g ,OCAL AFFAIRS. Court of quarter Sert•lons. Before President Judge William B M'Olure, and Associate Judges Adams and Perko. several offenders who have been convicted during Ow weok were brought In and received the sentence of Ulu °mart, as follows Robert White, convicted of stealing& horse from Ephraim klorroiv, of West Deer township, was sentenced to four years imprisonment in the Penitentiary. Ou two convictions for larceny sentence was deferred. J. L Mohr, with one or two aliases. convicted of grand latterly in robbing Dunlap's hardware storo, who made such persi.teut efforts to recipe, was sentenced to three years in the Western Penitentiary. John Davis, convicted of stealnag 11 , /11.1 i. , CI Still, of Armstrong county, and also of robbing the clothing More of James L. Byrer, of Warren, woo sent over for two years on the former and uric 'ear on the latter charg, the Court taking int.. conshleration the statement ot tl, inat he had never before commitwd • o often*, against the lave. Lie appeared very penitent. The retuallider of the bUBilliui6 way 0111111pOrtlitit, Will the ()wart adjourned until ten o'clock on Monday morning. District Court lu the Lintrict Court ou Saturday, Judges Hampton and W 1114111113 on the Beach, a queatbdi of liability wee d«,chied, of considerable importance. The case was that of M. Sweitzer YR. the illicelsior Omnibus Company. The plaintiff came to this city from Philadelphia on the Pennsylvania Halh - oad, having two trunks, for which he held cheeks. Near the city he was called upon by an agent of the Company, to whom entrusted his checks, requesting the agent to have the trunks conveyed to the St. Charlie Hotel, stating at the Saute time that they worn Valualdo, and he wished them well cared for. Thi4 the agent pima bled to du. One of the trunks reached the hotel, while the other was lost. The trunk was valued at $7BO. The Com pany could not account for th, , loss of the trunk, but claim ed that they were net responsible fur were than the ordinary ! tof personal baggage, tiled by custom at f lOU. The e tied during last February, end a decision liability was re ssri,l 'flit: Court o u Saturd-ty dr,i.;,d chat the company atzpt -- -tt,tbk to, the whole amount and accordingly i•iitered Judgment against them for S7SC , H • t u w,, and .1 LI Ituraph , n Cantle:ad for plaintiff, and G . P. COIIIIIIOS and rd can ml Nn OWIII,I/ fur the Omnibus Com- Country Items Colour, Couch, et New Brighton, held an inquest on Sap urday last, oil the body of a Luau who wan found at the mouth of Crow's rnu, ou the Ohio river. The body was lodged in the branches of an apple tree that had Boated down the river. Deceased was about eighteen or nineteen years old. The only clothing he had on when found wore a pair of pants and borne pircem of a checked shirt—one shoe on and sock on the other foot. Thu body was buried on the bank of the river, by the Coroner. An extensive slide occurred upon the Cleveland and Pitte burgh Railroad onlast Tuesday night, near Smith'n Ferry, carrying away theltr-ck for about six hundred feet, and in come places leaving, a chasm forty feet in depth. A IIOUB“ was carried about seventy foot with the elide toward the river. It will take some days to repair It; meantime pas eamgers are conveyed around it upon a ferry boat. The American House, kept by William Aleraudor. in Cla rion, was struck by lightning during the storm of Monde of la3t. week A portion of the tiro wall woe knocked and the fluid., In ptieetuu to the ground proatrated a little son of Mr. A., who woe considerably stunned. He is now recor. ern last Moirlay, Robert Woodward, a young eon of Mr. Milieu Woodward, of Itrowa9vllle, mine to an untimely death by drowning. lie fell from a log, which extended come. distance into the river. We Live' out lorruect whether the Ludy was ',covered John 131ir116, tried nun convicted last week at Wheatley, for the murder er M.ty Moutduy, ou the 13th of April, was sentenced, ou Monday, t, be hung ou Friday, the 3rd September. HIGH W. 5.1,11 IN THE SHALL SULEA3IS.--The rainy weather of the lm• fow tI,IVH had a tendency to i ell Home of the atroams, nn.t ~me of them hale become ho numuuu g eai,l,• that their bank.' will not hold them. •Phis is Hpocially true of Chartlere crept i 4Th : , ittar.diy morning it win daid that the stream wa.o higher by eight feet than it waa ever known before. A largo trict of country and a considerable yuan• ti•y of property •was destroyed . Out i10119 ,, e1 and beri.s were washed away, bridges were turn down and carried MT, and the crops ere much damaged. A house on Chartiers .reek was carried old during Friday !light, with its owner nBll.lO, au I he wa4 saved with great didlculy Sheriff Pat- ..10rflulECri u iru, c l'OrU, tool and otuor articlod to Lilo Vali/ • of If tilutl tu•i wai carrio,l away, and two ..r throe to - ttlgt, 111,1 diaappoarod. Turtle and Pin • th , lr I ,, tukb, .r.l vurtl flit. fir.p.rm will stuitaiti lnrg• tn..•.r4 qUitu a lust from duuiaged raved. Our riVvrs bay. , nor us yet r'ury much airected by thie inundutiuu, though the river wa, tl,turday, yet Should the ruin contintb., we may oxio,ct A a tb, 0 41 than we had laet month. ELECTIC,N.-111 Cite, Court of Cleamon Pious, on Batarday, a contested election case was before the Bench. It seems that at the election for Justice of the Peace in Tat-re turn, on the ith of May last, George Dupherne, (Democrat:, the present incumbent, awl James (Republican.) were candidates. M'Call was an officer of the board of elec tion, and was returned so elected by is majority of une vote. The petitioner alleges that two legal votes were rejected, the two electors having reside)) in the borough ten days be fore the election. Thu respondent claituu that he is legally elected, inasmuch as the two voters hail not resided in the borough six mouths, and were consequently' not entitled to suffrage under , the borough (lb:olden laws. Jasper M. Brady :dud Is. C. Wiugard appeared um emihsel for petltmuer, and Alex. M. Watson, fisq., for respondent The facts were, ad. mated, and the ease submitted to the Court, who hold it un dor advisement. Len, SLIDES —The recent wet weather hal had the effect of loosening the soil and causing the earth to move in many planes. We learn that the mail train coming west on the Pennsylvania Railroad on Friday night was delayed some hours by a part of the hillside coming down ou the road, near Briutut.'u HtialUll A gentleman infer sus that in shorty or Cory planes between here and Freeport, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, the road is covered with stones, trees, stumps, earth, , washed down by the heavy rain+. The trains ate Lunch delayed by these annoyances. PIitAERVING tho Beason is now approaching when the ladies will comavnee putting up fruit, &c., wr say to them that the bless Preserving Jar, patented tzy A. Stone it Co., are - the best for the purpose now In use Meistiri. Cunningham di. Co., No. 109 Water and 140 First streets, have procured the 114:I to manufacture these jars, and aru now making large quantities for the summer trade• Call and t.lllllliLle them. Divo&ce.—On Saturday morning, a divorce was grant, d to Julia Ann .I'Cluire from her husband, Janus M'Ouire, on application of the former, in the Court of Common Picas, on motion of John T. Cochran, lien. &DMITRI , the Court of Quarter Seseions, on Savor_ day, Mr. L. P. Stow• was admitted to practice In the Courte over which Judge ...M'Clnte proaidea, on motion of William Bakewe!l, Esq NVe would direct attention to the 'several valuable and I,lrable city and country pooperties a nd Bank Stocks, to be -sold to-morrow evening by Mr. Davis. See 14 dvertißenionte under auction bead. Learnee.—John M. Kirkpatrick, Esq., will deliver a ler. ture ••'t'ime nod its i'L,3Chingx," io the PrettLyturitiri church at Lawrenceville, this eveulug, for the benefit of :!' ,3 Sabbath whuul. Tlis uut be tried fur twu weeks, counsel 1111Ving nrd to pi,tpotle It NOSTaUllel &ND iatikasE.4.—That clam of dieeaties most cum. mot/ among the inliaLitauts of our latitude is undoubtedly that known iss Lam; +nil Throat coruphalnte--Cousumptiou and ite kindred disorders-4 it the cure of which hundreds of nostrums li ,ve been called into existence, but too often without bonefit to Lhe victim. we would say to the afflicted, try 130WM.C.i'n N'EasTAULE COMPKIND, a medicine of whose vir tue many who have bem !saved from the moat virulent at tack of Sore Throat, Asthma, bronchitis and hemorrhage, solemnly vouch. W . WE HEREBY CAUTIo:. THE PUBLIC against t e man, - frauds perpetrated en our tinkle nue. CELEBRATED HP:MACE( BITTEILA, in wt job there io no imitation except the Jabot, which, for a time, may soil Lauder :air name, and whoa, to the detriment of health, the fraud is discovered, and the sale of the teisleini preparation Cuti2Cl4, another 11111:11e Is .11:1bStitilted and now energy applied to sell it at low prices, while other parties trump up namoo suuudiugsituilur to that of the subscribers, with an imitation label, are able in many instances to palm it 01l on the unsuspecting at a low price for the genuine "Hostetter Bitters." We, therefore, caution the public against all duel outrages; cud request them when parches. tu ace that, our autograph signatu a is attached to tue Label, and rho name of Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" bl ow n In the glair of the bottle; also, prcebud in the metalic .cap, twvering the cork. All others not having those marks Caro couri t, r olt or frauds. .130:1TETTEIR R SMITH, lel2 68 Water and 68 Front Street/. A MEDICINE, AS A I3EVEII,AOE, Al AN 4petlpie, ai a restorative, LW u bOIaCC, ti gentle exhileraut, as a staa in watilleod and a help in age. there is nothing like J. M. OLIN'S OELffiIItATED STOMACH EISTEItS, they aro pronounced by all who use them, to be far superior to any preparation of the kind now In use. are a sure cure for Dyspepia,Ooetiveues.s, General De bility, Weakness of the Stomach, etc., and a preventive of most of the prevailluit diseases of the day. 'They should be kept and need by every family, .specially at this season of the year, when loss of appetite is so prevalent. No family consulting their own interest can afford to do without them. As many epurlous articles ere put up and sold as genuine, be sure and call for J. M. Olin's Oolebrated Stomach Bitters, And see that the article purchastd bears the name of J. M. Olin as manufacturer. For sale by J. M OLIN, sale primrletor and manufacturer, No. %a Penn street, Pitlmburgts, Pa., and by druWataand bolas ipettarelly- 014 Fancy a. Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 414 Penis atreel, SlortraDAT, June 12 Alit NE THE CANAL 'Addition to the Purti t/1..1111 , - , ^ Ilt nit., UN DislltT AK INti Liearlvs CArrittgea BEWARE O 1 111'06 . 17S,Rs—t'AUTI..)N 1 . 0 IN 1 , LILT;,—Dr. sAMU EL 6. FITCH, (tAtho 7 14 kirondoa), Nl4, York,)Ruowll al the author of n" Sao earati, trea men!" for thy, Liketteletl of the Lungs, flaart, Storna.l , Kidusys, Skin, Nor, Munclas, !.an.. Blood, eft. :tuil tor all Female Complaints, nniti Linea I, rr. oeo adth hit ,u. res.. 43.4?" He n never .Vela 15, awl ha, n'! Deer) /or notny years fie has a., pOi• any assoc,, for fn, rim-, It 81,J . r11.., 'laGay I , eirtra, f ii.',.bargli eLgrunher,, and ha, n 'CU 11 , 1101 a, Urflrig ASS na/ne, erprelfreithu hilt 10 /ND, had, any proJeisimaal C•rtaireti,od wit, him Thry r , 101. lAnglOrt App!) , directly 1 , . self of hie 'AL r. 711 b tete 14 , 1 . !,.. NoVi k, whOre alono his LI etaillell: Can la. 1,1.1 It. own , to any part of tho culle 11'3, 100,1 trentriern. r Lid Lie le d -aoresfully by 'cite:. A visit train IL,, ed Ilts " SIX 1 ECTORk, OU Ole [l nl/11 t.Npiti'ifilJg It) which hi, clires the irr t.e digrah,n (1!11, ,•, 10111 by Mita, pout jeS:ltu-e Lid—sr Lau 1 I 4 rjGAL' Eli IIIiti—BEWAIIIS OF 1M e0z:t.,11,..-1/Ite. -AL) JUAN W. > e ~ 1 11 r -t.,, t, Pitteburgllo notice noti with route 8. Fit c h , ~f N em y ur k , and te.ei a t., be Me, ...illy t., caution the in, alid lic agaiLltd 11,[1.1 daily Iticrelisiog. develeptheatri In 71i vv. Yore, el the frittub, practiced by Dr. 11. Jaale.,. tbe I 1 tit:add td life hive tin rllll nut," a! .I ..1 • Dr. llbehe liraia." and ntr, I 14 , I 11 /1 /11,1 31.111.tib IV tlwn thitut ex.y.44- each tr,ck , ry, anti vindicate Our own ; and it is ile• Mule IlAel/1111,0l y.,u us to Liu 14 ,, ,111,L91:111Ch un t utiiuluu h ,, vials lhat the du11,.,, 1. is c,,utll:, Ito the sister u c,tiet; —a,• iqi the , beille it e tiler,' are real,-n 1 , 1 loci ,w. 3 iu t hid alt the tarthor West, whi , literally ruli ntvnl ide, nut uuly of their iliehey, but of their very livee, for they preveut thew how procuring proper reutuieut in time Nlost of [Leer doctore take advuutege 01 ktko pro \--dont but 01 lont'OUS belief that lung diskewe can be cured by Inhale' .11k: and tither prolew to bo connected with our- salves, (soul• even having assumed our very names,) or some Oahtf , rll physician of great repute, or else with some far off I sod mi. Chical) Hospital or Univer,itv ; and invalids le their eirmstnens to regain health forget to ex.:ruin, pro,fs and vaults q/ Crealratul, but any persu.i 1. I Lt Lau uq,e rttua, to place their health and lore, iii charge w incompeteii: and upprinciplod men. We bavo fur suutu time bocu eihrinklug I . rude thin uepl.us- Int duty. but alit' du so no longer, and trust this card may I. the menus of saving some fru n being ilocnivad. Iu conclusion, it ie proper to rope,. , , al we have ee 0 tau 1040 formerly, THAT Wit RAVE NU PRE:B.IIINT C )NNE(', 1.).N WITH DR. S. FITCH, OR WITH ANY IFFiCkr. N NE N YORK. DRS. CALVIN NI VITCH JOHN W. SYLES. rIENTS' SHOES AN - D uAITERs Ur L l, A 1) 1 b' U MECIIANWS, AGRICULTURAL fn. ffk . PLENIENT ..11ANL'IrA,."PUREtiS, AND OTHERS.— ['he butricriber utfern for sale all those large and couvau itur buildiugn situated at Latrobe, Westiurnreland county, Pa, I anty miles utt-X of Pittsburgh, on, the main lino of the Petiu ...ylvaniit Railroad, xun.itAnn an the Peunnylvauia Car Worts, of a three story Brick MIIA1111.• Shop, 60x.30 foot, r'outidry 30x50 feet, grunt, Car house .100x5O, ditto in x3O oiet., smith Shop. Engine and Bober 'bathe, with a full get a . machinery suitable , nor Cr Building or thin innauhfarinu r , r Agricultural Itupleutenin. The whole will be sold to :;ether with it evirdiderable sl b . iron and intatb , rou fa .iirable term, only a ,mall annuunt of ca,h be ug required. nese works being in th- rni nit ut a section of country chore iron, net d luinbei ,float quality A's abundant, •ird labor and pi oviniun,'heap, ado. ti uu LIU iliLllll L.py /C- I lila) I, practical run, re eingit.,o in, billallietal undo: must .nvorahle circumetatires Eur term, and other ftifortnatluni apply to 0. W. BARNES, Latrobe, l'n. ICE CREAM: ICE CREAMII-- Ttio under,igned having, just fitted up rit ICE CP.EAM 11 fiery tlSt. - tiP Had c Olin table wo. Id re. 141r1 frieroln ion the vain,. genii r illy, that ..e farroginet: them a denieii. i, IU . 1M on unit:ire:it ill :ore s.nla Water, an, .t ll:/l11Priuto, n in. nt Jt tan - , on nand, the Cu_ , Olnit ntr uppond: tit. ()lair Par ti ulnr i.tLuutwi, pnlJ t ot.ters ,or Piti-Nit,l .4,41 mr•Lt:llLJ—n:e (lEN'f'S WEAR. Cli Al'.F .icut's :LlLout I.ealh, tiaii , ,..,. ,-.) ;.'.. float'. Putout Leattwr . x.l,,rtlet ; - ..t Clutit.'El Calf Bunt, ..7.: (I , rit'h Niue - 1111pel Ci.SEAP. '0 AT Tlili PEOPLE'S SII.Ob: STuEE, Jell No. 17 Fifth stn.,. 11l F FEN liAellka . 1 / 4 CO coNcE:NtitATED LVic„ elturu and luf ,;,, by IL_. L AL1NE:r...1.1211 N. tit). ('on .-r and Fourth abr. ‘,„), CASES SAL SJDA, fur hide by B L..FAIFtiESIOCK & Cu 1 BALE ANISEED, for sail) by Jel2 is L FALINKITOCK & (;) BBLS. DAMAR VARNISH, for mile by 2 lel2 B L. FAUN STOCK & CO. 1n CASES CHROME GREEN, fur dale by jol2 B L FALINEcTOCK & CO. t.. 4. CASES AMERICAN VERMILION, for I.ole by (1012) B L. FAIEVESTOCK & CO. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale 1 by B. L. FAHNESTUCK & jel2 60 cur. Wujd vourth otroola. SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for bale by S. CUTHBERT & SoN id 30 by 100 to 1. Location—Near trio ritilronl at Afton, East Liberty. Price—[ rom 1275 to OW each. 'terms—Ono fourth in ilia ; retaainiler at y tiara credit. Tile Plan can bu wen at the Raul Estate Unice, 51 Market street. BEAR - - -- IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Luta are uttered at such prices, and on sucu easy :erns, as to make a hums easily to he oldaiued. Bear it in mind, that they from uu wide giret..t4, are of easy access by railroad, and are ‘try desirable locations fur family residences Bear it in mind, that the pluu of the luta is to be eeen at Jel2 bl. :tlAliliET tint/Cr:T. T ANIL LA PAPMIt —A large lot various j sizes, fur sale by WIC G. Co., it 9 Paper Doalo - s, b 7 Wc,A.l at. ITEDIUM, Demy, Folio Post, Flat and A il. Feld Chip Writitif Papers, Printing and Hook Pa pers,,aud every description of printing materials, for sale W. S. HAVEN', Job Printer, Nrr ''l, !1:3 ends Ci'krt 411,0. q. O - 4AILEY'S PATENT CURTAIN FIX- J! TURISS--The be, in use, Jost received, and for sale 2d sod V St. Oisir street ( iel I I J.. 1 / 4 11. 11111:1,11 . S. forsale by 10 B AGS pri 6 13 d Af7A P L I)1 E4 8, GOSG ILA E 3, Ci mr24 Nrs. <1 •: , 1 Woed rtreet HOSPITAL SIIEETINO , —Of ali widthri and of the best coati ty, kir Aale at the Julia Ittibbei Depot, 213 and 1:8 tit. Clair atreet. joll J. et CI. PHILLIPS. INDIA RUBBER DOOR MATS—The best a article in use, fur sale 01 tbu ludic Rubber Depot, of J. it H. PHILLIPS, jell 26 end St. Clair street. IN I,;lri , KU WAR CO-IRV COMBS—AIso, EL. a large assur:Lutiot ul Droe,ing , Lung Couibn, just rer ivot at the 11010; R 11010•: DopOt 01 MINERAL WATERS.—A large supply of freeti C.Jugrets, Euipire and (Rue Lick Waters, just received by Jos. FLEMING, tcy2u _ Corner Dian' :nd and Market street. ... - )O'I.'A.TOES.-30u sacks choice white Ne ,. shannock Putatovs, larg , • nod .7o,id, Just received and for auk by J A.S. A. FETZER, II a-24 oteuinr Nliteliet and First .a. 4. EN VELOPES.—Butf, Straw, Amber and White, of all sizes, sold wholesale or retail, by WM. O. JOHNSTON A CO., toy; Stationers and Paper E ealers. b 7 Woad it. COMPOUND SYRUP STILLINGrI A for sale by B. 1.. FAHNESTOCK tt CO., tuy:ll No. OU, Corner Wood and Fourth ,ds. MACARONI. --20 hxs Genuine Italian; VERMICELLI-2u .• Jest rue lyed and for sale by REVMEIR a ANDERSON, No. 8U Wood stir,'. my-zo pERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to pUrCilli,A good farthing !AWN, are Informed that we have for sale 63'2 acres of land In Boone county, lows. Also tits acres of land Itt Yranklia ounty, will be sold on easy terms I.) 5. CUTIIBERT & SON, ut,lb of Market street. CIUAItS 1 CIGARS!--1 have received tide day a largo lot of gentians imported Havana cigars, of the old and well known • Soles," hraud. Those wishing a lon of good cigar,' should dill and examine my !stock before parcnaalng 1311.3 /WI I. JOS. fLkatINH, Jt , 2 tin nor Diamond and Market at. • CLARET WIN E.- 2:1 ca... Jutticstoll d 1 . .."11,3 Nleduc Claret Wiue to " "st Julien Claret Wino tIO " t.; C. St. Jnliei, Clio st Wine, in store and for Gals by NIILLt. it et RIOKETSON, ruylB Nue. 2t3 and 223 Lib ty htroet. 011EITICAL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes it/ chemical Olive kcasho soap, un hand , ud 1,, Ba l e by Je7 13.0. k J. El 8A WY Ell. ACON. —lO casks Country Bacon Shoal- I dare, Sides and flame, Just received and for eals by JAS. A. FETZER, Ocirtie , r Mutat and First strectit. 1 1- 0 - R RENT—A large Dwelling House and Store, on Grant str.et. '3. CUTHBERT SON, ruy26 51 Market street. TNDIUO.-2, oases Manilla Indigo, just re calved and fur sale by inylB SILLLEIL & RIOKETSON. DRIED APPLES.-50 bush. Bright Dried Appb3.l Just reoedved cud for eels by ' JAS. A. YETZES, Wage Allarlot Pal *wad sta. JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER. OF ci 11 , t A C F. A P :_4ToRE 17 FIFTII CL:II.I)ItENS' 81:1()E..,1 j,,11 J. & 11. ritlLLwri, 1. a ,d *.L4 . t Olair •trePt d ) _IV" ( ;P. lIAJHAL4H BOA • ; ' r tk.t E)te, LID H.O el • !..;' , 11 , 11 EN. ArburahOti frr 11 4 AlAll DICKEY. Vier Pr,sidt,ut U) - k EDWARD tilLEGil II I'AUL.M.,N, TTSIIIURGIA HARK ET ig r'/ y Rqx , rted by JOKEPti ShOWDtN, 11.01 3 / I ...The oaten to-clay amount to 218 Mils. vli first hand: 63 lobls. superfine (ruin wharf -t 1,3,25. Fri,. store: 4) Lble. superfine at $3,e2; 125 LLIB. at $3,60 superfine, $4,12 Mr extra and $4,41.1 (or extra family. 0116 151—Sales 100 bush Oats flow wharf at 27e. and sMil agalu on the wharf at 28c.; 160 bush. do lu lots at 30, a:ol 30 bush. Corn from store at 53c. tti bush. 81.1GAR...A small sale fuss made at 8 for yellow. 80AP...8ttles of (0 boxes Olieruical Olive at iitc.„ and boxes Rosin at SC. OlL...Sales of 35 lobla. of Lard Nu. 1 at 85c.' r k guilt.., BACON—Pales of 1000 Ito. at Oc. HUGS—Sales of 109 dog. at 103.7i4 doz. PCITA'rOES...SruaII I,,ta wen,' mad,' t, , ala) at 10.. for flak Eyed. from atorr. LlME—Nalea IU bbln. Louisville WfIISKY...SuIt..I of 00 bblB ructiti.Nt iu loin ht. 704;•21,. Sicamer Nova Scotian.l In the Liverpool Cotton Market ou the Met W Mny, the demand was eaet•edinply small, the sales tint h , •o or •10011 bales, all of 'which were to the trade. The pregym h,, ,never, are firmly maintalued Ou the let of June the loin: hot com tinned quiet, add the prices are nominally without tilt:wage; rates 3000 hales, includiug lime for erport. I u the Live, pool Market, uu the let Mut., trade was dull and prices weak. µhoot woe hardly maintained. Flour la mitiutained 4t the previous Tuesday rates. The weather wet very grow ug crops. Sugar is without improvement hi rate!, and transactions are limited. In the London market on the Ist lig., the males of Coffee were progreatdrig without alteration in pricem. 'Tea was more steady; Congon . Console without porticular change, closing on the flrat at 97%@97% for money, and 98@98 1 / 4 for the account of sth July. Pew York Stook Market New YORK. Juno I.2.—Stocks higher. La Crum and Milwaukee 6 Mich. Southern 22%; N. Y. Control 8134; Reading 42 1 / 4 ',; :Milwaukee and Missiaeippl 2.1%;; Galena and chic ago 83; Erie 17 1 .:,:; La Cusse land ' , rants 30; Tenueasee We 03 i. CIHLDS & CO., haN4 0:4 :SI A NO. 133 WOOD STREET, HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR largo SPRING STOCK OP 80 Y.PB AND SHOES, -usisting of a great variety of seasonable and fashionable g. gels adapted to s.,rlng and sn inin. , r sales. Having been purchased for e uh, at reduced prices, they f warranted saying that they can supply Western merchants. by th , package or dozen, at as low priced 1114 the same qmility of gocsis can Is purchased in the ii:s.eiern cities. Particular .ttention Oven to orders. CCir• Also, a good supply of New York and Spanish bolo :ember. up7:3m...is ‘l , - 1 ."5 7 4-1 . . --- - -4-4 ,W'W_ 1, 7 7 7: :,:. 1::;=V:i: : ~ , .., ..:-.: 4-4 , , - ,- ;: , _ , o,l l . V:;iti - i''''/'.,-; 01 ... i - i.,',_,----; t r ~,,‘,ice..,,,..w , ...._., ..._...,.! ..,..._ ~...f.....J . •..?..t..,..... _ 4iTir,;.,..,,.._,,-..,,,..:,,, t , VF - TP, , :q-j i " - , f - 4491, NI - ••:- ~,.::=, ;/, -,- =-7 - 4,-, -, , - .-'l,, 1 6., F \ ~-,-.4, . .- - ,:-. f, ___,,,i:v, . - -:, ... g [ •„--..,..;„, ~.7. -, --: qi, - .1..... rt_ILBLII I '2 , yi II If , `ll eif o ./ 1 4 dili Ca/lime HAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF AONUNEYES, 4iILAVE STONES, igneflomtires, Posts ; &e. The publi , Ord reapectfa lly In fl tod to nriirniun our Prites low and wet . % wartaittod • t , t. • ner,rit• ; !tut - - NOTIC b:.—T he Commissioners appointed to perform the duties required by the act to estab lish high and low water lines, to the vicinity. of Vittetnirgh —give this public notice that they will hold a meeting on 'ui IJASDAY, Jane rth, 1858, at 10 o'clock. A. et., in the I`.rnimissioners Room, No. 3, of the City Con - trili Chambers; wh , ch time and place they will hear any partied who may Le interested iu the matters specified in Bald act. WILLIAM WADE, WILLIAM DI LWORT I , JOHN MOW:IBuN, Oommisttiouttra. Summer Lager Beer. rilE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO _a. inform hls blonds and the public in general, that he ii in the daily receipt of this deliziaos Beor, from the woll inowu Brewery cf J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, It having been prouounDed to be the boat that woo mituafacinted here tuttoy years, CLEAR, TASTENUL and PUKE. (live me A call and try it. JOHN ROTH, apt:4:ff At hid old stand, 116 Diamond. FRENCH CLASS. MISS BLAKELY INTENDS FORMING A CLASS OF YOUNG LADIES, Wishing to receive itiatructio;.s to tho 30 -1 x - MIL a Is. Ms a, ix g• . 11 . R.,. Apply at No. 163 Third street. GUIVI BANDS, Port Folios, Desk Pads, sauk.xe Casey., Port liouaies, and rocket Books, for by W. S. HAVEN'S, apIS Coruer Market and Second streets. UNNY SACKS.-300 large three bushels 3.3 (fanny Seckv, new and iu good order, for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, nty2o Corner Viret and .N.larket cereein, okZALAD OIL-10 baskets pure, just recd 10 and for sale by REYMER Ai ANDERSON, tuy.l No. al Wood street. )(HU PIS.- 100 barrels "Choice" tiuldua Syrup ; 1f du " Penult." 3t. Quality Syrup; Just recuivod laid fur vale by MILLER. tt RICKETSON, jet NON. 221 and 223 Liberty °tree.. TAESiGNS.—Architectural and Decorative ter designii pannullug 111 oak, Marble and fresco°, p.epured by .zny3ll W. - I' sI.kItBHALL et CO. QERMON PAPER on hand, or made to or der, by WM. O. JOHNSTON & CO., myl7 Stationerit, 67 Woud dtrret. SU N DR.IES.- 50U0 IDs. G'onntry Bacon ; 12 keg,' Paokad Buttnr ; bushola liri,ht Dri , d Apples: 25 " " " 100 bn-yule Red Potatoes; 200 '' Mixed '• Just received oud for sale by JAS. A. FRTZER, tuyBl Corner Market a, d Second sta. JOB PRINTING.— Cards, Freight Billy, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J. R. ViELDIN, Printer and Bind, r, wy3l Wood street, near Fourth. 2 ACRES of choice land, with gdod im provements, near the city, for sale on easy terms by P. CI THBERT & SON„ jell) 51 market atroet IJILDINO LOTS, on six years' credit, fur sale by S. OCTIIBEItT SUN, 1 elO 51 Market streot. I.IIALLS BALLS! urge se sorttnent of Foct, Solid and Bat Balls, Just received and for sale, wholosaw ant retail, at the India Rubber :111 wad 'lB St. Clair z treet, mylS J. as IL PHILLIPS. WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings, .tc., always on hand at and for sale cheap by J. A H. PHILLIPS, ruy29 213 and 28 St. Clair street. INDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to j,. 10 inches in dlametnr. A large supply jut received ut the India Rubber Depot of J. & 11. PHILLIPS, m)2O 20 add 28 St. ()lair street. WALL PAPERS.—Wati Papers of all rinets for sale at reduced prick) , " b_Y, W. P. S.I.KEISUALL & CO., f Wood street. WHISKER BLONDE.-500 doz. White Whisker Blonde for Bonne; Borders, received, and will be sold very low to 31illiners by the piece, at er23 Hon N Era. 77 11.01 et scree . COFFEE.—`2OO bags Rio Coffee, for sale by W3l. H. SMITH A CO, mr2o 118 Second, and 147 first streets. SODA ASEL-100 casks Soda Ash, now lauding and for sale by inylS RTC _FIRE CRACKERS.-400 boxes N Crop, Just received and for sale by RHYMER ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street. fog Oppoeite Bt. Charles Hotel PURE FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, by the bottle or gallon, at HAWORTH & BItOWNLEMB, oD ®arm Dtherad sad DiaasamUUiw. =2IIB REM f}vld.nto. .AI blOll iq V, Vd .tirlf • r intmilent W. W. MAltt, DAVID CAMPII.ELI th, Al,chatihe ECGC,1,17,;11.. Pirrsoutiect, Juur 14, 186, Foreign IA &vice t• ~~ , _: 3 -~- I j ~~. = ~ C.tr, l 't Wr vizat, aI ''7lll. lc' 7, tit PITTSBURGH, PA., SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. HAIPLYING WITH THH UHCIENT REQUEST , 11+ HUN HMOS DRS. C. M. FITCR AND J. W. SYKES PERMANENTLY IN PIT'rSBURUIL ~1;d tan) , Lc cuaeultt-d at thtth office, No. 10 t"444ta act zet, :;;T.;SITR ST. CLAIR IttITEL, except :-.l;adaN f;.1 0 .` •;..; .0•41 LIMA, BRUNCLIITIS and ALL • ;., •sualphcatt I with.';' 1 , 1111.11011UU) tilnets—, 14, Catarrh, Heart I.l;seave, Aifectiorie of the I iyspeperta, Gast ttra, Female Complaint:, 4. lUU 8.1. S .4.141; Oat.; that up, that th , due -, tr. &loud birgt, both. blore ,o+ , l cite? t ft,j d 4Thl Ow ) tie reh...r, eieph,y Fi •vh,le 11}glehic uud Me td, th.• Id • .1 nud nlieugtholl Cho mymietli. With these, ELI( !. I !••i• fIALATIONS, which they value highly, her tr ••-• :.t/44i- ttrtv, (having no ( T orah,' eflecht toltert [lied , 11unr,)1...,1: I . 1, 11,61 ta, oariftotay utaunu,d toraivat waltlitc Lilo pi -, tifliu of curability ou any treatment intero.l upon tilt but fultit, ides that the 'gout of Ulu dienadr cuu t. .1 lu u direct nulautur by Iniutlatruu," fm', u beruee &Mud, Ow seat it/ the dise~u[,•J u :m.fif ia which thu butiro dtreuKtli of tbn cutripopy will app -9r MuN IJA r. I , 14, Jou,. 14th, w ill he p. rfortuoil the reietretod three Kati, 0, Li. )1i A I'll AN Li Cita, Fustier. Horatio:, Svelter Keebto After which, the farce Ott n IiATENI.II4.i To couelodo with the farce of AN OBJ tor ; The celehra A rtierq - i I And JOli DiiisiW n. .oKod, and u.li t Lew, T t th.. n-qu, ,•t .arge 1411uaL. Q: the CITIZENS or PIT TSBUlitill, Wht, fully uppr.t.lnt, thv the nit right yucca Id JOSFI'H C. FOSTER, ESQ.., ,„„;,,t.. w tiaai CLA!4:I I.Jko 11:,•11 •luuQtiy vestilikg, J au! 74Ua, MIME 11. 1, It . 1 1 1, • 1. I, iIA 'l. If.' of ruck 4 T .ik, NEW :.A'f"UNA ia 0.1 cil3, to cri re • - cut. L.: I% tilt Y: l'i t II Y. Si 3 ,N lot( thn nn tertalu t., ..!, tt.. , • erVeLtilig ).4 twt u :: =ERIE Uar , Itb, titi.i 1.U14,4:1 t t. 1.111.• 3. cue,,.. . ..... . /au , : 1.1<.011:g bu chat - 144:d Cu. ••Vira, o! 4r1V114; vr riding CAJ t r4n each es: atm.! Wa)+Ae. ,trvoln, (rya! L H. GAL.. A tely2i:hu JO : 4 4 w . A - 1-:„TH , it I LI 1.4 EU: w ILL ATTLi\ii, la THE POSTING r.CT • ~ : 1111.11TION !I, Sc. 11 r. 1010k,..r01r, or utbur• t• • ".! • • !,,, • P.3t, will ralculve prucupt attAnt DAGUER G ALLERI ALL'S PICTURE GALLERY. lATM. tJ. WALL HAS TAKEN THE E had tl,iur to . J ales' New Dui!ding, adJoiniug the 3leciiiinies' Batik, k'ourtLi street , for au AMLIttOTYPII AND pii, J iou u #lll,l having fitted up Ulu room in a style unsurpass.j, invite. his friends and the pub lic to visit his establishment. Ilia Reception Room, he has nu hes.tation In saying, had not its superior aye here, ha size, beauty of furniture and appoiertuuntA ~eurrall); and his operating Rooms, huh.% eu the same thir, err entered immediately through it. los operating Recur-, tee most improved combined ski, and sky lights give a facility for taking a finished Pic ture, r,u tire 1,1i,t, pedsi: , , [Wit , that hr thiuka cannot fail to make leis establishment the resort .4 ell persona of teats. Mr. Wail's experience as ao Artist, is a guarantee to his patrens that Demo bun g, , ud eicCilr, will his permitted to liqiee kin premises. The public, Itud the Ladies specially, are ovited to view his rooms, and elamiuo specimens. jel'2:lw B. CARGO •& CO., a-1.1p1i0 , i.-;rtaphers alael AMR brotypists, N i(,E.r. A LLERV, No. wl Fi th e,titet, 4s A t•)., A NIB bliT S YES— (S.l F. UAU AS L.O.V AS AT ANY FUIST (ILAS. rABLISILSIENT IN , LINTRY, wT Remove.; to 21 111 - 111 Street. iciRGO t...; A %Its Fitii'Y Pi.', ,m,LERY Jet3o. removed from ntre.t. A FPUi ,tr, arc, nued - .Merkel. rooma halot.: b.,u built eli.:• 14111. for the purpeen, wlth thro, larg. li.rht.4, not murp.e..eui hi the city fur cuuvenluuce tsu:l -I.coilenca is arr.tegeateut. 44r Our old and i.:::.t•otra an I those wishing du porior Ittoneoloa, aro invited to eall. Reception Room n;,:c1,,,n3 on the ground tloor. apt NOI'ICE TO AROIIITEUTS.— L. put,... ut•n I 08,1 allopt, - ,1 by Ow \twain:out Ooturthasionera, at ti Moo( MEE o 11,r rhawrg, uu Ole 13th ia4t-aut, Plana, Spacllleatioaa ,I,la,tem ar-o t,,r L:4O • r,:tIL/r) of a MONUMENT the memory et lit, I,e• 5 or i' eueyJ v,iuia , who hwt tLeli os iu tits, late War w,tl. Th„ which. le t,e , to exec-.d the sem ui i ti Tit; ;1J6...9.N D DOLL &lib. Cotumzioicatlutia r„ tte eltlrotled to Uto tiovortior, at liar Ist,urg. latillatilt..; Pilaus, will LPly..eo 5.,51.1 their Esri ).EA ruder tli,y Will 4 Lilo llAt, ui the Oulu ciro r ,111• ItlrL) b • pr•.,WlLu ur Two wt be ,i:u w 0 I. r ••1 Uoluitilastmloca. CI I iVhST & CO., AN CARRIAO , AN, h , LEltttl.l ..1"7 itt.un ,rtwr, t rSilLiu.4ll., PA. .111 w VcArrillltea ty W Lthlaßilip (,UCOLtiSOkti TO 1111P1 Ul,l, it ND CO:11N1ISSION to fi,C!IANI W!,,143..h. r0.11,n in luur ynd Woul, 114 !4. ~utt F•u. IMIERM •, ••• li IV. .1f;, it 1,, •i Co., I. t.,, Pittsburgh Water Cure gstablishmbut P e4 -1 0it THE: 111 , ' A!,L, KINDS OF iA.: Idt>.".„ I clll,l , LL i 1 AY:SI. 1 1 _,LErATI')N, uu trio tvi mil. ciao c.•). or itud um usewont t I Nattlat, 1 , 1 t•:. II) t , , rt. , V: LIU Illtl) ,;611 I••tipt-1111 • .4Lic ,VILn haw, MLA) rticto,.l nu,. U B A1.1,t4 11..,x 1.1 1, mEmnm 1;7:10LIF —The pat exl, , lng bet weou thei ,hot Cnr Work,, Latrobe, larl'i l'a ~ 1. .-•r •„ l irtnOf IV. li, Pari k ,m „,, t, t , ,uttl... W 13,rue, firm m g•Atieninut. -4 , t)1 , 4. ct ice superfine tor sale J...., A. ErNl.'/Eit, t' First etx. V I', L ' !' 1 • ouv •L %oc lat.; ollirrn, th.• p U.ltu b r . .11 .t As. sw, v I .1 r • r whru wet. it tel., n mom: pi I. th,/,..,•10utU r,fei . 1/ Jrity • t. .ti' P Y I N 7 CI j .11.; ir e 37 1V,,,,d taro.: IllEr' i i:10 tv xc I.C. I • .41 E.r Je! , ) 1. L- i I.' —2O buehels ulioieu brz,tl ; • • . :1 . t tor sate by 1 .J O. FOSTER. A. W. YOUNG GEORGE REGRIST SOALZ OP PlllOllB N N.l f luN 1. LJ:. WEARIED EFFUI;I:: A I;l,',NEl•nl'l w,. hi ii Li ,it/ ITN= ' A it 0 'in ..\:).-)t)( '1 A I'lk):\ MEZE NtilN 1; t:A i; AL LE itY, , 1, I- itt,il.urgL ffa ti F Q , .f‘?..* ' N .I‘l iIROT " E[4_ V rj :103 6LjAOI,Ia .1.1) Pq,VC 1"..L.3.,/1,1., •0. thvlr. IN ALL'S, it. unit B t t =O9 Last unsterinid atni , . r, '4. r. 7 4 I: A 6 .i ~t 3, il ISwit.' u 1tt,... • Jeuk , ll A L'ur.l-4, ktnltuttui,. .„ , • • ' C• ..rt,t A 5 . ..at•uu,Pt01,..c1,11,u1 4 ; ' •• .1...,,.•••4, 15..L,..t. 61111 - t A. C. -..,..,-, t 4 t,•rl!t_g A: U.,. '• J I1111:0+011.1) II %I. H ICE' 11•LaN 0 `•t•. I: •th.NI,S. c op ulg• CutL.L 4 ; 150 AY L .1 duke by .Id 6. A. FETZNIII, •• c uud Vint titrm•th. ill° Flour CI .31 my l'kly td,z, rt. 1....,ute 7 V. i ,t 1:Y H. C.)L1.1:::.± Ilaco just