VOLUME X VI. PITTS it 14.61 , 1 Iij)ILN !NG - POST, ; (2,k1. 4 ter ry JAialilS P. BA.Ritt LN s nolrl , vl - 35.• CORNIP. op VOOD AND T:Yill Dollare reyoar, payable atrietly in advanc , Blz DeWag. invariably required if not paid within the year. Ifdr Single • cnpfes, Two Crary—for 41 1, the connecr 'nMet, and by the News Boye. BATES OF ADVERTISING. uat D aay. l Ihrice,l Turkel Onef. (4 h. weeki a wezkl w w&. , . paper One Two inaertior.a.... Three insortiona....... Ono week. . Two weeks Three week 5........... Ono month— ... Two months Three months m0nth........... 1 , ".‘ e montba... ut. moat:lls N. .... 1 00 1 75 3.001 4 00 1 ® 00 9 10 W WI 11 001 12 00 / 10 001 20 001 =EI Iffil M MEI Ono eique.o.,, c c„A, Marriage no'.lc,d. LO Como ; ilex:h nod.: GH SATURDAY POST PITTBBU A rnAmmorn wia - exa.v. OALIF ONE DOLLAR SEAR., ;N 01,11 BS O TEN Dtis I• Subecoriptfous, --t! par a.ntaut.. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OP TILE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricuitn,.L. alai, Local, Telegraphic and 'AiiEcellaneotth. Thin Paper being of the LAriGitST Snit, and neatly prin.t, on lane white paper, in large, clear typo, will be found by the subscriber to give better auiatrctiou than any ca.pi-'r prlcliabod in Pittsburgh. rrhuso who wish to tnko p.:.per from Pltabnrgt., 111 I B.4.TV3LAY mafi a.ut.l pro tabto iavetiturrot Addrteb, . tete c.utk,r ant: l'ro BUSINESS CARDS 61:11B3E! L t Pin R & ir tut BOOK JOB 02.1q€11, BTJIi r' INGS, I,:oriler of if‘iftrl gild Wood Street., THE uaticrsigned hay ng mado dx.teasivt: addaioaa LATEST AN° IItIND23ONIUST BTICLEI and improved Ilachint ry, o th,-. MORNING POST .7U.11 OFFICE, iuvita we'' tteant.e. cd Lad Road 011 - 14. r tlerchant,,, nud tan pablic geuerblly, til ti,. :r ilal Jr tit ,I/L1(11: V. it h • tzuu., all I:1,1,d, ,f ti RAIL , 10Alf.'>,, Lit kt CANT if L LE, LEGAL ANL EVV,RY OTLIER DESCRIPTION Ok & FANCY PRINTIA - G m.tft, 41 being yearly hi] Lew, w Can } , lib al, td the moat .;outplete AutiBfaction, end dolkir q.)01(8, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CAiJits, 11.117 E lIIECKS, BLANK LI IKE IiEAD:3, BILL LLEAIA. , 7,ADIN(I, CIRCULAR:, it ;41.NESS CARDS, PAPk'R B0 , 11:4, DEP.D.'3, LIORTnAGES, RAND?, a l'arti;fioo ,o.t, , t3t , t•tt p:lt.l to tho Dt Postern. ibrogr, ,, Aluee, tic. fan I.3oiwarz., BAP-It Ot The People's Shoe Store. 1). S. -DLEFFENBACHER & CO.. Cheap Cash lloalera ha all kiwis of F.:whims:ibis BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITEitS, for Gentlemen, Ladloll, Yontly; and Children, !to. 17 Fifth Strcet, near 'link-kat, ocB Wh!. JCIINBOIC PEIUtIN 4011NSON, Proprietora of Chileld ar. CU.'d ft.'s:tont Elastic Fire 'and Writer Proof Cement Itoofing. 133 TILIKD STitEET. iiRDERS for ROOFING- promptly and faith tally exectted, and all our work warranted. Roofing material alwaye en hand, and for oale, with di roctiokl r.oplay JOE - 4-r. RAIIILTEIM es. 00e, tENGINEgiftS AND frZACIIIINISIN, (Joiner of Find and Liberty streets, Pittthuvyh, Pa. SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist f,,,j and Saw Mills, l3rowerieg Printing Establishir.unts, filanufactories, made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebrated Machinists' Tools, such ua Turning Lathes, I ruu Planerc, Boring and Drilling Machi eY, dkc. AlllO, Wrought Iron bhafting, with Pulleys, Llaugere. gm Am. JOHIN THOMPSON Si. CO., 'HOUSE PAINTEE.S, CiL2IZIER6 AND GRALNEtt2, No. 135 1. PAINT ZNU executed with neatness end deA,arca. Mut: Yaidc w, Oihi, Turpentine, Varnish, and English Patent Dr;- urd, - Ville Montaigne Zinek. a very reit.alor ; Phut, ilelphia and Pittqbrugh White : lways on hE.nd and ro, Dale. We aro prepare! to grind colors for PaintorA, Drug gists, or others, at the ehorteot n,t.i..)e, an we have a 31 ill wadt griuda by swan - , Puintera will save money set- Ling their .-elorti ground with us. 1.1nr5:1:, aOLD AND SILVER SP Z,CTAuLE'z', MTi RIANUFA.CTUREItt'S HYDROMETELIS or woighin epirite,the b'ot ;irticl. , f3 ever brought to ibis city. 3:11 GP.5lOl,[l:lTh EIS ;IND 13 A varying in price froni $6 to $.30 each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND .SUE.VEYOR'S •COMPASSI b, I Wa) 3 MI iltiDll dr. G. MAWS, Oplzi;i4.o:, t,B Fifth S'rert. opposite Masonic Etat t lA, C. Si. J. 111. SAWYER, OLCIUYAOTUBJOIB OP LAKo OIL, i.:ANl_)l,i,:', PALM, T()11,E A Isiv itoso4 SOAPS Vich.ll strert., Pittsburgh, Pa F. J. BUBUA, U. OUTlit4DUlir B[J EL &t G'UTENDORF, rdatill ' , AMU:CRS ye STEA3I BOLLE S • And all kliida of Sheet it .n Wt.rk. Penn street, near Wati9, Pittsburgh, Pe. 4W ALL OEVEISS PKO9iii4LIT A^tti=i9i.D iv. fts9a:ly JOHN EIBER & Co., FAACY DYERS iIVD SCOLIERS, No. B 041_115.t.12. tgiitxNeet, EXTWAXN WOOD AND lantam 6TECEITd, All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and every description of Silk arid Woolen Goods exect red at awn notice, and on reasonable terms. _ Lapitli3m Wheat, FTC , and Corn Wanted, N'TSAIIn STEAM IiSALL 9 4LLLI3,OIIENI OLTY. E E:.'iiSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the attove eltabliatnent, and are prepared w q PLY 711 P I.?.;GrIELY YdBL22 PP4OY3 111 OAHU PCB AUSEMLB OF WIrEAT. " • RYE. I. 10,000 OOA t. It is the Intention cf the proprietors to offer ax.rae patois ,•,), any choino lots of White or Roil Wheat. They intend to Mak° very superior Family Flour, and are Willing to pad a premium to Me farmer, in the shape of an extra prim, to La ttice him to raiat ,z choice quality of Wheat, and to bring it to market in gar or4er. jyl6:lyd&v. o ffi ce of Sealer of Weights and Measures. TIIE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF - WEIGHTS ANP MEA9I7RE3, May be found henceforth, in Cherry alley, bete...,un Third and Fourth streets, where orders may be left. =Ma' •- CHARLRE3 BARNETT. 'LARD OIL.—We have commenced manu f-,lt4ing Lard Oil, and will be pleased to reoetve or enrtfor It. We 'All warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar 'et. We will 11l barrels returned when desired. II- O J. IL SAWYER i , lia:l7 Wood stt.aat • neltONS.-10-bbls. Onions for Web MUM FL lEI 1 WI 75 I 2: I ‘:" 1 13 , 1 6 2 35 = ' ' :3 00 2 00 2 65 3 36 4 65 6 0 , 01 6 65 I 735 8 00 10 35 13 a, 9, per a 1 60 200 2 60 3 60 4 50 6 001 6 50 6 00/ s, 00 10 00 nna n.. t• 4 00 1 DU t , I !.2 00 3, fiKl`. LE t.„. =NM ITTSBI; ItGil PITTSBURGH, PA EIEEEDID PITTSBURGH, PA. A. T. Ell-NZ - N A: EMI t 4 . 3 , ~ , r w. .., • . . . ....,,, ...,. ..._ .... „. ~.....,, i. • 1.2- •st " -,, / ' 1., ' : .:•,: ;: i i, L . ...., ~. . .r . i. , . . ..,- ...._ . -'' i . <__. t PUBLISHED ' , ALLY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE ig POST BITILDTi4G-8 INSURANCE REPORT OF THECONDITEON OF T FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATL'ENS, EIRADY,NiD .01.1 N TY, VA., Jim. 1, 1858, to presented to the Stocktioldorm, ant inti,le out In compliance with the State I,swe of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, gin. BEE= Thh narna of the CoMpany is the FARKEIt 4 ' UNTON IN FURANCE 00.11 PA NY. located at Athens, Pa. Chartered Apr il 13, 1853, by tie: Legislature of Pennsylvania. Ohartta . Perpetual. Cash Capital, which Is al: paid np 4 200,000 00 nrplus in addition thereto 63,4851111 ABOUT Fifty - four Benda end Mortgagee, at eix and beVell inter, et, ianonnting in the aggregate ti... 5152,315 Ou Which mortgages are ar cobra do and productive roil eaa.e, principally farme, - ecorie.i and drat hone, worth general's double the amount and more than gage 4 tor in cnch coo, and in nu ,aiso lens than fifty 10 cent. inure, •xclnsive of farm buildings, and a certified by the Iteturill•rs, wheio recorded, to the and tore ot th. States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen ail: cent. Bonds amply secured 47,885 00 yeah on hand and in Bank 8,449 I'2 .‘ash in hands of Agents, and in comae of transtinsaion, encored by bonds with auretiee . 18,781 t. 'lab on lossea re-insured, de 7,830 51 rec,aivabie, prourialui y otee payable at bank and to the (karmany 8,240 B'2 aterest accrued, (prlncilmily due .lan cu 7 1, 18580 1 10 38 ti.i`e and office Fixtures and Form ;are 500 00 INOOI3B. Poa Tali YKAR 1'7,7 dount oi i- minimum re .e wed Iringa Year $ ab,231 ,3 intere ;received duriti,: the year . 11,442 05 A ..i'L received from ell .ither tit .111Ctl' 2,480 110 EE= for Ow 7,m, itic't.dini; onti•dsni-,us, • taatS, a7:o.*• printilig, il7 vertiiii .axe.. an.: 11.1 i „trier ex rr t 1 9.1.0 66 • p•iid tt, • • [. 1h..•,t.;.e: 31, 1. , 86 .mes phi •ccu I )3e Itlij,ted rud . .0t (since Slid) ¢ 12,51)11 11') .4)en 111enrred nud in in,cess adjustment. Arun reported, on which nu H.:11.01 hall basil !taken ! 15011 reststi6.l, on uroand U inmur Alien after tiro, properly 11a,,••f•-1 rod boron- , lus.s, prop, rty brit net overetit.y the rail y, Sr, . . . li 100 uu 31. 1 ,4:!7 'do v 1010 Limon u! risk= •11,rrh tic , y. ar.45,429,5n'2 Vi! 1..;e1s an o int of tar.: 4,861,410 Ito 1. , 3 Jr l'ENN;ilrLe.till,t, C011):71 OP It0.AD1'011;), st. nhil luau, l'reaidnut, J. N. tisn!.4nl, Sser. tAty iliOa I:Liar:tars Colup.ny, neVeraliy , ly nwurn , cispuao and try. earn himself says, that foregoing is a true, hill and sLateimm ut „ ~fairs of BRlii corporation, s,td 'oat tidy are Iho 0.1m./Yo de • •SF'et , rl3 thbreef. C. N' 'trasident .1. CAN 1 , 1E11), Secretary. sot! -rinOd sail a this 211th day of H C. 14. 4 .1!th, Juatirm of the Pee • T. J. HUNTER. Agsnt, ,piss ti N.'.140 Water strum, Pittsburgh. F 1 RE I l' , l SUR A Nt',.T.„ liLISY r2el9aiace iiiefitztaa iianrseaa•satice (i 3). PHILADELPF - iIA. LIMA 11:f: fR. TPURPETUAL, M£RQhAI. Drill:, &C., IN TOWN OE I.I.,'UNTII 1 . 302 13. 7 = 3 Cruet. PIT_4I,, 0177 21215f4,465 SO. uv—iti4l as Inflow!, viz:— . r , ,t. Alortgitgio o t Iruprovosl roo•.•f foirfyiyouiff, Co.'', . ot. Alurtioge Lcau, ...... . ...... 9sl le.g,ll,:iy County d por on.. P1.11:.1.1'11 11. is. Luau. 111J:00 01 15,111r2wi Co.'e Sock 4,001 00 t3ck of cua mtuu,i ini4urf.ne2 C 10,1730 00 talk of County Fir:, 3ueuran,o Co 1,050 Cl of Sundry 1 Uhil r0,G4:0 476 CJ itoceivtt'.lel)rivonosif pap,: . ....... 6'=",711 60 Acoouttta, utcruod itavr,l4t, ....... . 2,106 19 ou hand and 1.1 hunk 16,048 20 t.,:62,4e5 89 12L:...N1 INGLUY, l'rudid«ut. • CTOP.: Clem Tingley, • i; •,ranel Visphr.rn, William R. 'Chomps m, 1 x.,;uert Steen, l•avid S. Brown, William Al auser, Curl/tiling Stniena,. Tingley, John It. Worrell, 'lnrshitll !'ill, Garcon, Z. Lothrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, notec Johnson, anot. T. Itunthig, Charles S. Wood, ndth Bowen, .lames S. Woodward,Wm. M. Semple, Pittab'g. tura B. ~ HENCHMAN, Secretary. J. HARDIN COFELN, Agent, inr3 ii•irr.cr - 21,ird and. Wood atreetp. CWA Pi tl SA s us.; " a § :M. P. 1' 1 - rer:d4 , l/ D. J. tiI'OAVN mount of Capital Stack paid in and invnited.....,.2 1 .10,00C1 00 .rpit: .... ............... ...... ..... Yirt, C.Afge I'll Co:21 R. rdiegiJaippi Itiver e aid t.ributari~:i. 1:.o ii rgalcat 10.1 , 1 or damage by iil3,:agnich,:. the o• tile Sea uni Inhtr,L: 1 1,j ' tfaioP. =MEM John M. Pun:A.l, IL Caillon. Woolot4m, John A. :tto.t,:mii, . ii riyl t. t.r., J. Pa,.terson., Eiwuud. T. Pt UFrICR , .B. IVILLI AM V. PET I'l7, .Pretic.fl,:t P.% WITAIEi"., 1.) J. McCANN, r.lllBr.ruc . .r.u: " I I'm:tau:apt, : Lamb & Co., 3t.oilaroitz, siuotice & Co.. Intl, Bro. & Co. , Buck, iiori.pui L Stidfuln, Law, k Co., ; Pnsroy, Caldwell j. Co PITTSBURGH OFIGC,':, WATER STRGET. 0 B. W. POINDEXT;IR, Agent. WE ST 13;RANCH LU'ITAL INSURANCE COMP TV, LOCK HAVEN, C.:T 0 N COUNT} 11=1=121 lzuu, Ju i ,:atnJ.4.l piLIS COMPANY WILL 11\ISURF: OR Ltuildiop, MerchandLu3, 211.rtiro, A:c., town or I=l . J ri,arcel II m. GC. Siarv,,y,.Cliarle3 A. Nin:,,r ' a 13. ICUI . Obarle, Crlst., l'uter Diekinnou, Ahrrtrut, i I) H. ..:eckata W. Tltuumi 1.10.6. G. C. rIAJ.VFY, Prei!dent PrtnAidont. ,I. ri,ITC.: EN, L'N rbt,Ary. FIMIERIM ..t..1 li. 1.J.,..), ,: ~', ~ tt C131 , ./.. tr.. ~. 1 , , it,eqa.rdn , ! John W. ' , : hylka. - .1, A. Goittgrair. t :vi.tc '... '7, - '! - EL.,— Cr. ....z.•:, Jaw., A. at +trot .. , r !Litt', t ''hoe. ~ .- , • Ati I,:t.t 1).1-t, Willltali ;lit uuti. inea Quiggh. I Writ. Vend,ritui), thou.'Nal. Lii,4l6r, ' ‘Eklelt:---1 , 10. 65 FIFTII bT [i. Eva', I') TTHIIOII.IIII. .4,2t:tf J. A. I.IPPEIIT, Agent. FRANKLIIs. o:).slpAlsiy, ~,.3L rou.d--Charie • Anck.er Tur..n.nr, • ~,;. L .Or, Srdnidel tirant, jar:4f_ it -with, !lit:bards, D. Adolpiti E. !;0E Dar, i Bruvn"Mor• ,'Attenc.n. ' . 6.trictr.t.a, i'msident. C;11.12. f-ocrt•t...t.ry. , - - C,,atiaut. to rnaki , ,;11111%.1!IGO, i;r tnei on ry o.olCriptiOlL 01 projn•rty, w town and ',Jul; t..y, at ratce as low arn couliatelit a;t1; Thu Cumpauy 1;w:a :.:,ono '-u."Ee! , li• 1 -Indy jo:AC With their capital and ;lIVESLad, adnido I;rotoction to 1.1 - 10 t.e.•ura• I. Tho Assets of flit; Lualpany, on .inue.acy 1.3 t, ISSI, nr. ran. ilbee" l - 3 ;1 to au .let • •f , a vie a 3 10110wa, ....... .......... en 11 1 7138 0.4 Estalo . . . 51,1177 79 C. l-Apure.; y I .:we 53,9193 17 ;too lta . 61,880 0 Cash, Jan..... 64,340 6 1 . . . Llaco their incorporation, a porici of twouty-ono yfarr y :hey nave paid upward of One ➢=illion Four F.undrod Mom laud Dollara,l oaBi3H by fire, Ldie.eb, aoording ovideuca of tho ad Oillt , igo6 of iusorauce, as well 98 the ability al.-d dizpositfon ,nr.et With pr ,2 - npmeen all liabilities. .1. GAILDINER COFFIN, Agont, Otire. uarth-chst cor. Wood and Third itA. WESTERN 4NSUFAN 'l, COMPANY OF PITTSBURG ti GEORG F. M. tionoom, tisaretary. Ovnctit No. g 2 Atruet. (Spann h 00'3 Warehouse,) btaira, Pittsburgh. Will insure againut all Linos of A 'LINE 111148.5. A Home Institution, managed oy Uf o • who wi, .call known in the and liberality, community, and who are det. trained, proMptueKs maintain the :.“re ter which they have attatuned, Re °frothy, the best • • rhoqe who desire to be insured. ASSETS, 001'0MM 31st, 1857. Stock Accounts,.. $121,600 00 Mortgage, L . 2,160 00 Bills tte:Nticable, 4,161 67 03.100 Furniture, 240 00 Open Accounts,. 9,478 04 Cash, 14,841 45 Premium N0te5 ,........ ..... ..• r• 40,140 . 50 Bills Div...noted, 125,003 78 George DarK Drumme, R. Miller, Jr., J. '.l , . iintler George W.Jaeinou, Jamey Mc Anley, Alex. Speer. - AndrawAckb3y, Wm rn. h . rtiji„ . .- . Nathaniel Holm." Alexander D.M. Long;,, Win. 11. Smith, 43. W. Bic...ettan, V. M. GORDON. nvl,34' . .. ii.scre -' 111R- - ACON..---3000 lee Country Baoon, for sale SP , kJ MAO WIL a. Emma aea 5253,485 61 $ '253,485 61 $99,103 . , U,4...5 ',, rcmium -c0,x5.41Z2,31-?. $1,214708 14t3 QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, former ly of Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and commo dlons.lloTEL, and having refitted it in magnifloent style, would respectfully invite hislriends and the tranling public to give him a celL dimmed, 'with.the convenience of the house and his Jong experience in the bhsinces, hc.rse n gin entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. P 17,641 78 I feb22 WM. 0. OONNEILLII.4.- INSURANCE PITTSBURGH NAVE. FIRE --AND-MatitliNfte, INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH-14 PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. ALEX. BRADLEY, Vice Preaidept. V. A. limulimr, Secretary. 4.. V-Thin Company makes exory insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISER. Also, against MILL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE RIBES generally. And against Lon and Damage by Fire, and against the Porila of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Potides issued at the lowest, rates oonsistoilt with safety to all pat-Lien. OIRESOTOREI. dobert ii,alway, Samuel I.C . Clzritar A Joseph P. Gaziaan, !,1. O. John tlactt, James ?flarnhall, David Itichey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbnlbe, , , , 4 .. A Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. V. Hart, David 11. Onambern. Robert H. ilart4y, ,t.iWilliam Can - , JllO. Me'siil. u.>26 Eureka-Ipsaranee Company of Pennsylvania. OWFIOE, NO. 99 WATER ST., PITTSBURGH Assets—May 1, 1858. St, k, Due Dills--payable on demand and seemed by two approved named $ 76,890 IA Cash iu Pittsburgh Trust Oonipany 62,240 37 Premium Notes 62 993 80 Dais Receivable 15,986 UL 122 shares Exchange Bank Stocs.--zoat 6,950 UU 99 do .Sleolta-ica' Bank Stock—cost 5,49 u 63 ; , 00 do Iron City Bank Stook—amount paid. 7,500 00 .it) do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 5,000 U 0 ii,....ik Accounts.. 13,250 34 6IB.ECITOR.B. J. G. Shoenberger, I G. W. 05.a.3, W. K. Maack, lsanc M. Pennock, John A. Oatughey, W. W. Martin, C. W. Batchelor, ti.. T. Leech, Jr., It. U. Cochran, David McCandlean, )11.11.108 J. Bennett, George S. Sehien. Wfu J. Anderson, J. 11. EIONNBER.CIER., is lIST. N NET, Socretary. myErlui INSJI A NCE COMPAN OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM 8A4116X,9Y, Prt , aide A UAL L. 15.1A1.1.811.ELL, S.ccretary. :'l ,- 7.673: 94 Water street, betwera Mork , ./ J Lnaures 'HULL AND C.Litti- , Ch.: (1L6 , :. Itivers au,!. tritnataric.s. I usuros against Loss .r Damage by k 18.1:. Aldo, against tau 82 , ( 2, '1 El TrilusportatV, MEM , 3Tutiel Rut, Janitia M. Coanto, Jainee, ET . , l'enu.. Springer El Siuria:+l JOll.l Cal.ivrell. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE iINSURANCE COMPANY, N0..119 Chesnut Sercce, Opp _mite the CuHtom liouer MAKE ALL KINDS OF !Nal Y it. 4 -NeE, either Perpetual o: ox. v, .i..Hoription of Property or Mery id •tedier, at roaH.ouni t I=l ROBERT P. KING, Prouirieet. M. W. BALDVaN, Vire Presier...o E. It. Cope, .;eorge W. Brew". Jocroph S. Pl.llll, JOIM Clay too, • E. tailor • ...Ittark.i flayed, E P. B. Savory, C. Sherman, S I.3Tar,3rjree- It BLAORLIMILSIt. y .1 G. , t't 'll6lrd itlid Wood streetn 110 t'Ei_J;'.3 EXCHANGE HOTEI„ A. ILOWRI', Proprietor, o,rner Main street and YoughioAcny River, Near the leru7rocul Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. TillE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN C,'01 , 4. PLETE order for the reception of %loam a. It la beau. tdullo located ou the hooka of the Youghiogheny river, cud c,l he reached every day from thc city by the Connellsvide Theroome are largo, airy and well furni3brd,und tee cauld be no plemaater place for a few weeks summer .vsideuce in the country. A few taMiliee can be accommc,- ~,-.Pd. Terms moderate. Address A. LOWAY, utyl.bitt West Newton, Pa. TIH NATIONAL SALOON, under licoutei'm New National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, RAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the iarge centre store in the :01.) FELLOWS HALL, Firth e(reet, as a FIRST OL •tiNTAURANT AND "ALOOF. Haying hat many years' e.tpt rience in the DUEthicB3, he i 5 prepared to supply the best ::e market affords. His Bar will be furnished at all times with the best WINES, Lig:.:ORS AND ALttS. The en ' _utiCo to the Sato4m, Is In cue centre of the Hall, and re. fr.,shments will be furnished at alt tines, DAY aim NIGHT excepted.) ap14:14 WAS-HINGTOA HOUSE, COR. PE.AWA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WAS airicirrox, D. C.