward of Allegheny City; into which Mr. John I win has divided his weli-irecwa "Rope Walk" property . There are no siteS now remaining for homesteads In the two Cities, so entirely - suited and every way desirable, for such purpose, as those to be sold to-wright. Tho lo:atlon Is uu • surpassed for pure air, beautiful views, elegant neighbor. hood; freedom from noise, Enrolee, and soot of manufactures, and a convenient distance far men of business. The lots are of different size fronti on Central Street, laud lie to the pro per gredo for Ladino.. Control Street will become the most attractive avenue, and the most pleasant seat for residences of that whole district of finely finished mansions; ult ich is so entirely occupied with the elegant structures, and cul tivated grounds of domestic life, that it placenta the appear auto of suburban settlement. Central Street, sixty feet wide openly directly on the West Common, gives all these lots the advantages of t 11333 IMIDOUS3 public grounds which en close in ono square the heart of Allegheny. In the other direction of Central street, It is crossed by Allegheny Avenue sixty feet wide, which extends to the limits of the City, , North and South, reaching . the Ohio River, and affording acoesa to every par: of wastera Allegheny. A visit to the premises will satisfy all this is the most attractive Halt) of lots for homesteads, which lies occurred foe many years, or likely to occur. Ritioll¢D.—Tiro Orund Jury halo Ignored a bill against Allen Anderson, of Wylio street, charged with selling liquor without license. Ile was brought into Court and dis charged. Also a true bill against Patrick Sliver, of Nast Pittsburgh, charged with t elling liquor to n • BOWL'S & CO : —My slater hal taken your Vogotablu Coin pound, and slio is well. She had boon down with consnmp. tion for two years, but is now ablo to go to work again. motion had a cough for live yaare—has taken three bottles of your Compound, and It coxed her. We all believe it has not an equal for lung diseases PITTSBURG; J,ono, 1859 IT 13 but the C 311311101/ dosiro of all to molt() the best pos. Bible investment of their means, and those merchants who offer tho great.st inducements to cash buyers, Hem to ba favored with the greatest prosperity. This fact, well studied and acted upon, by Caruaghan, Allegheny City, 11113 given direction to ail his business operations. fierce the low rates at which he furnishes u good article of men's or boys' clothing. THE GREAT DRAWBACK to pere,me emigrating to the extreme Western country, le the great fear they Lave of the Fever and Ague—the moot direful of all diseases. Every day We hear of person?' attacko4 by this disease and made helpleos in a abort time, without any means of affording relit!. In view of the great demand for a remedy, Dr. HOSTETTER has presented his celebrated BITTERS, whose curative powers for all disettees- of the stomach have been universally acknowledged. The " (era," prepared after a long experience and deep stndy,have received the encomiums of the meat eminent physicians, us well as all clas3o3, from every part of our country. To Give who doubt their many virtues, all we con say is, to try them, and judge far theanfolvei, respntively. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, overyiN here, and by UOSTETTER Idannfacturetu and Proprietors, 69 Water and S 8 front streets. _ _ AS A MEDICINE, AS A BEVERAGE', AB AN il'om Appetiser, as o restorative, as a enlace, as a gentle exhilerant, as a statf in manhood and a help in age. there ,is nothing like J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, they are pronounced by all who use them, to be far superior to any preparation of the kind now in nso. They are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, General De. Linty, Weakness of the Stomach, etc., aad a preventive of Moat of the prevailing diseases of the day. They should be kept and used by every family, especially at this sea Boa of the year, when loss of appetite is so prevalent. No family consulting their own interest can afford to do without theta. As many spurious articles are put np and sold as genuine, be mare and call forJ. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the article purchased bears the name of J. M. Olin as manufacturer. For sato by J. M.OLIN, solo proprietor and manufacturer, bra. - 287 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and by dragglata and deßiwll gentHRIIY. da ES•SIAYOR IN Taountu.--Vestorday morning, the noto• Hutu Joe Dotter wee LIITEatiA by a member of the Alle cheny police, taken bofcro Mayer Stuckrath, and tined live dollnra, for speaking the market house, in his usual ccarse, characteristic style. He pad his fine and was allow. eb to go lets way, with mutterings of defiance on his tongue. Pio klio.—A pia nic for the benefit of the children a •1 tached to the School of t.Pael's Cathedral, under the charge of the Franciscan Brothers, will take place at Linden Grove to•dley This is jut the season for festivities of this character, and we know that all who attend this will return home well satisfied with the manner in whict, they have spent the day. Mug DILLS.— hen r.MI --- d jury found tuts trills yosterday etgaltit.t James ( Ese for the mnrder of Prot . . ra....hr, and David S. Evans r the mnrder of his wife, CALM PARE:Another race is to come cif on Friday next at Collins Park. It is to t. 2 a rubning race, and several botus having been already entered, the contest promised to be an exciting ono. THE ATLANTIC IiRiTIILY Lr July Lad bean recaved at Gildenfeaney's ittaLsi,cal establishment, on Fifth street, rear the corner of Rod, at the old stand. E.' - 'loVYR.—Sovelal elate pi 'senors sentenced on Satur day were taken to the PeLitentfary by Jailor Philips yes torday afternoon. PUICII Bca.atsa, yesterday, was remarkably kill. Neitbn. tire cflica of tha Mayor, cr of any of the Aldermen furnish. e.; a Eagle !tun of imp( rtanc,. A use of dos:rabic+ stocks will bo sold this ovonlug st pit Auctiun 8.001113, No. 6 . 4 L'lfth strcot. MANUFACTURER. OF Fancy & Plaiu Furniture & Chairs, Viareroolus, 421 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, Gs Iu hddition to tha .Purulare Lusinoss, I also davoto attention to UNDERTAKING. Llecirsel sad Carriag,os ft ralhod A• STONE S; . GLASS PAU N TED PRESERVING JARS, For preserving all loads or fre3ll Frain, Vogetablea, Siluee bleatg, Oysters, and all such perishable articles manufac tured and for hale by CUNI.qUU.A3I3 CU, Noe Ili ‘.) IVAIRit and 14031rLBST nTREET9, Pltteburgh, Pa. main accfet of nag fruit In a fresh couaisAln having it thoroughly baited whoa up, and In expelling all thi air thee() Lii,q may bu le the vetstl, so that when the fruit cocA,, it will form a vacuum. Ttir underelgne I having the right to ra mufae tura :hem Jars, Ic3p.-ctlully v.Ail the atte..a.Mu at dealers mil others to theta. wba• auparic,rlt3 of any clhar gub, , blllC,, the pre,:rvthbiJa or 1, Ltbu, , etr. ie au well known, tbbt nay comra.thtd upm are untit,y baub , ssary, and th.i, priubath lel caufkinnt that an) nuA, after baying aura 1 , 6.11 tlit-Bo ntnier U. I 1 2tiLL,A IC Ll.te any of tier. For uad retail by W. 11. 3109al:: u. 31. DF2.9011. 11. I\l CUEE CO. V ISIELECLIANT Elsal,•ra in Randy Made (nothing and Gentlemen's Futnfah ing ueoda, corner of Fedainlmtrou. and Market fiquare Alle gheny City, I a. jell:ly DELIVERED EVER Y MORNING.— l'orney'd Press, Pablid Lcdge; N. Y. Tini,a, Herald aod Tr.Luoe, and :Ile (Jim annuli I.l,:ll.orcial, are ualivernd in ery of tLe . 11C..0 LIII. F .pIit.LI by lativicg your addr,Es tat ,f; MIN 1:11, Mamma Hall. 1.; CILEAIII 'SALOON, AND I.A DJES' kESTAUIIA.NT, NO. 2. 7 / le TEI STREET. The tulsaLriber taint It Lied; and fitted up aeseral enmiandl• title roduas, nearly opli.oulte the P xclialkge Dank, on Filth turret, Avlilch are now open for the Suunuar 6eason. La• rise and g , ..n.tiernea eta always find an abundant eupply of EC . % laiii ICE Clt lits3.l, WATER 1014 and all the reirequnants of the euaeon. All t., visit the tOnt.l,l, and taut thenidek M. Alc.llS LEY. CE Ci;.EA:N.II ICE CREAItIII-- A, h,virig just. fitted tia his ICE CREAM in a very t•••rt; fn• arAl c6inf,rtaele :Atyla, would re• sp..‘t. tally io tar - a tit. , ,A•9 mot the 'whit , : L., ,11-a t ) ,Lial a /11/1 1(!r: Ca MAI)/ of thilerent th At da tes :••, Fi ..sal;a eta., at ..1 ea hsa.l, ct :to t'.)%fe..ionary of I.•.a.aft/. .t. • Sr. CLtir 31,,ta1. taca... Put tiduldr aft...F. LION puld orlon fur i•artl —We • FUI<.NITU k'o6. • A 101 taunt of inatiocactur, o b UR-NU - V:IE, tur.bracirvz, 11(TREAUX, BOOK C,t,t2,S, W.A.RD ROBES, dud every articia no,Nled in a well furnished Livionine, &3 cell J. 3 a %Redid aysortcuent of 01? 11' 1.43 E, FURNITURE, CatiTh•ntly o hand and made to order. Ac the only terms on whielo ot.t.iino,slA done ut this estaolishment id for U ABU.. I'rlCdi are made uotordingly. 1'01'30113 in want of anything in the tan.) . :o Hite, wouiti he a Iv,rita ,,, od by culling et I'AeNER ..t No. 103 Sutithheld stro,t, Pilo„ 011th J. D. FACEINXIt o law , .1 iIk , TOU.I.C.E 'lO Ait01.11.1.1101'6. In pursuance of a rasp• lotion adopted by the Monument Commissloncrs, at a meet ing, at garrl.,burg, on the 13th instant, Plano, SpeAlleationS and estimates are invited flr the erection of a :MONUMENT to the mraory of Citiz?r a of Pennsylvania, who loft Weir lives In the late War with Mexico. The co,t of which. is not to 0.X.C,6,1 the sum of THIRTY THOLT:itiND DOLLA.ItS. Coommnicatlons to bo adlrozded to the Uovernur, at Mir rLiburg. petgon3 turnishit,g Platte, adll pleaec 5.311 d their ESTl litATEScndor aeul, as they will be ter the usa of the a 01211• mission: re. ~ n, y . For the Pico which ratty be a.lo,ltei, a preualczn of Two Llaudred Dollar-1 will b. 11 5 ord.,: of 010 COMMisd;crit,rib .10) , 1!7 W I; V. myl) ill LI ITC aliCtD UPS 171 'o,j SS.:EI:E U. (3tocibsoas Tord'Oßiocirt C 0.,) FORWARDING AND CONLNIPSSION biPit(;U,INL3, Wholosala Vcal ars in Pfad aCIO, VlL.ur and Wool, No. 114 Second stra,t. Pittsburgh, Pa. REY 2/12N0110:1 Bprlngor liarbaugh Juso,..b hidci, E. Louie; Pilt.turgh; Ion: , a Brow, 1-f. Chills Lc Co., " aznt,ll & Dor.32y, Thatirnoio; Coagrave is Co., " Garret ,I;Alartin,Phlladelphia; 6.lcCandlegs,Meana & Co., " Jamea, Kent, Szintoo do Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co., Wegvor Lc llrahara, Ueo. di. Ac L. Hord, Cincinnati jc.cono, Starling at Co., " A. B. Fenton " Yard, Bilmore .fc Co., " nay4l.:tf _LAKE FISH.- 150 Half White Fish; 140 “ “ Trout; " Herring; " " Salruou• 1:0 `• Picker; Jeet receliod and for sale by .1,11 HENRY 11. COLLINS, GROCEIIIES AVINES AND- LIQUORS. 150 bags Rio Coffee; lOu cbeits Black and Green Tc4.l; 25 bbld. Crushed Suer; Id " Coffeo :10 New York Eyrop; 20New Orb ens 11olasass ; Tierces New RI o; 10 boxes W. W. H. Grant's Tobacco; 100 !IL R. and Layer Raisins; 20 kegs French Plums; 2 Puncheons Jamaica Rum; Santa Cruz Rune; Pipe ., Holland ()h; Also, French Brandy; Port, Ehorry, Malaga and Chain psgno Wines; Pure Old Rye and Rectified Whisky, in slam and for aalo low, by • HAWORTH & BROWNLEE, Successors to Haworth, Bro. k Brownlee, Cor. of the Diamond and Diamond alloy, my'l,o Pittsburgh., Fa. JAMES ROBINBON 1 (1( 1 BBLS. N. U. TAR, for sal© by 11AGALEY, COSGRAVE t.• CO., ‘7 l ' cril2-1 roe. 18 raid 20 Wool street 3 - AY & BRO.'S PRINTINU INKS—SoId i.v me 2.11 , J. IL wF:r,nrN. DAVIS' PAIN KILLER.-50 gross fer B.oi by 11. A. FALINESTOCIS GUM 1)1tOPS-2000 lbs. Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, gat), Strawberry, Pi no Apple and Banana FILVOrtI, by ReYMER A ANDERSON, jel7 59 Wood street. CREAM CANIIgS-2000 lbs. Bon Cream, Fi g , Date, Chocolate, Waltat,-Jelly Crakes, Strawb,rries, Cream Aitnonds, made daily, and for sale by RETIVER A ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood st.-eet, Ooi,oaite tile It. Charl63 Hetet. FEATHERS—Prime Country Feathers, in lure ti eu.t purch.t.,ra, J Qat reed and for suiely JAS. A. FETZER, _ . Jol9 Coruer Market and First streets. INDIA. RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso, a lar g o assortment of Dressing Tack and Lon g Combs, just, received at the lzdim itubb,r Depot of J. I.k. 11. pundare, en. 213 and 28 Ft. Otnir stru.t. MINERAL IVATERS.--A large supply of ANL fresh Con., reiii, Empire and Bine Lick Waters, just received by JOS. FLKAIING, my2o Corner Diamond and _Market street. POTATOES.-30uchoice sacks white No• shannock Potatoes, largo and good, jut received fuel for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, mr24 Corner Market and First eta. ___ __ FOR RENT—A . large Dwelling house and store, on Grant street. S. CIPIMERT k SON, rny2ti 51 Market street. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale Ly B. L. FALLNESTOC.II CO., Jets No. f.O cor. Wood and Fourth atr.etv. MEDIUM, Demy, Folio Post, Flat and Foldoi Cap Writteg Papua, Printing and Book Pa. g a i r a, and orory description of printing materials, for solo W. 8. HAVEN, Job Printer, miltt N 21. R 2 IVO 3f? !SWUM I trppt. !'CARRIAGES, HATS AND CAPS, FUR- Tritj NITWIT:, OR QUEENS WARE wanted in exchange for two Building Leta, each 24 by 104 feet, situate in the Eleventh Ward. @ MITBLBRILT it EON; biatkes met WE have received a neat pamphlet containing "lNaeourses at the Inauguration of the Rev. Samuel J. Wilson, 'as Pro. fuser of Ecclesiastical History and Composition end Delivery of Sermons, In the Western Theological Seminary, at Allegheny City, deli, crud at l'ittsburgb, April ii'ltb,lB It is for sale by J. S. Davison, 81 Market street. JOSEPH MEYER, FITTS'BUROI:I, P.. 1;. C , l . ner Wood and Fltit etrertg m r22:dly —I o C 0 , , (...i:SiNULLAMS CO., No. iC)9 Water etiert t...v111y COMMERCIAL. IFlViuiniETTßeit 130AREP OF WILALIZ AND EfF.RCIIAIYTS 9 rCEI.A.A - 02. Frezident. . Ff. VIMLIAMI3. V:e4 D. R BRUNOT, ldt, ISAIAII DIOIRY, 21. freazurer. N. 110L511.18, Ix. St.ptrintendent. JOBEP/I SNOWDEN. Commillee of Arbitration for Jane. F. R. DRUNOT, V. P., JOHN S. COSORAVE, J. B. CANFIELD, ' BAMIIEL SURIVER, DAVID NPCANDLEi,S PITTSBURGII 111A.RIZE7'. Gan-ft:fly Reported by JOSEPH 13Nownr-N, Soperiotencied of the Merchants' Exchange. • PIiT9BUEOTI, Jane. 21,1553. FLOUR—MO market Is firm, with Lot trifPng. no sales from first hands having transpired. Prom store the sales amount to 380 bbls. in lots at $3,00 fur suportine, $4,124 for extra and $1,60©1,62!, , ,1 for es tra GiteLlN—Sales 1800 bush. Cats from wharf at Bc., and 150 bush. do. from tore at 30c. Lush. HAY...Eales from the scales of 16 loads at sicaikup, ton. POTATOE3...BaIe 100 bush. mixed from wharf at bush. FEATHERe...iitiles 47 IDs. prime from More at 00c. $1 lb. BACON...SaIes 1000 Its. Shoulders, Sides and Hams at 7, 8, and 9c. T., lb. FlSH—Eiden 6Ws White at $9 bbl.; 10 half bbls do. at $4,50®%5. EGGS—Sales 170 doz. at 10c. gl dez. DRIED FRUIT—SaIe 50 bush. Apples at sl,l2l'h' bath. WHISKY—SaIes 109 Ws. rectified in small tote at 2z( i o gallon, the Incide figures being for cash. Foreign Mariceta. Fet St.,arr.er Persia.] LITEUPOOL COTTON M.t.cOcT, June 11.—The Cotton Market closed with a declining tendency The sales of the week amount to 42,000 bake, including 3000 to speculators. Ad. vice 4 teceived by the steemihip Persia caused a decline of in lower grades, and 1 i on middling. The sales to day, Friday, are estimated at 7000 bales, the market closing A 4 ilk the following quotations :—Orleans fair 7 , ...X,:; middllt.gs 6 15-16; Mobile fliir middling uplands fair ruid. dling '11,3 stock la port amounts to 633,000 bales, in cluding 582,000 of American. Breadstuffs Market —The market for Breadatuffs con tinues quiet. Flour 'cloeed at the following cr.otation4:— Weider!' Canal 10@21e Baltimer- 21@21s ttd; Ohio 21a 60© 23. , . Wheat continued dull at Tuesday's decline, Corn is quiet. Provision Markel—The Provision market is steady. Beef is Quiet, but steady. Pork is firm. Bacon llrcu. Lard dull at fie. For Tallow the quotations are nominal. Produce Market. —Sugar has been dull, but the market closed firmer. Coffee dull. Rice steady. Tea was in Im• proved demand. Loudon Money Market.—The Money Market continued without change. The sales of American securities were un ,n portant. Console closed at 05 33 /(b9d for account, the Looks still remaining closed. The bullion in the Bank of England during the oeok amonutßd te1.:123,CM). Philadelphia Market. PHILADEUHIS., Juno 21.—Prcvkions uneliand: Mess Pork held at $17@17,50; small sales Mania at 10 , A412%; Sidon 0, and Ehontder: Sc. Lard ateady at 11.!,:c ID Ude; 12 1 4 c In kegs. Flour dull and aka confined to the wants of the trails, at 0.25g4 2 37!.i for supai due, and $1,621,75 for extras; fancy lots range from $5,25 to $5 7.5. No change in Ityy Flour or C..rn Meal. Wheat dull; 5000 bile! sod at oDtt,Lsl,o3 far red, and Esrgsl,ls for inferior and choices whits. Ryo wanted at 69c. Corn Active and again a (vaned lc; 10.0.10 bush yePow sold at 73@740, and damaged wee. ern 75i. Oats has declined to 410. Coffey is hold th m'y: 405 hhds Cuba and Porto Ric ,Srigar sold at 6!7!..i . c. N' hick CJlAtlfilleS In he in fair demand at 23g24c. %J. galinn. New York Market. NEW YORE, June 21.—Cotton has advanced; ea`.ea luoo baled; upland 12144gelodug with an advancing tendency. Flour heavy: 13,5u0 bbla aeld Whe,t has declined; Eden ;o,n 'al bush; Chicago Spring SiiaSll; Southern white $1,20@ 1,30. Coru heavy. 2.9 cOO bush sold; unied 70,"?.73,-.j. Pork heavy; Ueda $16,76(61t3,60 Bacon 6tcady; Lid t, 7 1 ,40_1 . :8 Should° a 5%46. Batter doll. Liaveed Oil quiet at tOo Illdea active and uneettled; Buenra Ayrea Sa. TaP.u.v dull at 9 . !,<,;(0t. Sugar firm. C'e flee quiet. Freighh, on Cotton t o liverpod 3.1 u to 1135. New York stock Market. Nf Voitz, Jucla 2 . .—StcckH higher. Chien;. ail 71.:;.:,": N. V. C, tral S2 l P. utia. Coal 4434'.; t..'d 96, MisHottrl q,!( Drs +yid Chi. apo SL; 11kh Coniral Eric „. Crc,,,1.:6.1 grant, 25, Caroliwo US. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNITi, Juno very i iiil, and quotatioua irregularund nominal; lec,.iptn fair. Whigs , / bus declined to lac and hi dull. :Yeas. Pork dull at with inure Ikra thus buyers. Bacon Sid sold at and dull. Provisions generally are dull awl .luola!Mns irregular. Sugar firmer and In fair droaat.il. Money plenty, with no demand of coilsoiltionco. Tha rates of es.clingo are E, H. GILDS €OO9 cifolivAacHaLsi , g-; v;11 A"¢7 r 6> p . 14 1- 113.±: : , 2 4 ' I°4 I rd . 0 a C) irAgir;Cilr„ ,;-,7311,15,E41. 1-1 .0 .''N,,.._l 01 :Ceai4s,... 41,-tit 4i ..--- ,, lng --, pt,,,, ~., ,:-.,_ .r, PP..., TT, uy, -r- Le 13.416,,,,-1 8 a .-,, L; ,----' t-F1V.5.1A.P 11.`1,.1: .0.1,1 s; ›. fAt , . " Zeip,r_Ls'.!?3,:pial © -.' t - 7,, :,.45p,"-7-7--,l,\R-W-'•,, 4.V' ;a.,!.....--:,--i.-::!±1;.:,:t.-1:' z-r, '.-...145-A-fi--.-,_ - 0 NO. 133 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., "{AVE JUST RECEIVED TUE I R large SPELLNO STOCK OF DOOTO AND SHOES, consisting of a great variety of seasonable and fashionable goods adapted to spring and summer sales. Having been purchased for cash, at reduced prices, thoy feel warranted in saying that they can supply Western merchants, by the package or dozen, at as low prices as the same quality of goods can be purchased in the Eastern cities. Particular attention given to orders. Rai' Also, a goat supply of New York and Spanish Sole Leatin r. lu the matt: rof the Petition of et , rtain - : la the Court of 1 citizens of the Fourt 6.412, h Ward, Pitts- Quarter SO: burgh, to vacate a certain ahoy near cf . Allegheny the corner of Penn and Irwin streets. comity. And now, Juno 9th, 1858, tho C.urt grant a rule on all parties interested to be end appear in open Court, on Satur day, the 10th day of July next tJ show caw:, if any they have, why the alley in said petition described, viz: au alley Lou feet in width. leading from Scott's alloy to Irwin stre - A, over the ground of Thomas Scott, shoi,ld not be ca.:Med. Dom the record. jel7:2t-a-w.4w TLIOMAS A. ROWLEY, Clerk. TO MECHANICS, AGRICULTURAL IM PLENENT MANUPAOTIIKERS, AND OTLIERS.— The subscriber oilers for sale all those large and convenient braidings situated at Latrobe, Westmoreland county, Fa„ forty miles east of Pittsburgh, on the main line of the Penn sylvania Railroad, known as the Pennsylvania Car Works, consisting of is three story Brick Machina Shop, 60.530 feet, Foundry 40.'50 feet, Frame Car houao 100x.5U, ditto ii x3O feet, Smith Shop, Engine and Boller lionse with a full bet of machin ory suitable for Car Buiidle. , or Ale manufacture of Agricultnrel Implements. The whole will be sold to gether with a consithwable etcek of iron and lumber on fa. vcrable terms, only a Email amount of cash bong required, Them works being in the 'Mist of a section of country where iron and lumber of ozcelleut quality are abundant, and labor and provisions cheap, alTa.d an unnsnal opp)r• fruity to practical men to engage in business under most favorable circumstances. Ear terms and attar fnformatlon apply to 0. W. BARNES, Jealtne,:al Latrobe. Pa. MILITARY ENCAMPMENT STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. ExEcurrn OsAuskll, Huriisburg, June 3, 1833. It is hereby ordsred, that a "Camp of Instruction" be held at Wildarnsport, Lycotuing county, Penusylvauls, the pre:lent your, and the Adjutant General of the Common wealth is.direotad to fiz the time thereof—to take charge of the arrangements—to attend In parson, aril. to 1.9t1110 the necessary orders to the General fituff, and other Military officers of the Commonwealth to relation to the same. WM. F. PACE:gR, Commander-ln,Chitf. ADJUTANT GENEILked 01'1VICZ, Harrisburg, June 3, 15L8. lo obedience to the above order from Head-Quarters, a "Camp of instruction" will be held at Williamsport, Ly • coming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 on Tueeday, the 7th day or September, 183 8, To continue until SATURDAY, 1113 11th day of said month, at 12 to, of mid day, to be called Camp " Euequelanns." I. Thin Encamptuont is intended to include the unit girt. ed companies throughout the State, who are earnestly re quneted be in prompt attendance. 11. The Msjor UCElO7l4id, Bcigadier Generals, and Brigade Impactors of the several eivisione and brigades, are roq trod to report to my office a 3 coon 113 possible, what compaalca and Bali officers will be in attendance from their respective commands—with the number of won in each company, the named of the Captain+, and their Poet Otilco address. The Aidsele-Oacup and all other i Moors of the Grand Staff of the Commanderdu Ohlef ace ordered to bu in at. tendance, armed and equipped in fall parade dregs. IV. All compaolos in attendance-are required to bring with them all tentt and camp equipage they may have V. The Brigade Inspoutors, of every brigade, will report at once to my or.ce, what equipage belonging to the State is in the limits of their command. VL The Major General of the Eleventh Division, Gen. D. H. dactrm,t, shill bo the senior officer on duty, and he is hereby charged with the . immediate arrangomenta fur said Eacampment, and is ordered to report to this Office fur fur ther instructions. Sy orcb•rof theCoeumander-iu-Ob.lef. EDWIN C. WILSOZ , I, Jul° Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. STAR CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada mantino StarCandle3 svarn.i..46l imparior to any In the market, on hand and hir eolo by Enyl3 ll. 11. a J. 11. RAWYMES. 'TORN THOMPSON & CO. —Have ju,,t recelvol and for tale, a large lut of .Englith Vtaltlao fled, Rochelle Ochre ' Vermont Ochre, French Zinc, American Zinc, White L-od, and Whiting, at (00 125 Thir,l 'tree N OTICE TO FARMERS— /lanes: Tools and Machinery in Great Variety. 100 Ohio Mower, is ready for delivery; ILO Grain Cradles of various sizes—warranttd; 100 Revolving Horse Hay Bakes ; Grass and Scythes, bait American and English bands; Grain and Gnus Sickles, and a large stock of the most' Labor Saving Implements for Harvesting, wholesale and retail at the Seed and Agricultural Wareham, No 47 Fifth greet, Pfttsburgb, jellatw MIMS WARDROP. COMPLYING ViTI'M TILE uitclExT REQUEST UT RUN DI?S. C. H. FITCH AND J. W. SYKES PERMANENTLY IN PITT - SEIM-011, Sad may be consulted at their cedes, No. 101 o,anul street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except Sundays, for OONSl73ll'si, ASTILLIA, ALL 0111E2 C11.2.0N1C 00:11PLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary diets ;e, including Catarrh, Heart Dizeoee, .eiffectioas of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gaetritia, Female Complainta, $3-e. baa BITOTt 1 SYEES would btato that their treatment oP Ccniamption is based upon the fact that the d:sea.:e exist.; ift U.O tLX.RI and systen at large, both &fore and during to development in the lungs, and they therefore employ relue.l.es to p.1 ,- !fy the I strengthen the eyst.sia. thee, they use IN• Rhich they value highly, but only as Fad hues, (having as Carative discla when usai alone.) and 1n73- lid.i are earm.stly canti.mod w.a.iust wasting the pre.uoua time of curability ou any treatment basal upon the pb.nsl- Lie, but false idea that the "Beat of the disease can be ree..,hod in u direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the seat of the dWea-se. 43 in the bleu.: and Ito effects only in the lunge. ees - No charge for conaultetion. A list of questious Ls 60.11 t to thoso wishing to c,..ni:ult us by totter. 1113-29:claw a . Z., ;; -, IN VALID, HAVE YOU TRIED lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS? If got, read the following: IdtiCASIER, April 30, 1338. Respected Sir :—I have Lien fur a long series of years af flicted with Dyspepsia, Juliet Wily of the Liver, and Nervous Debility. My mental powers have been 8J reduced as to render me quite unfit fur the transaction of any Lind t f business. After consulting many eminent physicians, and. using their prescriptions, and after using the meet popular remedies of the day, supposed to be applicable to my case I always failed t.; tam a permanent relief. A friend, with much persuasion, induced ,rne to try a bottle of your celebra ted Bitters. I have used one bottle, and this day commence the second. I can, with cliearfaluess, state that it hal h.,p pity improve me. My appetite and spirits have astonishing ly Improved, and I begin to fuel as though I had grown (suddenly) ten years younger; and really, I am almost pre pared to say that I now consider myself calculated for any business, while, tea days ago, I would al soon have under taken to :pare tee circle, as to have attempted it. Yours, respectfully, To Dr. O. M. Jackson, Philad'a. A. B. KAUFMAN. Bce advertisement. y or g a l e by PittAnrgh. j ellwdaw iaIP`BENVARks:Ob' 111POSTI9thS—CAUTION TO Di VA• SAMUEL B. FlToll,(Oflice 714 Broadway, New York,) l!nown as the author of a ''b r ew Curative Treat. mmt." for the diseases of the Lunge, Heart, Licor, Litersa.h Bowel, Kidneys, Skin, Nerves, Muscles, Juin to, Blood, etc., and for all Female Complaint; cou'ilnues hi, I;r3tioE, with his usual euccoss. La. /1i i never absent from New Tin*, and has not been for many years. lie has no curer byice nor any asscc:a.ls or partner at BuSido, Cleicayo, Detroit, I'dt 5- burgh or elsewhere, and has vast had. )€s- Beware of alt persons uoing his name, or pretending to have now, or to have had, any prey:it:is:7a! connection with hint! They are In k:3:ora I Apply, poroonally or by tette:, directly to him, ieir et his oiore, 714 Broadway, New York, where alone his treatment can be had. Remedios cent to any part of the cosLtry, and froatmcnt condii2ted successfully by letter. A visit from the patient preferred. Ilia " Six LECTURE 3" on the Lungs, and explaining the methcd by which he CM e the above diseases (310 pages, bound) sent by mail, p et paid, fur 4) cents. 4W- Beware, eiii,tui“ily ,Jt Llne aarcrtiso:nc,nts u' " itch, Dodge C 0.," of Dotruit, pa: ,f " Fitch a ,f Pittc• burgh, Chicago, etc. d—tc CAUTION TO I NVALID.3-131::WAlig 01? Dt,;. CALVIN M. FIrCII .t JOHN W. SYKES, (office 151 P,uu street, Pittsburgh,) notice with Innen pleasure the above card of Dr.S. S. Fitch, of Nom York, and fuel it to be the,r duty to caution the innali.l pun Ito against impoiitions which seam daily increasing. Re cent devolopurents in Now York, of the frautls practiced by old Dr. lf. J.ime3," th, "retired phyaickn, whJee sands of life have nearly run out," and of " Dl', Dora, l;rant," and others, soon to render it a more euitshlo time than to ,--s.puss each tricl‘ery, and vindicate our own character; and it is the more incumbent upon no to do so, inasmuch rei tie opinion prevails that the distioneLly is confined tJ the eastern cities;—so far from this being true there aro acorns of itinerant doctors in this and the States fin Cher West, who literally r.,b iuvullde, nut only of their Lthil.ey, hut 01 then• very lives, for they prevent thorn trba. treatment time. CI) 1,-- _ Muot of thaae trar,ling. doom's taliu ihn to,•- tnleut but flr(llei,tlJ that lung ieLailati.no; tin.l tith,r pi - L.1 . 01a to be Lull iii2.,:tL4l With I_ll.ll - (dome noon hnriuo it. 1.111.1751011 our ~ o li.11:136.1,) ur Join, eastaru physician of great repute, or elaa with Et 1111.3 lar eft lloapitat or - i.iniveeaity; an.t iure.lidd is their earnistuess to regalia health forgot to exiimina p;iiiifs and yf treatmeat, but arc persuaded by bare a.34,Ttioas to place their health and lives iu charge of luciunpeteat and unprincipled mail. We have for some tim,? boon shrinking Loin this ant duty, but can do 3,3 no longer, and trust this . card uLiy be the means of saving some from being dt , colved. In conclusion, it is proper to repea', 113 we have so u 'ten dune formerly, THAT Wni LEAVE NO I'iILoSENT C3I,.:NEC TION WITH. DR. S. S. Filch, illt WITLI. ANY . ~/Fri Uri IN NI; YOItIL DRS. CALVIN 31. FITCH 1 JOHN VI. SYILES CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Plixaatinan, June 15th, 1554. f Wt. TILE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OP TUIS Company have thin day declined a dividend of SIX r.h.obLARS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock—flve dollars payable In cash to the Stockholdera or their legal repreaen. tatives, forthwith, and one dollar credited to their titt:ck... SAMUEL, S. MARSHA: LL, Secretary. MONONGAILEL.i. SAVING FUND COMP2IN Y.— NOTICE—The Swell Sulmoription Books of the above lnetitutlon, Will remain open for a short :Lao at the cilia), No. 691 ant area. Any parson calling on the Set.:retary, will be fnrulahed with a copy of the Charter ant By- LaWd. atCOl.ll/t diya every IV-Dliday, noted unlit be ctf before 3 o'clock, P. eame day. 110.5.11 D: WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Prcatleut. D 11117.0 T 0110: J. R. We:din ' A. M. l'elluck, Jo . rhaa Ithode3, Pin .14.yalur, James Stddle, A. 8. Nicholdou. JAM.S.B S. [LOON, my 27111 Secretary and Trea4uror OURUNELL.—Tho underaigued ottera tuntrult as a candidate before tha uuxt Damocratic Couvuutiou fur the cdlicu Ouronnr, nud aslt3 the support or the De mocracy LENOX ILEA. C 11111 1 71., GUISS, and (tilieenstvaro. SPRING STOOK JUST OPENED, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF .T=T6 2E9 B 7 2riEt. 'Z . ..IE3C 2C 40-1- 71E 7:7•17 , 15.32 "Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pe.. Nv -_llO IS NOW RECEIVINU FROM Europe and Eastern Cities, a choice assortment of articks in his line, c,iinprising now and to shapes of Pearl White Stone Tea, Dining and Toilet Ware, and the same in Plain, Gold, Lustre Band and Flowers; rink, White- Vitrided Iron &ono Table Ware, known to be the meet dur able now in use for Hotels aad Steamboate; Frcnnh Clans of new styles, in Pure White and Goldßand, either in sets or single pieces; Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Beta; Brit tannLa and Plated Castors; German Bilvor Tea - Table Spoons, Scup Ladles, etc., plated with silver; fine Ivory Handled Carving, Tea and Table Knives and Formr, Tea Waiters and Trap; Shaker and Bea grass Table Mats Japancd and Dec, orated Tin Toi et Bet. Also, a c =plate and fall assortment of all articles Suita ble for tha COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE, prices to ploflso the public, Who aro rospeafully invited to examine this 'stock. mr27:3md.ku, LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS .PARK , AI'CURDY CO., MANUFACTURERS' OF SHEATHING, Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Prese.si Copper Bottoms, Raided Still Bottoms, Speittr Solder, &e., aUo importers and dealers is Metals, Tin Plat; Sheet Iron, Fv ice, Constantly on hand, Tinmen's Machine; and Too:a. Warehouse, No. 140 First, and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. bpccial orders of Coppor cut to any desired pattern. my2o.lydim GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS. L C P. M A Li A I L E E 8 1 .t. , ii ti E P. (2 E bP 0 ti E, A P . s' (.1 PEOPLE'S u A SHOE STORE, A INo. 11 Pleill :A'. t T T H CHILDRENS' SHOE 3. HS. lidil S. POI.NT BOX FACTORY.- B USIIik d& GUTIGN DOB. IF Tanufactara to order, BOXES saitable for Soap and Candice, Hardware arid Variety (lords, etc., etc. Mt. Order' promptly tilled. . ._ _ rov2'2,lv _ __ GENT'S WEAR. NDLIVAP. R,. Gent's Patent Leather Gaiters; a .:4,,,,, Gent'a Patent Leather Gl:fords ; 1:1 Gent's Calf Boots ; el Gent's Flue Slipper=. ::- ',' CHEAP. AT TIM PEOPLE'S SIIOE STORE, iel2 No. 17 Fifth street, DEFFENlitiCliflitt FL CO. BAILEY'S PATENT CURTAIN FIX TURES—The be 3 in 11.30. Jag zecoivnd, and for sale at 28 and 28 Bt.Olair street. dell) J. A 11. PHILLIPS. 10 BAGS Dried Apples, for safe by -BAGALIM, 005 GRAVE Oo carat Nos. 38 and:;) Wood s trbot HOSPITAL SLIEETING—Of all widths and of the best quality, fur sale at the Ladle Rubber Depot, 28 and 28 St. Clalr street. Jell J. a H. PHILLIPS. INDIA RUBBER DOOR M A TS—The.best article in we, for age at tlaoJ. 4 IL India Rubber Depot ,BILLIPS, of - . , ell 38 and 78 Clair atrr-at. WOOL WANTED—The highest market price paid for' it.olorii wool, by JAMB A. FETZER, J 022 der Market and Vint otreeta. SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. DR DS OF THEIR. PATIENTS, Have concluded to remain 714 lirtmlwuy, Now Yol Juuo, 181 d : , E I .4 ( OC3)Zgt=t)BIIEM X.&) W.MIILMIX 6 X7X E INDE S TR if CU BLE Eg.IISSEIiTA9g CONSINTIL4I,I Cf—nci wayta - RESINOUS • SITI3hT.A ETC, 1:-. - 7° IT lIE UNDERSIGN - ED IS PREP AP.D 'f CU VER. AN I) REP IR ALL I ENDS OF 21 ituofit, with 'angst:Ws l 1.7 all I.iad:; • f Roofs, tl , t smcp ;it cAn Lo applied on Tin, iron, of 0:d making a tJ. b. 'fills no: elf,ined by atmospheric changiw; it will nsither nn- run ;it is impervium:to r; IR:,1 i•._;1? and nwi -, durable thin any other hind of to,;. ir ,inan'lll, 1:..r,.dz to t tA; itcFl, on Hunaos, Bridges, Hills, 16.ulreail Cacti, andr. CaLl 11. I/LI protection from the elemente. Although this roolln,; 1.3 p, it can L., s , m.l en many of the buildings in the city. Aide, on moat of the Rail:owl,: I hi - To rofer t. a few phices u;:., is iu u Air; liridgop,prt ; L.• !• t1v...13, and the 3.14;u1c14(,i,•:. ; sunage at A1t01.321a; A.P. , •111q1 j Caq , V . . l ,o;:;iiaste r •! liou.eo; Beu. Trial We's L ut,l; h• 6 , ay All orders left r.t No. °Z-I1 Lllll3ll.lfY (where baluples of the MR tonial 0311 be ecen,) r,al recive prolupt, itttentic., by fiai'iESE CA PS J. SI, T. GRO UT'T, BitANDFES, G114;7;, IVilkil , ',:-,;, I.:Te., DEALERS IN FINE OLD MONONCIAIIELA RYE WHIS al', PEACH .A_ND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, _ RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and - I oastStreete, epl4l PITTSBUSG 11, PA. S. B. & C. P. AIAIIKLE, MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL ISIND6 CF WnAPPINI rehouse, No. 27 Wood Sire et, PITTSBURULI, PA. ta;Bags boug:tt at market 1 REMOVAL. JOIIN MOORHEAD has removed to Wator below (C; I'4 ",) E. l l 13? COMMISSION MERCHANT, ti SALE Of way ETA L AhD aLoofta.F . D, NO. 71 WATER. STItE,:e, ff.al9 I'ITPSBUfIOiI, PA VITTSBUItiIa NT EA Vt(fritiab. ISA AO JONES JIM. L. DOYD JONES, BOYL) a:41) CAST @TEC 1; L2O, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. SPRINCIS AND AXLI,3. Caruvr nose Slrcctr., jy2G PITTSBI,R6 fi, i'A 1 1 11 0 0 ICH AD MANUFACTURER ot , American, Plain Coirytiga, GALVANIZED SIIETAT For tat 1,3 - d hag, S 4GEN2S FOR WOuLY.I V'l SHEF.T Warehouse, 4.u0. t 3G cirrit r2ti: v is EL Ci tutT • i-; it '1 CGRIZI.I2 ROSS :1.1 , a) FIRST ;:1:1:F41-li.. VII 14 I, II 31 CI, A. ni (-) N f.•~~ 'e,' ) Wi! LE3 '.L LIQ,iJOR MERCFII.-iNT . - I'J.:;7 DI.A.MuND Near \'oo 1.1 otroet, J'IT.TSBUROiI,I' Aware on (21,,rry, I tranding, Old Mnoougalif:a oni iLoetta,l trLi,i y , or ti Vo b=.4 quality. JAMES A. FETZEn, Forwarding and COD.diLiaSioll rum Tali barn 02 lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard Butter, za*lt and Produce generally, Corner of Market and feirst ttareetm. PITITIIettCII, PA. itartat To—Francie U. Beefy, ' r. . Cuthbert g Sun, Pittebarh; Buyd Ott, :1 et woaringen, S. Brady, Cael.. M. L't M. Bank. Mangle & Cu., liecrgo VT. Au,tereon, Doti 4. C.. Wheoßuz. HA RD WA"fa E AMIIEL FAIINESTOCK, Ni. 74 Vi - 01")i street, Pittsburgh, ha 3 on hand n lalgo STOCK OF HA 11DSVAF,E, Which he will eeii very los cy 1„;... 4 .t lu F: Looks, Hinges, Knives and. Gurus,and 141,,:1n air' a 1:4r,.. miurtniont et C.arpentzr's Tools, hs hie 1141 4....111 ply of Sausage Cutters and Stuifors ; Shovels, Tongues and L'oiters' Sleigh i nite, and Ens:noted ct2o itaserving L. U. ItEPilURI:ij AIIORNEY AT LAW AND CONVEYA' , CL'it. 0211:7: 17LTE ii 113?:12.MUf, c.. , l9nrtia no. CO a}::.>t Var M. W. N 11 CI ea 'A' WIIOLESALC AND RETAIL FIRST PREMINIREAIIi thE AND DRESS STOCK MANUFACTonic NO. dOti ARCH STREET, Nkrino and Cotton Undur [tad Drawers, Ora. vate, Scarf.). Glurus, Haudkoreld,fi, C z., Drc.nsin4 GeV.'.e. Wrappere, and Drca3 Sto:t3 by I trernetit, and warranted to give aw.i=i4Lti,'n. ji E. P. 1111/DIDILE'r SI. IMPORTERS uP WINES, BRANDIES, &C„ ALSO DEM:Eft:3 1N MINE OLD WirtigiSKlrt - 4, NO. f), NORTH FRONT STREET, GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S Pirgt Preknittan 131A1iid Fnr,torT.'„ OUILNER TRIM/ AND 151.4.11KET BI_TO 11. THOSE WISHING TO FURNIsU TII Ilcuub with VENITIAN BLIND_ of tlio.re.,.n ette and elaborate flnLib, will find it to their int,: . esta me a call before purchasing el,:,whero. My work is o. 0., by the beJt mechanics (sot apprentices.) Every att...utv given to the wahts of LusLontera. Prices low. Ail warrant - A. No. 72T111111) Stre•er. l'ite.t.nre,h. 17; , DAVID H. WILLIIIMS, 4'IIVIL ENGINEER AND Col , ll:lLAc'f, - .lt FOR THE ERECTION OP GAS t.,..t.t.,tttL qurnarq and upwards, acid tor 11.,aling Rullthoz, privero, by ;Roam, Hot Water o r F artier. a. SAMUEL GRAY, IL; it ri".r A I i. it, No, 52 St. Clair .9,troet, 211TSBUll. d XT:sir Ls prepared to furnieh hla al , tealoni 4,1 isuy,•ri gen erally, with the lateltund - and smnmer Goode of every vari,ty, 1:. mike up to order to tale eattte eatinfaction of ~to h.) ty vivor him with their patronage. CART Win AG Wa' 101 1 .7t. (Suctv_ztcyr.l to John airtrervhf,) RIANUFACTURERS AND IMPOP.I'I':E:d of Pocket and Table Glaziery, diar;:riv•l and an I 14.a -tal Instruments, Clone, Piebals, Fishing 'facia; etc, Ni.. '37 - .. Wood street. They give special attention the ap,en:avter. hg• of Tf1.1.43e4 Supporter;, etc. Jobbiag and he elrin;, , Ito pane:allay and ch.,,apatch.6.A ,1,17 C .__ A ______ __ DX'S EXTRACT O COPA 1B F , .R.- SAPARILLA AND OIIDEB3 :—A large supply of thi.; great remedy roco;vol . thh day. Al-o, another anr,id,) ~:: t'horn's Compound Extract at JOS. FLEITING, e 7 ' Caro-' Pamond awl 'Kali/et rl. --....._ BACON. 2500 lbs. Hams, Sides:Pad Shoal Bore—country cared—u. good article, fcr ealo by wy29 117:4. llAL; BRUSHES —A 'argil assortment (A . the beet quality of Hisir Brashly aSuste.r.tly ca ha•ad eL JOEVaI PLIMING . G, aur`2o . &nu': Dlrslond sod Mstitot rtmor. FB,ENCII PAPER .I.IANGINGS.-I:ew designs and very beautiful—received by late for sale by W. P. MARSHALL CO., nly2s Importers sad Denis r% S 7 Wood at rret. VITHISKER BLONDE.--600 doz. White Y V Whisker Blonde for Bonne: Bordere, received, and will be sold vary IQW to =inure by the pima, at so:13 TIORNE'R. 77 aferlret erne'. COFFEE. -200 bags Rio Coffee, for salo by mi. H. BMITEE & CO, or= Lutjtwoo. 44d 117 VIM a trots, PAT - NT 41. _...:,- 7 ,... T , Y ) - F.p. Ea, • t t cw:n pr. 4 errn....dou ,S ,r, riAr razaud Luis tho woratilinJ of ri: , •,r;:er , t, o ete, cur,' do nia2l. de, .• t • WM. Li k./....Lri.0 , L C.; LI _ili t I'e T~?i UT.2 :? .\\J — . or cli atit, i'IIS...ID&:i.~I3S S. Pl - 11LADELPHIA. ROOFING. :I - a1..4.:1- ftive!nnil and Pittaburgh Railroad ; at Bella 1; kri'Jc.; LivLrpocd and Itoclivbter Sta Bt,,tfon, awl at Tipton and Par , .1. -u. , _:= l ; Pat.:burgh, J. IricCally . 6 Waro- • t F. F AIINESTOCK, Agent. 'u r-jr.` 40 THE GREATEST .--;),,, ipb I r,` . , 3 si4 • '., 1 L-4 1 1 1 P,I Dv 1 it r a r,-,..,-,-,-,„ _ • vf,7Wt) .., . ~ ' E ' NSCO ) s\y- OF THE AGE. MR. E'_:NI , TEDY, of Roxbury, has disoov kud. gr- in.) of oar colLauue paatoso wo .da a remedy t - 17 1-I Tkd of Eamor, :.C_IROVUTA DOWN TO A COMMON I'LiSi'LE E., :Lid it in ovor olcFeu ~ hnnered onsns, and never 4:il _J, a:A la two latn , ,r.) Ile lirw: row tumdreJ coy ttdoates of 11: value, tit st , i , l•in of Boston. .70 arranl,,l .:als a hlirshtly sore. 0,, 1. , thrs. , buttios curs tho worst tdn tof l'inipla‘ CH or of hilbs. -,-;..1,2.1Lr. 012 Tht , c to P. ;,re :.varcanted t.) curs thE worst ',IA 1, - . );, o.e to tv..( L.A.tlol warrelo , _i - )1 to 00 ve bll Lnuno: 1!. R 73 WrVIND Lod to c era rclaluu of tha Li-t V,,T. to Or. L:tl wvrrr,ntecl curr c.arrnp , : and rutmin;.. ,;1 - .; 1, car! the won ea.(' of tw.rufalti. •. • . A ~ ..tp, , ionceTl from .ho flret bottle, uud a I,.uf, .t _ ..i9 ~flnruLd wh.,:tho above quantity is tilik.'3u 1101„BUTIY, MASS topulsr,tlon of the I`.l6dlcal Dl3cosery, 11.1 ~iad vt baLuo:T ' d(. l .tabli,ihed by the ali whehave acct need it, that 1 wt that tt_i the meat akilful hh . % aa,l ce.r.ntul Dro7giste. la thk. etyurila.y un• era :,:ol=o. vo. .. t. , .; your u..tico, I do it with hnos - dodgo of tho curative power. in rolioving •,11, to,,At of those in wh:ch pc.l ftre• tort hoi , lo. That excruoiating (.13 , - , ..138 to an tkil•LLO NUF.FiIKti ;'ORE M.( 1 1J1'11, if nw,T, t;a3per Li vozitorrol ;1,1 your frJr3 esort land notiol , t 4 t3 t Zetlic-11 Dticovo ry and •11. 1.; UA N E ib., n,: l; "i 7 E =MEE t ''. V ,4 I) IN _ ttL , ‘ c , 11 , 1n r dot •i it.t got Itt!i tOt. , rkt It C •••-• it 9 blGoni •• - 1,1 A71,...Y``9* day if , 1 "- 1 Ilt 12,11 y. I.IJ Mlfl IL:n(7,V a I`l , -sovv:y pf...•:,113r13- ; ;'; • wo:ktc,;;c1:1 k;1" •.; ; ; • ..... ptjli ui t 1.1.3 bip ,1;1;;It. viticu c„❑ •, : ; ; I. _ • I,•; - ; !..1•01 riurt olot i - f arcs suffering from Y rr.i:.,calat., tiro, and ti-a.qr nest I wish to impre,it " An ounco of pr,7.a. 1.0 , ,L.d if cltr," rho )IC AI, DIL'COVERY :,ma tie cnco, with thit aLyciroulnBtAacos, .701 hAvo:,:t:t i.. e.n.i t 11,C , a. , ,E1.7) Like L»-st vonu nget 017,! tabia spo, - ;Lful pc•r : • 1••. •t•rt fltun tive. s, —at sl. As at, , !. i".T.I , Ciltl can e ,; , ttla, ell'37,cictlt to opt , rsto 011 tIZE , t.. ...! . tt zrs trtt:y, DONALD fi:eINNEDT. rt - 1.4 ;ssr inv. C7,1 7 ;0. REYS.IO3, I - HO !Lt. i Pitt.st:nrzh. .1. U 1! I, E (II P ; V ii Ai Pro,-;e:r.,tai TO 'II !1-IH,l', ;i1,.; A... 1, .1 TEST AGE. v - hl that ie ,n-oy would not linvo it reotored to Ito f,.: color, or I.old, but would have the growth reeMred, wire d rvirulf and it• Ming tmE would hove it r-l• 07 1'7.1 , 11,101 Willi ::cro r nit, scold bead or arbor , , but v. onl.l I. cure s'ck ithadncho, bet w, ald be curoj. it will oleo reuaove as o an.l Pror. Wuad's Flair Resto iatno Will 0 0'1:11 circular nad the following: ANN Anton, November 5,1855. e. J. W0 , ,1 —lh9r have hoard much said of the woml, ,Gouts ul your noir lkstorativo, but lioVirg oou eu oit,ll rl,-,kted l,y qa,ckery and quack Uottrum,), hair dy vs, doipoHoo phica your . - itutorativo in the eatogoty with 11w thousand and one loudly tram- Tav , k reamln,, until 1 amt yen in Lawrenco county recto tuoulk, • ~ioco, put gave me ouch a.szurntice na unlaced tho trial of pcur ltestorntive in my fAmily—first by my quad oliar Mar hid 6 , ,C01110 very [Mu nnd aa• ttroly white, evil 17-q .ro oxliaentirm one of your largo L.:- tl, !, her w.,4 rr noted to - 2 , :1y to its original .bountlini l•rown color, slot had thiclmaol end Locum,' brAtitind and Lllugsy 11 , d over th hea,l; cont!uued to cm.,, It s 1.1..Ai cau-so beautifyiug elf:sts up, n th- heir. inflo,nea upon Ilia a,al toy f.:011y and ur:ond4 ore usin4 y, or 11,Tudir . 0, my ekrpth.,bin aad to ir.l and 0,;uo at, wittrolv renu.,v, , 1; 1 urn and do and mcatcot daiay au-1 ltd 11 , 0 by 01l who would hove I n. !tau 3. - .tored from ..1:o or (ty re 4. eon (.1 . ag ) to c.rig , 'or f.LI I,y y6lll. i Z 1 .4 . 6°11.3 lier.V.°lheir lair Ueocalf,d , rery truly 11,1 fully I cur,. n - :- tiwo after I raw pun et , 2; 1•,,ct0 of IteHtorative for rthic4 }u. gave rn, an r 3'utlr agent iu Drtreit, vvlb•ti I B,[ L.; t":, 31and, thd er.r3-311eJt, 1 113 pt,trer. ,11 1..4 (1.3 la th.c.o 1 , 12. it 1 - .1, I• -, c1-r.: and RI, r3kl,r, 13., In-- v. 4, a' ii iIV 11.4idg 031 rEcr,rati.,ret• r ^:::'1! 1., It. ry r, , r 1:Y 3rll tr , 3,t11.1 I li.ur itt.dt,:,,:atico, at, I hay, .1.„11, .; V., bi4nTLIICEr. co 4,v 1.,1t i.y tli” of his i:•1. t I CIO di inn I en, es.-13,2nuhr, U. 3. 11 J. A co, Plt.,orict. , :eß. 1370n,11; . ,y, N. A., list tho Ht.-1111,4 0,1-0.);1.,'1m=ur),,1,1 1.1.3 by Pit. (1110 H 1, IVGG.I ra All.l 1 , 7 , ;1,1 I)r.A.,ari.t:. E C. CI; 1' LE: CINUINN AT I, .-tyi It, quit C,T year front Atigiut,l. +a; twn Vecti,ral t t j 4 a I rl e it, rd f I'L::I',PARED DV LO MAN ',:;: CO., ,1 I. T. 1.': 7 / 1 1:.\ i ; /"..!: 1 r ~ ly G::'). Pittbburi,b, :11:4(1, .A..ll.oglitay City, Rut.' Irruso . L..ti gout-r.. 1:;. nir.;(!tle/.2 ICE CIIELII SALOON IIND CONFECTIONARY, P...; , :fiIiaiD . LCIIKER.3 irt.ed Lit. and :het DiantOihd, - 0 - A's OPENED LIS ICE CRAM SA- Er the r1c7.1:3!:. acd ie pr.rr;,ared to tx.pply ull -. wt.:Litt - a: ) , call, with ['L'.' E : ICI; of all Ilavori. conttarali neprikd with CARES 01? ALL L's;D:q and Confectionary of 1113 own manufacture, ra:uto fr the beat Ecetenele. L'AILILI , ZB AND DAIITIE3 euppl:,:l with Dit...tte, leo Cr enaia, and Coakctionary orall descriptions. szao.-..,n open at air hvitra—Day and Evening rntyls.lit 4 01 - 1 , 11. BOX PAOTORY.-- BusuA Gunn; a• VA:tia 2 P 1:1 ' LIFO In3t P.ttod up in complete order, new machinery of the improTement, for the nal:intim - um of D0X123 of ovcry dt ecription. aro pre; - ared to make to order at rho:tn.,. tit x, Dome.) aultable for Beep and Canino], Packing 13usei for 1.1. ardware,Tarlay Onoda,Loo'aing Glans and Plctnra Frames et i Orden Trump iy fint‘d. mlrrn•ltvt COVERED CAINE 117 - iCii -- ?. - -An -excellent artlol., for I,edi.,t' airk, A large lot open at kiumm, 71 Sakti at. MASTIC IME:1111111 6,1",_ , M0N 2.!A AMUSEMENTS. FOSTER'S NEW NATIONAL THATRE., TUESDAY EVENINCI, Jrnio 22d, IESB, will bo present:A the tyLantiful drama, iu 2 :4'12, entitled THE INVITE 11013 Al OP TEII PPPPERS. Eerald ivr. John Drew (with the of "I'm : - .ltiintin,nr-min ElPee , ") After wh:cli, the elegant toinerlietta of COUSIN C11.:74F Es! Chc rr e.elein with the :icre-mic::• Elia) uf IhP3ii TUTOR. Pocter Jr. John Draw. In FLu h ho v. ill the Irian Ballad "Coll6a - , Dhaa rice etatiwa Amo " pi _s_ HD Mlx_valinEs3 Ilann.g.-Anent ple- , ettre in aunottneing an on• tt; I`...ohts only, with tho unequalled ,rand of Etlieloptn:tt under the direction of John P. Oldwt,y, of It‘ , ..t,n, inrat , ly ttl S .61:01-12.N31 chose in ...L.16.61 bon unprecedented in. the enema tuia , tto'dy—and xvhoaa porlorinatict:e con sist of each NOVULTY AND V.,12.1LTY av to make tholv ontortainut•ltta 66D:10 in t'ta 2...rn00,; the -r•••• of thi.t ET!' 'WILL'S, and Ni..,•11t0:71. They will c,,a.no,nco 1".V12;t:INI.I. Jane 22,1, and porform ev,ry dnri,:g tit in on E11.1101'2.1N "I'.ll-: PEOPLE', Conahito, cf I , ongs, 11,111 C e ,, Witticism=, Drollery, Pans, Jo!ies, Sturiet, Dartniquc , with nothing-to ofi.nd the facat R , :a 111 k to make every ono laugh. Bo`•arid a eLtra charge fir secured 6,c0t0l canto. Doors p..% st 7 , „„i;—c.a.ranouce at 8 E..,tscatt bJ secured Lit the Luz VIILC. t 71 , 1,01 the E`' •_ FT47, • ILA E - ,1, 1 It - 11 1, T 1 L LPOSTINCI t,.kY .11 of .0.:L::,-.3, 2.:XH1L.1 7 .1.0.1 . ,12, ti I, t,ACg - r.11 , h, Or other; n I Yodt,w r.00ei76 ap7 .! 1': t" pr4,:a alts - !•-li DAC,' LIE:I3, EA N GALLERIES. r~ kl) iv • ; AND ALIBROT .1 7 'IN NEW DAG GE A.,VD "'Dr-LIG 221' (4 A.. ji4 .L i'i; -. T:11. Y 9 . lil3'Tll BTRE ET, 1 , 1 7 ...11:::, - ..711 .- 1:C...."211' TIIIIPOST-0-friar.. PicTUR:29 r. 13. t: vp.,760,1 uty...•ev, is sar woatlior, uudwlrrupted tc 1,1, , , , z„ tIL rkl.S . 7.'cl: or 4-c M. CARGO C0.C0., AE:ahrz-ax-itkJr.s, ii,. L. l!i.1. 1 1 ttrezt; Elul SUNG:; AM 0 ALLER-i B v ul PltiC:4B IMEIMIEE MERE= MIMI 1:f. AN - 7) 1.. IT 7..Lii TS. PICTUR.EI Y B 1: HAD 43 I,cw ~ 1 : A'l' A '. , :"i" Fi3' , l.' (3! . : 4 .'.;8 `...: 11, Ti LlSlrdh".:l" IN THE CoUNTI';i, AT tirth n rc.et Eile;ilL , 4 , .resl to 91 I;i';4.lla titreet. CAI.IOO 1 ) 11.0TOGItAPILIC AND d ALL El J I,f•or. rclnocedfrom th NO. 7...1 Filth :Inrket. built 'I :11v purpolo, with tbr,2 ;:- ttio city lor comi art, COLIVti II 'l3ll • a 00: itlflen t. Itqs• Gurobi wudi 311 wlahing 10,,riur t.) .' 13. , :e1):10.n 111.111. - 2.11 , 01 - 2. , n1 C. , ] thc npi .1 7 ;1 1,7" 1,, CI 1)-11.1,Y A;' FIFTIT ST., At 1.11,‘ • Na 54, Fifth street, every wee!: ~ I.le gc, , itla to all variety, suticd i,.r t !•• frolia a largo r.•• ~t eel , with, freAh consign • tl in.' e • 1 Dry ( - ,,,,n1; It rc3.1'1,7 0,1,1 in ti:tt ❑ t' ttco . t•tt' tablt: I j titiw‘t , •, ,ti : , it , t thtt, ; ;, , 1, to ~0.•11,,11,1 7.acy arti: ac. E!III=SMEMffII _ . if L'.3t t.l, jja ru.i *it' A - 1. 1 1.3L,511.AY :•J.)...• ,1••:: • ! • • w: 1 11 , ••• fkr• E•• 111 ,•L• •••••, • ;•n•2 I•• , •1• , 1 •• 11.) r . • 1,:11 •. •-••••t , •:••• and L•lt•ltt, •• svollng 1: •, 11!•-••••'; Lind Ll•itea' ,t,•••,•rE• •1. I • .:11 DAv,.. , A 7 zio , cer. 11TA?..!.().V; AT A Ti• ••• T1111:•:1•J14, Juno ;::.11, 1.1. 1.: L. 1 .1-, 1,, ‘. 1.1 1 ., • ! .• • •,:•• ;3 Lutnrrclal ••1 , 8.C.111.1, N. , . ;11 1%1111 • • •:•••••.• `.ll7l:ning Lattn.„ ucurly ne , s ; a. - !•1 I: T •r•li vr, - ,rlc.:•rA in iron, . , ;111 in ••• o sad acre.: t.. II v trp, dl cvi3 r. , till Lt.., eith 0 - 1••••ky oC tal,. . . jolt) rIL uJ.. • 12 A UUTIO N -- On T❑ES DAY 3 - 0, :2 eight t'.l9 Fifth ntri - et, will I. cold: SJ nlotro:1 i:: oof Pic L• 30 do lachahge Loud: of 101 do ,'...1ech:1111,7: 4' 13:21: of l ' itt;:hargli. 10 do eirdz,ni' 13 . ..at; of C;;;1_,;,-,;,, • 20 do .I.llci;heu:; faidg” C. jol9 1 - • ' S eLtitill A Gr',B-011 WED - CIIIL NEBDA ~111f1:.`ZI:\ti Juno to, 11 o'clock, wilt be «Old at Cho CO/Llll:erClis! Ilootol, 1 forir Cciv:l/ ; '• 3 ; butib;., 1 Iti,;%v Yu; TLe aLouv, - - are a!I triralt.d ant law-11...31 besit mxa err, all,l iluv, ready fur Lx...mivaLiort. Ju2l Et:02;1) 1, E u Tt E 111 W I.N i'711,0.1'. u; ALL,. TuEsD,ll: tom. 14N0, June 2.2.1, 4p. b in nib hocund atory salcs rears of tha ativr auction. Itmrr, ;:;,. p‘,cc ,uhooy will b. , second of I, 'dr-I,bn Plan of his v.iluabk , :Ina I ona Lifuly 1 ca:ed tho Wart!, Alingliony w+l ifty.ovu ay qv. "Ilopa property, nun int) 1,1111,11.4 lola of - ,l7ions s.z c, nud L.O fru:lnt:4;d by kiwi .•,1i( and avonnua, viz: 1.0 lot , trontin:; fo ton I.lllgo and C.lntral stroni, (ettell of whici LI CO f,vt wi , lo 7d.) foot :.slon.z. _'reuno,t (wa;cli Li fvet v.i.10.) On thif eivi:to - 1 a ,nb,teoni.f..l!,!ory lrulr IQt..§, In , no fling Land Coutf..l btreeti, being :L.5 tent inn depth,. 0119 !O f f, 1 rooting 611 rc.rt triArCE•t, and nitiquilag along gh.,ny GU lot 1:,1,-.) . 2,)fset Iv 40 Let ..3'.r,ot vu th•J Ut.to of th,o ixop:aly of Itichar,l Doom, Elovon !GO, cailt a 0 feet front cu C.ntr.:l stroA, and (3 toitcling foot to th lu I,ol' toree2.ll. Ono lot, front:c.:,3 , l o, Corn l •' It4lki exbriding along Allogtooy ~.v,t.up, 14) ;,:c Jar 0, to a 1:0 fret Tvi,hts-f,tir Trnm..t. AUe:;b3ny avocue, h t.vf (~ , D na o.r.L,m3itte Last TO Ntia:.: I:su [....•r 1:.) ~..t aj g .i 2 te,i lotj. Camal,a„ and Treln.,nt 6 shut, rangie,; '2l ~11.1 1,ont:: Loh CJ-ntral strcilt, and ort:ending, bac., to.rsrds Waco. I,lLn ton 2:1 irot tilltsy• lieso lots nrlC.rli h 07.: be n )Stied to tho ernction of tiao tunaeious an: ILJ:nr.,--r.o In , /tr., 11i11111: • pawed iu all th o loc it tl,lrol for Prirat:: For:- dsnCr I%w' can bo has Au,:tion LLD prellli333 lihoWil apPiiCitti n. Tint dAle:—.),,o.foarth eilth, 111,1 !h.; cgr.i annual paymenti. I'. DAVI jelG AucriopFor. 'VALUABLE itEAL 1.'. 3 :1 rr,yr. SAL,"'_', AT AUCTION—Cy 01du... of Lb:, Pl , of All4 , hony county,.lil rho TUE:if:AY. .IIORNI,Ne-, J 0 0 ,) 2!.1, 11 O'clock,' 2 ,1 auclov, to tlla tti,;hos,, I.)ur and city thoroon. numbor,i 174 y r, siren[,'And and oa ,nt c , r.:;;;I:v.11.; 7 I fl - onT, Wutot stre,t, betrrf..f:ci ar.,l to I C Io rty Ly John ton.] t2. 1 .1ii MA:" and Aun 1::,1;2,•,1)• (.1 Lulau,i - x, d,..vu0,10111 anrl..l t, r,r d,. w it h cu , ity t.eariuo. t . roin .)t not] a to th;o1"-• 1,1 VI) Tr.-r, M. J. A7* C iS r. IP 6 r i A il'.i'i'.Jl L''.~'~~ F60;1 t_NYAV. 1 . ;,:.. 1',7 r:?: - al :J::: ,:t, PIT.::;i;Ullalf, PA L) , :f" t 1 1 ,3 viGr!;nian3hi, 7 • 7-, ',- , ..,1 , .,,i f ', - ;'.,: ':,:.']! . :it•-;.! e ..,:; :. J - - • Ni LZ - 11 - 2 - Tr T 1 -13 i. 414_11 7 - 1 0 . •-,. 477. 11AS A L:uurrirn. ra/Nll7- - 1, .3‘l"-11:77..Q •=177',0 qt71,1 - 4 •11 - Fiv.: %.1.a61 3 1:: :11J nro ..:11! - ..17.1Zi oar Prizza E;Tr..?.:l - 41 - Eit-2r ;Lager,' 21tti7re.. ;Tit F 1 U. 7 .: : jDEit:AGIN - 1:1 DP,CIS inform ni3 frii , n(l4 Can tint in in thn dally ir.tm thn woll• known Brewery J. it blring procoun:ri to 'JO t1:0 CaIt11.:,1111,:11 :iv:terra for M;:ny 1 - 11P.t Giro L'lo a call awl try it. nplg:tl At 1113 oia stAnif, ..0. '26 bURE P.REEN Bit:INDY, fur sa pnrccr3es, b 7 the. bottlo or g0.11a , . of I , l'.Vo,Til 1•1.IW ..% NLEil' errurr nt 1 .4 4 , rrr..1 17 1 1611-25 arICL i 4 too.lf H)l4, ake L - 311 pbricr 11!1,11, arr:v. (1:.,y t.nd for rale by FETzu., Corm,: tt atroetq. "URI; 611 ttli 3 509 drumg just rectaveu and .0: for jab., by ANDita:SON, 4,117 at) wcol kitrecti, 21.7 d. John Draw. L.lJt4:l, ILL .5' ti.-3;) P:'"OL'4-1111Eld na .:tOUI3 Cl'Atur. W11.1"', Instfu. m. Aueli,:lneor. 1.; oLia:ut3 `a; `i I :ff:. , l: , '-', 4 ---- •,.."-::.-:-:.--..: 7T, • :::•1 1 1. -- ; L: --..:,-..-_-_.-:::: :2 1 ...41...77.7 - FT: .l.