Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, June 14, 1858, Image 4

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    ..Nb;66 OAKDb
A'l"T'Olt.rtrai AT L•VV,
t'rriMstnign, PsamA
a .7" %)rralk, Nu. 71,ii:ANT street, between Poortb swan
u lamou , l anvi, apo
h \
.N 1 E s A. LoW. KIK, Attorney ut Law,
it) qtr, Feurth oftreet, Pittsburgh, bi..twefm Brulthliel.l aikd
(11:. 1 iilis...v. 41-s;11:1y
\AIL, - .. , urpT,outi Dantnit, 61.icee - , - or t,. U.
ty. Ifithlie No 144 Smithfield street.
:e.. ' Office hour' fr,; I - to 1 o'c loch. au.; f frill. 1: t., ... z ..• i.
Fe s:ly _ _
I)ciiti.6t, Fourth gtreot, ioort ,
tIonr,•111.141 v L'eloct• Lk, t,
- -
SEPII PLEIINI:), successor to L. Wil
t, .1 & W., corner of Markot Ntreot mud the Diamond,
coustantly on Laud a full assortment ut DRUGS, MED
,rttiluittg to his business..
Physicians' Proscriptions carol:1111y cointa.t.ddsd at all
i &LT's: t.. v UtSIIALL !OSUMI E... Li :. , ,ilt. , i
W P. ItliitSLi .... ..
ALL : 1.. J., huportert , 1..:1ci
Ti! • dot/.ere iu Fret. h eAtd ;met IcAl; vA P Ell ; ; '.'.•. 7 .-
LN . .2:::, N... :7 Wt.,1 , Lr.. , t, I'iltBbargL.
.:;••V-Ri,tlt,, i ,,, c,, , „1,.H,.t.. 1 7r.:.1,,../.....tc1l es uf itk,-,7,3.
1.1 t.:; tc.qur '.. A 1',.., t'u. l- :te,
I!liti.ll' 1,',.!,11h.1,..1•Mi11 . A.:4i .1 , .. :,
•• •
LI L 4 I ' 11ER. &AN DEItSO%, (Huccont ) r. to
LAO Jorliuii. Ithoki, At Gj.,) ~, II oltwal. IioaLICI - rs ili 14/ILINII/N
tRUITtI, N IJTS, SPICE, 'JON t ECTI , 1N A RI, S U6l Al'.Lt..,
.50. a) W.,..,) ~ r .... 1, oni..,t , Ow .-t Charlt , 21,1,1 I ,I 0-
',argil. ~ ,
. KERR, Ait(lllT CT, KL E 1)
I.,•lll,!Ujui ••I 1 4 'illli
... Al It ; 4 It
o 0... oo.l,itog. —,,otinur4 lu proparts Ple‘nti uud
..l, Sup,rlntentl !Alt , Kroctlutt ory
OEII, N,, Su t:s: LI ,tteot, Intt.t! urult,
to preitArt-t to turittnit to or‘le,
ttfiUlt.t.ll.l, :1 1 2,E&MUt_teiT, 01111.., cr.:
Of all drzoi, trout to to Itt,ooo Itut.
(111,1 M 1.1"r:LL8 avid" uniut : 4 1',Jt•'of isrt
..t Steatub,,ln
V1 7 .% . 1
At bd 1 it,
, A.,
7 i...kstsag—t.,:iTier..zu, 'taie inc., r.ltlt
Lt u•is, El
)1,1 0139.1ers to Cloolto, EL4uee Furnishing (touch',
tc 4a.
V lit) W ood street, above
;'ITTSI3I; MG I • •
45.. aukhi° Li 1.110,1 'Ol
St. 'ra.t OH Aleadel4D) H4)y
tr.,TDEI: rilE C OF lit. rkkA
Lorca 4, Cambria Colana y,
TLI I S ! S'fi 'l' TION , N
dllColllolad LIM! •,11 be Lin L:AJIIC 11,e :LW:
It Is itg,lltad an picture...Nu, ~ ,rt
'be .lil, ;.tunics, clet:-.1 , 1 /ail, tram CredHOZl
1,91, ,"„P, ,L,tl ct•,..41,111-,,,k,
Ch .t, LIPJ 150. Jul)
Ti:u.l vriat, for L...'lV;i II
f,lO tlilaU
Tit•. 1 n ;
/Ur ILLi L.l2c.r Ito
Ref:, ,tIEI
Vicice,akrm and Seraiinat3.
Pic.ar Lots° ttc, ea nuorcits.nd count t•a
usual braut - 1,- , 1;t0411311
la the SEMIS A:: the Cit.Atina, o
ithetorica, , etc" the dl2e:c . : l:
blither erudition retee.2.9ory or nFort.l tv t: 0 .0, e_eidrt:
The tertue fur boord 00d ft, ote t. • •
paid neuti-annutitly, ottictly in telVs.L. e.
GerUalli French Mei other 1t0n,d0,,,5, ioiti w..::,.
lug and Mnlic,tortu nu extra citark - ,ea,ext-tidoug 6,11 e.
pooootioti for the Use el illfitrUilleLits
Wor.hino, itookm, ttuttoouttry, etk .11e.
For phructiliy: LA. 011, 'Aka"
te-gium ti bit ~1 5411,1,110,,
1,, ••••••
Retrench! Retrench!:
1 0 ," 11: 111,
j TT
LASI CLiAN'‘.iE IN 1. - JULE:E.-J.-
,ortil 7, C,Citn, ya?/.
all riABl.
:37 I
a: 1,,
OE PLi Li a
RlCit Vi-:LV
A Clit,C, 3.llZur 1.111 Aaud Add
Wool, Silk, Merin. and ,leavy Outton Under ethirt,
and Dracrers—.l trash irapply reenicod 11,JRNE.:S,
deli) 7 Mar'i,e, btri,
- -
VE Cents per Pound Reduction in the
I_ Price of BRADLEY YARdi..—Wilelesale Buy,r_ And
Peddlarn sill be. furnished with Bit ADLF.rs
KNIPTI / YARNF at a reduction of Five Coots per p,ontl,
by the bundle, atter this (late, For Cash, and Wail of /y.
11011.N1:, 77 Market
de:11 A wont for the Itauhfazto ,
EMBROIDEKIES.—Our excellent stock ,JI
trench Etabruldenca. cud the !ow prison hi who ;•
they are maraud, infers rare inducements to lather vrt-duc.;
to purchase the lit) le,
t ' :AO NEVIi
x4e- to Ulu r:t1) 1 / 1 0ider.•-
Wf• liaVe guise carefully over uur huuchsouu, ,
dud 6 L., Lilo •• Hurd Tut,. ''
The L•ulien Luny I gcttir.g hargainK nl
ocar I 4 N 14'S, 77
WILLS L from tiao pre,ent aiL
!.,,p I • ' , Lt. tr: 1 6 T,6i;;
011 r 51, 'k 11.. , 11 1 160. , i I.3;'F
;c113.) r. l6cut I ;;•;6 13,6., 74 ';16; 3 6 , 1
prtt 7,11 FA
7i. ;.•1..+, oilsllll {I L 1.14.151,::,), Ulu IrcisL
1! , : tarn) tA,N.
1:16a-kr; ;AU-vol.
BONN t:T vELV E 7 Leery ui emit
net titfavrinl, 6i111.8, tut;;L6 Ltd r , tlt,l/g, fur blllO
jt .6.1.- - 1TI1•: 11,,
E Vr.itY ralteld 1 1 u ruhts.sc r f
&c.. .k, IJv c iat,st ic
(loot. will n:..: t.•t,
Yea rt Frlt and Wtittwr Pry Gov&
I ftil, t 011. •,, " .- !..
LSI AWLS ! Chem' I
"0114,ij i% andFle-30od, I . “ f
tkl.ltt Bri.ltl ,•• rit
r) N'rE —The riu`..icriti.. ,, r 111.1, , now
y II Ui , . L U I a ,a 1 II / ' /1
tal 013, tr ~1
I 'hi. I . it
Chir.l B urSs,
LII 1,.
L,•, v li
I . ll.t.rttl - t t. Pvt.: rntrot r ;
goltnl and w
SLoisi 71 , z , ) it. I ti
Wit.r at/ f,, I,lt, rt, ult
J VC1..",,D1N,
, !
vt .. - 1110tiLi I you ask you \yowler
tu ouy „ourand
els , ¶E.M far ,000
1.3t,0r, with awl pre . ty
riot Nucv•u :iLLIE•I•6I.I.S lur too fit1111:11•1".
iovitilol, o 0"..g Id 110 , 4SiOM
1V 11 . . P. to buy the. • ,lioup /sod go,. to. ,
NS yo.]
.rO 11, to 01+ l'E , PLEB' t!it'ik;
(lump. ~7 100
To ill
ap.o No. 17 F'iltlt ntreor
1.1 I,,tezt IA ; . 1 . A till 1 0'n, a;;, , rua Cu7,lb a
bo•ai art.! 0,1 for malo I
'• 1 f'vit!
Ch•ini,ai 1,111
lienL, • •
On band uu•i i. , 1 *4O
tit If
v otTered 1.,w, l'ooplate dhow
," N ,, 17 Fifth att,ot, ❑ea,r Market.
fola— .t. CA
0 - 1 N Y $7 5 h'OR A TWO STORY I)wel.
I n t , 11.,1,, of tour rooms, with 1..4 4:totti,,t
font t_t;l tit; eet. Alloglteny city, by I lit az]
all,y j,400 u. tt.tll,l, t. , 1, - tvt ,, at ow:, I virtt and [hi.'
year% y . OUTIthERT
110124 E I Mlktkot HT71,4.
BU r'F'ALU ZdiUES.—A splendid Eirtiele
and ();or Shoes. ;11u,
Calf Ur, ' , An..., at th.. l'ooplu'H Shut- Store, 17 I , llth
street, 'war Market.
ENO.hi. CAL b . SOSPA. -10 U kegs, juet
It /WVNti ltbal lot Ulttit, by
MY2I u L VA UN 1 411'0(11i t UV
JOtI6II-1 r
77 .I.4!srk,r,
--PRICES ,1A !t..
7 1 7%7
c. a I. it.
it c•
-. ti but
-.1,,,, I,.Lb
OIL 11, iu lb. lornps
in 1 b.-. "
wrd. tiMaTll._
WM. 11. SMITH &
ai Second & 147 kirtd Nth
pravastraez. p 4.
BACULEY, CO' . l Af, ESi 4'o.
No. IS and 20 7Ni u4d . street,
MILLUB., 1.1111/1
'MILLER Ea. LittcrettErfso%,
NVI-1,1,E5A1,1,; Git()(t'Eits,
Ii!tANOIES WINES AND til';(i:11i•-.
v. i4t 011•1.11 44J, 00[1,: r of 1.11),ra y atilt
Irwin Stteeto
"4 wear s City ag te, s
NAH.4, Cial'•)\ lj r . l.' 1
311 1 C.4AIDLESS,iUAN 41i
• zuoCl.oßli TJ h ,
Ai if OLEN 414 111 GROC
All,B, i',ol"el)' Y tN
:n• ri r•tur.;h,,
k h.rut,r ul %V .i4l ot
t I. 01.1efs :I,b enurl tt.. 4,C
tF i .
n4ol:ll#Em. kiA/CiEllk .P. 4. Cll_,
3. D. ,iOUShAAN,
!to. •-econti litrzet
fiumptireys,iliu rivil
i m‘ A) t_ 4, „;
tt. t_t t E L -; I t - , It.
Pickett, !11,1 - , hc, e
W. Li. I.A.t.gley
'. D.
i rk 11,.1..
Lek:NEE—IL 6011114.15510 N ii 1,10)...,A NT
orrm -- .3 r o Aria. 1,110
UOra Pra: P.llll Cu../Jae .tree,
ter.',2.,,qgalnt -11/ . :
6 11 it: 'Si
. :Luta
JOSKE to S. Li.',.i:_.
-,,,t;.. -.i . -42 mid •.i.'44
Il iBUH.%H. A
13`4/70/.,!%.5. LIVI: .24' fr a, 1Y ii •s 3
L .) 4t. -
:}l .- `,li. I, li" 6 : 1 / 2 .;,..
1.:. I
Lecab I. ad FQ Et 4 z ,ft 4 t
A N p(feTr.; •
'LEVER.I::. utivp
L'SitY 11. CULLii.';:7, v'urward.:.l.,„
0.11,111.3116,11 1 ., Me1C12.1.1_11., /till v.: 1.41.0.
[l2. Eitrll.., ziELII)., I
26 VV4JI,I l'lttbhurgh
1.. ,_llt , t , ti A • •:
t I, 1 \it', I CU. u -
L.: •
~ 0n..., (.••.,5, i'it"., L ~
41.4" AI othrr . ,
itr`ol. t:
Li FA L I F., U , to tilv::ny
1,1 A . , lid
i 0..1 t; .VA -
:• ' -0,
•.. 7r...0. -7 o.lo: z.i• p.,
301114 ERVII.II & 00.,
0;U it.l.;. 1 I • :••,i L. 14, iLLERS,
No. 165 It.lbert.). SArcri, •:.'ll,l)urgh, t'n..
.s_iways Winos. tiraudies,
~ 1 0.,1W,t- i tot.iii
Whotesult 11 uin
Dbl , 6. bright Dry lip
P rtsrel.•• 411 . I r ynlr, Icy
Oa:\ -45 this. A.p i d o
'co t:.•
LIE :\ Li. COLLJ:\
1 4. 4 * .E S. --2 U bi,l . ainali White, Bean,,, just
r0c..0.e.1 ii.•
rimoT D.-- 1 1 ) Lag reo'd arid for
• ..,.
W' A ‘,i ,2111,,A1,t_;:,t111
N EW fkiA
t' 131111,4 f130111•tt ~Wll
uud °,u tarts
fact,. tuid Lli ~sir stock,
Flout 4 II Clothe,
‘acrid.,,r Od C:. Lb,
en man.... ltll , Jiotbs.
tnl Clutb•,
thl Clothe,
Trato,creut ( il ulna",
"rroinpar-nt Wonl o w
Puff and
Shad e fit, nit, ra, r.-quirag, any ~,un d s
line. it/VIE-in/ and ciik,ek,
Judge for them...rem To thin quality and
J. & tl. SOILLIPs,
2tl a.,;1 23 St Clair street
.INE APPLES.-SUO received this day
and for dale by ItEIVIdEIt & ANDEItSON,
Nu. 1 .1 /0(81 strut,
w.y27 Irrc4fite St. C'barle.d YJotrl
1 ASKET BOAii.DS—For Packing Joint.s,
4oid by O. JOHNSTON it 00,
ylt7 f . -
FISII.-150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal
mon, etc. lap7l HENRY H. d
JiillE.-100 barrels fresh Lime just rec'd
CIIIIINEI :'UPS if various patterns, for
std , by imr29l H. 1. COLLINS.
TOBACCO :kill) CIGIARSTI-A large assort
most of favorite brands, on hand and for sale by
weir: 118 Second, and 147 first streets .
CIIEESE- -2,4 25 boxes prime W. R. &Jutting
chooft mi.:rival land tor malaby
~,y,<<.. -...
.',. , .•.1)1, , ,z''6'. ••• -
t •,w ,
Nr r Crit.
Di) h i. Vrn.siftent aaa ahe United
‘‘ts i 1....
OHA :4 A •
.11.) 13. t Ire
1.1,• 1 At t Iv.
t, .\ Li./.1:164
.1 , , 1 A ill'
'I . . • W/111.4 ,,
-I. : 11'.1 . .1L1T1/1.1
kl. .1 I tlttl ,t e, l'. I ~„
ttt th. ittlltitt it 'I I .111 i ~,Wlll4l
I lint p trt t I
ICI I no, , t 17.
1 .2. , AII.Si.;(• or Ills ,
Intl 1 If.. • i; rvv. , r 4 , 11 tr,
“,• LI, 'N .3,hipN 3, tuld
hip 0,10.. :71 tlu•
Iv 2. .. au .1 4, • I 1..,111114 ,
—11',411.1 , .1 1! 111.41.16 I V,T11 , 11. iuu, nu , l t.n4 la
p rtkiig• 14
foviLtettip, 1,
w•ti,11111,.. 1, .., 1, tt1.11,, i 1 — .11..0. , Ii
td, 1..1.00,
at It .t k CI .1 ,
. ll.t tf.ty / .N.11r , 11 'ter:. I I tht•
Lh. pUbh. 1.1..1, .h
•U. “/”1 Pus. :i_rlJ4 pra7tcipa i
actior.til 7 t,E1.1 tII 1,4, 1
T0W11../.llp tilid 9, iU , 11, Lind I'2,
ttl 14,
.1' , •1411 - Itip . t I, I —,
~1 t,ttg , •
T.tw..611/1. 7, ',, N, IU, au.l 11, ,1,9,1 tructluutil tuwa.5114,5 13
...Lid 1,1.
uriluk,,7, 5,9, IU. onui l•oN II 111 i
ul rung „ ll.
T0wi1511,1.,1 7,5, lu, ttlitl II , .I.kt/ It
I J, I\l,l 11, ot 1.1.
'UoVII.1:11.1pn 7. 5, .11:(1 lllkCti,alo.l W441/.1,11,4 14. 10,
,11.1 I.g, L .l
111 t. 1,..1 AfIA NA.
uuLlt,} , 111 At-I: it ckly Sep( , ,tbr: oar (1, „I•
au, I 110.1.11,1 LOWILIMI4ipti,
.V. a . th 1,, hi, ;Lev r 01 Vt.r,/14
Ft, 4,4.1 ~ L., 1,1., ,o‘i to, ~1 riko,z,.. Al.
Floetl.4ltti 14,m0i..1141.1 1,1, 14, 14, 16, :tad 17, 01 Fttigu
Frltutioo:tl .... I 1... 14, ID, r1,•1 Id,
tow 17, 1.0 2 0, m,l 21.4 .1 1041 R, 11.
1 , tuww,i.q. 111, towiteltipm la, It, 10, 111, 17, and
iq and haft F. 11.1 tov.Lninpo baud Al, of ruu.e 11.
L. , WI/.lllpel 1 . .1, 1 ~ ulltl 14, 1111.1 iti,l:lleitlpli ls, 11.,
18,19, .11.3 LU, ul
Flll{l.l.lotilsl 1.1 , I.+Flprl 11, ,111t1 (UW1..111111 17, 10,
144....1.1 ../ ii•Lo.111 U.
by IttW lur LIS
.I.tA I “I lotirpodcS, I folll
i 01101113 g 1.11,0// 1111151:1 w.l:
Will 11, (~ I I:: th. oftiot Ili WLIICIi Llioy
Wall ;.. liAut , bent ciatroti, still
the .51.1 r, 'ISO : L.: I. 8,1.. -is 111 Lo• kort
ins LW, I i.. la, ) of cant' tit tut tuu;in
Will In' tltlllllll , ItIILII 110' !Wo
-MI LOA.. 01,011111
it... • town/1114, 111111 pArt3 ul tuw,.i,,,
..1 : ,• 1'“11.111 111 , ` r fun , w th
...I 0, Ilat.l
1, a: Zoo* a...iprttaloableaft , r
.Lii upi..llA L. 41 Lulu lota
1z,.. kt Lllu Lilt It, .•wortiei.(l4
iti l`, .1/ p
• 11l :tl.• L'A
I.i. • A DiiiChr2,
.11..1E1118.U10 . 1 the OLll•Fiii
ftirr 6ul)pgiep••
6L,ALL t I f lirLl/611 naval
- , :Ai II:Li I it L.I.
. ,` , LOLS: trLLI,LIn LI
.•Lapi•Ler.,, /iLL.L •L. la .1 n, GA; flat t tioy
',Uri,: LIS., ILit ..tr I.oaLtlllvtla
..LL. L.. - 't. L . - L_Ltint,t, 11111.1 t€, IL
..4 ,a I.,lsClo,llllen ot wti
a 'a. oo as aov.. to Wier, on application to
ynras, i 0 the flaby
..,, the yard, Open sp
itito cusses twili t ;
ouch p rti , • ad will
• . I t :or t.L.N.
I:•LVe it cup, IA Ibt
vi Lth• yu,d , me asauunatioL (;fliy, 11,113
•,,••orl IL ul ; N.% t,t.111 , •r It nil. bLe 6entrtiLle. to alako
U - it- Z, z t L• lit lb, 1. 1101•
1,1, 1.1 • n t •T liar C tit npti , .ll of
i. 1 . 1 1 1.. I ClOrt ‘lt
,-IwnuuL~ t.ll
41 .0..• :
4.0 tbk..rfatt4y
.4.11.111,1 eX, within
du„ I':., I t.t I. "(Ile, or rbavy.i,cutley
t,,blebl 1) tewat.
,uretiud to LL..• I .lil br I..qulrcd to sign the
ta United
ju tcb
,I:ll.,Utlt ul lily lull!
La..nine ahn,l 1,..,er bee.. Lt./.upi• Led and ulghty her
4:14 44 ,444:4:11 b:11, a,..plkrit .1 IL/ tr.l.aastc by" .110 wail
r. n,..Lk. e ni•ia V.I. tn. pald L.) the tiav•
,_gent at rho p wiilun thirty day, utter ltd
pre.eLi. 1. , lino.
it to 6[1,,L/at , a in tae tliat, It default be tirade
Lila pal Ll-, 01 111.1. ,ALL 1. all ur ally ill the
ArLiCied we..uuuwl ,LI 1.0 L.Laaa u . fur in the Luutraci, ut
the i,a,dity tic plac above pie, L nee,
aa.i 11. Lu., the wuu eWr and surehes will furleit
. pa, IL , L!..• LuiLca built a “Lliu ui uwnuy riot clefnt ding
iv!, tae alnuuaL ill Ducu oaaeitl, which way be recovered
train Mlle to time, to tile hilt tit CUngreats ill that
case pruviileJ, apprOULal Jloscil .1, 11343.
Cla..stsi 1, Y, 4, it, 7 Cu b lehiverud oue.tuurth part oil ur
.011411, i 114: part all .1: latibltl the 3Utti
July, iino-lutirth part by the 2Utii 01 6eptellibei, aud the en-
Wail:der ey the Ist Decedilier, 1059. Unitises 3 and 9, WO
vitiule by t let:. May, lho9. Ina rend-ming 421.81241 Lu 1.
Lle.iVered tala-; , ,Ltrin p:su uu or belore the let L•eptealuel
Vex t, O L,-;,i01111 pest uu or batUro the tot December
.ate-ILLUILLI port nur latore the Ist il, and the fellialLitler
pit , r L.:41.' dot II Wands earlier reL4ll.red.
Wilts a nuLl, e ill tWel S. Wt:6, 0.. rupristug at each LiellVe. y
dun In'upk./Ctlti ut va Il a t.ue, Aisne lit Mid all IbilUWirig,
If additiurial oh any of Inr linlelen [mined thesnus
deueduled, they are Lu be turuished on like terms 41.1 A
pry lour L its X,Alr Anal ill the lineal ye ar, Upon
racei,lng a :lutiC.• ill ni Lat•ll day, II ,lo the bureau, the
iil ..sly- ~.;eut.
I . 4,/ Ulfrr
Agra , to 11, ,L1, , 1 Ll' •ivt , r, IL Liao r.pectiv,
,l 1 tut I. 111.11,0.1 1,1 (Jo:. titistiald 1101'1•11BI,
agroulit , l) Nthioun uL tht: hAl , til/ICHJurall,r, anal
) U ILL/ Lila Burcign ul Curl
:Articuuu, sl. , pt I.• 1 • I bL,cf. Ill) uVIr
be I 1 , 111 : , and ILo
elllALret(t. .3, L ~,)Lila, • , ur I I
kr, , iguaLUl ~ILL at
will, 11 t lit. 111113 C Lu punt,•,l
lttb , u. I.oguefi by lulu. Oppoditt, 4 u.,1)
;. tf.. t :i 11.1u51 1,0 51.1, tins Jul.l
~11 a,z,grulot, 1.,1,t1 up lot Lc•
Ilt.tcll ,o[ay,
te• 1,1„,[110 el
, in t.l.e :Itate
, liert.by ~u./l111.) ,l Aug trul ul
ur eisalter tl.O
tract e.1.1.1ie putt uxule,.c.r tkeeguxf.et:...,exe-
• 01, itlit lit( tt it at/Iib:IOLA 1141.11,
ties ; 1. 111 C-Ike, -- tu eIILOC IWO
ev3. ',114114AL. t L.; Wake ;4;4_1 OF, dillen—SLlCe
LI, ;1..10l 1l• , n.u.l --, .h , lWhich hu.,)
; nes
: , 1,4,111.0..ur0 01 1,0
I 1., .. - ; i.t/a • 1/ - tire Imow[t
lu the to prop, I), tt, gau r
Signatiate. U LI.
1 , . L. ‘ll/11,1'ICL judge,
,L,Led dtetnß atl,rue), ,Aloctur, utiVy•ageut.
t.... towing utt• thr illti3f3ll required at thr
uavy 314:ti0.
lIAL , ;
;:tuts." A 61.1 plsuk. Ni.. 1.2
ii:ack 1.4.4111 M 11,0 u 1,0,1•:... 1.1. NU. 612. el:Lk...Alla
.40110 .1.1 Y. .1...1 t.. 10. .2; . I'tLlC CS, 01k . 0:1L
67. ,•it.ch, hi: 011: , Clll.l.
U. 40. L.W.
N 3. Wll oals.
tau, . No to.'.Plot, Tile. No. 11. Ash and cyIoOSCI.
11.1,,0ry wour, wood.
16. 111. r spr. . No. lrou. N.,. '1.2.
aiai tt din zinc and ti.n. Nu. eig run.
2.0. ds,o: o. 4116, UtC. 2b,
canna , :. Nu. 29 OuttULl ..11ti Vas. A.,. ..141. Fl, and (....,Cton
twine. N,,. L....Ashur. No. 3c. Iloilo. So
ituattnir anJ dry Goode. N 0.37. l'ar,
laic,' and r,,,aza. Taft_ w, s.ap, oil
chandlery. N. 4U. thtstionory. No. 41. Vire-wood.
lygou,sLY,N, ENV YUAC&
Class .so. IViiite-ouis 'riga. -NV. 3. Whit wok pronuaco
.l.la timbers. Nu. I. rohuw-pine plank stuck lugs, Nu..o
White pine. Nu. :.eh, 4.4 white-4Jak boarda. No. 12
iilack walnut, cherry, 6c. No. 13. Locuti.L No. 14. W - uite
nn tiara, hickory bare, and 'JUL 15. \V hite-call vee
li.aulari.4. No. LU. pluck spruce. Nu. 14, Lignunre/tth.
•o. Sidhea and mule. •0. 33. Lead, aluc,
tin. Nu. iron. o Su. hardware. Nc. 27.
Paints, wits Fiax canvas. No. 29. Cotton can.
vas. Nu. ,2,J. h and cotton twine. No. 3L Mists.
Leather. No. n. lluat. No 34. Brushes. No. 31.
and dry gouda. N. , . 37. Pitch, utr, mein. No. 33. Tbalow,
soap, ail. Nu. 39, dinp chandlery. No. 40. Stationery'. N s ,.
41. Fire-wood.
Glans /V. 1. White-uali lugs. Nu. 2. White-oak t.
Nu. 3. Whito•o.k prualiacuuue Limber. No. 6. Yellut. Jinn
plank stuck logo. No. 7. Yellow-pine bealno. No. 10. V)Luto
pule. Nu. 11. Anti, cypresa, white oak boards. No.
slack walnut, cherry'. No. 13. Locust. No. 14. Whip, ash
oars and hickory btu - a. No 10. 13lack spruce. No. 1e I.ig•
nuinvitin. No. 21. iron. No. 22. spikes and nails. 1.
Lead, Laic, and tin. No. 23. hardware. No. a. potato.
Flaz Guava.. Nu. ..4). llottou canvas. NO.
30. Flax. and cotton twine. N., 31. , Ulan:. No 3Y. Locoker.
N 0.33. 'luso. 34. Hr.... , N. 36. Bunting our. (try
goods. Nu. 37. pact , t a r,. rualu. No 3S. 'Tallow, nua L ,. ail.
No. 39. ship chandlery.
()land Nu. lu. Iti Wt. pion. N , . 11. Aaly cyproaa, white
oak board. No. le. Black Spruco No. :a. irou No. ax.
Spaws and Nalia. No. :NJ Ww...1, saw awl au. No. za. Po;
'row No. 'la. Llkrilwaru. No. V. :Willa awl Oda. Nu. 2a.
BOW* Mina Dia U. Wall awl cotton Mom. Nix at.
Gia..4. No. S.:. r 37. Pact:, tar .44.4
38. Tallow, soap, oil 't :{g. Ship ch:indlory.
and alloy iron . N. 44. Chain iron. No. 45. ingot c:,oper
:so. 7. lbtitcel I tiik"ott.
Class N. 1 18 . 1.1 to onk. :•:. 6 pi
dtock low. ':o 1••. o
Ask :o1•1
Nu 12. , chorr I 4
lo t", 41. r. •
Lignonivitit• •••• Irou . , ;••
ZN. Lend. zi.;; . ; ;.; I.;• N
'. 0 . 1.111
4U. :-.t;t1..!:..r,
N, 1. %%100- Cr ,
11'1 L•- • i CII id• !
N., '
14 .1, 11
I,r, • .. 1
I', in,
1112, i 7
i :LIC _
I f k.-. 0 .1 i .11 I.' A 2.N ,
illl 11 Zz ILO L. t
pal a L.. LI r. .. , N ut. 1., t I
Uk LI /11A stud el Z.,: l. 1 4 .v2 a -
OIA AP0L.}..7 , ,k. • • '
Lille Llttl4,ll i'IIALLELIII,:iI G:ILC-LL,Ze, in , -11111 L "'ILL 14,:sr
:hut Itn TI - 1/111.1 lILLII - ..• 'III L"
with 'I
',WIN 0!1 „Cher
7:Uu :07
. P.M .)A) ,
_ :d. I to.) 1. '.l
CIL t t—Fire 41. i .ok.l ~ • .11,0
r.aprett, a_ 1.-0 I'.
11 CIN L—hrn. OM.) A.- __ti
7.1:5 A.. '.21.
pre± 4.113 Y. Al.
Tnaus 101 C.
al •:'Oll.
Ft eyuo with Trisi.wi vVaLhott
Col.ll - 6.111:iaolL LOU, ,
L.. L.:. IL, 6,11 Limit ,iILLL Trrtio.. 411.1
I , .iytk,tl Ntict I.
I 'l't it a., .unn, Lk littlell.l
12111.1.6 Ir. at. anti (_;Okr7..,
`i , m.‘ . olllJ,'l.l. •_,:l!l . ,• - turl .
.1 - Alun. At Fort{_l.', ,L. Lola, C iiLit% ..22.
•it :ttpi i.tt• FlLlOUltato pliu rn, t tat 110.221. LULL u . 2-4
I 2t2 "
ttrt,l. t.• -12,Ctitor -I 1111b1, Wall Tl.lttte. Lu ca
runt 311,1 1011. The L.. 7., \
It' , ill l'luht.urgh Lu Crt,Ltit. , 21 t: - .1111 tor 10..2.212 Lia t t
2 .t. 2 122, OVerratlttri by alt : 2 , • ond ~Atre s.
tt. t
~1,1-1. tor
2. j 'a, la , . wk , ' a,
ber.y . t 2.1 1. tor \.••A •
ttrinla-22. tit.l ; tr.
ItAttitti....llt CtilllC .1:2 2
3.. i, 1ti...,
Clit.b St any 3 Ard
: in a.I Ctrmlvcuu:y
5. 00114 jlaLe 'Ad
, n LI Tht3.
L..t• I,r
3. w
e -11trt.
• .11 ill ,
• 1 , 1, u.dlt,
1,1/J i
rural 1.1
111.41 B,Cllllly, t%014L)
.Lguutui e. A Ii
Iz,n.S.C . JIU,SETI:I,
- - (1,
tact thst L:-15 o "Iroct zirlii
Jut., 18,S,
tile 1.;;N1 I Aldbl/
It N.TU 1t Y I.N
L . ,,tii ,I:,ctsi.;L. i i -. 1 , A, —..". ; k,r—,,...1,, - . I, ~ .
Aii....10, , ,t) l' L,:6, , • -.. , ......4.., C. , i `,.1,..: I
, t , { , 1 , - ,, .. ..::,,, 1 \I ......, . •. 1 •.t...:. 1 i , 1.,
1..1., • \1 LE - .. .....
TrllVeler9 o{' r, k.•
.111;1119r Ow O.. the -nly A Jen:
Ith. .3 11 . - IL
E 0 It" 1, • AIL ti 1 ,
l'ouurctcd wiLh J. pot. •
141 y vaid Gl eto • •, 1.
ma • t.4•.n.1i,t1 ;•.•. i. , :31•!••, I II
ICALOH tat tic:3lll 11010 C
' l ' ll. .11:43 III;!,. 4.11
. :aper1111...1..,T1L.
iEbT ;ii; afi.i; ll tom.
U (..1..•.k21.51N.A.L.':, LUi L. , V ti.LE
VI k null
4:41 . 41;;0k5i, ' 6 '447"
• I 1:1`,C1N:•.1i..1.1..\\2.,,T ,
' 1 111 - 5 L. 1 2, LE i, k.,Ji1100.e./ of i.:.0a,,i, uf ~i::
Flint. tfln., , , ,t,,t/ I, It.ttatru t - -tt. . .. '.- .. i ., ..i ~./
1.4,i11y etIiCIV,Z4, i..tritto. ,t t it.. C.:,
Utrvit t.,111110,1,.L1 13 ,uu: • ..( l. i
;I•stAtel,f,i,pl i1i.11,...1, lm. , tio..lit.
I...rada, I,llig CIJII , I(`C On)
'.;ol.llloCt..vt: ClPiti, t'L. I:, is
:ta t'cv to..
. :id .11 /1,
. 111111,101 - 2.
/“.Id nil pUltall w 0,11,11
'rnuus ..k1 1 11..1
Fare Lty 14 Z cee y ,-)lL.cr
kiA 4 .lLiAu
~kot JCL'
tcat4,l via Delawaru
1L4...i). :I.
The Cilevelialmi, .Pittsinirgh acrd
Patsburgh, Columba., A, kt,Aiiciiatiali
IL A 1 L It U A Li
Change of
ON ; AND M-1 Y it l u,
1858 Instils will Itp-c • Lb L: 1 •• •
Cea trul Railroad l•
6:45 A. M. if ~r BCPYAL.U.I.I4nwir.
CfficAu° AN:, E. 51.
!for ULLVE.L&:th,
2 :35 P. 11.- C-11C,OU AND r.
111 in Li ,6;1:1 C,LlLlveLlat CIO; e!nud r
%kiV, d 1,1,e1
4:00 P. 1,1... t , : i 0Z ALL IVAY OTATIO/1. %IN att t... tat.
t rigtil deg. tug W g pOILILtI LA . ) •il,l
(..;11.4.1g0, ,Irt Jievulnud, uttAdt. 1.4 :Or crc6uln cu. JiL•Vt . I.L ni
al.'.:. ,E 01. 1111.1..—.2u th-la after DAY, thu
ut NA D y, 1858. TritiuB trill leuv , " thu I,opot or . rho l'e::11.,)
LIM Ceutrai hill' O'
For : 4 Tt. LIIENTIII.I4, k
3:00 I. N.LNiienneous, Lo L C Also, Mm-
Pllll3 11.1..1,1,z,
CI AN, .7 , T. Lull', ALL
2:35 P. M. 1:301, &ND
111 , 01.40 to • ..ICltl,li t
Ui c,brs
,„,. .• „
p • I, .) 1:1111: , 11 , 11.11 LIL
!vr [hit, JA 7.1 h.. rA15.11 lti t;.,
1au.:1,14.q.,.: L.. 6
. . ItA•ILEY,
C. K.
IL a it .
ON n.ad after Mor,lay, t:ie I It.ti
.11%11,1 Wilt t'U /
thu Pi/11114y,11101/1 1 . .1.1,111/0. , / V218,41/4,1' /W// --
.• 1 I NI
EXprur./1 Cram tea ..... .11
tine 1011t , 1 GUIII,OI it Pit.
rrlAlag rat '
Ticitots to tie liad. at L•'all'tVlV. UO 141.111,
Awl C ,ullO. Ia V. With Duo Ling
00aCh.i tut I .13' t,111,;,
ut W.' 4 l wlth COJ-Wu, I M J'tt, I,alA,
I: raiet to
to Ir.nu “li/ 1:4; • .1
011,i CutilculLOW., 70. ..-
.IcoKeti 111 ourgli, •'IAI. k.IIV/I,
Doi.ot." .•
Stow, yilinch will bo ii.llyd or tia ~1:04 , !Litet •
par, or at Dep,t, may ran g e,: ~!i
Ag,•10., itailroao. al
Transportation Depa.rtmout P.
Cortuoliovillo, nay ny'
New outs via River aud iia _treat>.
et tin a
oiNiNt;ctilkici AT INDi Ak•u with
Tc.r.-ro tau i 1.111,0 n.ld AL.- :6_,
to nu.! La3layotto uuu 1,111.11“.pollS, Now /11:,,,"
atilt :talet, ant: I,eitdrai Cktie
..OUl( .HLAN 11, 9UIS LSYt3 P'l ', -:f ',it rtueltatc
TaLou,u Frlaght ra:11 la
<it'd .•. - .rt.l;
Pre4 . 4 - tat. or La ~ b ur.„ ,
trill. LUAU ,a 7 vtaul tip' =4 h-'lttl, And ,UN rarri.4
"I:Lo ru.r ~hapz.totiti (7,w DO mane tram %AL
.:Liam:Li to chi , i'laSt, altaan;
Curatagramon's muds .0 J. E. rilBl3..rte9, ACns3 dt
nt . W. f.. AEoe.l
reeArive, prompt d'itaattax.l2, att.: Lla 0,31'60 100
ri4 caarilr , frrr L0ar:a.r. , 310:3 .L.-_;, , ,roaerref. ,, !sry,i.
t., la:1h t.r .ri:aru.a.lA, 0 1.1 u, AN,
(No. 11J .Vrrter b 21,1,1,) Agra, who Is pr.;
psrvd t;: girl)
Orr w
ebnrl,34t.• :• ,
Lt.th.ll, l'ttuttti.3ta
- • Latti t .tgvut. mra
I'* IJE,I,UT k._. , 1-i,i:,,.
A t:•,). have Ul3 Duna, at
41,d JtLJ ,sIAN Cileee
i.o,lol) o; rnittit aL , s,rtinnuc'ol
And Plain Flu moll 1r; per
thou custeinr.ry ratz-n. ea:ill OD It'.
CHAIRS, Wheoc , rale in folno,,Anzbracin,, , . o: nr3
Otylu of 'Farnitutt, In 1i4 , 30,0V0041, taitt.olly and Walnut,
lnitable for Parlorn, ChamLoro rind Dining Houma, equal t
any to New York, or Vililielelo.4., (we. , zt lower I,f Ic vti. ~1, 3
article ;nada by LiaLci r.ad C4biLt-a,ap•-r, eui.-
I , litai with any quauttty LTIiNITIJILE and OU Ai 113, t'n
rostaonable term, liutets mud t'cc..suatr.ata turn oiLtaii at 1.1.•
ahortatt 110303. WAMITIWITI., Now 77 7`• 3 11,, L,
STAR,CII.-250 ban li.oonenter Pearl
realived mica Loy We by kilabik" ti. Wl•fiTni~
I $314, Sumnaer rira tigemPt nfl
H:J:3).; 1. 31., Let
14., L'..
I 1 I 11,
Ui .' r
.O,L) A FPER vIONT , -.Y, MAY to
\ 'v
‘; lA r] NT it 1 , \
C. 11: m. 4
I . 6; 1%11,1t0i ut
16.6.1'6,66 't
• ~ .I ‘2o .k 0 , 7'; A
i , •ict•pt Z•utiOn)•.) at 4.1:u P.
t • H.. 4 A. NI
• - . 13[1.'11. 6:10. P. N.
1... t illadrarnir 111.6 •.,1 tht'
iE EXprt•t4 I 641 L I.
'.. , 1E1,110W eatl3l. tilltt
iT I r-A '4 I. l'AdliN ELL:WILLY Th. A
.• ;.11 1.1.1
Ica ~huntlAy
I. lLk 1 N 7:00 e. m I EX REN-, 'l .
1;.1. I .
NU 3 from Nail:do,:
arrl vo at Yiunburgli, 8:445 n. m. and 1:10 P.
...1.. The 444 aill nml IL .1
, In,' I tfl•• BS) ,int,
.Ic,ull2ll!..tlatious now otlurrd he -llr-
' , liter rut; tu. 'Le ail
,•0 ..util,l3 iro rt./ U. Ctli 1, We ,nu NI UDUed S'>;
I all, to all Who may t.,vor ;hie a. ,a.l with tl...ir
t1.;,00 I To lia; o,or,
. 10,00 "
• H:ii.,:(ll,ttif
CA.4.,4A+,.. , A 11.000 to 1111 titationn on the l'uLLA.,yl Jan). AA ,1 1
.1, AAIA , IAA Inthimore and N e Ybrk.
I'..mettgers purche-dittA ticliet.e cart, wilt It, cattrge.lt,tt
out, m ulilitiou to Irtmi ktp,
.here the Compttny hen uo Ageu..
7‘ttTlCE.—ln ego ui tent. the C.Jlllpatl3' u,it :told 1/I,iii
ciipiiiteitiiiv pe,rsoli.4l ouly, , tool to' .s 0
Alount not $lOO.
Et. , ..o•kior Orono, 4 isill , 1.11.11 Lent, 01,,,1,1,,y,..t to]
and zo 'Aso! !rota t.lte Unje
too .00
tel t,Ch losomougvr 1,11,,•
~ '1• ttUF.. It 0p5. , !.n. .J. riTEWALI.T, ikKout,
t 1.. I , 'int , ot!•.ll,
Liberty owl Cilotur. Et. cute
f‘i S LI/AN IA RAIL 4) Ati
el'AT't kLi
•"'4L tho Atlantic with N
oil .South-western State .1 by t 5 u.. 16 iilloll/1
u6O Cvnitt ,, ,to at will, I /
L. Ll.t• Cii
1.511,1 and ZNAMILINLy ;..i..:Lu.ithelo to tile North.
En.,0.,.1 II g t h e Int"lL ui VErr, 111(.11•:in't u ud
KU!. , LT Illy a i we-rd-. 1 t. ~u•.l
I rota lit wtitAT
.ten bet. el.: Ei hFia7o.eii,h iP. di- 1= tel.) es re im
Hata ai I
Ita...tia, Dry Gc,u15...., Luis, . Lock, (- ,
trunks,) Dru.e, : lu bum - ow : and Lal.a.
Feathers, Fur,.
.G - and ricking
Jr.:cc:sOn Ilarilwarn. icig. n...
cr buSciO, Wool , nn.'. 11... K.
En-cc - ward, /cc., ‘ni .
"HI otonl,
Mac,,,, efr. , l
or in aack..), 108011',
rUti j tIICC CIZ3I .3 or C
pouicm r.LA.8.,;-4lntfee, Pi3r6 Bacon, 1;•••1 •
JI:01 ork. jiLl CJ03.3 Or o:ll , :aHtw 4, , 4,
I,nr.: .rid LardLi!, N :-.01/10 Si: 1 •
man nay, Tar, l'lmm , .c.
oat!! tur - ther
in car haulm, 83 'OlOO 1t.... hutil tnct ti, I
ont • !ho.
I &Aber
::hipping finch •
bo .;.incticular rar.r;:.
.Itinroad- ' All One.L. COO,l/Jr,Leti ii/0•11: , •• 0:
4/I.IU or I t131)111y3 . 1. Will tt• w!:ho
oy 81, . ~
ek i; t. I , O'Ril,y ,
Co., and Carter a ,
,Iruna, ; 11, . a A and
:it - ,cncntt:. N.
• _. :•1 • t2.',
ow V. ,rt,' • •1, \ I alll t, and
, 1 . • •
- 2-1( ) .\
1 . II N F.P OIF - 1 2 , 31 A-..... . -: 3ti O.) II
, :112,1
, iiSt., 1)1 , 4',1,Z,i - ;.. - : i
DOtileid I •
'", C
.4. ,11.1 [411,01;
nr'''- , -
odu I t Store,.
U. 1, rt26lL.Lt:tfally
tat,uclu:. L(1,11' f. 111: r
L!1 4..L.,r,ti1y I
r j4t#.4“, ,jvi lce Forviizu
rt,a3inturA „,1 V, ~,.•;,
iapti,try .•i, -
d i.) ii.k."l I', lift
lin.; , L.1:1,1 • .1111.1 i ,1111.0 ,
It Willl, • ~1 .!
or por , bithil.;, az. ,o;
,1101 ~,ay Ca orus .vitu a s!:.
L.,. old .. 0 LlO ~3t,
1V:1:. IV D. A: ;1.
UtiOT LL) L',:,l: , ;(i—tri tJt kllth,
~,1 o••tt 1:11,
' A: Plll LW
i ott T A
on ncian, tad ay., n r ; •
11 to 1-7.01 oar own artu*)l :11“1.111(3.C.L: :1,2, .4. 'ar . e.•
f 'l:nruming,Tabn. .••
,arent, Buff, and all kinds (1 - OM Cluta,
Llouth fm +tishlug Pdtlnir 1 , (11 - fx4od. Tt anapa..'it
Itharles, el Iv!! 0 4 : 11,1, 1 ' 4 —gold .
bc3 anti IV.Lniow Trurtr
Nl,rruwitr utlicu - s i t, 1 0 tlifuf
itnin.. 011" 1..n1 bijaro :melds.;
01et.u!.," J.
Bel ma.! Di di. .
t. 7 -17 tAn
cut t, of^ tto:t. ior ttrt• tit" t to iVotytt
etrotug, ao Okir
0C1:2-3 J. :Lt.:l,-,
ELC) _ITC 24 ilkkT (Gr.
- -
The Best any Cheapest in Use,
tatii.NT 6z, ii.A.RDIAN,
FAu rUii.Eti AN! ) Dr:.\ E ItS N
Autpcti ed telzt and Wazcr t- "root
ettle.t null (:ravel Roofs
Elastic Mires Water Prooi Canvas Waling,
Suum. of our Itu)fs may be been at
th,, pit: tiliSif ,, y a. a t,.e Cop';. , er wort. , ;
, it Co 's carriagr factory, ; Graff,
Itouni nvw roll utq mill , liouturou lona.
eery ant uwoLau shop; If new planing
aui d, couch l'it.titirgh; Urn. Writ. It.itanson's Dwelling AA
egaeny ; \V'. t C. It. it , and C., C. 1 C. It it. freight
Crtistlir, , Wt. :'. H. it. tuililingA, at
,Loctuttet out teffiCl3.ll.%y ilgo.
hiss been in ode fitce.ea years, anti
,41 :es Kilt . 1 50L100 . or c1u , 11,1 to cut 01,liti, 101 if cu . . liiar,
coutAinia,.t , ver ,1.1) i,i , ,,t,ostttying
re suuro ou Du,l °site Depot., at.
Clitarloa lkspatch 13r.iiiliug, Post Eallilintg,Chros
lcit at. A talle,N it. Ctiurch, thud atriait;
liou,e, I) ...Ira tiled: Warouousii,
Chess, 11",„ou r,,iliri t ; aoil; and [dick factory.
C.; • F,
ilc dpl,ll , LL I & web
ne n, 11,1 , 1 tdrt.l.Cr r prCH.W.
Seventy-Five New and Second-Allman
CAikRiA~ '.R.~i ) U( & ate°+,
W , ll 1 T E
o Si 1 L J=
U. In I :.:.i.noultblo , terms, 61
1.1,1t1 ,ISSor:IIInLit _4l.l'oll,llrd elt - CAJLCi-head
luad.• by NV un , eu, el l'hhddelphni, some out ...zee
uses. Lvieuty-eue new Buggies, me.dz in my ,wu
the very best material purchased in I.l,3tern ;MIL 6 ,1.
flue lot of ircattug soo saxmd.untel.
fir Jouti'y Wagcah,
Wltgoul itud itec:s.d.wayt, i. fine I'Matent, n...at3 Ctr
t.or perl,olle, cuG Si them VS -
At:m..4 make, and the ether
York make. rwu au( alau, !Dy
Phdaialphia, and a law ( 2onimun
lc light marketing. tt it tars hum,ell, that
ha can make it to the ititmeat ut pernuaa to pa •
chaste_ to glee a call.
etktabilahment to the ciLy,
thualnua Lice ut ire pa3,tbg tm ,10J. (L.4I.II,IIUCUS.
11111.. i:/ Jo4'o J )SEI'L (Tr;
TEAM 1111 LL, SfEANI MILL—Fur sa.i©,
A kui2t, mrit, au complete rue Lig ordei . ,
stone, imam Thactu,•. n e,i u a , aClivr, 4
Mau, a dwelling houtu 01 4 Cage stable and :41.) , ..3
o: gruund, aituato 1n roost , Ittataa.,,h, hill te :mid at a
bargain. (.111.11Br',I3a' A SON,
m}ls 51 Market Meet_
HI TING PAPERS—Of every desorip
tiui 'A - holed:1lb or retail, b)
1,07 caber Dealers, 14.h."1 dtrtut.
VA 1' PO IV I ) 14: R. --5 0 boxed Soap Powder
of our ..11 tudnuidetuld, warrautedl dupcnor to any
otl..ru.i .4
Ia chin market., uta hand and for ',alt. b )
B. C. A J. lA. SAWSI.tilt
o O , .i.—Dreened Huge, jaet received and
ft:: mitt by JAMPzi A. EXTZYkt,
dab ail Wimair
tr. +,
t .1 Ong. t,Di
101,(1 I,Vrt
~, iLt I,r
,_c 11,
1• 1 k
i. Li. iisiL,TON,
- v.r, , lgti , Ag,t2t
T ,!,1.;.,112;T.
i, Vl' ki 6
Pin LL
v" -F, ; MATTING,
\U. 4-11 iT LI :‘7.1. 4 ..E ET
+ I IIS 4' 11) eA i
4 -4 ERMA- -
. 4 T-tel.:tot) nu DE. 0.
Will offectnally f o ur
T, 9Y:iP..1•Lz."81.6 ,
a, Inward
.I:hh , ed. to the
:• . :ty t -t r!zuwacii,
n. r otat,
t: 'a r F.ll,lehl.
I'7:Of Skr-
Ct. i - aokintr. or Bmi:batting
tao a .1 tug Po-turo, Lehaneee nt h ldlen ,
the ritgat, z over and Dull Pair
ti l'enCien,y u 1 Per , ctratiou. Yri
rt , ttl 0i the ;kin and Limbs, Nita'
!tact, Cheat, I:falba. a•-
Vtrittex 0 . 1 litallt
Devr•etl.e...a t
valuable it:Wet-rt.:La ~,,„
'•' dditertier. Riri!dj
stdL3 l ldll.,:dirl} 1.1 the
uur; • llit•
1, 1, , E6:10,
71 -- i7 I...usts Gt
• 41, the itater:z.s, ttut.ueu., wecu.
lisidst duriug the !Sit: 1.1 LitiLrig I
at I,,,prica,ol-. f di
Hitter.+ sro seapted, It is with sorrt.w GN ,Ity it, is 1.!
, itideed there ii scarcely a family through
;0,1(1 :113:t•
pt.. aitar
.:•.• wauu-t.:.te.l •
-.•••pn-riance this ;;lays of i avail
hrel etroclrl be. y.L.ced 4.ltli'
j. 4711 ':l.:h 11 , 3 blueful or injurious drug en.
Ld c..II4IpVS. , a :Leta:ly on which the patt,ut
ctirliblence and certaibty, and be assured
tr.r, , tba, and taut-Cole proofs that the article he ie 11,
1,11, [lO,, Lil attributed to it. Such a Piaui.
ill4)1' LAN G EAT:JAI-1 BITTIllt8." Thousands ,
r - . , ,tled in its znanufirczbre aud diffusion
, hr. mit or [ilia ELIA the -proprietor
tilt , 4rttatkat eatitsfactich stating that there is no
olllit • t.i , Vt•ii I , t•en
.014 ';t: r /W.,/ Illitaber.
t 4. it. rirtua..
1' leitcc• rc•'.. cc' I
ic : 1 :1.)-1“.1111C II: tuc i,.un;ry.•.0.1
'. W')121.1
, .1, . _
.11 with it:ty cf the above diatoesea to gr., rt.
~•At 7/1;1•gu1
, ; .13
Uf.untly 1! . !WA
•t 411 alre, !0.4.1 gnat hunt
ti n'entien to iietimeny in l'aeor
a, eni•.• l..•gnd well :,
i• ,I 0 tl, Union. All Agents r it.. 1;:i
eL •*r.. out 1 , , I e. , ,• 1 1 , JlrtriLolile• Litt, A Itiiiwitc ff,r3ttl.ll•l2.ol:'
. • • tut..!:l , et ,t.
‘,l till
s.t carata ts ID t•V.4 y !OW •L. ,
a . :11V11.111, and Ly
1. I'AfiNESTOCE h 00. mr,
Lr (?1,0.
01 :Ili ilDietimt, tin) ;(rent, ur.t. Ch 1.1•.,
, 2pr it • 4 ,-; ItiwE
S k 4 ' it 4 N O T
is GLAIIAN'fI.:I42,I) IN
8-.1-.A base, I,er
in Ink V, ctrl Lure., +iteete. U1'1,7 el, Lia.Lr icie,
iittinct older, .71.ercurial litionmatista, Scr,
II ~.one ,111 Atkins., Dint:amen ut the Lunge,
atLeu the Daly or Limbs, Can
-Vi d liatkOe, alld all d1.9 , , , a.313E
.• raux . e..,:.ut et the Sexual Organa, toch as
atettiory, Lou ot ;waver, general
•.., 135,06-. lIIJI,AIIir in
• wa&e:zilues,], ily ;IA •sin firer
II i•. c the b.uW. and i:ead,
L L lischargco rrntu both
;., ,/ uu, I. 0a cdcee the diseain origior,
ohstinme ['au case, recovery is
tlwrtk•i - Link. z..uall a pormuueut care eau be
) u.Ely ~tins I
v!iie.l skid anu reakit,l r
,its u. ..:re. The medidues are pitman; wit;, , ,c;
,Ickll , netg a:,,1 Tree true.t triNAlstt!a.
i rn,u,v, I 11,, re ct t i tr a in the
Lat ste-;em of
die by the , :
.i• ; •.) tbe
il.ude,* IDj a 1.-& ,- ft , ct
c:tri.. ret •1',1`5555 urn tlie greatest
t.:.ey .5 the rrt.t tonne .if S. r...
'w nud rues} ri:0011 lie 5 tern,[
1• Ortitss , ••it 'ire `tilr ett
Ut,lll ill
U 3 V.ll
1, t. , 11.• [412,1 1:..0 of juL )01
ki 7, 1,11 t Ci: , ehseS
,‘"•, Ws with nitirciii ;
rlll , 11, v ,11 thy 11!IStet.'.! a v•si.,‘
.cl 6 rnr tr,itl.ret I:: 00( ,InJ6 d
nn4rriv-. :n • dldaaa, eutad,.l
ara cra-litntioliA,
~ dr:dp:od Iv a vinia wha:h I:orray
U Pir•d - ktion; and ld.tat•r
ays-4, r.d.. - ,.at and langa ; antadliu a,..
d••na,; and ,kws:gning
'lll ,r Ltlt•
L• ..?%; tit G it, ,re pisz
n! I I': hn,:o c t un
kr 0 uq .tai•
V -a the ,i.,;hl
...:1/JvC3 11l
I ,L(i ft;lta:aj
,•:1L.C1p1.6 twt uty yetirt of ,r.cti.o,
fiv• 110 reiaarii.B)..te
NitlicinoB, with li: Itruction,, neat an; part of tip
uißd Jtate ur ;pro:it:nal communienting that
etptOlW i.y kt tut . , rrvipouti,tice acridly
I. tint. Addrts6s ttlit ..12,15.`r 1 Li, .7,, .1!. D.,
Otnre No. 11 1 Pit et Etruot, ,Old
rt,; roeAt u. .7Aakk;s; AilAstnel
n. LAT! r Nu,s-u... , ;
rnit Sullar3
‘4ll,ltabll 4 itt,3l JOWNiry,
41VE,' nud Silver Yluted Ware, nitiiilgTeat vurioty • .7;,,,•:11 ,
r Fuuoy ,Lui Staple Goods; to be disposed of iu
At, 0110 dollar per hare, ae follows:—Upou the
0111..1(Iliar. L will send the payer a ninubcred !•e
-him to/ one share m the above uudr
-Ilec property . When tilt shares shoJI have bee a grid, the
:lareholilern t.ha , l tic nottned of the fact, by mail, or through
tic newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders snail
, e , c, he held to the city of Phardelpbis, sa.ati the. whole of
- he property disposed of or distributed among them ; in such
,oy shall be determined upon by them; each Sharellolii
/. • r • entitod to one vote, a Committee to bo selected
S:irune.l6ors at cold Ideating, to conduct 4 , r 511Peritl
.,f tho property, according to the three
. - the Sliterelohder., i will then deliver the pro
•- r:. , ; , orion or p-rsolls as the Shareholders may
Real Estate onueins of
to Wee l.pry house and lot, valued ou,
o story 'olio's dwelling iota annal
S. . I et/di. in tie city of :di iladelolda, clear of at. i:,cum
, and title 11,ilinpuLtible . rho lb r property consists
:hi, whole stuck and Lis:tures one of the largest Watch
.'.l Jewels: , ' , tope , in tlic city of Philadelphia, now, and Mt
tittle kept by tics subeertter. "rhe stuck cousPL
dl. TOry f. no Golf: and filver tenting Case Lever Watch
,' et fine hold and se., Lever, I...pine and other
armies, hold Chains. Peuelle, Seals, Lockets, ilat
Bracelets, Diamond are; ...tiler Mugs and ?ins,
sih Sleeve thittoni, Clohl. Silver and Steel Spec
-ld ond ;7alver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated
Ware. immiscin..: Tea Sets, Couture, Cake Baskets, Cops.
nive-h Fmk,. &c., itc. Also, Frond. Clocks, Mesa
ac ten, aecordeons, coo dgp nt ner,ety 0: other The
15 out use of those schemes which are devised to en
.rap the unwary, but Li cult will be a fair sale el the entire
ar,perty belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively
-..- - irost the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of
. aed to palm on Common hilt and Plated Jewelry,
See held, coil i,e tel the mast respect.
le imrswa are givcu as ruiel'lllJ,/, to those disposed to put.
inn-a. shares. All milers by enclosing the money will
be promptly attended to, and receipts forivarded to the ad-
Iress if the sender, by return mail. Any person &ending
t• t: dollars at -us t iwe, shall raceitmeleven sepseste receipts.
in as many ritilittritte orioles if desired.
writinu fur share_,
idel‘qo write the Hanle ut Lh
PoNt Office, to w.2h you wish the answer direet..d. Thin I,:
the groutußt than. , r getting a largo I.lllollilt of yaluat.,d,
~roperty, r,r n swell 'gun, a, That ever before bkiell offered
B:1.1 on your order 4, iui shares are selling rapid
, an..! c,utldeutly t zpoet,eti the distributitu will dulAl
Articles ailutted to per,ioiin at n dieZauce, itlll it a. Ott to
thew st their extwuce.
491. A.;ezita %ranted iu eve!, All
must G. , r,1,1r......h.e.1
NO. NJ !;oi.:lt z.ecoild Strvnt, above
.A.) :o.i Plllll4tliphil..
el I.OV EltSEk.a).-25 sacks just rOCl3iVed,
fG.r.4t!, - ; fel 1 • H ii. 00L.ta `7 8
Durio,u'd nixcem of Peonaruthip, for Kai() by
W. n. lb A VSN,
Corn,: Slesket Mgt btrbett.
541) LikbOSS HY 3
AVE Nc‘. t.).\ PENS
1 r.,4,11ftu1 3,14.1 (01 unto
Mi,r - t; 4, 4 nc•Odl.l.l ntreHia.
()( g ), 3 A I' I ' , I II S Y I , I W H ; ' 7I34 9aI VE .4
°by CO.,
Nce. IS _n:121)1;7,4,1 ntre-9.t.
W"OOLLEY's SALVE for ssie 17110fosia0
nod retail at the brug . Store of
t Wee. nudSLT,th ste, Pittsburgh
frMOT LI Y SEE I)-_allbush. Good Timothy
Seed for do by JAIL & FETZER,
PLOUR.-15 bbls. Just received and
fur ..ale by H_ENlti' H. COLLINS. •
1 - A .14 [10 - S.—LI bbls. flesh Eggs lust received
, 1 and for gale by lineal ilk:N I,Y IL CULLLLS.
EXPANSION Slit i-TS—Steel Spring, and
all the abet tel-,ibrntoti Skirts, for ,ule by
ap2C JOS. lIORN le, 77 Market street.
LACK LACE Ml'l"l'S.—A large stook of
”xcellunt ell 1 without lingers very cheap
(an2s) r Market street.
COT'l'oN iS lfK Y . —.b. very variety of
awl tlnll lb., at the le, tet prl, ea
wholesale or retail. at H,
ap21.1 77 Harker stroet..
bbls. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on
wLungumout, by (apt) lIENILY H. COLLINS.
$6OO FoR, a two story frame dwelling
LOUso told lot of ground 50 feet by 100, pleas
Wily situated "It Sat- ViaititagtOn. Terms easy.
fed S. CUTHBERT tt &IS. 51 blarknt t.
lE)LACK CRAPE VEILS—Of extra ea siZ
1 and quality—very cheap, at HoRNE'S
77 Market street .
TARCII.-300 Us. Rochester Pear/ S
preparatory to or after taking Qfii
nine, they almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail when ad
ministered in accordance with the
, 1 . . LLI
. . • ..3 rlntwv.xi,
, LAU, u I sttientl, L..• LII
• - , Llt sy , toni, rtil•"11,,
'i tr. (U
t Ill:- .11; -7 C.. 1 , n. •• I
41111 the-C
... tallai/ ey1;,1.21,
t IllAir".0 nr„01.,.r
rear A
OR. N 11, 5 S
W E beg leave to call the atudn
tion of the Trade, and more
especially the Physicians of the
araintry, to two of the most popu
Aiu remedies now before the public.
We refer to
Dr. Chas. lilltnie's Celebrated
ralifuge and Liver Pills.
le do not recommend them as
°versa' Cure-alls, hut simply for
, t their name purports, viz.
expelling Worms from she
:ian system. It has also been
.inistered with the most satis
.ory results to various Animals
Iject to Worms.
•,s the cure of Liv ER COMPLAINTS,
HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases Of
Their unprecedented popuLyity
has induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in winch they have been success
fully engaged fur the last TN.\ emr
Years, and they will now give their
i.i , idivided time and attention to
• manufacture. And being de
;ermined that Dr. Ml.ane's Celt:
()rated Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among tl
greu remedies of tile day, they
will continue to spare neither time
expense in procuring the Best
:llhi Purest material, and Corn
II a na l them ill the most thorough
manner. kddress all orders to
FLI:3IINi; HOS, Pittsburgh, Pa.
I. I - -.t I/111 k.H. I
• 1!, /II • V •II rk. %, I II ~r III. P A
i./ then..
• . vLitl. h, lti.t)
, 1 \ or I'lll.
, kr ti! Vet•lTilluur for
c.••, All I rum
5 tr. - 015 11371 , 1 and for
Corner Wood and Foartli streets.
- .OIZW" ra"."aaLii.TaLENT.
.'rivßte and Co , lficeD.tial Medical Advice!
CA. "CAL —aatc.taiatiod tor of Syphilis, Seminal
Lao 25r..rat lona:mita or Voutit and Maturity,
Dr. Budulo, N. Y. Oflico c, , ,r 11 .,;- of Mal,
.d quay , ur0,.:.,„ (up ctuiri.)
A :2,106T 801EICTI510 INVENTION.
.1n instrument for tho cure of Genital Debility, or No , ,,tn i ,
Ilmittnonc, word properly known its Viee'stneen,,
Cue perre.:aeatly cured In from nttoeu to twenty
.sys, by the tomb or this instrument, whoa need conjointly
, itli medicines!
_ -
601 take pleasure, a announcing that they
,ve inyented a most important(' II: umont for the cure of
/i.. fillOVO diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the
eminent phyeicians in Loudon. Paris, Philadelphia and
.au York; it has been declared the only useful instrument
re: yet Invent...l. for the cure of Seminal Weakness,or any
‘..i.ts.is.) of the genital organs, C1118:3C1 by the secret habits
Dr. A.l.lliti A Ekhq, la to her.isfy the mubt ',hooka],
to the merits of their ir.atrmittmt, pledge theinselvee that
any where they may prove uneatisfactory after
fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the In
,.rument in good ordt r.
Persoub wishing the above t....equi testrai_tient w:ll observe
:eat the price, with the accompanying directiotie„ securely;
inked unit eeut by expreiay is ten dellara.
Dr. Ahl.oB A SON may be consulted from eight e'eacck ttr
morning until nine at night, in every stage e, d symp
m of the Venereal Disease, Gonorrham, Gloms, z•ecoudary
fuiPtoins, 2eruinal Weakness, Impotence and thr , ,) tares of
drothra, etc., with inviolable secresy. The treatment
ley adopt is the result of opwnrd of thirty yea& extensive
successful practice in Loudon. The most inveterate
iser of Venereal Diseases eradiat,..i in eight or nine day'.
..id cases of a alight haulm in two or three days, at a mod
.ate aiming°. 'lie cure effected without confinement or
:adrancs from business; also, nod'. and pains in the bones
•id limbs, effectually eradicated.
Dr, AN.O6 A SON have devoted their attention exclnelve
to this peculiar clam of maladies, and the relief they have
iasequeutly been enabled to render to their fellow-creature
kitty testified and greatfully acknowledged by convales
eutpatients and others daily arriving in town from all parts.,
the Lountry, for the express purpose onlyot consultattons
their exertions have been crowned with the moat sig,
at advantages; yet front wt.., they nave experienced. -
aquiring Into too causes of these intectiona complaint
rum their most tal.,plo condition to that of the most den
crocus and luveterated) they have always entertained thi..
of their prevention anti removal, and likewise in
found that the moat horrible and mangnedit tonne
- disease could elitioet always be traced to one of the fol
'wing C-1 , 190, :—.lguore.ne,•, t.eglect, or the ill effects of tin
one improper treatment; Cher :bra, Dr. AMOS et
7:r have EllCCeduOd in discovering, in the selection of their
lueLlies, a cafe, effectual, amid cautions course; omitting all
._mabination of remedies which bear an equivocal character,
well as these whose premature or Injudicious application,
:ight be productive of bad consequences in the handa oa
:irate individuals. In ahurt .the laudible end of their re
is the lessening o t a great mass of human misery by
atleniation, relief and prevention of thoae grievone af,
,itiona that ere In re-Lity the secret foe of life, and which,
the they no extremely surround us, call aloud for our akin
~ a il interforentelor their extermination.
L'orooro Ia uay part of the world why be eaccessfrilly
aurted by tvrwardiug a corrt,:t Setoff of their L-u4u., with th
Jalittauev (4:
Addreef Dr. A. - . 10.3 L., tier and Quay streets,
;anal°, N. Y. ia23aittwly
11LDIUAL and Bill/ 4 / 1 0AL Ualces,
ISMIT/121.1111.D &reef, Pitts,
-irgh, Pt..
is au oidtun , _
orgh, and has been itt practice ter the :. •
twenty-five Vara. Ilid buninena tuts #:
.en confined ututitli fu Private end Ont.
•-• ,i;
2.4 ,
I need of a medical friend, should not .t."- , •
. .6.
-di to tint! out the care pinto of • .
he Doctor in a regular graduate, anti 't I .foi
is experience hi the treatment of a certain drab of diseases
... a eras guarantee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent
lief, by the We of his remedies and following his advice.
DR. lititOVr'N'S it'd Dag
ever fail to cm - o the worst form of Venereal Diseases--
aipurities and ticrofuloun Alfections. Also, all diseases
-rising from a hereditary taint, which mamfents itself in the
.rm of a totter, psoriests, and a groat many forms of skin
tisesses, the origin of which the pe.ient Is entirely ignorant
h persons so tar. ii. ortrts of a mire and
oedp recovery.
B nil:: AL ii•RA
Dr. lirowo'v remedies ter thia alarming treable, brought
012011 by that &Atter, habit of Donsual gratification which
young and weak-min :1W often give way to,(to their own
~ atructiom) are the only reliable remeclles known in thu
intry—they are safe, and make r. speedy roatoration tc
is -with.
Dr. hrowa', remedies uevur fail ta cure U 1 palaful diet
use in afew day.;—he will warrant a cure. lie also treats
Gleet, tiotiorrhesa, etricrara, Urethral Dlachargt, 3, Ye
Wealialess, Slunthiy Suppresdiona t Memos of the
.1 Aut.!, Fistula lu Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the Back
Itidueys, Irritation of the Insider, together with als
.:•auab<ii of an impure origin.
A letter deacriblug tha ayaApt v a : i.,, e,)ataiotog a /114 di
CI:A to DR. BROWN, No. Lei Staittinelast - rect., Pittsburgh :
L, will be Immediately r.nswercd. Medicine sent to any
address, gaiety packed acid Ilociare from observation.
°awe au.l Fnvz.te ittouLa.:, iN Q. ::+0 thuthileld street,
° ap9
ANOTHER supply of Low Son's superior
London Toilet Soaps received to-day, by
telti Corner DitialLnlll and Market street
10 SACKS FEATHERS, for sale by
No Vi and 30 Wood target-
fIRIED APPLES.-150 bus. shoice Pry
Apples, received and for aale, by
apa Corner Market •oo Itirvt !Moot&
Cards, Circulars,
Price Lista, 1111 Lading,
Letter Heads, show 13111 a, Labels, A c
Printed in eripi•riar atyla at abort notice, by
Printera )Dank Book ManuLactarers and labiltleiters,
_- -- 67 Wood Urea i.
BLACK CRAPE COLLARS.--.l3 eaut it a t
. wie . tbr ie le, at J08.E.111 ikomsrs.
pow ' • niiidisegim‘