Ett i l l pining .40st• JAMBS P. BAH, Editor and Proplda?. PITTSBURCIA: TUESDAY MORNING DKZEOCZATIC STATE ROZINATIONS VOA SUPREME JUDE% WILLIAM A. PORTER, OF PHILADELPHIA IVOR CANAL COMLIBSIONEB, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE (MINTY Altoorback Nailed. Thtr.opponents of the National Democracy are anxiously casting about for some rallying principle upon which to centralize and join together the inconsonant elements which they call - the Republican -Party. Perfect'y con scious, as its leaders are, that their organiza tion is one of discord a❑d not of concord, they desire something in the shape of a prin ciple to favor, or something in the policy of their opponents, which they may, with some plausibility, oppose, in order to harmonize their discordant membership into unity of de sign and action. The Republican party is so excessively youthful, dating back by its own admission, scarcely two years, - that we are not surprised to find that those, who are en• deavoring to impress upon it the necessity of union, make some gross errors of fact in their attempts to indicate a policy for their party. One of the editors of the Gazette,--a gen. tleman, who, if we du not mistake his style 0f writing, wns a short time since a Democratic editor in one of the central counties of the State, but who, in emulation of what the edi tor aforesaid most aptly has styled "a sort of political; Swiss soldiery, who always tights where the pay proves best," a short time since changed his politics with his location, and pur chased an interest in the "Old Bellicose,"— this fresh importation into the ranks of West ern Re'publicanism, in Monday's paper, has a long article upon tlie "necessity of union" in the Republican ranks, the general tenor of which is far from complimentary to . the new born party, of which he has chosen to consti tute himself one of the wet nurses. It is nut our purpose to advert to the po litical sugar plums with which he tempts the quarrelling nurselings:of Black Republican ism, and urges' his political children not to "let their angry passions rise," because, at the late convention, where there were not plums enough to go round the family of of fice seekers, the worst boys got the larger share. It is a family quarrel between Know- Nothingism and Abolitionism,in which we de not care to interfere, Lut the article in the Gazelle sets forth as faith, one statement so utterly devey of truth, that we ace compell ed in duty to the National Democracy to no tice and correct it. It is a "Roorbach," founded upon a partizan speech of Mr. Sher man, of Ohio, and was[invented by that gen tleman with the object of furnishing data for assaults upon the administration during the coming Congressional campaign, and upon the Democratic party generally. Taking the suppositious figures of Mr. Sher man's speech for gospel, the Gazette says that "within one short year• the national debt has been increased over $40,000,000 and the na tional expenditures have run up to over $9.2.,- 000,000." At the time Mr. Sherman made his speech upon the public expenditures of the country, the opposition were laboring with the intention to swell the appropriations of congress to the greatest amount possible. It was thought that an enormous expenditure of money when the receipts of the public treasury were small, would embarras the gov ernment and form an admirable basis for a wholesale denunciation of the administration and the_Nationa.l Democracy. The dominant party were to be denounced as extravagant and corrupt, and all the mongrel elements of the opposition were to juin in the outcry against the administration of the democracy. The Gazette, in its over readiness to join in a plan of the campaign which has been defeated in its cradle, has promulged Mr. Sherman's suppositious figures as actual facts. The Roorback will be sent abroad and persisted 15'y the; Black Republican press, and the ar gument will be made as if the data were true. But unfortunately for the Gazelle and its Black Republican coadjutors, the data are not true and the'arguruent against the democracy deduced therefrom falls to the ground. The President, with his accustomed sagacity, saw the scheme of the opposition as foreshadoWed in Mr. Sherman's speech, and at the proper time gave prompt notice. to congress to care fully examine every item of the appropriation bills. ,In his message, Mr. Buchanan had given timely notice that he would not tolerate the alit - 18'e of keeping these bills back until the last hours of the session, and then re quiring the Executive signature in such haste as to preclude examination and the detection of error or rascality; and the trick of the op position was defeated most happily by his ,fired adherence to the policy which he had previously enumerated. The opposition saw that if the appropriation bills were filled with extravagances according to the Sherman pros gramme, that it would be vetoed, and so the "plunder stories" were omitted. The Wash ington Union is our authority for saying that the anticipations of Mr. Sherman of appropri ations to the amount of ninety-two millions were not realized; and the grand total of the appropriations of the session—including all the expenses•of the Mormon expedition, es timated for eighteen. months in advance of the July proximo, and all the deficiencies of every sort fur the expenditures incurred by previous congresses—aggregate only sixty eight millions; which are twelve or twenty millions less than those which were author ized by the Black Republican congress of Will the Gazelle have the honesty to correct its figures? Will its editor read the admira ble speech of Mr. Letcher, of Virginia, in re ply to Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, delivered in the House of Representatives, on the 12th of June, and inform himself how the figures, as taken from the record, stand? The estimates of a partizan politician, anxious to manufac ture campaign thunder, are one thing, and appropriation bills as actually passed, are. another. The manifest design of the Black Republicans, recklessly to swell the appropri• ations to fr,mi ninety tO one hundred millions of dollars, has been prevented by the firm ness, honesty and forecast of the President. The result uf Mr. Iluehanan's influence over the first Congress of_his administration will be to restrain the expenditures of the fiscal year 1858,;9 to but little over fifty millions of dollars, and with the extraordinary expendi tures directed by Congress, and the payment of the expenses of the Mormon campaign, they will barely reach sixty-five millions in stead of ninety-three as the Gazette has it.— Unless some extraordinary cause, like a for eign war, calling for extraordinary expendi tures, the nation will find at its close that Mr. Buchanan's administration has been conduct ed with an economy,which will redound to the eiedit'of the Democracy, and to the liosty, sagacity and 'judgment ° of the President.— The Black Republican-Know-Nothing oppo . • sition to the National Democracy must seek some other bond to unite their forces than the Roorback outcry of an extravagant adminis trary. Let the people look at the appropria tions of the Black Republican Congress of 56-7, and compare them for themselves with those made by the first Congress of Mr. Bu ohanan's administration. JUNE 22, 1858 It is to be hoped that the highly intelligent and learned commissioners who have recent ly been appointed to revise the criminalcode of Pennsylvania, may suggest some system 81" equalizing the penalties of crime in accord ance with its grade of moral obliquity and social injury. The present criminal laws of Pennsylvania are a system of patchwork, composed of Common Law and Provincial and State Legislative enactments, and having been made by different bodies, in different genera• tions and under different conditions of society, and patched up and altered from time to tine to meet present emergencies, they require a . thorough overhauling. There are upon our Statute Books some laws which public opin ion appears to have repealed, for they are rarely if ever enforced, there are others which punish great moral and social crimes with penalties wholly inadequate to the degree of criminality, and others still which inflict most severe punishment upon misdemeanors crea ted by legal enactments only. Thus the crime of adultery, than which none is more heinous in a moral and social point of view, is pun ished by an improvement under an old of only three months in the county jail and a fine of a few pounds Pennsylvania currency, while for sellin,.; lottery tickets—a misde. meaner created by legal enactment in this State, but which is legalized in some of our sister States, the punishment may be put at a tine of $: , 000 and three years imprisonment in the Penitentiary. Common sense revolts at buch discrepencies. There are many of our criminal enactments in which the com parative measure of punishment is equally disproportionate. We hope the Revising Commissioners may be able to do the State the great and most necessary service of sug gesting such a remedy as shall enable the judiciary to meet out equal and exact justice to all classes of offenders. Under our laws as they exist, too much is left to the "discretion of ti.e courts." In Pittsburgh, everybody knows Joe Mur phy, a disciple at Momus, who has few equals in wit, rare comic talent, fine powers as a vocalist, and a right down good iife llow gen erally; Mr. Murphy is no common vagabond, but a true and accomplished gentleman, well skilled in the art of pleasing the public. He is now in the city as agent of Mr. and Mrs. John Drew, and his old friends have a touch of his quality in a professional capacity be fore Mr. Drew's engagement shall close. Will not Mr. Murphy give us a few of his in imitable songs before bo leaves us--say on, the ocoasinn of Mr. Drew's benefit next Vris day night. We hope his well known modesty will not keep him back;. SV puLlish this morning a proclamation of President Buchanan, reprieving James Pow ers, the inurderi.r, until Saturday the 126th inst. The reasons given for extending the life of this man for a short tine are philo sophie cud humane. It will be obeerved that the Pres ident has travelled out of the usual course in public executions, and has fired the the day for this man's paying the final penal. ty to the laws which he has outraged, upon Saturday instead of Friday. The July number of this agreeable Maga• zine has been received, filled as usual with good reading. Philips, Sampson & C0.,805• ton are the publishers: Hunt Miner are the agents fur this city. Call and get a copy to read these hot afternoons. The ExplogWu of the Pennsylvania-- Safety Guards and Water Gauges Vac lass. The recent dreadful explosion of the Penn sylvania accompanied with the lcss of over two hundred lives, as well as the destruction of a vast taL10111.1( of property, is a subject that should at cece command the attention of government. inco the adoption of the steamboat law, it wee thought that thero would be no more steamboat exptosions, more particularly as each boat was requircd to carry and use many kinds of inven tions to ttn, , r3 ce.,.tinst and prevent explosions, when the experience of all those converuant with the use and poser of steam, particularly engi neers, were opposed to them. In the Courier yesterday we imputed the cause of the to the Pennsylvania to the negli gence of the eeTineer on watch, and to the ap- Oreftt feet that there was en insufficient supply of wafer in the boilers; that the fines of one of the boilers had collapsed previous to this ; and it is also is proof, from the statements of ourvi yore, that the engineer ca watch, shortly before the dienster, had been round to the fire doors telling, the firemen to hurry the fires, that the boat wee barely stemming the current. The Vras a! - o heard to declare that the gauge indicated but 160 pounds of steam. Assuming these to be the facts, the engineer is partially relieved of negligence of his duties as no doubt he was lulled into security by piecing too much confidence in his water gquges, fusible alloy contrivances cad sufeiy guards. Doubtless thsy gave no timely warning, and neglecting to try his gauge cocks, or to watch his force pumps as c l ,9sely as he should, has led to the disaster. The water must have got low in his boilers, and soon after urging on the firemen the explosion occurred. The Pen - usylvttniT, was supplied with the safety goad and the fusit,:o alloy, as furnished by gov ernment, 1-md she T7lig L 19., furnished with all the other applicsnocs reqnired, yet despite all these, ithont a moment's warning, her boilers expleded hurrying over two hundred human beings into eternity. We have no comments to indulge in but pre sent the mere facts os they appear, and feel assur ed that r.n invertigtitiou of the causes of the die • aster will sustain these statements. The majori ty of engineers on the river have always been opposed to these safety guards, gauges, etc., but being compelled to 1.12t1 them, having accustomed themselves to dr,pend noon them, and use less vigilance than they otherwise would. Tho greet 11,01 in the Missisippi, the highest ever known since 1841, has completely sub- Isirgeti and neazsy swppt. Cairo away, the water being over 2(1 feet r. l i in (le otreots. The new tiawc of ;;Icmil City, situated ou the Ohio river, some 5 or G wiles above the mouth, and, of course, the e^ me distance above Cairo, and is comparotively high coal dry. Th e wa t er, or rather back water tram the Missisippi, had extended some few inches into Mound City. This was no detriment to the town or tho people who would be otherwise wholly exempt at any ordi nary freshet. TWENTY SIX YEARS in Peasets.—We yesterday received a call from Barnum the prisoner par doned by the legislature after a confinement of 26 years in the prison at Westerfield. He es presses a good deal of graditud o to the many friends, who iutcresttd themselves to pet him released. The cuter world appears to him very different from what it does to those accustomed to mingle in its every day changes. The wonder ful changes End inventions of the last 26 years are all new to him, and aro looked npon by him with about the same degree of wonder as if he had risen from the dead, after a sleep of a quar ter of a ng press, century. Ile never until yesterday saw a printi a railroad, or a train of cars. He was taken to the depot at noon to see the ex press train come in, and was of course much astonished at the sight —Hartford Courant. CRIMINAL P.ENALTIES Joe Da urphy. Jainrg Po•trv.ra The Atlantic Monthly. [Prom th, Louisviliv Courier.] Catra and Mound City Respite to fatties Powers. .fibiES Bum:1,111,127, President of the United States of America. To all 10 whom these pest-Ids shall come greeting : Whereas it apw.are that, at the last term of the criminal court hold at the city of Washing ton for the District of Celturbio, James Powers was found guilty of murder, and by the said 1 court sentenced to suffer death ou the first Fri day after the final adjournment of the then next term or the circuit court for the said District, end that said circuit court d'd adjourn on Satur day lest, the 12th day of June, instant; and whereas the time of execution of the said sen tence remained uncertain until the rising of :tho circuit court; and whereas it is but rea:or able and merciful that the cenvict should hafe such time as may be necessary to preparn himself for the awful change which awaits him, and his spiritual adviser and attendant has earnestly be sought ma, as have, also, many other worthy and respectable persons, to extend the period for his execution, so that the preparatirn, which, it is feared may have been prevented by the uneera'n ty concerning the time of his execution, may be fully made. For these reasons I have deemed it proper, agreeably to the power invested in me by the constitution and laws, to respite the execution of the said sentence, end to order that the said James Powers b 3 executed, not on this day, the first Friday after the rising of the oircuit court, but on Saturday, the twenty sixth day of June, 1858, between the hours of o'cleck in the, morn. ing and I:erclock in the afternoon of the same day. And this I do at the special instance and earn est request, as aforesaid, of his spiritual ad vieer and others, in order that the prisoner, forward to the time herein appointed for his ex ecution as the ultimate and absolutely fixed pe riod, at which the offended law of his country will surely demand the life he has forfeited by his crime, may spend the few intervening days in undivided attention to the only subjects iu which he can now have any interest ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, James Buchanan, President of the United States, do hereby respite the execu:!on of the above recited sentence upon James Posers until S .tur clay, the twenty-sixth day cf Juno, 7858, between the hours of 9 o'clock, in the morning and 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day : In testimony, wheroc, I have her: unto my name and can=ed the seal of the Laiii.d States to be affixed to these presents: Done at the city et' Washington, this eißlit tecnth day of June, in the year cf car [SEAL Lori GZIC r.nd fifty•eight. and oi tilt) Dited :;:.;:o.:(s ;he eighty-second. JAMES .BLICIIANAIsi. By the Presid : Lewis CASs, Se: - . tary of State. —For some days past, r. woman has called dai ly at the police headquarters, is Broome street, New York, and very anadonsly enquired after a Turk, who, she says, was to meet LEe in that city. She says he was to come from New Orleans and meet her hers—she havi•-g come from Boston— and that they were to go to Turkey together.— She says, further, that she has ascertained po,i tively that he arrived there by the steamer Phil adelphia. She thinks that ho hr:s been entrap ped by some woman, hnt esys she will learn Wm better than to back out of an eiti - , - ,.gement with her. To secure the possoseion or her fe,i;hicEJ Turk, the woman has bad a placard printed After describing the missing man, the card winds up as follows : "Thecsed in full Tukish costume, supposed to be in-auc. 4rrest him at.d take hkna to the office of the Deputy 6upe.i, - ..criderat,corncr of Drocme and Elm stret., —Col John t)'Faika, a tit. Louis millionalre, signified Lie intention to a: n ate :$lOO.OOO for the endowment of the . 1)Tal!o ; 1 Prlyzechiiie schcc•l in that city A 2 et. ti.aeitt 1. Did ivictLuselilh live en tho earth Line huu.jred and aimty-nlue years? Were the yenta in the days of Moe and the props is 11.3 Incas they are now ? Wero days nod ye.lts in Bible t . 111';;14 literal or ftaurati.,e. 7.l:est) cin, , sti.os aro fro,- ivaently dit , e,u,:-.3eLl, but not always eatist . s.eterialiy solved. To the present short lived race. it seams inconceivable that, in the earlier blitery of the world man should have lived co long But oo one has ever given us a sound reason why t tips should not. We have never yet heard a scien tific reason to the contrary. Dr. Alcott, the celebrated vegetarian, who is so often acceiald of advocating 'bran bread and saw-dust puddings, - Lut who in reality does not recommend bran bread at and :.he is opposed to puddings of all kinds, argues that if Methu selah outlived his s.ncestere, his descendants might have outlived him, hay_ they been as rig idly observant of the eenditicins of health. And why not? We ehould like to see the med ical man or the physiologist who can give a rea son why it is impossible for a human beitg to live a thousand yea"rs. We mean of course a philosophical reason. All the arg,uments that can be advanced against this position must be drawn from human experienee. This proves the present average age of the human family to be thirty years or less. And if we look into the causes which are deotroying the human race at this moment, as well as abbreviating the natural period of existence, we may weal wonder that the race does not cease to live et all. No one will coniumil that Methunleh heed almost a thoieseand years contrary to the laws of nature—and if the laws of mature permit eno person to live so long, why wall not the same laws• permit other persons under similar circum stances to live as long or longer'? It is true that millions of children are born into the world every year without vitality suffi cient to carry them thrctigh the period of in fancy. A - , - sajority arc born with co low a grade of constitutional stamina 113 to be unable to grow up to fully mature manhood, even under the most favorable circumstances. And of those who have the reputation of dying of old age, their years d) not often number three ecore and ten. Wa7 Methusaieh nn old man at fifty or sixty? Was he grey headed and Elipevaaauated at sixty nine ? Was ho known amcng men as an old men for nine hundred years' N one was a young man at three hundred. At one hundred years he was but a boy, and not an " old bo'o," but a well-grown, firmly developed and whole some boy. Methuselah did noi lite in a I:rsely populated city ; nor was the country in his time tilled with tbe poisonous miasma of sbtughtcr houses, dis tilleries, caw-Et:l'lles, pimp ens and grave yards. Nor were the people continually poisoning them selves with fiery stimulants and paralysing nar cotics. Nor was the food in those times adulte rated and vitiated in all possible ways to suit the purposes cf commerce, and insure profits to dealers. Not did doctors then poison; the people through and through with poisonous drugs, if perchance they became sick. Nor did learned men in those days teach us that lager-beer 4r.d alcohol were useful and nutritious foods and beverages. Npr were men permitted, as now, to walk abroad and puff the poison of tohatoo smolo into the whole atmosphere. Men lived in purity, purity insured health, health gave strength, strength occured long life. "0, for the food old days of Adam end of Eve," and of Methuselah especially.—Life Illustrated. AIiF}EST OP A COUNTERFEITER- —At Harrods. burgh, Ky., on Wednesday night, Eldred's Circus was victimized by a rascal paceing, on the treas urer at different times during the evening $lOO in $2O counterfeit bills on the bank of Ashland. Discovering the true character of the money, at Danville a watch was set for the enterprising in. dividuel, and he walked right into the trap. He had followed up the circus, considering it pretty good game, and offered a $2O bill. The treas urer recognized him, and requested the City Marshal to take him in custody. It was done, the fellow making no resistance. On searching him a large amount, $7OO or $BOO, of this coun terfeit and others were discovered. He is in jail to answer. This counterfeit is very dangerous, and requires the best judges to detect its differ ence from the genuine. One of the tellers of a Danville bank nrcnaunced it good, so remarka bly perfect in its execution. CONVICT LABOR ON A CANAL.—The Lexington (Va.) Gazett, says that arrangements have been made to put convicts to work on the North River Canal, and that improvement trill thus be speed ily completed. It adds : "There will arrivo in a few days at Hamilton, five miles below this p lace iffy negro convicts from the penitentiary—forty seven man and three women, who, will bo put to work at that point for the present, and:will herle after be employed on the line between there and this place, as circumstances may determine.—. They will bo clad in the parti-colored uniform of the penitentiary, and be guarded by a sufficient force to keep them i❑ subjection, and locked up safely in a block-house at night. THE, I'I.XT ENGLISH PREMISE.-It iS stated that if an l y change of Ministry should occur, the Deice of Newcastle or Lord Granville, and not Palmerston or Rinse% will be sent for by the Queen to form an administration, THE'LATEST NEM INTERESTING PROM EUROPE.: Sailing of the AtlaTitic Tel.egTaph Ex peditioD. SETTLEII.II‘;T OF THE CAGLIARI AFFAIR A.4lvices Cfozaa Wdl~l ISM FLIEFARATIOIiS OF FRANCE Three Days La:er front Burope-.Arrival Sr. Russ, IT. F., Juno 21.—The Royal mail steamship P,rsia, Cont. Jutikins, which luft Liver pool on Saturday, the 12th inst., was boarded off Cape Race at eight o'clock Saturday evening by the steamer Victoria, the newly employed news yacht of the As.2coiated Press. Tie has 123 passen gers fur New Fork. Ess nee:o. is quite ILteriistingi, as will be seen by the subjoined summary of its points. The At!anti° Telager:ph duet sibiled from Plymouth en the 10th under sail only. The fleet woo expecocl to reach nit-I ocean and e07391,11,`,. , the operation of submerging the Catle on the 20th June. In all prob.!: ability the great undertal;is;i• ' boo before thin corn'. Lactic...ea and if no norident liappens . to mar its Et2:2, ceea, the Niagara will teach Trinity Thy about the 29:h iastant„Tuesday ne-s.A.ller Drittannic I'dajeaty's Si . earr.chip A zattioranon 7 - a; towed out of Plymouth Sound sit 9 o'clock A. M. on the 10th and the U. S. Steamer Niagiir, at 11 o'clock the same day. The squadron subougnentlq started ucler canvas with a with n northerly La'so7,e. A new weekly line of stumers ofwhich'"the ELEpirE', formeny the. Ut.ited Sates, is the pin rim or v - as wary f r operations. Time Indian Empire twirl too United ;tats. woo to leiire Galway for IIR;r:f:15 An liv :,w York on le: iy let the The affair if the, steamer Cagl err, and the dis pute growing cut or tho imprison:neat of the English G e,:t itain, l,rdinia and Na ples 1 pi t!'2:t cc one week later than prei" - ,3 . 11113 tri,,pc had occupied 1,‘;',70 hod met v ith but ili;ht re,iis tanca cud I,a 1 a' =o otiro ps?eF,,ipn of li.ohilcuncl. Oude iya - .41111i.0 •• ri:parv.i,r.., .F..:lllce bavo attracted puLti) 1.2 1::341ali I at., ri - “: mat.t , ,r has bJen is to s.c G,iveiLlGr et Mr. Fit7...r.e.iti et::; Li in Pai - 11,..m0nt that the Au:ct . "...cir.i 1.,'1r,.,zr .tt .. di - , L.ris 1,tw.1 tit. , .hr ..1. ?rve .misippi:,:hc,r, l.i.- ;;:.1 in - ....tprzeutiLg IZt , slac,..l its EC qulescing. it. ~....› rice :.-::or Llci;ctriont. ST. Let:l4, Jure 2I.—A dispatch fr , m Iraven werth dated tho 18. h, the IThit , .:lStatc.! cxpre , s to 80 - nc:lle, B.,ys that par:l , := arr.7e I in chi: , e.ty last sight Laving in. cli.irqe. Came Rent), Mqs, ro:ito r Independence. 1e courric,rsrapatt rec.,lc as hotter thorn and at Lar:tmin bein,; cc y t u h cat a i o t;a:ma. The cali!,3 came to 11,r P Laramic tvc..ler an enact of izn.atry provided by Col. Jc,hisson. The Utah cows Ima born Gen. Haracy waa met ortarday forty thi!cd hct Private advi:7,o3 Ca') array M.y 23. h man. lion the arrival of I.:eut. A,:ngtrLng otCarap Scott v ith aeventy Erie head or Capt Bane, wilt: two hundred ea'tio, wee thr , dnya march from Camp Scott, being the be - ,1,--c t.f adafor from an officer hidh aemmend who e;i.l . rcosad e9nvietion that that tha tid , , cc o ro.t tha idercannp, The Ler,..;-EnT-. , ,:r.11 (1.1 , layer from .I' , .rt der d.t.d v say: , that Brtg.,:/ - tai Yeuag's p:iacipai Alut won olkra were ['oaten :ad to dal;vo; es int: , the custody cf the United Stare :ria?. pro tria.l [•3 - jx, -- ; iL; witYtLe A party of 1.1,:0mi half .itarv. , l r. opposai MOB bC.IC ; V„ Lo :13 Th ye ~;,,,tic, , -.. Li: OA. ....f..2!..r:?: - .p.',.; c ,- ,1„1;:ui...Dic.,a 11,1 Brigneli, - r tivrr:rAi cap..;:ci 17•11V:!1 FH.tinf:: , :',:: - CI in thi) P rrn v-. Cspt. Netst , ..ia, of :he .Engitiecr COTp3, hal C2 - 13p S,ett. It is rcpr.rt , ..l that 1 - .craianent past will bn ii i:cd it Fit 13r:dgcr, leclirb. %ui. JJotTu an tv Juld roue ctcitaartsi, Veora CITY, JZ7.9 21.—SofAcient Fence, beta received to leave no ,leulit th eal.t., Atarcs'.; - rain land ra ichad Camp Ent; fety. It was the inteittien 00V. OUrultlinff, Let asard from, to at () , , , tl,.p- , 0 ft ‘ll with the valley. Many of th e Morm ou9 s.erehuder.itcod to we inoro c itt a than they ware ils.iraa to carry on, and of which they-wore anvlooo cafety and , 2en. erat wedforr .f pa at l'aTc. S:ot , had eiscwhlro, between tilt po , t and Cho t nited Sates, may be reckoned vm . ri n itt cool-lonco. roe M , rmon trips have i;ceit w„ . lMrc',.n f:or_i to Salt Lake, the 1.5 h the thrzaien^d to retarn it the army sour :nerd Loii . ero they reaped and oarriod off the wacet GOV. Citaiming says it may be real - clad as eelsfor emigrants from Lis United States to prorceal Culifornia via Salt Lake, the road being et.tirely Tho Od-cral, flecretary of the Treasury and Y. t M - 14ter (1,:n.2ral contempt - ate !caving fur Philadelphia. car'7 wed: on busincFs connected with th.) 011,e, Ccr,toua lloaeo and Court ac corns-o_l6ons I I 1 , at city. Two or tho LIN s i7ocritiy or.f.horizd Congress conf:trtiod at tho Phi'acic:phia Navy Yard. The steamor FuLon boa baca o.rderfNi borne on an• count of eivk no pa oa. PriparatteilfJ the Arizqvui of the Si. 3 - 0: - Zns',. N. F.,J u.. 21 —The government 17111 le, , ,pacti pilc,t the Ucited Stator ates.r,Acz i`iiag:ea I , :tu s 'icir,ity Lpon her arrival. it is thought that iho ror,th thore on 3,turday. It i 3 contorup!ated to open tho Atlantib Telrgra , ,:•ll Line free to the press and tho 1)01)11,1 fur a few days tub sequent to the lauding of the eable from the Niagara.. NEW Yon:, June 21.—Ti>e bank statenierxt for the week ,: 4 1c,,v - z an increase in 1 ;ins of $1,775,000; increase in nr,[nionl deposits $1,362,000; increase in urKirawn dep , :,Eits $993,000; deerellre in enecie $971,- 000; dca , :a.s3 in e;r , zu!ntic , n $70,000, BOSTON, June 21.--=Tho grant land case between Massachusette and Ray.bury City, involving the title to lands valu, , d at se7erql tnillien: of deli.a.7, lying on the bac'.3: ef th , ) bay between 11 , :mbury end Boa. ton, was decided in cf the State. BRINGING AN OBSTLNA.TEJUE.O7. TO 1115 SENSES. —The Santa Cruz Scirrnel gives the following ae c:unt of a , ....1 1 - C:f!cntly adopted in its town to overcome tl.o objections cf on obatinatejuror: "Perenation and starvation are the approved c9mutcn 1 , ..w methods of producing the nbovo re cult, but a novel method was lately tried in this town. By some mea ns a fellow juror, an utter stranger to all his brother jaror.t, was placed upon the jury, who dissente I from the veriiot agreel to by tba other eleven. They came to a joint otne'usion of guilty wi:hent dalay, but the sranger pertinaciously held ont against there. After an hour of argument, with no avail, it was at last proposed that the jury biould return a verdict of 'guilty by elevort jurymen, who be lieved tho wher one to be ben conte.lor:to cf the prisoner, and so greats. rascal.' l'h 3 ended it ; stranger saw twenty vigilance committees in his mind's eye :.1 .1 in rive minutes the jury uneni mously ret , trac'd a verdict cf guilts.' .13Q1111.1VE'.1 DITtIMB is 11017 tho most dalightful end rfraltual rnnedy for ii,y2pep.,lit baforo tho public. Many of our moat worthy wi z:ma testily to its eflioacy,. To persons subject to nervcos hoaclaoho, It to a valumillo t oodicine. ViOra : oill-1% aaroWl to aok for ha,,-Lczrz'a Holland Bikes. Sold et S 2 per bottle, or iris bottloa for €3.5, b y tht3 solo Proprbtorz, ilonjatoin Page, Jr., It Co., No. 27 Wood otl - oe.t., botwoou rirst Seeond st...ecta, and Dru32lota TTIE WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, FROPETETOE, "Eh,' 1-1011:1•. for the purposes of a First Class Reit au , •fitat and 5110 , n, and the proprietor hey lag Lad many yotre is the busitieel keep conetantly eu hand the beat that the meat:eta uL'or..i. fl Wines, Liquere.e.ncl Alta, are e f the heat quality. 110 a ants all his old triend3 arid the pnl'lic generally to Rive him a call at the Syuitlaium. • 1P1:2:1y A First hate Farm i'dlT Sale in THE UNDERSIGNED offera Lia farm, situ ated one half mile soltk vast of 1,:ow Franklin, ;furl; county, Ohle and one and a bait miles We j, or Moul trie station, on the Cleveland and Httaburgh Railroad, L i . sale. It centairs two linnilred`ond forty-olght acres, one hundred and seventy-eight of which in iu good stem of cultivation, and the balance it covered with flret rats tlm• her. The farm is well supplitt with springs and runni,,g water. Tho farm provided with two dwolang house., b t alig Bud other satiable buildings; also, a lags and thriving orchard, which furn Mes excellent fruit. Any ono desirous of purchasing, can buy one hundred and Katy acres, or the entire tptet, as may be convenient. The farm is oonventently dil , ‘Lidd into meadow- and upland, and hence is suitable for stock and grain: There is also a' four feet vein of coal nr.derlyfkg the fern:, which has been worked a little. This - mteollent farm-rill he sold cheaper than any tract adjoining of a hinailar quality. : Any cue wishing to hay a good farm on favorable tovms, Would do well to call am' ex amine. It in in a healtVlocaton and excellent neighbor hood- convenient to good schools, churches, and mina. for further parricnlars enquire of the subscriber on the promicos. Sieve Franklin,JOHN MIL LE c:araty, Ohio, J°3:IN7 BY TELE:GRATH. Etc., Etc, Etc. of the Persia Prom 21-. a; o.irlip Jtr iu s hey , fir. rc -g. C.2ur_li as eturn Niagara. Pollak Statzmelat. Deoizton. Remtt3y for Dyopepzia. Fifth S!rezt, Door to the Piltiburgh .Theare Ora A GREA T TIU ' 'SS/N° T O TEE AFFLICTED.— The [lumber and formidable aliarivAer of diseases of the river have long challenged the attention of medical moo. Foul,' of thiir a:ie.:are, el isle id emit, the term of Consumption, have been supposed incurable, and the unhappy' patient silos md to die, 'without medical science to offer him a hope of reco‘mry- lieypily the can no longor be the care. A remedy has been found which will cure all complaints, of whatever character, arising trista derange. meat cf the Liver. The Piths Ms-cyst:xi by Dr. M'Lane, pre. pared solely by Fleming 8L03., Pittsburgh, Pa., rct directly on the Liver; an 1 by corrccting its opiontion and psrif.., ing , it from discam, cuts off and extirpates the cemplainti, which have their origin in the dieceeSi of this organ. Remedies hitherto proposed for liver complaints, have failed to oper ate upon the sent of the dissaas ; tet M .'s Pills make themselves felt upon the action of the Live:, end by cleansing the fountain. dry up the impure a' reama cf ease which thence dot ive their existence. ---Purchasers will be careful to ask. for Dr. Ilit'LA:•:E'S CELRBRATiLD LIVER PILLS, manufactured by FLEMING FMCS., of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. M'Laue'n genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vormituge, can now be had at ail respectable drag etorca. Noise genuine without !As si , rea. tore cf 1411 eJelkl,wdsw) FLEMING BMA. WO lIRVERTISMENTS. STATEMENT OF THE MERCIIAN AND MANUFACTURERS' BANK, OF PiTTSI3I.III,II. MTh - DAY MOEN - LNG, JUL° 21. q, 1658. Capital and Contingent Fond— ..... .. „...$751102,) t.O 1i0t0.3 in Circulation 167,415 uu Dae 208,287 c 5 Due to other Bents 16,157 t 2 Dile Commonwealth 5,4 , 85 :2 Loans and Discounts 674.3511.71 I. , lneLe—Gold and Bilver 122,445 55 .rotes cod Ohccks of other BanLa 21442 L. Due 1.2 , y other Banks 82,745 15 The ttly,re Statement is eJrre2t, 11. DENNY, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed I. _en): me this 21st day of A. D. 1853. J. F. 7.I.IAfIKIiNZIE. jL 22 Notary Put'lic. f. , TATEIENT OF THE EXCHANGE BAN X OF ',..c . ,..jr FITTS3II . ItOII. Moxi.tY 1 , ...a.N.1. - se, June 21st, 1838. Liana and Discounts 41,252,13.33 4.3 Real Estate 45,4;20 01 Specie in Vaalt 22.0,' 1 70 le, Notes ana Clucks of other Ranker 24,7.8 b. - ) U. S. Treasury Notes, 5 , rii cant 5 ',CC° (.. l Duo by cALer Lanka 81.;g 0 0 71 Capital Stc:ch . j bll,nun l'J Couting,...t Fund and Proths 165,,e.g3 '23 Circulation 411.1105 00 Deposita 362,440 51 Duo to DAnks 15 fit. 7 5.5 $1,778 . 911 19 I c rtify that thp Rhoro Stat.mAta ie trr t) my kmr.v1.....i,E9 L . It 171,'•.1tA afli;m rll, fora this 21st f .7 G Li., i..±TATLILEN . I (ii;" Sion ay, jul.e F : U,11 , 111.t, :5 7.3.C.1!; 41 N,.,toA au i Clive% f 1:4 010 fii De,;! , by other Pal.'Ele, 4'l :i:.-9,141 li Circulation. Duo to 4 , thorArtits I .divitlual Depo%itd. I.:;2l)aid DtvLeLds Tne DLoco StatemoLl t to iho hit cf my is th,w 1-t1:4.! ;LTA J. \V GJkili. bworn and bubscrillat f,:o elii6 2kt de} of JuLe 11-;lll_,Ja F1.1,N S, Notary Yul , TY7III - il s (I.P TILE CV..Nr.A.TF):!: Or THE E1.1431L: 7 61' PITTSBUSGI.I. MoNcAY !JEANS: I e%ria, 13111? or,d Diecounti ;;.1.,Z;21,E , ,1 7 22 11, it tau by ............... . 4.; I alp! L. iretilury c .......................... ....... Specie IP 43 L111",FE: 0 Aj 1%, 1u7,45'2 1.17 I.2niabi vitluitela •-u' u tcatAt..• 2t 4 C.)4a. to otttf.: rittnld , -;;, Tha t • trio h,„,t ..f to.y I•iii,te cad L.etmt. JOHN ti A It , FR, t:tnorn to and Futitierioctd thin gist dqn of June •it fort t 0.•., (jc-52.) J.Udi'lN I.tittiMl:• , . Notary 'P t .!. jct. NoTICE—Nt.:II.'o ilt!rch) gin , II to LI, L - 1151 - !Lat t'u•• lIIIOtIINGLIAM AND I'ITT: . i.U;I.II CIE COMPANY, that an chat will be 1,-;t: h.• boom tif JAMES BRA tt in the Buri,n4; of Bel t. horn, MttNDAY, the sth day of Jhly, l•ntivt. C o il0111:3 of 2 Ant: i P , LS - CI, I.nrrc,s , C/ t4C .1 11,1,•• Treilarit Cr. and ten Dit, tJts for tit.• cnttutirg \V. t; M e—rt . T 7 111' N N A N (.; 1•U1t St —Vs popniiir tot•ditll, JOLlndt.oll sto..kron. uitt_r e Ini.r.s of Kota chor. circa:an - di- 2,0 .rniet c witi • in t.: • by t o bout' •r who will also f •r its pa,;va 5r.,11 Lc:4l. to no ail! nink. , it ral nmga- Zno. Lesidk, tiso r..liabla estronomiotil c/1 .- hitt ion -, 0 now 4101 ingenit toblo t,t timo, 00 ....curate L.,..cwa 60 'well !Inn lines, and ()diet el-atm:a of permanent vAlti.• will 1.0 - ; addrd. Ord , rs of t. note fellers and other &ah , ts are ro:lri t ie advanca eat ono ed.ijon will La priut,_d, t,n..icrdern be ilduriaocordialy; to rriorlt:. lc d. G. J01:7 , 181'05; CO.. Printers. Ptation.ira, and is:at.k" Book .Makers,. tr Wood stl - , , et, Pittebur.h VAN TED ILMEDIAT.t!ILY—LocaI and T:a7eting Agerta, in a busincia which i., earn to ray from 12) to $:9 per week. Partionlara trace to all who unclose a stamp er three cent piece !or return Ns and a.141 , ,8H S. 1 co, le22:l:ltw EIV nn.v; lack .el, jast and fur gale , Li M 2 NS J.} CO, je,12:1 C.arn ,, r Wood and Watt , t at re, ts. DRIED APPLES-50 bushels Dried Ap pian, moat receivod and for cola ry Mc!:;ANDLEST3, MMANS a Co., jct 2 Cr rr,er Wco:1 and Wa'or eta et.ta HAD-10 bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shad jubt rec,,iyca and fur EVAA by McCINDLESS, MEANS • ic:22 Oornrr ;,nd ITaitor , La. Ff ERRING-10 bbla. No. 1 Potolza,c Hu rl, ring, jns: received and for sale by EacOANDLESS, I+11!:AN - S & CO, PAL' Wood and I ,VSL.•r etre, ta. riIiEESE.--200 Loxes W. R.; 225 " English Dairy r et,!t) by rj c ,22.l PERRY 11. C, TN 2. IIIIE-150 bbls. Louisville Lime, fur sale by jell?] HENRY U. irs.RY APPLES.-50 bags; fi r Icm bLIA. Dry Apple:, fr HO.) by j?S.T. HENRY H COLLINS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF LINEN DUCK COATS. Is row complete and conslste, of ell t I,c LEADING 9TYLE6 Of the acason. Pries ni)dera!t L. HIRSH. FE EX S. SON, 63 'Wood E. puma) nit) SYRUPS ur PIIOSatiATES, q..:r OR cliEancAL FOOD—This preparation is not in• ten-led as a popular icnlociy, but is rei , peci.fully sul witted to the Medical Faculty as a nat.itivo tonic, aeli triit.,A to supply the ivii3:e of elementary matter during the prDgreFa of chronic cases, particularly in Dyspepsia and Coneump. lion. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greattial to the stomach, and does nut uaus• eate by protracted use. Bold wholesale and retail by JOSEPH FLEMING, Je2:: Corner Dlatu -nd and Market street. OLUTION OF CITRATE OF IVIACINE , ETA—A cooling purgative, pleasa,t to the tagte. Made• every clay, at JOSEPH FLEMING'u, j:22 Corner Diamond and Market otreot. HODGSON'S "DIAMOND" CEMENT for Joining i - roten gies3 , ch!na metal, wood. and ail fancy 1:111iC/CZ, met received by Ji)S. FLEMING, earner Diamond and Mcrtct BRIE D PEACHES-12 sacks choioe bright dry Peaches rec,:iyed and for sale by Je2/3 JAB. A. FETZER, Corner Market and First fib+. OUS.-10 barrels fresh Eggs, just reeeiv ol and for ealo by TA'ALEti A. FETZER, j Cerner Market and Fist streets. QODA ASII.-100 casks Soda Ash, now k,„; landin g and for halo by 1r 6 1 , 3 NfILLE.R. & RICEERSCIN. bbls small Whit , : Beans for " . 0 vile by 11. L. COI.I INS. -11 100 barrels "Choice" Golden Syrup; 15 do " Venue." First Quality Syrup; Just roetived end for sale by 'MILLER & RICIFETSON, id SUNDRIES.— MO Iba. Coentry Bacon ; 12 kegs Peaked Bu , t,r '75 bushels Bright Land Applaa: 25 " " " Peaches ; 100 lawbels Red Potatoes; 200 " Mixed " Just received end for sale by JAS. A. FETZIM, myEl Corner Market .1:,c1 Second an. DURE PORT WINE, for medicinal pur .:4 pears, by the bottle or gallon, at IIAWOI3TII dt BROWNIZE'S, eh the lnarapta. VELLUM COPYING BOOKS.—These books possess great advantages over any others; the paper being thick and strong; will not tear when wet. It tetra a most patient impres , dua and 14 convenient to refer to. When once in use their arrorlority is apparent. Sold by W. 0. JOU.N.. , TaNT J• a 3 Statteners, i 7 Wood at. EOBESVP .7A-%53 E. ERVADIN. G - 0) OBER'T DALZELL & CO., Wholuale Grossra, C(.13111ElE3101a and Forwarding Iforchants and Doi ere in Produco and Pittsburgh Yarinnia - etures, No. 251 EJ14 , 1 - 17 Pitt4-zinh. a . noyMei OD FISU.- O' D F 3 drwria extra largo Cod Plsh ; - largo - t ". Jinit received and for rale, by MILLER & RICEETEON, - mr2a lloa. 321 and 223 Liberty gtro,l. -jaBRIUNG.-25 bble Herring for sale by J e .H. 11. COLLINS q`l REEK APPLES.-20 bbls. for Edo by 7 net ITNNRY TT. COLLINS 13ARISIAN TOOTH PASTE, prepared maw tho mierrialtm of DA, Surgmt Der., Met, for gate by OLAKENO, TO SECURE A HOME NEAR THE CST) pt 775,91.1 vJ BEIM PaLlic Di 410 In hi I ; i : 1.5 1;4;e NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPLENDID CHANCE .1: 31 IL7 • X"-u OF FIFTY BUILDING- 1 ..140'ES IN TILE TOWN OF ETNA, NEAP. UARPSBTJ Q, ONLY THREE MLLES FROST THE OITY, On Snzurday Jane ft 6th, 1858, The lintlertiiliznedissta Foil upon the promisee, at the North end 01 the 'ziiarpsbni z i:,:i nieu, in the Borough of Etna, adjoining Slwri slang, FIFTY BUILDING LOTS Beautifully situated on the beak of the Allegheny river. The property is 1. - noun a 3 WALL.:IOE'S B.XTENSION ei? ETNA, and 13 in all respects as suitable and detdrabialGr building purposes as can hotted around the city. it is faIV of 50:C•364 by manna of t'ic Lawrenceville an,: ftharpo Line. burkt Lin of Omnibuses, which leave the city every hour, and is surrounded by a brisk and thriving community. The Lots are 2i by 100 fret, requires no grading, and the msteriala for building are more re lily obtainable than to the city. Thu Lawrenceville and ;ba:psbu•g Plank Real runs di re:tly to the property, which i 3 also eaally accea3ible by the Butler Itca.d and the canal front Inigiabano Eotough and Allegheny City. Tha Allegheny Valley Railroad has a Btation at the end of the Bridge, where the trams atop a day The property will be Cal In fee cample, and the ti tle is unexceptionable The location la well adapted either for realdencei or manu facturing purpose:a. Plane cc the Lots may he seen at the office of the under signed, whsr3 persaus who may wish to select and purchase at pria•ate sale will he occr.mmeduted. 1 be Public Sale will take place on SA - MI:DAY, Juno :XIII, Cu 13_e prennw2g, ar b. s, P. M. Tema easy, and will b 3 nggio knovzn map: , •gto. JAMES 0. RIOLIIdY, ttj Ittur Vutste Agent, No. tie Fifth street. Pittsburgh Water Cure Establishment. FUR THE CURE OF ALL K} DS OF 1......tted at HAYSVILLII STATION, on the l'u - bLargh, Fort ta uyne and Chicago Railroad, ten miloa or the c:ty. For the healthful exercise and ernmenteut Cl patient_:, and °there friendly to the system, who may wretr t a. - .end .one time with us, wo have lately erectod a flue OYRNASItiaI and 11J1V.LING ALLNY. Addreea 13or. Pittaburgh, Pa S. lIUILFOIID,'SI D, royMudy2Jeck U. FIIZASig, D.. Physicians oil ANTILLA LACE MANTLES AND Hl'k Silk I. u.ter3, r;;;,'1 this day by Adams ExproA. C. lIANON LOVE, J Marl[at,atmd- \V A EE 1)- 1.•..0.u00 Wod Wanted rt higliPAt cash L'OILEERY CO., , trout. and 151 Front. LINEN COAT S, Linea Coats, u Coats, Linen Coate, Linen Coate, Linen Coate, Linen CGat3, Cinnfortis'.le and ci, 4 l, CLIESTER'S GEiTIIIC lIALL, jelg Ccrr,r, itioc l 3trca and Dian,Grl DlltEO'POltir OF PITTSBEritGIi. AND for 1'338.0, publihhod by GEOROM H. 'I'IIU?.SFON, for rate at W. t". cerner of and Fccon.l 5rp.,,t.,3,41.1 W. G. JOH:\ STO:i 1,1 - CO., No. 67 14'o:: F.ti Qt. jelfna and BAINANAS jUSt t'Jii jay, ac (I 'or bale by F.Evaio. dANDEELSON, No. 39 Wood streot. j 1 st. flatlea rro On hand the very teat a ,co., 1..12at vi Z\ - 6 , :a4 , 5, Yish and Pishfuz Tpekle. Hun c,n• t. , y na klicd Et carte a,,,rt L C YI:hiLLI L L'•ROLid, Ittl k, Cul o , Acm I ip CR, Chir.ea; Grady Niue, au: cli I. :t, gal .lerp FEtsßuitciii TRUSS MANUPAQTORY, i_UtTWi:lUli'i' 1U( \u, j.• .No. 66 1V.3,1 street. HA/1.• ••= E.F..luTirui. AND 13[711.1' araL:l,,i—C.llA Ltd eitany first cia s j.)12:1‘; F,A.rth 4' —1330 LL3.hunt rooeivad b;:i1 for ;.:tio lly 3x.1'.3 la. L. FL f. 72; `ISTOCE & CO. 11 t 1 ij A i 11.1-1 ci'.33 on. hand, wild f r( 1019) D. L. I:6TOCIi. a Oz.). ANA H,: -JO bbls on hand, and for o .1;., ill ;l 13 L. VALI IF. TJL'ii.z CO. A LLEPO OALLS-1 bale in store, and for , bi ( j 13) b. . & ()Sr. —3 bbl. 3. vii hand. 1..*: by 1-.1..), B. L. F.111.N if. 6 COCK o€. SL hi_;--I ' on ital -01 ;. T. (Ai AND /L:LLI.II‘I on bc.1.11,4, y 1: C.) , jJl.l_ N... (.!ir 1,6 r Wood alit) 12A FOR ()FeLUI: tr.,o y y, fur ,f -tle,s 1/ .I.k 1, 01.C..11.1 . 1•.1.!o Jy (...) , 19) J. T L,'LYJU reitm6 %N . / . 11..jJ1L1.4, 11 luiuriur article, for s t J. R. IVE:_I).N. , -- ztle by j,19 J. It. t r - 1 LT N CV() t.) .:A.) J. R. E (ae 's: . I: OOH s For s a l ° l i y J. R. Q110:245, SllollS—(ird_t, inducemonts furcd thy Ptore, to all who wl,ll to buy stminaer shces i,lral.-1 aria.' Gaiterv, 1;u31-ia,, and 8:I ppnry. D. v. Dl I , FENISA ^ IiEIt , .koD 17 Filth ar,vt. near I) ULU V (1:1.1 hSi9,with rioEINBACII e: GEN L' h 3 COING - RE;jS GAITERS at the's Shoo Ctora, P..p.111.'1`111 street.. j-19 DIFI'MNBACIIEIi. a C.J. FOUS-7 Mils. fresh Eggs just reed, end 14 for Bala by J A.31.E. A. FETZER, jtJog Curlier Marktt and First strouta. AKE 1•1S11-25 !Ads. Lake,r Lae lib , jait :o,:rod and f, sale b:z JA,lli2 A. FETZER, jolg 3orzor and First streets. _D MED AI'J.I_,E,S-40 sacks bright Dry Just received and fur salo by JAS. A. FETZER, _ Corner Market and l , irA straws. FLU U.R.-4U bble. choice superfine for sale JAS. A. iItITZLII, Crorwr Maiket ns:l Pipit ate. U recoivel-another atiEurtment of Ik:JOTS L./ and 511.C.P3, comilatiag of Ladles' Ileol ItAt4 and Slip. pers, Vs. Bo}a'a lout hla, Rad a fordo varkty of Cl:il• dren . 4 Shots, Phaae give al a call, at the Cheap Cash Llt,,e 13liftf.AND, j A') 93 atract. 9..Y2v1111(1,.n: (rem Filth. MAGAZINE, 11 RPLR'S .IIAGAT.II , IIS, 13 01.,T teOP. JULY. L; . ult JULY. For aiie at ROBERP A‘. LOOXILS', l'abliaber's Agent, Jel9 41 Fifth litnet. G EA T 8A 1, F URINTITUR - 11 CONTINUED, The Enbscrih,r, lanyi.lg obtained petinla.ion to remaiu eb.:at two weer.] longor in his Warercorns on Fifth atteat, ottoca the balance of his Jstc.ct cluriug that time, at FIVE PER CENT. LEES THAN MARKED PRICEI . Tkid i.e Hid bait chance I.e gcttiug Furniture at and tn. - .l.nw Coal. H. H. RYAN, je18:1w--4 No. 31 Fi`tb. street. DECORATIVE WALL PAPERS ELL getdo and Brea:della desi g n for parlors, for ado by W. Y. MARSHALL: & co., jola 87 Wood greet. lkyl NDU\V" ETAT AIN B—Plain and Satin (hen, and fienred Curtaing, for bale wholea3lo and retail, at - W. P. MARSHALL f; jelB 87 Wood Enact. Nk.ULL'IN ICS' BANK STOCK, AT AUC TION.—Ou TUESDAY EVENING, Juno 22d, ct 8 e'clsck, at the Commercial Palos Rooms, 51 Fifth stioa,l. - 111 be sold, 100 uheircs 3lochaniee Dant of Pittsburgh. jelB P. M. DAMS, Auctioneer. WOOL WANTED.- Try highest market, pro paid for Wool, by SZKINOiIt HAR8.11.7011 G CO., j01.3.2tv No. 2.13.3 Liberty atzea LIBERAL HEDUCTIONd DRESS TIIIMMINC:-S Have been made through cur entire stock'. The ancortmeut Is largo and made up cf the best etylee iu the market, at Joah.prt jOlB 77 Market street. CHEESE.- 180 boxe3 Prima W. It. Cutting Chocsa ; 200 *. Engtieli Dairy ‘• Rneived uud for Bela by 1.1831 HENRY 11. COLLINS NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- A. A. MASON A CO., Awe..., NO. '25 Fifth Strca, Ara now opening rich Dress Be:ages, Chulnes, erdnidies, Paris, And a splendid J. - ale:lion of SPRLNG SHAWLS. (apl EE vir LY VLOPES.—Buff; - 6tra, Amber and White, of all eiZCS, cold wholesale or retail, Ly WM. G. JO3INISTON dc CO. Pars my 7 Elationore and PM - rollers, 57 Wood 9t. PLANTATION SUGAR & MOLASSES-- 100 hhda. fully fair and prituo N. 0. Sugar; coo bbl., oak cooperage, prime N. 0. Molasses; 10 " 3t. Jams 8. 11 rlolalses, now landing and for sale, by 3111LER & RICKETSON, mr23 Not 211 and 223 I,ll3prty (area. 11 ------ UPYIIVG PR ESSES.—Screw Copvihg Prwes. Calm and Lever Coping Preasos, Lever, 'Screw acd Spring Copying Presaag, eold by WM. G. JOHNSTON .% CO., Je3 Wood atrzet. ANILLA PAPEIL—A large lot various .1„u„ • size!, for vale by Wit. G. JOHNSTON Jr bit Repel Usk:m i ff Woodit• FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' h I -IN 2141iALNE /1 , 8 OttA.:‘ Ck; CUMPAIi Vi CORNER OE ezw,74D AND sruzzi.B7 LAL'ELPIIILL A°. J sratEgr. 11.UNTEA, The ILA Ehow amount paid a; ttd ICEZ.:II fr.:ra Jlllll9, 18. M, ia Ayt 1 . OM oe Wfa. ..... 500 un Plank 1, u.ll ......... 400 00 M. lines 158 tso W. W. Ti1!,..4r060r.... 8 (~{) John 11:-,1Li EU J. J. lion 17: Newloyor Chao.. Joha .. I,CS7 i 3 f2A Hoary. Foldbosch... 1! , / Ou J...... CO !I.' Co CuL Char & 4;09 00 J. I. }lune ed. 00 Jas. Weeds, Eng.... 29 00 17 / s ..l'Cutly L 9... 4,5701. Jallsf,f3 31elbrizo: ...,.1,009 CO vu.... lOu 00 ........ ... .... .. ... STATS OF i fmNerm,.l.m.e., City of P3Mbari - fh, Be. I.l.lbre me; au /Lidera:ma in and for ELM city, pars:mail; came Thu:m-0 Liuntor, Agent of the l'ermaza and Di is cherries' Im u orenoo Cum who who ban,. duly 8 ;v0r14 CC' cording to 12.W1, (loth and my that the foregoinzi btu:Lae:at 15 true. T110:1. J. 1.1 02 , 111/13, Agent, and subscribed Li - .fore me, April 1858. up23_ I.r.ox.cao :1. Jo uNr, .11.1orrnan. 22a4A7V_-'LIFTII rauTf-cLa.t,.. SAFETY I tralfitil: CO ± f Jt 1 NCORPOILLTED ATUR.I.I OP. P 11.1•1 Y IN:013 , ORPICa., S. E. CO2Z P.,..EE D37_41,271.,7 PLL A.DELPIIIik. faIARME 243 E . mw G To bit parta w:,; .FEak2 R NLA INSUACIS • Oz Goods, by Elve l r Canals, ND Latc3 an N d taul t all parts cf the FIRE IN3IIIIANOZ3 Cn l'iforcivardlis.:, On .SEOII-3, Dwelling E07.13`33, &c. .4&22 SOS' TILL' CONPANY. l'iovoinbor Rondfi, Mortgagee, and 113::atc ... . ~....SlO 1,33 0 9:1 Ehilach.l;dik..oity, and other ....... . 3.37,011 23 Sioct iu Lanna, Idailrunildudirucaraiica 12,08 OU napacio9 ....... ....... . Bills Receivable 220,291 ti Cash on hand 38,892 00 Balcne3 in hands of Agouti:, on Mal•loc tVicied re.xnt ty haw cd,on 02,730 3"i other d,.1.,Ls duo the Ccm.pany fkib3cription Notos 100j000 Bud Y TETLEY, 1.1c3 TYood IN TEM PRICES OF SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER & DEALER . IN FOREIGN AND iIOMESTIC HARDWARE. no. 74 Wood ntreet, between 73tatneuLl galley aud 'Fourth. street, PITTRBITBOH, r.a.; 4‘., Tara antzeriber is now opening a well selected lkimcla meat of foreign and domestic Hardware, all new,and wlllie cold on &aped Lama as any other bone in this eity„ Da will alwaya keep on hand a general aao.ortmEnt of CUTLERY, CiRPRITTERS' TOOL', fey which ha map:at - ay invites tho attontic of rr .C1"12" eah2.B EAm. irta, WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, AND - SHIPPING AGENTS of Illinois Central Railroad, Cairo, I.lllnola. Mark Goods la all caao; to cur cam Jel:Zrany CIERRAN DRAWING PAPER—In rolls for Engel :Iwo, for foal° by 3", a. MILD.% 11 1/8 Ca Wtext itreetA 468.0girlis INSURANCE,. -~~ .. D 12 2 0 : 71-:E- WEllaza Jost , pt, al, It ;Lam , 1 A. Lacer, C. Julia it. 1:::•Or0EZ.-, LsiFff, Dr.thagtan, Dr. it. 4i. ila_t2n, Viiiiam.C. Ludwig, Lrlgh lapeact , : LiaLlvaki, Ctharles Erccti, Jazol, Joaea, 171103,1 ca Prezl ffEat.ll T lIE GREAT WESTERN and ra ta4 liutatranet. Cart OF PUILApELPHIA c.),.'i.ce in Corh . pany's Building , .IVJ. du3 Walnut. Corner of Fourth Street ALI/ All,ZriD .2,1.441 Enid in Eurplus, Janury Ist, ltinS EI LIE NCE—Llinitod or Porpotnal. ,t2l7,Eid Alt' ; Vce,ul2, Cargo and Frei: I. A.O 1) by River., 03 - o,bs, eske", C 1%.,1: CLarli 1.6L1111 , D, 14:23 %i9'-111Zr tit.tvrt. VI 11.11..1 5.1,..rctl lat. 13 111. - Jrl.ll itz .01 and (..'0u..123110r. J, , i‘ti C. auraor, ..: Co. .11 - “ey, firm of 'fit....7y 1/011.541..;;th'El Joe:, 21. , Ouray, a'!rti of Joue3, %%hits 31ceratly Lira of 1.1illon:- , 3 J.. :,e3 t. — .1111.1.1 - , - t.i.ui of ..I.‘tack.; :roltti or, M. 14111. r, Tl,ll.l4tri.a. J.,11n. C. c..catr of .; • io~.u. , • • C C. Nv. 1. i';W: '7l 1. , 11.1' . ( 1.1R 1 11,11 I'-; i t au.l h.. 'lv. Agout. .t. tie , l.llpatty oi' P/TTS i;:1 Tr. Jar ,)1. it,J) aCt.tetr v, J. 1. A. C. , Licari :_•proul, et!aartcreil captl.n.t F 1121.1 AND MAitINL (1...). 1?. Limith, U. .1. Colton. 1. J. J;)11,3, d. I 11.114:Lo x_ t. Patrick: Jolla Tv.L.,-gdr 01741...1 Pr.3idLut—A. CALL!. Vico rrt.....idulat..7.l;abY L'oe.r.,t3 ry 31'1:OUL if 4 ONG'IS Cr:- A HELA AW-HANCE COMPANY, OF PITTSBUROJI. JAMES A. f roAteat. HENRY 51. ATWOOD, Srcras4. 01 0 .FIC11--ria. 9!3 Waxer kirccei WILL INBTIRE AG —1112.72 t)6 Iril3iEl didt LI AI;I I; 1-.1 P. 113 lia, 20tu, 1353. atc - ck, Doo Lill3, payablo on demand, socnrod Ly two uppfoved pacae4 $llO,OOO Ou Pli tail] Notos. 47,003 25.0 hills Itocoi7able 9,966 25 /15 Wares Mechanic' Bank tcck, cost 16,165 Oe. Eu uo /I..n.2...CPittdourgls do do 2,760 VJ 41 do Exclunigi Link do do ...... 2,050 00 150 do Citizontr Dank do do • 6,176 04 Dalanco of 13colt Account 8,058 att Wilco Fttruittwe 690 85 Cash 15,8E3 75 DO-St,-ORS Jeecea A. lintel:Loa. George A. Dari - 7, Wm. B. Holmes, Robert Dahell, IN Wlata Rea, Thomas li.Olarte, Wilson blill.r, - John 11I'Dovitt, nic22 W. A. Caldwell. .A. a. CAE,12.1.Z! . PITTI3IsIIRGH GENERAI, INSURANCE AGE . PICV. 62pitai Rzyr,...3..datoel, 33,000,000. Cauk.ANirlti OF LuuLtEzT sTANDLNG, char led by Pennnylratia azd c..:thor Prates. LIFE RIBES 'WIEN, Ci-' ALL D.CEORIPTIONE. 140. tsid STitniTT, .t. A. CALLIII2I. l'lTlßLerfikaa, Pd. . 9. C413:11.Y.P. - f foc,l44yj - TERRA COTTA OR STONB 9 Fr.,:an two to sia inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Poet. aISO—ROCUESTRIt PEARL STARCH ITor Sale Wilt; :Jessie c.t. lilanufactu.r:rs Prices by EIENELTI ILL COLLINS, FORWARDING AND C 0 NI rif 551 0 N, Fel E CIIA id T A.ND WllO/Salra. I."1:.:ZZ 17 CiiEaLS.E, .E3VETEIZ., AND P.1101.I.TC1; No. 25 WOOD Ed:RIZT, PITTSBITZGII.Id JADE 7 4 4 rracILAUCIMILIN, MANDFACTURPI. OF AIiCOHO_R - 49 Cologue Spltrlts and E. , 'Llsel On, Non. 1.67 and 170 Stron.d &Net. ep10.1.4.`..dp FISH! FISH! CONATANTLY Coll 613 D A kIILI, SL'i'l7.. 07 lITE i'ISII, .9 AL-loN, ffE111111:Q, Order:, acccwpaniu.l Ly 11w/ Oi U, will moot p 1.074,4 att,ntlon KIENILY 11. COLLINS) ny141141-2p PHILILIOR3, 'FENT /U. CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants 8.1101 .4 .............$ 164315 Rod... Mac of. Co—.. 53 ea laftgel , ...... To (2/ J.. 1 . 1 Lwa1t1.4. *) 545 OJ w..1)1:wot!), Eaq..„1,114, ;0 J. .... . 854 Esq... 51 ..)t) C. 11. 850 JO .1 - zighah 5: it:chat-4'n 193 , :m1 Brewer, Ring )' Co.. O R. Lai ......... 45) 55 19in.1'11..;;,- ..0 R. Sill & C.) ".‘3 iv 1.; Ur a) 0 Cu Fte mer 71 11 .Idom9 a 31'CliutocR 49 03 51 OS t• 20,107 54 70.,785 09 J n, autee - .Tuatr, Poo!sto Joshua P. Pyre, Samuel m om, ileray Ja;:li2J B. Th...,usas 0. timid, Pol..borc Burt en, Jr q Joh T u B. c...c.. , 3, niy,! 21c J. T. Le W.:l/ .aimPrz;icletc I: e. A. MADEIRA, Azer.t, Viau-r strBzt, Elt.nbu:gl ' b00,0,h) V-t2,,iuJ 0) 60,277 05 ' ~.ULt, e'.'Q;CB: ......... :N, 8237,710 .54 TP.OnT, YiUrf bLiCKETSIL 33 WOOD STUNT.