L, PAC 1:-.7 S.IffUEL C. %INGARD, ATTonNic.ir AT LAW, rincnacts, Pawn- Ottiel, No. 71 GRANT street, bztensen }hearth street lIC /latuoad alloy. ape j ,mEs A. L 0 -1 ;IT - R IE, Attorney- at ]Law, t t , .. Fourth ,Itreot, Pittsburgh, betweenSmlthneld and 013}:: ..ill doi11:1y ___ _ _._ HikilL, Surgeon Dentist, aucecuior to G. • W. Biddle, No. 144 Smithfield ststist. 47..,. • °lnce hours from S to 1 o'clock, and from :Ito S o'cioc6.. fel '..6:1y -- - I SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors wost of Markot. Offic* boars fro la l o'clock 6. M. w 15 0' Nock f. de( ZO:y juSEPII FLEMING', successor to L. Wil tP ‘x h 00, corner. of Market street and the Diamond, keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, MRD IMES, SIEDICINE CHESTS, PERFUMFdiS, and all nal• 'lee pertaining to his business.. Alrir Phyeicianq' Prescriptions carefully compounded aL all noun!. joS:y 11.1.113 F. MinaliALL .JoB;Pfi B. QV- , 111 INT P. MARSIIA.LL & Co., Importers and 6 dealersin French and American PAPER HANG. INGE, No. 5 i7 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Ro'.o sputa for the celebrated manufactures of Mtwara. Delic:mt t a Co., Porte. PELLIP BODZIO. J. AltDlllBoll rop EYVER & ANDERSON, (successors to Joai.a. Rhodes h C 0.,) whole ale dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES., CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, Ac., No. 89 Wood street, opposite , the St. Charles Hotel, eau,. burgh. _ _ _ J. M. LITTLE, , MERCHANT TAIUOR NO. 64 ST. CLAIR STEEL (Dr. Iristen New _ W. KERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED from C4ML)Lir of Fifth and Wood to STREET, In Phillips' no., ealiding—continnes to prepare Plans ane. Specifications of, and to Superintend the Erection of every description of Buildings. de2o:ly* APULTON, BELL AND BRA SS , FOUNDER, No. 70 SEOuND street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Is prepared to furnish to order OITUROD, STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND freDER BELLS, Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. OIEUXN BELLS made to order. STOP and CIA OOP. cocaF• of all sizes, for Stoomboate. MINERAL WATER PL 3iPJ, OuUNTEI: tut ILIM/5, and every variety of Brass Castings finished 10 the neatest manner. BABBITT AN'i'FATIB.ITION 'METAL; FULTON'S PA TENT 'METALLIC PACKING, for Steam Engines[op23:ly LOUCHIRIDGE & MAXWELL, MANTIMOTUSEIis OF Looking-Glasses, PL ' , Aire Frames, and Brushts; And Dealers in Clooka, House Furnishing Goode, to. ao. No. 1%6 Wood street, above Fifth, P I tuti3:l) le6 Machine Brarthem made to order EDUCATIOiN AL St. Frat“ls Academy for Boys, UNDER THE C.,RE OF THE Vit.A.I.CRECAN BF-OTLIF,RS Loret; Cambria County, Pa Ts NATURAL 1' Atuat,,d rf, Educational purpohca, affords all Al, in tincemeuti that au L. donired tor a Catholic It to located to tl, in at Leak ny and picturesque pJrtiou id 'to Ailoghemen, (Antall t four aule3 from Cronnon Station, the irect In i ! route I.:tween Philadelphia and Pirtnburgh. The scholastic earC , riruum..ing the lire. Monday in September, will close rho I.sth of July following. Tho Terms for Board, including, a thorou,.;L. tc“,:ish !hi" Course, urn , t±uv poi annum. 'Ph , Chump.: an_ I...inguagon C.ll wlrn ch .rg.• of $lO rwr annum Washing and sr,t, Boddiug $l,l. ior further pa -- I,uiArs apply to cto t.to• Cemy . ,loll.Zi, the Rt. 1k... 1,1 fineeAnit's Coliege and Seminary, CEDER TELE CARE OF THE BENEDICTINE FATHERS, Wont Latrobe, Weamorelond county, Pa. THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE tonal brat:m.4es of :English Education. u the 13EMINAllY, Do , Classics, lathematice, tthetorics, Philosophy, etc., and the different branches of higher erudition necessary re useful to those aspiring to Priesthood. The corms for hoard and 'lMilauti are Sae per year, l he paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. German and French and other languages, Drawing, Paint ing and Music,terut lie extra ch,arges,escopting 0,71:1," rococo peusMiou ter the sae of metru*euts nediciue, Wasning, DeoioOSStationery, etc-, form exist chorgea. For partici:flare apply to the Director of the College . The Collegiate year begins on the Ist of September, aed ends on the 3d ot July thlicocloge PATILEE. U. B Y IIM.II, •It'• DRY GOODS Retrench: Retrench!! t-to nag th,t.drznitle.l t. serf “ui thoiigh rls.l Tiait t," IlAvc alwit, a ;t,ll [IC It EDUCED 'Pli E ENTIRE ST( Joh 'f Ltd low NVNi is t/16 tt. Luy 4,6t'Ll Cho , • Viithroheri, t I . ilt thrWII I OCIWII! I .Ctfitt JOS 77 %IR! 4t , t ANC:F.; IN • Li, 75 cont., nt 1.12 . 14i V.:lr d.. w,j aan .1, , de IS; at 375, de .1. do 374 at Yh do JOSEPH HURNL, 77 Market street. A fi %%ELS , ' MMINUS, AT ItEDUCED PRI• 1 60 A choice W.3..11/lElllt on hand and for sale at tiODIVIIS', 77 Mark e t eta, GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS— - Wool, Silk, Merited and heavy Oottou Under Shirts and Drawera—e fresh supply received 11 , JRNE'S, dell) 7 Market street. aIIVE Ceuta per Pound Reduction in the .11 . Price of BRADLEY'S YARNd.—Wholeealo Buyer, and Peddlar, win le foraished with .'r'3 Ttlio4E.phy tiNasTING i'A.ItN6 at a re:in. - LP, la of Five por by the lindle. this date, For Cash, and each 0013 ifOlk N kg, 77 Market street, duet Arrant the ,I,Ltataantrada EMBE,OIDERIES.-Our excellent stock o f French EmbnAderies, and the low prices at whie,, they ere marked, offers rare Indth>3menns to ladles wishing to purchase the latest style**, MONEY I MONEY 11 —PRIOES ►IARK- E;D POWN. .41iro Great redaction lu the price of Embroideries. We have gone carefully over our handsome stock of FRENCH-WORKED COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, And tiroe the prices to snit the Hard Times.' The Ladies may rely on getting bargains at oct27 HORNE'S, 77 M,,rikei WE WILL SELL from the procont time un con„,„iy cheap OASII. Pioave call and team Ins our stock. 0. HANSON LOVE, oct2o Nortuerly Love Bros., No. 74 Market et PRINTED FIiENCLI YIERINOES, for 62 and 7E. cent., worth $1 dud $1,25, the heat ginsort men t In the city. O. HANSON WV.% (formerly Love Brothers), No 74 lEarkei street. dim BONNET VgLVET.—Every variety of Bon net material, Silks,. Velvets and Satins, for sale at Pow, .novl3 I:lLAta AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.— A full &aorta:lent, very cheap. O. HANBON LOVE, formerly Love lsrothorg, Na r 4 Market sun.% "LIVERY Economical Purchaser of Dress 11.2 Goody, Shawls, Aiantioa, &c.; also Doseestle acid Sta ple Goods, will find it to their advantage to call and eltirtii oar New stock rf "all and Winter Dry Goods before parcbas log eleewhere 11AN;i0N LOVE, Belt Y Love Bros., No. 4 :1 , 1 al. sail A i4' LS 1 SiiA W.LS I—Wool, Cheaillo, [troche, ac.. look end sqztere, the rn y boot IL the City, and et r,) low t r ifle.. for cosh. C. ILA 1.0 7 : E. to rm. ly roe., No. 74 Slarket ettc.A. 131(4,U1 , .; and ~)4A.H.SEILLES, ' , locoed, for outking,llAaquo, A ier4o 3 . 1,..rtn.1.ta, at -.-v1 OE3 R. VilllTit t 00" e TO PRI subsoribar has now , ud, :tud ie ditty ,"uceivia4, from the manufac turers, 3 1 trge ai,urt.oent of I•nint.e .i , Muck. Potter'm Print Ca, de, from :Au. Ito 7, China, t oruelaio :latiu Enarnellorl, lied colored. Curd IS darde in riliorts ; Nlcereory'a llulebra•ed colored I.ln ; Lly . Bros. " Varni,h u u4 Size Colored Prialciag t ; Patnptdet 0.0/01 - Papers; tilitEod aud tqatel Popere, red, gleeo dot] yellow ; rneed Blue fitsl pups, ;tud a large toktorttutord pleb Nolo, Setter tap, and Vol l'utit, blue and J It. W &LOIS, dJ Wood - Lreet, umw I oort.o IiajTOULD you ask ino, shout,' you wonder, kJ/ Where to buy your Shoe 3 aud Gaiters GA/TE11...i for your ,etd. in sprsugtitn , , 00001 with heels, aud pretty VREllik3/1 for the summer, LAnther, l'ilucutitnfi I Where to buy these cheap and goo I too: 1 ,diould sttwor, I wadild tell you, 00 unto the PEOPLE,' 6Lit rtl S TOit E„ To the Peoples' Choop Shoe Store, Ntor, of DI tqlzt;:•ACI11.11t. ap2l No. 17 Nifth btreet I\TE`P BEDFURD SPERM CANDLES.- li brass atsorunditiztxt, b'e, uud 6'a, Sperm Oaudles on hand sad out for cote by S- 0 A p3ou LUC,. lL.nu, .4/, 111 IL.. It, ;Aid CAL/ " 1 Pesint Sony- , to and S a bar , " tlhnmicsl:l t 2,111 ?`"' 25; • • Cirr .411," • • U.:tilt, 60 " t'tel ITD bAnd it.t emir , 1,, Jule a. U. A 3. U. .13.00ir VER. G LIM, BUFV AL(), cALF AND CLOIII on,m, tow, ht. 814,. Mora," No. 17 Filth strt•et, Mark,t. (018 DIFVENBACUEIL .t th ONLY $750 FOR A TWO Srofty I )wel liu• itourit:, of four rourun, with lot 01 ground 1r;, front. 00 .710utorov street. Allegheny city, by 110 deep to .1, alloy. Turin., s46u iu huod, bulancour,,ne, two anti thr,, years, aerzi - 0 - U FF.A 1, 4 SLIOLS.---J.I. splendid article of JUll Geol..' he.] b.diei Blank Over Shoes. Also, Gents' 00.11 river Z111j,4, at the People's Shoe Store, N.. 17 Filth street, near Market nov2l 81. CARB. SODA rezaivod and no aale by my2l 8. L xA ELDIESTOOK a U.) Nos. 44 and 21213, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, Swearer's City Glass, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, tr,a, &0., CONSTANTLY PAVLD & OOPP 31 9 CANDLIESS, *MANS &, CO., s taarasoiti.to mai r seaurputad, JOSEPH HORNE. 77 Market struot 0. s J. H. SAWYER lu .i lb. Draa . 111 I Z. OUTLIBEItT & SON 61 Mprket 1114 , 110:11MMER 400 kegs, --just G RS WM. IL WM. 11. SMITH & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, us Second & ILO First sts., • mr26 pzirTsszmmer 4 11.4. BAGALEY, COS , 'AVE SI, CO., WHOLESALE G.ROCERS9 No. IS and 20 69'4D0a9 Street, Wu. 151u.Lea, Philt, C. %V. ttlOlll.lllON • Pittsb'h & IRICOELETSON, WHOLESALE GROCER'S, AND IMPOitTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS AND VOLE AGENTS FUR ON ELAND WHOLESALE GROCERS, iI.ON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNs, Ali G PITTSBURGH MABUPAUTUSSB ORB kIRALLY, (I,,rnor of Woou and Watai troeta, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. J AMES C•OLLINS icor warding and Commission Merchants, YROIRDITORB OP TRH COMMA , Pittsburgh, !Meadville & =rl• CANAL LINES. NOB. 114 AEo 115 WATER STREET, PITTBBURRII, PA. UFO DES, HAGEN Ar. Co., FORWARDING AND 'COMMISSION DIAIRCHANTS, No. 30 BYOAMORE BT., CINCINNATI, 11. J. D. ROUSEMAN, (LATE JP 1,100 -EMAN & SMITH, ) COMMISSION AND FORWA&DING MEW:HANTS, mo. U N. Second Street, tipB:Bn, ST. LOUIS, MISSJURI. MIAS. I I tIMPELLESS, C. J. Ho?. AN, JOllB WRIUHT Humphreys, Hoar! t & Wright, FLOUR _A PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 76 NOitTEI WiIARVES AND 155 NORTE! WATER Aboro Vine street B. .E le 18 lc T Conrad, Thompson it Co., Thompson, Clark Bt. Young, Siter, Price & Co., Caleb Cope & Co., ihircroft Beaver & Co , Canby, Neville t Hughes, E. M. Lewis, Cashier F Al. Bank, Joe. (1. Mitchell, Cashier M rch'H Bank Morris L. Hallowell & fitekin tChNJU & Collins, Jobu M. Kennedy & Ce , Rah:mei 8. Co.. Pickett, Mathews &Co., 6.hrewstitiry dr. Price, V, H. Langley .t Lawrence k Mating., A. D. Bullock W. Ilelnies & t esgrave & I=l A. L. WEBB & BRO C - i 110.70.0111 lti ‘l' UEN ERA_L COXXISSIOR M ER() UANTS ANL, AtiENi, 1411( T!.11,1 SALE OUPONVS POWDER AA') SAFETY' FUSE, (.7, lb i'llo r Pratt anti ilDomicsacrca tareetr, BALT; NIOR E, It.ColV3 kilidd ,•f Went , toilwake !WV HMO. th 1111,111). REPE,RENC'iv, with !k. Cu., VY 11. :4with C0.,4 w!I flurt - Al,l, M1ill••r itle6etzun. mr4:10.-trw-dm Ill!IIMEMIII!! JOSEF H s, LEECII & 11014. 141. rsakti 244 s Lilnert3.' .'ITI'BI3II.IIOII, PA., rit(Vß OLE LIE G Art t t IE, Iv .k;, Atil) AIMISSJON AlcittdAN DEAl.e•It. OUR Ali 0 LA h. AN I) STUCK, aAL riTTs6l Hl3ff aiANUVACTL. ft it: i3ENEBA.L COA1N118811)N FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Levs• sand Washington AsoAufs, WYANDOTTE CITY', KANSAS TliiiKauai itit/ISZNCEI3.—Josbph S. Leech no, Haat.inrgn Merchants generally. Jyll:ydaw HENRY H. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, and wholesale dealer in Fl6ll, )1111ESE. BUTTER, BENDS and PRODUCE, generally, N. 26 Wooil ar,ot, ricusbary,L. anti t GLASSWARE easarn 0. OMILING EMMEN 11.0/11i1TGOLT, EDTVAILD DITHIUDGE HEIM! L. HINGSEALT. a - lURLING, ROBERTSON & CO., Mtuau ki facturers of Cut, Pressed and Plain Flint GLASSWAILA warehouse No. 17 Wood street, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. sag- All other kinds of Glaasware and Window Glass, at low Market prices. JAMAS Z. LILLIE .103111 , 11 J. MAX. I EDLIE 8L ULAM, Suooessore to Mulvany LA It Ledlle, manufacturore of Out, Moulded and Plain Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in all kinds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Margret and Water streets, Pittabugh. mh2ally WINES :IND 1,1(.4L1.)i-t,S. JOHN 'BRIZAR & 00., WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No. 155 Liberty Street, Plttsbuirglx, Va. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Monongahela and Bootßled Whisr. Blackberry, Wild Cherry, Baspbe ry, •:nd Clinger Brandies. Lapl.2:ll EMI= - - -- I)EVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor frlerchants and Rectifying Diedll i:l,, e , r 3 s,No. Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa. a - D RY APPLES.-50 sale, a by bbl s. bright Dry Ap ples, received and for 1 . 3.9.11 - 111' H. 001.1..f1i 0 - 11ai3— N — APPLES.---15 otioio:-.. Apple received and for sale by HENRY I H. COLLINS. bbls. small White Beans, j ust E 5 received and for ei.le by HIC,NRY IL OOLLINP. - FIVSEED.---10 bags reo'd and for 1. sale by (a,3, HENRY H. COLLINS. \TEW IVAL,I, PAPERS CHEAP.—StiII they come. W P. MARSHALL Lk CO., nfN ST Wood street,. - - N EW GOODS Pult SPRING SALES.— We are daily tuaelving fruna our awn and Eastern rectories, additiuus to ear stock, which conshts in part Lit Floor Oil Cloths, Carriage Oil Cleth4, thiruiturt- oil Cloth., atee Oil Cloth, tiranh Oil (Meths, T runnParbnl .!il TrardlpartAlL Wiudew Shades, Buff Midland'', and Shade Triunuinga Wrchaute, Ilettnekwolnule , oilicra, requiring any ,roal lu our line , are mvitwl L., call and e Xaln RIO the sc.*, and judge fur themselves to regard t o the quality and prix's. J. k 11. PHILLIPS, tur2tl Nos . .th 111,1 . I.d zit Olair street. 'NE APPLES.--500 received this day and fur sale by itNYNIII,It & ANDERSON, . No. Pa Wood Street, my 27 .)14.440 St. Charles Hotel _ . GASKET BOARDS—ForPacking Jointi, cold by Wits. G. JOHNSTON ac 00, myl.7 P4par Ikml6.rs- 57 Nll7n.r.r F"11.-150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, S a l_ mull, olb. lap7l HENRY 11. CoLLIN 8. --- LIME.— WO barrels fresh Lime just rec'd by I=3l EDO BY 11. 00 , 1, I INS. -- --- CHI NINE Y l'O PS of various patterns, for and,' by L un tgii H. 11. OOLGINB TOBACCO AND CIGARS.—d, large assort meta of favorite brands, on hand and for salo,by _ WM. 11. 4 8311 TH ,t. 00. , , mr2ti 118 Second, and 147 'thatSecond, stioeta • _____ OHEESE.-22.5 boxea rime W. R. nutting Cheese received and for AI esr22 SY H. JOB. R. HUNTER PITTSBURGH l'A PHILADEILPHiA etitladelptti. Maysville, Ky. Madison. Ind Oldo Uh(o k.nrictuoatt, Vntdattgl.., l'a =EIIEMIE BAN K S DOLLAR S g); NI hiIDDLE Room, JoNt.!-, y;, {p 131111.1.120 OPEN DAILY, iron 9 t-o 2 ,:clocti; Wodneede . . end :ut, l yrvuutuK f 1! 4, 1-1 to November let, from 7 to A o'cl,-!t . 1.50,0 gay 1 t. , from 6 to 8 o'cl,,•:; Deposits recdved of all Elnnim u..t lema JL LA and a dividend of the profit., dre..lurrd w •• ‘• 0. end December. Interest NS. H.-I lit•dilr.c z.c t ti , . rat , cent. per annum, on the lint of Decetabt,, ,Lhe. rn June and December, 1350. anti In June and I ‘,4•,lllhrr, Interest, if not drawn out. is pbe.‘ed t:,•• cc, .lit el depositor as principal, and bears the wines iut.•rest trios th first days of June and December, componielmg two year without troubling the depositor to mill or e. en to pres , .ut his pass book. At this rate, tummy will double in less th:e twelve years, making in the aggregate ElliliT Atil , ON -11,t YEE CENT. a LEAK. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, SOi O. 11.14.1 lations, furnished gratis, on application at the Prealdent--GEORGE AIL BRETZ. VION PHESIDENTii. tiopewail Hepburn. John ii . . t o. James Bhidle, N. Grattan Morpl.,, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. PVIILI• Itohert Robb, James D Kelly, William S. Lavel James Herd:nun, 11111 Burgvin, John 8 Cobgrac,- TRUSTIXS. William J. Ander - lon Jamey W John 0. Backoten, Charles Di WV. Albert Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, joi, H. Mello:. J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. .Marshe Alonzo A. Carrier. Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. Pollock, M Charles A. Colton„ Henry L. itingsvalt William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George S. Solden, George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Hoon, 'Pheobald Umbstaette, William 8. Haven, George R. White, .4e.crefaryand 'Preasttr,r --CHAS. A. 0k1LT0...-. 11.2, BANK OF lOWA. 1. STEVENS Si.. CO., DE:smolt:Ea U ' COLLECTIONS MADE and prompi..,, mitted. LANDS selected and locate: Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can dt, so thrttzl, this house. Correspondence solicited. !my2l:tim INTLN LOOMIS TIIOB. LoOttll,. AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers * lit Promissory Notes,;Bonds, Mortgagee, awl of I r , ,,c0 Fit . ° for Money. Money I.saubci uu Chocks at milort tlatoa, ,itt4 ,otilstu3t security. NOTlid AND DoUOll'l' &Nu :()I,L, Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated I'll reasu.,:t ble terms, and capitalists can be furnished with ..uod Ke , lll - 1- ties at remunerative prices. Also, attend to the Sale. Renting awl Le.ed , ,,4 ite.,l Estate. OHce, Nu. 92 FOURTH street, shots *.AUSTIN LOOM.I, Notary Public. a. NT 110LAIES & SONS, Bankers and Ex • change Brokers, and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Accept maces, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. gxchatigii i,n the ern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Oollectious wade in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposita received in par funds currei. t 01001. 87 Market street, between Third and Fourth n 130.1 , THOMAS WOODS, Commercial 1.!.r )ker, utol Dealer in Notes, Bonds, cßocks. Real Estat , , N "I• Pourth street. Pittsburgh, ?a. Jaw JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BRNE.Bii, Dealer 111 Exchange, Commercial and Bans Notes. Stock bought and sold on commission. Collection: , carefully attended to. Interest paid Dep.,afts ti,, JONES' NEW BUILDING, 1 , ,,m cl, BY AUTHORITY • Ar;t,,, NO, 609 By the President of the United Stables. IN pursuance of law, 1, JAMES Lic- CLIANAN, President United c‘tatitts el Amer do hereby declare and rank(' known that public salsa will he held at the uudernieutioiaed laud oflicca iu the TERRITORY or NEBRABRA, at [lie perioda hereluafter to wit: At the land office at KKiIWNSVILI t , hinenciug inn :liionday, the sixth day of Sq. ember next, bit the disposal of the public laude within the following named townships, viz : N✓rth of the base, eine, and nut nt' the rivh principal MEM That part of township one untsnlo of the Mie and Fox. um' Half Breed, Nemaha reservation, iittme 17. That part uf townsnips 1,2, 11, anti 4 eutsiide .1 the :sac uud Fez; and l'alf Breed, Netnahu reservation, and Ira, noun] tuwnshipi, 5 and o, of range 111. That part of township