ME=MiIEI :Z 4 1/, AFFAIRS Court of quarter Sessions. itek , re i'resident Judge William B. M'Clure, and ABLloCifitu J udged Adams glad Burke. Commonwealth ea. Joseph Nixon, indicted fur asiault battery, or, oath of Patrick According to th,, Mnly, the auttult was committed on the bth of JUL), It the rulling mill of Messrs. Lloyd to Pipeto. , The jury returned it verdict of nut guilty, aud th,. for to pay the edat.,. lioLlllllollWeiliiii VF. ValkUtlb, k""" Adam Lauln,r uud Frauci, rhe partikd wor, lutlicted for odo.kulL 1.1111 traitor), rt trrith rrl whocil.eged thrit the) brral thin IL Lt l.ut.r hall rtl thr ALL, tatelltu, ea the .1 the Turt,r.' t'ea.,ratatt. The thlbelllty origitilth.,l ievitiedettit.l.l,:n/g utaklhg chungr lur ho.r. 1.1 verdict, they Nero aczordiegly disentirge4 euret)oi Mc peut e..wo ..6111tidt 11,11,A111 JULt 1,1 illegLeuy, Ou u.:111 LUULLldauu, Lilt/ 11/iIiSILI6/11. wan order - LA .o ptq the coats CUJICa(ILIOLI, on tko nidik tut uenuu It :ma btstb.ty olleged to Ittivu boon cunnn ittu: uu -IcAIL NOie.Liki, a boy about twelvt• yearn *MY kn.:N..l duwu and boated vris.ll a brick, by n but Lite id,titity of Ira. Cuuwuuuu. waa lot entabiuthoi. dietitlCLl) provctl. clC , corditi6ly i‘t Thu. latnl C4i3O Lukvu up v.., u! thy lut Lucy ellat• t which there Las loan SU tuuctt apeculutiou. The case ac. thAt ol th: I 4 M/1/1,1, vn. Morgan 131,1111, charged it! selling lottery tica,tm. The case ass conducted t F. 11 Collier fur Ow alld J. S. Franklin and ..11'e.nre 111.)e tur delaudank Bkon-t Bayne , sworn--linuw deferklaut. In c.,r0t../; with tut .llttyur, nn test'•d Itim. Went to Mr. I.3rpto'm , 011 Fifth s•treut ; tuutiti a quantity id papers, to the Mayor',4 dui° ia,• pap,: n, cuttsiti:l; ectvin.t,, artxtt,gh, &C., 0 t•rti product.d.j CArtirelairuti unit Gi t lelltleiLl, it Ito titttlttil . 11.1. 1 t rltt ;IL ltusiD hell I/ urrrdt- w r tur CLUJ, ••I :/;11 nu • I,:ta.,•<• mmu• ft"li•fi Bry.o oti .our:I/ uk c,ou,pat/j wuh )Ir. l'•Juer. ISL, n. Licre trw 5,E.1 Zu 010 :1141.1.r . +3 11C by .Mr. illara bar a', !rum Mr. It"gue. dr; . Bat !dull produced n:111 , 2 loiter tiCkr4B.l tuao:, v. re foulal to the bundle. Jc.tier, oow Mr. lir y. 1.11. LIN t Uict rra 24:41 , 4. u., Wt. 1.11 lottery bt.l3llleLlo. 1115 e tack: trout It+m I, the papt. INS 'earn. Unit , pririda•Ned t , cttLEl frt.cil hint within hue pus }ear, I.zob.Wy ,JiLln nil mouths. LMr. Jones coo stheWnn and rzplatnu.l Litc.l.l* on.. IS C..l.liVti a rooter ul lottery Llikuld. 1 have itckat4 for cash and u u C.,,111.. Rotlrt ['ague, rectMcd—Took the bundle of papers fIll!I Braun'a Mlle° after re,eivui g the key flout bun. them to the lleyor'e Whet and heeded LLii to to Mr. Lt.trite if the Ilayor's clerk. Air. Collier ()tiered the pape.e to :deuce. Mr. Maya Ito the kaly m the utltatee had proven to have bikes place Sumo months The Court titc( that the papers welt' tit•LCV, •b y xdru ttic Huyi 13tatell to thejury tbut then s uu n. tutu. N betvreou the eIVidE.LICI.: Wad 1.4.5 Mr. Jotoo hug ttmltitlett to buy iug,, n alt, tflirtrit. The Court euid they i xd d./Vic the LOW.: tali: • r. Jones wai rdcain.d and idvutifi.....,l ury u.. 11,1 C:11: Ihrli !rum whom ho had purchaard tic Lois " 1 he Cunt t ed the u ,- 1(113ZICU !UPI charted the Jury. who returned u verdict of Guilty. lie was remanded uui r.cul day fur e. 4 tellC' Arthur Anderecu, a c_i.ired wan,jue,il guilty to sia in ilictufeuta for larceiiy, r,ud M,d 'el/lauded for sentencL Most cf the larcenies ❑eri main ted et the it Hotel a short time eiuce. Arthur will huely get a long term it Care penitentiary. laigh qnd Low I, A te,eut ac. uf Au:retold)* nypointe.: Mesdis Wade, ‘t iiiiLLIII I.),lWUrth uslatalPh high and low mate: Luark6 in the Alleglien) Ohio and Mor.ung“heih riv,aa. They hJtined tau t.;Jur:, i2ourinimiunt:rd ripl:u:attnort tiad ou tiro dimeliar.zu ui tt,.!r Llutre,ti. 'rho reply of the Board, which Viv .1.1 vu it,, , 2-UNTY", PA., I Connuit•sioaor's Udi , e, June 17 tu, lbub. j To Sliissits. Wm. PL.worfru and JOii,N NI out nON—Gcitll , 3nevi :—T :Joni un , itutterti of Allegheny Coon; have recent,' a uutice fru:n you, advising theft of your al, high and low ware. Imes to the Allegheny, ltb,u.ii.gsliela aul Ohio .I.Vvert, in tie ei:uulty uj, .Ifltinhur t :li, mule: authorit3. of au Apt A4seinuly pascal uu oil luau day of April A. D. 1/3:^, wnicia Lc Is provided that the expenSe Of ill, said coL11:11!- Sian nod Lao cunt uf survey snail no paid out of t:11, of this county. Thu audorsigned are iullirtned that beside the afloat:d: , of five dollars per day in ecit of the said UorduaissioLers, Ls eXpeCivd that u large Clain) will be created upon th Treasury for the etpeU.,es of surveying, and 11.1 v, r ra.soC. behove that tn.. project is but a now device ter the purpu., of waking u pruietabie Jan Llr CLIO 1.101-I,lii. other l. ATLI., at the c4peuse cif the tax-i.ayers of tots county. l'hey Uog . lo [hero:01o, ;:re joo s nonehlc u r,t; ‘ ,. that they p.utest agnats'. the whole proceedirlg, and will consent to la) tins iebii:iounl but thou upon too :..n.v-p.•yer-. of this COo2ry ; De 12.111.5,,, Thu c-Ju.dit:uu ut the Treal try, in - 75_,TO,NEv.u:, of unautbortzt,l 13lywuut..8 of lurv,o nlllll6 of wuury fur iLtvt, ou ft Ai1ru,,113J11.1,, i. 7 mtvil as La 3116 ,1313 1.1u331 tat, au, •JYULI the Car rust 11,3 airily ; aria, 241. 110,..ute rue Ic li , 11 13 • myiuly C. elkoA a-,p,Jrt:. ;.13,3rniu, and is .ru,, ther“ia,, Wllluu tho /:113: - p,y . , *L.:Ceti. Wall.,,vor, Its OW)* LLI , U sad L. that )“.0 will [l.l qtripB 171 t'i )11..1.Ler L,J th/sc the t`ipolletiS ;WC:, Are 1.1/ bt. t.of Lire Trum6llly. ISLA!, J ACOB J IL Al' IL![ , Gvuvr.miloraers ui Ai,ugtiutiy Ur :.cite.: Tuts. e r ettettie , eiOrk. THE ODD FELI.Q.WiI' Pic t rho odd Fellows' ..NE Linden Grove today premises to be a very plea•aut atraii The members uf Zone have spared no pains or cc pease ie providing f.r the cE,zll,rd ut kitittire‘. It Will le' pleasant r,-1 , 11,..twu &sr fur these WHO tai -spare the time. Tb gru% is :En, ,E toe pledsantes t resort. In the neighb.Erueei, and we Eadviie all wle, would spend pleasaat-4 8 4 - to gu. Uwutbueee will rue to Ow grdterie Lr... 111 1.L.11110 Ki C Plllu LIJI Ha Ponasjlvoutaiiveit.uo yentortlay tuorutug . on top ut a loud of lime, whoa lie teat eft , brealiing his righ• lit 111 uud dislonatlug his should,. hr. Woodruff WaA oath, in and dressed his wounds. it is stated Li) 5,1119 that to was under the intittanco of liiitrir, iituers assert tha tho accident wa, es:ea...Just] by is sudden 11.11 , V"Illutit horse, cuucod NARROW E- 0!.P.. P . /I,M ith the canny woruiutut they tittve -eceiveil of late, pareuiit tihould ileAvot to keep their citiloreo uwit3 trout the river, an te, danger of drowning ttt the prectut rause at water i 3 set) itutament Al, aanwi 1 , 1 , 1,41,11 Hari, ,1 3 • typed drowning in tile Atteediony rivet, Slut LI '.ti auk ye— yrday. lie was unable to swim, and venturing Out Inn. deep water, ass tifillblo to keep tO,oce water, audit W:l5 ss ith extreun, difficulty that was cased frutn being drowned. eitar,tl , that ut tho shooitu ; f„ ui,:t y.....-tt,rda) afternoon, between , Daniel Armstrong and u.., ,Cllorb, 0. this county, and Capt. Giu. Niesly, of lireene county, and two thou tsolecteti by him, thu lireene county boys did soui, "tall abating," and retired with the honors mid the purse Sumo of our Allegheny boys made rather wiid thooting They moat try again—perliapa they may have better Inel next time. IT 'slut the common desire of all to make the beet ,Am elide investment of their means, and those merchants who offer the greatest inducements to cash buyers, seem to be favored with the gc eateet prosperity. This fact, well studied and acted upon, by Czumaghau, Allegheny City, has direction to all ids badness operation'. Hence the 10% rates at which he farm !Jeg it good article of men's or boys clothing. At oTitt ETWOMAN Tactiet. - - We learn iucidontally that Mimi Kimberly, the of the aid Pittabargh Theatre, hits effected till eu,ritenteut with the celebrated Ordway', tificiatrels, Ihmtee, tfl. ;hat die Nell _Creh - r , mummer tie,leea with 0.<,11 un mixt Tuesday night. Judglar frum the Puce. ea of the lett company which pert rated here, ",_e popularity el that character of amusement, we pre dict for them a hearty welcome ;rid a liberal eupporL Bn a hsiss. at the Mayor's office steins to be entirely staS liitllt, nothing of importante having transpired there fur several days, bayoad the ordinary morning cases. The Court of Quarter Sessions seems to exert a salutary eileett striking terror w the hearts of evil doers, and in ads point of view it would be well it it could remain constantly is A NEW CUUNTLIIPLA%-A man named Sloss was h. lire Alderman Wilson. on Wednesday, charged with passii:g tlve dollar bill on the Iladfey Falls Bank, Massachusetts, on Levl Kemp. As there was no evidence to show that he knew the bill was counterfeit, he was allowed to redeem it and pay the costs. Citizens would du well to be on IL look out for this new counterfeit. Tux German Cavalry Company, under command of Capt. Vierheller, turned out on parade yesterday evening, march_ ing through the principal street., of the city. They pre sented a vary fine appearance. WRITE GRANITE and (31a5.1 Ware, in extensive variety, In quantWes to snit the trade, will be soh' this morning at ten o'clock, by P. M. Davin, In the basement of the new Auction ilonse, No. 54 Fifth street. WE 11.EHEBY CAUTION TILE PUBLIC ugaihrit toe many frauds perpetrated on oar article, 1101 TBrTEIt'S CELEBRATED STOMIOI.I BITTERS, in Which dhora Is u 0 huitatMa except the label, which, fur a time, natty sell under our name, and when, to the detriment of health, the fraud is discovered, and the sale of the noxious preparation ceases, another name Is anbstituhsil and new energy applied to hull it at low price -t, while other prirth:s tramp cip names toroudichr,iritriiiiir to Chat of the schacrrirc ra p with an imiwtiou label, aro able in litany inetauh.r•e to palm it off on tree armlap , ctitm :kr a low price fur t;:o gecuino "Illostatair lilti.zre." We, therefore, caUtion the public against all such outrugea ; aid - request them when pnrchao. In,z, to see laiat our autogrialii High:atilt a ;a attached to the label, and the name of " Dr. J. Ilhatetter's Stomach Bitter." blown in the W.:A.I of the bottle ; also, pruriaed in the metalic bap,.Covering the hark. All others not having these marks am counterfeit ur or Inman. iIObTETTER 101.2 hb Wet= gad Ed &out strum*. RAILIWAD ACCIDSIVS.—An accident occurred to the Express i'euneylvunia Railroad, on Wednes day, at Mapleton. The front truck of the lathes' car was, by 8011Ie 111.11P1 unknown, thrown from the track, the si le of the car coaling in contact with a freight car. Two ladies affli were injured by the concussion, the latter ln t lowly, the r09,1,.r . ti.n but iltigtitly. The wounded pween iniol.,ll, a lit re every talent:en fnuntani.l, Juno lithi MIMI bi•d bUC)I Li lacoi, flan rft rq..,1 1,, v. o 1 t-I, 11:t u. 21 ttud .1.10 11,441.; ha, had much re,.l tig“, ul,uiJ r-LAH , ) , PaI Church at. Lawr. , ueeville, Li , c. , ia .•ii twxt FL ILI tha Aekt). It will lied (Wu tln)a, Tuesday. Tits perP,II who wn,n n 1,•t!, t•• ut gmtleutati of Al,,guelq city, migulug ' A th•11.10C1-11," 11/1 . 4.41.1 C,141 ,111111 1111. ou icti V I I,lla i•liN/i11.36 Ni 11,Y./.5L, - diseozies 11108 t. II1011:alllioLig dm I.ltittlllllllN iAiltude is undoubtedly [Fiat knoWil ant on.• • rI , I Throa.t. 1111,1 Its i-ro—t4 the r L/1 vf which hundreds ! n trtr Urn , n V n ealli•ti 1111, but too often ith 'VO 11, ouLl tViy the olliictoti, MEE tue many wh,. luevr I.••• putve:i :rem the most virulent at. caek Of :4,, end lietnorrhuge, 11=111 I=EMII=BM GI Ci',~, :L,~v nr~ 1-it 1 -, :.• IT a IL, •ZI • ill t• I •nr cr> u. ilk - , lal Oti. al •!I rtii•Ch, ir., aid a prev, , pLi v of c.I LIP : I • ill.—y •heal 1,1 Le Al•pt ~na 11,-1 I.y 4 r..•' /it . 1. p ~•cal:.y' It thiti ht . 1. /ti, iJI ol Ir . p;, , caleat. fbani. ) t u.% eatk to do wit.hout them. is lunny apor.oug ar!:ct •• ./,•3 Wit up and bold Md gunuiuc, ho urn nu obi: nnaz i Bitters, •nu.l tho • zho tame ut J. M. time 1 . ., 3,1 j i•• proprit , :,7 and limn ufactdir, r, No. 267 P.-6 trnir.titital and ' ,A '"Tr irv - .!, Fahey & Flail Fu !?La & Chairs, b - vi , trerotun, 421 Penn Ntreet, 11!!11=!11211111 kuuvE 'rut.; cANAL Eittl I)iiF .1./ t . i . • V,17.) 10.160 li,,vote Itc.vuth,ll UNIJERTAKIN 11212=11 EL CI-HEADS & COO 9 piT:2l.4 Oa* 4 57. 19! - 7 i7 11? asz CID i W - 4.41•4i ' I 4 I:4II.rJE 4 6.: ' 14i -.'f-T.3•:.1.-Fir,r7l'4!'4`'V'q"'''':7 P.'9'l i a..l ",..-'-' ::. ' •.J !. i a li . ''..: ;4., ,-...:: :tft-,.4r . ..,.' , .i...:' .4.4-• tis e...-I,;: I', : ` '../ ' • 4 :" 1 ' ._: .:- .1:- ,- -.". , ---. .., _ _ :: ,,..ii_ tt , ; .,:..... _At, ~ ,_ , T , , 5 g ,'1 ti 0, , . .: •!, -_, , •,... , ,r z-1,) f', ; -•-.'.,_-. -42.44.A,,p--,I , ~,, p.... 1 po-- ~.-4 4 ' ''? - '";t 4t. :. 4 ":.4:!- 4 -'-`• - • ' ' 7: ''' IV 0. !3$ W 111}i S T JLST 11.1 . 77F.i1'E1) THEIR Y(i ii.J , r;;. viint•lY nri.l ntiript,L : ~/ nni r r by t.b.• tg:. lir .! I-. 17 tlll4 .i.ato quality of 40.,11.1 Can in Lac: Citif>3. PartiCalUr =WILL. to OrliOre. g:2::.1 'iot7 5pa11i....)! Bole 'r CI .1.11 C. .10,11 /r, N 1111,1 • ••••-• tr t.•, 1' • -I,••:inc rlt„nr : 11 , 11\1_ 1, 11,NT 1 )1. •1 •-• u.. iv tio I(.: 11: - .cor • ••! 1.1. •r•SiND b - - • • ti c• r c.or. ',,lt C,111,11 . 1D I'.•• • form-nip th,q, ESTI niple• .r . l y ail !., f tt, 'll,tll 11,r, tk prnuiurn of Two r 4;& I IIPC , aI:C , I3.V.Ei, i quitW AitIIINO 'ND COMMISSION mritl.2E!AN Produce, Flour .c 1 i .51,,•;. Dprillizo , I. C.', 0041. L , gl}-`ll k2a.sks Slhia Ash, now luudtug hint for chic io,lB w 1tan , .14 '.• ;13 rop ; to d. Fr - -• quality Syrup leorivt...ll‘ll,l Gar ~Ir. ‘lll.l,,Eit A 1f..115.1 , ,T81)7i, N . 221 III: 1 Lli rty ntrt,t 4.1 b'UJ IDS. tJountxy 1)4.;,11; 12 keg Pank.s.l Bn t 76 boulitds IlrL Dri,l Apples, 247) •• •' 100 b0211,1r1 itt , l I..Ltrd , s ; .• .lust runurtsl sud for s.t4. 11 rZEI, InyBl 4.14r1t,t, d socuut t'ts. bills. Choice superfine for sale 1 . 7 I.y J AS. A. YE: f LEI. t and Fins; 6tH. 1 44 1 ANCY Ff;.E — Nell BASKETB.—A nice s.,zortisorit fait urs*)srer.:t W 1 , f) —An assortment 01 Couutr3 i WY i ted 0 , 10 by W} , l. Fr. Azrru Co, us Au• 14T ,71 .rst nr„t, WINDSOR Sari ES.— ( 3 . old m od potill and .baic infamings, ti 61ways on hand at and 1 - ,,E" Salo ch-lp by NlliA L; inch to APist rtCeived 6: the Rubbor D, pot )f J. ,t H. YIIILLIP3, PAPERS.—WaII Papers of al rki - Ht..3 for 5n1...1 ut roit,tl l,rlcay, by 11/1i , ..8HAL.1, rr.v2l Vi EDIL7M, Deiny, I''9lio Pot, Fiat and ivi. : , , ,,id e I c ap w r it.,: g :`a, Ts, Printing and 800. Pa _ .erx, and every doaoription of priotin4 materials, fur tiale 'i W. S. HAVEN, Job Printer, mrl9 N,.... :1, R and 1.5 Alartet etro•!.., t,m, !Ind medich., t, Le able to Bay that it IN but seldom Nk I 1.11i.1 to 11..C.Orti delays or accideuts 14,1.. !I i l l 14 141/1111/1-. n/fll/ to I.llli,ted tl, %k 1 the rout. ‘clth st, ne, prevt•Dt •""'Y'" , ' o to 1 , ;; ,, 01 , ,-; , :rt+ from .11isi, but givea thf• :hi i,L. No Li lu,iirAL —A runt) lentiVal t,tr the benefit •i J 4111.1.1 V;,(1 .31k. ..11, , bei f Nllo3o Vi OP I A FINVERA(iE, A, AN vv:, u•,• thvili, t , . 11, JutiEPll MEYER 1.1.&!\ J '..; 11-; iW rii I it'. -c, :',:-, Y:i',' S' i ''j r. :• - • i i ' 'ii i .6.?. - ' I lill ~ , , i Itil' . ? I ~ [ q. . : : 4:4, 44 i . ~': PITTSEU:q.GI4., l'A in , -c , •"i N, iiy order ~ A I% 'f. Karmlwrs (! - 1T , .:Eti,4. , 114 iill9Y!,l.l`i :1 Ader., I.l.ltinlo re; " 'llll_ Lit,: < luoKfrrd:lM bbls hit", Beans for .17 , . II CuLI.INS QAILEY'S rATENT CURTAIN FIX - - TURLS---The bi-s to tree,jr..t. received, and for sale ' 2d arid '2B Jr. Clair street. (ell) J. A LL P11.11.13Fe. BAGS Driod Apples, for , sale by J7,A) BALIALEY, CO.SijltAlril .42. 00, i•tv.l ,B l Wood street. HOSPITAL SIia:TINCI—Of all widths and of the best quality, fur sale at the India Rubber huput, I 6 and 58 St. Clair street. INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The bes article ii. use, for sule tit .he I Aitt 'r:ui)Lrer Depot, of J. A L. PHILLIPS, jell '23 and 28 cit. Clair street. IN DI A RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso, a large itisortith, t ~1 Dreidog Tuck and Long Combs, just receive 4 at the I mils Depot of J. H. PHILLIPS, nl l ord 2.4 't Clair orroct. MINERAL W -- ATER.A large supply of fresh Congrem, Etutilr and Blue Lick Waters, Just received by JOS. I:LEMING, my2o Corner thorn ad 16ricl Market st-oet. pOTATOES.-300 sacks choice white Ne• shannock Potatoes, large and good, just received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZILB, nar2,l Corner Market mud First sta. FOR RENT—A large Dwelling House and Store, on On ut ot. S. CUTHBERT a SON, 51 Market street. ILAVENJ .1:1t FL'AVERS, tbr sale It 1. ALE' , EST. )CK CO., Jel2 :'ourth strata,,. DRY APPLES 7a , .‘4.:'3 Prime Dry Ap- D ic, rEt`oh. , l arid fur ,:tio by al2 !II:N111" a am,Lizq. I,4 I NOLISLI GLASS IN KST,\.NDS—Out arid prebiiid. with lil , l Topu. 014 Ti!NEN. atathia.r. u 1 POET WINE, for medicinal : pu;- jiL, poses, by the bottle or ax l i tit t ut a to the Dim. :IdatiCe procur.l t. .t rtce , ,it ❑ta. l'b ,: J_ui:) s j&cL t., He• .1 =Eli 1, ; 1 ,E.di.11 . 14) ST ,, NIA I : I I 117 r;11, P.l earricigcd It is hereby ordered, that a "Camp of Instruction bc lodd at Williamsport, Lycotaing county, leausylvonin, the prei, at year, end the Adjutant tioderdi of the Commob - vie.d sin i., dirra'....d to fix th time thereuf—t take cbsrge 01 the artangomouts—to attend in per,oh, aid] to 111S1:10 the oecsseary orders to the outland Staff, and other Military Wilcore of the llommonwe.lfh in relucluu to same. WIL r. PAOK NH, Conuathier-in-Ohlef. C".,) : I'Ll7Ll.ll'5, lir street 1U and 28 St. Clair street J. & IL PHILLIPS. i'O4mERC ft S.J. ZOA11:, 17“, TitAIUL: 115,1) C4R.O 11 A NTS' E s Zi . %) A IV WILLIAM? Viol _Prr.ridentr. 1:Eill! MEM , 1[1}..,4,11t•r: J•,,r r:,,oV. DL :, Comint.:lte of Arbitration for Jane I.I.KUSLT, V. p., J• CUSURAVE, J. B. CANF.II,I,I), ; , A MUHL t• lilt IV El:, DAVID 3PCANUI.E.L.6 1 lt"r S B RG 11 ill A RIC Ea' I