LOCAL AFFAIRS Contra of quarter gonalona. B o ors president Judge William B. Ill'Olure, and Associat e Judges Adams and Parka. This being the day on which prisoners convicted during the week are sentenced, the following persons were brought into Court, and received the following sentences : George Schallenberger and Samuel Barton, convicted of malicious mischief, were each sentenced to an imprisonment in the county Jail for the term of six calendar months. Theo parties were convicted of shaving the tail of el here.•. Wm. Williams, who was convicted of petty larceny In stealing a poillea box containing some articles of trilling value, from James White, was sent to jail for three mouths. William R. Hoover, convicted on two charges of larceny, one for stealing a lot of illiugles, and one for stealing a skiff to carry them off In, was sentenced to the Penitentiary for one year uti the drat charge, the second being held over him as a guarantee of good behavior on the expiration of his sentence. Arthur Anderson, a colored man, plead guilty - on six. in. dictmenta for larceny, committal at the National Betel, on Water atrett. Thu Court stated that inasmuch es all the Larcenies were committed at the same time and under the same circumatancea, it would be opprostice to sentence ou each charge eeparatuly. lie was consequently sentenced to undergo an imprisonment iu the Vitiiteru Penitentiary for three years. Jacob Schwatubly or Schwembly, convicted on two charges of assault and battery with intent to kill, in stabbing Lbw, ilton Needs, and ufterwa•.ds shooting officer Clark, when he attempted to arrest him, was sent to the Penitentiary for two years on each charge. William Johnston, convicted of assault and battery 0. Francis Scott, was brought in, and inasmuch as he hba Leon coufmed in jail fur four mouths, be was let off With a further Imprisonment of thirty days. . John Berry, convicted of assault uud battery with (UNA/ Ls kill, committed ou Leopold 63111, Jr., was .euteucril t All hap rl...)1.0110.1/ i the Peatteutiary for 000 your. 'i h. •.: WU, light in consequeuce of a recoutrueudatlon to 4.. ineicy of filo Court, by the jury. Merge': Jt. Bryan, convicted of selling lottery tickets, was sentenced to one y O,ll'N itupris.,urneut iu the NVesteru tentiary. Court itiljourne,l until 3louda7 morning ArrEarrza riumins.—Ou Friday night a couple named Graham were arrest -d and lo 'Lod up in th.) watch house iu Allegheny. Suou afterwards a twine was heard in the cells and on g...iug down It was found that Hrs. Graham hail iwt• tempted .11-destruct/nu by endeavoring to hang herself by her shawl, having fastened it to the bars of her cell. She was watched during the night, and on Saturday morning she was brought over and taken to jail. On arriving there she was taken to the upper corridor, allotted to the women, and while being conveyed to her cell, attempted her life a second time by trying to intim over the balustrade. For tunately, however, Elie was caught by the turnkey and pre ,:ented. Slab wee then taken to a cell, and an hour later she was caught in a third attempt at suicide. She had au old oaao knife secreted ou Ler ration when bile , entered the jail, with which, when diSCOVerall, • elha wee hacking away with the intention of cutting her throat. Witt a little care abe rufght have succeeded iu her wicked institution. he is now closely confined and a strict watch is kept ever her, which, it is hoped, will prevent the t!cdruolasiinteut of the ,:e..1 which who Boerne ti".) determined ozocuto„ Monk tninwNitio —A man nanoma (Jetty, and his L.M, nbuut twelve years of ego, were drowned in the Ohio on Rtlduy evening, opp.isite !ilanehester They had gone out for the purpose of taking up line, when, by 13011.10 mismanage:men , the skin c..pei.,T they both fell into the river, and w,,ro dr.AFlnt,l before rouLt oould reach thorn Ironibor,, nOtotit.tbibia itt Aceld 6:1 t b taco or mo.o pETSOIIki .!--Su. SSD ylxs J our Dam —Wo are glad t, poroolve tLet this aaienNad pair have bOOO 10-ougned nt Buster's Netiooal Theatre. Their huu+c•e have atoalily laz.readiug sine. their firlt night, an .I 7 - . e mph. their ungagem at nkey prove protitAble They appear tu-aight :on: char4ct The unit i'dece I) ell cat() Urouo.l, in which Juba Dre.., appears as eiLiZ. , l5l Sau v, tr(dd, and irn. Drew ea Pauline ; to La followed by tb.• Emigrant," with Jubu Urn•. in hie groat ertglual Inv I of O'Brien, and Ilra. Drew as t'M I) Bobaliuk.; the perfoirolure coueluditi; with tau " Chi iso tug." mi. ii e,rtoinly a due bill, am.l ehouid drat,' - diugl). A ...Att. Ahllol.lll of imparted carpet eau nuw Le purchas..l At A.1:11'1'40143'8, corner of tirautaud Path dti este, for thirty eve cents a yard. This is a great reductd , a fr.mi the old pricaa, oud mhould induce all in want of thus, gouda to all at M'Tighe'e. Fie has uteu ua hands, at very lunt glneraltmaortin mt cif lace and sill. mantillas, clusters, Llot,i, skirts, Bllka, ara,d gouda, shawls, , all M which will be :mind Wed worthy am uttuntiun of thus° who wish tu par await). P/0 NM—A pie WC hr the benefit of 1110 Child"). at tached to the selivol of . et Paul's Cathedral, under tlitsubc-rge of tae Franemeau Brothers, will Lahe place tit Liutien ctieNe to-morrow. This is Jost the beeouu for festivities of this character, and wn know that all who attend this will retort: home well with the manner in which they bait, spent the day. TJ BAIL —A naw..l namoil Liovevior, a chan.li• whoss eatablialiment is io the vicinity of Oakland, wan i.,. cuutly comidittail to jail by Alilormau Itogera, 4, 111.1311‘,1 charge of 1/11itittLICB, in boilins bones au.l 1 I hoiaea, an noying the neighborhood by the fragrant exhalations there from. Lie was brought into the Court of Quarter 13Lasions on Saturday, where ho catered bail fur his appearance when wautad for trial. Iol..—Now that the dug-daya are approaching, ict in tanre .n article of nece±sity that n 'usury. There of our readers who., are not PO:ltad a 3 to whu fornisho3 the beet quality will du well le try tho pure Alleg::euy lc; held by our friend Walker. Orders addreadal to Bus W., Dispatch olllce, wilt FCCOiVt3 prompt attention .Faurr.—Now is the time kr epic tires and all tend of good tiviay Our markets are well supplied with all the frmte and vegetables of the season. Sirawbarries, cherries, gooseberries, currants, eit.c., are abundant, and can be pur t.thesed at reasonable mite?. Strawberries, especially, are lu great profusion and very cheap Their 5C.1301.1 is but a ehort one, and we should enjoy them while they ate plenty. TuEGiFssra.—A, company of ilip9eys has arrived in thin vicinity, and encamped nose th • city. They have with them a lot of the tnest heroes we have seen. They will bring them to the city for sale of Ntiodueday, and will exhibit their stook at the horse ruarkc on Duquesne way. Any Cale %wishing to purchase a 1101'60 would do well to examine the stock of th`Dse itinerante. Levi Stanley, well known to many .of our citizens, is with them. It is their first vidt here in .two years. . _ Tun bars Aionnin...—The (hand Jury did not act on the , zaao at Jame& lie°, charged with-the murder of Proteseer liSe.uhr, on Natiird , y. it will pry . bably cuide liiifer! them be day, and from the verdict of th4eureuei'd Jury, and the nature of the evidence which will .re :hem, a true bill will must probably Lid found. GOD2:l'.—.sl.idr6. Hunt Nhuor,ll, base re , onice..l the July uunwer or Goiley'4 I...ldy'a Book, au excel lent =umber Tua Orphttr,' Court and Court of Coattuon 1.163:18 were iu nettAiou ou Saturday morulug, but the buniuess trunmacted before them Was of minor int;)ortatxtv,ot worth reporting J. B. D. CIAB.K 2 4i). 4 tlirard Lit)ll3o, corm - Jr Third and Smithfield streets, received flarpor'e Monthly and tiedey's Lady's Book fur July tie has also on hand ull the Eastern weeklies and the current literature of the day. BOWMAN 4, 00 :—My sister hui taken your Vegetable Com. pound, and she is well. She had been dowu with emisuinp lion for two ye re, but is now able to go to work egaiu. My mother had 3 cough for live years—has taken three bottle .of your Coldpoiiiid, and it clued Ii r. We all it nut an equal ior lung diseases Parent'Rau, J 1858 IT IS but the common desire of all to make the bast ims• Bible investment of their means, and those merchants who offer the greatest iminoemente to Bush buyers, seem to be favored with the greatest prosperity. This fact, well studied and aotod upon, by Oaraag,hau, AilegLuny City, has given direction to all his business operation.. Ilene:. the low says at Which be furni hes a good article of men's or boys' clothing. tcrTHE .f_iftEAT DRAWBACK to persons emigrating to the extre:No Western country, is the great fear they have of the Fever and Ague—the must direful of all filSenses. Every day we hear of persons attacked by thin Disease and made helpless in a short time, without any means of affording relief. In view of the great demand fur a remedy, Dr. HOSTETTER has presented his celebrated BPTTERS, whose carativ.: powers for all diseases of the stomach have been universally acknowledged. The " Bit ters," prepared after a long experience and deep atudy,have ecelved the encomiums of the most eminent physicians, as well as all classes, from otery part of our country. To those who doubt their many virtues, all we can say is, to try them, and judge for themselves, respectively. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere, and by 1108TETI'Elt k 8511TH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 69 Water and 68 Profit streets. AS A MEDICINE, Ad A BEVERAGE, Ad AN Appetiser, WI a restorative, as a solace, as a gentle azhileraut, as a staff in manhood and a help in ago. there is nothing like J. 31.. OLIN'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS, they are pronounced by all who use them, to he Ist superior to any preporatiou of the kind now in use. They are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, General De. Wily, Weakness of the Stomach, etc., and a preventive of moat of the prevailing diseases of the day. They should-be kept and used by every family, especially at this season of the year, when loss of appetite is so prevalent. No family consulting their own interest can afford to do without then,. As many spurious articles are put up and sold as genuine, be sure and call for J. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that the areas purchased bears the name of J. M. Olin as manufacturer. leer sale by J. fif. OLIN, sole proprietor and manufacturer, 487 l'euu street, Pittsburgh, PA., and by druggists and limbos genendly. 6.12 Thn remains of Professor Baehr, the victim of the late brutal assault on Duquesne Way, loft the city for Baltimore, on the Eastern train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, on Sat urday night. rho body was placed in a metallic burial case, at the Scott Rouse, and i...mut - 'no o'clock the coffin was Placed in a hearse, and a proce,son was formed to escort It to the depot. The Turners were out in full force, also the members of the Frohsinn tinging Society of this city, wea-- lug appropriate badges of mourning, and bearing their flags dramd in crape. Tho scene was a soletntle nod Impressive one, and there seemed to boa deep and heartfelt sympathy for the unfortunate man. The remains were taken in charge by Mr,. (Mehl, of Baltimote, of the firm of Win. Gaeln Co music dealers, in whose employ Mr. Baehr bad been. fie will accompany to Baltimore, where the wife and trends of the deceased reside. SATURDAY, Juno 19th The Frohsinn Singing society held a meeting, at which the nsual resolutions of condolence were paseed. We are also informed that measures have already bees takes ter a repetition of the musical tableau of Ou the Sea Store," by the two German siugu3g societies of the city, the proceeds of which will be given to the widow and family tie , le ceutt,ed. We hope that the concert Way be 3tteutied, and that the proceetiß 111:1) , be so hirAo /tm (1.4 . Cle , ritAb:t• lure of the object &gene, Fancy Si. Main Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDUE, , : j-• 1,, ellre bILIIIIO6II, I altio depot Rttl2.ution t• UNDEIt.TA litNt3 Ilears.ta and Carriotira f`,lral h,f‘, ['ARMIES LOOK TO YOUR INTERST oWEN:-, LANDS CO. Manuf -ctur•, have at all for silo at their °nice No. 12.7 sail at their manu factory on in , ' corner of l'o.ut alley and Duquogne Way. Pittsburgh. Allen's Icuprove,l tionipet and Hower, ,tantis 'l ilarcest,r i,y .iny'r)Mblii.l 110 110 uow iu use or ..eTereit for sale. lst. Because of its simplicity, Injito-si of tiraught, anii treenest from digging or ch 2il. Tim driver on bid Slat, when mowing or reaping, is enabled t) raise the cutters iu au instant, and pats Over coy stone or other obstrontion, sad drop it again to its former :esition without stopping his team; :and also at the corneTs . •.f Ow nold, L; slightly raising the c.rtters, the machine turns with ayma:ll care as au ordina:y cart. Bill The machi e is chaniterl from a mower to a reaper by simply laying or tire plat:orm. 4th. A now n Alegi of rAki..ie, 11, grain fr,tri the platform by sustairimg She rake irri a pivot. thereby relieving, the raker from much labor sth. The nors.,s aro 1 - clieved th., usual weight o f the inachin7 on their 1,, , ~f ••I which sup •,orts the torward end. The ib v v € ,v, c rp m. ay n - al Vali 4a,k3A, which caa be readily moleraoasl by any portion tirelminiug the ma chine, tad rnn ha ussd with or without a reel, al may be de- AIF3O, ua iraprov ed grain drill, adapted bathe drilling ~ f all kinds of seed., together with farming implements :renerally. They hue- .16'001 hand and for aude eelf-Raker and Heygia IL.apiug Machine, which hale rendered anti, satiallactioo t o th ose who hive I eight and used theta. Ail mac ioery necessary fur repair, :or articles sold by us ,an he had by railing at the ...art soll•rlt a enure of patronage •.( thrillers and dealers, for which an expect to give entire .eitbavation. \%c have a number of la,r, rakes on hand, which will ha Auld at rse , amble ratol. OWENS. Pittsburgh, Ps iptiE lIIGiiEST market rice emit' paid IL fur WI thn gratLa of delta nevem and Tal.,..W..thed /1001.., at the uld Woud Warutralso, c n uor ut iberfy ul root tina C. Ally). ti First Rate Farm Rime Spade h Ohio. T HE UNDERSPJNED otE:rlhk farm, situ• 111110 1if , 121.11 West a I`44W Mark county, 0100. and one and It halt toil", went of Medi u-to elation. on the Cleveland and l'lttabargh Retire:id, tor lute. It c >tasks two n(111,11,1 tiud tortyadghi wires, rite tendred end iievontyaiighz of in ILI ti gond elate , Pt Ell'iratiou, and the balance is covortal with drat rate tit-u -tter. The :arm is well titipplie I wit:. spriD4n and g 'eater. Thu farm it provided with two dwelling houtecit, ~area and tattier 4flitAble buiLliogn; slue, a largo in•l thriving orchard, which fur nithes excellent iruit. Any on, pariteinuig, ['Atli buy one hundred end tarty sari, or th, out ir.• tenet. an may be convenient. farin la i-iiiiyoniently dir theti into meadow and upland, it'd hence ti eultable fur ittotili arid grain There is-wino a our feet vein of , tug the bow, which hail Le en .vorlititi a Intl,. Thin.. cot - Teta farm will be notd ch-eper titan tilly (nut idjuining itf a unniiiir quality Any ono WlMhillg to Loy teood farm •en fir ruble tertian, vetialtl do well to call sad oa ,ceiu: it it itt a locate tti ',el excellent tw o : t ill', • oOtt, cunveuierit to good nchools, rhurche and !tulle 'Art' further partic-Iti e e•eptire ttli lt^ auhatiriber tut the ,treinisea. , Itrtf MILLEIt, Nnw Fran Slack i• 'tad y. 5t AaENTs AN'fl;A) -To sell four x. , •--7 new .11. tUti.t. Lt.?, Wade OVcr $25,- 61.1 0110--!m•iter than .11 ,•:N, Spud !call" Ilthtflir, g.•t. pig, I pl 4: 1, Friend ~f !M BECI LE AND b'Elf.Bl.l , M tmok:). Cw Lonkr; grati. If DLL lik;Ott.ti BROV9: - N likTro Mass. IN ONE DAY-. Liar dtat.ll,6 f : .r JAYNE MIN TEA STORE, PITTSBURGH, PA., S. JAYNES, PROPRIETOR, OUR PRESENT STO(;K OF fieluct , d with Care, Isla]. I,nrcluli , d from the most ru laid*, Tea .Merchants in New and Philadelphia, and meaty of ail the dillemeut tiavorn and grud ea of Tea brought this marker. We will e,ll J &MRS ROBIN SON The Remain' of Profeegof Baehr. EYER, J E PH P MANUFACTURER OF 'ITTSBURGII, PA - *Oati. EPLYRAIM 13BOWN, Lc well, SHISH NO. 3 Fit FT AU frirgt.--SET, GREEN AND BLAGIc. TEAS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LOWEST PRIG ES. TII N THE OLDEST TEA STORE IN TWI CITY ur,utomoce may, with cuothle,:ce, rely un our beat tqa tiatiCtlß to give th,17.1 nu bop _dor quality, at the vit.! i- ad priced. We havo no connection watt any other Tea Stun+, and y.lll our c.t.todorre and the public z:gu.iodt t tEMESIDN.B., OUR NO. IS 38, NRAti WOOD STRENT, We are well einpplied with RIO AND JAVt., COYFRE; ru,hed, Palverizod, Clarified find N. 0. SUOARtii. BAKVR'S BROMA COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. air2B:wo MANNY'S PATENT COMBINED MOW ER AND REAPEIt, Manufactured by A. PATCLIEN, WESTFIELD, N. Y. The wonderful FRlCcess of the MANNY Machine, both in this country end to Europe, i• 4 well known. The beet YOCOnl• mends from thousands of farmers who have idled it, 6h01t6 ,hat its popularity is deserved and permanent. For the harvest of 1858, I have made such improvements In the machine as to adapt it more perfectly to the wants of the Harmers or Western Pennsylvania. These improvements were thoroughly tested by sample machines used during the last harvest. None but the best selected materials has been used la the construction of the machines fur the com ing harvest, and every care has been taken to render the ,serkmanship superior, malting this the nos: DURALII.4 AND EXPAZISIVE MACOINI: TO Y./7,2 IiaPAIA, NA well as the must perfect fur either 51.,wing or Reaping, new in us e . Machines and a lull supply of extras, will lo kept at 07 Init arca, Pittsburgh. A. PA TC EN. J 91174 MART, GEN ORAL AktNENT, Office and Ware HO , lll, 97 First street, Pittsburgh. .. LOCAL AGENTS C. G. Tyrfkr, Uniontown, couuty, i'a., jrattc/f itichel, Pt.rryopolk, Fayette cmtity, Aaron I.ltillc Franks, Aaron Brawdy., wiiliqm MCC,. Paris, VCltshiasitai thin Al 3 rothcri.. ' lt. io a,s • We A.. W. A A. J. Varney, tirveneburtz, J Eicher, Carmichael, Greene couuty, Pa IX. U. Siuxpe,ou, CroßB Cut, Lawrence county, Pa., Joseph Brlttalli, New Brighton, Bearer comity, Pa. J. M. LlolderbauaL Somerset, :+0tn0r,..,.t county, l'a inyB:3thw BA Ai& /„ `i;'? 0 SIT .. re • %-: , 6, ~,,.--" NI o. 6 6 -z e:.., - : .l ` . - -I. FOll R`l'l I S FREET. 7, "' * - 1-. ~."" Third Dom W 4 .13t. Or thi+ ihmii of Pittvborcit ve . 4 ,, •-•, INTEREST PAID UN DEPOSITS 'rhis Institution was organized in 1834, and 'till:omtlunes under the seine careful and prudent man agement, which hes 130 long afforded satisfaction and se curity to its dopesitors and customers. Its stockholders are all individually liable for any moneys deposited, and beside.) the money and property of ti•e Bank itself, the un dersigned are individually responsible to depnaltora to the whole extent of then private m flue I:dnea Marshall, ~hi ft, John Floyd, Win. Walker, Usury M'Oeary, , Samuel George, Thomas Mellon, Robert John M'Devltt, Richard Floyd, Robert Galway, apl7:lyw JOHN S. SHAFFER'S CARRIAGE HARNESS REPOSITORY l'acs. .CLXLCI Corner Diamond Alley & Decatur street, Between the Diamond and Liberty Street., Carriages stored, sold, and bought on com nits4lon. Repairing dono promptly. Purchatfon3 from the country will tlnd a large asoortment of OARRRIAGES, BUGGIES AND LIARNESS, Which will pima them, both auto quality and price. my8:1, w FRESH FIGS XOO drumsreceivoi and fur sale by RATNER it ANDESSON, 027 alil WOOllOOO7 MOUE—Sales 65 bbls. superfine from wharf at $3,50; 221 bbls in lots from store at $3,62 1 A for superfine, $4,25 for er...• tra, and $1,60@3,62X for extra family. GRAIN...SaIes 150 bush. oats from wharf in two lots at 27©38c.; 160 bush. do. from sto.e at 30c.; 2500 bush. red Wheat on ptivate terms. FEED...SaIe 1 ton chopped from wharf at $l6 ton. EGGS—Bale 300 doz. from store at 10c.'0 doz. POTATOES...SaIes 160 bush. Noshannocks from wharf at 65c. bush. PISH...SaIos 20 bble No. 3 large Mackerel, new, at $12,60 ; 6 half bbls.'No. 2 do. at $7,60. 11A.CON...:Sales 10 tierces igtoulders at 7c. sgi lb. CEMENT ..Sales 30 bbls. Hydraulic at $2 g 1 bbl. MOLASSES...SuIeq 10 bbls. N. 0. et 33c. is WHISK Y... Sales 118 bbls. rectified to lots at 23(4;24c r 2.: lIMIRE=EI3 -$52,50 in two dayB, LA,III.ILy, tray Walker, Wat. Young, Jacob Painter, Joseph James A. Knox Ito be :1 B,,obinq 'Munn., :Scott, I). A Stewart, Joseph Love, E Brown, of Hittauuiuf PITTSBURGH, PA tn 'Si hl3 Ul4 Ci iS(.) AT.D s ctlArre ' :: v,5. ' 44NowDe. of Arbitration for June. F. R. BRUNCT, V. p JulIN S. COSGILAVE, J. B. CANFIELD, SAMUEL ..'7IIRIVER, DAVID 51'.',ANDLI VITTSBURGH 111 A Ltki.ll.;'l.• iteported by J OSEPLI Saiownwt, Superintend , ujv the Merchants' .Erechangs. Pirrauoneu, June 19, S 5 Philadelphia Market. PIIIIADELPIIIS, June 19.-11 or is dull, but id ices er with cot change; the speculative d round his esorely coa.ed, and there is uo chipping demand ; small Silos for home use wore made at $4,2504,37 f r superfine, nod $4,62 1 ,6 up to $5,25 for extra and extra family. lye Flour ie steady at $3,31, and Corn meal st, $3,37. Whoa is dull, at $1.0301,05 for rod, at 1 $1.100120 for white. Rye wanted at Ste. Corn in good demand; 10,000 bu,h, yellow sold at 71073 c.; declined at the latter rate; 20,000 bush. Western Oats sold at 41c. Provisions quiet; Mess Pork held at $17017,50, without buyers; 90 casks Shoulders in salt sold at 5-s( k r, which is a decline. Small sales of Lard at 1.1.5‘011 . 1 ,4c. in titan, and in kegs. Wool comes forward slowly, and the manufacturers manifest no disposition to purchase. Whisky advancing; 200 bids. Ohio sold at 23l 24c Oftnetnne.tl Itlarizot. Cintritaxl, June 19.—Flour is very dull, and there is nothing doing of consequences tho prices aro nominal. The receipts are increasing. Whisky is unchanged; sales of 600 bble at 20*, closing dull Provisions are dull; Mess Purl; is Oferod at $15,50; Bacon Sides sold at 7%c; Bulk do 7 , 4 e. Lard is worth about 19c; though it is sold with difficulty at this rate. Corn is dull and drooping'. the receipts are bet ter. The weather continues fine. Money matters are dull; currency is very plenty; exchange on the east per cent. premium. - -4 - - rti (SVV York Market lqhw Yong, .Juno 14.—Cotton firm; solos 2000 mtles, at 12c for Upland middlings. Fkur heavy; ralebs 22,000 bile. ri host heavy; sales 63,000 tins Western red $1@1.03; white 1.,115 t i01,117. Corn dull; the quotations are nominal L'ork Leavy; Mello ;16,80(4116,5b; prime has declined 10e; Hale, at. „{,13,74413,50 Macon steady at 7 ;tide! steady .ntlow : sales unimpiciitut Lard heavy at 102igoll.e. Whi4y dull,•witit but little inquiry, and priers ‘voati. Su gar buoyant; Muscovado 5:1,46J .j. Freights on Cotton to Liverpool, 7-32; on Flour to Liverpool, Is 4 hijdriUlie tlil; tut Wow York gtocts. Market NEW I . okit, June 19.—Stocks dull; lie - rove nud Milvoise {tee IW 2 ; ,Ntichigaii Central New Verk Central Ilissouri sixes 87 . !,:: ; ; Galena and Cl kago 64 1 :,"; Erie 710, 4 ; Lacrosse laud grants 33; TNigetßos BlM's Ohio sixes lel CIFILILDS Sz. C 0.9 ~r~ ; .. ~ r_y"- . cac ~cr.~~ -~ '— L=------- '»4kl 1 , 4 ;] 121 ; ,- .-41 REHOUSE • pir4 I .' Ai! ?,t1 ." . .3 17 , 4441'1:i v; t 4 th 04 .1 !PE i521,1„- rtzqpr? f - a". 41.7 't79!.9 3" - i• 14",z7A r'd O. 133 WOOR E 'ft', PITTSBURGH, [LAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR Naga SPILING STUCK OF BOOTS AND BROM, , ronsting or a great carh , ty of seasonable and fashtonahle ad.ptctl to toaint, and snAun ,r sales. Baying been 01'01310a far cssh, et rc.lnc:ei prices, they f , e 1 wnrrantecl sayiug that they can supply West,rn merchants, by the vik,go a ,lontin, et loci pricee 1,4 the Heine quality of coI LI• pllrCh•4,ll is illll partk.utax given to ~niers. Alan, a goal eupply of Neg.: IrksoSpenl,ll eather. } t 't the matt ,r of the Petition of certalu le the Court of citizens of tho Fourth Ward, Pitts- Qtahatui Sot HiCAtth, burgh, to vacate a curtain alley near of Allegheny the curuer of Pena and Irwin streets. county. And now, Juno 9th, 1f5511, the Court grant a cute ou all parties it terestod to be cud appear in open Court, on Satur day, the 10th day of July next to show cause, if any they have, why the alley in said petition described, viz: au alley :en feet in width, leading from floott's alley to Irwin etreot, oc,r the ground of Thomas Scutt, slionld not vacated. FICOiI the record. TiIOMAS A. ROWLEY, Clerk. j017:2t-n-w4w 4'510 MECUANICS AGRICULTURAL IM. PLFAIENT MANUFACTUILERS, AND OTHERS.— The subscriber offer for sal,' all :how, large and convenient buildings situated at Latrobe, Westmoreland county, Pa„ arty miles eat of Pittsburgh, on the main line of the Penn ,lvania Railroad, kn)wn as the Pennsylvania Our Worts, :,nsisting of a throe story Brick Machine Shop, 60'30 feet, i:uundry .101.60 feet, Frame Oar house 130:1.50, ditto 66x30 (get, ismith Shop, Engine and Boiler House ' with a full set , machinery suitable fur Car Building or the manufacture t' Agricultural Implements. The whole will be sold to gether with a considerable stock o' iron and lumber on fa t:nable terms, only a small amount of oath bang required. These works being in the midst of a section of country t, here iron and lumber of excellent quality ace abundant, and labor and provision) cheap, until au urr:sual upper t mity to practical mon to engage in business under most igvorable circumstances. her terms and other information apply to 0. W. BARNES, Latrobe, Pu. AILITARY ENCAMPMENT STA.7E OF PENNSYLVANIA. It is hereby ordered, that a "Qamp of Instruction " be h-ld at Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, the pte:fllt year, and the Adjutant General of the Common ia directed to fix the time thereof—to take charge of the arrangements—to attend In 1)01,6012, and to ieeue the ~,ceisary orders to the General Staff, and other Military oltic,rl of the Gammonwealth in relation to the same. WM. N. PACIEEE, Commandor-in-Chtet ADJUTANT ii.ZNYII—" 'l5 OFFICE; Harrisburg, June 3, MS. lei eLedienco to the above order from Head-Quarters, it •- Camp of Instruction " will be held at Williamsport, Ly rr ming county, Pennsylvania, commencing at 12 H., tal Vrtestitty, the 7th day of September, 1145 C , , continue until SATURDAY, the 11th day of said month, It , of said day, to be called Camp " Susquehanna." 1. This Encampment is futeutled to ht.-ludo the uniform ed companies throughout the State, who are earnestly re. quested to be In prompt attendance. 11. The Major Generale, Brigadier Cmuerals, nod Brigade Inspectors of the several ciViabniti and brigaded, are Tvg.:ired ui report to toy office 119 E 1,111.1 ne possible, whet companies oi field ellicers will be in attendance from their respective aeornituile —with the numbs• r of men In evil' company, the rot, se of the Captain+, end their Post Office address. ti I. The A idd-te-C.tmei , and all ether nicer?, of the 111,11' Stall of the Commander-In Chief are ordezel to h iu tendauce, armed and equipped to full parade dress IV. All compaoiee in attendance are required to brie with them all tentt and camp equipage they may have V. The Brigade luapecturn, of every brigade, will repot at once to my office, what equipage belonging to the Ma t la in the limits of their command. VL The Major General of the Eleventh LiviaMu, Gen. D. Jackman, shall be the senior officer on duty, and he It hereby charged with the immediate arrangements far said Encampment, and is ordered to report to this office for fur ther lestructlous. By orderof the Commander-in-Chief. EDWIN Cl WILRON, -10 Adjutant General of Pennsylvanin. rAR CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada mautine Star ea 1 1 ,1103, a arreutNl superior to any the market, on hand fuel tor sale by tnyl3 it. .t A J, 11. NA WIER t OLIN THOMPSON & CO. ---Have just L received and for sale, a large Venitlan Red, Rochelle Ochre ' Vermont Oct French Zinc, American Zinc, White Lead, mei Whiting, at / IR6 lt,iy.l al., e INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS----Also, a large assortment of Dressing Tuck and hong Grubs I jam. received at the hats Rubber Depot of J. 11. PHILLIPS, elt me nd 28'.1. Glair strati MINERAL W ATERS.—A large supply of fresh One .2 e a, Empire and Blue Lick Waters, Just received by JOB. FLEMING, my:aa Corner Diamand and Market street. 100TATOES.-300 sacks choice white Na. ehannock Potatoes, large and good, just received and for tale by JAB. A. FETZER, tur24 o , n-nar Market and First eta. FOR RENT—A large Dwelling louse and Store, on Grant street. A. CUTHBERT A BON, ni 2.6 51 Market street. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCE. sc 00., 012 Nu. 60 cor. Wood and Fourth street, DRY APPLES.-50 sacks Prime Dry Ap ples received and for ado by jel2 09f.r.rtc.j. Demy, Folio Post, Flat and Folded Oap Writiog Papers, Printing and Boot Pa. porn, and every description v : r )f t iarijAing N ma j ta ot r ) ials i Z r r sale rerlo Nra 21. 23 and 22 tiatknt theft rIARRIAGES, HATS AND OAPS, FUR- Ia, NITUELE OR QIISHNSWARE wanted in exchange for two Building Lots, each 24 by 104 feet, situate in the S O ev N enth Ward. 8. 0018:18880 S. eaP CilliodsdareeL IS=MISEMEI ille ~.. ~_. -.:- ' : 7 l -i. : i, , •',E ,. ' • -- -'l'. f.f. EXECUTIVE eu , olvEu, Harrisburg, Jane 3, 1838. f SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. COMPLYING WITII TILE ERGENT REQUEST Ow HUN MINDS OF THEIR PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. FITCH' AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURUIL 11 may b, c'mmilt,..,l at their office, No. 191 Pcnin..st.romt, CLMIt :(11.11_2:1)d. IJI ' , w: pulmonary Catarrh li:sease, Affeetiona of the Laver, Ihirpepaia, Gastritia, Fannie Comptainta, e /ITC!: 4 ',tate that Jr,t.i t ,l ck.o,aitiptiou the fact that the ttiren,r Mats r and syste,.l at larga, both b , fore and (I. , iray its aer , tzinneyst in the lungs, and they therefore employ Meehan ical, Hygienic and Medical remedies to par;fy the 1: ._-.late! ,strengthen the sytitam. With these, they use 13ALATIL , N13, which they value highly, but only rte PuZxi (evet, (having no ettrattee ejects when used alone,) and .bla are eeruectly cautioned oi;ainat wnettng tho pre. ice.s time ct curability en any treatment teletvi upon the plaa.,l - but false ides that the "seat of the disease can be roeohed In a direct manner by Inhalation," tor, as before stated, the seal of the disease is its the Woo,: and its ejects only iu the lungs.° No charge for corzultati,n. quoitionn will to sent to tlio3d wi4hlng to c. ;o4uit as b letter. 29:daw INVALID, ILiV 471 TItIhD HOJFI,AND'S ti LILLIAN SITTERS? If nv.:, read the following: Ke.vp.tetai have born for a long He: ie3 ~f year ~4 a tt.:tett a ith Dyapdpaitt, laactivity of the Liver, Had Net'Vel.l6 poWul, ILLIVO be xi M.. red cos al to r•U le: we gage unht for the trauaactio .1 of .tily kat.l , I ddID,II. After consulting :“Suy einiumA ph; hic,un, mai their proAniptious, aul after usit,t4 the ne.t,i, popular of the day, oupponed to b. , applfraltle to my case I always tailed t.s. have s. permanent relict. Alt v, nit much 'team :ion, induced Inc to try a bottle of you: ce. .i.r.t. tea Bittern. 1 have uui,.l Cue bottle, mini thin day comine.tce i3C COLA I can, with cheerfulneas, state that it has ion. pi y n,,•. 12y apixititt• and apirite hovo 114. ly .1 I t•ogin to tool as th I. had zrow,, (sa,l,i ,. ),..,m6youogor ; and ready, I am, pared t. • V It I now consider wyaeli colcal:rtoI for any L•usin• , 1, • :•••.• dap :•.g,•, I would E 1.4 Uie Cl, Ott:, ad to have latiiiiiptol it Yours, reap-o tinily, I. Jackaon, Mid.'a. A .13 IiALIFMA,4 n,iver Gi!kl 111 Nt. 'os. V1:14.%.1 Nr!, ! TO IN VA 1,11k4.—Dr.. - AMUII., N. triToll,(efli,e 714 Brutolwuy, Ness Yolk,) known Ili the author of u •• New Curative Trew m nt n [or tho Olsoaseo of the Lunge, heart, St•muu..ll Liusvd , , Kldneye, Skia, NuFves, N;utieles, Joiatti, Illodd, etc. aa,l!,,r nII Foupho Complaints:, .2outiumN prw,taa• with h,4 • hat! t'#l7 Lie ix nemn ahsent Inm, New r ind has n o t r.een for many years. lie has IN.I .ther odic,. 710 r any , Essqclut , or partner al Buffalo, Chia: l p Detroit. I'd s horyit ur el.3ewhere anzi has fr , /1 , 4. 7;ii . Beware 0 . , 1 oil persons aging his name, or pretewliny to have now, or to beta had, any projessicmal cannethon with him! They are /11l • posters / Apply, pal doually or by letter, directly to hi • ~111.. e, 7 14 Broadway, New York, where al ap, t tlAt Men C/M bt , h hei11,,,/;Oc. cent 1l Any pit of th., tr . }, alid cowitie..ed tp.ca - e,:st ally by lett, A CIS l KUTOItZ, ~-,t p p. t the Lu uuu, au a explaining :no !inn hod by which hu Cur, h u. 01,2 ltideiket ( 41) 80,1 t by 'buil, p. t f,,T 4 i cout• CAUII.O:, 1) IN VAI.ID.i—BEW.II3.I 1M ;,181.011 CALI. N Ai. FliOti ftz . JOAN t'v SY Eilt:B, (otTice 191 Peru street, Pittsburgh,) hotteo with much phusur- the above card of Dr. S S Ilrh, of Neu 're t and 1,41 it to Lo their duty ah, 6o cat: 'JOU the in :al id put, tic agniust itupasitioas which seem daily hicruasiug. xe csat dovsloptuouts in New Yuen. the frAnd; practiced Ly '• old Dr. If. Jam,,,," tho " retin:d so:lds 0( Lace ‘urrirly rap ..it," nuf ut " Dr. Uucse Brant," otlonn, eleosl to render it a o snitablo tnoo than in•ual tt. , X1.105..3 SU.:II tri,, , ry e mad ti udicatti our own character on./r0 I OC,IIIIII ,11L unto at, MU. iIIadMUCII 110 op:iuiouk•revaili that tho conlia,l to the -mite FL from this twine, t 1.40 [hare aro eCi •n (A .unt. is lhie alid the zi,Laes larlher West, wh` iiLt-,411v kr) . live; itL) Iat,CLIL ili,uJ prUCtirilig INMEMEI t td . t.IICS, tr Ldko prt .lunt but t.tutiounl h..linf that lung ltiel.ltie cuu h., cu: ud by halati..u3; aid cititur prufli,3 to bu conuotik.,l with our. v eN, (SWLc rv•.m Leciub twslluiud uur cory Littlaom,) or n.)111 , 1 .tPrh physician of great rt-loitt, or aloe with soma for oil d lay thh - al) Lio,ipit,l or. Unlvarsity ; and invalids la their Stiams to regain health I,,rgt , t to examine provfi: and TeStall of tr ,, iteitra, bet arc persuli,l,4l hy bore ' to th,ir :Judith and hvoi w dusrgd i,i ilicvlapottun and nupriticipled tout. We have fur dual., time Loeu 3IEL. klug (I plefl, not duty, but miu du tit./ LIU 1011,;.'1, arld cruet this card nay Li- Lite venue of vt iug souls iruat being deceived. IL, cuueluuiuu, iL is pi - up.: Cu rope.[, S. tr ten furmerly, TiinT 11A ti ENO iLEiS EN 2 CJAN N • T 1 WILLI. LIE. . 1 , 1 CULL Olt WLTiI ANY .)FFIli; IN NE JIiLIN LN. SYii CITIZENS' INSUEANCE Llrisetia3u, June. 15th, 186 S. f Plih ?RESIDENT AND DlllEC.'fidliai 06 THIS liay.l this day du:Jars:l a dividoud ui SIX VALAItS SII ratti; ua tho Capitai Stuck—flso , , .Chu St,akhuldors ur their legal ropreasn• ' .ad this .1 .11ar trelitod their stook. j . L 1`.1./1.8:6 ELL, Stieretary. e.t iNti FUND 00.11 PAN Y.- -Toe Stock Ltouke of the above Li-.g I, 11,. - .tit.unui,, r,frain up,:u f.,r u ::hurt ta ut , NO. (59 Ciraut. ztroitt. Any per.on cnliiug uLI Shy decndary, wll bo turnishad with a copy ut the Charter and By-Law:. ::i.icuunt days every Sonday, mutes unlit be Ldlf.,rod buiJr. o'c!ucli. P. DI lame day BOA P. 1): WILLIAM PHILLIPS, President 111131:02011.b: I A. M. l'ollock, Philip Polymer, A.B. rilehole,ort, JAMES S. 13.00. N, Becretary aud Treasurer J. R. Joshua Eluded, James I.4.hidle, my27:lm ChIRO:NEIL—The wider - nig/LA onerJ rid candidate before the next Democratic tiouveatiou fur tho elllce of kJoroner, and asks the Eupport ‘.l . the De u.,:cracy [jell LESOX IAgA. OFFICE OF I.r.,SUBANOS CO., WI YIII'SBUIi.G.I., Nay 18th, 1858. TUE DIAIEOA/ItS Ot"PILIS 001 , EPANY LLaVr.: title day net:fared a dividend of FIFTEEN PER Ue_\T. on the Capital Stock paid in, out of the proilte of the biX ruunthe. FIVE PER Ck NT. payable In naafi, and TEN VElt eEN f.w applietl crt,tit on the notes of Sa,csno:dt.a. E. G Sl Eft 131": SOU 1., Secretary. China, Glass, aaid Queoutsware. iR{NÜtSTo:Ri AT' flit: OLD ESTABLISH-YEN!' Ole C "S r MXI cr• 1)32i Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa i, 110 IS NOW 1 ECEIVINII Fitom Europe an.l Eadtern °Rica, a choice nr-enortruoint of an niche ill illl4 iirie. ao opriniing uow niud tagteiul ripon.i of Pa art Whito Shine Tea, Diuinn!, and Toilet Ware, and the :ininnio in Plain, Gold, Luetro Baud and Fortson'', line Walk. t ;trident Iron El.inne rat,ir kir) WLL to ho the Mold du, ahlo now in Imo for ihnrol ard ,ie.inabontitt French n;:nitia of w styled, in t'uro hit, find iu pies t and Toilot ;-.!e;1; I;rtt• Lauuia tiLd Pitl• oil ti.M1...0:04. li. , nenu ;,11vor ote:, phstel. With dilyer; fine Ivry 11.1u11,1 atrving, P. tend Tot.le mot Forgdc Lea WaitorA, mitt:; t , h,:lter anti 11 2 ,n ~t',313.15 T•tbit. Mat_; .1.1y14 , 1,3t1 OrttTc.i Tin 'roi.et S. 410, a 'Ol hh , for the C Ise:PAIL prices to plea::: the, f,ablic, Ltvito.l to oxitatitto thiel Co, thr27:3l.lvirw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL SMELTING/ WORKS. PARK, M'CURDY co., ANUFACTUBERS OF ftrrmien' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottom Bottoms, Speltor,Boldor, do , also imporl,rs and 1103:11LT3 in Metals, Tin Plat. , , Sheet Iron, Wire, Constantly on haul, Tinmen's Machino3 and Tools. Warehouse, Nu. l 4 Ftrt, and 1.20 Second utroet, Pittsburgh, Pu. Special order,. of Copper cat to auy desired pattern. iny29:lydaw G ENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS 13 1.; PrI)PLI.'S Sliot; UIILDREN6' !jell DOINT BOX FACTORY.-- BUSIIA 4k, GUTENDORF Manufacture to order, BOXES suitable for :bap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Dyads, etc., etc. TA... Orders prompt)V MINI. G' N T'S WEAR.- CH BAP. Cont's Pateut Leather Gaiters; C< i.lent'a Patent Leather I!xfords 01 (lent's Calf Boots : =1 (lent's Fine alippere. to CHEAP. AT TALI PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, je.l2. No. 17 Fifth street, DIFFENBACHER ct CO, WaAILEY'S PATENT CURTAIN FIX TEISLE2.--The bo in use, just received, and for sale •! 28 sod 28 Ss. Clair street. (jell) J. t IL PHILLIPS. I O BAGS Drietl AG Ao3, for sale by OQSGBAVE 00, ca 24 No a. IS and 1 3 0 Wood strut ITOSPITAL SEIESTING—Of all widths and of the best quality, for sale at the India Rubber Depot, 26 and 28 St. Oak street jell INDIA RUBBER DOOR' MATS—The best ortiele iu we, for sale at the Itkilialtubber Depot; of J. k H. PHILLIPS, aad 28 BtQlatr stmt. )INi° Qom t+LNCA.bTE:SI., April 30, I.8r)F1 . - Jo! I w j to:liii- d- niuDey, btlt 01 ti,.,i A I El: S No 17 VI VT/1 J. & IL PLIILIJI'S 'lo4CC:lo.l 4 gclatit - sr Its "Vi7M.a..11.-01 1 3BC .t. INDESTWth I B iIIETSSELI, 9 S - , ,1$ IF COPO.4ISTING OF cAl.aivA. ! , iiALTUJEATED WITH RESINOUS SU ii6TANCES, ETC, P 8 "r' MOT 'ID 30 3T3 X. 1011 tiNIJERSIGNED IS PREPAI?EI) 10 COVER - AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF Roofs, with Ruesoll's Mastic This compoP4ii.loll is ...hipted for all kinds of Roofs, list or ;it can al Le applied on Tin, Iron, or lhd Shingles, making a perfect Job. This composition is not affected by atmosphoric olino4en ; it utither crank nor run; it is impervious to water ; ;tilt% and more durable than any tither hind of .1 , i.t. lug. 'Phil ro_ding material in used in vast quantities. thlUarZllollt LLId Unite! nt+itee, on H011,(14, Bridge , liOninK Railroad Cara, and bteamboats, giving ontiro satisfaction, mid id considered a perioot protection from the elements. Although this roofing wan introduced hero io Itibtl, it can be soon ou many of the tatildiugs in the city. Aisc, on fd.dit of the Railroads hard rater to a few placed where tine Rooting la in nee, ;tail can an uv i do--Clevelanit , 111 , 1 PittfthUrgh Railroad jal liered Bridgeport; alartineYillii; Portland ; Lagrange ; i:•.•-: ltfoCoy v : ; Liverpool and Rocheater Ste, ttoua, and the Manclateder Depot ; Peidnaylvardu Central Rai:road prin., • 're• .t,-torn ;JtAtiou, Miii At Tipton and Par' mmage a , Altoona; Allegheny City, Weetudingter Go"lege, nail mat:, i via litaidlutira • Plheburgit, J McCully'a Ware bowie; den. Trintttle'd Hotel; altia, um:unruly:l other:, in thud city. All orders left at No. 247 LIBERTY STREET, PI I'SBURUEI, (where tlatuples of the ma toriai orial bo seen ; ) will :::!omve prompt o.(toutivri, . J. & GRO uTT BRANDIES, iIINS, WINES, ET .- DEAL 11 isS 1 N oLD :51 , 1'.4•5 1 -1 A P. Xl., , AND APPLE USIA NOV. At mi. I:EC I'l PI RS AN 1) D 711, L, iKN, Cortati of Stull lifleld m..(11 Pr.,•t; 4 151;,6,1, P S. B. & C. P. mAtiKLE, I=l \ i . • r Nt IR ..Llt, 2L= 2 ° JM - 3FI. , Wac . eleouse, No. 17 SW 1104 trp:jett., VITTSBUtta /1, I'A 9A„,ltagh t at market la IILEMOV Ai ;L. j uEI N MOO ittIEAD In routuvod N..‘ 74- WV, -.are •t, ks,t .P 0 ILI ft/ 0 (1) A 1 .14 , (A) iN) NI I SS 10 N Rt.! El A N T I=llll PIG METAL AND BLOOMS 0 - . 4 11 , ATER :41,'KEKT, I:EI. MAEKEI, PPITSBURaiI, f'. 4 teiTTSikilaiii STEEL A.Oittii .1 NO. L.. 1: 1 . , 1 . 1..• !. • ' H MEE= JONES, BOYD ,S;' i'LOW SPRINGS ANI) A XIAN sto ficon= a. 21.1 First Str.n.i.,, ElTr SIVITRO 11, F. m. 00 R 0 & IC 0 , Pia & Corrugated, (kALVANIZ:ED lit4)N or flouting, IL4 tittering, Spouting, 'GENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON ~4i¢reltomsep Rlr. 130 Virst atrect, iir2ti: 1 o is 'AP. fl? ui - . 42 , S d? MACIIIYA uTuILE.RS nr 0. Xi NitS• 1111Pficilo P!T?NT • ,T - I' E OLN g .t)tl n I) 1 7 ! F 'OVILLIA3I CLATPON & WHOLESALE AND P. ICTA I I , I 0. 1 4 ET 0 R 11 P,itl. C.) 11 AN T . .H , N 37 NU ALl,i .t• 12' T Silt! h: 1, PA. A way,. ~, I, .:Itl Oid 1.5.u..t.1C••:t 1.44 y. a Cs, r . AltitEiS PETZEit, Forwarding and Conmitsion Merchant, 701: Tint EALZ vf? rain, :)aeon, Lard, (Sutter, Seeds, brted r'ruit and Produce generally, C , :...,111,10.+ Of Market emit First street:. PiTTSBI: ItUH. PA runcib Q. Rttil t . Gatlib.,rt Bon, tr,r,it; lioytl Brady, 0181 . 31 &. 51. Houk. 110‘y• 11, .tic George W. Andortion, Donlu . Paxton ca72litztr,•." HARDWARE. AItdUEL FAHNESTOOK, No. 74 WOO I! Li street, Plttabnrgh, has on hand a large STOCK OF 'HARDWARE, N ho will sell very low for CA6II. In addttiuu to 111. LoCILS, Hinged, Knives and Forks, and Bpourta, and a larL,b t.lortment of Oarpentor's'ruols, tro had received ‘, largo mu y of Sewage ()tutors and Stntfors ; Shovels, 'rougues and Pokers, Sleigh Bells, and Enameled Preserving L. C. El h ANT) W M. W. K Nit G LT , WROLESALE AND ILCTAIL FIRST PRE 111U2 READY HIRE WEN DRESS STOCK MANUFACTORY, NO. 606 A RCN STREET, PHII.ADEILPHIA AtertUOLLZI,II2OII'... , II i 1,St11" Shil td and Drawttro, t)ctt• vets, Scorft, Glovot d iiontlltttroldt Littctntinkr, Owes Shirts, Writppore, end Dros3 Sto.lbi mode ' [del by tubati dtuout, and worranted to give toitisfactiou. td:lyd E. P. 1111D91.1.1f.'!,Te't; gggi) M=lll WINES, BRANDIES, &C , A 1.30 1 - MALEL., IN FINE OLD Willt , qliY.4. NO. 5, NORTH FRONT ;iIREET, PHIL ADEL HIA. SIER-] E P. tid Picea - 111m Blind Factory TILLILD AND MARKET i'I2,I7URE 11. t I .IIOSE WISHIN(I TO FURNISH THEIR _E. House with V 1 NITIAN BLINDS, of the zut,- , :.t r-u:i elaborate blush will fine. it to I heir iutereate to Klee n,. , e.‘ll botere purcb...iug elsewhere. My work in gut up by hest wed:malice (uot Every el.. atiou .11 411, to ilio waste (unto:net, r 111 work vurraut,?... No. 72 rut ea) titroet. Pahß,,agi: I ul3,B:lvia DAVIX") IL WILLIAMS, AP 11 VIL ENCiill ii ER AND )NTRAUToR ..tELIZS, u‘e yoro-,1. and uviwarti.s, 6.1.1 for fleqtaliF pat& Priv,to, h: W2.i.,1" V . 1,.11t,t, ? • 3 . , • L - TS it , •1 , e A SAMUEL t.,4 Y I\4 ERCHANT I'All,O Ofl o. 52 St. Clair Street, air Is pitiiared Lu tarnish Ws customers a..,1 geu erally, with the latest and most fashionable styles of Spring and summer toads of every ty, which he will make up Lu order to theMutire ratislivtion of may farm him with their patronage. myl7:lm CARTWRIGHT & YOYJNia , (Swx.essoys to Jo (irturright,) % . „1 ig AN UFACT U . RE RS AND LM PO it E Peck,t. and Table Cutlery, Burgled and le 1 Den tat lostrcoaeuts, fines, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. ht. Wood atiout. They give special attention the niattutactur. t „,„ „( Tresses, supporters, etc. Jobbing and I.tei.airiln. ; icn ;,ce, , taality and despatch. 11,17 COX'S EXTRACT OF COPAIBA, S.AR -6APARII44 AND 011111:-.11.1S :—A large supply of thls great rotoedy received this day. Also, another supply of Thorn's Compound Extract at Jos. in,caurzo, earths Diamond and Illarlset se. ACON.-2500 lbs. Hams, Sides and Shoal - tui ders—conntry cared-es good article, for sale by W!,l. IL 8111113 tr CO 11AIR BRUSHES—A large) Assortment of the beet quality of Hair Mrthibea w anuitantly on band ei JOSKPII PLEMINGT, to pa) lTrcr ti h and Market ctroot. 11RENCII PAPER HANGINGS.—New designs and very beautiful—received by late arrivals, for sale by W. P. MARBLIALL & , nr2,6 impeders ar,d Peulrls, 17 Wocd strooi. WHISKER BLONDE.--500 doz. White Whisker Blonde for Bonne:. Borders, received, and will be told very !ow to Milliners by the piece, at troßN,r-i. %1 , t71,1 . COFFEE. -200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by will. Li. MUM a 00i dal LffLai stmts. 1) . AT E NT W. F. F VH.NE3TOCK, Agent. NFTSBURUH. BIOME VrTr-8 - C. 11!TaMIIIIIIII PITTSBUR6III, ' ROOFI NGO 1 ES 0 6 THE GREATEST IC it .• • , • ,/ DISCOvERy OF . THE AGE. diet R. ••••• NEDY, Roslalry, hike 1. . u ., I ,,L4tni.t. VW...till a ret,..• I that rTir 2very kind of Humor ' •1; t 4; MU To A I . lblM‘ LAN 15 - ~1 1.:ii..,i it inltnadre. , llib; !bud not ri4i•„pt iu 1*() ,114”4, (both tburill, ttamor.) He 1. iII hi, p•,..omiLoa uar.r on.' ill1114.11“.1 crrdflcaL.a of Hll twenty miles ei Bee Len war . ..wed to our° 111111113inp: *Ur, 4 100 G, tide— lsottlee ,all ...Jr., the ~, r 4t. 4.1a:1 of t'i.nc.' the rFtet. T i•',4.10,1 .7r I.lio [ ' WC' urrtltt.ii cure Lb:, wc.rwt.cattkw ro fittiM/10.1. lvtti, an• Wkll . l a cted W , r the. worn k I of e c..+. italttlit, wi.rr.ukoll to tilt, 01 t,nm.o twit, `L. ~ft. I , llf ant, 'H I. of !I, ' , I, 411 LL !lcho;; g ball- r LI yii 1,41,3 are 41,:attit,1 01.1 e. l'Ulti !1:11ty oruj tt m ci thooco,. 1•- I. • .rant,.! to V•I••ir• •••ter. Till , . Co font . ' , .. t.tirrn nfr• r • L., ‘mro tho cv.. of scrafain. t r r:, ", tI M i '. nrst bottle, ne: coL tirr• v , ynnntlty ;n tamer I?.t/XBIIRY, MAPS Ho, t. -0.,,.. ;he illeinin4l Din,ietrir) II,: 00 . . I'oll clt-vibliibed th• Ali crbo bwic ,:cr ur3l It, tiint 0 . 12 subject. on !tic most skili'M play, x.ll O og,v - h'..n a Lh...ouctry aot Gay Anything P 1 Jan., I'lld MllBl prt,ontiutf. the, your ix to 1 ,I 4 With A hill kuolViwlldi , ot ,it, curimr mfvo prrivapi. later i•int: a pl DAU IT ER V, `_.AN GALLERIES itl ;,_} c. , ',: ;-.: iiB t'i .1 '4 *.• 1 , , r RIJ uf*: .7, VI: T 1; t: )$T 0;4'1 tIS `,:•12,... • • .• I 1,, utt) antra • .•,' thnk it,. Nis Ait.., Ziz ..itzsbiroty foists, "•4 ! V. t. 1, !, y , ;101 - ;?* A ‘I t% 'l' Y P 8 DE= 4 I " ILIUL I: PICTURE I.: If k r 4 1,.) Vi IM=MCM2I 111=1E3 lERIE `I,V A ',I.'S, I+,ur&i. !Removed to 21 Fifth Street. if - VARGO 1:10.'. 1 , i'rki."',l - IAPLIIC AND 'i Milli:oi i:'a: -igl.l. i , qt V tman rrJmoveri from r, Full! Ch rar., , t, sr, , 1,61 r slarket. rti4.ln4 Lzans-••, 1.o;!i the pnrponii, thro, larg 11_ 0.. i or,,,ird in tho city f4.ir o.oriitort, Alen,iu •irrnotztonotit. ~to, our: -.it I rilitting pt , t tot Ito AI, .j.% 1 t k , C •,,,1,11,11 kOnin tti4tl -It • -.it ap7 • i,Ul(}:.- h A 11.17 „_ALEFIFTH. ST., Ptit tits S,t• No. b 4, Fifth vvery .111t.8 of goods ill all sud,l tor tm, tra,!, c.,nsumsrs, from a large whirh to COltlttiatl) 2!1.4.11,1 tvgli 1111.115 t. :01,11141th. AT 10 l) . 1_:1/Iljt, A. M . 0, - ) uo!ii! mi t comiprieliug - mau ly i!vory thi .1 ia !im,aud family nee 3; table. Cut , hat ; ware, P itiroil tire, riew Seal second-hfimri 1••••1,; .ziti Iruddlug; Cul ifull Stern,' i;ldnr. wan, Utei/ iitH; groceries, &c. AT 7 o'CLOOK, P. Fniiry artielem; ,atetp,, cide; j0,d,•!1•3 ; magical ti trth td , uts ; gnus; dry hudta hud Aldus. book .3 La: auS fti. DAVIS, Auct.a MEN'S SUAIINIEG CLOTHING, LAIJI ES' DUSPEES, ETC., Al' kll.2rltilsi —On TUFurIDAY :`,IOIt.NING, June ut 10 u'eli.k, will b.: sold at No. 51 if,h street, Oleo's sunialur t Panto and Vests, Ladles' Plain and LiLen Duster.,, Mautillas, Prints, Shawls, , -nun Tab e Clutha, Muriel e Cuunt,rpsues, Carpet and I,,ather Traveling Be,is etc , Mu..'s (4s!ture, oud Ladles' Sboia, as , ortrd(jail:) P. M. DAVIS, Auntie leer. UPEEdUkt Tultisi IN (I LA'IIIE, AND %.j TOOLS, AT a Dec IS— TUESDAY ArrERNouN, J.tut , TA!, at 2 ~'clock, will be sold at Dia Commercial Salea Rooms, No. 64 Fifth atcein, anpurioc Turning lathe, nearly now; uud a large euri,q.y of Tools fur workers lu eo, ,te , ell in good condi:ion, ,aupriaing atocka and dies, arrow plate and tape, lathe to: ning tool; vice, baud Wicker, drilla, cute e,huule, rearnera, !Del, wo turulug tool., etc., all the iLrticlea can be examined on the day of init.!. jell M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION . Ou TUESDAY EVENING, J 21d, 1868, A. eight o'clock, at the Commercial Salea liooina, No. hi Fifth street, will be sold: fO lihare3 111.. k M. lisuk of Pittsbm - gh. Gt.) do Exchange Batik of Pittsburgh. 100 do Mechanics' Bank of Pittsburgh. 10 du Citizens' Busk of Pittsburgh, 20 de Allegheny Bridge Company. I l 9 P. M. LAMS, Auctioneer. QEC()ND SALE OF TELE IRWIN PROP ky IDITY IN ALLEUDEN V Cll.'l%—)u TUESDAY J•fVE 'INC, June 22d, tit b o'clock, in the second story enlos 1,4,111 of Elio new I,lllCtlOll btldt., No. bd Fittu street, will be lb second sale of LJTS In Mr. Jelin Irwin's Plau of his valuable aud beautifully Memo,' Deal Letate,eituated iti the Firet Ward, Allegheny City. wo 1 limo -Su ai the "Iteio. Walt-:" przberty, now sub divided into building lots of razes, and el/ rititltlduti by also e1p1iC1 , 31.141 etreets aud GiVc.lllle9, : • 'zie let, fronting, 46 fei-t OIL Ridge aud Central dtro (each 4.f which in d 0 feet wide 'and ex Lending 2S feet elung noniout dtroot, -15 not wide.) On Wig lot ii imected IL ,nbatacittal two etory iiirigh dwelling. l'our nits, fronting IS let e,,Li on liidgn and Central ittriiiitg, being 2 , 6 feet in depth. (inn lot, irouting 4tret ort.etiding Allegheny oviinne, tin fo,t, feet t o f•„ -t et en the l'ne of tie , property ot Richard n. rA , V , rI /CAA, inch 5U 1;• , .t in iet ou C-nir idreet and ex t.•ieling back '2.61) feet to th . to Net ri 1.1 , 4 A ennelaid. 144, fronting f.. , t Cciutial litre,',, and ..xten.liug nag .taleghea,. a‘oune ill toward, Water lane, to a 2I) It •, , ,oty-fair T b2tw0..11 . .-:n1 AlldgtlOMY ( . 11.;p . 25 hark 1.) IV:t. , r 1,4 :41,y svb" , ml and. 'PrOt.nol/t ra.1),41t,g Zi “.1 rpti 11 ,At)J 14111.: t. 4 2') f”-t h Is Li fill , so r t 1 . . , 111•11k,t1tU It , rtlest , Mid, aro augur- ILI tho 1;, , t. it fur Priem.) dtuor, ;.;,/ mid the p,tlmilae " M 3 , : loilr tit t at,l En -.., ILLIIILII! pay:l:eta, i • 11 DA.V.Vt, uctioa c•o: . VA L, ABLE It P, Al, ESI I ,tI.TE vox SALE, AT AUCTION— By of der of cl,l, Owaq. of CO lon Pt-,t3 Allegliony iiounty, I wdt a•ii on the incmiseg, nn .lea.' 1853, et 11 n'clnck, at aue iou, to blgi , t-et tildikr, four dusirable and LI, city oi I'lttcbut"l, ituiir.iy..ya:.nta tinn•ron numbered 171 and 175, ou ' Water atrent. - end 160 and 161 e Front atreot, hict :tont on tYutr r Martrt and Ferry enma titirniz,b to Front btr.-44, it being t prep-tty deelwl oy .1".)no KAly in tin-t to hi.. daligntura Mary Kelly and u „ K. Ily h, '. Toutb , Of Eille—owe-aa;:hth a .,:a ; 1 . 1t1l• in oey-n etral atonlat payment?. N. r the dr c•,. ; .•1 bank , with appr o v a l 1 , 4 Int - fr.r.ti day •4 eel- will be rolulr.xt, .•, wt.. be -, the vo.port; to a...nire • M. LJD V. 1 It ciT!. h !V! 1:4; , ARL- c. Varko3T & Ce.,-4Thfr A (-t, It I A (-} , I).:KAWAY6, SUL'.O. - ES AND Sl.P.Dilth. Venn atrert, PITT:111 . 1111.011, PA. wr All wor s t: rant , }l to of the beat nutteriahl !slid ittvl'2'.lydia - 744e.‘ • ez.—&+:.X •'& • -?•a: 1 I, - ffif , - .flip? • T 5, NI 7i, tk..) 1 - .0 A 1, A-4 _•• eIY ffil 4,5" 4-7 LIA 3 .6.I3I;AtITii;L nELGCTT4:ON O! 'f tin lEsstigoNait'e-4, Pltci.k ffr,r paNit• an, I 0.51)'-'!:11 0:V0+ , 1 01.4111111 1 , ftf g urnwer Lap;er Beer. xl l lll. tiNDEIISIGNI;_:I) IiEGS _EL ilif,riabk trice l 4 -4,1 eneriel, that ho IL: in tho rceript lt , ur, from tho %volt. linolcu Brow ry J. N. ztr.tah, Allogin,oy City, it having bot.o vrotilma• od to In, ttlo host that Mrili taqUaraCtlifed 'WC* , many ',oars, (t It, mud PURR Give me a call and try it. )1111:1 ROTH, t '- 0.2 d Dtatnatiti l'0111:UitE BRXN DI, for mediointzl pur voao.e, by tlio I,ottlo or Ga 110... at IL&WOItTIi r'•, Pa nhd 01,0110 , 110 4001. bbls. and 14 halt bids, Lake Lin . _ Wl.lto Dish, to orrivo this day and for !Mid. by J. A. RET7sIIB., i Corner Market and bratatmata. EMILITLANT L' ES AND NIR'VACJALAE:a • d Lii..ry told SYuyua tuy2l:l is, V% A . ts. , ! B OT th 4t-ni •LF.RY, mtylgai-4511